Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 03, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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I -
Pacific Statea, Hflmfc
A C""3
A 0i
A oS
cotintlna--rem ......... .Main To
City Circulation...... ...Main TO70
Manarlnc Editor.. ...... Main 770
fjnd.r Editor. ......... .Main 707
orop!nir-room ........Main To7
City Editor Main Tn7
fupt. Bulldtssa Main 700
BtX-.AliW THE AT MR UI-h and Morrln)
Tfi Satlooal-p.lUr.i Opra Canpanr In
mtrtc (. - Th Mikado." fcpaclai nutlln
ORPHCCM THEATER fMomaofl balwtn
Math and vnth Vaudavllla. TnU
anamooa at 1. 13 and tools bt at 8:10.
CRAND THEATER (Park and Waahlnstsn)
audavll.a. Thla afternoon at
toniabt at 7.30 aad
X.YPIC THEATER tSarenth and Aid
Armatrona MualcaJ Comedy Company ta
"A Scoerh HiinbalL- Thla afternoon at
1 JO; tonliht at 7. so and S-
FTAR THEATER (Park and Waahlncton)
Motion plrturaa, Contlnuoua. Xrom 1.30 ta
lo So p. m.
OAKS PARK IO TC. P. rrt1r Runfl
jiand and orchestra. Thla afternoon and
IVauaha and Tventr-fourth Lrfa An-
grtm va Portland. 3:30 P. M. week days.
I.JO P. m. Bundaja.
AdTvrtlaeaaa-ata Intended fee tke City
. Krm la Brief ralaama la Saaaay'a ta-
mmm am mat a iat la Tke Orc-sroalaa
fenata efflc ?r f r'deck Satnrdar
Rabbi Wisb to Pr r Ant. Rabbi Jonah
B. Wl lll preach on the aut"ct. 'The
New Synagogue Idea." at Beth Israel to-
r-lRht. The quartet choir under the direc
tlon of Mrs. Hose Bloch-Bauer will mng
the aervice and ntlxim. The choir la
rompewd of Alrav Roae Bloch-Bauer,
mprano and leader: Mrs. M. Marks, con
tralto- Don J. Zan. baritone: W. P.
Hel.-her. t nor. and il El Couapn, organist
Beth Israel Is free to all men and wo
men. Strangers desiring to attend the
aervicesi for the (Treat holidays can w
cure rats for themselves and families
- communicating with Kalbi tt lw at his
atudy In the synagogue. All are Invited
to do ao. as the officers and members of
the congregation are anxious to provide
for all who have no affiliation with
nynazoirue. The religious school will
open on September lo. Children of non
members are earnestly invited.
Alleged Capper" Kised. Malcolm
(Moore, alleged "capper" In a North End
auction house, waa arrested at Fifth and
J-'lanUcra streets early yesterday morning
by Patrolman Oelimcr. He was aecom
" panted by Marvel Ford. A charge of
helnjr out after hours was placed against
the pair. At the police station the wo
man furnished bail for herself and Moore
and tliejr were released. In court yes
terday morn In ther pleaded guilty and
were lined JLO each. Moore W" married
and was In court with his wife only
fe'v days ago to answer for a quarrel
on the public street. A charge of vag
rancy against him Is pending on appeal in
the Circuit Court.
Noisy Jnrmrras ARB Flsro. Three otit
f a party of seven Joyriders who made
right hideous In the vicinity or Twenty
first and Washington ex reels early Thurs
day morning, appeared In Police Court
yesterday and denied that they had done
anything wrong;. The testimony or r-a-trolman
Royle and Deputy-Sheriff Teevln
was to the contrary and F1 Gratton and
Al Sculley were fined S10 each. Jack Vail,
the chauffeur, was dismissed. When ar
rested, the men Tr bowling" down the
street yelling and sir.glng. When the
car was brought to a stop by Royle four
of the occupants bolted.
