THE MORXIXG OT?EGOXTAX, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1910. IS MM.P H ATT.l-M4U! 2 TAILORS 10 COAT rtMSHERa. & operators. AT C.Ni'K. PE5T Or SALARY. STEADY WORK. ROBERT DOVGLAfA. THE TAILOR. 123 rtfih t. f .r Ud-er' Litt. 3il Wisd- or'ra fl'-purlmt nt. H. B. n n t M H:?V lard tn the world In tropical Mm-.i. Vu rau see It at oar expene r.for you Tr-u . No luteal in or fertili zation. Healtny cllmat- perfect title. T l-e $L."i w r acre. EV terms. Local ttM romity agent want). I.ii.eral cm m t1on. W me for 111 ut rati d booklet, Vico international Land Co.. Portland, r. WkNTRhAbU.ho.lltd irrn for the U. 8- Maiino Corn, between tre aae of 19 and Hf hA ruli. horn tp K tvl flrvt DA- . v'zm. monthly pay $.5 to $; additional ter and "medical attendance free: altar 30 3 eara rvi.c n retiro wltb 75 Per cnt f Pay and eiiownra; service on board ahp ana jsnore ta a.l r-arta or tr.e worm. vi-. at t. . a. Vinn txTp Kwraium vu..r Preen bid.. Id and w aalug :.& at !' rtlar.'l. Or. A I.tU KM To fdumMi Life A True' Com pa n v haw An ooeninc for one or two flnt-cUM soLcitors. If you have not had aper-.ence la eelllng li:e Insu.ance o will te a.bocied anO rccdrl wwuncct In flnd inc pmcts and ck in bt-.nraa. Come la ar4 talk U ovar. Ak f-f P. Lock woo t and Geo 1 Alana.-. or Harry T!l.-bay City Macacer. v'.h flour pid:n l4. JJKN WANTED Ae 35 to HA. tor nromen. 10 monthly. nd brakemen. on ceurby railroad. Exparteuce unnecoasary ; no airlka. f'rotnotlon to enniwr". coa ductora Railroad employ Lis bcadqx:ar te- over 5o man aent to poilDt month y. Ftate ae. Send atamp. Rail ' Association, care Oregonian. 1HK UK KATE Ft OLLni. WOKTMAN ex KIM STORK. Ktprnrncd ktrtmakt-r. K per ir need coat maker. Kiierlenced man fitter. Man tailor for ladtei' alteration depart- pp!'- betnren and 1 A. M. IV HiiH. ace Jfl la 1. In t.ffira of lum br rrt.nie rmnpan) ; excllit oppor tunity for -lanrtneni. AddreM n own handwriting- tatun ae. jirhooliriK, pre i iona experience. If any. AK it--. Ora- UMAX-I hare Mnln for one more "it)i rat:y wlermnn ; Nr. x m e tatrable: rotnmU Kn 'n:-. but I'beral. Ap t lv f'ren n. 4 lumb:rmn i. H. WANTLl Men at ! Angele; no eapenea :o !nj trwie le.-tn:Uy autoniobilea, plumb ifg. brick :avlna b, actual wurk. con:rict !'lm: only few montr required: -k atudenta laat ear. -aia;ue frta. L"n.teJ Traca ekojti Cor tra. tin; Co.. Lr Anarelaa. SOOKK Lk.rKlt wanteoT uteady ituat:on tor on m it- i a pa hie bokkejr and collnor. rl'' and lvr full parflrulnra :n flrl Irttrr with aalary rxp-ted. Ad 4ira amphell- KoIIit.411 i "o.. Kun. t '". It' yoti are n-t a t LMtrvi wttn ur ir Feiiho. it U our biwrt"a to hP yon; rit for our w ratal'ira INT K it N A TIONAL CUIIRKSPONUL.NCE5 SCHUUL-S. -3 Alder at-, Portland, or. uneu t P. M. w ANTfclJ A oun mn to act as ales man and learn tne real entate buatneea; ro-d money now and an xcllnt future. a: irin ft and Hi-. If p-estble. for Mr. Oirmn. Jno. p. Sharkey A Co.. 12 Va fh cor. Wathington. WANTEl 'Wan with pom experience In tm tndow trtnimlng. who Is wili ng to make Pirrtlf usf f il m the dry good, gents furnishing and sIumi d-pai tmrnta. A for A. M. 1-ara. at Hotel I'nrnMus. be tween 5.30 and ? a until nla. VAN and w tf. to work n on hird; matt to ciar land, etc., wtfe to to wahmg for small f 4mtl. I?np-r iai Hotel, from I..;o t- 4 P. 11.. Thutada. lniutre for T. E. Manchester. LEA RN automobile drlvmit anl re-airn.t. fornon. af term.on and rvmii c clasars. erv easv terms, largest atiop Angi ls Auiomoi-ile Arailemy, office JtJi Wash ington s'ret. room 417. lu-o mens ! gs wanted for 5'm plrs f Pants. A large assortment at SJ-ji. Great l arrain. d i o patterns Worth a,1 & it. $4..iu. Jtminie Dunn. :U3 Oreav tiian bullying. b men a rain-itts m aie. RcTular $1H to P.'O alue. $11.40; 125 to $10 valtieji. $I-.7.V No high rent to pa. You rave $S to $15 on a rtncoat. Jimmle Latin. 315 Orego m in building A N rt.L Mid-lle-ased man for night por ter In first-class hotel In 'entrl Oregon; must hae references as to sobriety, etc.; a splendid home ani fair rk'vi for good man. Apply L 321. Oregonlaru MO VI NG-l'HTlJ Ht: O PER ATOHS Earn $25 to 140 weekly ; you can learn business In short time : terms to suit. Ne York Prhool of M. P. operating, .'s': Washington St.. near 17th. A GOD. stftaxly. Industrious married man, no children, to tak care of horses. In quire at S Eaat Tt a North; none but married men ned apply. LAll.WAY mail clerks, postofnee cierks and carrlera examination In November; saiary up to $l-"; free book 30. Paclrlc states School. McKay bldg. CARPENTER and two helpers for country; a tout tt woeks' work. Inquire for K. E. Manchester at IinfierlaJ today between I :u and 4 P. M. WANTED Active young m;i. plain w rlt r. accurate at figures, for freight clerk on river boat; wages board aid lodging; Uply full". AH "21. regnln. WANTED Bova over 1 as rheck bos; excellent chance to larn telegraphy. Ap ply chief operator. W. L. TeL Co., 5th iionr .Worcester bldg CK. s-her. competent man. to ink chars a of kitchen In country hotel. 25 boarder, served family style: state waga expected. Hotel Lebam. Lebam. Wash. " W A NTFD. Men to work on farm and do general work. Fred T. Merrill. 334 Oak; after noons. TOCNG nun. tenogrspher. owning type writer; miut hae sme e-xprrtence In farm Un- Call on J. H. Hartog. 6 Chamber of Comnerx. HXPtllltNTED woman coik for camp, in or 1 2 men out of town, good camp, everything . handy; ro objection to one child, W Oregvalan. . ItAlLWAT matt clerks. Portland examina tions Norember 13. fte to $1400. Prepa ration f-ee. Frmnklln Institute, Dept. 31$ T. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Stout lad to afsist with Jan itor work tn exchange for omi-so in bHk keeping. shorthand, etc. W -$22. Ore-g-tM;an. COMPETENT male stenographer wanted by large corporation, this ctt: ftate age. -oertenee and salary desired: yle tele phone number. A D 322. Oregonlan. WANTED at once- Two hr.g'u Mi for city n-eserger service; gv.l i lun e f,tp ad-vm.em.-nt Apply R. W. Nebtt. Maratutlt Weila Hardware Co. W ANTE D A nrst-clawi bHkketpr to take rlrge of offic; mut e thoroughly fa miliar w 1th keeping books. Answer at once. A K 32 I. rnonln. WANTED An aLetait -ooke;ir; etate ."! r exper.ence ani nWYficf f nil ; mcd a: s'n to atart ; girm pcne numkr. "21. r-goiln. W A NTKD Kirst-clasa clr u!til..n tnar to handle circulation of the Morning Asto rian, Addrs the J. S. le I linger Co. Astoria. Orrfon. M ANTED A fl'St-cia rooi other need apply. I'ahington at. shoe B. H. Baker. 2.7 B'KKEEPING $" coi:re ty accoamanL. So) M-i.