MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY; AUGUST 31. 1910- TIIE KANSAS PLATFORM FAVORS TAFT IDEA Nominees for Congress Pledge Tariff Revision, One Sched ule at a Time. PROGRESSIVES" IN - LEAD , reelings Sent to RoowifK. "Xcw World' Champion of Rights of Man" Smbbs and Brlrtow. . Divide thalrmanhlp. TOPF.KA. Km.. Aug. 3. With the In uri'ni fart Inn of the Republican party c-f K.in4 In complete control, the state yarty council today adopted a platform decidedly "pro;resalve." Governor Stubcs was elected chairman. J.ater he resigned and Senator Briatow was chosen to preside over tha council during tha rest of Its session. When Senator Briatow took the chair lie spoke of party Issues. He upheld the inheritance tax. condemned monopolis tic control and declared that more leg islation should be enacted regulating the xailroad. Tarirr Hill Attacked. "The tsnff bill enacted by the Con gress of ) did not follow the stand ard fixed in the tlonal plntform." he said, "and a violation of Its pled ires. 1 believe that a new tariff measure should be passed and mean to flsht for It Just as Kins; as 1 am In the Senate. "Moreover. 1 believe we should be al lowed to vte upon every section of a tariff bill separately." In closing. Senator Frlstow declared In favor of the Oregon plan of electing I nlted States Senators and for a gradu ated Income tax. Following the Bristow speech the com mittee on resolutions submitted Its re pott. The platform that had been pre pared by the committee was adopted without chanse. Tnft l Congratulated. This document opens by saving that Republicans can best express their ven eration for the traditions of the party by turning their fares forward than hack. rThe platform Is regarded as a "Quaran-tee- of performance rather than a con f. salon of faith." It adds: "Yet we must congratulate President Tafl as Republicans upon the success ful outcome of the progressive psrty measures In Congress, the postal sav ings bank law. the railroad law and a ho law providing for the publicity of 'campaign expenses, and In this connec tion we wish to commend Representa tives Murdock and Madison for their work in Congress pursuant to the In struction of the Kansas Republican platform of 13 in modifying the rules Mf Congress so that the enactment of 'these long-delayed measures wss made ;posstble. We wish to commend Sena tor Bristow for his hard and efficient work to carry out successfully his plat form piedice to secure the enactment of -the well-known long and short haul vlause in the intersiutp commerce law." toy ally to the platform of 1W Is pledged anew and the nominees are 'pledged to a revision of Vie tariff of :i.e. using the difference between the 'cost of production al home and abroad as a tie basts. Single-Schedule Plan Favored. Senators and representatives are .pledgt-d to revision "one schedule at a time.'" The platform also says: "We do not recognise the revision of ,the tariff of 1909 as a satisfactory ful fillment of the tariff pledge of the Ke tpuhliian platform. And we thereforo 'pledge the people of Kansas that tho '.Jtepubllcan Senators and CongTessme l Sfrom this state shall work for legisla tion that will create an IndepenJert ! non-partisan tariff commission, wt'.h ample power and sufficient appropria tion to ascertain accurately the differ .'erne between the cost of production t lionie and abroad and after having ob tained such Information, we hereby pledge our Republican Senators anJ Representatives immediately to fix the duties upon the basis of this informa tion." Election of Important House commit tee, enforcement of anti-trust laws; with a law for, sending offenders to Jail, and the physical valuation of railways are demanded. Greeting Sent to Kooevclt. The 'Roosevelt plan" of conservation is indorsed. The convention sends greet. to Theodore Roosevelt, "the new rorM"s champion of the rights of man. In the wortd-old contest between riaving iKumanttv snd the encroachment of sie i tal privilege. And as Republicans we ;scand ready to enlist under hia banner In the tlKht for human rights." Ktirther. the platform binds Kansas Congressmen to work for a constitu tional amendment providing for elec tion of Senators by direct rote, and for a law providing six-year terms for hltnt. Circuit and Federal Judges. Tlie administration of Oovernor Stubbs Is Indorsed. Congressmen are pledged ;to vote for a law placing public utili ties under the control of a state com mission having authority over the issue of stock and power to obtain the val uations of the plauts of corporations. Congressmen are pledged to vote for a law compelling corporatlona to begin