r 15 FOR KK"T. II tliE K.AT.K tlKIER FRANK f TORS RENTAL A.NLI l.COHiliTIO. Hl'HEAl1. Mom-buatrri. ela.t our up-tniil r-al nd information d--rwnent. ta floor, nilo buildinc. and see to varanrlM are aav. listed ot d.sirabl. houses and (lata. You'll ease lima la irlUcf prop-l and comfortably loraied. We kN In touch with a. I acant houses, fata and apart ments In tha dir. Wa also kepa list of r.sr bulMlnaa In coursa of construction. Tha combined lists of all r.al estate detlera This Information U absolute', free. -ShCN SOL WANT TO Kt.NX A HO-SB et.u .'-- .. TUB MEIER rKA.SK COMPANY. WHEN J- ami you'll nr.- aew rorn!tv Haf It judiciously and the eaLa will ea caed your moving expanse.. Our NO-K;.NT PHICEj mada oa on of tha larg-st furniture bouses la Ua city tsj two yaara. Loohars Blown same courtesy as btiyera, MOHOA.V-ATCH.I-T riRNITt'KsJ CO. -; urand asa.. corner tast stark at. Kaat AnM.ny and p.usil-s tiaver -arloa PASa OIK DOOR. Foil RENT li'-rtwoi house. 274 24th at., cor. Overton. Hot and cold water In every bedroom: fine nelah-orhotwl . modern con veniences. Inquire V. 4th at.. Henry Hid,. Wakefleid Krlea .'o-wjjl -Ire lease- HOrSES and flats for rent: some furnished. KKKi HANTS SAVIN.:: TRUST fOMPANT. ft. nr. Corner th and Washington Ftreets. ".". rooms and sleepins: porch; full ce ment basement. and electricity; mod ern plomhin: lrvlngton district. Inquire 4.13 E. 7th st. North, corner of TiUamooK- FIRXIKHKD and unfurnished houses, cot tsaea. rials, apartments. See our list. HAHTMtX THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. TOR RBNT ."a-pt. 1. Horn OKxlem house la irslna-ion. Inquire 41 K. lk-.a at. .'. Tele phora O 171. 7-F: OVI modern house. deiru. Mo Wsscu St. partly furnished If wear 24tX I'boae - His, 2-Ml.KRN Vruom house; ess. bath: cor. W il liams ave. and C'larkarraa st. Inuuir. 3ol Pekura bW. til' K J -room rntiase. cor. lot. 2 car lines, few ple-es furniture to sell. Kent si. einap. Call Kml WJ r Mam ffH. Ittt KKNT --room cc.tl.iire cheap for i clavs. furnished or ur furnished. Inquire nexl -..or. E. Ash St. , V4viv rr.f r j'ir I (t T E 11 lh"-P.O"M cottace. so. - V ; . . . .. v. .. . . .. fmr I'hone I"-- - .sl at.. stoLiCKN -room hue. K. 24 and Ankeny. t .... r. -... o... vnrth. 40.1 MAI.SKY ST Modern 6- room house. .eoroefurntturefor sale. . some lurnuun to . 1 - . -ROOM house, l-'th and Helmont: hot .. u w.1.1 Al.". K. Ankeny st. -KW. sirlcily modern 7-room house, attic; yiose In. Phone B Furnished House. CuTTAl'FJ. well furnL-hed. 3 n-m. .IS; cot tage 3 rooms. two housckeepm r,i'nl1' M West tJc ruer: Apply -M North ;:h: v car Ira depot. 5lh or Morrison to Join. Mock P"rtb. - ft-ROOM furnished house, centrally located. West bid-: will klve tenant privilege of renting rooms, phone Mkln t7I"J or A 34. Tne aonlhcr-A'bettson Co. 2tf Oak st. HANDSOMEI.T furr.lshe-1 7-room house tn choicest r-snden.-e district. tlitK tslde. with in walking distance. Ir.iiulre John U. IJur gsrd a; Co.. 27 J -ak iU -KOOM furnlsbe.1 house. West Side, walk ing instance, f-'r about t year; rent .. Phone Main !-."o. A 3t7S. or call 4U Hucrjnan bill r. PtRTI.Y furrlshe.l 4-room cottage on Mil dred ave.. Mt. S oil caillne; rent 10 per month for the Winter. W. H. Lang Co.. 411 Ahinglon MdT. a-i.ool uouje. welt furnishevi, close In. in cluding plana, very reasonable. M. S. Henlery. atearns bldg. " l RNISHF.Li Modern n-roomed house, rent rea.onnhle. Phone MntQ 4"!'.. JsKW. strictly mlern buniralow. beautifully furnished. Including piano, etc. Phone Tabor ;is;. RtHjM furnlahed house to rent for one year. References rciulred.7i Marshall st. JTOR KENT Furnished house rooms, hot water, hest. Willamette Heights. p7.4 roll RENT l-rom hoiue completely furn Ished. .''4 Main st phone Main I3s4. KuR KKNT Modern ti-room house, neatly turnishe-l. 7.M Oregon st. io-hnM. well-turrd-hed house to rt.-ponsibls party, its Nerth lh yt. Houses for Kent -rnre!lnre for Sale. Ml'ST sell at once to vacate home, furni ture for 4 bedrooms, dining-rooru, kitchen, also carpels, linoleum, curtains. etc.;fc rom house for rem aft.r lu A. M. 777 JVU fc'AL,li Kurrillure of 3-.