-hants Trust bldg. barker w ni'.i e r i mo-o -Plastcrei s. East 0k and llci. HELP WANTE l -FEMALE. Gil. I. fr P.ngllso. gxncrwl lousework; iuusi pa ,oi ltvejoy ,M. WANTCl' ;irl P b-T 777 to assist In office work. GIKL tng. for eenersi botisMWo-k. must do cook- pply mornings. 1 St. C air st. GIRL for light oftl.e and aatrv A -'t?.i. iork: g1e regori'an. WANT ED A girl f-r laundry mending, private famfK. phono ork ad Main 1 17 ' M AN to wrk in kitchen am a 11 rel,u lanu 23 Taj lor mU Hr.LT WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Otrui over 1 as check girls, good opportunity to learn telegraphy. Ap ply Chief Operator. v. L. Tel. Co.. 5th fi'MT, orr-ester Bldg. SILVfciKFIELD rOMPAXy. 4rh and Morrison sa.. Riulre the rvi'-es of nrt -class ; j c n . d Pur salesladies. Appl y at 4tn f r. LADY nirnitr. eTer)enrd. for n1ht work. iioun u p. M- ! e A. M. ; nr nx rererenc; first -rlass place. Meves Restaurant, 105 ;h st. OIKI.! to lay macaroni on tras; ood a: itrady mpio ment. Apply North weal era Macaroni Factory. 526 Qllsan. roner 1th. WANTED A competent and experienced woman fur rooking nd cenaral house work ; best of tifM; muil give refer fnrw fail ti.t K- 2th St. EXPERIENCED girl who thopouithly under stands altering corsets. Apply bet. and L A. M to Supu of Oiae, Wort man A King GIRL WANTED. 2 FTiONT ST. VN'ETliRX MANTLE CO. GIRI. to work In. bakery: nent and cltn; m uf know jiotnet hing about plain cook Ina. 555 Wftflhinaton ml., corner lith. M.imha'l j:;n. :HIm1(;H1. wajit-J to awi: with hou "rk. an;ail rami' . mr btjth. publle ami Othillc a hlA -J- Btanton t. Pbone t2M 4 Cm. OliiU about 17 to attend firl 10 eara old after r''lii hours. 11:? to rt, and atur tla v afit rn.,ona: waiee month. Apply sv 1'fkuni Mdg. KJ.viMfc.r:s Yoiinn ladles for alteration iteptinnifnt : alo rlrl apprentlrrs. Ap p.y b-t-n and i .V. M. Wort man ai Ktng. W A .NT Kl Gl rl for aienera I house work, small famllv, sjihvI waitea. Mrs. H. A. Jackson. 7i'. Ha Im-v St.. take Broadway car. Phone Kast :WX WAN "TE D ; experienced waltrcsaea for llrst-clasa hotel In Central Oregon; (tod arn, tmr- paid : references required. Apply L 3-1. Oregon tan. V AN I KL Girl hounrmirk; 1! Woni la n sV or for arnall icetit'ial hOUe. family ; .NThl Comp-t-nt glri lor general housework in Irvtngton home. Apply I. r.ami -tih st. North, phone East Kj, ElERIi:xEl wiiiirua for lun'heoo 1 1 : M till 2 1'. M. Womam Kxchange, 18d u:h street. G ! skirt ma kr ana apprenllcf: ray whiic l am. ng. Room i.ij, Hamilton Mln.. 5tlt floor. WANTED Glrllodi general housework 3 In family. For particulars, caJI at 25, Alder at. allLLINERY saleswoman: ouithl v t xpenenced and Pvis. V14 Jd ft. must be thor- capable. Fraley AT .N E E aerlf.m el maker and aecond trimmer. .M me. Randall. Krench Milli- niy. 44 Wa!hiiiUn at. YuL'NG clrl to as?iat housekeeper In ren rial house work fur t wo iiiuits: good w Kea. A ppl.'r room SOI. Dekum bin?. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGLNCi. C43H Washington bt.. Cor. 7 Lb, Lpstaira, Phone Main -Q2. WANTEis Girl. permanent home; go-.d Mrs. K. Roper, Toledo, '!"vlA Address Wash. GOOO girl wanted for waitress; good wages. California Restaurant, lot! 4th atrcet. Van router. Wash. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. Sani tary Beauty Parlors, oo-4 12 Dekuzn bulld- irg. ENPKRIENCEU nursery risitm-e or af tern oon. KlBndem. Main -rL. . governeya. either Mrs. Nunn, ' bWlTCHES made. W.'.c: eanlLary Beauty p. Ir. 41HJ-412 lekum buhding; Marshall I7oi V . TKD An experit-iu-ed lad v prtssrr at WHIamrttf lye Wok. ad at. Good at:?. Phont Main i.'l'J. A NTKD Girl for genera,! housework ; German or Norwegian preferred. i"-6 V.twt Purnstde. 4V ANT EI Young girl who attends school. r n.m and board tn return fi-r Tvlcr. 715 no m ?it- c ' part n ten t a. No. CAII GIRLS, over 16 years of age. Olda. Wortman St King. Apply bet. 8 and 10 A. M A ANTBP Girl for iWTal housework.- fm' Hy ..f four. Apply 7tiG TiliamMk in., Irv lnrt.n. IIIih itl.ATi-: and bonbon dipper v aniefl once at .72 Jd; $li per week; finest shop in city. lit tOKKKKPKR for w hnlesale hou; hon e; and accuracy more than experience. .j-t. iregonian. W A N Tr-I Woman to assist In housework and look after children : must sb-ep home merits. KnM Ev-rett St.; E A. rur WANTED Keflnea. cpabi. woman ir ponslbie position. V iavl Co.. 40V Koto chhd bldg . 4th and Washington. WANT E I Com pet en t glr! I do cooking Good wagea. where tMteond girl la kept. Everett street. WANTEO Gtrl to do second work and at st st with child. French preferreO. Call mornings, M;iln 314 ft. WANTED Schoolgirl to assist with house work; good home and small wages, Pbone Home IMS. WANTED A lady to work in boartilng lruee for her anl huiibHiid's rnnin and board. 121 Ruwll si. Phone East :i7. WANTED Girl fi.r general housework and iuht oktng: good wag and god lnme for trie right gtrl. Call UK4 Park m. E. PKKIKNCKD walrmaker and appren tices. Room 202 Tll'ord bldg.. luth and 51-irrlson. EXPERIENCED saleswomen for gloea and hosiery. I-ennun s Specialty Glove and Hosif rv Ftore. 3H Morrison St. Gl Hi, or w omio for general housework ; plain cooking, family of three. 9 East 3Jthsu Phone East 2041. WANTED Experienced fitter; town In Idaho; good salary. Apply office Im prtal Hotel, bet. 10 and 12 A. M URa. hOWS'3 LADIttJ- AGENCY, 426 va Washington St.. Room 314. Main 8 S3 6 or A 326tL EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; must be good cook. Inquire 1051 Vaughn st.. Willamette- Heights, forenoon. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and general housework. 7;4 Irrlngton comer 24th Main S-3--, A 118X WANTED Lady assistant bookkeeper; give references and phone number; wages $$ Pr week. M 31. Oregon lan. G I R 1 -S wanted. Modern Confectionery Co., 13th and Hoyt ste. AN experienced lady clothes lronr anli. I. ace Hous Laundry. 2ti-j North 2"th st. GOOD girl for general housework; home. 413 E 12th au. N.Eait 1311. gooU WANTED Pants finishers and operators. 2:;: H Washington street, room 17. Gl RL to aaslst general housework : small family. 743 Overton. Tel. Main Alios. GIKL to assist with general housework. Ap- ply 747 Glisan st.. mornings. G I HL for general housework ; small family. 2S2 N. 2u:h st.. corner Overton. PREijSErtH wanted. .V.l I'niun avenue Broadway Dye Works. North. WANTED A German or Swedish girl fur general housework. 394 College st. THE WARDROBE V'cswers. wants experienced lady Yol'NG ladv to answer telephone and take ordTs: $ : per month. C 321, Oregonlan. A 11 RL In small family for general house work. Call MO Thurman st. WANTED Reliable work; wages iZO girl for 41 Hi general bouse- iSMlO St. NE T. qplck dining-room girl Stein's Rtaurant. 