1S THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY. , SEPTE3IBER 14, 1910. ' " - . - t -it I FOR RENT. . lit: t.r tVINTfd M i.E WANTED. 2o TAILORS 1) COAT FlMSHF.r.r. i OPERATOR?. AT. OXCt F-EST OF SALARY. STEADY WORK. ROBERT POUCiLAJS. THE TAILOR. 124 fifth St h.r exporting rmN". r.'-nt W'1-ti.nl-v for advancement. Addrese In own !jn4irrtin. -riling ate. schooling. io.is npr.rtf. if an; . Ar ce conian. TAILOR .nl.il: f,---. U. '' ,ar""";.1 one f..t e-,n cut and bu.y'. r.-d man preferred: ..ea.iv ;. r ;''' . III'Mli't West not. . ." " ..r"f. Vin'Hr, urc men. Internal! "' "r nuMi'm 5i. N-.u- a-aduites on snrvcy.es M m-in-lns .T .iv'i .nl..'e-lr .'-n.ra-X .. -I sjir. cvi-n-e. "! bo.irt. AV 3 o our offfe ?':". Alder s. . TV WTED- MuMle-ag-l man for "''' : t-r In r..rh h"tl n I'miral i-egon. mu.l ra- r.fer.nc.-s a. to -..!. a splendid home n.i fair aces for '' man. Arr' L "-' I'r'innnn. MUX' I NO I'I TI R F. Ot'rtn ATnli.' n-n H i 10 l " " Mim-M m "" tim-: "', N. rk S- hoo) of M r. Prating. -II V. rirlon f . . n-er l.tll. " ...... I. .-r,! industrious mirrno man. ' p., children. .. lit- ri" 'n" ,.r at s Bast 7t North: none but merrt-d men n-l ypl'' f. .1 Ni; man f-T ie ar.1 orrv- fui': av-..1 n,.rrt unity f.-r !! voung n a i. .pr aii'r .. M . Ta '! Salmon el- .r. (-..rrUno r . and Tai-"T.Ui'li Fl lll.it Y mail rT-rks po-tof'- r -rks ai-rt rarna-a' iwnli"n m Nombr. u .r. up 10 tna: frr- b"..W Fa.lnc ..l.lon rnool. .ti-rv tni. HEIJ' WAMED tT.M A.K. r.IRI. VUVTEH I- FRi'NT T. K.-rKi:.N MA.NTl.K C O. frM'-'Uill. nan". l a-t adh h..i.--.-rti. small famli. "w i". i ui.li.- ! '- I:- r-IM'k '2 Hani n t. rb-nr Fiu i .r rrMiiMT wll.e.Iorat'.l woman for rxre t.Mvo poaiti..n with loesl holeaale houa.. Eipenrnca not raientlal X 4-9. Or-go-ntan W THD iJirl for a'n'rjl houa'work. p-tia'l fanrll. a "I S' A Ja.k'on. HK'v at., take Droadway ar. I'J.on. Kaat .V4:l. vfvNTFD 1 !v riah'wr an i w .api-T. n ut e .irt-r'-o. an1 r..rra w'll fniflimfli'H. nrttif rampie Sh.j fh-p. v orrgonun Hr TioVAN t c.k ( 8 In country: mua b g J-! cook: wagra 9'. A idreaa t. E. firke. fr-rw.i or.. Rouia 3. or tala r - i r . Newbrg ft7. W VTFr I per enc. HM"'"! fo ftrat i la holel m tVntral orrgnn. Coil w;. fara pat'!. r-f .rencc . rfiutrj I. t-pl I. .l. ir'ffonan klil.ii AiiSU lu or g.rl for liuKira In amall lam!' v. bo objection to lady w!h littla chlic ; Mlaaiaa.ppl ava ; take "W tar. HANT.ND UAD1ES- AOEM'T. I til-, Waamngton St. Cor. Tin. Lf:alr j r'Qon. alain .9.1 j V.VNr'l.N I N "r tier njn w.man r Cirlj warltt f r gTTiil h.'Ue.rk al 41 Hn- . lt-re ir ; fi. In fam!i. . Tt ANTe.D Sirl. -'us. A'1'lr.'sa ". lrmtnt home. -Mrs. K. Iltper. To'.rl C.l crl wni'il lor wai'rrs: go.wt waa's. sli.'ornis R'stauranl. Id 4th slreet. Van ioj,er. Wash riVF. g lo learn beajtv culture. Sanl-ta-y Beaut) rariora. a-al li: Dekum build Ir r. WITcHES made. K.'.c. SaiiUar l:eaul I'ar lors. 4" II J Kkum building. Marshall i:tr ttANTKli .lri (or acncral ii-nocwuri.. t.rma.i or Norwegian prefet.-ed. li- I'aul Hitens:''. AT.l iienned. capabl woman for rs aonsible position. ial Co .' R:o chtld bldg . 4ta and Waahlngtua. LAPV for repair work, brat wai;-s r'd' liedeely Cleaning Works. !'-" '- N. -jd s're't. f ANTV.L onip'lenl slrl lo ro.king M her second airl la k'J t. 'od V tC't. e.sl Ri crr-U stlcel. liNi x.tl for cnrral h-u"''ii; email fain i;. cc-M wag.s. Mrs. Slp-ng. TTT l.vejoy M I I '1I.E-A'. ED lane to lake eharne of fam I of 4 on f -in. no orie-llon to child. For f'lrrlter Informal ion. plione Main 4i;i. " M I'KTKN T w.rl for genral houa.work; a'-.xJ wag.-a. Tel. B lbt3. oiiii Toplar stret. T.XrKRT wlo lea- t sl'rograph;. to bric.it gM in exi-harge f.r a-ettance in office. tia J-paul.lirg hl'lg W ANTED ijlrl lo do second work and as sist with child. French preferred. Call ""fnl'ni. l.iin r. 140 . V TTlli rrl for general housework and Ufcht e-'kirg. g.wd wag's and r'd home for n r-cV g rl. Call -vl I'ark at. kAPKIilUNi'KIi ws.stmaker and appren tices. Room Cn'J Tllford blog.. loth and Vorrnon. Ixrur.IR.Vi'FIi saleswomen for glovea and hosiery. I.ennon s Stecialty t;love and H.st'ry store. r.o Morrison st. .A OM N' ooip. t-nl to do washlna. Ironing arid houseclennic Apply Jo.' K. tlth St. North, near Clackamas t.lFvI. or woman for general housework; pi.iln e-ioktng. family of three. 9 East -thst 1'hone East .'al-. MRS. HOWE'S LAD1E3- ACEXCT. aatla Watbinrtoa M-. Iloooa als. Main t-l or A SJdtt, ICXfEKtENCED g'rl for c-neral housework; tn-.st h- g.o.l cook. Inquire loSl Vaughn ' sf Wtllatn'tte M"chts forsniien. v A N TKh Ksoerlenced girl for rooking and genera' housework. 7i4 Irvlngton corner .I'h Mam sj.i.-. A II J lovr'KrrJM woman or a gr irl aa nurse for an infant. HI morning. 8 to 111. MO . o -ton. nesr o. i. t 1 IV PKT EN T rlrl for g'neral houer.ork and l.e g.iol pla'n rook. g d rni't llo5 1 I'urmau s.. li'amen.- H-tglua. tT ANTKD iltrl st ...... tor liahi w.-rs. no ; r 1 -n re iir"Mn ; S". "1 pJ. W estern V ' . aa Firth f .11 V AN TEf IiH assistant bookkeeper; gie ref.ren'es and phone number, wagea IJ per -w-k. M l! tiregonlan. I.IRI. for general houaework. gKd wagea 7a i.ox.tov at. W VNTFt Experienced wa'trrss. Aprlj ;.m. 40 Ws-hl'e'on A ;n.l. in small fnmlU for gneral house work, t a'l 10 rou-nian st. wtvn.ii fs..ll -i-Mjna wmoan for panlrv work; "el. ci ate- ! A M . Il E. ; h. WANTED KetiaM' gl'l for a'neral house work: w aca $ '.a 11 Hassalo rt. ajRoNti girl to assist with general house work Apple room :1Q WVnm blrlg 1.ADT agcots to hard, a lsn.w" article; tlr.9 se"p. A-ld-e.a II tTeaoman. SRPT IP girl for eklrg and nia Mis..fli. Hlo Sortrg a:.. IvrnsrJ Heights. w iTKI li iv tea-hera Apply thla evoa e 7 10 o a' I4.'t la at Girtl. want'd t" assist with general house work am Keam-y '1 i IK In sm.ll famllv w h.r. se, g,nd nt.i-d ts k'pt . goofl wak's Phone s.llwowt 14i W VNTFD--A reeond g'rl at K.3 TwelfTh and Votrlsmn a-r-eta W ANT?Td A .1 1 11. n a room girl at lvi TwciCm and Moerlsosi ir-" cTkiTTot gen.ral nousew.rk. smad faml.y. an 1 E. Taylor at. LtssONS la shorthand and typewriting bg expert: ti a iconih. 21) 14th. Mam JJL j(ii ! waatro- Uoion Iuaorg Cta, .a aa J ttlumbii. 1 ant ED Corrpt.nt girl for general bouse- wrk, ' .S 47 Stout at. GIRL, foe a-neral houaework. Va IaveJoy s. Ca'l Tio-nlnga tXBl.S W ANTED Apple Troy Laundry 'om pane. "Q1 Eis: Water st. i.NTf.ri -lilrl foe hckt houaework. threa In famfle Call WS Rodney ave. W N'TFD Exp.r4.need shop at one.. call 4C girls In tailor Washington bldg. I.IR'., f-n- general ho-is'work: must speak Engl .th. 711 l.oe.Joi- st. W ANTED elirl to assist In office work. P. it. boa 7-7. WANTED Young nurse girl. Applj by t'l- 'Pon. Ma'n 414? jot N.. ladv for ;-ioro gallery. Washington between itn and 61I1. HFI.P WAXTtll rEMAT-K. WANTED Tours' la -s t-T telechnne erer arlrg: with or -.t:hut experience. Arpy T- PactA- Telepron Telegraph Com racy, dth an! tint Ankeny ais.. or west i'sra and Aier mm. WANTED TODAY. vk and nail rrt. aam. hot'!. 