vviioie ock 200 by 200 feat, clos in, jt north of WMoinfton. I Terms to suit purchaser. X W h sercral in coin Z business properties paying from 6 to 9 per cent net; also a nam- Z ber of attractW apartment houses which will appeal to Z those who are loo king for safe Z fcrrestiaent. Z z Smith & Everett : Z Failing Bonding. LAKE SIDE Ob VincouTer Lake. Is the coming snhorban bona location, of Portland. AH the Portland and Seattle trains pass the property and stop at the junction. It takes bnt SO minnte to go from the Union Depot to the Jnne tioa. The whole City of Portland Is la sight. a!.o the Oolambia and Wil lamette Sims, together with moon tains. Hood, Adams, Rainier, St Helens and the Cascade Bang. A few home sites Of 6 and 10-acr tracts in a high state of cultivation, with bearing trees 7 to 12 years old, ars now on the market by L I. EAT. at Hotel St. XSmo, Vancouver, Wash. Wanted Portland Agency Rogue River Valley Irrigated Orchard Proposition in the Medford District. 6-VH) arm all ondr irrigation. Small Payment Tlan. Make en gigtmevt for representative of company to eall on yon today. Telephone Main oo55. Chapman Advertising Co. Washington St We are offering a beautiful business corner on upper Washington street for sale ebeap. Have several tenants -who will take a lease on the whole limljiii? if the purchaser will build. The property contains 12.000 square feet and is at a permanent streetcar inteiNertinn. KEASEY -i uUHASOHSJEfTERY O 232 Chamber of Commerce. C A SNAP $ acres, a nplendld subdivision tra'-t. 11 mile from t'nurthouao; Ilea 1 mile Ionic R. K. with station at earn end f tract. t'no-hatf next to R. K. tim bered, red Itum aoll: other half In ciil tuation: black eeml - beaTerdani soil. P.mhi onion land. Will aubdivid to x,iv ah small trct. part of each kin. I of soil an I a frontaa to K. R. All rtrli ami. no inv.l. Must ha TO $30 no In ash. Will tak lious In rlty worm f.'.ooO to Siooo as part pay. Timber on tract worth S price: IJOO per a. e. Term $ow casn. Dainnce easy VIII soil part or tract for cash. Grussi & Zadow IT Board of Trait Bide. 4f aaS Oak. $35,000 Attractive realty investment propo sition. Party will take 10-year lease. 10 Net Income AJ 232, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL HOME . AT A SACRIFICE In --.u.v Irvine- n and r1 to rmr. X brrM n-r an 4 beautifully fln-,..- throuichoiit: ftn rooms. t .. t. r-V etc. PunltM mall and hsfunx) ratlin., hinilsom fixture, ft..- lot. Tnrtlcaf thta offer. $ -70 hanUa It. Jhn ..sookhart. Owner. .10 Chauutfer of i-mmpr. IRVINGTON CHEAP LOT -"it$ feet, alley at rear. Hla-ti ani FlghMv. next ti hlch-arads home. On Veidier at . on blo. lt frm car. rpeclal barruin for rash. JOHV LOCKH RT. IS rtiakn of ronrn. Lease to Trade will trade lease on offlco aad rexwo-n-hotie. 4S room. rlrs In. ash lnrton street, for $-50 building lot. r'WD. Main 4M and A J1J. r I.WS.T Prospective Business The Peninsula is fast becoming a new business center of the city of Portland. Numotnus large factories are locating around its borders. "Where factories are located men must be provided with places to live. The limited amount of land on tne Peninsula will make enormous values in real estate very soon. The big boom is bound to commenee as soon ss the Harriman tannel is completed. Lots are still for sale on easy terms, but within a few months easy terms will be a thing of the past. A Bargain on Terms. Two prospective business lots in the center of the Peninsula, eaeh 50 by 112 feet, 100-foot street, 15-foot alley; only $40 cash and $15 monthly on eaoh lot. COE A. McKENNA 617 Commercial Block. Main 4522. A 2143. West Side Comer 14 Block One of the bet apartment sites, close in, facing east and south, only a few hnndrrd feet south from Olds, Wortman & Kind's new store; 80-foot street. Present improvements brin-r-jnjf good income. Iinest buy in city. Investigate. A. J. GAHTNER 618 Board of Trade Building, Fourth and Oak Streets. IrYingaOn Swell Home Brand new. modern, swell 9 -room house; ev.rythln In and ready to rnova into: furnace, fireplace, aieeplna; porch. bullt-ln china closet, window ears, nice combination fixtures, shades. fireakfaat-room. In fact It has all latest Improvements and Is a bean tlfnl home, on a lot 60x100. with cement sidewalk and street Improve ..n. n.iiV This home Is worth $76')0. and ou ran buy It for a few days for l9nn. anout casn. - msj terms. In the tsi pan or inmi Nothing bat swell nom surrounding;. Grussi & Zadow 1T Board of Trad. Hide- 41k sad Oak. Business Corner Nearly two lots on upper Wash- injon street at streetcar intersection. Cheapest immediate business corner fur sale. $37,500 KEAS EY CS-i iHUMASONJLFFERY 3 232 Chamber of Commerce C. KBir. mM.m loam la Irtntoa. R. & SUca. So Waar. Both phonaa, i::ai. estate hbaijw. . i . tti O.. S12 Kaillnc bids. r(. ''.. vn-i McKay bMa,Ral jrncc. mornw, loans, atr. u.uoatci. B02 Ale Kay bUc. U- rh(ln a lurlow. 33i Chamber Commarca. M, Jl. S. Co, 608 .orblt bkls. Jmalnss r Co. Mala W-S. 20S Oracoolsa. PATJtm-JOSM COu. H. P. I LI Commr clal Club bUls. Schslk. neo. IX. M Stark su Main S92. 2S2. SCH1XDUER a HALU S05 Ablni ton bids. Tha Orcron Keal Ealata rn, Orand ave. and Mnltnr-tnah at. t liolladay Addition.) H. K. Thompaon C.. cor. 4tn and Oak sta KEAL ESTATE. Ynw lialc -Lota. KCW MAPS. 1. LattM map of t'orllaad. Or. flvlos mtw addttiona. eMctrlo iin. era' . .miia cirri of Portland's surmnad- Inc. c iv in txmnMilpa. raasea aad aaetloa auntbara. aaw alactn llnaa and rallroada. ota t'rtco so cnta aaca. Sod ataowa. Tba Cr.aHy Co.. ,H Curlxu 1RTMOTOX LOTS. 1-W CASH. Tour caotca of 1 lo's Jmiai cacti, on T. i th. noar TbompiWl. I net only Sl; lino canh and t-0 per month. CMpcal lot In Irvlnfton. uncsfi a 7.Atovc. SIT Bnard of Trad PM.. 4ih and Oak. l.m tri I.T--SLZF:i lot an aat (1st su. Inst b.von.1 LaurcUiurat: only 3 blocks f m K. Gliaaa St.. cars: easy monthly payments; a p-altlra opportunity to set a lot wU to and at a prtc Uiat la rt.