litigations In Kansas courts and take 'no refuge In KederaJ courts until the Kansas Supreme Court shall have passed upon these litigations. They are further to support a law making a second offense against the Kansas pro hibitory law a penitentiary offense, and to declare for the Initiative, referendum and recall. Kansas Congressmen are pledged to .vote for ratification of the amendment .providing a Kederal tax on Incomes and to vote for a measure creating a commission under the authority of the next Kansas legislature which shall make tmjulry Into the practicability of a worklnsrnian'a compensation law In Kansaa. The state administration fur ther Is pledged to uphold the bank truaranty law. PR0HIBITI0NN0W ISSUE rou til Carotins Democratic Primary Results Show Fight. COLOMBIA. & C Aug. a. With par tial returns from 3e counties in the I democratic primary. C. C. Feather ton, prohibitionist, and Cole Blease. local option, will be candidates in the second race for Governor of (South (Carolina. The Issue Is between state , -wide prohibition and the local option law. under which 2 7 of the 43 counties of the state now have prohibition. Nominations are to be made for all : state and county officers and for Con- PROMDTENT FIGURES IN THE KANSAS STATE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. "' j i t-- -f f V - S ' i y 1 j rets tn each the seven oistricts. GOVEJSIYO, V tZ.cSTU&BS. TO& CtfAJ. CUGTl srTJsaPWsTSfaasW" nnn r -r-Tr"-nS m BAIL FOR WISE 4wJ Federal Grand Jury to Hear Case November 2. UNCLE COMES TO RESCUE Wealthy Boston Helatlve Will Pro vide Funds for Sailor Charged With Murder or Captain. "'ot Guilty," His Plea. SAX FRANCISCO. Aug. 30. (Spe cial. George Washington Wise, alias Alfred Wilson, charged with complicity in the murder of Captain Kdwin B. Wood, of the steamer Buckman. and as accomplice in the sensational holdup of the vessel on the high seas, was held today without ball by United States Commissioner Wright. Wise must an swer to the Federal grand Jury on No vember 2. The prisoner showed no signs of the collapse he underwent following his ar rest and when the Judgment of the Commissioner was pronounced he be traved no emotion whatever. Wise will plead not guilty before the Federal grand jury, and his attorney says that he is confident of showing that his client had no knowledge be fore hand of the holdup of the Buckman and the subsequent murder of Captain Wood. Attorney Duryea for Wise de clares he can show that Wise was merely the dupe of Frank Wood, the missing murderer, who, Duryea says he wilt prove, plied Wise with liquor and thrust a revelver Into his hand with the command that he keep the crew covered while Wood was accomplish ing his purpose. Joseph I'hlliborn, a wealthy uncle of the prisoner, who resides in Boston, will furnish ample funds to conduct his nephew s case. The Eastern rela tive of the pirate believes In the letter's Innocence and will leave no stone un turned to secure his freedom. DEMOCRATS' HOPE FADES Continued From First Pave.) stands to profit at the expense of the other to any great exent. as develop mens thus far indicate. As a result of dissatisfaction among Republican voters In many states, par ticularly In the Middle West, regular Republicans will bo replaced by in surgents in the next Congress. There Is no indication that the dissatisfied voters will send Democrats In place of regulars, at least In that part of the country where Insurgency Is strong est. Nor Is there much intimation t this time that overthrown regulars will undertake to knife tickets headed by their successful Insurgents rivals. Rather, the tendency is towards recon ciliation. Rocoevclt Example Effective. To capture the next House the Demo crats must carry all the districts ther bow have, and gain 23. for the present Republican majority la 44. Are there 22 districts that can be captured this year? On what issue can the Demo crats hope to make enough gains to give tbem the House? They might have profited by the Republican split had not Theodore Roosevelt let it be come known that he was working in harmony with President Taft. With those two party leaders working In a. common cause and to a common end. insurgents will not be Inclined to go beyond the point where Roosevelt, their iduj. stops, nor will many regu lars vent their spleen on insurgent nominees when President Taft Is work ing to compromise tn differences in the party, and once more restore har mony. President Taft. moreover, has check mated the Democrats on the tariff Is sue, the one actual Issue on which the Democrats might have made a showing In the campaign. He has declared for a practical and