Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 05, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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    XT a T e ' - - - . .
have call for property la every part
of the cllT. Huunm and Income property.
--.t irhniH Sites. hUS nd
vacant Ida All transactions conf idrauiL
K W C"r. TX and Washing IWI STr-
WANTED or T-room house south of
Tamhill and west f loth at.: we ht' "
tumrnur who I" very " fo'
In lh-s particular section: uuu k M
.. havi yu7 K. K. Tavlor to.. --
T.ewie MOg . 4th ind ak
W A N T EI Income property. rMnr busi
ness or city for a -ree, 'a 7l.
rcol.e ;-irr. place al R-edvllle. P;
. i 1 Bamberger, room Lumoer
nni bldg ,
V NTED - h-iue-s of or 7 roomp. on th. best $.nrt and $7o casn. reepect
l.i. -Ill ou . give full particular- or no
r n 'us. r.-i Morn-m st.
WE HAVE a buver for a 5 ur rm Od
er, house in Ir.lngton. What .
V K. Tavlor Co.. Lew ' bldg
4ih and Uak "-
WANTED-T bur direct from ". Income-bearing
property from Ptjr b.
win accept Hood River orchard land in
r-.-t i .iiwnl. A E --ft. Oregoaien.
VAVTEr To bur Portland Income or busi
ness property from party l .
rounr property a part payment. AF
M..I sr. and lot near rariine; value --oxi;
pir l.'i per month, ownere only. K
f ir'r-nltn
VV T t:i ' iood building lot.
l-nta income .prope l for
II WE bn-r for two .mill improved plaree
near rarllne. f I. Hamb-rs.r. room i
' nmorm.) b"l Main H-"
bi ch.. : aiai. H an.l bkK numWt; no
.nt: onr only. AS :::Orti:-T
TO l.(HAr.l.
lo-a -r. farm. In lart -c. "
from an-ur Kerry. nw bulld'"'
cow. SOU chicken.. N cr berrle.. ery
rnl at 4-x. 'H I'ki itroc.ry on
s,.le. alu..l at J.-'. t-aiance J.
I. Mtliintiil owner. No. K. . c-
X an -ouver. ah.
Have a fw ai lrn-ild farm '" we en
ta. y.HU- P-rtun-l pn.prt a part pa-n-ent.
no InfUleJ iue cr.l -fared; wa ;
,. a,u an 1 c'-t the Mme.
y K: i HS. -;2I M.rrlan S'.
h. the b-t l-aiein In a :-arr
..r.I,.,., la the Ho.vd Klv.r Valley, will
tr..e for -l fortlanrt r-l'lence proy-
l ;:! Oreconlan.
L.ti i:Sl.Hl R.-T l"t; onamal prica $l;-.rt;
have ,i equity. What d.. ou offer,
trad, or ca.hT C in. Oreanian.
trt-HOHSK !tW Kit T-l-aaaenter rope-Tolrul
to traric f-r lan.l or cheap lota on "oa.t.
II'. Ki-l at'ee:.
Vt cnane your property. reardlea of
Unluii. lor that .ult. yoo better.
ormwe.l K. hance. !-, Henry blot,
c 1 1 properiv and a J-year-old orchar-l lor
r.hene for L Aneie properly. I'hone
1' .1"-
HT oWNKK Klna .ul-urban " for
lii-mi- ri'); AH Oreaonlan.
J.KNTS Income buttwja prperty f-r a ood
bulllT-a lot or h..uw. Ma n J'lc
i'lVE-Kttc"! houa In Kanaa City. Mo., for
V.rt:ii.i prip-ny I' O I 'Jo.
ton aI.K TltlBKIt tM
11NK timber f-r aale
lr; timoer i-r .. . - - .
. . kip.. arid.
. - K ! r .- L '
nt thing to uar pine. I 4"-.ofK feet
nr-.laa. will cut -15 per renl No. J inop
and heller: price I21.0OU. V, mh btlnnci
l-rma 1 TOO ooo feel nn larite red Br and
.Hv. plent of water, eaar to lo level to market. In.iulr. at Oorrl. Uard-
ne .i"rr. -
le-i-KK tlml-er rl.ilm. 12 ml.e. from . cruleee l.Iio.OOO. aa mil' .il-.
price , I o. cb at once- M. i
l.a'iln. Hen-t. l'l.
r. .. rp.irktN. m mkh mit
roii-S TeTTmVer cilm. .010.niO ft.. 8r
and near Koreat Oroee. B Ore
s' nltc
TIMUKK claim., homeateada. rellnqulan
menta Worreatar bldit.
A'T.E-S cl'ar farm: 10 acrea In or-hard: outhtiihllnre. l-arr.e. fen-e. In
nmt-.-u-a condlti-'n; runntnar aal-r thrurn
tre land- one mile fnim Metxrer'a trai-La.
Ir-i-jre of J. leaser, room 311 Hamilton
eherle and H-ime.
nuasu run 9Aoi
Two eara or boreee have Juat arrived
and will be aokl under oar (turantea. ranja in walni from ! lo ll
Ibc. a(a from to 11 year; U fo-d
worker and price leatonabia. W alao
bait three .pan of email mulea. welsht
t to leua Iba. for aale Call and In.peet
Ih-kie. If wanting .loriec uiauora.
btaoiea, t'1 Hax.norne ave.
r('R SAl.I- l matched" team of bay ell any broke. 1 matched team of b.ack
marea. clly hroke; I matched team of
are., city broke. 1 fin saddle mare; aev
cral Una drlvera
l AOlKl'- l-OAJT 8TABUL3.
Ninth and Couch alia.
Ul.-Ol'Kl AIL'L.k2 for aaie Another new
anipment Juat recelyed; 1-O0 to loK lla.
age good, aultal for railroad, lorgtng
a. i J farm work, mulea at Freeman liroa'
batn llh and Overton ata Addraaa
f parka A Wiaginton. Imperial Hotel.
Ti'R SAl.K or TRAL'E-Two new carriages,
thre r.ew lop lUKgie.
1'Al'lKIO c'u.vnr STAULbo
Ninih and 1'i'uch til.
ri'K eAiJv cheao. a.ol lamlly or delivery
horae. rubber-tire i-ur.about and harness;
leaving ell). :.t Jtflb St.. end of llaw-morne-avecarllne.
FOR SALE Good driving and riding mare;
Viith line roll a month, old. mare weighs
ll'Hi and eay kept; will .ell cheap If aold
T on.-c. Uregoulan.
-o HEAU of horaea for aale. broke and un-t-rxke.
U:h and FUndera sla. Also bug
ciea and wagons and on bus Phon
Main SH7 and A S-".'Q- II. M. Ullllnss.
c'K Hi.-trJ. ruiiiLn.ii 1 Aoi.w. o .
W VN111I ;ood delivery wacon for bakery,
cjtll bo3 Mia.ia.lppl ave. Norden Grocery
alloWaT stable. Ii: K. J..a si.;
livery, busineaa rigs for reel or saia. B Tb.r in:.
ONE carload, weighing l.'oi' lo IT'W. from
, la 7 years old. liuck. hearse and drafu
K -It h st. N. and Oregon.
HJLtKT at HALL'S bT A ULEa. Hi Front
at livery buaineaa. nx borsea. harnaaa.
axons, for aale or rent. Mala uot.
rlTl'RK for rent near Portland. 2JV 8her-l-v-k
bl'la- Phone Main 1410
I IIS-w 4-rrUner iadll?c tourabout fulle
equipped anl in flrat-claiw rendition; this
,ar la an eatcially g"d buy.