&(- Tha Hart una to. it Ja k. ;RIT BARUAJ V. Sisne. taro caatt. baiaaivs sood tsrma. for a bauuful lot alth atrl.-tiy nvJra A-rnom fcunsikiv. west t..oa; attar sionoay tna o' rrt- it -win atan-i. T. Ft'CHS. tllS Mnrrtst-n at. 'ln ALt at a bargain, "block 4." James Johns Addition to St. Johna. If sold wILhtn 30 sua w rua owaar. c. -a. Brush, l'.-nt SV 4Kh St.. CJoralaad. O. Suit ; Th Adla. ruK HALsl or evoa. oat lat. Hawthorns iihcl acar 4hM st.. ota ocacn tot in CarhATt lark; will sail at aarrtlW It tak.n at oB( C J. Parcroft. 1S17 Itaw thorn hi. Ph'-na H J". b BKAtTinX Vxlto lota eornar of fcM aod K- Davta ata. caa ba bouant for S?.Vm It takaa at octca. saaiiy iftnn a.unt. Tavld lwta. room 2. i.y inltas mans lil ds . eth and ttark a UOOD I.NVKSTJtE.VTS. cvaral corner I"! on Hi St. : aasy walk to I. C.. at attracuva nsuraa: as tsrma Vanduya A ttaltoa. si Cham bar of Commarca lo CASH And & per month, beautiful lot. blocks V'hT-.T.KT a BTSH'T. Ill 3D ST. Ua B crnr and two lots adjotnlna In tarlk Addlt oa: thaaa lora ara not r strltd aad will mak sod busineaa pr cr ty: a baxsaln. Addraaa AH iOL. t"VrcS"alan- TWO of tba beat lota In Overlook Addition, tmproveraema tn and paid fvr. Prtc tllao each, only part casn raqulrod. bal H.,.. easy terma tl 1'.'. Oregonian. juli ran bay a lot naar Roaa City Park for I300 ( dowa and $10 monthly: graded streets, cement std'w-alks. laU Rua watax. b '4-3','S Hoard of Trada Bids. lRVlNtroN PARK Ton ran hava It at a Try low prtce: 2 bloca of car; dn't W this sUp your Bund. Phona A 4a Couch bide- cor can own a fin lot on the Peninsula. Wtllamett boulevard: $..0 will put you la posteaatoa: I must salt Box a. x ot. Johns. Or. pORTt.ASD HEIGHTS Oolc proprtr. all klnda all Tiews. all prices: soma areat b.trcitns aotr. ytstn jwi. .?.. 1475 1-UjirTY In a apleadld La srsl hurst lot in t- S-t smM; will sell for SUO caab. X t-eor;'nw. "sT (1A1.HON aad I3d .. flaa corner lot Wttl; f r na'a or raaldanca; prkc aau. Jraoao as X1M- BSAfTinri LOT In Olmstead Park; ran ba had at orlslnal purrhss prk. All other loia bar been raised from SltW S.VXJ. An exceptlonajly good buy; small eaah paymant. balance aasy. See Hr. Guthrie. COLL'MBl.V TBrs-r CO.. Ss dtU. Board of Trade Bldf. 1RV1XGTON CASH SNAPS. STMO Coroer. lTino ft.. o !2d and Xcr.tt sta. on carlloa. pared streets, sood view. S1STS Lot 9010 ft., Isces aaat. on pared street. H. P. TALMBB-JONES CO.. 21 2-21 J Commercial Club Bids. Fnmee JtAtn ttw a. xouo. Ksmioo, 00 L'nWn ava. bet. Stephens and Harrison. w . , Kxllo. on Summit Drive, most slSUr lot " lL """SiTttCHAjrTS SAVl.V'iS A TRUST CUM PA NT. S. W. Cor. ath and tfsahlngton Sta IRVINOTON COBXEB8. W bare several Rood buys. Thee comers can't ba beat for a home. If interested sea Mr. Outhrte. COLUMBIA THfST CO.. S4 4th. 15 oar d of Trade BIOS- Siute moil, siahtly corner view lot oa west slope Mount Tabor, only 125 feet oft Belmont, nard-surjace pavement; pay merits of JJS monthly accepted; an ex ceptional chance to obtain a nigh-class home site with line surruundlna Improve ments. Phone Marshall l&a-. The Hart land CO.. 19 -u su MLST aril Una Portland Uetshta loU Owner, Room 2. Vnlon tcpot. 1 or Bale Urn LOOK HERE. I2S0O ISOO CASH. 1 rooma. almost nsw. correr lot IKntloO. The house has futl concrete basement, laundry, bast plumblnc. bath, two touets. hard plaster, fine big pass pantry. It Is situated on East. Bumslde St.. 3 blocks from M- "V. car. Tn houa cuat $3.Mo to build. We cannot make this ad strong enough to express eur Seeling toward this buy. It is certainly A GENVLND 8XAJ. SUBURBAN IeAMD CO, BIO HK.VRT BLXXL Marshall ll. . A il3. 1300 BUTS rosl: city park hour on east terms. T rooms, full lot &0I100. basement laun dry trays, bath, furnace, bulll-ln buffet and also book caaes, bardwood floors, alt Improvementa In and paid for: see this home before you boy: la a splendid bar gain. For parllculsrs. ICntlonal Realty ,t Trust Co.. 3-U H Wash. St.. room Sltt- tiiTMnirnw cttKAP. Vew 8-room bnngalow. gas and electric nlca fireplace, full cement basement; a nice home, on a lot 40HOi; cement side walk In and paid and handy to good car. on K. 37th St.. near M.irket. Price only $4-tOO. part cash and S-0 par month: pay rent to yourself. UKUtSI ZADOW. SIT Board t Trade Bldg.. 4th and OnK. no YOU hLNOW THAT IT tVILL PAY YuU TO COMB TO l a is vlt: mpn-T TA RITLD ? Is rOU OW.V LOT, T, WILL FINANCE TH n Bl.-ILDINU FTiR I(jf; SMALL. AMOINT op cash scmaraT; olk KrJr'. ' now ruK pair dealino an-d savinq lr- cos r Jitutis utu in . COST rOR PLANS lie H E RI ILD. ESTI MATE GIVEN. KOKTHWESTERN CON B .-RUCTION CO.. 01-3 LBWIS HLDO. WEST SIDE BUNQALOW. Brand new 6-room bung.-tlow. Just fln 1shl. full ocment basement. electric llghta. north front, sood neighborhood, bait block from car. on a lot 4xI0). I rlce only SJtiuil: t4U0 cash and $'- pr month. Just. Uka paying rent to your- CRCSSI ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade Bltlg.. 41h and Oak. A VINE HOME. Beautiful 7-room home In Ladd s Ad dition; furnace, fireplace, finished floors. Dutch kitchen, beamed celling, sleeping porch, nne electric and gas natures, pan eled dlnlug-room. btonollth floors in kitchen and bath; one of the beet Bnlehed modern house in city; tor sale by owner, a bargain S6MXX tit Ladd are. Phone 1 17KU. , OWNER ANXIOUS TO MOVE EAST. Must sell Immediately, lovely home of 5 rooms, basement and attic. cement walks; lot box ion, with abtandaiic of shade, choice shrubberv and flowers; slt wata on CMU Bafael. near L'nlon sv Don't Mtlepbne. OODDARD W1EDRICK. 243 Stark St. HERE'S A GOOD ONE. ptn g.room bouse. 8 Improved lots, near be carllne; boat buy you ever saw at 4J100; eaay terma Oood 3-room house and lot. short block from car. only 17o0. Halllwell at Soule. 