THE MORMNR O It EG ON IAN, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. 0R SALE. Aalotnohll. BAKUA1NS. 1 l i-fTlm.Kr t'ailtt.a trurmtoo fall oalitJ ajvl In lnuli t ,n ltir.; tbi. I o-I. P. 4-tllnl-r ft-par.c.r Hulr .n1 In at--lja conJtttuB; will Mil at ztrunjjr low pric it taa.a t&ia we iiHT.T ST CKH COMPANY. M Urrl laneon.. VOVIXO-PICTURB THEATER Oar ar. O. plrk ot I lodepo- a lunulMlurvi; 14 a plctur. I- Uiii w.a.jr. Vm n"d to. bt: can furnl.h IT. Vrlt. for full Infnrmattoo. tli-31 Md... Portland, Or.gon. mrliia. pc'a! ml. on .pl.ndld k-t of Iln. H-ui;'l-hrl m..-bin. of all )afltnr make. fcinor. 'he.Lr WlloD, om. Whit. Dmnntlc. Houvhold and p!hn, to malt room for n.w ttincrr as and rotary. Mner in( Vachtn Horr, s. S. r.t. .lent. .Kll Slorruoa at. i" ion Man A 4S9. . W ono n.wi FEET cf Itimrr In lr or imill runtmx. fr.mi t:i. Kurop-.n Aruul I tural and ilanufartorlt:. tU'ldlnga. for i ,4 '. rh.ip. luqulr. on prerni... or at l'"-tir1 r'n l. N. i'H. I i i 0,1 wvo FEET of lumber In lar. or tnnall Qiancltlra. 1r-m hit K'jroj..n Arit-ul- itur.i and H.iiufacluri:in buildln.. fr aa. hrap. Inquir. on premii or at lu.-t'.and Wr-m Co.. 1 -2 N. I'h ED1SN talking machine and 5v rr of '1. outfit nt n month id . I pur ehd It for m hrnnf on Port I (1 li ST: Height about the middle nf AIMU), tiu d-k(h r-aa altered iins. rl I am offer Ire nutf i at Wat nt of cot to me. A u 1 i-rcnnmn u SALE Praf l air nrw Morrison h l - with ho- arul nl:unir and 4 .''' ib of sulohur. Ail B-x' for $13.Y Will atl r t. p ru -irat. M. C. UrspeU. Trout dale. Ora flHR Northwrt Typewriter Company. 5-3 AlDCU;n tide inoue X. ia io ouly company aei;:r pirutly lactory re- eut.l ty(iewrittr. prts iV to L!''KEN?PERFER TTI'EWRITBIJ. $43. ia Aa lor cat .Uir. KrouUta $1 up. Hater Co.. v 3tht. MJn. rwo rr.AjI bMkxr-nji fr an at Half pel u'fab1 ft a cnVw tu . mtl bakery. it lTh. to-OR HAI-K Sho-wra-. waltcae-a. rountera. c-.fip. N" ..3 i:a:ia ave. j-none cm aa. tEroy im KS. Cray rail. Adirejia p. i. box 30i. Hllla fi t H .-"AI.K Tiollne launch. horee- p'wer. i-fcj r. .1 rec i"ir. who can- 'i r t. p. Inquire1 We,iaFarito bkig, l hi a p. Phone WokIIiwo r ;4:t. Aitrta :h Grocery. tl-HiWiOD, bjxwood. coat. Mullnoiuah K'll Co.. poth phones fc.H VCA6k. new and aerond-haad. $13 f Everett, corner 0th. Alo fixture. flMi.VKKY ei.In and fnmplM land-ctrtarjng fttt-ntlon. for eal a monty : tii-c ll.ui'n. M il n4 3rt 7 fTOTE3 and mortKMirs honcht and aold. Na- tlonal CrTlt A'n. 61 W orrefter bldg. wn"t$t nsrri.LAVEors. rLOTHINli. Wanted -Mn' taut -off cl"t hin and -.rv-s. we also liiy hou-h-ld furnl hinr liiKhot paid. f'all at th Kar 1eal. 6J N ST. ilaui V.T. ANTED NliTj" castoff clothing and shoe and btryclra. htjrhest prla paid. We also buy lad tee' olotnlnic. Call up the Glohe ftcond-harid atnre. Ph"n M.nn ZOSO. IW lt at. Prompt attention al aya gl-en. IF TOU have bouaebold furniture to veil rail ap Oeorc Ukar Co Ibi Para aU botu rnone. iAHl KSTtK work of ail klnda; Jobbing, rw model In a. repairing a pt:iaity. Cunimtnga A Catltn. all First at. Marshall 23.17. i,IL. your aexoad-baad furattur to taa Vara Auction Co. t you'll at learn, Pbno : A Main fcPOT cab paid for yoar fumltafe; prmap atteatton a) a rvjre cWen. Pnuiw feiaat lu7. VaN'TED Moving, picture machine. alao dim, gaa outfit. AE 214. oregonlan. kind of men'a jecood-aaad CaJl up MarahaH hVAVTXrwTo buy an -Went tide. F K."J. Or Id house to move on rKman. "VII.L. par rash for a good n-corwl-hnnd ca r--t 2.1. Oregonlan. VANTEI Elertrli? rr.oi-r. l' hnepwr larger, ftr ca,.h. 22 Uimtwrnrfn bldg. II LLP WANTKIr-MALE TVVANTEI Hrlght oung tnnn t learn aoJa m an hip lih an etatl.hed boue ; un usual chanre for advancement. Addrran. ' giving houe number and phone, to U -., Oregon inn. AXTEO Cmp ;jrtt laUIa con La preeer. ftrst-clasa waica pM at East Portend i Cleaning A Xelng Worka, 1 H Urand I KAPEKIKNCKO tenugraphr for w h'lra!e house; gte rice anl M r exfrected. AN 1 Qreonta u. SaNTKD-2 r 2 sviK r;pti.; e:aJv emi. m--.;t fT s-erul rka, Atply . H3 Han.l.:.,o bl g ANTKD lUiyi and young mvn at races. Mond.iy. at 1 o'rl-M-k. to U confecttuna ; f'r John pntT-non MACHINIST. Firfc!5. dtalv work, good wage. Call 2 r.nn.rrclal Club bldg. ' W ANTK1 Carpentrr. framTn. tdackinith. ati ft and $4 il.ty and biard. Call be-T-en lo hmo I. forn .".'''i Lwii Mdg. - i.KllHlr: " A 1; 1'KNT LitS. for ir--sile. $1 p.-r lay. UI.YMAN PLKNAHD. L12 N- 2d. , CARK1KKS Poye wanted. 10 year of iko and up. for oregonian routea in South Portland Applrjmj.'tn Orrgonian bid. . WANTED "oat maker and small-Job man and a lady tiilor; rMd price. A. V. Andrews, ia Grande. Ur. 4& PEK MONTH Learn telegraphy; day and evening ae9lfn. I'ractkal." j'v 11th at.. Portlanl. r. MAN. experi-nrei airnosrapber and bill rlera. for w holesaJe lianlw are: at ate alr- anti rrferencea. AJ J.".:t. resNn:an. "XEaKN irlvlrg autoruooiie , iiy after get work; private letMSuns; at.irt now. 31tP nn'- irgti'ti M . rm 417 11 TV SALESMAN, who la etayer. hvlnr 10 tart, then .rood money; our line fa staple. strra im iiiug me nn. r i. "res;" man. -'WANT E D 2 foremen who understand the operation of derl. ka tn ro.-k excavation. Horrx Slit. I'tiFtnma hllg. 'JJAKKH wanted, Swedish bilker, competent maker of old country bread. Apply l33 . Miaeiaslppl eve. Nordrn Gr. Ce. T.iOT 14 tr 1 r ior ofTlc wrk; Kevly po- . . tTftn; rapid an ranee me nc. A pp. AH 2w, reg T. Ian . .IPKINTEK wanted at St- Helens. Or. Te I'.i.-'t office, today. Phone J A PAN" ESE by to do general house work. Mrs. J. H. Hatcher. 175 East 2th. fc OlNi man about 1 s to drive grocery wig on Sit William ave. W NT ED Klrwt-claa sticker man. Aa me . PUnlna Mill. East Water and Oak at. TV ANTED Plamerers. St. Francis' Church. , Kls: Pir.e aad 12:h. V A N i" E D Coat mak sr. Oregon. H. Cato. Eugene. sV'HOTOORAPH coupon aad portrait ageataf new offer. i.niDrui stuaio, leaum bldg. I'.i.DERLT man to Low-engirt Co. run elevator. Apply ELDERLY man wanted for Information 1k. A pply Lowwngart at Co. La KP FINTERjS. ale youna men who ian 1 Warn the carpenter trade. XT1 Im. mt. rV A NT ED Ftrst-clasa . 21 Md'on st. blacksmith a baiper. WAVTi-i) Advertising eitoc. ill,, oaa tVv a NTED An oid man for r-wter work at Hotel Itaumann. 412 K. luta st. rT N TED U y aNut 1 to wur k n Naknr a f-fw urs (n the mjrrang. 331 I7th t. 