TTTE MORNING OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1910. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OaGOUX TELETHON T. FarlflV Stt. Horns ruatln(-rnm ....Vain ; t 11 Bin 7 To A "" A A A A WS A tuM lluniui Editor ......... Vln 7f.O Fund.y Bdltor ..M.ln 1"l omp.iflri-roora ......... Msio J City JCrtltor ilslo. T' TO feupu buildings- Mio7o.() A.MCSXMENT. rRPHEVM THEATER (Mrrton. t-iim and H.rmithV . TBi afternoon at 14 au4 lonifht at 8.13- CRAVD THEA1XR (Park and """2,"t v.uJ.!U. Thia aJtarnooo at - nlat at T UJO and . t,TRIC THMTtR (aTath and AIdr--Arnvnrena Muxral irdy .ornpn)r Plam tha Kr.- Thla aXtamoon at S JO. toalaht at 10 and aTR THKATEPJ tPar and wlnt.nV MmWb lrtnru. Continuous, from ls 1 M P. M ) KMOKT Th and CwiehV ! and manafxtur.f axpoauloo. tonlgnt at j:t JMde Business Men L,U.T"1 orn its Fall Improrement "mPalK" tonlpht at a enTal hail, third floor, northwest ornrr of C.rand arenas and East Mark Mreets t'lgars will be supplied, there- "l be jnusJc by an orchestra and addresses be delivered. All business men on the East Side re Invited to attend. Following la the rrocrtmret of addresses: C. C . nP Jn.n. new mnaRer of the Commercial Club, who will tell how to boost the :a.t Hide: C. C. Colt, president Lnlon Meat Company, who wUl teU about the Uvestork Show: C. C. Crat.:. Present rf tha -Li Wires," who will tell about the proposed auditorium and bow badly Portland needs It; C. f. Hall. John S. iv.U Rous.elet nd R. W. Gill, presi dent of the Gresham Grnre Fair As sociation. The Ron Festival committee will make Its nnai financial report. Tavey and Mn otto Ge.-trtrk wrre lor merlv rood friends and bosom com panions. They roomed In the same house. In adjoining rooms, but one day Mrs. Gestwk. washlna was not re turned and when she met Miss avsy on th street th. latter -as wcartriK one of bar shirtwaists. Mrs. etrlclt charred her erstwhile friend with balns taken hr washing, and hen the assertion wu denied, she swore out a warrant for the woman's arrest. ytinm IaTy was taken Inlo custody by Constable Wwwr yesterday. Justice Olson will hear the case today. Rqn.MtTC ro Mokbt Go. Pete Nodene "s-raped" an acquaintance with William Backlund In a North J-.nrt saloon Saturday nlrht. and the two took a room tonether In a cheap lodging-house. When Backlund awakened to tha morning, his companion was gone, and so was one of his socks which contained 2 ln coin and cur rency. Backlund yesterday swore out a warrant before District Attorney Cameron charging Xodcne with larceny from the person, and Constable Wagner later arrested1 the man and lodped him at the County JalL i-trJiA! Maii. ntuvTRT Vr.rKnntn.- lall delivery In the Mount Scott dis trict will be deferred until the loca tion of a station has been settled. Tenders were received from many own ing bulldlncs on the Foster road, but owing to the transfer of Inspector Iavla to another field and the assign ment of a new man to Oregon, there has been a delay In deciding on a loca tion. Streets have been marked and houses numbered. At the start there will be at least Ave carriers. iMrs. Thokfi Bixcxen Art Sitkri stsxdent. Mrs. Ida M. Thorpe, of Grcsh m. formerly of Portland and well known here, has been elected super intendent or the art department of the Countv Grange Fair to be held at Gresham beginning September :. Mrs. Thorpe Is known to be an artist of ability and has herself exhibited some creditable paintings. To make her de partment a success this year. Mrs. Thorpe Is asking the co-operation of all artists and lovers of art. RK.rrT Bonn XtBETS Too AT. Realty Board members will meet at a special session of the Board which has been railed for 1 o'clock this afternoon to be held In the convention hall of tha Portland Commercial Club. A number of Important measures' will come up for action. Committees will be ap pointed at this meeting to take charge of pending legislation. The meeting win be called promptly, at the hour scheduled. Jow! Barjsct-t- FVnxrai. Topat. The funeral services of the late John Bar ' rett. who died Monday. September IS. will be held this morning at 8:S0 o'clock from the resldenoe. 