THE 3iOKXING OKEGOXIAX. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. 17 FUGGLES 16 CENTS Early Hops Sell in Lane Coun ty at Good Price. TAKEN FOR EXPORT TRADE Tl rr II mt ml Halo, the Bulk of Ilie Crop, niurel hy the Horls. Not an lmlrx to tltr later Market. lar-r-r vn the n En rmp. er in runrt eerdy ! 1H cent. Th buyers wr. Hal Koln. of Salem, for th llomt "rtrr.pan'. f Undn. and Jam? f Kuitnr. for th- E. C. Horst I ompan. Tb purcha-s wrre dually cH v:.i...i ho-tw.. tie trt. The sellers wr 1 p. jto. J. M. HorWmrr. Sam Farmer. Jh r.or. Robert Sr-Hla. I-. Dur ham A Benaett and J. f. K-ly. of liar r:hur. ar.d Ajrra anl a.u. of Eueoa. The only cmt of fmcOs not secured la ths county j that of "arlgUt. about SO feIa. Thr ta llio a carload of fUEclts enaold In tf. Si.vrrton sct.on. A report was torrani sirday that a l-bale lot at c:t non had a-ne at MS cents, but tbts mat dealed. When the picking of fujtuie atarted about t-n da-s aco dealers offered 13 ana i rnti tnr t n-m and Thursday last had raUed their bids to i: cents. Soveral deal ers bestde the lirts er In the market f r the rrnai snd It was thks compeltUoB that put th prtre up to 14 cent. Although thl is a hiher price than mm Ihourht fugclrs would bring. It does not fllw that !at hopa will opca at a corre vpoyitSing advanre. Most of the dealers bo Jiera that wnea clusters are on the market t"iey win start at 12S or l.t cents. There are only a few fuggtes grown, and as they re tlwi.M wanted for a special trade, they nearlr mIiii command a prrmlum over later hop. Another factor, snd an important one. contributing to the high prlre of thse fug gies. was the exceptionally clean puking. Dealer w h saw sample of the crop say thev roti'd nnt have been picked better. The first baling of the late crop will be en the market In the coming week. Ip to present buer have shown oo ap parent ankiet to continence operations and It Is su'd t'nst but fw orders are In from the Ka.t. Thl is probably because the East ern tra-!e l not et convinced that Oregon will have the gool quality that Oregon hop men claim. It Is likely that. In view of -oid price of fuggU. growerp will not car to t.t t the !a(er variety at the prUe thai dealers are now talking. A itr received yesterday from a leading hop firm a: Nurcmbcrs. Germany, gives the f llow tn sr I's'lm.nm of the Kuropran cropa: rm4ry. ;; i"! to 4W OOt cwt. : Austria, o to rir.n nn cwt.; Kncland, SOO.oni) ago ;;."..vi4 cat.: Return. C.VtVO to t.0OO cwt.; Krnrrr. .V.O.M to gil.ntM cwt.; Rusta. to ... oao cwt.; total for Europe. o t 2 2 H. cwt. 7h Oregon crp W estimated by local dealers at V,mo lo lNi.nmr bales. The Wash ington tcM tn now place, t at not to exceed TO.omy California u ft go red at to TOiMA hgir and New York at .".O.OuO to Ci. o bald. straights. ll CJtt 4 5; export. St;- Valley. graham. $; whole wheat, quarters, -..20l BARLEY Feed and brewing. f21.040 22.50 per ton. 9 HAT Trsck prices; Timothy. Willamette Valley. lr l per ton; Eastern Oregon, ft-."t2l; alfalfa, new. llSirM: grain bay, ai.itrM. , tOKN Whole. JoJ; cracked. fXT per ton. klLL.-n L'KFS Bran. CM per ton; mid dlings. ';, shorts. fl i2T. rolled barley. OATS New. S2S6 3.."e DaUry mnd aaatr rrwdace. Kor.S Oregon candled. 2JU Uh; per doxen. Ill'TTEK l ily creamery, aolld pack, W r.'r per pound: prints, .' : 7 1 r c per pound; but ter fat. 3'c vt pound: country alore but ter, per pound. Hr:KSK KujII croarn. twins. ITGISO per pmjn-1; oung America. IHifrlftr. PofLTRT Hns. ISc; Springs. lc; du ks. white, KvtrKc; geene. i.- u v; atiushs. keys. live. :w; dressed. ;lS:'ic; squaos. $2 per doaen. HKK Fancy, l.ic per pound. K A L. Good . up to Mo pounds. 11c per pound. Vegetable and Fro 1 1. GREEN KRflTH Applet new. .'.oc fi $1 per box . a;rtcits. 7"e it 1 per box ; plums, T.'KriiSl per box: pears l.l'- A l.u per box: lai-nri. Im'Xm. Jwi-i-; iugn. fl. 1t t . L'.; Ei-apri. C&ci fl. ; per box. J tr 5 c per bas ket. MELONS Watermelons. lr 1 per hun-hund-ed; cantaloupe, f l.or 1 per crate. TROPICAL Kill ITS 4 ranges. Valencias. II .v 4.75: lemons. $7 : grapefruit, tiff 4.n per box: bananas. Z ' c per pound: pine- anpiep. c per tiouna. V K'iKTA Beans. .1 -c per pound cabbage. S ' fj :tc per pound : cauliflower, per doxen; celer. V'' per dogen: corn, I . tr 1 "k- pr doxen: cucumbers- S-'.tj Hk p box: eggplant, ac per pound; garth. 