6i2i Foster road. Ar l.ta station. Phone Tabor Mt. Soott car. . yOU nam price aad term. I am Just com pleting a ft-room bungalow on a big lot. 1 doa't want It and don't need the money. Can't aay what 1 tnlirht take for It. But X will start the prlc lu0. I w!U build any thing you want on your own terms. E. E. Id I Iter. 430 Horceo'.er 010s. main yi-s $3 On DOWN andltriO monthly. Including In terest, will buy a six-room house, on cor ner 19th and East Everett sts.; 20 min utes walk from ftth and Oak. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. f-hones Main th. A 253. 6AVB YOUR RENT. W will sell yon a bom and yon can pay Tas tn . monthly payments, or we will K.i'.Lt for voo lrt anv Dart of the dry. PROVIDENT LWKWTMFNT a TRLSTEB COMPANY. S34-S2 Board of Trad bldg. PIEDMONT. Two new home, cor. Cleveland and High land; MX rooms, reception hall, bath and inntrr. finished aula and cement oasement. bullt-ln buffet, bookeas, coat closet and long- bevel plate mirror. See F. Miranda, owner. 1047 4j wiinams eve. HOUSE and lots on high ground, uotmt Tshor. near to car and hard-sur- fac street; extended view and high'Clasa neighborhood: one of the verv best sites In tbla tavoreo location. 1 none ain 1SSS. The Hart Land Co.. 144 Id St. 3-BXM houa. furnished. 1 lota, fenced and In cultivation, tent bouse with floors; strawberriea and other shrubbery; 1S0O feet of 12-lncn lumner. i.ne tevei iann, 4 ml! to carllne. Price 1725; 270 cash, Vs lance $10 per month. 82 6th st. PIEDMONT. Thro attractive modern homes, 131T, 31,21 1320 Rodney avenue, of 0, S and 1 rooms each. Complete In every detail. Terms If desired. V. O. Warner, owner. Thone Wood l-l wn 1375 Williams ave. SLGOO b-room cottage, good condition: nice Iswn. roses. 14 bear'ng fruit trees; lot f-x !. 3 block from car. only 20 minute out; S2W down, balan-e like rent. Interest S per ent- rninwr. wm "- 4-ROOM house and full lot on L carllne; lot alone worth 12'n. house and lot can be bad for f 10. 3200 cash, balance easy, ftre this at once. J. SS. amlth. US Cham ber of Commerce. IS tH ' K. H 8-room hoses near S2d and Haw thorne. Thia Is the best buy we have had In our offlc for month". Come In an4 see th picture, fine home and a great bargain for t-ioOO: half cajh. t -.a-..! vortflna new 3-room bungalow, good neighborhood, block to ear. close In. .1H0 down, ll a montiu mwni jrer cwiu est Worcester block. NEW modern, aeven-room house, full lot " with allev. In Irrlngton Park, on block from carllne. l.vo cash, balance eaay terma Phone Woodlawn P9Q. IKVlNtiTOX horn, six noma and aleeping r-'txh. thoroughly nKMlem. beautiful qcs- tVon. nesr nn mm iuraimi. e , w. iowjv terms. T PI. Oregonian. fYK bALF. by owner, a bargain: 3 choice lots. Country dub Addition; ILoOO cash will handle. Apply Slv Board of Trade, phone Marshall eA. e.rii'MM houa. comer Orand ava and I'roadwav. If sold tn the next lo daya price r-'5X good terms Phone C 24i;8. wi x selL modem 6-roora bungalow. Mt. Tabor: big lot: Sne view; S1K0. 1824 K. Yainh::T. Main IJ2S. a-ROOM modem bungalow. Vernon. 3oxK0 lot. near car. e-"J1. 310O down. 3L5 monthly. Ilea IIMO. 4at Woroeater bl?g. Kp tT0 00 Broadaar. one Mock from car with modem cottage. 22tlO; aasy terma Main 3-M3. eveninga MODERN S-room house, rent 34tl: price IUiH) Owner. 52 K. Aah, between 11th and 1-h eta.; no agents. S.-EV." 7-room house la Sunnyatde all modern, cement baaement; furnace, all complete. Ph.Tre na Slafn 41. ; uU,iD S-roora house, lot (VOxlOoi $2$ cash and S2A per zsonu. A IZ1S. a-or aaln lloa ROSE CTTT PARK MOMS. SMALL CASH PAYMENT. A very attractive bungalow with S large room and close to tho car: living room has fireplace and built-in seat, columns and bay window; dmlng-room has beamed celling, buffet and walls are paneled. Front room Is large with bullt-ln seat and clothes clos et, with full length mirror. Dutch . kitchen with ample cupboard room. Bedrooms are large and well ar ranged. Oood slaed bathroom with best fixtures. Full basement with laundry traya Lawn Is graded and seeded. It la a nice high lot. This caa be made Into a very nice home. Seo ns for terms: they will sarprlio yon and the price is onlv .".rvo. HARTMAN THOMPPOlt, Chamber of Commerce. SOME NICE HOMES. $10.000 Corner, beautiful s-room house, thoroughly up to date; one of the prettiest homes in Portland; good terma. $30i0 West Side. 8 rooms. 3 fireplaces, furnace, etc; a very nice home. ttl.vxi Weet glde, S rooms with alcove; built for terna. S.VHKl West Side. 50x100, S-room cot tage; good apartment-site. fjiw soxiuo. nice 7-room bona, barn that can be converted into garage. Homes In all localities at all prices. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade bldg. $3410 19 all you have to pay down tor a corking good new 6-room bungalow on a large Tot with a splendid view; yon can pay the balance like rent, lab a month After your rent Is paid what have you to show for Itr Nothing. Well, here Is a chance to make your rent rocey, buy en. 1 .h hmu. Is haraain. Inquire 4.12 Mohawk bldg. A.V irvington Dargaio A-arge. ji:... u. room bouse on E. lUth near Hancock. Fine location and attractive. Fireplace, furnace, large basement and attic Four bedrooma price $7230: terma McCargar, Batea ft l.lvely. tils r-ainng ping. BEAUTIFUL homes on East Bide We have soma attractive bargains In home In Hol iday and Irrlngton Additions If jot are looking for a home in this fine reeldenc district, see ua McCargar, Bates at Live ly. SIS Failing bldg; OOl NO East, sacrifice house and lot 100a ion. $8rvo If sold before Keptember 1, S-ioO cash, near new Taborslde school, call afier 8 P. M., Sullivan. 76th and E. Clay. eat slops of Mount Tabor. E ftJO. Ore gonian. PARK STREET. Well-Improved FRACTIONAL corner on this popular street, at a figure sura of advance In value. Vandnyn at Walton, 5 IS Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE by owner, bungalow, $ rooms, bath, beautiful view of Portland. 