TITi: MOKXLNG OKEGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, ' SEPJE3IBEK 7(..1W... 17 (OR HEM. Offices. FOR bALE LEASE GROUND-FLOOR OFFICE. Pma- rcatKn jajitable for stationery, ranking, rea! ctat buaincaa, etc t r fux tner lnf-rrn.irt'n spply to THE JLTllFK-ALBfcRTdON CO.. Uwl Ouk mi., Portland, or. im or two small pr iv ate of - located oftl- e building, with if ailing-rHm and boiii phones; "in rem. Inir- at 3I Fwihrg bins. VU HKNT Thrf lir oRk rrrw n second f!-f Lumber Ex-tianxe build u g. 2-1 r.d Sark Inquire y. B. Holorook Co.. 314 !.';mtr Ki'-anie Mig. 34T .-iitrai.y l-aied offices SI- end up. alt-rignt rivriiur service. 3o3 Shetland tddV Mm an) Washington, 'i Kt.NT l-arxe and Ankeny sta. tr:XVl: Co. Of fi 35 Ktiun't floor. 1st Apply W. U. Tct- DLK room for fnt to a reliable party. t ...n bl-tr . Burgess 'v.K i: KM A fr-w o.'nces Call vS Lewis bldg. la Couch bid jf. .K.il .Mk floor d'kr-ore for ifni. fK 5th s' uh HLM-A ep.mdid location for a iul-t.rt-Mn bank If ukeu at once. Address 11 OruDUn. TO LK.4SK. To lease f-r trrm of yrars. 12 tm. clear. 5 mllrt from Courthouse on Ki Side. 23 iiT-f of beaverdarn. running water to ir rigate the whole place, suitable for veg; tM gardena A'!lr-M C 27. Orf r. lan. Ul'I N K OPPORTUNITIES T ULIMI KI creamery bumnw. paying li3 t- !" rit-t per nti'iith; nno rain tru in buller and other uutry products: huxinrM in lu'l a pa y imc nitik rout of i'uitro,r), goon hore, ago a ami i-paratcr. motor, refrigerator, everything ti ar-y to the business; excellent loea- tinn. low rent. bmg w-ae if desired; priwe. ,'... Ph - tie i.n-tiir, H I i " I . IKK t'KNT INTEREST PAID ON 90 DAY CAI.I. rKKTlKI.'ATKS, PORTLAND T KI' ST Co. HANK. nUiKST TKIT O M I "A X V I X uKKOU.N . CO It. THIRD AND UAK SIS. .K'KIKICK .SALE. Uwnrr n(i nonev tnJ will e11 34 rMni elecautiy furiiLh.ti rwiir un-hou--e for Irs (iun cost o( furniture, w tin h i almost iiw; fliit location in city; hit t-'Il water; -l-iric tiKhtsi anil ;-H con Mii nc --; loiuc !ra-f at only i; p-r month; hi riionry-mflki-r; -- rih puta vu in p..a'-t-ion. AK -'IT. irri(unun. .'."-o l' buvt b 5t r flail pttlk route m fort aru ; Kat Md- pa fJ Jutri;i ; ui tonici f. all ruu.I pay; btm nts I uwnth uitut e all rxpensra. Uk lii'l 3 iiir.r". "ft aon. hotllo. ttottlllii; tnachm. motor, -o-p.irator. ran-", etr. ; r-fliahle u-l-lv or c"t ini:k. .oti tach if '-ll ( T'-e. J'.ionf- owner 1 Iti'M. ' rt S L.K a l u ic kju t. t iuck b rov -r-t 9, ft--.. tlsiurr. brick butl.ling; tow n 0-4 to p.oi(attun ; aplvrt1ia ullllli for bus i average 165 per du.. Aiuer u-i.- k if "u mean bu-'intae. Aatlre box ' 1." N rtb lnd. tr. li A V k yea from S.V0 to to loveax f VV can p.' a-.-a your money at hijcb ratro t lrteruat; b-c axur.ry. ftm OutuM. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT TULilXa cumpan r, 6'.'4 3?g Board of Trad PUf. CIX fcN awa free, map of all tba Callforsfa oil llela. a!-o trial vuhai-riptloa of publica tion 'VaiUorni Oil Fwida." banar-LotDtfl Company, Or-c-ronlaa bid-., ltruad. or. IOLNG MAX. STRANGER I Mak careful InveatlRtton at expeoa et ae.ier bcir you invest money in any propoatiionv Ad viaory Icpartment, X. al. C. A. KfclAL VTATK man wants partner at onro t fhnw ljr.i. no ep-ru-tir !- -M.irv nir lttt:e nionv re'ititrvd. I'art i-nlars .Natn-nai ii--iu ac Trust Co.. i-t S Waali. . room :.k hAI.K l:tieret In an old tablihet buai-n-cav d-ir c a good buainens, wttb a l- 'l rx-itton of f ln per month. For full particulars call Kmny and ttanipher. f.umb-r Ki'hanit b I 1 g. . 1 1 m m fcj 1 - J. jl'fKT . LASS d and tleaiiiny wnrkl wlllt tiiM-hiner ; four yrn cslMt'll-ti-d ; -j.mmI hiifiiH1.---: lie to h-ave the ct on a itmiit ot loaiui. for ?alc cheap. Al. .".'". Orr- cntan. M' TIt 'V-F'ICl 1 RE TIIBATKK. We !urnt-i ya nn- kM-tt-ra .-tillable for n;:-n-il ture rh-i-t-r?; li. foi'tiKi t -n tfrali-. N V. M 'ti n Th-ture Ca. Wa.--hinx'n, "-if Kih "U MKI Tanner. lady or KtMtt.r man; .ri'nt ha.e ko1 h.-al. not afraul f wt k : V' r-.)Uireil. mill iMk I hat inmh ea h month If von can make sood. Answer. II "'. r-onttn. BAKiiAlX tn fine milnm-ry tire. cood lea.te. low rent. nptndtd lo at Ion. part ranh, haianew mnnthly pay me nl a AC -t3, Ore Ionian. MiV.i;-CTl"RK theater, the only alinw in town 'jrtn. rtearm-c "m' mnt!il; earh prtee 1 ; ran c i irni : "ilso one iti tty. 1 1 : loa R..th-hild bide. l U.N FKi'TI' IXKI'.V ownrr will ln-h !ore. f ir. lo, a:I"ii ; ur--ba'er how to Tnke riand : rent J'", w ttb leaa; price linou. call -Jiv Stark lR SA l.K l'a In ngmr, confectionery. Ke cream parlor and fruit aland: cen trally h- att-d; owner must leave city, in fiiir 4 h M. Kt S AI.K A roiintr at ore In one of the h-t irrigated n tuitu if WaitliiKton. tl-.'ns: a jmo hutneea. Address owner. 1 . -HI i. hour a du rU ; no rik : Iiph a bulnea kn for 4 ;oou trtl allow ed. reiuirini; lo Jtl'O Add re AK lrr; n tan. i'MKAi'TOK wania pwrtrter; experience r..t ntcfMr Ktwrant-'t f 1 mrih anl hrc of pr(;i; rcuird. Call - t Stack jt. r k It KN'T kit '-hen. iinina; riMim ; tir.e pl'-e for family hoarder. Goo-! tutnee. rr-h) m.n. Kt-nt reasonable. t. a! Marshall - i. F.K SAIH 5nrl n.'rclta)Hit ar -re tt-ii-a; h1 tiiume.N tn jr-xl town. Wnlia WaKa t.fc: liioi. v aNMit alta 0o. -jia. Ad- W M Pv eent W hen rm houae on two IKL'.O will buy a .1- lot. ntrtiT. U bl'K-kn h and Jli pir month? th ih have a huxlii tiiat will net )vu 2 r r.-nt per ti'onth .n the amount l:i- R-rer a. McKay, nnna nrn jit for lr nitiirem. w tit , 3 iiviiix; HMnc ma: rent J.'j; r" Or-co 1 ttK a ftt-elasa. i-d iettion for It mn at ird w who - n furntsh t..o to :ia raih security. Call rtMm it 10 I., tit'd bloc- C A KT Kit I A en anhinttn er for pj lo n4. t trae for r(Rrtand or l.t: li-st von wuttti iMriiua. 1 7 Abi.iK ton h!d. ! a month for man atth $!.".oo, iirt risk. het oenns In cit: iniua fill va-n- v t on.-e. Nna fl-le buinena. AddreM S K "tot. Ore con Ijin. V II. I s-!l barf Interest In my c:ar store right tart'; best t-ansfer corner In .itv; i ht w i i at and ln ettcatloti. A 17 274. "--S'niJin. 3d IKKN hotel, thoroughly renovated, long leaae. low rent; fin locution, eaav pa -mnts. el! mg accnant of sii kneaa, a B "I. rec.inlan Ml.' m N- ini otriifr, k1 reason f-1 ilh Hv;nT-roona a1 1 my 1 e I lea te n N arfent-. C I. tttl:ie. lona a ircnun. KKSTATRANT and l-in- li I fie beat tn 'fty; nwner jr. Call it? Stark at. ounrr; one of retiring; price AIKRi'HANT nta paxlner: prefer man w ho urderwtanta farm prHiu.-e; small In fnnl r-t'i'ref. 'a'? C I n ' - Stark st. k it h Li!lM l n.air Tf Ice half interest I oouortuaity f A i rr(ikian. K Tl; TK this; my restaurant at V. eler?ic wet'kly: reain.jie rent; K i' C -7.L tfi-i-onia.L "K famdy rrncerv. i It h 1 tv inf rooms; restdeace district. rent pnee i..U; all Stark st. LK'T us ji.w h'' yu can get A-1 CtAU F'R v PER TON. Caii up 1 FX ln leU. MM. IH-:AH An entire collection ifmy In working ordir. wl'h an umiua!r grod i!m- t'tn. AK . ri't"n:in. JJiMNii AND INI'CSTRIAL STOCKS. Telcpbone and other bonis bougnt and soM. r'let-her lnv. Co.. !T-jAbi .k'toa A I.AK;? refaurait. f-d lii at lunch, rrnt I J', hi ir anap. Cafl at 1 WaiU., 3 ' M ar 7 P M. for Wark. !;!: rl KAM' and rrrm-houw cheap for cash. inquire 1J;7 Macadam road or phon M arhu 1 1 . A 5 V P-Otrr stok and-f lsturesat ln- o re. I a M 7 1 1 First St. K ll S Al K t lrivrit.il ret.n co. . r,, r4r ter-ii rant lone 1olc. 4VS U ah. ml. Ki tl S"and. l-ealion, rent four- wr lejw all ?CS Sfarfc r. R)l hotel frr tuilc. L i r-khart, ar, m Viorcaatar bid , Toruajad, Or. bcsjxkks orroKTryiTir.s. MOVIXG-PICTUKE machined. fllm. for ! or rent by biggt-: and west film renter is the wrld; before ckJir g oeal elsewhere In quire If Lacmmle Is re I lab .a; If U'mmlt tea good Maodiui; If Uemmw guarantees a iure deJ. w hare no va luvainc for u to taite down. We empcy tbe best luirucior obtainable to leacb operating borU and thoroughly In our operating s tio.l. Turnj v-ry tuJy. Operator's certlfi tr.te lsuid when qualmed. Le.