11 TTIE MORXTXG OREGOMAX, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1910. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF ORECOXIAX TELErHOXKS. Pr1fl" Ftt. Hmi ....Vain 707O . ! Main T- TO A "! ....Main T"T WJ ....Main TT A '.' ....Jtfaln T"7 A ....Main T". TO A "'..-. Main T070 A6UUS f u nMr r-r-iTn . . . . . ritj -lrruItlon. ... Manacti a; Rtlitor . Cjndtr Edlfor. .... rimp'.slnj room Cujr ditr fcjpt. bulldlns. . . . AMT8E.MEXT9. ORPHECM THEATER Mnrrl.nn. bwn tilth and Pvnth Vaudevlll. Thla rt.rnoon at 2:13 and tonlfht at 8 JS. GRAND THEATER Park and Wuhlnfton) . Vaud.vira. Thla afternoon at o- Uit at T:S0 and ft. .Tr.lc THEATER Fwnh and AMar) Arnulrtn Mu.tral t'om.d. Company In "Plajrln th RirH." Thla afternoon at Z.M. tonla-ht at T .K) and . ITR THEATER Park and wahlnton Motion plrturaa. CbhUbuoui. trom 1 :3v to IO:SO p. M. ) aVRMORT Tnth and Courh Food atxrw. . and roanofactur.ra xpoattlon. tonight at T:v. JOHW BRCTT' FUNERAl. HtU)-FO- tiera.1 arvlce for John Barrett, a prominent business man who died Mon day mornlnt, mere held from tha resi dence. 215 North Twentieth atreet, yes terday mornlwc. Afterward the body wa eaoorted to the Cathedral of the Imaculate Conception, where a public service wu held at t o'clock. The Immediate friends held a private serv ice, at the ajrare. The Interment was in Rlvervlew Cemetery. Mr. Uarrett was for 4 years emrasred In the plumb Ins; business In thla city, dotnn busi ness under the name of John B.trrett aV Son. He Is survived by a widow and five children, all residing tn this city. Fur.ziE-Or-r Gam Er ix Fioht John Ramsey went to the police station yesterday mot-ulna;, with blood stream ing from a cut In his face and swore to a complaint, charring assault, and bat tery aKalni-t Charles Mays, proprietor rf a saloon, at Third and Flanders rtreeta. Mays was arrested by Patrol man Harms. Ramsey said he went Into the place, and played a game of freese-out for the drinks. When he lost, and paid for the drinks, he says that Mays demanded 15. alleced to Yinrm been lost by Ramsey In the game. "W hen Ramsey refused to pay. he says. Nays struck him. Rrr. Ma. Toinsa Wiu. Bw Speaker. Jv. Benjamin Young, of the First Jilethodlst Church, will deliver the ad dress at the th anniversary celebra tion of the Rebekah lodges. I. O. O. F.. jrhlrh will be held next Tuesday nigh In Orient Lodge hall. Kst Sixth an tst Alder streets. All Rebekah lodges mlU be represented. First, there will he rltullstle services followed by th nddress br Rer. Mr. Young and llterarv and musical programme. Mrs. LA. Kallsher Is chairman of the com knlttee of arrang-ements. Oddfellow fend their families are Invited. TV. T. V. Eunn Orrtr-r.m. Mrs Margaret Houston was this week tlected president of the Central Wo man's Christian Temperance t'nion. Airs. J. Burns. corresponding secre tary. Mrs. C A. Ponnay. recording see retary. and Mrs. Lownlng. treasurer. Delegates were elected to the county convention, to be held September 20 and 31. and to the state convention ISalem. October 12 and 1. The stree meetings, that are held every Sunday tiear Chapman and Iwnsdale squares, were reported as very successful. Mission Board to Meet. An Oregon day programme will be given at the Gladstone Christian Church by the Federation of the Christian Woman' Board of Missions on Friday. September 1. at 11 o'clock. Eminent women from Oregon City. Salem and Portland will be present. The members of the Glad stone Auxllltary will furnish the noon luncheon. Thlir promises to be an In terestlng occasion and a most cordial Invitation Is extended to all. An 'Me Hear Addresses. The regular weekly luncheon of the Tort land Ad Men's Club was held at the Oregon Grill at noon yesterday. Frank C Rlggs. and expert on automobiles and the manipulation of benzine bug gles. and Hugh Hume, editor of the Spectator, addressed the members pres ent on advertising topics of Interest. Over tO members of the club were pres ent. and a most enjoyable time waa sad by all. Improvement