lfi TTTE aiOnXTXG OREGOMAX, TUESDAY, SEPTEJIBERy 1910. -- rm " " ' ( . --w- f FOR RENT. f RENT. FOK ALE V OV1 NO- PTCTU RE THEATE R Our film ara t pick of 28 Indepen dent mnufmnurw: 1 picture neU Uie tt; w eo turn", w. Write for full information. LNU WESTERN FILM EXOHAHO-. Hi-aiJ SwetUnd Portland. Oregon, 4"0 COROS WOOD. H- about 4" .rd of wowj or irre, k-. i wh on Council tmi. right on tr mount BouivjirU. Make uu n offer Tor the lot. call to 10 A. M. - r . Henderson. JNO. P- SHARKEY CO th t. BIYfi eo!id mnhogjiny end - fur niture with omptei furnlelttngs if taken it onre; t.i i-h-ated apartment. W t -iirt. riu in. rrnt re."un-bl- Phone 157 or r::. T ft SAI.K Practically new Morn eon hop rrees with noej ana pi pin n -nu - -- of tulp iur. Ail oc for J 1 2-V Will eii preaa para to. M. C. Fedrrepeil. Troul- daie. Pro. - . larce tent, completely furnished. alo r w lVihotd f inlturt ana ruK. -.td b-rsin ; Ievins rifr. !tuto Mam or atiiro.- M v Oregon Hn. THE North wwt Typewriter Corrpoay. t22 Abingt'.-n I Id. Phono M. 870. I the eni- ccmpanj aelling tritly factory re built tfwritr; pric flO to 6&. TOR SALE -nap. a Portland director)'. l'n crfv Encyclopedia. J vol- ume. .l-.th binding. nw. ac a; g--o an. nc tn ....r tlth annual premium b'e-.-jera' c-dji a pei-iit. WrMe f-r par- rtcuiar Wa ' Wala f'-uitry .K-riuon P ri in. W iU Ulla. JVyh. 9dL'KHN up-io-di et of abstract boW; good btine: ch or eachang for ral e-tat- or othr a-vurlttep. O. M. Smith. ! 'o-Tim"ii' flnb bldg- I K r-i ioned fir at $5.2 cord. Two . .rde or more to ord-r delivered. 1 n hrook. ;i Swetlnnd Uldg. T.t .rr.i'l bukeover.il fr aie nt h( price; rn'Mh f"- a .vffr houw.' or aniall bitT. t ' t m OH SAI.K Siowegw. wallrasea. conntwr. ck.ea p. No 2 CI Grand gve. phone Lat &3t. ff:"ONr-HANn Paytnn computing ecale. rah nr monthly payments. A F a73. Oie gontan. TOR SALE iSaeollne launch. li-huraw-power. 1.'-pajr.gor. 2 feet k-ng. w it fi can ,TT t-p- Inquire 31 W Ue-Fargoblg. Tn INTIN"1 office, best umall plan In city; no curiuaitT seekers; epot cash propoaiu-m. il '-. Oregt.nlan. fu-hKENSDERKKK TYPE WRIT KPS. ..o Ak for catalogue. Kcbuilts 1.". tip N. M Ha-er A V.. Mh et. Main OA.-, range. oibo Wernicke. bk t-aee. refrt.crwt-r. t'ottage orran : Kit gool as rw ; leavtrg town. East 4 167 mK SALE New steel rang and dining table at a bargain. Call 1113 Division, cor ner of 37lh. tiRlwoul. box wood. coal. Multnomah Fuel Co.. Poth phones. fcAr & e-roti-Und saiv very cheap. Portiind tsfe Ox. t7 5ih st. I LOT HI NO. Wanted Men s cast-off rl thipg and -oe: also bur household furnisntnge; turnrnt prira paid. 'iill at thw Fai.r VvmL " OJ N- 3d st. Main l-7i. W ANTED Mens' cam xoff clothing and shoes and bt rvclea: highest prices paid. We also buv I dies' clotnlng. Call up the Globe second-band store, phone Main I0o. tit t. Prompt attention always given. jf YOU have household furniture to oell call up Ceorga Baker A Co- li3 Park at. poth phones, , (AkVENTEH work of ll kinds; Jobbing, re modeling, repairing a epaoiaJty. Conimlngs A Cstlln. ell First su Marshall .Ull. ElO. your sweoad-band furalturw to tbe Tar4 Anctioet Co. or you'll i ss Pboaaa: A 4J; Main W A N T E I 3 guinea pics Immediately, dcllv. er to ltd Corbet! lUdtf- iiT-casei "patd-for yoor furalture; prossag at teat inn a. ware given. Pnone Kaat liegf. V ANTED Moving -pictura machine. suao film, gas ou'flL A E 214. Or go plan. V ANTED All klnda of men's -coad-naa4 cloth. ng Call up Marsiall W A NTBI) Ele tr;c m -tor. Nrswpowrer targr. frr cash. 2"2 Iumlermen'a bldg. HELP MANTCD-MAU. VAN'T a man with $! lo take over Ore gon territory for patented outdoor urter titng scheme; can easl!v clt jr 5JW" an buailv on Investni-ni: cloaest Investigation n.-ne'ft. V -J7X. tregonian W xNTKl Vmtnc man about -O years of age, in sales department wholesale hou. itto age. re'erenree. antl experience. Ap pty care Y 2HH. OrrgoniaiV jYS-16 to - jeaxs old; good opportun ity: aate ace. estent of education and previous experience, if any. D 27. Ore IHT-'I.ASS natural fur cutter; steady tOlprO) ment. N. M I'.NTAK CO. lyp St. Furriers f pKFi MONTH Lcara telecraph y ; day and evening ae.uns. l'ra.uci.'" 3 Jv llth sU, Portland, or. 7Tl V aAI-Ei-ilAN. who Is St aver, living to start, then good money; our line la staple and ietaktng the a c!d. F2ol. Oregoaian. JiRIOHT boy for offUa work. Would pre fer boy liting with parents. Must bo 16 or over. AT infnin. MACHINIST. Ktrsf -clave . steady work, good wageo. 'all i'.mmriil dub bid. wAMTl'K wanted at once; onlv ihoj apply wli r.m furnish god rvfereuccs. 1 ort lid"a Kmtrlum. l"Ji H?h t. fc.r'K uriniun New concern. I.lv e wire pr-pot mn. Highest commlsaiooa. b0-T t ewts f'dg -- Hurgeea. fuHTLAM LAW WHtmL Dpens Its Fall terin Sept. l Enroll now. Threw years standard. -1 Worcester biOik. W A NTKIV Tnoroughly experienced man fr dei, ateesen tl part men l Appiy bctwrro and I" A M. id. Wort in -tn A Kirc. J: i " Bright, strong, willing, fur w hole vale houx; must live at home. Address n t't refrrem-es. H ','ti. Qregontan I r'KK ne familiar wMh general mer t hant!, refereniea. Address O 274. Or soman 4 iM'tl) prc-er; stcd work. Proadway ( v e Works. '..T 1 nJon ae.. North. "4V A NTE D No. union Urh r. Apply Im per'at barbT -fop. .th and Main. Oregon fctKiN; lad to work tn t.rcud department. ail be-ween n and i A. M- P.o tikrry. I 1 1 it and erer i. l,.KKil'TI'' ouii ;n.ui ; Uarn art sl.u f.uoin wa-cs pjid Edward fruns Co.. itN1- Ftrt st. i r r red. taie ex per ien, e. alary expected and reference mldrc.-, S:kiou Electric ro-oer i'o.. YrVa. t'a'. "1" NTEL an asattant bookkeeper, one "I'll krowtedye of cleetrical SMPplle.i pre. t!'j Tpn as ait9tvnt Jmtr. with good r-f e-n--s AprT Kaiir-n "iTfitting '. Kilt HK porter and dirhwashrr. 1HC Weat PS'fc 1-HOriKiRAPH eoupn and portrait ageata; sew offer. Cut berth atudlo. Dium bldg Itt'Y wanted to lern trade. WnT Klumpp Co, I-1 ashlngtn at., room iOi, "W x VTRD Advertising au.lclTur. 211 1 Oak Z KKiwttT with w heeia. per month. Alder at. A. NTKi Woman to run restaurant. Phone Vj:n W A NTEI A grocery clerk. Williams s-e ; rrit htif reference W A N T El ' t rnak er. rod w a nee. si endy work. A pply I M. M-eher. lm. tr. PV. with wheeL t'larke Hroa . :T Morrt- fwV- Mum be over le )ftrj; geper.it nork; l.enn-in's. T Horri- n Ft. I. . I'riRI K N t'KD young man to deliver gro- rr:-s -ionc Tt u;i. W i n TKI -M an to run a restaurant. Phono v-t-t. 3'. vNitl' Carpenters to do work by run rr-,,-1. r: 7 l.umr.e Ettchangw rMg .TEl Mn to drive grocery wagon. CI Z 7 J J 1 th st. n"'AKKK"'IN'!. $ eoue. b an account- - "! Vf rhnfi Tni-t hM g. t i T vi a rv w U wanted. and up. H. i at a. .'ir ". r V 'Ei A first -class advertising solicitor. Hamilton h'dg 1V A N T V I 'oatmaker and bush aim ao. P in h a a r k. comerPark. CI POL, man wanted. Call 13 Coramer- rfat t'lub Mdg. II VKl-KPk WANTED piracy job. lJ'a Mr- );i T to ride y.jn y In boreeshoeing Sbop ZM !'ii"l t. H VH wwn'ed No. ;! MaHson St. j :T-ER wanted. 