Rut. Mr. Dene Ijiat-es Portiand. Rev.
Tl. H Deck, pator of the Firm United
f.vaneellral Church In the Idd Addition.
h resigned and will leave Portland for
Tombstone. Arlx.. October 1. where he
will supply the Congregational Church.
He goes to Arisona In the hope that a
rhancx of climate-may bem-ftt the health
of h son who tn an Invalid. Rev. Mr.
lrk has been prominent In connection
wtth tiie United rivangeltcal churches of
the state for a number of years.
Am Ow.v r.R to Br Abrested. Speed
ing along at the rate of S miles an
hour, according to the estimate of the
officer, and disregarding a signal to Mop.
a car registered as the property of W.
R. M-Cty. of Moro. Or., passed the cor
ner of Kant Water and Morrison streets
Tht-rsday night. There was a large .party
In the machine. Sherwood was Instructed
to get a warrant for the arreet of the
Creak or Tomato, creamed halibut.
with irwn peas: Exchange Club snusage
and mashed potatoes, hot waffles and
maple syrup, chipped beef In cream
roart veal and dressing, baked sweet
potatoes, celery en tomato salad. Queen
of pudding, apple merangue pie. pine
apple sponge and whipped cream, on the
menu at Woman's Kxchengfs is Sth. St.
Watch Hive Retiriho RxirroR. At the
conclusion of the services at St. John's
Krvwopal Church. Setlwood. last Sunday-
night, a watch was presented by the
Brotherhood of St. Andrew to Owald
Taylor, the retiring rector, who left the
parish to go to tha Grace Memorial
Church In Irvlngton. A presentation
speech was made by rr. Sellwood.
Oaxine Licbkbes Grow. Deputy City
Auditor Pierce has Issued 47 female and
473 maie doc licenses within the past
two days. This yields !"! to the treasury.
All day yesterday there was a constant
stream of people at the desk taking out
licenses. Meanwhile, the noundmaster
and his staff are busy around town look
ing for untagged canines.
i "try's Laws Are Pristed. Copies of
the bound volume of the city charter
and ordinances are belnc distributed.
The book Is from the press -of the Dun
ham Printing Company and contains all
of the new amendments to the charter
ar.d all of the ordinances.
No Sitcw StAPs ek-ewhere within same
distance don't fail to see "Alton Park":
tine view of mountains, and Reed Insti
tute grounds. Tak Sellwood car. get off
at Insley avenue. Agent on ground Sun
day. Take ths River Trip
To Orboos Citt St no at
Its Cool, ajto Pleasant.
Boat Ijcates Tatior Street
ap A. M.. 12 M.. S P. M. Hound Trip. Afio
Rate War. Steamer sails direct Sun
day noon for San Francisco and Is
.Ang'Mes. make reservations) Immediately.
Cclatn CS. Frank Bojiam, agent. 18
Third street.
"To Aero rort ate Its many customers
and their friends the Woman's Exchange
:will serve a special luncheon Monday
(Iibor day. 11:30 till t
PRornssoR's chtncinE classes
cner. Ser-tember 6. Knroll now; instruction
dsllv. Western Arademy. Second and
Morrison. Phone
CAt-VAtT Presbtteriaic Church. Rev,
TT-omas Holmes Walker will preach to
morrow on The Withered Hand" and
The Problem of Life."
O'Neiu, will serve table d'hote dinner
Sunday evening, tl a plate: music. .: to
:3. Alder and West Park.
Prices have not advr need on our cord
wood. Multnomah Fuel Co. Both phones
CAL.TLOSI Wine. Frke. with gallon of
whisky. Sprtn- Valley Wine Co.
Pn A 'M. Wbrster has returned. ins4
Hawthorne avenue. Both telephones.
Gat.twc Wine. Free, with gallon of
whisky. Pprin Valley Wine Co.
Dr. A. P. Watson. Ml Medical bid.,
has returned. Main STS.
