TTin 3IOTIXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, - SEPTE3IBER 15, 1910. are Tor looking for a nrsiSEM? Ifardwtrt, tnvolf-. rbr rent. gxl '; will take part ral cat. rmr, J tnvat-. . cl'aa itiKk. rlaar and con- i r-umary: fsw rod ont. saloon. 3 fMwt oni: pool halls. 3. and labia ball; many other attains rhinct. 71 Bv4rd of Trade. OOOD HUTS. Ganral stars; In role 4nA 'lff sanl !n offic building. "nnfctlonrr ; tnd off carlin. r,rwr ; tbrao llvlnc room V olroms; tlir small onrt. Saloon: fonwr; good bur X T HALL. 321 Lumbnni PWf. 1 VATFJiyg.V for Mlf On of lh Wat k ath.M in lb city ; attractive lvs inl'in niiiiTML almost raw; ramatnry rrcwipu i ran aally b teKmmm by on who lhor 1 uhly od-:ar.d butas Prica but llttl mora than stork iavot-a. Apply u. ourni- 1 rcr 323 tv-ard ef Trade. LAAT CA LL" I -an aa4 wil proe that 10 brraa; yn f. ! yar in mi. hofHMK inMmiiihMt drvuains; oppor tunity on Mfik iiMUr. Wrtta auwk c proof a. Taa short. Jsma H. Ryaa. treasurer. Saet Maria. Mich tTHlft la a bna fide ra) MtsM oeler. waer K-xxS etadr man to tak nail uiinfi . bnaiaaaa: rfrtnm will be eirhtw: d4ns ftae business and wants man mora tnan the mmifr; small amotrox win amn- dla Call SO'" Hoard off Trad " W AST U lNTKRfcT. Would tak ha'f Interest in good pavlne -ash buatM: must be bona ftde and atan-1 r'KM tBfatmtlua: air full particular an addree for appointment; everything WH be i CATHoLir BARHF.K wanted to buv a aood barber shoo eieer- Ina f 1 2 a month la nice town in Oron. Price 450: a bargain seldom to or found. r. rlTHS. 22 Morriton ytrt. HOVlxo-riCTrRB theater In city: $100 down, oar balance out of ousmeae; ti monor miliar out of toon: flrst-claa buy; rompirt in datall; $li0 cash. 44 Roth- ! HALF interest in an old established busi ness, dolr a; a good bualneea, w uh a sal aried poattloo of lis per month. For full particulars, call Klnny At Stamp her. Lum ber i.iemnt Pica., room a ssi-sjx. S ANTED A good man to put In a butehrr ahop. In a arocrry atorr. tn WooIlwn ; a mlandln ODoortnnit r. romt ana K London, cor. off Hockwali and Madrona WANTt l A partner for an oatabllahrd j minufBrturiiif bnainraa rn thla city: an nual ala I2.o: muat haa not Iraa than td0 caaA. Addroaa K 119. Or- ynnian. r'R SAL 2 hararaa but. In aama town off j00 Inhabltuta and aoc-d PurriunlioT. wr onrd by aamo party: wtil Inifoico ari SJiwk: aavlna mlnln property to looa; , atr. A!d-aa H m. tfprl m ntl. -r. Cilit ' E R I K-j. wtnaa. liquor. ate.; ona of tha laraest in tha city; d"tnjr an normoui biuinMt: orlco rent ftOO: yrara lea: this plac will stand cluaast InveaU- y t ton, t ail l htara at. IvKUABLR cmaat contra.-tor will take steady trduatnona man to Hk artry crjic rni: a ll -oarrta flSO per month and ariara of proflta-. amall laycstmrot raqulrad. Call 41T Hrd of Tradev trIVRX away fro, map of all tha rallfornla oil fields, also trial subscription ot puonra- tloa -California. Oil Fields." ttaar-Leoml Co., 701 Orronlan H'.ds;.. port.and. Or. tXKffTAl RANT, clear ln U4 monthty abova itMAKt with ? II vina -rooms: rent r-i. a 1.A: this ptaca la always fulL Call ?t'i yark at. ( N FIR Mil K ; RO 'F-ft T R 8 A L.R. Sii Durban vrorery. stsMtahed 3 rs; aood lainaaa, chao rent; mine rooma; pnci 9" sat Lorrbermena Rank M!a. OR 8AI.E Moving picture house, fined In modern etrle: beat houso In Its dls- trlrt; A-1 I -as runs to 1915. Reply Al aluDKRV hotel, thoroughly renovated, long laa. low rant; rlr 30O monthly; easy mnta Kllln account of alckaeaa. AW 24. OffgnnUlL I1LM MIi;-HOrsR. room. a1 new ffur- a.ture, rent oaiy II?; price iTi: or will t-so for a confectloneo- t-all 24s a Htark at. tARTSFR wanted In rah business, make ! you $ p' week; Koo requirrd: trv It I bfor buying. Call room Zi, Lumber Nrhang bloc .y. A t. verT valuable, an Washington it. with shelving and counters; a ill ell cheap: this place Is close In. Call Sit1 ytjrk st. CAPETKRIA and delicatessen. doing fin business, will stand cioaest Investigation ; 1 reason fr se I ! 1 n g poor hea 1 h. A K 3'J3. KlKERAL electrical repair tu-p for aie. I ol.w mvoicr: rae opportunity itr man with eiprtanc tn tbia line. Call 417 ftard of I Tai. CJR"'KRT and con feet lonorr; four living norns. trade IIS; lease; clean and good; N. T. HAT.t. 821 Lumbermen a Bldg liA K;Al.V tn flna millinery at or, good lease, low raat. splendid location; psrt cash, baiaare monthly parmenta. Inquire Case s Reist. Main 172n foH SALE Oldest established ratlng-hoUsr and lunch counter on Alt. irott carline; low rent, lease, living-rooms; $V0 will handle. Phonr Tabor 24t. TANTEI ActW or Inactiv partle for tha best equipped cabinet mill In the city. If yon have lJuoo or wr. look Into this Immediately. J H2 (.rgonUn. a;uT-4TAS4 bulUrra ostlmator wishes toJta off quanttilvM from plana f-c any class I rf buildings for genera, or Mb-contractors; aboilutly reliable. U Sii. tronian. V II j7aU "half " Interest In my-cigar etor right party; best transfer corner In city; tills w. stand tayestlgatron. AG 274. Ore- VEI.L-KNOWN contract or and builders, will sll busuieea and take vt rent of I profits aa part payment. J 21 1. Oregon - taa. frVR ftAL2 "tore of general merchandise by owners: oastneaw 911 to lv per month; enock Mno; railroad end rtrer trsnaporta- twva Orifan at Herry. Eiiseortn, wiai. FvR SALK General atore In Irrigated proj eat ; don't answer unless you mean busi ness. J. W. Otrts A vo . HerrolMtoa. Or. r.IiiTALIllNT aad oyster parlor; rood busi ness : one locat n ; long tease ; a loO SI Oregoniaa. CIoAR KTA.SD; fine, down-town comer; rent. Including light. $24 a month. Bluch 1 Realty ''o. -.' I Lumbermen a bldg. OYSTER and cnophouee for sale; owner leaving city; firat-clawi location. Apply t oiumbia St.. brtween z and .1 o clock. IOVlNr-PICTTKE show, nice clean p'ace ad In Onr condition, cloa in. i:ogers at,J.w3'wMh. st. Neat young men with $.V to work tn wfflce and show property; cao make btg money. 21 5th m. FOR RENT 10-room house, furnished, cen trally located at 144 N. IStn. Inquire ffTONFETTIONERT and cigar s:and jt;ab!isned 15 yea re. clearing -. a month; nn loca tion: price ngnt. Call 41? Board of Trade. CHEAP An enttts coiietlUw kieii.v In work. tng orJer. wtth an unusually god bustaess wy rtam. A K. aos. trQna. 1k you want a aood location for facionr or mill? Engine, boiler and building for aair. am aio. unigonun. F-R SALE Restaurant, only one la lown of 2VH. bne block from depot. Chaa. Burney. T pod burn. Or. f.RH EHT atorea. all prices, all in good lo eatlona and nil doing good business. Bloch Haity to., izi Lumptrwm b.dg. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL RTCm:kL Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. r Ktcner inv. vo.. sjj Aomgioa. WARtWARS and crockery atore. 