THE JIUKM-Mj UltfcUUJIAJ, i J"-1-1! -a.-. - ----- ; '. M-M ' ' ' - ....-i.,.i t aarrcYWu l.l.flf TflU Ho. 1MB GREATER MEIER 4 FRANK STOBJ HESTAL AND INMJRMATIO.N HI KEAU. Home-hunt. re. vlalt our up-te-dala (T.atal no taxormatloa department. 4 - lloer, main bulldms. end se. the nrtidrt we hiH listed of deslrabl. house and n-te. T II aao time In (ettln, properly and ranfortas.7 located. We ni u tojca with ail vacant .oussa. Ilala and apartment- la tbo ejtjr. W alao iki a U' of new building. In eourae of construction. Tbo combined luia of all real estate deerere. This Information Is abeolute-T free. -WHEN rOU WAST TO REST A HOUSS eza va - THB MEIER A rHA.VBT COMPACT. WHEX o mar you'll neeol now Tunntaswi Bar It Jodlcloaal. ae4 (ha will as cacd your moving expense.. - OUT t-Kt 1 rmt-a-f mao. T " taa largeat furaltura boums la In. la two yaarm. Leakers uon anme eourtesr aa Boyara. VOROAN-ATC'HLKT FCBNITL'HB Ctt -7a Grand .v.. corner fcast Slarfc at. Kaat Aaaenr er-d Russell-si saver carUae. PAj. OUR POOH. T-ROOM modern house. 1"0 f- ! .. acar Alberta: r.nt M: 4-ronin. roorfn house: Maiden . l 11 both house, are first -class and cloa., rar. Olenart Kealiy Co.. (lnc. IIS rhamber of Cotrm-rre. TOR RENT 12-roora bouaa. - 21th at.. cor. Overton. H-t and cold water In every bedroom : fine neighborhood; modern con tanlenrex Inquire Hi 4lb at-. Henry Blde Vtakarield Fries A Co. will lve lease. HOI'S E3 and fit it rert. am furnished. M EH' "HANTS BAVINtHt A TRl'ST oil PA NY. ft W for nth an! ' aeMnston tJ. MODERN 4-room house. -large attl-. baa. ment. hlah. P" W E. UL: KHk-k aata Jsonlavllla. car. li Mrs. Robert tilea Lw-BKAND new modern -room house, on Hawlborne earllne: furnace, electric Mr. eaa. ehadea. Fhone Tetr UKRN a msa house furnete. flri,.... ic. : HolUday Farm Addition. Inquire al . r.)ll KENT A nuxlern H-room hwuae. " Fast lde: T.t- fan Rafael St.. het..en W I Heme and L'nloa aveuuea. close in. "- walklnc cits. IfoCrKRS . room hooJ in 'od t.-.tioru fee. FR RK.NT- cd rwn no-. I'ortlatoid rr-tt b''r. K1 2T"- FMra.lstJ M K FIK N'T r i u mU rn h--ni. "t- ' i I. II. Kvcrvtt, AlmtNiA 'lri mnl HKI.I.-KI'R ISHKt S-ron rom", b-ith. crar nt b4wmfril, 'r'1. rnlrst.v I---aivd. ivMrncf. Appl l'rk. rtvr II A- M COMIM.RTKI.V pvd r-t. furntsh-.! -r.m hot. F.Mxi rtl iarc. hr4- K. Rurnsitlyt:. ;i pi RMSKRI) how. -t Stl. nt. tv tm two. A. AiidrvM AC in. a nr. fr ihe B-t ihi? dyv tH -p Main jJJ4. . bUevks l r. 21 E- OHMS drutorr. I'hoO TitWT IS iMimi'.n. nwiim 2 cartinr. bom; -.HI l. Fart'culmiaW -.1 MorTi- ob Phono MAln tBl.T i-nivw. iB-rom ha.-. pUiio V m . . T-KOOM furntaned hou far rot. luquir Main -hn Nin 4.t- VI HMSIIICU Apply 311 MoUawk r.M H HAI f umi-hd hou t rfnt (or o vr. RVrtnri f'.ulrfd. 7''H Marshaill t. R.XM ftimlh. flat. Wrut Side: -ik-!nc rtttr.--. 4'f'.: rommrcul 'P-'k- 1.ivKH m.wls-rn fUi. & r --oi K A) trr. Ilu t- fr Bt t nniltarrr iTRO'.M " bUPK-l'w. prlt bojnlili. now furaiittiv. rh.p rent. 10 b.rdr, to iih. A ni If litk-n t one. Fhon ys,iwwid 1 1-'.'- .V-'l Huivrril ( ' I KNITI'RK "f -'m hou. clo "V W-M riitke U r-tn roni-d ttt-r- 1h-n ''r riit; prl." - I'hon Min Wl.'J. or X r.7. ntfmmn. lt K.H.Mi. furnisihrd. (r I ''. ni-lullnc SIDO ptn.. ciunnR pr month; claM i. wil. ell with wr wilhout plm. I'hon B I . KAKK rh-info to obtAln nno f lt nd home tfyap: abio.uilT com pin furntohtnt:. n room. . nearly ne. Answer in nam and t.Mr AH - Osonlin. iI'.HT-HiH -M brUr fr rni and fumirur for ; utti) -r rwmer 14" N- Ifh, cor. H.'. i M I'lsKTKLT f urnlh-d i-room flat, 4 --': Waal Sid. IT.. l'ttmtcr K-'hinit bldK A .MC.i Mrtin .V. 1 3. ki iiviti uk ..f lti room foe al. lor r.r t gi-Kl rrjae. m Uth. Mln lit.rsK f-r rnt aad furnintrty f.r rale; br..ln. lfiS 17th. -r Morrlaon. VKHf d'-trt' b--ui"r. T52 K. Burn t ... Va -I of fmi: i ir foaal fcLKJNT furnilur' of modern - rovu term if jJ..rrd-jnionMiritt. IX-Rt -tM cvttac; on rwom paa rtni. !! 7l 3d. KfRNirrRK for aal. bw-vuliful t ro.-m fUl. rut r.-r r-nt: ."- i.h. ' THN AHH TT COTTAvtE. Mm -. i;j. n-ror roatofT.. . ftirntthd r- m and taauakopns rvoir.; -"HliJ mta by "- Ati-irana Air. Ao N--luB. bl fTf'KR for rani; riro locaiioa (or a anaxkat, tm lr taa-ton. at MS and Hi-w -ta . mar m 1 In ail lrviitx: nr-r t .n I rloa . so4 (---cat'on f-r Kth Una nd o-iria mMt; -ltl rhan- llw ator r.r a mt nuukef 0n-w w-k v. CJ KAat Mrrian at. 1'aitK.o ulDs u.d Sua aav, tvt-at (TORS io rnt. si -d al. North, cor. 4 and Hunf4l. for raturant or any thr v1f-a. with S - Waae, Call -U id . North. K hKNT-Ftn. Iara !. rli-ap rrnt. alv' fr-t- r"aa ia fr-mt. Bn raiion. buatnraa dtatrl. t ill S oil ca. line. I hono U in orT Jor IUI7. t FOR RENT .-atorr and brmant brtrk era ba'Mtne. ftOxl. o'nhat 4-omar Fraaf ana Fib. Apr Cbaatar V. IMupb. .. Motiawk b:l COKNKR wtM lrat l : ipH-dld loralton for ari rr tnr; r r . o p a b I r. TU I.KAiK Kar and barbar ahop at Hot! A Mar. 4i b and Aii-r J i R R K.T Hior a :tri H routn. u,atatr. I n qo 1 1-a M-ln T" I'o rt U n d Hrrtiuf Oftm. yoR SJ-vL.C LJ-IA iJ O HOC Nl FLOOR riro IvM-aJtoai miianla for atatt-Wkar-T. banhin. ra. aatair Dutrfa etc. or fur lbr tr r.rml--n ap.v to THS AtT H K H - , l-B t-KTk.V CO-. rH k at . Kvrt'a- I. .r. Msr t ra l . r l--tad aa.c. ainsia or aa una: ra&ta.a IU and up; a.l-B.nt . bar aarwtca. arc room. arocd floor. Waahinto-a st. trout. BaJtaui for aalarooca. Apply soj fewiu uei b.d.. tm and yaa:nrton ata. -..Wa,w...a. i.lcu fs pr.i.DiN'-- T-aak rom in of bH locatad of ft la l.awta bic- or ioatd cuna1dr prtipaainon for ua of eorrw ro.ia -xilb M ' El.Isr-rt ' RSISIIKU Hbt offlr. or d-ak-nom. phona, raaaonabi. Mob.- It bfatg . 'uK RK.NT -A f oma la Co-vcll bids. Call Lawlabtd. Hll.K wll-fumh-d .n i offira. phana. tvrmnt4r; d! I S.ti .nj M'taj. i HUiSTKl-Y f urntahed of flea fr rrnt or Mra. f.i (ar.tBtr btdd . 2 I? S A r. OR Rt.NT A J lotralioa for a sub urban bank if tAa at one Addrraa R . I. .Ttcaaa. FOCNtrWhtrt watrnoa. daajonoads and J !ry am ald for a-noant loanad and ona noatAa tfltaraai. Cncia afycra Caliatara. Htvpfc. T dih a., aaar Oak at. tlST Auto aiP; cuiiioo. It. od and Orofna i'itr. ftn.ier piaaa notify ranT. Main 7 '- 7 Rrard. U,.liT'i,uncl.r antnT at d and MotraoB, ladya tch and tot initial "H. phon Sa-llwrnxt ,7. P ard. tn r I an M l-a "Huh wrnt-B on handla. Rward. 3h; t 7th at. N. Et a: X T To .