1 Is o-H f. -cllnarr a-paawnger
Wuiek and In nrst-rlsss condition; will U
at a extreme. y low price If taken tbla
At riiMi-Hll.K A few more good bargaina
:eft. If you are In th market for an
automobile non I fail to call at ItSJ Ever
ett at. : aatlafactloa gaarantoed. Henry
link Auto Co.
It E choice Laurelhurs lot, loo leet
,.r r. original price ij.'.n each: hat
'-:. eciuitv to trade for auto. -nj foucn.
.'a . A -'-41.
O.vr. leS 4-cy Under. i-paaMSger. 44 II. I".
O.dsmobUe fully equipped, haa an eatra
casing, rar bargain for caan buy. Covj
Motor far Company.
W A NT El' Must be cheap, touring car or
rimanotit : do not car if ni in running
iter, if cheap. F -tit. Oregonian.
rR SALE Etabluwiod automobile ageney;
Investigate. Ad1rra AH 'Ml. oregooian.
HI'PVOBII.E In good order. .'.o cash; no
traoea. Mam Jj-.'j or A T.'-JS
lt SALE New ateel range and dining
'abl at a bargain. Call 111J Il lalou. cor
ner of S7th
. abelvlag. ahoacaaei
at Va w illtam av.
and nature for
I'hone Home C
.t.l- beautiful Jap gols. s.o -
lilies' coats, .ixe 4'; oargalii.. lt'l
Mjin. ?J coor
i'l- TENT, camp bed and comfort for ala
Vpply T4 N. Seventh .f
. 'iovv i ' A.E. ititip. I'hone Woodlawn
..-.;'. or C -14. Ali-erta Cash Grocery.
c H oft'oon. boswood. coal. Multnomah
k-u .! To. Koth phone
Mnai'Aiir:.-). new and eecond-hnad. Sli
Everett, comer Bin. Alao Axturea.
1H W M KN. attention, for sale, a money
se'llng lllu.lon. Main 437
NOTE and mortgagco bougi.t and aold. Ka
-onal t'edt' A'n. 1 Worcester bldg.
4t .-2 & : liar 1 sate, vary encap.
i'-ud baX Co., .k u
t ! ..xnuwrraiAU. I WASTED-TO BENT. T - FR KKXT' ..
. - . I l-OK KALE. I wr.l.r nj.iir.lf-iiir, I - - - - I
I Miscellaneous. I I I oak r-'ll-top rt-.ka 12..MI to .:
solid ok flat-loi devk. drawer on both
aid-.. 111; Ueminglou l pea rlfrs, atanu-
nl No . In good condition. No. . 1
Illailna inliner-graph. lo: atud -nt a
prartl-e aets. J"c each: b.l '-uality Ink.
two boitlea f.-r ic; t.rasa. bound ruler., oc
esch. students ledgers, day hook". J""
na.a and all nlcelv bound for l.e e-h:
rlri.p-h'-ad a. wing machine. 11": ciuickmeal
malleable steel range, with waier roll. -ot
Si. we will sell it for 'Jarland
range with upper oven. 1H: Jewel gaa
range. 1-c.Vi; No. 8 cook stove. Jd.10 to
i:i; Iron hois. $l.M to !. all brass $t.'4 lo 47. (extra zood va'ucs.
fj'l-.lse dressers. tS to slA.Vl; chiffonier.
.V.V: chairs. 4oc to t ea. h: rockers t
i to (Hi; solid oak round p-lesia! extenalnn
lahle. $12, .olid oak book case. JS and
Iota of other good barsalna at our new
luarters. i4.v:.47 Wasnlnston. ,betw-en
l:h and I7'h streets. old phon
r in r. Main 1 I"- or A :17"3.
Our film ar t pick of 28 Indepen
dent manufacturers: 14 new picture re
leased week '.y. .
Ton need th beat: wa can furni-B IU
V-'rlt for full Information.
Alo-Siu Swetland Bldg
I'ortio nd. Oregon.
Have about 4i cords of wood or more,
wlil sell nn Council Crest, right on Kalr
mount Boulevard. Make lie an offer for
the lot. Call to HI A. M. ask for Mr.
i:2s mh ft.
FOR SALE Gasolln launch. 32 feet long.
- beam. Jo II. P.. 3 cyl. Roberta motor,
sreed about 1 mllea per hoir; price (ot;
a bargain; boat at O. R. A -V Co. s boat
vard. Front and Nlclal sts. .
FOR sAl.K Practically new Morrison hop
prens wnh hoe and piping and 4M0 lb.
of aulp.iur. All g"es for '-T.. Will .il
press .-parale. 31. C. Federspell. Trout-
THE Northwest Typewriter Companjr.
Ablngton bldg. Phon M. SiiTO. la tba
only company aellins strictly fsctory r
bu:t tpwrltr; price $10 to (6.
5PrFl In our 11th annual premium 1-st:
br.eler- rrla a specialty. Write fvr psr
tlculare Walla ta:la Poultry Aclatlon.
p . l-x 44.1. w aJJ W;
MODEHN up-to-date et of abstract books:
good business; cash or excnani;e for real
r.tate or other securities. O. M. Smith.
-. I I'ommercul 'lub bldg. T Y t E VV K IT BKb. $i.
CO. Ask for catalog. Kebullte $1.1 UP- N
M. Havter Co.. VU Sth St. Main i2.
Fort HAI.K Slowe. wallca.ea. counter,
cheat-. No -'. Grand ave. I'hone East 53V
FOR SAl.E (iaso'ln launch. 12-hcrae-p.wer.
li-paawnger. 2.1 feet long, with cao
o;.y t.vp. Inquire- 310 W ell-Fargo blilg.
GAS range. Globe Wernicke. book rasss.
flrli'tstir. lIH organ. i.ii a-v
new; leaving lon.Esl 41H7.
W A NT F. 1 1 M1SC F.1.I.A VTO V.
Wanted Men s ca.t-olf cl -thing and
. ..-- we iiki t-uy houchdd f urniatilng. :
hixiest price paid. Call al th "ray
Deal." i N- Sd . Main UJ72.
WANTED Mena caatoff clothing and ahoea
and bicyclea. highest prices paid. We also
buy ladles' clothing. call up the Glob
econd-batid store. Phone Main 208. 20
l.i st. Prompt attention alaayi given.
iy YOU hav houaohold furnilur t ll
call up George ltakar A Co- 1(2 Park at
both Phone.
CARPENTER work of all kind: Jobbing, re
modeling, repairing a apaclalty. Cumrnlng
A Catlln, a71 First t. Marsha I JA-7.
WILL buy cite map at good price. If up to
1!H. Call li Couch bldg.. or phone Main
ltL sour sweoad-nand furniture t U For)
Auction Co. or you'll get iaaa, Pooa. A
int.: Main Mlul. .
aPOT casta paid for your 1 urn It ure : pratsa
attention aiway elven. Prone Kast Itarr.
WANTED Movlng-plclur machln. SIM
01m. gas ou-flt. AE 114. Oregoniatt.
WAcvTeTd Ail kind of riieVa arcond-hsal
cioinir.g. Call upMrhall
WANTED Electric motor, in norwepower or
larger, for cash. Sua lumbermen' bldg.
WANTED General s.ilcsmanagcr for large
manulacturlng business requiring rin ex
ceptional ability; one able to take full
chaige executive and inltla'lve: (..IM(
per -ear or to right man. Address
A I ilo. Manufacturer, care orexonian.
stating age, references and experience:
mus' be experienced snd succe.sfnl in
past manag-ment. A splendid opportunity;
strictly legitimate business.
10. roo POSITION'S for gradual laat ya.-.
men and women to lera barbar trad la
wka. help to secure promotion; gradu
ate earn from (15 to weekly; axpert
Instructors; tools free; write for cata
lcguaa Mohler Sj.tem of Collage. -3
North 4!h t-. Portland. Or.
