BEAVERS SHOW MERCY TO SEALS t Hard Hitting and Fast Fielding j Secure Victory by Score of 6 to 3. I STEEN REPLACES SEATON ( Visitors Got Many Good Blows, but They lo Not Sliow Form Dl's J played by Home Guard Olson and Baddy Ryan Are Stars. TA.C1T1C COAST LEAt.CE. Twtrnlajr'a Resmlta. rortlmitd t, fiaa Franciaco a. Oakland 4. Loe Aaaelaa t Vernoa J. Sacramento 1. Staadlag ftha Clubs. ii;t ; 3 - " 5 1 5 i : : :? : I 5 : : CLUBS. Portland ...( .11 lim ISi J! rklaml ..JIT' 14 1 l U ?S f.n Tan...il4 IS' . 13 I I J; Tl .mon .... It 13 1 in IS; I,. AnKln. 4 14 : 14 ,31 .3 Sacraraaalo I I 13 13: 14 i l t i. ii . .lit Lost ss ii t 70 n i; JlrCredle's former hitlesa wonders have tsMmed Into slugger pur- excellence. artJ by the nort opportune connection Ith the offerings of Harry Stewart yes terday the Beavers made It six straight victories over the San Francisco club. Te final score was to 1. Stevart and Seaton were the twtrlera ti start the game. The former continued through the matinee, but . Manager Mr tt'edie thought Seaton somewhat . un steady m the sixth and replaced Tommy w(th "Big Stx" 8teen, who did good work t.r the finale of the encounter. Both I. ami negotiated scorea In ths first chap ter, and the strangest part of It ta that three-baas hits counted In both runs registered In the opener. J Shaw Gel Three-Bagger. Madden opened for the Seals by fan ning, but Royal Shaw, who played sec ond because Captain "Kid" Mohler thought h needed a rest, soused one for trrree cushions. Lewis flew to Olson and Temmy-Tennant popped one of the dink iest flies Imaginable above the plate and Tommy Murray monkeyed around trying to get under it long enough to fall to tom.-h It at all and the ball dropped on Ale territory, permitting Shaw to score nd Tennant to reach first. The Seals then filled the bases on a pass to Mel ehtor and Vltt's Infield tap. but Berry -rambled the situation by a short tap to) Seaton. retiring the side. In Portland a half. Buddy Ryan, who liter In the game distinguished himself meat valiantly, went out McArdle to Tennant. Seals Take Lead. Olaon followed Shaw's lead aa second man -up by soaking one for three cushions, and scored when "Roaring" Bill Rapps smashed a two-sacker to iieht. The Seals took the lead by nego tiating in the second on a pass' to Mc Ardle. Stewart'a aacrlflce and Caaey'a boot of Sham a grounder. The game progressed along to the fifth before Portland tied the proceedings once more. Ort walked, but waa forced at scond by Murray. Seaton fanned, but Buddy Ryan slammed oat his first two bagger, scoring Murray, but Buddy was checked at third trying to take three cushions on the shot. In the sixth Inning. McCredie gave Seaton the skiddoo signal after two men got on. and Steen was substituted. Steen wormed out of difficulty that Inning, but In the seventh the Seals took the lead on Shaw's second triple and a doa ble by Tennant. Not to be outdone In the scoring line, the Beavera went after Stewart In their half by scoring two runs and taking the lead away from San Francisco. With Speas stowed away, Ort and Murray singled In succession, and after Steen filed to left. Ryan pasted out his second two-bagger, chasing both Ort snd Murray home, but Buddy was ohm more caught trying to hook a trio of acks on the hit. ' Beavers Get Jwo In Eighth. F ir good measure, the Beavera acored two more In the eighth, and this time tl e feat waa accomplished after two men mere down. Olson and Rapps were In pickls when Casey aingled and so did firehan. while Hilly Speas proved ths l iimng kid with a ions three-bagger, ubi.'h he came near turning Into a borne ran. being caught at the plate on a close plav. Garrett or Gregg will pitch for Port land today, while Mohler will depend uion Miller or Browning, moat likely the i tt er. The score follows: g.N FRANCISCO. AB R H PO X F. M i-l'i. cf ' s 1 1 0 :'...' 