4 Wawfungton ateeeT. Jjccagg wanted. Call evv stofli at. HT f P WAVTTD MATE SALESMAN WASTED. .ci!imin of go gppearanre to eell rw, hlga-clane nubdtvtmon. Exceptional opportunity for th rght man. Atk lor Mr. Hep6wm. o to in A. M- J.NO. P. BHAPKKY CO 122 Hxth St. TRT0 CT.PJRK3 OVT OF I3lirtrTMT5Vr CAN" PR'X'IRE pnftTTIONS FREE OF CHAPt;R. BY RWISTERLNa T1!" NAM'S WITM VS. CALL AND EX AM IN PI fHR LIST OF VACANCIES. BLI'MALER-FP.ANK PRt'rt CO.. 8TU AND BVEB3TT STfl. WANTED Ahle-bodted men for tha V. K Marlne Corps, between tire area of 19 and must ho native hern or have first pa pers; monthly pay $15 to aidl' tonal compensateei p.-alble; food, clothing, quarter-, and medical attendance Jree; after 80 years' service an retire with 7 per cent of pay and stlowanrca; service on b erd ship and asaore In ail paru of the world. Apply at L. 8. Marine Orpo Rerruitlrg Office. Hreeden bMg.v 3d and W aeblngton eta.. I'ortlan. r WANTED General salesmsnager for large manufaciuiinc business requiring man ex ceptional atdllty ; one shl to take full rhaig executive and inills'lve; f..eo per vesr or more to right man. Address A J 275. Manufacturer, care Oregon tan. stating age. reference and experience; must be experienced and successful in past management. A splendid opportunity; strictly legitimate business. SALESMEN Tho Columbia Ufa Truat Company have an opening for one or two flrst-claao solicitor. If you have not had ex.per.enoe in selling life Insurance you will be schooled and rendered asenstanco In flnd isg pniapeots and clwtng buaineas. Come, la and talk It Mr Ask for P. Lockwood. Vice-Prea. and Gen" I Manager, or Harry Piccey, city Aiaaager. th floor Spalding BOYS 1 yesuv of age or over, with bicycle uages $50 to ISO par month. CITY MESSENGER A DELIVERY COMPANY. 37$ Washington at., cor. . Woat Park. 6rf MEN'S Fall suits bought by .limmia Dunn at much less than wholesale cost. od by him In an office building where he pays one-tenth of the rent of a ground flour store. This explains his system, lie sells jou $20 men's suits for $10. H5; $-5 men's suits for $14 75. Koom 815 nrego nian bldg. Take elevator, third floor. MEN WANTED Age 18 to 35. for firemen. $10 monthly, and brakemen. $s. on nearby rail road a Experience unnecessary; no strike. Promotion to engineers, con ductora Railroad employing headquar ters over uuo men sent to positions monthly. Ptate age. Send stamp. Kail way Association, care Oregonian. WE want a few energetic salesmen to work on a proposition where the returns are big. If you are not afraid of work and can appreciate a good proposition, be sure and see us. OH A PIN A HERLOW. chamber of Commerce. Ask for Mr Derby. W ANTED by an established engineering and construction 'company, an Al outside general suier intendent of building con st rue t Ion ; location. Port land. Or. In re plying, state sge. experience, reference, and salary expected. Address K. Mc Aipln. t:$ 7th st., Portland. Ur. ACHiSriON WANTS A-I operator, ladies or men'a gafmrnta, A-1 flitter, ladles' garment. A-1 tallora. laiea' or men's garment. AC HE SO -V CLOAK SUIT CO.. Merrhvnt Tallora, I4ti 5th tit. 10.000 POHITIUN3 for graduate laat year; men and women to learn barber trade la 8 weeks, help to eoour promotion; gradu ate earn from $11 to .$ weekly; expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata logue aiohler System of College, 34 horth 4tb st.. Portland. r. WANTED Men at Lo Aagelea; no expense to learn trade electricity, automobile, plumb ing, brbkiaylng by actual work, contract i bo; only few months required: 2U students ij. ear: catalogue free. United Trade School Contracting Co.. Los Angeles, TEAMS WANTED S to 5 tama wanted for grading oa Council crest, call between 8 and 10 A. M., aak for Mr. Henderson. JOHN P. hHAHKET CO. Hixtn tt. CANDYMAKERR wanted. good w-agea. steady employment. Pacific coast Biscuit Co.. 12th and Davis sta. BKIdHT oung man. under 25. to leal n ).h class otrtre specialty ouaineas. wouiu pre fer some selling experien 9; chance to de velop under competent sales manager; sal ary and commission: references in first let ter J 21. Oregonian WANTED A young man between 18 and .- to act as salesman and to learn tn ri etaie busineaa; call between S and for Mr (Jirton. JOHN P. SHARKEY .. W2t 6th St.. cor. Washington. C1aTH1N) salesmen, steady position now open with us tor two orst-ciass, experi enced men. Call at BROWNSVILLE WoOLBK MILL STORE. ThJrd and Morrison Sta. . WANTED Salesmen for A-1 Industrial stock: local company. Profits and names furnished. Inquire for Mr. Markham. 214 and 215 Commercial Bldg.. 2nd and Wash In r ton. IF you are not awiievWM with your salary or pttkn. It Is our Dtwenes to nip you; write for our new catalogue INTERNA TIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. 2't:i Alder st-. Portland, or. Open 9 P. M. WA.VTbU A young man between 14 and Ho to act as salesman ann to team rne reai estate business, call between H and for Air. i.irton. JOHN P. SHARKEY at "0. I22H th St.. cor. Washington. WANTED Ity geneml building contractor. ung man with sm experience in taxing off qtianUtlfs; must be accurate; state sge. etpcrence and salary expected. Address AN" 2V4. Oregonian. ACHBPON WANTS Second cutter for ladle and men's gar ments: ir1 trimmer of garment a ACHERON CIajAK A SUIT CO.. ll 5th St. DO L'H LB YO L R P RES E N Tl N C051 B. ' MtMion picture operators earn $35 weekly. W e teach you In brt ttme oa asy ternut. N. Y. Motion Picture School. ob Waso Ington. near 17th. V A N 1'El A n ofTic boy belw een Is and ZQ yeaia of age. reference required: call between and 11 A. M. Oregon Moll no Plow C iv. $ r 0 fZ. MorTlsonU CARRIERS Boys 14 years of ace and up wanted for route located In South Port land and Sell wood. Apply room 2(3, Oit- gonUn bldg. " A NTKIi Gardener, steady position, -ear Portland; roin founr1; refcrcn-cs; must be willing and obliging. AD 27:1, Oiego nun. VVAM'KH Experienced wa.hcr; w rit for particulars, giving experience and w sues expected, lo Nortn liank Laundry. White Salmon. Wash. WANT lo let contract to clear 10 to no acres; only responsible parties need call. Vanduyn Walton. 