' tt vni?-Tvn nrr.nvn THURSDAY. AUGUST 2.V 1910. A. O ' ro . 1 mr waste.--m.- I wABB-mAU '-r f JJ-L. I h,JU,' SSjaceil.!. HUB - I 1 I MOVINO-PICTUPJ6 THEATER! Our film a th pick of 29 Indepen dent manufacturer; 1 new picture UtMd weekly. , , ,. Ton need the beat: wa e fura-sk tt. Writ for full Ukormatioa. INO. WteTER.V FILM EXCHANGE. tl5-Mft Ht!and BUlg-, Portland. Oregon. PEWLNfj machine, special Ml on splendid iol of fin second-hand machines of all I'ldmr inikii. Singer. Wheeler Wilton. New Home, White, Domestic. Household and other, to make room for new ginger 4 and rotarv. Singer Hew in g Machln fr-tor. 8. 8. SigH. agent. 335 Morrison at. Phona Mala 21 S3. A 459. , POR BAUE-Uw library. consisting of Pa cific Reporter and Cyc. both complete to date. Will exchange for lot or equity. call 37 M-Kay bid. Mala 47 IP, FOR f ALK Second-hand tables, siitab: for rinn;ng or crockery display; lumber for shelving; tea and coffee bins; prices cheap. 4'K Wash In gton st. m L. C. SMITH hamraerleea shotgun. -I- gauge. $75 Brad, rubber butt. ieainr car. good aa new. very 'heap, rtlO Chamber of bl.K KENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS. $45. frtk Ask for catalog. Rebuilt $15 up. N FOR PALE Ra-k Jersey cow. rich milker. . Wulf. Madron st. and fcivugh rad. Wood La wq. m oK Al.K. cheap, fine Bon cornet; a.io g'tod violin ami case; is- joining vrg-,u. a 1 1 32 '. Washington, near 1 7th. 1TKMTLRK In fl-roon. flat, cheap; must b movti Call bet. 1 and 4 P. J. 3U1, N-K-h. . FOR SALE or root: logging and hoisting ebgme. Hailway Equipment Co.. 74 Flxai :. Both phone FOR HALE Showcase, wall cases, counters. che a p. No 2-2 tirar.d ave. phone E ast 538. FOR fcALE Solid oak roll-top typewriter -!k and chair. 2-1 Henry bidg. t,'KlWLtOL, box wood, coal. Multnomah f jet t,o , Hoth phones bliuM CASKS, new and second-hand. 51. Everett, corner 8th. Also fixtures. LH'iWMKN. attention, for swle. a money- getiingllluslon,iatn.". FOR SALE cheap, quick, cigars, notions and furniture- of living-room. Mill si. Ff.K.-H cow. Txfra rich jrTilkcr. :t k. V am ttf II t is. 3 and mortgagee tiousr.t una sotd. N- n! 'rdlt Ass'b. iiO Worcester bids. 1.RKAT Dane puppies, pedigreed, 3 montha li N. 6th "t. . AoK for op.e.;in red book. .tc;,-7 A HI NGTrYN iw.Dt:. prtland Sale Co.. 67 5th at. VT ANTE 1 MIS E ULAN EOT 8. WANTED Alms' casioff clot.ung and khocs and bit'yrlra; highest prlr- paid. We also buy ladles' clothms. Call up the if lobe second-band store. Phone Vain rOsO. 1st st. Prompt attention always given. m v ANTEIK Maa'a caat-off cloihlag ana iaow. w also buy bouswbold furoishiag: high rtem paid. Call at tka "sair Xaa" aj y ad at. Main IF VOU have household furniture to sail call up UHrga Bkar A Co. U2 Park at. Both phor.oa. tAHFtMLR work of all kinus; Jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty. Cumtulngs A Cathn. 71 First au Marsha l aEiL. your -co ad-baa d turalturw to tHe Fjra Auction Co. 'T you'll get lasm Pbna. a ilain A. W ANTED Movtng-pl. ture machine. also him. gas outfit. A B 14. Oregonian. WANTE I) All klnda of men's w-cond-baod cro:h.ng Cail up Mrahall WANTKD to buv serond-hand wallcaws and shown- AO 240. Orrgonian. W A N T K t Srn.ll Holler. Cail Main 41fV or .V M'-ll.nl bldg. a- 1 ism twia lu )wui : uro u ui. prui attention aiwva ITa. rhoa uit ivai If r.l r n ATF.DMALE. A-?ISTANT hookkMpr for laree manufr Iviring riui, must be tamtliar with sniitli-prrnnr tvin wrttrr ami ho tlior oy;ta knowletlga of ol'ice dvtat); r-frecc-a and exprln. required. AK ure- ynlau. CI I V wlifllor. mm . f proven aMltty. lo irk In crvwa. permanent (HTitton for hf ab-grado ntcn: only thtise t horuughly xpricncd In ho-to-;"uje w rk iccd at'ph. 71 Front St.. bf'T" 12 n"on. WAVTKU. Flrt-la -w carrier in atl parts of the rMty; nn. prp it.n to the rtgtt box s. Call at one and fit" tour application. Clrcula n r.jrt4r. Kven:rg Trh-jnin. U A. M.n to nrr f.-r pUners; io cit off anil Vp mmi in sash ruiting pLint. tte rrf rrtdiv and S'at" ti' ant1. titlr- Th Radford Lumber Co.. North To tier. Cr. V A NTK 1 KlprlnrJ prrMfm and opera tor on suns and 1-loakn: Ip rntt-r nt rd : goicl pv And tad work all -ar round. E. RoacnthaJ, lotf Washington St.. pvkane. TWO tea meters for w ork In orchard and rUsrtng land. ainl nirn preferred; teadjr wrk. tM'l 2-.'0 per day; board ." per ek. Al Z-14. itrrnian. TENTIST tlvd operator, wantfl at onoe. chirago lamlcaa lentists, 33 Wash, at. JiAILWAT mail clerks, poatoffica dark and camera examination In November; aaiary p to loo. free Book : Paciflo tftatsa ahool. McKaybldg.Portland. 20 BRIlHtB rAHPF.NTFTKS. for new railroad trestle. 9 per day. L4LV.w.V KENAHO. N. 2d st. riAN Tt'NElt. prtenoei man only, to ma km surreundlng t.w rm In aut with ra pairer; goud wagaa I right party; give ram and al! "-&. O 224, Creg-w in. ..PKHIKM'EL MJrawtn. one c-ruiHtt-nt f taking t harge of grocery snj hardware department to vut-of-town store, with rtf-r-n-e tj 2-"V. Qrfconun. ANTKI Young man about 21 years old. to of fue. Columbia Steel Co.. luth and Johnson si s. UMKR wanted. Apply C. V. II. Oy. ,U jratic Theater, itli and Washington, beu 12 and 1. , M TTRKSSMAKEKS wanted; :rdv work and 1 par. JUnii;a'tiinry Furniture A l.1dlng Cft.. Sr-kan-. W.h. WN'rKI A firsl-vlaa J-h compositor, nonunion. Apply Independent Ptg. Com pany. IXT Ash at. ohiVKRTVAN wsntd for in and out-dr wnrk; c rfcrtnev; must b' quirk. Call -.7ii Sandv i:-v.d. ltKPT metal worker to ro to country town; must be good on kxliRhi and gen eral sheet naet.tl work. Aply honi ft. W .Tn Young man to iciirn barker trade: verm reasonable, union shop. Call A R R 1 EI ; ! wapird fr lrr.tiiMn r u:-j. tn Nrth Portland. Apply rrn 2 Orvgnlan !. . ,;.-! 1;KK1 j-1iS'- in wanted In adver lining pe-.-iaIlst office, permanent position. I, "J 1 I. orvg n.an. luKKMAN on brea-1 ; must be g.nu man. A Ni- 1; wages ut wek. as Wasiu St.. Vant-ou er. ash. IX A It n K R wanted at Pal.-e It.irl-er Shop; i 1 i guarantee. f rank Cioff. Tht UwJU s Or. $1S TO $H wek few montha only learning; altuatlona guaranteed. Watch maklng-ba graving S--h.Hl. iox Aahland. Or. CAN show man with and servla tlia best otamr.K m Portland. aa Wm. Tup Ier. 414 Steam bidg. "W AXTfh Neat young man with S-'O to learn real estate business, ran make big n. nev sMlf Varrlg 212 .:h et rhOrOviltAi'U ooupun and portrait ageata; cew effar. Cutbeeth atudlo. Wkuni bl TOR gen- woodwfcc shop, experienced bench men. I nlve-ssl Mfg to.. Aberden. Was a. i IiII-ri,A5M commerrial aajemaa or repre-e-rtaftye. 