Boot to Meet. The Voodlawn Improvement Association will hold its first Fall meeting Greene'a hall, corner of Dekum avenue and Seventh street, on ' Friday, Sep tember It. at P. M. Matters to be considered are: Reports of committee on fire matters and street railway 1m provements. election of delegates to the clvia council and other business of importance. Ausiva TofFCRAKri Wome Meet. Annual meeting of the Alblna Women's Christian Temperance I nlon was held Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. J. Donald con. 110 Fremont street. Officers were elected for the ensuing year. Mrs. M. K. Hosier waa made a life member of the state organisation. Light refresh' tnenta were 'served. Cream op Cor.1, oyster cocktail. Ex change club sandwiches, creamed chicken and oysters, corned beef hash and egg, lamb, curry and rice: b railed tongue. Spanish sauce: combination salad, string beans, Spanish: huckle berry pie. Brown Betty and other good things, at the Woman's Exchange. 1S Jlfth. X."!kk AvEnrrB TO Be Paveu. Union avenue Is to be paved between East Oak and Fast Morrison streets. All water and aewer pipes and connections are being made now, before the Im provement Is put down. The street "was filled several years ago and covered with crashed rock Jvpo Dart Vkderooes Operation. ames Dart. County Judge of Columbia County, of St- Helens, underwent a minor operation at Good Samaritan Hospital yesterday. Judge Dart Is re ported to be resting easily and there Is every prospect of a rapid recovery Thi Bio Trade-Bitilpim Sal at the 2rownsvlIl Woolen Mill Store. Third and Morrison streets, crows In favor d.illy. Hundreds of men have been surprised at the big values In Fall suits and overcoats, regular 118 60 to r. on sale at IIS. Tbi law department of th University i uregon win open September 19. Stu dents can register any time by apply ing to the secretary. Walter 1L Evans. Ill Corbett building. Catalogues free. PiioHiamo.1 wishes home rule bill. De bated tonight by Colonel Hofer and Dr. Wilson, at the Tabernacle, at Haw thorne Park. Free to all. Take Mount Tabor car to East Twelfth street. APARTMEOT-Hot'SB SlGHT- Flne view of the clty and walking distance: well worth the money. Wal lace Investment Co.. Oregonlan bide; Rats War. Steamer sails tonight for San Francisco direct. Cabin 110. steer ace IS. berth and meals Included. Frank Bollam. agent. i:s Third at- P.-axo Lessors. W, Clifford Nash an nounces the opening of his piano studio at 3&1 Washington. An early applica tion Is advtstable. 'Bills against Portland Fair and Live stork Exposition should be presented t once. 421 Hamilton bldg. Real Waucut Laxd. Wlthycomba at Dickinson. 441 Hamilton block, have It. little or much. Swiss Watch Rrwrewa.-C Christen en. M floor Corbett bldg. Take elevator. WnatLT customers for dreaeed poultry and strictly fresh eggs. D 3. Oregonlan. Tailored Witts, jas up. Teesdale. eo Marquam bldg. Main 419. A 1085. Diamonds. C. Christensen. second floor aorbett building. Take elevator. Mae. Pratt's select day school for girto. fit Thompson at. Phone East 4. Wposter's great fruit store. Wash Xeautiful Goarhart. r. J. Durand. lota. , Horse and Bugot Stolex. Driving about the city with a horse and buggy stolen from In front of the Electric building Tuesday afternoon, an un known man has been seen several times and the police are endeavoring to arrest him. The theft was reported by W. H. Phelps, an employe of the Port land Railway. Light Power Company, living at 181 East Twelfth street. Phelps says be hitched his horse In front of the Electric building about 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon and went Inside. When he returned to the street, the horse and buggy were gone. Churchmen Will, Debate. S. O. Pool, of the Church of Christ, and W. F. Martin, of the Seventh-Day Adventlst Church, will hold a Joint debate on the question of which day Christians should keep the first or the seventh. The first debate will be held at 8 o'clock on the evening of