8 THE MORXIXG OREGOJaAN", FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1910. ! u 1. : l: ' I: I J BBADYAND HAIVLEY TOHEAOTICKETS Late Returns From Idaho Pri maries Dont Change T . . Early Results. waa completed on this project in Jan ury. 190. This Tlcton unit when fully completed will serve S4.500 acres of choice fruit and farming; land and re suits of the work are apparent this season in the splendid yields. The North Yakima, A. Valley. Railroad. feeder of the Northern raclflc, ex tends from North Yakima to Naches, 14 miles, and serves this section. The Yakima Valley will thia season ship 5000 cars of fruit, and according to the estimate of Thomas Cooper, assistant to the president of the Northern Pa cific, next season's shipments will total 8000 cars, and that of the year follow- In lx.000 or more. "It Is impossible to say what the valley will do beyond this." said he. "as the acreage continually being- pnt under cultivation and the Increased FRENCH'S VICTORY GREAT Jn.oorfrrnt Candidal for Congress CarrleM Kvrrjr County .ttor net-General's Ofrk Alone J." J In DoubU BOISE. Idaho. Sept. 1. Special.) Governor James H. Brady Is the suo- Mafiii nnub1lcn Gubernatorial nom ine on first choice votes cast at th direct primary election held In thli jtate last Tuesday. All doubt that rlouded his nomination In the two dara following the election were swept aside tonla-ht with Incoming- returns. Increas ing his majority In northern and south eastern counties. His opponent at the general election will be James H. Hawiey. the success- ful Democratic candidate for Governor. while Arthur M. Bowen. Democrat, will contest Burton I French for the Con grresslonel seat. With four small precincts still to hear from, which will undoubtedly In crease Brady's lead, the Governor has carried Ada County by a plurality of 71 over rrNell and has a clear major ity over all opponents of lOS. His plur ality will Increase to 800 by full re. turns and his majority to ZoO. Add County Plurality Bis;. French carried Ada County over Harrier by. 1T4J plurality In the same precincts. " This will be Increased to more than 1800 by full returns. French baa earled every county In the state tir majorities ranging; from S00 to 2000 plurality. Hamer carried Shoshone and Fremont rountles only and In those he had a comparatively close shave to jnull through. French victory has been the most overwhelming; ever Riven a candidate In the state. There la no reason to chance the forecast of results as Is sued yesterday, the ticket then named being- practically a certain victor. The only office still in doubt Is that for Attorney-Oeneral. Reports from the southeast are comirur In very slow lv. Unless MrDougall shows up much etronerer there than meager reports so far received indicate. Morrison will cer tainly be nominated. Plurality Kxrrrri 6000. Brady's plurality In the state will ex- reed (000 arordtna; to the best estimate now available, and according- to latest reports he will be fully as strong- and In many places stronger on combined first and second choice votes than he Is on first choice votes alone, the re sult In this respect in Ada County In- matins; how this works out. SCHOOLS WII.I. OPES 'WITH EW KIPKHITE.I)E.T AT WOODBl H.N. L' v . V V. .", I' ' , V - ' ; L A. H. Yedrr. WOODBURN. Or.. Scpt.-I. Special.) Preparations are be ing made for the opening of the loral schools September 19. The board has engaged A. H. Yoder an head of the schools, and al ready Mr. Yoder has made de rided Improvements In the High f chool curriculum. He has. worked out a course of study, recognised by the State Superin tendent, and comprising a four years' course in Iatln. science, Kngllsh and business Instruction. Lust year he was superintend ent of schools at Joseph. Or. Superintendent Yoder came to Oregon two years ago from Col orado and is now ensraged in h twentieth year as a teacher. production of the present growing or chards will run into figures almost be yond belief." BURKE CAUSE BOOSTED a SENATOR PILES SPEAKS TO VANCOCVEK PEOPLE.. r'ifrure Tell Tale. The following table ia an approxi mate estimate of how the counties voted on the Governorship, the figures denoting: a plurality vote: feurty Brsrljr. stone. CXelL 44 wm ... pannorg 7 no ... Birsriam . ............. 