NEW 8 ROOM BUNGALOW. SCxtOO (Ml. '.'! m I n ut aa out. tJ-4oU down. Here Is a new -rorm bunKtlmr. In Ponland'a de atrab.a raaldenre auction that is a anap at $.IJ.. If you ar lookinv for a bom that haa everythlri lu th av of convenience aomethint; that rou "" "i' f"r about $ d'n and tha balance In monthly pay mrntl tn aull our pocket book thia ouch, to Inter eat you. It la IS bin"- from car rlria. haa 5 lanta bedrooma. .1 emthea rlwu. largo front and rr porch-a. dcuMe floora and walla, remrnt basement, a dandy nrpU--. lot SC1" largo r.-C'P-tlnn hall, porcelain bain, waahboat. Ilvlna and dm Ina room, roonia ar freah Iv tinted, bullt-ln window aeata. bullt-ln hall seal, a bullt-ln china rloaet. plate rail In dinlna-room, a awtil rutcn kltrhen. porcelain Ink with ba. k. in. ' triclty. combination fixtures, v.r arttatlc lo minutes rid from cen ter of Woat Side Prtca $.:- $300 down, balance to ult. nAl,H A-K1.F.V. o'j. Or-rbet. Hitla. 4.Vl. Ti-wnir--i and 13th . t'"''"" -hoioa r-idn-o : harJ-surfa.- at reel Imprxva mank: all $ad for at thia price. B:t anip. BCNOAUOVV $o.r-. r-wr. modern, lanra llvnir-ronm. flr tUrt bu It-ln hmltriiw double conairuc cen: nothln wa .nra-'t-en ravlni Iowa. w furniture f.r aa cht H-AS KI.Vil.ER, ill I-fa-a Builum,. 17.V A MOTEBV 5-room houa. - blocka from th W. B. carline: lot 4.,jno: on hard urfaca trt; aaay terma. a bar s' -tin. f.V.V A good -room modern house. Hawthorne are. dlstrli-t near 1Mb at.; ahout ltK feel from carilna. $hhi- cash, balance easy wmi. KARNOPP KOPF. 2 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall ::.T A 1vl-. HOlt-K RKSIHENOB PROPKKTY. Js;,.i Nine-room modern houee. on Cor h. ' ' atreel. ft--. it-rnom house, on Tillamook at.. 3 Mo-'ks from i-roadway ln su-rom e'l finished and well huilt house, lot A-fcatOO. Jefferson Hurls'-.' ol S .' i ."t ! I -roo m modern houee on E. Ith t . N Ml Fire. room modern bonfajowf .M feet from Athens carline l.tNeral terma .-an be hud on all of them. UTTU HARK. ."! K.Al.T" .'0, IS-, Plrat St SIX R" OM houee In Irvine-inn for only $4-..i. and I'aa than half caah needed; Oul't thro eara R1 owner haa ocrupied. It all the lime; II te In fine condition and ono hedroom la larae enouah to dlid: farea rat. fine laen and flower and hnuM la well plannl. furnace anil full cement haeement: thia la our beat bargain for any au'"h mney. . A:MN HERT.OW "V" i'-arnher of fommere. . .T".0 l. ASH. Ftrltlv m-xiern A-n-wrim buncalow. with full attic and cmml haaemeni. fireplace, buitt-tn a-al. buffet, olul paneloU dinlnK riwu. rut h kitchen In ehlle enamrl. r-mplet hath with t.-at rt nxturea: piped for aae. wird for Ic-trtcily. Thta ! a taitv huncaiow and will aell quickly. Taka -H car to Ma-tfiiirlta ave. and t'llnion 9' II. A. Aaaaltr. B 12o7, SellwooU tT-,. 0To i., .-ho.l iin.1 xi Mock to car. I J4 A corner h-me Fat Sine; lot Klx'VI. i.. t-ic- hAitf. roome. a aplendld p.a. ai'th rc..i.-n revfi.ln- HAKTMAN TH'VrVOX. P.ral Etate Ieit fhamber of Commerce. IRy IN;Ti'N r-.-i.r. iwirrn and up to iiate la of ta at 9 n-mie taattly ar ran;d In Utc.u liirtn of architecture; a a.-r wtnO.-aa nanlawM floora. In fact f.ntMnf that can be pl--ei! In a atrtctly . ,ni home, la here. Tril houw muat ba a-i to ho api'Fclated. l"i tn cash an-i mr" turn's n trie rest ail! handle ihe deal. U wf n Seourltlea Co . M Smhilna hida. IiKl TIF1 1 nw and thoroughly modern li.i:na; in Irvinaton. on F.aat ll. Fine liv-R:!im and rrrt attractive. I.arae IU lm rtNim atth fireplace. Full cem.-nt baae mcnt and furnace. Four be-lrocrna. ikf-Ina- torch and attic. Venr sttractlveW ar rajiced. Price. iT'JSn. Wct'arsar. llates Lively. 15 Falllnc hutlt r'l'K SA1.R Rcautirut homa In Lebauou. bouaa s room s. all modern tmproeements. 1 S acraa land on corner, all kinds fruit and berries In full bearinc. 2 chicken houaea. city water. s;ood e:l: rary rea sonable If taken at once: ad'otntnr lots csn be boujrht cheap; tmmedlata aala. Fok 3SI. I.ehanon. Or. OW.NtR t.A.-Rir-R-INi HOME. mplete;y furnished hande-xnely flnlahed. T-rom bunaaeiw; prano. bookcaaca. buffets. preline. platerall. Insulate-i Njicr. electric roofer, fltiturea. furtufe; c-mer; arreet I'n-r-ovemerta; to Roo City ear; litmi Phone Tab-T WB. AN ABSOLUTE HAKiiAIN. eSaa burs one of the moat modern In Piedmont, furniahed artlatlcally; fu-nsca hsal. atone baanmenu 1 blovk to carline. lot TSlnO. Dl'Ptim a CROCKETT. Washington Blilg. $o.-Mr TAKFf an up-loiate. newly construct ed horn la Irvtnaton; the best money can pit Is In this properly: lf4 down la all tha money aacaseary: let ua r..w you a fl-e a-roora home for the m--.neT Tha U eatern Securl t tea fo.. 414 t-raJlhas; bids;. ADMINISTRATORS SAl.K T close aarate. one T-room bouse, with lot. modern, 1,1 . 1 fc-room house, with lot. modern, $'ioo: both houses in Sunny -ii. F. R. Matllaon, administrator, ilO CI jit at North. Jry .R rAL8 by owner. 0-room strlr-tly modem and attractlee buntralow. In Hotlaay Park; cement Daewroafit. furnace, waab tray a. !ec-r-io ee.u--.a, ahadea. Iituieum In pantry, baihroora ax.l kitchen. a ranee, coal and range Inclui-led. P 31V CtresyoBUn. Vt.4 CAjH and 2i per nnth takes a new. modern ft-p.. "O1 bungalow-cottsae oo 1 ill -i li -I f ch.t-a around In fle section of city. Sew to Western Securities Co.. 414 S;aMlr.iT h"r t a-nij cfsae. I-t Jii:. ft. t.-,i Eat Ah a" . near Fie IVh. or will remove coitace and aell lt: ale- vacant lot etall ft.. Isf Davis near Feat tth. terme-. Inqu'ra of owner, o. 1 M-'hersi. f.73 Eajal Ae?t. 'l vT EKM rolnutea out on do-ible tracked car line; modern five-roomed ntN4; cement basement and walk. T-aundrv trays. easy terms, owner wltt mmer eisl Block "sOliVTFtN &-r'm residence on &:h st . ; eaa walking; rilatsnce from taw cl:y: etc lot with large cedar tree In back yar.l. laymtnt f .! arvl eaay terme on ba'anoe takeay tha p.aca. See owner. 414 Srvtlulns; bMjt. TSF.U. trc!ern tg-mom b"uae. hull! for home f.r sale by owner; no amenta: two -.was Br-h and two blocks aval of Clark's station. Mi. s-o-t line. " ' 5-DOris Bl NOAIeHV. All the latere improvements. down, away termsx Csll at once as this Is a snap. 4tJ Riar.1 of Trs ie t3TTvVVERA-ro.