Gaixox Wr?TET, Free, with gallon of
whisky. Pprirur Vall-y Wine Co.
Brt RimtANn and associates moved to
dU Spaldlna- bg.
rR. Lco-oaro. osteopathic physician.
Mohawk bldg.
PR- Benjamin, dentist. 3U Oregonlan.
I.s returned.
eeot Lots Cause Fines. a dounie
Ity was imposed on K. t and A. B.
ivterson for failure to cut the weeks
on their property at Sixteenth and
Weidler streeis. The two own a lot
Jointly and both were arrested and ap
peared In Police Court yesterday morning.
Kadi was) fined J&. Five other complaints
have been filed and warrants are out for
a number of prominent citizens. Including
R. R. Dunlway. El Versteeg and William
MacMaster. Their cases will be called
as soon as service can be secured.
Ihrioular Doctor Hbaviut Fined. T.
J. Pierce, accused of practicing medicine
without a license, pleaded guilty In
Police Court yesterday and was fined
The accusation was that he had recom
mended the use of certain Instruments
and drugs by Mrs. O. J. Cole and had
accepted a fee for doing so. Sensational
charges of tampering with a witness
were made. Pierce has advertised to e'll
certain medicines with a thinly veiled
Intimation that they can be used for an
Improper purpose.
David J. Bush Dfap. David J. Bush,
an old resident of tha East fidew died
nt the home of his daughter. 74 dark
street, in Albina. Thursday. Mr. Bush
was 33 years of age. Ho had been an
active member of Multnomah Camp, No.
Woodmen of the World, for the
pant 14 years. The funeral will be held
Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock under the
auspices of Multnomah Camp in the
chapel of the Flnley's undertaking es
tablishment. He was a widower.
Mondat ScHoot, Folk to Meet. The
first meeting this year of the Portland
graded union composed of all beginner.
primary and Junior Sunday school teach
ers of all denominations, will be held in
the T. W. C. A. building, next Friday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. The president,
Mrs. It. M. Steele, expects a large and
enthusiastic assembly. Later In the
month, there will be another delightful I
afternoon social affair and In October the
workers' supper will be given.
Pastor Is Honored. At the dose of th
farewell sermon last Sunday evening, by
the Rev. Oswald V. Gaytor. pastor
St. John's Episcopal Church of Sell
wood, who Is leaving to take charge o
the Grace Memorial Church In Irvlngton,
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew which in
eludes the vestry, presented him with
handsome gold watch as a token of th
esteem In which they held him. Dr. Sell
wood made the presentation.
Cornerstone to New Hall La in. The
Swedish Society Llnnea will lay the
cornerstone to their new hall, being con
structed at Twenty-seventh and Irving
streets. Monday, September 5. at 3 P. M
Short addresses will be made by C. F.
Pearson. Konsul Valdemar Udell, O. F.
Isakson. William Lunden. B- J. Or a hit.
Valdemar Seton and others. The Swedish
singing Club or Columbia will sing.
Tub Statb Spiritualists Association
op Oregon will hold annual convention on
Saturday and Sunday, at Alisky building,
Saturday 10 A. M. and 2:30 P. M.. busi
ness meetings: T:3u, message meeting, hall
X Sunday Lectures, 10:30. symposium
2 P. M.. lecture and messages. 7:30: hall
2D0. Dr. Allen, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Cong-
don lecturers and message bearers.
Woodard. Clarke & Co. are looking
for several bright, clean-cut young men
of good habits, to fill positions In various
departments of their store, and grow
up with the business. Young men about
17 or IS years of age are preferred, who
are looking for permanent positions and
are' willing to stay on the Job. Apply
to superintendent at the store.
Dr. W. H. Foulkes preaches at First
Presbyterian Church. Alder and Twelfth
Morning. lo:3Q, "The Church and the
Laboring Man'": 7:45. "The Desert
Blossoming Like the Rose. Welcome.