13. I"." anj rhanihrrira ii. ame holl. I'w. -o..t f..r Ciunirr hn'l. 4H. Xt nitre.' for r'.iauranta. Ji to 13 Tar aa.h : for hol.:a. . to ".. !l..lorf. i-ily. !. pr afk. 'r.mpinlon If Invalid. lloiu'k-'.rii. I!1 to I'hamhrrmaMa to -rt Iji.inurT irt.' $I.S5 2 P "a-. '""k and atcond ulrl In (iNva'.e fumily, Othrr good pnsltwna I'.M-'lFK FMI'I.OTMF.NT CO.. t.a.!l- rvpt ".i.-.!, Momi n. GIRLS fo work In rrark departm-nt; good wages, w rm v .mrloyment. PACIKIO OJA3T KISCriT CO.. 12tb and law au. WANTED (Joo.1 cirl or mid.ll-aii wo man for cniral h'-ua.work on fruli ran-h. near ll'lford. Or.aon; a'a -." P'r month: lo In famil. . no h'lp hoarrt'd. no outMe work; t ranauort atlon furnlanea r.d will al.o furnUh return tranal-'rta-tlon If not natufl'd. O 31. Or. gonlan tl'AVTKD-Women and atlrla to mak !! and o era I la. Hi. Hood Factorj-. .33 Couch. WANTED- Hmh Si liool girl to work for room And hoard, who la foml of rhil'lr'n: $.-. p-T month If ovV Walklnc 1'tanr. J'tTra.n Hlsh Srhool. rhone t' lO'.i.l. or a.l.lre.a Mm. Wh'lnev. Holman at.. Piroittont. Portlnnd. f;tni. f. r rrnera! h-vur-1work; I" Ev'.a rt. two In family. WANTED A ronin-ln .aleaady to aell jjr"!.rtv with merit lack "f II. eM.nl ilp.irtunty to make r-te money, tall be t"em 1 and 4 l joibl. for Mr. Girton. .In. r. Sharkey A Co.. lilH 6lh at., cor. WANTEr Olrl for g.n.ral houaework. 3 In famil- : no waahlnr: good wages: refer enda required. J'hono C l4. Han cock at. E. I'ERIE.M KD woman foi general houa--work. c..l rook. 'J In famllv. no chll-or-n. $lil per month: none but experi enced need appl; referencea required. Ap piv o Elliott ave. Iadd'a Addition, from 'in-il I.1 A M 1 LI.KI'H'iXK switchboard operator and moling machine operator. I nance for ad- -inct ment. t;iv. referencea. phone num ber and salary expected. J tJrcgon i in t;oi. girl or woman for housework, at once; t children going lo school: p-opl away all da : nice home: be one of fm II: : mi runalHula need appl. Al 3-e. t'reonian. WANTED In lelllgent lady. rx'aacascd of ta'-t and education, to organixe for ua In i ioua f ines of the Facillc Ccat : m list l.e ot mature ag. ami able to furnlan r.fT'm-ea. AH 310. orrgonlan. x AN T -.! Uirl. IS to i eart old. to assls with h.Hjsework and -year-od child, one hi-ine fxi-Tlenee taklr.a care of children ;.r-f.-re.l: ri home to ihe rtirht ran. Call a: Marshall at.. "3i-st. rar WANTED Experienced r-ok and atcond maid In small famll. oumde clly: go' waaea Inwuir. at V. W. C. A., hours 10 to I EM'ERIENCED lady at-nographer for per manent potman: must be accurate, hava general ofti.-e cip-ri-ma and willing to writ. A 3 1. Oregonlan. WANTED :iru- o er In as ehe.-k girls, good opporlimltv to learn telerraphy. AP pl Chief OP'talor. W. L". Tel. Co.. il.l flo.tr. Wortcster Dlilg S-ILVKKFIELD CliMPAXT. 4tli an. I M-wTLwn a.. Keouira the arvfft if ftrst-claap aape ri'n.'d fiir ealealadlea. Apply at 4thfloor. t.;lltl.S 10 lay macaroni on trava; good ws-cs: straiiy empioment. Apply North western Macaroni Factory. sl'rt Gluen. corner at It. EXPElilENCED girl for c.Njklng and gen eial housework, fam'l- or three; good nagea call '' E. Sa'mon at. or phone East nr.;. WANTED A competent and experienced woman for coofclns and seneral house work; best of wages: must give refer- "en.es Call 1"." F.. :lh SI. KXI'EMIENCED girl who thoroughly under stands altering Cora-1. Anp beC a and 10 A. M. to upu of Olua. Worfnao King ' 1U t'T l ' A I. woman for companion and nurse 10 elderly lady, out of town. Thoiia Mm 1170 N. 1st street. A SCHOOL glr! to assist In general house work: no washing. 427 Montgomery .o-n-r lllll sireel. Main 22.'if. E I Kit I E.Ni'KD waitress for luncheon; 1 1 3 DM 2 I". M. Woniane Exchange, -1 sd oth slreel. EMT.RIK.NCED girl for general housework; small family; no children. Call 87 North 1-ith st . . C sll i;lKI,S o.r 16 eara cf age. Olds. "Wortman st King. Apply bet. S and It A. M MII.I-1NEKY saleswomen: must be thor oughly experienced and capable. Fraley Hi -a. ' -'II 3d st li. hi girl for general housework; home. 41. E 12i li St.. N. East I Ml good V A N" TKI"--I'anls finishers and operatora -...l's Washington street. rom17. WANTED t!lrl for fruit and cigar store to.". N. nth st. Gll;l. 10 assist with g'neial housework. Ap plv 747 -illan St.. in.-niliits. UIKI. for general housework; small family. ; "oth St.. corner overtoil. VltKSSEKta wanted. Hroadway Dya Works. IVT I nion avenue N'ortli. WANTED A German or Swedish girl for general houaework. "31 Coll'-ge st. THE KKIilfoBE wania cxpirlencad lady t.resw.-rs SALESLADY for bakery. Front and Marker I'a.lfic Bak.ry. W ANTED hosrtal. -Nurs. for night duty In B -17. Oregonian. A NTED --tilrl for general w ora. ismiiy v f..cr. a't Johnson St. WANTED Woman lo cook for 12 girls In Eu-ene: color. preferred. East 2-:t1 . C1KL u assist aeneral housework; sleep horn.. Call Ml North loth at. WOMAN for washing and general work. Phone East T.iv.'L . . 11.. a NICE voung lady for room mate ate"boine K 3L'.T. Oregonlan. prl- W.'.NTEI) t;ir! for ceneral houaeworK. Ap- pl .vli. Johrson stieet. IHNlN'.Kix.iM girl: 1 ..i Hol. HFI.P M ANTED M A1JX OR FEM ALE. lo.t,wi POSITION for graduates last yeax: rr.an and woman to learn barber trade In s weaka help to se.-ore promotion: gradu ates earn from lis to ili waekljr: aspert Instructors: tools feae; srrlla for cata logues alohler fiystem of Colleges. SJ e rth tn st.. Portland. Or. JdAkrl money wrlnr.g s:orl' for newspapera; big pa: send fr free booklet; tells host. I niled I'rnew Vindicate. Ssn FmncUco. Biits and glrlaT la years old or over: good war's and st'ad work. Multnomah Mot-air Mills, seilwood. -ft RimiMS clears renl $".".: lease; Kim. furniture, carpels; best buy In city; a snap. Jls Board of Trad. COCPON ag.nts want..!, new proposition. IufrnseStu.lo. JtOsWash. SI. WXNTED llo hopplck.rs. Apply offlca. 1 Wore..tr bldg.. g A. M.. P. M. W ANTED Man and wlf. on farm. Call 171 1 ?! t.. I r. to 2. tt vNT K P - T-ar h er foe lessons on guitar: staf I.rma. At M'JI. Oregonlan. Fl TFAiHEH3' A SSi H'l ATION. Teaeh'rsf Agency. Jill Sw.tland. Flak SITX'ATION TV ANTED MALE. Bookkeepers acd Clerks. EXrEBIFINr-T-D msn. J7. will a-e.pt any kind ofTlc work except atenography; mod erate salary: highest reommendal Ions. ltClO V Grand. U h KK EEPINU position wanted by man w-lth D years' experience- V 0. Oregu nisn. Ytd NIT msn 21 1.ere. position In drug store; hss hsd 2 years' .emlstry and i-me ct- p-rt.e-e. M -' Oreg""lan. Vi.l Nil MAN. stenoarsi-her. would like posh- tiun aitn esiabllthed house. G SiXi, Oreguokui wTFTI OS WANT F. B l A L E. 1 Hook keepers and clerks. Til iKOl'i ill LY experienced, reliable and competent bookkeeper wishes position: Lai. -o had n yeara" experience aa sales man In general merchandise bualucaa;j best references. o oli. uregonian. 