-rn r.w modern b.uee. ol. r It Hawthwne-ate.. restricted dltrl-t. ele--ate.i; commands beautiful view of Portland; $A. terrce. Tahor 2IM. FOR California burgalows on easy terms. Kvnson, Wasninstoa st. Marshall 77 V lli'a POWV bnva nlc home with corner lot. ; blocks from car. Cast 17th. ltlw 1st room 4- f.vy takes a modera T-noom home on Kast lJ'h at. Norta. Tl Is a ffne pur and a P aart home fall 414 PrwM!r b!1g. R a ALB by rwaea B --ea la K Csll and tba aaniaDmest a, 4M Caax Suta Irvinili mmm It J3T iWKR. a new 1 -room house In Irvlnc f.n " "all iit East 13th .North. Phons rm l7j FR ?l R cheap, furniahed e-roum cottajta - Ssaside. K 3.0. Ore gtiniaa. ABSOLUTB BARGAIN. (Son 10-room tiwelllna; and one) full-size) 44-xl'y feet, n irth front, choice location, west of 2X4 st.. Nib 1111 dlstrtct; lot alone eerily worth v;-tr.e house, while lt not new. la strictly modern. with hardwood floors, fireplace, large pantry, with cold water cooler, large sleeping- porch, room enough for three bed.e full basement wltn cement floor, well-equipped laundry room and new furnace and full-site attic. Thia l an exceptionally good bargain and to or fered at such a reduced price In order to effect a quick sale. JAMKS J. FLTXV. 512 Chamber of Commerce. FIRMHE1 ..-room bungalow In Haw thorne district f'M- sale by owner. 1-our short blocks from Hawthorne and Mount Scott rare. Arrangement of same, together with furrrishliige. will suit the moat fas tidious. Price aa It stands, today. Includ ing Wlntrr-a supply of wood. terma $IJ00 cash, balance like rent. Tlite property Is due for a substantial Increase In alue aa soon as Madison bridge opens. Vou must aee It to appreciate It. No events. Owner, bog D ."SI. Oregonlan. SKV EX-ROOM house for l0o. Xo. 3Wn Rafael St.; located 17J ft- west of t nlon ave.; this Is a bargain and a lot of people are looking for such; house Is In fine condition and owner occupies It; frac tional lot; as low as IjOO will do as first payment; 7 per cent on Ihe balance: I nlon ave. has best of car sen Ice and Williams ave. Is two blocks away, fc-ee us or sea the house. CHAPIN HERLOW "V" 3.U t'hsmber of Commerce. ALBINA HOME. Verv swell -room. 2-story house, with all the Istest Improvements, bullt-ln closets, book case, fireplace, etc.: on cor ner lot. MraltM): eome fruit and shade trees, on AIMna ave.-. rrlce $.Vx. $l."e cash and 25 per month, or luoiloo. with extra s;ood 4-room cottage Xor 100 more; yoa must see this property to see how good It Is; let us show you. C.RCSSI A 7.ADOW. SIT Board of Trade Pldg.. 4th and Oak. HOMESEEKER. THINK THIS OVER. If vou buy a 4-acre garden tract on Johnson Creek, with 5-room house, bandy to cars, you have something; wherewith vou can mnke a good living, and If you wlah to work besides In Portland, you ran lay your wagea up for rainy daye. "hat do you prefer, a little lot or a place which makes you Independent? Price MljU0. about J 1 2.".o cash, balance time. F. FLTHS, 1 S Morrison Street. ONLY 'J7.-; EASY TERMS. Beautiful new suburban bungalow. rooms, fireplace, seat, buffet, modem kitchen, beautiful Interior finish: all tint ed: electric fixtures, shades, laundry tubs, full baaement. full attic. Graded view lot: cement walks and street Improve ments paid: nice homes: building restric tions: block to Rose City Park ear. see it today. Jaa. C. Logan. 3J61 Washing ton at. Room 40L DO YOU KNOW THAT IT WILL PAY YOU TO CO MB TO V IF YOU rXPECT TO BHLD1 IF TOU OWN 1-OT. WE WILL FINANCE THB BUILDING FOR TOU: SMALL AMOLNT CP CASH SUFFICIENT: OUR RHf.V.T-' TION- FOR FAIR DEALING AND SAVING OF COST BRINGS OUR BUSINEj-NO COST FOR PLANS IF WB Bl'ILD. ESTI MATES OIVEN. NORTHWESTERS' CON 6TRCmON CO.. Ol-02 LEWIS BLDO. COTTAGE SNAP. Good frwra cottage. In Highland, handy to two carilncs and only a few minutes out; on a lot SOxW north front, and a good location: a bargain at 1 .'. t5S" rash and 10 per month: pay rent to yourseif. GRUSSI ft 7.ADOW. S17 Board of Trsde Bldg 4th and Oak. FOR PALPS New. T-room two full-story bun galow, considered moat attractive In beat action f Irvlngton; Juet off two rarllnra: highly Improved corner: lxl'4 grag-: com plete In every detail; fll.i'-O: prin.-lpals ad dreas or aee owner promptly. Main 4e. 4 Lumbermen's" bloe;.. fih and Blark. HOI fE BARGAIN, a-room house. I.M-ated In Vernon, two Mocka from rarllne. on 17th at.: thia la a modern houae. built for a home and a bargain at the price asked: tolAiO; good terms n be bad on im. GonPNOI GH A SEITZ. t 71 S Board Trsde. SNAP. a-room houae with Bleeping porch, all modern, hardwood floors, corner lot. lo cated Ihreo blocks from Wllllame-ave. carline: come In and Investigate this: easy terms; price $4.MVl. t;oor.Noi'i;n skit7 7I Board of Tradf. WEbT SIDE BARGAIN. t rooms, nearly new. corner lor: South Portland: splendid view of river. The oaks and East Portland: price gj.'-vi. will take small piece of acreage near earltne In part exchange. C.KUSSl ft 7.ADOW. r.17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4lh and PV SNAP S-ROOSl HOUSE. Moslem house. large rooms, reception hell. bsth. furnace, fireplace, full base ment, attic: owner giving up houaekeep lug. will sell at a great sacrifice, good neighborhood, on carline. W. 1 PAGE. 1Q7 Sherlock PUlc- HINOALOW. 4 rooms and bath, full cement base ment. ' blocka from car: reasonable terms. Pee owner, "o W. Emeraon. Price f;;ta. MERCHANTS FAVINUS ft TRUST COMPANY. S. w. cor. elth and Waahlngton ata SACRIFICE. IN 1IIVINGTON. fISOO; 5w CASH. Targe 7 - room houae. modern, full ce ment basement. ,oxlo lot, nice lawn and roses. Fast front. This Is a sacrrflce. Call at once, t Board of Trade. BAKOAIN-lift") buys a good o-room house and frsetlonal lot in Miuin i-omano. i block from S car; Income $12 month: lIOO oneh fall 2-1 Murrlaon St.. room l. B u a I o eae Property . FOR PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Good West Side vacant corner: oppor tunity for erection of good paying store and flats building, with good practice from hundreds of mill and factory em ployes close by: onlv 12 minutes on car: sener. water and light there. Price only $Ivo, enay terms: lot adjoining If de sired. Jas. C Logan, 82Vs Washington st. Room 404. ' " I.VmME PROPERTY. West Side Apartment-House, sun Monthly. A-year aecured lease. IIH.uorti ;arl terma. OWNER. B "'-2. ORKGONIAS. i;fvio TtU YS income property paying per month; guaranteed leas?. G. C. John arn. 411 Corbett bids- Acreage. DOUGLAS COUNTY. ln acres on fine county road. 2ft acres fine farm land, croek and living eprlngs: price ,,n. and will trade for good house ana sot. lui evw own o& a iu". Bldg fl.Vi io acres, all tillable, uncleared: running water, best soil, oa county road, near achool and railroad: milmble for fruit, gardening or poultry: round trip 9 hours; guaranteed- ss represented: best buy on the market; $15t Vwn. Palmer. M2 Cou.-h bldg. PLATTING FROpofTTION Wa have for aala 70 ay within city limit and adjoining well-bulll-up property; Bull Run water and Improved streets right to boundary; an easy pnfit of; price gloo.oou. on terms. Phono owner. Marshall lfvSo. SEVERAL first mortgagee. all high-class dwelling-house security, close In, ratrlei ed ulatrlcts, 1-S of valuation. 