THE MOI.XING pREGOXTAX, TITURSDAY. AUGUST 25, 191Q. 14 E'S DEFENSE LINE LAID Oswald West to Receive Sup port if Bowerman Secures - Nomination. LEGISLATIVE SLATE MADE Antl-.f-mbly Vte ' Vwk IJeftli. Name. rWinniiift With A B and C A i Prr fcrrril Strategic Koi. for Pnr Jonathan Huiw. Jr.. ainc Ms r.tum from Wa.hlnittnn. D. C. a a. ajro. h pluntrrd ,n, ,h n'- tr-mbli raninalitn to aafeisuard hi po litical rareer from wn-kn' on th of party rehabilitation. and up to tha prnt time naa l'" Hi" tlilnp: Iwrtdcd upon a complete antt-aswnibly lffllatlve slate. Thrown font- of worker inio tlie flcij to pa.a card, an.l Interview votera. Given all pomlhlo Impetna in the cnm-r-.lrn of iwwal.l Wr for tl Demo cratic nination f-w tlovcrnnr. Forced GTJ . Hrfwn-ll out of the running for rVnalr from riackamaa County, aubxiltutlnr for Brownell a Tnor Irutfd riponent of Statement No. 1 and Fourretum. Cbambrrlain in Partnr-rf-hlp. Perfected ' political partnership alth Fenatnr Chwmhcrlnln. with the end in view of ttlvlna- thr Democratic nomina tion for overnor to wald West, upon whom he ran fll back a a second H"o ef defense In the event that the antl ararnibly Republican element fall to romfnata a man. Failure ha met hi effort to Rive Stephen A. Lom-ell. of Pendleton, a clear frld to run for Governor, in order to liave hlin out of the way in tlie Sena torial mm pa I an of 1MX Failure has met Ma efTorta to thin out tlie list of antl aefr.blr candidate ftr tlm-emor. Hero i the Bourne legislative elate: For lteprentaftve. Tr T. I- Perkltia A 3 R-ahlleM J Conch Jamee M. Ambrwe .tame. J Klynn J. i Bryant W. I. 'oltell Ntt-phen folllna J a n. P. Abbott V. J. ilrnn-na JamfaCol. rharle. A. Blaelow 'or tate Bn.tor (;orna W. JtTh. 'or Jmnt senator Pan J. Matark''. For Joint Keprraentatlve W. H. Chat- Ballot Formula Dex-idrd. Hera Is the formula, as lately decided on and atruck from tha preaaea yester day, that la to appear on the ballot after namra of Bourne candidates: "Opposed to the aaaembly plan of nominating can didates favor direct prlmury." The slate waa complied deftly and the word waa passed with utmost diplomacy. Trusted lieutenants called on the varloua candidates, except In one or two cases, where personal Interviews with Bourne are recorded. Two requisites were demanded a name beginning well up in the alphabet so as to find a good place on the ballot, and dependability. Particular care was ex-.en-laed in the selection of Senator and Joint Senator, as the two elected this ear will be hold-overs In the Irgfsla tlre session that will decide Bourne's fate, two years hence. Anti-assembly candidates rejected by Jtourne are Ralph C. Clyde. Seneca louts. E. I Amme. 1 M. ,Davis and John B. flollard. Not until yesterday was It decided whether Clemens or 'ouU should be chosen. Tlirv 3fen Comjiort Asscmblj. The antl-aasembly assembly that made the selections waa made up of three men, Kourne, Thomas JlcOusker and James D. Abbott. Messrs. McCusker and Abbott have been scanning the local field for some months In the alwonce of Bourne and many of those selected were brought Into the fight earlier with that express end in view. In making Its selections the three-man assembly took only two men whose nsnies are not up at the top of the alphabet Rushlight, who could hardly be Ignored, and lr. Perkins, who Is favored lth profound trust. The withdrawal of Brownrll from the race in Clackamas Is taken as obviously tle result of a Bourne coup. The means used are arousing no end of specula tion. Browncll was In the race early. He decided suddenly on Monday to draw 1 ut and telephoned that fact to Walter A. Dimlck. who Immediately thereafter filed his declaration before several other aspirants knew the f'eld was clear. Bourne's distrust of Browncll is well known and dates back to their differ ences In the '.eatKlaliire of ls7. In dolus: .what he can for Oswald West, those In touch with the