'WANTED Cook and w!f k. aftemoona F. T. Call at 7th and Merrill' office. ,'iu' for general work; mutt be Id or over; ' ages' $. LenTKn'a 3otf Morrlaon at. TKN'm.RAPHFR Inquire 410 Honry bidg. r."n ar.d 10:.K A. M 40 L I M P I A WIRE A IRON WOR KS. A I bov to learn trnde. Eaet ;h and Market. "JU NTriD A house man. ' ard Washircr- sta. Inqulfw tha Hlil. Ranted rtuheimi nidi's department. a and p R- M Gray. ' V wanted to learn trader Wra. Kluxnpp 1 o,. room 5" 2. 321? Washington t. iv" "AT. Quick d'j"hwahee wanted; must he e v y'n f reeraumnt. 1 llh r ffrt''ri ril.M A N wsnl'). Cai Sturiay mommg, . Herman S- hu.. IM h 0. rV- a N'T An experienced hoa nan, Appi HELP WANTED-MALE. PACIFIC EMFIIMKNT CO. Main office. 12 N. 2d St. Kr. THR MILLS Rand ttjiyfr horizontal, $3 50, (HirK tnmnv rman, $3 to $3 25. S: ikt-niUD, $3.2.V In the cit. Lat. ht-wtter, $3 to $3.23. Camax-rld.-rs. $2 50 and $2. "5. ."- trkrnnaB, out of town, Um!"T markT. $.1 I rrtKht hlnni mwryr. pr M. U iiu.l baadH, K and W.4 THE LVJOING CAM PS hfcM-r. mtpr. .C. Smpr, and trd. Kisvlnje ruTm. ;. to $3. & flunk). $5 to $-. WhUtie bt- 1.50 iiay and b-mrd. tf(ht prrrr. country town. day. fttackamith and horaeshoer, aod Man NDd wife on farm for KkMera Ore aon. fkv year. Night mratrh. pktninr mill. $60. Wk fr amui.ll lKir(ur-bouv. $4. Farmhand, 4, fji iu.d room and board Iv laAdcaiTii. iiO day, houa and atova trr. woodcutter. 91. $1.2 and $2 cord. Va:rh r.ur balItJn board fr rood Job. Nw work oimlr.c la every day. PAFIC EMPIjOTMENT "0.. Vain OftV 12 N. 2-1 St. DKKRICK foren-aa. Govt. work. and iM-is. H hour Grade fo-rm-m. $; tmok foreman, con- arrurtton. f ,!.. bridge caxpecicr, Huntington. $3, frve fare. 4 rooch rarpenterw. cloe in. $3.&0. free fare, hotel bord. Clerk, married man. $T mosith. ateadv t work In a material yard aad check out material, etc. 2 rhainmen. R. R. survey. mntrucikn, $ and founds each, free fare. fnyntt men. $X rJurey party onk. S reseiaurant eAa. $17, $14, $12; kuehen help of all kind. It. It. consgrnrtlon ban da all over, free fre. ' P.. HAXHE.V A CT . N. 21 P BALES KN Tba Columbia Life ex Trust Vmpany have aa opening; Cor owe or two first-cu solicitor. If you have not had exper.ince In selling lire Insurance you will be schooled and ren.iervd 11 ssi it 1 a In find ing proavect and cl -aii.g busrineasv. Come la .d talk U orer. Aak for S. P, Lock wood. ice-lrea. and Gen 1 Manager, or Harry HI, hey. City Manager. : floor Spalding b''g. ue want aa energetic, hustling. llve-wir aAieman of good appearance, who la not afraid 10 work; to u.h a man we can offer propoeiUoa that i a reaJ chance) to make .'me money. CHAPIN gt HERLOW, $XI Chamber of Commerce. A.-k tw Mr. D-rby. AN enerxetic. neat sppeajig young man wto can a tar clothe well, to represmt my ee tabllshment la tht city; a epleadid openlrg for a clean-cut man who cju interview bujn titm men, bookkeeper. lo"ka. aalramen -'.. etc. Iljr at) lea. fabrtcj. work in an -nl? ",ad Pric arpval to MRN WHO KNOW. Guaranteed salary and commia sior.a HEJMFiACH. 11 ftark at. WANTED EXPERIENCED SECL'RITlES ISA LE;M EN. Make application In writing, gulng references and state fully what ex perience and where; permanent opening for men w It h good records; high-graxie I'KUC only; no attention a ill be given ap plication unlt-?B reterenr'a are aatlsfitc tory. Addrea a .V -'til. Orogonian. WANTED A gentleman to present a propo- wiiiva 10 Danaurs and professHtnal men; must f vauuiieu. or gooc apjarance ana aa dreaa an J powaticg latent or developed salesmanship ability, salary $J5 weekly and comniKrtoB; Immediate promotion and a permanent position if competent. Western Preas Association. 11j5 lapaidlng bltlg. WANTED You 1 ia man a bellboy. Apply wmmcrclal '-iub. ith a-id Oak street. Superintendent office between 10 and 11 A. M. GiOT out of the rut; thkr mean you; If your jod noiaa out. no hope for advancement; if the close of each day ea you no nearer success than you were In the morning, or the day before, or the r before. Write fur nvw catalogue. Intei national Corre spondence school. 23 Alder L, Portland, regon. NO RISK. LEARN PROM A MAN WHO KNOWS HOW. Wanted Neat young man with $50 to learn the real eeate business: chance of miking big money while leaning. 242 Fifth at. Cmh) MEN'S Fall suits bought by Jlmmio Imnn at much lus than wholeaalu cost, fold by hlro In an of rice building where he pay ou-tnth of the rent of a ground flour store. Thl explain his system. If sella you 20 men's suit for $laS5; '.'5 men's eults for $14 75. Room 315 Orego nlan bldg. Take elevator, third floor. ACHESO.V WANTS A-1 operator. 1m d ivs or me n ' s ga f men t a A-I flitter. Utiles' garmenia. A-1 tailor. Ulur r men' garment. ACHiv-SON' C1XAK. t Sllf CO.. M err hxu t Ta 1 krs, ns sth si. EXl'ERT salesman w anted for cloak and utt. capable of taking chtr, and man aging department in Spokane. Wish.; must be good advertiser and window trim mer; great opportunity for right man ; atate experience, reference and salary w .in ted. Addresji AC U61. OTegonlau. AN energetic young man of neat appear ance, who la uWsirou of learning the pin no bun ties and willing to begin by doing Janitor service, dusting and polishing piano, apply in person to the Wiley It. Allen Co.. 3o4 Oak at. Inquire of F. M. lO.oou POSITIONS for graduate last year; men ana women to lemrn barber trade la b week, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructor; toots frea; write for cata logues. Mohler System of College. 3$ frurtn 4th St.. Portland, Or. W A NTED Men at Lewi Angeles; o expense to lesra tra.e electricity, automobiles plumb ing, bricklaying by actual Work, contract Jobs; only few n.uiiiha required; -00 student last ear; catalogue frcw, I'm ted Trade hool C'-ntract.MK Co.. Lo Anjjeie. WA NTED Good, strong comet player for theater road show, good salary and sure, a ork the year around IX dee 1 red ; must Join at once. Telephone or telt graph C. J. Doraey. bandmaster. tHKiH E. Morrlaon st.. i'ortind. Phone East 433. W ANTBl liy general building contractor. y ung man with sme experience In taking otT tiuantitie. must be an curate: artate age. eiperH-nce and salary cxpecie-. Addnw ANJm, i "Teg on :n. Ac'H ESONW ANTS Second cutter for ladl?' nd men'a gar- mems; ga Trimmer of garnva-nt. ACHESON ClAJAK. SLIT CO.. 4S MA St. WANTED Young man. alngle. good hustler. as general salesman for digods and fur nishings; country trade; must be able to trim wlndowa Address p. C. Mar 4 u ard a en. Hep p n e r. Or. WANTED Architect for bungalow and flat construction; man who understands taking on quantities ana estimating preferred ; give full particular and salary ex pec led. .on, oregoman. DOCKLU YOUR PRESENT INCOME. Mutton picture orator earn $.15 weekly. Wa teach you in abort Cine on easv terms. X. T. Motion PU ture School. 