TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, SEFTE3IBER 14, 191Q SLOW IN OPENING Dealers Cannot Get the New Hop Market Started. CROP COMING DOWN FINE London Market firm Willi Ad vancing Temirnej -New I e Found for Hops in England. Picking bjr Machine.. Tri. hop trade of In Coast is lalng pnm difficulty In (ttUl( tfc Ttp tr.arkot .raj-ted. Ne look! for much .-tlvlr at thl tlm. of year, but thr I tsaualtr a littl buains undor war In t harvest period by which th cor of the later mum may b laua.d. At the pres- nt time. hor.Tr. there mni to bo n entire abaeae of dmtnd. That th market srt'.l before Ions; sak up can bo taken for certalntr. aa a tolerably ft II lino of s baa been forwarded to 1 i East, where th. dealers can rlfy tho assertions mad that tho quality of tnla year Oron crop la choice. picking la belns; prosecuted vigorously la tho Valley and by tho end of the tha toulx of tho crop will haw boon narreatod. The total yield will probably bo ahown to b lomowhora bMi 1U0.0O0 and lOft.OoO bal.a. No buslnesa waa reported from California or Washington ytrley. Tho fact that 12 rent wa oftrt for Sacramento would Indicate that Oregon should bring about IS cents. A London cable reported the English market firm with an advancing tend en cr- It will surprise Oregon bopgrover and dealers to learn that In England they hare ether uses for hope than tho manufacture n? malt beverages. In Manchester, the hop enter Into the preparation of cattle feed, according to tha following report from Vlce-t-eniul John W. Thomas, at that port: A recent arrival at tht Mancheeter docks waa a cargo of thick liquid sugar from tenlo-os to be. used br a local firm for the manufacture, in conjunction with hops and other ingredients, ef cattle feed and other apeclaltlea used In the rearing of farm stock. The shipment waa pumped from the vessel Into lank core In which It wee con vened to the manufacturers works This liquid sugar differs from molasaea In so mu'-h aa tha nonrrystalised cane sugar re tains such valuaMe materials as pectin Jutre. Irme. glucoee and gums, which are aoc round In the ordinary white sugar used for domestic purposes. The bulk of liquid cargo were until recently conveyed In bar rels, but the Introduction of tank vessele he proved so economical that thla mode of shipping will probably be more largely adapted In tha future. The question of the ware and means of transportation should bo of Interest and Importance to American . manufacturers and exporters, and tbla Illus trate the latest lnooatlon at the port of Manchester. The Sacramento Hee says that K. C. Horat'a bopplrktnc machine waa given a demonstration at the Homl ranch near Per kins, among the spectators being Dr. W. W. Mckberjer. of the raited Plate Bureau of riant Industry, and James Thompson, a Government expert la the same department. lr. Stockborger la quoted a saying of tha machine. The hops picked by the machine are much cleaner lhaa the hlfhenl clasa of hand rtckrd hops. I have never seen anr work done by hand thai begins to equal It. We employed men. paying them by the day. to pick hos for re-taln experiments In which we needed an exceptionally clean product, but even under lhee clreumatancea the hop we obtained dtil not compare In cleanness with those which thie machine turns out. The machine la certainly a great success la every rewpect. All the principles under which It i to work have beea carried out la perfecttou. and the Improvements which may be from time to time added will ba simply merchanlt-al. WHEAT ftRLLENO ON A -MAI.I. SCALK. i-ly la Ik release Caualry Are tha rarsa era Letting ba. In some parts of the Paiouse country farmers are selling wheat qulle readily, but elsewhere In the Interior, particularly In I matllla. Walla tValla. Goldfleld and Co lumbia Counties th selling has almost ceased. The weak holders have been weeded out and the others seem determined to hold on for a while longer. Buyers are not keen for wheat la any section. Tha exporters are getting a little hers and there, but the millers and ths other d re 1 e re are sot doing much. Prlcea were unchanged yesterday. The barley market was steady, with farmers offerings small. Oats were quoted w-eak tinder selling pressure In the valley. Local receipts In cars were reported by tit Merchants Exchange aa follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oata Hay Mondav ....... ) I 1 S IT Tuesday I J 4 Year ago ..... . ... 