1SY oui'g man. .allion In office; one year K. H. office experience; want place with chance for edvanr. mrnl; ir.all salary to start. E- 17. Oregonlan. Mlaeellanewiia. TRINTER i.-.R. all-around mnti of IS years' practical experience, city and country, de alrea aituatlon aa foreman: first-class ex ecutive, estimator: niarr.ed; strictly tem pTat.; best of reference. J. Harry Kin. ' 603 E. Chestnut atreet, Mt. Vernon. Ohio. lOI Ni; MAN. 2 yeara of age. I10I11 cr.gin.er Ing college, warls aituation wlih ocniraci Ing Ann; wagea no ob.i-ct; good references. Addr'sai I. SI7. Oregonln. WINDOW trimmer and show card writer, drlree position; best of references, single. n.T objection to going out of city. F 3li. Oregonlan. MAN and wife desire positions as cook and chambermaid In good commercial hotel. In or out of city. Address room 7, -0. Mh si. MI'ST get busy. A show card writer: flr' clnss salesman: good drcorator; nut had as an add man. Who needs me; best of references. AM 111'-, tiregonlan. STEADY, reliable man J7. good character and references, furnish bond if ilsired. wants etnploi mcnl w holesale tirm, I 3-5, Ot e gonian. iol'N'i man with experience would like po sition as night watchman In city; refer-en.-es. N ::l'.. Oregonian. Will 1.D ou like to e'enre services of a Hie young liiaii for rsisitlon that requires tact? D ;t-.". ot-.-gontan. CHAl KKKI'K. reliable, wants position with prliate family; have references. I'hone A .6'-4. Yi.d'NiJ MAN wants to worl;, po.ter In bir lier shop; exrtnrnced ; ahinu shoea. AO Sl.'i. ' iregonian. CHAl'FFEl R wants position; can furnDh go d reference; can keep car in repair. so4 K. Main m . . FoSITION wanted by thorough experienced groerry man; best reference, x el:;. Ore- KonlriTV C H Al F F K I ' R wants situation: strictly tem perate; good reforences. Walter Aller. I'hone Sellwood D)J4. - FOSITItllN' aa machinist in door-shop, dowel iloor-shop preferable: lone CAjierunce and good references, a 27 Oregonian. MrtRIEb man from Ilast ilesircs Job as stenm engineer: can furnish ref-renccs. dilress- ,1. F. Sutterfield. rortland. Or. JAI'ANESF: laborers want Job logging track, sawmill, cutting brush, woods. Ail "-'I. Oregonlan. JAPANESE pharmacy student wishes short nour position, also Salurdas. Japancsa M. E. Mission. U'l North l.Mh EXPERIENCED Japanese wants position al Janitor cr porter at store or office. B 319. Oregonlan. JAPANESE boy. any kind of work, morn ing, evening AJ 317. orcgoniau. CAP.PE.VTEJt work, any klcd. sag ar coa . tract Phne M-rtial! 02" . JAPANESE schoolboy peltate family. AK : wants position, in -1. Oregonian. CARPENTER wants w.rk: noi.tiniun prtrtrred. tl A. I... IC7 MicMgan ave. WANTED A contract to cut o " conia of wool. M ."Si. Orcgonjan. WANTED Watchman wanis position. Ad dress Ed Keysr. .?H7 V?. 0.1k. Phone H. A ilinl). etiher. sready rpum. sitangrr. wlnhes lliiatlon In stable. Y ."II. Oregn lan. JAPANESE bov w guts position as cook In fnmlly ?? gth si. K. Noga.dil. JAPANESE" n-'k wantw KisiU'n In prlvaia fnmlly. Main 9."I. Ttn'NtJ man of irood a.idrcss wishes Mime thing to do Sundries. K ::2". Oregonlan. MTlATlOV W.VNTFIs 1'F.MAUS. Hook keepers and btenographers. EXPERT ladv stenographer with tvie wrller and inulilgrapli deslrca permanent poaluon: will use machines. Addrcaa D al -.Oregonlan. . lADY alenograph.r desires permanent posi tion: a.iod spciier; referencea. Maui U.'ll-. nmio 7. STENOUK.W'HEK dcalres position. J 145. Dressmakers. DRES.-1IAKINI'.. evening and princess gowns. i to tl-: also plain svwlng. bultc 3. 0.a)i, illiainai ave. PRACTICAL, nurse de-Ires engagements. -! lears' exrerlence; reasonable. Phone Home 4U77. Main 1-''J7. EXPERIEN'CED In all k!ad nursing rhroiilc. Invalids, maternity, aged. Infant). Main :S1. rRACTit'AI. nurse wants uatcrnity case or rare of Invalid. A 4 7 Ml'. EASTERN' trained nurse wants case; refer ences; moderate terms. M 707-. Nl'RSK wants care chronic, ir.v.-.ltd. Any patients. Rrferencca Sel. 1 llui. Nl'HSE would like more case: eMenslve ex-l-erienre; d.-et-Ts' icfrrem-es. Main f.us. Houseweereera. YOI Mi woman with child of S would like to do housekeeping for widower or bache lor, or take charge of small nparlmetu or rooming-house; good references. I'hone Main Mi"i. JTlOliI.E-AtiEO American woman, house keeper or care of rooining-liouse: will leftie city. Mrs. Holdrnige. 4S clay st. WIDl'W with child would like to keep hounc for rcfir.td gcnllrman or lay. AK 3-4. t'legonian. Dottiest lea. MlDDl.E-AliED. eperlenced practical liurae; do.-lor's references. .Main bit37. TWO alrls wanti housework. Adlrea i-W savler st.. N. G11U. wishes aeneral housework In private family. te Morrison al. KkJI.IARI.K'glrl wishes' generariiouaework and ooklrg. 4H N'. 2.'ilh H. M Isce! laneous. WANTED Position as helpful companion to r.Mned lady, by young lady of good fam llv and with musical education. 1. w-J, ircgorianj m WANTED Two "UHK Rirlis want general hoiiecwork: can talk S'ciish. Kinnls'h and English: l-ot sfrall of work. Hilda F2-lRson. "l-t N. ltth w. A YOl Nli ladv. good sight reader desires position In an orchestra. AN Oregon ian Tioi'Ni ladv desires a position in a music store. AM 3J. Oregonian. WANTED P'Vallion by flrst-class waitress or cashier In restaurant "r hotel. Phone Fa .W1. LADY wlehlng work by d or huur. I'hone W oodlawn .V I5. Yt-il Ntl ladv wishes, loeln. I la.lc AN r.'JU. oregonian. ompanlon to W ANTED Bv rojored lady, chamber or Jan itor work. Main lPft'i LADY wlshea any kind of work by .td . WANTED AGENTS. AOINT" wanted Our eie.llent home-grown nursery stock Is la demand: sales this sesson will be Immense: a nattering op portunity; cash paid weekly: outfit tree. ialem Nursery Co.. 8alern.Or. ACTIVE canvassers can make ISO weekly selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal proposition; gooa territory. Address Orenco. Or. AGENTS wanted 10 aid us supply the ds ' mand for cbolca nursery stock: outfit free: easn weekly. Addreas capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. WANTED TO RENT. Hoi KEj1'ONSIRIJJ party, accustomed to own home bef. r' conili.g lo Portland, desire to rent modem elegantly furnlehed b-room house In ulirscllve location on West s.de; best references given. Frank F. Mead. i!3 Fori st Main oo.tn. FI RNISHED HOL'SE. Wanted to rant, furnl.