-nnile' oer ttbeate u a wandard of an optraior'a quaU-f-a:K:r. La cm rule ilm oertlce. f- , ta4ta bidg.. iv.rt land. Ortgon. 3- PER CKXT PROFIT IN OATS AND SAKE ALL THE TIME. -REwt'HvES aluuu. I a I it deed t a o tme, full-sixe lets in MomavMa. rah vjlue 1C". to rcpo:ial' bte .arty h will J'n mo in bulldinc two modern -room culiaici; cot tas r sold on rompletwin: lo will handle th i -a I nril.l..,t u. tu.rr.iu' tllNNI Oil fii'h pro(eTly. which e van eaaliy do. W 9 diide pnitttK. A. N. Searle. M-V car, get oT at K. "tUh rt, off fee on corner. THESE ARE ALL G1. Kumiture and hardware, balf interest, ;rocer. 2 llvlnc-rooms. Invoice. confectionery, new and clean. 00. J K'tod poolrooms, money niakera. 'orner cikr si and. dow it low u. tlrocery ami confectionery, corner, $1250. Many mure to -houf from. X. T. HALL, K21 l.'im;ermf)Pldp. V I LL s-r. It Tie and yood will. to;o ther with fixtures; wagon team. etc.. of old and well-established hay. prain and fuel ltu!naa: laxt car's aals. $l.0.noo; aood profit und imail expenses: bent location In eity. with lurxe and rommodmui ware- house fact lit li-?. ; pro - .;ioo. and Invoice of Kio'k : good reason for selllnK ; no iriflers; nu muft have the money and "'an hiiirM. AK it'-. Ore.nln. A FIXE liKOCbiKf STOKE. One of th leet reinil crm-rr atorea on Eat Side, only one In district; very fine business corTier. new atorc with srood leaae. Niee new fixture guaranteed to oe -n a usvinc lai. will Invoice ahcut S2'HK; If you want a sood but Inuaa. kl me show you tfiia place. t;i:rssr zadcw. "17 Boanl of T'-'l- bl!t.. -:h and Oak. ACREAGE HARUAIX- 18 acres, three fourth mile from Oren i. on Oreson Cit v Elect ric line. ne- tt.trd mile from Wltchaxel. near Ricd tile. on S P. R. R.. a-x arm in cuJtl Al ion : nme t lml-r. balance easy t rleur nicw level land, except rrek alone north line ; two f prlnps; price e'"': terms. GRVSS1 A ZAOOW. T.17 Board ot Trade hldg-. 4ih pnd Oak. rVPITVI.'WANTW) RuKlr.en on U uh ti tct..n and Fifth; 111 ciiarant- (.v r 8 p-r rrnt i.cr month; be tMvlnr bnJness In th cltv: must have le.- 7iaf. Call 5HS Ablnrton bid., he- MEAT MARKET t Hie of the bct West Hid l.--atioii- .i i-e-tahMaIi-1 huyir.cje. practi llv no competition within a radios of 8 ok ke. MIlL? IXVITMrA'T CO.. 4,.7 llnrv Hldp. T R A I E KoR RANCH. A fine b i'k hoiL-l cf room wrrh eod Icsjte; Tine location: dome good hus nrjm; to trade for smalt ranch. Toll us what you have, for we nave the place, thai u i!) suit. tSRCPSI ZADOW. aiT Hoard ol Trade biK.. -lli and Oak. LOOK AT THIS STOCK, will buy tht ssock of arrocerlea: von can Iruji.. rom for $''." per mo.; daily s I" ? l.".o : cor. room ; take Mount Srott rat. rci off at M IllMrd a rnue. See Joe N'asli. I'lnne Tabor ".1I-. GI1"CERV 4 k -d auhut lian location-. busin ta wil: avrraie $i a day; will take real estate part paymenr. MILJS INVESTMENT CO., A21 Her.fy HUig. A LI'E eritcerv. heal hi South Portland. $L0 cash will buy; owner nv:st (rive hia attention to othr business; do not an hw er iinleiui you mean business. B 27I. i ircm?a'L PA KT X E R wanli' l in cs!i burmi Sj"; owner will guarantee Ier week; trv it before y.ti buv it: vere tir r W money requird. Call rvn Lumber Earlwnpe blig. PKU' ATrVSKN e.t button In city. MILLS INVESTMENT CO.. 427 Henry it!-la;. SnU'RIt W irrv-f rv : dandy busfnes. ; rlea-n st'-k: llvinu-rooniN: cheap rent: r'd rea tona for lo'llina. ' win-r. Mam 'JrttS fR SALE At a snap; a oh1 ping hak erv in i he best town in n-g.n ; nmio and n'?t:ate. ;eo. Rohrman. Heppner, vr. I'K.M Al, prariice ; I r'goTta f :'..- in Porttaml suburb: (jtod must change climate. V LITT LE mone--mak-r. butter, etss. milk m nd ereant ltiin-!. com -H-n rum at a lmrcain: owner, c -J71. OroRonian. rARTNEU wanted for ph-ture show; cheap t eit; t;ood locution ; beat In city. AC t".V Orecoitlan. HAVE s'vrrl rah cui-tonicrj for fi t roi-m fnmiJhe h"tis r flat. West Rm 41 RoihchtM bldg. in Side. E HAVE a guvd aaloon tor Htf i-c Co. ale. Portland GR'M'ERV A harKain. net last montn. Wasb Ingtmi. KuK K E XT Siose; Hne location for butcher. Apply oi ! ft st. boo BUSINESS CARD'S 11.23 thla ad. ltoa Cltv JTlni-ry. If you bring 102 S Thlrd- RnoMivr.-uorHCi PAYING PER MONTH, NET; SACRI FICE I FHt QI'ICK SALE. "4 room. eleKantlv furnished with nuar-fer-aaw e oak. in;ihieuu and hirdsye maple furniture. Wtlloii velet and Ai minster earpeix nnd the heat of rrr t!lit; ; hot and cld running water, fur nare hcut. luxee bntha and all conen lenrea; hmg b-ise. h.w rent; If you want an int-oitn- of joo ier month and a nlew home and hav $.toKi rah to invest and :ire looklnr fr a anuine bnreain. answer this. Ad'treM ownt-r.- AK -01'. Orryortan. A bTg HA KG A 1 N. KoiininR-hiuje of S rooms, excellent furniture, rent Mjuol a::d Hrujels rarpeta; fiie lixiiilon. to-ar While Temple: im nr leaving r.t". nill s.-ll for ..oo; act pun-k or -n will mum this st.ap. t: oMiXd ii m si-; vx eks. we want jtttir house on oir l-t ; put your prh e riKht. we will rlo the ret. H. II. Oi K1K IX t CO.. .".lri Rojird of Trade. Te'. V-ir-h.1T MiS. "MS. I elrc.iP'Ii fu-r led Wfh Th i M.I t-a het e n-t protlt "f i-'iifh; my intret and bft-r ro-rv i-b-re compel n:n II at ' rr-ste-l ad.l nqtiir..- XCVi ej:ii if in- 44 li" oMS. 4 year lea--, rent $'H: clear ; fin location ; ;H1; easy lerruv riwrri, lone l"se. cornej; clears re.it only $!.'; atwaya filled; a J-e tar; J.; rooms : ele rs i .... 13 r.tm: rlwir e'"; 11 rooms. lviis $.3; s rtNons; very rnirnl $loon; tnrma. 7"o; snap. $'hmi; terms. bargain; ?3..0, U rooms, extiits:to furnishings. $oo. 3 1 'J Board of Trade Bldff. A I'Rol'i .jnil N. 17 r"'U-. exquisitely lurtusned with besu t fid firm It ure aiio carpei. h-u and cold waier In me of room?: 3 baths and mi rn In every r-iect: good lo.-arln; nets loo :iive all exins-; g---d leae: rent only -3: bouse and fumirure i'ra--lk!ly new; t' ). b a sr.ai: f im i uta you In possesion. B tv g r laru BEST BCY IN PORTLAND. Wc iia e a 3 J-room hotel, on a down- I - w n rrner. 4- en r 1 -. $ 1 "V. rent, new 1 r.-novaled aod CHrp-ted. el-rring over '."0 pT rnont h. t h r for speei.i I reaonS we ,-an sell this we-k tt a bargain. Only S J'sni cash required. If you oeiU'ok this, y on lose nnr e . PORTLAND H'OVING-HOlSE CO.. 31S Henry Bide- 3 1 rooms, central. 13oO. 3d rooms. W est Side. 1 300. 3s rooms, central. $t imj. 1; ro.ms. A:der. l.vi. 3o rooms, extra fine. $.'rfV. 4 ' 3 CnmnifTir. 1 Hloel; . 'J t1 and W as h . 