TWO UMPIRES ARE NEEDED IN GAME Need of Double System Shown in Saturday's Game at Local Park. BAY CITY HAS ADVANTAGE Dbo of Officials to Watch Coat league PUj Vtf Oftene-l in Jan rraacisco, Dfclim Ore. f-onlan'a ? port In; Writer- T W. 3. rKTRAIN. Why da th fan "ane'.si- masneles ok jw-t tha d-nsbl umpire system and yel keep two official at work tn that city tne majority of lh tim? San $"ran eiaro and Oakland have balked at the In stallation of th doubt eystem aim- it wva l)rt broached, and are therefore not entitled to the use of two umpires at the Same played In the Fay City. Tl f-t that th double stem is uM more frequently at San Francisco la likely to give rlsa to lorn unpleasant ealcula ttens In view of tha fart that thla pan rant race I such a tlslit and hard-fought Di r. J-x1(ce Uraham. the chief executive of tb (unit, is an hone man. and it ia nit In any destre to censure his adminis tration that h writer lakes exception to several things in rornectinn with tb fu'danr of the leas'ic's affair. Need of Two Imp ire Shown. Iat Saturday Portland might hav had a rhanre to win the came from Ijos An ;e!e had there been another umpire hare. 10 as 1st Van Haliren. Van la not by any means the beat umpire In the world, and neither l ho tha worst, but In Saturday's came. when Dillon pulled his rowdy stunt. Van wae not In a position to ar- tt. for he was concentrating his attention en horn plat and third base, the only two logical points where a play was likely to be made, and Dillon realised this when he Interfered with Slcsn s throw to eatr-h Daley at tba register. Had tlie second official been on hand he would have bean In hue to ae tba play, and would have, ruled Dillon out for In terference. Juwt as Van Haltren did to Melt Williams tn ame at Oakland re rently, and would have sent tha runners back to third and second respectively. Resale Might He Different. With Dillon out of tht way, tha result In that deciding inning might have been different- This would have rent the tame Into extra Innings, when Portland failed to score In tha ninth, and the chances would have been vyod for Portland to win. as the Beavers are playins; (Treat batt ihee day. Kvery game Is needed to keep them in the race, with tht Oaks, who are driving along at a terrific clip. Van Haltren admits thst lie did not se Dillon's Interference, tnd says that under the circumstances It was an Impossible play for htm to watch, as the bunted bal made it neceeewry for SHeen to hurry his throw to the plate to get Daley, and naturally, the tcort being the most Im portant matter, the umpire took a posi tion where he could Jude It correctly, and at the nie time watch third has to a that Bernard, comln gfrom second, toucfaed the b-tr In rounding that corner CmpIre fncler Strain. The etraln of a tight nine-Inning game is harder on the umpire than on any of tht players, for th-y havt periods ot res whlla they are off the field. hut not so the umpire. He must be on the Job all the time and must b aver alert to tha possi bilities of the game, set well as to the actual occurrence.". Two umpires avert much of the possibility of erring In Judg ment, for tacb. man Uf. certain plava where men are frequently on th bars. and Instances like that of Dillon's Satur day cannot bt worked when two umpirea are watching. If Judge Graham cares to maintain the respect and esteem of the fans of Port land, he will i his efforts to establish the double umpire system. Two "rotten" umpires sre a thousand per cent better then one good one who C'l p,y at a critical atage, of a championship game. The Pacific Coast Iragne ran certainly afford to hire two more umpires, that is. th orgsnilion can do so providing Cal lowing. Danny lng trd the rest f tha Pen Kranrlei-o clique are not feathering their nest at the expense of the league. Fandom at Random j YESTERDATS ! game was In teresting to the fans, for both teams threatened to score flocks of runs orten enough to keep the big .crowd on edc,. Th ninth inning finish, though unex pected, wss exciting enough. Thorsn had the cut switched on him when Delmar failed to hold the toss at second, for It would then have been nec essary for Olson to steal third, or Cssey to gel a safe hit far enough out to give Ol a chsnce. e e e Perl Casey' lost another chance to be a hero In a garriaon finish yesterday, for Thorsen s wild hve deprived the Port land captain of the chance to lace one out and bring In the winning run. which ws erwred because of the Angel pitcher's mistake. Oakland's two victories over the hnpe les and "Hunt-less" Sacramento team yesterday brings ths Wolverine uncom fortably close to us. despite our own vic tory, for Portland needs every gsme pos sible, and It would help considerably If a. .me club would wallop the Oaks. In the eighth inning yesterday. Gus risher robbed of a hit by Ivan How ard, the Angel second sarker. Fisher smashed one souarely on the beak and it sf sail at lightning speed for renter field. Howard hooked It. but It stung his hands some at that. Jess Osrrett rsme hark In nice style, for the little Texan pitched a heady, steady game from the time he mounted the hill top In the third Inning. He al lowed but one scratchy hit. and fanned out eight Angels. He wound up the came br fannlner Delmas. Wsrlng and Thor sen In order. e e Vean Gregg and George Kolre. th St. tenuated chaps who heave left and right, handed for Portland. wr kept at tha warming up stunts throughout the after noon. With Garrett going as well as ht did. It was not necessary to call on either of the slender giants. Portlsnd Is likely to be relegated into second plac If th Beavers do no bet. :er than to break even with the Angela, for Oakland s?ems to have a pudding wl'h the tallend and hopeless