-oom house. $10 cash If taken at once; rent $; with sink, toilet and (is Call at 7.',ti Kelly St., J.uth Portland. KCKNITI'KU o-ro-m cottaae lor sale; chejp rent: jialking illaliuice. Tilephone Main tiO. A M'C AKTKll Sept 8. attracllely furnished 4 r.H.m house. Wlllainntta llelgtlla. Phona Main 4?l. A BAK'SAIN Furnllure for mle, four-room ar-irtm-nt f--r rint. Victorian, lllh and 1 ..lumhia sis Thone A 47:i. A 21v7. EI.Kii.VNT furniture of 4-room modern flat, close in. - rooms pay rent, r'or partlc nlars. phone Main Fl HMTI KK of 1 rooms for sale: house for rent; ood lease. L'Jl ir.th. Main 3J. J"1'RN1TI'KK of six rooms for 2tM; house for rent. $15. l'H N. 13th mt. &1IX-UOOM cottage; one room pays rent, call 371 3d. FrUNlTCRE of a 3-rom collage, muK be ld this weok. 1 room payn ri-nt. ol 4th at. baiuuter Kesorts. NEWPORT PEAl'll LOTS. Thrc choice lots on the 01-ean bluff, fine view, for JJi.. each; lota selling around there from !' to Iim per lot : w 411 pav vour K. R. fire to see iliem It linen sied. Marshall 2211. ,.".-."27 Hoard of Trade bld. TO RKJT from Augoet 2-".th for balance of eaj-'n. .Vnoiii furntstied ottaire at Seavlew, Vs.-h P-l.-e IO. Ihone Tar-T I'd. t.trrAi;K wanted on N'rth Reach. Aug. 27, for - weeks: give pratlcuUrs. W rite XX 2oo, Clregonlan. , JOR ItKNT leslrable ft-room furnlshel cottage until October 1. reasonable. Mrs. I.. M. Tvler. i;earhari. or. l. H MTC It K i-room cottage for sale, encap rent; walking distance. Telephone Mam it--. A -'-' olt RENT A c.ttnse at seavlew; call at Alcrdeen store: Jl'ilMi. .H KENT Store In a good neighborhood for any line of business small hardware. Iresamaking. shoe shop. elc. especially; living rooms In rear; modern toilet and full basement. Apply at corner Front and Oibbs st. a r 3 STORK! In new brick building, good loca tion for butcher shop, groceries or drug store; win lease for term of years. Cor. Mississippi ale. and Knott St. Phone Woocllenn r.rt ' FOR KENT 4-storr and bssernent one store building. oUxlu.. southeast corner Front and 1'iue. Apply Cheater V. Doipn. 303 Mohawk bldg. STOREKOOM. suitable for restaurant r grocery atore. 2M 17th a;.. N. FINE brtck store at $:w In location demand ing drug atore. phone East CORNER for rent. :,l4 First St.. good loca l ton for grocery store; reasonable. HOST centrally located offices, single or en suite: rentals 313 and up; all-night eleva tor service Large room, second floor. Washington at. frost, suitaole foi saleroom. Apply 3o3 bwetland bldg.. 5tn ant Washington "'" HAVE three line office rionis. num. Hreproof bull.ltng. electric eievaior. n.n ano ooltl water, free ph.tiie. flnv location, riaaoaable e-;. JIH' Vamhiil st- Xr.lv H1.0M. pt.'ie service, etc. 217 Ablng tn bl ;e Main .V-'T. tK RI-'.NT A fcv offices la Couch bltlg. Call " Lewis bllg; Zti AI.ISKT BI.IXS. S of office with use of desk and phone, sia. Ware hoi fcTOi'AftK of aeneral merchandise; floor space :u rent. The J. McCrakeu Co.. 72 Front St. LOST ASlt fOrXD rol'ND WKsrs yoa can bur ganufna hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mat trasses aod return same day Portlaod Curled Hair Factory. H. McUltf. 28 Front. Phones Mala 474. A 1474. LOST ft row n leather blllbook, certificate of deposit and other papers, value owner only: finder piease phone Tabor lei; lib ber al reward- THK party wh.y picked tin the parcel In the Pttatofflee Saturday af:mfton Is known. Please return to IVtstofT.ee and avoid fur- . ther trouble. FOUND Where watches, diamonds and Jew aire ara sold for amount loaned and ens raontn'a Intcreat. I'njle Myers Collateral Back. 71 ih .t.. near Oak at. 0ST Three weeks ash Spita doe with name carlo and license number T21J oa coLaA Asiireas X.VX. Orcgooiaav irwiALioTir Proposals Invited, CALL FOR SEWER BlTlS SALEM. OB. vrincn to rVi;TltACToH3. Notice la aareby given thst tne City Re corder of the city of Kilem. or., will re ceive bids up to 1 o'clock P. M.. on Moo day. September 8. 