2? S rT-.rrervll b'!g. riAKFKR wanted; !" N :h at. good man; steady job. U ANTCU-rtxri over 1A. with or without eUt. Ar:k? T8 31 t. m mnn for Information dek. Apply I wen art A Co W A NTrj ath. rs. Apply at tft. Joseph llifpltal. Vnciuwf. WwsIt V r. ; j k w ui.v R. a b-y ;o -vry Hroa . A'.t Ma--leny bMg Warn trade. hTol'T. willing bov to learn trade. Candy factory 4 4 E- t.h st. N. TWO ftTwt-claaa barbers) waated; no booxra A1-1re K H. lake. TniletoTt. Or. V ANTEI Man for general work In fajnily I 'n jof sforw. T7Q Washington St. ii K t K R wanted; ataady Job. -tfc Burn side st. WA VTF.r Oraftsman for smalt deaigna A0.2'-!t. .OrrnunUn. , HOT H aa g-nde to blind man; good thing; l-tv-t'rwte 2 3d st VANrr.l' le;iary boa Apply liusi-ong A Co.. 1 Pa,rk st. W A N"TE- Br w tth M-ycte at taller1 MIW II nary. A Wsawilngliai. . WA-r'I-X pewasarrl aa M-tar WANTED JUleaman to I city Wi and ft a -ra tract near ci: y : h ighest cotnm sstfon pad. auts used to show property; no ex perience r''iery'. t'XITED TRFST CO.. 17 Board cf Trad Eidf. Sea U N. Hlckok. CITT FREE EMPLOYMENT BL'REAU. WANTS Carpenter. Millwrights. Laborers. I e- k h a n d . T:la-kimith9t. llorselioers. Itiinc!era Miirnt man. Conrreta men. Waiter. W oodchoppera U tah bnOge carpenters. ' T.-amster. Carpenter foreman. Linemen. Solicitors. .'wni.ll men. Jcioom man. ilO Madison Street. No Fee Charged. WANTED a bio-bod tea men for th V. Marine Corps, between th a Res of 18 and SO; must ba native born or have first papers. Monthly pay 115 to dU. Ad ditional compensation possible. Food, c'athiug. quarters and medical attendant's frea. After 40 years' service can retire with 73 per cent of pay and allowances. Seiv lca on board shlo and ashor In all par-1 of the world. Apply at U. S. Marina Corps Recruitlnc Station. Bi-eeden bidg . 8d and Washington sta . Portland. Or. Wa N T E A bright, active man not un3r 2i. w Ith general experience In gs and electric office for a prosperous city In Washington. 11 ust be familiar with gen eral office methods and a counts, able to handle help, and intelligently handle con sumers complaints In a rapidly-growing office handling .-n accounts; a splendid opportunity for the rljtht man. Address In corf :dn-e. B 2-V Qregonlan. W AN'TivD Kxperlenced llva rv&l eiate man to take complete rharge of branch office of firm handling large tract of very cloae-ln pn;frty. Thif i undoubtedly the best opening of the kind In the city. av there I a chance ! work up a large local buslr.es In addi tion tu handling the firm proprt ; only en-erye-tlc and capable man will be coaaldered. Addrc-a- L 2-':8. Oregon tan. m tOO MKN wanted who can appreciate bar gains in men's trous rs; patits for the big fellow, panta for the thin fellow, pants for all; regular $U.30 to 4.0u values. t- 'M: men. don't mias this sale. "Knew" Sam ple fuit Shop. 315 uregon Ian Bidg.. Jlm- i n le I unn. M g r. HB never had your chance. T:ien the man without special training wa doomed to a llfo of hard work for small wanes until doan and out by old age. Now the Inter national Correspondence Schools ha mad It tiirfeivnt. Write to our locai office for new ratal gu-, :t3 Alder at.. Portland. Or.. Open I'. Nf T1R SALKSME.V. with good rfcrcnce. who can make good selling atock In Port land, and one in each tu n in ore a on and WashiiiKton. for a good, reliable company; w want results and will pay well x-i get them. X21 Board of Trad.i bldg. 4i h and Oak ta.Purtland.Orcgon. WFN WANTED, age 18 to IS. for flrem 4100 monthly, briikemea SMO. on nearby rail road; experience unneceanary ; no strike; promotion to engineer a conductor; railroad mptoyirg baadguarter; over 500 man rat t- psitluca monthly; ua age. end aiaxnp. Railway Association, cars Oregonlan. WANTKD. MEN' TO LEARN to operate motion pictures: you can learn buslnesa In short tunt: easy Inside work; operators earn $lo weekly; we also start ou in hustnena on a percentaKn basis. New York Motion Picture Exchange. i26 U ashing ton si., near 17th. lO.ouu POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade la week a help to secure promotion; gradu ate earn from 91 to 925 weekly: expert Instructors; tools free; writ for c-ata loguaa Mohlcr System of Colleges, 45 iStrtu 4tb U. Portland. Or. W ANTED About 8 or In good bricklay ers. aio mortar men and hodcarrlera; apply by If iter, stating how soon you cooltl roiu to work and If w tiling lo rk some overtime when required. Ad tiret AE 2-51. oregonian. Ui;il-GRADK grwery solicitors for city and cuntrv; only m-n with real falling ability and god r-fere nee nctl applv: a moiir makitig props4tiiti for high-claJ1 nu n. Be tween b and lo A. M. loiay, 71 Front at. AsK f.r WV-r. A XTKL-Bright boy between Id and 17 ears Id. steady Job with chance for ai it nee m en t ; mut live with parents and Iia e g4 port land referenca Clarke- oodw r-l Drug Co.. lth and lloyt sta. iil-d floor. BOY Foil 1F.LICATESSF.N Jood steady position fur an experienced re 1 lab I worker. OH'S. WORTMAN A KING. MAN FOR PKLKWTKSSEN; good, steady posit hn for a reliable worker. OLDS. WORTMAN A KINO. WANTED Laundry deliveryman. acquainted with Sellwtxt! and Mt. S'otl districts; Ria reference, past employer, phone number. A . t d re.- s A 1. 2:'d. n-gon la n V A N rLD Partner w it U 6o to take half Interest In established mot ton-picture theater. New York Mot Ion -picture Kx rhinKf. "2'i S W ashington st.. near 17th. MAN'TKD A llrsi-elasa bjrt.hor or i around man. 1'hone 114 J.. W. P. Morria. A il -vny. or. FIKST-CLASS) fur cutter I t.gxr Cv.. 1 7th t. HELP WaT CP IEUA LK. ONE girl to mark. als- girl to wring, steady pomiioca. The Yale Laundry. 5uo La-R Mor- Yvl Nti man wants housekeeper; ticrman preferred; good rrma to right party. Ali -t". Ore cor tan. V ANTLli Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co.. nop, Roth chiid bldg, 4th and Washington. TEACHERS for CoasV statea We hire dT recL Call Pacific Teachers" Agency. 304- Lew lsBldg . nandOalt WANTED Twrt c'r! to sew at tress lirka rn power machine. Carman Mf;. Co., JMh rn. I piur. MPS. HoWhVs LAD1 L3 AGENCY, Washington SL. r.)m J14 Main rtsd or A .12t;d. WANTED irt demonatrators Immediately; aalar paid. "il2 Utkuni bldg, Sani tary HeauiJ I'arlora C0"MP"ETENT girl for general housework. 7il Tillamook st.; Broadway car; call morn- lm. W ANTED Waist drapers, nkirt makers and a:pt'iulce for flooring department. .otf r i u ai 1 1 bl y-ltS- OtM D. reliable woman for housekeeping work: small f;ymlv. ."6.". 7.th rv. W A NT ED lood girl to a-vist In kitchen and wait or table. Main EXPERIENCED teTepliono exchange girL Alder Hotel. 4th and A. dry. (II MBERMA1L wanted. Call at tf2 i N. !'h st WANTED ilrl for general housework. Ap ply to 22 N. ivth .- EXPERIENCED cMambcrmald; rotm and bord ..rton'a Hotel, nth and stark. l I ri I. for e"f mg and dov nstair work; Call -V." Il.isUo at., cor. ;rand ne. hiLi wanteo. Lniwa Laundry Cow. Id aad fo;un.ii:x WANTED C-wipetent girl for general houj-e-w.