4.'l. ... H-ar Lake ............. loo ... Hlalne . ............... ... ... 7 Rn'l. . . ................ IOO ... Horror ................ 'jnn , , , I n . n- 1 iw-w ia ................. 4o ... ''" ... 300 rlmnr ................ 2tw fr.moBt ............... 4vl ... Mahm 4 "o ... K'toal .. litA ... latah , 100 l.emnl ................. loo ... l.tn'Hi'n int . .... Ns Perre ,no ... tinr!a ................ 7w ... 0Th ,-,0 snoahore ... lfloo Tin raiia 4' ... t'aMnztoa ............ 2h ... Totars 730O 100 11M l4jcllaiive Ticket Wet. hlle giving Brady a majorltv Ada County elected a "wet" legislative tiraet. MURDERERS SEEK DELAY liotx-Mir and llarrrll Who Are to Hang Try to Swur Intervention. Characterises Present InsurRcnoy in Kanks of Republicans as Mere Craic Which Will Pass. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Sept. 1- (Spe cial.) Senator 3. H. Pile, of SeatUe. de livered an add rcs In favor of Judge Thomas Burke's candidacy for the United States Senate tonight in the auditorium to a large crowd. , Judge A. U Miller was chairman of the meeting, and the vlce- nresldenta were: Dr. A. B. East ham. H. C. Phillips. A. J. Cook. M. S. Cohen A. J. norland. John Kedmona. A. -M. uiaaer. George A. Brown. E. S. Biesecker. K. M. Rands. H. G. Smith. W. W. Sparks and Fred Wilkinson. Clement Scott, manager of the Clark County. Harvest Festival, which is to be held in Vancouver September . 30 and October 1. made a short talk explaining what is to be done and asking the sup- nort of all intelligent voters.. Stria tor riles was warmly receivea ana his address was applauded vigorously, es pecially when he said that Insurgency was only a smalt row in tne itepuoucan party. Senator. Files made tne ineme or nil speech what he termed the right and the necessity of the west Side lor a unitea States Senator. Also he emphasized tne statement that of the West Side candi dates Judge Thomas Burke was. .In hla opinion, by far the strongest. Senator Flies also took occasion to compare the insurgent movement of the present with past revolts in the ranks of the Repub lican party, such as the greenoacg craze. and he said that. Inasmuch as the coun try is enjoying a great measure of pros perity by rvason of the sane adminlstra- Values to $1 Oval Frames in Black, Gold, Sepia Cabinet to 11x14 Including Panel, Glass and Back, Your Choice Tor Only 39c Other Sales Now Going On Whisk Bro6ms, Feather Dusters Handbags, Shaving Mirrors and Cut Glass Washington Street Corner of Fourth Friday and Saturday Sales At America's Largest Drug Department Store Pure Drugs At "Woodlark" Prices Bargains in the Sundry Section 10 VAR51SH BRUSH FREES KITH 25t CAN STOVEPIPE EN . AM EL. 354 PAJNT BRUSH FREE . WITH OXE QUART' OF FLOOR PAINT, 65 OR 0B 75( CA.N VARNISH. 15 CASTLE ORNAMENT FREE WITH TWO COLD FISH, 504. 65c Fhaving Glass. 5x7 mirror.. .484 Sfc Hand Mirrors. 5-ln. glass. ...S6er 36c Nickel Towel Bar. 16 in 28 5c Nickel Bath Tub Boap Holder 484 11.05 Kitchen Sink Soap Holder.. S8 26c Sink Scrub Brush IB 60c Floor Scrub Brush 37t 75c Bath Tub Scrub Brush 684 Savings in Our Stationery Dept. S5c Autocrat Linen Stationery, O ? special at aDC 25c Collapsible Aluminum ig Drinking; Cups -. IOC 35c pkg. ( dos.) Sanitary Paper Plates, with parchment lin- no lngs, special at ....atOC $1.25 Post Card Album, in Mue. red and green covers; holds 400 fin cards... OJC Sac Post Card Album In red, green, black and blue covers; holds it . 100 cards : . 