WANTED Hones-t. reliable man who can
invest (-Jtio with his .ervices In good, le
gllimnte. well-estal-llslied hu.lne.: will
psv (imi per month; clean, arreeatile work;
no' experience necessary: want ateady man.
r;i M17 Couch Mils.. 100 4th si.
W NTtU Men at Lo Angeiea; no expense 10
le.irn electricity. automob.Vf. plumb
ing, brl. klaying by actual work, contract
Jotia: only few months reouired: 2o0 atu.lents
ls; "year; catalogue free. United Trad
School Contracting Co.. Lo Arfgele.
WANTED-t'arientei-s. machlnlat. machln
minera. timber framer. pump man.
imer. for mlnina company, oreeon; wagea
(J ill and l-cr day. board. Call between !
I" and I. room 3'J3. Lewis blitg. J
CLOTHlNil salesmen, steady position now
open with us for two flrst-claas. experi
enced men. Call at
Tnlrd and Morrison Sts.
WANTED Experienced ws.her; writ for
particular, giving experience and wages
expected, to Norm Hank Laundry. White
S;i I mo n. Wash.
W' Nr to let contract lo clear 10 to 0
acrea- only responsible parties need call.
andurn W alton. Ml Chamber of Com-
WANTED Young man about o yeara f
ace. in sales department wholesale houee.
tlive age. referencea. and experience- Ap
ply care T -'Ml. Oregon lan.
F I f : ST - C iIa SS natural fur cutter: ateady
emplov nient.
N. M. VXTAR ).
R)l 7th St.. Furriers,
GltiN ERY deliveryman. voting man with
a-me experience preferred; giv phone
iiinit-er. I. ;7."'. Oregon lan.
vN'i'Ki Hos and young men st races,
iiotidav. al 12 o'clock, to sell confections,
call fir John Pstterson.
Flrst-c'.a.s: stesdy work, good wage.
Call r.'I Commercial Club bldg.
li PER MONTliIearn telegraphy; day and
evening aes.lona "Practical." 3u 11th St..
I'ortland, Or.
JTt" SALESMAN, who Is slayer, living to
s'.srt tnen .rood money; our line Is stspl
and Is taking Jhe neld.F2Jl. Oregonlan.
BRIGHT boy for office work. Would pre
fer boy living with parenta. Muat b Itl
or over. AT -H-j. oregonlan.
First -cIsm: ateady work, good wages.
Call 2'-- v'ommerctal Club bldg.
STi-HK Salesman New concern. Live wire
provMioltion. Highest ommisslons. Kml-7
Lewis Itlog. See Hurseas.
I'UKlLAM' LAW S'l!OOI. opens Its Kail
term Sept. Is. Enroll n w. 1'hre years'
standard. 43ft Worcester block.
ll.ATErtEltS. metal lathers, cement mix
ers, hniitly new roof painters. E. Pin
emi 'U'l-
.. it"l. flS wanleI at AHer.- d-ck : huild-
hem- wrecked; no.-lii Steel bridge.
vol Nil man as assistant janitor, witii iwooil
references. Apple KasU rn Outfitting i 'o.
WAITER WANTED Apply Columbia Hotel.
321 1st St.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon aid portrait axea:a.
new offer. Cutbeein atudio Deaum bid
WANTED First-class coatmaker and I'uah
elman. Rirchall. 333 Stark st.
t A i.i'KM ER helpers and snuiclers. ...i
l-' r(
W ANTriD Advertising eo'lcllor. 211t Oak
' st reef.
HiiiilrlT boya witn wheel (4il per
month. ?." Alder st.
WANTED Coatmaker. g.vod waces. steady
work. Apply D. II. Moaher. Salem. r.
Ifciv Must be over lb years; ueneral work;
w sc-s (s l.ennon's. -iQ Morriso n rt.
PItKsSKRS wsnled. Hroadway Dye Works.
::.v: I'nlon ve. N.
.vN 1 El Carpenters 10 do work by con-tm.-i.
:t''7 Lumber Excl-ange tldBJ
WANTr.l Coaimaker and bushelman.
Hlrrhall. Uii Stark. romer Park.
HOY wanted to learn trade. Wm. K'umpp
'-... r.-.T. Ww.hlt.c'on t.. rom ."'2.
I I'i'l. man wsnted. Call 22 Commer
cial Club bldg.
B A K B F. l"Ta led. ateady Job. lsv Morri
son si.
PAINTER for roof painting. 411 2J si.,
Si I sman of good appearance to sell
new. hlgn-cla. subdivision. Exceotlonal
opportunity for the right man. Ask for
Mr. Henderson. 0 to HI A. M.
l'J'JVs sixth St.
WANTED Able-bodied men for the I. s.
Marin Corps, between th age of 19 and
3.1; must b native brn or hav tirit pa
pers; monthly pay $16 to $68; additional
compensation possible; food, clothing. auaJ!
ter and medical attendance free; after 0
years' service can retire with 7.1 Pr cent
of pay and allowances: srv!ce on board ah p
and cshoie In all part of the world. Apply
at t". 3. Marine Corp Recruiting Office.
Rree.'n bldg.. 3d and Washington ata..
I '.inland. Or. ,
"HOW to Secure a Better Position." Send
quickly for the book "How to Secnre the
pos.tlon You Went": a collection of entirely
re methods that will quickly secure you
the higbert-pald position you ar qualified
to fill: originated and proved by well-known
employment expert; Jupt eight large pages
of real Information: worth S.V) a page; price
$1. by mall. Ad.Irew P. Stelner. P. O.
b"X 111. San Franclro.
8ALKSMK.V Th Columbia Llf Trust
Company hav an opening for on or two
flrst-clsss solicitors. If you have not bad
r xcr.enc in eelling life Insurance you will
be er-hcoied and rendered sw1stsnc In find
ing prospect and closing buxnnens. Come la
and talk It over. Ask for B. P. Lockwood.
Vice-Pre. n Gen'l Manager, or Harry
- Itlcrxy. City Manager. D-.h floor Spaldlnf
BOYS Id year of age or over, with bicycle;
wages $oO to $S" per month.
374 Waahingtoa at., cor. Wet Park.
GET out of the rut; thi means you; If your
Job holds out. no hop for advancement.
If the e;oe of each day see you no nearer
success than you were In th morning, or
th dy before, or the year before. Writ
for new catalogue. International Corre
spondence schools. '33 Alder at.. Portland.
60O M EN'S Fall auita bought by Jlmmla
Dunn at much lees thsn wholesale coat.
Sold by Mm In an office building where
he paya one-tenth of the rent of a ground
flour .tore. Thla explains his system. He
sells you 1211 mens suits for $1i.9": $-T
men's suits for (14 73. Room BIS Orego
uian blitK. Tske elewtor, third floor.
MEN WA NTED- Age IN-ttTSi. for Bremen.
(Iin monthly, and brakemen. (". on
nearby rallroada. Experience unnecessary;
no atrtke. Promotion to engineera. con
dueiora. Railroad employing headquar
ter over .loo men sent to positions
monthly. Stat age. Send stamp. Rall
way Association, car Oregonlan.
W K want a few energetic aalesmen to work
on a propoaltlon where th return are
big. If you are not afraid of work and
ran appreciate a good proposition, be sur
and see us.
3nu Chamber of Commerce.
t.k for Mr. Derby.
WANTED by an established engineering
and construction company, an Al outside
g.-neral superintendent of building con
struction: location. Portlsnd. Or. In re
plying, stste age. experience, reference
and salary expected. Address K.. Mc
Mpln, l.'S 7lh al.. I'ortlan d. Or.
A-1 operator, ladles or men's gafnaente.