Services Resumed. Full services re
sumed after vacation at the Unitarian
Church, corner Yamhill and Seventh, at
11 A. M-, In charge of pastor emeritus. '
Rose Cttt Park Presbyterian Chc-rch,
Kast 4wth and Hancock streets .Boudlnot
Welly will preach tomorrow at 11 A. M
and 7:46 P. M.
OrricES of the Mutual Renefrt TJfe In
surance Company. Arnold S. Rothwell.
general agent, moved to rooms l"li-13-14
Spalding bldg.
Judoe A. H. TANtr.R has removed his
office to rooms 311-314 Spalding bldg., and
will as heretofore engage in a general
law practice.
Contralto Wanted. For church quar
tet. Addreeas AB 2f-i. Oregonlan, staring
training and experience.
Birchall Tailorino Compant removed
from wetland bldg.. to 3oj Stark, corner
Gallon Wine. 'Free, with gallon of
whisky. Spring Valley Wine Co.
Dr. Holt C. Wilson has moved his
office to ninth floor Spalding bldg.
Gallon Wine. Trfe. with gallon of
whisky. Spring Valley Wine Co.
Elevator Crushes Out Life of
Mabel Putnam.
Lift In Pacific Monthly Hiilldlng
Drops Unexpected I y Victim Wns
Engaged to Marry Alfred
Burnett of Ashland.
cine, to be assistant general manager
of the O. R. & N. and Southern Pa
clflc lines in Oregon, has arrived In
Portland and is now out on a several
days' inspection trip with M. J. Euck-
Park Board Lays Applications on
Table Without Iicuslon.
Increases of salary were refused to
park policemen and park laborers by
the Park Board yesterday morning.
Mayor Simon ordering the applications
laid on the tabic without discussion.
Salaries of employes in the City Engi
neer's office were Increased a few
weeks ago from I7S to 83 a mont
and there have been other Increases 1
other departments. There may be
readjustment at tha first of the year,
is said.
No formal discussion was had as
the proposal to buy Council Crest for
park site, but I. Lang, who has had
charge of the subjecu reported to th
Mayor and members Informally that th
question Is being Investigated and tha
report will be forthcoming before
Caught between the roof of the ele
vator cage, suddenly released by alleged
defective machinery, and the steel gird
ers of the fourth floor of the Pacific
Monthly building. Miss Mabel Putnam.
a stenographer In the offices -of the
magazine, was literally crushed to
death while on her way to work yester
day morning.
The girl was 30 years of age, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Tut
nam. of Ashlard, and the affianced
bride of Alfred Burnett, an expressman
of that place. She had been in Port
land only two months.
Miss Putnam, suffering untold agony.
was held for 15 minutes In the few-
inches of space that separata the car
from the edge of the floor before she
could be extricated. She was taken
out unconscious, but partially recov
ered before death relieved her. She In-
ardi, the elevator attendant, and ex
plred. The bones of her chest were I Chicago Expert Says, B'gyptlan Art
Droaen ana ner vital organs were
badly crushed and torn that those
Juries alone would have caused her
United Brethren Would Bo Part of
Evangelical Family.
It has been decided to postpone the
organic union convention of the Evan
gelical conferences announced for next
Wednesday night In the First United
Evangelical Church, owing to the ab
sence of so many of the ministers. The
conference will be held at a later
date. Rev. C- C. Poling and Rev. A. A.
Winter, delegates to the general con
ference, which meets at Canton, O.,
October 6. will carry before that body
the expressed wish of the two Oregon
conferences for organic union and urgo
the appointment of a commission of 13
to meet a similar commission from the
general conference of the Evangeli
cal Association.
"The only real opposition is in
Pennyslvania." said Kev. Mr. Pooling
yesterday, "but I think we can over
come that opposition. The United
Brethren want to come In with us, but
we shall get our own family together
first. I received a lotter from Bishop
William Bell, of the United Brethren
Churches this week full of enthusiasm
for organic union. I hope to see the
three branches united within the next
five years if not sooner."