11. for tha construc tion of t South Halem sewer, and also for the construction of the North Salem sewer, accorllog to the maps, plans speclfl.-alli.na adopted for said sewers, and on nie at the office cf tha City Recorder of said City of Salem. Or. Bids muM b submitted upon forma as required by tha City Engineer, and a certified check of the amount of ft per cent of the bid must ac company the same made pajable to tha Mayor tt tie City of Salem, or. Tha coun cil reserrea) the right to reject any and all bl. ar.J to wane formal defects In tne sismisaloa thereof. Bald bids """I i.pened and considered by the Council on said 5th day of September, aft'r So clock j.. M. .' w. A. MOORES. FROPOSAL8 FOR CONKTRCCTION Off lea of Constructing W- M.. Fort Ueorge W right. Wssh . July 21. 1K10. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be received at thia offlca until 11 o'clock A. M.. Auguat 4. 1-10. and then opened, for the construction, plumbing, hot-water healing and wiring and llxiures for electric lighting, of one two atory brick annex to post hospital at Fort Ueorge Wright. Waah. Proposala must ba accompanied by certified check or guar anty in a sum equal to 10 per cent of the total amount of the bids. nans, speci fications and full Information In regard to the work required will be furnished upon ennlliatlon at this office. Tha U. . re aerves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Pro posals must be enclosed In sealed en velopes marked "Proposala for . to be opened Aug. 24. IBIO.' and addressed to Lieut. A. U Kneed. 25th Infty.. Con- . . . i v St ru t tn x- NOTICE Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received for the purchase of S10.000 of construction bonds of School district No. 34. In Josephine County. Oregon drawing S per cent Interest, payable semi-annually, said bonds payable absolutely In years. Said bltis shall be sealed and be accompanied by a certified check for loou. and will be re ceived up to and Including the Sth ' day of Erptember. 110. and that tha School Board will open and consider said bids September T. 11(10. at t o'clock P. M. of said day. bald board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bida should be handed or ad dressed to FUANal THOMPSON. Clerk of tha School Board of School Dis trict No. 24. Merlin, Josephine County. Ore gon. NOTICE Is hereby given that eeeled bids will be received for the purchase of Ouo of coustrucllon bonds of School Dis trict No. 27. In Josephine County. Oregon, drawing 5 per sent Interest, payable srml aiinuallv. said bonds payable absolutely In ao years. Said blda shall be sealed and be acewn panted by a certified check for .".). and will be received up to and In cluding the 3"lh day of September. 1"I. ant" that the School Board will open and consider sanl blda on the Urn day of Oc tober. 1910, at 3 o'clock P. M. of aald liids should be handed or addressed to F. M. S'.ason, Clerk of the School Board of School lustrlct No. 27. Wolf Creek. i. . ...... r.rii.tv ortrnn 31 lecet 'anevua. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between l D. Cole and Leon H. cjtelnhart. doing business as the CVIe sV Cole Company, at Portland, or.. has this day been dissolved my mutual consent. lSigne.ll U D. COLE. Irtgned) l.FION M. STEIJVHART. Dated Aug. 22. lll. ' BOINES8 OrPOBTTJXlTIES. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A Bl'SINESST A rooming-house, manufacturing plant, or Investment In a legitimate bualneaaT Call and see ua. Hardware. Invoice; cheap rent. tir-wery. Invoice; new. clean stock. cigars and confectioneries from $M up. Saloons. 3 good ones. Cluara anil pool halls: lots of other busln ss chances. Houses and lots; money to loan. . OOOIINOUOH SEITZ. 71s Board of Trade. GKOINl) FLOOR, old-established real es tate office In heart of rllv. with valuable local property list, plats, etc.. to sell cheap for cash or excha lge for lota, acre age or automobile; confidential. Addresa A.I z.iv. oregonlan. 