4 2 J 1 1 0 Le . If . 4 1 1 S Tvni .l. lb 4 J : M-l.tlor. if 1 ' 3 r A HI. 3h a 1 S 2 W-rrv. e 1 S S s 3I, W a. a 1 1 t 1 J s t.-.rt. p seat r e Tcial ; 2: 1 24 14 S rORTUXP. AB n H PO A K r-.r rf 4 2 S r 4 I Z 1 3 is 4 1 11 s .-. ; s ' i i i P'ir'han lb 4 t 1 X - 1 epraa. If S 1 t s s -!. rf. : 1 1 1 M.i-rar. s J l 3 t er.fea. p ............ 3 a s I s r - 1 1 Tiai .: 3 tl t" 13 WORK FT INMN.irf. rraane 1 1 1 X n.i, 3 i t s i i : Fe-t .nd ISt:i iit : : v i a n 51 MSI ART. ?Jf-M-k out H rt t.. I" eTI 3. hr f'e--l 3. Fas n bail-Off Seton a. oft ff-.rt : To-bw hlt IMn. r.n :. l-w ta. Thre-h. hit. 3. cv'artiv Spe.e rvillle plaa Mur r.v t he-h.n. Sacrlfl.e hue Ste art. M-lSir. si'iir tn Tnnant Hil bv pit.ta1 ban rt. U I'd bill S seeton. Lefi on haea Vrar'l. T. rpnUntl a. In. n'-a pitrleJ P Sealoa-S 1-t Haae Mta fit ea-oa T. ruM 3. Oeutt vtcinrv to St-n- Ttrna of -n - 1 hour 4S minutes. I rnb'rea Via Haltran sad McUreevy. HlkKR'S FURORS PROVE FATAL faille. With five Hits. Le. Takes Game From Spokane. SPuKAXR Wash.. Aug. M.-Raker a errors leet t.ida's game for the Indians. rffier two men wer- gone In the ninth, t lartln was pulled out and Bsker sent In Willi lie h.o .."J" " good. H made n error, allowing two more to score, tying the tame. In the 12th Seattle scored one more. Baker starting the trouble when he covered Arse Score : R.H.E-1 R.H.E. Spokane 4 11 2; Seattle 3 Batterleev-Clantn. Baker and Shea; Chlnault and Hemenway. Vancouver Taeoma S. TACOMA. Wi.. Aur. S4 Taeoma tost today In an elght-lnntng batting rally, four ran coming- In during that Inning. Hie Tigers hit Engle bard, but lost runs by stupid base running. Score : R.H.EI R.H.E. Taeoma 3 11 & Vancouver 1 Batteries Maston and Byrnes: v Engls and Lewis. FAST HORSES AT COCXTRY CLCB Blooded Stock Training for Races at Portland Fair. One- of the late arrivals at the Coun try Club track Is Mr. R. W. Clark, of Salem, with the handsome bay trotter. Dolly Mt-Kinney. which starts In the : trot on September 7. . J. G. CuleeUo, trainer of Mr. A. 1 Scotfs horses, ships tonight to Everett where the horses have engagements In the racea next week. The Scott horses are Lady Inex. Mamie Alwln and Profes sor Heald. or neaio. i one mtgnt cross mo cumuic.. see. hla-her class In borseriesn man mo i PROVES EAST'S BEST IN ALL-COMERS TENNIS TOURNAMENT AT NEWPORT, R. 17 WEST -aV . , -. ' i I e"i ' V - V : VI . -TY " - . . . 4T ,. :r- - - l FlO URNKU TODAY FOR XATIOXAL HOMOR8. J ......ITT ..'- Porter Brothers entry in the Bankers' tic.) purse, to be raced for on Septem ber S. The entry conalts of Zombronut. 1:11. and Escobar. 1:W. Al Russell stepped the bay gelding. Al lerdaw. a mile in 2:W yesterday. LilUe "Buck, the oucasxin aon m .- Kinney, turned tne r-oniana iratu l it Mr. Jeffries Is going to try for the long end of that ISOuO Hotel Men s purse with Buck. , Probably the most bualness-llks horse now on ths Portland track Is the sorrel mare Chlquita. which won at San Jose in .:" Chitiulta will try for the aQ purse September 8. A few high-class gallopers are. arriv ing at the Portland track. Pierce Brothers, of Haines. Or., are on hand with Stella J. and Lotheranto. A. B. Patterson, of Heppner. has Birdie P. and Letha M. A number of stables of run ners are reported on the way. A new Judges' stand Is being erected at the track. This Is a much-needed Improvement. BASEBALL PICTCBES SHOWS Portland and San FYanclco Teams Enjoy Programme at Star. At tli Blar Theater last night the mov ing pictures featured baseball, the Na tional pastime, and scenes from the re cent contests between the New York and Chicago National League teams, as we I as some humorous plays In baseball, were shown