14 WHERE METEOR LIT IS STILL MYSTERY Some People Think It Struck on Coast, Others Say It Fell in Ocean. VIEW AT BEACH DESCRIBED All Who Saw Wonder Agree It Ke rrmhlcd Ball of Fire and Carried J.ong Tall, Which EmHtrd Column of Fmoke. No one has. come forward with a anlution of the mystery connected with the immense meteor which reused through th sky. in Western Oregon, last Suniajr. Ioxen saw it, and while he versions penerally agree that it was a large ball of fire, with a lonir tail emitting smoke, no person seems to know where the meteor hit the earth. Some bellere that it struck fjomewbere on the Oregon coast: others think It fell Into the ocean. D. R. Cheney. living at 795 Multno mah street, who has Just returned from Seaside. ntf-ht that there had been treat excitement among; the peo ple at Seaside and Tillamook over the appearaore of the meteor. He said that ha had a Rood view. In discussing Its flight h said: Mrs. Cheney and I were on the toard walk at Seaside when the meteor passed over our heads. It waa exactly JI:IS o'clock Sunday when wo first f It In the sky. It seemed to ns to be about the slxe of an Indoor baseball, eight or 10 Inches In diameter. On ac count of the haxe In the sky the sun .was dull and the meteor appeared con siderably brighter. "Its tall seemed to be about three ifeet loner and was as bright as the body. A volume of smoke followed In Jta path. The meteor took a diagonal nure to the northwest over Tillamook Head and after it passed that point it eemed to lose its velocity. It passed ut over the ocean, when we lost sight of ft altogether on account of the mist. -About three minutes after It passed out of our sight we heard three dis tinct report. The first was quite loud, imt the last report was faint. We came to the conclusion that the meteor truck the water at a long angle and probably bounded along the surface three times at least before It sank." CITIZEN'S DISCTSS METEOK i? lores 1.1k Skyrocket. With White liight, 50 3Ulos Above Earth. SEASIDE. Or, Sept. 5. (To the Edi tor.) Toer description and surmise that the meteor that passed over Ore gon yesterday Is correct according to the account given ma by Mr. ami Mrs. "William Chenney. who were standing In front of my cottage on the board walk and saw It pass westward over Tillamook Head, and could have seen It fall In the ocean had It not been so Jnazy. They thought It struck the water not very far from the Tillamook light house. They describe It as looking like n skyrocket, and first thought It was. The head waa brighter than the sun as It passed under It and looked like a tall of firs followed by a tall of fire and smoke. There were three distinct reports, which sounded to them like distant cannonading, the first being (he loudest. Tours sincerely. DR. C. II. RAFFETY. ALBA-XT COLLEGE. Albany. Or., Fept- 6. (To the Editor.) Fred Fort sniller. of Albany, saw the Oregon meteor yesterday shortly after noon, lie saw It through only a short part of lis course, as It went behind a building when Just west of north. It was be tween IS degrees and 20 degrees above the northern horlxon and moved to the vest is a horizontal course. It ap-T-eared much like a skyrocket, with yery white light, and was somewhat a?t of north when he first noticed It. Frank Hulbert and a party of seven pr eight others saw the meteor through Its whole course, from the porch of a house about ten miles due south of 1Mb any. It appeared some 20 degrees or more high and had a trail of sparks Fome six or eight degrees long. They aw It for 40 degrees or more In a tourse nearly west from a point east tf north, nearly to the northwest part ff the sky. It moved slowly, lasting ten seconds or more, and dropped very little until near the end of Its course, when It seemed to drop much faster. Senator M. A. Miller had a glimpse of the meteor at Lebanon, but the view was soon obstructed. He Inclines to place It higher In the sky than others. Xf , it appeared nearly as high at Leb anon as here, it must have been from (0 to 100 miles above the earth. Its position at Albany can be determined with accuracy, but the angle has not yet been measured. - in this connection, an Incident related r-y It. William Dexter Wilson, pro fessor off psychology at Cornell Uni versity, years ago. Is of Interest. He sod many others saw a very large meteor explode high In the- sky. At the moment of the explosion he heard a very loud report. Others also re ported the noise from it. and all agreed that the noise waa heard Immediately after the explosion was seen. When reports of the position of this meteor were in from surrounding towns, the meteor waa found to have been 60 miles high. Sound would have required fully five minutes to travel to the earth. Herwe. Dr. Wilson explained, it was proved to