615 chamber of Com merre. BOH ELM AN wanted at Astoria. Oregon; must be Oral -class; good salary. Inquire at Louis Rosenffld. Imperial Hotel. Tues day, or address Astoria. Oregon MAlLtVAV mail cleras. postofrtc clerks and carriers examination In November; salary p to lUou: free Book 90; Pacific stales School. McKay bldg.. Portland. RAILWAY mail clerk a. Portland examlna tlon free. Franklin institute. Dept. 315 T. Rochester. N. Y THE MEIER FRANK STORK require th services of loo rash bovs and cash girls. Apply between H and in A. M- to super intendent's office. 6th floor. PORTER t whlwi for hotpl; Intelligent your.a man. able to meet Train; $25 per month with room and board. Bog 617. Hood River. Or. FTRONO boy. over 16 years old. Appiy Man ager. 2d floor. Portland's Emporium, 126 Sixth st. FIRST-CLASS preeser on ladles cloaks and suits, stead work. Apply manager. 2d ior. Portland's Emporium. 1 ' sixth sr. W A NTED First rlas tinner and sheet metal worker. A. F. Strabel. 75 W. th st . Eugene. W A NTED Strong boy in c4 depsrtment ; night work. Royal Bakery, 11th and Everett. FIRST-CLASS clothing wages, steady poattlon. ft th st. salesman, good Parisian Tailor. FI RST-CL s black smith w ax ted; w ages $4 a day: out of town. Call 222 Commercial Club bldg PARPFR wanted. Portland Berber Shop; must be first -c as WA N'TFD Bellboy at Kalnltr Hotel 12S N. a-h at. LAHORE US for wrecking woek. Apply Al- sara clock, BrortJa bteel bridge. 1 WAXTBP Toun ladiea for telenhone oper- aMng; wirh or without experience. Apply The Pacific, Telephone T?legrapn com peny. nth and East Ankcny sns., or Weat Park axd Alder eta. WANTED TODAY. Cook for cluh of 5. f.l. per week. Cook for A people. $40 per month Hestaurant cooks. $12 to 1 S per week hotel rnnki 4T. to SAO Waltresaea. $x. $r and $1 per week. Chambermaids. J0. 125 and $:o. tm &trM Cft.. max nH 1 rllmSr maids $25 each, toretiier In country hotel fmmn Ke trie re SIO nnrf .1i t ook and maid for private family. $33 and 5 clerks, f per week. Housekeeper for roomlrtr-hoiise, $2h. PACIF-IC EMPLOYMENT CO. tidies nept. 'JAfiit Morrlaoti iPt. HOTEL cooks. $40 and 50. 2 pantry w omen. (K. r'erond cook, $40 lout of city). M,n mrA .If. rr.Hln. fMinnk X.VI. Walter and waitress (out of rity. $V- Chambermald. $.".". fV -o Waitress lout of ctty. $:: fare paid Heoond girl. $;tn. Nurse airl. $"J5. Kitchen helper. 25 antl 9- HANSEN'S LADIES" AfiKVY. -4.'. 7 Washington HI.. Room T. ATM VJiCt V V A N TS Talloreswea and flnLahera. alteration hands on ladies ararment. vest and trouerw makers, men's garments. A-1 skirt-makers. At'HESOV CI-OAK & fUIX W., M rch ant Tailors, 148 5th St. WA VTKD Ladv of reflnemenl and educa tion, not under .10. for position requiring tac( and Intttaflxe; permanent employ ment and liberal compensat ion : must he anie io leave fortiantl on siioi w ! - f'reironlan. W A N'TED Ynuns ladv telecranh operator one familiar with typewriter and office w osk prererred : answer, stating age, ex perience and lowest salary expected : po sition out of cltv. I, 272. Oregonlnn. WANTED Bright. Intelligent girl to make herself generally lurful In doctor s oi flce: opportunity to learn shorthand and typewriting; salary $4 a week. A ouo. oregonian, WANTED A good solicitor and s.ileslad foe eeal .i.i. nl.. .Alllnv nrnnort v Wtt merit back of 1i; rail between 2 nnd 4 for jnr. tiirton. JUH.N P. hHAKKM oe v. yj. 122t nth st.. cor. Wash! ngt orv THE MEIER A FRANK STORE require i n e services or mm casn noys ana caao girls. Apply betwe-n 8 and in A. M. to ujr- rui innu rm oil ii'w, tji n iivm COMPETENT girl for general housework fn modern apartment; good wages: references required. Mrs. A. D. Katx. 08 id at North. Phone Main 62S2- DAY and night school now In session for bookkeeping, shorthand. English, etc Po sition guaranteed. Most careful, thor- ough work. E. B. . .. 6J0 Worcester mock MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. is1. Washington St.. Room 314. Main H3fl or A HANSEN'S LADIES' AOENCY. S43tt Washington St. Cor. 7th. Upatali Phone Main 2692. EXPERIENCED and Inexperienced girls can And profitable and stcadv employment at the Portland Lnuniry. tn ann t oucn sis. RCKIVRn frlrl for care of two children and upstairs work. 74 Irving St. Phone A 1 12. W A NTrii Keiianie gin ior nouscworK. mornlngt only; must llTe home. Phone WANTED Experienced girl for housework and cooking; wages $.10 or $85. 865 Love- .loy st. WANTED F1rift-t-laje woman cook In private fumily; good position to right party. 1500 Hawthorne a ve. Tanor ium. PRACTICAL, energetic woman for position In mercantile establishment: previous ex perience unnecessary. l zon, Oregonian. GIRL, nbout 17. to attend little girl, aged in. after school pnd Saturday afternoons: 6 monthly. SM P'Kum bldg. COMPETENT girl for general housework: wages $3". Iioo Franklin at. Phone A 35H4 or Mnln RW1. HAVE tour Fall dresses made by Miss Battle, phone A 5771 or call at Keeler Apartment 36. 14th nnd Clay! WANTED A eirl for srereral house w or k 471 Alns worth ave.. corner E. Ptb, phone Wood lawn 173. wood lawn csr. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 609 Roth child b ldg.. 4th and Wash I n g t on. WANTED A good cook, f a trill v of t wo. good wages: must have reference. Apply 215 west park st. TEACHERH for Coast state. W hire di rect. Call Pacific Teachers Agency, S04 6 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak. WANTED A good cook, also girl for gen eral housework, for private sanitarium, Waverlelgh Crest. Phone. Sellwood 337. liOOl) rook and second girl for boardlng houso In University town. Phone mornings. Mnin 5H71. xiII.LlN'ERY makers wanted: millinery ap prentices wanted. Apply Portland's Empor ium. 126 6th st. A YOl'NCS ladv for light house wi.rk. no washing. Apply 34 Tenth St., Tuesday morning. EXPERIENCED girl for rooking ar.d gen eral housework; good waj-ew 770 Over ton St.. between 2'M and 24th. W.ANTED Experienced we 1 trews. I I :SO till 2: no Sunday work. Woman's Exchange, 1 Ml 6th St. MEIER FRANK CO.. want 1O0 competent waitress. for our new nea Room. Apply to Superintendent. 6th floor. FIRST-CLASS preaeer on ladies cloaks and suits; steady work. A pply mans per, 2d floor. Portland' Emporium. 126 sixth st. WANTED To adopt girl from 2 to 6 yrs. old by wealth v couple; state particulars. P CriP. Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework, fam ily of two: apply, mornings. A. J. Rey nolds. 41 E. ISth North. Ooo I girl for general housework. 