. THi: 3IOKMXC -flRECOXIAX, SATURDAY, .-SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. 1 1 BlMNtS DIRECTORY. 1 Bl SINK DIKKCTORV. s-svt 1 t)R RE VT. I BIMNESS OPPORTUNITIES. ROOM1SG-HOPBES. ' . " . " I " chiropractic PbyslcJuo. V.UDd-AII Kinds. g.o WkK. cca fur. houwitMiln rooM heat. Laundry, batft. 2t4 btaatou. V csr. THC Gs . m m l t n housekeeping rwaii. Kr Stars. ed (,rard ae. W EK. cieaa lur. housekeeping; rooms, bat. laundry, tath. --l Stanton. U" car. TWO and thrtr ntra.y futouhtd bouse keep- 't'l nm "' 2d it. HnHivfiil Kiimi la Private f amily. ?EALY furnlahed itftm-ha t d house k'Vptrf r-om. choir tor-at ion. wa . kmg 1iian . hot a atr. ladn Iry. bath. pbne. N I' KLY fum.er;d bouja-kplng r-ioir . o r-hiif faro .i. 2 K. llth North. Ph.-na V -n:7. l KMtiLi 3-riu flat mith bath. N rhiUire-.i. Call Sunday or after o'clock. e-nTss. 4"Q I'h s: H tarn room. f'"t floor, bath, yard, plana. phoaa 1 17o Suuday. P. M- caa. .-. 7Vo iK-a.iy furitiaiiad buun-kwj.ia iw.u.s tn rnaie famil? . electric h.-at. HM BIH'Bl '- - . - FLKMattbU hous-k-ping rooms. mm( ba nat. clus In t Side, not over Ad- -i -a K. L"n Ji M'jrrtavnl. X fct.Y (um'l r.m fa N wrlif plrt; u:t. ga ana i-hone. 4T3 Tay.oc at.. nar I It rr. 1 f-irnfcprd !iwkpirg rms, maa ard wi. no rMI .rn. l North 14tft ax. ,m9 r. iuttiririv furuiPhd for Iwute 47 tirlmrr bid. iHUKhi fumod ptnsj roouia. 3tt J .T-n st. 41 4 r I! sT. Fuiwisod from rm, cro- rf. f-r hotia-! pin - J I KNlJ-HrlH hu ping rooms. .5 up. l5 1 nvn ar. .North. cti b.i'h. phon. prh-r and d tbii'lr a Mr: itltrlv furmhd rom p!; no chM'lrr l.;rn-T pi-a ,tit r'Hi -vmpit'y .i i! u ! t . f IS loll KLXT- . trt. . ri ITih. S' r"rrvl ' ; r Jut ttnihtl; Iirt3-k5 l: S i-ITY I N V riST M KNT U. M.m 7vv 3J4 6 rUrrv i:ar , Irviii at. t r.Mrn afl alh. ;. 7 rwrnj and bath, ;.: No. 2S TKia- . otn ard hath. :.n. N. W UUl t. t.ma r! lar. No. r.l N. 17th l.i HI' hAlM.V A-"- :t Mrk st . mar -d. H HKN joa rao you'll need new fu ml tare Hj It Judt-- outy and the aavlnsa will ax ceed your moving eipnae. Oar NO-Kr.NT piUCE.i mado a eoa of the tarctjc furniture hvuea la tha city la I j eara !oaera aftova saice eour'My aa bayera. IH:'.iiA.-ATl HLKV KL KXITLKE CO. lirand ava. Mrnr K-aat Stark kasi. Aaktnr and Itusevll-stiarer iarUaa pAa3 OLK lOOlU gMt'CMM h'u K. Hurnaittc at., near K ::n st.. raipt. sha.Us and 0.lura in.-ludr-l. Hi pr month. Ii T. l.I.MKK-.yES c . )' 2 J -t l 'ommrvitl t'lub It Ida Phonra Main Krtl A Ji3 tuiir collect your r-rtu, Vnk a'ter the ra pi ri tuav tnijrartr. el-- me m.a a a. ' !alty "f bun eat Nuara. Apartment- b. 'Uve. furn're l ivl unf urnLh d fc tr.k. F. K TAYUnt at Co.. 4 1 Tutt bl : . eth a: d Hik ru- lioli-fc-o and f Ijs t for rent, aome furmsbed. M 'HANTS SAVlMiS At TKL'tiT Ct i.WP A NY. S U cr t h and Waahlngtoa street a. It K.N T 1- rMm house, -74 S4tb st cor. certon. IIH and cold water In eeery bitot.m. line nighborhfod ; modern con venin sl Inquire 5 4th St.. Henry Bldg. vtkeft-td Kn.-s to. will g I a Jeaaa. ruR K KNT. , r.roft ntixirrn houee In rnstn; lirt rl4j r"ni'iion. Tnuir 41 E. lath sU N-. f-i..rh-.ne ' 171. .&- Mi.al houav. aaa and elertr.- luthta. Ura )iM for rd. n or hlckena Patio r.Vad. Phn- Tahor l!l 4-;f-M.t- tt-'--.Mn reji.l n.r. lth at'lr. t-- viirl, fiiriw, htde and nx w -tlli ma d:st a Inquire 1 1 ZA at. i M mtrn 7-rom home, n If a th'rne car'ine; f nrnare. elctru ltT. shad. Phone Tab-r 2. TO. KKM- . m--o n -r-m h-u on aat MV. J S411 Rata I et . between ill lain S anl ln-o t-l- In : .M 'I'KKN n-tn cotrsce. 1 irse yard, nutc, p-.rrh b-. . rt.- : 1 ri liurnsldc et. Ph..e- ViN'f Kl, uK K ri.NT- ;trovm new houa. never oc- upl -d. walking dietance: adult a only; 1 1 - - minif:, KaM th and llnton. il l r". ri N a-rotti l-'uv, i -W rar. ': Tagirart t. r blotk from K-nt. 17. K ;knt r rorat at. -A midt-ra i-room htfuae. oinl Slda MirrR.V 1o-p m h. u.. r r Etu-t 1 1 1 -h S. fc . - I Ph re rat 4. i j. it i houn. pt4 ;antenbein vtM rir JefrVrann I'tgh School t' -Fru 'v r .1 arM Vjm Ph- nl htinr Main j Eaat ii. ijiriKN -r1Mm h. K. -th mid An- k:.- Inquires Eaat h. Nor t h. X Li-;itN 4 -room buf. 1-th and lulmont; water hut-r. H 5l.'i East Ankny. 1V'k" RENT 4-room house, cood conitiion, 365 Kxt t O'-h t. Mdin cottage. 427 lUth si.; and hath. Nr.W C-room cottage. Hwti t. Inquire t-'-. S f:h st. 1R IN'i TuN Huttful home on rarltne. between KlDvk and Ttl.amok. E.n 04. rurniwhed Houaea. IN lrvington. elegantly furnished modern P-room huae. all new mahogany furnl iQr. brae he.it, txanttful linen and china; near two cwxlines; rent $0 per ri..nth. 4Wi E 15th si. .V it'OTl'AuB. wH fumiyinl, loner flat. 4 r orr.a. $TH. two h'Mi! keptng ro..ni. Wt Hida rer. Aipty ZM N.rth 2Ath. tV ir fr-ra 'oc. r Worrm to th. M- k p rth J1"KI.T furnished ft-rom residence. U a o st.. Hoiuday Park; clean, com-l.-rtable. niotlem. select netchhrhod ; rent pre month. Irlngttn car. Key V utro and E l?th. li - It i; KNT ndrn home, nirely iirnisiiei. furnace. ttreplace. around, trees and lawn; tnily t" J 'hone " 2121. . H. Eertt, Almeda drive and S i r-'y r'-Jd "tl KrN F- Furmeh'd r.?w modem rwm Yu. '3 H-Hk t' rar. oaner and uaugh-tft- v U?-fi to lioard with renter. I'hone Hich mtjid 1-.1 :WF.I.L-KrHMSHKl 5-rtMim colUff. with ga. bath. r-iti-nt baament. good yard, t-entrally located; reference. Apply J15 U l ark, after J I A. M -l.N lr tnirton. h nm9. 2 carhnea, ffxxl hme: wilt pv 11. Particulars, 4. atorrl-o-! gt Phone Main SJT I. A KST rILK, ft-rooin furtimhed house, strict t) modern. e ept furnace; referencea. 247 Ur.'nt yt U-nt !' lECTiKt"I.I.Y farnWi-'l modern nine-room h..u: evr thin c-inpW chidce ae.gh N.rtvd. K 2-V regnlr.n -!!(. M f-irnisiied house for rent. Inquire at 1.1 llth st. -n U (urn.sh d house i ar. Refreni-es required. rent for one res Marshall st. 6-KifUM furnished flat. Wesi Side; walk-i-:' ii5tan e. 4". Commercial block. bATLV fumiahed eottae to reliable peo- e. 4'1 flay St. Ph-n A ItWuef- for Keat fc-uraiiura for ale- "Cl'R-roora steam heated apartmentm. rent rran'inabie. Ten minutea walk from p-tt-ff Ire. Will sai-rtrire furniture, with o rlete home f uralahinga. Call for . Mack. A 1'7; I KN'Tl KK t riximi. including piano, aew- ia machine. 3 clreeser. in fact everythln needed tn a home ; price Si.iO ; house for rent nice- hc t un. 1 o-j f V ancou vera ve. Ft 'K S A I.E T'umiiure for tIrea-rora h-u.e. if takn at ome: house rents S.s a month: with emk. toilet, pantry and gas. all J.VS Kelly at.. J. Portland. car. FOR SAI.K Keas than half e t. 42 roonul f furniture, suliahie for sing it houaekeep Ine roonia. 