11C l.50 Fancy Imitation Alligator Skin Post Card Album; holds 400 QC cards tOC 100 Calling Cards, printed, OC at t le SonJtary Paper Drinklna: t Cups, . each... XC 35c. Abeorbent Cotton, pound...... 29 50c Pnre Cream Tartar, pound.... 30 $1 Earthquake (carpet cleaner) pk 60 50c Wool Sponges (for auto 'biles) 33 50c Dandy Roach Powder, can 39 40c Witch Hazel (best), quart.... 33 3oc Carbolineum (German) at only 20 25c Spirits Camphor (8-oz.), at....20 25c Glycerine and Bay Rum, bottle 16fr 25c En-gin-ol (for lawn mowers )..20 25c Belmont Silver Polish, at only20J 25e Assorted Corks, box, at ordy20 15c Powdered Borax, pound, at... ..9J 15c Powdered Soapetone, pound . ...9 10c Paraffins, pound, at only 9J 10c Glycerine and Rose Water, bot. 6J 10c Sewing Machine Oil, bottle . ...6 15c Denatured Alcohol, bottle, at..ll 10c "Woodlark" pure spices, pepper 7i 10c "Woodlark" pure spices, ginger 7 10c "Woodlark" pure spices, alspice 7S 10c "Woodlark" pure spices, cloves 7J 10c "Woodlark" pure spices, sage 7J 25o Carbolic Acid, per bottle at. . . .19 15c Compound Licorice Powder ..9 15c Bird Seed (best for singers.... 11 With each 50c purchase of these sale goods, a 25c can of Radio will be given to oar customers. Toilet Articles At Cut Prices 50o Pompeian Cream, at only. .....32 25c Lusterite Kail Enamel, at only 16 50c La BJache Face Powder, at..29 2oc Satin Skin Powder, at only.... 164 25c Sozodont, at only ...16 25c Spiro Powder, at low price of 15J 25c Sanitol Paste, at low price of. . 16 25c Holmes' Froetilla, at onIy....l4J 50c Camel!ine, at the low price of 29 2ac Williams ' Talcum Powder, at . .15 $1.00 Scheffler's Colorine, at only 69 2oe Sanitol Powder, at low price of 16c $5.00 Handbags at $3.98 $1 to $2.50 Bags at Half New Handbag, all shades, fluffed alligator. Regular price $5.00 Special for this sale at ,...$3.98 Soft Leather Bags, all shades of brown, tan and black. from $1.00 to $2.50 ONE-HALF OFF Medicine Cases in Seal, Walrus and Alligator, in sets of 2, 3 and 6 bottles. Prices from 85c to $6.50 1-4 OFF Coin Purses, values to 50c at only 11 Switches and Puffs At "Woodlark" Prices Savings on Novelty Jewelry l-FOURTH OFF on Imported Jew elry, Novelties, Hat Pins. Brooches, Necklaces, Neck Chains. $12 Switc's S7.70 plO Switc's $6.50 F7.50 Switch es..$5 $10 Puffs $6.50 P7.50 Puffs S5.00 Bargains in Rubber $2.23 3-at. White Rubber Fountain Syringe, 4 hard rub ber tubes, rapid flow, for only $1.73 fl.25 White Rubber Water Bottle for only 73 S1.50 Ladies' Spray Syringe, for only 98c $1.50 Shower Spray, at the low price of $1.17 25c Rubber Animals, Rattles and Dolls 13C 10c Rubber Balls, colored, for the low price of 6 Patent Medicines At "Woodlark" Prices Foley Kidney Pills, at low price of 69 Bell Kidney Pills, at low price of 17 De Witt's Kidney Pills, at only 39 Dodd's Kidney Pills, at only... ..39 Doan's Kidney Pills, at only 35 Williams' Pink Pills, at only 33 Palmo Tablets, at the low price of 39J Burkhart's Compound, at only.... 692 Chamberlain Liver Tablets, at....l6 Athlo Tablets, at low price of . .. .-.16 Booth Pills, at the low price of ..16 Beecham's Pills, at low price of. . . -19d Brandeth's Pills, at low price of 17 Ayers' Pills, at the low price of 17 Foley's Liver Pills, for only 16 Cockles' Pills at the low price of 39 Tactina Pillets, at the low price of 33 Franck's Pills, at the low price of 39 VfnnA ' Pills, at the. low nrice of..l6 King's Pills, at the low price of..l5 Jaynes' -.rills, at tne low price oi..xot--Herrick's Pills, for the low price of 15i Kilmer Pills, for the low price of..l6 Pierce's Pills, for the low price of . .15 Wines and Liquors Today and Tomorrow J1.25 Clarke's Bourbon Whisky, bonded, for a short time only at ifC $1.50 Cloverdalc Rye, full qts., bonded, for a short time only, at 98 $1.50 Old Oscar Pepper, full qts., bonded, for a short time only, at $1.04 fl.2o House of Lords bcotch. . . .ftl.Uo fl.50 Fouchez XXX Imported Cognac for the small price or .5&X.1S S1.50 Real Geneva Hollaud Gin, large size, for a short time only, at. . . .