8 (i loc per pound: green onion. l.'c per doxen; pep perm. ,c per box ; radislie. n c ixr d'tge.i; squash. 4tc per crate; inmatoes, 3"tf c per box SUTC VEGETAF1I-FM Carrots. $lejl.-j beets. $t SO. pArsmpa. $1I.UA; turnips. 11 rUTATvBa Near. 1 U l..V pr nun dred: aweet potatoea. .tc per pound. ONIONS New. $1.75 per pack. TRADE IS NERVOUS Wheat Prices Are a Shade Higher at Chicago. SMALL EXPORT BUSINESS Bulliih and It-r(-li Kqualljr Diiiclcd The (drains Clo-e I.oer- Xews About C'ore Pro- BDk I U-mrlnt. H.nk rlrarlnv. of tb Northwesters cities yesterday- were as follows: I'Varinc. Balances. Portland. l.7o ;t.i no. Seattle I.I41.S4S Ki.Pli Taronia III. 194 Fpokane Tt.i4 S.o;i PEACHES ARE A DRUG S KATT1 .E MARKET IS OVERLOADED. BADLY FXrOKTER.H KH'KB Til F.I R Ull!4. 4NTer ow BmU mt 4 eenta far BloewCem Oat Keeripta lkrge. With the foreign demAnd slacker the ex porters were dipoetl to g slow yesterday and i of them again reduced their bids In the country. quottn on the bais of 14 rents for bluest em. !7 cents for club. J"6 cn t for hard red and M cents for red Russian Thre prices are on th export baste, and aa tua milling demand has been checked, f-w buyers would t.ffer more. lat continue to come In fre-ly. the ceipia fr the week tw date being cents. The undertone of the market Is eaav. liar- ley la quoted ateadv and unchange. eekly foreign shipment of wheat, as reported by the Merchants Exchange, were Th'S l.ast Iasi w--k. k. nr. Argentine I rttH.mirt tuttralia ' S'U.IMnI 4 tO.OoO i.Ooo teO al receipts, in cars, were reported by tr-.t- MrccinAnts Kv hance aj f4lows. Wheat Hurley Ktour (hits Hav Mnmlav 14 2 H Titesdv -1 1 -" :: 14 W e.ln-B-Iay .... I '2 7 11 M Tiurs.iay ...... I "7 ! 14 Fn.ljy . I l.t ear ago I 1 4 " 7 ! r)n to date. 4T ;:4 4iii )r ago Tkj uj iiu 4jt s-OOI FKI IT tetKH AT HI VfcRJ Is) the 4 BOee res he Offered at 54 Cevta Afteraoos 4irape Ale Lawrec. A was to be exiectrd. fruit prices suf fere 1 severely on font street csterday, r.e-r tpts were cot unusual I c large, but th ri'-mand flat;rned oi?t and to present carry- In stock over, prices were sacrificed. It was practically a half dollar market for pear hes in rhe afternoon, the best stock Fetng offered in any quantity a.t that price. Kmc fairly pegrhea went as low as cent. Grape prle were also slashed. H)o ks cf g-"d quality so d at IV5 tents and Tokays were freel- offered jt $M( l.l.'i. Grren grape ranxetl from $1 If St.:." per crate. anta Vup were qiole from SI.O to $3. ge eord mg to qutll( : melons w ere steady r!r. but other lines were neglected. Fvport Apple KoolarM. The .New Y.rk Fruitman s Guide saya of the export apple market: "The fearure tn apple thU week was the report re,-c(ed here from Liverpool of the s.?e of the first car of California Graven rin appies in that market at prices equal t f 7 per box for 4-tier fruit and t2 42 for 41. tier rxs The fruit la said to have f-acl'ed the Liverpool market In good shape and the prir paid are considered good based upon the early shipment and the con dition of the general market here. Hudson River Fall Pippins sold, according to the sume cable advlcea at S4.2A per barrel or ls equivalent there. Some New England Wtt!i-tma Red apples sld at the equivalent of 4 4-iO) to $ V7" per barrel. In this same connection It may be mentioned that Bart -lett peurs sld at from l-V 7 j to 91 per bar rel tn the Bncl'sei market. MoJr Frune Mkippera Make Money. p. E. Mclkle has returned fro; hosier, where be shipper? 