122 1 4th st WANTED Two mllllnerx makers and aeam-t-r. King A Co . 35 3 Aid e r. DKA PKRY sew ers at Olds. Wortman A Kmg'. Apply between 8 and 10 A. M. WANTED Two giria at t. Nlcholaa Cafe lerta. 125 Uh su 0Y SEPT. TiT girl for oklng and some boueework. 610 Spring St.. 'trtl"d Heights. GIRL for general houseaork; good cook. T trcotiian. W A N T E f ing. T tea-herv. Apply m I45j let st. GIRI wanted to asit with general house work M5 Kcirney. LfctfijONd In shorthand and typewriting by expert; $5 a month. S6tt 14th. 5fain $y$. WANTED Man'rurtst. y-rung. st shop, room 227. Commercial Club barber Mde. GIP1.S wanted for finishing wora In labora lory. fllumauer-Frank rug Co. APPiiENTI'ES and helpers on skirt and smt Tevadale. 5tMnrquam bldg. GIRI- general housework, two in family; e no w a xa. TO Ella St. EIVE An tt-hers on pants, also learnera. steady w.trk -t 5th st.. room r"5. WANTED Competent girl general bousw work; ws g I-5 JN7 Ptout st. Gl HI J WANTED Apply Troy C o n . p any. 2ol Ett Vatr st. Laundry WANTED Girl for light housework, in family Call IH8 Rodn e y are. A NT ( Etpenenced rirls In tailor shop at onv. t all 4? Washington bldg. W A NTFP o experienced nrmrator for Xurtoula Hotel, call bet. 1 and 2 o'clock. HELP WANTED XM ALE. WANTED Your a; lal for telephone pr- anng; wttn or without experience, pp-3 The Parlflo Telephoc A Tslearapb Cora pany. 6th and East Ankeny eta., or Was Park aad Alder at. ' WANTED TODAY. Camp cook. $0. Cook and waltreen same hotel, $65. - 3 hotel cooks. $4). .1 wait resses and 1 chambermaid, t 4terher. fare advanced. nalirenses. to a.1A. SollrMora. Hft per week. Nursery governess. 30. Panrrv woman. 925. and 3 maids, S: rarh jer month. Houjtekcrpcrs. f20 to $2". Laundress for prtvate family. $.10. "ook and maid In private family, t0. Other good positions. PAnnc EM PliOYM BNT CO., . LatllMa prpt. 2i. 'i Morrison. HOTF.l, rooks. $35 and H0. ramily cook. 4T . Chambermaid. t:;.1 and 1-5. Chambermaid (out of c!tv. Wattres3.s, $, j: and $10 week. Vamllv In undress. $J0. SAnd girl. 15. Tlousekee per. ljt i 'amp waitress. ?.'I0. Clerk bakr-. 1 nnrt bnrd. 1IANSEVR EMP. OFFICE. Wajhinaton st.. R. 7. WAIST and skirt hands for dressmaking de pviment. H. U. Lltt. Washington street. W A X T K It : nod -lfl nr mlddle-aeed msn for trenerat housework on fruit ranch. nrmr 3tdford. Oregon: wages $25 per month: two In family; no hflp boardeo, no ouislda work transnortatton furnished and will also ftirnLh return transorta tionlf not satisfied. C 317. Oregonlan. WANTED Women and girl to make shirts and overalls. lit Hood Factory. Couch. WANTED Competent and reliable young lady bookkeeper and stenographer; one that Is willing to start with $40 per month ; belnnor preferred : references re quired : answer In ou n handw riting, giv ing telephone number. G 3 24. Oregonlan. WANTED A convincing saleslaay- to el property with merit back of It; excellent opportunity to make tie money. Call be tween 2 and 4 If possible for Mr. Glrton. Jno. p. Sharkey Sc. Co., 122 6th au, cor. Washington. WANTED Girl fnr general housework, 8 In famllv; no washing; good wages; refer ences required, rhone C 1S84. 48 Han cock st. EXPERIENCED woman fur general house work, good cook. 2 In fam 11 y. no ch 1 ! -drn, $40 per month; none but experi enced need applv; refcrencea required. Ap ply flsd Ktllott ave., Ladd's Addition, from ft until 12 A. M. TELEPHONE switrhboard operator and adding machine operator. Chance for ad vancement. Give reference1, phono num ber and salary expected. J 325. Oregon Inn. W A NT ED Intelligent lady. possessed of tact and education, to organize for us tn various cities of the Padnc Coast; must be or mature age and able to furnish references . All 8Ifl. Oregonlan ANTE Girl. 16 to 20 year old. to asslM with housework and 3-year-old child, one having experience taking care of children preferred: gd home to the right party. Call at 7tA Marshall rt.. 23d-st. car. WANTED four, a: -Girl for general work, family of 1 Johnson at. HELP WANTEDMALE OR FEMALE. POSITIONS for graduates last ear: men and women to learn barber trade la e weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn frcm $13 to $23 weekly; expert Instructors : tools free; write for cala loguea Mohler Syatem of Col leg as, 31 yorth 4th su. Portland. Or. MAKE money writing- storlea for newspaper; big pay; send f T free booklet; tells how. I'nlted PrtM Syndicate. San Francisco. BOYS and clrls, lit years old or over; good wages and steady work. Multnomah ko hitlr Mills. Sellwood. CtlPON agents wanted, new proposition. Dufrense btulo.2b w ash. st. FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. 611 8wet- land building. WANTED lo hopplrkers. Apply office, 61S H P. M. Worres:er bldg., 9 A. M., WANTEI Teacher for lessons on guitar; state terms. AG 21. Oregonlan. SnXATIOX WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers andCIerka. AtTDITOR. expert bookkeeper, coet account ant, typist and up-to-dnto young buffiTie. man of 3', wishes poaltUm with aome god Portland firm; am a university man, a-curate and reliable and will accept any pos: tkn where honeMy, ability and Industry counts; unlimited references. E 32.1, Ore gonlan. Y'Ol'NG man. 25 years of age. 11 years' ex perience in cry goods, furnishing goods, fancy goods, notions and shoe, experi enced In buying and managing; depart ment, desires position Eastern Oregon, Washington, Idaho for Montana. T 323. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER, familiar with all office forme and methods, having large general office experience, able to handle aome correspond ence, would like position w-ltto a small firm taking charge of all bookkeeping: no ob eotkn to going out of city. G 325. Ore gonlan. Yol' NG man not afraid of work, well edu cated! good bookkeeper, aa well as clerk for store, desires employment; preferably country. AC 325. Oregonlan. SITUATION" by young man. having been em ployed with larg Eastern firm t superin tendent; would like to start auanytblng. G Oregon tan . EXPEUIF7NCBD man. 37, will a.-ept - any kind office work except stenography ; mod erate ealsry; highest recommendations. 