1'AVINiJ general merchandise burliness; lead ing store on new Natron branch; must sell on account of health: reasonable terms. In quire Wadhama at Kerr Bros. PARTNER wanted: prefer man use.I to farm produce; will guarantee good salary and ahnre of profits; $1uihi required: money se i 1 1 'li:t Mtnrk st CASH busolness; owner wants a reliable partner to wall or customers, etc.; will guarantee $:lo a wek and give you a trial first. Particulars 417 Board of Trade. MILLINERY atock and flxturea -in good business town of 12oO; no competition; neat, cheapt good location; must sell at one' on account of sickness. B 2ti81. CONTRACTOR wants reliable partner, duties easily learned; very little money required. lav eloo month salary and ahare of tha proflls. Call 241'a stark st. HOTEL WANTED I am Just from tha East and will Invest In a gtod hotel prop osition up to 20.0oO: must be gocd. Ad dress M 25H. oregonlan. 110 ts WILL buy one of the beat hot min eral springs in tha world. Write tha owner for partlcuiara. IL A. Murphy. ML Vernon. Or. CNl business, pays big profits; will teach purchrser how to make candy: splendid location, lesse; llOoo required. 24Ris Stark street. HEAL ESTATK business; steady, sober part ner wanted to show customers property, etc ownor will furnish very best of ref erences. Call 417 Board of Trade. FOR SALE On reasonable terms, the candy niaklng tooia formerly owned by Mr. Stan ner. Inquire of Sam L- lieary. 323 Mor ruvon at. CONFECTIONERY for sale in town of SSOO, near Portland, everything modern and up to-lale. For further Information ad d ress I. SI'.'. Oregonlan. IO-h) INVESTED will bring yoa In an In come of l'J per cent, besides Increasing In value. Hogera A McKay, room 2i. 3(13 v Washington st. IF you want a nice, clean grocery business In a good plain neighborhood. Investigate this at once: no agents. C ::. Oregonlan. ROOMING IIOl'KG 11 rooms nicely furn ished. All good tensnts. Cheap. 18S West Park or Phone Main 2116. KOOMING-HOI'SB 'or 220O cash, clearing e-hrt per month. Rogers at Mc I'.av. r'tom -.". Mtt'i Wash. St. A LIVE ONE. snap. IS'HI. Home Restaurant, clearing 4" weekly; reasonable rent; leav ing ciiv. C 2-'. Oregonlan. WE HAVE call for 2.1 roomlng-housea and hotels from $400 to 40nn. List with us. Uz Chants i'o., room 19 I.ahbe bldg. OlilK'KKI Hest buy In city, net -".'.I last month; a bargain this week. 5W Wash Ington st. f HAVE s first-class steady position for a good man who can furnish tl.VI to 1300 cash. security. 61. Rothchlld bldg. FOR SALE Restaurant; good proposition; S:;30. Inquire room 304 Alisky bldg.. 3d aad Morrisn. CORNER saloon, centrally located, doing good business; owner retires: investigate; rare chnnce. 8 22t. Oregonlan. THE PEOPLK'S NEWS CO.. a clean, pay ing business, for sale by owner. Informa- t mn glier. at. w GHOCF.RT STORK No reasonable offer re fused: owner MIST SELL Owner. 40T I.umbermens Hank bldg. Main 2ms. HOOERS M'RAY. room SS. 303, Wash. St.. vsnts good second-band store; also nrstlasclgaratore. tjjo CASH will put you In a nice business, paving I4i to 150 per week. Rogers 4 McKay, room 2S. 3H3 S Washington st. LARGE restaurant, feeds 100 to 12S. st lunch rent li): big snap. 4s Washlng lon Wee this. Call for Wark- CKRS and confectionery: positively one of the best locations in Portland and clearing ttrtort a mom I'llUVBK for grocery; West Side; big trade' one partner Just died; S-ear lease; re'ulres about HK. 241 Stark St. SAIOON MEN We have 2 of the best loc ated "and nay'.ng aaloona In Portland. 417 Hoard of Trans. I W1I L sell whole business or half Inter est reasonable; long-esabllshed and good paying. D 223. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted for a furniture and re pair' store.- clears S'-no month above ex- jienses; price ' i CON 1 EiTU'NEK Y and bakery, centrally lo-aied- goud business. For Information ad diesa'Mis. Altle W hltlle. Cssllerock. Wash A PRIVATE party wishes 3 loan Imme diately: best of security deposited: pay $00 for 10 days' use. A 221. oregonlan. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL 8TOCK8. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 223 Ablngtoa. BOO BUSINESS CARDS 11.25 If you bring ,h. sd. Rose City Prlntery. l2Vs Third. 2ttHMlNG house of 20 rooms In fine loca tion. Must sell. Price I ISO". 242 fth St. I.1VFRT stock for Sale; doing a good busi ness!, e. K. Tllden. 'aneouver. Wash. fTl'.AR srjdfor saleTdown town, must sell; K '-'3."'. Oregonlan. TMIR or cleaner wanted to buy the best Vop In Central Oregon. K 2.VI. Oregon!-n. DF.I.I' "ATF.SSEN and lunchroom. Fries $6To. A 222. orog'JCian. TnE 3IORMXG Bl'MMESM OPrORTUX ITI F.. TM.K. WITH FLETCHER. 2.3'K Alsska Pel. aV Coal treas ..special .HO Almeila Con. transferablo .. bid Autnpress bargain 6.0HO B. C. Amalgamated Coal. . .bargain 2i Hurllngama T. T aee us 33 Campbell's AOL 8. G. B special lisl Clark Wireless snap l.imu Coledyke Hak. Pow baraam l.tsMl Comstock G. Gale 5,tiOO Fidelity Copper market German Am. Coffee market 2.".rt Gov. standard powders special ft.iMio Grand Ronde M. t P snap 13C ! O. Peck Auto Wheel spei-isl S.ihiu Kern River Drillers h'1! P.oini Kupreanof Copper Dla loo Marconi Wireless (England! only wireless dividend payer bargain 1.000 Mexican Mines ' S.tMio Montana Silver Lead . bid 3.0OO National copper ' National Dictograph A at B. bargain SOO Necarney Hydtocarbon .... see us oxford Unen Mills. A B sr. C bgsln 2S Portland Concrete Pile special lo Raymond Concrete Ills .... snap r.O Royce Suspension Hub bid l.OtiO Section Six Oil -3' Mil St. Helens Con. Copper .... bid Telepost A & B bargain Texas Loan & Guaranty (in- vestment! I r9 Utility Car (installments! .. 10.00 All other stocks and bonds. See me before nuvlng: may be able to do better. UTILITY ACTO CAR CO. Here Is something I can. recommend. Call and see me about It. I WANT Alaska Pet. C. Port. Vement Sfk. Almeda Con. at 13.1'ort. Tel. bonds. Fidelity Copper Port. Tel. stock. Washougnl J. ft . DO Portland Cos I A lev 70 22.1 Ahlngton Bldg. CiOOD ONES. .2000 Gasoline and Hollow wire system and supplies, coinpletn stock, es tablished, paying hunlness; xltmrt cash, balance terms or real estate. $4000 Cigar, confectionery. notions and stationery store, the best In town of Z'.iHl: payroll of aoO.nihi a month; S.'IOOO cash, balanco terms. $3100 Delicatessen and bakery, fine loca tion. Morrison street; will stand closest Invcstlgr.tlon: I2M cash. 800 Saloon, on busy street. F.asl Side corner, doing 35 a dav. s.1100 Barber rhop. 3 chairs, bath, mod ern fixtures. In town of 1201; pay roll $011,000 a month. 1 730 Cigar and confectionery, close In rorner; West Side. J2000 Delicatessen and grocery. good stock and fixtures, bright nnd at tt active, doing line business. f 750 and up grocery store, all in good locations and worlh the price asxed. We have a number of other good buys or. our list and respectfully Invite you to all. PLOCH REALTY CO.. 2'J1 Lumbermen Bldff. THE undersigned will, on Friday. August M. at 10 o'clock A. M.. at .110 Willamette street, Eugene, Oregon, offer for sale for cash the following described property: Tha entire atock of electrical goods, fix tures and auppliea now located at old Willamette street, Eugene, Oregon. In cluding good will of business. A ccmplete inventory of the above de scribed property csn be seen upon appli cation at aald store or 213 Second street, Portland, Oregon. ' PACIFlJ. ELECTRIC ENGINEERING COM PANT. MOVING-PICTURE machines, films), for sals or rent by biggest and best film renters In the world: before closing deal elsewhere In quire If Laemmle Is reliable; if Laemmle bus good standing: If Laemmle guarantees a square deal. We have no spies looking for guys to take down. Wa employ the best Instructor obtainable to teach operating honestly and thoroughly In our operating school. Terms very cay. operator's certifi cate Issued when qualified.. Laemmle" s cer tificate la a standard of in operator's quali fications. Laemmle Film Service. Pan stages bldg., Portland, Oregon. COUNTRY HOTEL FOR SALE. .10.000; cash heeded; best-paying country hotel In Coos County. Oregon: terminal of railroad and 0 stage lines; 62 rooms, 2 store, laundry, steam heat, prlvute water system. . Im provements. 