13 R hM S. eleuant new furnituro. house, no ly rnovatei throughout ; rent $3"; i-leara $lort. See owner. AH 370, ore gonian. GOOD paying 9-room house, always full roomers or boarders, finest location, nice yarn. 1 1 ith st.. near Washington. WANTED Rooming house 10 to bO rooms, ha e cnih buvers waiting. For results phone Main 3t77. 31 Board of Trade. 9 ROOMS, aU bousekeep!ng. everything In a m1 sha-ie. rent only I2"; a snap. li. W. i;jrinnl Co.. lrl 4th st. INK 1 3-room hous. -oae In; if you a-e looking t'T a bargain, don't fail to sec this. H W. Garland at Co 101 4th iu CALL ; s:id mahe an offer 11 rooms, rent Income : rooma rented. J3d au h i I'm i:i;ir. 3u R 'OMS. steam heat, running water, long lMise. rent H-"o; -iirs $:;ihi; leaving; a bar rain. wner. A J 3J:1. Oregonian. ...e WILL hand If from ow n- r. 4 1 i;-r..or room In e-hou 'r Wa.hlneton at. rent 'ie. ot r sa.e, one unf'irT'iht d ll-iooni house, fur Inquire at 73 iKt. 7 rjrn IS. StotMt rath. r 4ea . : rent 1 1 ; Market, cor. 1 st . EIGHT-ROOM houe. well furnished, for sal cneap; rent reasonable Ovner, 4a3 ita, st. RfMMIVC-l!Ol SES. gjc: home. 12 nfc larte e-jm.v rjtiif. corner, fur nace heat. VcFiY NICELY Fl'RNlSHEO. This will give you a g"d home ana leave yon sho per month clear at ove all peiises. Be sure and see this, for it will SO quick. Prlee, IlL'fiO; term. DlKTH-MrtLLUK CO.. 3 1 i-1 6-1 7 AbniKion Blug. BRICK APARTMENT-HOCSE. S4 rooms, nevvlv fur nshed. private ha'hs with every suite; rent $" per room. 4- yrar lease. You hnve noihin to do here bur tali.? tlio money, which is clear every month btidcj your own living and three nice rooms. We consider this an cxecptionally good buy. For prlre nnd terms piose mil p.i the office. This place was furnished eight months ao .vlth the best o cverytnin. DlETZ-MI tiXER CO.. 315-10-17 Abinifion Bids. EXTRA COnn RIY 27 rooms, very rent ml local ion. hot and cold water all rooms, furnace hat, heautt f-illv furnished and a splendid money maker. Very homelike place and has ui ways had a (rood reputation If you want comet h J ii z Rood, here it is: price $;iU00. OIETZ-MCELLER Ct .. 3U-1H-17 A bint tun Bld. LITTLE REA'TT. nft rooms, corner brick, nil nire larg sunn v room rloaets and hot and col water In every room, tone- leaae. chean rent, and Is clearing :tro over all ex penses ; the heat t ransient house in the cltv; If you get thia ou huve rut aome tiiing worth h:t ine. The price is very rca. nahte and can give good terms. Tho furnlshtnga ere tho best that money can buy. Please call for price and terms, IMETZ-MCELLER CO.. 3I.".-1;-17 Ablnirton Bids;. SOMETHING EXTRA GOOD, rooms, new rorner brick buildint;, very central location, positively clearints above all expanses .".K per month, beau tifully furnished; prirat baths, hot and roUI water, all rooms steam heated; when you see tlita on will look no further. The price in right and terms are easy. For particulars call DIETZ-Mi'ELLER CO.. 3l-l-lT Abinciun Bids'. M USTLE XTSAG ENCT SiKLI.S HOTELS AND KOOMING-HOUPES. 3:: Kailhie Bide.. 3d and Washington Sts. BRGINS TODAY. Firm time offered : New. corner bric k building, rent only $:.. includinjr steam heat, running water and janitor service. 3j rooms, j apartmetim. balance single rooms, near 1'th and Morrison streets. $GUU rasli handles this. J300 MONTHLY PROFIT. 4 J ROOMS. Brick build in, rent only $2H. 4-year lease, on ,Mh street, close In ; t his bar gain must e- this week for J470O; terms. NEW AND MODERN. "1 rooms, corner, private baths, mn- nine waier. every modern equipment, ground-floor office; this place has no equal In arrangement and location in the city; situated Jut right for a first -class com mercial hotel ; oniv $70"0 cash required. A PA RTM EXT- HOI'S E. rooms, all arranged in r. - room suites, with private baths; all outside rooms; neat hrrk building; clears 3i a month; only $E0'l eah required. R E X T A S X A P. 34 rooms. arranRod in - and 3-roora suites, corner but id lug. rent $140 with 4 year lease : S."iU) Jt undies tins. HOME-LIKE PLACE, rooms, near In. rent Ko, eloeantly far-nisned. clears $100 a month; just think, only Li 0 0 ca k h. PORTLAND ROOAUNG-HOISE CO., 313 Ilenrv Bidtf. A BIG MONEY-MAKER. 74 rooms, cloe In, elepant furniture and carpets, only been used luree months. Tii is new mid up-to-date hoi:?e Is clear ing over $.( per mu. A -) car lease, reasonable rent. If you want sometltlng Rood, sea this. DOW NTOTV N B A KG A I N. 4T. rooms, corner brick, hot and cld water to all rooms, steam heat, new fur nish inc. Ju.st put in : -4-year lease, low rent, clearing $300 r month. Don't overlook this. Id rooms, well furnished, f "led with desirable roomers, r ni only SZiO a month nnd m bareain at $loOu; only S.hpO cash reo, ulred. 1- rooms, housekecplne. eood location, well furnished, rent $ 3 J per month. This Is a snap nt $300. H rooms, close in. very uicely furnished, rent J3"i. If taken thta we?k. only $330. We have others. See us before you buy. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO.. 313 Henrv Hide- . BY ownec. ID-roomed house in a flue loca tion, with beit of furniture and carpets; this Is a fine home, with a eood im-ome; rent only ; no agent's commission ; terms. U-4 14th St. Itlt-SOSAU DR. W. E. MALLORY. H12 Rolhchild bldtf.. hn th intwtt ctiiiuicia modern o:t"ice in Oiea-on. The treatuiic room a.ie filled up with the moat expensive modern ap pliances on the market. Including- radium (the only physician on the Pacilic Coast having radium). X-rays, static machines. X-ray coda, oxone, ox gcu mat luius (the largest in uso. electric currents of every description and kind. Including high fre quency wave, lnsouedal, l"a-ad;e aud Kal- unit: currtuia cautery, vibrators, radia tors, electric Hfihl bath cabinets, not bike ovens, of every kind; mineral, nerbul, steam and shower baths. From UK) to 3 J.iKMi-candie power Hants, tin sen. mtnins, . behos. solar, violet aud utra vlolwt lights, and o therm. Cancers. uezema. tumors, goitre, tubercular glands, old sores, lnolos, mother marks, seats and scar tissue, and alt kinds of chrome diseases are treated and cured by these methods. MRS. A. M. PARK, graduute nurse, has re moved to her new offices at 3i-U Alder sL, near W. Park, where she will give scien tific masdaK". alo scalp treatment; bald ness cured by my remedy after all elsi has fulled ; also the clean radium light rure; lo A. M. to U 1. M. a.i-L. chronic Diseases a specialtt. UK. VLADIMIR K. J IN UK A, From Europe, ELECTRU-TH ERAPEUTIST. afy cures are pamlvta, prompt and thor ough, fcutle &3--JA-aU-4U-4-4H. 270 b Wash In cton Mdg., cjr. 4 th and Wash. UK. ALJCE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chivnlc and nervous diseases treated according to ttio latest methods; private l.oi'iial coMiiinudaliuun; contiuement eareu for; couauitauon free. Kooin 10. Grand Theater blug- Main 3'.'JS; A 0'jl7. FEB VET & HANEBLi'i. Leading w ttt and torjpoe makers; finest sto?k of b Lman hair ajoods, switches fiom $t.5d up. Up-to-data parlors for hairdresaing. ma nit urtug. tare aud aca.p treatment. 