13 THE MOItXIXCf OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1910. ROCK PREVENTS ROBBERY Engineer Fells Highwayman as lie Is About to Loot Express Car. coirado enuxos, cio.. se.pt. s. if th desperado who heM up the westbound Ot!ora.!oMIUand grain, war Divide. early this morning- had not taken hi eye off Jing-ineer Stewart while he tried to re cover the lattefa escaping fireman, the tioM-up might have been aucccaaful. A w was Stewart -!ed the opportunity to hurl a rock at the rnher. the mlealla klllins h!m Instantly. The mnn killed waa hrt In the . during the encounter. Sterling- and Char? Martin, two youne; men who were found near the sx-ne of the hold-up and are thought to have been memhrre of the band, are held for Investigation aa to their complicity in thla robbery. Martin waa eJiRhtly wounded In Ihe head by a bullet. BUNGALOW InYMorr,'- phone Main 117 and A 4231. (peci! price Tonight :Ii. Matinee Today. Tomorrow Night. ATIONAL TOIURD OPKB.4 CO. In tha Comic Opera Success "THE MIKAIHI." Evenings, tl SO to V'C. Matinee. 3 to ?Sr. . mix l. l iw. P BLArLVK. IVUT OAT. eeh. An. . Rameele: High life In Jan. the i'mir Rlan.-: Johnny Smr II a no f t Small S.ter; Covington and wnuur. Parnee and Barron; Mulllnl Trio. LYRIC roitTutND's FAMILY 1'LAIHOCSB Seventh aod Alder Street -a:1 week. F.dwar.1 ArnisiMnc Musical tom eJv Company. Presents "A SCOTCH MK.HUALL." A Riot of Merriment, v-io-e commence d.illv at 2:4 T:4?.?.Jir Frtnav xirnt choki . girls' rcvrfcsi. Neat Week Marjiirle Mabr la "The .lb-un lrl." GPAN PI Week Aug. 29. 1910 F.MMFT. TteVOY n Williams Weatoa ..-.i. " " i.ru t reiere la The Wnlnlly Mr. Hillings." aperlal Feature. Manuel Romaln at Co Bockmaa Oruee Zerell Brae. CRANDASCOrK Matinee Eviirjr liy. . . a I-. Fvenlng P.rtormnrtl at T:3 and B:' Baironv lSc; l,ow Floor 25e: Boa S.ate one. einfj- f AITC Portlands Perfect 1 rid UAIiJ pleasure Tark IZZl'S BAND AND OKCHESTRA. The Oaka nevar mora baautlful. Every aft ernoon and evening. Fraa attraction In tha new Auditorium. Hevoivlng Collin feature kattng act: Mlae Catherine Dlnamore. Miaa Fe:la Rasmu.sen. the "Cantor's" iuarette, oariata; Bulger Trained Ooata. FLfcA IRrt'. BASEBALL RXCB-EATION PARK Cot -r Vaughn and Tweaty-fottrth Street LOS ANGELES PORTLAND Ana-uaa SO. SI. dept. 1. . t. 4 and S. O antra Begin Weekday at :30 P. M. buxtday Si P. M. TWO GA.MXS LABOR DAT Admission Bleacher. 25c; Grandatend. c; Boxee 25c extra. Children. Bleacbara loc; orandstand IJU.lCSs' DAT rWDAI j,.,, ,.-- U Fee t- Pcne TVeeCaf 1)1 FO. NICKELSBN In th'.a city. Sept. . f. J-P-McLean, aged S.J yaara. n f Mary W T. ,( Or. hrvxhr rf t arl. Martin. Theofc.ra n.l J et.hln. Nl.-kala and I tmj ..f Anra Ham Skfcfian. The Dellee and Euna paptra plcaea cHi. Hti.l.KH In IM cur. Sent- William O. Hii'.'r a1 1 yare. r.emalna at the pn rata rptlcl roorra ot Ihe Caat Hide Funeral Director Kaet Alder and "at SImth tr-ta. Funeral notice later. AM'Htat In thle city. Sept. 5. Mraret Am.her. a4 ' H-malna at prl rrcer'w'n nma f the Fet Si.le urral P'ravtora. Faat M't and Eaet S:th aetreeta. Funeral notice later. JI'KIENZB In thla clly. Sept. i Jan Sir Klnl aa-l t yera Kmaln at prtvata r--.Dil-a rMna of ih Kaa Is' ! Funeral tlrci..r. Ft AMer and .-tlx:!! atreeta, Funaral njuce later. rvri.rv At St. Johna. apt. I. Jmi On-old. a ynr Hnialrui at Zetlar-BTne Co. PArlora Funeral nolt.a latar. t-l "MAN In thla cltr. September I. at tha family raaidrnc. SSI Norih :it a'raeu lira Loul Susman. aaed S4 years FVN'ERAi. NOTICES. Klf El.L la this cit. September 1. Fran; na Klaael. aed -' yaar. M mnnina. w lfv,. mothr of Mra. Tho,lora Mrolai. K.;xene. and John Klai'll. of Fortlaml. and M- A Hirrtll. of Jackwn. Mi' h nral from lllmin funeral pai lora and Salmon atreeta. at .:K A. M . H"r l'. Pt .1 tnenre to it Joepn a t hurcn. l.ltn and t'ourn atreeta. hervicea at . it Frlenila Invited. Interment M. Mary a Cemetery. Mti'KFTT-ln trie rlry. September t the re. -l.O. e of her en. " Hket. M Fat Eirhth at . Marv K. Ha. k-tt. aaed .! jeara TT funeral aerl.-e will oe b--ld at Flnler a rar!nr. at .1 V P l t-Uy ! ur.i.l. Frienle Invited. ConclU'lln arrvlcea at tna Crematorium. p.w In thla city. September 1. Otto ot-e-n. ated t ear The funeml aerrlrea air! ne held at Ftnier'a prlora ai n A. M, Sun day tecemhr 4 Frier. m tnrttrd. Inter ment ftleervlaw Cemetery, pendelvn papera plaea cpy. 1v-vFF In this city. . pt. I. John IrT Funeral will tak place Irom the parlora n' the Fa- SlJe Funeral Director. Eaat A -ler ii'l Eat S'x'h jrreetr. today (t urrtayl. ept. 3. lo A. M. p.1 SH The funeraJ rrw "f the lata Charlea J. Buh wl'.l be held at F1nley chapel, at 2 r M. Sunday. Septemher 4 Friend tn rT'M Interment l-ra Fir Cemetery. IONSETH FLORAt CO. UAUUl'AM HLUli. rLOKAL l)I-.Ij. ftioaea: Mala Mtrt; A 1101. Dnanlna- a McEatee, tuaaral Dlreeti a. h nl Tine. Pbuee Mala 41. Lady ate atataat. Qglca et taaaty tonjaer. tDW A KO H O It A X CO.. Funeral IHrrct era. t; d a. Lady Aaatataat. rbona M. 84)1. t. T. IIMEI BON. M and Madtaoaw Ladr attendant. Fbeoe Mala . A lAiea. EAAT BIDE Fnaeral lllrectora. atm eaaura t t. b. IfunnizLK. Lac 1. A3. B t&JA. UUtSUN COe tradertakeea: lady aaatrt aat. 4Q Aider. M. IIH, A Haa. ;ri.l I.B-BTRr CO.. Fnneral PI rectors. 54 mihama arc.; both phone: lady at U KCH. radertaker. cor. aat Alder and tin. Eul tU B Uaa. Ladr aaaiataaU Mt-ETTNO NOTICES. r I imporii - 1 i -1 ' - ' u.. k . ihm mil eoma. Tha new lv-alected officers will be Inatalled. KNIGHTS Or PTTIIIAS Tha funeral of Clara James, beloved wifa of Knlcht John N Jamea. wt'l take pla'-a from lvanh"e last. Hail. 11th and Alder a'a.. Sunday. iPfmbar 4. at 3 P. M. All Knights are cordially Invited to attend. E l LA.VCE. K. R. S. ORECOV LOPOE. NO. 101. A. F. AND A. M:. Stated communication thla l.aturdav evening at A o'clock. Masonic Temple. Work in F. C. de cree. Vtaitlna brethren cordially in vltfd. By order W. M, A. J. IIAXDIeAN. Secretary. tv ICHIXilTON CHArTF.rt. NO. 14, IROTA1. AP.iH M !ONti .-apecl.l con- .-atl-n this i.atumi evening, at T .TO mrn Work 'n Mark Master do- gee Vlailore cordlalle t-vlte- Rr or- TUB MOOHB MF.HTS. Ther, will be a rreatinc o lb Lryal order of Moose held thla eventnr at the W -"xl mmn Hall at Fast Dtti and tvaahtneton atrevta. Ail membera S-etuM be praaent thla eenlne. as business . . i I k lt.n.lKl All I ...-. sr E. H. f. CUTE -&'XXS, f tc SULETIXI NOTICES. rHE 40th anniversary of war and peaca ot the GERMAN VETERANS to be held at 2 o rlock Saturday aiter- noon. ?"ptemhcr b inn.. at ItOHSE-S rARK. PTLTOX. All orderly frlenda of the v.