$1.18 fl.00 Gordon Dry Gin, at only 89 7nc California Wine Association Hitrh Grade Port. Sherrv. Angelica. Tokay, Muscat, Madeira, Claret, Zinfandel, Hock S Riesling. Choice, 4906 for $Z.5U Exclusive Agents for Cross GlovesCanadian Money Taken at Full Face Value 3 GLASSES MADE Indians on Umatilla Reserva tion Examined. PROPERTY WILL BE LEASED SALKM. Or. Spt. 1. i Special.) Jnn 1). Rosrlalr. wife murdcrrr of Hi'lshoro. sentenced to hans; Thur lay. Se ptember . anrl Isaac N. Harrell. who murdered the Newell brothers In Jake County, and Is sentenced to hans; Krjday. September . are now maklna; an effort to save their necks by securing- the Intervention nf Actinic (lor. "ernnr Jay Bowerman. Tht Actlns; Oov ernor vkalted the two men at the death cells la the penitentiary today and listened to the statement of their ,AllKtM no-e.ir stick, to the story of ""- RAILWAY BOOSTS OREGON , "i wsr iiitrif m ITU VI Competent to Handle Own Affairs, but Irresponsible Must Act Through Agenla 400 Allottees Remain. PENDLETON. Or.. Sept. ! (SpeclaJ.) Of tho totsil tiumbar of allottee on tn I'matllla Indian ' Reservation. ITS hava been eaatnlned as to their competency tlon of President Tait. ne can see no res- i . .... .nnnintI for n for the present reolt axalnst the I ' "-'"' ---m ....i ...i nf the Renuhllcan I this purpose, by the Department m jnuuwi Anairs. i nis fir h.vmmv.... Dartv. Senator Piles took occasion to speak few words of commendation or ttepre sentatlve McCredle. The Senator said that the Representative had done all In hU Dover while In Congress to benefit his district and his state, and expressed the opinion that McCredle had merttea tne appreciation of the voters of his district. milk at him and he wounded her. later ktHinjr her to put her out of her misery. Harrell tells a rather discon nected story and denlres the Oovernor tn ito over the evidence In his case carefully, which he has agreed to do. The Acting: Governor has notified everyone interested la the rases of the two men that he will give them a bear Ins; nest Tuesday and listen to what ever they might have to say In the matter. He ststes that It must be un derstood that he Is not seriously con sidering a parole for either of the men. but will bear whatever contentions that are to be made In their behalf In order to assure them that he will make a complete Investigation Into the asser tions that they have made to him. Harrell Is stoical and carries a non chalant manner, while, on the other r and. Roaelalr spends much, of his time praylnc and some of It In sobbing. Harrell frequently upbraids him for the attitude he take, declaring- that a man who accomplished such an easy trick as 'killing a woman should not worry so much over his troubles. TIETON UNIT IS INSPECTED Army Board) and Reclamation Offi cial VMi North Yakima. ftORTH T A K IMA. Sept. 1. (Special. ) The board of army engineers and of ficials of the reclamation service vis ited the head of the Tleton unit of the Takima project yesterday, riding bv wagons from Naches up the Nsches and Cowlche Valleya and Tleton Canyon. The party walked through one of the Is-foot concrete tunnels which bring the watr from the canyon across to te valley through mountains of solid reck. Tea thousand feet ol tunneling Great Nortlern lltquesta Photos for Ijtntern Slides. The following letter Is being mailed by F. V. CJraham. Western Industrial and Immigration agent of the Great North ern, to all commercial ciuos in vrvgon. We would be glad If you could supply us with a lot of good photographs or uregon orchards, farm scenes, etc.. for use In our Omon car. and In our various Eastern em- hlbltlons. We will te objured, to get up quite a collection of lantern ahdee on Oregon, and tould like to have some photographs as soon a eosslble. If you will please send me some nice pno- tosraphs of your town, or some scenes In your locality, which you think would be of Interest. e will make good "e or tnem. i ...Mrs .