1300t; or ticnanfq ior iacon property. AS It. FOR 9ALE At a snap; a good paying bakT- ery in tna best town in urtron: com nd Investigate. Uoo. Rohrman. Hrppner. or. FATING c;gar. confectionary. Ice cream par lor and fruit stand ; centrally located -onrr must leave city. 1M 4th at. OKNT furnishing store, up to data, fine location, cneap renu uiocn Realty Co : l Lumhermna bldg. 1KI ;4, stor building, residence, two iota tS4. value of lots. Chanca for doctor. ur. Everert. Cornelius. Or. FRCIT. poultry, etc. In onr of the best thoroughfares In the ritv; price SlOvO; rent 4 years lease, t ail at r Htark at. WOl'LI like a nice llttio lunch counter for a widow woman, not over ir.; she bas tha cash. Call I4H ftark si. WK make a specialty of buying and sell- . Ing business chances, also roomlng-housea GHiERY and butter market; one of the i beat In city; price SICsv: rent $tt with 4-ear leaa. ca'l Tti aK st. FOR SALE UlU-dge placer mine, gold stock, by A. L Smith, room 3. Waihlng- FOR 9ALE dear, confectionery and fruit stor. with soda fountain aad ice cream i parlors, pa nth at. North. FOR SALE Dal rr with i'.J teM coa. also good retail route. p. Htendler, Illllsdaia. Vhone M. ysk. fast fU SiNESX cards. $1 oA: thu ad. R-w City Prlntery. rear Tavlof oq muat IP21 Third s: LARGE lunch counter, feed 1 oo-1 2't at lunch. rit "; bis snap. 4i Wasnington. mm'x r Wark. 1 1 :3n A M g;A HALF Interest saloon: prefer part ner, aireo. neip. can iZ rteory bldg. bcmxm oproRiryiTirA PARTNER WANTED. 4 rood business lady wantad to jaka ona-ha if Intrrrat in a business, tha only on of tta kind In tha Nwrthwrat; a nl-a rktn atork of new goodi, and nice nrw fliturra. In a brick build Ins; with a An la: this business Is nrw. but on a Pv Inc basia and it ran b laraely lnrreasod: th ownr nrris fmnf on to hlp hint and nerds to ln-rraa thr stork on account o' thr tnrrraains; business; this will stand thr rloast In elt lira, Hon; t us t!l ynu about It . stok and fUturM w ill In voles about la'Kxi. shout 1 1 rno renulred. URl'Seil ZAIX)W. STT Board of Tradr Hide. 4th and Oak. A 8 TOOK Interest and a sa lanrd posit Ion in a corporation hand Una fruit lands near Portland La open to a dvslrabla In vestor. A 32. UrKOBlan. AfOTION-PrCTCRB machines: Powers. EH1- ana Pat ha and others always In atock fmra ITS up; thr latest and best films for rant; "Tho be Is none too aood" Is our standard. W teach operating and qualify to run a show; befors ckxttr. ( deal : sew her ba anra and ar us; wa hava tha irls. and prices ar rlaht. Laammle Film Scrvlca. Paatca bid.. Portland, ftr. WAflllNOTOX fcTRtrTT. Con feet lufie ry . clajars. fru 1 1 . Ice crsa m. soda stand : ft living room and furniture; clearing f4 per month; selling account alckno: If you want a g'd clean business, e-- us ftr particulars. The Standaid Keaity ' 421 Mohawk bldg. Phone M. A .-a." 4 WANTED Party with from $1300 to I2SOO; w ha v business opening that win mk u larice returru fe" the amount inyested; will stand thorough tnve-tlgatlon. Ames Merrantlio Aganc. 41 A blag ion bldg.. Fort lac d. Of. WANTED. PARTNER. Good opening to right party In a brok erage and trust rompagv to do office work and act as treasurer; good sularv besidea large profits guaranteed. Call room .121. Lumber Exchange. IK TOt; WANT MONET ON YOI R RKM- NESS; IK YOl WANT A P A KT K K TiH R M'tHSE&tH; IF TOU WANT TO 8 ELL TO I' R BUSINESS; IF TOI" WANT TO GET INTO HL81NES8. CALL AND SE G M EU DONALD II. FMITH. MEAT market, fine location on East Side; has flrst-claaa. ateady trade. whtcn la growing every day; must be sold this week on account of disagreement; will bear closest investigation- Address il 324. Ore S on lan. REJ.1ARLR real estate and bu ."Hneaa chanca man wouid oonstder a partner woo can snow goud TTr rern'e; small Investment required if proposition proves satisfactory. Call 41 Hoard of Tra l. TOINO MAN. STRAN'OEHI Maks careful Investigation at expanse f setter before you In v oat money in any proposition. Advisory Department. 1 M. C A, ' 1 TO fXQ buys a If position (If wanted). with big returns besides on your investment; this kt no "gt-r1ob-qul-k scheme." but the chanca or a lifetime. Hernules M. M. Co.. t)oms 1-2. 23'? East Morrison st. FOR SALH or lease In &pikane Oarage and repair anop: can show good pront; esrtab I io ad t-w five year; owner wishes to con fin ffons to sules work: buyer has ad vsntage of our work. A B 257. Oregonlan. WANTED Cigar atore from owner. Call So Board of Trade. 1304 HI TS hatf Interest cigar stand; good location, can 33a Henry biag. BOOMING-HOC SMS. SOMETHING GOOD- 12-room transient house, close in on Washington; this Is one of the small places that maes good money: rent only I'M and sou buys mis on easy terms lease. Another: nice clean 7 rojms. bath, ras. hot and cold running wcter. gottl fumlnii- Inn and carpets. BRAND NEW and E ERYTHING FTRST-i'LASS. furnace hat and la on a nlc street, close In. rent Sj.V ftUK) handles this, balance easy terms. We have others of all prices and sixes. Call and sea our list before you buy. KI.I.I.T, SMITH -U.. 326 S Washington tit-. Rooms 201-202. SWELL PLACE. 18 rooms, near 16th and Morrlon sta. furnace, gas and electric liahta. two porcelain hatha. furnished In QL'A It- TEREI OAK B. E. M Al'LE and MA HOGANY. Aamlnster ana Brussels car pets. Iron and brass beds, INCOME. S-l3 per month; total expenses, including rent. ftluO: orlca $-."M. terms. Anotner. 10 rooms, near ttn ann jrnrr n sta.. part housekeeping. GOOD Kt' R- NITl'RB. gas. porcelain bath and a! trays niled with first-class roomers; receipts Silt); total expense s.W: price giobu. lease. EL LIS. SMITH CO. 326 Washington St.. Rooms .Ml-202. PORTLAND ROoMlNG-liUL'SE CO.. 31S Henrv Bkl. SACRIFICE SALE. 45 room a. corner brick: hot and cold water In all rooms, steam heat. 4-yr. lease and clear ins; over $300 per month; furni ture cost $ new and now sold for half: rent. Including neat, only SJOO per month. MODERN APARTMENTS. $7 room a new. up-to-date brick: steam heat, hot and cold water, bath and tele phone In each suite; 19 -room suites. eleeantlv furnished tn best of taste; 6 year lease; rent $XVO: clearing 390 per month: price nair casn. PORTLAND HHlMI."i-IiULbtt CO. SI Henry Bldg. ts'B YOUR OWN JUDGMENT. 5.1-room house, well furnished, fine brick building, wall located. in prominent Eat Mid uumn; rooms aiwava wen filled at to 112 each. 1 own It free of Incumbrance. My lease has over four year et to run at the exceedingly low rate or $11. per month. You can easily figure th protus. which are Tre. i am oonsj to sen It. and will take S20uu cah and $15 mort- gac on the hot:. Address Box A 63, R. K D. Tn. I. nmsaaie. r. COCNTRT HOTEL SNAP. Good town of 60"O. the only commercial hotel In town DOING A NET BUSINESS Op $7000 per year, and tha books ar opei lrpetUn: .H-year teas, at 9j pei mo ao sleeping rooms, bar-room, billiard room an oomp.eie. . aininf -monw. nice larse office. 