-terana Incited. I.ook for a aood prorramme n rlanca. Take cara at 2d and 1am: aia. Admission for lndlen free A. OPEHOFF. Chairman of Committee. GKO. H. HIEHKI.S. 4-aptaln CLASSIFIED ADV.TIS1NS EATB TVaallaP aaa aWll r.s4am ' rer Line, Oae time name ad two coeaeeatlve llmea I.MJ14 Bd turea euttascstlrs tluiea Bame ad ale or seven catasecuUse llmea. MX aotds counts as sss hue s eaaB. Tertiaementa aad Be ad counted lor .eOO ad lea IBSS INS luie. Ukfa aa advartlaameot la Bot run eoaaee- Btlve llmea tna ene-ume rate apptiev. US CDSrgV w vrvm -. - . . . i. I nn ike .etiiAl number Cairifl SIM " vmmi im ef liaea appealing; la ttas paper. reKisidieaa ef tiia Duuuier ui mine " m -la aw Today all adTeTUaeosaala charged by aueaaure oaiy. 14 Uues to 1 tie above ralee apply to advertlaemenu aader -New Today" and all etkar claaajlloa- laona nmptlna llie follow ins: Mtnutluaa Wanted. Male. Blluatloaa Wasted, a-eutale. tor Rent. Kuunia. l'rivale i'amillee. JKooms and isoard. Frivate fan-Ultra. Housekeeping; kwsffls, l'rivale k until las 1 he rate ea the above cleeaincatloae la rente a line eacn m.u. lO 4JIT-OF-TOWN I'A rRONS The Ore- in .ui-A Mne t.e mull nMvliIrd uHk-irnl remltiance fur a detinue number el laeece la aeat. Ackaowledgosnent ol sucn remittance will be forwarded promptly. IB Case BOX Hi- wtirve " ... . - resrular form siven. and connt thla aa port . . i m . t .it..tl..niemi will SI toe " - -- - - , be forwardetl :e patrona, provided self-ad- If voo baee either telcplioae hi yoor booa send yoa tbe bill tba next day. rbone Meat Ad. Dept.. Main 7010 or A 6090. btt oatiua Wanted aad Personal advertisements nut accepted over tbe phone. rrora are more ea-lly made In televlionlng advprtlsa nteota. therefore The Orrxunlun will no! U.ild Itaelf rrsponalble for aucb errora. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS a ANSWEfta ARE JIRI.D AT THIS OFFICE FUriM THE FOI.I.oWINCl AXSW hit CHECK AND MAY I;E HAD BY FllK-i-KSTI.NO YOI'R CHECKS AT THE Ollfc.- (iOMAX OFFICE A 1 2J0. 23 "32. 133. 2t"l, 216. 247, S.'-O. B KiHl. i.Vi. -41. 242. 243. 245. S.-.l. 252. 253. 254. 2.V.. 2.17. 201. 2ii. 2im. 27.V C 2l. 21P0. 2:13. 240. 210. 24S. 251. 252. Is 2T. 213. 2I!. 232 2 lu. 212. 24. 251. 252 lUi. 233. 244. 243. 2414. 251, 20S. 22. 2R4. 21 273. 2U4 F 242. 218. 217. 24". 24!. 25X 251. 254. 2.i. 25. 2il. 2l. 2n 2l4. r,21. fi 220. 221. 224. 220. 234. 237. 254 H 134. 227. 241). 230. 2B2, 207. 2-10. 2.5. J 220." 23. 2S0. 25S. K 111. ITU. e2.l. eOO, .11, e l c, - - I "43 24.V 251. 2tl3. M 12. ltlU. 24tt. 241V 252. 2ft2 214. 205. o7 274 271. 2l 2srt. 4. -as. N 221. 2;i-4. 245. 256. 27. P 245.' 24:'. 250. "2".j.254. 7,T 22; ..-i'i,; 244. 240. v yr.i T 212. 21. 22. 232. 234. 235. 241, 240. V 332. 2rt. 2.4, -Jl1". -. - W 270 2-0. 2hl. 2e3. 2!. 202. X 5. 13 233. 241. 232 23 Y 223 22. 231. 240. 214. 248, 236. 22. A R- 122, 222. 247. 210. AC 235. 24w. 24.1. 24t. 254. A) 22". 222. 225. 233. 2:1... 239. 245, .-4t. 254 257. 258. 2..0. 2-411. - AF L'2'l. 231. 23s. 25-4. 2.14. 2J3. 20. 4J7. AF 242. 24U. -ja. AC. 22. 244. I4!. 2."2. 2.4. A4 237.24.. 241. '245. 24. K lR 218. 222. 224. 244. 24. 257. 25!. AI -IS 2'o 225. 22V 232, 234. 24j. 248. 232. 2'5S. 258 237. 2:. AN-W.' 2lH.22S, 227. 231. 232. 242. 243. 244. 241". -... .v.... m ... .inn fne with in aix daya same will be destroyed. OREGON HUMANE SGCJETY OFFICE. CITY HALL MA1X Off". A IA HTM AN E OFFICtK. EAST 4TTB. NEW TODAY. One-Acre Tracts WEST SIDE Fine soil, rinse to 5-oprit carfare, macadamized county- road, magnifi cent view. I'nrivalcd for suburban lome or investment. Cheapest close- in acreaee. Very easy terms. Take nited Railways car to Glen Harbor. Aeent on "-round. Or call 4:12 Mo- k biiiMino. Something Swell jifru-tlv rnoaern, nearly iib". i-hj...... I-story noiine luinn.. - . . sleeplnsT - porch, panel - rllnlni? - room, beam rellint. laundry tray. 4 bed room: lot '.uxino. aouth front: atreeta Improved and aldewalk In and pnlrt; on K. Mndlaon .near 17th. walking dis tance. Price $7lf.. onlv H6ml cash. You should e this If you want a nice home In a ilcslrable location. Grussi 3 Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bids 4th and Oak. IKK OITKB 1I1S Clinton, 7-room house. JgO iSIS! .:?!h .? $5ooo 872 Cavltnl ave 6-room IAEI(( house. 61x100 JtJUU 1091 Klly t., 4 - room COnfin house. 40x100 OOUUU 50x100 lot 'n Overlook SIOOO IF.RCH A.T 1VIC. t TR1ST COM PAX , w. For. 61k and Waehlnerton firms. Beautiful Tract of Five Acres adjoining. Urroll HclBTht and near Woodstock. Platted. -'00 to :I00 per acre lean than H'l.lolnlnn lund. Must have cash this week. ran k .-"oo CAM!. rkaar 2rt.Vt Today or naday. MILLION'S OF DOLLARS IX COLD. Values lying dormant In already devel oped mines, within twenty miles ot tbe bumpier Smelter In Eaatera Oregon, msere a ready reah market exists. Hundreda of thousands of tons of ore now blocked out yeady to break down and abip. Grand opporlunitlea for practical mlnera and live promoters. Now I tha time to ee cure eome of theae valuable properties, through purchase, lease or working option, tjulck action counts Addreas Secy, tturopter Development League. Sumpter. Oregon. Mortgage Loans Money to loan on well-improved .close in city properly. MERCHANT. AVIM;. A TKIST COMPAXV. View Site Two acre, maa-nlf Irent unobstructed Tlew. near car. street I belne paved to edf-e of rroperty. sewer and water. This 1 absolutely the cheepest good piece of property on the Heights. IV. J. RtKF.R, M Board of Trade Bldg. APPLE LAD ISO acres, all cleared, rlsht slope and elevation, red shot soil; good house, barn, fences and spring:. In old district, main county road. R. F. D. Phone, Only 140.00. Terms. CEO..G. MAlil, 2 Lumbermeaa Bldg. NEW TODAY. A SNAP S3 acre, a splendid subdivision tract, 11 mile from Courthouse: lies M mile alone; It. Tl.. with etutlon at each end of ti-not: one-hnlf next to R. It. timbered, red loam sollj other half In cultivation, black seml-bciverriam soil, pood onion lands. Will ubilivilo to (live each n,..ll e,. nrt of onr-h kitlil Of Soil and a frontas" to R. R. All rich !!. no prnvfl. Must have $200" cash. Will take house In city worth ISOiifl to $4000 as part fay. Timhcr on trm-t wortn tne price, ..i. !'",- Tonus 12000 cash, halnnco easy. Will ell part of tract for cash. Grussi & ZadovY 31? Board of Trade UIiIk-. 