3-storv frame building; i"t lodiloo: no opposition; gross receipts 20.00O last year; other Interests require owner's amotion- This Is best hotel prop osition on market today. Address owner. Hoi ISO. Myrtle Point. Or. SPLENDID little job printing business or half Interest for sale; very modern, well selected, new plant Including two new Gordons and new Colta Armory; well lo cated In center of city, reasonable rent, good line of established business; want to devote whole time to my real estate business. U. L. Hurd. 2U4 Stark at.. Port- land. Os- Li.J A FEW CHOICE BUY. "3. Saloon. East Side, corner. tOOO. Cigar stand, center of city. 1100. Confectionery and pool. 2 tables. TO0. Meat market, money-maker. SILMO. Grocery store. 3 living-rooms. 70. 6. 10, 15c store. Ies than Invoice. Also some good trades. N. T. H A LL. 321 Lumbermeng Bldg. MOVING-PICTURB THEATER. Hare Jte finest location within tha city limits of Portland, suitable for motion-picture theater, on Mt. Sfcott carllne; popula tion 40,000; wl build to suit tenant; long lease, cheap rent; ought to clear .VH month ly. Particulars bM Waahlngtoa, near 17th. 1 GOOD BUSINESS OPENING. Furniture store, located In rapidly growing town In Oregon of S300 and only atore of lis kind: will Invoice about TOOO, and doing One business. This Is exceptionally fine opportunity for right man. Call on C F. Bunker, ili ChamDer of Commerce bldg , WEST SIDE GROCERY. A nice, clean cash grocery store on Washington St.. doing good business, net ting $22a per month; rent only $00 per month; for quick sale, will sell for 1CiOO. Investigate this, as owner must sell. GKUSSI at .A DOW. SIT Board of Trade Hldg.. 4th and Oak. BUSINESS MEN. X make a apeclally of soiling businesses of all kinds, have y number of buyera listed snd waiting for something good; my business Is strictly confidential; let mo hear from you. W. Lawrence, 313 Lumber Exchange bidg. , $S50 RESTAURANT. A good restaurant on th si., doing good business: owner must sell on account of other business, which can be explained to lour satisfaction. A fe.v days only. GIU'SSI 4 ZADOW. 317 Bosrd of Trailo Bldg.. 4th mid Oak. BANKS WANTED. I am In the market for a few country banks In Western Oregon or Southwestern Washington of from 10.iMki to $j:..0O!) capital- assets must be clean and loans guaranteed. Address Immediately, F 220. Oregonlan. i HAVE a cash business worth $oooi): net Income now $10 per day; need money to meet obligations and will sacrifice a half Interest to responsible party for $2.o0 cash' your time not required: opportunity given for thorough investigation. Address T 221. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT AND LUNCHROOM. Will sell for $:ioimi; right down town, doing a good business; have long lease; selling on account of going Into other business. can show you that it is a money-maker. B 230, Oregonlan. FOR SALE General store, close to city, best electric line out uf Portland; sell at a bargain, account or going into another business; postofflce in store pays about $oo per year. Inquire W. J. Hop klas. care A lien at Lewis. FOR SALE Meat market, has the best lo cation on the Eaat Side, long lease, flrst clasa fixtures, haa a first-class patronage; will bear closest Investigation; deal with owner; no agents; best reason for sell ing. V oregonlsn. irbri SALE Small cleaning worke doing $.1.10 to $100 work month; expenses light, prlca low. Fine chance man and wife or two men. Call or write for details. San Franclaoo Cleaning Works, 7S4 Exchange St.. Astoria, Or. HAVES you from $300 to S0O0 to Invest T We can placa your money at high rates of Interest; best security, first mortgages. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT at TKL'STEB COMPANY, 024-320 Board of Trade B(dg. " BARBER Can And good locilioii and established business bv Investing $lil). See Pen nington. Ill North Jersey St., St. Johns, Or. Phone Richmond 71. YOUNG MAN. STRANGER! Make carefal Investigation at expense of seller before you invest money In any propoaitlsav Advisory Department. Y. M C. A- GIVEN away free, map of all the California oil fields, also trial subscription of publica tion California Oil Flelda"" Sagar-Loorols Company, 701 Oregonian bldg., Portland, or. REAL ESTATE I have a good, legitimate business and want a partner who Is will ing to work: will convince the right mun that It Is a good opening. AM 2.16. Ore gonlan. SPLENDiD OPPORTUNITY For a man with some money; good Invest ment quick returns; a position for the right party who can give reference. Call bet. 9 and 1 A.M..210-221Boarl of Trade bldg. A SNAP For aale. or trade. flrst-clasa restaurant and delicatessen store: best lo cation, near Portland Hotel, aeatlng 30 people: Income $3.1 to $40 a day; rent $28. Addresa F S2. Oregonlan. FOR SALH Flrst-claea wall paper and paint :ore In Hne Valley town; owner countered lo sell on account of poor health; doir.g fine biiFlnesM snd lots of contract, work. K 2.V., Oregonlan. - FIRST-CLA.VS cigar sfnfT clearing UTS er month. .kmi. KOgers c jicnay. room nor. 4 Waahingtou st. BARKER SHOP for chairs. 127 N. O R E G ON I AN, TUESDAY. . nv-crwcia fiti it itriiii i ir . zz . : . .1 1 ituuu .111 iuti. FOR SALE General merchandise store con sisting of a nice, clean stock of groceries, a good assortment of drygoods and no tions, the staplea In shoes, the live part of hardware, feed and such other goods as are usually kept In a good country store. This Is the best location In town, being on'y one block from the electrlo depot, and goods from Southern Pacific unloaded at door. Three large rooms wit" glass front. This Is a paying business that will bear closest Investigation. Owner wishes to retire and will give long lease at low rent, or sell reasonable; ilOOO re quired balance on terma to aulc Deal direct with owner and save agents commission. Adilros C. E. Hedge. Beaverton. Or. HAVE fine opening In good legitimate, well established business for steady re liable man who can Invest 2.10 with hl services. Will pay 123 per month. No Couch experience necessary. i-ii wt bl.lc. I'll 4th st. FOR SALE and a baritaln. paying con fectionery business with OS rooms upstairs all rented, barn rented and four liv.ng rooms back of store; rent only -. r den and Ice cream parlor; all fir l(Mio. liw East Stark. Take Mnntarllla car. TKA.NS1'. LIVERY AND lltD. This place Is clearing over JaO per month; will bear closest Investigation; will sell or trade; terms to buyen Particulars, room 315 Lumber Exchange blue. PARTNER wanted In strictly cash business; will mnke you ,35 per week: no experi ence necessary; business easy to handle. Call room 3 IS lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SAL F Was h ouga I gold and OPP? mining atock. II per share. Inquire S12 Wn.ihlngton St. 'oR SALE Cigars, confectionery, periodi cal delivery station. All new. Son W il- lintr.w av. FIRST-CLASS dvo works, everything corh plete: will sell cheap. O 2.1B. Oregonian. ROOMING-tlOCSES. MRS. LENT'S AGENCY, SELLS HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES. t'hone Main ftii: A :'.473. 400 Buchanan Bldg.. 26S Wush. SL B.VROA.INS TODAY. 32 ROOM-!. NEWLY renovated, aleam heat, running water in rooms, nlcele located for tran tletit rooms, only $2000 cash handles this today. 40 ROOMS. New. modern building, steam heat, pri vate baths. running water in rooms. NEVER FOR SALE BEFORE; strictly flrst-ciass patinnage. See us for price and terms. . . ROOMING-HOUSE, 10 rooms, something ex v tra good and cheap; rent only $40; lu cated on Yamhill at.; furniture, beds, car pets are line and clean; house is strictly modern: full basement, wash trays, wood for Winter, etc.; all light rooms; a home like place and a snap at $860; clears $t0 month. . H. W. GARLAND A CO.. 191 4th St. 30 ROOMS, steam heat, hot. cold water in rooms; clears $2j0; a snap. 44 rooms, best location, cheap rent, clears 2A0; $1700. Terms. 