THE 3XORMNO OREGOXIAX. THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, .1910. 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Pacific Sta'ee, Bom. Main 7.0 A ....! u T"T a -n ....H.ia "070 A '' 7070 A J-J .,.. 7. a ; ....M..B TT A er-S Main luTO A Ceunllrswn ... C'.ty rirvu.stlon. . Hmrmglnw t:dnor. Sund.v Kditor.... I "nfr irf room CUT Editor apt. flul:cms. . - AJSTV8E5SEXTS. OSFR1TJI THEATER fSCmrtson bw"n Sinn sad Vaudeville. J1 artwaeoa at a. IS and tonnul at (:1a. GRAND THEATER (Par snd Wuhlrl Yeud.Yl... Thl aiteraooa at 3-l. lon:hl t 1 H and B. X.TFIC THEATER tetili anl A"1'r Armxrnax Jlu.icai lonmlj Company in "Camilla. " Tbu aiternooo at m.-v; lo aisa at 7.20 and B. TAR THEATER Prk and WashtnBtenI Motion pictures, Cor.llngoue. from l.o w 10 JO P. M. OAKS PARK (O W. P. eartlael WebsVs Fnae feacd. This i.'unuoa aad toaisat- OREGOXIAlf AT BHOm Tmw thm ewle-sess seOvarv a( Te Oracaalaaj M uinn. imiu. aa KriM tarsus h Use raUawtns Cllnua SMbacrtpUass, ar seall are parable lanrariaMy ta adiaaia, ISb Bsarh Htramaal Oat m Mm -Mews I. -M. U OallehsB, J. FelrBers. - -Pi turn Ca. Bay Olhi Ham at Treats, rmatfle CUT D. r. Kdamaaaa. Stales! tin iylillat. Carsaa. Betas la. .ABVSTVB PmOLER CaUXD TO ACPOUXT. A one-lesjueti peddler, who Is said to tnakc A m-actue of abusing; defenseless women who refuse to buy from htm, chow badly when he Inclulaed bis fancy at home of Patrolman 11 EL Lyon. Mrs. J .yon Invited him to st outalde of fence. AVhn he refused ami became abiaslve. Ic on's bis; builder, with A show of fangs, persuaded him to move. Then he grew more Abusive than ever. The officer ar rived home soon after the affair, sought ' out tike man and forced him to return and apologise. The peddler admitted that he had no license. He promised l.ys that he would appear in court yes terday ruornlns;. but failed to do so. Bona AamtrsD as Vaorajtt. "Red" JfuKhee. a clever llahtweiglit boxer who l'aa performed before crowds of Port land sport on nrveral occ anions, was tn J'olloe Cburt yesterday morn In, charged lili being a van rant. With Arthur lurphy. John Kervan. .Norman Allen and John Purdue. .Hughes waa arrested by Iwtectives Price .and C"raddVCB. and for ! own good was taken Into custody. "A S'xi boxer usually has good stuff lit him.- said Jude Bennett, -and tl.ere are betler things In store for you If .)U will straighten up." Hughes was Ienltent and promised to mend hm ways. A a opportunity to leave town was given to him and hie frienda t'OKTXsiox or Names Troubuuioms. Hubert Simpson, a local automobile l.iler. rending at 77 Tillamook street. ) aa brvn caused conshlerarble annoyance and embarrassment by an announcement vhuh appeared In a recent Iswe of a lfiral paper, that he waa being sued l.rr a divorce by his wife- Mr. Simpson Lai bean kept busy the last few days ananering uueetlons with which he haa Wn piled by hie friends, and tie wishes It announced that lie and his wife are living contentedly ar.d that no divorce proceedings have been instituted. The Fimpeon referred to In the article Is another man. wttb. the same .name. Two Kuala Piac Pit Oct. Fire broke cut early yesterday morning In the cab f a eelf-propellinc steam shovel owned tv J c. t.ok and atandlng at r.igntn and Davis eXrrets. It wss discovered by l atrolman Oelaner and was threatening tlie gaiwline tank when the Klre Depart ment arrived and an explosion waa prob aulv averted. 81ortly after midnight yes terday a blase was dl.ocovered In an lu trur cloact at the fcomu of William Karris, a colored dining car waiter, U ytrst street. It was extlng-uld with em .ill damage. Cut'sri-Ooixa "Wirm Asoeki Hcsbaxd. Ax. knife, revolver and washtub are among the Ir.strumenU by which Mike Sl-lyk, a Polldh tailor, attempted to In jur j his wife, according to testimony given by the woman In Police Itourt yesterday In a hearing of a charge of threatening to kill. Megyk mid that the trouble came when lis was unwilling to comply with hlat wife's frequent requests that he go to church. He was held to t-ie grand Jury under XX) bond. Ohimsi Guiikua Dtut Raided. Pour Chtntoe and rive Japar.ese were arrested Tuesday night by Patrolman Martins In a raid made upon a gambling house In Chinatown. Sine Iee was charged with running the place. le Young-. Ung "Wong and Chins Chons arlth visiting the place and with being vagrants, and T. Tanaka, K. Nlahl. 