situation aver. Bourne is provklins; an adequate seaxind line of defense In the event the anti-assembly faction explodes at the primary election. Failing to aet a pos sible winner up against Jay Bowerman. the Bourne plan Is plainly to rally his forces to the West stanrd. obliterate party lines so far as he la able, elect West, and pave the way for a non-political contingent that will pay homage to the Chamhe rutin-Bourne partnership. Thus Bourne is not stoking his all on a single flop of the political dice. lkrarrman Worries) Opponents. The race for Governor is known to be causing Boume and his lieutenants grave concern. Jay Bowerman, the assembly candidate, is developing unexpected strength throughout the state. The anti-assembly element, with Dimlck. Hofer and Abraham in the field. Is badly split. Boume now favors Judge Dimlck. it is said, after having failed to get Dimlck and the others out of the way for a fourth man. preferably Judge Lowell, l ittle was thought of the aspirations of Hofer and Abraham at first. But they are both out on live campaigns and nat urally are picking up more or less of a following. Hofer Is particularly active and la now touring the state by automo bile, meeting hundreds of voters each day. While be is not looked upon as having a remote chance of winning, the effect of his campaign is taken aa strengthening Bowerman. since the as sembly element Is conceded to be tired of party chicanery and therefore will hold together. , At present the Bourne activities are re puted to be centered on Multnomah County, but since the menace to Bourne Ism is reported as statewide, arduous ef forts to stem the ominous tide in, other directions will Ukery be undertaken with aa little delay as possible. MIErtlEKD REBt RES LAFFERTY Candidate for Representative Denies He Is "Standpatter." George S. Shepherd, candidate for the Kepubitcan nomination for Represent ative In Congreaa from the Second Dis trict, last night denied the Inference made by Ms opponent. A. W. LaHerty. tliat he (Shepherdi was a "standpat ter." la this regard Mr. Shepherd said: BOURN SECOND MDME. SARAH GRAND ON SEASICKNESS Maflara Sarah Orand. Author of the Heav en! Tains, etc.. has this to say of Mother aill'a Seasick Remedy: Oentlmn: I enclose postal order with toaiks for the boa of Mothanull's Seasick fteniMlv. I have had much experience with tha remedy and hava never knows it to fall in aay caae either of sea or train sickness. SARAH OR AND. ttatee Hnthersltl Htmfilr i"o.. Ltd.. lritlcmrn : Prar rrake oe of mr letter aa a testimonial If xea think It wouM help to make tha rem edy kaoarn. Faithfully ymira. SARAH GRAND. 1 Grove Hill. Tnnhrlilae Wella., England. Motheratll'e Reaaedy Qolrkly Ceres fees ae Train' Mrkaeaa. Guaranteed safe and harmieaa Joe and $1-0 a box at all Drug floras and Drug lpartmenta If your druggist doae not have tt In stock he ran gat It for you from any Wholesale Druggist. For sale and recommended In f'ortland by Owl ttrug lo-. Fkldraore Drug Ce., and other deuggleta. Motherslll Remedy Co.. Ltd.. De troit, vuh Inflamed Bladder rarea, kealtk relore larreaaed fwraly-alae aaa w peaads Ma at ay Warner's Safe Cure This is the remarkable experience of Mr. I'. H. James: "I had been suffer ing for some time from Inflammation of the bladder and kidneys. I com menced taking Wamera Safe Cure, and ai'er using two bottles I found great relief. I continued Its use. and now weigh 14 pounds; I only weighed 120 pofinde when I commenced using Warners Safe Cure, snd now I would not be without a bottle In my house. "I would recommend Warner's Safe Cure to all suffering with kidney trou ble." P. R. James. P. . Box &7. Ar eola, Miss. If any of your anrestors In this or past (O-neratlons have been troubled alih kidney disease, make a test of your urine and satisfy yourself. Ton owe It to yourself to find this out at once, aa thousands of men and women have kidney and bladder trou ble and do not know It until the dis ease has cauaed serious complications which are sure to prove fatal. If you find the slightest trace In your sys tem, you should lake Warner's Safe Cure Immediately. It will cure you the same as it has thousands of others. Put up In Bur and tl.n" sixes and sold by druggists everywhere. WARNER'S SAKK TllAS. for con stipation and biliousness, purely vege table, absolutely free from Injurious substances, are a perfect laxative. They do not gripe or leave any bad after ef fete. ;s cents a package. To convince every sufferer from dis-ea.