Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 31, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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    AUGUST 31, 1910. '
... ggs-'-i
Seaton Pitches Ideal Ball in
Opening Game of Im
portant Series.
First Ran Scored In First Innlnz
and In Fonrtli locals Padlock
Contest WHi Trio of Runs.
Sraaational-PLaja Galore.
Harklna and CutshaWe drive brought
Hogan and Cameron home. The score:
R. H. E.I R. H. E.
Oakland ..4 ( USaeramen ..1
Batterla Harklna and Mine; Baura
and La Longs.
Seattle Again Hammers Fnmerci
fnlly Taconia Tigers.
TACOMA. Wash Aug. SI Seattle
again hammered Tacomaa pitchers un
mercifully and won the second game or
the aeries. 11 to 6. Schmuti was driven
out of the bo In two Innings and Mat
Kon. who finished the game, fared lit
tle belter.
Bennett s home run with the bases
full was the feature. Joss was tin.
hard In only one Inn I OK wnen me n-
...... Roth teams
played bad ball In tha field. The score:
R. H. E.I -
Tacoma ...6 11 sSeattle... 11 " Schmutz. Matson ana
Byrnes; Joss and Lebrand.
Vancouver 7; Spokane 5.
SPOKANE, wun., AOs-
Innings, Lasting two hours and 0 mln-
Gambling Gentry Invited to
Remain Away From Live
stock Show.
YeatnrB lusalta.
fortlaod S. Ancales
Oakland. 4. Sacramento 1.
BtJlna, of til Onha.
. o f r j
c Z o
X r 2 3 3 p
currs- n ;! 3
: " " l 5 j
! IT 114 l T Ii Mj
rtkiin1 .
l.a Afi 4 17 " .. :?
Sacr.rn.iiu. .J 1 J"'.
.. Tt t: "i m 'T!
. .v
Tommy Seaton pitched Fhufnt ball
acatnst ls Anaelrs In the opening rme
ft the sertea with that club yesterday ar.d
Portland collected another advance In
tn prrntHg column T the Comtt
J tru race.
-Bull" Thorsen. th big rler,' -render
ft tne Anr-I ao-iad. '-a'l 'n 'M
str;ht crmea until Oakland batted him
out of lh" box In the Mr Inning Sunday
afternoon. aas del-sated by "S lver Tip".
tl!lon to heave for the visitors, and Mc
Credle's cohorts took kindly enough to
Ma offerings to annex nvo runs, which
happened to be four more than enough
to win.
Seaton on Job at AH Time.
Tommy Seaton pitched great baseball
throughout, and even though his team
mates backed him up with gilt-edged
support, ba is entitled to much of the
credit for the shutout, as he was on the
4. .11 mnma- and sensational Plays
were not necessary to pull him out of
Portland got by with one run In the
first Inning and this ws acquired with
out the asslManc of a hit. Buddy Ryan,
the first man up. walked. He stole sec
ond and went to third on a sacrlflre by
Olson, and when Fill Rappa went out
at first on a bunt to Thorsen. Ryan
r.fnMc nrcaieesed nicely until the
-fourth, when the Beavers put a padlock
on the gam trr scoring tnree more run.
Olson was the first man up snd he
left. Ranrs bum""d and Thor-
en mate the. flay to third too late to
-W -. a. -
Casey singled to left, scorlr.g Olson, bat
rRarps was hem at smo.
'Zi . an which Rapps
men owvinj w --
, scored, but. in the meantime. Cmt was
caught off first by a toa from Thorsen
mtiA. w f...r Sdcss singled to
center field and Sheehan scored the third
run for tho tnnlng. and a dnoble play
frain Thorsen to Dillon to Halllhan put
the Portland seams spun on ........
Baddy Ryan Pellvrrs Good."