A-l flitter, Isaiea' garment.
A-1 tailors, Isdle' or men's garment
Merchant Tsllors,
14H 5th St. m
3 to s tvims wanted for grading on
Council crest, call between and 10 A.
M.. ask for Mr. Henderaon.
ll'its Sixth St.
BRIGHT young man. under 2f. 10 lern high
class office specialty buaineaa; would pre
fer aome eelling experience; chance to de
velop under coinpett-nl sales manager; sal
ary and commission; references In first
letter. J -ill, oregonlan.
W ANTED By general building contractor,
young man with some experience In taking
of' quantities; must be accurate; state age.
cxiieiience and salary expected. Address
AN 1'tH. Oregxil-n.
Second cutter for ladle and men' gar
ments: gool trimmer of garments.
Us 5th St.
Motion picture opcratoi earn $35 weekly.
W ttach you In !-.ort time on easy terms.
N. Y. MoiK-n Picture School, B2olj W ssh
Inglon. r.esr 17:h.
WANTED IOoO more men to est rice and
baked beans at 5c the dish at a Rice and
Cocja Lunchroom, I'-S ' Morrison, -;4 1st
St.. -17 Couch SL. or 70 N. Oth st. Come
on. ho y a 9
ARCHITECT Man of some experience, who
Is accurate In eatlmsling and who can
take charge of construction If necessary;
flat and bungalow work; salary $10 to
! to start. AF SC3. Oregonlan..
WANTED An office boy between 15 and
ro years of age. references required: call
between ( and 11 A. M. Oregon Mollne
Plow Co.. 8?0 E. Morrison St.
RAILWAY mall clergs. poitolTlcs clerks and
carrier' examination In November: sslarr
up to Jl.l'Kl; tree Honlt (0; Pacific StatM
School. McKay bldg.. Portland.
RA1LWAT mall clerks. Portland examina
tions November 12. 8l0 to (1U4M1. Prepara
tion free. Franklin Instituto, Dept 313 T.
Rochewter. N. Y.
Tlu: MEIER A FRANK STORE require the
services of IrtO cash boys and cash girls.
Apply between 8 and 111 A. M. to euper
in'endenCs office. Bth floor.
WANTED Two live aire stock salesmen; A-l
prop sitkin. Call between 9 and 11. room 701
tlregonian blng.
WE .WANT experienced drivers, familiar
with city; come at once. Mt. Hood Cream.
-'10 2d.
STRON'U boy. over 111 yeara old. Apply Man
ager. 2d floor. Portiand'a Emporium. 12d
Sixth st.
FIKST-CLASS presaer on ladles' cloaks and
suits, ateady work. Apply manager. 2d
tloor. Portland's Emporium 1JC S'xth sr.
WANTED Flr.t rla.s tinner and sheet
metsl worker.. A. F. Strabel, fi W. 8th
St.. Eugene.
W ANTED A Japanese boy to do light house-w-irk
in a family of three, abort distance
in of city S 212. Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS clothing salesman, good
wages, steady position. Parisian Tailors,
H Kth st.
FIRST-CLASS shoemsker. 37 Stark street.
DISH WASHER wanted at once. 171 4ih st.
HOP-PICKERS to pick 'N acres of hops,
big crop, fine accommodations, bakery,
butcher shop, grocery store restaurant,
fiee dancing pavilion, beautiful camp
ing grounds, delightful bathing, low ex
cursion rates; register now at Krebs'
Vros ' office, room BIS Worcester blag..
Third and Oak" sis. No charges for Joti.
orrire hours H to P. M.. i-unday to
t p. j Home A 433.V Main slhi.V
22.i Fleldner Bldg . lth and Wash. Pt.
Phone Marahall lli.
WANTED Hop-pickers for J he Rscy hop
ranch. 2 mile, from Hlll.horo. or.; one
hundred acres tine hops, three weeks' pick
ing. for pickers, fine aictmmoda
tioos; rsllroid on rsnch. Apply II I..
Iiart. H1I-HI2 Worcester bldg.. or Wm.
Bagley, HIIIboro. Or.
HOP-PHKEH!i wanted today; meet me at
North Hank deoot. 11th and Hoyl sis.,
between u and HI o'clock. Take camping
outfits. J. R. Brown.
MCk"b money writing storlej for new-si-apera:
big ps) : send for free booklet: tells how.
1'nlted Pres Syndicate. San Franclaco.
WANTED Hopplckers wanted; going out
Tuesday. Inquire of C. M. Hall, SL
ChBr'e. Hotel.
HOTS and girls. Id years old or over; good
wsges snd stesdy work. Multnomah Mo
hair Mills. Sellwood.
WANTED Amateurs for road show; ex
perience unnecessary. Addrea. B. r., thla
orfl-e AJ 271. pr?gonln.
WANTED Hoppicker wanted. Inquir of
i' M. Hall. St. charle Hotel.
iol PH KERS Call at St. Charles Hotel
si once. Call for Bartlett.
FlbK 1EACHERR' AOF.NCT otters good
positions to A-l Instnietor. fill Swtland.
v VTH 1 FMAI r
COM I'ETENT girl for general housework.
't.1 N. st
lit'oD girl for general housework. .163 5th
E. I'l-'r.lEN'CED cook In small family, good
w a ges. 474 Market, cor. 14th St.
fci'OND girl who can aew nicely. Call 474
Market sr.. cor. 14th st.
CI!-.-, experienced wer on ladles' garments.
t-:Tie l.a'Jle T1lor. Ma Washington t.
pi: iski:s. t'lishelmcn. rodwa. 305
I'nlon ave, N.
WANTED lady superintendent
to Iske charge or a first-el spanment
hou ; state former txperlence snd refer
ences, with full partlculirs; those that
have had former experience in apartment
hous.'S need sppiy. AL 2H4. Oregonlan.
WANTED Ladv of refinement and educa
tion, not under .'III. for -position requiring
tact and Initiative: permanent employ
ment and liberal compensation; must b
able to leave Portland on short trips. AN
27.1. Oregonlsn.
W ANTED Young lad for assistant book
keeper In wholesale house; none but rap
able persons need apply. Address, giving
references; salary required. H 2S2, Or
goni.n. WANTED Young lady telegraph operator;
10 . 1. l 1 ... anri office
one laminar nun ijjib.iiiii
work preferred; answer, stating age. ex-
perience ana lowest salary expec-veo. v
si:lon out of city. I. 272, Oregonlan.
WANTED a girl for general housework:
must be good cook. Apply 209 13th. bet.
salmon and Tavlor. Phone Main 3058. A
FOR glria' clubhouse cook and second girl:
Germane preferred. Call between 9 and 12
forenoon. $75 Sixteenth, corner Monig-ora-.
IWO women with good eye-sight, who are
accustomed to using needle on fine sew
ing; good wages and steady work. Mult
nomah Mohair Mills. Sellwood.
GOOD wages, steady employment. PACIFIC
COAST BISCUIT CO., ISth and Davis.
the-aerv Ices of loo cash boys and cash
girls. Apply between 8 and 10 A. M. to
superintendent's office. 6th floor.
aflVi Washington St.. Room 814.
Main 8836 or A 3106.
t4$i Washington St. Cor. 7th. Upstair
Phone Main 2012.
EXPERIENCED girl for'general housework,
no washing, good wage. Phone Wood-
lawn 203. .
WANTED Nurse and companion for elderly
lady and some light housework. AM 203,
WANTED Bright girl, 18 or over, to train
for nurse. Apply between 10 snd 4. S-8
Merchants Trust bldg. Dr. Freeze.
EXPERIENCED and inexperienced girls can
find profitable and steady employment at
the Portland Laundry. lth and Couch sts.
st noul. girl can have room and board in
exchange for nsslating In housework; pri
vate family. East HtS.