-es of the kidneys and liver that WARNF.rt'S SAFE CURB will abso lutefy cure, a sample bottle and also a sample box of Warner's Safe Pills will be sent KKKE OK CHARlSB. postpaid, to any one who will write WARNER'S SAKE ClUK CO.. Rochester. N. V.. and mention having seen this liberal offer In The Oregonlan. The genu Iness of this offer Is fully guaranteed bv the publisher. "I noticed that Mr. Laffcrty Is quoted In today's .Oregonlan as saying 'over the long-distance telephone that he would be glad to meet even Mr. Shep herd and debate on "standpatisiu." Now. 1 have no patience wlfli such methods. That he should undertake to put me In the standpaf class Is so manifestly Tftifair that it should not be countenanced by any one with a pre tense of fairness. Had Mr. Lafterty been a resident of Oregon as long as four years, he would know that I have advocated tariff revision downward all this time, and during the last session of Congress I drafted a bill which was Introduced by Representative McCredle providing for the removal of restric tions against American registry of . foreign-built vessels when the same are owned by American cltixens, but was killed by the shipbuilding and steel trusts, although it had the editorial support of the country, including The Oregontan. "The debate with me will therefore have to be on some other subject, un less he himself claims to be a 'standpatter.- " After stating the atntlstlcs as to the mor ta'll from different dteas In Panama at different porloo.. Dr. ti-ler said that In I Wi the combine,! tropical diseaaes. malaria, dys entery and berl-bert. killed fewer than that of the two great killing dleast-s of Ihe tcm- AMfSEMrXTS. MA ! MA Mtv a. a ia. MiTLMt rVKKT rT- THEATER l-v.l; KDKK Al. SS Tapt. fJeorge Auger sad hl company In "Jack the Oiaat Rainier and rirowa. tha Jack ArtoL Duo. the 111 -on ttty Four. Hayward Hayward In "Holding Out." Palfrey sad ktartoo, the Hamllna. picture, orcheatra. LYRIC PORTLAND FAMILY rt-AYHOCSB All week, Edward Armstrong Musical Com edy Co. Presents VAQUITA" New Music. Gorgeous Costumes. Clever Chorus. Shows commence dally at T:4l. 9:15. Friday Night CHOKCS UIRL3 CONTEST. GRANDA Week Aw,. 22, 1910 VIOI.F.T ALLEM AND COM PANT IN KEEPING- AN AP- Free Retter Four. Faattio Trio MeCormack A Irving Bell Kicharde Mary Ana Hrowa iirandaaeope. POrNTMENT -Uatlnao Kv.ry Day. t tu; any seat ISO. FT.nlng Parformancas at T:S0 and I 11; Balcony lie; Lower Floor I3c: Box Boats 50c ewgf- -V a S O Portland's Perfect 1 llE, UAHa Pleasure Park Nothing Ilk tt on the North Pacific Coast. Chutes, Figure 8 ' Olant Awing. Slagie Mirrors, Dreamland. Ma mo. Oid Milt. aiatorium In fact every form of outdoor attractlona. A day at the Oaks means a day of pleasure. BASEBALL RCRATIOM PARK. C-M-eer Vamlu- svad Twesaty-foarfh Streets SAN FRANCISCO vs. PORTLAND Augtast tt. tt. 25. Sa, K. I. Games Begia Weekdara at J:3S P. M. Bnadaya t:M P. M. Admlssloa Bleachers. ISc: Grandstsnd. Boc: Boxes 2-.c extra. Cnildran. Bleachers Iwc tirandatand Xoc IUlIEli DAT FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. ALCnON ssUa TODAY. Faker's Auction House. 