-on a ml will much annreclate an V thing of that kind that you wiii kindly sena I competent to naaaie ineir properly ana In to me. We want to put a number of photographs of different kinds In all or our exhibits. well ss In the Oreson car. We would also like to use a number of them In the spe cial exhibits which we are going to make at the Illinois and Ohio state fairs, the Na tional 1'orn Show and the Western Penn sylvania Rxponltlon -at Pittsburg. If you will please mall me soma photos to 122 Third street. Portland. Or., as soon as con venient. I will much appreciate It. made last evenlnc by Major E. L Swarts- lander, eurent on the reservation and one of the members of the competency com mission. The other members are JJr. c E. McCnesney; special Indian agent, and E. j. Snmervllle. of this city, who repre- senta the slate on the board. But 400 allottees remain on the, reser vallon. per cent of them having died since the allotment were made tn 189L Am these allottees are the only one to be examined by tha commission, tha work will probably be completed within three months, though the hardest of It is yet to come. Dally Sessions Are Held. The commission holds sessions at the agency ench day of the week with the exception of Saturday and Sunday, but practically all those Indians who are now on the reservation and are able to coma to the agency have been examined. Vrom now on the commission will be compelled to spend considerable time In hunting up those Indians who are too old or too lck to rejpoa at uie agency or who are now living on some other reservation. The work of the commission consists In dividing the Indians Into three classes. The first class will be declared entirely New Church at Roy Completed. FORF.ST GROVE. Or.. Sept l.-(9pe-rlsl.) The recently completed Methodist Episcopal Church at Roy will be dedi cated September 11 and the dedicatory address will be given by Rev.- Mr. Row land, of Salem. The church was built through the efforts of Rev. W. C. Slew art, pastor of the Banks M. E. Church. It Is a small though handsome structure, the interior of which Is finished In native fir. During June M.ae.7 persons left ftreat Britain for places out of Europe. Of these 33 t5 were Frititn. will therefore be given patent to their lands and allowed to do with It as they see fit. The second class will consist of those who are considered capable of rent ing their land and will therefore be al lowed to lease It to whomsoever they please. The third claas will comprise the Incompetents and over these the Gov ernment will continue to exercise the same supervision as at present. That Is. the Government will supervise the leas ing of their lands, will receive the money for such leasing; and will pay It out to the Indian a needed. At present there are 1060 Indian on the reservation entitled to allotment. Of this number 400 are allottees, ano minors who are interested In heirship land. M0 mi nors not Interested In heirship land and about ITS Indians to whom final patents to their lands have been Issued. Rich Wheat Land Held. Most of those who have already been given patent to their allotments and who have sold them are mixed Walla Walla. Their allotment comprise 1S.000 acre of I valuable wheat land, which i already on the tax rolls of Umatilla County. Major Swartsjander refused to give the percentage of competent Indians being found, saying thi would not be an nounoed until after tha final report Is made to tha Department of Indian At- rairs. ROAD TO BE INSPECTED State Officiate Arrive at Vancouver Today for Two Davs Trip. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Sept. l.