1030 N. Grand. YiH'N'G man would like to get work In mens clothing store; has had some ex perlence. Address Charley Clements, city. YOCN'G man of 2.". with office and store experience, want a position with chances for ad vancement. L. M i 11 e r. Gen. Del . GOOD bookkeeper wants work: ran fill any position In general store. AK 322, Ore gonlan. M AN. :tt. desires position w ith reliable firm in office or outside; ca?h bond If required. C 322. Oregonlattu BOOK KEEPING position wanted by man with io years experience, v sue, orego nlan. l i aeel lan eou a YOLNG man with experience would like po te po-reier- iltlon watchman In city; ences. Oregonlan. WOULD you lire to secure services of a live young tnan for position that requires tact? D 325. Or cjnlan. CHAtKFEUR wants situation; strictly tem perate; gnou rererences. waiter Alier. Phone Sellwood 1014. MARRIED man from ut desires Job as steim engineer: can furnish references. Address .F. F. Sutterfleld, Portland. Or. EXPERIENCED Japanese wan La position aa Janitor or porter at a lore or of nee. B 319. Qrgonlan. W ANTED Position by fl rat-class bartender with rererences; married. AJ 321, Ore-coni-tn. GEN TLEMAN wants work Saturdas to help -through college; experienced furnish intf goods saelsman. AD t22. Oregonlan. Bl 'ILDUR'S working foreman. firat-cUss car- rentt-r. wants position; steady and reliable. H32t,OTesjonian. JAPANESE wants situation, any kind work, mornings or evenings. V K24. Oregon i an. CARPclNTL.t wora. ny aiuo, 'met. Phore Marrhall -IT? J KPANESE schoolboy wanta position In private family. A F 3?1. Oregonlan. CHKV. flrst-clssa all-round, wants position. ritv or country. AD 323. Oregonlnn. CARPENTtiR want woik; nonunion ireferred. G. A. L.. w27 Michigan ave. JAPANESE wants situation.- general help, kitchen urdlnlng-doom.V 325. Oregonlan. WANTED A eon tract to. cut 500 oords of wotd. M 522, Or'gonUrr ; A nW"D. awber. steady ir tn. t r n g ' r. wuahea ltvation in stable. Y SI I. Qregoi:ian. JAPANESE i bout"" work. oy wants position T 52 1. Oreconmn. general J A PA NEiiE boy wants position as cook tn famllv. 22 Rth st. K. Nogachl. NICK Japanese school boy. V boy wants position 25. Oregonlan, SITUATION' WAXTEI 31 ALE. Miscellaneous. PRINTER iZSt. all-around man of 18 ears practical experience, city and country, de sires sltuauon as foreman; first-class ex ecutive, estimator; married; strictly tem perate; best of reference. J. Harry King, 50jiK.Chej.tnuf atreet, Mt. Vernon. Ohio. TOl'NG MAN, 22 years of age. from engineer ing college, wante situation with contracting- firm; wages no object; good references. Af!drM L 517. Or go man. WINDOW trimmer and show card writer, tieirea position; best of references, single, no objection to coins; out of city. F 317, O.'egonian. MAN and wlf desire position as cook and chambermaid In good commercial hotel, tn or out of city. Address room 7. 263 5tb st. STEADY, re I i a b I ei n n2 7 . g oo d character and references. 1 arm;n bond if desired, wan is employment w noiesale firra. L ZZi. Ore- ronlan. JANITOR wants position In public or private building; have had A yearj' experience tn this ) city; can give Al rerercm-e. & wre gon lan. A 15-YEAD-OLD POY wishes a home where he can work before and after school for his board; must be near high school. B 325, Oregon iaii. W A N'T Eli Position by experienced stock, man. B; will tnke chickens on slmrvs. Call or address C. E. Wrisht, New Kcott Hotel. Portland, Or. YOI'NG man of -good addr-- wishes eome thlnn to do Sundays. K 22. Oregonlan. SITUATION V ANTE I V -FEM A LE BoH.keepers and hteDOgrnftherw. EXPERT lad" stcnofrrapher with tvpe wrtter and mult (graph ileaires permanent position ; will ustj machines. Address L 3l2t Oregonlan. LADY eienographer desires permanent posi tion; good speller; retorencee. Main rm 7. WANTED Position by stenogranher of eT moderate wages. Phone Main perlence; 0477. YOI NG lady stenographer, two years erlf-nro. desires position. Phone A J Dreftsnmken. DRESSMAKING, evening ?nd princess gown. $fl to $12; alo plain sewlr.g. suite o. W illiam ave. MIDDLE-AGED, practical experienced nurso. charge matcrnit v. nivalin, enwd ; reason -able. Call Alain 3:?hs. PRACTICAL nutfe wants maternity A 47. or care of invalfd. COMPETENT girl wants position as nurse maid or second plrl. f all M. I'.'tJ. Housekeepers. YOUNG womnn with child or S would like to do housekeeping for widower or bache lor, or take charge of small apartment or rooming-house; good references. Phone Main S"0o. REFINED, capable." elderly woman desires llshl housework In refined family if twy (no nafhlns); Portland or clo. in. Box 2-i4. Arlington, Or. POSITION as liouscker Jor f'r bachelor or widower with good home, in city or coun try A J "2't, Oregonlan. Domett ics. COMPETENT. mU'dle-agcd woman wants chamber or housework. AdIrew 5Mi Davis st. BOOKS kepi, periodical visit, by account ant; moderate terms. AK 321. Oregonlan. A CTOMOBI LE, sheet metal work, radiator. lamps and fender repairing. 106 N. 3d Ht. EXPERIENCED girl wantH housework; small family. Call 60S E. 10th bt. GIRL wishes general house work In private family. tiOi'y Marshall t- Miscellaneous. CH i EDEEN'S dre.-isiraker and good general !toamt rx would like otigagements by tne dn y. L 521. Oregonlan. ELDERLY conk. Eastern experience, can cook for large private fnmMv; strictly com petent. Mrs. Smith, Marshall 51!. room 27- NORMAL graduate, experienced tutor, would ke to help pupils n un uin icuit lemons; :nus reasonable. Phone Main Soi;s. YOL'NG lad", good sight reader, desires posit ion In an orchestra. AN 521, Ore gonlan. . EXPERIENCED woman wants work for 1 hursday and Saturday; cleaning prefer red. Main 3l. TOl'NG Indy deKlies a position in a music store. AM ;2 . orogonian. WANTED lVrtition by flrrt-clas waitress or cashier In restaurant or hotel. Phone e. ftHv. TOl'NG lady wihe ptltion aa companion to lady. AN 2... oregonian. WANTED ilt!on u manicurist In barber hop or hotel. E 322. Oregonlan. WOM AX wanta day work ; re f wrences. Mar- shHlt 27S5. lOOW with jwiirII child wantji position aa houseKeepr or hourt'work. F 324. Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown nursery stock Is la aemana: saies mis season will be immense; a flattering op- ort unity; cash paid weekly; outUt free, alem Nursery Co.. galem. Or. ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 weekly selling trees for the Oregon Nursery com pany. Liberal proposition; goou territory. Address orenco. Or. AGENTS wanted to aid us supply tne de mand for choice nursery siock; outnt free: cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. WANTED TO RENT. WA.Xi.4u 1 0 xiiLNT. aye furaUu the renter, collect the rest, pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs, the same for you as though the prc-perty w as oar own; ref erencss, any bank la i-ortlaDd THi CHAW-FEAR COMPAXT, 245 Stark 6t. Phones A 25uG. Main 33. Hoa. RESPONSIBLE party, accustomed to own home beiore coming to oriuina, aesire to rent modern elegantly furnished b-room house in attractive location on West Siae; best references given. Frank F. Mead, 253 Ford jt. Main 3o30. FAMILY of three wishes to rent a nine or 10 room, furnished or unfurnished house, well located on the West Side, for nine months or longer; good rent and care for something desirable: best references. Ad dress W. J., care Imperial Hotel. FURNISHED H O U S E. Wanted to rent, furnished house, 7 or 8 rooms. West Side, west of 16th and north of Washington ; references ex changed. Phone Marshall 823 or Main 1175. WANTED Two-year lease, modern fcotuae. five bedrooms, west of INth. south of Overton, or Portland Heights. Piefer unfurnished; mall family- AM 323, Oregonian. WANTED Room and board by young man who plays violin occasionally. V 31b. Ore gonlan. HOUSE, modern. 6 to 8 rooms; state price, location. D 317. Oregonlan. WANTED 5 o nished house. 6-room campletety f ur B 31S, Oregonlan. WANT to buy furniture of 10-room house in. E 324. Oregonlan. Apartments. WANTED TO REN T A five or six room cottage or a four room apartment, modern and furnished, at reasonable rent. Address IE 323, Ore gonian. Rooms. TWO housekeeping rooms, adults. 6 Kant :Mt)i si. by family of 3 Rooms With; Hoard. t ESI RED by young man, room and board, within walking distance f E- 25th and Hol laday ave. H 32V. Oregonlan. WANTED Furnished room and someone to care for 6-year-old boy; must be lose in. Address V 321, Oregonlan. NICELY furnished room with two meal. by man and wife; business people; perma- nent; close In. V 323, Oregon i a n. FOR 2 gentlemen, in private family, close In on West Side only. Address D. P., 67 North 7th. FOB RENT. DO.VT OVERLOOK. TH I H TODAY. "MILNEH BLDG," ZbO MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASOXABL3 NEW furnishings In every room; privilege of baths for good class men. week or month, S25 to oo per month. o'X'elll, Alder and W. Fark HOTEL 1KVLN G. S12 Oak ai.. cornet &Ltta; large, light. Iry rooms, elegantly furuufheu; else ma lights, runnlr-g watr; low rate. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, opp. PorGaad Ho tel, W0 Yamhi.l; flrvt-class furnished rooma, auigle or en suite, modern; f5 up; traasiaau Solicited. Main L A 7177. NICE large furnished front room, suitable for two people; all convenience; close in; (4 per week. 251 7th st 'xiiE HAiEL Nlcelj-furnished. ateam-heat-td room, with running water. 35 3d sc. cor. Montgomery. MoLErCN outside rooms. .5o to $J per we lncludlnr baths: also oouekepLnj- rwuina. M8',4; Washington st. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sta. wLl furnished Sleeping rooms, i-5v per wee; eltclriQ lUhts, hot hatha free. FOB RENT. Furni-tif-ft K'totBaa. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL. ALDER THE CAPLE3 Corner 4th. 350 Taylor, and Alder st. near 7th. These two beautiful new hotels Just completed and handsomely furnished, po sess every modern convenience including elevator service and private telephone ex change. Both are right down town, yet Just off all carlluedf about half the rooms In each have private baths, all others bot and cold water. The rates are surprie Ingly low. call and see them ana you wni be pleaseu in every way. Rooms by the day, week or month. HOMELIKE. HOMELIKE. HOMELIKE. NEW SCOTT HOTEL. Seventh and Ankeny bis. Our many guests have found the best. And friends they teil a few If you would have a peaceful rest. And cheerful thoughts rensw So hurry, Mr. Traveler, .it s LP TO YOU. A DELIGHTFUL EXTRA LARGE ROOMS Newly and attractively furnished; abundance electric lights, gas, heal, I wo largo clothes closets, large windows, high ceilings, hot and cold water, private jaili. fireplace, easy walking distance, quie se lect neighborhood. o20 Montgomery, cor. Sixth, Phone Marshall 2575. HOTEL HA VOX. 12 J Seventh t. Few, modern brick building. Mean htaied, private baths, hot and cotd water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and com (or; a bl. Kates very reasonable. Call and see ua Hig'Ulax and transient tra4a m solicited. EOTBL SARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. an A Hawthorne. Phone Li: 91, connecting every rvom. Private batba elevator, firsc--lass grill. Special rates by week or month. American or Europeaa. Transients willclted. GRAND UNION HOTEL. 3674 E. Burnslde. How would you like desirable quarters for the Winter? Steam heat, hot and cold water, rooms single or eu suite; ioms with private baths. Rates f ro m $2.00 to 1 8 a wee k. EaM 5U4 or B 1275. HOTEL BUtSHMARK. Washington and 17th, hrc-class furnlabsd ro.;ma. eu.fiie or en ulte; all modern coa yenleticei: $3 week. y up. A 2tt47. M. 5d47. Purni.shcd Rooms In Private 1'amiljr. LARGE room, furnace heat, hot water, bath, phone, every comfort. In beautiful corner liniwp, furnished only three weeks ago; yestSlde; terms moderate. Phone A 2547. STEAM-HEATED room, with every modern convenience. Apply to Janitor, Kearney A pit rt monts. NICEfA furnished mmo In private home; gentlemen only; breakfast if desired; take W car. G7 4 Johnson st. NICELY enees; furnished room, modern conveni price $lu to $20 per month. 52 -V Idih FINELY furn'Jbhod t eani-hcatcl room, excel leni Iward on-block. 715 Johnson jt. Fnone A1575. NICELY furnished rooms, furnace heat; show er bath; fireplace. fine residence district, private family. C32 Flanders. NEWLY furnished room (pentlemen only), modern conveniences, central, with private party. 404 Clay, near RHh. PLEASAXT downstairs room, suitable for one or two; "CLEAN"; 5 minutes' walk - from Steei bridge. 2f5 j HtMladay ave. NI3WL Y furnished room, all conveniences, lady prtfered. 49 N. 14th street, 2 blocks north ot Washington. Main 3005. NEATLY furnished room for a gentleman; reasonable; walking distance, est) Taylor street; " N ICE large room for two gentlemen. 119 Lownsiiale, bt. Morrison and Alder. FL'RN LSI! ED suite, very central; suitable one or two kidics. Main bKIU. NICF.LY furnished room, suitable for two adults; bath and telephone. 45 N. 21s: st. LARGE front reasonable. room for 1 :;oi ii th st. or 2 gentlemen, GOOD ROOM, new house, walking distance, Wut feUdc; gentlemen. Main 'J-VJ. Uxi RENT Large front room, suitable for 2. Call 204 McMillan street. LA RGE bay-window room, also small one. 210 V North 22d st. XH ELY furnishocj front bedroom in good :ocation. 2riti 12th st. LARGE sunny room; tise of bath and phone, on Johnson St., near 23d. Phone A 2H2. CLEAN, well furnished rooms; hot and CviO water. 