62oV V asn- mgion. near j7tn. WANTED IO00 more men to eat rice and baked beans at 5c the dish at a Rice and Cocoa Lunchroom. 22b Morrison. 204 1st at., 2tf7 Couch aU. or 7o . 6th at. Come on. boya. RAILWAY mall claraa poatofllce clerk and carrier axamlnaUon In November; salary up to $lou. frea Book SO; Pacific atate School. McKay bldg.. Portland. RAILWAY mall clerks. Portland examina tion November 12. $0 to $lt0. prepara tion frea. Franklin institute, Dept 315 T, Rochester. N. Y. ( GENERAL merchandise salesman; want competent young man for- permanent po sition, commercial Abstract Co.. 48 Com merclai Club bldg. WANTED Team to do gra.ung. Waverleigh Heigh ta Csll morning, between 8 and lo o ciora. j no. j'. btiarkey Co.. ttth and A ashlngtop ta. WANTED By a wholesale house, a bright young man to look after our interest lit Portland: none hut an ambitious young tnnn needed. Addresa E 273. -Oregoman. WA NTED Young m a n " be t wee nl "and " 22 years of nee as salesman, experienced In dree good preferred; good opportunity for advancement. Apply P 235. Oregonlan. BY WANTED, age I, to deliver package; opportunity for Intelligent boy to learn fur business. Apply A. LI Abe - Co.. 28 Morrison at. WANTED Experienced window trimmer, card writer and ad writer; atate salarv and glva reference. Ax-Bllly Dept. tore. Eugene. Or. THE MEIER A FRANK STORE require the prTTiPM 01 ui casn 00 vi ami cash girls. Apply between H and lo a. M. to super intendent' office .th floor. EX PERI E-NCED aaleaman. one competent f taking charge of grocery and hardware department tn out -of town at ore. with ref- cordwood on contract ; Call Jno. P. Shax ta morn lag, l)- I-rce. r?. orgon m W ANTED Men to cut cor ' mn to clear land. I key. ch and Wwahintoav. waFua aaiw 11ELP WANTED MALE WANTED Able-bodied men for tha U. a Afanne Corjts, between tee age of 19 and 33. must be native born or nave ftrtt pa per; monthly pay $15 to $t5I; a-laliionai ompenaatl'n p-sib!e; food, clothing, quar ter and medical attendance free; alter 30 eara service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances; service on board ship and shore In all part of the world. Apply at I', s. Marina Uorpa Recruiting Office, Hreeon blUg., $4 and Waahlcgioa im., rortianrj. Or. WANTED Plrst-claaa marker and aaaorter. , who uncerjtanda washroom; g-od tag; no oooacra need apply. Aberdeen Steam t laundry, Aberdeen, Waah. WANTED Sign painter. 65 lat aU KELP WANTED F EM A LB. RELIABLE woman to do general house work for club of young men. Apply eatur day afternoon or Sunday morning. Tne Hrook. North t)th su WANTED at once, good atrong girl for kitcnen work during hoppltkin;. 1 Pr week; no American. J. C. Buchanan, Corneilua. Or. WANTED Young lady for office; few hours each day; state age and telephone number. AL Oregonlan. WANTED Oirl fur general housework; must be experienced cook ; small fam liy; no chliuren. Call 87 North lethst. klRS. KOWE8 LAD1 ES AGENCT. atfa Washington tit.. Room 314. Main bbJ6 or A S2o6. MILL1.NEKV makers; must b thoroughly experienced nd capable. Fraley Broa. 114 3d. WANTED Competent girl for second work. Call morninga and evenlnga t40 Jf'landera attecL WANTED A housekeeper for a family of five. Call after 7 P. M. at 4:0 Flint U East aida HANS iN 8 LADIES' AGENCT. S43S Washington bt . Cor. 7th. Upstairs. Phone Main 3602. NEAT and reliable girl for oookitur and gen era. housework, good watjes. u9 Lovejoy ri 1 none jimn or iwiv. EXPERIENCED marker and Ironr and one plln Ironer at once. Inuependen laundry, indepcnapnce, or. GiULS and women at cannery of Oregon Parking Co.. East Mh end Holmont. Ap ply at onre. I'hone Last 8U. EXPERIENCED girl for general bouaework. no washing, good wagea. i'hone W oou inwn 3o.1. EX PEK1ENCED Prat eat ant nursery gover- tiMi, AmerK-an, English or German. AD Oregon tan. WANTED Nurse and companion for elderly lady and some light housework. AM .0-1 Oregonlan. WANTED Girl bet. 14 and 18 to assist in fmtiU family: no objection to schoolgirl. ail Tnt Aider, cor. awth WANTED Bright girl. 18 or over, to train Tor purse. Apply between JO aad 4 son Merrhwnt Trust blog. Dr. FTeeae. iiol SEKEEPER. not over 35. by widower have 2 children. Sfl Harvard L (Ports mouth . STENOGRAPHER, with some knowledge of bookkeeping; short hours, steady. SI 8 Worcester bid g. WANTED A few meat appearing ladle aa demonstrator; steady work; salary and corn- nu. ion. call Ultsaa at. GIRL wanted; country; German or Belgian iw-m ears old, to do liRht hotel work; ;er month. Pox 2r. Hiliaboro. Or. Ct.MPETENT girl 1W general housework wdKs $..0. lino Franklin at. Phone A 06M or rnln NtA4. MIDDLE-AGED lady living at home to help in Kiicnen ot catnouc institution. A Zoi, treironian. WANTED Girl for general housework. plain cook; good wages. Mam &b43. 33 N 23d st. COMPETENT stenographer required for ao roiintnnt'e offiee. Addrera full particulars to a -tj., regonian. U ANTED Woman to make salt-rlsinr bread for the Woman s Exchange. IKd .ifn 'at. UAMai) strong girl to cut mattruss tb ka. R per week; steady work, carman .vi rg. co.. jNth and Lpshur. WANTED Lady stenographer In lumber of fice: must be quick at figure. Address P Oregonlan. HAVE your Kail dresses made by Miss Battle, phone A 8771 or call at Keeler Apartment 3. 14th and Clay. WANTED A girl for gereral housework 471 Alnsworth are., comer H. Pth. Phone Wood lawn 1T3H, Wood lawn car. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Olrl to address circulars. Ad dress, atating experience, S '59, Ore gonlan. BOY over 16 to assist In dye works; good chance to learn trade; also hoy with wheel. Vienna Dye Work. 226 3d at. ItACULKS for Coast states. We hire direct- Call Pacific Teacher Agency, lioe- Lewie Bldg.. 4th and Qaa. WANTED Exi-ericnced saleslady familiar with perfumes and toilet article. Address K 26. Oregonian. WANTED Flrst-clas bookkeeper, one with experience In creamery work. Call 130 2d st; eet. V A N TED Wal t resa at Y. W. C. A. tea room; houisll:30 to 2. Apply Y. W. C A. WANTED Girl to assist in kitchen; stay home 111 got a. 355 1 J l h a t A 1 OGtt. EX PERI ENCED girl for confectionery store. P h 1 1 n e Eajn 4 o2 . WANTED GlrJ for sei'uod work. Apply 779 Marshall at., mornings. GIRL for general housework apply 245 S 2 2d st. Gl (Uj to help In housework, two In family; good home. 1iX1 Williams ave. C 2230. DIN I NO-ROOM 735 Hoyt at. girt and a chambermaid. WANTED Finn -class marker at State Laun dry Cxj.. 3M5 Hroadway. GOOD girl for general housework. tW4 fuait 21st, North. Phone Wood lawn 50. GIRL wuntad to work In bindery. t flth t IH.e Canl Book Co. WANTED girl to assist with housework, 7uif Marshall near 22"d st. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Apply IStl E. J6th at. I'none tie East 2007. GJRL wanted for general housework. 251 St. Clair at.. West Side. Telephone East 108. TWO experienced waJtresaee wanted at once a: 24'. Davis st.. Hotel Foster. WANTED GomJ girl for second work, ply j74 N. st. Ap- W A NT E D Wait res. Apply Rebe. 404 Wash ington st. COMPETENT g rl for general housework; $25 per month. 4tfi loth t.. near Jackson. WANTED .ompetent nurse by Ca'l morninga 2.'Q King at. th day. GIRL for general housework; wagea $3Q: no washing. 5Q5 Broadway. C ley 2. WANTED Girl for general housework, good wage. 4 7th st. GIRL for aexnnd work. lug at 434 Main at. WA N T E D G I rl f or Phone Eaat 5188. Apply In the morn- general housework. G1KL to assist with general housework. Apply forenoon. 747 Gltsan st. WANTEI elman. First-class coatmaker and buli Blrchalt, 355 Stark at. COAT fimahur wanted at once. i:tk Yamhill aL. jroom 1 WANT E D Exerienced oohar girl. Call Port uind Luunary Co.. tth and Ojuch. A WOMAN 10 cook on a fruit ranca. at 4IQ Broadway. OOOD. bright girla. terms, secure steady GIRL wanted to work In a tore, 442 East Burnside at. WANTED A cook; three In family; no chll dren; 2 in help. 707 Flandcra st. IXPERIENCED HELP LADIES' TAILOR. 1NG- WESTMINSTER. 6TH A MAPI SON. BOY wanted. Fti-M st. Apply Pioneer Paint Co.. 135 GIRL f"T general housework. Oli Marshal jt. phone Main Hek COM PET ENT girl for general housework w gea $:'' I'hone East 3"J3. WANTED Competent girl to do general housework, boo Flanders at.. In forenoon. WANTED Lady cook, good wagea 1108 Main st.. Vancouver. Wash. LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by expert; $5 month. nth. Main asai GOOD, reliable woman for housekeeping work: small family. 565 5th st. AN experienoel chambermaid, steady work. Apply oucb. xutiouj nmei. HELP wanted. Union Laundry Cow. Id aad Columbia GIRT' for cooking and downstairs work; $30. Call lv ji jmm-kj wi -jrMnu 411 GIRL U jtslst with houae work. wage $20. Call 779 OlKL to assist with general housework, 713 Hoyt at. RELIABLE) colrrd girl to a'salen with house work and chlKren. M. Smith. 05 Davis. EX PERIENCED finishers on panta, steady worn. t., room 005. EXPERIENCED -ami tree wanted -at one. iW4OUCU HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED-Youmr ladies for telephone oper ating; with or without experience. Apply The Pacific Telephon V Telegraph Com pany. 6th and Eaet Ankeny ta., or Weat Park and Alder tf. COOK 3. $40 to f it colored or white cook. $15 per week, for cluba of 5 each. a restaurant cook. $12 to $14 each per wee. Waitraaee, $8. $9 aad $10 per week, for hoteie. $20 to $Hu. Camp helper. $35. Chambermaid. $25 to $3" K it, hen helttera. 520 to S25. A large list of good poAitlona received oauy. I rACirrc employment co.. Ladle Dept. 2u5Vb Morrison. LIPMAN. WOLFE ft CO. went experienced aaleswomea In aulta, millinery, laces, ho icry. plot urea, drug eundriee. knit undr. er. su-i saAOieworK, notions, oa.r uoiueatic. linings and other departmenta HOTEL COOKV JUff Kestaurant 00 ok. $15 week; family cook. iU. Chambermaid. tH. fsd and $35. Hotel waltrea (out of city) $25 and $39. eoona glru. g2& ana 130. Walter and waitress. $50. Nursegtrl. $25. Kitchen helper, $25. HANSEN'S LADIES AQEMCY. 8-15 S Washington fit. COMPETENT gtrl or woman wanted for general housework; must be good 000k ; family consists of four adult, baby and nursegirl; only willing worker need ap ply; good wagea and permanent position to right party. Phone Main 567L ACHESOX WANTS Tailorag.wa and finisher). alteration hand on ladles' garment, veat and trouser maJtera nen'a garment; A-l sklrt-makera. ACHESON CLOA-K ft SUIT CO.. Merchant Tailor a. 146 5th St. OIBLB WANTED, 2-R FRONT ST. WESTERN MANTLE CO. MARKERS and ssmrtari wanted, Columbia Laundry. Tabor 10, B U12. VANTD Experienced lady superintendent to take charge of a first-clas apartment houwe; atate former experience and refer encea with full particular; only those that have had former experience tn apart men t bonwea need apply. AL 2tt, Oregonlan. THE NEW 51EIER &. FRANK REST At" RANT Will require a large number of com petent waitresses. Apply today at super Intendent'a office, 6th floor. WANTED Smart, business-like lady of ed ucation and good appearance to do spe cial work for us along educational lines; must be able to leave Portland If re quired. G 254. Orogonlan. WA NTED Toung lady for assistant book- aceper m wnoiesaie nouse; none nut cap able persons oetd apply. Addrees, giving references; salary required. H 282, Ore gonlan. FOR girls' clubhouee. cook and second girl; uermam preierrea. can oetween v ana t fornuorur. 375 Sixtee&lh, corner Montgom ery ' TWO women with good eye-sight, who nre accustomed to using nfeoio on nne sew ing ; good wages and steady work. Mult nomah Mohair Mills. Sell wood. THE MEIER H FRANK STORE require the services of 100 cash boys and cash girls. Apply between 8 and 10 A. M. to superintendent's office, tith floor. COMPETENT woman to do general house work lor 2 in family; no children; very liberal waes. Inquire tfM Elliott ave., Liidd's Addition. SILVEKKIELD Co.. 4th and Morrison ats.. require the services of Urst-elasa expe rienced salesladies to sell furs, good eal ary to the right party. WANTED A girl ftr general housework. 015 Da vi. at., near -un. LUNCH and dinner waltresa. 386 Morruwn st GIRL to answer telephone. 371 lat st. GIRL for general housework. Ih6 X. 17th HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. HOPPICKERS to pick 0O0 acre of hop. Dig crop line accommodations, oakery, butcher shop, grocery store, restaurant, free dancing pavilion, beautiful camp ing grounos. aeiignttui naming, sow ex cursion rates; register now at Krone' Brua of floe, room ti IS Worcester bldg., Third and Oak st. No charges for lob. Offloe hoars U to 8 P. M-, Sunday Si to i i ax. mo ma, a 4335. Main bwoj. WANTED HOP-PICKERS. 50 PER BOX. FINE CAMP GROUNDS. 