Rev: Mr, Pooling is a member of
the board of missions and the publicity
commission of the United Evangelical
Church, and Rev. Mr. Winter is presi
dent of the Dallas College. They will
leave for Canton next Thursday.
Is Xoiv Duplicated.
Cashier Gives Aid.
C. N. Foulk, cashier for the magazine,
as soon as he learned of the accident
rushed to the telephone and called the
Red Cross ambulance and an elevator
expert. Both arrived promptly and the
work of the expert in brief space re
leased the elevator, at which others had
been prying with crowbars and every
thing available, In a fruitless effort td
loosen It.
With a smile on her Hps. Miss Put
nam stepped from the elevator and was
In the act of removing her hat prepar
atory to going to her desk, when the
elevator suddenly dropped.
Her body was caught between the top
of the cage and the wall of the shaft
and dragged down for two stories be
fore her tortured flesh blocked the fur
ther progress of the cage. She screamed
frantically, and Gerard I shouted for
The stricken girl lived a few minutes
after being released.
Her body was turned over to the Cor
oner, who will hold an Inquest this
morning at 10 o clock.
Gerardl. the attendant who was In
charge of the elevator. Is 45" years of
age and enjoys the highest confidence
of his employers. He is totally over
come by the shock and was taken to
his home at 780 East Twenty-ninth
street in a state of collapse.
Miss Putnam had been with the Pa
cmc Monthly only two weeks. She
came from her home at Ashland about
two months ago and lived at the Worn
an s union, on Flanders street. She
had recently completed a course at
business college in Ashland and came
here to secure a position.
The annual election of officers will
he the feature of the third day's ses
sion of the Oregon State Funeral Di
rectors' Association at the Commercial
Club today. The meeting will likely
close tonight.
.The most Important part of the ses
sion's activity thus far has been the
lecture upon embalming bv Professor
Horace Moll, an expert from Chicago.
He delivered one lecture before the Ore
gon association Thursday end two yes
terday and will deliver another this
morning. In his talks so far he has said
that the methods of embalming have
been so perfected that It is now possi
ble to preserve a human body so that
It will mummify, as did the bodies in
ancient Egypt, but will still maintain
Its natural shape and appearance.
These lectures have been a decided
feature of the convention.
Going Ahead
No city in the country is do
ing better than Portland.
The building operations now
under way are something
phenomenal, outstripping all
other cities of the class by a
long way. Money invested
now In realty In or around
Portland, provided good Judg
ment Is used in making the
purchase, is Just as sure to
bring "a rich reward as were
the buyings of the elder Astor
in New York, buyings which
made the Astor fortune of to
day. And here in Portland it
now takes but little money to
operate. Every man wants a
home. Buy a horaesite large
enough so that when the city's
growth encompasses you, there
will be surplus land enough
to more than pay for the home
and all improvements, and
leave enough for a large gar
den, orchard and lawn. Ban
ner Acres offers such advan
tages. The most sightly tract,
at the lowest price. In the
direct line of the city's
growth. Let us show you
these plats at $100 to $160 per
acre, but worth far more.
214 Lumber Exchange,
Second and Stark,
Parents Are Notified.
Word was immediately sent to E. X.
Carter, a banker at Ashland, from
whom the girl had letters of recom
mendation, and her people were noti
fied. As soon as the Coroner's formal-
ties are over the body will be sent to
Ashland under the care of Fred Lock-
ley, manager of the Pacific Monthly.
ine news or Miss Tutnam's death
was received as a great shock among
toe employes or tne magazine and at
he I. nlon. She was very popular in
notn places and is said to have been
girl of unusual beauty and good man
Wooatcr'a &ax and night tore. 4e Wash..
Statistics Show Lessening of Crime,
Speaker Declares.