151 Park St.: fur niture, etc; sals at 1U o'clock. Geo. Baker Jk i"o.. Auctioneers Fl.l-N INll la this city. August 24. Martin p. Fleming, aged 20 )ara e aionlha. Fu asrai aotlca latex. THE PORTLAND FCKTIANO, CI ruBorKajr vtx MOTrEKX atXoTACBAlfT cost on sxnxioM doluh. HOTEL I HOTEL OREGON SEATTLE res clsnssra Live, Grswtsg KereL " Krw, Modern. Centrally Loeataa. ECROPEAW PIK. EtllOPEAN PLAN. 7th and Stark, Portland, Or. Pioneer Square, Seattle, Wn. WRIGHT-DICKINSON WRIGHT & DICKINSON HOTEL COMPANY, Props. HOTEL COMPANY, Props. Cafe and theVter. . srlll F. J. ftli tin The Imperial VICgUlia uicaicai aaw.v. 860 Rooms, 104 Suites, With Private Baths. KT.W rTRTiPROOF BTJILDINO . Moderate Rates. Phfl Metschan & Sons. Props. J 0. CORNELIUS, Proprietor. OPENED SEPT.. lo HOTEL LENOX E. D. and V. H. JORGENSEN . Props, and Mrs. COR. 3D AND MAIN STS. Hot ana Cold Water. Long Distance Pfaoaa in Every Room. RATES $1.00 and up Beautiful Hotel Moore CLATSOP BEACH SEASIDE, OR. Portland's Nearest Beach Resort Via A. & 0. S. R- Open All Year. Directly overlooking the Pacific Ocean. A delightful Summer and Winter resort. Hot salt baths and surf bathing. Sea foods a spe cialty. "Walks, drives and boating. DAN J. MOORE, Prop. a W. it. . alar. MWP0EI YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Most Popular Beach Resort ITS climate Is delightful. IT has a greater variety of attractions than most beaches. because it Includes a placid inland bay and Innumerable picturesque retreats. THE trip thither Is scenic and entertaining all the way. IT Is the Summer home tt educated and refined families from all parts of the West. ITS famous agate beach yields the choicest pebbles known. " ITS variety of seafood surpasses all other beaches. ITS aecommodatlons for both hotel and cottape life are of a high and varied class, abundant and inviting. The cost of reaching there Is reasonable because the Southern Pacific has established reduced round-trip Summer excursion fares ' from all parts of Oregon. Send for "Oresos Ontluga." . ' giving a good description of the delights of Newport. Round-Trip Tickets from Portland . . $ 6.00 Saturday-to-Monday Tickets '3.50 Inquire at the City Ticket Office. Third and Washington streets, for all desired Information, or address. Wm. McMurray Cesersl rsasescer Ascst. Portlaad. Orear- BHAPQCABTIM lOR TOCR18T asul ( OMMKKt I AJL. pedal ratea made t families aad sla gle gentlemen. The maaaeameait pleased as all ttmea to ibm reams and dn etieea. A mod- era Tvrsisa Baftel. m. C BOWKRA. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington St. Opened Tune, 1908. A hotel In the very heart of Portland's business ac tivity. Only hotel equipped with wireless telegraph. Everv convenience for comfort of commercial mea. Modern in every respect, naive ,.y uu w muslo dnrlns; lunch, dinner and after dees TPies. a. Q. tesrevlaad. See. sal Mae. .VI ,.J3 In.: " SJ a ',( 's- - ts -gj g . HjJi'Siaa a '8-a 9-f ii-ie :':Fi':lii''-.i'J '3 " " rtjS f' V.'. THE CORNELKJS The House ef Welcome." corner Park and Aider. Port land's newest and most modern hotel. European plaa. as ginning May let our rates will be aa follows: All back rooms without belh. alngle. 1.00 par day: double. S?.00 per day. All front rooms without bath. tl-SO par day. single: M-SO par day doui le. Ail OUTblDB room. Our omnlbua meats ail trains. H. E. FLETCHER, Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Corner Fourteenth and Washington Mew Hotel. Elegantly Furniahed Rates $1.00 and Up Special Rates for Permaneitta Tssinaa Pbua. Una Meet, All Tratasa M. K. rOLKY. PBOPBiETOm. PBJVATB BATHS TOU WILL LIES THE WOODS American Plan IT ' 1 1 L' T European Plaa IMS Per Cay llVJ 1 Lili i a $1.50 per Dm -It'. All Cemfort-" Car Table S'Uote Meals Oae Feature. In heart of business district, center of - city, half bloats; from O. N. Ry. and N. P. Ry. Depot, close to all steam shirt wharves and C. P. R. Depot. VANCOUVER, B. C CLAS SIFTED ADVEETISINS EATS Daily er Sunday. Per Line. One time JU fesme ad two eooseentlve times - - - -2 - oaine ad tiiree coaaecutive times.. ..30o game sd six or seven consecutive