8. Hirano. K. Oka and K. Nakada with being visitors. The cases went over until today. PRIVATB PETKTTIVa PATS KlWB. A. T. Fimmons. sorting himself to be a private detective, appeared In Police Court yesterday to answer to represent ing hUnaclf'to be an officer and larceny. On the second charge he waived examina tion and was held to the grand Jury, rntumona admitted In the other case that lie had shown a dotectlve a badge to escape paying streetcar fare and was fined CJ. Vrr-B or Caitai C. J. AxttBRaO Pies. Bertl'.a M. Anderson, wife of Captain C. J. Anderson, a river pilot, died yester day at her homo, at Ills Et Madison street, from a disc-ue of the liver. Mrs. Anderson whs a native of Sweden, and besides her htssband. leaves two daugh ters, one aged 7 and one It The funeral will tilte place Friday at Klverview Cemetery. KUSFBCTBD TgOGMIX ARRWTED. B. H. Ot'n and Andrrew Johnson, two alleged yeggmrn, were picked up yesterday morn lr.g at Third and Everult nn-eis. by De tectives Tlchcnor and Howell and charged with vagrancy- They had In their pos nrlcm a lot of new knives and other articles which the detectives believe were exi'len from some store. Maic, Vkvxk. Palls; Break Io. While teanuiR agautst the bur at the Ail-Nattona saloon in a drunken condi tion. Miko Ward, an aged derelict, fell to the kor and In soma manner broke List leg. The man waa taken to a hos pital. PpiaiTrALirrs to Mkbt Hrrbv At their last nuarteriy meeting tl Stats Spiritualists- Association of Oregon, organised July . UC and Incorporated Novemler t"3, made all preliminary arrangements roe holding their annual convention in Portland on September J-i. RaT War. Frand new steamer Klsra ath sails direct Friday noon for San Franc i six Uoa Angeles and San Diego. Frank BoIIam. agent. 13 Third street. Diamond- Gems of the first water only. C Chnstensen. sscond. floor Cor b:t bulldtrg Take .elevator. Miss Tract's free cooking lesson this afternoon at 13". Hunters hail. East s mti 111 and 51th sLs. Rbal Walrtt Lakd. Wlthyoombe Vicklnson. :l Hamilton block, have It. little or much. Swiss Watcr RaPAiRnro. C Chrlsten sen. id neor Corbett btug. Tsks slsrator. Mrsr sell this week, choice quarter plock. East Side: trXX B SM. D- B1C. McFalajd has returned to rj, 6wsuand bkla. Ilwaca BT. CSV- CaUamaaa Baackv Gcvbiit Pmra I lia.lse ulli Mlaatai BprUcs ea. aniai-a ayrlast fnatiss fc Bsajaa, CaUtaa Bpitmy T T. Bile Mrs. Xash Spsaks to W C T. U. Mrs. I 8. Nash, mho lived In this city some yeans ago and is still a W. C. T. f. worker, spoke at the Central W". C. T. V. meeting Wednesday afternoon. She may again reside here. Mrs. lnman read the text of the prohibitory smendmenL A lesflet prapsred by Mrs. L. H. Additon on "Industrial Womanhood and the Wage earners" was read. A report was msde of t!.e plaza open-aisjr meetings held every Sunday at A P. M. Mrs. l H. Addi ton will speak there next Sunday. Av-roMOBnis Rkpairkd st the Y. M. C. A. garage, under exptrt mechanical su pervision, without ohsrgi. except for parts replaced. Phone Exchange 45. Nrs M-note mahogany piano player for sale at ): breaking up housekeeping: coat SsfiA; classic and popular music worth over : thrown In. Phone Main 766. C. T. Preh, dentist, haa. returned from hts vacation. - WIFE-SLAYER IN COURT H. M. LAMBERT EMACIATED BY SELF-aXFLICTED WOIXD. Preliminary Hearing Is Waived and Prlswner Returns to Hospital. No Ball Is Allowed. Terribly emaciated by his two-months' fight- for the life that he attempted to throw away, and pitifully weak. H. M. Lmbert appeared In Police Court yes terday morning