147 7ih rt.. bet, aiomaoo and Alder. SWEDISH TRAINED NX USE Uclslngfora raduaie; i heuuiuii-tn. nervous and stom ach aiinieuis. utiuer ph sician s Direc tions; bains, ina&ssuse. No. 7 East 11 th strevt, second door fcouUi pom East Ail ken carime. phono East 2 SO, jj IhO. liAiU. HAIR All shades in best quality at cost. Closing out slock; scinttiic face and acaip treatments; expert huirdresstn: and maiucurlns; taught. Au H. ltiDbecka, t;rand Leader. ntii a n d Aide r. HIsS DESALIE IE VOE. the Philadelphia Hon ne. 3d nnd Salmon sts., 3134 id St.. mantcuniiK, electric, vibratory and mag netic treat meut.K ; respectable pairuns so- l.rilfd ; ttours 1 " to ii. DR. D. U LEWIS, pfseases of women and children; elect rlo treatment of nervous ailments, private hos pital. Ruorua 0i-6iU Commonwealth blag.. 6th and Ankeny. Phones Main 4u47. A -Ul DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures bluud and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation, free. 1S1 1st at.. Portland. TOC NG M A N. farmer, with home in clly, wishes acquaintance of lady between the ao of : and 30; object matrimony; send photo J 37. oregonian. DRE6S suits lor rent, $1.30 month keeps your clothes cleaned. pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and Qgliverte. Vuquw Tailor lag Co.. 3UJ Stark. NOX ALL cures coma, callouses,- tender, burnine- aching and Inflamed feet; 'nuxal o-l on; 23c all diuglsis, or by mail. Addresj Lr. Ftchr. loot spcclaiist. Portland Or. iTrne! Courtwright. akin and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected, plas tic surgery. 433 Morrison st. M. 3U43. VISIT Scott ac Krogh at 415 Aider St. and new arrivala In Millinery. inspect our Waists and Turs. LlWb'OH habit perniauenlly cured in a days. Xto suileing anu narmieaa. araioia insti tute. 1037 1'cr.tiLBula ave., Portland, Or. HEALTH TREATMENTS given by graduate nurse and masseuse. Room 1st. 303 Alder '.. paona Main 4333. rR. KETCH CM treats women's maladies. 1 79 '-. d St.. cor. Yamhill. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women. 92'J Belmont L East 34U8, atA N1CC KING and chiropody, lie l el. 133 Oth at., room 2. St. NlcnolsU DIAMOND, finest quality steel blue, nearly 7 karats, for sale. A 3"0. Oregonian. C 1 iOoL BOOKS bough t and Sold. Jones book store. 3M Oak at. WOI LD be L'-n it to an advent ag1 to iady going to phone Main 0.YVJ. MOLEa. wrinklea. superfluous hatr removed. Mrs- at. D. Hill. 43'3 Flledner bldg. M 3471. I - - 1 r INANCIAU Money to Loasi Real Estate. MONEY to I-an la quaiiliti tu suit. Call on the W'Hern Secuntiea Company, 414 s,pald- inc blaK- LiVATK money loaned on real eatate tnort. gages. H- Mdey. room 304. Geriinger bldg. $;il TO Uriflln. LOAN on Improved city prvperty 51i Gcr linger bltlg. MNANCIAL EXG LISH capital negotiated for substantial enterprises, railroads, tractions, mining, industrials, advertising campaigns han dled. James Company, 14 Blooms bury sr.. London. England. Money to 1wj Real Estate. CASH paid for mortgages or sellers' Interest Jn contracts on real estate anywhere la Oregon or Washington; mortgage loans negotiated on improved property. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen bldg.. 5th and Stark. SELLING Iols in Alton Park, in sight of Reed Institute, fur 3iK and up, and only 3 3 m f n u t es" ride on Sell w ood car. Ask for Hedriek. 3"0 Geriinger bldg., 3d and Aider. 'nne Main 0333 ON' IMPROVED cify property or for build ing purposes; 3 to 3 years' time; liberal) repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitabla Sav in 3 Loan Association. t0 Star a u $50v,0t0 on improved city or farm property; buuaing or email loaa at lowest rales; large loans a afpecialiy. J. H. AlcK&nale Co., di oerlinger bldg. Fll.&T iud second morigages aind contracts purchased on larm ana city property, anywnuie la Oregon or Washington, ak 1 Dcvareaux. Kenton bldg.. fe4 0th at. PLENTY of money to loan at $ and 2 par cent on real eiate security. EDW. P. MALL COMPANY, 104 Second SL. MONEY to loan in amounts of $1000 to Kopf, room 2, Cbam- IjOUO. Karnupp ber of Commerce. liiilLDiA'iii lottua iron. 53 to $3U0, oa all securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 W a ii ington bldg- Phone Main 303. MORTGAGE loans on city properly; lowesl j sua. a. H. Birrell Co.. 3u3 McKay bidg 3d and Stark. $0uo0 TO loan tor 3 years at on Inside improved property only. AH 3i'3, Oregonian. 7 per cent ; principals .ov.voo j. o LJAiN, tarto loans a specialty! building loans, lowest rale. W. G. iiwGii. ol2 Failing bldg. MONEY l- loan i Xrom 30O a p. 3ift Aluir iu i reasonable rates, la tuinj The Duuu-lawreoca Co., MORTGAGE LOANS AT KKASOXABLA is. A 1 ES- F. H. LEWIS, 3 LEWld BLDU. MONEY, any amount, 6 to o per cent. Good uuugn 4fc Sit. 71b Board ot Trade, biaie lunUk loaned, o per cent. W. E. Thom tin, state agent, Muttnomah Co.. 4QO C C Will loan $10.U0O or loss, real eatate security, F ar r l ujiou. 410 Commercial Club bldg. WILL loau $30uu or less on real Httc-heocK. lO Rothchild bldg. AOUTGAGE LOANS, U AND 7 i"EK CENT. LOLLS SALOMON. 333 SVAKK. SX. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. I. W. Fallen. 3Q3-'J Fentoa. g;t.-H On improved real estate security; lo cation must ne goou. aj ow, urcBuman. aloaey lo Lwas- LUaiieaa au Miarie WE HAVE MONET TO LOAN. On salaries only. In amounts of from $3 to 100, at tho lowest possible rates. Rebate given If paid before due. Being salary loan brokers exclusively, we are enabled to rnalce the best terms and give the quickest possible service. Our well-known reputation for square dealing and courteous treatment during the past is our best reference. Business strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO.. 3pyFai:ing bldg., cor. 3d and Wash, sts. $$$$$$$$$$$ i is O. a. UbAli LaT A 1 l dk DrlUii.n&ua COMPANV. Hakes liberal loans ou real estate, furni ture, pianos (without removal), livestock, storage receipts, life insurance policies and all kinds of securities; terms to suir. easy weekly or monthly payments. We buy first and secoud morUica and con tracts. Phone Main 2064. Room 312 Ham ilton bid?.. 131 3d at. f f S 4 t t $ I I I t I CHATTEL LOAN'S. Installment loana on pianos, furniture. Siireiiouse receipts, horses, insurance poll ciea and all kmda cl eeeuntlea. REAL ES TATE LOANS trom ww up. NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. CO. 416 Ablngton bldg. MONEY advancea salaried people, house keepers anu others upon tnoir own names without security; cneapeit rates, easiest bkvmeuli: oftlces in 6 princlnal clti save yourself by getting my terms first. TOLMAX, 317 Lumber Exchange. WE loaji money on diamonas and jewelry i reasonable interest; long or snort time. A. & M. Dclovage. 36 Washington it. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity. chattels or real ebtate. union ioan Co.. 33 Lafayette blug.. Oih and wash WILL LOAN In amounts to uit on all kinds of Meruriries; business confidential. Gray Cunning! am. 733 Kfeetric bldg. k. LOAN fur the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum Diag. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Marx & iocn. 74 ia st. Ixans Wanted. W E can Invest your money at good rates of interest. Gilt-edeo securities. First mort trace:. Lomr-term investment. PROVIDENT IN VESTMENT & TRUSTEE CO.. 534-520 Board of Trade Bids;. WANTED JK.'