215 North Twentieth street. The body will be exported later to the Cathedral. Fif teenth and Davis streets, where serv ices will be held at oclock. Serv ices at the grave In Rlvcrview Ceme tery will be private. Briock C05CTRA-tors Too Slow. At the meeting of the Sell wood Board of Trade Monday night the contractors for the erection of the new Hawthorns bridge were severely arraigned for the delays in Its completion of the bridge. It was urged that the contractors be taxed the cost of the delay. The meet ing also adopted resolutions thanking the Park Board for Improving the Sllwood Tark. Dishonest Coalman KiNrr. E. Lindctl. a coal dealer, was on trial before Mtinl-a-lpal Judge Bennett yesterday morning on a charge of selling short measure coal. Ilndell offered but a poor de fenxe and waa fonnd guilty and fined $:S. L,lndc!l was arrested on charges preferred by F. E. Buchtel. an officer connected with tha weights and measures department of the city gov ernment. Mas. Carxkt's FntERAU IlBi.r Tha funeral of Mrs Rose K. Carney, who died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. A. G. HilL 30 F.ast Twenty-second street. Monday morning was held yes terday morning from St. Francis' Church. East Eleventh street, and In terment was In Mount Calvary Ceme tery. Mrs. Carney was 60 years old and had lived In Portland 14 years. Checks Caus Arrest. ft". D. Holmes, who resides at Woodlawn. was ar rested by Constable Wagner yesterday afternoon on a charge of passing a fraudulent check. The complainant Is R. Nudteman. a grocer, who alleges that Holmes passed a bogus check for $16.7S on him on July SS. tli(i Reward for articles taken from the Portland Art Association: Roman mosaic necklace; 1 pins, bltrs lava set in gold: bracelet, pair cuff buttons and scarf pin. coins set in gold: stone cameo pin set with pearls. Return to Curator Art Museum. 6th A Taylor. Positive ly no questions asked. Okntral, Ttxpnuw i I'niOk to Meet. The Central W. C. T. U. will meet at room 302, Goodnough building, at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. The chief busi ness of the meeting will be the annual election of officers. All members are urged to be present. Tai Dat Vcitins Tomorrow. To take up some matters in regard to Tag day. the Senior Auxiliary of the Baby Home will meet Thursday at 1:30 P. M. at the headquarters. Park and Morrison streets. Thsj law department of the University of Oregon will open September is. Stu dents can register any time by apply ing to the secretary. Walter H. Evans. 11 Corbett building. Catalogues free. Apart ntsT-Horssi Siciht. Fine view of the city and walking distance: well worth the money. Wal lAre Investment Co.. Oregonlan bldg. Ratr War. Brand new steamer Klam ath rails direct Wednesday for San Fran ctsco. Cabin In berth and meals In cluded. Ftank Bnllam. agent, 128 3d St. Mrs. Pratt's select day school for girls, t fie lb.uauMn tu rbona oL 156. Theater Patrokb Aukoted. Henry Moore Imbibed enough spirits to feel In extraordinary good humor yesterday, and decided to visit a vaudeville thea ter. Before entering the amusement resort he purchased several bottles of "liquid refreshments" and while the show was In progress, he hurled empty whisky flasks Into the audlenc-e below, for Henry purchased a gallery seat. One of the flasks lighted on a specta tors head, and this Individual Indig nantly protested to the manager of the house, with the result that Sergeant of Police Riley was summoned, and forth with escorted the exhuberant Moore to the city bastile. Squash Resembles Ball Bat. Prixe pumpkins of enormous weight have been one of the standards of county fairs for generations, but it remained for Klamath County to exhibit an Italian squash that resembles a base ball bat In shape. The unique speci men reached the office of P. C. tvey Co. yesterday and measures SO Inches from point to point. Lying on top of an ordinary office desk the squash ex tends across and sticks out at either side. The specimen was raised on tule land on the border of Klamath Lake and Is said to be the longest speci men of the variety ever produced. Paraltbis Stthikes Wiujam Aser netht. Wl!l!am Abemothy. one of Ore gon's oldest pioneers, suffered a Para lytic stroke Sunday evening. He had gone for a short visit to his daughter, who