times. .36e fcix word count, as one line on cssa ad vertisements anil a al counted - for less then two Uses. When an advertisement Is not run eonsee ntive times the one-ume rate applies. On charge of nook advertisements the ehsrse will be based on the actual number of lines sppearins in the paper, recsrdiese ef the number ef words in each line. In New Today all auvertijtemrnt are rhsraed by meusure only, 14 lines to th. inch. The sbove rates spply to advertisements ODder "New Today" and all other elassulca Uuni excepting the follow Ins: Mtastion. Wanted. Male. Situations Wauled, lemale. For Rent. Kuoma. Trivate Families. ltooms snd Board. Private ramiUes. Housekeeping; Uiomv Private 1-umilies. The rate on the anove classuicatlons is "J cents a line each Insertion. TO Oft T-OF-TOWN PATRONS The Ore gontsn will receive copy by mall, provided suflieient remittance for a definite noinber of issues is sent. Acknowledgement of such remittance will be forwarded promptly. In case box office address is required, nee regular form given, and count tills as part of the sd. . Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to patroos. provided self-addressed envelopes are ineloMsL, If you have either telephone in your house we will aoeept your sd ever the phone and send yon the bill the next day. Phone Want Ad. Dept.. Main 7070 or A 8095. bit nation Wanted and Personal advertiterawits not accepted over the nbone. Errors are more easily made In telephoning advertise ments, therefore The Oregonlan will aol bold Itself responsible for sucb errors. ITTXERAx. NOTICES. ' GAl'SNEDER August 22. Jsceb Gsusnedr. s.d 39 years, beloved hjusband of Mary and brother of Fred snd Frank Gausneder. The deceased was a member of St. Jos eph's Society. George Washington Camp. W. O. W.. and Portland Aerie, F. O. E Funeral will take place from late resi dence. 310 Cook ave.. Saturday. August 27. at :45 A. M.; thence to St. Marys Church, Williams ave. and Ktanton St.. at lO A. M. Interment. Mt. Calvary Ceme tery. Friends Invited. BAER In this city, August 13. at St. Vin cent's Hospital. Bertha Baer. aged vparg months, beloved tvlfe of Max Baer. of Pendleton. Or. Friends invited to at tend funersl services, which will b held at the residence of ber sister. Mrs. Charles Kahn. 181 lth St., at 2 P. M. today ' IThursdayi August 25. Services at the grave private. Please omit flowers. KIEHI.E Funeral of the Inte Anton Kuehle. brother of Henry Knehle. of this rity. will take place from Dunning & Mc Entee's chapel Friday. August 2. at 8:IS A. M.: thence to St. Joseph s Church. 15th and Couch sts.. at A. M. inter ment. Mt. ca-'vary Cemetery. Irlends In vited. ANDERSON In this city, at the family residence. 1145 East Madison su. August 4 1HIO Herihs M. Anderson, aged 4 vcars and 8 months. Funeral services will be held at the above residence Friday. August 2. at 10 A. M. Friends Invited. Interment at Rlvervlew Cemettry. SEE Funeral services of the lato Mary Ward t-ee will be held at Dunning & Mc Eiitre's chapel. 7th and Pine sts.. baiur dav. August 27. at 2 p. M. rrlends re spectfully Invited to attend Interment. Klvcrvlew Cemettry. rlease omit flowers. SWIBRS lohn Swlers. August 21. sged 81 v.ara, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Anna S. Robinson. 32S Tenth street. Funeral at Crematorium at 10 A. M. Thursday. KENOTER Tlie funeral services of the late Charles W. Kcnover will be held at Hol inan s funeral parlors at 1 P. M. tomorrow (Friday) August 26. Friends Invited. In terment Multnomah Cemetery. OWEN August 23, C. E. Owen, aged 21 vears. Funeral will take plae at Fln lev chapel at 2:0 .P. M. August 25. Interment at Klvcrvlew Cemetery. MACPHERSON Floyd A. MacPherson, aged 10 years 11 month 21 day. Funeral serv ices at 10 P. M. at family residence, t riends and relatives Invited to attend. XONSETH rl-ORAI CO. MAUQUA.VI UlAiO. IXOKAL UKSlliN'8. Phones: Main tioa; A HQs. Dunning kfcEntee. Funeral Director., 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady a slslant. Olllce of County Coroner. Zl l.I.f.B BVRNE8 CO.. Funeral Directors, S94 Willianl. ave.; both phone.; lady ultend snt: most modern estabilshment in the city. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. F'unernl Dlrect ars. iS20 ltd St. Lady Assistant. Phone M. 507. t P. HNLEV tt HON, Sd anil Madisoa. Lady attendant. Phone Main . A 1&B. EAJST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to V. S. Dunning. Inc. E. 52. B 2626. ERICKOS CO. Undertskers: lady assist ant. 400 Alder. M- SlSli. A 22,t- L.ERC11. t'nderiaker. 6lh. a.t 78L. B cor. East Alder and 1888. Lady ssslstsnt. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE, CITY HAIX MAIN 688. A 7589. HUMANE OFFICER. EAST 4T7S. NEW TODAY. Warehouse Half block. East Side snap. Trackage and city thoroughfare. No other equally good half block for so little rnoney. Very easy terms. $32,000 CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. lO PER CENT INCOME Five apartment flats. Rental $1500 per year. Hall St. JJesirable location. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY S. W. Corner Sixth and Washington Sts. FACTORY SITE 1300 feet on river and two railroads, one mile below Llnnton. DONALD MACLEOD, 816 Klectric Bids;. MORTGAGE LOANS LrOweat vat3 and terms tm nlt V rial rates aad favorable terata a Inrs loaaa aa feaalneaa propertlem, Fanda aLoaMCd for Prl Iavastora A.H.BIRRELL CO. I02 UKar BldK. ltd at stark. REAL BARGAIN 6-room house on lot 50x70 on Clin ton St., near Bast 16th; street improved; cement walk. Price only S2250, worth 2750. A. H. BIRRELL CO 202 McKay Bids. 3rd and Stars: sts. NOB HILL -room house, lot 60x100, facing; north. Interior finished beautifully, arrangement perfect. Large reception room. Cost $30,000. Now offered at 116.600. MERCHANTS SAVIXOS & TRUST t'OMPAXY, S. W. corner Sixth and Washlusjton Sts. APPLE LAND - 330 acres deep red Hhot soil. 290 acres cleared, 4-0 Jn commercial apples, balance timber. Two main county roads, close to railway and In the center of old organized district. Good springs: two sets good bulld Ings; fenced. Beautiful north slope. A fine tract for subdivision. J5i per acra. GKO. G. MAIR. S Lambermriu Bids, JTEW TODAY. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Half block, all improvements in; hard-surfaced streets; very fine view; trees and lawn. Terms. $14000 74x75 corrrer. best section of Heights; beautiful homes sur rounding. Terms. $5000 65x100 corner, 8-roora modern house, hardwood floors, etc.; good view. One block from car. Hard-surfaced streets. $12000 120x70, best view on the Heights; tt-room modern cottage. $7500 50x100, bard-surfaced streets, good view. $3500 125x100. corner; fruit, and flowers; fine city and mountain view. $12,000 Lots and blocks all parts of the Heights. Prices reasonable and terms to suit. KEASEY, HUMASON & JEFFERY Chamber of Commerce and Portland Heights. RIVERDALE ACRE Among pretty homes and beautiful trees. Near Ewahwe station. $3000 CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. FOR PLATTING 28 ACRES at station on electric carline, TVest Side, 20 minutes' ride. One-half cleared, balance small fir trees. Splen did macadam road through tract. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY by platting this into quarter-acre "tracts. WE CAN SELL THEM See us for price and terms. WARD REALTY CO. 809 Lewis Bldg. LADD'S ADDITION SWELL HOME New, strictly modern, 9-room house, with all the latest improvements: fur nace, fireplace, den, sleeping-porch, built-in bookcases and buffet; in fact nothing missing which makes a com plete home on an 80 foot street with all street Improvements and sidewalk and all other city work in and paid. Price only $6600; about 2300 cash, bal ance terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW 317 Board of Trade Bids;. 