1 block to school and carllne; terms, $3150. AH M2. Oregonian. PIEDMONT. Strictly modern, brand new, S-foom house, tile bath; Portland blvd. snd Mal lory St. : price $4200. AE 243. Oregonian. FOR SALE In Montavllla, 100x100. good six room bouse, modem: some fruit: price $'-000, terms: 10 per cent discount for cash. Phone Main 9335. jay oiWER A new, six-room houe In lr vlngton. Call at (17 E. 11th. Phone East U72. FOR California bungalows on easy terma Hyneon, 32Uft Washington at. Marshall 77.V FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest S room bona la Irvlugton. 4M East Hulk sl y. Call snd sse H, HAT F ACRE. 7-room modern house, full basement snd small building, $4600. SuS East 3'.th st. S. NEW 7-room house, hardwood fioora. flre p'.ac. furnace. 111 E. 21. t N. Bmini Property. INVEST WENT. 100x100 corner, wholesale district, leased for $3r.o per month; can be had for $u.oo: owner neeas money. See Mr. Outhrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO. S4 4th. Board of Trade Bldg. GOOD INCOME PROPERTT TIELDINO 15 PER CENT ANN U ALLY. For eaJa. a modern corner, concrete busi ness block In the heart of the ahopplng district, of Aberdeen. Wash., the city of pavrolls and opportunities. Htorea and of fice renting for $350 monthly. 10 steady, reliable tenants. Price $26.5J. Send for photo, description and terma WILSON HUTTXRH. Aberdeen.. Wash. A FINE INVESTMENT. Qsnrtetr block between new Broadway and Steel brldgea Good Income and In Itne of rapid advance. 8MO0 handle, balance to aulu Vandnyn A Walton, bid Chamber of Commerce. $35,000. 'Wanted Party to Invest $35,000 In sit and building for manufacturing concern; income to net owner 1 per cent: will take 10-vear lease- 8 250. Oregonian. Acreage. $200 CASS BUTS A FARM. 11 -mile circle of Portland. 2 miles to carllne: red shot soil, no rock or gravel; easily cleared and fine location; Improved land selling for three, times this price, on 11 good county roads. READ OUU OFFER. Pries 1 $115 per acre. Wo will sell you a tract of 15 or 20 acrea for $2u0 cash and the balance any way you wish. We will sell you a tract for 10 per cent cash and give you a year to pay your next Installment, if you will go on the place, and then you can pay off the bal ance on contract or any way you please. This sounds too good to be true, but It Is true and we will prove it. This la worth your while and an opportunity for every man of moderat means to get a hom- -Crowley." CHAPIN HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN RANCH PRICE $450. S acres of fln land for chicken ranch, with running stream of spring water; ex milmii soil aeven blocks from high and grammar school, mile from Oregon City carllne: price $450. with terms to .suit pure a",ryi(pm- iAXD CO., '. 501 Merchant's Trust Bldg.. 32dH Wash. FOR SALE 300 acres of the finest Ocean Beach property in the Pacific Isorthweet, fronting H-mils on the Pacific Ocean on the famous Clatsop Beach. Oregon; abso lutely the nearest ocean Peach to the Co 1., .ki. River district and Inland Empire: on line of the Astoria Columbia Klver Railroad. ror particulars inquire rwni offlc Box 147. Astoria, Oregon. Drirrnniu land, on tha Tualatin River only a few tracts left; nearly all cleared and cultivated: close to Hlllsboro and 3 stations: W minufaa from Portland; $200 Er acre: fine buiiaiiig apoie on ca ui. AST TERMS. 405 COUCH BLDG. 80 ACRES, 29 cleared snd cultivated; H acre beaverdam: bouse started; close to two Stations: leas tnaa one nour iroiu -da, tend . t a baraarn nrlre If taken aulck: terms: 50 acrea adjoining this place can be lcaea tor o i.i 4"5 COUCH PLDCe K irRR9 or larger tracts In the Tualatin Valley; all cleared and cultivated: close to Portland: on eccmo iino; r vw ,- tlon and to Hlllsboro: or, county road; deep, black soil snd plenty of water; StOO cash, balance on terms 405 COUCH BLDG. ion PER ACRE. 10 acrea 11 mile from Portland, near Reedvllle: this la snap; oon 1. nav to J It at that price. BP.OWV STAVEH. 411 Couch Bldg. ! ACRE. 60 fare. $500. 1 acre. So fare. $750. 1 acre. c fare. $. 21 acrea. with house and orchard, $P0Ok BROWN fcTAVER. 411 Couch Bldg $ioo 000 PLATTIM5 proposition tn city limits, adjoining section already well built up: Bull Run water now to tract; S3&.000 will handle; an easy margin of SIOO.OOS net profit- The Hart Land Co.. 14 Id st, HILL3BORO ACRES. 1 14 acres across the street from City Park In Hlllsboro. Price only $12501 SIT Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th snd Oak. .u ACRES light close to car;- must b sold: land around It selling at 0) per acre; for this week only th 2" acres can be had for $1100: It's a big snap. Sea J. E. Smith. 513 Chamber of Commerce. SAI7&-31-3 acres.-clos In. Eaat Side, very cheap. InQUlr Mrs B. 8. Ullrey. 3 block east of Clark Station, Mount Scott cara 7 ACRES. acres clearcl. running water, mile from station; $7"0; 200 down, balance $13 a month. AB 2S3. Oregonian. THE best eloee-ln buy on the market, on elertrl- line, running water. Ideal for cut ting up: easy terma Vanduya a Walton, 61j Chamoer of Commerce. FOR SALE .aeea tract. mile south of xtoutaviti. a ' Lin Roads. Phonea Mala H2X2. A SSaZ, Montavtlla. ltve nana ana i-tj iwu BERRY LAXD. s . ASCOT ACHES. Best berry land near Portland; all cleared and ready to plant: 2Vi miles Out on the Base Lin roal; land around this produces $150 to $3n per acre In berries: price .300 per acre; easy terms. KEASEY, Hl'MASOS JEFFERT, 232 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. UP-RIVEH HOME. 1U acres with good 8-room house, barn for cow. with haymow, chicken houses and runs, garden, fruit, chickens, cow, telephone at 1..".0 per annum: 1 bloca from Meldrum station, on Oregon City. Electric Price $3o00. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg- 4th and Oak. Homesteads. RELINQUISHMENT. 160 acres, all bottom land; almost ready to plough; 7 springs; 12 miles to seaside, 1 mile to school and P. O.; $750 cash. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 32-page book explaining what each or the S4 counties l best adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead In each county; map attached. 21x8. showing new R. R. and towns. Including Eastern and Central Oregon; counties in different colors; drawn to March 1, 1J. latest map In V. S.; price 25c Nlmmo & Runey. 31S HaiTllton bldg. t ONE rellnqulshmont. 12o acres: 6 acres m cultivation, sorae small fruits and pie plant: on county road; fine creek rune through place: some bottom land, balance rolling, all tillable: 2.000,000 to 8.000.000 foot flno gre-in timber, fir snd cedar; close to county seat; school less than mile. postoCCice one mile. J. A. Davis, 214 Swot- land bldg. HOMESTEADS In Southern Oregon, guaran teed to cruise from three to six million; .lo cation fee SWjo. 617 Board of Trade from S A. M. to 12. b or ac -Iruii. t snrts MOSIER-HOOD RIVER BARGAINS. We have several attractive buys In Improved and unimproved fruit land that will Interest you. if you are look ing for an Investment or Incom pro ducer as well as a home; It will pay yon to call st our office and Investigate. Our clients whom we have so satisfac torily don business with, will serve aa reference for ua ,w come In and talk the matter ""rwUh ns: our experience la worth money to '"vis have some buys In bearing orchards that will Include th crop this year If sold soon, which will make uult a dif ference to you. , . , . H. F. BOTH FUR A CO.. 41S Henry nlflg. ESTACADA. Choice apple lands: ... 10-acre tracts noar town; best or appie land, from $50 per acre up to $200. 70 acres In Garfield district, uncleared. ooll red shot, does not bake; price $J5 per at120 acres In same district, 4 cleared, balance easy to clear; all lsvai, good soil: prlc $00 per acre. 80 acres, 3tt miles from Estaoada, un cleared, land level: $50 per acre. RAND. READ oi CO.. 316 Board of Trade. . HAViNci lest his house by fire, the owner of a fin fruit farm of tiSI acres will sell st a sacriac for a few days; 30 acres choice bottom land, balance rolling; Joo bearing apple trees, 700 Italian Prun". 30 cherries; 1 acre walnuts and otner fruit and berries; good barn, running water; on main road, only 4 miles to Forest Grove; this Is a splendid opportun ity aa It must be sold and there Is a good Income from the start; price ooo. or will dlvlda the place. T. H. Llttlehalea, Forest Grove, Or. ESTACADA APPLE LAND. 120 acrea, 40 aero cleared, balance easily cleared, family orcltard. small hou-.o, good barn; this Includes all tools, livestock, wagons, harrows, mower In tact everything to work tho farm with; pries $o0" per acre. RAND. READ ft CO.. 318 Board of Trade. $35u 10 acres, ail tillable, uncleared; running -.,. h.cr ll on coontv road near av;hool and railroad; suitable for fruit, .gardening or poultry; round trip in s noura; su..... as represented: best buy on the market; $150 down. bal. 2 ears. Palmer, 607 Couch bltlg. 30 ACRES of land, all clear, within Smiles of the center of Portland and 1 mile ot the Oregon City carllne; springs; sll level; price $330 per acre. C. F. pfluger ft co.. room 6. Mulkey bldg.. ad and Morrison sts. MUST sacrifice 11 acres of fine apple land In Hood River! no rock, line spring, all fenced. 3 acres in trees; must sell at once. Phone A 7136, between 11 and 2. or In evenings. 25 ACRES In bearing prunes and young ap ple orchard, four-room cottage barn and dryer; lawn and nice flowers; $350O; will take home in Portland ana rest casa. ,u. B. West. Myrtle Creek. Or. HOOD RIVER RANCH. 74 acres but little improved, at a bar gain price; aay terms or might trad for city realty. Vonduyn ft Walton, 15 Chamber of Commerce. SO ACRE8 choicest apple land! in WHITE 8ALUON VALLEY, adjoining town; part- Iv cleared and ready to plant; new uuu , REAL ESTATE. for hale Farm. DOUBLE YOUR MONET. Xear the United Railway Co.'m new town of North Plains, 18 miles from Port land. 10 acres, bo bottom land In culti vation, balance pasture and timber; fine large house, large barn, running water piped to house, barn and mllkhouse, power In creek to drlv-6 electric plant, t0 acres can be Irrigated; a fine dairy or hog ranch; best of soil. You can have this at $0500. half cash, balance terms to suit- You can double your money on this place within a year. See the Stand- ard Realty Co.. 421 Mohawk bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY RANCH. )S acres foothill land for sale at $25 per acre. S miles from R. R. station; very best of fruit, grain and grass land; and ideal stock and dairy ranch; some fine saw and piling timber; good house, barn, orchard. well watered ano mi uuuv, iuw, seen to be appreciated; liberal terms. Ad- nrens owner, wo. w yhsh. v.-.. A ci.n A r. 114S seres. Ave miles from The Dalles, 300 in alfalfa, plenty of water for Irri gation 2-3 can be cultivated, three acres In different kinds of fruit, good house and barn- can be bougrht On easy terma W. E. Mills. 