Senators And the Beavers have to beat Nsale and Toser. When George firt threw Dillon out at second In the third Inning, be performed real tit was tarJIy ieeied, for the Angels leader hit one that ahould ordi narily b good for two bags. That trusty risht arm of Qrt has mad good In many Instances recently ll.n Ha... Mt. V. n M mun to ll 1. Oil 1 ft his players, or los Angeles will never have team up in the race. Dillon Is too much of a bully with tils men, ami n half the team crabbing? al hini. or "pa nlng" the other half, according to which Clique they belong. a a Yeelerrfew Ilalllnen tnii Warlns tame near to blows, and all because both were running for Buddy Ryan a pop ioui ti the first inning, and both stopped run ning simultaneously which permitted the ball to droD almost at their feet. Other instance were noticed where the play era "ragged" each other. PUBLIC MIST FAVOK SEIUF.S Tsssltlent of Nationals Apree to PoI.Saon Games. NEW TORK. Sept. 4.- Frank Farrell. president of the New York American Baseball Club said today that he had been in consultation while In Chicago with John T. Brush, owner pf the Neiv York Nationals. He said that Mr. Brush had agresd to post season sories between the Americans and Nationals If the senti ment of the baseball public Is shown to be favorable. M'CREOIETO get pfyle I1KAYY 1IITTEU ADDED TO STAFF OF OCTFI LLDEHS. Comlm AIo of Arti Krutr WUI titpcncthen Portland MaterUUj for Kaco for Pennant. ' Manager McCredie received word last night from the National Baseball Com mission that he would be allowed to play Monti Pfyle, who belongs to the New York Giants, hut who has been playing outlaw ball for aome time.-for the rest of the season. Artie Krueger, whom the Portland manager secured from Cleveland to help In the struggle for the pennant, was due to arrive last -night. With these two atar outfieldera tn th Portland line-up, .Manager McCredie will have the must formidable outfield he haa had since ha acquired th Port land ball club. Both are reputed to be heavy hitters and are of btg-league timber. Pfyle. who had been playing outlaw ball with Stockton in the California ftate league until that organisation disbanded, will report to Portland next week at San Francisco. Pfyle was the heaviest hitter In the California State league, clouting the horsehlde at a clip of about ,3i0 all season. Montis Tfyle was bought by New York from one of the minor-league towns of the Hew Kngland States, and bacaua the Giants would not give him the salary he asked for he Jumped to the outlaws In California anl has been playing ther the past two seasons. He played first base last year, and hit well above the .360 mark. He has been hit ting regularly this year and lius alter nated between the outfield and ft st base. He was bought by New York for an outfielder. When the outlaws of California were reinstated to organised bsseball by pay ing a nominal fine. Pfyle rejoined tha. Giants. Just to leach him a lesson. Hi Graw hss had him rsroled for the sea son. The ahrewd baseball manager, upon Manager McCredie'a urgent ap peal, allowed him to finish the scasou In the Pacific Coast League. Manager McCredie made a strong effort to land Pf vie laat year. The National Commis sion refused to reinstate him then. By ruling of the National Commission this season all the msjor-lsague players were restored to good standing. Artie Krueger Is the former Oakla.d Coast Iagu star whom Cleveland drafted In ISv8. All last year h played In and out of the big league and tha American Association. He "made good" with th American League team, but developed a sore arm. so they farmed him out. At the last of the playing season his arm recovered, ard he waa played in some of the games. He hss been carried with the club al. most continuously this year. His arm gave out slightly this season, and he haa been on the bench most of the tli.'.i until recently. When McCredie a out fielders hit the slump, McCredt burned the wires with appeals to Eastern teams under obligations to htm to send out an outfielder. He was successful st last. With th arrival of both these play ers. Manager McCredie will have a hard time deriding which of his outfielders to lay off. He will probably play Krue mmr in left field. Pfyle in center and Buddy Ryan In right. Ryan ia hitting better than either Speaa or Urt. of te present outfield tritx CLASSIFIED ADVESTISIX3 RATB Dallr ee buaday. One tlm W - . twV'coaseratlv times. naxn ad thre nscnilT V nw. SO ZZISZ ad sis r caaseruut tlaae . l. w.i. count, a line ca.U d fMilMOMBM and Bu ad c ousted ler ws ,htrUlns S W. MSM. ull.e time th ne-Um rate applies. On cbarge of bok advertisement th fkum ill q irsevi vm " . I m Tuds all ar ehsrss b buwut eaiir, Uu me lb, above rate, apply t dertlernenl. (! -,s Today" end all etbe leinca uoos eseepilsa is foislag Mtastloa Wanted, Male. nasi loss Wasted, r cmel. oe Rent, fcuoms. rrttate famine. HoV d Bowl, rrlvn nmlle. Hoswekeesiss Koosis, ITlvste SsmlUea. Th mm tb fta claesiltcaiiaaa la 1 eat lis cb tstertloa. TO otT-Of-'OHN fATtJON Th Ore. . ' .ii ,1 . . k, mil. srTlil "uOieient nmlium tr deanli ovunuee I lesaee is sou. 1 rcnutisoc wttl be (arwardca promptly. In cau eox enic - reaular (ria give. nd coot this aa part ( lb ad. Ars t advrtiemi. will r forwarded to petrooe, BeovMool f-- . ..... uImImu Is rout hus osMpieo mrm ' ii i. we will acrepi our ad ver tb pbone sad nd soa the Dill the seat da. rbon M"l Ad. Kept.. Mai Sl or A 0M. BU. mtiloB Uanied and frrsenal advertisentenis not aetd vr tb pbooe. fcrrors rm menl. Ilieretor Tb Urearonlu will oS bold Itsell reopowslbl for wb errvrs. MKETINO NOTiri:. TV ILLAM1ITI COUNCIL ROYAL. ARCANUM. meet st K. P. Hall. 11th and Alder striata, th Mm and third Mcn- nin f eeh month, at P. M ". H. N'ulinpe. ' seeretsry, rare rrlbben gsxtoa Co.. l"th and Upshur sir ta. wAsinxoTov t.opce, no. 4. A. K. ANO A. M. pelal com munication 'his t Monday! rvenlns, t o'clock. E. Sth snd Burnslde. M. M. degree. Visitors weteome. Ordsr V. M. J. H. RICH MONO. Bee, WII.LAMCT7B LOttnC. NO. 9. A. K. ANt A- M Slated commun ication this tMondsyi evening st T .11 o'rlorh. Work In F. . de. aree. Vlsitint brethren welcome. W. M. WtCEKS. Sec. CAMF.LIA CHAPTFR. O. K. gtated communication thla IMnn day evening at o'clock. Masenl Temple Pr prder ef w. M- rLORENcr. r. Johnson. se. MCA Tt,'T T E S estcrt st l.shor al l.SU- CHAS. AUTUN. Esc- ti l. Tern Die main e. a JV flalATl rtiKi rT. lEHTS nr.rK skpt. ninWei.peirs fhrisnv Materbnr Hm. anH Tenn. I Intmi nt Usrnm In "The ISsno Sli.r." Joseph l lahan, Ijine and O'ltosnell, Hmnnne K'S morn. Mnumll and feouiH, riclurcs. Or chestra. LYRIC PORTLAND'S FAMILY I-LAVHOUSK 7th and Alder ts. WEEK rM.UKM'IN'li fr.l'TKMBER I. Edw Arnisirnna 1'reenis MAK.IOK1K MA1IH. With Her WmiiliiB uniile In "THS CilBMiN OIKI- Twn perfornianees nlKiitly. l"c an1 -.ic-Mstlnee ilsllv al :I.'i: anv seat. S'V. Krtday ntsht Tbarti i.lrW fonlesl. Krlilsy Sight. HR AND Week Sept. S. WO MARTINI AMI 1 M'Me Olive MAXMILUtV nleuart KoHins temiesl rrleklr. j """.'Ihelte Illusions, (loth I stake f- Kvsn l.auabehte nn! .Maxwell llu.llry ApplauilaMe. I I.K.IMHKll'11' Matlue Every pay, J ': any ssat ISe. Fvenlng Performances at T: and B:'?" Balcony lie; Lower floor Sic; Bl a,l ryff-i a r C Portland's Terfeet IrlCi UIVO rieasur I'ark TODAY-LABOR HAY. ( (.RAMI (IALA OTCAnW- SMiCIAl. ATTH ACTION n New big bill In ft Theater, fcspert lrlminees In Osks pool, speed the Afternoon and Evening in the Charming Park. BASEBALL RCATIO rARK Corner Yaugba and Twenly-'our'" "treeta LOS ANGELES PORTLAND Aua-usl ae, 81, Sept. I, . 1. aad a. Game Begin Weekday at l;S0 P. M. Sundays 8 0 r. M. TMO GAMICs TODAY. Admission Bleachers, 33e; Orsndstsno. oe; Hos SSe estra. Children, Bleeehere lOe; Crsndstsnd 'Jio. LADIES' HAY FRIDAY Ttovs under 1 Free to yeilnssday HlrU. p. M. Inturment Kose city cemetsr. r.l i.vcrT In this city, Ksptemher 4. at C1h.'JmA7V..IU...c. 80 Kt K. ftsernh street, ,-harlotte t'allvri. bli"d 'Uu "r of Mr. and Mr-. K- ' "'' m"' hre S years and u !" iuneral nolloe hore after. gOt'THWORTlt tn tMs ettv. Kenlmhr 4, at th family re.ioonce, IHJ rort.nmuth Ilenua. tvllllsm Henry Souihworth aged ti.l tun T months 14 days. Announte mni i.f fiipersl later. U N MI A t. N OTICES. RO;ERS-ln Ihia city. Meptemhee 4. at her raalilenu. Dsvls street . 'J-" Ro,.rs. sd :.r. years 10 n'on'hr" H H.vl. Kortner resldenee. Astoria, Or l--uneral from tlie shove residence at A. M. tomorrow nue.-rtarl eep.eiiiber , theme to the Cathedral Klf.eenth and Havi streeis re.iuiein hirK mass at A. M. Frlsnds Invited. Iniermenl Mount Calvary Cemetery. LTON'-ln this city, get.tember , at his Tssidenre 75 East Ninth st., Alfred l.yon. aged (M years l months. Puaeral from "".ning A Mrtmess parlors, .th and Ankenv sts st ::-:o P. St.. Monday. Sep tember I. Vrlends invited. lntarm.nt Lone Fir Ccmstery. M'KKNr.lB At the hwi of her nlsrc. Mrs. Jam's Liotmls... U-a On"-- street. Sep tember ; Kimrial will take place from the narlors ef 'he Knst fliie Funeral li rectnrs. KM Alder and Ksst Sixth 'rfts tons v Monday l September T. at lO A. M. Kriends respoclf ulty invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. KRt fK 111 thla elty. Septemher 4. Anna Marie Kmse. mother of Theoilore Kruse, of this aged S years. Funeral serv ices ll! be hold st Klnley's chapel. Tues rtav. Krptemher rt. al : A. M. Friends invited. Interment at Klvervlew Cem etery. HVRMAR At Fesslde. Or.. Septemher .T. William '. Harmsr. "seed U years 7 months U da. Friends Invited to at tend tuneral erv!res. which W'HI be helit at ths fanillv residence. 11 Montgomery street, at 2::! l. M. today (Mondavi Sep. Irmhe'r i. Interment (Overview Vinetery. TONSETH tLOIlAI CO. MAKUUAM hUHI. JLOHAL EsIIj.Ns. Phonrs: Main IU2; A IlOt. Usnolnc afrKntee, iHPTi I lllrentar. ik and Tin, l'bonc Mam 4.IU. Lady as l fine. sistant, uqn't e tnumj (.iu""' ............ HOI V, . X.- f i llin.r. 1 niMt. 1dy ''' fbone At. aui. j f. HNLKV SON, SU and Madlsoa. Iad'r attendant- rhoos Main B. A line. ASTf'll,IE Funeral Hu-ector. stieucseors ta It, (J. bunulng. In. E. fi, ti tiZSk. . . . , , jnrk tlnH.nak.m lid. oulst. an t 40 A'dcr. Mbl 33. A ?:.ti- 7.F.I.1.F.R-BVRNK CO.. Funeral Illreetors, (if) 4 Wlllism eve.: both phoneai lady al. 1VK( U, Undertaker, cor. Last Alder nnd Bib. ta.t 'SSL, B lass. Ludr aulstant- OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFF1CB. CITY HALL MAIN 63S. A T1S. ' HUMANE OFHClIt, EAST 477. TIV TODAY. Must Sacrifice ng(l TIF IX TRACT OF FIVE ACRES $4hn an acre below price of adjoining land, netted so you ean sell It in 3 months and clear IfitKio. Close In in high-eiaaa district. MINT llVK 'AII Tills MEK.K. I'll It F tO0 AMI. Pbose Any Time C gn.3. West Side Bargain SSoOO for a 50110 Int. with t-romn house, a few minutes' walk from Tort land Hotel. This Is considered the cheapest buy in this locality. Blanchard 0 Clemson m sisth . FOR SALE 100x110. corner Jsth and Savler; Income covers all expenses and pays revenue on Investment, Price, 110, lino. Rl SSBI.I, Jt HI.YTH, t'enimonweallh Building. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN COLD. Values lying dormant In already dsvel oped mines, within twenty miios of ibe Bumpier bmeltor in Eastern Ortjuo, w Sere a ready rash market lists. Hundreds of thoussnu oC tons of ore now blocked out rssdy to breelc down and ship. arsnd opportunities for practical miners ane live promoters. Now la the time le as. cure some of these valuable props.