7 Feason to date. lit: ' MI .VV tear ago Uil ill !: 13 ic LOCAL URAf-ES ARE IX HEAVY SI PPL Y. AU Other Kind Clewa I s Well No Caaabaa " Thla Year. Nearly sll kinds of fruit except local g-apes cleaned up well yesterday. Blacks were la oversuppty and some sold as low as 15 centa a box. while Werdeaa dragge-1 at :"?! cants a basket. The demand for other klnda of grapes wss good. Re ceipts of peachee were small and they were disposed of early at steady prices. Cantaloupes were weak at a. wide range f quotations There Is also but little de mand for melons No casabas have been received this season and there may not be any. The California crop Is reported to be very short. No Change la Country Produce. There wwrej no change in tha country produce market, yesterday. Poultry arrivals were fairly large but the demand was good at the old prices Receipts of ranch egga were small and the market was firm. Veal wss quoted weak. Butter waa la active demand and firm, with the local supply very short. Baak Cleewtags. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows- Clearings. Balances. Portland !. ." J-0S.JO4 Seattle S.T.ll.43 lji.il TiralM L1M.S41 41. 7 fpokane ..---.-.-- ht.sse 7s.esi PORTLAND MARXISTS. Grata. Flour, reed. Ete. i HEAT-Track prices, export basis: Blues-em. at;.-: cub. Mt: red Rnseien. K-; Valley. c: eo-fold. Tc; Turkey red. be? tec. FLOUR Patents. I3.S5 per barrel; straight. .lCr t.M: export. (4; Valley. i.to. graham, til whole wheat, quarters. ti-T'H. BARLGT reed, 1 -- tj -I SO per ton; brew ing. :J ?er ton. MAT Track prices: Timothy. Willamette Va.i-v. tit 91 per toa: Eastern Oregon. $.Ui.:: alfalfa, new. llitjli. grain hay, l o n i iiHN Whole. I "12: cracked. S33 per ton. VIMATrm Bren. ll per ton; midii lings. ll. shorts wl rolled bar lev .ie,;l; OAT-l A bite. per toe. TevetaMes sad rrtalls C.r. EES rRClTS Apples new. Jcl.i3 -r box: plums. 40aT6 per box; pears. TV'S I 7 per box: peacnes. boxes. uvec. Imx II 111 :i: shapes, jireil :o per box; II j; per lue: .l ::',r per basket: craa rrtt. tk e pr barrel. MULONS Watermelons XI per hun Bun'r.!!: . antelei.Te. tt.HO p-r ra:e. TROPICA!. KTKLlT-i Oranges. ValencJas liMfilt, lata use, ,aT.M: grape-fruit. 14 5 4 no par box: bananas. 640 par pound; pineapples ac per pouad. ewibae- 3a rjer nound: caunnower. al io per dosen; celery, ooc per doxen; corn, laeyise per dosen; cucumbers, tset40o per box; eggplant. So per pound: garlic, gtflao per pound: green onions ISO per doxea: pep pers c per pound: radishes 1SO200 per iosoa: squash, 4tfo per crate; tomauea, W ue per box SCK VETO STABLES Carrots ILM: beets tl.SO. parsnips l12i: turnips $U POTATOES Oregon. l.:i per hundred; weet potatoes 2c per pound. ONIONS Mew. 11.60 per sack. Dairy aad Coaatsy Frwdwcs. EGG3 Oregon current receipt. SltfSSc; candled. S.'tjJlc per doxen. BITTER City creamery. solid Pcf.. c per pound; prints. IiTH per pound, butter fst. 36c per pound; country store bat ter. :efjic per pound. ,,u,ll CHKK--E Full cream, twins 1TH1 per ptiund: young America. laHfc1!. . f POULT RT Hens ITc; Springs. I.e. ducks, white H',i;c: geese. lOSJ'ie turkeys llvf. JOc; dressed, ri'.jSJic. squabs $3 per doxen. Pt"KK Fancy, lie per pound. VKAU iood. averags llgllt per pound. Groceries, Dried mills. Etc DRIED FRUIT Apples 10c per pound! Fresch. 43c; currsnl. 10c; aprlcols. 11 I.e. dates Tc per pound: ngs fancy white. u.c: fancy black. Tc; choice black. SALMON Columbia River. l-poundtalls l.l per dosen: a-pound tails $2.j; I pound fiats. i.2i: Alaska pink. 1-pound ialis l; red. I pound talla. Il.tw; aockeys 1-pound tails. t2. COFFEE Mocha. Java, ordinary. 17"Oc: Cota Rica, fancy, IstJiOo: good. 16tll.o: ordinary. lt.01e Pr pound. NUTS Walnuts. 15o per pound: Braxil nuts. 13-tlSc: filberts, lc; almonds, lie: pecans. J!c: cocoanuts 0cl per g4LT Granulated, fig per ton: hair ground. 10U. 110.JO per ton; 50s. Oil per "heaSS-6mall white. t,e: large white. 4e: Lima. e: p.nk. 7c; red Mexlcana. RICE No. 1 japan. 4 Vd cheaper grades. l3.5oa4.SS; Southern head. 5t,at7s HONEY Choice, S3.24ttt.ao per case, strained. 7c per pound. SLUAR Dry granulated, fruit and barry, I4.U: beet. .01; extra C. 15.75; golden C. vaj; yellow D. ; cubes (barrels!, li-so; powdered. .40: Domino. tlO.ott 1. per esse. Terms ea remlttaneea with in 1 davs deduct 4C per pound. If later than IS and within SO dave. deduct He par pound. Maple sugar. 