have been merely expecta tion that excited his auditory nerves and produced the merely subjective sound that he heard. Perhaps no bet ter Illustration of the somewhat un certain character of sense perception has ever been given. I hope The Oregonian may secure data and trace for us carefully the coarse of this remarkable daylight Jnctoor. F. O. FRANKLIN. METEOR nUGMEXT IX LAKE fevexal Tersona Tell of Hearing Hissing Sound ms It Fell. SALEM. Or, Sept. C (Special.? Rob ert Norwood and young son. who aero fishing Sunday In Horse Shoe Lake, near Ht. Paul. 21 milea north of Salem, were (rtartled when a piece of the meteorite which swept across the sky at midday that day fell Into the lake, followed by a hissing sound and a belching of steam like a geyser. Many neighbors who live miles away from the lake report that they beard the noise of the fragment when It struck the water. Neither Norwood nor his .son mv the main, body of tho meteor. Horse Shoe arrsEwrxT. ham s. a irtm. . C aitUK BVKKT 1AV. Atoms' THEATER 15-S-5&-TS9 WTEK SEPT. S OlnkeUpell's rhritsm", Walertrary Bros, and Trnsy. 1-lnLwi " 1 JMTnir, s -The l'lano More." Jovh lavhaa. 1ju sad O'ltonnrii. Baisnse H" morm. bsauuvn and ovnia, xtctures, or cbeMra. I YRir zszssr JLj A A. X i LAiuocsa 7th and Alder . WEEK COMJf K.Nt'IXi lif.lTEMBER . dw Armstrong .!'reiu MAKJOKIfc MAI1K. Wl'h Her Winning Mnlle In THK GltiXIN OIKl-" ... Two performance nlxntly. lie an,! - Matinee dally at 2 46; any seat. JOe. Friday nlghl h..ru. .lrlar- foolert. Frlilay night. fiRANP Weh Sgpt- 1910 MAKTtVI AM) M V.Y.M 1 1-1 J AN, Cenileal Trk-astcfs, lUawiooe. Both laughable sod M'lle OHts. 8teaart Kollins Leonard laule at 4,illetl Moke a Kn Slaxoell Dudley Appiautiaoae. llM-MMM . r. Matinee livery Day. 3 M; any seat 16c. Evening Performances at T:8) and balcony 15c; Low or Floor lie; BoiSmWWc the oaks izsr'iz?" "Talk of the ! Oaks Special Attractions Cause Pronounced iT'no'V Fall to see 8VM A. J"" Puller and Oriental Pnnres; IHmim Brmn eea, Eccenlrlques; Hives, "The Girl Beh nd tho Muk." and Jones and Crelner, toe Maker of Laughter. KI ZZI'S IMnrt band and OjtOieirtra. Afternoons and evenings in toe Auouor larn without eitra coat. PEOPLES AMUSEMENT COMPANY'S MID-WEEK PIMKiKAMMB OUXOt BTAB THKATER TMAY Hl.srpti. A Summer Idyl, satirical. Vltiutrapn. A I'S On Business, roinleal. Kilmon. The Bl Scoop. adtnturoua A (treat show in the m.t Inviting motton- p'iiur tbaler on the Coast. AK( AIK THEATER TOMORllOW (The Arcade will Inausurate the policy ot chanmng its bill. Sunday and Wednesdays, beiclnnlns with neit Sundaj-. Th rtamlber-s Wlta. heart Interest. Mamma a Birthday Olft. 1O0O feet comedy. Houin Wealher fourtahlp more laufba Harley Wilson, tbe baxltona. OH JOY THEATER TOAY The Way of tlie Transgreaaor Is Hard. By UttIB llanda. tba new movlna-plciura oierator. and Who la Boas? with Tracy and Carter, the favorite slnsers. ODEON THEATER, EW TODAY The Stronsar b'X. a comedy-drama Inaratituda. a child's devotion. Military Kite Flying. Instructive. Adventures In Chew Chew Land, mystic, lion and other features. Lake is a portion of a farm belonging to B. D. Allen. Marlon County's Clerk. PANAMA CANAL LECTURE ON Claude X. Itennett Give StereojTtl con Address at Y. M. C. A. Of vltjil imnortance to Portland cltl- sens Is the relation this city has with ih, Panama Canal. This relationship m-in ha vivl.l'v n resented to local dtl- sens when Claude N. Bennett, manager of the Congressional iniormawou dui w at Washington. I. C, gives an Illus trated stereoptioon lecture tonight on . t i'nnol Th, leettien will be gin promptly at 8 o'clock and will be given at the T. M. C A. hall. Among the features of the lecture win fc.- Bfr.A-4nc lha mammnth mahln- vw auiuw " 1 ' " " " r - ery as it looks when In action on the big cuts through the mountains. The lecture will be supplemented with re marks Intended to empnasixe whim icn tlon Tortlnnd will havo with the world's commerce when the canal Is In opera tion. The lecture Is to be given under the nenioea of tha Business Men's Commit tee composed of the following: P. C Knapp. W. H. Corbett. w. li. Aera, IKoy Parke. W. M. Ladd. W ' B . . K. 1 J nompii'D. w. -J - .. ... Wentworth. c. F. Adams. C. C. chapman. A. L. MIIU. Julius L. Meier and L A. lejwls. i.- .An.n.uiM hnn that Mr. Bennett ..in k. Fi-eeteH m-ith a I area attendance. The lecture will be free and a general Invitation is extenaea to u puom- Of a total of oS.000 silk nightgowns ex ported by Japan In 1H'.. oreat Britain called for M.lJl and the United Mates L'V.i.