2 cardrxwm. writms-room. a samole-roomsL new vacuum cleaner and team snd bus: Insurance paid up for one year: several rooms have private baths; this s tha beat pronoattioti we nava naa tor some time. Price s.r-v. DIETZ-Ml LLKR CO . 1.V1H-17 Abington bMg. A LITTLE GEM. a rooms, exquisitely furnished with Wilton. Axmlnater and Brussels carpets; O. O. furniture, furnace heat, full cement basement, wash trays; right down-town, 1 block from Washington ; big money- naker; rooms always filled with nice neoola: tl0 niMI VOU in possession of one of the finest places In the city. Thla Is a sacrifice and most go at once. AC 321. Oretronlan. SEE THIS B A KG A I N. 23 rooms, housekeeping, neat and clean. rood furniture, cheapest rent In city; only Xrtrt per month. 3-year lease; leaving un expected, will sell on terma See this at once. It won't last; tlM hardies. SQCARE DEAL REALTY CO-. 610 Board of Trade Bldg. ROOMING-HOrSES. We have some good ones that ar mak ing money good reasons for selling iff looking for a room lug-bouse call and see us. GOODNOT G H HEITZ. 714 Board o Trade. 12 rooms; price l-"0; terms. 11 rooms; price $": iwrat 11 rooms: price SlM0: terms. Phone M. 8774: A 1321. H. W. OARLtND A CO. IHI 4th St. WANTED Rooming bouse from owner. Call today. 3oS Board of Trade. BIG SACRIFICE. It rooms, close In. all housekeenlna. all filled. 4'j-rear lease, cheao rent and a barsaln: owner fdck: must sell. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO. 313 Henry Bldg. 3o KOOMS. best transient house In city. for sal by ownr on account of health. ? after IP A. M-. 271 'j Morrison st. FOR SALE rooms, modern, rent $30. all fined, r'.ear n, .qj jtn. FOR 8Al.Fl Transient rooniln -bu. A I lo- stlon. doing nn n.-na Main 2:17. $071 HL'Trf 10 rooms all rented, clfaiing $03 per mo. wm raro or i ran. WANTED to rent a nail roomfrg-hne. fur- hl or unTumutiN. a 3 i rrexnlsn 27 nMMf. 1 ej-' leas; rent l(V; good cor ner location; giv caan. zj Market, cor. let. ROOMINi-HOfSKK. DIETZ-ML'ELLER CO.. 3I5-10-17 Abington Ill.Iff. ROOMl.N'O-HOI'KE HKAOUl' A KTER9L If you are looking f..r a FIRST-CLASS ROOMING-HOl'SE. call and sea w. Wa prtort both the buyer and seller, lie low is a partial llt of what we can offer yon: SWELL APARTM RNT-Hol'SB. M rooms, new. modern brick bide: nrl- T3ir bat J -n. with everr aoartment very beau tifully fnrnlalied; 41? JHr.V lease and it Is i rvniiiM,i clearing im per momn ar i. exjnaes; -rry central location; price DTETZ-MCBLLER CO.. 313-1A-17 Abington PMg. EXTRA iUXtli RI'V. CT rooms, verv central location: hot and cold water all rooms, furna-a heat, bejutl- rujiy rumisbed and a sptendid money-maKer. . Vry homelike, place, and has always had a jrood reputatssn. If ymi want something good, bins It -la; prlre tl"K. DIETZ-MCKLLKR CO.. 81-1H-1T Abington Bldg. r.non mom b ' 11 nlca larva sunnv nKiini. corner, fur- cm beat. VERT NICELY FfRNISHED. This will give you a good home ar.d leave you w per month clear above an expense. P. aure and seo this, for it will go quick; price fl?oo. term. DIETZ-MtE.LLER CO.. A1.V16-17 Abington Hl.Ig. RIO MO RY-MAKUfl. 3 rooms, cor. brick MIf.; best transient hua in tho eitv rm fTr. : nlcelv furnished; clearing aiove all expense S40 per month; price soou terms. Oi ETZ-M CELLER CO., 31.VI6-I7 Abington RWK. MRS. LENTS AGENCY SELLS MOTET Jt A vii n 14 iuivf!.IIOrsE?. SZ1 Palling Bldg.. 3d and Washington St a. BARGAINS TODAY? First time offered : new. corner brick building: rent only f?0. including steam heal, running water and Janitor ear vice; 15 rooms, & apartments, balance sinp!e rooms: near Uth and Morrison sis.; SiQ0 cash handles this. 304 MONTHLY PROFIT. 4 ROOMS. Rrlck building: rent only 4-year leas-, on &th st.. clise in; this bargain muat go thla werk for S4700: terms. NEW AND MODERN. 74 rooms, corner, private baths, running water, every modern equipment : ground floor office; thla place has no equal in ur rangement and location In the crty; situ ated Just right for a first -ciuss commer cial hotel: onlv- 7uuu casn requireu. APA RTMEVT.HOt'SK. rooms, all arranged In 3-room suites. with nrlvat hatha: all outside rooms; neat brick building: cl-nrs $3U0 a month; only S3 0v csfh requirea. RENT A SNAP. 34 rooms, arranged In 2 and S-room suites, corner bldg.; rent 9140 with 4-year lease; $:wt handles thla HOM F.I.IKE PLACE. 20 rooms, near In; rent $60; elegantly furnished; clears a momn; jusi mum. only giooo cash. 2 ROOMS, clears 1 1 on ; rent $" ; lease ; go wl furniture, carpets: bent buy In city; a snap. 319 Board of Trade. FINANCIAL WE can place your money at hiRh rates of interest ; post security, nrst mn;HK . PROVIDENT INVESTMENT A TRUSTEE COMPANY. 524-526 Board of Trad Bldg. MORTGAGES, contracts, bonds, stocks, war rants and notes bought and sold. Loans negotiated. Henry Teal. &16 Abington hldk- I0is Jd st. Money to Loan Real Kstato. OH IMPROVED city property or for build Irs- euro oses: I to 5 years' time: liberal repayment privileges; money advanced aa building progresses. The Equitable 6 at Ings A Loan Association. 21Q tit ark st WE CAN-place 10,(HH at 8 per cent; fine on, 40 per cent valuation, close in. Sea Crowe. JNO. P. SHARKEY . Hth and Washington Sis. EaouuvO oa Improved city or farm property: building or auiall loana at loweat rates; large ioana a eveciaiiy. i. a. acasiuw m aie la-i6 Geriirger biag. FlRnT and second mortgages and contracts) purchased on farm and city property. anywhere In Oregon or Washington, a, w pevereaux. r enton piag.. &e em su PLENTY of money to loan at 4 and 7 per cant on real aetata security. DW. P. MALL COMPANY. 104 tiecoad Si iuukdiaTE loans from S3 to $3O0. oa alj sec u rills a. W. A. Hathaway, room 14V Washington bldg. Phone Main .10 MOV k v To loan on clt v real estate sums ' of $10i0 and upwards. Parrlsh. Watkfna A :o.. 20V Alder st MOKTGAUib loans on city property; lowrss rates. A H. Blrrell Co, 202 McKay bldg- 3d and Stark. fOO.oOo TO LOAN, large loans a specialty; building loans, lowest ratoa, W. G. Ueo. sia railing oioa. PRIVATE money loaned on read aetata mort gages. H. Miley. room 204. Ger.ingar bldg. LoA-Sd on real, personal, chattel or eral security. C. W. Pallett, 30S- : coUal- Fentoa. a tale funds loaned, o par cent. W. E. Thom- stnte agent. Muitnoiann Co.. 4QO C u. DL1LDING loans. A. C Furlong, contrac tor. 630 C. of C. bldg. Main 4504. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASON ABLJl RAl hW. F. II. LEWIS. 3 LEWIS BLDG. MONEY, any amount, 6 to $ per cent. Good nough A Sells. 716 Board of Trade. $i5.otHJ Will be loaned on satisfactory real estate. y si J. wrcgonian. Will loan $10,000 or lass, real estate security. Farrlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. WILL loan $1oOO or leas on real aetata. Hitchcock. io Kotncnua oiag. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CiiNV. LOCI SALOMON. 