THE MORXTXG OREGOMAX, WEDNESDAY, 1 SEPTEMBER 14, 1910. Take Afternoon Tea in Oiir Tea Room The Hawaiian Orchestra From 3 to 5 Luncheon From 1 1 :30 to 3 Meier & Frank Orchestra Phone Us Your Grocery Orders Private Exchange 4 or A-6101 Specials Advertised Sunday Are on Sale All WeekQuick Delivery - -' ' . - - - - no Onr Optical Department Saves Money For Everyone Who NeedsjClasses Satistaction Guaranteed Compare .Out" Prices and Note the Big Savings The G reater Meier ran k Store Our Thoroughly EquippdMnicuing Hairdressing and Message Parlors, On the First Floor, Bjlcony, Annexj Skilled Operators and Lowest Prices Harvest Festival Days and Manufacturers' SOODoz.Pr. Men's Harvard Mills Underw'r Sale Women's and Children's Underwear of the best inakey at prices much lower than usual this wek. Note the prices: $2.50 Union Suits $1.79 Harvard Mills I'nion Suit, in wool mixed, high neck and lorrg sleeves, knee or ankle length; rerular P1 7( $2)0 value. special tale V Tights and Vests 93c Women's Har vard 'Mills Vests and Tights, in heavy wool mixed, white or gray, long or short-sleeved vests, . knee or ankle lemrth tights; our regular QO. values, on sale at only '-V Silver Plated Salts andPeppers39cSet Today only, on the first floor, quadruple " plated Salt and Pepper Shakers, eai h set in lined box, "5Qf special for ju.t one day, pair''' Perrin Kid Gloves $1.39 Every man who knows kid gloves, knows that there are none better than the Perrin glove They are Real Kid gloves, never imitations, always well cut and well made and in the latest and best shades Through a lucky stroke of merchandising. we secured 500 pairs of this famously good make and we ofler them at a price that means a big sale All sizes and choice of all the leading shades tor Fall and Winter, including tan pique, tan outseams with spearpoints, em broidered. slate glace outseams with spe arpoints, embroidered All sizes in cadets and men's Every pair in the lot a reg. $2 value (T Stock up while this sale is on - At pair V Women's Wash Belts 10c to 49c We are dosing out our entire line of Women's Wash Belts, and in order to make them sell rapidly tomorrow, we place them on sale at prices that insure quick disposal. All fine quality, with neat pearl buckles, all go at three prices : Regular 25c values, special for only 10 Regular 35c values, special for only 19 Regular 65c and 75c values for only 49J Dress Shields 25c Values 1 2c A great bargain on women's nainsook, washable; sizes 2, 3 and 4. These are here as the result of an immense pur chase and we secured them for way be low the regular market price; 20c I O and 25c values, special, the pair Mothers who have not bought their boys school suits, will be pleased when they read this announcement We expected these suits over three weeks ago and received a re- bate from the maker on account of the delay Our customers have the benefit Come in wool materials, and good up-to-date colorings, in cluding dark gray, tan, olive, brown, etc. New cuts, splendid suits for school or everyday wear All sizes from 7 to 16 years. stylish and serviceable Regular $4.50 and $5.00 values, special in Boys' Clothing Sec tion, on third Sec- o i e floor y$ sJ J J ale New. Offerings for Today Boys' Knicker Suits $4.50, $5 VaL $3.35 Savings on Fine Furniture FHomr TURKISH ROCKER $15.98 Rockers of the best imitation leather covering, best upholstering and work manship. A rocker that looks like real leather, and will give almost as good service as real leather; hand some, luxurious and exciusive in pat terns. We have just 25 of these rockers to sell at this price. They are regular $25.00 values. Special for the Harvest Festival C1 C QQ and manufacturers ' sale p -J&0 Cups and Saucers 40c Values for 19c Thin, bowl-shaped Tea Cups and Saucers, in Jap China, blue and gold, regular 40c values; extra spe- q cial one day only, in basement Big 4-Day Sale of Women's And Children's Fine Cloves See Our Morrison Street Window Display ?3g?' ORDERS PA Z' FILLED lb At L MAIL Ml. See 1 i l In this sale we feature seven special lines of Women 'g Gloves, and the very best styles and shades for Tall wear are included. To start the glove sea son off with a rash, we make prices so low that yon '11 surely come to the Meier & Frank Store for yonr handwear supply. 12.000 pairs of women's and children's gloves in this sale. Every pair new Tall goods. Bny now. Display Morrison Strest Window Women's Kid Gloves, overseam stitched, come in black, white and colors; sizes 5- to 7; regit- 7Q Isr $1.25 values; special, pr. Children's Gloves, 2 -clasp dress kid, or one-clasp cape; all sizes; QQ regular $1.25 values; the pairO Women's Overseam Gloves, Perrin 's make. 2-elasp style, in black, white nnd colors; size to 1 CI 7; regular $1.50 values. ? . 1. 