114 'E. 2d St., The Dalles, Oregon. en-ACRE tracts, unimproved, 23 mile by rail from Portland: suitable for fruit rais ing and chicken ranches: well watered. plenty of timber for an purposes; ocst ot soil, no rock or gravel; $15 to $25 an . n,.. thM tttrm tha elm .neat tracts on the market and will bear Inspec tion. Call and arrange to go and see them. flip I AM the owner of S-acr tract of land, house, fnrit jnlandtd soil, near small town east'of city. 1 don't want the place and I - don't need the money. The price will ault yon. The terma yon own name. c.. auor, 4.10 Worcester bldg. Main 1P40. MUST DIVIDE PROCEEDS IN A YEAR. 400 acres of Roseburg land will be sold . ton Mr acre. $1500 cash, balance in . one year; this Is a great money-maker for anyone wn c. ubh-tc .1. Lumber Exchange. A .1H02. Main BUB. m vott ara looking for a small farm. chicken ranch or close-in acreage,- well or -.artlv Improved, at easy terms and low V . na rt-,i In nur own nron- 1 ertlcs? Benson Land Co.. 401-3 Wells Fargo hide- ' 40-ACRE farm, well Improved, new bam. five-room bouse. herpes. wagon, buggy, cows chickens and turkeys; good orchard; living stream on the place. Fisher ft HI II lor, Jt. AUINg'-'". WE hav beat and cheapest fruit and farm land In Willamette Valley; let n show It to you. Call and get our booklet. HARBOR SOUND INV. CO.. IB A. otn eu "sandy river farm: Overlooking the valley and Monnt Hood. ITor particulars se WILSON ft MEYERS, KDg Division Su. Portland. Tabor 1560. 10-ACRB) orchard tracta unlmpmvad. oa railroad. 25 miles from Portland; bast soil, do rock: $4U aa acre. sy una: ar racg with n to go and leak ssleetlsai round trip sam day. 310 Corbett bldf. 86 ACRES, one mile from acatlon, some Im nrovements. Meal for chickens or fruit; $2750- easv terma O. W. Eastham, 216 Mar. quam oicg. 3d ACRES bottom land near Wllsonvllle; fronts on Willamette River. H mile Ore gon Electric station. William Flynn, Wil- lonviue, ur. LINCOLN County atock farm, ISO acres. K25S0: 10 acrea piling timber, $7 pr acre. O. G. DALABA. Elk city, or. " J. A. CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms; prices reasonable; no exchange, p.. Box 74. Carlton. Or. FOR Linn County farms of all descriptions at rrlces very reasonable, write for infor- T II , - .Tr,vtv l - maiion to . ',". w 10 ACRES, hair cieareo. new nouw. oica 3d, etc; $1200, terms. 430 Wornater. - 40 ACRES. t ht.k arm of eattlvatlon. 2 acres of good cord wood, balano slashed, burnt and seeded to pasture; lie level and good drainage; good 7-room houa, good barn, ooet $1000, and good family orchard, team ot hocsee & years old. refused $t00, two An Jersey cow 100 chickens, pigs, buggy, wagon, spring wagon. 2 sets of har ness, all kinds of new machinery and im plements to work the plao with; located 15 miles from Portland, lj miles from good country town and steam line; t$ mile from boarding school. mil from scnooi, church and store, on main county road. R. F. D-. phono Vnd 3 milk route by door; if sold at once can fro had for just what the owner paid for It one year ago: must sell on ac count of health; price $0300. $40V0 cash, baianos long time. CHAPIN ft HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commeroe. WORTH MORB MONET. 20 acres, only two and one-ha,f miles from Council Crest and two miles from city limits of Portland: 12 acres in culti vation, balance slashed and seeded for pasture and eaay to clear; family orchard; poor buildings; some fin swal land; bnyer can deal direct with th owner by seeing ns; th prie of .thia land la only $275 per acTe; terms on part; It yon are In the market for a real bargain you had better see us at once about this, as It will not b on th market. long at this pries. J. STROUD ft SOX, . Beaverton, Oregon. .DAIRY RANCH for sale by owner. 1 have 140 acrea on th coast, good rich soil, about 15 acres hay and about 20 acres about ready for the plow, the balance pasture land; 6-room house, good large barn, plenty good water, about --miles of barb and woven wire fencing, about 20 bearing cherry trees and a variety of other young fruit trees, strawberry patch, gooseberries; currants and raspberries, blackberries and a few young grape vines, 1, mi lee of the beach, half mile of the bay. half mile to postofllce, 1H miles to cheese factory; can ba bad at $4000, $3000 dowa and the balance at 7 per cent. Address Elmer Calkins. Clover dale. Or. SHOW MB A better bur In acreage or let me show you th best, finest soli, running water on every tract, mostly In cultivation, close to electric line, sawmill on tract, $75 to $125 per acre; eaay terms. DARLING. 217 Ablr.gton. Miscellaneous. TWO very handsome flats in Nob Hill, on 22d St.. near Gllsan st- The Income is $05 per month and in one of the flneat dis tricts of Portland. This can be purchased for $11,000 If taken at once. $7000 will .handle It. David Lewis, room 3 Lumber- mens oiqg.. stn nu p,ua- . vnr. .Wn TOAR-mrt WML Close-in screage, a wheat ranch or -anal!, well-Improved farm, at low prlc and oa most liberal terms, se ma 1 haadl ai earn properties. J. O. ELROD, 620 Corbett Bldg. LINNTON warehouse property: full 60x100 lot and bldg., at present used aa hotel and bringing $30 per month. The property Is situate in the very heart of Llnnton; $4000 will make you wealthy In a few years. C. F. Fflnger Co.. room 6, Mul key bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. PLATTING proposition. 60 acres right on United Railways and S miles back of Bur lington; cheap for cash. C. F, Pfluger ft Co., room S, Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morri son sts. WAHTEIV- BEAT, ESTATE. LOOK HERE! WE HAVE 31 BUYERS ONf OUR LIST For house and vseant lots: some of them want cottages of $ or 6 rooms, some want larger houses, some want cheap Iota and some want higher-priced lots; , some have all cash and some want terms; If you have anything to sell at a bargain, call at our office and we will go over our list with you and perhaps we can bring about a sale for you. 8 UB URBAN LAND CO.. B10 HENRY BLDO, Marshall 1S89. A 7105. WANT immediately. 9 to 10 acrea with fir tree and bearing fruit trees; must be near carllne. Bring me th best you A 8574. ZIMMERMAN. Main 1S75. o,j. jjuiiru m M-uw y.ua. I WANT to buy a piece of income-bearing property on Grand ave. or some other good KnKt Side district worth from $10,000 to $25,000, from party who will accept a good Improved orchard as part payinenu Can pay some cash. AM 248. Oregonian. Tour property, list It with us. We have calls for all kinds of Improved and un improved city and farm property. 