150 1M per pound. Hops, Wool, Hides, Ele. HOP 11 crop, nominal; 10. lt(llc; olns nominal. wool. eastern Oregon, 13 917a pound. Valley. lTtJiMo per pound. MoHAIH Choice. S-ts.ISc per pound. CA-ARA BAKK Hll!iC pr pound. HIDES Salted hides. TT7',xC per pound, salted calf. 1.V: snlte.1 kip. Sc; salted staga, c; green hlds. lc lass; dry hides ldfet 17c: dry calf. I7fjle; dry stags UttlSc. PELTS Dry, lose; aalted. butchers" take-off. 40b.be: Spring lambs ii46c. prevtelaas HAMS 19 to It pounds. IHi'e: 12 to 1 pounds. lc: 14 to Id pounds lOo: 1 to la pounds none: skinned. Soc; picnics lc; coftas roll. 14c BACON Zancy. Ic: atandard. S7e. choice. :ir; ilngllsh. Jlbvllc SMOKED MhlATsi iteef tongues 5o. dried beef sets, lie: outsides none; la stdee. I5e: knuckles. S-c 1RT SALT CURED Regular short clears dry sail. lHc: smoked. ISc: backs light, aalt 14,c; smoked. He: backs heavy salt, loc: erooked. 17ic; export belUcs. salt, llo; ni'l-fd. I'iC. PICKLED GOODS Earrels pigs" feeL Sl; regular trips SIO: honeycomb trips li- lunch tongues. 2i; lambe tongues StO. LARD Tens kettl rendered, lSfco; atandard pur. !4Xe: eholc. lac; nort enlng. 1S1c. FRUIT MOVING FASTER WARM WEATHER HELPS THE rnODCCE TRADE AT SEATTLE. rotator- Are Steady With Larger Receipt!! Oat and Barley Are Lower. JEUTLE. Wash.. Sept. 13 .Special. 1 Warm weather helped the fruit and produce trad today, and enabled large stocks of peaches and melona to be moved that might otherwise have dragged. Watermelona were weak In spite of the good demand, selling ae low a a cent per pound, the lowest prlc of th seaaon. ' Dealers are anxloua to clean up melon stocks It Is not thought that many more cars ar In transit. Canta kufa moved briskly and giod atock sold at top prices Potatoes were steady. Receipts today were more liberal. The prevailing price was $1.1. Tomatoea ranged from ZO to cents Peachea were firmer. Oood keeping atock as held In some Instances at ! cents The first carload of Jonathan apples srrtved. Fresh ranch egg were very firm. No sales however, were reported above 40 cents although dealers declare buyers would pay more If they could obtain an adequate sup ply. April eggs sre weak. Poultry also moved out freely at top prices Butter was steady, but unchanged. The feature of the grain market was the drop In the price of oat to S2V.SO and bar ley to t:i. Thla la tha first time oats have dropped below $30 here this season. Eastern oat ar now arriving freely and Sound Krowers ar endeavoring to sell whllo prices ar st th top. Wheat waa more active, but unchanged. Receipt are Increasing. Exporters are taking aoout all the wheat arriving. BAH rHAXaUrCO QlOTATlOJfS. Prsdoc rrtcoa Current la the Bay Cl! SlarYeta. SAN FRANCISCO. Pept. 13. The follow ing prices were current u th produce mar ket today: Butter Fancy creamery. Stc: creamery seconds Jc: fancy dairy. Sic. cheese New. 14Tl4c; Young America, lS'i loc. rllr Store. Sic; fsncr ranch. 40c Poultry Boosters old. l.ten-lu; roost. srs young. i.0x: broilers smell. $is I- broilers Urge. $3S.le; fryers li; bens It soaie: ducks old. l.io6; aucks "n-. itl' Curnmhers UStVldc- Hops California. lOOlAc. Mtllsluffa Bran. $:; middUngs. Ill Hy Whcst. $T?13: wheat and oats Sin 11; alfalfa, 713: stock. J6e.u; ..rw. isa c- 1-otatocs Salinas Burhanks. $1.SJ((L4; aweets lee. .rult Apples eholce. nominal: common. SaSAue: bsnsnes JoceySa; eMeaioaa lisua, ltr0: California lemons, choice. tS.M; California lemons, to names txiui pla apple. UC 2.60. Receipts Flour. 13111 quarter sacks; wheat, 7110 centals; barley, lao.oni centals; oats 37&0 eentala: beans 1151 aacks; corn, SO centals: potatoes, .emo sacks; bran. 30 sacks- middlings 4K3 sacks: hay, SOS tons; wool. 2n7 bales; hll . 1Q. rkally Treasory Ktatemeat. WASHINGTON. Sept. 13. The condition of the Treasury at tha beginning of business today was a follows: Trust funds Gold ooin S 4.600 Silver dollars 48.V2d3.000 Sliver dolalra of 18M 3.37M.000 Silver certificates outstanding... 485,205.000 General fund Standard silver dollars In gen eral fund - tf.317.033 Current Itabllltl M.lt.-,S4 Working balance la Treasury of fice 34J8,383 In banks to credit of Treasurer of the United states 3VMl.fl.r7 Subsidiary silver coin '.eO.02U.B43 Minor coin l.0K2.noi Total balance in general fund... Ol.tt7,"-j0 Ceffe aaal Sugar. NEW TORK. Sept. 13. Coffee futures cloeed steady at a net gain of 'Mif 2 points Sales for the day ware reported of bags Closing bide follow: Sep tember S0r: October -Sic; Novem'er a.40c: December A&rtc: January a..3r; Feb ruary Mc; March a-SOc: April H.