TITE MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31. 191Q. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OBICQ.1IA.M nutfao h. vamlnt RATI rAW alnc fhft first of the year, of which S5 were condemned, VX placed under suspicion and K found with ailments other than tuberculosla About half the number found with tuber culosis have been killed. Paelfts Statas. Him Cut rircuiailoa)..!!!....ia,ia V'l A " A "! A 5 A A J A 01 Varartcc Editor Main TO70 fimdif Editor Main TO.O 49mOt.tnK-room . . . WHB TO.tt JOHN A. NEWELL IS DEAD Venerable East Side Resident Had Proud War Record. Ladd & Tilton May Take En tire Bridge Issue. Foremost Clothier in Portland Since 1863 CUT Edttnr . Sapt. Bulldfoi "nam TO BANK WANTS BONDS CRPREUM THEATER JMnrrtaoB bt"rn 'T.th aad hiis vaud.nia. Tuva artarnooo at Ml and toolaht at :!. GRAND THEATER (Park and Waahlna-tonl Vudvli;. Thla aftanioB tonight at I 0 and X-TFIi? THEATER ;Santti and Aldar) Armatrona- Muslra! Corner Company In "A SVo'rh HlshbalL- Ttita altarnoon nt 1 io. tonlaht at 130 and BTAR THEATER (Park and Waahlnirtern) Motion plcluraa. CeaUauoua. from 1:30 W 10:10 P. M. OAKS PARK (O W. P. rar!ltia Rossi's Band and Orcbaatra. Thla afternoon and tontsbt. Teamster Dcun Traffic Charged with rrfin; to comply frith the order of tho traffic policeman, at Third and -."aatdnrton atresia yesterday afternoon, Eiliar H. Smith, a teamster driving for "W. P. Fuller aV Co.. mi arrested by -Patrolman H. C. Bale. Smith 1 alleged to have driven hla team tip to the busi ness aectton of Third and Aider ereet amd commenced to unload hla wason. thereby holding up several team", auto mobiles and streetcar.. When ordered to Itet out of the ay by Traff'c Officer Bales. Smith became abusive and as arrested. ie held under 10 ball for appear ance in Municipal Court thla mornlne. SCTIXTtlXTR-STRIIT EXTXS10 UFOBTD. It 1 hoped that under new proceedings the extension of East Seventeenth street from the south line of Alton Park to tna north line of fral Springs Addition arlll micceed. The extension passed through Midway and several lota and improvement of considerable value will be appropriated. By this extension a Ptreet parallel to Mllwaukle will be opened throuith to Sellwood. P. J. Kelly. J. S. Foa and W. W. Terrv are the vieweno to assess damages and benefits. Vhev nill meet September 7. at the City tall, at 10 A. M. The street at wanted t-r a second pipeline to Sellwood. Sea Oaitaijc Beatex. Captain Cassius ,-jV. Weir, a seafaring man. was mixed up In a flglit at the Gilman Cafe. Fire and Alder streets; early yesterday mom Ins;. In whl-h he came off second best. JPatr'olman Johnson was notified that a fight waa In prosrejw in tle place and jpon arrtvltiE. found the mariner Intoxi cated and with a bleeding head. He said that a man named Arthur Bennett had thrown him down, but he did not wish o prosecute hie assailant. Weir was ar rested and was fined tS yesterday morn ing Xor being drunk. Federation to Elect OmcxRs. S. "Walker, temporary secretary of the pre llminarr or-wnixatlon of the new push rlub federation, has sent out notices for the meeting which will be held tonight In tlie Commercial Club building. At this sneeting a constitution will be adopted and officers elected. All push cluba In the city are Invited to sen delegate to this meeting, and Secretary Walker said yesterday that club which had not re ceived notice of the meeting are asked to send delegates. Oambltno End n Fioht Mike Mm aulln. living at 33 North Ninth street, reported to Police Sergeant Wanless early yesterday morning that he had won tlOO from Taeailo Yerkovltch. a saloonkeeper of Second and Couch street, after which the loser had threatened bla Ufa. The game occurred In a coffee house at -47 tuct street. Wanless took the com plainant to the police station and thence to hi home. Mrs- Pella M. Kittkkma Boried. Sirs. Delia M. Kitterman, who died In the Seaside Sanitarium August 2S. from the lodgment of chewing gum in her lungs, was held yesterday afternoon from the chapel of the Kant side Funeral Direc tor. 414 East Alder street, and Interment waa made In Lone Fir