C. C. Heist, of the Toung People's
Anti-Saloon League, addressed a meet
ing last night in the Highland Congre
gational Church. He read statistics
from "wet" and "dry" states, counties
and cities and declared prohibition
lessened crime, SO ier cent of crime
being due to drink.
The pastor. Rev. Mr. Boulanger, told
of hi observations In Corvallls and In
Benton County, where he had Just spent
two months. He said that the law was
well enforced and the sentiment in its
favor was strong.
September 5-8.
The Oregon Railroad A Navigation
Company will run a special train from
Fourth and Stark streets at 1 P. M.
every day during the exhibition, return
ing about 6:30 P. M. after the races.
Round trip fare 20 cents. Tickets sold at
train 30 mlnutea before departure.
Special at the Hazelwood.
Pure augar randies made in our candy
kitchen. Regular 40c. 6e and 80c lb.,
special today only 30c lb.
These randies sold In glass Jars, reg
ular pries 1 5c each, special today at
ISc each. The Haselwood. 38S-90 Wash
ington L
All the delicacies of the season at th
Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart-
mania lor jaaiea. u w aj il. near stack
County Clerk's Report Also Tells of
of City's Growth.
County Clerk Fields' monthly report.
ssued last night, shows an Increase of
five marringes during August over the
corresponding month in 109. On the
ther hand, the divorces Jumped from
29 to 41. an increase of 12. There was
Increase of 359 in the number of
nstrumenta handled by the recording
epanmeni. mere being 2448 in August.
1909. and 2K07 last month. Marginal
mortgage releases numbered 421 last
month and 365 In August a year ago.
The county's profit from the County
Clerk's office last month was $2370.77,
against $15."1.S6 In the same month a
year ago. The total receipts last month
were $5784. 9 and In August. 190fl,
$5224.20. Last month's expenses were
4JjJ.n9. and In tne same month a yea
ago $285.1.43. In that month, however,
It was necessary to purchase no elec
non supplies, utner statistics are as
follows: Notary commissions recorded
August, 1910, 65, 1909, 47: notary cer
tificates Issued. 72. 1909. 70; articles of
Incorporation recorded, 49. 1909, 42; ar
ticles of Incorporation filed. 2, 1909. 1
declaration of Intentions. 112, 1909, 45
citizens admitted. 11, 1909, 14; liquor
licenses issued, 2; dental licenses re
corded, 2; optometry licenses Issued. 3
opium licenses issued. 1, 1909, 5: hun
ters licenses issued, 885. 1909, 471; an
glers licenses issued. 807. 1909, 687;
hunters' and anglers licenses, 156. 1309,
277; amount received for certified cop
ies, $113.05. 1909. $71.95; number non
support cases. , 1909, 4: insane com
mitted to asylum. 13, 1909, 13: number
probate cases 50. 1909. 43: number cases
Circuit Court. 193. 1909, 111.
Assistants to Be In Close Touch Un
der Xew Unit System.
In further accordance with the unit
aystem inaugurated In tho general of
fices of the O. R. & N. and Southern
Pacific, which caused the appointment
of five new assistant general mana
gers September 1. several changes in
office arrangements are under way In
the Wells-Fargo building.
J. F. Graham, superintendent of mo
lve power, who was made assistant
general manager, will move his office
from Albina to the eleventh floor of the
Wells-Fargo building, where he -will be
close touch with General Manager
O'Brien and the other assistants. M. J.
Buckley, general superintendent, also
made assistant genera managor. will
move from the twelfth floor to the
leventh floor. Curtis G. Sutherland,
nother assistant. 'will move his desk
from the waiting-room on the eleventh
fioor to an adjoining private office. The
fflce of George W. Boschke will re
main on the twelfth floor.
J. D. 8tack. who was promoted from,
assistant superintendent on the Sac
ramento division of the Southern Pa- I
J. D. Tobln, of Dufur, Is at the Cornel
W. T. Macy, of McMlnnvllle. is at the
Carl Adler, of Baker City, is at the
J. A. .Wetherbee, of Eugene, i at the
Leslie Wright, of Hoiiuium, Wash., is
at the Lenox.