-(Spe- clal.) To inspect state road No. 8. be tween Vancouver and Stevenson, i party composed of state official and newspaper men from tha Sound cities, la expected to arrive here tomorrow. The party will be made up of Gover nor Hay, C W. Clausen. State Auditor H. L. Bowlby. of the State Hlsrhway commission: Samuel Kill. Senator Fish- back. A. J. Blethen. of the Seattle Times, and Sammy Perkins, of tha Ta coma Ledger and Evening News. The party la to leave Vancouver at 7 A. M In automobiles. Leaving their machines at Stevenson the party will go by the North Bank Koad to t,yle, where the convict are building state roads. Prom Lyle they win go by the Great Northern to Miry bill to examine the road being built there, spending the night In Goldendala ana returning to Vancouver the follow ing day by train and automobile. PRUNE-DRYING TO BEGIN Growers Say Quality of Fruit Is Su perior to Last Year. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Sept. 1 Soe- claL) The prune-drylng season w'H likely open next Monday on East Mill Plain and other places In that section. This will be an early year for prunes. fernaps xtitw is accounted for by the fact that the crop Is light and tha prunes left on the trees were some what forced. Many prunegrowers say that the quality of the prunes this year Is far superior to that of last season, and the ftlie will also be larger. The strong east wind last week blew - ofr several hundred tons of prunes In the county and these. In some cases, are ripening on the ground, as the weather has been most favorable for It. so there will be little loss. The price of prunes has risen to about cents a pound for 35 a, an exception ally high price. This Is more than 1 cent a pound higher than was received here last year. GRAIN IS NEARLY ALL IN Drop-in Price Causes Lighter Ship ments From Dayton, Wash. tATTON. Wash.. Sept. 1- (Special.) This week will see Columbia County's 1.500. 000-bushel grain crop under cover except the grain harvested along tha foothills, where the harvest Is just terminating. Rains are now welcome. It Is estimated that 500 men are now employed here In hauling and ware house work. Grain Is arriving in tha warehouses at the rate of 100,000 bush els a day. Although it was predicted earlier that warehouse room, would be short, the light crop 0 per cent of normal pre cludes any uneasiness, and buyers are of the opinion that there will be plenty of storage room, despite the fact that one-third of the old crop Is still held. A drop of several cents In the grain market this week has caused selling to lag temporarily and shipments to Port land will be light this week. Russia ranks third among European coun tries In the number of cotton spindles. More than K.OOO.0OO are now being operated. Long- Wheel Base. Ample Room Cushion Tims. Ito Fractures FRANK C. RIGGS FaekanI Service Building Cornell Road Twenty-third and Washington Sta. Mala 4542; A 1U7. IF 'YOU Want to Be Sure of Quality as Well as Quantity, Let Be the Candy You Buy Imperial Candy Co. Makers of Quality Candy It Is the Purchasing Power of Your Dollars That intereets you. If the standard makes (and they are standard makes) of the Shoes we sell are good values at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00, they should be a mighty sight better at $2.00 and $2.50 Should they not? "We sell the factory samples of the best American Shoes manufactured. NOTICE! Our upstairs rent is one-seventh of the rent paid by ground floor stores. No fancy fixtures, no heavy ex penses, but .just perfect - fitting, stylish $4 to $6 shoes for ladies at $2.00 NOTICE! Our upstairs rent is one-seventh of the rent paid by ground floor stores. No fancy fixtures, no heavy ex penses, but just perfect - fitting, stylish $4 to $6 shoes for men. Pair $2.50 Portland's BRANCH New Busiest ' 150 Third St., -J Bet. Morrison and Alder Shipments sw Upstairs. Weeklv oaop opposite skidmore-s. weehuy OPEN DAILY 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. ON SATURDAY 8 A. M. TO 10 P. M. Sixth Floor Oregonian Bldg. Rooms 600-601-602-603-603. :take elevator;