to be arraigned on a charge of murdering his wife, Grace Lam bert, at Woodlawn. July He was sent In from 8t Vincent's Hospital for the purpose and waa returned there, rather worse for the experience, after the for mality was over. Attorney C. M. Idleman appeared for Lambert, waived the read Ins of the information and refused a pre llmlnlary hearing. Lambert waa held to the grand jury without bond. The crime for which Lambert was ar- OLD HCBMCRIBKBd PLEASE M KITE. The Oregenlaa desires te seears the nainrs and addresses ef all persons who bsvs been subscribers either for the daily er the weekly editions of this paper since Its ant pobUoaUow as a daily sa Febraary 4. 1SS1, er for a longi time far The Weakly Orego Isa. The first publication ef The Weekly Oeeaawiasi waa December 4. IBM. It will be appreciated if ail wbe have takea The Oregon I a dur ing this period will cemaunleale with the managing editor. ralgned was the shooting of his wife when the two were on a business trip to Woodlawn. The shooting was induced by Jealousy. Lambert fired three bullets into the woman s body as she stood hold ing her child In her arms. The chin of the child waa burned by the paasage of the bullet. He then turned the revolver on himself and fired a bullet directly over his hea'rt. The two were taken to the hospital In one ambulance, and on the way Lambert made frantic efforts to reach bis dying wife and finish bis work. It was thought at first that the woman would recover and that Lambert would die. but the woman gave op the fight the day after the shooting, while the hus band, after lingering for weeks between life and death, began to recover. His Imnrovement was aided by an operation by Dr. Zlrgler. with the object of draining the pulmonary cavity, frightfully lac- rated by the bullet. The man has all along ahown indiffer ence to bis fate and gave little aid to the surgeons. For a long time he enter tslned. or feigned, a delusion that some other person, supposed to be an Intimate of the wife, had done the snooung. i nere are two direct witnesses to the act. ACCUSED SWINDLER HELD PricrllTO Play Victim, Tiion Places Kratxenbcrg Vnilor Arrest. M. C. Kratzenberg, accused of obtain ing money by false pretenses, waived examination In Municipal Court yester day and was held to the grand jury. Kratzenberg wit arrested by Detect ive Price, who came in contact with the man as a prospective victim of the game whlrh Kratzenbei-r Is accused of operating. Price went to Kratzen bergs office In the Swetland building; representing that he had money to In vest, and waa Joyfully received by the promoter. Before Price surrendered his suppositious 1000 he placed Kratz enberg under arrest. The specific charge against Kratzen berg is that he sold a half Interest in his "business to H, W. Smith for 1260. representing that the business waa making $250 a month and that It had been established six years. It Is al leged that the business bad been . In existence only a few days and that the office furniture 'was not paid lr. EAST SIDE RESIDENCE. A new house. Just completed, seven large rooms, den and sleeping porch; furnace and fireplace; dining-room pan eled and beamed, built-in buffet and book cases, handsomely finished In Oregon nr. oak floors: workmanbtsp done by day labor. This property is located In the very finest addition on the Kaat Side; price, $; $1700 cash,, balance on time. For further particulars apply to CM AS. K. HENRY CO., HENRY BUILDING. Fourth and Oak Sis., Portland. Or. Willamette Heights llesldencca. ' We have for sale two very attractive homes on Willamette Heights. One residence on Thurman street, six rooms, very modern and complete; price, ITW0- Another attractive home of eight room superb view. pi!. Fur terms apply to CHAS. K. HtVRT CO ll KNRY BUILDING. Fourth and Oak ., Portland, Or. ' RATEWAR. v . The Steamer Washington will sail for San Francisco, Thursday, August 25th. Reservations and tlcketa at office. Oak street dock. Phone Marshall 140T and A Zl&t. WHEREJO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at ths Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart menta for ladles, 0S Wash., near 6th st. CARD OF THAJKS. We desire to express our thanks to the many friends for the beautiful floral tributes and for their kindness and sympathy In our bereavement. We desire especiallv to thank the Sumner Kelic4 Corps au'd the Royal Nelghbora. r.OBERT OSBORNE. AND FAMILY. In the thlrtv years. 