-tlaJ. through purchase, lease or working option. Quick Sot Ion counts. Address becy. Surapter Pvopmnt Um. bumptsr. Oregon. MortiJade Loans Money to Joan on well-Improved .close.! In city property. I MrcltCHATs BVI et TRIST l(MPV. TTvesTOKD Vm n owners Keaitr Xm'C lor llmbr. s rem. iseid.a ea4 a;axir.s&t rcuwuca. Svs Aulsclea, IVS5?W SfififsA FOURTH ST. CORNER Nearly quarter ' block, near Fourth and Yamhill, . $130,000 Ford Street 100 feet from Washington 160x100, adjoining Teal and Hirsch mansions, to the west, also at head of Wayne street. Ultra choice hotel or apartment site. $40,000 Washington Street Full lot, 50x100, short time only, $40,000 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. 4 Acres Portland Heights For the Wealthy A wonderful view of city, river and enow-capped mountains, an oval ridge of profusion of dogwood and ever greens, a draw and large aprings, a natural lake with a dam, a stone or rutitlf bridge, a drive at edge of water with ferns and cooling houghs. This natural liranly awaits the artistic hand to form the most beautiful residence nlte of all Portland. It Is four blocks from carline, two bloeks from cement walk: BUltahle for i-ne to four costly residences ur many smaller homes, or a hoiel, panltarlutn. clubhouse or park. They ar aaking from $1.00 to II.S0 per foot for lots In same neighborhood. I am pot able to hold and improve this property, will sell at about 10 cents per foot, OKO. I" WiCfiOXKRi Honrd of Trade. na. Phone office Phones. A SrtSA and Main .14M. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS New house on AVilson street, never occupied, five rooms and sleeping porch: hardwood floors and everything complete. Full lot and paved street. Price. 11250, on easy terms. RUSSELlTtS BIYTH ; t'emmnavrealth Bulldlna. FOR SALE tVe are authorised to sell for absent owner RnxlOfl corner pf Fifth and Couch. Price, tSJ.OOO. This property can also he sold in two pieces, making: two fine buys In heart the city for smaller investors. For prices see RUSSELL S BLYTH Commonwealth Riilldla;. View Site Two aj'rss, magnificent unobstructed view, near car. street is beinpt paved to etllte Pf property, sewer and water. This is absolutely the cheapest eood piece of property on the Heights. W. J. BAH KR, Bin Board of Trade Blria;. RJ-AI. ESTATE PKALKBS. ! William G.. ill ralllne bids. Blrrell. A. II. A .. 2i-i M. Kay hldg. Real enlate. Insurance, mortgasea, loans, air. Bruhaker (t iJeneUitU 502 UoKay bldg. &L 3. - Chapin A Harlow, S32 Chamber Cnmmarce. Cook, B. 8, A C9., 08 Corpett bldf. Jennings A Co., Mala 1SS, 300 Oreronlsn. PAI.MER.JONRS CO.. H. P.. 113 Commer cial Club bldg. srhslk. Oeo. p., 2:s Stark st. Vain 30 A J.102. STIIN'DLER A HAL!, 9 Abngt- bldf. The Oreaon Real Kstate rt.. Grand ave. and Multnnmali st. iHelladay Addition.) M. B. Thnmpsnii c., cor. 4tH and Oak sts. REAL fSTATIt. J-'or Nilo- Lots. LOTS oniloo at I4UO, lota adjoining are sell ing from IMio to 11200. There are three of these that go for 11200; $700 cash, hal. to anil. C,15 Couch bldg. AoIim VITH 4 rials within 8 blktks of l'ostoffice. Jtrt.OOO. renting for llii per month: small naymeni. bal- to suit. nl5 i 'ouch bldg. I'l.VVK 4 .linlio l.uurrlliursl lots, onplnul price 12.".'i each: near handy cariine; make an offer, fhone A 24I. 2 Mi'K lots 50x151. or 5th St.. near East Glisan: tr,o, terms. Fred W. Grmao, 320 Hurnslde. Phone Main er A 2776. $7i7l CXSH balKnco f TilO psyal.U $5 per month, takes all lots, West Kide tiouth. K. H. Lewis, 3 Lewis blk. 1NIC IRVISliTON BUY Near tlat and Stanton. $145o. terms. It has a future. Lot l:l. block 17 Main 24SH CORN EH lot w ith two houses, renting for $25: business center of Sollwood. Inquire room 2 Russell bide., 4th and Morrison. " ALAMEDA PARK. 4 tots nesr carline. old contract at sacrifice. Phono Tabor 125T. WOODHTOCK 1. block 35. Nice lot for sale, on carline. tine view over eity. Inquire 25Q Alder st. PEMNrU'LA AOf.. block 3, four lots, fac ing toward Columbia, high and level; for quick sale, $looo. Phone Sellwood 771, " LALRELHCRST LOT. t"M cash will buy equity; this ll a snau V 2M. or-gonlan. FOH fiM-E Roesmere lot on "JH st.. well located near ear; sy terms: good Invest ment. Owner. Keelin A -eSj. F!'.T front buy In Piedmont, nusrter block, east Owner. 215 Lumbermen's bldg. 1RVINGTOV bargain I"t on 21st and fltan Cn S' tk'T Board of Trade. Phone M. 72m. 4 cop.NER kits In Irvlngton Park;' IUht00 each: ray terms; by p ner. Tg her 221 S. FOR e'AI.E Equity In nice Sllmliursl lot. Alex tlilvca MT Board of Trade- NEAR RROAPWAV BKIDGP. U blodk. wllhln two blocks of East Sirte landing of NEW BROADWAY BRIDGE, at a decided snap. This is away under market for quick sale, and as Broadway bridge is now assured, this property will be worth S10.000 within a year. me show you this, and if in market you will buy. Price under (iOofl. E. R. MARKHAM, 205 Gerllna-er Bldg. 2d and Alder. Maip S430. 4 LOTH, nsar Kendall station. STSO. 4 lets. Kstacada carline. with, house. fUtsl. S. lots, nlee neighborhood. 11300. ljopk this up; will make liberal terms; splendid home; plaess a few block flora earlins. M'PARLAKD INVESTMENT CO.. 110 OeiSjutt blda.. Portland; COUXCII. CREST PARK. They are new working on the streets In this tract; Improvements Include wwter. sstver, aldswslks snd bltulithle streets; I have some ef the finest view sites in this tract at prioe thst are right. aee W. J. BAKkilt. M9 Bird of Trarta Bids. . inVlNGTON PARK BARIAIXd. 5itxoii. ;iid and Holman: S4-5. fi'lstoo. 1'nth and Alpsworlh; at-.", fiiininii. i'4th and Ainswerth; 45. !6itlil0. on 2fith; $100. These are snans and must be sold soon. HOW ARU LAND t U. , 4yfl ; fwet lan.1 fid g. ' liyisuio CQHNER. rm Sth at., elose to t'nlon av.; $1900, tilhO cash, balance 2i years. A. J. GANTNBIt, am Bsr,l er Trae bldg.. 4th ana Oak sts. WEST PIDB SNAP. 100x100 12ih St.; good 0-room modern house, on corner: Inside lot vacant, will sell both for IL'2.500 or lot with house eia.ono, good terms. Venduya Walton. MS Chamber of t.'ommeree. t ' JillOO. 