7 Women's One-Clasp Cape Gloves, in tan only, for walking or driving; sizes 5 2 to 7'ii. rcgularH.OO A7r values; on special sale, pair" Women's Dress Kid Gloves, 2-clasp style, with broad silk stitched back, or contrasting stitching; black, white and colors; sizes 5V2 to 7; QO. regular $1.50 values, the pair Women's Pique Kid Gloves, 2-clasp style with heavy stitching in self or contrasting colors; black, white and colors; regular $1.75 "J Q values, on special, pair Pr Women's Pique Kid Gloves, Pen-in 's maks, in black, white and colors; sizes b'2 to 7, $1.75 val- C?1 OQ ues; special at this price, r EVERY PAIR OF GLOVES IN THIS SALE FITTED AND WARRANTED Skirts Will Be Cut Free From Dress Goods Bought Here Great Sale on Ostrich Plumes, Millinery Dept. 2d Floor See Our Women's $25.00 and $35.00 Tailored Suits Sole Portland Agents Men's Adler Rochester Clothes fake Advantage of This Sale, Royal Steel Graniteware Great Harvest Sale of Genuine Haviland Dinnerware Great 4-Day' Sale of Women's Hosiery 50c-85c Values 3 Pair $ 1 --$ 1 .50 SiikHose 98c A belated shipment, else we'd have told you about these Hosiery bargains at the start of the Harvest Festival and Manufacturers' Sale. From one of the greatest hosiery houses in America (we are under promise not to publish the name) we secured a mar velous price concession on a large quantity of the finest kinds of hose for women and children. The assortment is one that affords so wide a choice that any need in hosiery may be filled at these low prices. There are both domestic and imported goods in end- less variety. Read the list with care and take advantage of the many bargains here. 1 . . . Women's 50c-85c Hose 3 Pr. $ 1 4000 pairs of high-grade Hose, in plain or silk lisle, lace or embroidered boots, and fancy and staple colors. Light weight, special importations from the best mannfacturers, rr regular values to 8oc the pair; on special sale for this great sale THREE PAIR FOR ftlUU $1.50 Silk Hose 98c Pair Silk thread Hose in three styles, the woven, that will not run in the threads, black only; knit silk, lisle tops and soles; black QQ. and all colors, $1.50 vals, 70U $2.25 Silk Hose for $1.15 Pure thread silk Hose, in light or medium weights, with four-inch wide welt tops and lisle Crofoot soles. Come in black only. Worth twice the sale price; dj 1 1C $2.25 values, the pair P1,iJ 50c Hose 3 Pair for $ 1 .00 Plain black Cotton Hose, soft finish, Egyptian cotton, with Maco soles; ustial f0e tfjl f( quality, 3 pairs for V1"" Boys' and Girls' Hose, ribbed black, elastic gartered tops, double knit at all wearing points; not to be equaled at "I Olj lr this price; the pai Outsize Hose for 22c Pair Black Cotton Hose in outsizes; Fall weight, Hermsdorf dye; a great special for women who wear outsizes; values to 50c the 00 pair, on sale at only, pair'' 65c Worsted Hose at 50c Black AVorsted Hose in regular or outsizes, three-thread heel and toe; soft finish, fast dye; Cflf 65c values; special, pair JVv Cotton Hose for 29c Pair Extra weight black Cotton Hose, with four-inch gartered welt top, real Maco double sole.- Guaran teed stainless; a good hose for service; regular 40c val- OQ ues; special at, the pair'- Misses Hose, plain ribbed and silk lisle, fashioned or seamless; black only; odd lot of sizes; 35c to 50c values; three pairs 1 for 50c, or the single pair Black Ingrain Hose at 27c Splendid quality black Ingrain Hose, with colored gartered tops, heels and toes; double sole, full fashioned; regular 40c O J values; special, the pair" Ribbed Wool Hose at 23c Black ribbed Wool Hose with fine woven foot, gray heels and toes and elastic tops; 40c val-OO. ues; sale price, the pair1' Children's School Hose 25 c We have some of the best wear ing brands on the market, and for some of these we are the sole Portland agents. Included in our stock are the Black Cat brand, the Cadet and the Victor OC brand; best to be had, pr, Children's Black Cotton Hose, the Merry Jester brand, sanitary dye, seamless, unexcelled qual-OC ity; 15c val. 3 pairs for"-c 50c Outsize Hose for 37c Ribbed top outsize Hose in black only, with high spliced heels and double soles; a good elastic top hose that will wear well; 9 50c values, this sale, pair ' 25c Cotton Hose 15c Pair Plain black Cotton Hose, seam less, with linen heels and " C toes; 25c values; the pair Wayne Knit Hose 3 Pr. 89c These come three pairs in a box; medium weight, black QQ. only, premier quality; box OZt Infants' Cashmere Hose, in black, white and colors; assorted sizes, mercerized heels and toes; OA priced .at, the pair, only"- Infants' Silk Lisle Hose, fash ioned shape, soft finish, in black and assorted colors and sizes; a clean-up in this line; 35c 1 values, priced at, the pair Os We're Starting a New Sewing Machine Qui of 500 Join andBuy a Sewin g Machine $2 Down $1 Week -r . 1 1 A - - ' -11- mv.