7 per cent Interest, payable quarterly: Insurance, ab stract, etc Call AO McKay bldg. Majn 471Q. 3-A'LK suburban home at Courtney and near "the Oregon City carline; all level ani! In trull; nice modern 7 -room hnue, barn, etc.;' price $ninn. terms to auit. c. V. Pfluger ft Co.. room 3 Mulkcy bldg.. .'d and Morrison sts. SEVERAL choice tracts of 1 and 2- aires In Frt in rose Acrea. at Multnomah Station: can le purctiae-il on easy terms. Call on the Weetern Securities Co.. 414 Spald Ing B'dg. A SNAP IN ACREAGE, lo acres, east of Montaviiln. between Villa ave. and Barr road: price 10.000. GRI'SSI ft ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade Bldg . 4th and Oak " " A' 'REAGE FN A P. TV, acrea eaat of city limits; close to Bsse Line Road; only SIMM for quick turn: don't delay. It won't last. Vanduyo & Walton. MA chamber of Commerce. WILSONVILLE l! THE HEART of the lineal farm section tf Oregon. Tske cregon Cl rl- Hy . and J.-QVrwn ete. A KfclAGE. eloae III. n the West Side, onlv l: minutes' car ride. 5-cent fare, good value and on terms to suit you. M. IS. I ,ee. til Corbett b : .1 g. " BfOWNElT 5 acree. all lmpn.-ement. 5-oer car fare, for home and platting. Inquire Duke's meal market, le-nta N 316. Oregonlan 4C ACRES lVt miiea from Gladat-me: good 'nixing on land. .1 a -res in cultltation: rrtce el2."a. -"" ash. bal. 7 per cnt. Call 417 Bosnl of Trade. 2iV T sort "per"" cent --aa be mai1eby subdl vtdlrg my . ACRES, fi saie; lucaled 20 MINLTLS OUT. on Oregy.n lie-mc. ata t:on on property. 410 Corbett blg. I?" YOU WANT A COUNTRY HOMFJ go to I Wllpi"e. 'Tn. rgn K.eetpjc Hy. CKANBEKK land for aale by owner In tracts from 2 1 2Ml acres. Phone bell wood 131. AfRE VOE rt-OSK-TO-PORTLANI) ACREAGE. IDEAL FRLIT AND BF.RRY LAND. Land will pay for Itself Inside of two '"'now is the timb to but. Tou can get ready for nejtt year, get your trees and bushes planted. Land cleared of- all stumps and ready for planting: no rocks, gravel or waste land. 13S TO 200 PER ACRE. EASY TERMS. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 Couch Bldg. 4S ACRES. , 8 acres In high state of cultivation; o acres burnt, slashed and seeded to pas ture, about 25 acres of good virgin tim ber worth about SVOOO. sawmill Jomj back end of place; this plaoe located 1 miles from Portland, on main county road. I Vj miles from good town and rail road. mile to school; lies level boat of soli; tw-aore farm adjoining this Just sold last week for 0t; this is an abso lute sacrifice and if bought at once can be had for I250. $15)0 csJh. balance J years, 6 per rent. u CHAPIN ft HERLOW. M32 Chamber of Commerce. FARM DEPARTMENT S3. 125 TO J20 PER' A CUE. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. ON LLECTBIC LINE. Acreage, unexcelled for fruit and ber ries: from S2a to fMO per acre and close to Portland market. . The land will not only make you a rand some living, but Increases rupldly In value, land sold last Fall la worth 50 per cent mora now. and will keep pace with Port land's growth. BAST TERMS. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 405 Couch Bldg A BARGAIN. B7R-acre wheat and stock ranch. 6 miles from Heppner. Morrow Co.. Oregon: 5"0 acres In cultivation. 100 acres more can be cultivated. 47S acres pasture; all fenced and cross-fenced; good K-room house, barn. :i:x4S: .good well at houae. fine spring for stock. 25 acres can be Irrigated from creek and 10 acres from large spring: wheat crop this year about 25 bushels to the ?re. price lo per acre; will take 500 to residence as part payment, balance 5 years at 8 per cent Interest. GRI-SSI ft ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg . 4th and Oak. ACRE AO B. , , IIS to 2S per acre; 10. 20. 30 and 40 acre tracts, unimproved, red shot land. Do rock or gravel; well watered, plenty of cedar and timber for all purposes; located on railroad. 25 miles northwest of Portland- 800 feet elevation above Columbia River, adjoining large commercial orchard tracts being rapidly cleared and set to fruit. Call and arrange to visit these tracta at once. The soil, elevation and lo cution will compare with the highest priced land now on tha market. 310 Cor bett bldg. 15 ACRES OF GENTLY ROLLING LA NIX ALL CLEARED: FEW MINUTES' RIDE FROM PORTLAND. NEAR ELECTRIC STATION. FINE LOAM SOIL ESPE CIALLY ADAPTED FOB BERRIES AND FRUIT. IN WELL-SETTLED DISTRICT. NEAR SCHOOL AND CHURCH. EASY TERMS. PAU1K1C X. W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 405 COUCH BLDO. BEAUTIFUL BUIL.DING SITE, B acres, lies high and sightly. In thick ly settled neighborhood, located T miles from Portland and one mile from good town. V mile lo school, church and stores, r.n main county road, best of soil. If .bought at once can be had for $1200; sightseers stay at home. tB) CHAPIN ft HERLOW. 332 t'hamber of Commerce. FARM DEPARTMENT :i".S. 2 ACRES. 15 ACHES CLEARED. " 20 acres, near Orchards. Clark Co..: 15 acres cleared, good house and barn, fenced, price with terms, tattoo. $20o cssh. 10 acres, all In cultivation. 6-room house, 2 bnrna and a fow household goods; price $2iarM, $12110 cash. ZIMMERMAN. fllO Board of Trade BlCg. If wanting a suburban home or. choice) acreage Inveatinent, do not fall to consult the "SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS." CLODKELTER BROS.. 414 Couch bldg. ftonietteada. BELINQUISHMENTS wanted in Orecon and Washington. We have the parties with the rash, ready to buy; give full particular In first letter. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 13-page book explaining what each of the J I counties Is best adapted for; give amount of Government land open to home stead In each county; map attached. Jlxis, showing new R. R. and towns. Including Lastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn to March 1. 110; latest map In U. S. ; prioa 2bc Xlmnw ft Buney. 813 Hamilton bldg. TWO relinquishments Joining 160 acres, each mile from achool; mall and telephone; puetofflce; on county road: running water, best of land, o miles from R. B. town. About 4.0O0.O04 ft. on each: those are bar gains: 80 mile from Portland. J. A. Davla. 214 Swetland bldg. HOMESTEADS and deeded land In Southern Oregon. Address H. L. Herxlnger. Grant Pass. Q- XWO relinquishments cheap; 4 million on each, close to Portland. Marquam bldg. Main Hit. Kor hale Frtill Lands. SOME ESTACADA BARGAINS, in and o-acre tracts. Rll cleared, cen trally located; price $175 per acre; good Unns. 20 acres. 4 ai re cleared. 10 acres eas ily cleared: price $225"; cash 4'XI. bal ance on easy terms. 2o acres, half cleared, balance In nr tltnber. on main road; price $2500, cash $mimi terms on balance. 30 acres, all cleared, lo acres In 2-year-old spltxenbergs. 