REFINED girl for care of two children and
upstairs work. 794 Irving st. Phone A
1 1 '.'.
WANTED A nurse girl for two small chil
dren: good home and aalary. $20. Phone
Marshall 3930.
WANTED Reliable girl for housework,
mornings only; must live home. Phone
Main 41116
SCHOOL girl to assist with light housework
for good home; use of piano and lessons
If de.lred PhoneA 30'J.
WANTED Experienced girl for housework
ud cooking; wages $3 or $33. 803 Love-
.tOV St.
WANTED FirM-cls woman cook In private
family: good position to right party. ISOO
Hawthorns av. Tabor 1103.
PRACTICAL, energetic woman for position
In mercantile establishment: previous ex
perience unnecessary. D 25$. Orcgontan.
COM PETENT Cook and also second girl;
good wages for both. Call J4t Tenth
sr.. Monday morning. '
WANTED A girl to assist with general
housework, good wages. Apply 553 John-
won st.
GIRL, about 17. to attend little gill, aged
in. after school snd Saturday afternoons;
$0 monthly, sol Dekum blcig.
STENOGRAPHER, with some knowledge of
bookkeeping: short hour, steady. 818
Worcester bldg. -
COMPETENT girl for general housework:
wages $30. 1 100 Franklin at. Phone A 3584
or Main 8384.
HAVE your Fall dresses made by Miss
IlRttle. Phone A 3771 or call at Keeler
Apartment 36. 14th and Clay.
WANTED A girl for gereral housework.
471 Alnsworth ave.. corner E. Sth. Phon
Woodlawn 1738. Woodlavrn car.
WANTED Good cook and general house
girl: family of 2. 2'IH North - 23th St..
Apt. 3.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for rw
sponstbfe position. Vlsvl Co.. 608 Koto
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
TEACHERS for Coast state W hire di
rect Call Pacific Teachers' Agency, 804
6 LetwiBldr.thandOa"c. t
WANTED A good cook, also girl for gen
eral housework, for private sanitarium.
Waverlelgh Crest. Phone, Sellwood 37.
EXPERIENCED girl for rooking ar.d gen
eral housework: good waces 770 O. er
ton sr., b e tween 23d and 24 1 h. '
GIRL. 13 or IS years old. to care for 4-year-old
boy three afternoons each week.
Phone C H5. S3; Wasco st.
FIRST-CLASS pressor on ladies' cloaks and
suitsteady work. Apply manager, 2d
r) oor. Portland's Emporium. 120 Sixth st.
WANTED To adopt girl from 2 to yrs.
old by wealthy couple; state particulars.
P 2r.1. oregonlan.
WANTED Girl for general housework, fam
ily of two; apply mornings. A. J. Rey
nolds. 461 E. 18th North.
GOOD girl for general housework. 40$ East
Uth st. North, bet. Hancock and Tilla
mook: Broadway car.
WANTED Woman to take care of three
children and house. Apply A'M Montgom
ery. todsy between 10 and.1 o'clock.
GIRL for second work and ass:st for a little.
girl: apply mornings. 822 Johnson. H. A.
REFINED girl wishing- to attend school and
willing to aaslst, can have nice home.
AN 2Q'.r. Oregonlan. Phone Tabor 1100.
W1NTED An experienced girl for cooking
and general housework, small family, best
wsges. Apply mornings. 145 N. 22d st.
W1NTED Girl for general housework. Ap-
nU- 22l N. Hh st.
WIDOW, and son of l. on ranch in Hood
River district. L 271. Oregonlan.
co-il'EIENT woman or girl for good, plain
cooking: good wages. 701 Marshall.
Di.NlNO-HOOM girl and a chambermaid.
t:'.." Iloyt st. i 1
W ANTED Firrt-claas marker at State Laun
dry Co.. 393 Broadway.
GOOD girl for general housework. 994 East
21st. North. Phone Woodlawn 60.
LADY to run bakery and delicatessen. Phone
A 1213.
GIRL wanted to work in bindery. 66 6th st.
loose Cs rd Book Co.
v .v.-. l eu girl 10 ss.lbl with housework. UI
Marahall near y-'nd at.
COMPETENT girl lor general housework
Apply 1S6 E. ltfth st. Phone East 2007.
WANTED -Ladv teachers. Apply 1 43"
first st. 7:30 to 9:31 P. M.
A cl'TCHEN helper. 431 E. Morrison; no
Sonday work.
EX PERI ENCED collar girl; good wages
Portland Laundry Co.. 9th and Couch sts.
WANTED Girl for second work. Apply 779
. Marshall.
UirtL for general housework; wsges $30;
no washing. 305 Broadway. C H)'J2.
GIRL for second work. Apply In the morn
ing at 434 Main St.
COAT finishers wanted at once. 283 'is
YfSihlll sc. room9.
L.vrTESio teach M. E. Chinese Mission.
nply 22iP. Morrison.
O...I. for housework. Apply 38.1 Marshall
St.. near lsth
W AITRESS Experienced. Thompson's Res-
taurant. 144 Fourth at. .
Glitl. for general housework, must be good
Vcok: small family. 6"3 Broadway.
..civil, bright glrla. terms, secure steady
emp:oyment at the Troy Laundry Co.
GIRL wsnted to work In store. 442 East
Hurnslde st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
-isgea $30. Phone East 8'l3. .
WANTED Ldy cook, good wages, nog
Main St.. Vsncouver, Wash.
LiisSONS In shorthand and typewriting by
expert; 83 a month. 209 14th. Main 3893.
OOOD reliable woman for housekeeping
tork: small family. 565 Sth SL
., wauled- v"iuou Launury Co.. ;d aad
RELIABLE colored girl to assist with house
work and children. O. M. Smith. 695 Davis.
TEL A girl for general housework,
wt. flair st. Thong Main 2.164.
W ANTED Waitress at NewvWestern Hotel.
832 C.llsan.
WANTED An experienced waitress. The
Hill. 23d and Wash. .
GIRL, experienced helper on coats. Call at
.;ii4 stark st.. room 1.
GIRL ior general housework, family of 2.
C-.ll C 1t2. '
W ANTkiD A girl for general housework. 695
Dav l st. near 21st. i
WANTED An experleneed waitress. Apply
at Alexandra Court. 53 Ella St.
WANTED Tourg ladle for telephone oper
rftlng; with or without experience. Apply
The Pacific . Telephone & Telegraph com
rny (Mh and East Ankeny or Weit
Faxk and Alder st.
TalToressea and finishers. alteration Band
on ladlea' garments, vest and trousers
makers, me.i'a garments. A-1 sklrt-makera
Merchant Tailors.
148 5th St.
i -
1 GIRL to wait on table. 93 Russell st
GIRL for general housework. 1S8 N. 17th
WANTED Two waitresses. Sargent Hotel.
Bookkeeper.aod Clcrks-
ACCOUNTANT, office manager, credit man
and hmnling young business man desires
position wlih reliable concern; well ac
quainted in city and surrounding states: un
limited references; have a talk with me.
I 260, Oregonlan.
WANTED" About 20 more hop-pickers 'to
fill out a crew for excellent hopyard near
city, about 2 weeks' work. Phone Main
107. Call 110 Sherlock bids- 3dand Oak.
EXPERT accountant will keep small set
books: books opened, closed, balanced,
errors located; charges moderate. Y -.
HOOK KEEPER or office work by experi
enced man; eight years last position;
best reference; city or country. M 291.
Oregonlan. ,
WANTED Housekeeper snd gentleman lor
hotel work: must be experienced and give
reference. AJ 274. Oregonlan.
OFFICE man. age 40. highest reference;
flnanclaly responsible: wsgea no object;
want employment. M 284. Orcgontan.