32 Lafayette bldg., Washington and 6th. WE HAVE Inquiries for desirable residences in Holladay and Irrlngton. If you have houses for sale In these additions, we can find buyers. McCargar. Bates ft Lively, 315 Falling bldg. WANTED To buy modern Portland resi dence or income business property from party who will accept Hood River orchard tract In part payment; give telephone nurnoer. A? o, ureKunimi. WANTED To buy from owner, modern res idence In good East Side district; give full particulars and price. A-oi 213. Ore gonlan. , WANTED To buy direct from owner Income-bearing property from party who will accept Hood River orchard land In prtrt payment. H 278. Oregonian. CHANCE TO SELL Have cash buyer for thoroughly modern residence, good neigh borhood, with 4 or S bedrooms. Call 5118 Gcrllnger bldg. Main 8251. - WILL BUY lota In Rose Cily Park; must be cheap; etate lot and block number; no agents; owners pnry. ,e. tregonran. A- LlltU JXSi e-WV . .w... uvu., $100 down, $16 monthly. Main 1040. 430 Worcester oing. WANTED A lot in the vicinity Broadway car, west ot 33d; must b bargain for cash. H 27!, oregonian BOOMING-HOUSE, 20 to 60 rooms, cash; etate price, location. T 256. Oregonian. FOB SALE TOfBEw. LAJiPS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. 10.000.000 FEET of timber In Jackson County. Oregon, cheap. For particu.ars, write J. W. Anderson. Jr., Pullman. Wash. TIMBER claims, homesteads, rellnauish menta. 219 Worcester bldg. . FARMS W AXTE1X X WANT 25 farms, from 10 to 160 acres lm proved in N. W. Oregon and 51 W. Wash.; got cash customers; give price and loca tion. AB 252, Oregonisn. WATOTFn To bnv from owner, small farm near carllne; terma: can make good cash ' ..hi. navrvionta M Ott''. nr.rnnlait. Farm, also acreage, fronting on or overlook ing river or ocean. K 194. Oregonian. WASTED TIMBER LANDS. A RELINQUISHMENT or location on home stead or a good timber claim. Address 324 tath st- Phone aiarsnaii riot. TIMBER lands wanieo. 304 McKay bldg. C. J. MoCracxeo, FOB RENT FARMS. 15-ACRE farm. Willamette River. near Courtney, nice house, etc; 'low rent. 104 1st st. TO EXCHANGE. BEAUTIFUL HOOD RIVER. Have 60 acres of ,the best apple land - In the famou Hood River Valley. Mag nificent view of mountains. Will trade for good Portland property. B 255, Orego nlan. I HAVE elegantly furnished 33-room apart ment house, with low rent and long lease, clearing big money, to exchange for mod ern dwelling in good location on Eaat Side. AM 2-tT, Oregonian. r.KOCBHY and confectionery, doing a good business, to trade' for bona and lot, lots or acreage. N. T. HALL. 821 Lumbermen Bldg. LARGE house and three lots In Newberg, close In; value S5O00, for fruit land or Portland property; owner only, AJ 240, Oregonian A BEAUTIFUL suburban home of 10 acres. Improved, with new bungalow and barn. Stock snd crop go with place. Take house and lot up to sooou. Ag aoa. oregonian. WE exchange your property, regardless of location, for that which suits you better. Northwest Exchange. 228-0 Henry bldg. CITY property and a 3-year-old orchard for exchange for Los Angeies property. Phone B 213. BLOCK books of Portland, for shotgun. 186 4 4th, room 36, 10 to 12 A- M. 5 ACRES fine Mosler fruit land for Jot or equity, ynone a uio. FIVE-ROOM houa In Kansas Cltv ho. Cot Portland, property. Phono C 1080. . TO EXCHANGE Very swell suburban horns 1 and beautiful grounds. 01 one acre, paia- . tial residence, with magnificent view, ll j minutes from center of Portland; positive- . ly nothing better can be had: it is .a-sac r rlflce at $12,000: will exchange for close in farm. See J. K. Smith, 618 Chamber Commerce. SO ACRES In Howell County. Mo., 4ti mlies from Burnham. on the Frisco M. re, aoour. H in cultivation: small house bam ami other outbuildings; get from 2t0 to SoO bushels of fruit every year; $2000: unin cumbered; will sell on terms or take a good 5 or 7-passenger auto In exchange. AN 254. Oregonian. . 100-ACRE WHEAT RANCH. 130 acres have been plowed, balance In pasture. All under fence and only t mile from John Day River. Only 6 miles from Rock Creek Station on Condon branch R. R. Will trade for city property. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermen bldg.. 5th and stark. . . 10 BEAUTIFUL ACP.ES IN FRUIT. Only 4 miles from Vancouver and at the station on the eloctric road. Cars pass every 40 minutes. All the trees in bearing. Owner will trade for city prop erty, home preferred. David Letvis. room 2 Lumbermens Bldg- 61 h and Stark. ' 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE Near Anabel Ptation on the Mt. Scott car line, worth $3.-.0O. to trade for a small farm partly cleared. Tho owner owes $1,100 and will assume some on farm. ,. David Lewis, room 2, Lumbermen's bldg-r 5th and Stark sts. HOOD RIVER. Will take modern residence as part Pay ment for Ideal 10-acre young orchard at Hood River in heart if the valley; all planted to commercial varieties of apples, in prime condition; no caali required. AN 247. Oregonian. LAURELKURST lot; original price $1250: have $163 equity. What do you offer, trade or cash 7 c 240, Oregonian. FOIS SALE. Horses. -Vehicles and Hitrncss, WHY buy second-hand vehicles when you can get a new one from an old-established wholesale house. 44 years In Oregon, at almost the same cost 7 We are located outside the high reut district, own our building, and can make the price. Ex clusive agents for the old relisbl line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, delivery wagons, top buggies, runaho-jts and farm wagona Be sure and see us befor you buy. It may save you money. R. M. WADE ft CO., . ., ' t2 Hawthorn ave.. bet. East 1st and ftL HORSES FOR SALE. Two cars of horses have Jaet arrived .and will be sold under our gaurantee. They range In weight from 100 to 1400 lbs.; age from 6 to 11 years; all good workers and prices reasonable. Vre also have three span of small nules, weight $00 to 100 lbs., for sale. Call and Inspect these. If wanting . horses. Hawthorn Eta-hies, 420 Hawthorn ave. 2u CHEAP HOUSES FOR SALE. $ and upwards. 