2HS 14th at. South. Main 6763. LARGE front room, all newly furnished; gas, bath and phone; $12. 525 Couch st. TWO clean, per week. ight rooms for $2 !"l Nth" st. South. and $2.50 Room With tsoara. PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and library. BIO Flanders. Miss Frances X. Heath, aupt. TH E MAG SOLAS, nicely furnished rooms, with board ; reasonable. 617 Kearney. Main 3yti. ELEGANT front rooms for 1 board, reasonable charges. r 2. first-cta 374 Park. BOARD and rooms; splendid location; strict ly modern; home cooking. 3S5 Mill st. THE CALVARD 152 Morrison, corner Uth"; moras en su I teorsi n g ie. Rooms With BnardinpriTate Family. ROOM and board In private family tor two young ladles; walking distance. homo, cooking, cheerful home; references. 503 13th st. NEWLY furnished rooms with board; lnuy teacher or stenograph"!- preferred: jrivat family; every convenience, close In. Phone Enst Mll. FINE quarters for 4 young men; home cook ing and reasonable rate; walking distance. Main 43M. NEWLY furnished rooms, with board. In pri vate family. Phone A 4051. J27 22d St. North, near GllFan. lOS'.a TENTH Large, nicely furnished front room with or without board; other rooms. ONE large and one small room, suitable for 2 or 3 men, with or without board. Phone East 2"m;. Call 595 E. Taylor, cor. loth. ROOM and board reasonable, home cooking, two meals: rooms for one and two people. 521 Hoyt st. A NICELY furnished front room, suitable for two; ga.". bath and phone, with board if de .ired. 208 Grant sL ONE large room with board for two gentle- ;nen. 104 N. 10th st. Phone Main V73. PRIVATE family can accommodate 2 4b.diei with room and board. Eas. 2bUL R(H)MS with board for 3 or 4 employed people. Main 54S. XrSLLEN"T table, elegantly furnished room. Phone Ea. 3177. Hi Front parlor for two gentlemen, all mod em conveniences. 470 Main st. Apartment a. ANGELIA apartments. 30 Trlniiy Place, be-tw-een HRa and 2otli, near Wash.; new management, new brick building. 2, 3, 4 ruom apartments, furnished and unfur nished, electric elevator, private bath, hot water, steam heat, phones, janitor service. KING HILL APARTMENTS. The select apartments ot Hob H1IL For terms apply to Janitor, cor. of King and Wayne aia. KEELER APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay sts. New brick building, 3 and 4-room family apartments, electric elevator, steam heat, disappearing beds, private bath rooms, free phones, etc. ; rent $25 to 50. WELLINGTON COURT. Corner 15ih aJid Everett u.. under new management.; mvdern 2, 3 and 4-room fur nihea. and unfurnished steam-heated apart- mentg. Fl VE-KoOM f urnishec apartment. modern la every particular; sieam-heated, hot wier, janitor services, witn first-class fur nishings Apply U Janitor. tk Kear ney st. ELAX-MYR Just opening, new fireproof brick, large light hall, ai! outside apart ments, automatic elevator, electrio uumb waiters, hot and cold water, private bath sieaui heat-. 228 N. 20th. cor Lovejoy. ONEOXTA API'S. 187 17th, south of Yarn bill (W. car at aepotj, ' and 3 -room fur nished suites, hot and cold water, tr enjt i,U th. M a la 4697, A 473 a. JUST OPENED THE WHITEHALL, 253 ftih t. 4 suuares above P. O. : famllv ha. ttL private baths and telephones; traa- sicnta solicited. THB BERYL." One anartmrnt tor rent on top floor; ele vator wt-rvlce. 6U5 Lovejoy sc. near 21st. BOZiANTA Newly iurniehesd 3 andV-'room apt., private phones and strictly modern; 2 : ; d near Johnaon mt. t THE LEOXCE Newly furnished 3-roora apartments; modern conveniences 186 North 224. THE CLIFTON Irving, near i'Sd; 6-room apartment, 115; hardwood floors. See janitor or Dr. Ball.. Dekum bldg. STANLEY APARTMENTS. 701 Washington Mrs. T. D. Hughea Modern 3 and 4 roornaiarmtnts;ery convenience, NEWLY furnished 2-room apt., new honi", good nelghboriroodj-S E. 20t h.Eaat 1430. ST. CLAIR. 715 Wayne et.; moaern six-room apartment, two porches. Phone Main 4030. FOL R rent. vry fin unfurnished Phone East 03 SL rooms for FOR RENT. Apartments. LUCRETIA COURT. The finest, most modern brick apart ment house, Just completed; everything fret-class; all outside rooms; apartments of 2. 3. 4 and 5 rooms witn all the latest conveniences; situated in the finest resi dence part of the city. Lucretfa st., near Washington, between 22d and 23d sta Apply to superintendent apartment 1. THE BANNER APARTMENTS. 489 Clay street, second house from i4lh, the only modern completely furnished 2 room apartment-house in the city; house and elegant furniture brand new : just opened for business; steam heat, electric liht, hot and cold water in every apart ment; private phone, bath; wa'king dis tance; 20. $2b. including electric light. Marshall 2074. CAMAR. Xew brick apartments; every convenience; two, three aud four rooms; furnished or unfurnished: south side of Lovejoy . St., near 2 2d. See janitor, or MARTIN & CAMPBELL. INC.. AGENTS, Room 1. Worcester bldg.. Phone Main 7391. HEINZ apartments, 14th and Columbia; 4 blocks south from Morrison st.; new brick building, completely first-class; furnished in 2, 3 and 4-room family apartmenta. private bath, reception hall, sream heat, hot watetr, elevator, free prone. Jam: or service; rent from 25 par month asd up. ALTAiiOT apartments. 5th and College; new' brick building, now being elegantly furnished, hardwood floors, siaam heat, nrivate nhone. bath, fireproof wall safe. reasonable. Phone Main tioiu. Janitor service. ORDER LEIGH APARTMENTS, Grand Ave. and Stark St. New fireproof brick buildini;. beautifully fnrnUhed. two and three-room cpart.ine7i private baths, wall beds, large clothes closets. Phone E. 300. K r cKOiX Apartments. 170 St. Clair near Washington. Two and thiee-room modern apartments. Fine re.ildence loca licn. Reasonable rent. Flats. FOR RENT A decided bargain, fashion able 5-room flat, close In on East S;de. big front and rear; every roou an outside room ; very handsomely fin lshed throughout; rent only $2.": be early or this will be taken; other tenants in tne. building have been there ever since built. A. B. WIDNEY. Main 6'J74, A 117i. tBoa id Trade. FIVE-ROOM modern fiat, fireplace, electric lights, gas. basement, rent reasonable. In quire at Ruelyers, Hart, Gibson Co., 140 2d street. 6-ROOM modern fiat, very pleasant, fire place, etc.; 0511 Pettygrove st.; evening! call Main olid, daytime. Main 2 1 iIU. MODERN double flat. East 21st st. Ke ai ffjii. Brooklyn car. ims each. 0i i llttli st. Rent NEW tt-room upper fiat, all modern conven. ences. Including fireplai-e, h). bin and Ore gon sta. Jbuue Bast 242. UPPER 4-room Hat. unfurnishetl ; bath, sta tionary tub. wooa holsi ; nu children. 