-rk; irui t-e go-d exk. fl-l Everett ft. W Al TRESS wanted at Pullman 0 ster House. Ill ?-,itn St. Good sure. GOOD girl r general bo nee work, small fam ily. INn TtiN-r i if. t-MM i.imniii im1T girl f r aeneral houwwrk, one that oa.e s..m-t'itT.g ar- itt caking. 711 tjl!m. V 4NTKD Women "d airls to make shir:s. M t. H.-kI Pa ct'.ry. ir Jfouch . CHAMBERMAID wanted. 1 4 4th t. Cull t, 1 It VI Yi' N't girl wanted for fruit stand. liJ's WANTED Experienced saleslady. Oaie Out fltlng to.. 4ii Waah. LADY hard swwer. Cha. Coopey A Son, tai lor a V. 6 1 h at. GO D rirl for dellcatesaen; exi-erience not neve-s..ry. Hawtnorna ave. W ANTED Chambermaid and waitress. Kpem 4T7 Rot ncMld Bli'g. EI.IVULE girl for general housework. i-n:!v if two: r fere nee s. Phone E. 11a". iANT"D irl for sreneral housework" gooj viin to right partv. 52t J arks- n St. GOO! girl fr fnr eeneral housework: small II"'-. Morrison st. L-KCtSONS la ahoethaad and tvp writing bf aapari. M a noaaa. Saw lata Mala WANTED Young ladles t learn teiephon operatlic: with or without experience. Apply Th Taciflc Telephone A Telegraph Company. th and East Ankany sta. or West Parle and Aider sta. THE Municipal FTea Employment Bureau. 272 Mad-on st., want Girl for general housework. Second girls. Cn am hermal da. Cook. No f'e Kttchfn helper. WANTED Experienced Ctrl for general housework, including laundry; roust b good cook: two In family. Apply al once. Phone A 1341. WAITRESSES, SHORT HOURS A number of good waitresses wanted at once: also kitchen workers; several good women. A pply at once to Mrs. Spencer's Tea Room, 4th floor. OLDS. WORTMAN KING. COOK and helper couutry). $80: head wait ers. $4o. Bnd one side waitress. :to; fare paid. Restaurant waitress. SS to '. week; chambermaid. $25; second girl. $-10; col ored cook. JLV.i. General housework in and out of city. J 25 to $45. Hansen Ladies Agency. 34." ' Washington at.. R. 7. A STRICTLY flrat-claaa lady pre seer to act a head pressor In the largest dyeing and rleaalng establishment tn Tacoma; must know the busme; wage 515 to $20 per week; when writing state experience. City Dy Works. Tacoma, Wash. WANTED Ladies of good appearance who can deote all or part of their time; steady employment and A-l compensa tion. Cail after V:00 A. M., 418 Mohawk bldg.. 3d and Morrison MCPiG SALESWOMAN Experienced first class for our sheet music departmenL OLDS. WORTMAN ft K1ISU. WANTED Ladies of good appearance who can devote all or part of their time; steady employment and A-l compensa tion. Call after 9 A. M., 418 Mohawk bidg.. d and Morrison ( WOMAN Experienced cook, for family with no children; good wages and home for right parly. Out of town. H 250, Orego- n 1 a n. WANTED 20 lroners on ladlea clothes, both plain and fancy: come early and get the best place. Pacific Laundry Co., 2ol Arthur at WANTED Competent experienced nurseglrl with city reerencea. Apply 4S2 Harri son st., corner 14th. or phona Main or A 2o7. . A PUBLIC stenographer, a lady, can have of rice room in Lumberm&n'i Bldg. and dedt In exchange for writing light corre spendence. AD 2tf Oregonian. WANTED Girl for light laboratory work; must have good Portland reference and live at home. clarke-Woodard Drug Co,, lh and Hoyt sta. 3d floor. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework; no washing; small family; good wages. Call mornings, 70 Lucretk street. Gl R1.8 to work in candy and cracker depart ment; steady employment; good wages. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.. 12th and Davia st s. WANTED Two servants In private family; competent woman cook and firHt-class sec ond girl: good position for right parties. Apply l.ioo Htwi norne ave. i aoor - i v . MAKKKKS anl sorter, mangie gins, -nui-stiess and other help; only 9 hours' work for 10 hours' pay. Opera House Laundry, Second and Everett st. WANTED Girl for general housework, fam llv of two; must bs good cook; good wages. 13i North lath st., cor. Hoyt; please call forenoons. WANTED An assistant bookkeeper who ban had experience: pleaae mention ref erenree. Apply AH 233. Oregonian. WANTED Woman for household work and cooking. Apply 574 East Pine St., or phone B i:i WoMKN and glrla wanted io work in fruit runmry. Apply East 8th and Division. WANTED Experienced seajn-trejf, none but fliwt-clMf-s; also apprenUce gfrL Apply M. PaTd'ison. 171 11 th at. WANTED Girls to work in candy factory. Apply 44 K. Hth - N- EXPERIENCED girl wanted lor dentists office for month of September. P iWt. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced waltnaa a wrinted at Hong Kong Crfe, 107 V th at. Call 10 A. M. . WANTED 2 glrla one a cook and one aa maid, must have goud city reference rtlfS Davis, near 21st. WANTKD 5 lady aoilcitors to tak ordora on the grocery; good proposition to hua 1 1 e rs. M ra. Wilson. 435 Alder it. OJ ill. for general housework and cooking; small family of grown persons; good wanes. 3 701 1 o y L REL1AHLE young girl: general housework: family three; good wage. C 240. East Littrt. " AT BEACH Thoroughly competent girl for general houwork. For particular call at 4ik sinirnomsn si. -.ngn-j HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S43H Washington St. Cor. 7th, Upstalra rhone Main 2K.. lAl'T planli. also ladies who can play and sins;. Call New York Amumraent Co.. 62iV WajMr.gton t.. near 17th. GOD girl for general housework and cook- try. 12th St.. near Montgomery. GIRL for general housework, amall family. ll.U Rotlney ave. Phone Woodiawn ll. WANTED A girl for second work. Apply In the morning at 434 Main sL SECOND girl. 7S1 Flanders St.. cof. 23d. HELP WANTED MAI OR FEMALE. HOPPICKERS to pick COO acre of hops, big crop fine accommodations, bakery, butcher shop, grocery store, restaurant, f re dancing pavilion, beautiful camp ing grounds, delightful bathing, low ex cursion rates; register now at Krebs' Bros office, room 61 Worcester bldg.. Third and Oak sta No charges for Job. Office hours 9 to S P. M.. Sunday 9 to 1 P M. Home. A 51aln 830S. I WANT humllr.g and rellabl men and women to work oa organiser for a first-clans fra ternal life lrurano aaaociatton, to whom 1 will guarantee big pay and rapid promo tion; experience la not necessary; if yon can fill the bill call at room 17, Barr Ho tel, U2-14 6th st.. between 8 and 10 A. M.. and 4 and 6 P. M. HOF-PICK ERS WANTED. 50c Per Box. Aak for PIXCU3L Room 1. Worcester Bldg.. Jd and Oak. Phone Main SUu5. A 433i. 50 HOPPICKERS wanted at E- C Horst Co. hopyard of AoO acres: will furnish tents at $1 for the season, with rebate of the tent rent to all thoae who remain throughout the season. inquire J. C Morrlsou, Independence. Oregon. A YOt'NO "man with 12 year experience as bookkeeper and general office work; can operate a typewriter- will accept po sition out of town. AH gr.S. Oregonian. 