1TS to IPOS, the yearly expenditure, tor publie schools in the fnU.l Wales rew from SY.UUO.OOO to fZTl.OuO.00O. a nearly fivefold lacreaae. Tranka, suit cases and bags. Largest variety at Harris Trunk Co 111 Sixth, WIFE LIVES JN FEAR Injunction Sought to Prevent Killing by Husband. ABUSE RESULTS IN FITS Druggist, Seeking Divorce,. Declares That Spouse Left Him for Life of Gayety, Finding Domestic Ways Too Slow. Rebecca E. Vorpahl Is aeeklng divorce from her blacksmith husband, Herman A. Vorpahl, and an Injunction restraining him from killing her or visiting the house. They have fceen living in Sell wood. He has four children by a former marriage and she has three. She says the blacksmith shop was purchased with her money and ahe aska the court to compel her husband to pay her til a week of the proceeds from the abop work, or eject him so she can rent the shop to someone else. She says she was married- to Vorpahl at Oregon City. October 7. 1903. and that they have one child. She found that Vorpahl drank liquor, and says that he threatened to kill her and her children, making several attempts to do so. at which ahe fled from the house. She says he uses unprintable language toward her. His abuse, she declares, haa caused her to have nervous fits. She says he Is capable of earning S5 a day. "You're too alow for me. I would rather have a gay time and have decided to leave you." This was in substance the statement Jessie McCurry made to Will D. MoCurry just before she left him, according to his allegations In a divorce complaint, filed In the Circuit Court yesterday. McCurry, who Is a druggist, says ha made and effort to find his wife, but that the only trace he could obtain was a rumor that she had gone to Los Angeles. Her conduct, he says, kept him from sleeping nights and made It almost im possible for him to work. He charges her with falling to prepare his meals and with associating with men and women of low morals. He married her in Pueblo, Colo.. June i. 1906. The trials of Violet Orr are told in a divorce complaint which she filed yes terday against Oscar P. Orr. She was married to him at Marlow, Okla. But practically all the time while they were visiting her father In Oklahoma, she as serts, hex husband was on a prolonged spree. On April 13, continued the com plaint, they were about to leave for Portland and Orr started for the depot to buy the tickets. But the next she knew he was brought borne, too drunk to walk straight, m a wagon. She says she was "compelled to hire a conveyance to haul hlra to the train." Since they have been in Portland, ahe declares, he has told her If be found ber talking over the telephone to anyone he would kill her, emphasising his threat by deal ing ber a blow In the face. She says his abuse began February S3, only a week after the marriage. Mary Gavin haa filed a divorce suit against Alexander Gavin, charging him with gross drunkenness. 8he was mar ried to him at Omaha. September 6. 