4 eberman t 11 KN1M KK fr aale and i-rooined collate f r rnt: cheap tf old by Saturday. Ill . i;th st. boufh. R RENT Nt-e -ro m houv, r . law n S-l' 4..'V E- I'lne. torncr lth; ftirrnlq-e fr.r sale J-AK S Furniture of -o m h" -e. 7fh. eorncr Hall, or phone Mali ':'; :grpft i KMTl'KK or l4 rtr fr me. mus e for re-. . Iea 221 1.1th. M in WW2 KI.m.A.NT furniture of mouWn ii-r-m flat; tfrw d-ired. J'hone Mm 6V. Mi K. furniture of ft rwm ctiaiie; mu-t sell qui k. i ncau rem fl. r.- m cottage; one room pi reat- u.i j;i a ft ii -"T Mraaria. Kl F.NIj;iKU tvitaii f t rent f 9.Vtnibrr NttioU-um Inn. Phona KiK Srptmbr. prfecilv-appolnted "mall -tt'. $4... A'ldrMi Mrs. O. W. Knolf. H- x:;t. rnit. r. Kl HMSHKI rottajmu. aad". lot tptemtKf r-- r.a'r iynr. rat 2J9. Story. rX-li Ki:.NT Slur SUE f-1. modern front, f.tii ttfrmmi. iiood location for wort any line of tuB.ne; on 2 cartinea; (trom tn part of cttv; rwt reaxmabta; key at Front ;thb take 'K" ear. i K HKST Fine, tarca vtora. cheap rent, else .1uxlU fM-l. Plata s;iaaa front, fine lo- at ton. t.umeii Jmrlrt lit. S--ott carllna. - I.'hunaMmM5g or Tabor m TOn RENT 4-atorr and baaement bHek tora bmldin. &OxieA. aoutheaat eornar Front and pine. Apply Cheater V. I.pn. 3'CI Mohawk blrtg- BH'KE lo rent, nsturee for pale. 3l.a North rrt. ror Hurntide. 2-year leave. Call 32 N'TTh 3d at. . :j-NKV atore. fine location for frocerlee, rtrv rwmIs r mil tnry. heat ami water f ;rnlnM. PJiO W-lmont. Lr. rmrllnic. !.- KINK brick t-tre. suitabla 'for a dru plum bv r. painter, etc Phone East NEW at ore. corner ml:ui and Irving Key at crtvrry ntxl dKr . G.Ut.Viir; fa-t.rv or tre. near bulldlnc il'to. rtat Helmont and th t. Offarea- rOR SAL.E LEASK r.HOf NX-KLOOR Fine kxatmn mil iM for atatlonery. bankirc. rea! estate bulna. ate or fur ther tr.rrniatt"n apply to THE fi L"THEK-ALHRTSON CO.. oa k at-, p.tian-i. h-. atT cnirally located offlcea. slncta or eft ulte: rentals $13 and up; all-nlaot aaea tor eervla. Lara room. econd floor. Waahlnfton St. troat. tul'.iM for aaleroora. App'y 8 wetland bid., 0th and i.i.h,:nrton ata. rk room (n one of b.at located corner ifrt-r for rent or would consider renting full u of tine otce nimplni' with en fnr pr.vil -Cf ''all 902 l.f'l bl'lg. ri'. I'.KNT Thrr fine ..fTlc- n-in n jcond Pa Lumber Kx--har.e baildliy. 2-1 nd S'rk jH. Inquire K. B. Hoi brook Co.. '.14 I.utrb r K.--hn hNU. lriK r.) m to rnt; nxdem bulMini;: phone; owner tit In er Itttlc. Apply from 9 t l J'.l l.eets t.L.'C TO KKNT-Urc office, around floor. ll and Ankrny sta.. l. Apply W. L'. Tel- rtznyrt . . HKST One-half office roin. outride o'fl--'. Hoard of Trade. Inquire or ad -tt.Mi vi Hoard of Trade. Portland, or. WAMrll) H ounc attorney, desk room in law office or adjotnlnjr same with u "f I , hrary. "59. rfmlan. UK.-K room or part ot office to rent. Ap- Ji ; y Jl H-nr;- hldg. Ff'K RENT A few offices In Couch bUg. -1 Lean blug. KOK l:KVT A splendid location for a sui itiban bank If taken at once. Address K -i I. irtitintan. " BtSlNF5 OPrORTLNlTrES. M' ANTED A partner mho can take the luaiiR. mnt of a ranrh and eao Invent jual auiount of capital; from 0oihj to loONi. Hi" mouey to be put In stock hoga and cattle-; hava cheau feed ftr head of earn the year round; will guaran tee you b' money on your Investment, r Vi7. tr-gonian. FOR .Al.t-Ten aplendid receipts; owner going to Europe; one a high-claw furni ture pollsii, nmkea old furniture look new; tne other Is tna onl Ink-sum remover ewer discovered: will clean anything; only SS; a fortune lor aomeone. X 24i, Ura- n lan. RSAl7rTai dl3H-Mint, " atock gr.or i.a. fine fixture-, brick bull. 1 la . "w t. .1. .pi)lrttlon ; a; U -rnlij open In ff tt luirew; averace ailea f iA per day. Anawer quii k If you mean butnJ. Addreaa box p." N rth H-nd. V. m ANT to aell my half Interest In business netting ne ovr tJt a n-nth; be of M stta for i-iI!rr: f you are looking for an etebl'.bed taing biurinese, thta an p-i-.rtunitv lm offere! : $1 ". csah or terme. Call m-rn trigs. 4' Columbia bdg. BAYS yeu from $W0 to 30O0 to taeeotT We can jdaca your money at high raiea of liirmi' beat security, ft net BMrwagea. PRDV1D NT I.VVrTM-.sr A THU TBB CO MP A.N X. 524 j2t Board of Trade Bldg. Folios .E Hoi. 1 with U rooms. 0 steady boa rdrra. 3 rrara' la . bee t I oca I Ion I n ine city : object of selling, sickneaa. Hee 1 xi. Ix-khitrt, owner. iv v orceai r t-l-K . Por.lan!. Or. aM A Kl r-ataurant and luuch, doing a good hunlnt-? : must lea e tow n on account of t her bueincKa ; come and see what It Is dotnit: this is a snap; caeh aale at once AF 2."7. i irfgonliia. n ANT iarty w bo can finance company for the m nuiacture -f new irrigatao pump, oix-rmird U current: ni matiantano cost; Jtua: the thin lor trrtgattna: the high lands along the Columbia. a r jikj. t. fonian. FOR H A IE Fine paying moTtna-plcturw theater; town kMMi; no oppoaition. for pa rt icu la rs. M rs. lorm 'am p. en ta Ho tel. Eents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car. 7 i rillt-s from I'ortland Poatoffice. MOTION PICTIRB THEATER. We bare several tine locations eultable for motion picture shows. Will build to suit tenant. N. Y. Motion Picture Co., l Washington st.. n-ar 17th. COLNTKY HOTEL TO KENT. i! furnished, doing good buetneaa. Experienred mars and reference, I 1-4. UK EttONlAX. HOTEL. WANTED. Wanted, first-class country hotel In coast or river to wo; owners only: state name, location and particulars. AM 2o2. (IV UN away free, map of all tha California oil fleltt. Aio trial aubaerlption of publica tion "v-aUTor-nla Oil Klelds. Sagar-LoomU Company. 7U1 Ortgotii an bldg.. Portiand. or. TOUNG MAN. STRANGEK! Make careful lnveotigation at expense of ae.ler before you Id vest money in any proposlUon. Advisory Depart meet. T. U. A. i t; S A KB neral nierchan.lip at ore dilng .iHl tuine in g--d lin. VJa Walla Co.; tt.voUe atMit Hs.l-D: salts .V.0TiO. Ad ihrw box 3. Pr ti-Hl. W ah. WANTED I want to 4nvt 1VO to $12. inhi in the mercantile business In Port -land. What have you to offer? P 2 .'.. iresjonlan K1;HT-UM r.Nmiii-houae. aeTen niinutea walk from the FM"ffl, will be eo)d at a eaorinoe if taken at once. 1 2o7. Ore rr(n. GET tn on the ground floor In a fine in dustrial enlerprlae paying big dnldends; must act quick. Inquire of Darling., 217 Abington hide. KOK SALE On reasonable terms, the candy maklng tools formerly owned by Mr. b ten ner. Inquire of &am 1 Bmmr a- Mor ruton st, FOR SA1E t,ood opportunity; paylns clear, f-onfectlonery. ice cream parlor and fruit stand; centrally located; owner must leave city. Inquire 315 4th st. FOR SALE First-class moving; picture the ater lu Al district; casn. or will trade for inside Portland real estate. Inquire Y 243. Uregoman. A MONEY-MAK KK; my home restaurant, at 77o; tfle-rtiie meekly; rent $'-b; leaving citv. A3 2Hp. Oreyontan. NIC E family grccry. at Invoice; rent $2ft; good lease and living-rooms. Call 24& Stark et FOR SAL.15 Sporting sroods arid Edison pho nofcraph line. Invouo about 2kxX A tine opportunity. Address Bot 30. Eugene. Or. " MINING AND INDUSTRIAL. STOCKS. TeUphone and other bonds bought and sold. Fietch er Inr. Co.. 22 Ahln gj o n . Fifi SAKE Machine shop $bCQ9; well lo cated: Wlllnmetee Valley ; part time or rr il estate exchange. B 260. Oregonlan. I HAVE a friend -who wants a location for a tank, or will buy one. staples tha Jeweler. DKt ;.sloKK anap in Rood town, fine busi ness, n w fix t ures. -y ear lease. 