-.l. CLASMTLED ADYEKTISINQ B.ATB Daily sr aoaday. . Per Una One time , fame ad two eouaeeiitlve tunes ....Z-to taui ad three eunaocatlve lima eo Bauie ad six or seven eoasecuuoe tunes.. M tLa worus counia as iwm -u - ffniseaMBU ana tli u u. Unea. Hbn sa auvcrisM as . tlve tiiuea Uia ene-tiiue rate apvUea. . rh.t e a iMMklt advartiaaiuaata tbe charge will be baaed a the actual a umber f Hues avpearuis la tits paper, reaanliaas af Ua auauurr of aonti In catch Una. la New loday ail eurea-uaenMsnis are rbarmed by mra.ura ealjr. is llues tbs iBcn- 1 ba above rales apoly to adTertlaemeaU aadar "New Today and all otluw elsaalllua Uvns nsun( tne follow ins; i r. 1 1 ua 1 1 una anaana. aw. biuaatioaa Wasted, Eesaala It air ileal. Rooms. Privets Families. Koaais sad Hoard, Private iamUlea. tioisaeaeepana avaoins. Private amlllas. Ihs me sa tba saove rlsaaitlcaimiis is 1 wta a tins eaaWi InserUoD, rai an 1.01-1 OWN 1" A 1' BOJCH Tbe Ore gonian will reeeive copy by mall, provided suJkcient remluaacaa. for a deUnite auiubor of iaeoee Is sent. Aciaaoaledgameat of suca remillanee will be forwarded promptly. ia caaa bax office address ia required, sae regular farm gives, and count tins sa part e ,he e.1 Asassn t advertaseUMMlva will be forwarded te patrons, provltlcd aalf-ad- drrssrd eavelopes are iBcluaeax. li vou have aitiaer telepuoao la yorjr bonae vre will accept your ad ever the pbooe asd aead yoa the bill ie next day. lbons Waat Ad. Uep.. Main Jeie sr A SOB, fclt nataoa V anted and Personal advertisements not aocepCed aver tba phone. Errors are .re casdy made in teiepnontng soverusa- mrnta. tharefors Tbe Oregoatua a in hi bold Itself responsible for aura errors. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFIC, CITY HALL MAJw ass, A 7589. HTMA.VI OFFICER. EAST 4TTS. MEET1XG XOTICE8. W-taSHINQTON LODGn NO. 46. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communi cation this i Wednesday) evening. 7:30, V. Kth and Bumslae. M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. AM) A. M. Stated commun ication this (Wednesday) evening St 8 o'clock. Masonic Temple. West Park and Yamhill streets. F. C degree. Visiting brothers welcome. c fa.. MiLLktt, oecretary. ARBTRA CIRCLE. Whist tiarty and dance. Thursday. September & in the W. O. W. building, 128 11th su. Good music Admission lac committee. PAMAIUTAX LOrx;K. NO. 2. L O. O. F. Rerrular mecrnir this tWednesday) evening, at o clock. initiation, vtaltons always wel come. K. OaVOLJJ. Sec. W ILXaAM ETTE TRIBE. XO. . IMP. O. R. M. Tha funeral of oar late esteemed brother, Gsonte A. Leehroeier. will take place Tnuraday. hent. S. fmm tne undertaking parlors of Dunnlng-VcEntee. at 2:S0 P. M. sharp. Members will assemble at our wlir- wam at 2 Jr. M. Interment at Ren Men s plot. Riverview pemetery. All Red Men and frienda Invited. J. Thompson, sachem; I. etroael, C. of R. DIED. KATSRR In this CHy. Pept. . William F. Ksyser. ased o yeaoa. The deceased is aur vlved by a wl's aad two children. The re main) are at Floley's pavlors. Funeral no tlca nereafler. MI IJClvT In this elty. at the residence nf K. J. Paetel. Portsmouth avenue. T. rl. Miilkey. Remains at Hemstock Bros.' nn denaklng parlors. L'nlvsrslty Fark. Fu neral notice lates- TTIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1&10. ITNEBAL NOTICES. IlKTm Sept. 6. Grace Reed, egad 2 years. Friends and aequaintancea are raspctfully Invited to attend the funeral services, at Tiunnlng A Mclvntea chapel. Thursday, Kept. 8. at 2 P. M. lntermar.t Riverview Cem etery. LECHMEIER Feptember 8. George Leeh meler. mends and acquaintances are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral services at Dunning A McEntee chapel. Thursday. September 8. at 2:;tO P. M. Ihe deceased was a member of the Order of Bed Men and Woodmen of the World. In terment Riverview Cemetery. IO.VSET11 rLOKAl CO, M A Ky U AM BUHl. - .... . i a, a. Kljiv.'kl rtiones: Maia S1U: A 110X. nanntng s) afrKntee, r-uaeral Directors. Tib and Itna I'tiooe Mala H0. Lady aa alstant. Otllee ef County Coroner. KUWAKD HOLM AX CO.. Funeral Dlrect sn, xte d St. Lady Assistant, l'booe M. H1. j F. FIX LEY SON. sd aad Madlsoa. Lady attendant. Fbone Main A IfaaVS. KAMT blIE Funeral Directors, suoosaaois to y. a. liunnlns. lac E. SI. B tiii. EbU( SON CO, Csdertakerst lady aaslst-snt- 4 Alder. M. SIS3. A taXs. ZKM.ER-BVKNK CO.. Funeral Directors. B millama ave.; both phonea; ladysast. it. IU 11. Undertaker, cor. East Alder and sta. aat L B 1S8S. Lady aaaistast. NEW TODAY. 84 Acres 8 miles from Portland on the Oregon Water Power line, $200 Per Acre y4 cash will handle it, the balance can remain; 6 per cent. Can realize more than $400 per acre by sub dividing it into acre tracts. JamesJ.FIynn 512 Chamber of Com. Extra! Extra! A beantif al 8-room hoase, with large cobblestone fireplace; very large Itvlng-room, large dining room, modern plumbing. 