1KP ptcktrs. write for particulars or take steamer Pomona to A. Graham's landing. Aukum ."J. Address Sidney Graham. A urora. Oregon- TOL' can make nice money on the name of prospective buyers of real estate; we do the work, all we want Is name. Apply any time (HO Lurphermens bldg. THE NEW YORK Amusement Co. want per former, ainger. musician operators, eto rT.i- Washington, near 17th. lOO hopple kera wanted: beet a c cammed at toe long job plrkjng. Writ Gotin Miller, gt. Louis, or. MAKE money writing stories for news papers; big pay: free booklet: telts how. Vnited Press Syndicate. San Francisco. GROCERY CLERK Four vear experKnce In grocer and general store; wilt accept po:tton out of town. AH 2-"9. Oregonian. H&K TEACHERS AGENCY otters good positions to A-l Instructor. 611 Swetland. SITTATIOS WANTED MALE. Iuoiiepers andC lexka. ANYONE fleslHng the service of a young man 23 year old. 5 years general office experience. 3 years as bookkeeper and caahler. S paat year as advertising man. In charge of mall order department of large Const house: bank and F. and A. M. references, also submit -letter of recom mendation from pres. dent of company yith whom I filled the above position a In terview requested. Harry H. La. 515 Merchants Trust bldg. Phone Marshall 77. V OFFTCB MAN. 15 years" exparteooe, want k cation; can operate typewriter; want l'0 pr month. 1 can earn at for yoa, IS 236, Cfagoaian. TOU:"G MAN, 21, expertenced stenographer and office assistant; good appearanca and ed ucatlon : mn lary and hours no object. N 2.1 T. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. RESPECTABLE young man would like to htm and drive automobile for private family or business man. E 27 Oregou ianJ FOREIGNER, z years old. wants position w ith clothing, tailor or steam cleaning shop; first-class tailor, but cannot speak Engil&ti. Address AN231. Oregonian. WANTED Position aa traveling salesman or buyer for responsible lumber firm; ex perienced, married and aober. AJ 2o5 Oregonian. A JAPANESE who can write and speak good English wishes initiation as driver in wholesale or liquor house. AH 2J4. Ore gonian. . CARPENTER foreman, mill or concrete con struction, and can get reaulta B 23i, Ore gonlan. WANTED By man and wife, work on farm for widower or bachelor. Call rear of -S2 Id st- South. BOY with 2 S years experience wants po sition in print shop; age 17 year. Address 445 loth St.. Corvains. or. JAPANESE student attending college want a position morning and evening. AH 210, Oregonian. NIGHT WATCH MAN Situation wanted by rood, aober. ateady, reliable man of 50. B 'S;Z, Oregonian. ------ EXPERIENCED. all-around carpenter wishea Job or day work. Phone Sellwood 1 f.Co. WANTED Poaitlon by young man, dry good groceries or general store five years' ex- YOL'.NG man. expenencea reinforced con crete construction and Inspection; A-l levelman. F 224, Oregonian. A YOUNG German bookbinder wishes posi tion. 73Brooklyn st. Sellwood 1082. SINGLE man wishes position for short time: wages no object. E 241. Oregonian. CARPENTER work, any kind, day or ooa tract. Phone Marshall 2327. FIRST-CLASS cabinetmaker wants work by contract or by day. Main 430. FOREMAN or manager of farm experienced man witn lamny. al -o. urcguinan. JAPANESE Employment Co. wi.l -uiniaa an it i p. mam oof. a A JAPANESE boy wants position at house work. K 2rtH, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR wants steady position. Phone .Main 5"9JJ or A 2o7b. YOUNG Japanese wants position as a house helper. E 2o4. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers an dJH tenographers. EXPERIENCED, competent cafhler desire position; barker shop, restaurant or theater. A t- 237. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young lady atenographer desires half-day position. F 222. Ore gontan. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer desires position; will furnish typewriter. AH 226, Oregonlan. POSITION' a stenographer or office work, by young lady with experience. Phone Main 47. STENOGRAPHER wants position; ha had experience; aaiary $oU. B 247. Oregonian. LADY wants position as stenographer; some experience; moderate salary. Main 3t3. STENOGRA HPER Five years" experience, desires position. D 215. Oregonian. Dressmakers. EXPERIENCED dressmaker will sew In rhop or go out by day. Call ivi iiui tn... cor ttark. LADIES' tailoring; alterations, coats rellned. Mrs. Muckler. 430 Columbia st. A 47u. Housekeepers. REFINED American widow, good cook and housekeeper, wants position as housekeep er In refined home; wages. per month, G 223. Oregonian. COMPETENT housekeeper for apartment, home or hotel; can give reference. A 240 Oregonian. Nurses. AN experienced woman will nurse in fam ilies for reasonable pay; nor afraid to help with other work If necessary. Ad dress Mrs. Littler, t9 loth st. North. Phone Main tt.-4U! KURFH, 12 years experience, care of in valid and confinement cae specialty. Mr. Hughes. Main 27S2. apartment 12. 1 R A I N ED n u e will give m a ssag e t rea t -ment at your home. Phone Sellwood Domestics. TWO girls would like to have housework. Call at 814 2u-.h st. N. M.scellanevus- EXPERIENCED milliner wishes position as maker. Kalesiaay ana general assistant in exclusive shop. Write or call 3tf2a East Burnside st.. flat F- tsiTl ATION wantedr experienced woman v ants day work; good cook. phone M. 35.; LA DY pianist would tike position, rapid sight reader, experienced vocal and or chestra accompanist. Tabor 12-0. REFINED young lady deaires position earing for two no more, small children; willing to aswtm with other work. N 23S. Oregonian. PRIVATE tutor In common branches by expert teacher. I. t;M. Oregonian. COLOlcED girl wants day work, private family only. Apply 2S4 Crosby st. SWEDISH woman wants office cleaning or day work. Phone c mr.:t. EXPERIENCED woman wish day work. Call at 955 Williams ave. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown nursery stock Is In demand: sales this season will be Immense; a flattering op portunity; cash paid weekly: outfit free, Saiem Nursery Co., Salem. Or. AGENTS wanted to aid ns supply the de mand for choice nursery stock ; outfit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co.. Balem. Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO KENT. Wa furnish the renter, collect th rent, fay tax. Insurance and keep up repair, he same for you as though the property was oar own; references, any baok la Portland. TiiS SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 245H Stark SU Phones A 35U0. Main 85. House-. WANTED By responsible party. S to 7 room modern house with yard within walk ing distance 10th and Washington ns,, furnished or unfurnished; state renL AN 23 I. Oregonian RESPONSIBLE business man desires to lease 7-rooin house In strictly good neigh borhood for three years; good references. Please address, with full particulars, Box W4. Portland. WANTED to rent or buy 5 or 6-room cot tage or bungalow ; full lot; give price, term and location ttrst letter. AX 2o5 Oregonian. HOUSE with modern conveniences and 5 rooms, on ground floor. In nice district, not aver 35 minutes' ride; about $20. Marshall 1047 or Woodiawn 2272. W ANTED A 7 or 8-room house with sleep ing porch; West Side preferred. AN 235, Oregonian. SMALL furnished bungalow or cottage, pref erably in Holladay or .Irvlngton. G 2US, Oregonian. HOUSE of 10 to 14 rooms or small unfur nished rooming-house; West Side. D 221. Oregon ian. WANTED to rent a furnished cottage at or near Seaside. Or., for two weeks or one month. AG 237. Oregonian. Apartments. MAN and wife desire a three or four-room apartment or flat : mu." be modern and well-furnished. Phone Private Exchange 0 and ak for Mr. H. A. Brown. WANTED By your.g married couple, no chil dren, small f urn if hei apartment, kitchen ette, reasonable. Wert Side. A J 236, Ore gon lan. . Room. WANTED One or two pleasant housekeep ing rooms, vicinity of Postofflce; give, full particulars. AK 231, Oregonian. Rooms 1 Ith Board7 WANTED Room and board in private famllv without children by a quiet couple; dire large room with good sized closet and first-class table ; please sr r e price. F 23t, Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes room and board in pri vate family, walking dl stance of business peotkn. G 23 1. oregonian. YOUNG man wants board and room In prl vate family. Address AE 232. Oregonian. Btisraesa Places, UNFURNISHED room on East Side, be tween Burnside and Hawthorne. AG 3S, Oregonian. FOR RENT. TONT OVERLOOK THIS TOD AT. njILVER BLDG." ISO MORRISON S MODERN, CJ-NTB-AL, REA-SONABL HOTEL ALDER. Corner Fourth and Alder. J. W. Blaney, Manager. 1 tbe heart of the city, only one block from postofflce. Meier Frank atore and Oregonian building: fl rat-class and just opener. July 20. Every other room a suite with private bath; sample suites with bath for traveling men; no noise, aa no carllnes pas hotel, but within one block of all car; phone In every room. See our mexzanlne floor and ladles reception par lors. Rates $1 day up; with bath, J 1-50 up. Bus meet all traina, Ratus to perma nent gueata. IN THE HEART OF TUB CITT NEW SCOTT HOTEL, Seventh and Ankeny sta The preacher who nreafches. The teacher who teaches. And th drummer with goods to eu; With wife or with daughters. W'hen looking for quarter. All are welcomed at the New Scott Hotel. A quiet home for quiet people. HOT Eli MED FORD. ONE BLOCK FROM UNION DEPOT. JUST OPENED; new, MODERN brick building; flue large ground-floor office; hot and cola running water In ail rooms; at earn heated; private bath; very richly furnished; rate only 3 and up per week; 50c up per .day. Call and see ua. Northeast corner Fifth and Gllaan ts COSY. HOMELIKE. COM FORT A BLB. HOTEL SAVON, 129 Eleven!. L New. modern brick building, ateam heated. private baths, hot and cold waier In rooms, beautifully furnished-, cosy and comfortable, itates very reasonable. call and see us. Regular and uanaient trad solicited. THS WEAVER. 710 Washington .. near King; a cheer ful modern home; bath, hot and cold water and phone in every rom; In the finest part of the city; the maximum of convenience, the minimum of expense; we make you feel at home; dining-room in connection; bt?t in the city for the money. HOTEL SARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. Phona East 291. connecting every room. Private baths, elevator, nrat-class grill. Sptclal rates by w ee k or month. A merle n or European. Transit tits solicited. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th. first-claa furnished room euiglo or en auite; all modern oon vtnlenoefl; $3 weekly up. A 2047, M. 5647. HO TEL IRVING. 311 Oak t-, comer Sixth; large, light, airy room, elegantly furnished; elecuio lights, running wa.ter; low rate. NEW fireproof building, electric elevator runs all "night, hot and oold water and free phone in each room; free baths. $4.50 per week and up. 24t Yamhill, near 3d U VERY' nice light airy room, hot and cold running water, electric and gas lights, bath and toilet adjoining, private family. 407 14.h st. Main 6033. HOTEL"" B UC KIN GH A M . op p. Portland Ho tel, 330 Yamhiil; hrst-claa furnished room-, alngle or en suite, modern; $5 up; tran stems Bolici'ed. Main 31. A 71T7. THE NEVA Newly furnished rooms; hot and cold water, steam heat. 175 21m st.; half biock south of Washington st. THE BEAVER, 12th and Maranall t., well furnished sleeping rooms, $2.50 per week; eltctric lights, hot bath free. MODERN outside rooms, $2.50 to $3 per week. Including bains, also housekeeping room. 54b fa Washington at. ELEGANTLY and newly furnished single ou utile rooms, only $10 and up. The Del Monte, 20th and Washington sta THE LAN DOR El 2b8 10th. near Jefferson Newly furnished rooms, centrally located. NICELY furnished single rooms, modern; free phones and bath. 400 Morrison st. FINE modern rooms, single or double, with excellent board- Manilou. 261 13th at. lO-ROOM. well-furnished house to responsi ble party. 248 North 20th st. GOOD, private, transient rooms. . Telephone Marshall 256. CLEAN furnished rooms. 3 SO W. Park. j-urnUhetl Rooms In Private Family. 327 WEST PARK, near Clay, walking als tance Two large furnished rooms, each room suitable for two people; bath and free phone. Phone Main 7 it.'J. NEvVLY furnished front room, aultable for two gentlemen or man and wife, for light "housekeeping, with use of kitchen, bath, g&s and use of phone. 554 Morrison st-, cor. Chapman. PLEASANT . clean. well furnished front, room, bay window, alcove, suitable for two or three; furnace, bath, phone; walk tng distance. fliij) Everett st. LA RG E front room, adjoin i ng bath; a Iso smaller room, private; breakfast If de sired; reasonable. 751 Kearney, near 2od. Phone A 4371. NICE room. up-to-date house. modern house, modern apartments; central; West Side; reasonable. Main 2219. 2 NI"ELY furnished rooms; rht rea&onable. 4'all 12 to 2 or after 5. Mrs. Brown, 510 Taylor st. TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern, close In, reasonable, aultable for gentlemen. 324 34th st. FVRNISHED 3-room flat with bath, no chil dren. Call Sunday or evenings after 6. 