1 n voice ittHut a-awii. Address H"x 30. Kngenr. Qr. KK SALE Corner grocery with living r-omn. cheap rent, good trade. J 207. Oreronlan. FOR SALE Oeneral store. g(Md location, doinc a good business; 6 living rooms. H 2 '. Oregon tan. PARTNER with $:. to act as treasurer for theatrical road show; big returns. L 2". rej;or.ian. WILL eell half Interest In dye works: good location; S20U. Pays well. J 231. Orego- mau. 1am;;in contract to let; timber ft-lied and d -'ikrv furnished. Phone 'at sy. 1KI oSToKK for sale; owner nhlired to ell o .i aceoqnt of hea 1 1 tr E 27 1 . Oregon I a n. GROCERY A baraain. net $230 lastmonth. .'jo Was ill nft tim. FK1TT 8TWD. onenf beM 1n city; years lease: rent S3. Call ;4u Ptsrk st. F K A LE Omental lentauraot . long leaae, g?od business. ea.y terms. 45 Wash. st. MOVING PICTURE machine fllma. for sale or rent by biggest and . best Aim renters in tbe morid; before ckaUif deal elsewhere In- O'llre If Ie-nmla la reliable: If Uinlt has good atandlng; If Laemmla guarantees a square deaL We have no avle look ng for uya to take down. We ampioy t-'e Instructor ootaUiabio to teach operating honestly and thoroughly In our operating achool. Term very easy. Operator's certifi cate issued when quail ned. La em role's cer tificate ta a standard of an operator's quaJi- rjca iiona. aemm le Film service. tages bldg. . port land, Oregon, A PIVB GROCERY cn. r k- k r..iuli rrtrorv stores on East Plde; only one In district; very line buatneaa corner, new a tore mitu gd lease, nice new fixtures; guaranteed tw ,b,e on a paylnt basis; mill Invoice auoui you mani a xood buslnc". let snow you this place. a i t -w;f m. 7 i rwiw S17 Hoard of Trade Blun . 4-h and Oak a Dtp vii iiiw I Vi I lrR A Rl'Sl.N h.S) T Wa have a ood list of some of tha oest huva In the city. , . 2pA,rl-a rnrrn-lnrV hlfd ff . USK ery, pool hall, saloons, meal market, ho- tel. restauraius. uoieia aoo houses; many othr businesses. GOOUNOL'dH & HEITZ. 71 Ttoard of Trade. OYSTER-HOUSE. 4 n.,tne . n.i eestaurant. do tr.g fine busineas. but owner must sell on account of urgent busineas; only umuit restaurant In the locality, right In the heart of a good business district; for a short tune. s;tk. Tii-sLii x- r K DOW . 317 Board of Trade Bids;.. 4th and Oak FOR SALli by vwnrr and n bargain if taken before Monday. :ock and tlxturea in paying wwr mnA ronfe-tioricrv etore and Ice ei rri..r a furnLHied rooms uprtaln. all rented; 4 living rnu ba k of More, fur nished, with piano; barn rented; larg. yard it ..Hlr-kei.a rent onlV S25. with giMid lase; icv ca.-h. 1W4 E. Stark st. M-mu villa car. GHCK'KK Y store doing SIM per day averaga u in in.rtiPa- it there la aiivthinc n tli voo iio not want don't tako it; s-(K-k. building, dellven". go-d a you can rent, nil but stock. iaK- ah. . Arr ai iTillaro. ave. See Joe Nasli in of He where you get off the car. or phone Ta bor -J 1 2- t a fit- rvtuntv M mem Show. Vancouver, W ash., t'. S A.. September 2V. 3i and Oc tober l For CAncw Kjn apply element tioott, manager. i Niy HI SIC. LEARN PROM A MAN WHO KNOWS HtVY. Wanted Neat young man with eo0 to learn the real estate business; chance oT n-aktna b!e monev while learning. 212 v rth t. WK hae the aale of an Al conerctionerv. lunch inH lea i-rrtm busineas In a good town near Fort laud. 8alea for r-' our mouths I-VKHj; mill use 120 gallon Ice cream per season. Can be had at Invoice ir you re quiCK. ree aiquni Co.. 2lo 2d at., rltr. ' W A MK1) Man to take an active lni-test In the manufacture and of new, use ful article; must make 1"0 Investment lor patterns and stock; 41H ir cent prom, xeadv sal, with aasiired immediate In come, permanent business. Call Larscn. .".1 Last oak ft. t uavc i ii'r.R mi. LOWING in a most attractive and remunerative niercanttlo business, but need IT 0.00 with which to handle It. V Mi, Oregonlan. blullE for fcale on erner of Columbia ave. and Irish st.: one of beat locations in Ban-ln- trnnrt r mnnljllnr of ' lota, store and dwelHiig-house; or will selr stock and rent property. For particulars apply to A. E. White. Rnnrton. Oregon. A BARGAIN If taken at once, a fine pay Ins; mall paper and paint atore; ju.t the place for a good painter: sickness the only cause for selling. AM Xj'.i. uregoman. BLACKSMITH shoo Uemw Invoice, all new. fine location and alone; thickly settled, mostlv dntrvlnjc. lots of horses to shoe, very little credit. SchtJler's cigar store, nth and Washington, forenoons. HALF interest In an old established busi ness, doing a good business, mith A sal aried position of 1A0 nor month. For full particulars call Kinny and Stampher, 1 .amber Exchange bldg. Room S3 1-2. I HAVK a f1rj-c!aes steady position for A g.o.l man at good m-ag. who ran fumh Sli to ivo tash security. Call room ft! Roihchlld blrtg. RESTAURANT paying $12 to $1T per day for onlv g.'tVO. Owner wants to go on his ranch. ' Rogers A McKay. Room 2"i. SUo'.i W sshinaton St. Full SALE A cash business doing $1800 per month, flne corner, sm el lest tlx t ures ; will take some real estate In exchange. Phone Tabor lOIh. GROCERY for sale, good location. good stock and fixturea; atone basement, barn and llviog-roume rented. $2; best reason for selling. A 250. Oregon ian. W ANTED Partner to Invest equal amount In bowling alley business; have fine loca tion; must hare $7041. . See Newman. T.jAi-t Washington at., near 17th. MUST BW NEAT YOUNl MAN. So cash buy half Interest In business that wfll easily clear 1 per month. In quire 243 Fifth at. FOP? SALE Furniture business, fine loca tion. Ions; lease. Invoice about $:ium. AM 2M. Oregon Inn. Sl4 CAH will handle this flne 3 -room rvmlng-bonse on Wash, at.; it la a good paying Nmse and a snap. 242 5th at. CHKAP An entire collection agency In working ordr. with an unusually good huineas system. AK 2.'i. OreKontan. k.Hi WILL buy a business that wfll net 10 a day. lady or gentleman. Rogers & Mc- Kny. room 25. S Washington St. CONTRACTOR wanta partner; guarantees l week and share of profits; small in vestment. Call -:48Ss btark at. FOR SALE First-class millinery store, stock and fixturea; good localon. Ad dresa AE 2."u. Oregonlan. GROCER Y (etod bualuess, dandy location ; worth $UuU; no reasxjcable offer re: used, RFP THIS. Owner. B till 1. Aik for 1512. WA NTED To buy small grocery store or confectionery store mith living-room; not over $4n. G 257. Oregonlan. 