212 Acres of land In Hh state of cultivation Srollflc berries of all kinds, splen ld small vineyard, large park-like grounds, ample water supply; pri vate system of water supply and mains; close to P. O- stores, school, church; every city convenience with country comforts; close to car; splendid service tributary to Portland. This Is a bargain at $19,000. Call at our office and see photos of place. , WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO. 272 STARK. ALBERTA STREET $7500 $76 Monthly . This Is a rare offer. Perhaps noth ing In Portland today at $10,000 any better. Fine S. W. cor. on Alberta street close in. with two new stores and two flats; room for another store and house besides; rented $76 a month, should be $100, but rented low to good tenants. Splendidly built building;, full concrete basements, one year old. Owner needs money urgently; good for a week only. Now is your chance for a safe and sure investment- You can take $12,000 inside of two years. Al berta street Is the best outside business street In Portland today by a long odds. Don't linger. J. D. KENNEDY 836 Union Ave. N, Mortgage Loans Money to loan on well-improved .close in city property. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A THIST COM PAN V. PLUMBERS NOTICE SOO WORTH OK. W ORK WANTED. I will give a fine full-size lot worth $600 for plumbing. Lot Is in Montavilla, In restricted district; good new houses all round It. A. N, Searle.'M.V. car, get off at E. 76th st. Office on corner. $500 Saved Irvintxton lot, 50x166 feet, Weidler, near 22d; 'alley. OWNER, Main 493. MILUOXS OF DOLLARS TS GOLD. Values lying dormant In already devel oped mines, within twenty miles of the 6iiznptar fimalter in Eastern Oregon, waere a ready eash market exiata. Hundreds of thousands of tons of ore new blocked out raady to break down and ablp. Grand opportunities for practical mlnara and live promoters. Now la tha time to sa eurs soma of tbaaa valuable properties, through purchase, leasa or working option. Quick action counts Address 8ecy. Sumplaf Oevalopment League, gumpttr, pregoa NEW TODAY. a foHHSTOI INSUfANCe. "Better Bargains" LOTS. , $300 each two zod lot University Park GAPkn each. five level lots College tiJtUV Place, near North Bank. lepot, Maegley Junction. $450 each, five business lots, Swin- ton. Terms. $600 $750 $850 East Twenty - eighth street. Ina Park. Pine lot In Vernon (cor ner).. Corner lot, Twentieth street. Vernon. $900 Ivon street, near Thirty ninth. 01 fCC for two lots. East Twenty- 0 A AaJJ sixth street. Ina Park. $1250 Mount Tabor lot. south Hawthorne avenue. of j onn each, three swell lota. Mount OlOUU Tabor, south of Hawthorne avenue, $600 East 2Id St.. Westmoreland. Cheapest lot In the tract. ainnn East 16th St., one block 9 laCUU frorn car and Ladd's tract. CI QAA each, three extra choice lota. iflUUt Irvlngton three blocks car. $400 for five lots. South Harbor, Coos Bay. &1ff each, fifty lots in Selkirk, MJ ivu su uburb of Winnipeg;, Manitoba HOUSES. $2850 $3000 $3000 $3200 7 rooms, corner, full cement basement. Easy terms New, 6 rooms, Irvlngton Park, full lot. 6 -room bungalow, polished floors, corner, nice location; isuu cash will ao 4 rooms, corner. 177 feet frontage, 100 feet deep. three blocks from Mount Scott car. Price Includes all the furniture. Owner packed ready to go East; $1700 cash. ir,nnn 7 rooms, swell new house ODJJJ with 72 feet of wide porch to east and south, well finished, cement basement, two lots 100x100, two feet above walk. 1H blocks from car. fr f ri fr New 7-room home on the OOUUU river. West Side, near Rock Island. 1 3-10 acres. 120 feet water frontaare. about a block from deDOt, minutes' ride, 15 trains each way daily; a beautiful home and a good buy. "j"7" New, 8 rooms, swell local wOfOUlty, Irvlngton, sleeplng- orch, extra finish, thoroughly modern, :asy terms. tj -I r "Jfaft See this beauty just off OlUlUUU Thompson street. Every thing a particular family desires; too elaborate too describe; nothing about it cheap except the price. $4ouo casn 0 1 O rrf This Is a veritable little wlailUUU palace of 7 rooms, situ ated on the West Side overlookini kltlverdaie. Orand view of river am mountains. 18 minutes' ride. French windows from two swell spacious rooms (living and dining-rooms) to massive porch; an acre of ground; $1500 cash; very easy terms. ACREtCE. (nnn an acre for quick sale, S acres OUJJ Main street, Lents. ( nnn an acre, 15 acres, adjoining vvuu the above. d i (ff an acre. 10 acres, part of miviuu above with house, barn and chlrken-liouBc.a; all In cultivation. All thla. acreage is ideal for platting. All cleio-ed ready to build on. Everything from Lents postofiice ngnt up to tms property is piatteu. lerms. ft af "Prn no tyn From 100 to 6O0 Acres WCl .THUG of Klrat-t'lasa Land oa Columbia River. There is at least $100, 000 profit on the whole tract. CCOnn 64 acres. Jennings Lodge, WJJJJ on two roads, all in culti vation; 6 -room house; Jersey cow, cul tivator and small implements Included. Will consider a trade for equity of $2100 tfOB nnfa "5 acres. Barr road, iSOJiUUU close In. This is a very fine tract, and will Increase in value rapidly. Terms. BUSI.VESS PROPERTY. dJ"C Oofs Union avenue, 100 -feet 91U)UUIF frontage, store and house; income $840; room for another store. - Price of this prominent corner will advance soon. Terms at 6 per cent Might consider trade for equity o" $6500. What have you to offer? dJO e nnfl Best 100xl00 corner, 15th (DJJ)UUU st; trackage; In midst of warehouse expansion. Some income. tftfo V(rI choice wholesali 0JaUUU corner. 