40ft East 13th st- onn. oef. nan coca an iliia niook : Proa d way car. W A NT ED preaeer snd lady In alteration department. Broadway Dye Works. 353 Union ave.. North. W A NT ED A woman to work In hoarding house for her and husband' room and board. phone East 37 S. WA NTE I Experienced saleslady familiar with porfurne and toilet articles. Address K 26. Oregonian. W NTED Olrl for general housework : small family; no children. 166 North lth street. WANTED An experienced girl for cooking and general nousewotg. small rami I v, best wages. Apply mornings. 145 X. 22d st. FINISHERS on customs pants; also learners. 5th wt.. room 5. VI1"W". and son of 16. on ranch in Hood River dtwtrlct. L 271. Oregonian. D!NIN-ROO.M girl and a chambermaid. ?"..-. Ho;t St. tt vNTKU A first-class chambermaid. 7 rid st. WANTED Ladv teachers. Apply 145 First st. 7-:i to P:3Q P. M. 5 ;l RLS o work In the mangle room, 5 P. M. till 12 P. M. Oood wages. WANTED Girl for second work. Apply 770 Marshall. Ol PL for caking and general housework. 64 s Lovejoy at. WANTED Millinery makers apprentices nnd trimmers. Apply Lowengart A Co. GIRL for general housework ; w a g ea $0 ; no washing. 505 Broadway. C 1U92. GIRL for second work. Apply In th morn ins- at 434 Main st. COAT finisher wanted at once. 263 H T amhlll st.. room 9. Gl RlTTor general housework. fl-o Lovey. Call morning. EXPERIENCED chambermaid. Call Norlonia Hotel. GOD girl for general bHir-ework; good home. 715 E, 12th. North. En 1511. GIRL for housework. Apply 585 Marshall st.. near 1Mb. W AITRESS Experienced. Thompson s Res laurant. 144 Fourth St. Cool, bright girls, terms, secure steady emptoyment at the Troy laundry Co. COM PETE NT girl for general housework. w-iges $36. Phone East 3P3. W A NTED Lady cook, good wage. 1108 Main St.. Vancouver. Wash. LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by expert: $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3S93. GOOD, reliable woman for housekeeping work; small family. 565 Sth at. HELP w suted. Union. Laundry Cow Sd aad ol':mb.a .. RKLIABLU colored girl to assit with houae work ar children. P. M. Smith, 615 Da v Is. W ANTED Arr experienced waitress. The Hill. 23d and Wawh. WANT Ell A girl for general hu use work. 695 pari sc. aoar 211 MAID for light housework in modern country home, adults only. No cooking, washing or Sundav work. Phone or write Mountain Timber Club House, Kalama, Washington. WANTED An experienced man and wife to take charge of a rooming-house of .i rooms. Call between 11 and 12- 33.1 Glisan si reel. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; m us t be good plain cook ; 2 in fa mil y. small ti-room house. Apply 37li N. st. phone A 1341. A GIRL for general housework or young girl to assist in housework. 627 Hancock street NEAT gtrl to assist la general housework. Would accept girl who speaks German only. Apply 4S 7th St.. near Jackson. WA NTED Waitress at Fay Point Ovster hcuse; wages $6 per week and board. r4 Williams ave. GIRL or woman, general housework, to work part of the day. apply before noon, 201 Severn h M. WANTED Experienced pantry woman about ?w years old, apply at Moore's restaurant, 14S 5th ft. fjIRr, WANTED For general housework and cooking. Good wages, Flanders. Phone Main 5671. WAITRESS Small restaurant; must be ex perienced ; dish w usher, same place. 26 Ts y I Tf rt. WANTETe Girl for -eneral houruwork. Ap-pjv-N. mth t- TEACHERS for Mission school. Apply 206H Second St.. 7 o'clock P. 51. til ft , for cooking and general housework. Small family. Kearney streei. COMPETENT girl for general -15 N. 25th st. firujs OIRL for general housework; good wages. Phone East 2;7. 2 EXPERIENCED waitresses, also chamber maid. The Hill, 2-id and Washington. GOOD", plain cook In small boarding-house. 761 M n rshall St.; good wages. LUNCH and dinner waitrcas. 3S6 Morrison EXPERIENCED cok in small family, good! wage-. 4 74 Market, cor. 14th st. GIRL to assist with second work and care little girl. Apply mornings. 8J jonnson. SECOND girl who can sew nicely. Call 474 Market st., cor. I4tn st. GIRL to assist In kitchen; stay home nights. .:.. 11th st. A 1636. .. GIRL to assist in general housework. Phone C 230U. GIRL, experienced sewer on ladies' garments. tiilte Ladies Tailor. &4 aaningiou au GIRL for general housewo-k. Hhore East 43. GIRL for general housework. lf0 N. 17th HELP WANTEDMALE OB FEMALE. unp.PifTfr.nR to nfck HOO acres of hops, big crop, tine accommodations, bakery. butcher -nop, grocery bloi. i miuui mu, r,ea H-nclmr navllion. beautiful camp ing ground, delightful bathing, low ex cursion rat; iegister now at KrebV Bros.' office, room 618 Worcester blag.. ThirH nnt nk bls. No charges for Job, Office hours V to P. M-. Sunday 8 to 1 P. M. Home A 4335. Main who.. WANTED HOP-PTCKERS. 5u PER BOX. FINE CAMP GROUNDS. "5 Fleldncr Bldg.. 10th and Wash. SU. Phone Marshall 1645- WA NTED Hop-pickers for the Bag'ey ho ranch 2 miles from Hlllshoro, Or.; on hundred acres fine. hops, three weeks' pick . 1 - ntpti - nnn j rrmmada 110ns; raiiroaa v mo.i. --j t, Hart. 61 1-612 Worcester bldg., or W m. Bagley. Hllwboro. i.r W A NTKD 10 more hopplckers. Best hop! n 'inA rnnininff cround. crocerv and boarding-house. 3S miles from hen on the Saiem Electric line. Apply t( Andrew Kan & Co.. 252 Oak. WANTED About 20 more hopplckers to sell out A crew ior excellent nopyaru . n.nnb ' .r-L- Phnn Main 27. Call 116 Sherlock bldg- 3d and Oak . ii.int.ii'L'PWC T V T l" T" 1UU live 1 .i-"u ' Talk to grower, 45 Eust Morrison st Phones East 1115 and B 14:i7. F. J. Bolter, MAKE money writing storiea for newspaper; big pay: sena i t irw ioir . icnw uv-. I'nited Pree- Syndicate. Ban Francisco. WANTED Hoppic.kera. call at once, 225 hailing ping.. or .tu aim HOP PICKERS Call at St. Charles Hotel at once, can tor tiani-u. FI6K 1 EACHERS' AGENCY offer od positions to A-1 Instructors, 611 Swetland. SITUATION WANTED MALE Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG MAN. 25 years of ago, II years' ex perience in nrygwu, iunninii wa. fancy goods and notions, desires position as traveling salesman, or manager gen eral merchandise store. O 276. Oregonian. EXPERT bookkeeper, credit man and hust ling voung ouiiukm 111 n j. ...... with wholesale or manufacturing concern. Unquestionable references. L 260, Ore gonian. EXPERT accountant will keep small set books; books opened, closea, Daiaoceu. errors located; charges moderate. Y 257, Oregonian. A BRIGHT man. 23 year old, with ome experience desires pi-siuon as wiwhrici with reliable tlrm. Adiires F. C. 2037 El Ankeny st. HooKKEEPEK or office work by experi enced man; eignt years last posmuu, tost reference; city or country. M 291. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and office man, good refer ence, no oojtcuun iu ii-oiii - - t tregontan. Ulil'tiCLEUK. four years experience, wania position in city, -Deal reierence. j euw Oregonian. , Mlscelianeoua. A HA RD WARE man wants position with Portland house; 15 years' experience In all departments of wholesale ami reian u-bi-ness; it years' management of cutlery de partment, 2 year on catalogue work and 1 year's road experience, AE 273, Ore gonlan. GR A DUATE male nurse w ith 4 years ex perience in Medical, c-urgicat ana aicnmi cafe deal res a position, private or instl t ut lonal work best. References. E 2o4. Oregonian. APARTM ENT-HOI'S B Janitor wants work ; can take run cnarae. unurij-mnun i'ir and garden work: wife experienced house keeper and nurse; references; city or country. Addre T SU. Oregonian. WORK wanted by painter nnd paper hanger. all-around man: nave nau siure exper ience, buying and selling. J 263, Ore gonian. WANTED Position; an all-round insurance man. experienced In otTice and me neid. wants a chance to hnw what he can do; A-l reference. Addre AC 276. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted. Inspector rivet, rein forced concrete ana sewer n'n-rumn, Han dle instruments. Address AM -268. Ore gonian AMBITIOUS young man. Just nrrived, of annus business experience, w ouia n im position at anything;. I- K 1S East 2'h fctreet. CH A I'FKEl " R Vunc man with St. I-ouis and Seattle experience urairt-s po-inuu with private family. J 372. Oregonian. JAPANESE, young man. wants position as Office DOV Or Vaiet, spcaa gwu u.niiaii. AB 261, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. 21- wLshcs any kind of In side position. Ada res a. reicrsfii, rutniu Hotel. CRy. " OWNERS of Rose City Park lots wishing them cleared or weeas ana vrusn auurew J 273. Oregonian. MILLWRIGHT desire situation; thoroughly competent and reiiauie. gonian. YOl NG man with experience would like po sition a nlglitwatcnma n in t-n , nicr enccs. O 27. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED tall.vman wants position, rail or cargo. A r 2K.. urrp mian. YOUNi. man want evening work; state kind and hours. A I i egoman. MAN wishs position In laundry as washer. Phono Main 2778. isortn ia. JAPANESE boy wishes Job as schoolboy. L 5. t.regontan. CARPENTER work, eny kino, day trsct. Phone Marsnaii LICENSED chauffeur wants position; ref erences. K M. oregonian. FI RST-CL-VSS painting, papering and tint ing reasonable. 1 1 i L nion ave.. ITl ATION wanted by man and wife; can -wwl efrences. Telf nhon Cast 27o5. give STTCATiON W AN T E I- 1-E M A LE. Bookkeepes and Stenographers. WANTED By girl with exjerioni-e. eet of books to keep in pare unc. proi r lonai, church or business. G 266. Oregonian. COMPETENT experienced stenographer. knowledge of bookkeeping, desires position. F 271. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER wishes position; some ex perience; small salary. A.J 67. oregomao. Bookkeepers said Stenographers, EXPERIENCED stenographer, understand ing little bookkeeping, desires permanent position: $10 week to start: has refer encea. Miss Wilcox. Phone Main 5558. COM P FIT EXT stenographer wants a podtion; will so out of town; $50 to start. X 273. Oregonian. Dressmakers. UP-TO-DATE ladies" tailoring: suits mado to order $15; satisfaction guaranteed. 935 Division. LADIES' tailoring: alterations, coats rellned Mrs. Muckler. 430 Columbia st. A 4709. STYLISH dresses, $5 up; waists. $1.50 up; fine work. 52 E. Mill. East 5256. DRESSM A KING, waists, skirts and dresses. 16o 17th st.. West. Phone Marshall 12S4. THOROUGHLY experienced nurae wants mi fmtty care. 481 Bast Morrison. East 23T.4. , . MUCH experience. understands all kinds nursing, maternity, elderly invalids, m- fants 5Iarshall 2137. TRAINED nurse going East will accompany patient for traveling expense. P 271, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED tnberculer nurse would like patient going to California for winter. D 273 Oregonian. NURSE, would like few cases, maternity; city doctors' reference. Phone Tabor 2549. IOttHSt ICS. GIP.L wants general housework. Call at 314 North 2ith st. Housekeepers. EXPERIENCED housekeeper, capable of taking charge of home, apartments or good rooming-house; wages. $35 to $40. Phone B 2581. Address AD 274, Ore gonian. t POSITION as housekeeper for bachelor or widower; have small child. Call or ad dress. Housekeeper, 264 Margin st. MIDDLE-AGED woman, 2-year-old child, position as housekeeper by the 12th; fam ily or rooming-house. P 273, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. , WANTED Bv graduate of Eastern College of Mulc. limited number of lady pupils on piano. Call Main -WW. between 9 and 11 A. M. TWO experienced demonstrators would like positions; able to leave city.. F 270, Ore gonian. GIRL wants situation as cook at a small boarding-house or private family; best references. Call 621 Hood SU EXPERIENCED woman wants a few steady places to do work by me aay. j -o, Oregonian. PRIVATE tutoring by experienced teacher; backward pupils special attention. B 275, Oregonian. n LACE curtains washed and stretched, calied for and delivered, fnone 00 m awn iv. LACK curtains washed and stretched, 40o pair. M. o723. AN experienced woman would like a few days" work, can main pmi. A JAPANESE girl wants position as lady's maid or nursemaid. A 270. Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown nursery stock Is la demand: sales this season will be Immense; a flattering op portunity; cash paid weekly; outfit free. baiem aurmj m. ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 weekly selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal proposition; gooa territory. Auu reus vroiav, AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de raand for choice nursery stock : outfit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem, Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO KJtNT. Wo furnish the renter, collect the rent, pay taxes, lusurance and keep up repair, the same for you as though the property waa our own; r si era noes, any bank la Portland. 