-died house. 7 or g rooms. West K'de. west of lth and rorth of Washington; references ex ensnged. Phone Maishall S:3 or Main lilt. WANTED W ell furnished honse. eight rooms. West Sid., near Kings Helcnls; no children; references. I'none Mam V.'..'.7. WANTED Tw'i-ear k&se. modern roueee. tli. bedrooms, west of lath, w.ulh e.f tiverion. or Portland H'lehts. Prefer unfurnished; .mall family. AM 32. Oregonlan. W a'nTED Room and board by young man who plays violin occasionally. V 31$. Oie gonlan. WANTED To rent a fi-room cottage e,n West sir), or ck'se in on Best Side. I'hone Main ifi HOl'SE. modern. 6 to 8 rooms: state price, location. D 317. Oregonlan. FIVE or six-room new br.na-alcw or house on East Side, about S-.'i rent. Thone B 1S'7. VANTED a or 6-room campletely fur nished house. B 3D. Oiegonian. PARLOR with piano for mile tea-dier: also rtreiiing ro.-'m : walking aiaiance; meniern n . ;.'4. oregonian. JVXNTF. D TO RENT. Apartments. WANTED TO RENT A five or six room e-ottagc or a fi,r rnom apartment, modern and f iiriilshed. at reasonable rent. Address AE :i-3. Ore- conlan. ' . IVS'O or 3 furnished he.uselieeplng rooms, ivllh sl-eplng porch. AE ::2J.Oregonian. Rooms With Board. GENTLEMAN wants room and initial U.ard with private family livlnc about l." to 2i minute' walk from the Sieel Brielge: aome resemblance to home comfort and absolute cleanllnerje are e.-r-entlal: Ihcre will b no difficulty about price If the-c aro forthcom- ' Ire. Pleaas. staf If .leepiiig porch accom p.iHlatlon iiihv be hid: s -otch pe-oplc prt- rerrc'l. M ::l. orceonian. KOIt 3 gentlemen, in priate family, close In on West Side only. Address D. 1 ., P.OOM nnd board for boy near I.a.ld school; private family. AG :i-3 Oregonian. FOR RENT. ikooms. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILNER BLDG." 350 a MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. KEAaONABLS Furnislietl Rooms. HOTEL ALDEK Til E CA1LES Corner 4th. 30U Taylor, and Alder at. near .th. 'these two beautiful new hotels Just completed and handsomely furnlrlied. pos sess every modern convenience in.'ludins elevator service and private telepnone ex change. Dolh ore right down town, yet ?ut off all carline; about half the rooms 11 each have private ua.hs, all others hot and cold water. The rales aro surpris ingly low. call and see them ana you sill he pleased in everySway. Kuoms by the day, week or month. HOMELIKE. HOMELIKE. BOMEUkri NEW SCOTT HOTEL. t Seventh and Ankcny dt. Our many guests hae found the best. And friends they fill a few If you would have a pe-ucetul rest. And cheerful thoughts renew So nurry. Mr. Traveler, ,it'a LP TO YOU. A DELIGHTFUL EXTRA LARGE ROOMS. Newly and attractively furnished; abundance electric liKhls, gas. heal, two large clothes cj'-'ts. large windows, high ceilings, hot and cold water, private bath, fueplace. eaey walking distance, quiet, ae lect nclgli borhoo.l. o.el Montgomery, cur. Sixth t hone Marshall -j7i. W OTEL b A VOX, 1-9 leventh SI, New, modern brick bunding. ateam- kegted. private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. -:ate very reaawnable. CaUl and see us. itguk-r and tra a.eat trada solicited. HOItu SARGENT, Cur. Grand are. aal Hawthorne. Phone Eas: 291, connecting erery ruoin. rTivaia baiba, elevator. rirt-class gr'.U. Sp clad rates by week or n:nth. Amerion or urcpeaa. i ra:.aieiiis solicited. GRAND UNION HOTEL. 3S7U Burnside. How would you like desirable quarters for the Winter? s?cam heat, hot and cold water, roeims single cr. juite: rooms with private baths-. Rates fiom $-.30 10 'b a week. East .-'leto or B i-75. HOILL -L&-1 AKix. Wsshlngton and 17th. firel-ciass furnished rocms eitigie or en auite; ail modern coa venUn'cea: $z weekly up. A -647. M. 5647. NEW furnishings in every room; privilege of balhs lor gooil class nit-11. week or 111011111, -'i 10 ji) ucr munih. O'Neill, Alder an.l W. Park. Uvlb'U lrtV'lNG. 312 Oak at., crnoi tli-ih; large, light, airy room... elegantly furnUdiea; electrls lights, running wakr; low rails. HOffcll. BUCKINGHAM, opp. l'ortlaad H. tel. 330 Yamni.l; flrsi-claws furnished rooms, slcsle or en suite, modern; 4V up; transtea.s auliclted. Main 31. A 7177. NICE largo furnished front room, suitable for two people: all com eniiuta; close in; l per week. -.M 7lh st -ill- i-Alf.E N'Cvily-furnliiheel. ateaau-litsaL-ed rooms, with running water. s3 3d St., cor. Montgomery. ktuu-KN ouisioe rooms, g-'.wu ia u pr we-. Itaiudlr.g taihs: also housekeeping rooms. t4St- WaJthltigton at. THE BEAVEK. l.th sad Marshall sta. well furnished sleeping rooms, iz.Zv per weak: eltctrlc lights, but baths free. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. FOR RENT Nicely furnished roo:n with sleeplne porch connected, with board in privHle family to two young ladies em ployed. Lower Apartment, "-. Montgom ery or All .',-1. ore-fronlan. SPLENdMD large airy pjomf. heat, lights, hot 1 untune water, bath and Phone, fT. $lo. I2 and ln j,er month, or bv week. o73 Couch. N. E. eir. 1Mb. West Side. LARGE room, iurnace neat, ho, waie-r, bain, pilolie, eery coulforl. In beautiful corner limine, furnished onlv three weeks ago; Wtj!tSldo;erm3inoderate.Phoiie A -o47. NICE furnished room. centrally located, suitaole to: one 01 two persons; reason able. "13 Thirteenth street. Nli'ELV furnished ronio in private Jiome; g.-iillcmcn onij ; htcaMasl il desired; take W car. i74 Johle.iti si. I SALMON. lar-e t'l oul 00111, ground lloor, iiirnlFhcsii .uitalile for lno gcnlle-itie-n; alfo single' loom. FINELY luiniehed l.'al-hate'l room, excel lent board one blot.k. 715 J":in;jn jl. Phono A.1U7-. NEWLY furnished room, all conveniences. lad prcle-red. 411 N. illh slreet. blocks noi ih of Waiili itigi.oii. Ma i n .".ilo.e. NelATLY fuinishcd loom for a gentleman; reasonable; walkine distance, atl '1 &s lor :d reft. 1'JilNTER. good, to il-are rovm free for ad- ice on catalogue copy, etc. 1 .il-, Oie goniat;. Nli'ELY fui-niyiieii rooms, steam healed naL with ei try modern convenience. Phone A 47o. . FURNLSHED suite, very central; suitable one e..- two lailiejf. Main Slo'J. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two ndult3; lath and telephone. 10 N -'Is, st. 1-oit RLN'T LaiKe- iroiit I'uom, suitable for '-'. Call -ill McMillan street. N E TLY fui'iiishcd front alcoie loom, feuil ali'e' for two. 1 12 lltli st. LAllilE bay-window room, alao small one. L'lni- North I'Jd si. NICELY f-irnishe-T front leajtu and small attlo rooms. leli 13th st. $S AND up. l:cwly furnished sleanl-hcaied rooms', electric lights, r.l'.o Glinan st. FOR RENT Large fre.nl i-iom with bay win dow. Phone Alain N'G".j NEATLY funil.-he.i hi lio' in; gas, bath, lent le-asoliaMe . 