100x100. w 1 1 1 wholesale h trackage, only few blocks off Washing iracgage, oniy lew diocks o ton street. West Side. $67,500 c:tr:?r" corner. Seventh ear Portland Hotel and new theater; $2o,000 cash. C.4 1 nnn Fun ut. 75 feet off 3 1 lUUU Washington street; In come $3600. A fine down-town buy. TTnlf "Rlilplr between Second and ixaii xaiULii. Thlrd Btreet East Slde with 200 feet trackage. This is the center of activity In the new wholesale and manufacturing district. If interest ed call. IF YOU POST SEE WHAT YOU WANT IN THIS LIST, ASK FOR ITj v r. aiai n a n, si. List your property with us. ;URALBIAIll 1 diOaNCE 33-3 Lafayette Bids;., Washington 4k 6th Own Your Home We have an extra nice, well built house that was built for a home by the owner. His circum stances changed and he wants to sell now. This is your chance. 7-Room, Modern 60x97 lot. brick front, porch, large sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace. The location is the best; E. 45th St.. south of the Sandy road. This house was not built to sell and has cost much more than Is usual to build. Only $1000 cash to handle it. It will pay you to investigate. Western Oregon Trust Co. 278 STARK ST. River View Farm 200-acre farm, fronting on the Wil lamette River 16 miles from Portland, south front, good 8-room house, large barn, 12 acres peacli orchard, family orchard, 10 acres beaverdam land. Feed, tools, stock, etc. included. Price $226 per acre. Will take good city Income property in exchange. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bldar 4th and Oak. 30-Foot Frontage on Sixth Street in heart of retail section; can be han dled at a special price if taken this week. v F. K. TAYLOR st CO, 40S-403 Lewis HI da;.. 4th and Oak Sta. V Uti'lDRa Call oa owners' KaaUty Ass's. I or iimosr, a crwm fn. Duaiseea raeiaa aparunant piopertlaat. Sue sMnstns, JOSEPHHisl CJPfAlEMUlO iTCW TODAY. Investigate Do You Know There Is Money in Apples? Do yon know that you can buy land on terms to fit your income from us that will pro duce the finest quality of Spitzenberg and Yellow New towns in a district now fa mous for its prize fruit T This land is just across the Co lumbia Eiver from Hood River. We can sell you the .best of apple land. on terms to suit, or 10 per cent cash and small monthly payments on the balance. "We can sell you five or more acres close to good transportation, only 80 miles from Portland. Everything guaranteed as rep resented. Come with us and see actual results. They tell tales. Saturday, September 10, we will give a free trip to all who buy from us. Come in early and make arrange ments to go with us Satur day evening, returning the following day. Special rate on this date. If you live out of town write us for infor mation. Columbia Trust Company 84 FOURTH STREET. Board of Trade Building. The Best Buy in Irvington 100x100 $2500 Terms F. E. TAYLOR & CO., 402 and 403 Lewis Bldg. EAST ANKENY ST. HOME At a bargain by owner giving up housekeeping, 8 rooms, good condi tion, easy terms and a bargain. W. L. PAGE, 107 Sherlock Bldg. ' Ladd's Addition SWELL HOME New. strictly modern. 9-room house. with all the latest Improvements; fur nace, fireplace, den, sleeping-- porcn, built-in bookcases and buffet; in fact nnthinr mlsslnar which makes a com plete home; on an 80-foot street, with all street improvements snu Biauwam and all other city work in and paid. Price only 6800, about 2300 cash, bal ance terms. Grussi $ Zadow 317 Hoard of Trade Bide., 4th and Oak. IRVISfGTOJs'. 6 - room house 8 5.500 7- room house 5,000 8- room bungalow 5,70 8- room house 9.000 9- room house T.OOO 8-room hortse 15S.500 Manv others that we are autnorized tn offer nrivatelv. Consult us freely for Information and advice. No phone information. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY, S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Streets. Walnut Park Home V crv swell, u w, muueru, i -rwrn, story house; gas and electric, furnace. lull cement uaaeintrii u, muuuiy iiayH, sleeping-rooms; on a lot 50x100 ; east j.riMfk, I.CIUC1II oi-j-sw (. v, v inv-o a a ua trees, nice lawn and plenty of roses. A bargain at $4260. Some terms. Grussi & Zadow 817 Board of Trade Blda--. 