10 acres In 1-year-old Spltirnbergs; price $4M0. cash $1500; bal ance 2 to 5 years at per cent. 4o acres. Id acres, under piow: 8 acfes ready for plow; 4 Vs acres In orchard. miles from town: good spring; price $5iKk!. half cash. , , , tlo acres, 25 acres cleared, balance essy clearing; good stream of water; price $4oOO: cash 12250. 75 acres. B.1 acre ctyeareU: thl la an ideal place and a splendid location; price 12.000. half cash. o acre. 10 acres cleared. 35 acre easy clearing: price $4.1o0. cash 200. HI acres, all cleared except 1 acre of fir trees: centrally located, famllv or chard, good home. barn, etc.: running water; price I2.J00, cash $JihX; good terms on balance. 1;4 acres, 5n arres cleared. 5 acre In 15-year-old bearing orchard, ft acres In Spltxenbergs, balance of land easily cleared: good bouse and bam; price $11. 000. cash t;i7i0. balance on very good terms. Now is the time to Investigate this sec tion: values are advancing rapidly. It will pay you to look into our club plan whereby you can purchase a small tract at wholesale prices: wo would appreciate an opportunity to give you more informa tion regarding this favored section. Z CHAPIN ft HERLOW. K32 Chamber of Commerce. FARM DEPARTMENT li.lS. QUICK THINKERS, ATTENTION'. 10 acrea of beautiful apple orchard land, alt under cultivation, ready for the trees and located at the gateway to Portland; only $l:t6 per acre: terma of only $150 cash, bal ance easy payments. Think quick, think twice: buy the ten acres Instead of a lot and make dollars while the other fellow la making cents. Send ad dress fur lltnrture. J. O. KLROD. Owner, 61B-52o "orbelt bldg.. Portland. Or. IDEAL HOOD RIVER HOME. 11 acres, near Hood River, on main countv road: 5 acre In bearing commer cial apples: 4 acres In younger trees. 2 4 acrea strawberries, raspberries, eic: fam ily on-hard, beautiful bouse, good out biilldinss. magnificent view of Mount Hood and Mount Adams; the apple crop la Included. Only 4imi0 puts you In pos 5Qasion. AB 324. Oregonlan. UPPER HOOD RIVER VALLEY 74 acres fme ayiple land, partially Im proved, running water, only $75. or might trade for Portland property. Vanduyn ft Walton. M5 Chamber of Commerce. FTiUIT AND BERRY FARMS NEAR TVIL SONVILLE. Take Oregon Electric Ry.. nm rr-nt and Jcffi-rron ss. VI!'"NV1LLE FOR BEAUTIFUL FARMS. Take Oregon Electric Ry. from Front and, j-rf-rfin . For Sale -Farms. 12 ACRES, all. cultivated, fine soil, grad ual slope. 4-room house, well and barn; t, acre strawberries. 24 fruit trees. H nills from Electric station. Phone B 208L WILSOVVIVLLB IS IN THE HE-ART of the fln-nt firm section of Oregon. Take Oregon E'ectrlc Hy.. Front and Jefferson atg. vkw. modern 5-room butiKaiow, near carline. $!n: terms of $25o cush. balance $15 ' monthly. John Dooley. 520 Corbett bldg. FOR SMALL FAT. MS go to WILSOXVILLE. Take Cregn Elctrlc Ry.. Fro. and Jef- fer.-'iH S'S. So ACKr'S bottom land near tvile-invtiic: front on wrlamelte River, te mile Oregon Elec trle nation. Wm. Klynn. Wllsonvllle. Or IF YOU WANT A COUNTRY HOME, go to Wlujnville. Take Oregon Electric Ky. WHEAT FARMS FOR SALE. 40 acres, all farm land. 7 miles from B R-. fenced and plenty of water, but no buildings. This place must be sold and can be had for $15 per acre; land adjoining held at $20 and $25 per acre. Following is our special offer on this place: Wo want a cash payment of $2300. but we will take half of this and build & nice little cottage and barn on the place for the purchaaor; balance easy terms. 40O acres, all wheat land, trut fruit and vegetables can be raised. 5 miles R. R., good farm building, plenty of water. We have nothing better to of fer at $25 per acre: will consider trade; would like a small store. 1000-acre wheat farm. 2 miles from R. R..' 80O acres- for wheat. 40 acres bottom land that will grow fruit, vegetable or alfalfa, lair buildings, small orchard, fine lot of shade tree, creek run through bot tom which makes it a nice home place. Price $30 per acre; would 'consider third In trade. We are the largest dealerj In wheat land In the Northwest- Let us know what you want and we can All tha order. We have wheat land we can trade for city property, fruit or timber land; also land to trade for mercantile businaaes. Send for our printed lists. MOORE INT.-EST ME NT CO., Henry Bldg. - $150 BUYS A DANDY FARM. READ OUR OFFER AND GUARANTEE. We guarantee these facts that this place contains 15 acroa. no rock nor gravel. 12 feet to water, land lies level, covered with light timber and brush. 2 miles to Glad stone and Oregon City line, one-half mile to atore, on county roads, that It Is cheapor than any land around It, 11-mile circle of Portland. 14 miles by road. In a highly developed community. OUR OFFER. We will H you this tract for $150 and give you a year and one half t- make an other payment which may be 515 per month or more, a you wish, if you will move on and develop the tract, or wo will let vou pay it off any time before then, at the rate of $15 per month, 6 per cent Interest. This I not a fake proposition and we will prove It to you, and if you cannot come during office hours, phone and make an appointment for any evening. There are four of these tracts left; he prompt. "c" CHAPIN ft HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. FARM DEPARTMENT 338. LITTLE MONEY DOWN AND SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS BUYS A dandy 10-acre farm. only a few blocka from electric railway station. Just 19 miles from rortland by rail, and 14 miles bv road Every Inch in cultiva tion. The soil In thi locality Is the finest In the sta.te. The house Is a brand new B-room cot tage, all plastered and piped for hot and cold water, plenty of pantry and closet space. HAth-room all piped and ready for tub and other fixtures. The attic la unfinished, but Is plenty large enough for two big bed rooms. Fine well, all bricked In; good big woodshed, and in fact this- 1 a gem of a little home Fee us for further particular. CHAPIN ft HERWW 332 Chamber of Commerce. 640 ACRES Jn Lane County, 7 miles from Eugene ana less than a mile from new R. R. aurvey to coast: construction to be started thi Fall; 4 70 acres cleared and ready for the plow, 300 of which were under cultivation this year; 85 acre of fine oak timber, excellent soil: about half bottom land, half hill land, gently sloping; all fenced by new 4 foot woven wire fence: the best In the country: very best of water; 2 sets of good buildings, one practlally new; good, family orchard: a snap at $0 per acre, half cash. If desired will sell stock and Implements with the place. KAUFFMAN.N ft MOORE. $;4-2S Lumber Exchange. SNAP. F1NB SHEEP AND HAY RANCH. SOUTHERN OREGON. Here Is a dandy chance to make money on a farm. Only one mile from R. R-; 15 acres with loo In cultivation, balance pas ture: plenty of wood and water; house and barn, ahedo. etc.; finest kind of soil snd the host of fruit land: $40 per acre takes this fine place tnr-oo cash, balance 3 years at ror cent. Herrick-Maiden Co.. 308 Board of Trader HERE Is a chance to get some land at a reasonable price; 18 miles from Portland, on O W. P.. on carline, near Boring. 