225 Fleldner Bldg.. loth and Wash. St. Phone Marshall 1045. WANTED lOO more hopplckers; 50c per box; best yard in the state; long picking; go xl camping ground with grocery; want pnrty 10 run ooaraing-noue. Apply to nr.rew Kan at co.. .-a UiiK at. HMi HOP PICKERS WANTED. Talk to grower at 4u5 E. Morrison st. Phones East 1115 and 11 1437. Will re main until evening of September 3. F. J. Bolter. MAKE money writing atoria for newapapera. big pa-; aend for free bx-klct; tell how. United Pre bndicate, Hau rranclaco. BOYS and girls. 18 year old or over; good wages ana steaay worn. Muunoman mo- h 1 U r Mi LSj Sel I wood. HOPPICKERS wanted; first-claa yard, Ideai camp ground. J. A. Backenstos. Phone Et 335. WANTED Hop-piekcrs In a hurry. Call 23 Taylor st. WANTED Hop-plckcrs. Call at 530 K Union ave., or phone C 25D7. WANTED Hoppickor wanted. Inquire of ( . M. Hail. St. Charles Motel. F1SK 'I EACHERS' AGENCT offer good positions to A-l Instructor. 611 Swetiand. WANTED HoppicKers at once. Call 226 Fall ing bldg. ft I TL' ATT ON WANTED MALE, BooaJxeeperj and Clerk. YOUNG man with four years experience a private secretary to corporation official, ut present employed out of town, desires position a private sec-rotary or as stenog rapher and bookkeeper in Portland; wi y best of city references a to character and ability. Y 258, Oregonian. OH IO man, with 30 years' business exper ience in position of trust, wishing to lo cate In Portland, wants position; ha been department man and manager in whole sale house; alao retail experience. Address X 200. oregoman. V ANTED Position a salesman ; experienced. well acquainted in tiie grocery trade of Portland and Columbia Klvt-r Basin. Answer L 25f. Oregonlan. EXPERT accountant will keep small set books, opened, closed, balanced, errors lo cated, charge moderate. Y 257. Orego- nian. EXPERIENCED young man In all line of office work detreg position from 4 p. M. evenings; satisfactory reference. J 25'J. Oregonian. OFFICE man, age 4, highest referpnccH; financial y ree-ponsiuie; w-jg want employment. M 2S4 ' no object; Oregtiman. EX PER IENC ED office man a ud saics;nan of 25, steady, sober and willing, wants position of any kind. F 255. Oregonlan. A STEADY position at bookkeeping or office work by young married man; best of refer encca Addr ss A M 262 . O regon i an. TOU" NO MAN, 22 years old. wishes position a bookkeeper; 3 years experience; best ref ertnees. O 256. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER wants position. Eastern college graduate; references furnished as to ability. AL 260. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER, coat accountant, manager, years of experience; reference AL S 241, Oregonlan. GOOD atenographer. Just arrived In city, wants poaitlon. Address V 202. Oregonlan. Mlacel 1 an eou. BUTLER, first -claa desire position ; can give best references. 9 256, Oregonlan. CARPENTER work, any kind, cay ua- tiact. Phone Marshall 2337. JAPANESE! Employment Co. will furnish, itiaip taln4ti5U. A.-40 73 26 Jixxatt SITUATION WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. MIDDLE-AGED man. sober, can do most any kind of work on farm; would appre ciate good home more than wages. Xj Columbia at.. Portland. POSITION wanted by a clothing salesman whom I can highly recommenu for saits manahip. sobriety and honesty. Address Herman Wise, Astoria, Or. PRINTER Swift typesetter wants position with country paper; can write local new etc. ; references. R 2o9, Oregonlan. CARPENTER, non-union, wants work; ca work off plans and used to work us fore man. 0o, Oregon lan. WANTED Position as foreman in sawmil or woods; 10 years' experience, good ,rei erenres. sober. A. oregoniRn. CH A I'FFEUR. French, careful driver, wants position; does repairs; references. AL 2-il. Oregon ian. GOOD Japanese wan Lb 3 hours' work, day or night; haa references. Address At Job, Oregonlan. STEADY position as fireman or assistan engineer. R. Hurst, general delivery Portland. MARRIED man would like janitor work, nousecieamne or porter worn ; can git reierence. r'none 51 am ojou. CHAUFFEUR, a Japanese, want situation driver of automobile in city or country. Aaares Ji 251. Oregon lan. WANTED Position hotel clerk with 10 year experience, best of reference. P 25 L Ore gonlan. STRONG young man wants position as oiacKsmitn s helper; no experience, "."is. Oregon ian. lOl Nti man. 21 years of age, w lanes any kind of inside position. Addrees A. Peter gen, Paclttc Hotel, City. YOUNG man wauls work In the country haa experience. Address Francis Henay Dundee. Or., general delivery. CHAUFFEUR wants situation Good, sober and lndustrioue young man, careful and ex- penenced driver, o ii, oretjonian WANTEI Work by a landscape gardenor. day or contract work. 31 North ram st ' ci t y. ' COoK wants place In restaurant; also good pastry cook. AL 2tf2, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS painting, papering and kalso- mining, reasonable. 53Ja vaghin gt on. EXPERIENCED football coach desires po sition. Address B, Wu Spalding biag. JAPANESE bov wishes Job as schoolboy. L jO, oregonlan. SITUATION W ANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per manent position, $10 to start. Miss Wilcox, 'Main .jjti!. 00 41 Fhi'tNT iad atenographer desires per manent position; best rierecice. iiam B312. room 7. COMPETENT experienced atenographer. knowlttie of bookkeeping, desire position. AN 25), Oregonlan. CAPABLE, experienced stenographer, who has knowledge of bookkeeping, want po- sulon in city. Ah. Jlo. oregoman. EXPERIENCED and competent cashier de sires post tlon in barber shop, restaurant or theater. D 24, oregoman. BY experienced bookkeeper with knowledge of shorthand, reasonable salary; good rei- eronces. i'hone A &44o. AM HITIOUS. energetic woman wishes posi tion as otrice cierK; email salary; ooject experience. AH 25-1, Oregonian POSITION by caehler with some experience. AO 25 1, Oregon ian. Dressmakers. STYLISH dresses, $5 up; waists, $1.50 up; tine work. 52t) E. Mill. East 625U. LADIES' tailoring; alterations, coata rellned. 51rs. Muckier, 43U Columbia st. a 4u. Nurses. HELPLESS invalid can have room, board. laundry, rest of care by trained nurse in private home for Invalids. Own home. Beat relerences. labor 13. POSITION wanted; experienced French nurse governess; good cny references. AB ".L oregoman. TRAINED nurse, general nursing, massage, treatment at your home. Phone Sell wood 105S. Housekeepers. WIDOW wRh 2-year-old girl desires posi tion in widower's home or small family; references. AL 257. Oregonian. AS housekeeper in hotel or private home or invalid nurse. a at zojs, oregoman. Domestics. EXPERIENCED girl wishes position as cook. .8 76 Rodney ave. Phone Wood lawn 2256. Miscellaneous. COMPETENT cook or geneial housework; wages $35 to $40. AN 2t2, Ortgonian. EXPERIENCED laundress wants fine laun dry, also day work. East 4053. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown nursery stock Is in demand; sales this season will be Immense; a nattering op portunity; cash paid weekly; outfit free. "Salem Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 weekly selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal proposition ; good territory. Address Orenco. Or. AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de mand for choice nursery stock; outfit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. Or. WANTED TO RENT. WAN TED TO RENT. We furnish the renter, collect the rent, pay taxes. Insurance and keep up repair, the same for you as though the property was our own; references, any bank In Portland. THtS SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 245 H Stark St. Phone A 3500. Main 35. Bouse. WANTED. Handsome furnished home for Ideal ten ant and well-known citir-n, year's leaae; satisfaction guaranteed; rent no object; all details except name by phone, or call Mar shall 23 -6, A 7ou4. HART MAN A THOMPSpN, Real Estate Dept.. Chatnbt-r of Commerce. WANTED to rent 7 or 8-room. strictly modern house, situated somewhero be tween 24th and 16th ss., Washington and North rup sts., either furnished or unf ur nitmed. Call 01 Board of Trade bidg. Phone Main 647". WANTED To rent, furnished or unfur n is red house. 8 rooms, modern, six months or 1 year. West Side. References If desired. Phone Marshall 823. Main 1175. PARTLY furnished cottage or upper flat with large aiceping norm; reasonable rent. AL 251. Oregonian. 6 OR 8-room unfurnished flat in neighbor hood or a nrst-ciass noaraing-nouse. Phone E. 4872. Rooms. WANTED One or two furnished rooms with bam on j'oruanu neiums, conven ient to Alnsworth School. B 263. Orego nian. V 3 OR 4-room cott.ige, walking djMance Fa- cinc oentai tonege, lurmsnea or unrur nished. Phone B 2h53. QUIET gentleman wants unfurnished aleep- lng-goom. waiKing distance; state price. D 25, Oregonian. ROOM In private family where child can be taken care of through the day. 2S"i. Oregonlan. A BACH ELOR wants an unfurnished room In a nice house. 1 ah, oregonian Business Places. WANTED To rent. A storeroom or part of store for high-class jewelry line. Wash ington, Morrison or any crosa a treat, be tween 3d and 7th sta Responsible parties. "B 258. Oregonlan. FINANCIAL agent desires desk room or small private room in well located and uo-to-date office ground floor preferred. K 2$1. Oregonian. WANTED To rent furnished modern 4 or 5-room bungalow or flat in good location; give location and rent, v 2o4. Oregonlan. WANTED Real estate office, ground floor, close In. P 258. Oregonian. FOR RENT. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. MILNER BLDG." 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE Furnished Rooms. MODERN outside rooms. $2.50 to $3 per week. Including baths; also housekeeping room. 6484 Washington at. ONE furnished room by week or month; every convenience; bejt class men only. O'Neill, Aider. W. Park. ELEGANTLY and newly furnished single outside rooms, only $10 and up. The Del ypp a9th mnA Washington, atay FOR KENT. Furnished Room. IN THE HEART OF TUB CITT NEW SCOTT HOTEL. Seventh and Ankeny ta The preacher who wreaehea. The teacher who teaches. And the drummer with gooda to aellj With wife or with daughter. When looking for quarters. All are welcomed at the New Scott Hotel. A otilet home for quiet people. HOTEL M EH) FORD. ONT3 BLOCK FROM UNION DEPOT. JUST OPENED; new, MODERN brick building; fine large ground-floor office; hot and cold running water In all rooms; steam heated; private bath; very richly furnished; rates only $3 and up per t week; 50c up per day. Call 'and see uw Northeast corner Fifth and Glisan ta COSY. HOMELIKE. COMFORTABLE!. A DELIGHTFUL EXTRA LARGE ROOM. Newly and attractively furnished; abundance electric lights, gas, heat, two large 1 clothes closets, large windows, high ceilings, hot and cold water, private bath, fireplace, easy walking distance, quiet, se lect neighborhood. 320 Montgomery, cor. Sixth. Phone Marshall 2575. HOTEL SAVON, 129 Eleventh St. New, modern brick building, etea re heated, private baths, hot and cold water in rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Rate very reasonable. Call and see ux Regular and transient trade solicited. GRAND UNION HOTEL. 387 H E. Burn side. How would vou like desirable quar ters for the Winter? Steam heat, hot and cold water, rooms single or en suite; rooms with private baths. Rates from $2.50 to $S a week. East 51H0 or B 1275. HOTEL SARGENT. Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. Phone East 291. connecting every room. Private baths, elevator, fir? t -class grill. Special rates by week or month. American or European. Transients solicited. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th, flrst-clas furnished rooms alngle or en suite; all modern coa venlep'ces: $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647. HOTEL IRVING. 812 Oak at., corner Sixth; large, light, airy room, elegantly furnished; electrki lights, running water; low rate. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, opp. Portland Ho tel, 330 Yamhill; first-class furnished rooms, ingle or en aulte. modem; $5 up; transient solicited. Main 31. A 7177. THE HAZEL Nicely-furnished, steam-heat ed rooms, with running water. 3e5 3d St., cor. Montgomery. THE NEVA Newly furnished rooms; hot and cold water, steam hea L 1 5 zist at. ; half block south of Washington st. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sta, well rural shed sleeping rooms, 9Z.0O per week; eltctrlo lights, hot bath free. MODERN rooms, $tt per week and up. The Gayosa, corner Grand ave and E. S tark. Furrbdied Rooms In Private Ihit;v BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms in new, modern, upper flat, private family, bath, telephone, heat, lights, etc.; near Steel bridge; easy walking distance; terms rea sonable. 214 H McMillan BL NEWLY furnished front rooms, strictly modern, suitable for two; gentlemen pre ferred. 30 it N. lttth, near Wash. Phone Main 0703. TWO newly furnished bedrooms for rent in private family, one suitable for two. Board if desired, German cooking. 