ACTIVE man. well educated, wants clerical
position, day or night; hotel preferred.
O 'J4. Oregonlan.
DRCHCLERK four years' experience, wants
position in city, beat reference. J 3 -0
oregonlan. ;
YoUNG MAN. 22 years old. wishes position
tm bookkeeper: 3 years' experience; best ref-
erences. O 235. Oregonian.
WORK wanted bv painter and paper han-jer,
all-around man: have had
lence. buying and selling. J -OS. ore-
AMBITIOUS young man. Just arrived of
various business experience, would lil.e
position at anytnlng. L. K.. 99.8 East 20th
YOUNG man. with five years' experience In
railroad and city engineering, desires po
sition at once; can furnish Instruments
and best references. A J 27.T. Oro?onian.
TOI,NO gentleman, speaks five different
languages, wishes any kind position. O
''6. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE, young man. wants position si
office bov or ralet. speak good English.
AB 261. Oregonlan.
OUTSIDE position "by educated young man.
collecting, timekeeping, etc. S 204. Ore
gonian. YOUNG man. aged 24. wishes steady Job
as stationary fireman: has experience, so
ber. Address H. Howler, pen, oeuv.
BRICKLAYERS, non-union, good mechanic,
wants work, day or contract, wages fo
per day. Y 235. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED chief cook wants position
American or European plan, hotel, city
or country. A K rt3. oregonlan
position as fireman or assistant
R. Hurst, general delivery.
MARRIED man would like janitor work.
housecleanlng or porter work; can give
reference. I'hone Main ".SOO.
EXPERIENCED Japanese wants situation In
good family: cook for dining-room work.
.1 2T.1. Oregonlan.
WANTED Work by a landscape gardener.
day or contract work. 31 North Park St.,
city. ,
JAPANESE cook wants position in private
family. Main 8361.
JAPANESE boy wants position to do house
wo'rk and help cook. K 2'hi. Jrcgonlnn.
EXPERIENCED tallyman wanta position, rail
r.:' cargo. AF 20. orcg.uu.iii.
"YOUNG man wants evening work; state kind
and hours. AL 272. Oregonlan.
M v v wishes position in laundry as washer.
' Phone Main 2778. North 2d.
JAPANESE bov wishes Job as schoolboy. L
2."0. Oregonlan.
BUTLER, first -claa desires position; can
give best reference. B 256, oregonlan.
CARPENTER work, any kino, aay w -oa--esct
Phone Marehsll 2327
BITUATION wanted by nwn and wife; can
give good references. Telephone East 2705.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
COM PE7T ENT stenographes wants a position;
will go out of town; $30 to start. X 273,
Oregonlan. .
WANTED By girl with experience, set of
books to keep in spare time, professional,
church or business. G 286, Orejonlan.
AMBITIOUS- energetic woman wishes posi
tion as office clerk: small salary; object.
experience. AH 254. Oregonlan.
UP-TO-DATE ladies' tailoring; suits made
to order 815; satisfaction guaranteed. 93D
LADIES' tailoring: alterations, coat rellned.
Mra. Muckler. 430 Columbia st. A470tf.
FASHIONABLE gowns made reasonable at
8.1 7th st. .
FANCY and plain gowns. Phone Private
Exchange 60, Mrs. Heft.
STVLISH dresses. $3 up; waists. $1.50 up;
fine work. 529 E. Mill. East 5250.
DRESSMAKING, waists, skirts and dresses.
16o 17th St.. West. Phone Marshall l'-'M.
NURSE like more rases; 17 years' exper
lence; reasonable. East 1351.
NURSE, woulc like few cases, maternity;
city doctors' teference. Phone Tabor 2549.
COMPETENT cook, excellent housekeeper, good
manager, genial disposition, desires a position
as housekeeper for two or three gentlemen.
Addrea AC 273, oregonlan.
POSITION as Housekeeper for bachelor or
widower: have small child. Call or ad
dress. Housekeeper. 284 Margin st.
WANTED Bv graduate of Eastern College
of Music, limited number of lady pupils on
piano. - Call Main 2009, between 9 and 11
A. M. .
EXPERIENCED woman wants a few steady
places to do work by the day. J 27,
I'RIVATE tutoring by experienced teacher;
backward pupils special attention. B 275,
WANTED Situation as cook In private fam
ily; references; please state wages. AM
2iio. Oregonlan.
COMPETENT, willing woman wants work
of any kind by the day. 3y6 Davis St.
LACE curtains washed and stretched. 4Hc
pair. B 27TO
CIKTAINS washed and stretched. 40c; spe
cial care taken. Tabor 55.
A JAPANESE girl wants position as lady's
maid or nursemaid. A 270, Oregonlan.
AuENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown
nursery stock Is la demana: sales this
sesson will be Immense: a flattering op
portunity; cash paid weekly; outfit free.
Salem Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
ACTIVE canvassers can make 50 weekly
selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com
pany. Liberal proposition; gooa territory.
Addiess Orenco. or.
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply tne de
mand for choice nursery sio.-a: outnt
free: cssn weekly. Address Capital City
Nye.ery Co.. Sslem. Or.
WANTED elegantly furnished flat of 7
. rooms for 1 month, with privilege of
longer; West Side. Address AC 275, Ore
go n i iaiK
WANTED To rent furnished modern 4 or
5-room bungalow or flat in good location;
give location and rent. V 204. Oregonlan.
WANTED By young married couple, fur
nished apartments; must be modern, not
to exceed $25 a month: permanent for
Winter. D 254. Oregonlan.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED Room and board by working
girl: must be good, close in. Y 252. Ore
gonian. WANTED Room ana breakfast In ateam
heated house, by young ladv v-itii refer
ences. West Side. E 271, Oregonlan.
Rooms With Board
BOARD wanted; 1 nave- a uuj - .V" " '
1 wish to place in a private family, on"
where there is no small children; ref et -ences
exchanged. Address, slating pr.c.
A K 272. -Orcxonian. .
YOUNG lady school teacher desire room
and board with exclusive private family.
West Side; private families only need re-
pic. .vi urejK-niHii.
WANTED Bv lady employed, room snl
board in private family, close in: must
be reasonable: references given. L ..
WANTED Well furnished housekeeping
rooms or small flat, clos In, privllcge of
keeping cocker spaniel dog. JefCery, .149
Taylor. Main 42.'-:;.
WANTED By widow lady, one or two fur
nished housekeeping rooms, private fam
ilv. close in. East or West- Side, reason
able L 274. Oregonlan.
SINGLE room for young man, clore In; must
be moderate; state terms. K 294, Orcso-
Buautese P races.
WANTED To rent. A storeroom or part
of store for high-class Jewelry line. Wash
ington. Morrison or any cross street, be
tween 3d and 7th sts. Responsible parties.
B 258. OreEonlan. .
WANTED To rent, warehouse or space
close in for general merchandise. P. L.
Cherry Co.. 307 Lumber Exchange bldg.
WANTED Real estate office, ground floor,
close in. r 258. Oregonlan.
11 IJ II t. I L N . 11V.VU iaJ.JV-'""--
TWO very nice unfurnished
rooms, with
s I oeping pore n. A o o e -
Furnished Rooms.
Corner -Hh. 350 Taylor,
and Alder St. near ith.
These two beautiful new hotels just
completed and handsomely furnished, pos
sess every modern convenience including
elevator service and private telephone ex
change. Both are right down town, yet
just off all carllnes; about half the rooms
in each have private baths, all others hot
I and cold water. ine rate, are au.ui
K Inglv low. Call and see them and you
1 ...iilKA nI..H.In i-erv wn V. RoomB bV
the day, week or month.
