1 1 5 ft I i mm. m LI! TUB .MUKM.NU OREGOMAX, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1H1U. 'j mm 1 rm lit l i4 8l'L.ff V Aw ?v ) ' TSieTMS! .5) Announces for Tomorrow Its mm f ; 1 i IU. ' .,, f m M : 4 -J hH V) 'I jf iirY' JV Vwr ' ON SIXTH FLOOR Orchestra under direction of M Christensen. C L ;g . H ' "l il t t Ltv j f 4 1 M-Ji ilH.f f If 3 r:. "1 A WW' Afternoon From Two toSix The Occasion of Which WO! Be the Display of the Most Recent Selections cf the Smartest of Styles and Materials in Fall and Winter Apparel for Women Presenting the most distinctive types of Europe's distinguished style creators models by such as Paul Poiret, Drecolle, Agness, Paquin, Felix, and many others, as well as the most noted of American fashion Artists Deutsch, Julius Stein, Maloney, Kauffman and others. In beautiful Gowns and Dresses, in Tailored Suits, the latter by such as Max M. Schwarcz and FredericK E. Deutsch of New YorK are the styles and fabrics that bear Fashion's stamp of approval that distinctiveness which commands instant admiration of the most fastidious.. And this occasion is to marK also the opening of our Two New Sections Gloves and Furs for which we have for many weeKs been preparing. That high standard of quality that is characteristic of the merchandise and service of our other departments, will be maintained here also. In Gloves will be shown a most complete line, and this new section will display exclusively the -oioV-.raferi Rpvnipr Freres Glace and Suede Gloves, the best o; French makes. Other well-known W - W X - - ' foreign makes, such as Dent's, as well as the best of domestic gloves, such as "Perfect Form" Fabric Gloves, will also be featured here. Miss Henrietta Kagi, so well and favorably known to the vomen of Portand and vicinity, will be in charge of this new department In Furs our selections are those of a practical furrier embracing everything in the fur line, large or small pieces Coats, Wraps, Neck Pieces, etc. We will be exclusive representatives in Portland and vicinity of the world's foremost fur concern Revillon Freres, Inc., founded in 1723, with branches in the leading cities of the world. Alterations will have expert attention here. In Corsets the Modart, Lly of France and Madeleine, exclusively shown in Portland here, offer the most authoritative of the season's most artistic modes models that insure bodily comfort and correctness of dress. Our expert corsetieres are prepared to give you the attention that means entire .satisfaction. Neckwear, Veilings, Belts and other "accessories to dress are shown in the season's cleverest and " prettiest effects and novelties. In the homefurnishing departments Furniture, Carpets, Draperies, Crockery, etc. second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors and basement there's much to interest. . To you and yours the Tull &. Gibbs' Store extends a welcome to be present on this occasion, to make this your shopping headquarters at all times. Splendid musical programmes will be rendered tomorrow afternoon by Portland's leading orchestral talent, on main and s:xth floors. ON MAIN FLOOR Orchestra under direction of Waldemar Lind. ON SIXTH FLOOR Orchestra under direction of M. Christensen. for 1 V5 J 1 i