.OO for 3 years at 8 per cent on first mortgage on property worth 30.oih. Principals only answer. Ad dress O 203. Oregonian. MONEY wanted. $3400, note and mortgage for pale; this is secured on a 14-acre farm near city. Call if interested. Brong Steele Co., ground floor, Lewis bldg. $4oh WANTED on good improved real tale; siHte trma and Interest wanted. .".04. Oregonian. vr AB WANTKI Jli'OO on first mortgage proierty w rth $too; will pay t per cent for 3 years. A N 30?. Oregonian. WANTED $113o for three yeans, 7 per cent. n ciqec-in residence property, inquire 31 Hoard of Trade bldg.. Fourth and Oak. 3ooii ON fiirm. A-1 security, goniitn. A 2T3, Ore- W NT $l.V on impro-ed city .property worth xtooo. al .si, iregonian. LET us place your money good mortgages; references. . li. iowis. a Lewis oiag. LOST AND FOLND. $30 REWARD. Stolen Durie brown horse, weight P0 to loui lbs.. 7 yrars old, branded on one shoulder, has interfering pads on bind ankles, open ruober-tire buggy painted black, nw blind bridle, fair harness. $33 reward for return of horse, harness and 1kcv and i lor arrest or thief. Any informal ion wire to George G. Hancock, Sheriff Washington County, Oregon. LOST 4 'o I lector's book, near North 10 th and Hoyt sis. ; red coer, number "; timler please return to cashier actnc Tel ephone Co., Beck bldg.. and receive re w srd. FOUND Wrhere yon csn buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger. 2 J 8 liont I'honea alaiu -474, A 1374. LOST Seal ring. Japanese sroli initials, "S. S. M." .lade setting on side, two dia monds on face; return to 14 J 3d St., re ward. FOUND Where watenes. diamonds and Jew elry are sold for amount loaned and one month's Interest. Uncle Myere Collateral Bank. T1 0th st.. aaar Oak at. LOST A keyring, with safety deposit key ana trunk Key; leave ai ou-iunHwi oiiiea and receive reward. IST A New Zealand green atone, gold mount. Finder return office Hotel Antlers; re w a rd. Lesf Scotch Collie, female; reward; chain hanging, phono A 403. Miscellaneous. ALPHEUS L HANSCOME. Corporation law specialist. WILLIAM DAVIDSON. Investments. Removed to suite 301-4 Spalding bldg. Main 3706. A 14S4- M. GLICKIM AN has disposed of hie entire stock to Blnmenthai Brw; ail claims against M. tllickiman must be presented at once, aa 1 1 1 u me n n a 1 Ilroa. will no t be resporuri ble for any debts contracted by M. Glickiman hereafter. fcrupaa Invtte NOTICE Is hereby given that sealed bida wtll be received ror tne purcnase oc . O00 of construction nda of School Dis trict No. 37. In Josephine County, Oregon, drawing & per cent interest, payable semi annually, said bonds payable absolutely In 30 years. Said bias shall be sealed and be accompanied by a certilied check for $.".00, and will be received up to and in cluding the 30tu day of September. 1910, anc5 that tbe School Board will open and consider said bids on the first day of Oc tober, 1910, at 3 o'clock P. M. of aaid day. Bids should be handed or ad dr eased to F. M. Staaon, Clerk of the School Board of School District No. 37, Wolf Creek. Jgtephine County. Oregon. PLUMBERS WANTED. $:,i0 WORTH OF WORK WANTED. I will give a lull sixe lot. worth -UH, for plumhing: lot is in Montn villa, in re stricted district ; good frame houses all around It. A. N. isearle. M-V car. get oif E. fOtU -office oa corn-v SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposed Invited. PROPOSALS WOR STATIONERY SUP- PIJKS fefio of the Secretary of State, Salein. Or., Aug. 3. 1010. Sealed pro posals will be received at this office until 1 o'clock P. M., Oct. 3. lyiO, and tuen publiclv opened, for furnishing the- Statu of Oregon the following stationery sup plies: 30 rms. 16-lb. legal cap paper, best nnnlftv Mn. 7 iRiihmit AJniu!e). 13 rmn letii- i..amr best tiuality. No. 7 ruling (submit sample); typewriting papers as follows, or as good isuom i famnlM i - rms ( "o Ion lilt Koild. is : X 1 1 basis 20-lb. folio; 150 rms. Document Bond. SHxll. basis 16-lb. folio; 50 rms. Colonial Bond. 8x13. basis 34-lb. D. C. ; 30 rms, Strathmore. 8x13. No. 760 linen iinihii, Saxon grade, plain style. W. ; 40 rms. Strathmore. SUxl:!. No. 763. linen finish, iStruihmore grade, plain style, W.; 60 rms. Old Stamford Pond. SVxl3. basis 20-lb. D. C: 30 rms. A-l Onion fikin. SV.X13 0-Ib. No. 1 rag XXX envelopes (submit samnlesl. viz: 1 it M. No. 6i. 7 al. No. v. 7 M. No. 10: The Improved Columbian cla.-p envelopes, XXXX. vix: 5 M. No. t... 5 M. No. 73; Catalogue envelopes, open ena (.submit samples), viz: 3 al jxiu 16O0-3 O. F. ' M ttv,xtn heavv manila; 15 rms A-l Manila wrapping paper. 34x 30-00 lb. (submit sample) : 3 rms. beet cualitv hlnttlnr tinner lx'34. 144) lbs. rm.. selected colors (submit sample); 3 M. A-l manuscript covers, 9x13.. liKlit blue (submit sample) ; best quality car bon papers as follows, or as good. 100 sheets to box. selected colors and weights (submit samples); 30 boxes Kemtieo rara gon, SHxl3; 15 boxes Remtico Paragon oUxIl- 50 boxes Remtico Red Seal. M U 1 13; 15 boxes Remtico lied Seal, 6Vill; lOOO sheets Bull Fror carbon paper, x, best quality, Zephyr weighL blue; 0 doz. tvDcwriter ribbons. Paragon No. 1. or as good, best quality fresh stock, selected colors and degrees of inking, tc be delivered as needed (submit samples); No. 103. 6 dbs. No. 10. 10 doz. No. 1030 stenographer rubber nencils. 34 doz. No. J0R7 "Comet"; doz. E. Faber's Union erasers. No. 110; 3 doz. typewriter brushes. "New Franklin" ; 6 doz. ferteci pocket oilers: 10 doz. small bottles Web ster Star brand typewriter oil; 10 doz. Isaac Pitman & Sons elastic bound (open flat) rennrtinw nntA hooka. "Fono" Se ries No. r, red line. 200 page. r u 1 ed Blne-le. wit hour rr a rein i 1 1 Ino 1A Hoz UO.. with marginal line and pages numbered l-2t0: 10 doz. stenograohera note dooks. Progress No. 175, or as good (submit sam ple), Dixon s stenographer pencils, viz: i gr. No. 400 S. M-. 8 grs. No. 401 M. ; Eagle Pencil Co.'s Mercantile hexagon pencila, viz: 6 grs. No. 389. 3 grs. No. 3iK); 12 grs. Eaele Civil Service lead pencils. H. B. (Ergle pencil Co.); L. & C. Hard- muth's "Koh-l-noor" nencils. viz: 2 grs. Drawing, selected grades; L gr. "Copying ink"; doz. colored pencils, seiectea, o, 710 CEsHle Penri! Co.): nenholders. viz: 2 grs. E. Faber's "Korka," 2 grs. Eagle Pencil Co.'s No. IPCS. 4 ens. Tower's "The Bank"; Esterhrook Co.'s steel pens, viz: 40 ars. Paclfie Railroad No. 14'-. 10 grs. ".I" No. 20 (fine polnta). 10 grs. Falcon No. 048, 10 grs. Relief No. 31 4. 6 grs. Probate No. 313. 6 grs. Judges Quill No. S12; Joseph Oillotfs steel pens, viz: grs. No. 303. C grs. No. 404; 10 grs. M. Jacob's London Incandescent pens. No. 4; 30 grs. Spencerian double-elastic pens No. 1; 10 gra. I. Macowsky & Co.'s Zi-Nickel College pens No. 101; 3 grs. Mason's No. 20 pens; 10 grs. The Dreka engrossing pens. No. 3; 6 gra. No. 510f ball pointed pens (Ormlston & Glass) ; 2 grs. Spen cerian Subway pens No. 39: 10 doz. Sty lograph pens, "Independent" No. 1. per fect points (submit sample) ; 1 doz. Red Dwarf Ink pencils (D. Wood & Co.); 120 boxes A. W. Faber's pure rubber bands, assortment No. 300 (fresh stock); Good ear rubber Co.'s "Gold Seal" brand pure rubber bands (fresh stock), viz: 6 . gis. No. 12. 6 grs. No. 13. 6 grs. No. 10. 0 grs. No. 17. 