&Oc; May t-Mc: June 8lle; July l.3r: August S.aec. Spot coffee, firm; No. T Rio 10 4c; Ssnle llc. Raw sussr 9t4sdy: Museorsdo .Ka test. $nc; centrifugal .Pl test. 4.Hc; molasses sugar . test. S-llc. Refined. teady. Cruehed. e-kSc: granulated. S lie: powdered. ; .Vr. Dalatk Flag -Market. IifLfTH. frpt. 13. Flax On track. In etre. $2.7: to arrle. I2.7H: 1o arrle In 10 das. a;.?: srptemie-. $2.7 hid: October. .: Noveoibex, $2.64; Xiecembar. $3.0$ asked. - STOCK PRICES RISE DEMAND IS GENERAL Livestock Moves Well at Good Prices. ACCORDING TO QUALITY Offerings of Eair Slae leer Move al a Ranfe of $1.30 to $5.33 and Cows Bring $3 to $$.50. Hogs Are Firm. There was an active volume of trad at the North Portland yards yesterday, all claases except sheep. partaking in tha movement. Arrivals mere fair and a con siderable supply was on hand from the previous day's rwcelpts No materia! change la the pries alfua tloa was shown by tho day'a sales Cattle comprised most of the offerings Steers ranged In price from $4.30 to IS.3S. cows from $ to $4.50. bulls braiight $3 and $XC0 and calvea S-0 to $7 A lead of hogs went at $10.o3 and another at 10.t.0. Reviewing market conditions at the yards tha Livestock Rejeorter says: Last wssk waa a very satiafaatory r.ne from all angles In ths livestock market. Bvery lino showed marked Improvement, Good cattle erer In demand every day and fortunately several shipments furnished good enough quality la send the market up a full quarter. The price on prime steers touched 1 5. 0 Tuesday and closed strong on Saturday at ths ssme figure. For extra choice cows buyers paid as high as $3 In one Instance, but the general market on top stuff Is $4.60. Bulls and calvea both added s quarter better top to their former prices and remained firm throughout tho week. Tha mutton market shared In the good things during ths first hslf of th week, but for the lsst half so few sheep were offering a correct line could not be taken on the market- Lambs have not been In demand for quite a while and nothing baa beea offered recently. The recelpte at the yards yesterday were 240 cattle. IPO aheep. and 202 hogs. The shippers ot tis stock were W. O Cummlngs, of Pendleton, one ear of cat tle; D. W. Cannon, ot Shanlko. three cars of rattle: K- 8. Talbot, of McMlnnvlUe, two cars of sheep; Joha Warner, of Harrlaburg, one ear ot cattle: T. T. Tattoo, of Halsey. one car of hogs: C. T. Adams, of Lebanon, one car of hogs; L K. Weet. or Toncalla. one car of cattle and calves; F. W. Ball, ot Condon, two cars of cattle and ealvaa; C. C. Clark A Sons of Condon, one car of hogs, and D. Barnbouse. of Condon, one car of cattle. Th day's sales were as follows: Weight. Price. ie rows "74 $ S 7.1 I bull H30 J.WI cows wH 4.'-'5 cow Jtnm .i.uu IT 17 steers ... S cows ... a cows .... 10 cows . . . tf cows J calves ... calve ... 73 hogs .... 2n hose .... 24 steers ...... 6 steers 4 steers ...... 2.1 steers ..... H cows 15 steers ...... . cows 12 cows I cslf H steere . . . bulla im 4.23 mi too 8.MI 3 23 VrtK S JO 979. 4.00 lO.II 4.50 I Si 7.00 a........ 27 &.0O 216 10.63 2' 10.MI ......... 17 4.4.1 ......... 11. I" 4.7(1 1023 5.00 IIS" :. ...... V47 3.S5 10 6.00 in:. S.2. -0t 4.23 22 73 10.:h 4.S0 ir.o. x.Oo 1 bull US" 1 bull 10 3- Prlcea -current on the various classes of stock st the Portland Union Stockyards yesterday were as folloas: Reef steers, good to choir ...$ S.2.ts$ $.30 Reef steers, fair to medium . 4.23t 4 .73 choice spayed heifers 4.&04S 4 73 Ooo.l to choice beef cows .... 4.23m 4.6. k'edlum to good beef cowa.. 3 7S4i 4.25 Common beef cows 3on4r 3.75 Hulls H.75W 4.00 Mtaas. good to choice 4.00e 4 25 Calves light .7iw 7.00 Calves, heavy S.75 1.00 Hogs top 10.nn 10.78 Hogs fair to medium tS 10. 00 Hheep. best Mt- Adams wethers 4.00.S 4.25 Fheep. best Vslley wethers... S 3l S.50 bl.eep. fair to good wethers.. 3.xt 8.25 Fheep. beat Valley ewes .. 3.50 Lambs choice ait. Adams... 5.259 6.60 Lambs, choice Veiler 5.00(s 6.26 WHEAT EASY AT CLOSE CHICAGO MARKET IS SLOW AND HESITATING THROUGHOUT. Supplies Accumulating Rapidly In the Northwest, Owing; to Absence of Shipping Pemand. CHICAGO. Sept. 13. Light arrivals ef wheat Northwest were said to be illusive. Supplies la that section accumulated rapidly, owing to the absence of shipping demand. It was also alleged that loaded cars de layed by a lark of motive power, were crowding the sidings south and west of Min neapolis It was a slow, hesitating market throughout, with th close easy at nearly the lowest prices of the dsy. The action was a disappointment to thoee who hoped for a continuance of yesterdays strength, but tha course ot prices failed also to satis fy traders who laid stress chiefly on the bearish statistics December ranged from Unit j!Nc to BTie. closing He to jiJe off at '4e90Hc Absence of froat caused anguish to own ers of corn options and led to considerable unloading. Fluctuations of tho December delivery were between 55fl35Hc and 534ac, with the close c to So under last niglit, at 53 tec. The cash market was week. No. 2 yellow closed at S7-w6'57ate. Oats although easier, did not sympathise fully with the decline In other grain. This condition was laid largely to the fact that the Canadian oata crop waa offlclaly stated to be only ie3.ooo.0O0 buahela this year, as against S53.ooo.000 bushels In the previous 12 months December varied from 35a to S5Uc with th latest transaction ic down at 35 He. A decline In live hogs the weakness in corn and some selling by packera lowered provisions Latest quotations war at nearly tha bottom for the seaaon and were off 159 17HC to 45c for pork: 14 17 He to 32 He for lard, and 17 He to 23c for ribs The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. Hleh. Low. Close. Sept $ H $ -s&4 $ . $ .85 S Deo. . .9S May ! 1.05 CORN. Sept 87 .57S . . rec 56S -aSS 5H .3H May H . .51 .OATS. .1J .Its Sept " -'S . .13 li Dee t.-.'. .St .1.3 stay H -MS .SH .It V MESS PORK. Rapt 10.JS JOSS 1UH le.lS Oct Se.Se aO.I 26.10 jan U.tSH 1S.S7H 11.40 . 11.40 LARD. Sept 1!. !7H I2.MH ll.JJH Oat, 1! 12.40 1MH ll.fitj S. 11.75 tl.7S 11.6IS 11H jsn. 10. 1I0 167', 16.70 SHORT RIBS. Sept ll.TH 11. 1167H 1I72H Oct. H.67H ll7'.s 11 i 110 j,n - -72H Total clearances of wheat and flour were eoual in lio.no bushels. Primary receipts were IJt.de bushels, compared with 1.173. e buhels the corresponding dsy a year ago The world's Islole supply, as shown by Frartstreei s Increased le.iei.000 bushels Estimated receipt tor tomorrow; Wheat, cr: corn, 47 cars; oats 12 cars: hogs a.ooo hesd. Cash quotations were aa follows: Flour Steady. Bye No. t. Tic. . . Barley Feed or mixing. 68 3 (to; fair to choice malting. T73c. Flax seed No. 1 southwestern, $!.; No. 1 Northwestern. 12.77. Timothy seed !2.50s.0. Clover 10 IS ,...,,,. Pork Mess, per bsrrel. JO.SOS0.7S. Lsrd Per 100 pounds 12.2IH. Phort ribs Sides (loose!. $U.S7Hfe "sidei Short, clear tboxed), $11.15 H.5. Oraln statistics: Receipts. Shipments. Floor, barrel 27.600 JS.- Wheat, bushels aJs'lSJI Corn, bushel tl?'52i t-. ia r.e bushels 15.4 :' Rve. bushels ,5V'i Barley, bushels 70.00 2.700 2.200 Grata and Produe at New York. NEW TORK. Sept. 13. Fliur quiet and lower to effect sales Receipts 40.:;tiH; ship ments 4.C52. Wheat spot easy; No. 2 red tl-OoS.; ele vator 11.04 f. o. b. afloat No. 1 Northern Duluth $1.22 f. o. b. A record breaking Increase in stocks, together with lower corn prlcea and easy cables, weakened the wheat market nearly a cent today. Later It rallied on amaller Western receipts but eased off finally with corn, closing to c net lower. September closed XI. 0..: December 11.07V; ; May $1.12. Receipts 14.400. Hops. dull. Hides, quiet. Grain at Sao Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 13. Wheat Steady. Barley Firm. 8 pot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $1.55 1.62H- Barley Feed, 83ctl: brewing, $1.05tT1.0TH. Oats Red. $1.2i4 1.33H ; white. $1.00(tl.63: black. $1.2501.50. Call board sales: Wheat No trading. Barley December, $1.03H bid. $1.06', aaked; May. 1.12H bid. $1.13 asked. Corn Large yellow. $153H. European Grain Markets. LOcTDON. Sept. 13. Cargoes. Irregular. Walla Walla for shipment at 38s 64. Sellers firm, buyers quiet. English country markets quiet; French coun try markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 13. Close Wheat. Oc tober. Ts 4d: December. 7s 4id; March. 7s ftttd. weather, fine. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 11. Wheat Sep tember, $1.1H: December. Jl.llS; May. 1.1SH sT-1.16 H : No. 1 hard. (T.lzM : No. 1 Northern. $1.11 H: No. 2 Northern. tl.OTH 1.0S; No. 3 Northern. L0Sl.OSH. Flax Closed at $2.74. Corn No. 1 yellow. 54 4J 54 He. Oats No. 1 white. 13H0S1SC Rye No. 2. 71 He. Grain Markets of the Northwest. TACXMtA. Sept. IS. Wheat Milling: Blue stem. 949Cc: club. 5c: red Ruaalsn, S7c, Ex port: Bluestem. 95c: club, 87c; red Russian, 85c. Receipts: Wheat 105 car, corn 1 car, hay 14 cars. 8 BATTLE. Sept. 13. Milling quotations: m....,. ov-. f.rfvCnM. SKc: club. 87c: Fife. 87c; red 'Russian. 85c. Export wheat: Blue- stem. 9c: fortyfold. 85c: ciud. bei. ; rue. .c; red Ruaalan. 