20 acres under cultivation, young bearing orchard, buildings, good creek and water piped to place; $150 per acre. 20 acre adjoining, no bldgs.. (cultivated), with creek at $100. 15 acrea. fine creek and spring, logged-off land, at $00 per acre, and 14 acres adjoining, running water, at $75 per acre, or will sell the 70 acre at $loo per acre; terms. Call for Miller, fiQ8 Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. 2U-ACRE RIVER-FRONT FARM. "0 acres, on Willamette River, lo mile from Portland, near electric line, excel lent soil for fruit and berries; nearly all plowed; a beautiful building spot, over looking a mile of river, with handsome mountain and valley view; thia won't last long: price $3100. terms, ions, v CANN & M BRIDE. 432 Chamber of Commerce. EXCEPTIONAL OFFER. $180 per acre Account of age. am com pelled to sell 28H acres. 1, mile from Tlgard, Salem line. mostly cultivated; sniall house and bam; fruit all kinds, living water: am offering bargain. Owner. H H Brown. Inquire at old Tlgardvllle. FARMS OF ALL SIZES. Greaham. Troutdale, Oswego. Sycamore, Eagle Creek, Waahlngton and Rogue Kiver dlst:icta- A. CLEVELAND. 527 Chamber of Commerce. WE have best and cheapest fruit and farm land In Willamette Valley; let we show It to you. Call and get our booklet. HA-BBOB SOUND INV. CO.. 28 N. 6th Bt. FRUIT AND BERRY FARMS NEAR WIL SOXVILLE. Take Oregon Electric Ry., from Front and Jefferson gt. FOR SALE cheap, farm 80 acrea. 20 acre cleared 7 acres slashed; 18O0 cords wood: railroad' and creek through place; houre. barn, outbuildings, terms; no amenta. Call 847 College at. Main ii54. --(I acros In cultivation, house, barn. chicken-house. well, family orchard; choice land, school, county roads; only 35 miles from Portland; part cash; no mls r..r.ntBtlPn. Palmer, 512 Couch bldg. W1I OONVUJ.E FOR BEAUTIFUL FARMS. Take Oregon Electric Ry.. from Front and Jefferson sts. J. A. CUNNINGHAM. For" sal, farms; prices reasonable: no exchange. q gpl T4. Carlton, Or. FOR SMA.LL FARMS go to WILSOXVILLE.' Take Oregon Electric Ry., Front and Jef ferson sts. Miscellaneous. ABB you looking for a farm or acreage f Don't fail to call at THB CROSSLEY COMPANY." 7c8 and 709 Corbett bids. It cost you nothing and we treat yoa .i,m if aurelv will be to your advantage to see us before buying. Hah our li"- to aae us before buying. We don't pub- IF YOU ARB LOOKUNG FOB C:osa-ln acreage, a wheat ranch or small. well-Unproved farm, at low prlos and oa most liberal term, aa me. I handle aa ivb propartl. J. O. ELROD. 520 Corbett Bldr. 50 ACRES of land at Cornelius Pas and on the United Railways; suitable for platting or Investment; can be had -cheap. C. F. Pfluger A Co.. room 5 Mulkey bldg., 3d jq Morrlson sta. . NEW HOMESTEADS Rogue River. South ern Oregon. In fruitland, timberland, outrange- some Improved, with water and bearing orchard. Write H. B. Hendricks, tith and G sts.. Grants Pass. Or. WAREHOUSE alt on Peninsula, covering 3 lots- $1100. C. F. rfluger & Co.. room 5 Mulkey bldg . 2d and Morrison ats. WANTED 1U1BEB LANDS. TIMBER land wantso. $04 McKay bldg. C J. MoCrackaa, HOUSE OWNERS BEAD THIS. We have 37 customers for houses of all descriptions and if you have a house which you consider is a bargain, we would like very much to talk to you regarding it. About ten daya ago we advertised for property and among those that were listed with us was a house in Montavllla, one in Roaemere and one In Irvington: we sold these three right away, because they were real bargain. Vi e might do the same with yours. SUBURBAN LAND CO.. I 510 HENRY BLDG. Marshal. 188U. A 7106. WANTED. Vacant lot. 50x100. between E. Salmon and E. Grant. 32d and 39th. Price not to exceed $'.i50 cash. M. E. THOMPSON CO Real Estate. Insurance and Loans, Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. Main 0084. A 3327. WE HAVE calls for property in every part of the city: business and income property, factory and warehouse sites, houses and vacant lots; all transactions confidential MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. P. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sts. We have many customers waiting for South Portland property, both vacant and improved, list your South Portland prop erty with us if you wish to sell. GRUSSI ft DOW S17 Board of Tr.'de Bldg. . 4th and Oak. WE have Inquiries for desirable residences in Holladay and Irvington. If you have houses for sale in these additions, we can find buyers. McCargar, Bates & Lively, 315 Falling bldg. WANTED 10 to 15 acres within about 10 miles of Portland for market gardening; will pay at least $1000 cash. A. K. Hill, 419 Henry bldg. OREGON ranch or farm for Seattle business and residence property. Free and clear. Address Mr. Morgan, 212 American Bank bldg., Seattle. WANT business property. West Side or close in East Side, under $40,000; must take some close-in acreage as part payment. Vanduyn Wfr Walton. ol5 cnamoer t-ommerce. IN exchange for r 80 acres near terminus ot United Railroads, want smaller tract iwja cent to' Portland. Hartman ft. Thompson, Farm Lands Dept. (See Hartog ) W ANTED B-room. good house, close In, from $2000 to $3000: can pay small amount down, balance like rent; must be bargain. A 321. Oregonlan. "WANTED From owner, a vacant lot in Goldsmith's Addition. We have a cash buyer. Glser ft Strachan. 221 hi Morrison. WANTED An apartment-house site In good location: must be cneap lor casn, .What have you? H 3-5. Oregonlan. WANTED Good apartment site from own er: West Side; will pay cash. AB 325. Oregonlan. FOB BALE TIMBER LANDS. BINE timber for sale, 520-acres block: about 3.200,000 feet, extra high grade, next thing to sugar pine; 2.400,000 feet first-class, will cut 65 per cent No. 2 shop and better: price $21,000. hi cash, balance terms. 1.700.000 feet fine large red fir and cedar, plenty of water, easy to log, level road to market Inquire at Dorri Hard ware Store, Poms, caniornia. FOR SALE A 50 M capacity eawmill, tract yeuow nr iimwr, mov-io - B. : all good bargains. E, T. Prloe, 517 Kotnonim oicg BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. TIMBER claims, homesteads, relinquish ments. 