14 cars of jreen prunes to various Fast ern markets. The demand In the Last for fresh prunes Is good this year and the farmer In the Mosler section aver aged 'JO rents m bx more for their fruit than last year. Mr. Meikle has established a number of connection In the Eastern ap ple trade and Is getting ready to ship Mo er apples Id carlnta to the Eastern market. r'unr) Mot-k Soils ' at Ixw PrU-s. Othrr Frull In Also Weak. Serl Potato War. SEATTLE. Wash.. Sept. 2. i Special.) The oldest commission men on Western ave nue do not rememler when such conditions have prevailed In the peach market ii at present. Contrary to general expectations, receipts have not fallen off, but acre about as heavy today as at any time this week. It was estimated that 2T carloads of peaches were available this morning. The very fanciest Elbertas today sold as low as H7 rents and cents was the top. Plums and prunes were almost unsaleable. Grapes were also a drwg on the market. Tokays sold as low as 11.35. Tomatoe were steady at JO cents', the top price. Bananas were raOier scarce. The demand was brisk, however. A fight between sweet potato distributors has resulted In a 3-ceot quotation, which dealers declare Is below cost. The demand for Springs was brisk today. There were not enough to fill orders in some quarters. Small hen were In rather eavy supply. but the market Is well cleaned up tonight. Fresh ranch eggs moved out at 4o cents. Butler wag steady at the advance. There were no changes tn wheat. Oats were a little sriffer at $:i.t. barley was nominally higher at $JZ U ITJ-aU. The manner In whlr-h salmon orders that were placed subject to approval of opening prices have been confirmed Is attracting widespread comment In salmon circles. It is stated that .in per cent more salmon was sold than will be available. Orders wilt be prorated. Prwd B.VN FK AN CISCO QVOTATIONS. sea Fricew Current la the Bap Cits Market a S AN' FRANCIS 'O. Sept. 'J. Th follow ing pricea scrt (.uirent m th prouui mar ket tnday: Butter Fancy creamer. 3Ic; creamery coo da. SlSc; fancy djury. l'Kc. 4'heeac New. 14 l.'.Sc. Toung America 1 1 c Fk-gs Store, 21V; fsncy ranch, S.'.Sc. Poultry Roosters, old. 4.t nf; roost ers. ouug. $A.ui8; broilers, small, $ I. broilers. Iargr. l:.!..' fryers, 4 ui hens. 4 0oulv; ducks, old. 4ttfi. ducks! young. i 7. Vegetables Cucumbers. Z.SH; garlic 4U.ic; green peas.atic; siring beaus. 3 luiiiiium, 9 eggpxant. 4f0c. mlddllnaa, $30 Hops California. 10 1 15c. Villstufla liran. IO--; 34. Hay Wheat. 7r 13; wheat god oats. Ill.i1); alfalfa, i:13. stock. Qt6W straw. 4tfvc. Fruit Apples, choice. 65a3c: commas 35 v iJc; bananas, 7c 13; alexlcaa llmea. $! it t a: t allfornla kmoni. rhnice t-. r.o- California lemon, common. lu.W. oia.' pplt-s. F- 4 -.Co. Potatoes Salinas Burbanks. SI.SOJ.IS' SWeetp. r "jr. Ket-elpts FUur. 'JJ1! quarter i.lrB- wheat. l:il centals: barley. centals oat, 4:: centMlft. corn. :n rental; pota toes. 4 !. sacks: bran. Zso sacks; mlddlinss cks; hay. . tons; wol. 7d bales' visions Are I'ntt led. "H It'AG . Sept. 2. H.jher prices tr wheat were maintained today from wart to finish, but only narrowly iw, snd traders were gen erally nervous A email total Ifi.miO bush-eL- wa soM from Chicago to Hambuig at a etec tally low ocean raie. Another sutce of encourngement to holders wa the fact that the tffptemler delivery was relatively higher than other months, both here and el(ewhere. il"sing figure were at a net guln of ifcfrc to SSc- The flnirti left 4.orn within a shade f last miht'i quotations, uats 1-1 'H Sc off and provisions varying from 2? decline to U',3 advaace An active buying movement on the part o' tle coiumLsl.n ho ut threatened at first to a st: roe for m Ida ble pmport ion s t n the w heat pit. but flattened out under rather determined selling from warehouse. Brlwfc dt-mand In France for cargoea from the Antlixdes. Rus sian crp damage, estimated at 3o to 40 per cent, and denials that tbe drouth In Argen tina had be-n broken, all helped, however, to uphold the nwrket. Pointing the other wa. though, waa the fact that milling sale were small primary arrival large and world'. shipments promising to be nearly 2.0oo.f'0 hu.ihela heavier than a ear ago. As the ditr wore on a big shortage wss reported at M'.nneapolL and there waa sold to have been material frost damage to wheat In the Cana dian North wat. In consequer.oe. the fina tone was