--rTUV i of T-r-.V Kir N'imal Pank. R'tura Ui O. M M wr. TluTiW ar t1 A-siv KuH K Ka. X R FOUND Whtrt yo can bay ranulna bait mattraas retail at wholes! prlcoa; wa reaovat mattresses and return nam day. Portland Car lad Hair Factory- U. MteC Ti r'tont- fr.onas Main 474. A 174. ST RA T fcD. Aug. '.Mb. on- spaa of biack horava. weint about 24- 0 m&ra branded 1 T . rfsbt hip; h.r rx-t brandd. small white at-ot oa 1 "ft shoulder; reward. Paul Paur. K. I. No. 1. "ta-rade. Or. LoST Between t'ntenarr Church and laOna Fir Cemetery, lady's breast pin. sunburst. st with pearls, opal cmr. Rewtrd. Phone Cast 67u or call East Ankeny street. WILL, th centleman wlw found the satchel contalnlna; claaaes and key thd depot Sunday nmht kindly iev same at Orto- ni-n office and obMre owner? LoT tiold charm Sunday nijrht with lnl tiais li. G. C-. on bottom. Please notKy Cl. G. Cohh, 450 Burnside St. or phona Marshall I7JA or A 57. Reward. LOisT On Seaside train. Aujcuat 27. lad enamel pin. set with pearls; flnder will please return to 243 lltb at.. Portland, and receiv. reward. LOST Sunday nlht. lady's cold tch and fob MonoKrim on case. Reward. Return to E V. fkbneider. i44 Williams avenue, i'hone Kxat Lost A chain and pearl necklace; buit able reward. Return to 24 Marshall St.. . niWsvrtn.-iat P- LOST Black Cocker --panll from 4ti Coltes St. Main .ttCVo. Reward. mti-rs o pppRTry mis. MOVIN C-PICTf R E pnachlne. film for anl or rent by b siceat and ueat Oim renters la the world; blora ckwtna; deal Isawbar in quire if lawmmM la reliabi; If La mm I a r.ta r,i tndins; If UfromK fiiarmntees a square deal. U a bava ma pi lookinr ror ajuja to taa dvan. W am ploy in best tnaatructor oota.naol to laacb oparatlns; bonrsiiy and tborwufhly In ur operatir. -hovL Ternw very -aay. Upera tor's oertia n: issued when guaJidad. Laenunlo r tincat u a standard of an ov-rator s quail fieattona Utmma l-llm earvJo. Paa- lagejfbld-.. Portland, wi--.. KRAD THIS. INVESTOR. For sale on sto-w trail dins. Incom 4 P month , can b Increased. ine 3-rom residence, Income 9 Pr month. nt modern. t ne 1 1 -room modern residence, occu pied by owner. I ml .id in seven lot. l-rtr. om; half ca-ib. balance on llm. Mut N Slid. Title aruaranteed prfct- 4 LARA B- METOER Room 441 tSherlo---! Bids. tor. d and iak. phon Marsnall 14. A FEW GOOD BITYS. ro.ery. inTOlf-e; new. vlvan atock. Hardware. Invoice, food lease. Hardware to trade for lots or acre lje. tnf-vtionn y tu trade lor a re-vce. a 'mar pttnd and of.-ctloner.v. cheap. l'ol hat . J and 0-table halls. S.ilLMtna, J rood one. We have oth'-r bwineaa rhanre. .;UIL'lill HEIVX, 71 H Board of Trade Hldsr. READ THIS LIST. Saloon. Independent license. l'"-t.r.M-t-rr. partner wanted, about ' ioi.f-v'tionr. rlan n-w jtock. CiKar stand in off tee bids;.. 1 1 UH. Furniture and hardware. Interest. ;ro-ery. 3 Urinf-roomt, $7 I'lonty more. Call and see "m. N- T. HALU 3-1 Lumberniens n Ids;. WEST SIDE GROCERY. A nl.e clean csh rocrre atore. on Washington at.. dolti if'-od b"nvs: n -tins: --'" P"r minth, rent only month: for qnlfb sale will aell for lartiO; lnveatirate this, as owner must sail. GRI'SHI 7.AUOW. R isrd of Trad Bld.. 4th and Oak. W .NTKU men with some money t iec.r-1 all about the bUrceat indosrr.e.l Mn.nsa ' of the aire: approved by th mt -onsTvatlTe Inveaiora; a ahare worth 1V ran still be had for th small sum of an immense fortune In your reach; send for prospectus and be convinced. IS OrKOtiLliB. WANTED A man with from H W l2oo j..ln owner In the manufacture of a novel wrench said by esperts to be test manu fHrtured: thu Is worth Inveatlcatloo; will tii.tde prortta equally with rtcht mas. ArfTMAN INVESTMENT CO Room 27. Washlnrton Bids. Si. TODAY-Nf-j stock clears. candifS. masrastnea. rountrra. shelvinc. rases. wn !T,a ,ta ware. etc.. worth MH. Wil liams ave. Lx-alers please call; no come hnrk-- oihi-r business, must sil immediate v bujdneaa location; will not be adver- t!ycd aitaMi. I. Kin en oivnn.. Beat oca(in on Esat Side, hish-eiasa patronace. dolus: ulsj business, stock ail rTv and clean; prU e .;uuO or at invoice For oarlleulara call o Aetna Realty St ! 1 .1 Uth.hll.. Kill r LI MBER bookkeeper and stenographer of lit aars experien. desires position In Portland- can furnish best of references; at present employed out of city; am tirst class (fnrAl office man. AM w. t r ittnin. " 14 ROMS AND BOARD. 14 rooms, all full of Rood, steady board ers; receipts S4.n per month; rent only S rti One lca 1 1 n ; price 1 b jO. GRLSSI A ZADOW. 17 Hoard of Trade BUl.. 4ih and Oafa. HAVE nne openinr In sool letrltimate busi ness for steady, reliable urn who can la-e-l $K with his serrlcea WIU pay 1a rr month. No e-tTertenre necessary. Call mit couch bldrtggj5hfl M VNCFACTCRINO arency. handllnw th best line on the Pa title Coast direct from the factory, wants partner m owner: can't handle business alone, can room -.. .nmbr Exc nej .. ' HOTEL WANTEl. Wanted nrst-laa country hotel la roast or river town; owners nlv; state name, location and particulars. AM irr-K"TiUn. BARHKK snoD. In suburb, clearinc 140 ,,.r month; :7o. $:i'K cash; trial given; if you baven't the money and lima to .va it a trial, please don't answer Uki-tw X Ht. pry K on: an. , . $...-i WILL secure an Interest In oid-eatab-Imhed ofTI-e huslne-s that will pay a lire man no leas than monthly ; open to fullest investicatlon. Call room 333 Urn her Etch eng.. d and Htark at a BIG SNAP. -. io and irn More: good location and tra.'lr- can be had VERY cheap X. T HALU 3-1 Lnmbermens B'da.. for s X I . E C.ood opportunity: paylna; clear eonf. vtl. nery. Ice cream parlor and fruit stand. cvntraUv Imated; owner must leave rl;v. fmmlre tl'O 'h St. h V K a rtral clasa steady position for a Ko.d man at ood a aea. who can furn Uh !. to !C:o caah accurlty. Call room . i .-, KothchUrt bids WANTr'D Parttier in small cash business, diitv io riMhrr rood and do collecilnn; aa.ary t-. we-kly and profit a Call room Lumber Exrhance. 1 WANT a aod. li. painR me-eantile or mnufarturlna; busmaa up to $10.n.o that mill .und ful'est lavesucatlon ; anywhere in Qretton Harltna;. 217 AMnaton. illtiH'KKT ood business, dandy location : MIST SELL- Owner. B 6111. ask for 1 1 . PARTNER aantetl f-r furniture store and repair shop: required. Call 24b Stark t s.h SALE Sprtin so-xls and Edison pho nocraph "- In.o.c about A On "prorTunity. Address Boi 3. Eux?na. Or. li- I IC MESSES and arocery. bright and stiratle; if -d location; tmw. Bloch v --1 I.umbcrmrns bldar RpTAI RANT Farmer wanted to act as cashier and Io. after help; -uO re- qt,ired.2.i iStark at. CONFECTIONERY and bakery centrally lo :ed; od bustneas For Irformatkia 1- fieas Mrs A'' U hi. tie. Casilerrvfc. Wash CKFVMKRV. butler. ea:s ana light gro Venee. fin location: rent SJo. two years lease? prtce lrt-V Call 24- Stark St. MIx":N AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKST Teieprion and other bonds bought and Fletcher Inr. Co.. 223 Ablngton- t;KFRL mdse.. valley town; Inrolr about IliOia-: sales f.M year. Bloch ILa'tv Co.. -UIl l.umbermens bldg. -vK HtNT-H MIN",-HOI SB and offices. t.t fw-r. Rai-.h bluf.. :h and WaalUzui II ln A andM..m 34M. lyKl'tJST'RE snap in rood towa. fin busi- r ft. new Bstures. 