2:13 STARK ST. $13.0u0 TO LOAN Inside; will divide. $3000 - H'.i"o. yi a.i, oregonian. Money to Loan Kal statata. NO BETTER SECURITY OFFERED. OX REAL ESTATE LOANS. THAN' THE FOLLOWING: $2000 AT 7 PER CENT. $2500 AT T PER CENT. ISOOO AT 7 PER CENT. HAVE YOC THE FI'NDS ON HAND FOR ONE OF THESE LOANS? SEE THE REAL FSTATE MENT. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, 6 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. CAbU paid for mortgages or sellers Interwet In contracts on reai estate an ywnera in Oregon ar Washington; mortgage loans negotiated on Improved property. H. K. Noble. Lumbermens bldg.. 5th and Stark. WE have money to loan in various amounts on city real estate; quick service and moderate charges. THE WESTERN SECURITIES CO.. 414 Spalding bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salariea. WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. On salaries only. In amounta of from $5 to $lou. at tha lowest possible rates. Rebata given If paid before due. Being! salary loan brokers exclusively, we are enabled to make the best terms and give the quickest possible service. Our well-known reputation for square dealing and courteous treatment during tha past U our best reference. Business strictly confidential. 6TATE SECURITY CO.. $08 Falllug bid c . cor. 3d an d Wash, sta $$$$$$!$$$$ TU U. S. REAL ESTATE A BROKER AGs! tt'MfA X. Makes liberal loans on real estate, furni ture, pianos (without removal), livestock, storage receipts, life Insurance policies and all kinds of securities; terms to suit, aaay weekly or monthly paymenta Wa buy first and second mortgages and con tracts. Phone Main I OS 4. Room $1$ Ham ilton bldg.. 121 Sd st. $$$$$$$$$$ WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry reasons Die interest; long or snort time. A. A M. Delovagw. 36v Washington su WILL LOAN In amounta to suit on all kinds of securities; business confidential. Gray A Cunningham, "23 Electric bMg. LOAN for tha asking, salary or cbaesL LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds ad jewel?, jsatx Jiucn. ? sa st. FINANCIAL. Money to Lown Chattels and talarica. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 307 Spalding Bldg. We will make you a loan on your furni ture, niano or iiveitock and the prop erty remains undisturbed In your posses sion. Now la the time to net in fuel and Winter snnniiea. All the common com modities are cheaper this time of the jear. Payments are made to suit your Income and rebate Is given fur any unexpired time. CALL AT ONCE IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF MUNh.1- HUTTON" CREDIT CO.. 307 SpaldiiiR Bldg. - Main 23tf. MONET advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without aocurlty; cheapest ratoa. aasleat navments: offices In 6s principal clta save yourself by get tin my terms first. TULMA.N, 117 Lumber mcnange. LOW EHT RATES Loans on all kinds of se- j curlty. chattels or real estate, l nion i-ouri Co.. 3" Lafayette bldg.. otrt anq wasn. sts. Loans VT anted. WE WANT MONEY AT 7 PER CENT. Wa have ssveral clients who want to ; borrow on first-class real estate security. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. 6 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. WE can invest your money at good rates of Interest. Gilt-edge securities, a irst mort saves. t. one-term investment. PBOVllENT INVESTMENT A TRUSTEE CO., 524-526 Board of Trade Bldg. WANT $10U on modern $.'500 house and lot; Z years. S ner cent. A. N. fcearie. ai-v car. get off at E. 76tfa M. Auto to, show ou property. Tabor 14 43. $4Su MORTGAGE for sale, to net per cent. security XH acres or land. Dot l siues ure- gon Electric, about 15 miles Portland, in- tiTview I'tione wain iia. WANTED Loan of $200 for six months; Interest 2 per cent per month., cnatici mortgage, on furniture or persons! note ; irood references, ts 325. oregonian. W ANTED i:iO(m on nod real estate secur ity, first mortgage, property wen locateu. OTTO &. KK.AL1I O.. 133 S First St. BEST security; 8 per cent to 10 per cent real estate loans wanted jmiu up. union lxvan Co., 3 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Washington ats. M. S&29. WANTED $1150 for three years, 7 per I cent, on close-in residence property, in quire :t 1 7 Board of Trade bldg.. Fourth and Oak sis. WANT $."000 for 2 years. West Side non- inrnme security. VHlue $ win pay S per cent, slain 341 and A 2623. $.Vn4) for on or two year, at 6 per cent. on Kornand property wonn conservatively HMin; answer rilectric. f ai, oregonian. WANTED From private narites. $2100. 3 years, city residence aecurity. tv jis, ore gonlan. I W A NT E D M r t ga g fcWft 3 yea rs. 7 per cent; proiierty $12.0w. irvington aiatrict. j lijri, oregonian. . WANTED From private party, no com mission, on nrat-ciass security, jo. 3IH. Oregonisn. LET us place your money good mortgages; references, tr. h. iewia. Ltww dios LOST AND FOUND. LOST At Meier & Frank's millinery dept.. a black bag containing two smn.ll pock et books. I JO aold piece. 20 cents sliver. a bankbook. The owner can til afford the loss and would be very thankful lor any information of Its whereabouts. Phono M. 100, or return to 703 Park ave, and get reward. POUND Where you can bay genuine hair mattresses retail at wnoiesaje prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day- Portland Curled Hair Factory, id. Metaga& ?--'H Front. Phones Main 474. a LOST On Llth-st. oar or bet. Hobart-Cur- tls and West Park and Morrison sta., gold link bracelet, topaz and emerald setting. Phone Main 5772 or leave 775 Flanders st. ; Reward. LOST A gold bar pin with diamond In cen- : ter. in tne neignoornooa oi jntn ana Hoyt. Reward. Return to 145 North lsth strcct. LOST Between 14th and Morrison and 6th and Wash Ins ton, seven or eight keys, on ring. Return to D. B. Downs, 133 Front ; reward. LOST Lady 's gold bracelet in Hazel wood ladies washroom, hinder please return to 170 St. Clair si. Phone Main 2au. rte- w a rfl. LOST Lady's turquoise ring. In vicinity of Last Morrison and Grand aw. finder re turn to Miss Edith Oxford, 420 East Mor- rlfon st.. apartment u. please. Reward. LOST Smail handbag containing lady's gold hunting case watch and $1 In silver. Finder please return to Needlecraft Shop. ".H Yamhill st. hewara orrereo. roi:ND Whtrt waicnes. dlamuuus a.ia Jew elry are sold for amount loaned and ona months interest. uncie Myers uouatera: Rank. 71 6th St.. near Oak sL LOST A long bmwn pocket boo It containing about $27, where accident hovpened, near 27th and E. Clinton, iteturn to Frank J. Thomas. 2ol 1st st. Reward. LOST Sunday, small female fox terrier, right ear and eye . brown; answers to name of Lady. Reward; 300 Washington. LOST 3 cows: tar number on the riant hip. No. 8. 22. 