In tha serenth Inning George Ort opened
By getting a ps. but was forced at sec
ond by Gus Ft.-her. Senton s out put
Fisher at the mldstation and when Bud
dy Ryan connected for a two-hose wallop
to left. Flooer scored the fifth and last
run of the matinee.
Seaton was tha master of the situation
throughout and the Angels had no
rhanca to score at any stage of the game.
In one Inning the Dillon crew m.le a
bid for the score by geltlng a man to
third and another to second, with only
one oot. but D!nu and Smith could not
deliver the g-ols and were put out with
out advan-tng their teammates.
If Vean Gresg Is not suffering too much
from the sttsck of Influenza with which
h has been sffll'-ted during ths pant two
or three diiya. he will plt. h for Portland
today. Otherwlae Rugene Krapp w'U be
sent against the Angels. Dillon will rely
upon either Castloton. a loft-hanoer. or
TAn'trr Nsgle. the best pitcher from a
wtnnlrr point of view on the Berry pay
roll. The score:
4 1
Frank rbaaee. Player - Mauser
mt flileaga Cabs, Wlow Ins
Head la Baseball Tactics Hss
Aa-ala Cinched Blar Leagae Pea-aaat.
utes. Vancouver won one of the longest-drawn-out
games ever played here.
It was nip and tuck from start to fin
ish. tcore:
R. H. E. R- H. E.
Spokane S lVaneouvr. 110 I
Batteries Baker and Shea; Erlckson.
Engle and Lewis.
rittslmr Loses the- Race With
Fonr Runatltntra In Fteld Chicago
Takes Final Game.
.. 4
.. 44
.. 43
toet. .Pet.
.IT 4
4 .Sf
M ..V'4
isn ..w
-.2 .:!7!1
18 .ihS
an. K- h. r a. e
r:ev. cf s o o i "
T-rnarrt. rf S 1 " " .
ltard. tt. 4 O O S 1 1
nn on. lh 4 o : i 5
VurrM If 4 K 1 I '
lla'llaan. Jb 1 5 I
W:'uu sa t 0 4 j o
Kmlin. e " - '
-I'noeaen. p 4
thcr. cf 0 0 J 0 J
Totals Tl 4 31 15
ab. r. ti ra a. v. cf I S I '
oii. 1 t t 3 e
r.rpa. It. 2 I ? ,X i V
rteeftar lb 4 1 I a
Freaa. If o 1 3 O
ITt. rf 3 '
y.h.r. 1 o .1 n o
ecaloa. a " O 0 o 2 o
Total Si S I rr s
lu Anselea ooooosoo o o
HIT, J 3S 14
P-tln I O S 0 1 O 4
lilta . O 1 4 I 1 I
Struck est By Seatos 4. br Thorn S.
Buee en all-( featon 1. off Tureen
4 t.cim hit. Clon. Sh.ehan. Kan;
1huM pete Murphy to V'lmii. Tre-n
in li:ion trt Mailman. OIn t. tao- to
I'..up. sacrlll. e hue 01n. Rrr 2. a
t n Stnlen ba.ea Ran. Muru.iv. Ialer.
1rt baas on error. !- Ancele. t. Kort
:md I. LWt oa Mh L-- Anel.' 4.
I'urtlae.l 4. Time of game 1 43. I mpirs
Vaa Haltrea.
Trans-Hay Team "Puts One Over"
on Sacramento.
PAN FRANiltXJ. Aug. 3. Oakland
won In the Mth Inning of the game at
Kecreattnn Park today when the trans
bay team scrt three men across the
Sacramento got a run In the next
Inning, but Oakland tallied again, and
the total stood 4 to 1 at the flntrh. In
the sluth Harklna was sale on Board
man a error and advanced a peg on tha
Uiird baaeman a wild throw.
Hogan and Cameron walked filling
tha basea Wolverlon singled scuring
New York
'tnrtnnatl .........
Philadelphia ......
St Uula
Brooklyn .......'