3-yewr lease. Invoice ntut $:aaH. Address Boa SO. Eugene, Or. WILL sell half Interest In dye works; rood location; l-'wv Paye elL J lUl. Oro- n is n. - POK SALE Half interest In oid-eatabaihed bustne-s- Kinnay A tilanaper. Lumber Ea- r ha n 5 e b ; d . AL S'3s pil 2Ll ? A SI RE WINNER My home restaurant at txo clearing weekly; rent J5: going K st . V :-.y re g o n i a n ftOO PC PINES CARDS IL25 It ye bring this ad. Riae City Prlntry. IK. Third. ONE-CM. vIR barber shop for sale cheap. Ad- lre.- L K Flske. C..rnel.Uw Or. I WES TIG AT B AR.1 in onr law r-h .-i. aiS Lewis bMg. FOR r"VLE Half Interest in rood advert-s- inc novelty buln-f 31 - Henry bidg. 6AlaAKN for sale. Inquire Portland Brw- lna Co. tl4 W IlaL buy lunch counter doing good business; fin location. W Qregonian. Ft iR ORE-JON RF.D BOO K. A bl NO I ON LLH. for, REN T weal market, furnished ; do I04 good, cash bua.aa. rhoa Avast A BARGAIK Owing to poor health I must sell my planing and shingle mill, loca'ed at Wallowa. Oregon, at once. Tina mi.l is located In the heart of a fast -grow mg ronntrv. with a large ar-a of timber practically untouched; mill is paylnr a boi t :ion a year, but ca n be r rea 1 1 y e filar ged- any one interestrd in the tim ber Mne can do well to Investigate this, Victor D Vail. Haines, Or. A 7V-ROOM firat-claas hotel, strictly modern-. . recently completed, best of furni ture, located In the heart of Riverain avenue, running through to Sprague e' nue; one block from Northern Pacific depot; J 5-year lease; only parties witn the best of references will be confidcreo. STANDARD Fl'RNITVRE HOlt. bpokane, Wsab. FOR HALlr-Ooe of the best located and equipped -sawmills in Britlah Columbia; n main lire of C. P. R. and tidewater; one and one-half miles booming ground In rresn water; capacity 75.WO b. f. lumber and ehingles per U hoors: built im year and operating at big profit: price low and terms very easy; with or without tim berlanlSL Adams-Powell Timber Co., Ltd., 311 Crown bldg.. Vancouver. IS. C. WANTED A nartner who can take th m' or ranch and can Invest equal amount of capital, from to I O.OOO. the money to be put It ftork. hogs and cattle; have cheap feed for -.on head of each the year round; will guaran tee you big money on our Investment. F I7. Qre.tonian. CAtsE of sickness, notel restaurant furni ture for- sale, 20 rooms, dining-room, par lor, office, everything nice aad clean: rooms always taken, best house In lh city; owner has other business, like to get oat this week; sold fur any reason able price. Call today. Commercial Ho tel. Illll.tboro. Or. - WANTED A partner who cim take the management of a ratch and can invest equal amount of capital; from .H to 10.CKn. the money to be put in stock hogs and cattle; have cheap reed for -tw head of each the year round; w!H guaran tee you big money on your Investntvnu F 24". Oregonlain. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Fin location, dolus good business, es tablished 24 years, very low rent; mul aril on account of sickness; invoice about $-k"X; will consider some Incoriie pr-wr'.y If cash value Is placed on same, particu lars ;.-, Board of Trnde. ' . FOR SALE Small cleaning- works. Cuing Sl.-yO to a 4 Oo work month; expenses light, price low; fine chance man and wife or two men. Call or write for dentils. San Francisco Cleaning Works. 7. Lxchangs at., .itorla. or. H A V B yon from SSOO to SoOOO to invest f We can place your money at high rates of Interest ; beat security. flrt mortgage. PROVIDENT INVF5STMENT A TKLbTES com pan r. 024-529 Board of Trade Bldg. " CO IN TRY HOTEL TO RENT. All furnished, doing good business. Expert 1 need man ami reference, p 14. QREGONIAN- Al BARBER and cornet player wishes to locate In thriving town. Washington or Idaho; will lease or buy shop: will de vote spar tlma to band. K. So7, Ore gon inn. FOR SULE RcAiauranl: if you hav ;iu-ni to Invest and want a rood one. now la your chance; centrally k-atel. long tea; can nuko more than purvhaee price in tlrst year. A S Oregonian. BLACKSMITH ahoy below Invoice, all new, fine location and alone; thickly sett led, mostly dairying, lots of horses to sho very little credit. Schiller's cigar store, :h and Waahington. fcrenoons. DRFG STORE In exclusive district: fine fixtures: Mies a month; cheap rent, long lease; f2Ni: S1)mh cash, balance real estate or mortgage. Bloch Really Co.. 221 laUmbermena bldg. GIVEN away free, map of all the California oil fields, also trial subarrlption of publica tion 'Xailfornia Oil Fields." Sag ar-Loo mis ' Company, TU1 Orcgonlan bldg., Portland, Ml'ST sacrifice 11 acres of fin apple land In Hood River: no rock; fine rpring; all fenced; 3 acres in trees; must sell at once. Phon A 74UO. bet. 11 aid 2, or n evtiiiini, XUUnu SAD, 1 nAiucn 1 Make careful Investigation at expense eC seiler before you Invest money in any proposition. Advisory Department. X. M. C. A. RELIABLE cement contractor wants ener getic man as partner to manufacture ce ment blocks, etc; will pay good salary besides profits. Call 417 Hoard of Trade- ESTABLISHED cah business, owner wants reliable partner he can depend on to watt on customers, etc.; will guarantee $:tO a week. Ca;i 417 Board of Trade. X HAVE $430 equity In a well-located Laurelhurst lot. which I will sacrifice for $2-0 cash; going East and rausl have the money. F 2iS. Qregonian. A GOOD solid business that will pay man who Is willing to work and attend to business 150 per month; it-year lease; price. If t aken at bnce. 40O. 11 4th U FOR SALE At sacrifice, only confectionery an d Icecrea m parlor In goon mill town; paving proposition; good reason for selling. Ad'dress Box UN. Springfield. Or. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORK. A nice little business with living room furnished: small amount of money . re quired; Call at H3 Burnslde sL CONFECTIONERY Fine location, owner will teach purchaser how to make candy; rent $: two years' lease; price $10&u. Call 24 H Stark st. FOR SALE On reasonable terms, the candy making tools formerly owned by Mr. Sten ner. Inquire of Sam L. Beary, 23 Mor ruon su Confectionery for sate in town of 2000. near Portland, everything modern and up-to-late. For further Information ad dress L 2.1'J. Qregonian. CREAMERY and light - grocerv on Wash- lngton street, clearing over $ 100 a month. Price ttRMi. Bloch Realty Co., 221 Lum bermens bldg. CLEARING $23 PER - DAY. Cigar and fruit store for $21 mi. clear ing S7M) per month: fine location. Rogers A McKay, room -'". 3u3 - Wash, st. DELICATESSEN and bakery: fine location. M orrlson street ; In vest tgat e th Is : $ ' 1 OH. ST.M. cash. Bloch Realty Co.. 221 Lum bermen bldg M 1K "H A NT wants partner, one w ho under stands farm produce; week and share of proms. $looo required. Call 24MS Stark at WANTED A few neat young men who are willing to learn the real estate business: only little money required; Can make btg money while learning. 