on the acreen. The San Fran cisco and Portland teams were Invited as guests of the management and most of the playera attended and enjoyed the baseball numbers Immensely. During an Interval In changing reels the slides were flashed showing picture of the different members, of the Portland and San Francisco dubs, and, as each player's picture was shown. It was met with prolonged applause. Manager Win etock then had a slide inserted bearing the inscription "Boost for the Portland team, champions of 1910." and this slide was cheered to ths echo. ST. JOHNS FAXS TO SEE FIGHT Lee and Itolan lo Box on Peninsula on Labor Day. What promises to be one of the best fights seen In this vicinity will 1 be be tween Guy Iee. the former Portland amateur welterweight champion, and Jack Dolan. of Ban Francisco, when they engage In the art of flstlcuffa on Labor day at St.' Johns. The go will be a tsn round affair. 1-es formerly fought In the welterweignt class but by hard work has reduced his weight that he might meet bova hi the lOa-pound class. Polsn is said to be a promising young lightweight who has fought a great deal about San FrancWco. where the limited round goes have flourished until recently, when the Governor put the ban on prixcflghtlng of all kinds. The main go will be preceded by two preliminaries, one between two "heavy weight and another between Frankle O'Brien. an Kid KxpoMto. both Portland youth that lieve appeared before ths fight fans a numVr of times. NIGHT BM. GAMES IN ORDER t'nmt-kry's Park In Oiicajto Lighted by i. 000. 000 t'andlepower. CHICAGO. Aug. N Changing night Into day was en.icivd last night at ths new American League baseball grounds, and proved a unique demonstration. Fleotrlclans fairly swarmed around ths park throughout the evenlrg. ami 10 pow erful lights, representing J.'aO.Aa) candle power, were turned on, with the result that nisht became as dsv under their poo-erf ul glare. The full force of the lighting plant was not turned on. owing to the Incomplete new of the apparatus, only half of the lamps being In service. The lamps are operated In paJre. Ten of them are stationed on the roof of the new park, while a large number are operated from the ground. Tlie first actual attempt to put the lighting plant to practical nse will be made Thursday night, when the Chicago Lacrosse League will open its season )ith tlie minors A. ('' team, fvriould the experiment prove successful, it,, first baseball match will be played sViturday fiihv""- " VETERAN WRIGHT MEETS WATERLOO Young Californian. Wins All comers Championship at Newport. ', ; BUNDY TO MEET LARNED For Second Time In Tennis- CareeJ cx-Cbaniplon Meets Defeat In Final Round Fast Pace Too Much for WrlghU NEWPORT, R." I.. Aug. 24. For the . - , ,n hi, career. Beals C. cond time in nis career. o . 'rlKht. of Boston, met defeat today. ------ . 3 .T-. 1 Si S otju -4 In the final round of the all-comers' lawn tennis tournament on the Casino courts here. Thomas C Bundy. of Loa Angeles, beating him. -3 6-3. 6-8, 10-8. in the final match. Tomorrow the brilliant young Pa cific Coast player will meet Champion William A. Larned, of Summit. N. J-. to decide the National title for the coming year. Bundy. who first came into promi nence thie year by aharing with T. W. Hendrlrk the honor of winning the Pa cific Coast doubles championship, and later defeating the doubles champions of the West, South and Middle West, went Into the contest with a vigor that disconcerted the veteran Wright. Bandy's Victory Another Surprise. Bundy's victory furnished the great est surprise of a tournament that has been replete with upsets of favorites. Throughout the tournament the Western player had been distinguish ing himself by dashing tennis, but few. If any. picked him to