82c. Yesterday'e car receipts: Wheat 4 cars, oat 10 cars, barley 5 cars, hay 95 oar, rye 1 car. GOODS TRADE "BETTER EARLY IMPROVEMENT IN WOOIi MARKET INDICATED. Mills Up to This Time Hare Bought Only Limited Quantities of Raw Material. BOSTON. Sept. 13. Although there was little sctlvity In the loest wool market to day, there is a general demand for goods, which is considered indicative ot better bus -rees in the near future. Raw material Is betng bought in very moderate quantities Lending quotations range as follows, scoured bTexss Fine. 12 months. fi0(12c: fine. S to 8 months. 337c: fine. Fall. 50c. Jallfornls Northern. 333Jc; middle county. 5031c; Southern. 43647c; rail free. 43ai4oc. Oregon No. 1 staple. 204c: Eastern clothing. 5637c; Valley No. 1. 62jf34c Territory Fine staple. s4rt.c; fine me dium staple. SBtjtlOc: fine clothing. 6tl0c: fine medium clothing. 55 e 37c: half-blood combing. 5Sli2c: three-eighths-blood combing. 39 0 38c; quarter-blood coming, ti Pulled Extra, 6oc; fine. 006Sc; A su pers 5tJT37c Wool at St. I.enls. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 13. Wool Quiet: terri tory and Western medium. 18S23C: Hn me dium. 17V20":: fine. 14gl7c Metal Markets. NEW TORK. Sept. 18. Standard copper easv: spot 12.10 12.20c: October 1S.12H 12.20c; November 12:13 12.20c; December 12 17 "a 6 12. 20c. Sales 25 tons December at 12-M. London dull; spot 135 10a 8d; fu ture 35 15s Arrivals at New York today 70 tons. Lake copper 12.75 12.87 He; elec trolytic 18.30 12.73c: casting 12.25trl2.u0. Tin weak- spot S4.80t35.O0c; September 84 2Hfel4.8iHc; October 34.15t34.60c: November 84.43H 34.35c; December a4.4S &34.50. Sslea lO tons November at 34 o0c London closed weak: spot 158 12s 6d. fu tures 137 13s od. Lead, easy; 4 . 4.42HC; New York. 4.204.2THc; East bt. Louis 'London spot 12 10. Spelter quiet; 5. 503. Ooc, New YorR. C -.0 5 3.33c, East SU LouH. London epot &2S Iron. Cleveland warrants 49s 4Hd In Lon don Locally, Iron was quiet. No. 1 Foun try NoShern ltl.2S; No. $16.60 W; No. 1 Southern soft. $15.7jgl8. Storks at Boston. BOSTON. Sept. 13. Closing quotations: Allouex 41 'Mohawk 47 4 A main Copper.. IHH Nevada. Con. ... 2H A 5 L. 8m.. SH INlpissing Mines. 19 Arisona Com. .. 17 JNorth Bulte..... 29 Atlantic 'North Lake jf . t; S M. lHIOia Dominion... :- Butte Coalition. ISH.Osceola 125 Cal Arlrona. 3 IParrott CS. C.) 13 Cal. Hecla. . .SrvOAIQulncy ....73 Centennial ..... 1 Ibbannoix 10 Cop. Ran. C. Co. IWS iSuperlor s04 F Butte CP. M. T'a.Suo & Bos Mln.. 8Vi Franklin . . . 10V;Sup & Plus Cop. "I I U Glroux Con HiTamarack o7 Granby Con, ... 32.,1U. S. Coal OI1.38V.A Greene Cananea. 6tIU- S. S. R. M. SH I Rovale (Cop.) 22 HI do preferred .. 48S Kerr Lake H Utah con. 29 Lake Copper S3 ItV Inona iS U Salle Copper 10 i Wolverine .. lie Miami Copper... 18HI Changrs In Available Sopplie. NEW YORK. Sept. 13. Special cables and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreets ahow the following change In available supplies as compared with pre vloue accounts: .bushels Wheat. United State East of the Rockies Increase 1.257.0O0 Canada Increase 1,034.000 Total United States sod Canada Increase - $.291,000 Afloat fur and In Europe In crease .- 12.7.00,000 Total American and European In- crease 13.391.000 Corn. United States and Canada Increase 146.000 Oats United States and Canada incraa 1.683.000 Dried Fruit at New York. NEW TORK. Sept. 11. No change waa reported In th market for evaporated ap ples Fancy, lotteile; choice. S6Hc; prims 7148c; common to fair. 4tf7VsC Prune Arm. unchanged. Quotations. Z 14 to lOo for California fruit up to 3-4s and from to ie for Oregons Little interest is shown in apricots but In the absence of selling pressure prices are maintained. Choice. lpU s 11 c; extra choice. ll'.,12Hc. and fajcy. UtllHt Pesches quiet. Choice, i.ic: fancy, 10 "rlalslns fl-m. Loose muscatels," 4t9c; choice to fancy seeded. 'e: seedless Vs3Vjc; London layers, $1.?S$1.30. Now York Cotton -Market. NBW YORK. Sept. 13. Cotton Spot closed quiet. points lower. Mid-uplands, 18 koc. do. Gulf. 14.10c Sales. 7Si bales. Futures cloeed steady. It points oft on Sep tember and 1 higher to 1 lower on later months. September. 13.48c; October. 17.3c; .Voember. lL'93e: Deremher. 