lives about one mile beyond Welch's Hotel. His wife, son-in-law. Virgil Wateman and Dr. If. F. Leonard made the trip there by auto last night arriving about midnight. Dr. Leonard returned this morning and reports the patient rapidly recovering. He Is 7i years old. Wirw Charoes Nojcscptort. B. A. Snvder. who some time ago had trouble with his wife, was yesterday arrested by Constable Lou Vagner on a warrant sworn out by Mrs. Snyder charging him with nonsupport. Snyder Is said to have abused the woman at times, and for the past three months hss tailed to provide for her at all. and yesterday's arrest Is the culmination of a long series of marital quarrels. Wooster's day and night store. FRlGiElolE GIVEN COUNCIL AVII.I, TODAY VOTK OX CMSAX-STHECT GRANT. Effort to Re Made to Sett lei Ever lasting Fender Question Elec tion Day AVI 11 Be Set. The Citv Council will meet In regular session this morning and will have be fore It a large Tolume or routine ana other business for transaction. A fran chise for the O. R. N. on Gllsan. from Third to Front streets will be up ior action. .This Is to give the company the right to operate trains over the streets to the new railroad bridge now In course of construction. A further effort will be made to dis pose of the Vexatious fender question, which has for years perplexed the members. An ordinance proving for the approval of the device manufactured by the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company Is before the Council. Whether it can be passed Is a ques tion, as some members have already outspokenly taken sides sgalnst It. A Jury Impanelled by Coroner Nor den last week censured the Council for its failure to provide a type of fender for the streetcars, and because of this It Is believed that a special effort will be made today to pass upon some de vice, in order that the company may Install It at once. A date for the city's special elec tion will also be fixed. It has been recommended by the committee on Judiciary that a separate day be pro vided for this, as the state and county election November 8 will probably re quire all of the attention of the Judges and clerks. TAG DAY WORK BEING DONE On Saturday 150,000 Tags Will Be Sold for Help of Babj Home, These are busy days at the official headquarters of Tag Day. to be observed next Saturday for the Bahy Home. Of the tags printed for the purpose, about 1S,0"0 remain to be strung. The women assisting combine work with pleasure, there being a merry chatter going on among the workers while the stringing Is done. A prominent figure. In the parade will be Mrs. D. C. Bums, president of the Bahy Home, who will ride In sn automo bile with little Rastus, the only colored baby at the home. Considerable Interest Is being man ifested In Tag Day, the officers having received many requests from outside towns for tags. Locations have been sought by many prominent people of the city, who are willing to give their ser vices for that dny. Each of the leading merchants of the citv will allow the use of one show win dow for Friday and Saturday, decorating appropriately for the occasion. Apropos to Tag Day. three babies of the Baby Home were adopted yesterday. The little tots were Brownie, aged about 3; Dorothy. 1 year old. and Claud, nearly 2. They were all placed In good homes. To take up any business In regard to Tag Day that may be unfinished the senior auxllary of the Baby lUrne will meet at headquarters at 2:30 rV 41. to morrow. Mrs. Burns says every Indication points toward the moot successful Tag Day ever given by the Baby Home. WATER BONDS BRING 93.31 Boston Firm Bids on $1,000,000 Isaoe Crematory Bonds Sold. Bids were opened yesterday for the 11.000,000 block of 30-year, 4 per cent water bonds and 150.000 of the same grade of crematory bonds. F.sterbrook at Co. of Boston, are the highest bidders for the water bonds, their proposal being 93.31. This Is con sidered by the Mayor and members of the Water Board an excellent bid. The crematory bonds were sold to W. A. Head at a premium of 11125 for the block. CLASSED,THE BEST. The famous Hop Gold Bottled Beer, manufactured from the purest and best Ingredients to be obtained, makes a fitting beverage for any