4tb and Oak. Holladafs Addition The one BEST place In Portland to buy. GKtXiKAI'HICAL. CENTEK -nd HOST VESlkULMJi residence property of tba city. SF.KlXti I?l RF.I.IEVnr. BUTTER go and see the many Ltiuii-ti rest tiencea under construction aod Lb lia provtuueuia going on. Tiie Creeon Feal Eslate Con CHAND AVE. A.n MI l.TXOMAU TT. TV- wa-rru ft fsili aan awBarr KMlItT AaT sa. for tlmbr. cr-toif. buinaj-3, rMldnTM v-a4 pArtiTant pi-oprtii. -r aoihiim-s. KEAL INSTATE IEAIEKH. i4A, L vv'iiiim ;.. AVI l-'iilllnr bid. Birrr'tl, A. li. fc Co., uO-l-J McKay DlrtS- Real eitate. inauriince. mnriKuh''. njiinn. v.. BrubRker 6c lieneaict. 50 McKay bldg. M. (Nmpln St Hcrlnw, 3-1 Chamber Commarce. V Oil K , a. O. X va vuiutii, -4Hn. Jnnlng & Co.. Main 1SS. 2015 Orcgonlan. PA.-MKR-JONES CO., H. P.. 213 Commer cial Club bldg. Schalk. Geo. D.. 225 Stark St. Main 303. 6HIXDLE.R L HALU 3 Abington bldg. Tht Or?irnn Rrnl Estate Co., Grand nve. and Multnomah U. i Holladay Addition.) M. K. Thompson ('o., cor. 4th and Oak 8t. HEAL ESTATE. pnOflPECTIVR TH'SIXESS. Two lota, ritch r.t'xtl2 f"t. on a 100-foot trt, in line with th wonderful devel opment that lit taking place '"-n he 1'en liLsula; t!i-se lots are nfur McKenna Junc tion; only f40 cash anil 15 monthly on each lot without Interest. 0e A. M- Kenna, 017 Commetjclal block. Main 4 A I' U.i. A PENIXHL'LA BARGAIN. Two lot In I nisorslty Park, each 30x 113 feet, graded treet, la-toot alley, water, elt'Ctrff lirTht. Ran. Price Jft!3u; caali etnd SlO monthly on racti lot. without in terest. Co A. M c Ken n a. rti7 commercial Mock. Main 4..J-?, A 2113. 4 LOTS, near Kendall Station. $710. 4 lots, Kjiacaiia carllne, with house, 5 lots, nice neighborhood, $1200. Look tills up; will make liberal terms; splendid home; places a few block from carllne. M'FARLAND INVESTMENT CO., lilo Cvett bKls.. Portland. COUNCIL CliEST PARK. They are now worKing on the streets in thip trflt't ; Impruvf-ineutit. Include wjtcr, sewer, sl.lewalks and bltulUhic etreets: 1 have some of the finest vb w sites in this tract at .irk- that are rinht. s.e V J. BAKEK, 4 511 n.-arA of Tia.ie iTldg. lv. HOYT N LA R K. .tSRD St. Mix I 0i-font lot. pood it-w. one- block from car line, rm trtc ted resklence dis dt strict, on paved street. Price 11,375, easy terms. H. P. PALMER JONES CO.. 212-21.1 Commercial Club UIdg. Phones Main KOifJ A 26.'.'. IKVI.VGTON PA UK HAKOALNS. IVxloo, ;ta,l and llnliusn; ?45. rtIii, 2tl;h and Alnawirth; 426. a"roxl(-. 2 1th nd AinHnorth; 2."xl"u, n 2dth; afl'.o. Tndr are twirti and must be old oon. HoW ARL) LaNT .. 4X twotlnnd Bldg. CHOrOH PAY OCKAX LOT. V'xltiv, exr-Il-;u I-'chuwii ; nil Improve ment IncludiiiK asp h ft It pavement, water and pewer. paid f.r; lot worth' $Ti; price t"dsy -i."U; owner K-.ivtr.g city. DavM Lr !., rM-iu 2 Lumberinens bidg., 6th and S:ark loxoi. cor. 3Jd and Kllsworth. $1700. lMioo. f.7th naar Samiy Koad. .6oo. Two jar(t- lots in Grevoway, view unsur passed, icU0 to $1uU. M KKi'H A.VTS SAVINGS A. 'LHL'ST CiM PA NY. P W. cor. 6th and Washington streets. FACTORY SITE. f :r,.ono buys block 11 lots, farina; on railroad and cat line, only 12 minutes' ride. West Side; terms. See JArf. c. LOGAN. t. TV:.shington M., Room 40 4. WESTMOKELAXD LOT. .Vice lot, .".iixHto. erHdfd street and ce ment sid:alk; price $.:iO, !'.':.' cash, bal ance 13 per month, t per cent. GKt'SSI V ZADOW. 317 Hoard of Trade BMy . 4th and Oak COitNKR. n Sik ft , cive to Cnion ave.; liSt'O, $' cash, balance 2'-. vcum. A. J. GANTNhsi:. nm Bonrd of Tr. hUlg.. 4;h and Osk su. A BARGAIN. Pmnll tract of ten lot. dx blocks iouth of w-K car. Inquire at i;;;o Rust :.;th St.; y.ViO per lot and up; 10 par cent down, ! per month. $....! House with JOoxliiO foet. on Mount a-coti carllne, near Grays Crossing; Diteiy situated and w ort h the money. PAlitiiSH. WATKINS A CO., 2."rt A Idcr WANT to pell my equity of In lot in 1.4 u re it. u rat for . "o. vnal or diamond ; p-jrchatM price ft luo or face value on tirst (meni on hou and lot, 6-roum hungai.ow. A K l'.r. OrcRonlan. O.NB lot. .""xioo, on East 4"th St., two blocks soul h Hawthorne uvp. : cas, s- er and water: price 72; $i."u diwn, balance 20 rr month. Address XC. Oregoniau. POKTLAN f. Heights barKain ; eight lois. ocbutiiui view, one uiork car: excellent neighborhood; $Voo. terms. Main Sool, a a :!. $lu CA.-H. pr month, buy a beetutifui k.t iia DiocKs ir. ocm oo cur; citv water; onlv a f;w hoice lots on thee teim. MfGf.KY A- HISllop VA2 THIRD 6T. Cl'T PKP'KS. Wenrel Frit?cho. architect, Pel mnn t. corner 39th at. Tabor biii. Work first class TOU can buy a lot sirar Rose City Park for I&00. -B down and iio montftiy; graded streets, eement sidewalks. Hull Run water. 624-A26 Poard of Trade Bldg. IRV1NGTON PA RK. You cai hftve It at a very low price; sj.mi; dio-js.s ot car; don't this slip your mind. I' -tune A -Si. 4o3 Couch Iddjr TTTcTLANO II KU;HTS Three lots. am. fin residences; g-.i vlr-w; car or bltck; .' w terms. At 2.".ti. Oregon Ian. 25 CASH Ktn-sj fln Row iity Park lot near car. Ad n ivs A N 2.H. Ort. go n Ian. FORT LAND HEIGHTS Choice property. all kinds, all views, an prices; some great b.irgatns now. Mum :t:.'l. A ZSA'X 1ihx10. MARKET nnd Chapman streets; best buv in mat sect inn or the city. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. 2 NirK tots r.oxl.". on rt."ith St.. near East Gllsan: svi.-.t. te-rms. t-ren w. ;erman. :-'. liumiiiio. Phone Main or A 2770. FINE apartment-alte: 10 minutes' walk; bij v alue at s..oo. .m. r. xee, 4 1 1 t oroett Mdg. ; m " I. AC R KIiHI'RST LOT. $j;.C cash will buy equity; thla Is a snap Y 2M. rconu.n. IRV1NGTON bargain It cn 21.nt and Stan ton ira. 1'7 Boanl of Trad e. Phone M. 7213. 4 CORNER lots In IrvlnfUon Park; .VixiO ea h ; eajv trmi: by owner. Tabor 221-t. OWNER will soil Alameda Park lot below market value. V Oregonlan. PORTLAND Heights choice quarter block; grand view; ..ooo Main fi.y.1, A 3 :. for Sale Hf HALF ACRE. 7-room moflern house, full basement and small building. SK.OO. GS East .V'th it. S ErW P. MALI, t'O. has removed from 309 and gio Abington bldg. to p4 2d St. $20 "CASH. I2o pr month, for gxxl &-room cottage, li ukeu today. A X-li- REAL ESTATE. For bale -Houses. . IRVINOTON. HOME. I10O0.00 cash and 130 per month will purchase a most attractive new 8-room nn itrMt 1 hlock from car. Hardwood floora and stairs, ruby tile fire-place, large porchea on front, aide, and off dinln room: 4 bedrooms. one with nre-piace. niiiu-in uu".....'