CHICAGO. Aug. Sfc-Tt-lth four substi
tutes on the field. Chicago today won the
final game with Philadelphia, . a. .
w." onnrJerf With the third
straight defea't of Pittsburg, practically
clinches the National League pennant for
Chance's team.
The three straight aereais rar "
' w.. t.nv them oot of
ths running. Chicago being now 10 full
gsmes to the gooa.
There are still XT games to be played,
which necessitate the Chicago team win
ning three out of five of the
remaining games, while Pittsburg will
hsv to take five out of six. Judging
. . . . n. ..). twtaT with a
palrhed-up team, ths Chicago team will
have scant trouble winning innr
when they again get their gtneral line-
op In working order.
The Cubs beat Philadelphia today with
a catcher playing first, a pitcher m the
..... .) Aiw tit illrv men scattered
CVJW". ain.
In varloua posit Ions. Manager Chance
Is nursing a rharlcy-horee. SchuHe. tho
home-run hitter. Is In the East attending
Ms brothers lunerai. pnrecsaru a
sire head as a result of being hit by a
pitched ball yesterday and Joe Tinker,
shortstop. Is also temporarily out of the
game. Yesterday's score:
R.H.E.! R.HE
Chicago I 0 Phlladel 1 7 S
Batteries Brown and Kltng: Stack and
Jackliisch. Umpires Rlgler snd Emslle.
New York S; Pittsburg 2.
PITTS Bl'RG. Aug. SO. The New
Yorks won today by taking advantage
of the two errors made by Adams and
hittlntr at the proper time. Score:
R. H. E. R. H- E.
Pittsburg. S 12 :s Tork.. i 10 0
Batteries Adams and Gibson: SUt
licwson and Myers. SchleL Umpires
Klcm and Kant.
St. Louis 14; Brooklyn 3.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 30. St. I-ouis defeat
ed Brooklyn here today In the last
game of the series. 1 4 to 5. The score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
St. Louis. .14 If JI5rooklyn. . 3 10 1
Batteries Lush and Bresnahan;
Phelps. Barger. and Erwln. Slc
KIeo. Umpires Brennan and ODay.
Cincinnati 6-3; Hos-lon 2-1.
CINCINNATI. Aug. SO. Cincinnati
won both games of a double-header to
day. Uaspar waa hit on the wrist of
hts pitching arm in the eighth Inning
of the first game and had to retire. He
will not be able to work again for two
weeks. Score:
First game
Boston I lCincinnatl. 10
Batteries Frock and Raridan; Cas
par. Subks and Clarke.
Second game
Boston 1 ItClncinnatl. X i
Batteries Brown and Raridan: Suggs
and Clarke. Umpires Eason and Johnson.
Prize Slock of Vorthwcst WW Be
Exhibited "Lire Wire"' Parade
Friday Night to Rid City
of Its Knockers.
... i in. Km hlr nurses, wfll
.D pwiBBiiiiiB. ww. " rr ' .
mark the great race meet of the Port
land Fair & Livestock Exposition. Ap
proximately $30,000 will be hung up as
an Inducement for speed. Like any
other excellence in iniiun
speed will be rewarded by a flat purse,
which will be taken by the fastest.
But this purse la so big that It Is draw
ing togmnw - . ." .- .v.
fast horsea than ew assembled in tha
days of pooiselling.
: . ,. . i.ii.....ii. livestock being
sent to Secretary F. A. TVelch prova
. . . i . . . r. ABttl bnrses.
mil tne rinimuvii -- -
sheep and swine will be unprecedented.
From all parts of the Northwest appli
cations lira coming. Purses sggregat-
.e vaa nlf.r.rf mm nrlzes In
these competitions. Walteo J. Domes.
or McCoy, ur. un in v"
i T . ivrtleh he OWnB. S
sinong the applicants. There are many
nl her?, emnracing me 1,1 wnl -
. . . j kaa nt Oreoron and
n n ti in . mi iivicu .