20 horses and mares, all kinds and de scriptions; several cheap working pairs horses that will suit any and all kinds of general business purposes and will be guaranteed and trial allowed. 433 North 2l!th st. Take W or ltlth-st. car. MISSOURI MULES for sale Another new shipment Just received; 1200 to 1500 lbs.. ages good, sultagle for railroad, logging and farm work; mules at Freeman Bros, barn, 13th and Overton ats. Address Sparks ft Wlgginton. Imperial Hotel. $150 BUYS pair chunky built horses with harness, both 8 years old; have worked together for two years ; a grand good ranch or business team, with good wind and good eyes and true in all places. Jlcs- Idence. 874 Savier St. FOR SALE Portland stables. 24 N. lotlt St.. one team, weight 3200 lbs.. 2o0; little thin from hard work. Also my wagon and harness; would sell separate ly. Inq.uirefor Mr. Bush. 20 HEAD of horses for sale, broke and un broke. ISth and Flanders su. Also bug gies and wagons and one bus. Phone Main 047 and A 521(6. H. M. Billings. MUST sell at once, leaving the city, good, sound family mare, rubber-tired runabout and harness; come quick for bargain. o34 oath st.. end of Hawthorne ave. carllne. 250O-LB work team and heavy harness all for $225. No more use for them. 830 Eaat 26th st. Woodstock car to Powell st., then south 2 blocks. FOR HIRE, PORTLAND STABLES, 26 N. l&TH ST MARSHALL 1CM1. HORSES AND WAGONS Bf DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. ALLOWAY STABLES. 182 E. 34th Bt livery, business rigs for rent or sale. B Iiau, laam 111, FOR SALE 1 team young well matched horses, weighing 2800. Bound and without blemishes. 226 Russell st. ONE carload, weighing .1200 to 1700. from 4 to 7 years old. Hack, hearse and draft. E 24tn at- "" ma." GOOD team of mares at bargain: weight 27U0; harness and wagon. 242 Grand ae. South. HUBERT ft HALL'S STABLES. 380 Front st livery business, rigs, horses, harness. wagons, for sale or rent.Maln220. MULE, weight 1050 lbs., sound: price $75. Stables. 5th and Montgomery, corner. FOR SALE! Second-hand buggies and har- nesa cheap. 410 Holladay ave. FOR SALE Splendid driving mare, drives single or double. Call at 227 Salmon st. ONE first-class horse for sale, cheap. 110 E. nth St., vain-uu". " Rlrda. l)ot ami Pet Stock. FOR SALE Pointer puppies, 4 months old: four males, one female; white and llyer; best litter offered for sale in the tv est, dam has 64 champions In her pedigree, sire Is the best son of Ladd's Doc and Elsie: papers furnished, l; A. Drumm, Lewlston. Idaho. WANTED Buff bantams, Chinese pheasants: state prices In letter. C. A. Matt, care Wadhams ft Kerr, Portland, Or. FOR SALE St. Bernard pups, west Eighth cottaKe. Mrs. S. G. Thompson, Albany. Oregon. , , WANTED Good homo for grown male cat. AK 252. Oregonian. THOROUGHBRED fox hound pups for sale. Inquire at stables, 11th and Hoyt. Piano. Organs andMjlsiJnBtrommtt.j ALMOST new piano, join- own price and terma. Mrs. Scott A 4409. GOOD Howard plana, cheap. Parties leaving city. 1100 Rodney ave.. Walnut Park. Aatomoblles. BARGAINS. 1 1908 4-cyltnder Cadillac toorabout fully equipped and In flrst-cla condition; this car Is an especially good . buy. 1 1909 40-H. P. 4-c Under -passenger Buick and in flrst-class condition; will sell at an extremely low price If taken this week. ' COVEY aOTOlt LAK NEW 5-passenger $1800 auto to exchange for new bungalow, eilher In Rose City Park or Laurelhurst Addition; will pay cash differ encb or assume mortgage. L 23 j. Oregon ltm. ONE 1908 4-cylinder, 5-passenger, 40 H. P. Oldsmoblle fully equipped; has an extra casing; rare bargain for cash. buy. Covey Motor Car Company. , AUTOMOBILE cheap. White Steamer, needs new boiler; call Sunday or evenings, foot of Burrage St., near tilough road and sea machine. 16 CADILLAC. Toy tonneau. full equipped, good condition. $1150. Terms, A 247. Oregonian. ; : FOR HIRE Seven-passenger Studebaker; bv hour, day or week; low rates. Phona Main 1775, : UtaocUaneoqa. ROLL-TOP desk, revolving chair, two arm chairs, two atraight-back chairs., air early English oak, flat desk and 2 rugs; must sell today. 620 Chamber of Commerce "iasr. THE Northwest Typewriter Company. 223 Ablngton bldg. Phone M. S870, Is th only company selling strictly factory re built typewriters; pricea$10 to $65. NEW sensational novelty, amusement de vice, U. S. patent, for sale. . Address J. W. Bourke tHoano). Orpheom Theater, . Portland. FURNITURE well equipped office, in whole . or part at bargain: telephone connected, office to rent If needed. For terms, call lmmedlatelyJ12Couchbldg: BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS. $15. $50. Ask for catalog. Rebuilta $lj up. . M. Hayter Co.. 90 5th st. Main 529. FOR SALE Showcase, wallcases. counters. c neap, .o uallJ - - . -- FOR SALE CHEAP, one 8 H. P. single cylinder hoisting engine In good order, at E. 3d and Belmont. Phone Marshall 441). tfoR SALE Gasoline launch. 12-horse-power. 12-pa inger, 2S feet long, with can- opy top. Inquire 310 Welis-Fargo bldg. FOR SALE Two large oleander trees, full bloom. Main COKDWOOD, boxwood. co&L Multnomah Fuel CO., ijoxn yuoi'w. ROLL top desk, office chair and library tanie. floom era xwmv-"" SHOWCASES, new and second-hand. 813 Everett, corner 6th. Also fixtures. . SHOWMEN, attention- for sale, a monejr qeMhirr Illusion. Main 4367. C. SMITH typewriter-in firM -class condl- tlOn: W. gOOO ay Ilea. -.m. vi.-iiw,. NOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Na tional Credit Ass'n. 001 Worcester bldg. ASK FOR ORBIOS RED BOOK. 325-6-7 ABINGTON BLDG. MOVING picturo machin. films, -etc; bar- gain, T 55,. Oregonian, . ... - j ) A