1SSS. They have four children. Michael A. Mezyk, a tailor at 115 Rus sell street, and living at 55 Morris street. Is being sued for a divorce by A. Eva Mezyk, who filed suit In the Circuit Court yesterday. he accuses him of partaking freely of Intoxicating liquor, and of arming himself with an ax and revolver In an effort to kill her and their three children. She says he la now serving a 10-day term at the Ltmnton quarry for drunkenness and hia threats to kill. She wants an order of the court restraining him from abusing her, and asks the custody of the children. She says further that the stock of material at the tailor shop belongs to her. and she wants the court to make an order giving her the legal right to It. and also to ttielr home. She married Mezyk October 23, 1904. WINDSOR'S CASE IS COXTIXFED Judge Cleland Declines to Take Vp Gas Company Suit. When Presiding Judge Cleland, - ot the Circuit Court, found yesterday that In hearing a demurrer to an answer In one of the Campbell Automatic Gas Burner suits he would be treading upon the toes of Judge Morrow, so to speak, he declined to hear It, Judge Morrow It Is said, recently heard the arguments on the demurrer, and took It tinder ad visement. He has now gone to Wash ington, D. C. When Judge Cleland found Judge Morrow had the matter under advisement he continued the case. Yesterday afternoon was the time for J. N. Windsor to appear and ahow cause why he should not be punished for contempt of cdurt, for having failed to obey an order signed by Judge Mor row, directing him to turn over to the clerk of the Circuit Court 13900 which he held as treasurer for the Campbell Gas Burner Company In the Merchants National Bank. Windsor said ha was not lp court when the order was made. Furthermore, be said Attorney C. M. Idleman's clients had Issued orders to the bank not to pay him any money, tind fiat he was therefore unable to turn It over.' Judge Cleland set the matter for hearing at 2 P. M. next Monday. Court Xotcs. Charging O. W. Hodges, of the Port land Wrecking Company, with failing to deliver two boilers In accordance with a contract, William P. Slnnott and J. Frank Slnnott. of Slnnott A Slnnott, brought suit In the Circuit Court yes terday to recover 11945 damages. The boilers were to be transferred from the Williams-Avenue School to the Sln nott Building, at Alblna avenue and Willamette Boulevard, It is alleged. The Binnotta say they have been obliged to buy new boilers. Lazarus Ackerman, administrator of Alice Ackerman's estate, filed with the County Court yesterday a petition ask, Ing that a new assessment be made. It is alleged that on February 17 half of the fourth half of lot 1, block 11. Port land, was appraised at 120,000. In re ality, the entire lot was appraised. It Is asserted. W. H. GVIndstaff. Homer Millard and P. L. Willis were the ap praisers. The administrator asks that F. J. Gattrell be appointed appraiser in place of Homer Millard, who Is out of the-clty. Judge Cleeton Issued an order making the appointment and for the reappraisment. Although It haa been the custom in the Circuit Court to call the docket on the first Monday of each month, on the opening of court. Presiding Judge Cle land. of the local Circuit Court, does not -Intend to do so next month or thereafter. He says that hs will call the docket and set cases on the Monday following. His reason for the change Is that it usually keepa a large number of attorneys waiting until after Jury, men's excuses have been heard and dis posed of. the grand Jury drawn, and the cases for the day assigned to the a. A moving I We have moved. Our ofd j quarters wot too small to accommodate our growing yjj business, and we have taken a long lease on the TV N. W. corner rooms, second sj floor, of the Lumber Ex- Y change building. Second 9 and Starkr rtreets, said ' c rooms being numbered 211 "S" to il5. Our facilities here s will be better than ever W before for accommodating those having business to 3.J transact about purchases Vg heretofore made In Irving- x ton Park. Beaver Acres and fx Banner Acres, and for the furthering of the sale of x Banner Acres, which we JiJ claim la the best acreage V now on the market, and the A. price, 1100 to 110 per acre, Ix) far. far very Yar below Its real value. A F. 6. Hoibrook Co. Rooms 211 to 215 Lumber Exchange. S. E. cor. Second and Stark. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder not only cleanses, preserves and beautifies the teeth without in- jury, but impartspurity and fra 1 grance to the breath, removing mstantlythe odor ot tobacco, various departments. Judge Cleland exnecta the new rule to be a time saver. Frank Wilde, a marine engineer living In Tremont. was in the County Court yeeterdtiy charged with non-support. But he told the Judge he nao always Deen willing to support his wife, and would continue to do so. The trouble lud been. he said, that Mrs. Wilde desired to spend the money hemelf. and that he needed aa much as possible to r-av for a house he Is building. He earns 175 a ni nth. he said. Judge Clcevpri advisel the pair to reconcile their differences. Harris Trunk Co. tor trunas and bin FALL SHAPES i Knox Hats READY . For sale everywhere. CIRCUS TODAY and TOMORROW Show Grounds 25th and Raleigh IKE THnaXUI SUPtlCMt K WERADQ'S TERRIBLE LEAP miMta UCIIU II TH Met Of IK III nm mi IfittlOt Biwosa FOR LIFE World's foremost Circes Qf FMC0U FILLING 6 ARENAS MS THE BIG6EST TENT EVER MADE ,'MrC A BABY 40 Elephants 30 Camel sTT a tjt?t A family el (Hrefie OlItAI X Ji Capital In. istai $3,500,000 1280 KSSOIfS 7M HORSES 409 Performers from Europe rulRLtY 60aERIAUSTS M RIDERS rur M ACROBATS '50 CLOWNS J 100 Acts. Musical Elephants FIRST greatest CItbb Hems Eye Ever BaheM Bill HfBW STREET PARADE This Morning at 10 O'clock. a kxforbunces omly, a a-o 8 r. n. Boos ores) one houh caausa On 50 Cent Ticket Admits to All IB Vaata Admlaaloa tickets and reserved seats ere MS ea eale at IHER. Mi., CLAY CO PIANO HOUSE, tk aad Morrtsoa at a, at exactly the saaee prices charged at tbe resnalar eirewa ticket wagoaa. "V jrir rojuc. lmv'Ylf flax!, 1 I -ifca -J bib. m I m j PORTLAND 1 SEATTLE j SPECIAL up-tc-date coaches, smoking car. dining oar and parlor-ob. servation car. FAST-COMFORTABLE Bomna U 4.10s. Sosttle . at S.OOsi l S.30i Tcome U J.45ai Ur 7 01m Ceatrsiia Is 1-501 . , . g 1 . - I t ATmm U 'sSatVaocouT rWasb lIO.5ja AtlOJOai Portland U10.10 Northern Pacific Ry T-J.I.-A-. WlS ? VroaWgOM St- I at Aw, mm zstw jSsajrXJM Pace "Juei Say" HORLICK'S It Means Original and Genuine MALTED MILK The Food-drink for All Ages. Mare healthful than Tea or Coffee. ' Agrees with the weakest digestion. Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, malted grain, powder form, A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no substitute. Ask forHORLICK'S. ESS" Others are imitations. SUMMER RESORTS. Bay ocean Tent City SEASON 1910 Bayocean tent city is a canvas covered hotel, American plan. Rates $?.50 and $3 per day, $15 and $17.50 per -week. Electric lighted, hented, purest water; sewer system, gravel walks. Daily Touring Service ear leaves Perkins Hotel every morn ing at 7 o'clock. Make reserva . tions at the office. Further information will be mailed you on request. T. B. Potter Realty Co. 614 Oorbett Building, Portland, Or. Sea Croft 6EA VIEW, WASHINGTON". Mrs. W. nutchiiuo'o, Mauiaorar. A enuhore bouM, Meal, quaint and com fortable. with th ocean rlht In front; a biff fireplace, always blazing and th beet of home-cookoxl meals. Children lova too place and grown-ups find tbe atep from tbe dreae-trur-room to the wart mot comfortable. 15S bKASON OPKMfciO JUL 1. OK HKS EKVATIONS 8KB DORSET B. SMITH. B STH IJX. PHONE MARSHALL 179. "Spend your vacation at ELK. GREEK. HOTEL ON CANNON BEACH the scenle beach of Oregon. Take train to Seaside, thence by conveyance. Good flatting and nunting. sea' tooas servea at all times." W. D. Tosrey. proprietor fainles bri2 rV tens-lr : failed "ae daT II Becee"-y. WowiHglv ffooff 22k fold t. trorvelitt renter V$3.6G Mottr Crowne O. ! V ' t 'I 22xBrldgtTUi3.5 ' 3old PUIiiw tD f- r..l Ruin, s.0 Fiuian ICC A- CiWsr FilHnts .DU Inlty Flinnn 2.60 3ood Mt m sa Plain CUD Out M Rob. s - Mt.aa,rsaaistaiia in tt rum ansusos aanas rVlnhn Eirtrfkm .OV WORK GUARANTEED POft IB YEARS Painless Extraction irso whttfi alattworbrldse work ie ordered. Oonsaltstion Free, Yon oannot sot betue painlew vork done anywhere. All work fully snap, antced. sloderoeloetsiooqnlpinont. Best