50x100 feet on Johnson St., betwesn J4th Slid ?Sth sis. ; 3 (Jays only; terms, f. E. TAYLOR A CO.. 4o-'- Lewis Bldg. 4ih and Oak Sts. A BARQAIH. Small tract of ten lots, six blocks south ef W.R car. Inquire at 3i East suth st. ; 1.150 per lot and up; 10 per cent down. $10 per month. iJiMWHausi with' lOPslflO fast." rnIeunt beott osrllne. nesr Uras Crossing; nicely sltusied and worth the money. PARR1SH. WATK1NS & CO., i.0 Aldar g. UR.' SPECULATOR. " 7th-Bt. apartmht site, a give-away for fll.son; need euiy a little cash, as- first payment, but need It badly. SH.SO0 if isken st once. N g71. Oregonlan. WtST PARK ' KTBEET IN VKS TMENTS. Kor Improved and unimproved property on this street we have some exceptional bargains. Vanduyn Walton, 613 Cham br of Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS bargain. Three baautjfu! lots, among fine residences; good view, block from car. only $3500, terms. AGIJ6, Oregonian. 100x105 WITH street Improvement, includ ing hard surface, on Tillamook, only $1&00; easy terms. It Is a snap. Dubois A i'Tekett. Wasntnrton bldg.. room 3. ', At'hKtj In choice tract, 20 minutes from the renter of town- Price $1675. .Small payment down. Call 414 Spalding bldg. ' PORTLAND Heights bargain; eight lois. beautiful view, one block car: excellent neighborhood; $S5U0. terpis. Main 3151. A 3A.1P. SOU eka buy a lot nsar Rose City Park for JMKJ $25 down and 110 monthly, graded streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water, 624-528 Board of Traps Bldg. CHOICE tract of I V aeies in Primrose, close In on Oregon Eloctrlc car, $uii: small cash pavmenl nnd balance on easy terms. Call 414 Spalding bldg. LOOK. SNAP. For sale by owner. Iuxl00 eerner. East 15ih and Rhone; prioe $1300; easy terms. Inquire 70S lle 14th st. LAURKLHL'RST sacrifice; equity of $475 In. first section for $100 cash; cannot keep tin nayments and piu't sell. B ZTS, Ore eonian. BY owner, 100x100, corner 14ti and Hoi brook St., must sell at once. Call T"es dsv. 711 Bwatland bldg. or phone Mala 4 tine. For pal Houses. nil CASH. ROSE CITY PARK. .1.1 X.. . CV 1 ' t. U II Ll 7 rooms. lull lot 50x100. basement, laun dry tras, bam, iurnare, uuni-in num-i and also book rasos. hardwood floors, all Improvements in and paid for; see this home before you buy: is a splendid bar gain. Kor particulars. National Realty St Trust Co.. :2HV- Wash, st., room ftlrt. GOOD BARGAINS ON $15 PAYMENTS. S2150 Vive-room new bungalow, J-M. S-;oo--Klve-room new bangalow, $200. H'ftno Five-room house, SI'AiO. 27 new bungalow', $200. aril Worcester block, as Third St. A' HOME." l-ITofl. term's One block from kT Ankeny car; beautiful, new end homelike. It has features that few homes have. The location, house, and price will attract you. .lust right for a small family. C L. Bam berger. Room 2. Lumbermen's bldg. FOR SALE cheap. 'J new 7-room houses, all modern improvements, street, sewer, ce ment walks and basement, en B. 14th St.. close In; 72."in; soil soparate; easy pay menla. See owner, 2i7 32d oc near Hawthorne ave. 3-ROOM cottage; sewer snd street Improved; lot .Vixlon. facing ovist, on Esst 13th st. North, only feet south from prescot; $1200, $5uo cash, balanre to suit. A. .1. GANTNER. SIS Bosrr) of Trade hMg.. 4lh snd Osk sts. BKAI'TIPI'L S-room new- home In Irvlngton Park, all modern; full 50x100 lot; this must be sild at om-e and ean be had at $i'oo: must uve $Iftl cash. C. r. Pfluger & Co., room S Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. 2 ttilOU snaps, street Improvements In and paid for. limn, lot r.Oxl OO tt. E. Taylor St. 12150, C-room cottage, E. Salmon, near rioth. Inquire 1155 Belmont, cor. :w.h. S-H car. I'lione Tabor s3. SPLENDID house and extra full corner Jot to esehange for improved farm, under 50 aures, value $45n. Will assume difference. '. L. Bamberger, rouin 2. Lumbermen s bldg. Slain 2-lw. A OKNl'l.VE snap, mustbe aold st once; 4-room bungalow with closets, rooms large, full basement, corner lot; a pretty huine; 31250; one block froiit Mt, SCQtt car. Phone Tabor 3510. ATTRAi "i'i V E, modern e-room house; eiec trie fixtures, gas, cement hesement, lawn, south Hawthorne 200 reer ; must eell. Phone Main BS3. Chaa. J. Lewis. 818 Commercial block. " " $10 llASH. Buvs 5-room house; lot 75XI1S; on Ore gon i'ilv earlins; Price $le.0; terms 110 per month. National Realty & Truat Co., ::-jn u Wash, sr.. room Tito. room bungalow, Walnut Park. not Cleveland ave.. by owner: elegant fixtures, fireplace, furnace; lot fares east, half block from V carline; J4600, $10;0 cash. balance terms to suit. ON Sth St.. close in. on Weal Bide, modern 7-room home on easy terms at $45D0; don't mles this If you want a elose-ia cottage. s.-e owner. 414 Spalding hldg. . FOR SALE -Full lot with 4-room house, near Piedmont carbarns; rent Income $10 a month; cheap If taken at once. AJ 230, Oregonlan m , 1RV1NGTON home, aix rooms and sleeping porch, thoroughly modem, beautiful loca tion njr 2iith and Thompson. Prlee $7350. terms. T 251. Oregonlan. buK SALE by owner, a bargain: 3 choice lols Country Club Addition: $1500 cash will handle. Apply 10 Board of Trade, phone Marshall SS. $2250 ON E. 12lh St., modern 7-room cot Tage on terms to suit purchaser. This lot has fruit and flowers. Western He curlties Co.. 414 Ppaldlng hldg. tiedmont" " Strictly modern, brand new, 8-room house, tile bath: Portland blvd.. and Mallory at.; price $420. AH z-t.1. uregonian. THREE BL,:K:KWB:I'DTF OK BROADWAY a-room house, lot 40x80. $4000. Phone Ksst 4-48. EASY terms; modern bungaiow; latest Im provement: must sell; email payment down. HKA A Co., 221 H; Morrison St. BF M'TIFCI. 