September 15. and will continue each evening until Sep tember 15. in the Cotton Tabernacle at Lents. Mission Advaxcb Aoent Here. Mrs.. E. A. Osbornson. advance agent for foreign mission conventions on the Coast, will meet at 2 o'clock this after noon with the chairmen and members of the various committees at the Y W. C. A. to discuss the convention to be held In Portland. October H and 17 She desires a full attendance of the committees. Jl'DOE Cleland. an avowed candidate for over one year, reports that his candidacy due to meeting to selec Judicial candidates for assembly false. See letter William 1. Fenton. Tuesday Journal, pa?e 12: Wednesday Orego nlan. page 15. (Paid advertisement) Six-Room Hoi-sb por Rent, all new furniture for sale. 315 West Park st. corner Clay. Phone Main 4175. GAINS 265 SCHOOLS SHOW 282 OITR SAME HAY YKAH AGO. Increase torn pared with Opening Hay Xnl So I-argp Total lias Rrarhrd 21,021. School enrollment yesterday showed only light Increase over the attendance Tuesday. The day closed with 21.024 on the rolls, an increase of 265 over the preceding day. Compared with the attendance on Wednesday of the first week of school last year, there was an Increase of 262. Proportionately, the Increase In attendance from the open Ing day has not been as rapid aa last year. Following Is the enrollment yester day. compared with the corresponding day last year: If). !!. 114 1.14 4I ' IX ll IT 'it 4T0 4.'4) 4I 44 4"i rir, ""O a::n 1.1 II 11 Mill or twwi H ill 1H flu :.' r.u Km iti'4 ! M.M fill :no 4ii 170 ..1 4It 4- 73 77.1 4 MLtl 72-.' 7'l IIM 15!l tU! ?.4.-, 27 Sl: 4I M4 21:1 :too 4'.-7 4.'."1 2'." S..o :il 7rt r.v ..-, 7.(2 .!! 4i 411 ns 11s 411 4'J9 7M f.7.' I.IH till 74 74:1 I loo ::l T:t .-,n.-, It.-" ll.M 4.1S 4i 1H 17 AInaworth Alhlna Homestead .......... Arlola Atklneon Hoyp- and Girls' Aid oclet . Brooklyn Burkman ChApnuin eliutnn Kelly Cnurh ....................... I'r'ntnn Iiavla Peaf Iirntton Home Knnt Mount Tabor. Klft : railing Kern wood Fulton Park Clenroa Hawthorne HIsMand Hollaiay Ilolman Irvlnstrn Jffrron High Kris IjkM Inta Lincoln High l.lenellvn .Montarllla Mount Taoor ok!ev Green Peninsula . ........... . Portsmouth Richmond Rom lty Park K-l 1 wool Shuttuckl Hhaver south Mount Tabor Stephens .................... 8Jnn-sd ................... Trw,lllr Thompson tTrada 4 Bora 1 .............. tTrades (Gtrla) Vernon i. . . Waahlnstoa Hlch Woo1lairn Totals 18.16-' 21.024 Schools that did not open until the aerond week. tTherw were S.l boys and lrl In tha trade arho.il on the corresponding date Laat year. BABIES BETTER THAN COWS Court Shows Dalrvmnn Relative Value of Two Lives. "Lives of children are of more Im portance In this court than lives of cows, said Judge Bennett, In Munlrl- pal Court yesterday, tn speaking of the rases of Leonard Capaul and Casper liuber. charged with selling milk with out a license. The two men are driv ers for John Zoller. a dairyman, who sells the milk of SO cows In the city. All his cattle, said Zoller, have un dergone some kind of a test for tuber culosis, and he refused to sumblt to city Inspection,, during the So-day per iod, required for the former Inocula tion to run Its course. In the mean time he attempted to sell the milk from the cows, and ran counter to the rtty ordinance, which refuses a license for the sale of milk from rows not In spected by the city bacteriologist. Zoller said that he had been Influ enced by reports circulated by Inter ested persons to the effect that the city ordinance was unconstitutional, and need not be obeyed. Attorney C. J. Schnabel appeared for Zoller. and as sured the court that his client was an xious to comply with the law, but did not wish to endanger his rattle by sub mitting to the teat before the former test had run its course. Judge Ben nett referred the case to City Health Officer Wheeled for his recommenda tion. WHERE TO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at th i Portland Heataurant. Fine private apart menu xor taaias. iv ivun. near eta st. O'Neill serves table d'hote Wednesday and Sunday evening. SI plate. A la carte t all times. Music to 13 P. U. Alder and W. Park. PARK &JUF0RD.