defeat the veteran Wright. Bundy . and Wright had never op posed each other before, and as both use the same style, playing steadily all the time, it seemed that the result hinged on the questton of generalship. The match drew out the largest gal lery of the tournament, and nearly all ths tennis cracks of the country were In the grandstand. Today's match was one of ths most spectacular played on the Casino courts for many a day. In the first two sets Bundy apparently had Wright at his mercy, winning both sets. 6-3. The Californian. by a sensational style of play, kept Wright on the defensive and forced him to keep in the back courts. In the third set Wright developed an amaxlng burst of speed. Wright Taken Off His Feet, . Wright took the first game, and th games then alternated until after Wright had taken the fifth. Then Bundy went at the veteral! with aU the skill at his command and ran out the next four games, allowing Wright but threa points and taking two of the games at love. Only one game In the set went to deuce. The points: Bundy 24J. 424. 44431: 6. Wright. 42i. 141. 00219; J. A continuance of the ssrae tactics gave Bundy a speedy lead In the second set. which he won, 6-3. Bundy's position In this set waa never seriously menaced. The points: Bundy. 04. 443. 404 24; . Wright. 841. 126. 04121; J. The spectacular recovery Of Wright nd an amaslng pull up from a 1-4 to deuce was the feature of tho tlnrl et. Which Wright won. 8-6. Wright got in the net more and assumed command tf the game, temporarily, playing Bundy oir nis ieei. mt imh. Wright. 214. 013. 484. 441, 44 44; 8. Bundy. 441. 446. 262. 224. 2344; 6. The fourth set was a hot battle after the seventh game. The score alternated, the players giving games to each other on their own service up to the 17th game, when the Californian at last broke through, winning by phenomenal play-lna- and getting vantage game, which he followed ttp by four acoa. giving him the set and match. The points: Bundy. 242. 442. 042. 424. 148. 564 1: 10. Wright. 404. 114. 404. 142. 411. 033 : - Eighteen Games to Settle Match. The keenest etruagle of the match de veloped In the fourth and final sv. which required IS games to .reach a victory. After the seventh game and up to the 17th. each man lost on his own service and the score alternated. Finally Bundy won tlie VTth game on his own service, but Wright failed to do as much-In the JSth. and game. set. match and the ell-comers' championship was awarded to the Californian. MATINEE SEASON TO CLOSE Last Session of Driving flub to Be Held Saturday.' '. The Riverside Driving Club will hold lis last matinee race of tls peason next Saturday. All the races held this year have been successful. Some have not been as faes. as others, but they have been close and exciting. The first race vn the programme will be a match rare for Jw between T. W. Murphy's sorrel mare. Sis Muiden, and R. L. & ane' bay mare. 8helagh. 3helagh has not raced this year at all. but sne made 2:304 at a work out the other day. 81s Merlden's best time has been 2:22. but ehe hss not had to strain herself oo far this year. This race le expected to be close. ' The second event will be a pacing race between Atabal, Blue Jacket, Georgia Rose and Alexander Queen. These are all fast when In good coidttion and will show some or this speed Saturday. The entries in. the third event show a tine clans of animals Red Skin, Guy Light, Dottle Dimple ami Clam Bake. Thir will be a tine race. The fourth event will be a race for the Jewell, Cntatrice,- . Padashah, Alice Jones and Lena H. Event No. 6 will be a trotting race be tween Rockford Chief. KITa M, Sargo and Lillian M. There will be two new horses in -that rarce. -Last, but not least, will be the boys' pony race. - CRICKJET