242 Fifth at. BA RBER shop! 3 chairs" and bath : moJ ern fixtures; town of 12(; has pa"roll of .V imhi a month; pr1e f 1 1 no. Bloch Realty Co . 221 Lumbermens bldg. FOR SALE First-class moving picture ui ater In At district: cash, or will trade for Inside Portland real estate. Inquire Y 243, Qregonian. GENTS' furnishing store; fine location; modern store and fixtures; cheap rent, clean stock. Bloch Realty Co., 221 Lum bertnens bldg. $10 far Barn Restaurant for sale. bet. 23d and 24th on Su Savlers at. Call at rca- taurant. GROCERY store on Grand ave,, doing good business, al Invoice. Bloch Realty Co., 2J1 Lumbermens bldg. WIlaL patent Hercules process In Mexico and Canaoa; $lW will make you $.Yu.0 in 2 yam B. Murium st. ' oi y $."uHt: $4 modern rooms, close in. 'good location lease. Rogers A McRay, room 23. Sua 4 Washington gt. CiAR STAND, fine downtown corner: rent tiO. Irwludlng light: Iti-Mi. Bloch Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED Experienced 'ung clerical man. Commercial Abstract Co., 48 Commercial Club bldg. OKO-'EHT st Invoice: .Vyear lease at 1 40 month, including fixtures. Call 241, stark street. BEE THi Fine cigar stor- on th street. only $1200. Rogers A McRay. room 23. - Waah. st. OLD-ESTABLISHED restaurant, good busi ness, prominent location, good lease, owner r-tinng. F 24-". Qregonian. OFPORTCNITY for young man to engage In construction business. $2000 required. AH 2.U. Qregonian. GROCERY store: rent, including 3-room cottage. $2 : doing good business; 1 7.0. H I oeh Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermen's bl d g. X. frNAP 3-chair barber shop and pool- rooru. 34 Hawthorne ave. BARGAIN Ice cream and confectionery lew than Invoice. 78 Washington st. ftOQMING-SlOCSES. RtkOM ING-HOl'SK 11 rooms, all newly f urn lahed. beat loca t Ion in el 1 ; 1 1 m Ki, tt-rms. Addraas A J 2 m. Orescnian. 30 RooMS. lea.e, cheap rnt. steam heat, rnooitig water; clears $2."0 to $.:0O; leav tnr: a snap. D 24.1. Qregonian. W VNTED Roomliig-boTtse for good real es- tate. .nortS r ,--egonian. IU ROOMS Close tn. low rent. House full. A bargain. Owner, V 2& Oreconiau. . , . ... r,,TTir. , iiTriiTeT 1 1 0. ' 15 KOOMiyG-HOCSJaA. " PAYING f2W PER MONTH NET. SACRIFICED FOR QUICK SALS 34 rooms, elegantly fumut-ied with quarter-sawed oak. mahogany and Dirns eye maple furniture. Wilton vel.vt and Axmlnster carpets and the beit of eveiy thing; hot and cold run nine water, fur nace beat, large baths and all conveni ences, long lease, low rent. If you vai t an income of H per month an, a nice home and have ioo caah to invest rod ar. looking for a genuine bar?:iin. answer this. Address owner. AL 1.47. O-ego-iign. 4i R(X)MS, elegant furniture, long lease, running water every room ; rent S- j0 ; anap. oat rooms, corner, long lease, rent 165. good furniture, new carpets; a bargain. - 17 room, fine location. $1-100; term, li rooms, clears $'; $7."0. terms. aI9 Board of Trade. WASHINGTON ST. BARGAIN. 32 rooms, 4 year lease. rent. New and clean, clearing S.T73 per mo. $lt.500 cash required. PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO. ai3 Ht-nry Bldg. ' 1 :t ROOMS, center of business district; all on one floor, brick building; long lea-e: rent I2.". Clears over l."K month. Price s50; terms or trade for house and lot See James. lOth, near Stark A SNAP. 14 finely furnished rooms; extra fur niture for 4 rooms; house always f-jll-splendid income; will clear 100. Call 2tk Pin st. If you mean business. 1 ROOMS near ladd School, rent .".": in come alHH; nice home. $440 cash; halance ax jou make y t. See Jamer. 8s 10 1 h near Stark. IO ROOMS, close In, "nice yard, good house. Rent $'.'7..o. good rurniture; fine carpet?; a monev-makt'r and a line home. Price only $;.iO. Inquire 8S loth near Stark. lii ROOMS Kent "0. Oak furniture. A-l Car)M is. Fine piano. $iHM cah required. fwnr must sell. A snap. Portland Room ing House Co.. 313 Henry bldg. .BEST hotel -rooming-house In choicest lo catlcnr 46 rooms, everything modern; price $7:pOO. half cash- N 211. Qregonian. 1:1 IKiOV.-l Kahnnn. near Park, new furnl1 ture; rent $05; clears $1O0; bargain; house tifwlv renovated. D 242. Qregonian. 10 ROOMS, everything In nrst-class shape, finest location for one who wishes the best el Acs of trude. Call Jtl 4th L HAVE client for a new unfurnished rooming-house if reasonable, to rooms. Larl- ing. 217 Abington. WANTED To buy rooming-house of about 2'J lo ' rooms; what have you to offer? Give f nil partlcula rs. AM 2A 1 , JO re go n I an . U ROOMS, rent $;tr; lease. Income. $i0; will sa crime for e-iu. u luurmun i Take 2:id-t. car. WANT a rooming-house up to OO rooms at a bargain for spot cash. Darling. 217 Abtngtun. - FOR SALB Modern 0-poom house, com pletely furnishcl; prk:e $hi0. Tel. A B08I, sTECIaL NOTICE3. Froposalg Invited. NOTICE Is hereby given that sealed bids Will be received for th purchase of $10,000 of construction bonds of School district No. 34, In Joe-pr.lrt County, Oregon drawing 0 pn cent interest, payable semi-annual ly, said bonds payable absolutely In 2u yeara. Bald bid shail be sealed and be accompanied by . HP,.AaH ohev-ir for shumj. and will be re ceived up to and including toe 6th day of September, 110. and that the School Board will open aad consider said bids September 7. lwiu. at I o'clock P. M. of said day. Bald board reserves the right to reject aaj and all bids, tilili should be handed or ad dressed to FRANK THOMPSON, C.rk of the School Board of School Dis trict No. 24, Meruit, Josephine County, Ore gon. JwOTlCiS Is hereby given that sealed bid" will be received for th purchase of ,- OOO of cuusiructlun bonds of School Dis trict No. 27. iu Josephine County. Oregon, drawing 3 per cent interest, payable semi annually, said bonds payable absolutely In 20 years, .raid bids snail te sealeo and be accompanied by a certified check for ."0o. and will be received up to and ln cludinK the a-Mii day of September, lu0, am- that the School iioard will open and -.!.! ttiria on til a first day of Oc tober, 11U0, at 3 o'clock P. AL of aald day. v Bids should be handed or addreeaed to F. M. Siason, Clerk of the School Board of School District No. li, Yt on -r, Josepblne County. Oiegon. . -Tr-t. n -c KicuruQlV "l finiRTVRMAfiTER. I'ortland. Oregon. August 1. 