effective method of still further reducing the tariff. Item by Item, admitting that some of the present rates are too high, and pledging his psrty. so fsr as he can. to further modifications. With a Congress in harmony with him. and with Influence enough to bring about further reduc tions as they are shown to be war ranted, be can make a much more ef fective appeal to tba country on the Y WILLIAM ALL EHWwTE tariff Issue than can the Democrats, who confessedly could do nothing with the House of Representatives when the Senate and President are Repub lican. Democrats Would Be Ineffectual. Then there arises the general and all important question, "What could a Democratic House accomplish, if elected?" It could not enact partisan legisla tion, for the Senate would block It. It could not carry out platform pledges, nor fulfill promises made In the cam paign, for the House by Itself Is power less to legislate. The most a Demo cratic House could do would be to pass the customary appropriation bills. Inoffensive local legislation that goes through every session, and adjourn. It could do nothing to attest the good faith or the effectiveness of the Dem ocratic party. Realizing the uselessness of electing a Democratic House this year, not a few Democrats are counseling the party leaders against putting forth any extreme effort to carry the election this Fall. These Democrats feel that If a Democratic House is elected, and In the end fails to accomplish any thing worth while, the Democratic party will be worse off than if the Republicana remain In control for an other two years. For, nothing would do so much to handicap the Democrats In 1912, assuming they control the next House, as to be confronted with a rec ord for inactivity and failure to redeem pledges. There are those in the Dem ocratic fold who would have the cam paign managers allow the election this year to go by default, conserving all resources until 1912, when there will be a chance for capturing the entire Government. Anything less than that wilt do the Democracy no good at present- CZAR REACHES GERMANY WAITING POPULACE REWARDED BY Gf.IMPSE OF ROYALTY. I'sual Rumors of Plotted Harm Are Afloat, and Secret Police Make Arrest as Precaution. FRIBDBERG. Aug. 30. Emperor Nicholas and Empress Alexandra of Russia arrived here safely this after noon. Their majesties were . accompanied Into German territory -by a suite of iO persons. Before the arrival of the Imperial train great crowds gathered in the streets in hope of having a view of .the visitors. They were not disap pointed, for the Emperor and Empress were driven from the railway station to the castle, which they will occupy while here, in an open automobile. . The Russian secret police have been here for several days on the lookout for anarchists and last night at Bad Nauhelm took into custody a Russian named Mandelberg. Shortly before the royal party ar rived today the police arrested another man who is believed to be an anarchist. It is estimated that no less than 50 Russian and German political agents are now in Friedberg and adjacent places. As Is invariably the case when roy alties travel, sensational rumors were afloat today of Impending and actual harm to the visitors. The arrival, how. ever, of Nicholas and Alexandra was attended by no unpleasant incidents. Medical Inspector Commits Suicide. MEMPHIS. Aug. 30. Dr. Edward Powell, medical inspector of the city schools of this city, committed suicide today by shooting himself through the head. He Is believed to have been temporarily-insane. DENEEN DECLARES WAR COMBINE Bipartisan Coalition, Says Governor, Seeks to Con trol Assembly Again. "JACKPOT" RULE ATTACKED Essential Condition of Topular Gov ernment Is Right of People to Have Bills Heard In Gen eral Assembly. TAYLORSVILLE.- 111.. Aug. 30,-Gov-ernor Deneen today opened-- the cam- pa gn against mo ilu. - " .,,,,, power of the bi-partisan combine which .1 a. ounmhl V. Ill dominated ine iat "B,,a' 77 an address in this city he said: l he men wuw wk" honest elections, the right to Primary elections, the expressea party In the Vnlted States Senatorshlp, the election of a Republican candidate for Speaker of the House of RpPreffnt tlves and the organization of the House bv a majority of their party, are now asking the people, whose wills they have defied and whose- confidence they be trayed, to entrust them once more with the direction of public affairs. They are running on a platform of three planks: " 1. We announce no principles. " ';. We express no regrets.. " "3. We Call for vindication.' " Plunder or Public Intended. The speaker defined the term "Jackpot." which has