-. v, i ttto ' tto ottot otfomTitAfi to form hut. nast. experience with our Sewinsr Machines has proved to us that we may expect X Ilia IS bUC iaigb wuu nv v "-"'"X' - l I 1 " , to have a large response to this announcement. We have the sole Portland agency for the famous a j i f n-,.tnwiAw will tocUfxr - fhoir rmalitTr unrl nnivprsal rpnn Wf 1 8 1 rllTI Gtt G 1 6 Will S Nl SC IlinG tation for satisfaction and durability. Every machine is warranted for ten years, every machine .. , is a late mouei, witn au 01 me iiupxuvciiiciito tuo.ii wusuiub ucoitimtuu au. ouggoi, ouu rj - . r- . ' rAn j i 13,. fnn 1nt-o fsnA TioTiIUrirf o Iotttot TuimVior rf m o rViin o3 fl.rA machine has a complete set of attachments, we want ouu new sewing macume tuswiucia. Tu, r rr V , "V enabled to give the same low prices on club terms as we do for cash. The same quality of machines are not to be had m other cities for the low prices sold for by us. . . . ... . . . . . --i i i. i j ,;i n foil ..nnr. n"n fail w a new m9.nliiii( Tf von are usinsr an old. worn-out machine vou can The Meier & Frank club system of buying a Sewing Machine is simple, convenient and economical. Enter your name on ine ciud rous ana pay yt.w uuwu, wo u ueuw t"c mavuuic o.. uvv. Then you pay us one dollar every week untjl you have paid the purchase price of the machine von select and before you know it you have 'the machine paid for. Come in and inspect them. ti uu ocnuig r w J o ' - afford to discard it and buy a new one at these prices and terms. Come and see how smoothly the Willamette runs, what excellent work it does and note its many points of superiority. If you can't come, write for booklet, describing all the grades of these very serviceable machines. Buy a Willamette Sewing Machine, $20 to $35- Only $2,00 Down-$ L00 Week Willamette "B" MODEL F 14 Inscription: Hich arm double-IiN-k-stiMi soin;r head, with many improvements. Improved oak dro head ca.-e f excellent quality, equipped with an automatic lifting to position. devire for elevasins sewing head The stand is ball-bearing and runs easily, quietly and swiftly. The attarhmentj furnished froe of chaiye are of excellent praile and are parked in a substantial, velvet lined box. Price $20.00: 82 Down, $1 Week. Willamette "C" NUMBER 124 This model supplies a long-felt want for a strictly high-class sew ing machine at a very modest price. W'e have no hesitation in fully in dorsing it to our friends and stand ready to guarantee that it will give long and satisfactory service. Mission .design, quarter-sawed oak drop cabinet with automatic lifting device for raising sewing head to position. The stand, which is ball bearing and easy running, is attractively designed and well finished. Price $23.50; $2 Down, $1 Week. Willamette "C" MODEL 104 Here is another attractive model which is certain to greatly please you. It is serpentine design and the finish is quite equal to that ap plied to the best grades of pianos. A sewing machine agent would charge you from $40.00 to $50.00 for a sewing machine actually in ferior to this one. The sewing head is the easy running, perfect-stitching Willam ette "C." The case is an automatic drop head and is built of extra fine quarter-sawed oak. mirror finish. Price $26.50; $2 Down, $1 Week. Remember That We Guarantee Every Machine Sold By Us If any part should prove defective, or you should find reason for dissatisfac tion, we cheerfully make it right. Read the guarantee with each machine: We hereby guarantee this Willamette fine family Sewing Machine No. for a period of TEN YEARS. During that time we agree to replace all de fective parts ENTIRELY FREE OF CHARGE, excepting the wear and breakage of needles and shuttles. Willamette Rota- ry Model 1410-A TIpro is a Rotarv Sewing Ma chine at a price actually less than you will be obliged to pay else where for the common type of ma chine. Not withstanding this., fact this rotary is strictly reliable, and although the equipment cannot compare with the equipments of model on opposite page, it is nev ertheless most sanisfactory and durable. ... ' High arm improved rotary sew ing head, well finished and .equip 'd in every detail. Golden oak em bossed cabinet of attractive design with automatic lifting device. Price $31.50; $2 Down, $1 Week. Willamette "C" MODEL 300 Here is a full automatic drop cabinet of a most handsome and original design. It is entirely un like anything you have ever seen and its severely beautiful mission lines will strongly appeal to the discriminating. With one of these machines in your home you will be the envy and despair of your neighbors. Mission design, full drop-front qnarter-sawed oak case with piano finish. Automatic lifting device for raising head to position. Price $32.50; $2 Down, $1 Week. Willamette "C" DESK CABINET You will fall in love with this exquisite Art Desk Cabinet Wil lamette "C" Machine. It is fully enclosed and when not in use it in no way resembles a sewing ma chine, and may be utilized as a desk or table. This cabinet is built of the choic est selected quarter-sawed oak with beautiful flaky graiu. The sewing head rests inside the cabinet, from which position it is raised to posi tion by means of an automatic lifting device. Price $35.00; $2 Down, $1 Week.