2 HZ SHAW-FEAR COMPANY; 245 Stark SU Phones a 35U0. Main 35. WANTED By widow lady, a refined couple to shat e part of modern furnished flat. West tilde, walking distance. Address A r 27 J. oregonian. Houses. WANTED A furnished cottage; I want a 4 A,-om furnished modern cottage for 6 months or longer; references. Phone Marshall 047 I WANT to rent a house in Ladd's addi tion or immediate neighborhood. G 270, Oregonian. WANTED A msll fumlahed cottage or apartment: rent not P exceed ew; rfier-n-ces exchanged. AD 272, Oregonian. Room. WANT rooms, West Side: prefer convenient t. Trinitv church for Friday. Saturday and Sunday nights p of this week. Brotherhood of Kt Anorew convention, ruwue -c . u" Main 7at9. LADY w ishes unfurnished room in private family near end of Mount Tabor car line, D 26W. Oregonian. Rooms With Board. WANTED Room and breakfast in steam heated house, by young lady with refer ences. West Side. E 27s, Oregonian. ROOM and board, three young ladies; ref erences; private family preferred. Phone Wood lawn 644. YOUNG man w ants room and two meals with private family on Portland Heights or Council Crest. H 299. Oregonian. Business Pzaces. WANTED To renU A storeroom or part of store for high-class Jewelry line. Wash ington, Morrison or any cross street, be tween 3d and 7th sta Responsible parties. B 2i8. Oregonian. WANTED Real estate, office, ground floor, close In. P 258, Oregonian. ' FOR RENT. Booms. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. -MILNER BLDG," 360 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL, REASONABLE Furnished Rooms. LN THE HEART OF TUB C1TX NEW SCOTT HOTEL. Betcnt and Ankeny gt& The preacher who preaches. The teacher who teaches. And tho drummer with goods to sellj With wife or with daughters. When looking for quarters. All are we loomed at the New Scott HotaL A Quiet noma for quiet people. HOTEL MEDFORD. ONE BLOCK FROM UNION DEPOT. JUST OPENED; new, MODERN brick building; dne large ground-floor office; hot and cold running water tn all rooms; eteam heated ; private hatha; very richly furnished: rates only $3 and up per week; 600 up per day. Call and see ua. Northeast corner Fifth and Gllaan gts. COSY. HOMELIKE. COMFUKTABLB. HOTEL -AVON. l.d Eleventh St. New, modern brick building. steam heated, private baths, bot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Rates very reasonable, - Call and see ua Regular and transient trad solicited. GRAND UNION HOTEL, SS7 W E. Burn- side. How would you liae acsiraute quar ters for the Winter? Steam heat, hot and cold water, rooms single or en suite; rooms with private baths. Rates from $2.00 to J8 a week. Eaat 5U40 or B 1275. Eu'l'-L tfAKGEN'T, Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. Phone East 291. connecting every room. Private baths, elevator, ftrat-olass grill. Special ratss by week or month. AmerKwn or Europeaa. Transients solicited. BACHELOR apartments, new, two rooms. every convenience, including ounei kitchen and phone. Camar Apartments, 704 Love Joy street or Main 7391 and A 77.1 7. HOTEL BUSH MARK. Washington and 17th. nnst-clasa- furnished rooms single or en aulte; all modern con venlericea; $3 weekly up. A 3647. M. 5647. HOTEL IRVING. 812 Oak- su. corner Sixth; laxge. light, airy rooms, elegantly Xurnlahed; electric lights, running water; ww jm . HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, opp. Portland Ho tel, 330 xamniii; nrst-ciea irniaea rooms; single or en suite, modern; $0 ap; transients solicited. Main 31, A 717T. THE HAZEb Nicely-furnished, steam-heat ed rooms, witn running water. oo a su, cor. Montgomery. MUi'FjiK outside rooms, $2.5o to $3 per week. including Dams; auso ouaeaecpuig room. 648 H wawnington ONE furnish ed room By week or month; every convenience; Dear, cuusa men oiy. o-eui. Alder, W. Park. ELEGANTLY and newly furnished single outside rooms, oniy sii ana up. in uol Monte, SOth and Washington sta. THE BEAVER, 12th and Maranall sta, well furnisned sleeping rooms. - per weea; "ltctric lights, hot baths free. A SUITE of 2 nicely furnished rooms, suit able for 2 or 3 people; an conveniences; very reasonable. 2S1 7th st. MODERN rooms, $3 per week and up. The Oayosa, corner uraua ave.. ana . oiat , Furnished Room HOTEL ALDER THE CAPLES Corner 4th. 3..0 7 ay Ior. and Alder su near 7th. These two beautiful new hotels just completed and handsomely furnished, pos sess every modern convenience including elevator service and private telephone ex change. Both are rint down town, yet just off all carlines; about half the rooms in each have private baths, all others hot and cold water. The rates are surr-rLs-ingly low. Call and see them and you will be pleased in every way. Rooms by the day, week or month. CLEAN, cheerful rooms. $2 ttp; down town, private bath. 3S9 Aider st Furrjfrhed Rooms In PriTftts I nmiiv TWO beautiful furnished parlors; kitchen ette, running water, gas and bath" also other housekeeping rooms. 550 Couch, bet w een 16th and 17th. one block from Washington. FURNISHED room in private family, si; a month; references required. Take U c.ir to Hancock st.t go cast one block to 3iio Victoria st. FURNISHED room in private family ir young woman, teacher preferred; furnace heat, electric lights, near Hawthorne and W ashington High Schools. Phone B 221' NEWLY furnished front rooms, strictly modern, suitable for two; gentlemen pre ferred, "ua N. 16th, near Wash. Phone Main 670:i. N E WL Y furnished rooms for one or t wo gentlemen. Ideal location, furnace he;it, hot and cold water. 214 13th si., corner Salmon. LARGE, pleasant front room, bay window alcove, suitable for two or three pcntle men In modern home, also smaller front room. r.!l Eerett. N KWLY furnished room In private family, one suitable for three gentlemen; very central. phone Main 821. NEWLY furnished room gent leman only . modern conveniences, central, with privato party. S. 404 Clay .it. SMALL front room; room with running water, adjoining bath, nicely furnished, rent reasonable. ."." 1 Taylor. OOD room, stylish cor. tor house, large porch, fine bath ; West Side, walk ins: ri,s" taitce; gentlemen ; reasonable. Main -'i CLEAN, comfortable room, suitabio for a gentleman ; modern cimveniencc. Main E643. :io3 12th gt. 500 H AWTHORN E 3 well furnished rooms. Light housekeeping: modern; adults. East 34-6. TWO LARGE plainly furnished housekeep ing rooms, first floor,, all conveniences. :;:3 12th. N WLY furnished front room, first floor; all conveniences. 1S7 Chapman at., near Yamhill. NEWLY furnished room in steam-heated residence, running hot and cold water. 504 Flanders. 2 ROOMS, en suite or single; every conven ience. Main 3312, SGI loth St. FURN ISHED rooma, $1.50 to $i ; tenant or transit; free phono and bath. N. 14th. NICELY fu lished room, modern conven lences. 32 N. 16th st. MODERN, newly furnished room. $16- a month. 4S',2 11th st. NICELY furnished room. $6 per month. 