figured in the Brown trial In Chicago, declaring that "those who have been exposed are not the only ones Im plicated. To make a Jackpot effective re quires the participation of a considerable number of such as can be Jje'd together by the cohesive power of public plunder and an organisation that must be able to control to some degree the course of legislation, in the General Assembly. "This coalition, In its last des-perate stund against popular government, deemed it necessary to control the poli tics of the state. In order to prolong its power and I. whom they have villified through their spurious" investigation of my election, whom they hod opposed with vituperative rancor at the primaries, whom they had sought to defeat in tho election by arraying against me tho spe cial interest from which they derive their strength: whose policies thoy had organ ised the Legislature to defeat and whom they had attempted to unseal by a trumped-up contest, was offered their support for the Vnlted States Senator ship, an office of high honor when hon orably b?stowed. In usual Power Sought. "These efforts to defeat me. unseat me or promote me would serve the same purpose. They carry with them their own commentary. When T refused io accept the proffered Senatorshlp. the bi partisan coalition determined to select a Senator whose political power would be urged to strengthen their position and to moke safe the election of their choice as my successor. "Such being the situation In our state, what Is the next step forward? Manifest ly behind the Jnckpot stands the organi sation of the General Assembly and the control of Its business, which the politi cal rules of the House place in the hand? of the Speaker. The n?xt step forward, therefore, is to restore representative government to our House of Representa tive . "The essential condition of honest leg islation must be the right to have bills heard in our General Assembly. This is fundamental. Of what avail Is It to make a campaign for wholesome meas ures If they receive no consideration In our legislative body?" Governor Deneen declared that every man seeking support of Republican voters at the September primaries should be pledged to stand for good government and. continuing, eaid: "The men who created the unusual and disgraceful conditions In our state should not be given power'to prolong them. They have defied Republican? and repudiated their party platform: they have stood against representative government aod for special privileges and for private In terests. The extent of their malfeasance In the last General Assembly Is not yet known, but Is under investigation by grand Juries and by our courts. "The issue In this campaign then is: Shall their records, their organization and the results of their work be ap proved? Upon that issue there should be no difference of opinion among good citizens." DR. CRIPPENJN HOSPITAL Prisoner Collnpges in Jail; Solicitor Promises New Light. LONDON. Aug. SO. Dr. H. H. Crlp pen. Jointly accused with Ethel Clare Leneve of the murder of his- wife, has suffered a nervous collapse and was removed today to the hospital ward of Brixton Jail. Solicitor Newton says that his client has given him an ex planation of the farewell message found among the prisoner's effects by Inspector Dew which will throw a dif ferent light, on the matter when it Is made public The message was read in court yesterday at the arraignment of Crlppen and Miss Leneve. and indicated HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.55 a day up American Plan S3.00 a day up Hew steel and brick structure. Furnished at cost of $300,000. Every comfort and con venience. On carlines transferring all over city. Omnibus meets trains and i team era. Send lor Booklet with map of San Francisco KID GLOVES FOR LADIES. Guaranteed Fit l Wear. M V R A Imported Kid Gloves 1 oe Dent make O X .ai.J SCALA. Imported Italian Kid d f OC Gloves.... ..51ss5iJ Entire Bldg., Cor. Fourth and Morrison KID GLOVES FOR LADIES. Guaranteed Kit and Wear. TER1XO Best Imported Italian aU..GI.o:'.e.S.