Seventh and Ankeny a'-a
The preacher who preaches.
The teacher who teachea.
And the drummer with goods to seU;
With wife or with daughter.
When looking for quarters.
All are welcomed at the Scott Hotel.
A quiet home for quiet people.
building; fine large ground-floor office; hot
and cold running water In all room;
steam heated; private bath: very richly
lurnlahed; rates only $3 and up per
week: 500 up per day. Call snd see u.
Northeast corner Fifth and Glisan sta
229 Eleventh St.
New, modern brick building, steam -fcfated,
private baths, hot .and cold water
In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and
comfortable. Rates very reasonable. Call
and ee u. Regular and transient trad
side. How would you like deslrabln quar
ters for the Winter? Steam heat, hot and
cold water, rooms single or en suite; rooms
with private baths. Itates from $2.50 to
s a week, fcjast a'Ji'i or rs iu.
a.o'A'i dAKuEM', Cor. Grand av. snd
Hawthorne. Phone East
281. connecting every room. Private baths,
elevator, first-class grill. Sp'clal ratos by
week or month. Amerltva or Europeaa.
Transients solicited.
BACHELOR apartments, new, two rooms,
every convenience. Including buffet
kitchen and phone. Camar Apartments.
7114 Lovejoy street or Main 7391 and A
7717. .
Washington and lith, flrst-cias furnlahed
rooms single or en suite; all modern ona
venlence: $3 weekly up. A 264", M. 5647.
812 Osk St.. cornet Sixth: large. light,
airy room, elegantly furnished; else trio
lights, running water; low rates-
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, opp. Portlsad Ho
tel 380 Yamhlil: first-class furnished rooms,
single or en suite, mooern; $5 up: translen:
solicited. Main 31, A 7177.
THE HAZEL Nicely-furnlshe'd. atcam-heat-ed
rooms, with running water. 3s5 3d St..
cor. Montgomery. '
kuubriA outside rooms, $2.5o to $3 per wee,
including baths; also housekeeping room a
64bfr Washington t.
ONE furnished room by week or munth: every
convenience; best class men only. O'Neill,
Alder, V. rark.
LLjiGAN'lLY and newly furnished slngia
outside rooms, only $10 and up. The Del
Monte, 20th and Washington sta
THE NEVA Newly furnished rooms; hot and
cold water, steam heat. 175 21st st. ; half
biock south of Washington at.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sta.. we.l
furnished sleeping rooms. $2-5l per week;
eltctric lights, hot baths free.
A SUITE of 2 nicely furnished rooms, suit
able for 2 or 3 people; all conveniences;
MODERN rooms. $3 per week and up. The
Givyosa. corner Grand ave and E. StarU.
CLEAN, cheerful rooms. $2 up; down town,
private bath. 3S9 Alder st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
'Two lurge unfurnished rooms, 2lJ 13th sf
hurt irheil HiMiins in Private l'.rr.i;
VERY large, newly furnished room in mod
ern hou.-; furnace heat, hot and cold water,
bath, phone; suitable for one or two: walk
ing distance, 64 E. 12th N B 2501.
FURNISHED room in private family for
vcung woman, teacher preferred; furnace
iieat. electric lights, near Hawthorne and
W ashington High Schools. Phone B 2'-".0
S.M.AL'., front room; room with running
.aler, adjoining bath, nicely furnished,
rent reasonable. 551 Taylor.
NcWLY furnished room with home con
veniences, bath and phone. 230"? North
ISth st. ,
LARGE, finely furnished front room; hot
water heat; also connecting room. 429
Market st. Phone A 4O06.
THREE furnished rooms, free heat, bath
and telephone; one outdoor sleeping house,
cheap. 303 12th St.
ccdAN. comfortable room, sultaoie for a
gentleman; modern convenience. Main
. S043. 353 12th at.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, $6 and $7;
Jefferson-street car: easy walking distance.
328 Chapman. A 5450.
PLEASANT rooms. 1 or 2 gentlemen, run
ning water, bath. etc.. reasonable. 292
12th st.
500 HAWTHORNE 3 well furnished rooms.
Light housekeeping; modern; adults. East
NICELY furnished small front room $2 per
week. Modern, walking distance. Phone
Main 8394.
TWO LARGE plainly furnished housekeep
ing rooms, first floor, all conveniences.
1.-.3 12th.
HI PER month: elegantly furnished front
room modern, absolutely clean- references
required . .'134 Mill. Phone A 3133.
Nicfc, FRONT ROOMS for one or two busi
ness people: walking distance; reasonable.
21:: Thirteenth St.
44i SIXTH ST. Large, newly fumis-hed
"roem to share with gentleman; $1.50 per
week: walking distance.
3 FURNISHED rooms for rent, cheap; own
er out of clly. Phone B 1S36. 593 East
Pine, corner 15th. ;
"89 HALSEY. near Williams ave 2 newly
furnished rooms for gentlemen friends,
with preakfast and supper.
NICE furnished room, centrally located, suit
sble for one or two persons; reasonable. 213
Thirteenth St.
NEWl Y furnished room in steam-heated
residence, running hot and cold water. 504
""ROOMS en suite or single: every conven
lence. Main -1312, 361 loth St.
FURNISHED room. $1.50 to $5: tenant or
transit; free phone and bath. 2 N. 14th.
LADY having nicely furnished .. fla: would
rent rooms to gentlemen- A 49S9.
LARGE, newly furnished room; modern; walk
ing distance"; sleeping porch. 424j 6th.
5 i;p Newly furnished rooms. steam
heated, electric lights. .165 V, Glisan st.
TWO nice, large rooms, with or without
breakfast. West Side. A 1036.
TWO sunnv, furnished housekeeping rooms.
467 E. Pine, between 8th and 9th.
FURNISHED rooms from $1.50 up. 2S9 Jlth
NICELY" furnished bedroom; phone, gas and
' bath: $10- 266 12th st.
ONE large front room, with small kitchen.
'in.. North 2Qtli st.
Two new furnished front rooms; mooi-rn;
wilklng distance. 3681a 13th st.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms in
modern, upper flat, private family, bath,
telephone, boat, lights, etc.: near Steel
bridge, eay walking distance: terms rea
sonahlc. 2Q1 McMillan st.
TWO nicelv furnished rooms: furnace heat,
hot and cold waf'r. West Side. Walking
distance. Call Monday after 10 A. M
1'hone A ."."iC2.
NEWI.Y furiiii'l-ed front looms, strictly
modern, suitable for two; gentlemen pre
ferred. :Wt N. loth, near Wash. Phona
Main r,7n.l.
NEWLY furnished rooms for one or two
gentlemen, ideal location, furnace heat,
hot and cold water. 214 13th st., corner
$ 1 . .10 PER weckTroom: close In. 2fic 12th st.
Kcomi With Boaru.
S3 17TH ST. N.. one block off Washington;
well furnished ccrncr uit: bath adjoining;
r. igii single rootrg; board optional.
Rooms With JBoardJin Private Family.
NEWLY' furnished rooms ard board for
two. Lady teachers or stenographers pre
ferred. Private family. Every conveni
ence: close in. Phone East ;I!H1 or R 204.
Urcgonian. ,
Fort KENT in private family, room and
board for two young ladies; walking dis
tance, home cooking, comfortable home;
re i e ren ces. 303 l.'ttli.
WANT ladv to cook mornins anil evening
meals for young couple, both working 111
exchange for room, board and homo irii
losrs. Call -' 14th or phone Main 7142.
TW O large, nicely furnished fioni- housekeep
ing rooms, first floor; all conveniences. 353
12th t.
DESIRABLE room and board, home cook
ing, walking distance. 044 E. Alder, B
BOARD and rooms: newly furnished, excel
lent home cooking, strictly modern; both.