Cemetery. She was the wife of Alexander Kitterman. well-known business man. Stoke Brbaes Window. Some unknown miscreant threw a stone through a window at the store of the Hose City Creamery. M4 Washington street, 'Mon day night, breaking a large plate glass. Patrolman Royle Investigated the matter but could not discover who had thrown the stone. The place 1 owned by Mr. T. W. Johnson. Fum. Deader Fixed. "Stealing cord wood" a the term applied by Judge Ben nett to the practice of selling short cord of fuel. H. P. Tost was accused y Inspector F. O. Buchtel of delivering a cord of wood which did not come up to the standard of measurement. The de fendant waa fined JUa. Speeders Are Fined Four automobile peeder appeared In Police Court yes terday to answer to charges preferred by Patrolmen Sims and Evans f the motor cycle squad. Carl Tourney. H. A. Calef and Carl Stewart pleaded guilty and were fined 11 each. William Powell w also arrested. . Mrs. SPRAOrs Is Ixjvrbd. Mr. George Fprague fell from a St. Johns car at Inlon avenue and Shaver street Mon day evening and was painfully Injured, filie was assisted to a nearby hou. and was) later taken to her home, at K4 East Ft nth etreet. Warted. Manager of salesmen: ex perienced, high-class, beat references: J:rtt to highly -trained man. assuming all responsibility. Address "Cash Register." care Oregonian office. McCtrrvREos Waists. Vil.ct to S.jO: Sptx-tAi C. Iw Or a Wrsoow Todat. Kewett. Bradley Co- 344 Washington w. C. T. U. Meet Todat. Centrsl W. C. T. I". will meet today at 1:5 P. M. at room SOS Goodnough building. There will fee a matron's medal contest. Proftrsor Rinou.r's dancing classes rpen September i. Enroll now; instruction . daily. Western Academy. Second and Morrison. Phone 91 I Medicai. Department. Vntmhsitt or Oreoosc. Matriculation books) open Sep tember 1. at MO Dekum bldg. loix95 Second, near Jefferson. FO.Oin. t, rash: less thsn 7 block from Morrison. TV. G. Cox. Jf McKay bldg. Please call Dr. R. C. fTey- residenc ever Home phone, as he Is unable to get service over pacific States. Dr. A. P. Watson. VC Medical bldg.. tai returned. Main 6"S. Dr. Lxoxakd, osteopathic physiclsn. Mohawk bldg. Dr. Davis, dentist, returned. Mohawk bldg. Hop-pic"rs' oirlflt. Wooster'st 40S Wash DOCTOR WANTS SICK COW rotate Veternarlan Has Examined 60 78 Kine This Tear. tr. W. H. l.ytle. State Veterinarian, want a cow with tuberculosis. If any body ha such a cow he will confer a great favor upon Dr. Lytle by offering It for sale. The State Veterinarian wants to hold a post-mortem examination at the State Fair and the Country Club, for the edification of the farmer of Oregon, but he 1 unable to purchase a cow with Che deadly disease. For a week be baa been endeavoring to purchase an afflict ed cow. bat farmer throughout the state liar none for sale and reply In unison: "You can't catch me eellmg a tuber culous cow." Farmer- believe that Dr. Lj tie Is plsy Ir.g a Sherlock Holmes lame in offering fabulous ertces for tubereuloua cowa Tliey claim to see through the whole plot and analyze hi plans a rapidly he rknalua him m deduction. Dz. Ljtift John A. Newell, well-known resident of Portland, died yesterday shortly after 12 o'clock of pneumonia at his home 171 East Fortieth, near Belmont street. Mr. Newell was 68 years of age, and was a native of New York State. He came to Portland 40 years ago and settled In Eaat Portland. For some time he waa in the mercantile business, then became City Auditor for East Portland, which position he held for several years. He was Clerk of the East Portland School Board. On organ ization of the East Portland Water Com pany he became Its chief clerk and col lector until consolidation. During the Lane administration he was the May- ' ' :'' ' " ( " ' ' 'C i The Late Joha A. Newell. .A or- secretary. For some time he had lived In retirement. Mr. Newell was a member of Washington Lodge. A. F. and A. M. of which he was past mas ter: Sumner Post. No. 12. G. A. R-. and of the Knights of Pythias. During the Civil War he was a Lieutenant In Com pany D, One Hundredth New York Vol unteers, and had a creditable