4th and Oak. LET ua collect your rfmts, look after the re paint, taxes, insurance, etc. ; we maice a jpec laity of bulneri houses, apartment houses, flats, furnished and unfurnished fcouse?. See Stoker F. B. TAYLOR & CO., 402-3 Lewi -bid., 4th aad Oak mim NEW TODAY. Before U Buy Acreage SEE TONQUI 5 AND 10-ACEE TRACTS Best kind of soil for fruit and garden truck farming. Prices $175 $200 $225 PER ACRE. EASY TERMS For maps and booklet call or address C. P. WELLS 414-415 Lewis Bldg., Cor. 4th and Oak Sts., Portland. APPLE LAND SNAPS 330 acres. 290 cleared, 40 In commer cial fruit, balance oak. In old organized district. Fine for subdivision. Only SB. 100 acres, one-half cleared, good buildings, red shot soil. No waste. J46. 70 acres, one-half cleared, balance easily cleared. $40. 160 acres, all cleared, good buildings, red shot soil, no waste. 40. These tracts are all close to railway In old organized district and are the cheapest fruit lands in Oregon today. GEO. G. HAIR 2 LumbtraMM Bldg. REAX ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William O.. 812 Falling bids. Blrrell. A- H. A Co.. 2023 McKay bid. Real estate, lnsuranoe, mortgages, loans, tc Brubaker Benedict, 602 McKay, bldg. it. Ch&pln Herlow. 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 8. 4 Co, 608 Corbett bide. Jennings ft Co.. Main 1S8, 200. Oregonian. PALMER-JONES CO, H. P 313 Commer cial Club bldg. Bchalk. Geo. A 2302. D, 328 Stsxk st. Main 80 8HINDLBR HALL 205 Abisgtoa Blag. The Oregon Real Estate Co, Grand are. snd Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition.) M. E. Thompson Co., cor. 4th and Oak sts. REAL K3TATE. For (alf Lots. XON-REtLDENT going Bast muan have money; will sell 16 lots overlooking Wil lamette River, on boulevard, alleys; 400 men employed near by; the coming manufactur ing part of Portland, on the Peninsula; $50 puts you In possession of one; balance easy. I will be In the city at my friend's office, B A. M. to 6 P. M, 304 Lewis bldg. EJ. C. Hurlbert, , 1800 The view is absolutely unsurpassed; everything the city, rivers and mountains can be seen and It cannot be obstructed; the lot Is full-sized, has beautiful foliage: It Is close in. being only 12 minutes walk to the P. O.; only one block to streetcar; it will pay you to Investigate this If you are looking for a lot with a view. Terms. AH 27fJ, Oregonian. NEW MAPO. L latest map of Portland. Or, giving aew additions, electric lines, eta 2. 25-mile circle of Portland's surround ing, giving townships, ranges snd section numbers, new electric lines snd railroads, etc Price SO cents each. Send stamps. The Crosaley Co.. 709 Corbett bldg. IRVLNGTON CASH SNAP. S130O, 50x100 feet lot. facing east, on paved street: the cheapest good lot in this beautiful district. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8669. A 2653. GEJB, it's great to live on the West Side where you can walk to town; and especially so when you can be In a fine neighborhood and near the City Park. Why. then ride all day on the streetcar when you can secure a splendid bungalow site here tor 16U0, terms? AG 273. Oregonian. ROSTJ CITT PARK SNAP. Only block from carline, facing east; price 750. 10 per cent cash, 2 per cent monthly, or $700 cash. RUFF-KLEINSORGB LAND CO, 418 Board of Trade Bldg. CITT VIEW LOT One that Is level and ready to buUd on. one without the climb, in high class residential neighborhood: this lot Is situated at the point of beginning of Port land Heights; $3000. terms. AH 273, Ore gonian. WEST SIDE SNAP. 100x100 12th st; good 9-room modern house, on corner; Inside lot vacant, will sell both for $22,500 or lot with house $12,000, good terms. Vanduyn etc Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. SPLENDID 2-acre tract on Portland Heights, In a neighborhood of beautiful homes; an excellent site for a residence for someone who would like grounds; rlKht on the car llne: $18.000. terms. AH 274. Oregonian. A BARGAIN. Small tract of ten lota six blocks south of W-R car. Inquire at 630 East 39th St.; 1660 per lot and up: 10 per cent down, $10 per month. THREE . good'bullding lots on Willow St.. half block from West ave., bet. O. R. & N. Railroad and Montavilla carline; will sell cheap If taken at once. Y 273, Ore gonlan. . 100x100 IN ALBINA, close to Russell St.; this Is a fine little buy at $2700. It Is a chance for a safe Investment. The Western Secu rities Co., 414 Spalding bldg. $350 66x140 FEET near 5c carline; city water, street graded; $10 down and bal. easv. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 Third St. 2 LOTS ia Portland Heights. 60x100 each; this Is in a good location ana a Bargain; price $1760, part terms. Fred W. German, 329 Bumslde Phone Main or A 2776. YOU can buy a lot near Rose City Pork for $500. $25 down and $10 monthly; graded streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water. 