13.se; Janu ary. IS. ir: February. U.5r: Marrh, U.OJt; Kay. 1$.7 June, lJ.tc; July, 11.03c, Market Goes Up on News of Maine Election. BONDS ARE ALSO FIRM Result Construed as Sign of disor ganisation of Force Moving for Corporation Control Bank ing; Position Good. NEW TORK. Sept. 13. The election in Maine was the principal news event which the stock speculation had to digest today. The fact that prices advanced on receipt of the news led to the inference that the resftlt had no displeasing Influence on holders of securities The Main election was con strued as a symptom of disorganization of the political forcea moving for control and restriction of corporation powers This con struction followed, rather than preceded, the upward movement of prices. Pontics as a disturbing element seemed to be dem onstrated to be unreliable. The banking position offers no immediate obstacle to the maintenance of stock values. The demands on the New York banka for cash are moderated and the Incoming re porta of National bank conditions September 1 are regarded aa showing; a satisfactory position. August's 19.500.000 Increase In value or exporta over last year xnakes for betterment of the exchange position and shows that the August corner in the cotton market stimulated rather than hampered the outgo of that commodity. The rapid movement of grain to marltet is expected to furnish another source of supply to ths exchange market in the im mediate future. Bonds were Arm. Total sales, par value. $2,093,000. ' United States bonds were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Helee Hixh. LOW 3'l0 3U'X MY, 64 : 37 ' 14.4IIO 2lO 1.3U0 XJO 40 2"0 2'.K) 60O 20O 5.S0O 47 1 22-S W IS 3l 88 Vs 400 )1 H7Vl 1.SU0 135t, 1S4H 2O0 2"H 500 4-1 4.SH0 lu 90 100 HI1 11 .1 loo 74 too HHiis 700 34 4,600 ICO 0 300 74 27 H 23 4HH Allis Chalmers pf A.mal Copper . . . Am Asnuuiiumi .. Am beet Sugar .. American Can . . Am Car Fuy Am Cotton Oil .. Am Hd Lt pf. Am Ice tficuri .. Am Linseed Oil.. Am IjOoomotlve . . Am Smelt & Ref.. do preferred ... Am Steel Fdy .. Am Sugar Kef .. Am Tel & Tel Am Tobacco pf .. Am Woolen Anaconda Mln . Co. Atclson do preferred . . At Coset Line Bait & Ohio Bethlehem Steel .. Brook Rap Traa. Canadian Faclflc .. Central Leather .. do preferred ... Central of N J .. Ches Ohio Chicago e Alton .. Chicago Gt West. do preferred . . . Chicago N W ... C, at & St Paul .. C. C, C St L... Colo Fuel & Iron. Colo 4e Southern .. Consolidated Gas. . Corn Product . . . Del & Hudson ... D A R Grande ... do preferred . Distillers' Socurl... Erie lo 1st preferred. do 2d preferred. General EUeotric .. Ot Northern pf ... Gt Northern Ore Illinois Central ... Interboroutth Mel.. do preferred Inter Harvester .. Inter-Marine pf -. Int Paper Int Pump Iowa Central K C Southern ... do preferred . . . Laclede Gas Louisville Nash uu. A. 0 Tmil. !-. i , . c e x. 1 ana 13 200 61 U 1.2io mi 44 is 4 12', 5ts 2o 7;fs Closing bid. 31 4 4'a 43 3.',s 8 47 2'.i 21t 11' 12S 35 00 ',a 103 43 118 135 "4 27' 39 'a ! 9'i 112 4 500 K'!i K'3'4 104 7O0 2i 27 V, 27 73 l!i 33 H 27 1, 23 4S4 74 190', 33 lo4 300 73 !4 28 23 U 4 144V, 143-Si 34, ,500 1221 3 53 S.700 131 500 14 W0 100 30 Vi 30 33 63 121s, 131 14 3. 100 30O 100 800 800 30M 71'i 26', 2t4 44 29 7)- SV 26H 44 200 1441, 1424 2,nXI 1247s KK) 56 200 130 B.Ol'O m' 50', 18 in '4 4o t;t 29 Vj 63 2.910 1.300 200 700 2n0 5(i0 H al . 100 700 100"4 4IM 143 2l0 24 4 1344 12 3014 75H 27 26' 43 32'i 143 123'4 55 'a 12S 18i 50 97 1, 15',s 10 40i 18', 29 83 "4 KOO 114 BOO 52H 10O 32 1.20O USTi 1l0 40 1.3IN) 97U t. rfl ITT 4. 4.9O0 115S 114 2.0 2S .8 130 1-Vj 4::s, 9 150, IO 404 18i 2 V All 99 Vi 100 141H 1U 24 31 'I em. 2H 113 52 31 4 111 Vi 40ti 96 Vs 28 Mo. Kan & Texas do preferred ... Mlrenurl Pacific .. National Biscuit .. National Lead ... Max Nat Ry 2d pt N T Central N Y. Ont & We. Norfolk 4 West.. North American .. Northern Pacific .- racing an ...... - Pennsylvania n.wiu 'jSV :S.. People Gae 100 108. P, C C K i. Pittsburg Coal .... 200 1. Pressed 3t-l Car. 1W) 33 Pullm?". P..5.ar- in -jiitV Zl.Jl"' """ir-ioo 142U 1394 Henubllo "Steel .. WO t 30V, do preferred ... 50O Bock Island Co... 13.3 do preferred ... 900 SI I, 8 F M pf '100 St L Southwestern ri. nreferred ... TO ei-RhefrieM 2O0 Southern Pacific . . Southern Railway. IM'-i 32',. )- 40 m" 57 13.8O0 114'i V 2.1 'i 17 33 Sl'l PS" .1014 84 40 ".is" 5a 112Vi ?5ri 100 .V1 inn "00 1.100 52 2 r.1 14 27H 2i-i 23'4 4S 23 1.11 '4 31 V 61 53 14 113 52 31', 11214 40 97 67 115 2S 129'i Mi 93 16 S3 150 31t4 142Vs 31 nt 1 "?.'. 101 23 58 57 114' 23- 52 27 U 26 2214 4!l", rn'znn -iaasi 165 16K' 90Vi 90 901i It, 3i' 100 ftrl Ha.500 69', TOO 1164 An n referred Tenn Copper .... Texas & Parlfln. . Tol. St L & West. do preferred . . . Union Pacific .... do preferred ... IT S Realty T" S Rubber U a pteel ... do preferred . . . T.'tah Copper Va-Caro Chemical. Wabash do preferred . . . Wejetern Md Westirtghti."e Elen We-tern Union wheel r, Rrle . . Total sales for the day. 437.900 shares. BONDS. NTCW YORK, Sept. 13. Closing quota tlons J.sno 500 3ro 2.000 '"inn ?mo 47 59 17V 564 'tii" 64 71 '4 R4 67 '4 1161', 461i ft 374 '.W'i 83'4 71 .11 R9'4 I1rti 47 5S1 17 Xrtl 42V4 (VI 63 S 4H U. S-'ref. 2s ree.101 dn coupon i" U. S. 3s reg J?IJ do coupon . . .101 U. S. new 4s reg.113 D. R. Q- 48... 