record. Mr. Newell Is survived by his widow and the following children: Sumner, George and Harvey Newell and Mrs. Alice Grimm, of Portland: N. A. Carle, a stepson, of Seattle. Miss S. Newell, of Saratoga Springs, a sister. Is on the way to Portland. Harry Newell, a son at Clifton, Ariz.. Is on the way home. The funeral will be held tomor row or Friday. BLOOD LEADS TO SEARCH Judge Bennett Sees Evidence of Crime in Car and Holds Culprits, Judge Bennett was an indirect wit ness In a case that came to him for adjudication In the Police Court yes trday. George E. Crump was on trial for stabbing Henry Ivy while on a streetcar last Saturday night, and an attempt was made to minimize the seriousness of the offense. This case will be thoroughly Investigated." said Judge Bennett- "I rode on that car the next day, and saw that It was smeared with blood from end to end. also learned that a number of women fled from the sickening sight." Ivy said that he entered the car and found Crump and another man match ing nickels to see who should pay the fare. He playfully picked up one of the coins, whereupon, he says. Crump drew a knife and slashed him three times in the ribs. He then knocked Crump down and kicked him in the face. Both men were arrested for fighting. The case was not terminated yesterday, as more witnesses to the affray will be looked for. CLUBS ARE TO ORGANIZE Improvement Societies Will IMscns Auditorium and Water Mains. Permanent organization of the Port land Affiliated Improvement Clubs will be effected tonight at a meeting to be held In the assembly hall of the Port land Commercial Club. The meeting Is called for 8 o'clock and a officers are to be elected It Is expected that all charter members will be present. The matter of securing a public audi torium for Portland will be discussed, and also the water main question 1 to be given consideration. THE Y. M. A. OPENS Day Commercial Department Xeit Tuesday. The Y. M. C. X has become one of the recognized practical educational Institu tions of the Northwest. Next Tuesday. September . the day commercial school open. Course In hookkeeiDlng. commercial arithmetic, busi ness English, shorthand. typewriting, salesmanehip and advertising will be given. The work. Is thorough, practical and the fees are moderate- A school not run to make money, but for the good of boys. Free illustrated catalogue sent on application. A Fine Testimonial for Oregon' Healthful Climate. One of the most prominent citizens j or Indiana recently appnru lev to Oregon Life Insurance Company. He passed a good examination before two physicians in good repute. He Is a man of exceptionally fine habits, and his applications for insurance were accepted and policies Issued In a num ber of companies, yet Oregon Life de clined to Issue a policy. The only rea son for the declination Is the fact that the applicant Is not a resident of Oregon. The management of Oregon Life ex plains thla action by saying: Al though everything else appear equal, yet this applicant will not live a long In Indiana as he would were he a resi dent of Oregon. It would, therefore, be a dear Injustice to the other policy bolder of Oregon Life to accept this application. Oregon Life la the only . . . i M,mnnv vhlrh Con fine Its business to Oregon exclusively and is conouciea on purvij u i . . rw MH.eta e9 mi, Cr4mnn TWil plan. in 1 1 v. - Icyholder would be cut down If resi dent OX otner state una ureiwn wwro taken. Manaerer Samuel points with pnae iq ,.u.... rate of Oregon Life and adds, "There la sometning in careiui owirviivii, uui 111, lir.i ui-(li " "B . . - - . -- . lng ozone of Oregon Is a strong factor In making urexon a-iio to wunucr fully successful." Barn TruakC. Xor txunaaaad bag. COUNCIL DECIDES TODAY Local Firm, Representing Eastern Client, Willing; to Far 93.08. City Also to Act on Suburb an Annexation Plans. When the City Cour.cll meets in ad journed session at :30 o'clock this morn ing. It Is probable that the entire block of 50,000 30-year. 4 per cent Broadway bridge bond will be sold to the Ladd Tilton Bank, which submitted a bid for an Eastern client. (Mayor Simon last