4- t;n St. Nli'ELY furnished front bedroom in good li.. atlon. 1'iiii llh st. SMALL, nicely furnished room ?. Ml Mor rison sf. ELEGANT roeims In a private family for g .-ntlemcn. Main 44 11. CLEAN, well furnished rooms: hot and cold water. 2i 14lh el. South. Main K7rVl. TWO elean, light rooms for J'J and K.50 ,,.r week. .'U 11th st South. FURNISHED r.H m. 'l.fiO and up. It'S l-th St. -i Co 111. Wltn ISojt ra. PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year, room with board, us. of sew Ir.g-room and library. D.'rt Fie-ndeif. Mi Fr.iiice N. Heath, supt. NEW rooms, homo cooking, bath, phone, piano. The Hollywood. Second and Grant. ELE' iANT fionlTroonis for 1 or 2. first-class tioard. reasonable charges. 374 Park. BOARD ard r.e.ma; -splendid lorailori; atrlct ly modern; home cooking. 36S'. Mill at. THE CALVAKlJ 4.'.- Morrison, curncr 13th; rooms en suite or single. "Rooms With Board in Privnte Family. Rooms With Board In lrlvalf tain II. v. ROOM anil board in private family for two young Ladies, walking distance, home cooking, cheerful home; refereaices. 3tU I llh st. FINE quarters for 4 young men; home cook-, hie and reasonable rate; walking distance. Main 4H4. - NEW LY furnished rooms. ai. family. Plione A Ne.rth. near GHran. wllh board, in prl 4i'.M. 127 2iJ st. ins', TEN'TH- IIH'Tll. With rooms. Large, nicely furnished front or without board; other lltiOM and board reasonable, home cooking, two meals: rooms for one and two peopie. bin Heiyt st. A NICELY "furnished front room, suitable "for two: gas. haih and phone, with board If de- s-lred. ."8 Grant s. PRIA'ATE family can accommodate 2 ladles with room Slid board. Eas.SIl ' ROOMS w:h board for 3 or I employed people. Main f4sn EXCELLENT table, elegantly furnished room. Vhore East .TtelT Clli HCE boarding, young men. reasonable. -Wesl Side, walkine distance. Main -'-1 ! FIRST-CLASS rreom and board In.private fam ily. 45 Yamhlii st. g4iv Front parlor for two gentlemen, all mod ern cn etiience... 47o Main st. Bu IKD, room, i.alh. phone, home cooking, 10 a week. l'Ji lltn. near Yamhill. FOR RENT. Keeoma With Bomrd In Private) Family. WANTED - professional or business genlle .nen boarders who are willing 10 pay a fair price for splendid accommodations and excellent home cooking; location, L'"th st.. near Hawthorne ave.. East Side. Phono East "340. NICELY furnished rooms, with board, sleep ing porches, fireplace, running water, nice gremlins. I'nonn r.Tist joinr. FINE front room, good board, phone and bath, lo two persons: $6 each. 2'J1 11th street, near Columbia. Apartments. E. T I A COURT. The finest, most modern hrick aoart ment house. Just completed; everything first-class: all outside rooms; apartments of 2. 3. 4 and 5 rooms witn all the latest conveniences; situated In the finest resi dence part of the city, Lucretia st.. near Washington, between 22d and 23d sts. Apply to superintendent apartment 1. THE BANNER A PA HT.Vf ENTS. 4SU Clay street, second house from 14th, the onlv modern completely furnished '--room apartment-house In the city; house and elegant furniture brand r.ew: Just ooened for business; stem heat, electric light, hot and cold water in every apart ment; private phone, bath: wa'king tlis tance; 2I. SUS. including electric light Marshall 2074. CAMAR. New brick apartments: every convenience: two. three and four rooms; furnished or unfurnished; south side ot Lovejoy St., near 22d. See janitor, or MARTIN & CAMPBELL. INC.. AGENTS. Room 1. Worcester bldg., Phone Main 7391. HEINZ apartments. I4th and Columbia; 4 blocks south from Morrison St.; new brick bullolng. completely first-class: I'urnlsSed In 2. 8 and 4-room family apartments, private bath reception hall, steam heat, hot watetr. 'elevator, free prone. Janitor service: rent from S2S per month SJd up. ALTAMONT apartments. 5th and College; new brick building, now being elegantly furnished, hardwood lioors, steam heat, private phone, bath, tireproof wall safe. . reasonable. Phone Main 6US0. Janitor service. ORDERLEIGH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand Ave. and Stark St. New fireproof brick building, beautifully furnished, two and three-room tipartnients private baths, wall beds, large clothes closets. Phone E. 300. . ANGEL1A apartments. 39 Trinity Place, be tween lftth and 20th. near Wash.; new management, new brick building. 2:.. 4 rooin apaitments, furnished and unfur nished, electric elevator, private batri. hot water, steam heat, phones, jailitor service. KING HILL APARTMENTS. The select apartments of Nob Hub For terms apply to Janitor, cor. of King and Wayne sta KEELER ApTrTMENTS. J4th and Clay sts. New brick building. 3 and 4-room family apartments, electric elevator, steam heat, disappearing beds, private bath rooms. free phones, etc.: rent 8'-'5 to soil. W ELLINGTON COURT. Corner J.."Ui and Everett sia.. under new management: imidi-rn 2, 3 and 4-ro.jm fm rii.?hed and unfurnished steam-heated apart niei.ts. KIVE-KOOM furnishes- apartment. modern la - every particular; steam-heated, hot water Janitor services, with first-class fur nishings. Apply to Janitor, odd Kear rtcy st. jejXN-JaYK Just opening, new fireproof brick, large light hall, ail outside apart ments, automatic elevator, electric dumb waiters, hot and cold water, private bath, steam heat. SIS N. 20th. cor Lovejoy. glj cROIX Apartments, 170 St- Clair at-, near Washington. Two and three-rooja modern apaitaients. Fine residence loca x I. n. P.easonable rent. STEAM-HEATED te-ruom apartment, mod ern and desirable. 025 Everett at. Apply Morgan. Fleiduer & -boyce, &uj Abiugtoa bldg. , ONEONTA APIi 1S7 17th. south of Yam "bill ;W. car at depati. 2 and 3-room fur nished suiiea, hot and cold water, Crete uhenea. batn. Main 4ti7. A. 473a. JTJST OPENED THE WHITEHALL. 243 6lh at.. 4 squares above P. O. ; family ho tel, private baths and telephones: tran sieiita solicited. " "the beryl. One apartment lor re.nt on top flexir; ele vator fiervice. tig.' Lovejoy St.. near 21st. BOe.ANT"A Newly furnlshesd 3 and 4-room apt., private phones and strictly modern; 2.id 'near Johnsonst. THr. LEONCE Newly furnished 3-room apartuienia; mouern conveniences. 1SS North22d. THE "c LI FT ON Irving, near "3d; S-room ai.altment. Sil hardwood rioors. toee janitor or Dr. Ball.. Dekum bldg. 7KJOi apartment, hardwood floora; tne Iiifi.'.u. Irving, liear "3d St.. t;i. tee lamtor or D1'- Ball. Dekum bldg v?r LEY APAKTilE.Nio. .01 Wasaiugtoa 0 virs- T. D. Hugnes. Modern 3 and 4 roomap3ris;veryconvenlence. MfiEnB Apartments. 