- The name stands for the very high- st quality of confectionery made In this country. New York candles, of un- uestioned perfection. Handled in Portland by Slg. Slchel A Co.. onlv. 1 Third. Third and Washington and Wells-Fanro bldg. Negroes Employed on Eureka. Having exhausted all toleration for the fallings of white men employed In he steward s department. Captain Thomsen. of the steamer Eureka, sailed ast evening with a crew of ebony- ued cooks and matters, while another son of Ham was given the berth of steward. Some of the Caucasians had overreached themselves In celebrating heir arrival in port last voyage, and others employed failed to report, so lie aklrper decided to make sailors of former dining car attaches. IS Commercial Club Establishes Industrial Bureau. NEW FACTORIES WANTED Manager to Be Placed In Charge of Department to Communicate AVIth Eastern Men Desiring to I-ocate In Portland. At nn enthusiastic meeting of the promotion committee of the Portland Commercial Club yesterday afternoon it was unanimously decided to establish an Industrial bureau in connection with the promotion bureau of the organisa tion. The meeting of this committee was called to consider communications from several Eastern capitalists desiring In formation on the manufacturing possi bilities of Portland and vicinity. The committee decided to create this new exploitation bureau. G. F. Johnson, chairman of the promotion committee. presided at the meeting, which was attended by all of the members. The committee authorized C. C. Chap man. manager of the promotion work of the club, to negotiate with a man who is said to have wide experience tn this matter, and. If possible, to se cure his services and place him In charge of the new bureau at once. The object of the new bureau Is to furnish data relative to the possibility of es tablishing manufacturing industries In Portland. The bureau will be required to look up the facilities for securing; materials, the cost of building sites, transportation, labor, rent and similar matters connected with the promotion of industries in this vicinity. A number of Eastern capitalists have made Inquiry as to the advantages Portland offers for various lines of manufacturing. Hitherto the promotion work of the Commercial Club has been devoted mostly to the farming branches and the dispersing of Information on Ore gon lands, but the rapid growth of the city and surrounding community now makes It Imperative that new indus tries be secured, and for this purpose the new bureau is to be established. Another , item which gives. Portland favorable opportunity to secure large Industries Is that the labor situation here Is such as to encourage them. This feature will be exploited in the pamphlets and letters of Information to be sent to prospective manufacturers. "SKINNED" ISHER CHARGE Woman Employed by Taxidermist Would Recover Wages Overdue. Mamie Heffran worked for C. f. Har ris, of 495 Washington street, a taxi dermist. In a complaint filed In Jus tice Court yesterday, she alleges that she was "skinned." Harris has sud denly disappeared from his customary haunts, and Miss Heffran-says tnat he left owing her five weeks' salary. At tachment papers were served upon the plsce of business by Constable Wag ner. A number of other creditors, mostly automobile liverymen, have since come forward with bills against Harris. PERSONALMENTION. J. A. Roberts, of LaGrande, Is at the Perkins. D. W. French. Jr.. of Baker City, Is the Imperial. Charles Young, of McMlnnville, Is a the Perkins. George W. Klger. of Tillamook. Is at the Portland. C. A. Taylor, of Kelso, Is staying at the Perkins. J. D. Tobln. of The Dalles, is registered at the Cornelius. A. S. Rosenbaum. of Medford, is stay- ng at the Oregon. Frank Heydon. of Falls City, Is regis tered at the Oregon. J. S. Dickey, of Nampa. Idaho, Is stay- ng at the Portland. W. A. Foster, of Prlneville. is regis tered at the Imperial. Carl O. Anderson, of Clatskanle, Is registered at the Lenox. W. J. Lubken. of Bntscaho, is reg istered at the Portland. w Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fleming, of Eu gene, are at the Imperial. Mrs. J. J. Dockar and sister, of Se attle, are at the Ramapo. Ralph Hanna and Del mar Davis, of Buxton, are at the Lenox. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Miller, of Olympia, are staying at the Ramapo. Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Smiley, of Warren- ton, are staying at the Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Cox. of Pasco, Wash, are staying at the Cornelius. Mrs. Clara Bower Greene, of San Francisco. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. William Bybee, at 827 Seventh street. Mrs. J. W. Hutchinson and Miss Helen Ermle, of WasWongal, are stay ing at the Lenox while they are spend ing a few days in the city shopping. Mrs. Jackson Sllbaugh. a National lec turer of the Women's Christian Temper ance Union, is the guest of Mrs. Ada Wallace I'nruh. state president of that asnockitlnn. Mrs. Sllbaugh la on her way to Eastern Oregon, where she will address several county conventions. CHICAGO. Sept. 14. Opecial.) The following Northwestern people are at the hotels today: From Portland At the L&salle, Mrs. Ralph Blaisdell: at the Blackstone, Miss M. Gilbert: at the Grand Pacific. G. W. Pe'rclvaL From McMlnnville At the Stratford. Lyle V. Hendricks. NEW YORK. Sept. 14. (Special.) Northwestern people registered at the hotels today as follows: From Portland E. H. C. Clark, G. Clark and wife, at the York. ' From Spokane L. Burton, at the Martha Washington; J. W. lnslnber, at the Park-Avenue. From Tacoma C. H. Dance. Mrs. C H. Dance. Miss M. Dance, at the Bres lln: J. H. Harris, at the Grand Union. From Seattle L K. Moses, at the Empire: Ike P. Ederer. Mrs. E. P. Ederer. A. A. Drew. J. Brygger, at the Empire: Mrs. L. S. Rows, at the Well ington; J. L. Richards, at the B real In. CHICAGO. Sept. 14. (Special.) Port land people registered at Chicago hotels today are: Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, Francis Jones, W. R. Streeter. at the Congress: George O. Morgan, at the La salle: Mr. and Mrs. Grewsdell, at the Blackstone; Fred Rlppberger, at the Morrison. WAREH0USEF0R RENT. No. & X. Parte opposite U. S. Cus tom House, about 8000 square feet, plenty of light. Inquire Graves Music Co. CAPITAL IT "1 a call requested T have for sale st a rare bargain ten ten-acre tracts of fine fruit land in Clark Cognty. Washington, four teen and one - half miles from Morrison street. Port land, and eight and one half miles from Vancouver, and on the beet macadam ized road leading out of that t hr lvlng city. The Vancouver electric railway now has a 40-mlnute serv ice to a point one and one half miles from theBe tracts, and the survey for the ex tension of this road is now being made practlcallv through the tract. This land Is of the very best of soil for fruit, vegetables, grasses or grains. I In a fine neighborhood with a good school only a quarter of a mile distant. An abundance of the best water can be had at a depth of 6 feet; the land is per fectly level, and there Is wood enough on the vari ous tracts to pay fully as much as we aek for the land. The owner Is very anxious to sell and we are offering these tracts at an extremely low. price. In deed, there Is no better bargain now offered in Clark County. If you will call at our office we will be pleased to give further 'particulars, show you maps and plats and quote prices, and then, if still Interested, we would like to take you out and ehow you the land. We can make very easy terms with a low rate of Interest on deferred pay ments. J. T. FORD Room 210. Lumber Kx change, Portland. Phone Marshall S27. Vaaeonver Office 503 ft Alain St. CUfT0N,2k.U(k IEDF0RB.2iia.sixa a- TheKeto ARROW Notch COLLARS Sit snugly to the neck, the