92V N. Y. C. sn 3 Via SIB Xo. Pacific 3s... 71 1 X7 Talfl ' . ,01 TTnl.n D.f.fif .int nrl. . 1 Aw n- 1 1 Jspanese 4s .... 83 Money, Exchans;, Etc. NEW YORK. Sept. 13. Money on call, i4 nee cent: ruling rate. 1 per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent: offered at per cent v Time loana easy. Sixty days. 314 94 per cent: 90 days 4414, per cent: sis months 414 4V4 per cent. Prime mercantile p" i'- . , ... pwr . , 1 ...h,n, firm with actual bual- 1- ...nker' hllla at S4.S3SOS' 4.8365 for DCU au 60-day bills and at $4.86 for demand. Commercial bills. 4 S34.83H. Bar sliver, SSc. Mexican dollars 44c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, firm. - SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 13. Sterling on London. 60 days, 4.83; sterling on Lon don, sight, I4.86H. Silver bars 53c. Mexican dollars Nominal. Drafts Sight, .0i; telegraph, .04. LONDON, Sept. 1. Bar silver 24 7-16d per ounce Money il per cent. Th rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 24 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for three months' bills is 27 6-2 15-16 per cent. Consols for money, 80S; consols for ac count, 80 i. CHICAGO. Sept. IS. Exchange on New York. 20c discount. Dairy Produce in the East. CHICAGO, Sept. 13. Butter Steady; cream eries 24'429c: dairies'. 2Sg27c. EUgs Receipts. 806 cases: steady at mark; first. 14017c; prime firsts, 21323c. 'Cheese Steady; daisies. 10H6'c: twins 15316Vic: Young Americas, KSbS-lS-c; josg born. 16slViCe THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGOM UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus md Profits. $800,000.00 OFFICERS: j. c. ATS S WO PtTH. President, R. W. aCHJCEER. Cashier. R. l.E.4. DAR1ES, Vlce-lTealdent. if. ItTllGHT, AssUlant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Aaalatant Cashier, LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES Portland Trust Company BANK Oldest Trust Company in Oregon Capital $300,000 First-CIass Mortgages for Sale Corner Third and Oak Streets lumbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARKSTREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital $500,000 Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Street Capital and Surplus $900,000 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Savings First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tho Rocky Mountains 1 HAMBURG-AMERICAN WEST INDIES Three delightful cruises, leaving New York January 24. February 25 and March 28, 111, by the 12,500 ton S. S. XOLTKE to the Spanish Main, West Indies, Panama Canal, Nassau and Bermuda. Two cruises of 28 days' duration, J5150 and up. One cruise, 16 days, 885 and up. ALSO CRUISES TO ORIENT. SOUTH AMERICA AND AROUND THE WORLD. LONDON PARIS HAMBURG Cincinnati Srpt. -i, 8 A. M. Graf Waldersse Soot. 29. 8 1. M. Kalserin Aug. Vie Oct. 1. 10 A. M. Pennsylvania Oct. 5, 11 A. M. Unexcelled Klti-Carlton a la Carte Restaurant. Gymnasium, Klec. Batlis. Elevator, Palm Garden. Second Cabin only. GIBRALTAR, NAPLES. GENOA S. S. CLEVELAND. October 15, 11 A. M. S. S. CINCINNATI, Nov. 3, 10 A. M. In November the new 17.000 ton S. S. Cleveland and Cincinnati will enter tho Mediterranean service. Guide and Travel Books on Sale. Hambiirg-American Line, 160 Powell St San Francisco or Local R. R. Agts, Portland TRAVELERS' GUIDE. BITULITHiC Makes good streets. Property owners who have paid for it know this. Ask them about BITULITHIC Change of Sailing S. S. Breakwater sails 1 P. M. Wednesday, Sept. 14, from Alaska Dock. Phone Main 2C8. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND SS. CO. New service to Los Angeles, via San Fran cisco, every flv days. From Alnsworth dock, Portland. 9 A. M. : SS. Rose City Sept. 10. Braver 18, Bear 20. From San Francisco, northbound. 12 M.: SS. Bear Sept. 1.1, Rose City 18, Beaver S3, From San Pedro, northbound: SS. Bear Sept 11. Ross City 1, Beaver SL M. J. Smith. C. T. A., 141 Third St. J. W. Kaanom. Agent, Alnsworth Dock. Phones: Main 402. 2i; A 140;. San Francisco and Los Angeles DIRECT North Pacific S. S. Co.'s S. s. Kosaolc. and & S. Elder call every Wednesday alternately at 6 P. M. T!:kt uftica 133 Third st.. near Alder. MAKTIV J. Hit; LEV, Paavenster A coat. W. H. SL lis stat, FrcJubt Aseah Vfcoaea 2U 1314. i UIV ,