219 Worcester bldg. FARMS WANTED. FARM LAND WANTED. HARTMAN & THOMPSON,' Farm Land Dept ( See Hartog) CKemlui. nf rnmnkWd. OrOUnd FlOOr. WANT to rent farm, 2t to 80 acres, with fair Improvements, by Eastern fanner; would . . 1 4 I . . . ' T. rent dairy mrm on wim. . Allison, Butler, Wash. ' WANTED Small farm bargains, near Port land; answer fully, giving location ana price must be cheap. O 323, Oregonian. 1 WANT improved 50 to fiO-acre farm, not over ;to miles from Portland, close to R. R. AH SIS. Oregonlan. FOB RENT FARMS. FULLY equipped dairy farm, containing 16o acres: 60 acres under cultivation: splendid opportunity for right person; easy terms. For particulars Inquire Buell Apts.. 250 12th St.. room 503. after 6:30 P. M. TO EXCHANGE. TRADE FOR RANCH. Furniture of 39 rooms, in a brick hotel with good lease; nne location, doing good business, to trade for small ranch; tell us what vou have, for we have the place that will suit. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. TO exchange, an elegant Irvington house for cheaper home and some cash or va cant lot and some cash; thia is a first class 6-room house with sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, bullt-ln bookcase, etc.; thoroughly modern and less than three years old. Price $7000. Answer AB 600, Oregonlan. WILL TRADE lot U and 12. of block M, Alderbrook. Astoria, for lots In Portland and pay cash difference, or for equity in lota Tn Portland, or for other lots other than In Astoria. W. H. GRINDSTAFF". 510 Commercial block. " ACTlEAOE-BARGAIN Fractional 80 acres, close In, on car line, partially Improved, orchard, running water. Will trade for business property and pay cash difference or assume mort gage. Vanduyn & Walton, 615 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE!. 11-room house, lot 50x120, Union ave.. for stump land near R. R.; must have creek: will consider Improved farm; my equity, $.000; owners only need answer. Box 2J5, St. Johns, Or. WANTED Unimproved acreage adjacent to Portland in exchange for modern nouse ana 5 acres in citrus fruit In Pajaro Valley, Santa Crux County, California. Hartman & Thompson, Bankers. Farm Land Department. See Hartog ). $3J0O OR $4700 equity In Easx Side strictly modern. 7-room house, one lot or two, good location, 4ine grounds, shrubbery, etc, for sale or exchange for improved suburban acreage close to carline or railroad sta tion, rl air.:, lyregonian. EXCHANGE Two good lots. $1600, for cot tage to $3000, from Russell to Killings worth. Miss. ave. to 20th St. Exchange $1500 equity in $4600 new bungalow for vacant or equity In 5-room cottage. 217 Ablngton. Main 5697. TO EXCHANGE 11 acre of good un cleared level land. 12 miles from Portland, near electric carline. Price $1650; will take a city lot worth $700 as first pay ment. Seo owner. 22H4 Morrison St., room 0. HOOD RIVER SNAPS. Have 50 acres Ideal apple land in one of the finest districts In the valley, mag nificent view; will sell cheap: may take good modern residence In trade. AB 323, Oregonian. EXCHANGE 25 acre of apple land in the Hood River district: 500 bearing trees, balance of land cleared: spring of fine water; want a good house and lot In city. Phone Eaat 2684. $200 EQUITY in a 70x100 comer; graded streets.. Bull Run water: balance of $300 payable $10 monthly; will trade for horue and buggy, piano or launch. H 318, Ore gonlan. ACRE tracts, improved, near the city, to ex change for good city property or for sale on easy terms. Provident Investment & Trustee Co., 624-00 HOara or ittiim was. $1!) Ouo worth of good securities: will exchange for fruit land, all or partly Improved; will pay. some difference. L. K. Moore, 517 Board of Trale. . CLEAR business and residence. Seattle propertv. for Oregon ranch, worth $20. too. best value ever offered for exchange, 212 American Bank bldg- Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 7-passenger automobile in Al running order: casn or irane lor rem cbliiid. rrcu T. Merrill. 334 Oak. Main 525; afternoons. HAVE three of the finest corner lots In Lau- relhurst ror sale cneap or win trace ror o or 6-room modem Portland residence not to exceed $4500. E 316. Oregonian. WILL EXCHANGE stock In a good paying business for a good second-hand automobile. A F 322. Oregonian. FINE apple land. $40 per acre: will ex change for grocery store. Call 411 Cor bett bldg. WE exchange your property, regardless of location, for that which suits you better. Nortnweat Exchange. 228-9 Henry bldg. WILL trade good Eugene property for clean, stock of groceries. Box 473. Eugene. Or. ACREAGE and lots to trade for rooming-house- 311 Commercial bldg. . GROCERY store. $900; established 2 years. 407 Lumhermens Bank bldg. Ma'.n 2018. TWO lots In San Diego; will trade for Port land lots. B. 7-ech. 361 N. 14th St. WILL trade for anything of value. Schneldei atrarns Co.. 417 Board of Trade. WILL purchase or trade for your equity. Edmonston. 211 Commercial bldg. rRi;iiv Partly Improved s3-acre farm, located In Yamhill County, near a prosperous rail road town ; abundance of pure water and first-class soil; good buildings; a snap at $70 per acre; will exchange for a house and 3 or 4 lots. X. E. part of Monta vllla preferred. A. K. HILL, 413 Henry Bldg: YOU can trade any kind of property at 310 Oak st. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. HUKSKS fOU BALE. Two cars of horsea have Just arrived, and will be sold under our gaurantee. They range In weight from 1000 to 1400 lbs.; age from $ to 11 years; all good workers and prices reasonable. We also have three span of small mules, weight 00 to 1000 lbs., for aale. Call and Inspect these. If wanting horses. Hawthorns Stable. 420 Hawthorne ave. MISSOURI ilULES-for saie Another new shipment Just received; 1200 to 1500 lbs., ages good, suitagle for railroad, logging and farm work; mules at Freeman Bros-' barn, $3th and Ovectoo sts. Address Spark & Wiggintun. Imperial Hotel. A SNAP Pair medium yvorkhorses, horse and mare, good for ranch or express, gen tle and true: mare fine saddler: double breeching: harness. Price $110; worth $iol. o39 Vancouver ave., near Russell st. $175 BUYS 2600-lb team and harness; true and reliable, but a little thin in flesh; otherwise all right; a bargain for some one. O. R. C. Stable, cor. 14th and Yam hill. $75 BUYS 1200-lb. horse, age 7. true to work single or double, wortn $150 to any one has use for him. O. R. C. Stable, 14ttt and Yamhill. FOR SALE 1 light express wagon, horse and harness: no reasonable offer refused. Call 085 E. 18th North. FOR HIRE, PORTLAND STABLES, 26 N. 16TH ST. MARSHALL 16S6. HORSES AND WAGONS BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. ALLOWAY STABLES, 182 E. 34th St.; livery, business rigs lor rent or sale. B 11S0. Tabor 1113. FOR SALE Good team young horses, weight 1300k Call 16. 