Washington. Some have exhibited at
the Portland Fair Detore. nu
i the Initial yesr for others. They
have come to regard this as the pre
mier livestock show of the West, and
.... ... . 1. which would
i 1 1. 1. . . .
capture first prlsea anywhere In the
. . ... . inn fniinrlaMnnR
worio. llie arc m.i ' "
for a livestock fair that Is destined to
have International tame.
Poultry Show a Feature.
An Important feature of the big fair
will be the poultry show, which Is being
handled bv Superintendent C. D. Mln
ton. Mr. idlnton stated yeslerady that
. nnlleatlnnS from
lie waa nwiiiu ..wj . - -
all parts of tha Northwest Puget
Sound will nave numuw. '
... . i ii.. V. 1 1 & th. Oreirnn DOUl-
trymen are determined to make this
their best anow. i-nzes k"-..
11000 have Deen niing up mr nn
ture of the livestock fair. Individual
i w i i.Pa-Ae than normally.
p. :2ra iiriua b. .....
n . . v. v. 1 1 . .Ill enmmence to ar-
I 1IUIU.' A l "... - -
. i .. nA UaliiNlar. hut most
nve p i in? .in.. . ...... . .
are expected by Superintendent Mlnton
Sundav. tne nay previous ,.....o.
... a ... - - I a make entrieB
Ail wnu j . . -. . . ... ...
for the poultry show msy do so by
. . . . . ... . iL'.l.k
writing eitner secretary r . .. c..
of the portiana rsir ot uitei.nA.1.
L. i..nnnt i' n Mln
ton. 63S Hamilton building. Judging
of the birds win commence iunuw
. . k .nIH.a have all
lernTOii, n swu
been placed, and will continue until
the week Is well past.
Only a few of the livestock exhibits
- n aithotis-h most all
the racers are on the grounds, and have
been doing hard practice work. As
HI a 11 7 mm " f ' j
be seen out on the tracks at a time.
Some of the stables navs a large siring;
oi rmceriH ii iv. .
quired to give all a warming: and the
proper speeo inais.
Fantastic Parade Friday Vlght.
Look out for the big parade next Fri
day night. The "Live Wires" are go
ing to pull It off and everybody in
Portland Is commsnded to be down
town by S o'clock to give the demon-
. a . 1. 4 ..... tin lh. Unrvp.t
aurailOD. a. 1 1 i IH1.IUC. ...... - - -
Festival of the Portland Livestock &
Fair Association, one unnea ouom. ahj
person wni ..... v --
be promptly corallcd and given a
coarse ot Treaimeni imi bi'.b
Nothing will be left undone to bring
Into play soma of the most weird and
unusual features ever seen in a parade
of this kind. .Special efforts will be
made to dispose of all knockers and
mossbacks who havs ever said a word
against the big fair. All the hearses
and dumpcarts in town will be drawn
Into service If It is found that they
are needed to carry the anti-boosters
to their final resting place.
Four bands will furnish music. This
will be of the funeral kind. All the
dirges ever written are now being re
hearsed for the occasion. The German
Band, which has Just arrived In Port
land, has been engaged to play the
".March In Saul" and "Death to the
The cortege will be headed by the
Portland Police Band, followed by
"Portland's finest" mounted. Grand
Marshal If. C. Campbell haa agreed to
pilots the Hunt Club, attired In fall re
galia, through the streets. Following
this turnout will be representatives of
the Portland Driving Club and Jockeys
riding In sulkies.
Xcar-Cliarlots Will Race.
The chariot race will be one of the
features of the extravaganza. . The
chariots will be composed of street
scrapers and will be drawn by raw
honed mules. The newsboys will be on
hand in the form of imps. A living
banner 400 feet long will be displayed,
calling the people's attention to the
special features of the livestock show.
A string of mules blanketed and pla
carded as fastest racehorses alive will
occupy a prominent place In the pa
rade. There will be many kinds of floats
designed to show the spirit of the fair.