fairly stewdy at $1.0.' to $1.034 a ru-e of kiAc to ?ac. as compartd with Inst night after fluctuations running from S1.03 Crn averaged a llttTe higher early with wneat. but slowly warmlrg up temperature caused prices to fall back an In. December ranged from o7H?"Hc to Rtc, closing steady at .MU57a;r. unchanged to a shade higher man ism night. The cash market wa firm early and eay later. No. 2 yellow closed at -a tS followed corn, bur wa more a-r 1 ve High and low points for December were 37Tc and .W4.".fi4c. with the clew at the last- nam a pru-e. a net lo of He. The provision market was somewhat unst tied. the wind-up pork ranged from 20c tower to r;v higher. lard 5 to I24e up and -wnvance to ic aecitne. The 'leading futures ranged as foTlowsr WHEAT. Onen. Htrh Iw C1nM "PI I .93- $ .9"i JC .99V S .99i "-c I.V. l.4' 1.03 i 103-, May 1.09 S lOH 1.09K. 1.09 CORN. .5T -SsH ." a yielding tendency today, but the foreign exchange rate here was little affected. The stock exchange will be closed until Tuesday. Don-L were steady. Total sale, par value, 017.oo. L'nited States bonds were un changed on call from lust week. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Allis Otmlmers pf 35 A ma I Copper 6. L o- ' Am Agricultural 434 Am Beft Sugar .. 2'V 3." T 30 American Cau 1 W 'a Am Car A FJv .. Hm 47' -lo-i 4i4 Am Cotton Oil .. :i . J 2 ttli Am Hd Lt pf. 1.4 y'i 2tl 2t'i Am Ice Sccuri II Am Unseed Oil 11 Am Looonwjtlve 34 '-3 Am Smelt & Ret.. 3.W K7 IW, 7 do prv ferred . . . 3. 67 ' t7 lo preferred Am Stel Kuy 4:1 Am Susar H.f .. 114 H7'i IIT's Am Td & Tel 5H 1.13 KI5 1H44 Am T.ibacco pf K!S Am Woolen ' 23 27 Anaconda Min Co. Iti1 Atchison r.rv. i7i jms, jnrH do preferred ... HH W 2 W S - Atl Coast Une 112 Rait A Ohio 7.H0 12 101 K2'4 IW-thlehem Steel 2ti'-.. l:rook Kao Tran. 2.t' 74'- 71 74S Canadian Pacific .. lh'4 IbK'i , Central I."nther .. 1. t " do preferred . . . KM 105" l r;:4 l":.'j j Central of N J 3" ! Che & Ohio l.Ksi 7::' 72 72"i Chkago V Alt.n.. It-o . .W 2?7, Chicago Gt West . .V 22S 22 22 do preferred . . . 2" 44 4 4't '3 41 Chit-ago N V ... 2si 1 4-U. 142U 14', ". M A St Paul .. 3.."hjO ll!'a 11H4 11S C. C. 1 A St i 7r Colo Fuel Iron 2$i Coio Southern .":( Consolidated Gas.. 1.2n 12!S 12H'.j 12 Corn Product ... JOo 13 I3-S, 1'tU Uel J- Hu.ljn D A R Grande IVto '2,-1-. 2'h 2!i do preferred ... 2i TOj 7 7 Distillers' Securl 27 H trie mo 2--s 24 3; 2.'. do 1st preferred. lyo 42L 42 41 Sept. . Pee.. . May . . Sept . . Iec. . . May. . .0 .i0 OATS. .4 U . S 4 U .39 .40 MKSS PORK. .iO .33S .3tj -St 3S .R9S i0 .33 K .36 Bi -394 Sept. . Oct. . . Jan.. . Fpt. . ct.. . Nov. . Jan. . . Kept . . Oct.. . Jan.. . 2.S 20. i 7 S 18.S8H II. S ij.or. ll.fiO 10.6a 2.f3 L'0.60 1A.60 li.74 12.10 1 1.6TS 10.67H 12.05 1 17 'a t-72H 21. 0 21.0 U 1'0.7 S 20.77 n.i:', ls.ttss LARD. 1 l.5 13.07U 1J.074 12.11' 4 llfto 11. 67 JOfii 10.70 HHORT U1BS. 12. 10 12.124 J2.ffC4 1174 ll.!74 J1.K3'-, 9.70 9.73 s 9.67 4 ash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Rye No. Z. 73 4r74c. Parley Feed or mixing, & ii OSc: fair choice malting. 9$71c. Craln statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 17.900 bushels. Kx ports for the week, as saown Dy liraastreet a. were equal to 1.924.U00 bushels. Primary receipts were 1.207. 00 bushels, compared with 1, 007.000 lu.hels the corresponding day a year ago, rtimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat. cars: com. i3 cars; oats. 1 cars: hogs. SOC'O head. Receipts. Flour, barrels iS.JMiO Wheat, bushels 114.0U0 orn. bushels 537. 000 tint, bushels 43i. 1 Hye. bushels 2.0OS llarley. bushels 25.000 Shipments, ls.suo , . JH4.00O 102.400 ttvS.OOU ;raia and Produce at New Yrk. NEW VORK. Sept. 2. loui- Quiet, but emiy. Re-elpls. 20.31; shipments, 24.7'Mi, Wheat tfpot. firm: No. 2 red, (1.07 ele vator and Sl.o f. o. b. afloat; new No. 1 Northern Iuluth. I1.2.1S f. o. b. alroat; Futures abowvd considerable firmness early In the day. but later eased off a little, owing llxht export sales and larger bprlng whenY offerini;. the close being 4 to So not iilgTter. ."pptrmnrr ciosmi at at.wi ; December closed at 1-10 i; May closed at 9I.1&V llld's Kasy. Petroleum Easy. (ruin In 8an Francisco. HA X FRANCISl. sept. 2. Parley firm. Spot quntHtkitu: Wheat Shipping. 