-. desk and buffet, handsome fixtures and shades. ' H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. THAT IT WILL PAT YOU TO COMB TO l.s If JUU fcAl'teLl 1 KJ ntiLiu; i7 wu OWN LOT. VB WILL FINANCE THE ...... ...... . . ..ni'vT YOU eit tl.Li.l Mill 1 KtVJ I DJ1AI.I, .. . .... r-r. ..IT D UPPI" XT TA- TIOX FOR FAIR DEALING AND 9A NQ NO COST FOR i I,A.S IF WB BUILD. KS4TI . . . . n . ......... ,.nn.tTfl-POTrDV ( . X." I A 1 rl 'ill r. . . ' ' J 1 i 1 1- J-' I i.i.-- - -' - ' SVItUCTlOX CO.. 901-91 LEWIS BLDG. $ 3 :t 0 1 NEW home. .". rooms, full basement, i-ement floor. S block to Roae Clly car, attic room. Iar;e livlnr-room, buffet pan eltnp enmnlete i inth kitchen, larse bath room, etc.. furnace and fireplace, nicely tinted: it's a beauty, in high-class re stricted district of nice homes: cement walks In and paid; 1500 oe.ni. bau montn 1 ; can be seen today. Jas. C. Loan, Washington St.. r OOtnju t. ne a r qui SI NNYSinK CtlTTAIIF,. t.'.OO CASH. Good o-room cottage, cement basement. Fns and nice bath, on a tot a- nn.v, frnni nn V Salmon, rear :44th; j.rlre only i'.'SjU. f.'Olt cash and $1 Pr month; this is a snap and beats palug rent. ORl'SSI A ZADOW. 317 Ttoard of Trade Bids:.. 4th and Q unn.iinv HOUR 7-room. modern house, fireplace, larere verandas, sleeping: porch, all street im provements in and paid, completely and handsomely furnished. frlce li.uw terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main Stfl'H A '6r.3 W'tST SIDE: new 0-roorn bungalow foi aale cheap on very easy terms: large lo ideally situated: the best scenic view li ... ... -i... n .arllrtA- no O TO W 1 IT 1(1 t'fl this is a bargain and won't last; you will have to nurrj. inquire unwi, t o it a w k ruug -. . . . . . . ... 11-i.-l't c rriL- ii OIJ RIJW o-.w.ii U .... j first-class order, only a few minutes ...-l,. . tnn-n e.n iPthltr Street. near 'water; price only lUi 00, 500 cash ana 4.11 per nioniii. GRCSSl & ZADOVT. .117 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak IRVIXQTON. Xew modern 7-room homes complete and up-to-date in every detail, hard surface Improvements all in and paid for. Uth and Knott, between Union ave. and lrvingtnn carllnes. Price Jiooo; terms If desired. Owner, R. B. Beat. Woo.ilawn 1J9'. RKtKTlFn. CORNER. H-Bini m.trirn houne: den. lartre reception hall, full cement basement, furnace, fine lawn, with plenty flowers: Central Alblna A. Id., cloea to car; 4)1500 cash, balance 3-4 years. A. J. GAXTNBR. CIS Board of Trade blilg., 4th and Oak sti. Fivra-Roo.vr bungalow. $.V oseti and 15 a mrnith will huy a cozy, little home near carllne: full base ment, Dutch kitchen, bath: price sitfuu. H. P. PALilF,R-JONE9 CO.. 212-21S commercial Club Bldg. Fhonea Main MtM. A ztwJ. IRVINOTOX HOME. $7350.00. New 2 4 -story frame house. 8 large rooms and enclosed Bleeping porch, 4 bedrooms, large celled attic, ahadea and fixtures Included: feces east. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-2i:i Commercial Club Bldg. . 1 . 1 - T71 V 1" . 1 ' ) UIT VT We will sell you a home and you can pay u In monthly payments, or we will DUIia I)r you 111 .' i"". 1 KU VI DENT INVESTMENT Bl TRUSTEE uujir.ifl t . B24 -MB Board ot Trade bldg S-ROOM cottage: aewer and etreet Improved; lot ouxlOO facing east, on r.ast j.iin si. North, oniy l.V feet aouth from Preiooti $12u0, $ou0 cash, balance to suit. A. J. GANTNBR, CIS Board of Trade hldg.. 4th and Oak ate-. Conn HAKHA1NH ON 15 PAYMENTS. 21.0 Five-room new bungalow, J.'iOO. o;oo Five-room new Dunaa low, Few. ji:i;no Five-room house. $1000. SUTOU Klve-room new bungalow. J200, l;:i Worcester block. 68 Third st Fine home on Portland Heights: grand view; very select neighborhood; 15 minutes' walk from Postoftlco; big value at J5000; it will pay you to aee tr.la place oecore ouying; payments can be arranged. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbeti niog. MOPF.UX 8-rP.m houfe, near 32d and Haw thorne: this is the best buy we have had in our ofTice for months. Come in and see the picture; fine home and a great bargain for s;:.um. hair casn. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. PIEDMONT. Three attractive modern homes. 131T. 1321 1325 Rodney avenue, of 5. a and 7 rooms each. 'Complete in every detail. Terma If desired. F. G. Warner, owner. Phone, Wootilawn 1.130. 1275 Williams ave. ONH acre, new 7-room modern house, on E. :::ith st. s-uth 2a blocks car; fine neigh borhood: full basement: owner mum sell; only F-iOi o. half cash: nest buy in Portland. If von pee this you will buy. lilt! LEY it BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. BARlIAIN Fine modern 8-room residence In the best section of Portland Heights, on the first bench: grand view: big value at I50IWI. We will loan you the largest part of the purchase price. See this place M. E. Lee. 411 Corbet t hldg. Foil t4ALE cheap. 2 new 7-room houses, all modern Improvements, etreet, sewer, cement tia'.ka, and basement, on E. 13th at., close in; $72t; sell separate; ejsy payments. See 6-RnOM bunsalow. Walnut Park. llnl Cleveland Ave., by owner; elegant nxtures, fireplace, furnace: lot feces east. half block from C carllne: 4500. 10u0 cash, halance terms to suit. 1 AM leaving the city, will sell on very easy terms my nouse. o. luui K. 17th St., North. 1 rooms, modern; go see it. make me an offer. Will take aome vacant lota. Hot 235 St. Johns. Or. EAST BCRXSIDB DISTRICT. For sale, my home, new and modem, in every respect: 6 roome and bath, full ce ment basement and furnace; at home even- Ir..;. 721 E. Davis St. A GENUINE snap, must be sold at once, 4-room nungaiow wun cioseta, rooma large, full basement, corner lot; a pretty home, !2.50; one block from Mt. Scott car. Phone Tabor 25U1K LOOKING for a house? We are offering two bargains in t-ne oei eeciui or Portland Heights. It will pay you to see them. M. K. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. ON ,'.th St.. close In. on West Side, modern 7-rs.m home on easy terms at 4ft00: don't rules this If you want a oloee-in cottage. See owner. 411 SpaHIng bldg. 0"E of the most nicely situated 7-room homes in lrvington; owner must sell ac count of sickneHs; very easy terma. Call 217 Abington bldg. FOR SALE Full lot with 4-room house. near riecunonl carbarns; rent income .10 a month: cheap if taken at once. AJ 250, Oreg.inlan fTKrj.vtnxT. Strictly modern, brand new. Mtrtciiy moaern. pnna new, 8-room house, tile batn; romana niva. and Mar nTV et - nrlcA S4200. AE 94.1 rirn.nnl.. ARE you looking for a home in the high . claaa aectlon of the city? If so. call and I., .linw vim a srtnii nine, fne v..oi M. E. Lee. 411 t ornoti ning. a-RuOM modern house, full lot, fruit trees. rrii-e jiilki, very easy terms, mi. .4oott ear to Powell Valley Road. Apply to W. B. Allen. 