3S0")i E 11th st. Corner Harrison. LARGE, elegant, newly furnished rooms in corner nouse, moaern conveniences, every comfort, board later If desired, price moderate. Phone A 2547. NEWLY furnished rooms for one or two gentlemen, ideal location, furnace heat, hot and cold water. 214 13Ui st., corner Salmon. VERY desirable, nicely furnished suite of rooms, excellent location, modern con veniences; references. 498 Mill St., near 14th at. NEWLY furnished room with home con veniences, bath and phone. 230 North isth st. LARGE, finely furnished front room; hot water heat; also connecting room. 4iJ Market st. Phone A 40O6. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two; running water, adjoining bath; one front room, rrnt reasonable. 551 Taylor st. TWO nicely furnished rooms, SO and $7; jotteriion-street car: easy walking distance. 32 H Chapman.A 5450. 3 FURNISHED rooms for rent, cheap; own er out or city. 1'none a iwo. ouo iust Pine, corner 13th. " FURNISHED sleeping," housekeeping room ; modern conveniences. 4 12 Jeffer son. Main 0425. MCE furnished room, centrally bK-ated, suit able for one or two person1; reasonable. u Thirteenth st. NEWLY furnished room in steam-heated residence, running hot and cold water. 504 Flanders. LARGE front bedroom, well furnished, all modern conveniences, 1 & i on earn Main 3814. CLEAN, comfortable room, suitable for a gentleman ; modern convenience. Mam S043. 353 T-th at. N EATLY furnished front room with alcove ; reasonable; walking distance. 5oO lay lor at. NICELY furnished bedroom; phone, gaa and bath; $10. 200 12th st. 3U2J SALMON One large front room, bath and phone, for two gentlemen. A ....JO. ARGE front room $12 per month. 511 Mor rison st. 541 TAYLOR, near Chapman, newly furnlahed front room, bath and electric lights. TWO new furnished front rooms; modern; wa Iking distance. 3ti3'i i;un at. L'RNISHED room, adjoining bath ; walk ing distance. 30t 2d st. ' ROOMS, en suite or single; every conven ience. Main 3312, 301 10th st. 410 BURN SIDE ST. Nice, clean sleeping- room; $2 per ween up. .50 PER WEEK Single room; tanee. Call 2H4 11th st. walking dis- EATLY furnished rooms for gentlemen. 32 E. loth st.. North. Elt Y. pleasant room, light and "n lry, roa- nable; gentlemen prer?"rea. ;ni. th. E-WLY furnished single room with private party, central; month. 4U4 Clay st. $10 A MONTH 12th at. Jlean room, close in. 20S FURNISHED rooms, $1.50 to $5; tenant or transit; free phone and bath. 2 X. j4th. PART of furnished house for rent to re sponsible people. .0 Columbia, cor. 5t(i. Rooms With Boaro. FOR RENT Completely furnished 5-room modern apartment in desirable neighbor hood, only 3 blocks aouth of Washington si.; very reasonable. A I tin I. 33 17TH ST. N., one block off Washington; well furnished corner tuite; bath adjoining; a L10 single roonitf ; board optional. 33 17TH st. N., one block off Washington; well-fumlshed corner suite; bath adjoining; ai) alngle rooms; board optional. ROOM and board, son sL Casa Rosa, 300 Jeffer- Kooma With Board In Private Fa niily. SUITE of 3 well furnished roomt. with bath, suitable for club of business men who would have floor to themselves or will rent separately to business couples; breakfast, dinner. Main 2071. ROOMS and board, private family, modern, convenient. 15 minutes' walk from busi ness center. &0 E. 8th at. N. Phone East 72-. DESIRABLE room and board, home cook ing, walking distance. 644 E- Aider, B 2M31. - BOARD and rooms; newly furnished, excel lent home cooking, strictly modern; both phones. 387 U M'11 r- ROOM and board for 2. $25 each; home cooking, 615 Everett st., Phone Main 6486. BY oung lady school teacher, near end of Alberta car. Address Mrs. J. E. Wil liams, Sheridan, Or. FURNISHED room, private family, with b o ard if desired. 441 Halse y. corner 7th. EXCELLENT table. elegantly furnished rrom for two. Phone Eat Hit". 611 EAST Washington st.. rooms with board Fhone East 5011. XI"W room and good board for on gentle man. 501 a Davis st. HO vi E cooking at reasonable rates, in nri vaie family. Phone Main 4"S4. HOME cooking, reasonable rates. Phone Main 7016. Apartments, MAJESTIC. 300 Clay sU choice location; 4 rooms modern, well furnished. Phone M- 4O70. NEWLY d 000 rated. 2 and 3 rooms, modern, reasonable, walking d istance, choice lo callty. 575 Main at. Phone Marshall 2570. NEWLY furnished steam heated basement apartment, both phones. The Morton, K 1 ng and Washington. , MODERN 4-room basement apartment, heat, hot water, etc. $20 month. 653 Flanders. 4-ROOM steam heated apartments, furnished and unfurnished. Modern. Cottel Drug Co. BT. CLAIR. 715 Wane st. ; modernldx-room apartment, two porchee. Fhone Main 4030. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders; 4-room, FOR RENT. Apartments. BAN MARCO APARTMENTS. Eas 8th and Couch streets; new brick, now ready for occupancy; all 3-room apartment; private bath with each apartment; private telephones, htgh-oven gas range; linoleum on both rooms and kitchen floors; built-in ice box; steam neat, hot water all the time; garbage cared for by janitor; unfurnished except above-mentioned articles; rents cheapest in the city for wnat you get; $25 to $29 a month. Call on premises THL) BANNER APARTMENTS. 4S'J Ciay trevt. second house from 14tK the only raouern completely furnlhsed 2 ivom a.iartintnt-houtsi m the city; houe and elegant furniture brand new; jut opened for buaints; attain heat, electric light, hot and cold water in every apart ment; private phone, bath; walking dis tance; $18-$25. Including electric lignt. Mar hall 2u74. LUCRETIA COURT. The finest, most modr. brick apart ment house, just completed; everything first-class; all outside rooms; apartments of 2. 3. 4 and 5 rooms witn all the latest conveniences; situated in the finest resi dence part of the city, Lucretia St., near 'asnington, between 22d and 23d st. Apply to superintendent apartment 1. CAM AR. New brick apartments: every conven ience; two, three and five rooms; fur nished or unfurnished; south side of Love Joy at., near 22o. See janitor, or MARTIN &. CAMPBELL, INC., AGENTS, Room 1 Worcester Bldg. Phone .Maui 73'Jl. " ANGELA APARTMENTS. 39 Trinity Place, between luth and 20th, near Washington. UNDER NEW MAN AGEMENT. New brick building. 