1.674(r i per cental. llarley Fcd. 93 911.024 per cental; brew lng. $l.cmtl 10 per cental. Osts Hed, f I-ffloo per cental: w Sltftrl.tM per cental: black. $12.V4i1 30 cental. Call board sales: Barley December. $1,064 per cental; May. 1.1-4 per cental. Corn Large yellow. i u per cental. VhetS. hltlr BfKHTtX HO)l. MAKKKT ! Ml 1.T. t rw Urrcoa laj Ortsioal Baas al ! ta (rnts. BOjiTOX. Sp!. 3 Th -.mniTcil Ri.lla. tin 1 11 m v of Ih wool market tomorrow: A mo.lrrai aKiri-rat of buslnrss 1. b.. Id dona In small lmll itlual Quantities, but notwithstanding the markrt I. still quiet. The continued Inai-ttvlty In goods Is re!ip..n aihle for th present situation and It Is nrnh- lematltal whfn business aril) lmpro e ma rl. My. prlres on territory wool are a lit. tie nrrrer. and dealers are less Inrllnrd tn sell large bloeks at prevailing rates. salea t-omprlse original baas of Montana rj'iei'J'jC. greanv- original Oreiriwi to 1IS"; old Oregon staple at ic ured; Texaa I J montn. at 60ii;'v- and rigni tnoritn at a tn in c. scoured, an tinio tnreeeigntns and half-bi liood at Kumpewn Grain Markets. LONDON. Svnt. Cargoes, a firmer feel ing. n- aellera. Walla Walla for etilpment. rjjglieh country markets, partially J Mgh er: Kinh country n arketa mcady. UlVEHPnOU P'Pt. :.d; rvoemter. Is Weather, unsettled. ; Wheat Octobar. .VI; March. Ta bj. 4N .K 4il .too 1 r. It ii 500 iiM 3o0 ' ' ioo ' V.iioO 2. wo loo iio 2d preferrej. nernl Klectrle ;t Nt.rth-m pf . Gt Northern Ore .. Illlnofji Central Inlerbnugh Met.. o preferred Inter Harvester . . Inter-Marine pf .. Int P.per Int Ptimp Central .... K C Siutlrern ... do preferred I-ai lerl.- Gz Iyulvlile at Nash Minn V St Lnuls. M. S P 1 S S M Mo. Kan & Texas df rreferrei ... Mleaourt Pacific .. National Biscuit .. National Iead ... Meg Nat Rv I'd pf X Y Central N T. Ont A Hwt Norfolk West. North American .. Northern Pacific .. Pacific Mail P-nney vdnia People's (;a. P. C C 4 St Ij ... Pittsburg Coal Preyed Steel Car.. Ry Steel Spr'.na ltcaillrg 3i.4"0 Republic Sreel ., 411ft do preferred Rock Island C.. do preferred . . . St f. S F 2 pf fit L Southwestern do preferred . . . Plnas-.!heffil.1 Southern Pacific .. Southern Railway. d- preferred Tenn Copper .... Teaji Pacific.. Tol. J T. West. do preferred . . . Union Pacific .... do preferred . . . t" Realtr I' S Rubber V R Steel do preferred . . . TTtah Copper .... Va-Caro Chemical. Wabash do preferred . . . Western Md Westlnghouse Rlec Weatern Union Wheel A I, Erie.. Total l-.M .4 12s If"., 411 S, 11 ::s', -sSi rt-.'K. 142 ii'" :ii hi '52" 'si ' iioli 12T l's 4SI, 4S Itftt', 141 t .11 "si" ' si" 1100 1144 113 V. 12TS, 1iM4 2 t lno 10. loo IV wi loo 4n iro 200 l.tft-i 2!'i 20 K 1!2, 22 20i. 23 "4 127 106 "1 1-1S 29 ! .t:t 141 12:t' 12'l 4!lH 1.H IS", lfl 2S ki-t 14114 2.1 12s .11 01 112 SO 14 IIO n4 7 1M'4 2J4 f4 an 1. :! S5..10O 3n 700 400 l.l'O lnu .liiO l.aoo no lies rr the day BONDS. TOP.K. Sept. 2. li. 4i; 17 .nu 4.T, M.S0O shares. 9S 201-4 2!"4 fi.1 r.o 24 sr. M .16 111 II 1 22'i 22i r-t'i ,iO 2.1 ; 21 2.-.i 2.-. 2.U. 22 14 40 14 144 01 70 .14 K7S -S 111! 11B s.'.-, 4.1 .'.Ti 7.7S 4.t .'7 fit 84 S'i Closing quota- NKW tlona: I. S. ref. s reg 101 !v. y. c. trn JM sst; do COUPlt IVo. Pn.-lflf. ;. " til V. S. Sm reg 101ilNo. Pacific 4"!'lnoit do coupon . . . lol ; ll'nion ra.-iri.. 1. iit C s. new 4s reg. 115 ,vis. central 4s.. !-H do coupon ...Il.-( IJapanese 4s .. SSO . R. O. 4s. . 1)4 B iraln Market, of th Nort hweM. , TACOMA. Sept. I. Wheat Milling: Dlue aiem. S4c; club. rOc. report: llluestem. Oof? Ilc: club. bic. Kceipt, wneat 40 cara. urn 1 cjr, bay 1H cara. 8 KATTL.FI Sept. 2. Milling quotations: llluestem. IHr; fortyfold. nc; club. Mc: Fife. hue; rd Uuaslan. 