Phones. :;S7'.-. Mill st.
ROOM and board for 2. $:5 each; home
cooking, 695 Everett St., Phone Main
ii s-i.
NICELY furnished front room with board for
gentleman: Scandinavian preferred. No. II
North loth St.. Ikh. Stark and Burnslde.
1 wo splendid rooms, choice board, excellent
neighborhood, reasonable. 701 Marshall.
A l-2".
TaBI.E board, good home cooking. 3 meals
day. J4.50 per week. 191 11th. near
BOARD or light housekeeping rooms, two
blocks from East Side High School; girla
prei'erred. 515 E. W ashington
NICELY furnished rooms with or without
board; bath. 4Q3 61 h. Phone A V.I'iS.
EXCELLENT table. elegantly fuinlslitd
.00 m tot- two. Phone East :11I77.
Ho.uE cooking at reasonable rates. In prl
vato family. Phone Main 4.-8I.
FURNISHED rooms with board. 515 Mor
rison St., cor. 10th. A 3S2S.
ROOM and board, suitable for 2 gentlemen;
heme cooking, reasonable. 413 Taylor st
Nc.vVL furnished room with board. 593
E. Oak Phone B 2019.
489 Clay treet, second house from 14th.
the only modern completely furnihsed a
room apartment-house in the city; hou-a
and elegant fwrni'.uie brand ces; Jc
opened lor busin; steam heat, elecuria
light, hot and cold water in etery apart
ment; private phone, bath; walking dis
tance; $1S $25. Including .lectric ilgUL Mar
shall 2"74.
The finest, most moileri brick apart
ment house, just completed; everything
first-class: all outsido rooms; apartment
of 2. 3, 4 and 5 rooms witn all the latest
conveniences; situated in the finest resi
dence part of the city, Lucretia St., near
Washington, between 22d and 23d si
Appiy to superintendent apartment 1.
New brick apartments; every conven
ience; two, three and five rooms; fur
nished or unfurnished; south side of Love
joy st.. near 22d. See Janitor, or
Room 1 Worcester Bldg.
phone Main 7391.
.170 Couch St.. cor. ISUi, near Wash
ington; phone Main 1192; 3 and 4-rooui
apartments. furiilaned or uniurnlshed.
wnh elevator service, private balh, hot
and cold water, steam heal, phoue and
janitor service. ,
HEINZ apartments, 14Lh and Columbia; 4
blocks south from Morrison St.; new brlcg,
builuuig, completely first-class; lutnlsue.
ln 2. 8 alio . 4-room family aparttents,
private bath reception hail, at m neat,
hut watetr, "elevator, free prone. Janitor
service; rent frin fr-5 yet- n.outa and up.
FINE 0-room apartment In one of the best
West Sloe res-ulelicc districts, 2.'ith St.,
between Nonliruu and Overton; hardwood
floors, steam neat. Ask the Janitor to
show it to you. Purse, 618 Ciiamoer of
ANGELA apartments. 3U Trinity Place, oe
tween lath and 20111. near Wash; nw
matiaBciiiei.t. new- brick building, 2. 3, 4
ruum aparLmeiiL, iiiiiiisneu and untar
nished, ttlcctrlc elevator, private balll. hot
vv aier. sleam heat, pnunea, janitor service.
AciAAiOiST apartments, 5 ill and College ;
new brick buiiuiu'. now ocing elcaa.-.tiy
lurnisiiuu. naiawood tloors. steam heat,
private phone, balh, lircpioof wall safe,
reasonable Phono Main ooso. Janitor
The select apartments of Aob HilL For
terms apply to janitor, cor. uf King and
Wayue sis.
21st and Irving sia, a o-room basement
apartment, with heal, aaa range, hot and
' cola water and wluuow shaues; 2U per
month: reference.
FI V-l'.OU luuilsne. apartment, modem
In every particular; sLeam-heated, hot
water. Janitor .ervices, witn drst-ciaa lur
liishing Apply to Janitor. boa Kear
ney at.
! RE-U KAN Apartment. 024 Marshall St. Ex
' ciusive, newiy furnished, modern in eveiy
respect; oUtblue - llgni, uuiei auu iioiiieut.v
surroundings; If looking lor something real
nice, i?ee inese. Main 0032, A 2191.
' The "beryl apaktm ents.
Strictly modern, largo iovu.s and thre
closels to every apartment; cool and airy
lor Sumiutx. bbo Lowjoy sr. la--
BLAN-MYR Just opening, new fireproof
brick, large light nail, ail ouialde apart
ments. auloniULlc elevator, elecwic uumu
waiters, hoi and cold water, private uaiu,
steam neat. 2- N. 2Qth. cor Loyujoy.
"""7 Cxv01-V Auarimeula, 170 SL Clair at.,
near vVashlliijlon. Two and thlee-rooi
modern apartments, mue lesiucuce lo.a
licu. rteasonaole rent.
1410, and Clay si.
A few choice suite left al $40 and $51
per month.
6th t.. sciuares auove p. o. ; launly ho
tel, private baths and telepuuuca; lr -stents
lyrfiAil-H&Artil' 5-room apartment, mod
em aud desirable. 525 Everett L Appiy
..,rdu, Fltiunei- & tycc, 3 Abu.ioa
ONEONTA APTS. 187 17th, south of Yam
. mil tvv. car at ucpot-. 2 ana i-rouai iur
nidiicd suites, hot and cold water, fro
ljuouca. batli. Main 4097, A 4739.
LAURETTE apartments. 229 11th; one ele
guntly furnisned 3;room apartment. sl.icl.
Vy moiiern; both phunes.
XriE CLIFTON Irving, near 23d;
apartment; 55; harawoud lluore-. See Jaiiiiof
or Di'.Ball, Dekum lilug.
rv""EY APAP.TMENTS. 701 Washington-
rs. T. u. llugiics. Modern ami 4
room aparinicnts.;very convenience.
NICELY furnished two-room housekeeping
' par:menl; all modern conveniences; $22.
ocl viont'-. 20th and Wasnington.
THE LEONCE Nfwiy furnished two aaj
tlirce-rootn apartinenLb; modern - couve.
nienccf. IS N. 22d st.
icems inouein, well
choice location; 4,
furnished. I'hone
Tcvrw-1 Y furnished sleam heated basement
apartment, both phones. 1 he
MooiJKN 4-ioom basement apartment, heat,
... a .iui-. etc.. 20 month. 053 rla'iuei.i.
. KuoM steam heated apartments, furnisaad
ami unfurnished. Modern. Cottel Drug to.
c-j. CLAIR 715 Wayne eu; modern six-room
apartment, two porches. Phone Main 4-3o.
IriE CHEfOPA. 18th and Flanders; 4-room,
modern apartments. Apply to janitor
MODEHN .flat. 6 rooms, alllc, yard, porches,
choice location! 73" 'f, Overton. Main 83l
"-kooM modi-rii Hal. all conveniences. In
line -J-.' ."VlsrK
I'luine Main 510.
o-KOOM modern upper tlat; nice atllc. at;7
. elmont si. Tabor 10G3.
H-KOO.M modern Hal: 7li" Irving st.. near
2:jd. Key at grocery store.
TWO new 4-room modern flats. 2Sth and
E. Irving. East5; B 1404.
SWELL, modern 8-room upper flat, walking
distan-e. $30; adults. 7v'.. E. Y am In 1 ! .
FLAT of 3 rooms and bath. 598 Salmon
,t Key 600 Salmon.
fi ROOMS, partly furnished, close in. Inquire
rear c-uuage, .v nun et.
MODKFtN t wo-fainily f lts. 5 Hnrl ifroom,
comer and tfchuler. Broadway car.