40 grs. No. IS. 10 grs. No. 32. lO era. No. 33. fl grs. 000 In.. 20 grs. (000 in.. G grs. 00 i In.. 2 grs. 000. i in., 4 doz boxes "Bank Assort ment" ; 20 doz. boxes (100 ea.) Gem paper clips (Cushman A Denison Mfff. Co.); 3 small bo:;es Renforce D. B. oei letts; 6 doz. Pyramid pins. Office A Toilet No. 4 : IS doz. Terrace pins, as sorted sizes i A. C. McClurg A Co.'s cata logue); McGIITs paner fasteners, viz: 1S00 each round heads No. 2. 3. 4. 13ftQ each flat heads Nos. 2. X 4; 4 doz. 2-o. boxes Challenge eyelets No. 1: I doz. Hotrhklss automatic paper fasteners. No. 1 ; 4 doz. boxes stapies for same. No. 1 ; 6 doz. "Ever Handy" clips, selected sizes; I doz. Challenge eyelet punch and fasteners. No, 1 ; 2 doz. Seymours Banker's shears. 10 In. nickel plated blades : 23 doz. steel eraser and desk knives. Joseph Rodgers & Sons' No. A1R149, blark rubber handle i submit aample) ; 10 doz. bone pap-r folders. 9-in., smooth finish, st ralcht and free from blemishos ("submit sample); 14 doz. Goodyear hard rubber eulcrs. 14 inch, flat, straight edges rstihmtt sample); I doz. U. S. dating stamps. No. 2: 3 Bates nut ninatic hand numbering machines, style "K." six-wheel ; 1 doz. Excelsior Jumbo indelible pads, self-inking. 3x6 In., blark: 2i doz. enameled Inkstands with postal card rack. 44x4i. No. tr.o ( A. C. Mc Clurg & Co.'s catalogue (submit samrle); 15 doz- Panford's mncilare reservoir stands. No. 33S. &-oz. (submit sample) ; 13 doz. sponge cups, plain glass, round I submit sample); 1 gr. sponges. good nuality. medium size, for sponge cups submit sample) ; 1 gr. blearhed slare sponges (submit sample) ; 20 doz. waste paper baskets (round), height 12 in.. In side diameter at top 10 in.. Willow No. 130 (A. C. McClurg A Co.'s catalogue (sub mit sample) ; 16 doz. table pads, "Lie Flat" or as good, to hold paper 19x24 Inches, strong leather tips, must he sea soned mo that they will not warp (sub mit sample) : 20 doz. Nonpariol gummed stub files. No. 22. 11x15 in.. 50o stubs iFubmtt sample); 9 doz. The improved Favorite invoice files. 9x13 in. : 13 doz. board clips, 0x15 in., full cloth, nlekel plated clip, strong springs (submit sam ple); 4 dox. box letter files, good quality (submit sample); H doz. The Superior postal scales; 50 lbs. best quality No. 0 hemp twine (submit sample) ; best qual ity Royal flax twine (Putnam Milis), viz: 40 lbs. each extra No. IS and No. 30 (sub mit samples) ; 5 doz. quarts Sanford's Superior mucilage; 6 doz. quarts Staf ford's writing fluid (fresh stock) ; 5 doz. No. 507 San ford's fountain filler blue blark Ink glass top) ; 4 doz. pints San ford's cardinal red ink, with patent spout; 3 doz. Sanf ord's ink eraser (absolutely fresh stork) ; dox. Stanford's library paste. 8-ox. "Utopian" paste bottle; 150O0 Dennison's gold seals. No. 20 extra gummed ; 10 dox. Congrees tie envelopes, 10x4 hi. 1 in. thick. A more detailed description of tho foregoing articles is contained In the blank form of proposal, which may be had on application to the Secretary of State. All bids must be made on said blank form and alt the art tries must be of absolutely fresh stock and strictly in accordance with the descrip tions given thereon. Delivery must be made before December 1. 1910. Certified check, payable to the order of the Sec retary of State, for lO per cent of the amount bid, must aerompany each pro posal. Envelopes containing proposals should be indorsed: "Proposals for Sta tionery." Price, fitness and quality be ing equal, preference will be given to articles manufactured in fh's state. When a particular brand, quality or weight is ifpcfifically called for. bids for other brands equally as good will be enter tained, but In every instance samples to gether with a full description of the ar ticles it Is proponed to supply must ac company siioh bids to Insure recognition of the same. The right Is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids, or to accept or reject any part of & bid. Auditing officers are hereby prohibited from ronfli-mlng accounts of purchases which do not com pi v with section 2460. ; chapter X. title XXIV. B. ft: C. Code. F. W. P. EN SON. Secretarv of State, j U S. ENGINEER OFFICR 73-1 Central bldg.. Los Angelra, Cat.. August 9, 1910. Sealed propnenls for dredging at San Diro Harbor, California, will be received here until 11 A. M-. September 8. 1910, gJid then pub licly opened. Information on application. W. P. Stokey, Captain. Engineers. BIDS wanted for cutting and delivering on track 100,000 cords of four-foot wood; rail road runs through the property and a short and easy haul to the same; location near Boseburg. Dr.; write me for Information. K. M-Krnzie, 619. Andrus bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. Bt'fiLNESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE. BA1RD A B ERR IDG E. Counsel and experts in all matters relat ing to municipal, commercial, factory cost and industrial accounting. Moderate fee. Consultations free. 224 Worcester Block. Phones Main 7309. A 1449. E. 11. COLLIS & CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commerical, County and Municipal Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 324 Worcester block. Phone Main 0507. Arrhitecta. EASTMAN CO.. Inc.. Architects and Build ers. Plans and estimates rurnished free to builders. We build on contract, percentage or terms- Main 3230, A 41 10, Abington bldg. Aftsayer and Analyst. v eils A proebstel, mining engineers, chem and aasayers. 204 Washington. iats MONTANA ASSAY OFFICF: Laboratory and ore-testing wora. J.sf Morrison st. Attorneys. A. H. TANNER, attorney. Rooms 311-314. Spalding puiJiing. Jd and w asninyton sts. Awnings and Tents. PACIFIC Tent & Awning Co.. tents, awnings. nd sans. Zi Main and A 1991. Baths and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths, 107 4th Elegant plunge, sream ana snower baths. z.c. Collections and Law. NETH & CO.. COLLECTORS COLLECT EVERY W HKKb; NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. 33 Worcester bldg.. Portland. Builders. CUM M I NGS C A Tin N. builders In every branch or tne building' traoea. Jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty; showcases, rounters. shelving, etc.. Office and shop, 371 First at. Phone Marshall 227. BUSINESS DIKKCTOKY. Bicycle and Motorcycles. Y. e buy. sell, exchange or repair. Hummel Bicycle Ex. 133 loth. Main 705S. Bra and .Machine Works. 11 i.Ri'EK'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work, lori N. 5th. Main 3702. Ci rculatmy Ubiary LATE fiction, 3c a bldg.. iso 3th st. day. Woman's Exchange , bet. Taylor and Yamhill. Chiropody. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveney, the only scientific chiropodists in the cn. Parlors 302 Geriinger bldg.. S. W. cor. and Aider. Phone Main 1301. 2U Cniropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D- Hill, room 421) Fiiedner bids. Phone Main 34 1 3. LiiiKOPODY. mann uring aud scaip. Mrs. Dunton. 34 Washington. Marshall 1329. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg. Chiropractic Physician. Dri. T1CKNER removes the cause of disease. GOQ-1 Columbia bldg. A 5255. Hrs. 13-5:30. SUN SOON HUIE. CHINESE GOODS. MAT- TlNG, SILK AND CURIOS. 