7c. rixport wheat: Blue- stem. 01c: fortvf.ild. 87c: club, 86c: Fife, tMJc rel Russian. Mc. Tsteniy's car receipts, wheat 17 care, oata 4 cars, barley 3 cars, hwy SI cara. Pottltry Price, oi . Grade. T!i poultry market had no anap to it 3trday. Recetpta were moderat. but bay s' e e reluctant to lae hold. Most sales of chlcaens wera at ii centa. There a as a steady demand for good f-e.n eggs at cents. Receipts wera falrly !a-ge. but mejt of trjrm r warm -weal her s. The butter market waa quoted firm and VRr hanged. Metal Market. NEW TOR K. Sept 2. Standard copper easy. Spot. September and October. 12 13 I." :c; November. II :l 13. luc am De cember, 1 '. w t t London firm. Spot. Ci 7s fd: futures, lit ;s. Arrivals re ported at New York today. ;so tons. Cus-tom-hous' returns show exports of ltiac tons so far this month. lMal dealers re. port a quiet market. Ike copper 12.K7 4S 13c; electrolytic. 12.: 't ti 12.70c: catln. l:. -'.t H.iOc. Tin easy. Spot. Si.SOfc ;i.40c: September. ;i1i. ta,: October. 3to,l3;c: November! 4.r3l.7jc; December. S4.i;t, trjt 50,- lindon weak. Spot. 161 10s and futures. I1.&7. 1-ead dull. Spot. 4 40i4iOc New York: 4.:.-.rV 4 3l)c East St. Louis. London snot. 10c. H 3.t0e luls; New L.on- Spelter steady. Spot. ..; Tork: J.02- J.;ie East St. don spot. 122 lis. Iron Cleveland warranta. 49s 4jd in 1-oodon. Locally Iron was quiet. No. 1 foundry Northern. tl1IC.;: No. 2 North ern. HilttiK: No. I Southern and No. 1 Southern oft. $U.7Stfl;;. ltKrLAM MtKKtTs. t.rsxa. i Vwr. 'l. Kir. T4lfc;,T Bnestem. 4tffcc: club. 7c. r.l K'issian. ll aller. r; 4-fod. Tiit rel 4,S.'c Flt R l atent!. I.V5S per barrel: Dried Troll at New York. NEW YORK. Sept. I. Evaporated apples quiet, futures steady, on the spot fancy ig quoted at 1.911c: choice. ISHIc: prime, iwSSc: common to fair. Vv7'ic. Prunes Arm. Quotations. 1 1 c for Cal tfornlas up to S0-40a and -,c for Oregons. Apncots quiet. Klrm choice. IOfjllXc: ejtra choice. 11,filr,c; fancy, irttiji.r.' Pearkes quiet, steady. Choice. 7c; eitra, choice. V"i,c: fancy, f vSSc Raising qilfet. steady. l.oo mnscatele. 1(eir: choice to fancy seeded 4.g ,c: ce,lle.ii. ,(.: London lasers. ;.2D 1 2i. Irnluth Flax Market. DVI.CTH, Sept. S. Klax on track and In store and to arrive, fl &5; September. I2.5A: urinlxT. 12.41 aakrd: November. 12.40 askid; December. -' 4J hid. STOCKS ARE SUPPORTED UKn ACTIVITY IN THE MAH KET DROt'GIIT TO AX END. Spetulnlive Doa lings Are Small In Volume Cotton Crop Keivort U Without Effect. NEW TORK, Sept. 2. Speculative dealings in MocsJi were curtailed Rreatly today. Some further selUnff was In evUlenne early, appar ently deslKned to test the market, but beans were Intimidated by ata-iut of support in the two or three stocks In which activity centers and bear set Una- soon came to a stop. The Government report on cotton condition was the last factor relied on to awaken any active Interest in the market, hut both the stock and cotton markets were practically un responsive to the snowing-. The preliminary eel I males of the week's currency movement bore out the supposition that the drain on the cash noldlnxa of the bank. would run to the neighborhood of $10,-(uO.Ui-n. The areat dullness of the prant demand f-r credits in New Turk Umves the movement without any great influence. The issuance of the Controller" csll for Na.!or,al bink statements, as of September 1, proinlws opportunity f-r interest inn compari son with the showing- of June .10. for the light It will thr.w on th loan position of the banks In the Aiuth and West. The private discount rata in London showed Mot-ks at liosfon. ROSTON". Sept. !?. rioslns- nio'tatlnns- Alloues 40 Mohawk ifiic AmalR. Copper.. Nevada Con. ... 2i.i- A. I. - hm. . 1 -'-i.Vipislnc Mines.. Hi- Arizona Com. .. d 3 'North Rutte '"T. Atlantic n 'North Lake n U. B C C S -M. l.t lOld nnmlnifin -. Hutte Coalition. IS Osceola '1':R I. ft Arlsrma. ."iS 'Parrott tS. fi C. l.'l I. A Hecla. . .XSJAfQulncv t i i'entennial 17 Is hsnnon ; P- Ran. C. t'o. Sitnerlor . K. Rutte Cp. M. 7-ilSim Ron Min Franklin KiSup Pitts Cop. 1 1 i Olnux Coo ttUlTamarack .l.. " Oranby Con. ... V.2 T. S. Coal A Oil :m Greene Cannne. 7 L. S. S. R. fe M. I. Royal e f "op. ) 12ft . do preferred .. 4St Kerr Lake tt-k I'tali ron. . -a-i I-ake Copper.... 