67 14th sU North. Davis tp Everett. LARGE front room all conveniences, walk ing distance. 564 GHsan st. NEATLY furnished front alcove room, Ladd school district. 212 11th st. IADY having nicely furnished flat would rent rooms to gentlemen. A 4ySl. ONE large front room, with small kitchen. 105 North HOth st. $I.56PER week, "room; closein? 268"l2th" st. Rooms With isoaru. S3 J7TH ST. N.. one block off Washington; well furnished corner fulte; bath adjoining; also single roomg; board optional. 33 17TH ST N., one block off Washington, weil furnished corner suite; bath adjoin ing; also single rooms; board optional. Rooms With Board In Private Family. NICELY furnished room with board, home cooking, flue bath and f urnaoo heat, $-8 per month; walking distance from center of city; also good car service. 4-7 Alom gomery, corner 11th st. Phone Main 2L'3'.. NEWLY furnished rooms ard hoard for two. Lady teachers or stenographers pre ferred, private family. Every conveni ence; close In. Phone East ;itll or R -61, Oregonian. TWO large, nicely furnished front hou?ekeep lng rooms, first floor; all conveniences. lib'S 12th st. DESIRABLE room and board, home cook ing, walking distance. 644 E. Alder, B 2031. BOARD and rooms; newly furnished, excel lent home cooking, strictly modern; both phones. 3S7H Mill st. ROOM and board for 2. $2u each; home cooking, 693 Everett St., Phone Main 5486. TABLE board, good home cooking, 3 meals day. $4.50 per week. lyi 11th, near Yamhill. BOARD or light housekeeping rooms, two blocks from Bast Side High School; girls preferred. 616 E. Washington. ROOM and board tn private family for two; 15 minutes' walk to Pviatoffice. Phone Mar shall J4. S43t Mh st. N ICELY furnished rooms w ith or without board; bath. 403 6tli. Phono A P.16S. EXCELLENT table, elegantly furnished room for two. Phone East 31)77. HoME cooking at reasonable rates, in pri vate family, phone Main 4384. FURNISH ED rooms with board. 615 Mor rison St., cor. 16th. A 3828. NEWLY furnished room with board. b'Jo E. Oak. Uhone H 2613 Apartments, CAMAR. New brick apartments; every conven ience; two, thcee and five rooms ; fur nished or unfurnished; south side of Love Jy st., near U2d. ee Janitor, or MARTIN & CAMPBELL, INC.. AGENTS, Koom 1 Worcester Bid, phone Main 73U1. HEINZ apartments. 14 th and Columbia; 4 btocks south lrutn, Morrison st. ; new brick building, completely ilrst-clac-s; itixnisaed In X 3 and 4-room tw mily aparuuenist private bath, reception hall. i.tui beat, hot wateir, elevator, free prone. Janitor afcrvlce; rent from $-5 per mouth ana up. ALT A MONT apartments, uth and Coilegu; new brick building, now being elega.'.i.y lurnlsiied. Jiardw uod lloors, steam iicat, private phone, bath, xirepiuuf wail sate, reasonable. Phone Maiu tiu&O. J an 1 tor service. KING HILL APARTMENTS. The select apartments of Nob ililL For terms apply to Jauilur, cor. of King and Wayne sls. FIVE-ROOM furnlsheu apartment, modera la every particular; steam-heated, bot water. Janitor service, witn tlrsL-class fur nishing Apply to joiior. bod Kear pey at. RE-UK AN Apartments, 624 Marshall st. Ex clusive, newiy fuinisheu, nioucru in cveiy respect; outside iiKht, yuitt and homelike euiruundinKs; ir looking tor s-Jinetning real nice, eee tnese. Main 602, A 21lil. THE BERYL APAitTMN T. Strictly Uuuei u, luige rvix,i uiid three close U to every apartment; cool aad airy for Suuiui er. i-M w su 1 ms )f car. ' BLAN-MYK Just opening, new fireproof brick, large u&tii aa.ii, mi oulmiuo apart ments, automaiic eievator, electric uumO waiters, hot and. cold water, private bath, steam neat. 2Jd N. 20tn, cor Lovejoy. ST. CKOlX Apartments, 170 bu Clair su, near Waahiogtou. Two and three-room modern apartmuuta, bin rcsidouce luca tioo. Keasonaole rent. KEELER APARTMENTS. 14 in and Clay .ta. A few choice suites icit at $10 and $50 JUbT OPENED THE WHITEHALL. ,63 btn St., 4 square wuove jr. j. , 1u.1u.11y no- icL private be l us and. lelephouee; traa giants solicited. ktiV1-HEATED 6-xoum apartment. mod ern and desirable. 626 Everett U Apply Morgan, icldner &. iioyce, do. Abiusiwa bid.. ONEONTA APTS. 187 17th. south of- Yam nill (Vv. car at deputy, and i-roam lur nished suites, hot and cold water, iron pUones. bath. Main 46U7, A 47JU. LAURETTB apartments, 229 llth; one ele gantly furniatted 3-room apartment, strict ly modern; both phones. b'a;EY APARTMENTS. 701 Washington Mrs. T. D. Hughes. Modern 3 and 4- r o om apartments, every convenience, NICELY furnished two-room housekeeping apartment: all modern conveniences; Uj1 Monte, 0th and Washington. THE LEONCE Newly furnished two auij three-room apartments; modern conve nienoes. 186 N. 22d st. MAJESTIC, 390 Clay st., choice location; 4 rooms modern, well furnished. Phone Main 4070. NEWTLY furnished steam heated basement apartment, both phones. The Morton, King and Washington. MODERN 4-room basement apcrtmcnt, heat. bot waier. eiu.. e-v inuiuu. ojs 1'ia'iuer.s 4-KOOM steam heated apartments, furnished and unfurnished. Modern. Cottel Drug Co. BT. CLAIR. 716 Wayne ex. ; modern slx-roora apartment, two porches. Phone Main 4&30. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders; 4-room, siddfifa P runcau, A)l to Jaitor A put to unte. THE BANN-Uv Ax Rl'JiENTS. 49 Clay tree 1. second house fixm 14th. the only modern completely furnihsed 2 room apart ment-houfe in tne city ; hu.i arid eiegant l'uxniruro brand new; Juat , ojened tor businos; stt-ajn heat, electric light, hot and cold water in ewry apait ment ; private phone, bath; walking dis tance; $l8-$-3, including electric lighu Mar shall 2t'74. LUCRETIA COURT. The finest, most modri brick apart ment house, just completed ; every thing first-class; all outside rooms; apartment of 2, 3. 4 and 3 rooms witn all the lat--t conveniences; situated in the finest resi dence pai l of ilia city. Lucretia st.. near Washington, beLween --! and -3d sis. AN'(JKLA a nartments. 3i Trinity Place, re- iweon Huh and 2'Uh, near Wash; nw nianageniont. new brick building. 2. 3, -room apartnipnts, furtiinhM and uuli.r uished, electric elevator. pri ate bath, li"t wati-r. stc;im heat, phone;-, janitor stjrvhiC. Flats. 6-ROOM modern fiaia, just completed, ft 6 4 and J66 E. Salmon st. betwten E- loth and K. 34th sis. Rent $:10 each. PARU1SH. V ATKINS As. CO.. .,0 Alder st NEW dout-le flat on B.ist -1st and Carl. In quire at buy llth m.r get key. Take Bnx-k-ln viiT N KV 6-room upper flat, all modern conveni ences, including fir place, E. 6c.li and Ore- tun sis. I'honc last lit-. o-R(OM lower flat; new ail con cnu-r.rej; $3u. Call Main 4'.l4. hai Uwood floori bio Hancock a TO KENT Four and 5-room flats, close in, bath, toilet, electric lights, $1j. 7u3 Bel mont. I'hone East3o02. i FOR RENT New flat, all modern conven iences, lMh and E. Ash iis. Phone Si 2UU6. ' TWO (i-room flats, fine eoiplitlo. 