70 tUh St. . Dancing:. PROFESSOR RINGLER'S dancing classes. Mondays and Saturday evening. Private instruction daily. Western Academy. -d and Morrison. Main 9212. DANCING les-son 25c, every morning, af ternoon and evening. Prof. Wal Will son's Dancing School, 3S(i Washington st.. Pet. W. park a nd lot h s t s. M. 7037. Dog and Horse Hospital. DR. BROWN. D, Ft. Main 40SU. V. s. Office 324 Flanders Hospital SS:t 12th st. Elect ric M ot ors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st- Klectric Fixture and Supplies. YOU wiru for us and we'll wire for you. , Phones B 23H2, E. 3S22. Clagett Electric Co.. 301 East Morrison st. Kngineerinjr. TECHNICAL E NGIXEEKIXG General Engineering, Designing. Draitins. 201 Hamilton Bldg. Engine, Gug and Steam. rober steam Sine. 2 Machy. Co., Coast ay is. Seabury engines and boilers, gasoline- en-U-3-3 E. Morrison st. Ptjone E. b7o. Feed Store. ZiGLER Misner. hay, grain, feed, ee ment, ghingles. Ji4 Grand ave. E. 4S2. .French Dry Cleaning:. C LEANING TAILORING DYEING ALTERATIONS PRESSING 1 1 E P A r R 1 X G Special club rate? 30c per suit (sponged and pressed) per week. The Wardrobe, 731 Washington st. A 5417, Main 0353 Furs. N. M. UN GAR & CO.. INC.. fornuriv of 40 Merchants Trust blug.. have removed to loO Seventh st. Furs remodeled, repaired and stored. Mar? hall 153. Hat Fnctory. HATS made to order cosr. no more. See us. lloyal Hat Works, 223 1st st M. SI 12. 16-FT. 3-H. P., 1; 18-FT.. 3-H. P.. Reierson Mach. C j., 1(s2 Morrison s Leather and Findings. $200, CHAS. U MASTICK &. CO.. 74 Front. Lea' her of every description, taps, rr-frs.' findings. J. A. STROWBR1DOK LEATHER CO. tahlislicd lsoS. 1M) Front at. lachinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO. Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, ba?&ing. mining ma chinery. All kinds of repaii s. .104 N. 41 h Machinery for Kent. Contractors" machinery of all kinds. David Dow & Son. 302 Lumbermen; bldg. I'honea. Musical. EMI L TH EI i.HORN. violin teacher, pupil s e vi c k . sum Marqiiam. A 4 1 u . M ar. iu Osteopathic Physicians. DR. LeRoy Smith, graduate Kirksville. Mo., class of lS'.rS. post-craduate 1907. under A. T. Sill, the found-t. 317-3KS-319 Swet land bi.Ig. Main 1PS7. A P!S5. DR. R. H. NORTlUtUP. 4 1 3-1 1 0-4 1 7 Dekum Bldg. office. M. 347. re.. Fast or R 102, Dr. Arnold Lindsey. specialist on rheuma tism, stomach troubles and all nervous diseases. Hotel Franklin. Main 7103. Paints, Oils and Gln. RASMUSSEN A CO- jobbers, paints, oils, gfass, sash and doors, t.'or. 2d and Taj-lor. Paving. THE Berber Ashpatt Paving ttompapy. 60i 60S Eb'Ctric bldg. Oscar Huber, Portland. WARREN "Consuiiction t 'o.- -Street paving, 317 Beck bldg. aldewalks and crosswalks. Patent Attorney s. Protect your ideas; reMable patent attorneys. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CO., KesjiiUered Patent A ttorney. 201 Hamilton Bldg. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock. ntty. law. Late or u. h. patent oiticc. ookici fr(.e. 410 Board of Trade bldg. IL C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, infringement cases, woi oeKiim, Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Jtank. 40 years In Portland. 71 6th st. Mam mo. P-ye. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO Fac tory and ofnee near lM;n a'i'i i orK sts. T . .mm. Printer!. GLASS A PRUDHOMME CO., piinters, blank book maKers. legal i lanns, loose icai uo vuea. township plats. 05-07 7th -t., bet. Oak and Ankeny. CHAUSSE-PRUDHOMMB CO.. books, com mercial. 5 421- 4th sr. Main MO. A lu.;. Piano Factor-. C. Sommer A Co.. establish". i 1s:mI; gonera repair work; tuning. -47 uin. Marsnaa ihi RtiblMr SiarupA. ALSO seals, stencils, chon e st.ationory. Cunning nam s. .ii ciar k. aiain noi. Kng Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS P. tigs f;oiu old carpets, colonial rair ru.-?s, carpet cleaning and laying. Li.; I nion ave. nr. h, Morrison Safes. THE MOSLEit SA b E Co., los 2d st. hafes 1 1 f rtoi-y ;n cf. reona-namt ya i "P. Shovra.Bnk and Store Fixtures. TH E LUTKE M KG. CO- branch Graml Rapids Showcase to., oin anu iioyt. At. Iutke. mgr. NEW and second-hand J. I. M. Mfg. Co., :. Cabinet wrk. 1th -and Couon. .Main shingles. BEST in tbe city; car lots K. Gilbert. 20 1 w asiitngtn sr. Storage and Tr.mfer. I'ORTLA ND VAN STORAGE CO.. eorner 13th and Everett sts. Junt opened newest and most modern storago -varehoue in cltv; every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest iiiruruni-e ram in Northwest ; free trackage; vans for moving. Main or A 1320. LET'S STORE YOUR FURNITURE. Brick building, dry and airy; warehouse district: lowest ratea and most caret ul handling: furniture moved and packed by " experts ; estimates given. Phone M. 101S, A 194. Van Horn Transfer Co., 40 2d street. . C. O. Pick Transfer 6c Storage Co., otf Ico and commodious four-story brick ware house, scparat -? iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 3:6. i. 1990. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO.. General transferring and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 209 Oak st-, bet. Front and 1st. Telephone Main 547 or A 1-247. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. estahiial.ed 1870. Transfer and Forwarding Agent Storage. Office 310 Hoyt st., between 5th and 6th. Phones Main 49. A 1 100. Swis Dairy. 67 UNION ave.. N. Phones East 55 jG, B 2011. Pure honied milk a JPeiHl STOVES connected 1110. 014 Front. and repaired. Veterinarians. S. L. Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians. 331 Ankeny st. A 3999. Main. 2402. Veterinary' School or Collesrew. San Francisco Veterinary College; catalogue free. !r. Kenne. 3 81S Market St.. a. F. Wood and Coal. COAL! COAL! Don't forget last Winter. Give us your future deliveries. We pick our coal. Special price on big orders. Newcastle per ton. iO.30; Rock Springs, per ton. $10; Hebbern. per ton; s 10.50. phone Marshall 2117. 15th and Savier. Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to S(i0. fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals. per month. Pacilic Stationery & Printing Co.. 303 2d rt. WE AKE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this loa-t: invesiigfe; nil makes, all price3. The Typewriter L'x ehang, 27,i WashinTon ft. N EW. rthtiilt . second-hand, rentals at cut xatee. P. D. C Co.. 31 Stark. 21. 1407. BUSINESS DIKECTOTIT. Wood Ail Kinds. DRY Inside $3. 30 Small Inside 2.50 - Planer trimmings 3.0O Pacific Slabvvood Co. Phones M 3700. A 7330 Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st M.. whole sale and retail. Samples mailed free. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger Roseuurg Passenger .... Shasta Limned Silverton Passenger California Express San Francisco Express ,. West Side Corvaliis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Gro passenger Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Oregon Express Ashland Passenger Roseburg Passenger Portland Express Shasta Limited Silverton Local West Side Corvaliis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passengri S:30 a. m. 4:15 p. m 0:00 p. m. 6: 2d p. m. 7:45 p. nt. 1:30 a. in. 17:20 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 15.40 p. m. 7:150 a. in. . 10:00 p. nu . 3:30 p. m. .'11:00 a. m. . 2:30 p. m. 9:3u a. m. 6:20 p. m. .Jlu:J0 a- m. . 