4imi 4th st. SPLENDID large room for gcnilemen. tT., $ 1 0 a nd $ 1 2 per mon th. or by week. 5 5 Coueh. cor. lMh. FURNISHED room; rent reasonable. In ex change for lessons in architectural draw lng. 251 Uth st. 1 N ICELY' furnished room, adjoining bath; use of parlor; also small front room: rent rea.-nnable; walking disutnee. 551 Taylor. NEVVLY furnished room with alcove In steam-heated residence, running hot and cold water. ."v4 nan a era. FRONT parlor bedroom with piano S12. lblli or su cm r. ops --orui ei. COMFORTABLE rooms; pnone, bath; 6 min ule Postofflce; fine location. 3u2fr Park. NICELY furnished rooms, l block north of Waahlngton. 480 Burnside, NICELY furnished front room, with alcove, reasonable: walking distance. 5-V) Taylor. LA Ktifi, com Tor table room. bath, phone, also pUasant email room: $8.00. H32 Flanders. N n E. well f urn ished f ron t room, modern. ;i N. ltlth. Phone Marshall 1240. $8.50 -PLEASANT outside room, walking dinlnnre; 4."2 5th st NICELY furnished room. 4 blocks from Olds, Wortman & King aj.ore. 473 Alder. NICELY" furnished rooms, fH and $10; two meals if desired. 421 12th at. 10sream-heated. comfortably furnished rooms ; central. 5C5 Glian st. FURNISH ED rooms, modern, walking dis tance; reasonatiie. 4o caai i.iay. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. Phone, gas. b:tth. $10. 200 12th gt. PLEAS? VNT furnished room or suite, walking distance. Nob Hill. Phone A 4989. NH'ELY furnmhed rviom for gentleman, mod ern conveniences. 427 Clay st. NICE front room, with alcove, reasonable walking distance. 55Q Taylor st. WELL furninhed room for rent. Main So 60. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year, room with board. ue of eewlng-rocm and library. 51 n Flanders. Miss Frances N. Heath. supt. THE" HAZEL For ladies and gentlemen; nicely furnished rooms, first-class board. 383 3d st.. cor. Montgomery. ROOM and board. Casa Rosa. 300 Jeffer son at. v Rooms With Board In Private Family. NICELY furnished large front room with running water; beautiful grounds; excep tionally good home cooking. ttO E. Eighth st.. cor. of Washington. East 131)0. REASONABLE; large furnished room, with board; all conveniences. 107 16th st, near Flanders. Phone M. S513. NICELT furnished front room, suitable for two gentlemen, with board, $0 a week. 540 Yamhill. LARGE suite, private bath; also single room. 204 N. 22d st. A 7230. ROOM and board for two. $25 each; Nob Hill. Main 54X6. 695 Everett at. LARGE front room suitable for two; first class table board. 75 North 14th st. HOME cooking, reasonable rates. Main 7010. Apartment. J VST OPENED THE WHITEHALL. 253 Rh t.. 4 suuares above P. O-; family ho tel, private bath and telephones; tran stents solicited. BT EAM-H EAT ED 5-room apartment, mod ern and desirable- 525 Everett st. Apply Morgan, Fleldner A Boyce, 503 Abington bldg. ONEONTA APTS. 187 17th, south of Yam hill ;W. car at depot), 2 and 3-room fur nished suites, hot and cold water, free phoiys, bath. Main 4O07,A 4739. STANLEY APARTMENTS, 701 Washington Mrs. T. D. Hughes. Modern 3 and 4 room apartments :every convenience. THE LEONCE Nicely furnished . 3 and 4-rooni apartments; modern conveniences. lhg N. 22d st. ST. CLAIR 715 Wayne st.; modern six-room apartment, two porches. Phone Main 4030. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders; 4-room, modern apartmaata. Apply to Jaoitor SAN MARCO APARTMENTS. East 6th and Couch streets; new brick, now ready for occupancy; all 3-room apartments; private bath with each apartment; private telephones, high-oven v gas range; linoleum on both rooms and kitchen floors; built-in Ice box; steam . neat, hot water all the time; garbage cared for by Janitor; unfurnished except above-mentioned articles; rents cheapest in the city for what you get; $2j to ' $29 a month. Call on premises. THE) BANNER APARTMENTS. 489 Clay treci, second house from 14th. the only modern completely furalhsed 2 rvom apartment-ho use in the city; bouse and elegant furniture brand new; just opened for buslnes; steam heat, electric light, hot and oold water in every apart ment; private phone, bath; walking dis tance; $lS-$25, Including electric lighu Mar hall 2074. HEINZ apartments. 14th and Columbia; 4 blocks south from Morrison St.; new brick building, completely first-class; furnished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments, private bath, reception ball, steam heat, hot watetr, elevator, free prone, janitor service; rent from $25 per month and up. THE IRVING, list and Irving sta; 4-room unfurnished apartments; ail outside rooms, ample closet room, verandas; rent very reasonable. Also a 5-room basement apartment, with heat, gas range, hot and cold water and window shades; J0 per month; refL-rtncss. FOR SALE at a bargain, complete furnish ings jf three rooms and bath, in the most moaern and best located apartment-house In the city; apartment for rent very rea sonable, inquire of Janitor, Hanover Apartments, ltio King St. ' ORDERLEIGH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand Ave. and Stark St. New fireproof brick building, beautiful ly furnished two and three-room apart ments, private batns, wall beds, large clothes closets. Phone E. 300. THE LOIS APARTMENTS. 7U4 Hoyt St. One H and two 4-room suites, completely furnished; electric and hreiess cookers; sieam heat, private bath and phone, jan itor service; references. Phone Aiarsnall 2010. ' . KING HILL APARTMENTS. The select apartments of Nob Hill. For terms apply to Janitor, cor. uf King and Wayne sta ONE FLOOR, 6 rooms, large sleeping porch and front porch; fireplace; hot w.er heat, cold air storage, hot and cold wter ttne view). Phone A. 4580. 625 Montgom ery st. ttHj 'i hUKiiAN Hazel Apartments. Uniui nished 4-room apartment, modern conven iences, rent $22.50: fine car service. In quire fe5 4th St., Henry bldg. Wakefield, Fries dfc Co. NEW BRICK ROSEFRIENU APARTMENT. th and Jefferson sts. ; 4 and 5 rooms, with tlie baths, hardwood floors, elevator, steam heat, laundry and all modern con venlences: swe ties t apartments in the city. RE-UKAN Apartments, 024 Marshall at. Ex clusive, newly furnished, modern In every respect, outside light, quiet and homelike surroundings. If looking for something " real pice, dee these. Main6032,A31Wl. FI VE-KOOM furnished apartment, modern in every particular; steam-heated, hot water. Janitor services, with first-class fur nishings. Apply to Janitor, 068 Eear ney st. CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and Gtlsan. 2 and 3-room apaitments, new 4-story brick. Just completed, all modern conveniences; each apartment has private outside balcony; rent reasonable. - , THE BERYL APARTMENTS. Strictly modern, large room and three closets to every apartment; cool and airy for Summer. 