10 iwtnona ji:, Miami Copper... in Wolverine Honey Exchange, Klc. NFTU" TORK. 8"pt. 2 Money on call eisv. 1 1 t2 per cent; rutins rate. 14; closing bid. 4 : onvred at J Time Ifiina steady: days, .TittM per cent and 1K days. 4nU per cent; six montha. 4 per cent. ITime mercantile paper, 5A'a6 Der cent. Uteri Ins; exohsns;e steady, with actual bus4- nets In bankers bills at JiMfli fsl43 ftr 6'-day bills, and at 4. for demand. Com mercial nn is, e.i sli -t.o..-?,. Bar sliver. 02. Mexican dollars. 44c. government bonds easy: railroad bonds. steady. LONDON. Sept. 2. Bar silver. steadv. 24 4d per ounce. Jioney. lUtjis per cent. The rate of discount In the onen murker for short bills Is S per cent; do. for three months' bills Is H per cent. consols for money. eOUc: do. for account. 4 He. SAN FRANTIdCO. Sept. 2. Pterllngr on London. 10 das. 4.?,. do. siRht, 4.N4c. silver bars. .;c. Mexican dollars. 44c. Drafts, sticht. 2c: do. telegraph. 4c. Pa i ry Produce In the Ka l . CHICAGO. Sept. 2. Butter, firm. Cream eries, 2i"ii 2Jlc; dairies, 2:tfi27c. Frr jttmlv; re.-cpr. rtift raw at STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF lumbermens National Bank At Close o"f Business September 1, 1910 RES0UECES Loans, and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Bonds to secure circulation Other bonds and premiums Keal estate . . . .. Furniture and fixtures Customers' liabilities under letters of credit. Due from U. S. Treasury Cash and due from banks LIABILITIES Capital Surplus and undivided profits Reserve for taxes. Circulation Drafts 'accepted under letters of credit Dividends unpaid Deposits .$ 12,500.00 . !r2:U;)..77 $2,130,444.46 3.144.04 230.000.00 203.022.0:5 800.00 27.000.00 437.iiO ):jt;.0!)3.77 .f:J,370.94:J.'JO $ 500.000.00 5(5.842.40 2.38:3.31 250.000.00 437.H0 78.00 2,761,202.5!) $3,570,943.90 mark, caies Included, 115 17c: first 8, 20c ; prime firsts. 22c. Cheese, firm. Daisies. 16(3 16 'sc: Twins, 1 J4 is Vc; Young Americas, lu QrlOc; Long Horns. ltililtiHe. NEW YORK. Sept. 2. Butler Finn; creamery ijec.alA 32c. :hei Weaker; stat whole milk, srjecial II. "ii? 17tc; do fancy. ISc; do choice. 15c; do s-ood to prime, 144ifi l4ic: do common to fair. 10i14c; skims, full to specUl. 2v4 li'- c. Eggs Steady, unchanged. Wool at St. LoaiM. ST. 1JOV1&. Sept. 2. Won! Quiet: terri tory and Western mediums, 182:Jc; fine me iiurrLf. 1S$?2V; fine. 14irl7c. BITULITHIC Makes good streets. Property owners who have paid for it know this. Ask them about BITULITHIC TRAVELERS' GUIUK. HONOLULU $110 And Hack Firt- las &V. laya from H. k Tne bpienaiit twin-screw si earn or 01 ti. nnA nit.OOO tons dlsDlacement) sails Sent. 10. Oct. 1 and every 21 days. Round trip tickets Kood for four months. Honolulu, the most attractive spot on entire worm tour. uuui. 1NOW anu secure djsc nerins. LINE TO TAHITI AND NKW ZEALA.NU. S. MariDosa and Union Line. SHilines Sept. 11, Oct. 17, etc. Tahiti and back (24 days). $125 first clam. .New Zealand (Wel lington), S24H.25, first class. K. T. six months. Write or wire for reservations. (M cAMt S. B. 673 Market Street. San Francisco. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER Kails from Alaska dock. Portland. 6 P. M.. September II. la. 120. 1'7: October 4. II. IS. 0. find every Tuesday night. Freight received at Alaska dock until 5 P. M. dally. Passen ger fare, first-class, 10; second-class. $1. including meals and berth. Tickets on sale at Ainatrorth dock. Phones Main 268; A T-4. SAX FRANCISCO PORTLAND SS. CO. New service to Los Anceles. via San Fran cisco, every five days. From Ainsworth Dock. Portland. ! A. M. S.S. Bear. Xept. 5: Rose City. 10; Iteaver. 13. Krnm San Francisco. Northbound. 12 M. S.S. Rose City. Kept. 3: Beaver. 8; Bear, 13. From Pan Pedro. Northbound. S.S. Beaver. Kept. 6; Bear. II; Rose City, I. II. G. hinltli. C. T. A.. IIS Third bt. J. VV. Random, Aa;ent, Alnaivorlh Dock. Phones Main 4ui 2M: A 1402. Sain Francisco and Los Angeles DIRECT North Pacific a. S. Co.'a S. s. iioanokt sxnd 8. 