4th and Oak. For only $2500, where paving and Bull Run water is on the way. Beau tiful West Side restricted district. Good car service and among first class homes. Ask us for terms. CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. Beautiful Piedmont Home Price $7500 75x120 feet situated on the corner of Union avenue and Jarrett. in Piedmont. 6-room concrete-block house, modern in every respect; $1000 cash, balance $1000 per year. Let us show you this. Empire Investment Co. 401 Board of Trade Bids- 4 LOTS NEW TODAY. Business Opening or Opportunity We have a very neat and attractive store, 20 by 60 feet, in a locality that is growing every day. This store is in a new block, plumbing and all fixtures modern, a full cement basement. French plate windows. Owner will pur in shelv ingand partitions; rent is low, and there is a good chance for the right man or woman to start a paying business in some line not already represented here. Apply to druggist at corner of Front and Gibbs streets. Take "S" or Fulton car. We Can't and we know You Can't Find Anything Around Portland as Cheap as The Suburban Homes ACRES situated 1 t-4 miles from the ctty limits, just a few minutes walk from carlin. These are on the Bant Side, and lots are being: sold right in the vicinity for nearly aa much as we are asking1 for an acre. There Is water piped to each tract and electric lights can he had NOW if desired. We are selling these acres for $600 and up and w- know ABSOIjUTBI.T trior Is nothing like them for the price in Mulinbmah County. You can take one or two of these tracts for Investment If for nothing else and von will find in one year's time that what we are telling you is right, when we say that these tracts are an absolute BARGAIN. SUBURBAN LAND CO. SIO HE.RV BI.Dii. Marahnll 189. A 7100. LAKE SIDE On Vancouver Lalte, is the coining suburban home location of Portland. All the Portland and Seattle trains pass the property and stop at the junction. It takes bnt 30 minutes to go from the Union Depot to the junc tion. The whole City of Portland Is in sight, also the Columbia and Wil lamette . Rivers, together with moun tains, Hood, Adams, Bainier, St. Helens and the Cascade Eange. A few home sites of 5 and 10-acre tracts in a high state of cultivation, with bearing trees 7 to 12 years old, are now on the market by L L. BAT, at Hotel St. Elmo, Vancouver, Wash. An Apartment Will Pay Handsomely On This Site Northwest corner of 13tb and Clay. It is so close in and such a bargain that .you are taking no chances. Let us show you. Portland Trust Co. Bank S.E. Comer 3d and Oak Sts. FOR EXCHANGE We have several good east side resi dences close in permanently rented, good income, aggregate value 10.000. We wish to exchange them for a good vacant lot on West Side suitable for Apartment building. Not farther south than Montgomery street. We al so have purchaser for a good Apart ment building, well located; west side preferred. Worth up to 76,00t. See Shefler with. GRUSSI & ZADOW 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. MILLIONS OF DOLLAR9 IN GOLD. Value lying dormant in already devel oped mlnea, within twenty miles ot the Bumpter Smelter In Eastern Oregon, where a ready cash market exists. Hundreds of thousands of tons of ore now blocked out ready to break down and ship Grand opportunities for practical miners anO live promoters. Now is the time to se cure some of these valuable properties, through purchase, lease or working option. Quick action counts. Address Secy. Sumpter De ve I opment League. Sumpter. Oregon. IRVINGTON CHEAP LOT 50x106 feet, alley at rear. High an 1 sightly, next to high grade home. Ca Weidler St., one block from car. . Special bargain for cash. JOHN LOCK H ART, 610 Chamber of Commerce LNVBSTOKH Call on ownerr Keaitp for timber, acreage, businexn. residence ul e part men t pro perttes. 20g Ablngton. NEW, modern houses, in Irvington, Kict, UK Wasco. Boih paon-aa.