51 3a st., corner of Grant. NEW modern rt-room lower upper ilat lb 3 L. 1 E. 17th st. Mam 67.9. tlai $2 th st.; ; i -room keys lt MODERN 0-room tlat, corner K. Uth anu Schuyler. Broadway car. Apply cottaga next door. PORTLAND Heights. 5it Davenixirt fct. Two 4-room turoiBheti ilatif, $20 and $25. Phone A 17e. FOR RENT Two modern o-nmiu fur nished flats, near 5th and Montgomery. 518 Oregonian pUIj?. .Mam 10;:. 5-ROOM modern uuier flat, Lovejoy near 2id ui. Vaiiduj n At Walton, 015 Chamber of Commerce. 4-ROOM modern flat, completely furnished, including piano, near 2:;d and Washington. Call morning anu evening. Main Mo. FOR RENT Xew flat, ienees, 18lh and E. U0o6. all moo. em conven -Ash sib. Phone B TWO new flats; gaa and electricity; 3 rooms eAch; no io nor chibiren. 3tii Cable m. MODERN, central, four-ioo'ii liai; aiso fi.l nished tlat; adults. 233 Hall, at'trnooi.; ROOMS, Miir. upper, modern ; M. 327S, A 32: rent reasonable. LOVELY new 1 104. 4-room flat SIS. East 5, B 5-ROOM new flat, every convenience, in, reasonable. 523 Flanders. TWO 6-room mdoern flats, fireplaces, and b9o Vz Nor t hi up. Main 5225. 68 NEW, modern Hat, 3 blocks east end Steel bridge. Phone Woodiawn IJio'J. FLAT of 5 rooms and bath. 5tb Salmon st. Key 6o0 Salmon. 6-ROOM flat, facing Isold's Addition, W-W car. 15th and Division sis. $20. UPPER 6-room flat, 4 71 t I'ark st. ; mod ern. Inquire 468 Park st. FOR RENT 3-room flat; roses lawn. 4U5 E. Pine, clone in. 2-ROOM modern flat, all cum en Ienees. quire 225 Market st. Phone Main 616. Housekeeping; Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec tric lights, hot w atei, bath, laundry, all free; $15 per month up; a clean piacu; best In the city ior money; shoii, distance irom Union Depot. Take " S' car or ltith-st. vcars north, get offatMarhuil st. No do(,at FIXE DOWNTOWN HOME. " "M1LNER ULJJO." 360 AlOKtUSON" ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. KKASOX ABJLE. UN FURNISHED housekeepings rooms, gas plate furnished, $1 per week; Helmont Apartments. 4b0 1 Helmonts. NEW, modern flat, completely furnished. $20 per month. Apply between 12 and 7 1'. BL 87i East Stark. 4 CONNECTING rooms, complete for house keeping, suitable 4 persons, walking dis tance; $25. Phone Marshall lh2Q. a WEEK. Clean, turmsned housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath, p::one, gas, heat, yard, clean linen. 4u6 Vancouver ave. 461 EAST Morrison, corner East Sth. com pletely furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable FURNISHED housekeeping suites; very de sirable. Call room 56, Cambridge Bldg., iird and Morrison. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms in now concrete bldg. Phone Woodiawn 2097- THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, f Or nish e d, 191 14th St.; transient solicited. $1.50 WEEK, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U car. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. 63 NORTH 20th, just opening, elegantly and completely furnished, for housekeep ing. In one. two and three room suites; also three roam suite with private gar- age. NKWLY decorated, furnished 2 and s-rc-om apartments, modern, reasonable walking distance, choice residence locality. 575 Main st. N E. W L, Y furnished, steam-heated house keeping rooms, choice location, walking distance, hot water, laundry, bath, phone. 656 Glisan. FOR RENT Two front rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; desirable location. West Si'le. Main 2fr 0. FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeeping apartments; private family; walking dis tance; modern. 6S7 Glisan St. TWO large connecting housekeeping rooms, finely furnished front rooms; first floor; price reasonable. 33 12th st. Main 8643. LARGE front room for 1 reasonable. 309 11th st. or 2 gentlemen; 2 OR 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, gas. bath, sink; reasonable. SU2 Front. COMFORTABLE housekeeping rooms. Phone, bath, laundry. Call 405 Stark. HOUSEKEEPING rooma. also sleeping room, every convenience. 173 N. l?th at. THREE connecting furnished housekeeping rooms; yard. bath, phone. Lo Yamhill st. TWO neat housekeeping rooms cheap. 7th st. Call after 1J. THREE partly furnished housekeeping rooms ; bath, phone, gas. 71 E. 3-lth st. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping light, phone and bath; $10. o7Q rooms; th st. BRIGHT, airy bedroom, running water, gas and bath. 591 7th st. TWO large unfurnished front rooms: phone, gas, running water. 52 Yamhill st. Houses. FOR fl ISN'T 12-rooin house. 274 24th ft., cor. Overton. Hot and cold water in every bedroom; fine neighborhood; modern con veniences. Inquire So 4th su, Henry Bids. Wakefield Fries 6c Co. will give lease MODERX 6-room house, furnace and two fireplaces, electricity and gas. i .no. b fc. 12th st. Call at room 301 Dekum bldg. A 5-ROOM cottage, strictly mod'ern. 609 Front st.. cor. Caruthers. $18 HOUSE, 6 large rooms, bath, gas. Is6 Curry st. "S" car. MODERN", clean 0-room house. 740 Roose velt st . north Portland. MODERN 0-room house. Portland. ' S05 1st St., South FIVE-ROOM cottage for rent, $13. Sherman St.. near 5d. $20 Four large room E&M. Phone Main 57 bungalow, .9. yard. 5-ROOM cottage for rent. 11.1. Phone Woodiawn 6-ROOM 205. modern house for rent. Phone B FURNISHED ave.. N. A five-room lit 1 650. 5.".5 1 1 1 use. 022 Union 6-ROOM hous. good condition, corner East Couch aud Third. Main 3225. FOR RENT. HA U'i'M A N & THOMPSON. Knl Kp;at Ltepartmenl. Chamber of Commerce. We have hoii-r pla.-s to rent a follow : 5 furnished fr.m ?15 to lo-. ti furnished from f?2i n $t5. Ard unlurnifh' u. from to S2."t. ft house." S houses fro ;ure. 2-id and eery; iiztj Irvlns its., fine location for gro Remember All in forma t:on will be given you over our counter by a specially emi'luoJ man who know The scarcity . it is the fastm own home. It f for rent i. bcausf n in I'oi'i la ji i r ou n your yvu hie ?2-"o call to maKs e will ht Ip ou buy. rien flrM payment call today. HARTMAX & THOMPSON', . Ural E.-t.