600 BUSINESS CARDS $1.25 If you bring this ad. Rose City Print wry. 192 Third HOTEL and bar; must sell at once. Phone Marshall 2321. Owner. WANT bargain In, clgae, confectionery or fixtures; mention price. A 2o3. Oregon ian WE HAVE a good aalo n for Rrewtng Co. ile. Portland KOOMIVO-NOCSES. 2i ROOMS ALL HOUSEKEEPING No work. AN EASY PLACE to conduct; near Ladd School, furnished in QUAR TERED OAK. B. B. carpets. INLAID LINOLEUM in all kitchens; Income $150, rent onlv $J0; price $2noo. terms. Alan many smaller places. part In housekeeping and part sleeping; rooms, all good bus from $roo to $1204; terms can be arranged on any. ELLIS. SMITH ft CO.. 326 Washington tit.. Kooma 201-202. NICE FLAT. 9 rooms, near 1 2th and Morrison sts. ; furnace, gas and electric lights; well fur nished with Brussels carpets, oak furni ture, iron beds; gross income $250; rent $45: prica shoo. Two of rooms each, entirely modern and beautifully furnished. $4.o each. -KLLLS. SMITH ft CO.. 3294 Washington St., Rooms 201-202. REMOVAL NOTICE. M KS. LENT'S AGENCY. HOTEL AND ROOMING-HOUSE BROKERS, MOVED TO 322 FAILING BLXJG.. 8D AND WASHINGTON STS BEST BUT IN CITY. Fine location in tiouth Portland, on car line ar.d close to all the big mills: 12 rooms, all nicely furnished. Including piano, etc.; roomers) and bourdera: place clears $10o per month; rent to; 35o otsh buys it. David Lewia. room 2 Lunibermena bldg.. 5th and Stark. $7t BUYS beat roomlng-houae In the city. 40 rooms, long lease, modern, best loca tion. A J 251. Oregotiian. 12 ROOMS, rent $35; leaae, good furniture. Income '.H: will sacrifice for J350. 7W Thu .-man st. Take 23d-ft. c ur. A fNAP Rooming-house for sale; 34 rooms: good furniture; good entrances on Sixth at., ner depot Inquire lo;o North th st. NICK !-room rooming-house, largo yard and flowers: always full; must. sell. 129 t4th. near Washington. . $;.Vi HUTS small nviralng-house clearing good mono- 2 S wet land bldg. M RitOMS. Ira !,vi, term" , gxl location: monry-maker; 4f2 Commercial Mrk. 7 ROi M 1 - vear lea se ; ren t S 100. pejee tit cash. 2 Market, cor. 1r FoU SAI.R- Modern 9-m.m house. on finely burnished; price $00. T.L A 50 SI. WHAT ABOUT THIS? 4 ROOMS. NEW MODERN BRICK, running HOT and COLD WATER in rooms; RENT ONLY $5 a room: lease 4 years; has averaged over $0O a month for the year passed: you can do no better for the price. $0000; terms $3500 cash, balance monthly. Another one right In the heart of the rltv'B BUSY BUSINESS CENTER: rooms: steam heat included in rent which Is less than $5 a room and long lease, pay ing J450 over ALL EXPENSES. Price $000, $400 cash. ELLIS. SMITH ft CO., 32S4 Washington St.. Rooms 201-202. GOOD TRANSIENT. 12 ROOMS, a flat In the BUSINESS PART of the citv onlv a few blocks from thio office: SMALL TRANSIENT PLACES nre Scarce, and here Is one that GETS the MONEY: cheap rent with lease; COME GET IT NOW for onlv $5o and your profits will pav your money back In six months and the place will sell for as much or more. We have others up to rooms. EI. I. IS. SMITH ft CO.. 32flH Washington St.. Rooms 201-202. UPM i'Al. XUriLEs. proooaeU 1 n vited. KOTICB la herebr riven that sealed bids will be received for tha purchase of $10,000 of eoa struct ion bonds of School district No. X. In Joacpblne County. Oregon drawing 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annual ly, :a bonds payable absolutely in 2u year. Said bids snail be seaiea ana oe accompaniea oy a rer:invi checic for SlOuO. uJid will be re ceived up to and Including the 6th day of E'pitmbv. 110, and that tbe School Board will open and consider atd bide September 7, llliU, at a O ClOCE r. ok aiu uay. 8a Id beard reserves the light to reject any and all bids. Bids should bs nanaea or aa dreaaed to FRANK. THOMPSON'. CUrk of tbe School Board of bebool Dis trict No, 24. Mariln. Jcaepbina Couaty. Or- gon. KOTiCK Is hereby given that sealed bids win he received ror tbe purcnase oi j. 000 of coust ruction bonds of School Dis trict No. 27, In Josephine County, Oregon, drawing & per cent interest, payable semi annually, said bonds payable absolutely In 20 years. tiaiu bids s.iall Le sealed and be accompanied by a certified check for 50o. and will be received up to and In eluding the aoth day of September, 11)10. anc mat the School Board will open and consider said bids on the first day o Oc tober. 1010. at 2 o'clock P. M. of said lJds should be handed or addressed to F. M. Season, clerk of tbe School Board of School District No. 2i, won tieen, Josephine County. Oregon QUARTERMASTER'S office. 322 Arcade Annex. Seattle. Wash.. Sept. 1. 1110. Sealed proposals. In triplicate. Indorsed on cover "rroosais lor iajiiibit anu rial." mill be received hero until to o'clock A. M.. September 2u. l!10, for furnishing nnu delivering aiongsine snip at iM.-an.ie, Wash., or f- o. h. Government Dock. Hono lulu. H. 1 .. 21T feet of lumbi-r. and mlecllH neons building material required bv th Oi:artermasier s ueparlment at Honolulu. II. T. For further information addressW. II. Miller. Quartermaster., UNITED STATE Engineers Office. Portland Or.. Aur. 1.' Scaled proposals for fur nishing and delivering stone for jetty con struction, mouth of Columbia River. Ore gon and Washington, will be received at this oflice until 11 A. M.. September 6, 1910, an a tiien publicly openeu. iniorma tion on application. J. F. MclNDOE. Major Engrs. TH K Slate Roa"rd of Control will recelM proposals until September ."Ml for the pur chuitn of a loi or fooniid-hand maehlnerv pullevs, scrap metal, etc.. now at the State Penitentiary. Walla Walla. List will be furnished on application. Olympia. Sep temher 1. 