624-626 Board of Trade Bldg. PORTLAND boulevard lots. 60x100. choice building lots near carline; ,ou win Duy this. The Western Securities Co.. 414 Spald ing bldg GOOD corner 100x100, Westmoreland. Lot 50x100 Oakhurst, vernon, ueiie crest or Hyde Park: very easy terms. Owner, 414 Dekum bldg. Phone Main 5646. $10 CASH and $5 per month; beautiful lot Zii OIOCKS ML DCOEl ac car; Bireew graded; city water. HIGLEY ft BISHOP. 132 Third St. PORTLAND Heights bargain; eight lots. beautiful view, one diock car: excellent neighborhood; $8500. terms. Main 8551. A 3s;;a. HAVE 4 choice Laurelhurst lots, original 1 tiout a n V. nar RnnHv .a.!!..- make an offer. Phone A 2841. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Speculative buy; two full lota. $1000 eaco, terms. as zii, ore gonlan. FOR sale by owner, three of the best lots in Westmoreland: cheap lor casn. 2o5 4tn st- Phone Main 9335. AT ALAMEDA PARK. 4 lots, near carline. old contract, at sac rifice. Phone Main 3308. CORNER lot with two houses, renting for $25; business center of Sellwood. Inquire room 20 Russell bldg.. 4th and Morrison. HOLLADAY ADD. Fine quarter block on East 9th st,; liberal terms: must sell; no agents. AB 272, Oregonian. $600 CASH buys the best lot In Laurelhurst. Ai: an;, uregoman. IRVINGTON bargain Lot on 21st and Stan ton, sta SOT Boara oz xraae. i'Doae iu. jtftj. REAL ESTATE. Jr or Scale-ljOtafc, WEST SIDB. WALKING DISTANCE, v PRINCIPAL STREET. It is close-in West Side property that sells quickly and brings the big money; es pecially is this true when it is on the prin cipal street, a street that serves an Im mensely large district; here Is an oppor tunity to get a lot a lot with 60 feet front age on this principal street, a lot that will in the future be mighty valuable for apart ments or business purposes, for $1750; con-" sider what a snap this must be when all of the Improvements are included in the pur chase price; terms. AH 271, Oregonian. ACRE LOTS AT LENTS. Beautiful home sites. All cleared and ready to build on Water in front of each lot. Price within reach of all. Easy terms. COWPERTHWAIT & CHRISTENSEN. Agents at Lents. WESTERN OREGON TRUST COMPANT. Owners. 272 Stark ANOTHER PENINSULA BOOST Will follow the completion of the Peninsula tunnel: buy now and profit by the in creased value of the property; two lots, each 50 by 112; water gas. electric lights, 15 foot alley, on 100-foot street; a good buslnens prospect; only $40 cash and $15 monthly on each lot. without Interest. COB A. M'KENNA. Main 4522. A 2143. 617 Commercial Block. A SPLENDID homeslte on the West Side: all improvements going in at once, but it won't be ready to build on until next Spring; the lot is full-sized; It Is In a high-class district, restricted to residences only; it can new be had by anticipating the Improve ments at the speculative price of $160, terms. This price absolutely covers the cost of all improvements, pavement, cement sidewalks, sewer, water and gas mains and electric wires underground. AG 271. Ore gonian. HOLLADAY QUARTER BLOCK. For quick sale. $6000 (.$ir0 under the market), will buy the southwest corner of East 15th and Clackamas; this Is one of the best quarter blocks In the district and It is surrounded by beautiful homes; half cash will handle It. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8609. A 2653. THE LOT TO BUY. We will sell you a fine building lot. 50x100. just south of W. R. carline and located right on 39th St.. for $650, on terms of $25 down and $10 monthly; it is a fine location and is worth $800; about 15 minutes out on car. Portland-Pacific Investment Co, room 418 Railway Ex change. ALAMEDA LOT. A fine lot, 6(xl00, on Alameda drive, good view, south front, hard-surface street and cement sidewalk included in the price; one of the finest lots In Ala meda Park; price $1250: a bargain; part cash, balance $20 per month, 8 per cent. GRUSSI. & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. A PENINSULA BARGAIN. Two lots in University Park, each 60 by loo feet: water, gas. electric lights, 15-foot alley, near Columbia Park; only $36 cash and $10 monthly on each lot, without In terest. COB A. M'KENNA. Main 4522, A 21 43. 