6-Hwm modern house, full lot. gfiono. s:too, $:iu monthly. Phone Wood- lawn 1700. BY OWNER, a new 7-room house in Irving ton. 'all 637 East Uth North. Phone FOH California bungalows on easy terms. Hynson. 328 H Washington st. Marsnall T75. TOR gALE by owner, the nandsomest V room bouse In Irving ion. 49e East ua e V. Call and see It, t-HOOM house, corner Grand ave. and Broadway, If sold In the next 10 days. Price S52-MV good terms. Phone C 2-CJ1. EDW P- MALI CO. hss removed from 809 and .110 Ablugton bldg. to 104 2d St. MODKRN 8-room houte. olth and B. Burn- ide. Phone East 5. B 1404. NEW piodern housea in Irvlngton. R. B. Rire. both phones. yti n d0 Iois. a stx.roum $1500 house, for $2.,i9. Tabor 2362 DA VlTllI KNOW THAT IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMB TO VS IP YOU EXPECT TO BUILD? IP TOLT OWN LOT, WB WILL FINANCE THE) BUILDIVO FOR TOU; SM ALU AMOUNT OP CASH SUFFICIENT; OUR REPUTA TION FOR FAIR DBALINO AND SAVING OF COST BRINGS OUR BUSINESS. NO COST FOR PLANS IK WB BUILD, ESTI MATES GIVBN. NORTHWESTER." CO.V bTRUOTIOX CO.. SOl-ttlJi LKWIS BLDG. KOSE 8'large rooms" and sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, elec CITT PARK trie fixtures and shades; housa beautifully nnislied less than a vear old: one block from carline. near K- 62d st. Owner leaving the city and offers g bargain; price S42-i"; terms. A. H. Birrcll Co.. Mc Kay bldg., 3d and tilark sts. . GOOD BUYS. Corner on J2th St., 2 houses, -only $13,000. Corner on 10th. only $11,000. 40x100 on 11th, only i000. Fractional coiper on Park. 8-room mod ern house, only $12,000. Mapy others on good terms. Vanduyn tt Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE. For quick sale, $k0 below conservative value, expensive furniture, furnishings, pi ano, new 7-room bungalow, handsome fin lfh, platerail, paneling, buffets, bookcases, Insulated boiler, electric cooker, fixtures, furnace, tubs; full corner, flieet Improve nienia, 15o feet from Rose City car; $ohT5, terms. Thone Tabor 2-3. MOUNT Beautiful home on Belmont atteet. with T5.foot frontage and 50 feet TABOR extending through the block; con venient for horse or auto. Tna housa is thoroughly modern and will ber Inspection. Terms apply A. H. BIRHBLL CO., McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark Sts. OVF.RI.OOlv ADDITION, l-reem bungalow, large rooms,' hard weed floors, cement basement, all Im npAvsmnnts in and nsid : this house w ith lot Is easily worth $4000: It will sell for that on easier terms. .iiuu; cbbu. NORTHWEST COAST CO., 902 Lewis bldg.; phones. A 71H. Marshall 846 VEST SIDE new 5-room bungalow tor sala eheap on very eaay terms; large lot tuvany situatbo; me nai vcn uc Portland: elose to carline; ne drawbridges, this la a haraain and won't last; you will have to hurry. Inquire owner, 434 .ninan a Pius IRVINGTON. New modern T-room homes complete and up-to-date in every detail, hard surface Improvements all In and paid for. Uth and w-nott. Dsiwntm uihuh .c. and Irvlngton earllnes. Price !; terms If desired. Owner, K. B. Beat, Woodlawn 1290. REAUTiFTT. CORNER. A.tMm nruMient house: dan. larae receetion hall, full cement basement, furnace, fine lawn, with plenty flowers; Central Alblna Add., clcs to car: $1500 cash, balance 3-4 years. A. J. GANTNBR. 1 Boart of Trade hldg.. 4rh and Oak U. BAVB YOUR RENT- We will sell you a home and you can pav ue (n monthly paymsnta, or we will build for you in any psrt ot the city. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT & TRUSTEE COM f AS. r. S4-B2ti Board of Trade bldg " HERB'S A BARGAIN. A new modern up-to-date Quenn Anne B room with den, on corner facing east. One block from ear. If you want a line home for $2750, only 50o cash, balance easy terms, see owner, 8H 8th et. Might take good lot as pert payment. A THOROUGHLY modern six-room house at lift B. Salmon st., double plumbing, furnace, sleeping balcony, built-in furni ture, polished floors, shades, fixtures, lin oleum In bath and klichen, gas water heater. Call and sea It or phone Tabor 104, B 2593. Acreage. WB HAVE exclusive sale of a great many tracts from one acre, to 3000. improved and unimproved; also soma acreage in the cltv at a very low price; can make the terms very easy without raising the price. Call and wr will show you the property that will please y ", I'O-OPEP ATI V B REALTY COMPANY. ."iltl-ilO-il nallway Exchange, between Sd and 4th. on Btark street. ACREAGE. $15 to $25 per acre: 10. 20, 30 nnd 40 acr tracts, unimproved, red shot land: no rock or gravel; well watered, plenty of redar and timber for all purposes; located on railroad, 25 miles northwest nf Port land: sou feet elevation above Columbia River, adjoining large commercial orchard tracts being rapidly cleared and eet to fruit. Call ana arrange to visit these iraets at once. The soil, elevation and lo cation will compare with the highest priced land now on th market. 310 Cor bctt bldg. A SNAP. For quick action. 50 acres planted to English walnuts. $100 per acre. $1000 cash, balance 5 years. Adjoining property Bold at $350 per acre. Ner Portland, close to railroad. Owner. AN 273, Orego- ntsn. "SMALL TRACTST1- Ti. 10, 11. 15. 20 snd 55-acre tracts, all Close to Portland; easy trrms; all Improved. A-l 30-acre piece. Improved, 17 miles from city; $i.W) cash: Investigate these. See Hall, 213 (Jcrlingsr bldg. ON Oregon Electric K. It., between Portland and Hillisboro; in a beautiful cleared tract of oShi, acres of fertile land: the K. R- rune through the center of the land; can be bougnt for $2t;0 per acre. Western Securities Co., 414 braiding hldg. ACREAGE KOR SUBDIVIDING. Close in, on electric line, only $225 per acre: might eonider trade for Portland business properly and pay cash diiference. Van'luyti a: Walton. 