There will be representatives of the
Rotary Club. Multnomah Athletic Club
and the Affiliated Cluba in the line of
march snd will take part In various
mints The grand affair will be lighted
up with Roman candles, colored fires
and torches.
After marching through the principal
buxinesa streets, the procenslon will dis
band at the site of the old Exposition
cr rounds where the "Live Wires" will
officiate in the burial ceremonies over
the bodies of all dead ones, knockers
and mossbacks.
List your properties
for rent with our Real
Estate Department.
With our ample facili
ties, prominent location
and thorough service
we promise prompt re
sults. Where required to
look after repairs we
arrange for same at
lowest cost and item
ized accounts from con
tractors in same man
ner as with our own.
We want your busi
ness. Call and list
with our Realty Man
ager, whether for rent
or sale.
at. Frank Watson..
R. I Durham... Vie
W. H. Fear. .. . ..secretary.
games that are credited In the records to
any team committing the offense and the
players used are In position to be de
clared free agents at the close of the season.
Boeton . . .. .
N-tr Tork . .
Ie troll
Cleveland . .
Chlcaso ....
St. Loula ...
Won. Loat. Fet.
.... T'i 4S .HOO
as 61 ST1
a M .wo
. . . .. . 6.". 7 .451
....7.. SI T .43
41 71 .8
36 SI .3S
Young- Russ Ford, of Now York,
Strikes Out 1 t Buckeye.
NEW YORK. Aug. 30. Great pitching
featured tha double-hoadcr played by
New York and Cleveland here today.
Kaeh team woo a game.
In the first contest. Ford struck out
II of the visitors. In the second game,
Hughes. New York's pitcher, twirled
hitlers ball for nine Innings.
In the 11th, Hughes weakened and on
five hits and a pass the visitors got five
runs. Bcores :
First game
R. H. E I R. H. E.
Cleveland ...1 3 SNew York. ..4 0
Batteries Young snd Adams; Ford
and Sweeney.
Second gamo
R.H. E l R. H. E.
Cleveland ... 1 0New York...O 3 1
Batterie" Jvaler. . snd lana; Hughes
and Hager.
St. Loul 4; Washington 0.
tricuiMi'.TnK An. 30. Peltv pitched
rfl.aa.a hull torisv. St. Iouls shutting
out Washington. 4 to II. Score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Washington 0 7 lSt. Louis.... 10 0
Batteries Groom, Otey and Alnsmitn,
Pelty and Kllllfer.
Philadelphia 7; Detroit I.
nmt ini.iT.puiA Aiitr. 30. Philadel
phia easily defeated Detroft today. Jack
Sheridan, chief ot sihii oi m -
League's umpires, orriciaioa on ins oi
. i. .Km.e nf limDlre Eagan. The
latter was assigned to the series, but
has failed to report. Score:
t? u v.. I R. H. E.
Dotrolt 1 6 Philadelphia .7 15 1
Batteries Summers, works ana
Schmidt; Coombs and Lapp.
Boston 4; Chicago 0.
B06TON. Aug. 30. Chicago made but
1.1. r T)v Cnllinn tndnv and Bos
ton won its eighth straight game, 4 to 0.
R.H.E.I K M. IS.
Chicago 0 1 O.Boston 4 9 v
Batteries Scott and Block; Collins ami
Portland Man Gets Clerkship.
ington. Aug. SO. Leroy C. Anderson, of
Portland, haa been appointed a clerk
in the ofnve of the Army Quartermaster
at Portland.
Bob Brown Says Cohn Played Two
Not I'ndcr Contract.
arx-KANE. Wash.. Aug. 30. With the
1910 championship almost within lis
eras", the Spokane oaseoaii icam. in
Pacific Northwest League, is to be placed
In a position where the hardest kind of
fighting may be needed to bring the flag
to this city.