1RVINGTON home, six rooms and Bleeping porch, tnorougniy monern. oeauitrul loca. tion. near 20th and Thompson. Price $7350, trms. T 2.M. Oregonlan. FtR SALE by owner, a bargain: 3 choice lots. I ouniry tiuo Aauuion; siooq casn will handle. Apply SlO Board of Trade. 1-lione Marshall SS. Gt'OD 6-r-iom house on Portland Heights; fine view, vten i-'i.iiiti ...iuu, r. r niu arrange terms to suit you. M. B. Lee, 411 Corbett hide BRICKLAYERS, non-union, good mechanic. want work, aay or contract, wagea $3 per day Y 255. Oregonlan. 6-KOOM house. lOOxliio lot, $2000. $300 cash. balance sis montn. tsmnn- agoner Co., 312 Lc w i s hl'ig. FR f-ALE New, modern, 7-room house, cor ner lot. iiixi'V. s?ee u.iior aaiuraiijr or bun da y21jOlngst. NEW modern l-room bungalow, full lot. cheap ana easy terms, r none wooaiawn 28.. 1. 15 PER month for fine new R-room bun galow. i"rii-e v. luao in, near car. fiV) Worcester Mock. BY OWNER A new, six-room house In lr vington. can at. sei lain. r-none East lST FOR SALE Five-room modern cottage In fcunnySIOR lor l-n'. I ni'w uu.u, dsi.iii;. easy terms. 112 E. 34th St. FOR California bungalowa on easy terma. Hvnaon. .uvb vtaauiugiua .i. aiaranaii 775. 7-ROOM house, corner Grand ave. and Broadway,, ir oin .11 1 oe next. n. aaj a. Price $5J.'.Q. good terms. Phone C 2420. $.M OR 10i0 takes $4Sjo house and 40xH0 It.: line ni.nuirr..i . rema ma. 10 !trf fwner. B 1441X FOR EAi.fi by owner, the nandsomeet a room nouse in irviagioo. aira a. , ii. CaU ana-Bee It- v. WV AT. ESTATK. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK HOME SMALL CASH ' PAYMENT. A very attractive bungalow with -8 large rooms and close to the car; living room has fireplace, and built-in seat, columns and bav window; dining-room has beamed ceiling, buffet and walla awe paneled. Front hall is large . with built-in seat and clothes clos et, with full length mirror. Dutch kitchen with ample cupboard room. Bedrooms are large and well ar ranged. Good sized batiiroom with best fixtures. Full basement with lamidry trays. Lawn Is graded and aeeded. It is a nice high lot. Thla can be made into a very nice home. See us for terms; they will surprise you and the price is oniy $350J. HAKTMAX & THOMPSON, . Chamber of Commerce. Business rroperty. WASHINGTON ST. We are offering a beautiful business cor ner on Upper Washington street for aale cheap; have aeveral tenants who will take a lease on the whole building If the pur chaser will build. The property contains 10.U33 square feet and is at a permanent streetcar. Intersection. KEASET. HUMASOX & JEFFERT. 232 Chamber of Commerce. Acreage. ACREAGE. $15 to $25 per acre; 10. 20. 30 and 40 acre tracta, unimproved, red shot land, no rock or gravel; woll watered, plenty or cedar and timber for all purposes; located on railroad. 25 miles northwest of Port land; 800 feet elevation above Columbia River, adjoining large commercial orchard tracta being rapidly cleared and set to fruit. Call and arrange to visit these tracts at once. The soil, elevation and lo cation will compare with the h'Shest priced land now on the market. 810 ,or- bett piqg 18 acres, three-fourths mile from Orenro. on Oregon City Electric line, one-third mile Irom Witchaiel. near Reedville. on S. P. R- R.. aix acrea In cultivation; some timber, balance easy to clear: nice level land, except creek along north line; two springs; price $3000. terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. " . - . . , . . . .-.-IT, TTEiTlUTS 10 acrea, MBwaukle Heights, high and sightly, good 9-room house, with brick basement, large barn, 5 acres bearing fruit, S acres strawberries, grapes, black berries, raspberries, etc.; abundant water supply, high state of cultivation: on Ore gon City electric: price 1 12.O00. terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., ithandJJak 30 ACRES IN THB TUALATIX VALLEY : . 29 CLEAR: 11 ACRES BEAVTRDAM: HOISB STARTED: 60 MORE ACRES CAN BB LEASED FOR 6 TEARS AT $5 PER ACRU INCLUDING OVER 20 ACRES OF FEA VERDAM: ONE HOUR FROM PORT LAND AND CLOSE TO TOWN AND 2 STATIONS. 405 t'(H:i HBUUU 5 ACRES AND LARGER TRACTS. NEAR HILLSBORO: 51 MINUTES FROM PORT LAND ON ELECTRIC LINE: SOME BEA VERDAM; PLENTY OF WATER: ALL CLEARED AND CULTIVATED; IF TOU WANT VALUE. THIS WILL PLEASE YOU. 4f5 COUCH ,l,l-ILi BEAVERDAM LAND IN THE TUALATIN VALLEY. CLOSE TO PORTLAND AND ELECTRIC LINE: TRACTS FROM 5H ACRES UPWARD; HAS TO BE SOLD QUICK; $200 PER ACRE; EAST PAY MENTS. 405 COUCH BLDG. COOS County land, 200 acres fine fruit and farm land, near railroad and good town; $25tO cash for Quick sale. AF 259. Ore gonian. FOR SALB by owner, ten acres, fine black soil, all cleared; plenty of water: close to carllne and Portland; will sell cheap for cash. A J 258. Oregonlan. SALE. 21-3 acres, close In, East Side, very cheap. Inquire Mrs. E. S. L'llrey, 3 blocks east of Clarke Station, Mount Scott cars. FOR SALE 5-acre tract, 2ti miles south of Montavllla, between Base and Section Line Roads. Phones Main 5212. A 5267. ONE 20-acre tract cleared, running water, close to both linea and near Portland; $100 an acre; terms. 411 Couch bldg. Homesteads. RELINQUISHMENT. 160 acres, all bottom land; almost ready to plough; 7 springs; 12 miles to seaside, 1 mile to achool and P. O.; $750 cash. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 32-page book explaining what each ot the 34 counties in best adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead In each county; map attached, 21x2s. showing new R. R. and towns, including Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn to March 1, 1DI0; latest map In V. S.; price 25c. Nimmo ai Runey. 313 Hamilton bldg . ONE relinquishment, 120 acres; 0 acrea in cultivation, aome email frulta and pie plant; on county road: fine creek rung through place; some bottom land, balance rolling, all til-able; 2.000.000 to 3.000.000 teat fine grenin timber, fir and cedar; close to county seat; school less than mile, postodlce one mile. J. A. Davis, 214 Swet land oldg. CAN LOCATE TWO PARTIES on homeeteade; will g-uarantee cruise of 8.000.0UO ft. each quarter section on unsur veved land; even section; location fee $5u0. Call or address 215 11th at.. Portland, Or. HOMESTEADS in Southern Oregon, guaran teed to cruise from three to six million; lo cation fee $:io0. 517 Board of Trade from A. M. to 12. OVER 60.000 acres forest reserve land open for homestead Oct. 22; map showing each va cant 40. Moln 5148. A 7:;t3. For salt Frui. Lands. HAVING lest his house by Are. the owner of a fine fruit farm of 69 acres will sell at a sacrinc for a few days; 3u acres choice bottom land, balance rolling; JjO bearing apple trees. 