MATCHES EXCITIXG ' . - Victoria Tournament on 'With Port land Still in Running;. VICTORIA. B. C, Aug. 24. Special. Four matches were played in the Pacific Northwest cricket tournament yester day and In two instances batters reached the coveted century mark. Those who thus distinguished themselves were Lou's V. York, Victoria, and Morris, Van couver. The Victoria, two Vancouver teams and Victoria again were winners, In every case the score making the mar gin decisive. The results follow: . Victoria beat Seattle, 4iS to 113, on first inning. Burrard (Vancouver) beat Straw bery Vale and Saanich. 138 to 22, on first Inning. Vancouver beat Nanaimo 20 to 53 on the first Inning and Portland beat Garrison, 143 to 43. Portland on Monday easily defeated Nanaimo. NATIONAL LEAGCE. Won. . . . 7 i . .. . . .62 . . .54 . . .5 . . .4i .. .44 Lost. 3.' 43 4 :.5 ft" art - Pet. .liS2 .! .374 .MM .4MS .MH .3t .357 Chicago . . . . Putsours . . . New York . . Philadelphia Cincinnati- . . St. Louia Brooklyn ... Boston CHICAGO CUBS WALIXJP BOSTON Total of It Runs Secured When Leaders Take Three Straight. CHICAGO. Aug. 34. Chicago made It three straight from Boston today, win ning the Tlnal game 11 to 1. Curtis was wild in the sixth, issuing four pusses and forcing in two runs. Score : R.H.E.I R.H.E. Chicago 11 9 0; Boston 1 4 2; ; Butteries Richie and Kllng: Needham. Curtis, Evans, and Graham, Rarldan. New York 4; St. Louis 2. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 24. Lush weakened In the final inning today, losing the game for St. Louis. Score: R.H.E.! R.H.E. St. Louis ...i 6 11 New York ....4 8 1 Batteries Lush and Phelps; Ames and Schlel. Umpires Johnstone and Kason. Cincinnati 1 ; Brooklyn 0. CINCINNATI. Aug. 24. Rowan had ths better of Rucker in a 10-lnnlng pitcher's battle here today. Cincinnati beating Brooklyn 1 to 0. Score: R.H.E.l R.H.E. Brooklyn 0 3 0 Cincinnati ...1 8 0 Batteries Rucker and Bergen: Rowan and McLean. Umpires Rlglcr and Ems- lie. Philadelphia 10; Pittsburg- 5. PITTSBURG. Aug. 24. Philadelphia won the game in the sixth when Magee made a home run with the bases full Score: R.H.E.l R.H.E. Phlladelp'a 10 10 21 Pittsburg ......6 12 2 Batteries Ewlng and Moran; Adams, Leever, Leifteld and Gibson. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Lost. Pet. Philadelphia 79 34 .699 Boaloa 67 44 .6U4 New Tork SS r0 .otla Detroit 64 .M .567 Cleveland aa .442 Waahlngton 51 K .440 Chicago 45 67 .4112 SI. Louis 34 77 .306 HUNT WINS FIRST BIG GAME Ex-Sacramento -Southpaw Defeats - St. Louis by Score of 5 to '2. BOSTON. Aug. 24. Benjamin Frank lln Hunt, a left-hand pitcher, who came to Boston from Sacramento, Cal., pitched a fine game for the home team todav and St. Louis was defeated, & to 2. The visitors made but four hits and seven of them struck out. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. St. Louis ..2 4 2 Boston ..... .5 11 1 Batteries Hall and KlnKer; Hunt and Kleinow. Corrlgan. , Philadelphia 3; Cleveland 1. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 24. By win ning today s game. 3 to 1. Philadelphia made a clean sweep of the series with Cleveland. Score:' R. H. E. R. H. E. Cleveland ..1 6 2IPhtladel ...3 5 1 Batteries Kalcr and Land: Bender and Thomas. New York 6; Detroit 0 NEW TORK. Aug'. 24. New Tork hit Donovan freely and took the last game from Detroit. to 0. . Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Detroit 7 0Xew York Batteries Donovan Vaughan and Cryder. and Stanage Washington 3; Chicago 2. WASHINGTON. Aug. 24. Washing ton defeated Chlcaco today. 