A protest hss been filed against the lo
cal team by Bob Brown, president of the
Vancouver team, asserting mat i-rem-Cohji.
of Spokane, played Captain
Ostdiek and Vie Holm In five winning
games this season wnen tne players were
not under contract.
According to the National Association
agreement, this violation of the rules car
ries a penalty ul losing all winning
C'ofrroth'w Show Indicates That San
Francisco Has Decided . to
Allow Short Bouts.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 3ft (Special.)
-Owen Moran and Frankle Burns have
tapered off in their training and with
the exception of a tittle light work, an
nounce themselves ready for their 10
round no-decision bout, which Coffroth
will stage tomorrow night at Dreamland
Rink. In connection with two other lo
rotind goes between Sammy Kellej
Willie C'anole and Jeff Perry and Paddy
Ellis. -
Coffroth'g show practically means the
reopening of professional boxing In San
Francisco, as the Moran-Burns go Is the
first match of any importance since Gov
ernor Gillett took his decided stand
against the Langford-Kaufman and John.
son-Jeffrie affairs. It Is also an inno
vation In the 10-round no-decision game
and will act as a sort of test with local
fight fans.
Judging from the way the Englishmen
have bunched across at Shannon s quar
ters. It looks as if they are going to try
and whip all America. Moran. Keller
n .. 1 1 1. n 1 emn. aiTAH the A t-
ana rrny an ii" " ---
lantlc and Charley Hnrvey is pulling
hard to have an tnree x,nsMaii vuya
.... I.I. fl.l.- m.M
QUI "II HI IU 1U4 vw.w..
The betting-is 10 to S. with Moran favor
ite. Although tne local ooy ns a smm
punch. It is thought Moran's ring expe
rience will make him the victim.
Seattle Conference to Be Held Sep
tember 18, Owing to Forest Fires.
Because of the dangerous forest Are
conditions in the Northwest, the pro
posed combined run of the Northwest
automobile clubs to Seattle on next Sat
urday and Sunday lias been postponed
until September IS. At that time aU Use
Tull Gibbs, Inc. Toll Gibbs, Inc.
Breakfast, Midday Lunch and Afternoon Tea Best
and Daintily Served in the Wistaria Tea Room Saiony
The Newest and Most Authoritative
Fall Models In Dresses, Tailored
Suits and Coats Are Now Ar
riving Daily by Express
is the ideal Corset
for the average
Stout Figure
'And unque s t i o n
ably the best popular-priced
made for the full
figure positively
reduces the hips
and abdomen with
out causing the wearer the slightest
The "Ren go Belt" is boned
throughout with double watch-spring
steel and reinforced across the ab
domen with tailored belt A variety
of models that are adapted to all
Women who are inclined to be stout will
find in the "Rengo Belt"-a corset that has
absolutely no superior. A trial will con
vince. . .
Xew "Pengo Belt" models just received.
$2 and $3. Corset Section. Main Floor Eaat
Remarkable Bargains in
Fine Lace Curtains
Cleaning up our stock of Imported "Window
Laces, preparatory to placing new hangings
in stock- Note the bargains:
$ 7.50 Brusse,s I-ces, at. pair S5J.OO
$15.00 Ducbesse T.aces at, pair $ 7.oO
$21.00 Two-tone Ivory Laces at, pr. $8.50
$25.00 Saxony Brussels Laces at, pr. $8.75
$28.00 Gothic Art Embroidery Laces, at,
pnjj. t t OaXO1
$26.00 Duchesse Ivory Laces, at, pr. $9.75
ACt Art VnnafloTi TiOOOB Jit. nfllT Sf. J 5
.rJ.I'll tJJCWOU ' " I
$24.00 Tambour Ivory Laces, at, pr. ?!'-
$33.00 Saxony Brussels uaces, pr. gi-
$35.00 Saxony Brussels Laces, pr. $11.50
$30.00 Italian Filet Laces, at, pair $11.