5I Chamber of Com merce, 200 TO 30O PER ENT ran be made by subdividing my 2H ACRES: for sale; lo cated 2o MINUTES OUT: on Oregon Plectrlc. station on property. 410 Cor- hott hldg. A-gAROA'lj1;--;o "acres for sale. V mile from Reed viMe, about' blocks from Wltehhazel Station; will divide into 10 acre tracts. Inquire V. Maetly. WHehhasel Station. FINE corner half acre with city water, in Woodstock district; only $30O. terms easy. Rosa English Investment Co., 22'i Mo hawk hldg.. d end Morrison ets. F J N EST small tract in Oregon: right on earlins; pew S-room house, lino new out houses, well siookad; big bargain; terms to eult buyer. AN 21, Oregonlan. SALE. 2 1-3 acres, close In, East Side, very cheap. Inquire Mrs. E- S. Ullrey. $ Mocks east ef Clarke Station, Mount Scott ears. ' FOR SALE -scre tract. nillee south of Montavilla. between Base and Section Line Roads. Phones Main K213, A S27. 35 "MILKS' from Portland, beautiful 10 and 2o-acre tracts. $40 an acre: eas' terms. 225 Lumber Exchange. Tabor 5US Business rroperty. WASHINGTON ST. TVs are offering a beautiful business cor ner on Upper Washington street for sale cheap: hse several tenants who will take a lease on tha whole building if the pur. chaser will build. The property contains 10.833 square feet and la at a permanent streetcar intersection. KEASEY. HVMA5GN & JEFFERY, 232 Chamber of Commerce, NEW BRICK Bl.Ot K. 14 PER CENT ON MONEY REQUIRED TO HANDLE. Three-story block. Just finished, well lo cated on East Side: two upper stories of 4H rooms leased for five years; three large storerooms, one rented: oilier Interests compel owner to sacrifice m this prop erty; price S27.OO0, cash. 5' V J. DELAHUNTV. 1144 Union Ave.. North. Phone wooaiawn '' 5W-F00T frontage n 8th Jn h9" "f retail section- can be handled at a spe "afprEe 'it "taken this week F. K Tay lor 4 Co,. 40-2-U Lewis bldg.. 4th and noPJeateaqa. TWO relinquishments Joining 10 acres, each x. mile from school; mail and telephone; postofflea; on county road; running water, best of land. 8 miles from R. R- town. Ahout 4,00O.ivo ft. on each; these are bar gains; SO miles from Portland J. A. Davis. 214 Hwetland bldg. HOMESTEADS In Southera Oregon, guaran teed to cruise from three te six million; lo cation fee $-100. SIT Board ef TraJe from 0 A, M- to 12. OVER 50.000 acres forest reeerve land open for homestead Oct. 22; map showing each va csnt 4", Main M48. A 7363. HOMESTEADS and deeded land In southern Oregon. Address H. L. Herx'nger, Grants. Oregon. WHITE Salmon homestead relinquishment for sale. J. A. Ingram, room 12, ponegan bldg., Vancouver, Wash. RELINQUISHMENT. 16 acres, all bottom land; almost ready to pious h; 7 springs; II miles to seaside, 1 mile to school and P. lO. ; $750 cash. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. S2-page book explaining what each of the 14 counties It best adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead In each county; map attached, Jlx2s. snowing new R. R. and towns. Including Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn lo March 1. 11: latest map in V. S. ; price 2c Nimr Huney, 813 Hamilton bldg. l-ur aale t-ruu EAST HOOD RIVER. Sll ACRES $;I5UU CASH. 12 acres young Newtowns and Spits, mors .artiallv cleared; excellent apple land; stump puller, small tools, cultivator and team; price. $5000 cash, $35011, bal ance. 1. ' and 3 years; owned by Eastern parties who have decided not to coma eut; . adjoining wild lands held at $200 per a.-re; very cheap. See E. T. Johnson, roo in 10. 1 4 JJ i rat St. Phone Main loj. $350- 10 acres, all tillable, uncleared; running water, best eoil, on county road, near eehool and railroad; suitable for fruit, gardening or poultry; round trip In S hours; guaranteed as represented; beet buy on the marke': SIM down. bsl. 2 years. Palmer, 507 Couch bldg. A SNAP For quick action. 50 acres planted to English walnuts. $100 per acre. $1000 cash, balance 5 years. Adjoining properly sold at $;i.'iO per acre. Near Portland, close to railroad. Owner, AN 272, Orcgoniaa. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. 20 acres In the heart of the best, or chard district of the famous Hood ltlcr Valley: 8 acres cleared, house and barn, fine trout stream; unsurpssred sesnery; only K'Jijilil. AD 20. Oregon ian. HOME WANTED. Just arrived in' Portland. I have a line improved orchard snd unimproved orch ard land that 1 wish to sell or exchange for a home, lrvington preferred. AD 203, iregoniaji. HOOD RIVER SNAP. The best buy In the upper valley for only $75 per acre, partly improved. Vanduyn i Walton, 515 Chamber ef Commerce SO "ACRES' or-less, A-fllsler fruit land. $20 per acre; terms. C. Ii. Plggott, own- er, 14 Millkey bldg. For ! t'erms. GENUINE PICKUP. 147 acres, all clear but S acres k and fir; yo acres fine grain lend. 42 acres bottom laud pasture with wild grass novv on It from 1 to !i feet high, will pasture 5'l head of stock; property is close to railroad 27 miles of Portland; fairly good buildings, fine granary, 8i0 bu. oats. 1''0 wheat. 25 tons liav, 2 acres potatoes, 10 rows. 1 calf, 3 high-priced horses. 1 pony. 2 hogs, its dos. chickens, 1 binder, new mower, rake, roller, disc, plows, harrows, disc drill, hack, wagon, harnesses, cart, cultivator, separator, hsy fork, all small tools. 2 acres fine orchard, place well watered, adlolnlng property $150 per acre up. this place U0: I500 cash, balance time t per cent. This place is a money-maker for a dairyman, not for a lazy farmer. 