110. State Board of Control. Miscellaneous. ALPHEUS L- HANSCOME. Corporation law spe-ialiat. WILLIAM DAVIDSON. Investments. Removed to suite H01-4H Spalding b!dg. Main 270 A I4S4. I WILL not be responsible for any debt contracted by mv wife. Mrs. Alnm Onugh erty. W. II. Daucherly. Sept. 2. JU1U. IX)iT AND FOVND. t:tt REWARD Stolen Dark brown home, weight JHK to 1 ix mi lbs.. 7 j ears old. branded on one shoulder, has interfering; pans on ntnu ankles, open rubber-tire buggy painted htiick. new blind bridle, fair harness. $25 reward for return of horse, hsrocaa and buggy and $25 for arrest of thief. Any Information wire to George, G. Hancock, Sheriff Washington County, Oregon. rOUND Wnrm watcnes. oiamenda and jew- eiry are sold for amount loaned and one months interest. uncle era 4-ouaierai Bank. 71 tttb il. near Oa st. FOUND Where you can buy geuuina aair matiresses retail at wholesale prices; wa renovate matuesses and return same day Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metsger, 226 Ftont. Phones Main ?4. A 174. STRAYED. Aug. 2 th. one span of black horses, weight sbout 24UO. mare branded 1 T., right hip: horiw not branded, small white spot on left shoulder; reward. Paul Sautr. R. I. No. 1. Ketacade, Or. LOST Between Hoyt and Oavis atreeta on Jtlth. small gold watcb and leather fob; gold Initials on fob. 51. S. M. Finder re turn to "Tin Irving st.. reward. LOST Wednesday, on either Mount Tabor or WtMiams-ave. car. ruby mrfw earring. Rem ard. Columbia Apartment, llth and Columbia. Apt. 2-. LOST Udy'i ticket Portland to Chicago and Pullman btrth ticket, for Sunday night. Mrs. Charlotte StefTa. Kern ard. A 6031. LOST Monday, from Pick's moving van. box containing two wasn cresses, rnono Main r7Q. Reward. LOT A chain and peari necklace; suit able reward. Return to o-4 arsnaa st... aparttnent M. LOST Gold chain and cross. Return to 45 S. 21t st. Suitable reward. 1NANU 1 FOR SALE Mortgage for 1 per cent, 2 years, held by aaministrato; property valued at $tuO. C 25ii, Oregonlan. Money to lAmn Real t-state. CAbH paid for mortgagea or aeliers' Interest la contracts on reai estate any w ncre tat Oregon or Washington; mortgage loans ueKotiated on Improved property. H. K Noble. Lumbermen ll"g.. jin and Star.:. ON IMPROVED city propeny or for build ing purposes; J to 0 earsT uma; ntwra inpayment privileges; money advanced as builduig y regresses. Tha Equitable Sat t . i 1 ..a,. A luir' lallnn I r If at $e-0 0t0 on Improved 'city or farm property; h..iMi a, , a 1 1 I.lB-i. ,1 LkWact rllM' Urv loaiis a specialty. J. ii. Jaucu Co.. 514-lb-10 GerllDger bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purcaasea on urm auu cny prwieri, anwner in Oregon or u ashingtou. 1- i Ue'v e r e a ux. Fenton bldg a4 Qih at. PLENTY of money to loan at aud per cent on real estate security. EDW. 1". M ALL COMPANY, 104 Second St. M ON EY to loan in amounts of $1000 to jr.otMi. Karnopp oc Aupi. room UlllOl ber of Commerce. ljiiiLUiAl'Ji." loans iioix. $5 to eow, oa ah securities. W. a. nui rwtm Wash ington bldg. Phone Main 302. MONEY to LOAN on real estate; quickly lurnisneu; iuei ri". imu mu vw-. Lumbermen bldg-, room 22i. U-vioAu iuana ou cay property; luwes, rates. A. i. ixreii o.t -w cay oiug id and stark. voo.uuo Vo LOAN, large loans a specialty; ai2 Failing blda. READY money to loan; prefer small loans. p e r cent. L'arliiiK. 21 A ui tig ton ba g. WOULD loan S200 on improved city prop erty; ceui jiucivsi. n. .01, urujju- nlan. rxiiv Ait money ioaad on real estate mort gage S. rl. ni'irtj, oj -in cr piu. aOtlTuAuB LOANS AT K.VaU.NABLg RAT a. f. . t.&iTij, j L.cwia xmj. MON Y any amount. G to a per cenL Good-liuui-.h Seitx. Tl Board of Trade. stale funu loanml, 0 per cent. W. E. Thom- a. Stale jnutmuwn. J.. w Will loan SIO.OOU or leS, real esiate security. j- a rrmgion. 4to tommcrw tiun mug. WI LL loan $.noo or lees or real estate. HttchcoeK, OIO KOinuinu MUiuOAliK LOANS. AND T PER CNT. LOUIS SALOMON. 2,; STARK ST. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or coliai- Chattels and Sal riea. WILL loan In amounts from $a up on all will bny seller's equities In real estate contracts, Qrst or second mortgages; busi neas strictly confidential. G R A Y - C U N M N G H A M - G R A.Y, 722 He c trie BldiT. WE loan money on diamonas and Jewelry X. at M- Delovage. 26 Washington st. A LOAN for the asking, salary or cbatteL The loan .o-. iga.um oiug. LOW rates; wa loan money on diamonds and jeweiry. ara m iwu. aw aw WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN". On salaries only. In amounts of frora $5 to Sioo. at the lowest possible rates. Rebate given if paid before due. Being salarv loan brokers exclusively, we are enabled to mke the best terras and give the quickest possible service. Our well-known reputation for pquare dealing and courteous treatment during the past is our best reference. Business strictly confidential. , STATE SECURITY CO.. nosFal HnKbldg..cor. 3d ,and Wa3hs. $$$ $$$$$ THE U. S. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE COMPANY. Makes liberal loans on real estate, furni ture, pianos (without removal), livestock, storage receipts. life insurance policies and all kinds or securities; terms to suit, easy weekly or monthly payments. We buy first aud- second mortgages and con tracts. Phone Main 20S4. Room $12 Ham ilton bldg.. 131 :d il $$$$$$$$ CHATTEL LOAN 3. Instalment loans on pianos, furniture, ware bo use receipts, horses. Insurance poli cies and all kinds of .-ei urti KfclAL ES TATB LOANS from SOuO up. NEW ERA LOA-N MTG. CO., 416 Ablr-gton bldg. MONEY advancea salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without aecurity; cheapest rates, easiest payments: offices In 66 principal cites; save yourself by getting my terms first. TOLMAN, $ 1 7 Lumber Exchange. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. (i5 Lafayette bids- 6th and Wash. Loans Wanted. YOUR MONEY 3s worth 8 per cent to our clients; gilt edged real estate security. Bloch Realty Co. . Lu m bermens bldg. WANTED $000 direct from private party; no agents; will give good first mortgage gilt-eded property: 3 years, 7 per cent. P. O. Box 609. city. WANT $1 5IMI. 8 per cent: $4MHI S. Johns home; $10iM on $251 w Vernon home. Darl- Inpr. 217 Ahinftton bldg. WANTED $5000 at 7 per cent for two vpars, inside security. principals only. Phone A 2H23 and Main 341. WANTED $U5o for three year, 7 per cent, on close-in residence pivperty. Inquire 3 17 Poard of Tr.nie bldg.. Fourth and Oak. WANTED $loK) on go--d security. 8 per cent. Howard Land Co.. 120 Shetland bldg. WA XT to borrow $ 1 5 . 0 0 ; sec u ri t y $ 75 . 000 worth real estate. A 2"i, Oregonian. LET us place vour monev good mortgages; references. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis bldg. PERSONAL. DR. W. E. MALLORY. 312 Rothcliild bldg.. has the moat complete modern office in Oregon. The treating rooms are fitted up with the most expensive modern ap pliances on tbe market, includiug radium t the only physician on the Pacific Coast having radium). X-rays, static machine.1. X-ray coils, ozone, oxygen machines tthe largest in use. electric currents of every description and kind. Including high fre quency wave, inaouedaU farad;c und gal vanic currents, cautery, v ibrators, radia tors, electric light bath cabinets, not bake ovens, of every kind; mineral. herbaU miam and shower baths. From loo to 12,000-candle power lights, finncii. niinins. hello, solar, vioiet and utra violet lights. and others. Cancers. ecxema. tumors, goitre, tubercular glands, old sores, moles, mother marks, scars and scar tissue, and all kinds of chromu diseases are treated and eured by thaa e meihods. ALL CHRONIC DrSEASES A SPECIALTY. DR. VLADIMIR K. JIN'DRA. From Europe, ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIST. My cures are painless, prompt and thor ough. Suite 53-52-5A-50-4U-48&-JS. 270 H Washington bidg.. cor. 4th and Wash. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery ; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; private hospital accommodations; confinement cared lor; consultation tree. Room 10, Grand Theater bldg. Main 323; A 5607. FEB VET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toapee makers; iinest stock of human hair goods, switches from $1.5d tip. Up-to-date parlors for hairdiessing. ruanicurug. face and scalp treatment. 147 Tth rt.. bet. Morrison and Alder. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous und stom ach aiimonts. under physician's direc tions; Laths, masseuse. No. 7 .East llth clreet. second door south from Eat An keny carllue. Phone East 260. B 1808. UA1R. HAIR All shades in best quality at cost- Closing out stock: sctontltic face and scaip treatments; expert hairdressiuir and manicuring taught. Aza H. Ribbecke, Grand Leader. 5th and Alder. MISS DESALIE DE VOIS. the Philadelphia House. :id and Salmon sts., 212 od st., manicuring, electric, vibratory and mag netic treatments; respectable patrons so licited; hums 10 to S. DR. D. L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children; electric treatment of nervous ailments, private hos pital. Rooms 505-&08 Commonwealth bid?.. Qth and A nkeny. Phones Ma in 4047. A 2411 MRS. A. M- PARKS, graduate nurse, gives scientific massage, also scalp treatment, baldness cured by my remedy after all else has failed- The Francis, West Park and Morrison sts., rooms lO to 11. DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation f Tie. 1S1 l?t st., Portland. DRESS suits Jor rent, $1.60 month keeps our clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips reimlred. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 30U Stark. NoXALL cures corns, callouses, tender, burning, aching and inflamed feet; noxaJ odors; 25c all druggists, or by malL Address Dr. Fletcher, foot specialist. Portland Or. WANTED To adopt girl from 2 to yrs . old by weattny coupie, bibic particulars. P o.-,ti. oregonian. LALY seamstrese. makes a steialty of men a ahirts. pieaie-i anu cum ii- t-. bed ?2. Addrt" V 2ii7, Ortt;oriitui. CALL ilarsivjll 2.'ho fo r ha i rdres sing, ma n 1 ...... i t immnooine. etc Work dune at vour nonic a n i ON E knowing the hereabouts of lr- ving j mi' v" f w n I S Id IMCI . J'Jii" .nm Jim LIQUOR habit permanently cured in 3 days; liV iuuei ...... tutc it27 PeiiiUJiuia ave.. purtiauu. Or. HEALTH TREATMENTS given by Kiuduaia nurse una maaBuse. nuu a a. .oj '.s Aiuer ai. phono Main 45J3. Ume. Coartwrlght. skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected, plaa- ... -..-...-. Mil Hl.ln.-r IjIiJl- 1 ntu ' UR. ivETCHLM treats women's maladies. 171) od s... cor. Yamhill. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases ot w omen. 62tf Bel mon tst. E ast 24 V a. A j a. Two letters came. wait. Don t jpo : 1 thacccs. Am n'i?im. UAML'LKiMi anu chiropody. Si. NlchoiaA Htel. I2i bth st., room 2. SCHOOL BOOKS bought and sold. Jones' bKk store. oaa at. M.uLa, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs- M. D. liiiu Fiiedner oidg. 347a. itS. SOPH l A ri. st-if. mfcauu ana spiritual scientist. 21 setung-irca. u. 0024. UU&1NJU5S l)UllORv. Accountants. MACKKN-lE, Blxi.D as BtKHIUGU,, cuucl aud cxpwiLa in all matters reia: iug to municipal, cummeicia. xautory cst auiu muatiLriiu accountiug. Ai.ouerai.tj tees. Couauiuitiuns free. 224 Worclx Block. Fhouci Main liMV, A 14 4 U. K- H. COLL1S CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, county and M uulcipai AbUiiiUa. ah vestiyatiiia aud byst emu using. i4 Woic;ier Biock. Pnuau aia xiMt. ArchitecU. h,ATMAN CO.. inc.. Architect and BuUd- ers. Plans ano. estuuttiea mrniaueu tree to builders. We build on contract. percinu. or terms. Main a2o, A 4116. Abiogton biug. Atayer and Analyst. Wells & proeustel, mining engineers, chem- Uts ana assay era, -o a vtaanington sc. MONTANA ASSAY O FIC Laboratory and ore-testing wora. iou jjomxja au A. H. TAf rt. aiioniey. nwms ! l-ol4. SpalOing OU nmoK. ju mq aaiimtiun 31S. Awning and Tents. PACIFIC Tent & Awning Co., tents, awnings ana sans. -ot- n. 1001.. Haths and Swimming. Portland Swimmins Bathi. 17 tth Elegant plunge. gL'-ant. "-"Q. """" onwie. .m'. Bicycles and Motorcycles. We buy. sell, exchange or repair. Hummer 3 1 c Cie .EjX.. iui u. am t U0"3. Builders. CUMM1NGS & CATLIN. building in every brancn 01 u""'s joooing, re modeling, repairing a specialty; showcases, counters, shelving, etc Office and shop 371 Firat st. Phone Marshall 2.i2T. Brass and Machine Works. HARPKR'S BRASS WORKS Brasn castings aud machine work. 106 N. 5th. Main 3702. DR TlCKiK removes me cause ot uiawo. 000-1 Columbia bldg.A3255. lira. 12-5: JO. Collect ions and Law. NETH & lU, COLLECTORS COLLECT EVERYWHERE; NO COLLECTION, NO CHARGE. 5o0 Vy-orcesttir bldg.. Portland. Circulating Library. LATE fiction, 3c a day. Woman's Exchange bldg.. lad 5th st.. bet. Taylor and YamhilL Chiropody. V.'M. ESTELLE and Flossie" Deveney. the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 tjerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. -a and Alder. Phone Main 13QL - Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 429 Fiiedner bldg. Phone Mam 34i.v CHIROPODY, manicuring and cajD- Dun ton. 549 Washington. Marshall i y Commission Merchants. TAYLOR. YOUNG A CO.. ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg. Curio.. BUS SOON HUIB. CHlNESH -li5v -xT" TING. SILK AND CURIOS 70 6TH Sl. Dancinc i-' -t i' . 1 . tx lesson c, cici j ... ternoon and evening- Prof. a son's 3ancinar School, 38Cs 'VV- I)og and linrse HospUg DR. BROWN. D. V. S- Office 324 Flanders st. Main 40S6. Hospital '-m i:iectrln Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO- Motor3 for rent or sale. u -a Klectric Kixto res and 8n ppUea. t-,,r i j -II . Ira for VOU. Phones B 2392. E. 3S22- Clagett Electric Co.. 361 East Morrison st Kngtneerinc TECHNICAL ENGINEERING CO.. General Engineering, Designing. Drafting. 201 Hamilton Bldg. Engines G and Steam. ROBER Marhy. Co.. Coast agts. Seapury steam encines and boilers, gasoline en- cine. 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison st. yuone FeMd Store, inr vi? . ukyu Vi a v eTra i ii . feed. re" ment hii.ri(xi "Si r.nind ave. E- 4S'. French Dry Cleaniug. , C LEA N IX G TAILORING DYKING A L.T I : R A T I O N S PRESSING REPAIRING Specinl tlub rate? 50c per suit Oponge. and preiisv.'d) per we. !