700 Italian prunes. 30 cherries; 1 acre walnuta and other fruita and berrlca; good barn, running water; on main road, only 4 ft mllea to Forest Grove; this Is a splendid opportun ity aa It" must be sold and there la a good Income from the atart; price $600t. or will divide the place. T. H. Llttlehalaa, Forest Grove. Or. EAST HOOD RIVER. 20 ACRES $3500 CASH. 12 acres young Newtowns and Spitz, more partially cleared; excellent apple land; stump puller, small tools, cultivator and team; price, $5000 cash, $3500. bal ance, 1. Z and 3 years; owned by Eastern parties who have decided not to come out; adjoining wild lands held at $20O per acre; very cheap. See E. T. Johnson, room 10. ltiyj First st. Thone Main 1068. HAVE you a friend looking for fruit land? If BO you will no nim a lavor uv tenuis, him about Peach Cove. Peaches pay bet ter than any other fruit raised and bear younger. Over 2 miles of river frontage on Willamette River which makes it one of the most desirable as a home stand point of any fruit land in the Northweat. See this property any day at our ex pense. Terms to suit you. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. $350 10 acres, all tillable, unciearea; running water, nest son. on cuu.nj .. cuu.,, and railroad; ault-able for fruit, gardening or poultry: round trip in 8 hours; guaranteed as represented: best buy on the market: $150 down. bal. 2 years Palmer. 607 Couch bldg. For Sale Farms. A SNAP. 1148 acres, five miles from The Dalles, 100 in alfalfa, plenty ot water for Irri gation. 2-8 can be cultivated, throe acrea In different kinds of fruit, good house and barn: can be bought on easy terms. W. E. .Mills. 114 E. 2d at., Tha Dalles, Orel-on. 30 ACRES of land, all clear, within 8 miles Ot me cvnmi u. 1 ui nam. . ii.t.o the Oregon City carllne; springs; all level: price $330 per acre. C. F. Pfiuger 4 Co.. room 5. Mulkey hldg., 2d and Morrison sts. WE have best and cheapest fruit and farm land In wuian.eiie vaney; lei. us snow it to you. Call and get our booklet. HARBOR S0UXD INV. CO.. 28 X. 6th St. FOR-SALE OR traite 1280 acres fine wheat land in Esiem nwiimnwu. well improved; 640 acres plowed, ready to sow. Williams or Hungon. 606 Lumbermen's bldg.. city. a ACRES bottom land near Wilsonville: fronts on Willamette River. mile Ore- gon rJiectnc .union, ninmni lynn, wil sonville. Ot J. A. CUNXIXGHAM. For sale, farms; prlcea reasonable; no exchange. . p. O. Box 74. Carlton. Or. A FINE stock and dairy farm, which will sell at at bargain. Address A ioo, Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. GENUINE PICKUP. , 147tJ acres, all clear but S acres oak and fir; 90 aires fine grain land. 42 acres . bottom land pasture with wild grass now on It from 1 to 3 feet high, will pasture 6(1 head of stock: property is close to railroad 27 miles of Portland: fairly good ' buildings, fine granary. 800 bu. oats. l..i wheat, 25 tons hay. 2 acrea potatoes, lti cows. 1 calf, 3 high-priced horses. 1 pony. 2 hogs. Id doz. chickens, 1 binder, new mower, rake, roller, disc, plows, harrows, disc drill, hack, wagon, harnesses, cart, cultivator, separator, hay fork, all sma 1 tools. 2 acres fine orchard, place well watered, adjoining property $150 per acre up. This place $110: 15000 cash, balance time 6 per cent. This place Is a money-maker for a dairyman, not for a lazy farmer. 05 acres, all bottom land. 20 miles Portland, sandy loam, cut crops this year. 4-ton oat hay per acre, no swale or baked soil, but absolutelv sandy loam bottom land. 40 acres cleared and like a garden. Good new cottage, large barn, spring be side house, can be Irrigated without any hard work, one that Is aub-Irrlgated from the river and grows a wonderful crop regardless of season. I will stake my reputation on thla soil. Place adjoining 100 acres. 60 cleared, sold for 1130 per acre laat week. Owner of thla place does not live here and Is not aware of the sur rounding prices. Price $4500; $3300 cash. Tou can't always make money on 40 acres of cleared land, but this 40 will show tor Itself. Few ranches in the United States are located like this one, and made of sediment. . 40 acrea. 2 acrea timber, balance cleared, nine miles Portland. 1 mile electric, fine buildings. 2 springs. 2 acres orchard, main county road, fenced and cross-fenced. -acres kale and roots, 0 acres potatoes. . bu. oats, straw In barn. 20 tons timothy. 10 tons clover. 5 beautiful horses, o cows and heifer. 50 chickens. 4 stands bees, good wagon, new fannlng-mill. new bind er, mower, rake, cultivator, disc, black smith outfit, cider mill, new buggy, new harnesses, all small tools. The personal property is worth over $2100. Now. my friend, you can buy this for $4000 cash, balance $0250 on time. You can't lose for ' you will make your first cash payment in a couple of years and then have your per sonal property left, with either the chance of selling out before your mortgage ex pires or paving it off when due. This is cheaper than land twice the distance from Portland. We will show you and prove it. H. E. CHAPMAN, 517 Chamber of Commerce. UK-it-. ivvtnsTIfiATR THEN YOU'LL BUY 40 'acres, ell good, rich, level land; 4 acres under cultivation, more easny ciieu, 200,000 feet of green saw limDer. now. ehean nnrh hulldinxS. Soring SBd Well water; 2 miles from eountry town. 4 miles from electric line and new townsite and 1- mi lea from Vancouver, on goon levet roan, price only $2500, $1500 cash, balance term of yeara. 20 ACRES. 20 acres best of soil; 15 acres under cul tivation. 2 acres aaaorted orchard, balance ,n naet.ii-e- ninm fenced and cross-fenced; barn 20x40, with aide sheds: good 5-room house and oil . outbuildings; good well and living stream; includes good team, new wnaon. hack 1 cow. dIow. harrow, pota toes, hay in barn, etc., etc.; thla little home place is situated mnes irum . nni.u. si mile from, school. 1 mile from church and sawmill, store, etc.. and Is $3200 for short time, $1800 cash handles it. too ACRES. 160 acres, all rich, tillable land: 85 under thorough cultivation, balance easily ciearea: young, full-bearing orchard of aaaorted frulLs, new 7-room house, 2 large barns, gran ary and outlruildinga; place fenced and cross-fenced, spring, well and running water; 51 acres green saw timber; 1 mile from country town, graded school, telephone in house, etc., and lO miles from Vancou ver; price $15,000, $000 oash. bal. to suit at 8 per cent. THOMPSON 4: SWAN. 208 Rothehlld bldg.. Portland. Or. National Bank bldg.. Vancouver. Wash. ROGUE RIVER IRRIGATED LANDS. 