229 llth; one ele carltly turiiislied 3-room apartment, jtrlctly fno.:ein UphoncS; vriTlR rooms, sleeping porch, bath, very de sirable, block Morrison car. walking dis tance. East 51)43. KT CLAIR 715 Wayne at.; modern six-room ,r.r-ment. two porches. Phone Main 4U3u. i.'i HNlHED apariinents. including piano. The Morton. Washington v: King. 1- ot it rent. very fine unfurnished Phone East H:;! rooms for Flats. FOR RENT A decided bargain, fashion able i-room flat, ck'se in on East Side, big front and rear 'porches; every room an outside room; very handsomely fin ished Hiroughoui : rent only l-'.": be early or this will be taken; other tenants in thu building have been theie ever since built. A. B. WIDNEV. Main U074. A Il7:i. 22-4 Board Trade. 4- ROOM imper flat; 2 flreplacea; elegant large, light rooms, ne-.v ar.d inoclern; aouli. only; i.uo furnished r.-room le.wer I'iai, umnl ck-t. H; walking distance, ym Side. Inquire 334 i'ark e.r ph.jne A 3005. Fl E-RUOM modern fiat, fireplace, electric lights, gas. basement, rent reasonable. In quire at Roelyers. Hart, Gibson Co., 14 'Jri street. POR RENT 4-rooni flats, el.tiie in on Ea-t Side; nut reasonable. A. H. Biirell Co., 2o2 MiK.ir bldg. 6-ROOM modern Hal. very pleasant, fire place etc.: ri.vj peltygtove sft; evenings ,-a 1 1 Main 3170; daytime. Maln21ti0. NEW 6-rooni upper fiat, all modern conveni ences, including fireplace. B. 6th and Ore gun su. Phoue East 212. UPPER 4-room flat, unfurnished; bath, sta tionary tub. wooelhoisl; no children. eal ::d si., corner of Grant. Mi 1JERN 6-rooin flat, corner E. tlth and .Schuyler. Broadway car. Apply cottags ne xt door. 5- ROOM modern upper flat, Lovejoy near 23d Vanduyn 4e Walton, S15 cnamber of Commerce. I'.ROUll modern flat, completely furnished, including piano, near 23.1 and W asliington. Call morning and evenlrrg. Main S9s. SEW modern 6-room lower flat lio; 7-room upper Hat SSO. 163 E. 17lh St.; keys 165 E. 17th st. ' FOR RENT New flat, all modern conven iences, lMh and E. Ash sts. Phone B 2Wtj. TWO new flat; gas and electricity; S rooms .nch: no de-gs le.T children. .17 Cable m. MOLi;RN. central, four-room flat: also fur nlBlied flat: adults. 233 Hall, aft.nioota TWO 0-room mdoern flats, flreplaees. tS ailQ nieo .e'no.ut,. w". NEW ii-r...m upper flat. 101 Vj E. lth cor. Waahlngion: rent fug. Phone Tabor 414. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 598 Salmon st. Key 60U salmon. FOUR lower rooms and good basement, rea-snnahla- Phone Main ."687. UPPER i-room flat. 471 ',x Park St.; mod ern. Inquire 46 Park St. Mi il iERN-6-room upir flat, choice location. West Side; S:i2.SU. Main (v9. FeUl RENT 5-room flat; roses lawn. 495 E. pine, elees. 111. r.-ROOM new flat, every convenience, closes ln. reasonable. r.28 Flanoerg. levo new 4-room modern Hats. 28th and East Irving. East t. B 1404 3-ROOM modern flat, all conveniences. In quire 223 Market SI. llione? jeee. oe o. Housekeeping Rooms. FINE DOWNTOWN HOME. TdlLNEK BLDG.". 350',, MOKrtlSO.V ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. HEASOXABU. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, gas plate furnished. 11 per week; Belmont Apartments. 480Vs Belmont si. 4 CONNECTING rooms, complete for house keeping, suitable 4 persons, walking dis- tance; 'Jo. phone Marnhall !-!. WEEK Clean, furnished housekeeping rooms: laundry, bath, paone. gas. heat. yard, clean linen. 408 Vancouver ave 461 EAST Morrison, corner East Sth. com pletely furnished housekeeping rooms. reasonable. FURNISHED housekeeping suites; very de sirable. Call room 36, Cambridge Bldg., 3rd and Morrison. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms In nest concrete bldg. Phone Woodlawn 2997. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, fur nlshed. 191 14th St.; transient solicited. 11.30 WEEK, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, beat, laundry, bath. Z03 Etantoa. V oar. r x cix in--" i Housekeeping; Rooms. IHE- BEAVJR. 12th and Marshall Fnr ni.hed for housekeeping, gas range, e. me tric lights, hot water, bain, laundry, aiJ free; 15 per month up: a clean place; best ill the city for money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" car or ltitli-si. 'tars north. geloffatdarshail st. No doijs. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2 S month; 3. $13: furnished, cottage, 4 looms, lsi: lower flat, 4 rooms, $iti. 064 North 2dth (West Side river). W car from depot, oth or Morrison to 2tith. bloch north. Housekeeping; Kejoms In Privute Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished outside rooms, single or en aulte. heat, hot running water, bath and phone: fj. tl-J. 12 and SIB per month bv day or week. Call A 32510 or at .-75 Couch ft.. N. E. lSlh. 63 NORTH 20th. jut opening, elegantly and e-ompletely furnished, for house keep ing, in one. two and three room suiks; also tnres room suite Willi pritale i,ar age. ; NEWLY furnished, steam-heat ed house keeping rooms, choice location, walking distance, hot water, laundry, bath, phone. 606 Glisan. NEWLY decorated, furnished 2 and 3-room apartments, modern, reasonable, walking distance, choice residence locality. 075 Main st. THREE furntalied housekeeping r'onis; entire .upper floor; sink, phone, g-is plate; walking distance. 2H9 College st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms: al.J sl.ep'nB roomi everv convenience, good ncighlKThood. lio X. 17th. 2 FURNISHED hoi.'3'1keeping ro-Tin.s on car line. Phone Woodlawn HK'.2. .".2 Williams ave.. FOR RENT Two from r-ms. mi ii.i bli- lor light housekeeping; desirable location. Wc.-l Side. Mn in asnb. FOR RENT Unfuriiislied -lie'iitiek"tii'iils: apartments: prnate family; walking dis tance: modern. 6S7 tilisan st. TWO large connecting housekeeping rooms, finely furnlsheel front routne; fust floor; price reasonable. 3H3 l'-'th si. Mam Sill:;. LARGE front room for I or 2 eentl.ni.-n ; reasonable. :ui;i 11th st. 4 ROOMS in flat, e-lcse in. to a.iults: ref erences, e'all A :H42 afler to A. M. TWO front rooms, nicely furnished, eeii trnl. 400 Main slreoi. 3 CONNECTING furnished Ivnu-vli! cping fonis; ard. bath, phone. j:,ii Yaoihil! s;. 