night gave It as hu opinion that the bid of Ladd & Tilton is within the meaning of the charter pro vision which requires the sale of bonds to go to the highest, bidder. While there were a few small bids at a higher figure, it Is said that In the aggregate the Ladd & Tilton proposal 1 the largest rate. The figures quoted are 93.06. Sale of these bond by the Council will give the Mayor and the Executive Board the long-sought opportunity to proceed rapidly with the construction of the big, high span across the Willamette River. The bid of Ladd & Tilton Is not condi tioned at all upon the outcome of the litigation that is pending to test the legality of the Iwue, but merely upon the approval by their attorney a to the legality. Court Action Xot Asked. The victory for the Broadway bridge is made all the greater by the fact that the highest bidders do not require action oy the courts upon the legality of the Issue. If they had stipulated this provision, it might have been years before the city could realize the funds, but a It la, the money will probably be paid soon. In addition to selling the bonds, the Council will have before it petitions for the annexation of Lents. St. Johns and a portion of territory lying west of Fulton. Lents and Fulton Not In. The petition for Lents and the Fulton districts are unquestionably In full legal form and have the full number of remas tered voters attached, but there 1 some question as to the one for Bt. Johns. It Is believed, however, that it has suffi cient voters' signatures, but it will proo ably be referred to a committee for checking. If It is found that It has Insuf ficient number of signatures, there I ample time for the St. Johns people to die an amended petition, a the Council con pass the necessary resolution within 30 days of the November election. There' fore, the town la certain to be allowed the nrlvileee of voting on the subject. The Mayor and Recorder of St. Johns conferred with Mayor Simon yesteraay about the proposed annexation of their town, and stated their opposition to the plan. They will make known their Ideas regarding It before the Council thl morning. STEVENS DENIES RUMORS North Bank President Says Terminal Question Xot Settled. As the result of the publication of ru mors that an adjustment of the termi nal situation had been brought about between the Harriman and Hill inter est In Portland through the activity of John F. Stevens, president of the North Bank road. Mr. Stevens yesterday em phatically dented that he had been a party to any conference or negotiations on the subject. He also declared that If any adjustment had been effected in the East he knew nothing of it. "A short time ago," said Mr. Stevens. "Mr. O'Brien and Mr. Cotton were In my office discussing with me matters in reference to the joint road In the Des chutes. As they started to go Mr. O'Brien asked me If I would care to talk over the terminal condition with him some time. I replied that I would be wiling to do so when I had more leisure and would let him know as soon as I had disposed of other matters that were demanding my attention. These mat ters are now out of the way. and yester day 1 sent a letter to Mr. O'Brien say ing that I was ready to talk over the terminals. "We had no conference prior to Mr. O'Brien's departure for the East. I have never had any other conversation with Mr. O'Brien on the subject, and I do not know whether there is a possibility of a change In the terminal situation." WHEREJTO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladles. SOS Wash- near 6th sb Geer to Speak In Arizona. T. T. Geer. ex-Governor of Oregon, left last night for Arizona His serv ices have been enlisted by the Repub lican territorial committee to speak sinless Dentistry Out f town Banel cmn w thlr plato and hsi flMwrnrfi A I UheMS in CM dak Wa ili mmm Ma a mm 22k cab) er emilali 53.50 f 22kBrMraTarlk3.SC tf r ML ,f Eaa-al Wans iOd f - '. - ' f 9 Cihar fllltass .50 ret- ' " J hlayrilltets toQ s,"sr s.08 sat.t.wut.ra ! awriata. iai7nu Mnlm Fitftlge ,3lt ' WORK OUARANTIID fOs) IS VKARS Palnleaa Extraetloa tree when blatea or bridse