(. The ard robe 751 Washington st. A 5417. Main 6553. Furs. N. M. UNGAR CO.. INC.. formerly of 406 "Merchauts Trust bldg.. have removed to li9 Seventh st. Furs remoaeieu, rey-'- and stored. Marsh; 11 00. Hat Factory. HATS made to order cost no more. See us. Roy a! Hat Works. 223 1st Et. M. S44-. Launches. 16-FT. 3-H. P.. $150; 1S-FT.. 3-H. P.. $200 Reierson TMach. 'o. 1S2 Morrison ft. Leather and Findings. CHAS. MAST1CK oc CO.. 74 Front, leather of every descripi-lon. taps, mirs. """''' J. A. STKOWBltlDGK LEATHER CO. Ea tablished ISIS. 189 Front St. MuhicaL MRS. EMMA B. CARROLL announces she will resume her classes in piano instruc tion. September 5 and will be at her resi dence studio, 617 Flanders St., beginning September 1. to meet parents and pupils, phone Main 26ti. A 4 3-o- Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO. Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining ma chinery. All kinds of repairs. 104 N. 4th. Machinery for Rent. Contractors' machinery of all kinds. David Dow Son, 202 Lumbermens bliuj. Phones. EMIL THIELUORX. violin teacher, pupil Sevcik. Marguam. A 4iou. aiar. 10.". Onteopathic Physicians. DR. LeRoy Smith, graduate Kirksvllle. Mo., class of li98. post-graduate i'JOl, under A T. Still, the founder. 317-3 1S-319 Swet land bldg. Main 19S7. A 19S5. DR. R- B. NORT11RUP. 415-416-417 Dekum Bldg. Phone. Office. M. 3407. res. Eaat or B I02S. itr mold Lindsey. uecialist on rheuma tism, stomach troubles and all nervous diseases. Hotel Franklin. Main 710a. Paints. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN CO.. jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 605 6uS Electric blc'g. Oscar liuber. Portland. WARREN Coustruction Co. Street paving, s i d ewaiks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bltlg. Patent Attorneys. Protect your ideas; reliable patent attorneys. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CO.. Registered Patent Attorneys, 2tn Hamilton Bldg. R C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat " e nt's. iiitrlUKn'gPt cases. uo4 Dekum. Pa wn broker. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 years In Portland. 71 Cth st. Main U10. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th X. and York sts. M. 84SU. Printers. GLASS & PRUDHOMME CO.. printers, blank book makers, legal blanks, loos a lear de vices, townefcip plats. 65-t7 7th St., bet. Oak and Ankeny. CHAUSSE-PRUDHOM5IE CO.. books, coin mercial. 142 V, 4th st. Main 816. A 1555. Piano Factory. r Kommer Co., established 189U; generai ng. 247 oth. MarshaJl ljTL repair work; tunin Rubber Stamps. , ALSO eala. stencils, choice stationery, eta C u uuln.l'am'n. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Kuk W cavers. NORTHWEST i:LG WORKS Ruo from old carpets, colonial rag rugs, carpet cleaning aim lay ink'. 1 Union ae. nr. . Morrison Safes. THE MOSLER SAK1C CO.. 10S 2d SL Safaa ul tactory pricea. Second-hand safe baowcMsca, Bank and store Fixturea THE LbTKE MFG. CO.. brancli Grand Kapiu- biiorfcuao Co., oth ana iloyt. R. Luii:. Mgr. JSEW i u- second-hand J. L M. Mfg Co 4tn aud Couch. Ma.in 2703. Cabiiiei. work. Shingles. BEST in the city; car lots or ieaa. g v Gilbert. 201 Washington at. " btotage and Transfers. PORT LAX D VAN Si ORAG CO., corne 13th aud Everett eta. Just opened nwac aud most niouern torae warehouae m city every convenience lur sate and pioper handling of goods; lowest insurance rata In Northwest; free trackage; vans Re moving. Main or A 1520. Brick builo-iiii. dry and airy ; war-u(.UFe district; ioust rafs ana must cartiul handling; furniture moved anu packed by expet is; estimate givei Phone M. liila A lObL Van Horn Transfer Co., Mi 2I mrcet. C. O- PICK. Traasler & Storage- Co., or rice aud commodious iour-story brick ware house, aeparato iron rooms and lireproof ault for valuables. X. W. cor. 21 and pine sts. pianos and turn! tare moved and pacKed for snipping. Main Zitti. a lutfa. OLSoX-RO TRANSFER CO, General ui'cl "u Aiorue; safes piano and luniiw inuva and packed lor shipment- 200 Oak at., bet. 1-roui ana jit. Telephone 51aln 547 Or A 2247. OUi;uU.N TRAXSFKr CO., established lbTu. Trajtsfr and Forwarding Agents Storage. Oflice 810 Hoyt st., between 5th and lu. ph ones Main tf'J. A lip u. Swiss Duiry. C7 X- UNION ave. phones Eaat 55j0, B 201L pare puttied milk a specialty. L Stoves. S'i'O V ES connected and Main lllv. 0 1 - J I l. Veterinarians. S. L. Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians. 831 Ankeny st. A 3.y;. Main 2402. V eteriimry Schools or Colleges, Can Francisco Veterinary College; catalogue free. Dr. Keane. 181S Market St.. S. y. Wood and Coal. COAL! COAL! DON'T FORGET LAST WIX- TER. G1VK l r loi.i. tLit.uu ItKlAV EU1ES. WE PICK OUR COAL. SPECIAL PRICES ON TJ1G ORDERS. NEWCASTLE. PWR TON. $t'.:.0; ROCK SPRINGS. HEii RK11X. PHONB MARSHALL 2117. 15TH AND SA VIKR. ' COAL. 050 UP. AUSTRALIAN, iK.75 UP. ROCK SPRINGS. &&.50 i:p. NATHAN GAGE (.'OA L V'U- Marshall 24Q3 Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, ail makes, $20 to $ti0, fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals. $3 per montn. facixiu stationery Print- iii'j Co.. 2d st. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex cange. 2S7 Mt Washington st. XE W. rebuilt, second-ha id, reutals at cut rates, p. D. C. Co., 2 SI Stark. M. 107. DRY Inside Small inside '- Planer trimmings 3. 00 Pacific Slab wood Co. Phones M 3700. A 735H Wall Pner. ERNEST MILLER -0.. I72 1st St.. whole sale and retail. Samples mailed free. CiRAND CENTRAL STATION. No ut hern Paeifh. Leaving Portland- Ashland Passenger Rosehui g I'asseiigcr .- . Shasta Limited SHvertnn Pa.enger California Express San Francisco Express .. West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove passenger Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Oregon Express Ashland Passenger Rosehurg Passenger Port 1 a n d Exp resa Shasta Limited Silvtrton Local West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger . s-.no a. ni. 4: 15 p- nt. B:W p. m. 6'.2o p. m. 7:4." p. m. 1 :0 a. m. I 7 :'Jo a. m. 4 :0O p. rn. I 8:50 a. m. 5.40 p- m. I 7:"0 a. m. 10 :00 p. m. 1 j:o p. m. 11 :tiu a. ni. 2S50 p. in. , 9:50 a. m. :20 p. m. ;lo;20 a. in. j S:0! a. in. I 4.40 p m. Nort h e rn Paci Tic. Leaving Portland I North Coast Limited via PugGti Sound 10: North Coast Limited via Noithl Bank 1 7 Atlantic Express via Puget sound 12: Atlantic Exoress via North Hunk1 i. Twin City Exp ress via P u g c 1 1 Sound ( 3 Twin City Express via. North) Bank ) 7; Eastern Express via Puget Sonud12 Eastern Express via North Bank I 0 Missouri River Express via Pujieti Sound 10 Missouri River Express via North! Bank I Portland, Tueoma and Seattle Ex-j press. Grays Harbor. Olympia! and South Benu branches I 6 Portland-Vancouver Special 1 10 Puget Sound Limited, Grays Har-j bor and South Bend branches.. " Tacolt Passenser I 4: Arriving Pirtland I Xorth Coat Limited via Xorth' Bank ' S 00 p. m. . 