6SS and UIKI'k Noitlirtip; rent flj. Iain -i 4-Kol flat; bath, stationary tulrf. wood- :si :;ti st. ; MuoRN llat. 0 rooms, attic, yard, porches, choice location. 730 't Overt on. Main ?Cji TWO new 4-room moiiorn flats. 2bth and E. Irvin. Kat 5;H J 101 SWELL, modern 6-room upper flat, walking distance. SoO: adults. 1 .J K. 1 .1 inni. .VK J 'M Hat. nice. Kifihlly. Inquire it'Z MoiitKCiuci'v ; hi n 1111 pro emeu ts. j.-AT of o rooms and bath. Salmon i.t. Key but' .airnoii. 5 ROOMS rear cot partly f urtiisheJ. di;1', -o' Hall fit. close in. Inquire 6 and 6-rooin, Broadway car. MoDEUN two-family flats, corner Uh and Schuyler Housekeeping lloom W ELL-PL 1LN1SHED hOU-Keejdng rooms, 3 5 month- 3, $13; furnisned cottage, 4 room. $18; lower flat. 4 rooms, 16. 364 North Kith tWet river). W car from dejsot. uih or Morrison to -fth. Mock north. FIN EDOWN TOWN HOME. -MILNEK BLDG," 3o0, MoKKlSON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. KEASONABLE. N I A T L Y u in is he d housekoepiui; room, all conveniences. J71 Montgomery. Phone, walking distance. Main 83iu. 4ol E-VST MORRISON, cor East 8th; com pleteiy furniaiied housckccpin rooms, rea sonable. r' WEEK Clean, lurnisiied housekeeping ""rooms; lauudry. bath, p.one. gas. heat. yard, clean linen. 406 Vancouver ave- yuti RENT HousekeepinsT rooms in new cone re tejj 1 dg. phone Woodlawn 2 0 97. SI 60 TO Clean furnished housekeeping rooms. Desoto House. 2d and Columbia, THE ELMS 2 and a-roum apartments, fur nlBhed101 14tU st.; transient solicited. 1 00 WEEK, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 2U3 gtanton. Vc"'- T.'iWEEk. clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. "U car. 3 KURN1S1IED housekeeping rooms, moder- ntfly pri-jed. 326 l'ark st. llouM-kecplnt; lioius iu Private aniRj - j-T RiTH. 4 rooins complotely furnished, entire tirst iloor; line location; $Sp. 2 Pleasant rooms, d Iloor. $18; phone. modern, large mw 11. auuito. N KWLY furnished steam-heated hous keeping rooms, choice location, valkir.fc distance, hot water, laundry, bath, jihoiie. ; ulisan st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooma. R"s electric lights, hot and cold water, bai lv close in. Inquire room IO Waahlngtoo Tint. NEWLY furnished front suite, suitable f"i i.w,- r,,t.i.. SJ4 ner month. .13 Columbia, near 6th. Call after 2 P. M. HOUSEKEEPINO rooms; large front room and kitchen; bath, heat and liShts, reason- an e. -na i- "'ie, '- THREE furnished rooms and bath, lot housekeeping; no children. Call Suuda or eveniims after 6. 400 thst. lloTKElJPlNU rooins in private family; walking : distance. Jefferson, between ijiiLi-r.- Two 1 AKOE flnelv furnished housekeeping nmis. hist Iloor, ail convenience-. o..3 12 th. - TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooin. $1S and 23; bath, gas, electricity, b-l 1-:. Munisoti- . " rXl'TKNISHBD rooms, with large hall, in upper Mat;' very reasonable. Phone Mar t na 1 1 MS PI ANT housekeepTntf. also slcejilng n iiartmrnt nt 32 N- n t h t. 3T3" 14TH ST.. Comer Clay. Largo, light; 1 unci . room . TWO front rooms, nicely furnished, central. 466 Main st. THKFE or four unf umisiied liousekeeplng iM.m3j7 1-lh Bt..neararkeL TWO and three furnished housekeeplnB rooms: ga bath, reasonable. 0'2 Fron, IWO furnished housekeeping rooms. Ior man and wife, no children. U6 North 14th at. Houses. XHK CHEATER MEIER & 1,'RA?,ST.?P.Ri? HESTAL ASU INFORMATION tJliHEAIj. KHom-l.un:e. visit our up-to-date rental and lnrormation oepanmoBt. 4th ""r. main buildintr. and see the vaca .ciei have listed u desirablo houses and flats. You'll save time iu setting properly and comlortabty located. We keey In touch wltU all vacant bouses, flat, and apart ments In the city. We also keep a list of new billd.ns. m course of construction. The combined lists of all re.tl c,tat Tc tcr "This lnf ormatk.n Is absolutely free. "WHEN SOU WANT TO HEM A HOLibtl tiEB US." -TV.1" & FRANK COMPANY. FORU-rmTh.uc. 2-story, modern; gas and electric. ul'S B. 17th; 20. -., 7-room Iim. 2-ory. ne" S. W . corner Fljruia aiid 'lrpinia Bis. ; -U. lo-r.-.om L'-st"iry Louse; basement aad ar- RJ- rLTUsV just finished; 683-G E- rC.TvSNVBSTVENT CO. jlain "biwi. .121-5 H my Bldg. , WHKN jou move you I. need new furnltun. liuy It Judiciously ar-d the navinsa wlU ceed your moving exi nse- , Our NO-KENT PKiCBi mad. u. on. of the largest furniture bouse. In the tw in two years. v...-.-. Lookers shown same courtesy as MOKvJAN-ATCHLEY FUKNlTbKB CO. bV-'ii urand ave.. corner East bta.K su East Ankeny and Rus.ell-tehav.r crUnM f A&S OCA iw" G-r.OOM house on E. Burnsi r . r-jn-tipis. sliadis a ..t.. near K and lixtures ln- H. I'. 1'AI.MEU-JON hh CO "f-iia "ommercial Club HldK- l l:iin Stl'Jlt. A Jti..3- UOl'ibS and flats f..r rent, some furnished. r MlillCHANT S SAVINGS & TULST COMPANY. S. W. cor. Sth and VVasliingtunjtreets TTS KENT 12-rooni liouse. 74 21th St.. cor. Overton. Hot and cold water In every bedroom; fine neighborhood ; inodern con ' veniences. Inquire 4th St.. Henry Rldg. Wakotlold Fries & Co. wlllElve jease. FOK RENT ."-room modern cottac. newly fu'nished. p.am,. no children; take S.-U-vood car. set off at Yukon street, go 4 Mucks to .ist; " ONE block fr.m carline on Portland ll-iKlit'.: U room!, wun hm.h i-r- , . pas rang. Inquire l(20 Uuaid of lrade COTTOE. 5 tx-onis. hath, eiectrle light, rh. , . .... i .t. n fntif ..nrl rows: PlK.ne Kat 670. IKl l.ah. bet. Itlia- mook and Thompson. i -ingtuu. BRAND new modern 7-room Iiouhq, on Hawtuontfl canine. . u. ii...v ilv. crtP. shad or. Phono Tabor 2270. Modern 6-ro"in n';deiice, vith attir, la ment Darwrneni, i'liim, a ..... .. 1 1 : r. : w I king Hfiruv Inquire H .vl st . EAfcT 46TH, n'ar Lincoln. 3 lots. S-room hOUSe. Il(; MilOIH. OM .A-ll iitFit. n.... rent $20. Keys hs N. 16th tt., West bido. FURNISHED cottage with piano, on Tort- land He ifr m " s , an ni"ui. .M.iifuou SIODEKN 6-room house, one block from W-W Car 'Q 1 agUKn at. JU-m, MODERN ti-room house, r.t h and E. Eurn-' Fide. F'hore East 7i. B 14n(. 7-ltooM inodorn houst. 31S l.inroln St.. West Siri. NEW four-room collate. 6S2 Samlv road. corner East r.uti. fnon? h.ast ,;oi. FOR RENT 8-room house. 770 Irving at. Phones Main S457, A 5133. FOR KENT 6-room house. Rood condition. 3t3