1010. Sealed pn-posals. in triplicate, win oe receive i.r.. ,,ntii 11 ' ciok A. M.. Pacihc time. SeptemUr J, 1W10, for I0,0u0 ions of bay and 10, wo tons of oats, for delivery at Portland, Oregon, Seattle Wash.. Tavoma, Wash., or other prominent railroad points or afMfttifla. P. I. Information and blank iirooosala furnished at this office on ap- i plication. The Lulled State reserves tne right to accept or reject any or an or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals lor oats and May ana aaaressea 10 Ira L. Fredendall. Quartermaster, U. S. A. F1NANC1AI- M oney to Loan Beal Est ate 'iku naid for m ort cages or sellers Interest In contracts on real estate anywhere la Oregon or Washington; mortgage loans CegoLiaiea on miprwv eu propei-vjr. . x. Noble Lumbermens bldg.. 5th and Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to 6 years' time; liberal repayment privileges; muney advanced aa building progresses. ue rviuii.u.e or lngs A Loan Association, 240 Stark St. PLENTY of money to loan at o and 7 par .ul on real estate security. LOW. P. MALL COM PANT, 309-10 Ablngton Bidg. building or aniali loans at lowest rates; large ksn a specialty. J. M. cen Co., Ala- 16-io ueriiiigeruiu. cent lulereai on goou city property. C, F. pftugt-- t Co.. room St, Afulkey bldg 2d auu Aiornvuii Lai. FIRbT and second mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property, anywhere in Oregon or Washington. 1. UK v crtam. Fenton p.qg., mn su TO LOAN $25ov to $12.uu0. 7 to b per cent, close in flral-mortssg real estate security. Joseph C. Gibson, Soo Geiiingar bldg. Main .te.-. TO LOAN $;iOOO at 7 per cent on flret real es-ate mortgage; city property. R. Bueti- kof-r. 2so salmon st. liiili-.-ATJ loans iron. 3 to $JO0. on aU ...curities. W. A. Hatnaway, room 10. V a s mngton U.att- rnum aiu ov MONEY to LOAN on real estate; quickly . . . . i.... -! t-t iw. K kmuv i -it iurnisneo, I"--"- . .7 ' Luinberniens bidg.. room 1. viumUAUt. loana on city property; loeat ad and s'uur'k. U uo uoo To LOAN, large loana a apecialtyj DUUUlUg i v " . ... w , ,12 b suing um PRIVATE muney loaned on real estate mori sages. H. -llley. ruom 204. Ger.inger bidg. MORTGAGE loans on city property. Ear nopp -t lvopf. room 2. Cham, ot Commerce. Si oK 1G AGE LOANS AT KEASONABL& "t. . .. t' i t b-a'is: a i ir.vci- viinn a-l A f. ta. A"" aI - -sa-a-- UoNEY. any amount, to S per cent. Good- CuUgn aciva. .act a btaie funds loaned, o per cent. W. E. Thom- as state agent, auiioumau co.. wv v. Will loan $10,000 or less, real estate security. Parrlngton. 410 Commercial Club bldg. MORTGAciE LOANS, tf AND 7 PER CENT. W. . . u.lV- ,-, alT ABC" fcJT i-OUia BALUJV aws "A". wa. LOANS on reaL personal, chattel or oolial- i W I'ullsit :ni .U n--nlorc iU. I OaU-U. UUIIUIH aa sjlted beiore building begins. pOtt Henry bd. C hattcia and .salaries. I,. MONEY! MONKr! MO.VET1 SO CfaCAr- THAT Xp OX sUiOULS BB t 1 1 nui. & ... SAUARI UJA.SU WITHOUT siA-xairY. TOU CAW Kti-AY U3 IJT SHALL WEBKU OR MONTHLY FAYMEATi Kaoaie Ulvea It ra:d BeTora iJu. CALL. AND SEB LS. STATS SECUKliY CO, Sua FAILJ.SU BLDG. rurtr AVr u ASKIMil'uM ST9. $$$$$ $ !!! !$$$$$ $ $ $$$$$ CHATTEL LOANS. Installment kai on uix;oa, furniture. waretsouse receipts, horses, insurance poli cies and all kinds or securities., ils- TATE LOANS I rum sovo Up. NEW 1.KA LOAN A M TG. CO., 4 lti Abington blug. udxKT advanced salaried Deo Die. keepers and others upon their own witnout security: cheapest rate, i pay men ta ; of fices In principal aae yourself by gditlng my Urmi TOLM AN, 317 Lumber Exchange. W'ILL loan In amounts from $ up on all kinds of securities, at reasonable rates; wlii buy seller's equities in real estat contracts, first or second mortgages; busi ness strictly confidential. U RA Y-CUNX IXGHAM-G RA T. 7.3 Electno Bldg. WE Joan money on diamonds and Jewelry, reasoaabl interest; long or short tlm A. A M. Delovage. I- Washington at. t.nwKST RATES Loans on ail kinds of se curity. chattel or real estate. Union Ioan t O., ia ljrur lii -in,-, as... A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan to., i "ffcuw mug. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. .eiar, -ivv.ia, is . ah, KIN AXC1A Moaey to Loss Chattels and elariee, r r r z. i c i THS ll ii REAL fcSTATB A BROK-RAGK Makes liberal loans on real to5f ture. pianos (without removal). lveVck atorage receipts, life Insurance PoUcte and all kinds of securities; terms to suit, easy weekly or monthly payments. w buy first and second mortgages -end con tracts. Phone Main 2o4- Room $1$ Ham ilton bldg.. 131 W It a . a a $$$$$-- Loans Wanted. WANT to borrow $200 for three months; security, onice lurnnui , , rrt, value to $1000. or on 2oO0 stock in auto maUc call and advertising clock cO. au 202. oregonia-i. $750 WANTED First mortgage on '""o'S- crtv worth $20(M; will pay reasonable in terest? see J. E. Smith. 513 Chamber of t o m m erce. WANTED $1150 tor three years P cent, on c ore- n resiuem- i- - - quire ."17 Board of Trade bldg.. rourth anauaK. Is worth S vrr cent to our f edged real estate security. Btoch Keaiiy Lumbermens bids;. . FIKST-OLASS mortgaces drawing 8 per cent. Lavld Lewis, room 2.' Lumbermen, bldg.. WANTED IB0O direct from private pny: W no agents? will give good first rnortgago cilt-edgeJ property: 3 years. per cent. p. o. Kox ti'-y. city WANT loan of 1S"0 or eOOO " rst gage. Veal estate security on Property worth over twice the amount; 8 per cenL Phone Marsnan -i"-1. WANTED From private parly loan , of on improvea r.i,.n. r--. gilt-edge; will pay 7 per cent. AM .. Ilreeonian. WANTED On first mortgage, 7 per j i ...(jtu.nd nr-f h Si . i ' JO. cent, secureu oy r-.-.v s ... ... After Sunday call MUie at Mam atw-J- W ANTED From private party loan of S lJti) ior l nrej J rm a mortgage as security. AL ISO, oregoaian. WASTED $150 on ."KX Income property. slain I'JID. 40 Worcester bldg. T 1CT ds place your money rood mortgagea. referencea. F. H. La. is. a Leo is bldg. FEJtSONAL. DK. W K. MALLOKY. il Rolhcbild bldg, has the most cumvlele modern olflce m Oregon. The treating rooms are titted up with the moot eipensive modern ap ullanceo on the market. Including radium line only physician on the Pacilic coast having radium). X-rays, static machines. X-ray colls, osone. oxygen machines (tne largest In use), electric cnrrenla ol every description and kind. Including high fre uuency wave. InsuuedaL faradic and gal vanic currents, cautery. Tibrators, radia tors, electric light bath cabinets not bake ovens, of every kind; mineral, herbal, steam and enower balhs- J roin 1 ' 12 UOO-candle power lights, flnsen. m'nms. helloa, solar, violet and utra violet lights, and others. - Cancers. eczema. tumors, goitre, tubercular glanda, old sores, moles, mother marks, scars and scar tissue, and all kinds of chronic diseases are treated ana curca py tnea n.cmw. AAJ. CHHONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY. BB. VLAD1U1R K. J1NDRA. From Kurope. ELECTRO-THEKAi'EUTIST. My cures are painless, prompt ana thor ough. Bulto 53-52-51-S0-49-4SV4-48. S70Vs Washington bldg.. cjr. 4th and Wash. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods: private hospital accommodations; confinement cared for; consultation free. Koum 10. Grand Theater bldt- Main apJS; A otKlT. FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers: finest stocR of hLman hair gooda, swltchea from 1.&U up Up-to-date parlors for naixdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 141 Ttn it-, oeu snuiii.ui. .'m SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsinglors graduate: rheumuUsm, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physicians dhrec Uons: baits, masseuse. No. 7 Last lltn street, second door south om East Aa- Keny canine. uvu .... HAIR. HAIR All shades In beat quality at cost! Closing out stock: sclanUUc face and aealp treatments: expert halrdressing and manicuring taught. Au H. KlbbecAe, oranq x-cauer. Diseases of women and children; electrle treatment of nervous a"nP ? Ullal. 1.00I11B uvii -rru v-a i 5th and Ankeny. Phones Main 404.. A -411 MRS A. M. PARKS, graduate nurse, gives SeJientlflc massage, also scalp treatments, baldness cured by my remedy after a I el, ha failed. The Francis. West Park ana Morrison -- DE FNESS and catarrahal diseases per manently cured by graduate specialist. Improved methods without operation. Consultation free. Harvard Medical Co., as .. . ,n Klrls- rjH WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood nd skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st at, Portland. STERILIZED goods for maternity and sur gical cases, for sale, by Alma E. Lambert, graduate nurse. 374 3d st. Main 110, A 1 1 n I j H KSrf suits for rent. $1.50 month, keeps iaianef4 Diened. buttons sewed on, rip repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. L'nique Tailoring Co.. 3' tf -lark. N OX ALL cures corns, callouses, tender. odorV 25c all druggists, or by mail. Address Dr. Fletcbsr. foot apecialist, Portland Or. ROY BBHKENS is requested to call at Brit ish Consulate, Portland, Or., for Important letter. LADY seamstress, makes a specialty off attached. $ 2. Address V 27. Qregonian. T)R. T. J. ri r.rL,, --"-' children: confidential advice; expert pain ... atita. Address 311 Aliskv bldit. -OR. LORENS- NERVE TONIC TABLETS, 2Sc box, restore lost vitality. Stipe, lay lor Drug Company, 28, Morrison st. LIOUOH habit pernmnently cured In 3 days; no suffering and harmless. Cardiola Insti- tute. loaf r-eaiiuia t"-", HEALTH TREATMENTS given by graduate nurse and masseuse. Room IS. 253, Alder au Phone atain a-. Mroe. Court wright. skin and scalp treat xuents. facial deformities corrected, plas- tic. surgery, an r f uuer uimM Ovi.. PR. KETCHUM treats women maladies. ASK FOR OBBOO.V RED BOOK. PHYSICIAN and uentlsts collections only. L. Plnckncy White. Main 0074. A 7026. BALM OF FIGsi Remedies for diseases of women. 62V Belmont sL East 24HA. MANICURING and chiropody. bU Nicholas 101 Aiih aa rrwim 1 HOlCl. J O aa SCHOOL HOOKS rxught and sold. Jones' pOOk wore. -a VioLES. wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. rs. . . -- -- - MRS SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental and spiritual i-r 01 Kalline-Hlrach. M. OS24.- Bt'SlM-S DU-ECTOBY. AccountnnU. ' MACKENZIE, BA1RD A BER RIDGE, counsel and experts In ail matters re-atlas: to municipal, commeroiai, laotory coat ai in U u-trial accounting. Moderate feea Consultations fr. t-lt UJesw.etl r- Ulni-lr phones Main 7i0. A 1448. ' E. H. COLLItt A CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal Auditing, Investigating and Satematixing. a.4 Worcester Block, phone Main 00.1. Architects. w. x xm a N CO.. Inc.. Architects and Bulld- ars plans and estimate furnished free to builders. We build on contract, percentage or terms. Main 32.JC. A 41Itt- Abington bldj. Assayer and Analyst. Wells A ProebsteL mining engineers, chem ists and asgayers. v- n naaiimgiga st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICJC Laboratory and orc-ieam-a -oi. w lwju Awnings and Tents. PACIFIC Tent A Awning Co., tents, awnings and sails. 27 N. IsL Main and A 1.8L Baths and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths, 107 4th Elegant plunge, steam auu - Bicycles and Motorcycle. We bur. sell, exchange or repair. Hummer . . r. 1 v) i.i.h a Lioin rc.a JllCyClg Cat-. -) smA, -w. I Bolldera. CCMMINGS A CA'i'LlN. building In every branch of the building trades, jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty; showcases, counters, shelving, etc Office and shop 371 First st- l-none aanoau ao-t.. Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass cast lnr s.nd macniae worn, iw ji-iu oiv. Chiropractic Pbysfctdan. TR TICKNER removes the cause of disease. fiOO-1 Columbia bldg. A S2o5. Hr. 12-5:30. Circulating Library. LaTE fiction. 3c a day. Woman's Exchamre b 1 a IT.. 1?Q J.D St.. Pt. lamiiuu Collections and Law. KETH A CO.. COLLECTORS COLLECT EVERYWHERE: NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. 0i Vtorcsatar eiug. rviusuu. T PtSlAt&S UXffcJ.V.-l.w. I ...i . ... .-i'vj WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveney. the only scientific chiropoaists 1--Parlor 3o2 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Aider. Phone Main 1301. Chiropodv and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 4 29 Fliedner bldg- Phone Main 34.3. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp- Mrs. Dui.ton. 54 Washington. M rahaJI l-i. Dieegiiisking Parrors. THE BATTEB Skirt and Dressmaking Par lor., Apartment 30, iveeier ap-.".cu, cor. 14 tn and Clay. Cut and m guaran teed. Cemmisslos, Merchant s. TAYLOR, YOUNG A CO.. ship brokers, com misaion merchants. Sherlock bldg. SUN SOON HUIE. CHINESE GOODS, MAT T1KQ. SILK AND Ci:RlQS. 70 ftTM ST. Dancing. DANCING lesson 2ic, every morning, af tern.inn and fvenin-r. VrOT. Wal Will son's JJanc-iUR School. ZsG Waahington aua. pet. v . i-artv aou ivt" ta " Dog an. Horne Hospital. UK. BROWN, D. V. S- Office 324 Flanders st. Main 4US. Hospital atf 12th st. lectrlc Mo Cor. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st- Klectrlo lixturcs and buppti YOU wire for ui and we'll wire tor you. Phones B 2392, E. aS22. Clagelt Electric Co.. 3bl East Morrison at- . JtngiQerlJg. TECHNICAL ENGINEERING COw. General Engi neering. Designing, raiting. 201 Hamilton Bldg. Engine Gas and Steam. RUBER Machy. Co., Coast agt. Seabury steam engines and boiiers, gasoline en gine. 281-2aa E. Morrison at. Pnone E. &. Feed More. ZIGLER A M1SNEK, hay. grain, feed, ce ment, sn ingles. 