motaoaa Wise Dental Co. TninDWiac.8Ts. PORTLAND, OREGON emoasooaet A. H. ss BCIs. BouUss- ttb . . - l,bum a.nis Hotel Colonial SAN FRANCISCO Stockton St.. above Sutter. Select family 110 room hotel. Every modern convenience. One block from shopping and theater dis trict. European plan. Sl.fiO a day. American plan. (3.00 a day. 8utter-st. cars dlrsct from Ferry. Sootiest Anthracite Rock Springs, Etc. Phone E 303. C 2303 EdlefsenFnelCo.,Inc Born tbe best and save awntr and steos. AhUVriOtz Habit, oaltivelj Cured. Only aotborlred Eealey In stitute m Orecon. Write tat fllns trstM circular- JK-.-r Inatitnte, 9 - Uth . fosilaBd, Uram Istry rm Mode il.Z : .t Coal SEE REGULAR AD ON LAST PACE CONTAINING A COMPLETE BARGAIN LIST FOR THE GREATER , I Meier (I& Frank Store's 1073d Friday 3000 Yards Values to $2.25 Yd. Surp Tomorrow, for the lj)73d Friday Surprise Sale, we offer a lot of 3000 yards of fancy Persian Beltings in the newest designs and the best col orings, including gold and silver. Our buyer picked up the huge assort ment while on a recent Eastern trip for the Friday sale. Regular values design in the lot, irr belt lengths 50c-$1.00 Buckles at 25c Tomorrow, in the jewelry department, 1000 Belt Buckles in very artistic designs, gold-plated, silver, gunmetal, etc., in embossed, ehased, filigree designs; regular 50c, 60c, 75c and some $1.00 values in this lot. OC. Your choice of the assortment during sale at low price of, ea. aJ Also stone-set effects. See display of belts and buckles, 6th-st. window. WE CONTINUE THESE GOOD SPECIALS IN THE Piire Food Grocery Hams, mild sugar cured young pig hams, on special sale today 2 Of in pure food grocery department at the very low price, the pound & vl Picnic Hams on sale at the extremely low price of only, the pound, 15 Granulated Sugar, on special sale this week at 16 pounds for $1.00 Butter, our own But- Fish Flakes, Burnham f Monkey Soap, on spe- ternut brand, 2-pound brand, on special sale on special sale in the rolls, special 79-, at this very grocery depart- A at, the roll aSK low price, can ment for, cake Tillamook Full CreamOA Lea & Perrin's Sauce, small nA Cheese,, spec 1 this week, lb. aSW bottles, special price, each- Kitchen Boquet, -appetizer, 234 Pint Bottle Catsup, special, 10 Imported Crab Meat,' Your O A- Del Monte Sardines, the -J Favorite Brand ; the can for a&tv best large cans; special, ea. Smith's Kippered Delft Peanut Oil, reg: 0. & B. Lucca Oil, Herring, imported, ular 65c size, on sale large bottles, special special price, Ofl In the delica-C"7 only, bottle 7 Cp at, the can .VJC tessen d e p t - at low price of .- Quality Blend Coffee, 25c Grade 1 9c This is a grade and blend that we can recommend and has never "J Q iefore been sold for less than 23c the pound; special at only Abetta Biscuit, one dozen packages, 49?, six packages for only 25 See our demonstration of KAOLA. The new vegetable shortening. TALK r.7.i.rr.T. - . TO SALEM.:. Calls to Salem and from Salem to Portland, completed same as local calls in Portland by our new Two Number Service. If you do not know telephone number of party wanted, call "Information" and ascertain. Try it and you will be pleased. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company Beck Building, Seventh and Oak Streets. LETTERS OF CREDIT issued by this bank offer a safe and convenient method carrying funds for a trip anywhere in this country, jr abroad. They are, in -themselves, a letter of intro luction to any banker and give the bearer standing 1 1 , - L ma ere ail waennraoDg eirmigers. We are now displaying one of the largest stocks of fumed oak Furniture in the West. This rich, practical, in expensive fumitnre is just right for i your hall, living-room, dining-room or - library. J.G.MACK 8 GO.affi Fifth . 0 Stark Sale rise Fancy Beltings 5c Length and they have arrived just m time to $2.25 yard; choice of any OC up to 20 inches, at, the length v Three minutes - . .' ' 5 Centg i 1