634 acres $32 000 202 acres 15.00U 354 acres 17.00(1 210 acres 11.0(10 151 acres 8..V0 80 acres 7.0UO 8 acres O.noO Sub-irrigated lands for less money. Along line of newlv Incorporated Southern Pacific Railway; Grants Pass to the Coast. ARE YOU INTERESTED? A. X. PARSONS. Real Estate. Grants Pass, Or. FOR SALE Ideal 58-acre farm 15 miles from Portland. 25 acres under cultiva tion, 8 acrea partially cleared, balance good timber, excellent soil, fine bearms apple and prune orchard, fenced and cross fenced, modern 8-room house, barn 42x 42. granary, hog and chicken houses, 4 cows, hogs, chickens, ducks and turkeys: all farm Implements, top buggy, two wagons, 1910 crops; 154 miles to graded school, rural route and telephone; $6uo0 includes everything; terma to suit. G. F. PEEK. 606 Lumber Exchange. phone Marshall 073. t WILLAMETTE VALLEY RANCH. 865 acres foothill land for sale at $25 per acre. 5 miles from R. R. station; very beat ot fruit, grain and grass land; and ideal stock and dairy ranch; aome fine saw and piling timber; good house, barn, orchard, well watered and all under fence; must be seen to be appreciated; liberal terms. Ad dress owner. Geo. W. Wright. Albany. Or. FOR Linn County farms of all descriptions at nrlcea very reasonable, write for Infor mation to J. V. Pipe, Albany. Or. Miscellaneous. PRINCB RUPERT city lots. $140 to $5000; also coal lands, mining claims, terming and fruit lands, tributary to this coming great city, at about 1 per cent of their ultimate values. See Chas. M. Wilson, member of the Prince Rupert Real Estate Exchange, at the Portland Hotel, Saturday end Sunday. Office addresses box 2, 3d ave., 8th at., Prince Rupert. B. C. If TOU ARB LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well-lmprovedefarm. at low price and oa most liberal terms, see me. I handle a awa properties. 3. O. ELROD. 520 Corbett Bldg. PLATTING proposition. 50 acrea right on United Railwaya and 3 miles back of Bur lington: cheap for cash. C. A Pfiuger & Co., room 5, Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morri son sts. TVAXTF.lv RKAI. FMTATK. WE have calls for property in every part of the city. Business and Income property, factory and warehouse sites, houses and vacant lota. All transactiona confidential. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. 6. w. cor. Uth and Washington streets, WANT 8 4 or 5-room houses, near Missis sippi. Williams ave.. Alberta or Killings worth cars; must be cheap and on easy terms. Fred W. German. 820 Burnslde. Phones Main or A 2776. WANTED 2 houses of 6 or 7 rooms, on West Side the best $5000 and $7000 cash, respect lvely, will buy; give full particulars or no attention given. F. FLTH5, 221 H Morrison St. I HAVE client for bungalow, about $3000; must be bargain, on East or West Side. West Side preferred. W. J. Baker. 51D Board of Trade bldg. 6-ROOM modern house, full lot. not too far out, fronting east on graded street; must be on easy terms and a bargain. S 255. Oregonlan. WE HAVE two buyers for vacant lots in lrvington. What have you? F. E. Taylor & Co. 402-3 Lewij; bldg., 4th and Oak sts. WK have buyer for lot In Alberta district or peninsula also want house on easy terms. Howard Lanay Co.. 420 Swetland bldg. WANT to purchase cottage: taeke first pay ment with good 5-acre Hood Klcer fruit land. 232 Worcester bldg. A 1215. WANTED l-room house. $25 or $50 cash down. $15 i month, with interest; East side preferred. G 2.'i5. Oregonlan. WILL BUY lots in Rose City Park; must, be cheap; state lot and block number; no agents: owners only. AE 254, Oregonlan. WILL pay cash for lrvington or Holladay home if value Is fair; full description or no attention. AM 255. Oregonlan. GIVE me a description of the best bargain In a lot that $500 cash will handle. AL 256. Oregonlan. FOB BALK TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. $04 McKay Bldf. 10.000.000 FEET of timber In Jackson County. Oregon, cheap. For particulars, write J. W. Anderson. Jr., Pullma n. Wash. 70.000.000 FEET of first-class timber, by owner; easy to lumber. Write for par ticulars. A 292. Oregonlan. FOR SALB or trade 320 acrea good timber land in Linn County, Oregon. Wllliama or Hanson. 600 Lumbermen bldg. city. TIMBER claims, homesteads, relinquish ments. 219 Worcester bldg. WANTED TLMBEB LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. $04 McKay bldg. C J, aioCraoAea. TO EXCHASGE. SALE OR EXCHANGE. 5 35-100 acres, all rich, level, cultivated land. 2' in bearing fruit trees, balance la garden truck, potatoes, etc.. etc.; tine S room 2-Blory housv. with cellar, hot and cold water bath, closets, pantry, etc.; good lit tle horse barn and large barn for hay, grain, etc: 31H1 yardw from electric station, on main county road, mile from school, tele phone, R. F. D. . mail route, cream route, groceries and meats delivered at .lie door; this place is watered by spring water piped to all buildings and around yards, etc.. and is a flrt-elasjj home place; 2 miles from the heart of Vancouver and dirt cheap at $3300. u cash, balance to suit, or would take good, home pltce as part payment. Will sell all personal ppipertv at nomin.1 sum. THOMPSON & SWAN. 206 Rottichlld hldg., Portland, Or. National Hank bldg.. Vancouver. Wash. 74 ACHES near beach reevirl; 13 acrt-s cul tivated, 2' acres cranberry land. 3 acres bearing: new house, family orchard, bain, packing-house, chicken, farm iniplemenis; ideal place to live; a fortune in it. Take Portland properly to $4. on. some cash, bal anou long time. Phone Mrs. Bancroft, A .Mi lit. ' GROCERY MAN. INVESTIGATE. lO-acre farm, in Clark Co.. 3 miles from Vancouver Ferry, new buildings, cow. 500 chickens. acre berries, very cheap at $4000; will take grocery on West Side; valued at $2500. halance cash. J. D. Mansfield, owner. No. ti R. F. D., Vancouver. Wash. 400 ACRES, In grapes, alfalfa and aspara gus: 50 acres lnterset with cotton; full water rights, fully equipped with teams. Implements and buildings, a miles from H. It. In Cel.; will trade for city piopjr.v up to $2uo.0O0; price $120.0130; no aiig. on, the property. L. K. Moore, 517 Board of Trade. Portland. DO YOU WANT A GOOD FARM ? Have a few splendid farms where we can take your Portland property as part pay ment; no inflated values considered; we g.v low value and expect the same. F. FUCHS. 