Preston Warwlrk, o Goldendale, Wash.,
is at the Ramapo.
Wilbur Hayden, of Hlllsboro, is regis
tered at the Oregon.
F. Cook and family, of Astoria, are
staying at the Ix-nox.
George A. Slioin. of St. Helens, Is reg
istered at the Ramapo.
.Dr. Alfred Kinney, of Astoria, is reg
istered at the Portland.
F. S. Cure and family, of Pendleton, are
staying at the Perkins.
Judge M. O. Lownsdale. of Lafayette, is
registered at the Imperial.
Dr. L. C. Dowers and family, of Boise,
Idaho, are at the Lenox.
State Senator N. Whealdon, of The
Dalles, is at the Perkins.
J. C. Dement and family, of Astoria,
are staying at the Imperial.
Mr. and Mrs. I R Wattls. of Eugene,
are staying at the Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Anderson, of
Reedvllle, are at the Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Beach, of Kenne-
wlck. Wash., are at the Perkins.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wayne, of Wal
lace. Idaho, are at the Portland:
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Patterson, of The
Dalles, are staying at tho Oregon.
Dr. J. H. Neagle has returned from a
five weeks' visit Eust. He spent consid
erable time In New York, Denver and
San FnBntlsoo.
Dr. J. H. Neagle has returned to. the
city after an aosence or rive weeks on
an extended vacation trip. While away
he spent some time in New York City
and visited Chicago, Denver and San
Rev. E. Nelson Allen, pastor of Haw
thorne Park Presbyterian Church. East
Twelfth street, returned home Thursday
from his vacation, which he spent In
Detroit and In the vicinity of Mount
Miss N. Scanlan returned yesterday
from Spokane, where she was called on
account of the Illness and death of her
sister, Mrs. S. J. Holland, widow of the
late S. J. Holland, a well-known capi
talist of that city.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 2. Special.)
The following from Portland are at the
Palace Hotel: Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Stew
art, C. T. Cheney. J. C. Young. Harry
Green. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hume, L. S.
Keady, William Grunlng, J. Otto and sis
Has asphalt pavements, cement
sidewalks and curbs, large Bull Run
water mains, gas mains and a com
plete and ample sewer system. The
building restrictions insure a good
neighborhood and rapidly increased
values. Prices are very low and terms
are 30 per cent eash, 2 per cent per
month and 6 per cent interest. Let
us show you the best and cheapest
property in Portland. Take Irving
ton car to Knott street and walk two
blocks west to our Irvington office.
241 Stark St., Corner Second, and
East 13th and Knott Sts.
Soule. at the Congress; A. L. Titus, WI1
liam A. Daly, at the Great Northern.-
j'afoless Dentistry
PI 7TJJZ I Oatcf town pj.
oan hun tK.t. .i...
Maea Id oas Cos
- PI W I J,
Wftwili ffiwa waa A aai(
x 22k gold or Dorctlals
jcroiHor 53.501
i holir Crown 5. 0(1
(I 22iBr!dgTwtb3.5Q
l" fcN i 6old fining 1L00
Ck A E.l Filling. 100
4 3 Gihftf Plllnw oOL-
I Pim . T 111
- 'ft ' lave. viwa
WtJI Seit Re! Rub en.
u. w. a. wur, rmmat un noun owmts
. nut Btuum Mmm 9bTb.mi Extrtroa 5v
palnlew xtrsotion Free whe& pi atan or bridge worle
m Diunrgai tAiuiuiMitiuu Brno, x era emmm Hot uwiw
vork done anywhere. All work 111117 ffuan
Modern e I fctieoipinttZiU Beet method
Wise Dental Co
Jr-Artnrs Burturmi "eo"FOB17I?..