$1.50 WALDOS Imported Fren ch Kid Gloves, fine range 1 s.. tPllltl jf colors . . WEDNESDAY SPECIALS PETTICOATS $7.SO Values $4.98 A choice assortment of styles and colors, made; of finest quality taffeta silks, including "Her Majesty's" Guaranteed Taffetas.' WAISTS $2.25 Values 98c Positively the greatest bar gain offered this season. Waists that have actually sold at $2.00 and $2K5, to clean up, today 98 FURS ARE NECESSARY "With the approach of chilly weather and the fur market at its best it will be too your advantage to select your Furs now. Whom do you trust to purchase your Furs from? Buy from the manufacturer and save the middleman's profits. FOPw WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY we offer Genuine Mink Large Shawl and Beautiful Muff, reg. values to $ 100, sale 62.50 Set What Is Egg-Phosphate? Received highest award, A. T. P. E., Seattle. Baking Powder f Phosphate is a very valuable nutritive element necessary to food. Egg "or egg albumen is the . . white of egg crystalized. (Only the freshest of eggs will crystalize). It sustains the dough and prevents falling, i Phosphate prolongs the action of the leavening until its moisture has teen absorbed and tha dough baked. Thus risen foods made with Crescent are always de liciously light, digestible and good. Crescent is sold by grocers 25c per lb. No more- no CRESCENT MANUFACTURING- CO., Seattle. Wast. that the writer contemplated suicide during his flight to Canada. INDIAN LANDS IN SCANDAL Government Is ATter 760.000 Acres Alleged Wrongfully Sold. FERGUS FALLS. Minn.. Aug. 30. Eugene H. Long, representing the Fed eral Department of Justice at Washing ton; John H. Hinton. representing the Interior Department, and J. . M. OmO kew York's m Latest Hotel ine oreai Norihern wrOa 57th Street, West r i wo minutes irom Lemni t II la alwwta nf TjlYnrV Ouiet fclegant moaerateiy rrrccu On one of New .York's finest, most central thoroughfare s a lew doors east of Carnegie Hall is located the Great Northern hotel offering the bestthat New York ltas to give. All that the most extravagant hostelrics afford In cuisine, in service, in surroundings and more. Decorations of the periods of Louis XVX, Heraldic. Elizabethan, Marie Antoinette and Gothic. Buffet and Grill Rooms finished in Egyptian combined with Art Nonveau. One minute walk from eurfnee and electric railroads. Hfth Avenue Motor Busies pass the door en route to Riverside Drive, SiiiTle Rooms With Private Bath $2.00 a day and up. Write for Booklet. Special Introductory Rates to westerners TAXICAB SERVICE FREE frrry, railroad and falf 3t. o Address s 1 18 West 57th Street. N. Y. .. - .imri I TV IVTCON HI. r,. ii' - Anodate Huaftt General Muugcr . A New Gold Field in British Columbia A rich gold quartz vein has been discovered on Grouse Creek, Carl boo District. B. C, where 50,00.000 (Fifty Million Dollars) has already been taken out of gravels. The lode la six feet wide, and pans gold so freely that wages can be made by sluicing decomposed quarts. This Is a tunnel proposition, no sinking or hoisting, and a motor car can be run from Ashcroft Sta tion, on the Canadian Pacifie Railway, to withlrra mile of the property. I hare acquired the two original locations of one hundred acrea on both sides ot Grouse Creek, and have formed a syndicate to take over the property. No money ia to be paid for property untU It is developed and ore In sight- . , . Get in on the ground floor and make an Investment which prom, lses to return you $20.00 for every dollar Invested. Apply for information and shares to CHARLES F. LAW, Broker P. O. Box 11. Boom T. Bank of British North America, Building, Vancouver. B. C, "Dickey, Aasistant"United States District Attorney for Minnesota, are here today and announce that they propose filing hundreds of suits In equity to determine the ownership of lands In the White Earth Indian Reservation. These suits Involved 760.000 acres In "the reservation that the Indians have disposed of without the consent of the Federal Government and the Federal Court will be asked for an Injunction tf prevent further cutting of timber oh these lands pending settlement of the suits. 9 ALWAYS ON TIME a. And ever to be depended upon; that's the reputa tion our Watches and ourselves enjoy. We carry a fine line of Solid Gold and Filled Watches of the best makes, and we give a written guar antee with every one sold, and vou're sure of getting full'value for your money here. We have an ex pert diamond setter in our store, and we reset diamonds W while yon wait. We have a large assortmeni oi aiaraonus, wntotips and iewelrv. which we sell on easy Dayments, and geg you wear the goods while paying f,pr them. 1 STANDARD JEWELRY STORE & H 1414 Third Street, Two Doors From Alder. . - & 3 The Canadian Bank of Commerce Portland, Oregon. Buys and Sells Foreign Exchange and Issues TRAVELERS' CHECKS, available in the United States and Foreign Countries. DOMESTIC LETTERS OF CREDIT, available throughout the United .States-and Canada.' . FOREIGN LETTERS OF CREDIT, available throughout the World. A branch of the Bank is now open in MEXICO CITY. Collections on MEXICO will receive every attention, as well as on all points in the United States, Canada and Europe.