-iio I pt. CJ.anibL-r of Commerce. THE GREATER MEIER & FRANK STORK RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Home-hunters, visit our up-to-date rental and information department, 4th floor, main building, and see the vacancies we have listed of desirable houses and flats. You'll save time In getting properly and comfortably located. We keep in touch with ail vacant houses, flats and apart ments hi the city. We also kea a list of now buildings in course of construction The combined lists of all real estate dealers. This information Is absolutely free. -WHEN YOU WANT TO RENT A HOU'SB SEE US." - -THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. WHEN jou move you'll need new furniture Buy It judiciously and the savlaga wilt ceed your moving expenses. Oar NO-RENT PRICES made us on ot the largest furniture houses in the city In two years. Lookers shown same courtesv as buyer. MGRG AN-ATCHLEf FURNITURE CO, b'.'-75 Grand ave. corner East Stark st. East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver carlinea :itei0J: RDUOR. IRVINGTON Attractive house; living-room, fireplace, bookcases, polished floor.-, pan eled dining-room, 4 bedrooms. s-ranis room; moiu-rn In every respect; l.tii. ixt tween Hancock and Tillamook. East HOUSES and flats tor rent; some iuimshd. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST t COMPANY, S- W. Cor. 6th and Wo ihlngton Sl $30 BRAND new modern 7-room house, on Haw tiiorne carline ; furnace, electric ity, gas. shades. Ph"iu 'labor 2270. l'urnihed lloubes. HANDSOMELY furnished home In liv ing! .n ; furiiae.i, hardu iol floors, piano ; every tJilnir modern; roady to occupy; K- of lieu 1. M. phone ownur. M.nn 'J H A R T M A X & Til OM PSON, Rc:il Esiate Depart incut. Cham I it- r of Commerce. N IRVINGTON Party leaviim cty wishes to rent their elegantly furnished mod. i n it-room house with garage: benuntnl eliina and cut glass, brass htd.. haiidstOK- ma liogany fiti'inture; near two cardites; b.sL ot rtfcicuc. reMU""cd; !mi prr niontli. ln rtuire los . 1 ;th st., N'oi t h. S- Ro M residence, nice I Side, rent to parties wl nt-ss couple away all girl 6 years ohl ; will right party. Call todi I'm nisiicd. Eat o will board Iuim lay and earn for piiv u ell for the. y at 322 KaUm Mdtc. or after P. M. at 171 E. 34th st. tin it. munt h re n l.i a 0- room fui nislo' lisl.etl house, dandy chicken ranch. TImivmU.v ami Friday only; no objet-iion to children. Call Main' 1.::2. AM going abroad ; will b ase rny new mod ern y-room house fur tils lied or unfur nished for 2 years; refereiices required. " For information. phoneMaln 401. W.tNTED Party to tak turiiis.hed cotiaM an. b-tard two: pa for iteelfi to b a prcciLted must he .cen. Answer giving phone nunibc r, AX 3J5. Lire g. rnan. NU'KLY furnished 5-rooiu cottage, w li h bat n and gas. centrally located. Apply 115 V. Park street, after 10 A M- KT erenceF. Jp OR ItENT Ill-room houso t uriiishod, cen trally located at 14S N. lsth. Inquire 7." 1st st. ; FOli RENT 'oiiifortably fumislied 8-rooni its it Ion ce. best part of city. 1 miuiro 1 to 4 oclQ'-k at 131 North ::3d St. Mi'DERX 5-room furnished cottage, also cozy 3-room furnished ilat, gas ajid bath. 5HKast Ist; ' W-R' car. 11 ROOMS, furnla'heJ, !!!'!; Union ave.. g.v.d place roomers, $15. -Address E. C. Uurlbert. Sr. John?, i.r. 4d XEW modern 7-rooin house, -new o;ik and mission furniture; on Hawthorne ave., close in. Tabor --'" NK' ELY furnished four-ro close in. Call between 1; E. 12th st. North. mi flat ; piano ; and 7 P. M-, U FOR RENT Furnished H-room good house, big ard In Irvingtun. tine location. I'ar ticulais. 345 Morrison St. FOR RENT to rfsin nihed h'ine on Ka: t,umler Ei:.hangf. parties, Andy f in -ide. Call ro'.-m 5l'3 FURNISHED house October 1. at 3.V1 Sal mon st. Inquire 10S-110 4th st. reference required. li-ROOM house, furnished. PK'.tl ast Grant d. phone I ahur 1 " i. KOI R-ROOM modern furnished r "l "' cars. 14.1'y Morris st. I j -ROOM (hone Hut, furnit tn caie or rent. Marshall 10. i.oo.u iurnished house to rent for one year. References required. 70b Marshall st. j-jj MODERN six-room r.:rnisnea nousg. lBwn, rOECS. tvey i;ii r uui in- Houses for Rent lurni lure for Sole. FCRMTCRE of ti-room bungalow, new, ar tistic ailtl Itie very ueai tUMp ii , a nttay , owner having city. AD 321. Oregoniaii. 5-KooM 11- for rent, fuiniiure tor aaic heap; rent -o. 4.1 ' AnKtn) si. HOUSEHOLD goods for sale cheaply pamra leaving city. Mr. oenwni. io n. imn a. K I051S gooil f urn 1 1 me cheap; must be mid. ' HON .'id St.. flat C. FURN ITU'RE of i-room housekeeping suite or saie; i-iimi'. ii . mvn .'ut m. Stores. STORE for rent; line location for a market. In irvillgioil. tti ,iin anu naiarj no market in all Irvington nearer than Union ave.; good location for both hue cats, coarse meats; will chancre the store room to make it a im?a.t market. Ownsr weekdays, East ilorrison at. Phone evenings and Sunday. East 728. FOR RENT 4-story and basement brick store building, SOxltto. southeast corner Front and Pine. Apply Chester V. Dolpa, 805 Mohawk bldg. . Fine" down-town location for millinery, beauty parlors or hairstore, long lease, low rent. Main 4052. STORE. 24!G at 252 Larrabee st. Call :i-J i -2 Washington st.. room 201. j3o LARGE brick store, suitable for drug gist, plumber, painter etc. 51 7157. Officer. " FOR SALE LEASE GROUND-FLOOR. OFFICE. Fine location suitable for stationery, banking, real estate busineas, etc. For fur ther information apply to THE SOUTH ER-ALBERTSOX CO.. 2S0 Oak at., " Portland. Or. FOR RENT Three fine office rooms on second floor Lumber Exchange building. 2d end Stark ts. Inquire F. B. Holorook Co., 214 Lumbf-r Exchange bldg. HALF share of a nice ouLside office for ren I in Merchafits Trust bldg. Address A.l :yjJ. Oregon iiui. MOST centrally located offices $12 aud up. all-night elevator service. 305 Shetland bld;V. 3 th and Washington. A sPE EN DI L office or room for tent. Fnmt of elevator., H--liry bld. FURNISHED office phone, to rout. 3o r desk room, Lewis bldg. WELL-FURNISHED light phono, reasonable. 52; jft L e or o. Moliawk sk ruoirt: FOR RE N't A lew oucts o Coucn oiU. Call 90S Lewis blug. TO LEASE. FOR LEASB Trackage; fine warehouse or nifg. location; also corner store room. S5d and Lroadway, ready Nov. 1. Albina Fuel Co. BCSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES. MACHINE shop on Wot-t on account of sickness, street. Side, fine location, for , sale 520 ivJi $14.")0 GROCERY, central, sales .a: erase $10 day; must sell this week. Call y.'-i Henry bldg. FOR SALE -Well paying grocery dolng"$S0 daily business. 14 1 i 1st. room 4. FOR SALE or trade for good real fStatcTpmall up-to-date crea n.ery. H i2t, Oregonlan. WANTED A party to hack a No. 1 inv n tion. AH 524, Oregonian. SMALL ciieap rcstauran; rent. "JOO ch. ap; good Taj lor st. bUi inef,-; j-;, ii CIGA R c;cnd bu'. and con feet ionerv store ; nil 3?; Henry bldg. ROtj.Ml.VG and boardlng-houe for sale. 5ir2 Last Cla- - 1 1