3 to 2. In the 10th Inninir. Score: Vashlns-ton 3 9 21 Chicago 2 6 1 Batteries Gray and Alnsmlth; Olm tead and Block. .STOKIA YACHTSMEN ORGANIZE Club Will Participate in .Regatta Races Next Week-, . ASTORIA. Or.. Aug. 21. (Special.) The Astoria Yacht Club was organised at a meeting held, last evening and starts out with an active charter list or IS mem bers and officers wore . elected as fol lows : ' Sidney Sovey. oomin'dore; Adolph Lar- sen. vice-rommodore; K. II. Hopkins, sec retary: M. Jeldness. treasurer. The colors adopted were blue and white. Tho object of the club Is to promote yachting In the Lower Columbia River district. The memocrs now nave lour boats and will be represented in tne com ing regatta races. Harvester Trots Mile In 2:03. HE.IT luni. " r. - " " l- ' ' holder of the worlds trotting stallion record, 2:02. won the-deciding of the free-for-all. at lonsers grana anui. meeting toaay, hi .v.i, apnc 1 1 1 u Ing wind. Hildreth's Zuse Wins . Adirondack. SARATOGA RACETRACK. N. Y-, Aug. 24 s. C. "Luckey" Hildreth today added another stake to his already long list when his Zuso easily won the Aai rondack handicap. is No Other Beer is quite like Pabst Blue Ribbon. Not only has it won the World blue ribbons Quality, but it has a characteristic flavor and agreeable smoothness that belongs to it alone. ft. swJL . The Beer of Quality is the favorite not only with those who are familiar with Pabst brewing -methods and Pabst quality, but with thousands who prefer it because of its 'distinctive and pleasing taste. When you order Pabst Blue Ribbon, note its beautiful amber color, note its clearness no matter how cold, note its rich, creamy foam and its delightful flavor all evidence that it deserves its title of "The Beer of Quality." t: a m a m- . CiZWZr by BH mtR!PA Waam im-va-v S. A. Aran (a. pi mi mm krm 11 ill foil WM&m m ii Home A 1481 TIED TEAMS WILL PLAY TRI-CITY LEAGCE CHAMPION SHIP TO BE SETTLED. Much Interest Centers on Game Sun day Between Dilworth Derbies -and Salem Nine. With both teams tied for first place and the championship, the winner to get the Honeyman Hardware Company trophy, the Dilworth Derbies and Salem team of the Trl-City League will meet next Sundav In what is thought will be one of the best games of baseball ever witnessed on the Salem grounds. Much rivalry is prevalent between the mem bers of the two teams and their parti sans, many of whom are desirous of placing money on the chances of their respective teams. Throughout the entire Trl-Clty League season the fight has been between these two teams for first honors, with first one team and then the other occupying the top rung of the percentage ladder. Nearly all of the other teams in the league have had trouble holding their men but Salem and the Derbies have been troubled little In that resepect. In the hopes of winning next Sunday's contest and the championship of the league, Manager Garigus, of the Dil worth team, has signed up Collie Dru hot, the former big league player, who has been playing with the West Portland team this season, to do the pitching. Druhot, in the few games which he has worked this season, has been victorious, his arm having rounded back Into good form. Druhot Is a southpaw and former ly pitched for Portland before going, to the St. Louis Nstlonsls. Joe, Bauer will act as catcher. Melvln Luke and Charlie White will be Salem's battery- ilany Portland fans will make the trip to Salem to see the contest. Each team has won 13 and lost six games this sea son. Next Sunday's contest will end the Tri-Clty ieague season ior Fandom at Random ONCE more the Beavers lowered the colors of the frisky Seals, and yeev terday's victory gives Portland six straight wins over the San Francisco team, a feat that has not been accom plished against that club in years. ' Oakland continues to pr?ss us for that top place, for Wolverton's hmch trimmed Los Angeles once more, and this time the Oaks beat the Angels in a kalsomine