$.5.00 French Renaissance Laces, $lc.50
$45.00 Art Embroidery Laces, pr. $17.5.0
$75.00 Venetian Laces, at, pair $24,511
In Beirkey (gg Gay
are the most correct re
productions of the Colonial
and Period types Every
piece a masterpiece of value and beauty
Furniture pieces bearing the shop
mark of Berkey & Gay are accepted
by authorities as the truest interpre
tations of the Period and Colonial
designs pieces that are pleasing
and correct in design and proportion,
honest and durable in construction,
beautiful and lasting in finish, pos
sess the highest intrinsic merit. The
Berkey & Gay shopmark denotes the
highest atta4nment in furniture
building designs that can be handed
down from generation to generation.
; 1 r-
jt:j - .. -"- 1
Many pieces on our floors bear the
B. & G. shopmark, among them the
old four-poster bed,s, fine Colonial
riorlrrw-iiTi and dining-room pieces, li
brary tables and consol tables of
massive design, as well as many
-vtViot niACPS. in the dull mahogany.
In the "Flanders" type of furni
ture, now so much in favor, are a
number of library and living a-oom
.iat also 'hear, the B. & G.
J. VV. J tu"" "
You'll be interested in seeing these
- wrlnrtlmnc , ilf'a Jin PX-
hibit worth a trip from a distance. -
S ale of Rem Sample Rugs
Disposing of a number of patterns in French
tt-:h i3..i wiitnn Aiminste.r and Tanestry
M 11I.UM, Wjai f. . -
Brussels Rugs that will not be duplicated tor
to,L All in 9 ft. bv 12 ft. sizes. Homebmlders
:n mid an onnnrlnnitv for securine hieh
Mill niiu mu. " -
grade Rugs at remarkably low prices, fcasy terms,
too. Carpet Dept., oisin rioor.
rluba of the Northwest are expected to
participate in the formation of the
Western Automobile Association, for
whlr-h plans are now under way.
Affiliated with the new Western Au
tomobile Association will be the major
ity f th. automobile clubs of the Pa
cific Coast and Northwest States. Many
automoblllsts In Canada are inwreswu
In the new project, and will help form
the asoclation. The metlna; for the
formation of the W. A. A. will be held
In the Hotel Washington Annex on Sun
day night. The Portland Automobile
Club, in addition to sending delegates
to the meeting, wll make lta season tour
to Seattle. Many cars will attend, irom
Great Western Circuit Races On.
JOLIET, I1U Aug. 30. Good time
marked the events of the opening meet
ing today of the Jollet session of the
(ireat Western circuit harness races.
Nathan B. won the J:20 pace in straight
hats. making the first mile In 3:06 2-4.
The 2-21 trot required four heats, Alice
I Woodford winning easily after
finishing third in the first heat.
Billings' Gelding Runs Slow Against
Strong Wind.
READVILL.E. Mass.. Aug. 30. Two
American harness handicap derbies, two
minor heat events and an unsuccess
ful attempt by C. K. G. Billings to
drive his big black gelding Uhlan bet
ter than 2:01 to a wagon, marked the
opening of the grand circuit today at
the Readville track.
Bob Douglas, a local horse, won the
110,000 trotting derby from scratch.
Alleen Wilson, another Boston entry,
with the same handicap, captured the
derby for pacers, while Uhlan was
beaten by Vj seconds by Old Father
Time. Both the derbies were made In
poor time and the officials apologised
in sending Uhlan over a slow track
against a heavy breeze.
Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Streets
August 30. 81. Sept. 1. 3. S, 4 and S.
Games Begin Weekdays at :30 P. M.
Sundajra 8:30 P. M.
Admission Bleachers, 2so; Grandstand.
50c; Boxes 25c extra. Children. Bleachers
10c; Grandstand 25c.
Boys under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday.
Has the Finest
Line Ever Shown
in Portland
125 Fifth Street
Near Washington