13. Leavy Bros.. Hillsdale, will ray a liberal reward. LOST A brown Sylitnose Chesapeake Span- lei around lllamette Height; reward. Ad- dre.TH 215 N. 25th St.. Main 1664. LoST Gold nugget bar brooch, bet. Rosa and East 1st sta.; return to svt wneeier at., receive reward. LOST Black and white male dog; Klamath Falls license. . Notify Wooaiawn vuo. he ward. SrFClAI. X'OTirRH. Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF SALE OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS. The Common Council of the Town of I Springfield, Oregon, w ill receive sealed bids for the sale of fau.uuu oi omprovemeni , bonds of the Town or 2prmgueid. i ne said bonds will be issued under authority of charter amendment 'of aaid town, ap proved by popular vote of the electors j thereof. The Don as pear u per cent in terest, payable semi-annually. 'pr.ffT)jnds will be issued In denominations from 100 to $1000 to suit the convenience of tha purchasera j The Council will meet at tha Council Chambers, In the Town 'Hall of said town, at tha hour of 8 o'clock P. M.. on the tenth dav of October. 1010. for the pur pose of opening the bids and considering the same. The Council reserves the right to re J act any and all bias. All bids should be addressed to John C. Mullen. Springfield, Or., who will answer i nil Inuulriea relative to tile financial con dition of the town and the proceedings I had lead ins- un to the Kivinir oi this notice. This notice given by order of the Com mon Council. Dated this first day of September. 1M10. JOHN C. ML LLKN. Recorder. NOTICE Is hereby gt en that sealed bids will be received lor trie purcnase ox i(io of eoustructlon bonds of School Dis trict No. 27, In Josephine County. Oregon, drawing Q tier cent Interest, payable semi annually, said bonds payable absolutely In 20 yeara aid bids shall be sealed and be accompanied by a certified check for $50t. and win Dt receivea up iw ana in cluding the 30th day of September, 1910, an' that the School Board will open and consider said bids on tha first day of Oc tober. 1910. at 3 o'clock P. at. of said dav Bids should be handed or addressed to F. M. Siaaon, Clerk of the School Board of School District No. 27. Wolf Creek. Josephine County. Oregon. HEALED PROPOSALS Chief Quarter master. Dept. of the Columbia. Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Sept. is. iyiu. eaiea proposals for construction of addition to Ordnance Storehouse. Ft. Stevens, Or., will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M. Oct. 12, 1S10, and then opened. Plans can be seen, and specifications with full Information, obtained from undersigned or Quartermaster, Ft. Stevens, imteu states reserves right to reject any or all bids or ahy part thereof. Envelopes contain ing proposals should Up indorsed "Pro posals for Addition to Ordnance Store house" and addressed to Lt. Col. C. S. Bingham. Chief O- M-. Vancouver Bar racks, Vancouver, Waah. , SEALED bids will be received at the office of the School Clerk. 402 Tilford building, up to 5 P. M.. on Thuneriay. September 15. 1H10. for the building of a manual train ing building on the ground of the Shat tuk School building. Plans and specifica tions for the same can le seen at the arch I tect s office, 40"J Tilford building. A cer tified chefk for 10 per cent of the amount of proposal must accompsny esrh bid. The Board of Directors reserve the rltht to reject any and all bids. T. J- JONE?. Architect, VKC vtrrjtES- M iscellaneous. Krom and after this date I will not bo responsible for any bills contracted ly any person or persons other than my sell. Dated September 12, V.iHh A. C. KELSCHMAN. I WILL not be re;txnjible for any debts on tracted by my wife ( Mrs Anna Landis from this dale on. Dated Sept. 13. 191"- Signed E. C. Land is. PERSONAL. FREE. $13 X-RAY EXAMINATION, IF YOU CALL AT ONCE. DR. IIORNE S GRAND OFFER TO THE SICK AND WEAK. The object of this grand offer is to prove to the sick and ailing citizens of Portland and vicinity that he has the grandest, slmpliest and most successful method of restoring health and curins? diseases that Is known to the scientific world. He wants the true merits of his success ful treatment known to everybody and he does not know of any better way of Introducing- It than by offering his examina tions FREE OF CHARGE to all who call within 10 days. Should your case be in curable he will frankly tell you so, ana advise you against spending your money for useless treatment. Many of you who have been taking" medicines and so-called treatments for months will be absolutely cured in a few treatments. Are you nervous, dyspeptic, weak in the stomach, constipated? Do you have that tired feeling which Is so prevalent? Do you' have spots floating before the eyes, palpitation .of the heart. shortness of breath, headaches. neufalgia, shooting pains In the chest, back, hips or ankles? Have you varicose veins, obstruction, blood poisoning, nervous debility, piles, or any diseases of the rectum ? Are you in pain from rheumatism, lame back, sciatica, lumbugo, locomotor ataxia or weak kidneys? If so there is quick relief and a permanent cure in store for you If you "call upon Dr. Home, who gives vou an honest opinion, honestly expressed, honest dealing and honest treatment which cures to stay cured ir curable. Mis aaaress is 407-40H and 40 Rothchlld bldg. Take elevator to 4th floor. Hours W to 12, 2 to 0, 7 to S. Not open Sundays. DK- W. E. MALLOKY. 312 Rothchlld bldg.. has the moat complete modern ofLca ia Oregon. The treating rooms are tilted up witli the most expeusive modern ap- pllances on the market, including radium tthe only physician on the Pacific Coast having radium. X-rays, static machines. X-ray colls, ozone, oxygen machines (the largest in use), electric currents of every description and kind, including high fre quency wave, Lnsouedai. faxadic and gal- , vanic currants, cautery, vibrators, radia tors, electric light bath cabinets, not bake ovena, of every kind ; mineral, herbai. teem and shower baths. From 100 to 22.000-candle power lights, finsen. minins. hellos, Bolar. violet and utra violet lights, and others. Cancers, eczema, tumors, ajoitre, tubercular glanas, old sores, moles, mother marks, scars an'l scar tissue, and all kinds of chronic diseases are treated and cured by these methods. DR. ALIClfi A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery ; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to tho latest methods; private hospital accommodations; confinement cared for; consultation free. Room 10, Grand Theater bldg. Main 3928: A 5607. , WB ASSURE satisfaction and reasonable nrices. no matter w lie re vou KOK I you can not find at v leu or nnish or be fitted at here. because I am a practical and expert fur rier, over ao years in the business. Adolf Reiner. 12 11th. near Washington. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECLAliTT. DH. VLADIMIR JUNUttA, From Europe. FT.FrTRO-TII KRAPEUTIST. rurM are n sinless. rrom Dt and trior- ugh. Suite 53-5-51-50-49-4SH-4S. 270H Washington bldg.. cjr. 4th and waan. FKRVET A HANEBUT. Leading wig and tonpee makers; lines t stock of human hair goods, switches from $1.50 up. Lp-to-date parlors for hairdiesslng, manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 147 7th ft., bet. Morrison ana Aiaer. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE HelaingforS graduate; rheumatism, nervous ana nom rh ailment, under physician's direc tions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th street, second door south from East An keny canine, Anone n.ast z&v, t nu. PERSONAL Ladles of good tasta and re liniment will appreciate our Deauiitui mih uf early Fall aud Winter styles. Boston Milliners, the Homeiof the Tailored Ha 423 P'lledner bldg.. 10th and Washington. MISS DESAL1E DK VOE, the Philadelphia House. 3d and Salmon sts., zii Ja st. manlcurlnir. electric, vibratory and mag nvtlc treatments; respectable patrons so lieited; hours 1" to B. HA1K. HAIR All shades in best quality at cost. Closing out blocs. ; ciwuuc i and scalp treatments; expert rmlrdressing and manicuring taught. Aza t- itiooocae. Grand Leader, otn ana Aiaer. DR. D. L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children; electrlo treatment or nervou anmcu l. Vi ivo uws pi Lai. Rooms 306-5U6 Commonwealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny. Phones Main 4047. A 2411 WIDOWER with boy Si in schol wants house Keeper; preir wuw object matrimony it fiuuea; no sport, r. ji Oregonian. Wl I I. the nartV who wrote to E. A. Mid die brooks at warrenton on August cau t .lo2 Couch bldg.. Friday, Sept. 10, be tween 10:30 and 11 A. M. MRS MAYME WALLACE. Electric and vibratory treatments hflthfi: masseuse. 320'A Stark St.. Port land. Or. Phones: Marshall 2402; A 2806. COLl'MblA Hairdressing Parlor. Scalp treatments our specialty. uoiunioia bide.. Washington ami Park sts. Phone Marshall 27G4. DR. WALKER, specialist lor men, yuicKiy riirii hlnna anu SKin ailments, Kumny auu b I udder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st St., Portland. DRESS suits for rent. $1.5i) month keeps your Clot a as cieanea, pi oweu, uuuuiw sewed on, ripe repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries, umnuw niivkiux w.. v -j a i .i. cures coma, callouses, tender, burning, acning anu immuieu ie, odors; 25c all druggists, or by mail. Addresj Lr. Fletchar, loot apeciaiiat. .funiaoa or. Mme. Courtwright. skin and calp treat muntS, racial ueiormiut-s ewi i :t;itiu. pus' tic surgery. 453Morrlson sj. M. 5042. MRS. M. PARK, graduate nurse. gives scientllic massaae; miu av'P couneiua ;iV Alder su. opposite Olds A King's. HEALTH TREATMENTS given by graduate nurse anu hiumoudb. tx st. Phone Mains. FOR ADOPTION. Infant baby for adoption. AJ 325 gonlan. ANYONE knowing preaui. uuuiess oi oiau- ley wawrzynsKi jjicat; wjic iu -iuicw Wawrxynski, gen. del., Tacoma. Wash. innoH Knhit oermanently cured lu 3 days: 1U SUlI rill g ana awuiiea v.aiujuiA tutc, 1627 Peninsula ave.. rurumtu, jr. GUARANTEED to cure rheumatism and aanurun. w, Wl lllamette Hotel, Oregon City. Or. um Wallace, magnetic electric treatments teachings oi returning spirit. jv j un si. MANICURING. 125 Sixth Su CHIROPODY. itoom 2 UH. KETCH UM treats women a maiaaiea. 179tr a St., cor, lamniii. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for din eases of w omen. pt peimont u -aa. SCHOOL BOOKS bought and sold. book store, o ua k oi . MRS. 3. B. SEIP, mental and spiritual scien tist. 21 5e11ing-Hircn Plug., juain ob4. aloLES. wrinkles, superfluous hair removed MIS. Al xJ- r iieuucf uiu. iu BUSINESS DIRECTOHV. Accountants. MACKENZIE. BA1UD 6t JiLKKlDOifi. Counsel and experts in ail mailers relat ing to municipal, commercial, iaciory coat aud industrial accounting. Moderate leea. uonsuuauuin nee, 224 Worcester Block. Phones Mam 36. A 1449. E. H- COLLld & CO., ACCOL.MA.NTS. Commencai, Louniy aim jiuuicipai Auditing, Investigating and biemauzing. a24 Worcester block, phone Main 0507. Architects. KAsTMAN CO., Inc. Architects and Build ers, Plans ana esuumics luruisaeu iree to builders. We build on contract, percentage or terms. Main 6--i&, A 41 16, Abington biug. " AsMkyer and Anal st. Wells i proebstei, mining engineers, chem ists anu ssayer. -vi v umngiun. MUNTANA ASSA l Oi-1' iCii Laboratory and ore-iesinig -oi .uurnsou au Attorneys. A. H. TANNER, attorney. Koonu 311-314. g p aiding puuains, oa una w aauington ats. Awnings anu Tents. PACIFIC Tent & Awning Co., tents, awnings and sails. 37 N. lst Main and A 1981. Baths and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths. 107 4th Elegant plunge, strain anu anower pains, z.jC. Bicycles and Motorcycles. V.e buy sell, exchange or repair. Hummel Hicyeie r.x. i.t.t imn. .wain mj&. BruAft and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 100 N. 5th. Main 3702. " Builders. "7" CL'MMTNGS & CATMN, builders in every branch of the building trados, jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty; showcases, counters, shelving, etc.. Office and shop, 271 Fit at st. Phone Marshall 2o27. Bl SINEWS IH RECTORY. circulating Library. 1 a tit ..,.) i.n .In duv U nman' Exchang bldg.. IMS 5th St.. bet. Taylor and Yamhill. Chiropractic rhysiciun. DK. TICK NEK removes the cause of disease, 600-1 C olumbia bldg. A 5255. Hrs. 3il-5;oO- Chiropody. wm k.-jtpIi.w and vT7asi Ueveney. th - 1. 1 w i.ior.iii. .iiir.-Tiiwlit in the city Parlors :iik Gerllneer bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Aider. phono Main 13ul. Chiropody and uedicurlng. Mrs. M O. Hill room 42a Flleaner bldg. Phone Main 34 16, CHiKOPUDY. mani. uiiiiff and scalp. Mrs. Dun ton. 549 Washington. Marshall 1. Collections and law. VKTir -n r-Af r.wTOltrf COLLECT EVERYWHERE: NO COLLECTION, NO CHARGE. 5J5 Worcester bldg., Portland. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock biag. Curlog. ttLN SOON HU1E, CHINESE GOODS. MAT UiNG, &ILK AND CUKIOS. iU tnu aL- Dancing. PKOFKfwnn rt':i,kr'.s dancing elasses- Mondavs and Saturdav evening. Priate instruction daily. Western Academy, and Morrison. Main 9212. DANCING lesson 25c, every morning, al ternoon nn.l veninc-. Prof. Wal Will- son's Dancing School, 3f6 Washington st.. bet. W. Park and loth sts. M. 76o7. Dog and Horse Hospital DR. BROWN, D. V. S. Office 324 Flanders Bt. Main 4086. Hospital btf 33th St. EducationaL MRS. MARY ELAINE F. PRATT'S select day school Kr giiis. 713 '1 hompson ai r-none &nsx. -io. 1: he trie .Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO- Motors lor rent or sale. id -tt Engineering. TECHNICAL ENGINEERING CO.. General Engineering, Designing, Drafting, 201 Hamilton Bldg. Engines G us and Steam. RUBER Machy. Co.. Coast agts. Seabury steam n nines and hoiiers. easoline en gine. 2Sl-aa E. Morrison st. Phone E. 875, Feed Store. ZIGLEK & Misner, hay, grain, feed, ce ment, shincles. 