occasion, be It the Impromptu lunch or for a dinner. Always convenient to have on hand to regale the unexpected guest. Ordor by phone. Bast 4. B 1148. . CARD OF THA.tKS. To those dear friends who showed such kind and sincere sympathy to us In our recent bereavement through the loss of our endeared son and brother, by their words of comfort, and for the many beautiful floral pieces sent him, we wish to acknowledge our apprecia tion of such with grateful and loving hearts. .MRS. R. J. WKLOH. MRS. WM. J. M'GINN. MARTIN J. WELCH. Trunk!, suit cases and bags. Largest taxlctx a UAltiM Tom Co, i blxUv L Second Day Adds 845 to Total Enrollment TERM ACTUALLY BEGUN Pupils Take Cp Studies but It Is Ex-pex-ted That Several Thousand More) VH1 Bo Kegi&lered Burins; Coming Week. School attendance yesterday showed an Increase of S45 over Monday, bring ing the total enrollment up to 20,75. This Is 2896 more than were enrolled on Tuesday of the first week last year, and is a falling off of the percentage of Increase compared with Monday, when the opening day started off with 3150 more pupils than In 1909. The school term actually began yes terday morning when pupils took up their studies. It Is expected that sev eral thousand more will Join the stu dent ranks during the week and the big Increase noted on the first day probably will be maintained. On ac count of the large Increase In attend ance, largely due to families that have moved to Portland since last year, a weeding out process will be' necessary for the first few days, to assign chil dren to proper grades. Following Is the enrollment yester day compared with Tuesday of the first week. 1909: Rehool lOB. slnasrorth W9 Alhlna Homestaae .104 Arleta ' Atkinson 117 pva and Glrlr Aid Society IT Brooklyn SAT Buckmtn 4.1 Chapman 47H vTinma Kslly 47.1 lurh aJ restrn ........................ 2."7 'Davis r-f 9 Pelentan Home ... F.t Mount Tabor 10ia 1.11 4X4 7 IIS 21 417 444 41 4("7 tilj 2."l 1 1 20 1:1 .173 BO I 14 S r.:tl sis s.i ;io :us 4"S .-?:; 4SH 7 K2 RH 1.S7 o .Vt5 r.iirt :;ns 2 4."il 2;:2 Kllot Fallln hrnwood Fulton rark filmrw ............ Hawthorne ......... Highland Itilladay Holman ........... 1rvintn Jefferson Htrh Kerns I.adl Lents IJncoln Hlshs Lleweiln Marquam Montavilla Mount Tabor Ookley nreea ....... Peninsula . ........ portumouth ....... Richmond Rose City Park..... PellwooJ Hhsttuck Shaver South Mount Tabor exn 9 l! r:s .VMI 1 ST 2 37 17 407 TS '.! 701 11!) A X24 2S7 47H 21 i 4111 1!'4 2 sii HI R:i tuil . 614 HK2 4"l 11.1 419 .'. 1:. 729 u.1 2 J 4S 11.10 41.1 2.2 Stephens Sunnvains , Terwllllger Thompson ........ tTrades bos ... ITradea tglrls) .. Vernon wahlns;ton Hlsh Woodlawn Woodstock Totals . 34.! . IOK7 . 4-'lR . IS'J 17.768 20.709 Schools that did not opan until the second week. IThe enrollment of boys and gtrla was 90 Isst year. PORTLAND TO SEE FAIR SPECIAL TRAINS TO CARRY DEL EGATION'S TO SALEM. Evidence of Friendship to Be Mani fested by Visitors Under Aus pices ef Commercial Club. Before the Chamber of Commerce can perfect Us plans for the protection of Oregon by the establishment of a fleet of torpedo' boat destroyers, the Com mercial Club has planned an Invasion of the state capital as an -evidence of the good fellowship and commercial unity which exists between the Wil lamette Valley and the chief city of Oregon. The Portland people will leave this city tomorrow morning, which Is Port land Day at the State Fair Grounds. Trains will leave Portland at various hours up to 9 o'clock in the morning. The largest delegation will be aboard the Southern Pacific special, which leaves the Grand Central station at 9 o'clock. That train will run to the gates of the State Fair grounds. Tick ets on the Southern Pacific special will entitle the holder to return on the spe cial at 7 p. m. or any other train up to the hour that the last car leaves. ( In addition to the special train ser vice, the Oregon Electric Compajiy has arranged to place a large number of extra cars In service, and will be able to accommodate the crowds -who wish to witness the splendid programme which has been prepared for Portland Day. Passengers on these trains will be taken to the fair grounds without delay. The Commercial