party. The Angeles will be entertained here next week. a a-- a Buddy Rysn was the hitting .lemon in another game,, for the stocky outfielder pounded out three hits, - two of which were extra base clouts. Buddy's.batting in of great help to the team, and the fans are commencing to wake "Up to' his value. ... aa a Billy Speas was also' !n evidence with his club. He was robbed f two hits earlier in the game but made up for it by an almort home run in the eightli, for he -would have been ' credited .with a circuit stvL had he toucned the plate In sliding in. - - -a . a . a . Ivan Olson was-also something ot.a slugger himself, for he picked a triple and a double on. hi. first two trips t. the plate, clson scored after his triplfc, and tried lo steal home on reaching . third after doubling in tho third inning. "He was caught by a narrow margin. a a a "Rip' Van Hallren umpl-ed back of the plate yesterday, and did fairly well. for Purity and High If T. 1 st H Tl Made and Pabst at Berry finding fault with his decisions only once or twice. Several foul hits were made and the umpa ruled correctly each time. The double umpire system is all right, and Judge Graham ought to make tt so all over the circuit. In addition to batting like a demon. Buddy Ryan pulled oft some fielding stunts that kept the bugs on edge. In the fifth inning, Buddy came racing in and hooked Shaw's low liner off his shoe string with one hand. It was a great catch. a Ryan's feat was almost duplicated by Harry Melchior, who made a sensational running one-handed catch of a terrific drive from the bat of Tommy Sheehan in the sixth inning. This? catch robbed Portland of a run, for Casey was ambling around the paths when Tommy hit the pellet. mm Madden, the Seals new outfielder,' hit in hard luck yeffl.erday, for he sent three long drives to the outer works, all of which were captured by Ryan and Speas, the former getting two and the latter one. a a When Bill Steen went on the hill in the sixth, one man was out and Berry i a i i h feArdle on first. oixupiru ...... ' Steen's first official act as pitcher was ipia Phone for a case for h FAMA NACIONAL CIGARS Are Made of the Best Havana Tobacco HAVE YOV TRIED ONE? CAMPBELL-LAKIN SEGAR COMPANY, Distributors f10t A New Gold Field in British Columbia boVDlitr,cl0l. Crwhere0U : T'he acSu?red thi two original cations of one hundred acres on Noeto'CepfoX'Alsatve anGe" nno"nthe ground floor and make an Investment which prom ises to return you $30.00 for every dollar invested. Apply for Information and shares-to CHARLES F. LAW, Broker P. O. Box 11 Room T. Bank of British North America Building. Vancouver. B. C "' ',' sii m 11 Bottled Only Milwaukee. ome use. Arata Brothers 69-71 Sixth St. Phone Main 2531 Home A 2531 to tosa quickly to Rapps, and McArdle was wafted to the bench by McGreevy. Steea had caught him napping. . - a a .' i . Tommy Tennant had his swatting clothe on yesterday, as did Royal Shaw. However, Tennant was a decidedly lucky individual to get a hit the first time up. He ought to strike out a couple of times to square himself for allowing the. hit to count in his average. a a Artie Kruger, who formerly cavorted in left and center fields for Oakland in the days when Pete Lohman and Van Haltren were the guiding hands, has been turned over to Portland by the Cleveland American League team. Kruger is a speedy outfielder, and his record shows that he has improved his hitting since he left the Pacific Coast League. Great Stallions to Raje Today. GALESBURG, 111., Aug. 24. Interest In the great race yesterday In which Hedgewood Boy nosed out his rival. Minor Heir, Is so intense that another important race has been arranged be tween the great stallions for tomorrow. Toaay the feature was Ross K7s mile in 2:0134. A