291 Grand ave. JrTench Dry Cleaning. CLEANING TAILORING DYEING ALTERATIONS Special club rates 50c per suit sponged and pressed per week. I no aruruuu, 751 Washington st. A 5417, Main 0553 Jr'urs, N. M. UNGAR & CO., INC.. formerly of 40b Merchants Trust bldg-. have removed to 100 Seventh st. Furs remodeled, repaired and stored. Marshall ToJ. Hut Factory. HATS made to order cost no more. See us. Royal Hat Works, 223 1st st M. o Launches. 16-FT. 3-1L P., $16i; 18-FT., 3-H. P.. 20U. Reiersun Mach. Cj., 1S2 i:orrisonst. b Leather and Findings. C1IAS. L. MASTICK A CO.. 74 Front. Lea her of every description, taps, ir.trs. lindlnga. J. A. STiiOWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S5S. ISO Front st. Machinery, B. TRENKMAN & CO. Hydraulic and spe rinl nines ' screens, bauchle, nilltiug ma chinerv. All kinds of repairs. ll'4 N. 4th. Machinery for Rent. Contractors machinery of all kind. David Dow A Son, 202 Lumbermens bldg. f nor.ea. Musical. WANTED By young lady, graduate of the Vienna Conservatory of Music, a limited number of pupils on piano. Call Main 54U2, between 2 and 5 P M. PIANO studio, modem methods, 2ti9 14th i South. phone Main 3SU3. EM IL THEIlHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevick. 000 Marquam. A 4100. 51 ar. lttJtf. Osteopathic Phyniciunn. DR. LeRoy Smith, graduate Kirksville. Mo., class of lS'.iS, post-graduate 1007. under A. T. Sill, the founder. 317-318-319 Swet- land bldg. Main IQSt. A liiSj. DR. R. B. NORTH Rl" P. 415-416-417 Dekum Bldg. Phone. Office. M. 3407. rea.. Fast or B 10-S Paints. Oils and Glas. RASMUSSEN & CO., jobbers, paints, oils. giasssaSjbaudoorsCord andTaylor. Pavine. THE Barber Ashpalt Paving Company. 605 fipa Electric bids- Oscar Huber, Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Stieet paving, sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. Patent Attorneys. Protect your ideas; reliable patent attorneys. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CO.. Registered Patent Attorneys, 201 Hamilton Bldg. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock. atty. at law. Late of U. S. patent office. Bookie: free. 410 Board of Trade bldg. IL C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, infringement cases. 004 Dekum. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Banlc. 40 years in Portland. 71 0th Bt. Main 010. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO Factory and office near anu i urn. si.. m. ong. Printers. GLASS A PRL'DHOMME CO., piliitere, blank book matters, ii tw"". iw i vices, township plats. 6a-67 7th it., bet. Oak and Ankeny. CH AUSSE-PRUDHOMME CO.. bool, com mercial. i tin fc. ' ii o"- tu.i. Pinno Factors'. C. Somrner A Co., estabi'.snea geaetu.i repair worn; iumiiB.-i 'in- Public Stenographer. STENOGRAPHER and typist, work guar anteed, reasonable. 006 Swetland bldg.. or. 6th ana w asningron. Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stead's, choice Ftritlonery, etc. iunjunghanrs. - 1.otarn- -rain mn. Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG V. ORKS Rugs from old larpets, colonial rag runs, c;iriei cieuiung and laying. 153 Union ave.. nr. E. Morrisua Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Sifes at factory prices, aecwnu-nanu fates. Showcases. Ban kand Store Flxtores. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rapius nowcase -o., om anu oyi.. xt. Lutke. mgr. NEW and second-hand J. 1. M. Mfg. Co.. 4th and coucn. aiain -loj. tamnt-i worK. Shingles. BEST lu the city; car lots or less. Gilbert, soi wasnington i. Storage and Transfer. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO.. corner 13th and Everett bls. jusi openeu newest and most modern storage warehouse In city; every convenience for safe una proper handling of goods; lowest insurance rate in Northwest ; free trackage; vans for n i o ving. Main or A 1520. LET'S STORE YOUR FURNITURE. Brick buildlr.g, dry and airy; warehouse distiict; lowest rates and most careful handling; furniture moU and packed by experts; estimates given. Phone M. 101 S, A 10S4. Van Horn Transfer Co., 40 2d street. - C. O- Pick Transrer & fctorage t:o., onice and COmmooiuua iuui-ciuiy uncn. vaic- house, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Tin ts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for snippuig.jn.ain oyo. r iwu. OLSON-ltOb. J KA.irr ci General transferring and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 209 Oak st.. bet. Front and 1st. Telephone Main 547 or A r24 7. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1S70. Tran3ter anu runvdiumii Office 310 Hoyt St., between 5th and 0th. phones Main 6'-. A llo!. Swiss Dairy. at T Siinx' ave.. N Phones East 5556, B 2011. Pure botuea uiiik n g"'- STOVES connected and repaired. 1110. oi rront. Ty pew titers. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $C0, fully guaran teeu ; easy pujiiir.iw ; reniaie, s.i per month. Pacific Stationery ft Printing Co., 2U3 2d st. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on mis v,oat; investigate: all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 287Jv NEW. rebuilt, second-hand, rentals a t cut 1407. rates. P- L. o. io.. -ii siark. M. Veterinarians. j. Brown and S. R. Foster, veterinarians 331 Ankeny si A 3309. Main 2402. Wood All Kinds. DRY insido 3.50 Small inside 2.50 Planer trimmings 3.00 Pacific Slabwood Co. Phones M 3709, A 735G BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wood and Coal. COAL! COAL! Don't furget last Winter. Give us your futnre delivera-.. AVe pick our coa.. Special prices on big orders'. Newcastle per ton, $0.5t and up; Rck Springs, licbbein. e can guarantee 8aiifaction. Phone Mar siiall 2117. 15th and Savur. Mall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st st.. w iiule s<i and retail. Sample mailed free. GRAND CENTRAL STATION Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger , Koseburg passenger Shasta Limited Silverton Passenger California K.-ipres; San Francisco Express ... West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove passenger . Forest Grove Passenger . Arriving Portland Oregon Express Ashland Passenger Koseburg Passenger Portland Express Shasta Limned Silverton I,ocal West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger . Forest Grove passenger . . S:".0 a. ru. 4 : l.i p. n u O-.i -) p. nr. 6:-d p. m. 7 : -IT) p. in. X : J0 a. in. 7 :20 a. m. 4 :ud p. m. S:50 a. ru. 5.4U p. in. 7:::o a. m. 10 ;00 p. m. 5:li0 p. in. 11 :ut a. m. 2 p. m. 0 :1U a. nu C:20 n. m. . . lu : JO a. in. . . S:iA) a. in. . - 4;40 p- m. Northern Pacific. Leaving Portland North Coast Limited via Puget Sound 10:10 a. in. North Coast Limited via Norlhl Bank 7:ii0o. m. Atlaiuic Express via Pugct bound. 