8. Elder sail every Wednesday alternately at P. M. Tli.ket office 132 Third at., near Alder. MA H TIN J. HKiLKl, Puwsgn Aftreat, W. H. SLLiSliH, Freivbt A sent. Phone M. 131 A 1314. Canadian Pacific Empress line of steamers, sailing weekly between Montreal and Liver, pool. Wireless on all steamers. Ask ai-y ticket agent or write F. K. Johnica. G. A, I4L Third St.. Portland. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON At Portland, Oregon, In the State of Oregon, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, SEPT. 1, 1!I0. KESOl RCKS. Loans anrl discount? 931.070.06 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 64.0t Bonds, securities, etc 493,582.50 Uankins; house, furniture and fixtures 171,000.00 Due from approved reserve banks $242.4)8.7i Checks and other cash items l,60i.69 ExchanEes for clearing; house 35,048.22 Cash on hand J 12,750.03 391,873.63 Total ,1.990,172.27 LIABILITIES. .T .-. . Capital stork paid in $ 300.000.00 .Surplus fund 54,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 12,626.40 Due to banks and bankers 32,929.98 Individual deposits subject to check SSI, 040.19 Demand certificates of deposit 22.310.31 Time certificates of deposit...: 450.993.18 Certified checks 4.231.41 Cashier's checks outstanding 8,407.17 Savings deposits 182.724.04 . Liabilities other than those above stated. Individ ual credits : 20,909.59 ( 1.623.345.87 Total . ..! 11,990,172.7 State of Oregon. County of Multnomah, ss: I, B. Lee Pa?ct, secretary of the above named bank, do solemnly swear. that the above statement Is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. B. LEE PAGET, CORKECT Attest: Secretary. A. F. FLKGEfj, X. U. CARPiiXTKR, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd dav of September, 1910. NOTARY'S 1 . A. S. CAMPBELL. ( SEAL J Notary Public. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF Security Savings & Trust Co. Portland, Oregon. .1' AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS SEPTEMBER 1, 1010. RESOURCES. Loans Bonds, Warrants Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit. Cash and due from Correspondents , ..H67!),5S3.3l ... 1,239,688.51 oo 222.42 .. 2.085.911U8 .f8,027,413.42 LIABILITIES Capital Surplus ami Undivided l'rot'its.. Letters of Credit Dejiosits luterest-Bearing: . . . . Others ,"i0,ll(M.IIO 4-")(i,4o7.1 1 32.070.28 .$3.34;009.73 .. 3.689,867.30 7,038,877.03 $8,027,413.42 STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF LADD & TILTON BANK SEPTEMBER 1, 1910 RESOIHCES. Loans and discounts...? 6,090., 288.38 Overdrafts 24,313.5 Bonds and stocks 4.744.131.46 Bank premises 75,000.00 Cash on hand and due from banks Total 3,903.637.89 . .J14.843.371.26 LIABILITIES. Capital stock fully paid $ 1,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 670,111.92 Demand deposits $7,261,972.94 Time and savines deposits 5,911,286.40 Total 13.173,239.34 ,H,S43,371.26 OFKH ERS. W. M. LADD, President EDWARD COOKINGHAM, Vice-President W. H. DUNCKLET, Cashier K. S. HOWARD. JR., Assistant Cashier J. W. LADD, Assistant Cashier WALTER M. COOK, Assistant Cashier MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST CO. STATEMENT OF CONDITION AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS SEPTEMBER 1, 1910 ItESOl'nCES. Loans and Discounts Overdrafts Bonds and Securities Real Estate Casli and Due from Banks. .. ' I.IABILITI Capital l'ndlvided Profits Deposits . .. $28 s.s None 174,621.25 32,834.23 198,332.10 $688,546.4 i $130,000.00 4 2..198.06 495.948.38 $688,546.44 First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tha Rocky Mountains CONDENSED REPORT OF THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK of Portland, Orrni. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS SEPTEMBER 1st, 1910. Loans and Discounts. .. $ 6.672.650.54 United States Bonds at par Municipal and Railwav Bonds 916.802.10 Bank Building 1 25.Ono.00 Cash and Exchange. 4,429.046.65 Capital I Surplus Il'mlivided Profits. ' Circulation i Dcpostis Total $13,227,599.29 j Total'... . .$ 1,000.000.00 500.000.00 320.973.12 79S.050.0rt .. 10,608.576.17 , .$13,227,599.29 i 4