Club yesterday sent out several hundred notices to Portland business men, urging them to see that this city Is well represented tomorrow. A special programme of races has been arranged for Thursday. Including a number of high class harness and running events. The management of the Commercial Club hopes to take 2000 people to Salem tomorrow. The special trains and rates are open to all who will take the time to go. SAN FRANCISCO INDORSED Portland Chamber of Commerce WUl Work for Panama Exposition. Alarmed by the news of Democratic victories In Maine and other Eastern Republican strongholds, promoters of the Panama-Pacific Exposition of 1915, st San Francisco. " yesterday enlisted the active co-operation of the Port land Chamber of Commerce In securing Congressional approval or the Cali fornia location as against New Or leans. It is being urged that a continuation of the Democratic successes, as evi denced In Kansas and Maine, will mean that Congress will officially New Orleans. The situation was also complicated by the announcement that Chicago commercial bodies had offi cially withdrawn their support of San Francisco In favor of New Orleans. The Portland Chamber of Commerce directors were In session when the message from San Francisco arrived and Immediately decided to Join hands with California In the interests of the Pacific Coast. Portland merchants will begin a campaign by supplying all their Eastern traveling men with San Fran cisco literature and Instructing them to MORE GOTO SCHDQ IRVINGTON Why not jret the best that your money will buy and know posi tively that the continual growth and expansion of the choicest residence neighborhood in Port land is making you a certain profit. Close to the business dis trict, with excellent streetcar ac commodations, the very best street improvements and a proper building" restriction, no property in Portland compares with it at the price it can now be bought for. Let us show you. ROUNTREE &DIAMOND 241 Stark St., Cor. Second or East 13th and Knott St. deliver the printed matter where It will do the most good. The action of the Chamber of Com merce was Justified by the assertion that in the event of the Exposition be ing held at Nw Orleans, the large part of the travel would never find the West. People from foreign countries would be expected to confine their visit to the district East of the Mississippi river. If the Exposition Is held at San Francisco. It Is believed that a large part of the visitors will make the Northwest country. It Is pointed out that the success of every American Exposition has been In the fact that Americans were Induced to travel from coast to coast. WHERE JO DINE. Ail the dell'cacles of the season at th Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladies. SOB Waalu, near 8th st. O'Neill serves table d'hote Wednesday and 8unday evening. 1 plate. A la carte at all times. Music 6 to 12 P. M. Alder and W. Park,- There is no eacape from the conaequance. If electad. when thev art. a ronfllet almnat surely will srlae between such election pro mise and the orfu-lal -oaih. unlesa. Indl vlilusllr thev conaelentloualy eonclude that the "unknown", to whom they pleased themaelvea Is the best man for them under (Wlh to elect for I nlted State Senator. f '1 - ' -' ' umltitmari - " '' 1 REWA On the 9th day of August. 1910. Hong T.lng. the .wife of Foo, aged about S3 years, short and stout build In stature, scar on right cheek. disappeared from the resl denre of her misband at store of Kwong Tal L.ung Co.. No. T North Fourth street. Portland, taking with her about 1000 In money and Jewelry of the value of 11000. The monev belonged to her husband. Foo, and 500 value of tha Jewelry belonged to the husband. There la no known cause for her departure other than that she may hsve been enticed by reason of a desire to get control of the money and Jewelry she was known to have control of. Reward of MH will be paid to the person or per sona giving information of trie woman's whereabouts so that she can be located. Photo of the woman given herewith. Kwong Tai Lung Co. T North Fourth St., Portland. THE JEWELRY Jury Have decided that you must hunt up all discard ed jewelry, have it re modeled right