8:00 a. m. . I 4 :40 p. m. Northern Pacific. Leaving- Portland 1 North Coast Limited via Pugetl Sound 110:10 a. m. North Coast Limited via Northf Bank 7:00 p. m. Atlantic Express via Puget Sound. 12:13 a. in. Atlantic Kxoress via North. Bank' 9:00 a. m. a win eity .Express via Puget; Sound Twin Citv ExnresB via. North 3 :30 p. m. Bank i 7:00 p. m. Eastern Express via Puget SoundJJ2:13 a. m. Eastern Express via North Bai.k 9:0) a. no. Missouri River Express via l'ugct Sound 10:10 a. m. Missouri River Express via Nvrthi Bank ) 7:00 p. m. Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Kx- press. Grays Harbor. Olympial and Soutii Lena branches I 6:45 a, m. Portland -Vancouver Special Plight Sound Limited. Grays Har 10:30 a. m. bor and South Bend branches.. Yacolt Passenger Arriving Portland North Coast Limited via North Bank North Coast Limited via Puaret 3:"0 p. m. 4 : uO p. m. 8:13 p. m. 7 :20 a. nu 7:30 a. m. 7:10 p, m. Sound ; Northern Pacific Express vla North Bank Northern pacific Express vial Puget Sound Pacilic Coat 4 Esurass via Northl Bank 8:13 p. m- Pacific Coast Express via pugctj Sound I 7:20 a. m. Western Express via North Bank) 8:15 p.m. Western Express via Puget Souud;10:30 p. ra. Missouri River Express via Noituj Bank I 7:30 a. m. Aiissouri itiver Expreas via Fu Sound 4:00 p. m. Portland-Ticoma-Seattle Express, and irom Olympia, South Bend and Grays Harbor Puget Sound Limited 4:00 p. m. 7 : IO p. m. 10:3O p. m. Vancouver-Port land Special . Yacolt Passenger ;11:20 a. m. Orrffon ICai!road & Navigation C'. Leaving PoiUand Baker City paseuirer Oregon- Washington Limited The Dalles Local , Sou-Spokane-Portland 8 :00 a. m. 10 :0O a. m. 4:u0 u. m. ,11:00 p. nu Oregon and Washington Express, O .yii p. io. 0 :00 p. ru. apoKane r i.ver Arriving Portland The Dalles Local 10:15 a .m. Oregon and Washington Express. J 0:30 . m. Soo-Spokanc-Porttand jll:30a. m. Baker City Local Passenger......! 7:00 p.m. eregou - v abiuusion iiuutea .... i s:uu p. m. Spokane Flyr 8:00a.m. Astoria & Columbia. Uiver. Leaving Portland Seaside Express Ocean Shore Limited Sa t u rday Seaside Special . St.aside Express .......... Rainier Passenger Itatnier Passuiiser Arriving Portland Seaside Express Monday Seaside Special . . S :00 a. m. 9:20 a. m. 2:30 p. in. 0:30 p. nu 1:15 p. m. 3;4u p. nu . 132:05 p. m. .112:3i n. m. heasiae express . . .. 10:0U p. m. Octau bhote Limited 110: Lip. in. Rainier and Portland Passenger.. 9:4oa. m. Rainier and Portland passenger..) 5:00 p. m. anadiau Pai-itlo i&llway Co. - Leaving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland Via Seattle Arriving Portland Soo-Spokane-Poriland Via Scaltlo 1 1 :00 p. in. 12:15 a. nu ..111:30 a. m. . . 1 10:30 p. m. Oregon & Washington Kailroad o. Leav ing I'oi tlaiiii Seattle 1'assengcr. ... Shaaia, Limited Owl Arriving Portland Owl Shasta Limitod Portland Passenger. .. .1 S:30 a. m. .1 3:90 p. m. .111:45 p. m. m. nu nu JErl-'KKsOX-KTKKKT STATION. aonthoru Pacific. Icaving I'ortiand lalias I'usseiiger ) 7:40 a. m, Dallas passenger j 4:05 p. in. Purest Grove 1'assenger ....i l:uu p. nu Arriving i'ortiand Dallia I'aascnger. . . 10:15 a, nu Dallas Passenger j 5:53 p. nu Forest Grove passenger jlli;00 noon HLltM'U AX9 HOYT STREEXfii VAX SKNGEK bTATION. SlHkane, Portland Scjiu le Railway t o. Leaving Portland Inland Luipire Express 9;O0 a. m. For .ChicaKO, tol- 1'aul, Otnaiia. Kausal City, St. Louis, JilllliiKJ. Spokane, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, GleiiUale, Lylu, White Salmon, SLevensoii. Vancouver. Tho Oregonian 11.00 a.m. For Si- Paul. Spokane, Pasco, Washtucna Kahlotua, Cliffs. Lyle, White Salmon, aie venson and Vancouver. Columbia Kiver Local 4:30 p. in. North' Bank Limited 7:00 p. m, For Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, KausuA City. St. Louis, Billings, Spokane. Wash lucna, Kahloius, 1'asco, Roosevelt. Grand' dalles, GoUiendate, Lyle, Whito baimou, ls venuson, Vancouver. Arriving Portland The oregonian 7:05 a. ro From St, puAil, Spokane, Pasco, Cliffs, Maryville, Lyle, WiiHe Salinuu, fcalevtm and Vancouver. North Bank Limited 7:30 a. nu From Cliicago, St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City, St. LouLs, Billing:, tSpokane. Washiuc na. Kahlotus, Pasco. Roosevelt, Granddalles, CoIdeisHalr, Lyle, White Salmon, Steveajou, Vat.eouvor. I'olumijia River Local 12:35 p. m. Inland Empire Express 8:J5 p. m. For Chicago, St. PauJ. Oma ha. Kansas' City. St. Louis, Billings, Spokane. Wasluue nu, Kahlotua. Pasco, Itousevelt, Granddalles, Ooldcndalc. Lyle, Vhilo Salmon, Stevtrisuu, Vaneouvor. reut Northern li-nlway ( conpany. Leaving I'ortiand llth and Hoyt s'.s. Oriental Limited, via Seattle 10MM a. m. The Oregonian. via North Bank . .1 1 :( a. m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank 7:00 p.m. luiernaUonal Limited. Seattle, Xa- cuuia and Vancouver, a. C . . . 10 :00 a. nu The Owl, Tacoma, Seattle and Vancouver, B. C 2.00 p.m. Shore Line Express. Tacoma, fiu- attie and Vancouver, B. C 11:30 p. m. Arriving Portland 11th and Hoyt Sls. Oriental Limited, via Seattle 6 4o a. iu. Tlio Oregonian, via North Bank.. 7:05 a. m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank 8:13 p. m. The Owl. Vancouver, B. C, Seat tle and Tacoma 0.40 a. m. Shore Line Express, Vancouver, B. C. Seattle ana lacoma 3:30 D. m. International Limited, Vancouver, H. A"-, soattie anu lacoma :, p. m. Tkme Card Oregon Electric ltailwar 4 o. puNHeiiger MHtin, i-'rout and .Iefleron hts. toodburn-Salem ami Int. Poiuts j.oeMia Portland 0::0. 7:50, lt:Ov A. M.. 2:oo. 3:50. 0:30. 8:40 P. M- Limited for Tualatin and Salem. 9:1. A. 31. Local for W Lsoii- vlllc and Int. Stations, 5:10 P. U HilKboro-i ore si t.rove anu interinefiinio Points Leave Portland 7:oo. S:5u, 1-:2U A. M. : 12:io. 3:iu, j:j", o:ou, a:-j a, j. Sat urday only. 11:30 P. M. rrive i-oriiauci irum suipih ar.a int. Stations. 8:40. Il:o0 A. M. : 1:15. 4;lMi 4:."u. 6:ili). 8:20, 10:50 P. M. Local from Wiion ville and Int.. 0:4O A. M. Daily except Sun day and 7:35 A. M. daily. Arrive Portland from Forest Grove nnd Int. Statloui h:00. 9:3l). 11:40 A. M.; 3:30. ;5o. o:2o. b:lU. 10:00 P. M. Sunday only. 4:o P. M. Depot Front and Jeireraon. Portland, Or. Port lead Kali way. Light A Power Company. Ticket Office and Waiting-Boom, F irst and Alder and East W ater and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER. AND MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City 4:00 and fl:30 A. M. an! every 30 minutes ana inciuaini; last car, midnight. ireshain and ltaermc'iiare put tits :..., 45, 8:43. 9:45. 10:45. 11:45 A. M. ; 12:45. 1:45. 2:45. 3:45. 4:4... .C45. 0:45. 11:30 p. i. Fairview ana 'Jroutnaie ;.,i, -j:4.i. K:4... 9:45. 10:45 A. M-; 12:45. 2:45, 3:45, 4:45, 5:45. 0:45 P. M. Caxadcro ana intermediate points R:5". 10:43 A. ai.: 12:43, 2:43, 4.15, 6:4j P. M. FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket Office and waiting-room Second and v, asningion sts. A. M. 6:13. 6:50. 7:23, 8:00. 8:33, 9;lo, 0:50, 1(:30. -. 1 :10. II ;50. . p. r. 12:30. i :io. :30, 2 ;r.o, :t:lo. 3-50, 4::iO. 3:lo. 5:50. 6:30. 7:05. 7:40. 8:13, 9:23. 10:35. 11 :45. On third Monday in everv month the last car leaves at 7:'5 P. M. Daily except Sun day. XaiIy except Monday,