2V4 Grand ave. h. a French Dry (leaning. CLEANING TAILORING ... KiMi - ALTERA! ION PRESSING ltP AlllXNG Special club rales 30c per suit sponged ana ) rased,, per weeg. The Wardrooe, 701 ayhington st. A 5417. Main J5o3. jrors. N. M. UNGAR CO.. INC.. formerly of 40 Merchants Trust bldg.. have removed to 100 Seventh at. Furs remuueleu, repaired and stored. Aiaraxjj 7i3. Mat Factory. HATS made to order cost no more. See ua Royal Hat Works. , 223 1st at- M- o-42. Id-FT. 3-H. P., $li0; 1-FT., 3-H. P., $200. Keleraon Mach. Co.. Ib2 Morrison bL Lea ther and Finding. CliAS. L. MAST1CK. A CO., 74 FronC leather of every description, taps, min.' findings. 3Ta. STKOWBHADGJfl LEATHER CO. Es tablished l-ab. lbtf Front su Mubicai. MRS. EMMA B. CARROLL announces she will res 11 nte tier ci asses in pianu instruc tion September 6 and will be at her resi dence studio, G'J7 Flunaer sU, beginning September i, to meet parents auu pupils, pnone Main A 4oOi. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO. Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining ma chincry. All kin as ot icpaua. lo4 N. 4l Machiaerar for Kent. Contractors' machinery of all kinds. David Dow A Son. 202, Lumbermen Plug. Pnone a EMIL TH1ELHOKN, vloUn teacher, puyil teevcik. OOO Aiarqua . A 4lOQ Mar, lmn. ' Qtrteopathic Physicians. DR. LeRoy Sinitu, graduate Klrkavlile. Mo., class ot 18, post-giauuate liiuf. unuer A. T. Suit, tne lounuer. 317-3l8-$l bwet land bidg. Mei-ui 111,7. A laso. Lltl K. J3. NOUTHKUP. 41i-410-lli 1 Deaiun Alug. P hone, orxice, M- 34tf7, res. East or B 1023. Dr Arnold Liniiaey. specialist uu rheuma tism, atoinacn troubles and ail nervous fliaeasea. Hotel Jf'ranklin. Main 71"o. Paints. Oils and GiaMS. RASMUSSEN A CO., iobbers, paints, oils, 4fiaa, sasn and doora. cor, d ana Xayior. Paving;. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 6ui ootf lectrlc biCg. Oscar Huber. Portland. WAKREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks an d crosswalks. 317 Beca Plug. Patent Attorneys. Protect your id. en-; reliable patent'attornej s. TECHNICAL ENOlNEtiRING CO., itegiatcrcd iratent Attorneys. 2Ul Hamilton .Blag. K. C. WRIGHT, domes ilc ana foreign pat ents. intringment eaaea. tfo4 Uekuin. IN V E NTOKS free book. J. K. Mock, 41 Board oi Traae ( ikte LJ. t. patent oxticej. PawTibrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 40 years IU i w' lAaVsAVA. V fcaA - AVi Pipe. PORT LA NO WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and q glCe) near avm a. aa -v . .ja-. Printers. GLASS A PR CD HOMME CO., printers, blank book makers, legal blanks, iocs leal de vices, township piata. oa-i.7 7tn su. bet. uak ami -.a---j CHAUSbE-PRUDHOME CO.. books, com merciaL 142 4th fit. Main olu. A looa. piano factory. C bommer Co.. established I8O0; general repair ora, a-,a.i xtu Kuuocr atajnys. AL- seals, stenuila, cnoico atauonery, etc LUniUl'h'1''JU -L aJAaaw -axes,.- A1V. Kug Wen vers. JiOKTHWEST KUG VOKK! RuKs Irom old Carpel, COaOaiiaa a - AWk uioajuog aua laying. Ia3 Union ave. nr. ji. Murnnoa, THE MOSLER SA.F CO., lUo 2d su balea at iae.Uty Lmt.V aJ.fcVM-Me.mA aa.1W k.:.n(!UBe.. Bank and a tore frixturea. 'lidE leUlAJi MFG. CO., brancn tirand . orti,... nnuwciuo Co.. bin auu. kovl w ... j Vl'T. ft VY MO .n.w-A-a- w. A. . JUIK. WO-. ein ana C'oucn- Mam 2.03.,v worii. bhiiiaUe KAT in the city; car lot or leas. ti E. Uilberi. ZVL vvaaainaton at. Ijtorage and Xransfers. pi ikTliAiNU V AN bTOaUAGlii CO.. corner Uth and Everett au. just opened newest tuid most moaern storage varehoiue in city; tjvery convenience ior sale and proper handling of goous; lowest insurance rat in Norinwest, nee iracttaav; vaaa xor t.-ovinK. am or A, i--w. LET'S STOKE YOUR FURNITURE. Brick builuiuaS, dry and air ; warenouse district ; low est rates ana ejiost carelui handling; furniture moved ana packed by cxpeits; estimates give.L Phone M. iijlo, A lWb4- Van Morn Tranater Co., 4o 2d streeu . 1 MICK. Transfer e Storag Co.. offica and commodious four-story brick ware bouse, separate Iron rooms and ii reproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2a and Pliie at, pianos and lurnilure moved and pa.Cg.eq ior uwn- qto law). OLSON-KOE TRANSFER CO c-nar.1 Lransferrina ana sioraae: safes. pianos and lurnilure moved anu packed ior ahipmenL 20U Oak it, bet. Front aaa 1U Telephone jgain on or a i47. , 01tl-.Vi- Aw..a,. - aa ., ...VU,HvU lOI W. iraiiftier and Forwarding Agents storage. Otiice 310 Hoyt st., betvveen otn ana btu. phone Main bJ, A llotf. Swiss Dairy 67 N. UNION ave. Phones East MGo, B 2011. vura bottled milk a specialty. 'X rooaves and Supports. ARE YOU RUPTURED? The Periect truss la made and fitted by a apecia liaf; no charge If I fail to hold hernia, age or aex immaterial. jay W . Wilson Oti tith st. STOVES connected and repaired. Mala 11 1U. 614 Front. Veterinarian. S. L Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians. 331 Ankeny st. A aJtftf. Main 24Q2. Veterinary .Schools or Colleges. San Francisco Veterinary College; catalogue free. Dr. Keane. 1818 Market it, S. F. Wood and Coal. COAL! COAL! Don't forget last Winter. Giv ua your future deliveries. We pick our coal. Special prices on big orders. Newcastle per ton. $tt.lW; Rock Springs, per ton. $lu; Heb bern, ier ton, $10. 00. Phone Marshall 2117. w 15:h and Savier. COAL, $-50 VP. AUSTRALIAN, $K.75 UP. ROCK SPRINGS. f?f.50 VP. NATHAN GAGE COAL CO- Marshall 54O8 Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $80, fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, $3 per month. Pacific Stationery A Print- ' ing Co.. 203 2d st. ; WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 2S7 Washington at. NEW. rebuilt, second-ha id, rentals at cut ra-tas P. D. C. CoM 2ol SUrk. 1Q7X DRY inside .$3.50 Small inside 2..V0 Planer trimminga 3-0O Pacific Slabwood Co. Phones M S70. A 7350. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st St.. whole sale and retail. Samples mailed free. GRAND CNXsL STATION. So utlxcrq Pacilic Leaving Portland " Astiiand Passenger Koeburg Passenger .......... Shasta Limited . T. . . Silverton Passenger California Express San Francisco Express ......... . 8:30 a. m. .1 4:15 ix raw .1 6:00 p. m. . 6:20 p. m. . 7 .4 p. m. . 1:30 a. m. west siae Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger '. Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger ...... Arriving Portland Oregon Express .............. T:20 a. m. 4 :0O p. m. 8:jU a. m. &:40 p. m. 7:30 a, m. 10:00 p. m. 6:30 p. m. 11:00 a. m. 2 :30 p. m. u:ad a. m. 6:20 p. m. 10:20 a. tn. 1 8:00 a. n . 4:40 p. nx Asniana Passenger Roaeburg Passenger .......... Portland Express ............. Shasta Limited Silverton Local West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger ....... Forest Grove Passenger Northern Pacific. Leavinr Portland I North Coast Limited via Pugetj Sound 1 10:10 a. m. North Coast Limited via Northf Bank 7:00 p. m. Atlantic Express via Puget Sound12 :15 a. m. Atlantic Ei press via North Bankl 0:00 a.m. Twin City Express via Pugetl Sound I 3:30 p.m. Twin City Express via Northf Bank 7:00 p. m. Eastern Express via Puget Sound12:l5 a. nu Eastern Express via North Bank U:00 a. in Missouri River Express via Puget Sound 10:10 a- m. Missouri River Express via North Bank 7:00 p- m. Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Ex . press. Grays Harbor. Olvmnia and South Bend branches 1 6, Portland-Vancouver Special 10: Puget Sound Limited, Grays Har bor and South Bend branches.. S: Yacolt Passenger 4: Arriving Portland North Coast Limited via Worth Bank 8: North Coast Limited via Puget Sound T: Northern Pacific Express via North Bank 1 Northern Pacific Express via Puget Sound T: Pacific Coast Express via North Bank 8 Pacific Coast Express via Puget Sound 7: Western Express via North Bank 8 Western Express via Puget Sound 10 Missouri River Express via North Bank 7 Missouri River Express via Puget Sound 4 Port land -Tacoma-Seattle Express and from Olympia, South Bend and Grays Harbor 4 Puget Sound Limited 7 Vancouver-Portland Special 10 Yacolt Passenger 11 45 a- m. :10 a. m. 30 p. m. 00 p. m. :15 p. m. :20 a. m. :30 a. m. :10 p. m. :15 p. n. 20 a.m. :15 p. m. :30 p. m. :30 a. m. ;00 p. m, 00 p. m. 10 p. m. 30 p. nt 20 a. m. Oregon Railroad Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Baker City passenger Oregon- vVashington Limited. -, Tne Dalles Local Soo-Spokoue-Portland Oregon and Washington Express Spokane Flyer Arriving Portland The Dalles Local Oregon and Washington Express S 00 -Spokane-Portland Baker City Local Passenger Oregon-Washington Limited Spokane Flyer , :00 a. m. 00 a. m. 00 p. tn. :00 p. m. :oo p. m. 00 p. m. 15 a. m. :30 a. m. :30 a. m. 00 p. m. 00 p.m. :00 a.m. Astoria Colombia River. Leaving Portland Seaside Express Ocean Shore Limited Saturday Seaside Special......... Seaside Express. ..............a, Rainier. Passenger ., Rainier Passenger Arriving Portland Seaside Express. Monday Seaside Special.......... Seaside Express , Ocean Shore Limited.... Rainier and Portland Passenger. :2U a. 30 p. .30 p. ;lo p. :45 p. m. m. :05 p. 1 :30 p. i ;00 p- j 15 p. i 40 a. 1 rtaimer ana irortiana passenger. OU p. i Canadian Pacitto Kailway Co. Leaving Portland I Soo-Spokane-Portlaud 1 11:00 p. m. Via Seattle 12:15 a. m. Arrivinfi Portland - I Soo-Spokane-Portland (11 :30 a. m. Via Seattle 10:30 p.m. Oregon & Washington Railroad Co. Leaving Portland Seattle Passenger 8:30 a. m. Shasta Limited 3:00p.m. Owl 11:4 J p. u. Arriving Portland Owl 7:15 a. m. Shasta Limited ................. 5:20p.m. Portland Passenger . 2:45 p. nx. JEFFFwSON -S TREE T STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Dallas passenger ....... Dallas Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Dallas passenger Dallas Passenger Forest Grove Passenger 7:40 a. m. 4:05 p. m. 1:00 D, DLVa 10:15 a. m. 5:5 d. m. 12 :00 noon ' LEENTII AND HOYT STREETS PA&- SENGEB STATION. tepokane, Portland A Seattle Kailway Co. Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 9:00 a.m. For Chicago, Su Paul. Omaha, Kansas City. SU Louis, Billings, Spokane, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, Goidendale, Lyi, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver. The Oregon iaa 11:00 a.m. For Su Paul, Spokane, Pasco, Washtucna. Kahlotus, Cliffs, Lyle, White Salmon. Ste venson and Vancouver. Columoia River Local....... 4:30 p.m. North Bank Limited 7:00 p.m. For Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Washtuc na, Kahlotus. pasco, .Roosevelt. Granadalles. Goidendale, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver. " , Arriving Portland The Oregonian 7:05 a. m. From SU Paul, Spokane, Ps&co. Cliffs. Mary vi lie, Lyle, White salmon. Stevenson and Vancouver. North Bank Limited 7:30a.m. From Chicago, SU Paul, Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis. Billings. Spokane, Washtac ua, Kahlotus, pasco. Roosevelt. Granudalles, Goidendale, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver. Colunitia River Local 12:35 p.m. Inland Empire Express 8:15 p.m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City St Louis, Billings, Spokane, Washtuc na, Kahlotus. Padco, Kooeeveit, Granddalles, Goidendale. Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver. . Great Northern Railway Company. Leaving Portland 11th and Hoyt et, Oriental Limited, via Seattle 10iWa.nL 1 he Oregoniun, via North Bank. .11:1)0 a. nu Oriental Limited, via North Bank 7 :U0 p. m. International Limited, Seattle. Ta coma and Vancouver, B. C 10:00 a.m. The Owl. Tacoma, Seattle and Vancouver. B. C 5 ; 00 p. m, ShoreLine Express, Tacoma, Se- attie and Vancouver, B. C 11:30 p. nx. Arriving Portland 11th and Hoyt sta. Oriental Limited, via Seattle 6:40 a.m. Th Oregonian, via North Bank.. 7:05a. oa Oriental Limited, via North Hank 8: '15 p. am The Owl, Vancouver, B C, Seat tle and Tacoma 6:40 m, Shore Line Express, Vancouver. B C. Seattle and Tacoma 3:30 p.m. international Limited. Vancouver, B. C, Seattle and Tacoma 8:50 p. m. Time Card Oregon Electric Rail way Co. wager Station. Front and ?efTerson St. Wnatdbnrn-Saleni and Int. Points Locals leave Portland :30. 7:i0. ll:0o A. M.; 2:00. 3-iu d-30 b:40 P- KU Limited for Tualatin and" Ssiem. i):15 A. M. Local for Wilson "lie and Int. Stations. 6:10 P. U. Hilleboro-Fores Grove and Intermediate" Vliiu Leave Portland 7:05. 8"o0, 10:20 A. M ; 12I1O. 2:10. 3:30, 5:30, 8.25 P. M. Satr urdavonly. 11:30 P. M. ' Arrive Portland from Salem and Int. Stations. 8.40. 11.00 A. M. ; 1:15. 4:vo. 4:50, khi 8 20 10:50 P. M. Local from Wilson viMe and Int.. 6:40 A. M. Daily except Sun day and 135 A. M- daily. ' Arrive Portland from Forest Grove and int stations 8:00, 0:i0. 11:10, A. M-; 1:30, .50, 5:20, 8:10, 10:50 P. M. Sunday only, AM) P. M- aT1!1 Front and. Jefferson Portland. Or. Portland Railway, Light A Power Company. Ticket Office and Waitlng-Room. First and Alder and East Water and East MorriBon Streets. CARS .LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Ore eon City 4:00 and 6:30 A. M. and every 30 minute and including last cat. midnlghu firesham and Intermediate points 6:55. T-42 :43, 10:45. 11:45 A. M. ; 12:45, 1:45, 2:45j 3:45. 4:45, 5:45. 6:43, 11:30 P. U. vaft-vlew and Troutdale 3:53, 7:43, 8:45, 9-45, 10:45 A M; 14:J. .--45. 3:45. 4:45. 6:45. e;4&F- M. m-jidero and intermedint points 8:53, 8-4-710:45 A. M,I 12:45. 2:45. 4:. 6:45 P.M. FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket office and waiting-room Second and - Washington Sta. M :15. 6:50, 7:25, 8:'K, 8:33. 9:10,, ;5U. 10:30. 11:10, 11:50. p M 12:30. 1:10, 1:50. 2:30. 3:10. 3:50, 4 SO. 5:10. 5:50. 6:30, 7:05, 7.40. 8:15, 9:25. 10:3, -ll:i5 , On third Monday In every month tj last car leaves at 7:05 P. M- 'DhLIy xcei-t Sua day J-'e-Uy Jiondax