up to the last minute of advanced designs. The cost will be littler the pleasure great. The unanimous verdict based upon quality and price agreed the time was now, the place was 286 Morrison St. STEWART SAN FRANCISCO' Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.50 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Hew sted and brick structure. Furnished at cost of $200,000. Every comfort and con Tenience. On carlines transferrinf all orar city. Omnibus meets trains snd team era. Send for Booklet with map of San Francisco F. W. BALTES AND COMPANY PRINTING Main 165, A 1165 First and Oak Felt or Derby $1.50 Clkafd HixxTKanSOo LADIES FALL HATS lenKMbsedi Thaatm eeea. rotladi girmiiiea. L!e Shape HATS 318 ALDER COB. 6 jef" S, ...... C ' RD Ufcmficrs sssssssssssssssasasssssssssssssssssssssssassssss- a BROOK The Hat Without a Peer for $3.00 GOOD CLOTHES Our strong organization is the outcome of forty-seven years of good value giving. Each season sees a marked develop ment in volume of business. The high principles governing our business involve a standard of merchandising unsurpassed by any mercantile house in this city. Our increased purchasing power enables us to be of immeasurable usefulness for the en suing season. Our special new models in SUITS, OVERCOATS AND SLIPONS for Fall and Winter, made exclusively for us, will certainly please the smartest dressers.' New patterns and weaves, new styles, $15.00 to $50.00. For young: men especially before going: back to college, before making: clothes plans for Win ter, better see these new models, $12.50-$37.50 Painless Dentistry can hare their plate and bridgewoTll fin iahed la one daf it BHW4U7. ' W.wUlsiniro a rood 22k said Or eorcelali orooafor, $3.6G Mottr Crass 5.0C 22kBrMfTMtl)3.5C 3laFiUu)cs 1.00 EmmI Filling IOC Cllwr Filling' .5B ;my filling 2.59 Plata O.UU) Raat Dad Rub a ..... . tar PUtM fl.5 V) tt run airuuan fa wntn IVnlata Extrf lot 0 W WORK GUARANTEED POR B YEARS Palnleae Extraction rrmwh.npl.tM or brldmsrerK Jaorforad. Consultation Fme, Yoaoannotsstbotto ooinlrsa work don. anywhere. All work fully rusra on trod. Modern .1 eotrio eqniptaopt. Ba mauioa Wise Dental Co. THrBDWasn.Brs. POHT1-AIMD. OHEOOrl 0?FICS SOVSk A. K. a. m. suSey- 8 s Every pair guaranteed. PORTLAND PRINTING U HOUSE COttFAMY jP UBLISHERS OF MONTHLY MAOAZ1MES rwvR INTERS JOB PRINTIN of Woodcraft BolkBnc Tontfc vu! Taylor Sts. Or ALL KINO PHONES. A 2281 M 630 COAL X FIR and OAK WOOD WILLAMETTE FUEL & SUPPLY COMPANY, Main 1225. A 1225. THE ROYAL BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY Invites Yon to Its Booth in the Armory at the PURE FOOD SHOW To Sample Its Products. SCHWAB PRINTING CO SOLICITS YOUR PATRON ACE 347t STARK STREET Foremost Clothiers Since 1863 The Canadian Bank of Commerce Portland, Oregon. t ? Buys and Sells Foreign Exchange and Issues j TRAVELERS CHECKS, available in the United States and Foreign Countries. DOMESTIC LETTERS OF CREDIT, available throughout the United States and Canada. FOREIGN LETTERS OF CREDIT, available throughout the World. A branch of the Bank is now open in MEXICO CITY. Collections on MEXICO will receive every attention, as well as on all points in the United States, Canada and Europe. SPECIAL SALE Ending Saturday Evening Engraved Plates rnirrav.j Tlt sjirl 100 Cards in Knajraved Plate and 100 Cards in French script Engraved Plate and 100 Cards In shaded old English 100 cards printed from old plate Cards used are Crane's Kid Finish or Linen uwn. Fancy box Crane's Linen Lawn and Monogram Die stamped anv color or gold '' . One quire (24 sheets) Crane's Linen Lawn and 2 Envelopes match, stamped with old Englieh initial R. F". aPRESCOTT Comfortable and practical fumed oak furniture chairs, rockers, tables, settees, couches, and davenports. See our large stock and get prices. J.G. MACR S GO. a Fif.h SSu HOLEPROOF HOSE For Men, Women and Children A New Tungsten Lamp 15 and 20 Watt." Especially adapted for residences. More light at three-tenths the cost of the regular carbon lamp. O. B. Stubbs Electrical Supply Co. No. 61 Sixth Street, Portland, Or. Phone Main 1696, A 16S6.' and Monogram Dies Enarlioh script. 1.0O 1.7t 2.SO 60t in .81.75 50 & CO. rPair", Fifth Stark