6K5 Lovejoy st. Take W car. BLAN-MYR Juat opening, new fireproof brick, large light hail, ail outside apart ments, automatic elevator, electric uumb waiters, hot and cold, water, private bath, steam heat. 228 N- 20th, cor Lovejoy. ST. CROIX Apartments, 170 St. Clair at-, near Washington, Two and three-room modern apartments. Fine residence loca tlun. Reasonable rent. " KEELBR APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay ns. A few choice suite left at i0 and $50 per, month. LAURETTE APARTMENTS, 229 11th st, One elegantly furnished 3-room apart ment, one 3-room unfurnished apartment; s rtetly modern : both phones. ROOMS with board, 33 17th st. N.. one block off Washington; well-furnished cor ner suite; bath adjoining; also single m rooms; board optional. i-oK RENT to responsible party, elegantly furnished apartment, 5 rooms, strictly modern, references. No. 10, the Rose friend, cor. 7th and Jefferson. Main 3665. THE LAURETTE APARTMENTS, 229 11th One unfurnished 3-room apartment; all outside rooms; centrally located; both phones. THE MORTON, West and King, furnished apartment, including bad and phones. Irlats. A NEW. MODERN. 5-ROOM FLAT, WITH LARGE ATTIC. Large, Well-Lighted Rooms, Large Ceiled Closets. Built-in Pass Cupboard; Furnished With "Eclipse" Range and Gas Plate; porcelain Bath. Nickel Plumbing; Plate Rail in pinlng-Room ; Bath-Room Supplied W ill Medicine Cnest; Linoleum on Bath-Room Floor. Flat Faces East, and Has Large Enclosed Porch Facing West; Large Basement. With Woodlift. This flat is located within half block of two carllnes, on the West Side: within 1 minutes' of Third and Morrison sts; Is" newly built; fir furnishings In the nat ural wood; polish finish. A very pleasant home for somebody. Key at drug store, corner Front and Glbba. or call on .1 Gevurtx & t-ons. n. ji j- 'iiiKEE new. up-to-date f lata, pest location In city. -ii stain ijv.- --- -101. " Reidt, 401 Rothchild bldg. Money no ob- Ject; want a good tenant. 6-ROOM lower flat; new, modern; best lo cation on West Side. Inquire 175 16th, cor. 0. Yamhill. MODERN 5-room upper flat, sleeping porch". Irvington district; reasonable. 424 Tilla mook su NEW 6-room upper flat, all modern conveni ences, including fireplace, E. 6th and Ore g n sts. ; rent $37.50. o-ROOM modern flat for rent on Lovejoy near 23d st, $33.50. Vanduyn & Walton, fl 15 Chamber Commerce. - WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co., Main 1018, A 184. All covered wag 0 pa'l experienced men, ACCOUNT of spending Winter In California. wlsh to sell furniture 4-room apartment. 35 Madison Park Apt. FIRST floor, 4 rooms, modern, basement; garden, flowers, place for chickens; beau tiful VieW. ll'-l V VI UTJl . w - - jo 5 AND d-room flats, new, central. East Side. Marshall 1445- SWELlT modern, 6-room, upper flat; walk ing distance. 78 E. Yamhill st. LOWER flat, 1 rooms: bath, basement, yard; rent. $17. Phone Main 0597. LOWER flat 5 rooms, with bat.h rent $30. SP8 Salmon at. Key 600 Salmon st. NEW, modern 5-room flat. East 18th and Ash. pnone rn- r . -..-..ry. MODERN 4-roomed upper flat, porch; oasy walking distance, reasonable. 41 2 2d st. $22 3-ROOM furnished flat; private bath. 916 v E. Salmon St. Dr. Darling. MODERN S-room upper flat, nice location. Inquire 520 Everett St. TWO" four-room modern flats. 28th and East Irving. East 5; B 1404. STRICTLY modern, 6 rooms. 217 Cherry; walking distance, phone East 1415. ilODERN 6-room flat for rent at 780 John son. Inquire at 712 Kearney. UPPER corner 6-room modern flat, $32.50. 714 h Kearney. . Housekeeping Rooms. m ONE elegantlv furnished. 2-room house keeping apartment; hot and cold water and all modern conveniences; only 22 per month. The Del Monte, near 20th and Washington eta. CAMBRIDGE-BLDG., furnished and unfur nished housekeeping rooms, 3d and Mor rison st., room 36. 461 EAST MORRISON, corner East 8th; completely furnished housekeeping rooms. 2 SUITES of furnished housekeeping rooms-, light and water furnished, free phone. 695. East Morrison st. Phone East 1433. winte noWXTOWX HOME. "MILNE R BLDG." 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL. REASONABLE. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, run ning water, porch, bath, electricity. 695 y Glisan at.; no children; near 21st. $2 WEEK Clean, furnished housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas, heat. yard, clean linen. 406 Vancouver ave. $1.50 week, large clean furn. housekeeping rooms: laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms In new concrete bldg. Phone Woodiawn 2987. $1.50 TO $2 Clean furnished housekeeping rooms. Desoto House. 2d and Columbia. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, fur nlshed. 101 14th St.; transient solicited. TWO and three nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 58m 2d at. $L50 WEEK, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. JJ. oar. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall. Fur nished for housekeeping, gas ranges, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free; 15 per month up: a clean place; best ' in the city for money; short distance from Union Depot .Take "S" or lth-st. cars north, get off at Marshall at. No dog W ELL-FURNISH ED ho upkeep in g rooms. 2 . $8 month: 3. $13; in furnished cottage, 3 rooms, $15: lower flat, 4 rooms. $16. 3o4 N. 26th (We-t Side river). W car from depot,! 5th or Morrison to 26th. block north. $1.25 WEEK, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, .heat. taundry. bath. 203 Stanton. "U" car. Housekeeping Rooms tn Priva te Family. 695 CORNER 15th and Eas, Pine; 2 front rooms with alcove, furnished for Hpht housekeeping; use of bath, phone, wash room, electric iron nd lights. Phone H 3 836. BEAUTIFULLY" furnlshod large front rooms; all modem, best location, walking distance; $10. $12 and $16 per month, or by week; ladica or gentlemen. 575 Couch, N. H. cor. ISth. West Side. Call A 5280. LARGK. airy, pleasant room, fireplace, with housekeeping privileges, in modern home; sleeping porch; walking distance. 5(S'. Everett st. a ROOMS for light housekeeping. $S per month; nice residence district. Piedmont Addition; block west of Williams ave., 1212 Moore st. Woodiawn 10'". COMPLETELY', newly furnished housekeep ing rooms, beautiful location, walking dis tance, steam heat, bath, phone, laundry, .porch. 656 Glisan. ' HOUSEKEEPING suites, first floor; atcani heat, bath free, phone ; very centrally lo cated; downtown. 350' 1 A lder. THREE housekeeping rooms; hath, phone and electric lights; adults. 243 Stanton. Woodiawn 387.