617 Commercial Block. For Bale -Houses. ELEGANT HOME) MAGNIFICENT VIEW Commanding a broad view of Portland. Willamette River and the snowcapped mountains. This is one of the most mod ern and artistic new homes in Portland. It Is situated on an acre of ground wlttt substantial retaining wall; house oontalns 7 large, bright, airy rooms, with windowed closets, French windows from dining and living-rooms to a 10-foot massive porch across whole front of house (43 feet); living room 15x32, beamed ceiling and paneled wallB and 4-foot grate; dining room, 15-8x18-0, beamed celling and pan eled walls, bullt-ln buffet and china clos et, plate rail, 7 windows east and north; rest of house equally artistic; best fur nace, 8-foot ceiling In basement (full ce ment). It would take one whole column of space In this paper to describe this home; grounds terraced; ail kinds of flow ers and fruit. A year ago owner would not take $25,000 for his home, built espe cially for himself and from his own plans. Todav it's different, for he must sell and $12,000 will buy It. Easy terms. Curious people need not apply. To thoee who wish such a home we say, see this without delay. It is fit for a millionaire and within the reach of the man with modern means. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. 8a Lafayette bldg., Washington and 6th. ABSOLUTE BARGAIN". NOB HILL HOME. S850O 10-room dwelling and one full size lot, 60x100 feet, north front, choice location, west of 23d at.. Nob Hill dis trict; lot alone easily worth $0500. The house, while it's not new. is strictly mod ern, with hardwood floors, fireplace, large pantry with cold water cooler, large sleeping porch, room enough for three beds, full basement, with cement floor, well-equipped laundry room and new fur nace and full-size attic. This is an ex ceptionally good bargain and Is offered at such a reduced price, iu order to effect a quick sale. JAMBS J. FLYNN. 612 Chamber of Commerce. COTTAGE SNAP. Good 6-room cottage In Highland, handy to two carlines and. only a few minutes out; on a lot 60x85, north front and a good location; a bargain at $lloO. $650 cash and $20 per month; pay rent to yourself. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. 6-room new, modern bungalow, includ ing shades and combination gas and elec tric fixtures; full basement; facting east; only 300 feet from Hawthorne ave. car; $730 cash, balance $15 per month; a snap. A. J. Gantner, 618 Board of Trade bldg, 4th and Oak. DO YOU WANT A RESIDENCE? 6. 7 or 8 rooms, new. high-class dis trict, built by expert carpenters, double floors and walls, furnace, nreplace, every modern convenience. If you want a mod ern home, a visit to my ofnee will be worth while. J. E. Smith, 613 Chamber of Commerce. TELEGRAM CALLS ME TO CANADA. Only 1 weeK to sell my new modern 7-room bungalow; swellest location, close in, furnace, worth $4250, sacrifice price. JS500; easy terms; buy of owner, save commission. 314 Hamilton bldg. Mar- shall 558. MODERN WEST SIDE HOME. 4150 50x100; nearly new 6-room modern house; gas and electric fixtures, full cement basement, furnace, stationary wash trays; 15 minutes' walk from business center. FRED C. KING, 313-14 Spalding Bldg.. 3d and Washington. DO you want a line home cheap? I have it. A new modern 7-room house, full cement basement, cement walk. Improved street, close to two schools, two blocks of Union ave cars, corner lot 76x100; cash or terms. Call and see it. 4 21 Going su. cor. East 6th. Phone C 2078. 4-ROOM bungalow and full lot, bsing pros pective business property, on 'L carline, only $1500 and easy terms. This is a bar gain See J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber of Commerce. A SNAP, 5-room house 80x100, 29th at. 2 blocks from Alberta car, $1000. Inquire owner Ed. Nudelman. 165 First st. Main 3527. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, nicely furnished, or will sell without furniture; splendid East Side location; a decided bargain. Phono owner, woouiawu MODERN 7-room house, all conveniences. gOOd DBI8IIUUluu, .,.. and sidewalks; $3650. part cash. Owner. 883 East Main, near 29th. SOMETHING GOOD. . 5- room modern house, close In. $2750; terms $25 down, $25 month. G 273, Ore gonian. 453 00 cash bal. easy for a new 4 -room cot tage. lot 80x100 near Mt. Scott Dc car; trice $1400; come quick for a bargain. HIGLEY & BIS HOP. 132 Third st. PIEDMONT. Strictly modern, brand new, 8-room house, rile bath: Portland blvd.. and.Mallory st; price $4200. AS 243. Oregonian. 4-ROOM cottage on nice lot 60x100. 4 blocks from the car. In Woodstock, for $700, $350 cash. Fred W. German, 329 Bumside. Phones Main or A 2776. BROADWAY. 6- room home, very close in; sacrifice for a few days only: $3800; get terms. AE 300. Oregonian. $2550. $300 down, West Side. 6-room modern house, electric fixtures, streets Improved. 402 Commercial block. SMALL house, 100x105 lot, $300 cash, bal ance like rent. Smith-Wagoner Co, 311 312 Lewis bldg. BY OWNER Attractive bungalow. Port land Heights. $7000. cash $4600. E 236. Oregonian. BROADWAY HOMB Modern. 7 rooms. 2lcTs comer, choice; terms. Owner. Marshall 1847' EDW. P. MALL CO. has removed from 309 and 310 Ablngton bldg. to 104 2d at. NEW modern houses in Irvington, H. B, i Bice, both Ehonea, '