TiiiniWisa.8is. PORTLAND, OREGON
arriCSHoraSt A.H. ta tt.m. nniyfci.
u ,
kousk coMtvurr
CHICAGO. Sept. 2. (Special.) The
following from the Pacific Northwest
are registered at Chicago hotels:
From Portland F. P. O'Rrlen. N. C.
For Concert This Evening
FROM 8:00 TO 9;3Q
The Greater
Meier 8c Frank
3 Rag, "Black and
1 March, "On Parole" Fotts
2 Waltz. "Lure of the Night."
White". .
4 Selection, "Prima Donna"..
5 Bong Selected
Miss Elaine Foster.
6 Spanish serenade, "La Paloma"
7 Saxaphone solo, "The Rosary"
Alias Marie Wandra.
S Potpourri of 1810.. Kerry Mills
9 Cunabola Glide Von Tilzer
10 Duet from "Madam Sherry"
Miss Klaine Foster.
Miss Margret Haggerty.
11 "Moving Day in Jungle.
Town" Schwartz
12 March. "Explorer" Johnston
of Woodcraft
or au KINDS
Gearhart in September
During tne entire year there Is no
season on the Coast that Is so delightful
as September. Now that the Hotel
Gearhart la open the year round, with
its steam heat, brilliant illumination,
large fireplace, excellent table and un
surpassed service, the Coast In Septem
ber has an added charm. A great many
Portland people prefer to spend their
vacation days on the Coast In September.
The golf lliks are in better condition
now than ever before. They will be
kept so all Winter. The train service to
Gearhart is so excellent now that Sep
tember promises to be more popular
this year than ever before. Many
reservations have already been made
for the month. You will enjoy the
balm of the air and the splendor of the
sunshine if you visit Gearhart this
"Spend your -vacation at
the scenic beach of Oregon. Take train
to Seaside, thence by conveyance. Good
nstalng and hunting. Sea foods served
at all times." W. D. Torrey. proprietor.
European Hotel
I 8EASllEt OB.
Take the
Orison Railroad & Navigation Co.
Oregon Short Line.
I nlon Pacific.
Chicago A Northwestern.
All the Way.
From Portland to
Finely equipped through train.
Perfect Dining-car service.
Leaves Portland daily 10 A. M.
Purchase tickets and make reservations at our city ticket
office, Third and Was-hingfon streets.
WM. McMURRAY, Gen. Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
rn cAT VtUT Three minutes
Calls to Salem arid from Salem to Portland completed same
as local calls in Portland by our new Two Number Service.
If you do not know telephone number of party wanted, call
"Information" and ascertain.
Try it and you will be pleased.
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company
Beck Building, Seventh and Oak Streets.
Grand Trunk Pacific Steamships
Victoria, One War
Vancouver, One Way.
Prince Rnpert, One Way.
Stewart, One Way
P 2.00 Return
S.OO Return
(.Meals and llcrth
R1S.OO Return
$ 3.SO
tliiclutllnjf Meal anil ilerth.)
For Throuarh Tickets and Reservation! Apply to Locnl Rnfln-aT Aarenta
or J. II. Burgrls, Urnernl Agcut, First Ave. and Yeslcr Way, Seattle, Wash.
lfc ir aOa ast
Made in Brockton, Massachusetts
New S. S. Bear. Sails 9 A. M. Sept. 3.
Sailing Every Five Days Direct to '
To San Francisco First class: IflO.OO, $12. OO, $15. OO
Second class: $ 5.00
To Los Angeles First class: S21.50, $23.50, $26.50
Second class: $13.35
Round-trip tickets at reduced rates. All rates Include meals and berth.
H. G. Smith, C. T. A.. 142 3d Street. Slain 402. A 1402.
J. W. Ransom, Agent, Alnsworth Dock. Slain 268.
Medium-priced Bedroom Furniture,
in enamel, golden oak, birdseye ma
ple and Circassian walnut.
8 Star
t J. G. MACK 8 GO.
& Stark