2 FURNISHED housnekeping rooms for 2 adult?, cleesv. in. 7,3 Vamhill. OR 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, bath, sink; reasonable. Front. partly fiirnishcil Iimisokeeping bath, phone, teas. 271 E. "4th si. rooms Houses. W t.fclN you move you'l need neve furoli.u.. Buy It Judiciously and the savings wiu ex ceed your moving expenses. Our NO-KENT PElCEsi made us ona o. the largeat furniture houses in tne city in two years. Lookers shown same courtesy as buyers MORGAN-ATCHLEY FUKNITL'P.E CO. 6U-1 5 Grand ava. corner East sta:'k at. East eaukenj and Russell-Shaver cariioes PA.KS OUK DOOR. 1R VINGTON Attractive house; living-room, fireplace, bookcases, polished llours. pan eled dining-room, 4 beiirooms. se-.iaiils room; moaern In every respect; luth, L.e nveen Ha ncock and Tillamook. E asi e4u . HOUSES and flats for rent; some fuinishcd. MERCHANTS SAVINGS .v. TKUSr COMPANY, S.W.jror60iar.dyshinston S's- FOR RENT 12-room house, 274 24th St.. cor. Overton. Hot and cold water in every bedroom; line nelghDorhood ; modern con veniences. Inquire b5 4m st.. Henry Blug. Wakefieid Fries & Co. will give lease. $30 BRAND new modern 7-room house, on Hawthorne cailme; furnace, electlic itv, gas. shades. Phone Tabor "i0. COMPLETE inexiern home of h rooms for 1. lit on Council Crest; $30, lease. Phones Main 7677. . MODERN 6-room house, furnace and two fireplaces, electricity and gas. No. b- b.. 12th st. Call at room 301. Dekum bldg. A 5-KOOM cottage, strictly modern. te(l! Front St.. cor. Caruthers 118 HOUSE, 6 large rooms, bath. gas. 186 Curry st. s car. MODERN, clean 6-room house. 749 Rouse v'lt St.. north Portland. FINE IRVLNGTON 7-room modem home Broadway car. Phone .Marshall 1 S4 . . UNFUUNTSK ED, new. mode-! .!. 5-l'oom houte, cor. Maryland ave. and Prcseotl. MODERN ti-room house. S05 1st St., South Portland. MODERN 8-room house. Burnside. Phone East 5: 29th and East B 14114. 6-KG0M house, good condition, comer East Couch and Third. Main 3225. Furnished Houses. $65 HANDSOMELY furnished home in Irv Ingt.n: furnace, hardwooel flours, piano; .vervtninir modern: ready tel occupy; kev. of rice. After 6 1. M. pnune owner, .viuiii lltJU". HAR'TMAN & THOMPSON, Real Estale Department. Chamber of Commerce. IN 1RVINGTON. Elegantly furnished moelerr. 9-room house, near two carlines; everything new ; beautiful Mahogany furniture. I raa Leu. elegant cut glasi. and china; 11 ferer.i es re quired; rent $0. inquire 40s East loth street. North. 5-KOOM cottage, furnished except silver ware and limns: lot loiixlno; Unit trees, reises garden, hothouse, e-li ickon-liouse and run; lf:. per montn ; chickens for sale. fS'J Garlield ave.. cor. Goillel St.. Union avf?. ear Phon; C 184-'. COTTAGE, well furnished. $IS; lower Mat. 4 rooms. $1: two housekeeping rooms. s'. West Side river. Apply 3U1 N. 2th. W car from depot. 5lh- or jlornson to 2f.tii. blocs. nort h. AM going abroad: will lease my new mod ern 9-room house furnished or unfur nished for years: references required. For information, phones MaJu4UtO. W' NTED Party to take furnished cottage and board two: pays lor its-:lf: to bo ai picciiitcl must be scon. Answer Hiving phono number. AN 1125, oregonian. NICELY furnished ,vroom cottage, with bath anei gas. centrally loeat.iu. Apply 115 W. I'ark street, alter lo A M Kcl- ere-nccs . rOR HUNT 10-i-oom house lurtiislied. cen trally located al 148 N. loth. Inquire 75 1st st. MODERN 5-room furnished cottage, also cozy 3-room furnished llat, gas and bath. lEast21st;jAKcar. 40 NEW modern 7-ioom house, new oak and mission furniture: on Hawthorne ave.. close in. Tabor J"7t). NICELY furnished four-room flat: piano; close In. Call between 12 and 7 P. M , 6 K. 1 2th st. North. FtlR RENT Furnished 8-room good house, big yard In Irvington. fine location. 1'ar- ticul'ars. 345 Morrison st. FOR RENT to responsible parties, finely fur nished home on East Side. Cell room i.23 Lumber Exchange. FURNISHED house October 1. at 350 Sal mon si. Inquire 108-110 4th st. reference required. . 9-KOOM furnished house to rent for one yea r. References required. 76s Marsfaallal 2 BEAUTIFUL furnished hou."es on Council Crest; fib. Phone Main 5677. A 2bl7. s.;o MODERN six-room furnished house, lawn, roses. Key 191 Fourth. Houses fur Rent Furniture lor Sale. FOR SALE 3-room apartment completely furnished, in mahogany and oriental. e4'.ij; party leaving for Europe. Hanover Apart ments, King and Washington sts.. aparl- ment 47. FURNITURE for sale of modern 8-room house" ; rent j.1iS: good location for renting rooms. 415 7th mt., cor. Hall. Phone Mam .'1096. NEWLY furnished 11-room house for sale, owner leaving city, terms; 110 agents. G 318. Oregonian. SIX-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale, ''two blocks from Morrison carltne, in heart of city. I'hone Main 1161. FURNITURE of 2-room housekeeping suite for sale: cheap. 4n4 'j Union ave.. North. FURNITURE of 6-room cozy fiat for sale. flat for rent. A 4388. 5-ROOM cottage, rent $110. wllh bath. 4:6 Everett St. Stores. STORE for rent; fine location for a market, ln Irvington, at East I'Slh and Halsey sts.; no market m all Irvington nearer than Union ave.; good location for both fine cuts, coarse meats; will change the store room to make it a meat market. Owner weekdays. 320 East Morrison st. Phone evenings and Sunday. East 78. NEW concrete store, 33x.'.0 feet and base ment, next to, main business block in prosperous and growing Portland suburb. Elegant opening for active grocery man. Stoe-k here can be turned once a month. C Le Bamberger, Main 248S, room 2, Lumbermen's Bldg. FOR KENT 4-storv and basement brick store building. 50x165. southeast corner Front and Pine. Apply Chester V. Dolph. 303 Mohawk bldg. - FINE down-town locetion for millinery, beauty parlors or halrstore, long lease, low rent. Main 48-';2. STORE. 24x96 at 232 Larrabee it Call ::26t7j Washington St.. room 201. IJO LARGE brick store, suitable for drug gist, plumber, painter, etc. M 7157. Ofitccs- FOR SALE LBASIE GrlOUKD-'FLCORl OFFICE. Fine location su.iir.ble for statlonaxy, banking, real estale business, etc For Xla' ther Information apply to THE 3OLTHER-ALBERTS0N CO.. 2S Oak at.. ' Portland. Or. FOR F.ENT Tliree fine offlc- roonus on secor.J'. floor Lumber Exchange l.uild!:ig. 2d endi Stark s?ts. Inquire F. B. Holbrook Co.,. 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. Mi 1ST centrally located ofiices 12 and up. all-nighi elevator service. C03 Swetland l.i.ie. r.th nnd Washiiigion. CuVPLEVELY furntsiieii otiice. phone. Uslit and heat. CaJI 5 LI Rolhchild l.ldg. col'HT'I I'lil- Twii furnished connecting offices. Inmiire 4UI Corbett l.ldg. A SV'l.llN'LilIl ifriele eir desk rc-'tn feer lent. Kront if elevator, fr"' Henry bUx. W FL'.-FURNISH ED light offiie or desk room.; phone. ren--raMc. :12H Mohawk bins,. tot: KK.VT A lew ofuces lu Cuucn Olag . Call 90S Lerwis bids. T( IJE.YSE. L E A S i-7 T r c k a e"e : fine warehouse or FOI niter, locaiion: pis.- . oiixer eo,.... Broadway, ready Nov. J. Alhlna Fuel Co, at ion: a la.- comer store room. ..oa ana BUSINESS OW'OTvTyNJTIES WEST SIDE GritH'FKV A i.-l.c ..lean cash avocerv store on Washinr-ioii" street, dolns good l)ii.vjne'i' netiinrr .2'jr. per mouth:, rent onlc M tier month; for .luiclt ealc will sell f'r eir.iie.i; invesligatc il.is. as ouner lnVSt scll. eiRl S.