4th. Phone Main 764. FOR SALE very cheap, good big horse and nne isaticock Duggy ana narness; iicany new. Anderson. 41 4th st. HUBERT tc HALL'S STABLES. 380 Front St.. livery business, rigs, horses, harness, wagons, for sale or rent. Main 3208. BRAN new hotel bus, seats ten passengers. Call Rainier Hotel, 128 X. 6th St. PASTURE for rent near Portland. 339 Sher lock bldg. Phone Main 1410. HORSES for sale, guaranteed. 330 John son St., opposite Union Depot- ONE bav horse, weight 1300 lbs., al Farm ers Home Stable. Main 9160. CHEAP New ruhber-t ire bustty and har ness for $S0. Phone Tabor RIDING and driving pony for sale. 903 fc.ast Glisan st.; $7j. Automobiles. 1910 CADILLAC 30. five passencer, top. glass front, electric side and tall lamps, acetylene headlights; firset-class condi tion, because it lias had good care. Price finoo: cost $1900. Apply AC 323, Ore gonian. AUTOMOBILE for sale; $lii00 cash takes model 16 toy tonneau, 1910 Bnick in A-l condition: fully equipped, including glass Tront, mohair top, speeaomeier. shock, ab sorbers, extra tire, lubes, etc. H. t Krause. S6 10th St.. or tciepnone -i io',-. STEARNS. 60-H. P. toy tonneau, shaft drive and in perfect condition: equipment Includes glass front top, demountable rims, extra tire, etc.; will sell at a bargain. Telephone rjast or aiinie r o-.'. un-w-iu,. voti s.y 1.11 Cadillac, urivate touring car, driven fine. vku-: OrKt-clftSS Condition Slid full equipment, including new tires; $14X or will exchange tor reaany saiauie prop- erty. Inquire 8Q1 r-lectrlc oiqg. WANT a runabout in good condition; give best price and whether you would consider trading for close-in property tree sou viixu, C 303. Oregonian. . SEVEN-PASSENGER tourinp: car. in fine condition; bargain for quick sale. Pack ard Garage, Twenty-third and Washlng- ton stS; . SECOND-HAND Maxwell Runabout, with full equipment and In first-class condi tion. This is a bargain and won't last long. O 320. Oregonian. REO runabout, carry 2 or 4 passengers; owner left town; cheap for cash: $325 takes It today. Room 404, 326 1 a Wash ington st FOR SALE Reo automobile ; 5 seats: al most new: very cheap. Call garage. Tenth street, between stsrk ana surnsiae streets. I HAVE a five-passenger touring car. fully equipped, in excellent condition. It is a good buv. AC 322. Oregonian. 11400 STUDEBAKER with top and glass front. In excellent condition; this car cost $3800. Inquire 503 Alder st. TWO girls wish positions general housework In small family: yvages $25 to $30. Call at 327 North 17th et. $110 TAKES this auto Runabout; it is easy worth $300. Phone Tab S65. II" 9 W1XTOX Good condition: fully equipped. Cheap for casti. AF 324, Oregonian. llanos. Organs and Musical Instrument. STEINWAY grand piano, small style, near ly new. cost $1150. will sacrifice if taken thia week: reason for selling am declining housekeeping: easy terms of payment to right party, c dtp, oreconian CONN brass alto saxaphone. In good condi tion, complete, with case, cheap. C 325, Oregonian. WOULD like to rent my baby grand piano to a responsible party. AJ 324. Oregonian. Hirda. and l'et Mora. THOROUGHBRED Pekln ducks. 7o cents each. D 322. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. LOGGING ENGINES. Two 9x10 "Tacoma" road engines with equipment. Used but 30 days. One 9x10 Smith & Watson road engine, with equipment, in good condition. One 10x12 road engine, on sled. Imme diate delivery. F. B. MALLORY Sc COMPANY. 235 Pine St. SEWING machines, special sale on splendid lot of fine second-hand machines of all leadinr makes. Singer, Wheeler & Wilson. New Home, White, Domestic, Household and others, to make room for new singer 66 and rotary. Singer Sewing Machine Store, S- S. Sigel, agent. 335 Morrison sL Phono Main 2183. A 4539. FOR SALE First-class launch, 15 tons; length 50 feet, beam !' feet. 60 horse power. 3-cylinder engine; good cabin: built 1909: best boat on river for general purposes; at half cost: might trade for real estate. Donald MacLeod, 816 Elee trlc bldg OFFICE fixtures. Nelson staple machine, wall plate, vibrator, solar light operating . chair, relectrobes, etc., and everything for operating the drugless system of healing- must sell on account of sickness; good office practice established. Inquire room 66..SelllngIHirschbldg. AUTO OWNERS. For sale, gentleman's beaver fur over coat, beautiful new garment, cost $400, will ' sell at sacrifice, or trade for dia mond. Call C 25113, evenings. BLACK cub bear for sale; just right age to train; very gentle and playful; may be seen at theater on Sixth street, between Stark and Washington. Address T 325, Oregonlan. THE Northwest '1'ypewnter Company, ii Ablngton bldg. Phone M. 8870, Is the only company selling strictly factory re built typewriters; prices $10 to $65. LAUNCH 40x10, speed 8 miles, heavy duty engine for cannery tender or work boat; ac commodations for crew to live aboard. J Sl5, Oregonian. GOOD family cow for sale cheap, or ex change for horse. 830 E. 26li street. Woodstock car to Powell street, then south 2 blockt. lA DIES' long coat, pair of good walking shoes; practically new; fur neck piece, $i-2.."0. Phone East 3072 after 6:30. FOR SALE Cheap, complete motion-picture theater outfit 526 Washington. near 1 ith. WILL trade 30O-h. p. McBwen compound tan dem engine for real estate or what have you? K 325. Oresonlan. FOR SALE Gasoline launch. 12-hursu-power 12-passenger. 28 feet long, with can opy top. Inquire 310 Wella-Fargo bitig. ilo MODEL "Thor" motorcycle, twin cylin der flrst-clase condition; quick sale, $150 cash. ALS'.regonian BLICKENS'DERFER TYPEWRITERS. $45, $50 Ask for catalogue. P.ebullts $15 up. M. Hayter & Co.. 90 5th st. Main 552S. 6x1 PRINTING PRESS, with type, etc.. $45; cost $90; good as new. Box 171, Lents, Or. 6000GALLONS of stone Jan at 8c a gal lon. 833 1st St. Marshall 1867. SAFES 5 second-hand aaree, very cheap. Portland Safe Co.. 8" 8th at. SHOWCASES, new and second-hand. 312 Everett, corner 0th. Also nxtures. XOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Na tional Credit Ass"n. B01 Worcester bldg. BODY Brussels rug. 26x13; also Wilton car pet : will sell cheap. J 324. Oregonian. CORDWOOD. boxwood, coal. Multnomah Fuel Co.. Both phone. MOVING-PICTURE THEATERS. Our films are tha pick of 28 Indepen dent manufacturers: 14 new picture ra leased weekly. You need the best; we can furnish. It. Write for full information. IX D. WESTERN FILM EXCHANGE. 615-519 Swetland Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. MILLINERY store fixtures for sale at 430 East Madison, bet. 6th and 7th. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. CLOTHING. Wanted Men's castoff clothing and shoe and bicycles; highest prices paid; we also buv ladies' clothing. Call up the Globe second-hand store. Phone Main 2oS0. 290 1st st. Prompt attention always given. We call ia every part of the city. CLOTHING. Wanted Men's cast-off clythine and shoes: we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d SL Main 0272. CARPENTER work of all kinds; jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty. Cunimlng . Catlln. H71 First st- Marshall 2327. WE BUY all kinds second-hand store fix tures and pay the highest price. 222 Grand avenue. SELL your secoad-hand furniture to the Far Auction Co. or you'll get leas. Phones; Al 2445; Main 8951. WANTED 2d-hand concrete mixer for cash. Phone Marshall 2700. 202 Lumbermen's bldg. BRING them around to 401 Wygant and Slh: want a second-hand bicycle; must be cheap anil in running order. WANTED 150 Plymouth Rocks and Whito Leghorn pullets, no more than year old. A Ij 324. Oregonian. WANTED About 25-horseiower stationary gasoline engine: must be cheap. Peters Ma chine Works. Kelso, Wash. IF YOU have household furniture to sell, call up George Baker & Co., 152 Park st. Both phones. wfc'OT cash paid for your furniture; proms attention always given. Phone East 1067. HELP WANTED MALE YOUNG man with no home, who understand something of office work and stenoc ruphy wanted. Merrill, 7th and Oak, afternoons. TWO roufrh carpenters to repair dump cars; $3 (lay; donkey engineer, $3; bndt;o men, 3. 5(1. C. K. HANSEN & CO., 26 N. 2d St. BAKER helper, experienced on cakes, all sec ond hand, quick young man. Royal Baking Company, Vancouver. Wash. FRESSER wanted, also an alteration man, on ladies' garments; steady work, good wafies. 411 Morrison st. WANTED An experienced man pressor at. Willamette Dye Works. 266 3d St. Good wages. Phone Main 7322. WANTED At once, tailor, bushelman; good salary for right man. East Portland Dye Works. 148 Grand ave. YOCNG man. not under 17. for grocery; one understanding care of horse; refer ences required. 814 Corbett. W ANTIC D Girl for general housework, two in family; good wages. Call at 6S3 Broad way. WANTED Neat young man with $."X to worn in office and show property; can make hi mr.ney. 212 5th ft. WANTED Young nmn between 20 and 25 years of age; high school graduate or better. Addi-eps AH .12.". Oregonian. WANTED Position as engineer or make re pairs; married man. experienced. H Oregonian. FOUR "bright boys, over 16 years old. for -wholesale plumbing house. Ask for Wood ford. Crane Co.. 14th ami Irving. WANTED at once Three men to learn au tomobile repairing and driving. Call 51 56 Union ave. corner Davis. A FIRST-CLASS boy to drive delivery wag on; permanent position. Portland Heights Grocery & Market Co., 2Qth and Spring- BOY about 16. with wheel, to deliver and help about store; good yvages. permanent if satisfactory. Fraley Bros.. 214 3d si. BOYS over lti years of age. with bicycles. Apply bet. 8 and 10 A. 51., Olds, Wort man & King. WANTED Man to fell real estate who has had experience selling industrial insurance Call 626 Corbett block. WANTED Several cabinetmakers and fur niture packers. Apply Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co.. 1214 Macadam Road. WANTED Experienced first-class clothing man; steady position now open. J. L. Bow man Co.. 5th and Alder. WANTED A boy about 16 with a wheel. Apply at the Albina Dye Works. 2S8 Russell. - WANTED Klrst-class salesman for tailor; 1 Eastern man preferred. Best of salary. Root. Douglas, the Tailor. 1.'5 5th st STOCK bovs. over 16 years of age. Apply bet. S and 10 A. M., Olds, Wortman & King. : BOOKKEEPER and office man wanted for mercantile firm; state experience and sal arv expected. Y 325, Oregonlan. BOY wanted in sample suit store; good Chance to learn clothing business. 31.1 Oregonian bldg- BARTENDER and wife for light upstairs work wanted. Merrill, 7th and Oak. afternoons. WANTED Man 60 to 65 years old. good ad dress, easy work. Opera House Laundry Co., 2d and Everett sta WANTED At once, 3 stock and bond sales men. Apply at 90S Board of Trade bldg. Ask for Mr. Curtis. BOY with bicycle to deliver packages and work about clothing store. Hewett, Brad ley & Co.. 344 Washington St. $5 PER MONTH Learn telegraphy; day and evening sessions. "Practical," 329 11th St.. Portland, Or. fTrsT-CLAPS cutter wanted. Apply to Pa risian Tailors, 91 6th. ALL-ROUND tailor tvanted at once. Ad dress Ma CllllIJlou.,. WANTED Teamster, oily work; come earl McCoy. :io. -Miii" " . PRKSSFEKDER to work 2 hours evenings. Apply 303 '.-i Washington. room 24. WANTED Boy to help on cake; night work. Royal Bakery. 11th and Everett. EXPERIENCED hall boy. Nortonia Hotel. 'llth and Stark. BOY wanted .with wheel; good wages. 142!, Second St.. room --. GOOD shoemaker for second-hand shoe..; .. nnlv ::'. Front St. goon i-'i-,.. -. . H pcTltlCIAN for inside wiring. Morgan. Fleidncr A Boyce, 53-6 Ablngton bldg. W VNTED Two boys, steady work. Carman Mfg. Co.. 1th and Upshur. WAITER First-class. rellablo man for work. Meves. 105 6th St. ti-VPFRIENCED delivery boy to drive gro innlv afternoons. 443 6th at. cei y -.on-.". n-w'o principals, college graduates; $000, $1 2007 611 Swetland bldg. 5 1 :-mi. .,i , BARBER wanted; steady work. 304 Bui n- siue a,-- A BOY to do Janitor work: $25 a month and board. M 32-3. Oregonlan. WANTED'-!-".. -er, -, " " . .-.. , !-... IO - Oft PHOTOGRAPH coupon an portrait &geaa new offer. Cutbertb studio. Den urn bids. VANTED Good boy over 17, also delivery HOY wanted for steady employment. Apply at Museum of Art. 5th and Taylor sts. jT wanted in wholesale house. Apply BOY wanted, 16 years old. to work in kio- e 1 ' - tilt 11 an q na w . VNTED A preswer. 2.K. per hour; steady work. Call at r.Qft Stark. .HlGH-cr.JVHS commercial salesman or rep- resentative. --a ,umhci ,i$ uin- rUKriT-CLASS coatmaker. Brown Bros., tail ors. -M4 AlUPr FIHST-CI-.AWS jnaoh inlsis wanted. Call W ANTED Boy with wheel to work all day. Ki'iT-bt Shoe. Co. FI HST-CT. ASS coatmaker and bushelman. Iteea ij ros. , J3.'Juj a-,,",.. i.u U1 "- "WANTED Boy. must have wneel. au s Pharmacy, 6tn ana Moms. DOCTOR Excellent location for married man; cash business. Aanre - ' ft' W-VXTFD At once, a firat-class coatmaker. il. Johnson. Mc.Minnville. Or. r- a T.TXP.T-M AKKRS wanted. The Oregon Plan! ng -ll'l s. ItHh and Vaughn. BOY wanted for delivery. 640 East Main street. ,. WANTED A tinner. 5rt9 Tenino ave., .Sell wood: take Sell wood car. PRK-KRS wanted. Broadway Dye Works, union tii u . hi. BOY for delivery. Portland Electrotype & Stereotype Co.. 245 Stark st., 3d floor. WANTED Boys. $i per week; S hours' work. Apply at t-usnong o., wi r sx. t