- MODERN 6-room house furnace. flivplace. etc.; Holladay Park Addition. Inquire 810 Wasco. NEWLY furnished housekeeping-rooms; 10 minutes' walk from Postoff ice. Phone A :HK. LOVELY housekeeping-room; beautiful grounds, close In ; hot and cold running water, furnace hat. baths. phone. 40 17 N NICELY furnished housekeeping suite, sink. In kitchen. $16. 3S9 North 19 th St. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, central. 46ii "Main st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, for man and wife, no children. 16 North 14th mi. VERY pleasant . housekeeping rooms, now vacant. 32 N. 11th t. SUITE $16. also large room, gas range. 146 N. 16th st-. Main 5173. NICELY furnished sleeping-room, housekeep- ng privileges, modern fiat. 2o2 Ilth st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 149 13th St., bet Morrison and Alder. Bouses, THE GREATER MEIER & FRANK STORW RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Home-hunters, visit our up-to-date rental and information department, 4th floor, main building, and see the vacancies we have listed of desirable houses and flats. You'll save time In getting properly and comfortably located. Wa keep in touch with all vacant houses, flats and apart ments In the city. We also ke-p a list of new buildings In course of construction. The combined lists of all real estate dealers. This information Is absolutely free "WHEN YOU WANT TO RENT A HOUSE SEE US." THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. WHEN you move you'll need new furniture Buy It judiciously and the savings will ex ceed your moving expense. Our NO-RENT PRICES mad us on of the largest furniture houses In th city -In two year. Lookers shown same courtesy as buyer. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO, 69-75 Grand ave.. corner East Stark sL East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver carUnes PASS OUR DOOR- WE need about 50 more houses to accom modate our clients; any and all parts of the city. WM. DAVIDSON & CO., 500-2 Henry Bldg. FOR RENT 12-room house, 274 24th si.. cor. Overton. Hot and cold water In every bedroom; fine neighborhood; modern con venience. Inquire 85 4th sL, Henry Bldg. Wakefield Fries & Co. will give lease. HOUSES and flats for rent; some furnished, MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST x COMPANY, B. W. Corner 6th and Washington Ptreets. COTTAGE, 5 rooms, bath, electric light-. pa.. cament basement, fine lawn, fruit and roses; $25. Phono East 670, 461 15th, bet, Tilla mook and Thompson, Irvington. FOR RENT 9-room house, fine large yard, fruit and flowers. West Side. 15 minute walk from center of city. Rent $40. Wm. Davidson 4 Co., 500 Henry bldg NEW, 6 rooms and sleeping porch; full ce ment basement, gas and electricity; mod ern plumbing; Irvlngton district. Inquire 435 E. 7th Bt North, corner of Tillamook. NICE 5-room cottage, cor. lot. 2 car lines, few pieces furniture to sell. Rent $17. Snap. Call East 4913 or Main 8064. FOR RENT Fine 3-room cottage In Sun nyslde. with beautiful large yard. W m. Davidson & Co.. 500-2 Henry bldg. MODERN. 6-room cottage on Portland Heights; $27.50 per month. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett Bldg- MODERN, 6-room house, newly tinted; one block from W- W. car; 540 E. I7th st. Rj en t . $17. 30 Modem six-room residence, close in. with attic, furnace, shades and fixtures. Call 074 Poplar st. 6-ROOM house, 858 Williams ave., near Sha ver. Gruzzi & Zadow, 317 Board of Trade bldg. 6-ROOM house. $15: 836 E. 27th st. Phone Pellwood "i. Kurn ished House. COTTAGE, weli furnished, 3 rooms. $15; cot tage 5 rooms. $18; two housekeeping rooms, $8 West SUde river. Apply S04 North 26th; W car from depot, 5th or Morrison to 26ih, block north. IN Irvlngton, 8 rooms. 2 carllnes, good home; will sell. Particulars, 345 Morri son st. Phone Main 5211. FOR KENT Furnished house 6 rooms, not water, heat. Wi Harnett e Heights. A 3744. MODERN furnished five-room cottage. 514 H. 21at st. W-R car. FOR RENT 6-room house completely fur nished. 564 Main st. Phone Main 4384. FU RN ISHED 6-room modern house. Main 4010. , Houses forRent-uralturefor bale. FURNITURE for sale, flat for ren; ex plicit furnishing, high-class flat, 5 splendid rooms with pantry, reception hall, larB basement, reasonable rent; must sell; cen tral location. West Side; half block from car. PhoneMarshall 1322. FINE new furniture.' including full set of dishes and cooking utensils, of a 4-room apartment; cash. $175. Foster, Madison FURNITURE of & rooms, all rented; choice location, close in. West Side; caah $550; terms, $650; no agents. AF 234, Orego nian. , FOR SALE Furniture of 3-room house, $40 cash If taken at once; rent $8; with rink, tol let and gas. Call at 7k" Kelly St., South Portland. FURNITURE of newly-finished modern. 6 room house for sale cheap, on East J"tn near car. 408 Rothchild bldg. Call bet. 1 and 2. , FURN TURE 10-room house; suitable foi board or rooms; 300 cash, balance easy terms. Marshall 1258. COZY cottage In Sunnyside for rent, cheap; furniture for sale. Phone Tabor 1300- A BARGAIN Furniture for sale, four-room apartment for rent. Victorian, 11th and Columbia sts. Phone A 4743, A 2107. FURNITURE 5-room modern flat for sale. $250; fine location; close in. West Side. Pnone Main 5315. A 5052. BEAUTIFUL b-room flat, full good rooiner.s, t2C, above rent; 10 minutes' walk; lease 11 (1. sired. Particulars Main 8957. ELEGANT furniture of 6-room modern flat, close In, 2 rooms pay rent. For partic- ulars. phone Main 6996. $225 BUYS complete house furnishings fot four rooms; ueed only five months. R. V. WilliamHon. 19 Breeden bldg.. 3d and Wash. vup ITURE of 16 rooms for sale; house for rent; good lease. 221 13th. Main 6302. 5-ROOM flat for rent; furniture for sale. 4M!4 E. Ankeny. Call after 7 P. M SIX-ROOM cottage; one room pays rent. Call 57 1 3d- FtTRNTTURE of a 5-room cottage, must bf sold this weok. 1 room pays rent. 615 4th st. Bummer Kesorts. NEWPORT BEACH LOTS. Three choice lots on the ocean bluff, fine view, for f 223 each; Jots selling around there from $400 to f o00 per lot ; will nay your R. R. fare to see them if - Interested. Marshall 2248. 325-527 Board of Tradebldg. THE ABBOTT COTTAGE. 134 Main St., Sea sido, near Postofflce; furnished rooms and housekeeping room; special rate by week. Address Mrs. Ada Nelson. TO RENT from August 25th for balance of season, 5-room furnished cottage at Sea view, Wa-h Price $10. Phone Tabor 165. FOR RENT 4-story and basement brick store building, 50x105. southeast corner Front and pine. Apply Chester V. Dolph, 803 Mohawk bldg. FINE brick store at $30 in location demand inj drug store, p Jxon Baal 4v