tops meet in front and there is ample space for the cravat. lc..lfor23c. CIuctt,Peabody st Co.. Makers Painless Dentistry Out of ftmm iimi.1. can bare ebelr pjatc and bridsawora flu. isbod in if naoaaM one da) WiM thnyoe a (oat 22k fold t eorcaliHt snmlor $3.5C star Crown S.OC 22kBrld(TUi3.5C 3oU Kiting J.Otf caws! rnilags IOC CIW Filllni .50 :iFinhi 1 2.5 v 3..IRu.l)r ft riita VtVV Oast Res' Rub at . aar FkUa I.0U1 sma amura) mui r Wttt Eitr'tlM .SO ' WORK GUARANTEED POR IB YEARS Pslnlflas Extraction Free whan elataa or brtdca wortl bordered. Consultation Free. Too cannot cetbettew palnlMa work dona anywhere. All work fully giiac nteed. Modern lectrioeqaipmaat. Boat mornoriSj Wise Dental Co VSlvZSjliZ PORTLAND, OREGON) W7I00UM: A. It. a f.M. ra4ra.tot Hotel Colonial SAN FRANCISCO Stockton St.. ivbov Butter. Scl.ot family 110 room Hotel. E2vrr modern convenience. One block from .hopplnj and theater dis trict. European plan, $1.50 a day. American plan. $3.00 a day. 8utter-st. care direct from Frrr. A BEAUTIFCX WOMAN It often distressed by Gray or Bleached Hair Imperial Hair Regenerator Is the only sure and absolute ly harmless remedy for either; easily applied; any natural shade produced; leaves the hair soft and s; lossy. It Is unequaled for Beard or Mustache. Sample of hair colored free. Privacy as sured correspondence. Imperial Chemical Mfg. Co., 136 W. ggd 8t. N, Y. FAMA NACIONAL CIGARS Are Made of the Be st Havana Tobacco HAVE TOP TRIED OXEf CAMPBELL LAKIN SEGAR CO. DISTRIBUTORS. r 1 x-.ij: Our new Fall stocks rf oarpet ings and drapery goods are arriving daily. Call and examine these goods while the stocks are complete. . J.G. MACK SCO. Fifth sTk. af ti Marl SCBOOIS AND COM.BGES. vr Olrtm. aondmotad bdr th. SttTEftS Of THE HOLY HAKES OFltSUS D "KY uiroa. AttUNU. ana vouftu t. coatw. Btanio, Art. Elocution, and Coaawraial Ip. jtewuvra maMj niaarDU BeftBoH. Motwl and XaMllootoal Tratniaa Wrl. for Annownmm.Bt. AAA' m gjmaa Btrmmloa. ft Marr'.Aoadamj.PonTTAirp I North Pacific College SCHOOLS OF DENTISTRY AND P HARM ACT , PORTLAND. OHKGON. UBturpaesed In Equipment and Adrantasaa The Regular Bcsalona Begin Monday. October S, ISIS The colleira la located near the Heart of tna city, convenient to itDraries, cmna, large Dullness bvuiw and public bulldlnga. wbloa contribute so mucn to tna Ilia ol tna atu c.nt. For Information and catalogue oC eltnar course anareaa UK. HERBERT C. MILLER. . . Portland. Oregon. LAW DEPARTMENT University of Oregon PORTLAND, O REG OX. Fall term opens September 19. 1910. Course, three years of nine months each, covering twenty branches at the jaw. Evening classes. Graduates are especially prepared for the state car examination. For catalogue giving information ad- aress WALTER H. EVANS 11 CORBETT Bl.DG.. PORTLAND. OIL Portland Academyl PORTLAND, OREGON. A PRIMARY AND GRAMMAR SCHOOL Included. Eece'vea boys and gtfrls as young as six. The work or tne grades In seven years. Emphasis on essentials. Experienced and thorough teachers. Short school day. Physical training and Tree play in gymnasium ana on play ground, sena tor catalogue. A Boaxdlnr and Iar School tor Girls. A churcb achool whoso aim la tha vary bMt In Instructors and equipment. tneanui. ham.nk. hulldlnaa: wholesome climate: gymnaslum-mualo hall; private theatricata. bpacial f.aturea are the art atudlo, giving instruction In dlfforent art branches, and tha music department with ita stall of foreign trained Instructors. Certificate admits to gmith. Wellesley and other Eastern colleges. or further inrormation. aaaress JULIA P. BAILEY, Principal. bpukaae. YVaab ST. PAUL'S ACADEMY DUARUIMG SCHOOL FOB, GIRLS. The next scholastic session will open September 12, 1910. This school offers excellent opportunities for parents de siring a healthy environment for their children. Terms moderate, for partic ulars write to Sister superior, tst. .raui, Or. The School That Gets Results A select boarding and day school for hoys and young men. Accredited at leading uni versities. Small classes, strict discipline. Fall term opens Sept. 14. IttlO. Send Xor Il lustrated catalogue. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY. . S21 Marshall St.. Portland. Oregon. ART SCHOOL OF THE PORTLAND ART ASSOCIATION Reopens October 3. 1910. Drawing, por trait, life, sketch, color, design and chil dren's classes. For circular apply to MUSEUM OF ART. Fifth and Taylor Sta.. Portland, Or. PORTLAND OREGON t Sptondlii Borl)Tf and Dar Kcfanol for Vs-iltl.. MVT A!in ROYS FIxfmlTeotirtiejlBCollin. HirhKohool ndOom- ; mercial work. GriEmrrr'.taashttohoTfi(rrrU rears. School ODfiia 13.iviu. i skkiok r pea. Xddre. Fv. Jo-:pn Gaixagtf. C. B. 0.. Pit. THE ROYAL BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY Invites You to Its Booth in the Armory at the PURE FOOD SHOW To Sample Its Products. Felt or Derby $1.50 ClbanedaBlockks BOo LAUItS t-AIl MATS ftemooeled; Phones rfred. cnrtedi fcrrbinred. LirrM Shape HATS 31B ALDER COR. 6 Cored. OlyautboriredKaeierln, stittite In Oregon, Writs far Ulna- V?''0 ,!rcIr- Re.lr InatHitf e II E. - -. Portland. Oregon Fifth 0 Stark . WIIIMM BaasusaaaaaaaaaaaaSm GREATER Meier i 1 076th Friday Surprise Sale See Regular Advertisement, Last Page When You See "Surprise Sales" Think of The Meier &. Frank Store Reed Fold'g Go-Carts $5 Values for $1.89 Tomorrow, for the 1076th Friday Surprise Sale, in the Fifth Floor Baby Carriage and Go-Cart Section, Reed Go-Carts, like illustration, with reclining back, adjustable dash, cane seat and rubber-tired wheek. We secured another lot of these go-carts at an exceptionally low price and though they are regular $5.00 values, they will be - Q Q sold tomorrow atthis exceptionally low price, each ej X tO7 COLLAPSIBLE GO-CARTS, close with one motion; a good cart, that will stand up and wear well; regular $6.50 OO value, special for this great Surprise Sale at only tDTtjO 60-Piece Dinner Sets $6.49 Tomorrow, for the 1076th Friday Surprise Sale, in the basement, Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets, in white and gold ; our regular open stock pattern. No. 522, at special prices. The decoration is two gold lines on the border and gold decorated handles f Q and knobs ;. very neat, durable ware; GO-piece sets totymrTj 100-piece Sets specially priced for tomorrow at only $9.99 Brass Fern Pishes feTns $1.99 ( ..MM Cfaild'n's Sleeping Garments Regiilar ?5c Value, Special at 39c Tomorrow, for the 1076th Friday Surprise Sale, on the second floor. Children's Knit Sleeping Garments, in white only; ages 6 months to 4 years; made with feet and drop seat; regu- QA lar 75c values, specially priced for tomorrow's selling at OiC $22 SALEM, OR. AND RETURN On Sale September 11th to September 17th VIA Oregon Electric Railway ACCOUNT Oregon State Fair Parlor Cars Observation PORTLAND DAY SEPTEMBER 15th FARE $1.50 ROUND TRIP Passenger Station, Front and Jefferson Sts. Pr Parlor Car reservations and further information inquire A. L. RUFF, A. G. F. P. A., Portland. TO SALEM. . ., Calls to Salem and from Salem to Portland completed same as local calls in Portland by our new Two Number Service If you do not know telephone number of party wanted, call 'Information" and ascertain. Try it and you will be pleased. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company Beck Building, Seventh and Oak Streets. LETTERS OF CREDIT isrned by this bank offer a safe and convenient metiod sf carrying funds for a trip anywhere in this country) or abroad. They are, in themselves, a letter of intro duction to any banker and give the bearer standing ind credit when among strangers. (Mb Frank Store Tojnorrow, for the 1076th Friday Surprise Sale, on the first floor, very handsome ham mered Brass Fern Dishes, with ferns, at a low price. The bowl is good size and the fern is six inches, the entire piece being about 11 inches high. Decided rich and hand some home ornaments; reg. $2.;) IS 1.99 vals.. sp Quick Comfortable Clean N. L. ATKINS, Agent, Portland. Three minutes "25 Cents $21