vent . ordered. Consultation Free, Too ea&Bot an better eainlna work dona aarsbcre. All work full7 anal amteel. Modem electrioeqninta ant. Boat saetaoda. Wise Dental Co. f iwSSK PORTLAND, OREOOM ROGUE RIVER Fruit and Farm Lands X choice list of large and small Irrigated and ub-lrr1gated tract, along the line of the Kawly laeer pernte aowthera Pacific Railway from Grwata Fan to the Ceat. Also in this Immediate district. Are you interested? Write A. X. PARSONS. Real rotate. Great Paea, Oregon. Mortgages On Improved Portland Property FOR SALE BY Portland Trust Company BANK S.E. CORNER THIRD AND OA S1REETS iACH SHORTCAKe ff Is Almost as Good as STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE j i Which Helped to Make Us Famous Jf Dellrloo Wltfc Cream jff gi or Whipped Cream y against the adoption of the initiative and referendum in the state constitu tion. Delegates to a convention which will formulate a constitution for Ari zona will be elected on September 12. Trunks, suit cases and bags. Lara; eat variety at Harris Trunk Co- -11 Sixth. Jewelry Remodeled Fashions in jewelry change as do styles in clothes. Bring us your old jewelry and let us bring out its lost beauty in new mountings. You'll find that good taste is a quality of the mind and not a full purse. Trust to your own good taste then trust to ours. 286 MORRISON STREET P. W. BALTES AND COMPANY PRINTING Main 165, A 1165 First and Oak Keeee teeth white. Maintain their cJaaa Ihsaaa. Pi seal aa their aoandaaaa. Effective 3Se atiersnVBer 111 I' n t5.i Handcraft and Arts and Craft Fur niture for Dining-room, Living-room, . Library and Hall. S J.G. MACK & CO. a 3 Men's and Young Men's New Fall Suits and Overcoats Including the productions of all the great American manufacturers; also exhibiting our latest direct importations of genuine Scotch suitings and overcoats in browns or grays. Your selection of Fail and Winter garments had best be made early Now ready Young men especially who go away to school should have an early look at these -very stylish clothes. There's nothing to equal them in town. We can fit you out in Suits, Furnishings, Hats, Trunks, Valises Add Distinction to any costume. PORTLAND PRINTING U IKMJM COMPANY UBLISHERS Or MONTHLY MAGAZINES PRINTERS JOB PRIM-TINA or AU. KIND. BajfMlBC A 22S1 Sta. U I M 6201 COAL $8.50 PEE TON. Prices advance September 1. Order at once. WILLAMETTE FUEL & SUPPLY COMPANY. Main 1225. A 1225. (9itr A Ay NOW DISPLAYED Strikingly Handsome ARE THE EARLY FALL HATS We are now showing. They are bewitching- in style and most artistic in design. Chic small Hats, with plain or Per- - sian silk drapes $4 to $10 Large Picture Hats, exact copies of the latest Paris and New York models S5S to $20 Girls' School Hats You will be agreeably surprised with the extensive variety and extremely low prices. These will be ready Thursday. The Big Store at TALK TO SALEM. . . Calls to Salem and from Salem to Portland completed same as local calls in Portland by our new two iNumuer If you do not know telephone number of party wanted, call "Information" and ascertain. Try it and you will he pleased. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company Beck Building, Seventh and Oak Streets. WILLAMETT IRON AND STEEL WORKS MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS STEEL SHIPBUILDER' LOGGING AND HOISTING MACHINERY, MARINE AND STEAMBOAT INSTALLATION The most modern tools and OPERA lis. I UiM i tun urtn GROVELAND PARK A new addition, just west of Mount Tabor Park, on 52d, 53d s 54th streets, between Lincoln and Division streets. Every lot a H nral park, hign ana signuy. onuaieu va u bu-uum, mm an provements included ,in price, these lots offer unparalleled ad tages to rnose wco u an a mgu reasonable prices. A. C OWTERTH WATT, East JAMES WILSON, West Avenue and Division Street, AGENTS. ICCHWAB PRINTING CO lOsOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE ta.q-7 STARK,-STREET VfVl . .. Third and Salmon Three minute 25 Cents equipment on the PacificCoaf enur riuisviruja. - uiaa icwucuvo t 1 j 49th St. and Hawthorne Ave.j ymJ7?i FeltorDr Oifvi r LADIES FA Sf lUSftTCtfr A