2, 3 and 4 -room apartments, lurmshed and unfisr-nisUe-u. witli e.ectric elevator, private bam, hot water, steam heat, phones and janitor service. HEINZ apartments, 14 ih and Columbia; 4 block svuth I'rum Morrisou sL ; new brick bullaing, completely iiiet-clas; turn Is tied in 2, 3 and 4-loom family aparimeaLa, private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot w, elevator, free prone. Janitor service; rent tram - per month, and up, OKDERLE1GU APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand. Ave. aoiu Siara. SU New fireproof brick building, beautiful ly furnished two and three- 100m apart ments, private baths, wail beds, large clothes closets. Phone E. JOO. ALT A MONT apartments, 5tb and College; new brick building, now being elegaiuy 1 urniaiied. hardwood floors, steam htat, private phone, bath, ureproof wail safe, reasonable. I'hone Main 0060. Janitor Service, KING HILL APARTMENTS. The select apartments of Nob HllL For terms apply 10 Jain Lor, cur. of King and vtane sis. " THE IRVING. 21st and bis; a 5-room basement apartmetit, with iieat, gas range, hot and cola water and window shades; 4)20 per mouth ; reference. RE-L'KAN Apartments, 624 Marshall at. Ex clusive, newly furnished, modern In every respect; outside light, quiet and homelike, surroundings. If looking tor something real nice, sea thetfe. Main 6Q32. A 2111. Fl V E-K00M f urui&hed apartnuuii, modern in every particular; aieam-neated, hot water, janitor services, with nxat-claxs f ur n ib-hin gA Apply u Janitor, bod Kaar pey el. CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and Gllaan. 3 and 3-room apaitiiients, new 4-tory brick, just completed, all mod erg conveniences; each apartment ha private outside balcony; rent reasonable. THE BERYL APARTMENTS. Strictly modem, large nuui and three closet to every apartment; cool and airy fur bummer. bbo Lovcjuy su 'laaa W car. BLAN-MYR Just opening, new fireproof buck, large light hall, ail outside apart ments, automatic elevator, electric dumb waiters, hut and coUl water, private bath, b team heat. N. 2Qth. oor Jovejoy. brT citOlX. Apartments, 170 Su Clair L. near W ashing ton. Two and three-room modern apartments. Fine residence loca tion. Reasonable rent. KEELER APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay at. A few choice auite leit at $10 and $50 per month. JUST OPENED THE WHITEHALL. 253 titn st.. 4 squares above P. o. ; family ho tel, private baths and telbphunes; tran sient solicited. ST E AM - H EAT E D 6-r 00 m apart men t, mod ern and desirable. 525 Everett au Apply Morgan, rlemner & iioyce, oAi Abiu.oa biog. ONEONTA API'S. 187 17th, south of Yam hill iW. car at depot j, 2 and 3-room lur nished sultea, hot and cold water, free pnonea, bath. Main 4UU7, A 473w. STANLEY APARTMENTS, 701 Washington Mrs. 1. v. rtugnes. aioaern a and 4- room apartn 1 em a;jiv e r y con v e n 1 e n ce. NICELY furnished two-room housekeeping apartment; all modern conveniences; 42. Del 51onte. oth and Washington. LAURETTE apartments, 229 11th, one un furnished 3-room apartment, one elegantly i 11 r nislied room upartineiit. Both phones. TH bl LEONCE Newlj furnished two and Hi rce-room a part men u ; modern con ve n lences. Ib6 N . 22d st . Plats, A NEW MODERN, 3-1COOM FLAT WITH LARGE ATTIC. Large, Well-Liguted itooms, iarye Ceiled Closets. Buiil-111 pass Cupboard; Furmsiieii vviin "El lipse'' Range and Gas Plate; Porcelain Hath, NicKel Plumbing; plate Rail in Dining-Room ; Bath-Room Supplied With Medicine Chest; , Linoleum on Bath-Rooin Floor, Flat Face Laat, and lias Large. Enclosed Porch Facing West; lai go Basement, With Wuodlift. Tins ilat is located vtiinin half block 01 two ear lines, on the West Side; within 12 minutes' of Third and Morrison sta.; in newly built; hr furnishing in the nat ural wood; polish finish. A very pleasant home for somebody. Key at drugstore, Front and Gibbs, or call at 1. Gevurtz A. Sons, 1 73 First st. Phone ' AND 7-llOOM, HANDSOMELY FIN ISHED, NEW FLATS. AT CORNER BEL MON1 AND EAST 17TH SI'S. PRICE $21. u0 and 32..p". BI CKTEL & KERNS, 3tttt E. MORRISON ST. A MODERN 5-room upper Hat and bath. $2."i ; on car line; Hi minutes from town, inquire A Jo 33 or 40O East 1-th and JDl- Isiou. UNFURNISHED flat. 4 rooms, reception hail, bath, thr.e large closets, built-in eupb-ards. 541 Ea.sL ianihiil. Key upstairs. Phone Eaj.t 3354. TWO modern 6-room flats. IO minutes from town; 2. W-W or W-R car. 512 Divi sion st. FOR RENT I and 5-rwum flau, walking dis tance, tin place, white t name led weaihered oak, etrictly modern; f22.5o. East ljt. N EW 6-room upjier flat, all modern conveni ences. Including fireplace, E. 6th and Ore gon sts. Fhone.fcJast 242. TO RENT Four and 5-room flats, close in. bath, toilet, electric lights, io. Vo3 Bel mont. Phone East3502. MODERN 5-room upper flat, sleeping porch; Irvtngton district, reasonable. 424 Tilla mook I'hone C 2058. VERY desirable 4-room modern flat. 31o Larrabec st. Phone Main 4MJ1. 4-ROOM, well-furnished ilat, walking dis tunce. Phone Maranail 44S. 573 3d. South. MODERN fiat. 6 rooms, attic, yard, porches, choice location. 73t', Overton. Main 85a. 6-ROOM modern upper flat, Uclniont st. Tabor 1005. nice attic. 667 (i-KOU.VI modern flat; 706 S Irving si., 23d. Key at grocery store. TWO new 4-room modern flats. 2Stl E. Irving. East 5; B 1404. SWELL, modern 6-room upper flat, walking distance 3o; adults. 3" Vb E. Yamhill. FLAT of 5 rooms and bath. Syb Salmon st- Key 6u0 Salmon. 5 ROoMS. partly furnished, close In. Inquue 'rear cottage, 23 Hall .t. MODERN two-family flats, corner Sth and Schuyler. and 6-room, Broadway car. TWO 6-room flats. 0S8 and 610 V Northrup; ren t $45. Main 325. iYoiJERN 4-room flat, clos in. 5SI Third street. Housekeeping Rooms. WELL-FURNLSHBD housekeeping rooms. 2 $8 mun t h ; 3. $ 13 ; f umiahed cottage 4 room, 18; lower flat, 4 rooms, $16. '364 North 20th (.West &rue river). W car from depot, 5ih or Morrison to 26th, block north. FINE DOWNTOWN HOME. "MILNER BLDG," ZbO MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL. REASONABLE. 2 SUITES of furnished housekeeping-rooms; light and water furnished, free phone. tyji. East Morrison. Phone East 1433. $2 WEEK Clean, furnished housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath, pone. gas, heat. yard, clean linen. 406 Vancouver ave. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms in new concrete bldg. phone Woodlawn 2997. $1.60 TO $2 Clean furnished housekeeping rooms. Desoto House, 2d and Columbia. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, fur, . niahttL. J,&t JAU, ptG, traiut auUiaUsd 1 i 1 I