15 a- ni. 00 a. 111. M0 p. m. 0O p. m. 15 a. m. ;tU a. ro. 10 a. ra. 00 p. m- :4." a. m. :Ri a. Ui. :;'o p. m. :00 p m. :15 p. m. :20 a. m. :50 a. m. :10 p. m. North Coast Limited via Pugotj Sound I Northern Pacific Express viaj Nort h Bank ' 7 X-.tit hern pacific Express vial Ptiget sound I " Pacific coait Express via NortliJ Bank ! 8 Pacific Coast Express via Puget) Sound I " Western Express via North Bank, S Wstern Express via I'uget Sound,10 Missouri River Eipress via North Hank I 7 Missouri River Express via Pugetl Sound Portland -Tacoina-Seattle Expressj and from Olympia. South BendJ anil Grays Harbor i 4 Puget Sound Limited 7 Vancouver-Port land Special 1 10 :35 p. m. :20 a. m. : 1 5 p. m. :0 p. ni. :;K a. m. ;00 p. m. 00 p. m. lo p. rn. ::o p. m. 20 a. m. Yacolt l'asengur '1 1 Oregon Knilrond & Navigation to. Leaving port .'anl Baker City passenger 8:00 j Oregon-Wushiiiirton Limited .... jlO:io 1 The DnlKs Local 4: 1 p. m. i p. m. 1 p. m. ) p. ni. a .m. Soo-Spokane-l'ortland ill : Duu-i-(iWftiir-j "'iioiiii Oregon and Washington Express Spokane Flyer ,rnini; r-ortianu The liulles Local Oreiroji and Washineton Exnrcss Soo-Siiokane-Portland il 1 Baker City Local passenger i 7 Oregon-Washington Limited ... .1 S Spokane Flyer f S A Mori u & Columbia River. Leaving I'ortland Seaside Express Ocean Shore Limited Saturday Seaside Special Stasliie Express Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger Arriving Portland Seaside Express Monday Seaside Special sjeaside Express Ocean Shore Limited Rainier and Portland Passenger. Rainier and Portland Passenger. a. m. a. m. p. m. p. in. p. m. p. m. 12.o."i p. m. . m. p. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. 1:40 :o0 Ciinndian Pacific Railway Co. Leaving i'ortland Soo-Spokane-Port land Via Seattle Arriving Portland Soo-Spokane-Port la nd Via Seattle . ;U :0D p. m. .... (12:15 a. m. . . 1 1 :H0 a. m. . . f10::;n p in. Oregon Jfc Waahington Railroad Co. Leaving Portland Seattle Passenger Shasta Limited Owl Arriving Portland Owl Shasta Limited I'ortland Passenger. . . I j S::iO a. m. 3:00 p. m. 11:45 p. m. 7:15 a. m. . 7: 20 p. m. 2:45 p. m. .1 EFl'KRMON-STR EFT (STATION. Southern Pacillc L'javiiiB Portland Dallas passenger Dallas Pa-isetiger l'crest Urove passenger.. Arriving Portland IullU4 Passenger Dallas Passenger Forest Grove Passenger. . p. iiu p. m. p. lu ri 00 n tLtVEMU AND HOYT STREJiTS SKNGKR STATION. Spokatie, portlund & Seattle Railway Co. Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 0:00 u. m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha. Kansas City. St. Louis, BillltiKs. Sckane. Pasco, Roosevelt. Granddalles, Glendale. Lyle, While Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver The Oregonian 11:00 a. nu For S Paul. Spokane. Pasco. Washtucna. Kahlotus, Clltfs. Lyle. White Salmon. Ste venson and Vancouver. Columbia River Local 4:30 p. m. Xorth Bank Limited 7:io p m. For Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, Pil lings, Spokane. Wash lucna. Kahlotus. I'asco, Roosevelt, Grand dalles, Goldendale. Lyle, Willie Salmon, Ste venuson, Vaneouver. Arriving Portland The oregonlan . . . -l. 7:05 a.m. From St. Paul, Vuokane, Pasco, Cliffs, Muryville, I.yle. White Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver. Xorth Bank Limited 7:50 a.m. From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis. Billings, Spokane, Washluc na." Kahlotus. I'asco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, Goldendale. Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver. Columbia River Loral 12:'!5 p. m. Inland Empire Express h:l." p. m. For Chicago, si. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis. Billings. Spokane. Washtuc na. Kahlotus. Pasco. Koosee(t, Granddalles, Goldendale, Lyle, White Salmon, StevcliBun, Vancouver. 4 reat Northern Rail way Company. Leaving I'ortland llth and Hoyt sts. Oriental Limited, via Seattle R:0O a. m. The Oregonian, via Xorth Bank. .1 1 .00 a. m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank 7 :00 p. m. International Limited. Seattle. Ta- coina aud Vancouver. B. C .. .10:00 a. m. The Owl. Taeoma, Seattle and Vancouver. B. C 5.00 p. rn. Shore Line Express. Tacoma. Se attle and Vancouver. B. C ll:lop. m. Arriving Portland llth and Hoyt Sts. Oriental Limited, via Seattle (i;4oa. m. The Oregonian. via North Bank.. 7:05a.m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank 6:15 p.m. The Owl. Vancouver. B. C-, Seat tle and Taeoma 6:40 a.m. Shore Line Express, Vancouver, R C. Seattle and Taeoma 3:30 p.m. International Limited. Vancouver, B. C. Seattle and i acorn a :.io . m. TTmte Curd Oregon Klectric Railway o. 1'HrnRrr Station, Front and Jefferson SI. Woodburn-Snlem and Int. Pniuts L.tM-is leave Portland 0:30. 7:50, n :oo A. M.. 2;oo, ;t - Go 0::iO, 6:40 P. M- Limited for Tua latin and Salem. w:I5 A. M. Iocnl for Wl.iun vi'lr and Int. Stations. 5:lu P. M. Hi lUborn-Forest Grove aud Intermediate points Leave Portland 7:U5. R:50. 10:20 A. M : 12:10. a: jo. j:.tu, o:uu, :o f. aa. csi urdav only. 1 1 :5o P. M. Arrive Portland, from Salem and In. Stuiions. 8:40. ll:0 A. M. : 1:15. 4:K 4:50, (Poo S:20, 10:5ii p. M. Local from Wilson ville" and Int.. 6:4 A. M. Daily except Sun- dav and 7:S5 A. M. tlaily. Arrive I'anianu irons r orri iirove ana Int. Stations 8:00. 0:50. 11:40 A. M.; 3 :.'io. 2-50 5:2o. b:10. 10:50 P. M. Sunday only. 4:441 P. M. Depot Front and jerterson. Kortiann. ". Portland Railway. Light Jfc Power Cotnm. Ticket Office and Waiting-Room. First and A Ider and East Water and East Morrison Street's. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. nrinn Citv 4:00 and G:;; A. M. anil everv ."'.0 minutes and including last car. midnight. Gresham and tntermeaiate points r::... J". S:45. 0:45. 10:15. 11:45 A. M. : 12:4. 1:45. 2:45. 3:45. 4:45. 5:45. 0:45. 1 1 ::H 1. V. Fairvlew ana rroutneif o:.., 0:45. 10:45 A. M. ; 12:45. 2:45, 3:46, 4.4 5. :4. 0:4i f. M . Cazadero and intermediate point- rt:". R:45. 10:45 A. M. : 32:45. 2:40. 4 : 15, 8.45 P. M. . FOK AAtUL KIT. Ticket Office and waiting-room Second and v asningron t-ts. . M 6:15. :50. 7:25. S:00. 8:35. 9:10. y:.".o. 10:r,o. :1:10. 3 1:50. p. M. 12:.o.- i :m. i :.o. ;t:io. :s.rn, 4:no. r.:P. .-(;;.o. 6:30. 7:05. 7:40, 8:15, 9:25. if:3.t. "ii ;. On third Monday In every month th la'? rar leave at i :o. P. ?T. Pnlly except Sun day. Daily exctpt Monoay. i 4