12:1. a. m. Atlantic txuress via rsorth liaiiii; U.uu a. m. T'w in City Express via PuKtl Sound i 3:u y. m Twin City Express via North) Hank j 7:00 p. in. Eastern Express via Puget Soundjl2 :15 a. lu. Eastern Kxpresa via North i5ai:k 0;00 a. m. Missouri Kiver Express via Puget) Sound .. .ii(i:10 a. m. Missouri River Expre&s via Nortlii Bank 7:00 p. m, Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Kx- press, urays liaroor, Oiympiu) and Soutu lienu oranche. l 0:45 a. m. Portland-Vancouver special lu:io a. nu Pufcet siounu Limited, Grays liar- bur aud South lieud branches.. 3:20 p. nu Yacolt Passenger 4.0U p m ArrivniK Portland North Coast Limited via North Bank l 8:1.1 n. m North Coast Limited via Pugetf Sound 7:20 a. m. Northern Pacilic Express vial iorth DahK i 7:30 a.m. Northern Pacific Express vial PUKet Sound I 7:10 d. m. Pacinc Lotto. Express via North Bank ii:l3 p. m. Paciiiu Coast Express via pugetl ound 7:20 a. m. Western Express via North lianki 5:15 p. m. Western Exoress via Puuol Sound, lu:u u. in. Missouri iuvcr Express via Nurlh) Dank 7 a. m. Missouri River Express via Puget Sound i 4:00 u. m. Portland-!' icoina-SeaLtle Express uuu xroiu ui.vmpia, auutn xenu and Cravs liaruor i coih.. m Puset Sound Limited 7:10 p.m. Vancouver-Portland Special !0;,iO p. nu Yacolt passenger ;ll:20a. m. Oregon lCaiiroad Nuvi ;aliuuCu. Leaving Portland I Baner city pasaeatjer i S:'Xl a. m. ;;wn-Wiisniiii-ioa Limited . .. .lu:uu a. in. i'ne Dulles jjocai i -4:t)op. ui. boo-bpos.aue-x'ort.iaiid :ll;U0 u. in. Oregon aiid Vusningtou Express j &:utt u. nu spohdne Fli er u:0t p. m. Arriving I'ortiuuu i The ualii-s Loiai (10:15 a.m. Oregon and iv'asnington Express. (Iu;o0 a. nu boo-Apokane-l'ortianu jll ;v a. iu. cuy iocal passenger , 7;uu p.m. Oregon- V asmngion Luuitea . . . .j u:uu p. m, pon.uue biyvc j fe:uua. uu Astoria A; Columbia River. Leaving Pur Uaud I ,...1 8;u0 a. m, , . . . 0 : a. in. 1 2:au p. iu. . . ,. 0:.iu ij. l.u . . . . t i:lo p. in. . . . i u.lo p. nu i . . . 12;05 p. nu . . ,,iu;,;u y. ui. . . . iu:tu p. iu. Seasiue .express ocean Slioiu Emitted Saturday Seasxuo special.... bcusiue Express rtaiuier I'ttabuiiger liaiuier passenger . Arriving lornana Seaside Exyrtu&. Aioiiuay ocusiuu Special ..... toeasiao Express Ocean Suuie Limited .... lU:Ju p. in. ivauuer aud i'urtlauu Passenger. .( 0:4itt. nu miei ana fortiana i-usdeiirier. . ( ;wp.m. C'unudtuu Pacific ltuilway Co. Leaving Portland Soo-apoKaue-Purtiuud ( ..ill :00 p. in. . ,12;15 a. nu Via Seattle Arriving Portland Soo-bpokane-Portiuud ,.il:30 a. in. . . 1U p in. Via Seattle Oregon o; Wusiiiuglou Kaiiruad lu. Eeaving Portland Seattle passenger. . . . . . . S:30 a. nu . ..j 3:0U p. nu .. . 1 11 :4a p. nu .. . 7:15 a. ui. . .. 5:20 p. nu r 2: p. iu. Shasta Limited owl Arriving Portland Owi Siiasta Eiinited f urUutid pai-suuger. . . JElFLRSO-STIiEfcX MAllOA. southern Pucihc. Ejaviag Portland I Dunus i-assenger j 7:40 a. m. Dallas I'asHunger 4. Mo p. in. ,iesl Grove -assenger. ....... .t l;uu p. nu Arriving Purtiauu J Dan-is i.-asuiiger ilu:lj a. nu ualias iasacnger j 5:5 p. nu orest Grove i aiseuger ia:uu noon LLiil f..iil HOY T & 1 ii.tur.lo I'A.-a- frpoKune, Portland a &eittle Itutiway (u. Eeaving Portland Inland Eiiipue Express 0.00 a. m. Eur Chicago, u paut, oinaiu, .n.iin City, St. Luuis, liiliings, SpoKane, xaaco, Itooseveit, oranddallea, Gienuaie, Li i. w nite tiaiinon. btovcuu. v aueuu ver. lie oregonian li.uu a. ni, r or ct I'aul, DpoKane, Pasco, Vvamueua, Kahlolus, Clitta, Lyie, White Salmon, oto- euson and aucouver. oiumuia iliver Eocui 4:30 p. in. Noi Ln J-auK Eaiuieu i ;fo p. nu For CiUt-ago, bl. Paul, Omaha, uiso. it, bt- x.'ui.-s jliiiiit,s, topuHune, vvun- ucna, E an lot us, i'useo, itooseveit, Cii'aud- lies, Guiuenuaie, Ej i. Wuiie aiiuou, oio- ewusoa, Vancouver. Arriving Portland he oreioiiian 7:03 a. m. i- rom &l. Paul, c-poKune, i'asco. Cliffs. Maryiile, L le. White Salmon, toteejiuu nd Vancouver. orth baitK Eimitea s :50 a. m. r rum cmc&go, St. Paul. Oman a, KauJ Cfity, st. EouLa, Hillings, ii)ob.aae. Vasntuu- , AilllHiiUS, rasVUi;ji, Ui ailUUall es. meiiuale, Lyle, V hlte bmuu, istecuoa. ;i!iCOU cf. Columbia River Local 12:35 p.m. Inland Empire Express B.u p. m. t'vi' Cnicario. &t. i aui. omana, ivausas iLV. St. Eouis, uuuugs, spoxauu, Wasutuc- nu, Kanlotus, 1'asco. liouaevcit, GianduaUes, oldendaie, E .e, v iiilo caiiuou, dtcvciidoa, aacouver. Great Northern Railway 1 ompauj. leaving Portiauu- iltn and Hoyt ats. rieutui iiiiiiteU, via toeattie nr.uo a.m. ti- iiveuouian. via jSoriu Bunk, .il :oo . nu Uutniui jjiinued, ia North Biink 7 ;oo p. in. luiei -national Limited. Seattle, Ta coma and Vancouver. B. C .10:00 a. in The owl, Tacoma. Seattle and ancouver, B. C 5.00 p. nu Shore Lino Express. Tacoma. Se attle aud ancouver, B. C 11:30 p. in. Arriving Portland 11th and Hoyt Sis. Oriental Eimited. via Seattle 0:40 a. nu The oregonian, via North Bank.. 7:0 a.m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank B:15 p. m. Too owl. Vancouver, B. C-, Seat tle and Tacoma 6:40 a.m. Shore Line Express, Vancouver, is. C, Seattle and Tacoma 3:30 p. an. InLernationai Limited, Vancouver, jj. c.. Seattle and Tacoma 9:5') p. m. Time Card Oregon felectriw Railwuy Co. 1 ..Mscnger foiuuou, rroul aud Jeliersou ,'Sis. v oouuuin-daieui and mi. A'oinis leave Portland 0:00, i :0, ll:uu A. Al., J:o, a ;aJ, 0:30, &:40 P. M. Limited lor 1 uaiatia and buleia, t:15 A. M. Locai lor Visuu viiic d Int. Stations. 5:lo P. M. jiillsboro-lorcst Grove una intermedial s points u,eave Portland 7:oo. o:JO, lu:20 A. M. ; 12:lo. 2:10, 3:30, 5:3ii, 6:25 P. Al. Sat uioay oniy. 1 1 :3u P. 31. A,rive vorLianti fruiu Salem and 'luu Stations. S:40, 11:00 A. M. ; 1:15. 4 .W. 4:5u, b:oo, b:-0, 10;5u P. M. Local irom Wllson vilie and Int., 0:40 A. 31. Taily except Sun day ana 7:3o A. M. daily. Arrive Portland from Forest Grove Int. (stations S:yo. 0:5u. 11:40 A. M-; 1:0. 5:0, 5:10, V;oO P. M. Sunday only. .-o P. 31. Depot Front and Jefferson, Portland, Or. Portland Railway. Light dt Pouer Cumpuu. Ticket Oftice and VYai ting-Room, First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City 1:00 and :30 A. M. and every 30 minutes and including last car, midnight. Urea ham and intermediate points 6:35. 7:4i, S:43, 0:43. 10:45, 11:45 A. M. ; 12;4... 1:45. 2:45. 3:45. 4:45. 5:45. 6:45. 3 1 :30 M. Fairview and Troutdale 6:55. 7:45, 8:45, 9:45. 10:43 A. M.; 12:45. 2;45, 3:45, 4:45, 6:45. 6:45 P. M. Cazadero and Intermediate points 0:55, 8:45. 10:45 A. AL: 12:45. 2:45, 4:15, 6:45 P FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket Office and walt:ng-rooru Second and Washington Sts. A. M. 6:15, o:50, 7:25. :00. 8:35. 8:10, 0:30, lo:30. :i:I0. ll;50. P M. 12:30. 1:10, 1:50, 2:3n, 3:in, t?:r.o. 4:30 5:10. 5:50. 6:3o. 7:03, 7:40. 8:15. 0:25, M0:3&, H "-43. On third Monday In everv month tho l.rt rar leaves at 7:05 P. M. 'Dnlly except Sun day. Dally except Mond--