-l ,e. y.ADOW 317 Hoard of Trade Hlrlg. ith and Oak. PARTNER WANTED. Roeiinremoiits: S-e0li ; good character, business ability, and not over 40 years of erec. This is a lirst-olass opportunity for th- right man: a lair monthly salary will be guaiantee'd. Previtois experience unnecessary N .liiO, Oregonian. EASTErvN' man of to wishes lo rt'-ome eon-iioele-i Villi liieli-elass 1'orils.nd real es tate busllW's. Alter full trial .-iin llives. 10 a eoilsides.ral'le i'Uloulit. put oltle hlM e t class pro i'-'Siiiori will lie , ovisldered ami asoeinti"i must stand liis'i Miorally and financial.: - ' ' I'-lii. Oregonian. "I T C Ll." I eun rod will prove that JH)011 will brine yon -to.i.rt. year in safe. sou;., honest inievtm-'iit: b-rt fS''d dredging ool-e--imiltv ..n . mh t-lay. writes iiuiek for proo-. Tire fliorl. .Iniv.e.e u. i;aii. treasurer, mi; . Siiy Marie. Mien. THIS is a bona fi le real estate, dealer, wan'' good stcadv man 10 tnl; half interest 111 business: refer, n.vs will he cNchang-i ; doing fine business and w.mts men moi". than ihe money; small .imounl will .1.111- .ile. Call llos Board of Trade. T'TTnVecTU '.V E 1 1 Y STOR E. Rent S'j:. large living room, -. lean n-'-v stock ami fixtures; 1,0 competition; apl-n- lid ne'Siroorhooel: N. I. Hall. .--Il Liimreriiions l.thlg. . - MOVING-PICTURE theater in city: l0" down, pay balance out of business: als-. r. inonci- inaUer out of to.en: lu st-class On -co ..piftr in detail; t?li.i'0 cash. 401 ehild bhli;. . HALF Inte-est in an oi.l established busi ness, doing a good business, witn a sa. aried position of Sinn per mouth. For fuil particulars, call Kinny i Mamphjr. Lum ber Exclianse bldg.. rooms jjol-ao OERI'VK-GIUCER- FOR SALiT Suburban gr.a-cry. eatablifhed 2 year,; hitsiness-. cheap irnt: living looms; priv $l:n. 4n7 Luniberir.en.o Hank bMg. V KT X ER warned for c cash business" t" Tia.ie. . . .- MODERN hotel, thoroughly renovated, lora.: lease- low rent: clears $::) monthly: payments. Selling account of sicknesw. A fct 'Jul. Oregonian. , C V l-'FTERl and delicatessen, fioing Hi'' liLm.ss; will stand clo-M invcatigatloi... r.-asou for sellirtg l-'u- health. AE 3-... Oregoni.eiL. it l-'.-TKIi' repair shop, best pioposltton in 1 c v In tins line, will sell below- I. ttc ov.iK'i ,Uk. leaving city, call 41. Board of Tr:iej'. . SOME fine ovster Inn. I in Washington lot sale or trade; splendid prolyl t le,n lor r,! man with a few hundred dollars. AF e"3. i "-. eoriian. . GROCERY STORE. . :'. living-rooms; rent S2o; trade over a day: elenn stock; 5...0. N. T. Han. :;-jl Luo'hermelis Ele!. BARGAIN ill fine millinery store, good 'lease, low rent, splendid '""ttion: p.i'K cash, balance iiionthiy payments. Inquis Case v Reist. Mam 1i2. sTl.DON on a good eet.lial rorner. doing good husmcis; moderate a.nounl of mono r-;-quired. Apply b. Henry 1-leckenstcin & Co.. 2"4-26 second st. GROCERY with .."ivTng-room;, doing a e-v. husincsp- rent iF2'; price -a.l -IV- atark s;. s LE General store in irrigated proj-cm-"don't answer unleS3 v ou mean huK-m-'i's. J W. Girts -p.. Hermtslon. Or. BEST cigTr"l,nd .onfe.-tioi.ery location in V,lv clearine -3H P"'' month. tall 11. P.o'ard "f Trade. Bf.TU i'Wr and oyster parlor; Kood busi ng fine location; long lease; 15i cash. ; :(t. jrf-Kiuian. T7T- 7. .T tTTTTT n.tl-Mii rfr.oli nn'I oITii ft V'Vair-alV 4 othr .-lialrf: all in w in- .iiiin. r:t at WJ anrt honliouff- for tiiU-i nr firm -Hns. location. .prj" e i t .v ; i hoi worn h r.n n - "11 - . i . -.i r.. ialif.fi i-ton- F1UE loVated' rru: ISUu" inquira -i!i..dnrv..,1yr,, Bl!"h Ren II v Co., 221 Luml'erni.ns l.l.lg. SVLOON mem: We have three of the be-i loeaird s.iloons In Portland for sale.. P ilee r i Kh t t all 4'' Poaid f Trade. roNFFCTION BR Y and Ice cream pa rim :. .'emr will teach purchaser to make candy. Si.X.n required, fall 24SU Stark st. rTTT i- , P a ., cnllre collection agency ln work Vri enver Sh.n unu.-ejally good business 5 "(,.,,,. 1 2,'ifl. Oregonlan. ... . von want a good location for factory or'm ll' Eng?ne boiler and building for sale. AH inn.regnnian ;-n; i STAND. nown town, lease: must sell only f.'oo. N T ii..il ::':l l.timbermens Lldg. Mil x roiitTi 210 customers, clearing SI25. pet no.ntli. 2.MI investment required ..... .117 It.mrrl of Trutl". - A N TED I tea 1 est a I : e. s..-esman with $1""1 vo :'."2 On'Koiilnn. and btisrlncsei chan- good opening. Write . ., v,.,.e.l for sale- 3-vear lease: house B4,"' full V.! G. Lock hart, owner. 219 Wor- cesler bldg. A" NICE"s.ib.:Tban gnicerv; rent only f 15 ar.d .loiiig a nice business; reiiiiie fl.,o. Ci.il at 'it1!- S'ark si. DKI OS. store building, residence two lots. S45ftiMi. value of lois. Chance for doctor. Dr. Kvorert. Cornelius. Or. ill VCKfMlTH SHOP for rent, with or wlth-tools- eoml location; business estab- Ilshid. W. il. King Company, St. .lonns iiiR SALE Restaurant, only one ln town of 2500. out block from depot. Cha. Burney. "voodburn. Or. "MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. MTe iTphorVe and other bond, bought anl sold FlethermCOoJAj2i5 Foil SVI.E CHEAP, candy stock, cigar and toone'.-o stock and fixtures; am closing out business. l0,h st- '. T'.'o-CH IR barber e-hop. doing good busines.e; cheap rent and furniture of two rooms; a.ck nesJ. Y 310, Oiegonian. HARDWARE nnd crockery store. $anoO: or exchange for income property. AE 31S. Oregonian. WANTED First-class butcher to orn shop ir. good neighborhood; guarantee 100 good rMiM"":rg Phone E. ! . FOR SALE At a snap; a good paying bak f v In the best town in Oregon; come and fnvUtignJi PAVING cigar, confectionery. Ice cream par Ph,r and fn.it "land; -;nt''y located; owneV tiiustJeaveclty.i;io4l h St. .,, ,, vr t? ST fsno, restaurant. eleanng SW weekly, rent $35; invest..... t.i.s. "IT, u ,;. on i : Z ri-KriKST si.lon. West Sid-:' owrn-r can't '-dend on hired help; 750 required. Cad 2 IK i .' Stark st. t tI-7gf in m-ii counter, fe"d 10" 125 at lunch. reVTl Dig snap- 4SS Washington, ask for Wark. I I :3" A. M. xi v CHINE hop on Av'est Side, fine location. M,,n account V sickness, for sale 326 18t,t strc. (iROCBRY. in rHlpnr- .li-trl-r : price ITr.rt; good buy. "n" HfnryJM-. FOR SAI.K VTell "paying grocery doinS S0 daily buslnogs. Hl'.l TQOrn PQ-rjpALE G-d parlor millinery for sale. inn'lv T.owntri-irt & fuiii HilAINiiSS CAKUa ji.a.a it you uriu this ad Ross City Frintery. 192 W Third. FOR SALE Good restaurant, cash or terms. . ... ,-. -i 1 1 i llgkv ri Id i7. trnan. n"""1 ' - - IK von want to !-Hl your business phone A 7T1S or call jt- Henry bldg. KOR sATTE--HPFtaurant fixturce . cheap, rnther tlian utort. 13i 10th at. ur-rorJl'MTY to obtain mv interest in a pood laundry. AN 3-2. Oregonian. W aVTED- A party to bark a No, 1 inven tion. AH Oregonlan.