22i'j Morrison St. 100 ACRES in Tillamook County located near electric line being built to Tilla mook; t0 to Ik) acres practically clear, only a few stumps left; black loam soil, running water; ideal for dairy. F. E, Denison. 2n2 Gorliuger bldg. FINE 7-room modern house No. 1001 E. lTlit st. North, will lake some vacant lots, small ranch as part pay; aee it; make niu proposition. 1 am going East soon; will give you bargain. Box :i5 St. Johns. NICE lot. 50xlO0. in East Portland Height; price $100ii. Will exchange for 5 or -room cottage or bungalow or house, and iay some difference in cash. Call 317 loard of Trado hldg.. 4th anil Oak. LARGE house and three lots in Newberg. close in: value S5000. for fruit land or Portland property; owner only. AJ 240, Oregonlan. m EXCHANGE cnolce fruit acreage for Hup moblle; must be in tlrst-claes condition. 3 2.'.7. Oregonlan. ; . LAURELHL'HST lot; original price $125(1; have $405 equity. What do you offer, trade or cash? C 2 til, Orego nian. WE exchange your property, regardless of location, for that which suits you better. Northwest Exchange. 22S-9 Henry bldg. WILL trade equity in 6-room modern bun galow, close in, for a lot. Address K 255. Oregunian. $"l000 EQUITY 9 One building lots. Penln sula. for equity in cottage, or runabout. 232 Worcester bldg. A 1215. WHAT have you to traTe for a 32i0 good second mortgage? See owner, 2sil Moi -rlson. room 7. ; CITY property and a 3-year-old orchard for exchange for Los Angeles property. Phone B 21 Si. . 5 ACRES for house and lot. rooming-house. automobile. 321) .Mohawk hklg. FIVE-ROOM house In Kansas City, Mo.. M Portland property. Phone C 1C30, FOR RENT FARMS. 60 ACRES clear farm: 10 acres in orchard; buildings, outbuildings, barns, fence, in first-class condition; running water through the land: one mile from Metzger's tracts-. Inquire of J. Lesser, room 312 Hamilton hklg. WANTF.O TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent close to Portland, 5 or lo acres, with small house and tarn, from owner. E 209 oregonlan. FOR SALE. lluraes. Vehicles and liarnesa, WHY buy second-hand vehicles wnen you can get a new one from an old-established wholesale house, 44 years in Oregon, at almost tha same cost? We are located outside the high rent dlnlrlcl, own our building, and can make the price. Ex clusive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, delivery wagons, top buggies, runabouta and farm wagona. Be sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. R. M. WADE & CO.. $12 Hawthorne ave.. bet- East 1st ana 2cU HoRSES FOR SALE. Two cars of horses have Just arrived and will be sold under our gaurantee. They range In weight from 1000 to 1400 lbs.; age from $ to 11 years; all good workers and prlcea reaaonabla. We also have three span of amall mulea, weight too to 1000 lbs., for sale. Call and Inspect these, if wanting horses. Hawthorne Btablea, 20 Hawthorne ave. MISSOURI MULES for sale Another new shipment Just received; 1200 to 1500 lbs. ages good, auitagle tor railroad, logging and farm work; inules at Freeman Bros.' barn. 13lh and Overton sts. Address Sparks & Wigginton. Imperial Hotel. MUST be sold. 2500-lb. team of horses: been used on a hotel 'bus and have been re placed by automobile; no reasonable off-'t refused. Call at O. R. C. Stable, corner 14tll and Yamhill. $'"'5 BUY'S 2(in0-lb. team and harness, true to work single or double; been used the past year hauling gravel; sold on accouiit. of owner being 111; can be seen at O. it C. Stable, corner 14th and Yamhill. FOR SALE cheap, good family or delivery horse rubber-tire runabout and harness; leaving city. 534 511th St., end of Ha-w-thorne-ave. carline. FOR SALE Good driving and riding mare: with line colt 6 months old; mare weighs 110U and easy kept; will sell cheap if sold at once. F 25B. Oregonlan 25UO-LB work team and heavy harness all for $225. Xo more use for tbem. 850 Eaat 2ith st. Woodstock car to Powell St., then south 2 blocks, 20 HEAD of horses for sale, broke and un broke. 13th and Flanders sts. Also bug gies and wagons and one hue. Phona Slain 047 and A 52mi. 11. M. Billings. FOR HIRE, PORTLAND STABLES. 29 X. 15TH 9T MARSHALL 108(1. HORSES AND WAGONS BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH: REAL bargain New rubber-tired buggy, harness and good gentle horse, about i-'iM! lbs., all for $135. Phone Tabor 2b(J. SIN- young horses weighing OOO to ltuu. Call 1004 Mllwaukle St. afternoons between 4 a n d 7. , FULL LOT with 4-room house, near Piedmont carbarns; rent Income $10 a month; cheap i taken at once. A J 250. Oregonlan. ALLOWAY STABLES. 183 E. S4th sj livery, OUSiiiraa . . 1130. Tabor 1111'. ONE carload, weighing 1200 to 1700, from 4 to 7 years old. Hack, hearse and draft. E 24th st. N. and Oregon. BE3T 1100-lb. horse in the city, bargain: price $40; ttrst-claas la every respect. Call Elston. Main 4.YS". PASTURE for rent near Portland. 339 Sher- lock bldg. Phone Main 1410. GOOD saddle ar.d bridle for sale, $12. In- tii re 333 Broadway St. HUBERT & HALL'S STABLES. 880 Front at., livery business, rigs, horses, harness. wagons, for aale orrent.Mala220$. MULE, weight 1050 lbs., sounrl; price $75. Stables. 5th and Montgomery, corner. f i.dii.. jrpan. nnO Mneleal murnmeata. I WILL sacrifice my high-grade player pi alio, original cost $750; If taken this week will sell for $375; must have cash. AC 262. Oregonlan. UPRIGHT piano. 1 year old: breaking up house; $125 cash. Call 22.'. 5th st. Itlrd.. I log., and Pet StocB. FOR SLE St. Bernard pups, west Eighth cottage. Mrs. S. G. Thompson, Aioanj Oregon. FOR SALE English bull terrier, female, ii if taken at once; 3 months old. Stepnnson, 2S8 Washington St. M a I n 1996. Automobiles. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Anybody can own an automobile now. Second-hand cars at a bargain. 1 IlKin M-H seven-passenger Franklin. 1 l!f8 M-H seven-passenger Franklin. 1 1907 M-G five-passenger I-'rarklln. 1 19"7 M-G five-passenger Cadillac. 1 1009 Columbus electric AS WE HAVE TO MAKE ROOM FOB OCR 1911. FRANKLIN CARS Will sell any of the above machines at practically jour own figure. MEXZIES-DUBOIS AI'TO CO.. 7th and Davis Sts., Portland. Or. ONE 1H0S 4-cyllnder, 6-passenger. 40 H. P, Oldsmoblle fully equipped; has an extra casing; rare bargain for cash buy. Covey Molor Car Company. AUTOMOBILE cheap. White Steamer, need new' boiler; call Sunday or evenings, foot of Burrage at., near Slough road and aae machlne- WANTED Automobiles for dead storage at. . Union. Avee Autq Co., 64 fcDloa-av