65 acres, all bottom land, ?n miles Portland, sandy loam, cut crops this year. 4-ton oat hay per acre, no aw ale or bake, soil, but absolutely sandy loam bottom land, 40 acres cleared and like a garden. Good new cottage, larga barn, spring be side house, can be irrigated without anv hard work, one that Is sub-irrigated from the river and grows a wonderful crop regardless of season. I will slake mv reputation on this soil. Place adjoining 10O acres, 80 cleared, aold for $l."-0 per acre last week. Owner of this place does not live here and is not aware of the sur rounding prices, price $4500; $3308 casn. You can't always make money on 4i) acres of cleared land, but this 40 will show for itself. Few ranches In the United States are located like this one. and made of sediment. 40 acres. 2 aercs timber, balance cleared, nina miles Portland, 1 mile electric, fine buildings, 2 springs. 2 acres orchBrd, main county road, ft ncd and cross-fenced. J acres kale and roots, 5 acres potatoes. bu. oala, straw In barn. 20 tons timothy, lo tons clover. , beautiful horses. 5 cows and heifer. 50 chickens. 4 stands bees, good wagon, new fanning-mlll. new bind er mower, rake, cultivator, disc, black smith outfit. oldr mill, new buggy, new harnesses, all small tools. The personal properly is worth over $200O. Now, my friend, you can buy this for $4000 eajii. balance $0250 on time. You can't lose for you will make your first cash payment in a couple of yearn and then have your per sonal property left, with either the chance of selling out before your mortgage ex pires or paying it off when due. This is cheaper than land twice the distance from Portland. We will show you and prove it. H. E. CHAPMAN. WIT Chamber of Commerce. FINE FARM. , T71! acres, 45 acres in high slate or cultivation, balanc- ef land good timbv and pasture; all fenced with woven-wlre fence; three fine sprines. good well, flue w room hard plastered house, nicely painted, good . new ham. ft8x4ii. with shed; a,l crops, consisting of hsy. grain and po tatoes: !i He brood mares, 1 .yesr-olil fillev. 1 yearling. 1 ?pring colt. S head of hogs. 4 milch cowe. 3 heifers. 2 ot good harness. 2 sets of single harnosr. wagnn. plows, harrows, cultivator, I . s crcam separstor No. B. loo chickens, all small tooia; a good orchard pf M) jouni ''This place Is -O miles from Portland, one mile from Salem electric station. ' mile from Willametle River and heal laml ing and In fine open country; board wa.k from property to station; 's mile to ,tood 8-roem school, good church; on K. r . v. and telephone Price, $11.tii.-).50. $5500 rash, halanrc long timet at ll per cent. Bverythlng at above price. Wc absolutely know jnu cannot beat this for a bargain. M. E. THOMPSON CO. Real Estate. Insurance, l-oans. Henry Bl'lB-. Fourth and Oak Sts. Main HK4. A 3327 60 ACRES of SPLENDID FRUIT LAXTJ In the CHrTHALF.M MOUNTAINS. The future great apple-growing district of Oregon, where Port land's wealthiest men buv unplanted orchard land at 4oi per a' re. Owner is leaving the country and offers this lanrj at $1'i.t per acre. 42 gores ready for planting, balance good tlmher; spring on the land; fine view; best of soil, no gravel or slone. $2100 cash will handle It. For particulars call 7QI1 corpett Bldg. KS acres of deep black loam soil. SO acres In good cultivation, all fenced and cross fenced, lies level. 2 gJod wells, 2-siory house, barn ll'ixf.0, old orchard; U mile to school. '2 miles from good town and I.. R.- 21 miles from Portland, in Willamette Valley; all crops and Implements go: on R. F. D. and main county road: price $7C,00. $3000 cash balance .) years at t per cent. Absolute burgaln. W. Cor, 'tin and oak. Henry Bldg 9 1 1 n. rTTC Vll T.KT II IM'II. S6o acres foothill land for sale at ?S per acre. 5 miles from R. R. station: verv best ef fstilt. grain and grass land: and Ideal stock and dairy ranch; soma line saw and piling timber: good house, ham, orchard, well watered and ail un der fence; must be seen to be appreci ated: liberal terms. Address owner, Geo. W. Wright. Albany, Or. '"" " BARGAIN. 41 acres, good soli. 25 acres in culti vation, has fine, large house, good barn, small vouna orchard, close to good achoois. "S miles from Portland. .. miles from ('anby. Or: close lo good stores; pi ice $4200, 1- cash. M E. THOMPSON CO. 5 w. Corner 4 h and Oai;.. Henry Bid.-. ii MILES from Portland. 41 acres, 25 under cultivation, balance easily cleared; fenced. Cls-fen.-ed; 2 wells. miles from sta tion: good house, barn, orchard, crop in cl'ided team, wagon, harness. 3 cowe chick en" farming Implements; $4500, terms; no esenis: buy or '"" '" " VOR SALE A bargain, 30 acres of richest situated directly on troury nor., lu min utes' ride. Ill; miles from city limits, Van couver. Wash. f-'.OO Per acre, half yaah. balance at 8 per cent. Will sell half tha tract. AO 201. Oregonlan. WB have best and cheapest fruit and farm land in Willamette Valley: let tausscr .-j to you. Call and get our boea-.o . HARBOR SOUND INV. CO.. 28 X. th St. 30""ACrtES " bottom land near"" WilsonTllle: fronts on Willamette River, ti mile Ore gon Electric statlun. William Flyon. TVil aonvHIa. Or. ' . ' J. A. CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms; prices reasonable; n- " P. O. Box T4. Carlton. Or. A FINE stock and dairy farm, which will sell at at bargain. Address A 2U0, Ore- gonian. Miscellaneous. . IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or email, well-improved firm, at low price and oa most liberal terms, aee at, I has e uu) ewn properties. J. O. BLROB. 520 Corbet! Bldg. FARIH WANTED. VALLEY HAY RANCH WANTED, and pasture Innd, or near Summer rence for small band of sheep, in Central Ore gon: part payment in aoml-business Seat-, tlo propai'ty. C. B. Cave, P. O. box 1314.. Seattle. Wash. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wantea. 404 McKay bldg. O. i. UeCracaaa