12 rooms, elegant furniture, lease. st.10. We have others. All sizes and prices. See us. 31!) Board of Trade. A DANDY HOUSE TO MAKE MONEY. 11 rooms. 2 Mocks from Olds & King s stori; furniture very fine and hot and cold water in all rooms: 2 rooms pay rent of house: price $s50. easy terms. Call 41.7 Board of Trade. WANTED Rooming-house. 20 to 25 rooms. West Side, walking distance. Fhone. A 1321. Main S774. H. W. GARLAND ft CO.. 11 4th St. 27 ROOMS, ."team heat, hot and cold water, elegant furniture: clears X1'."0; leaving; wl.I sacrifice. P 225. Oregonlan. . BEST hotel-rooming-house In choicest lo cation; 45 rooms, everything modrari; price t'SOO. half cash. N 211. Oregonian. WANTED The best rooming-house IISOO cash will buy; must be a bargain; no agents. O ilO. Oregonlan. , 27 ROOMS, brick. lease, good location; price $1200; terms. 402 Commercial block. Ti ROOMS. Salmon and Park, new furnl ture: rent $-.o; snap. p;-tfi.Oregonian. HOUSE nnd lot to exchange for good rooming-house. O 22, Oregonlam 11 ROOMS, by owner, price $550; terma North 8th sL 2 8 ROOMS. 2 blocks from W'ashington; $330. P 22S. Oregonlan. 1 1 X ANt lAL. FOR SALE $1000 first farm mortgage placed Juno 1st. running 3 years with Interest at S per cent, payable semi annually. Farm haa nearly flnlHhed good houso and .".S acres under cultivation and would be cheap at $:!.1O0.o0. Only private parties need apply. Lock Box 302 Phone Tabor S2'. BANKS WANTED. I am In the market for a few country banks In Western Oregon or Southwestern Washington of from $10,000 to $23,000 capital; assets must be clean and loans nuaranteed. Address Immediately, F 220, Oreconlan. CONSULT our bond department about plac ing your money In nrsl mortgages at t7; no commlbsions; see Mr. Crowe- John P. Shsrkey Co.. flth and Washington sta. FIRST mortgage of $1000 due 4 years. Int. S per cent.; quarter section improved; farm land security. Will sell at face value. Address AL 237. Oregonlan. NOTE and mortgage for sale. $2000. at 7 per tent, short lime, gilt-edged security on property near Steel bridge, valued at $1200. 305 Larrablee at. Phone East 4470. Money to Loan Real Estate. CASH paid for mortgages or sellers' Interest in conlrscls on real estate anywhere In Oregon or Washington; mortgage loans negotiated on improved property. H. E Noble- Lumbermens bldg.. 5th and stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to 6 years' time; liberal repayment privileges: money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Say Ings A Loan Association. 240 Stark at. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and T per cent on real estate security. EJ3W. P. MALL COMPANY, ' :I01-1U Ablngton Bldg. TO LOAN Thirty thousand dollars, at 6 per cent In one or two loans on first-class rea' estate for two 'years. Inquire room l' Labbe hldg.. 2d and Washington. 4.300 uuo on Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rates; larga loans a specialty. J. H. McKenxle Co., 614- 15-10 Gerllnger bldg. FIRST and aecond mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property. anywhere In Oregon or Washington. E. L. Devereaiix. Fenton bldg- i4 6th St. TO loan Several amounta at 7 and s per cent interest on good city property. C. F. PI'luger 4c Co., room 5. Mulkey bldg., id and Morrison sts. IMMEDlATIi loans from $S to tioO. on all securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Phone Main 302. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. U. Birrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg Sd and Stark. 1200 "00 TO LOAN, largo loans a specialty building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 312 Falling bldg. SEVEUAL amounta ranging from $000 to $-uoo to loan on city real estate. See attorney, 410 Falling bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate. Room 221 Lumbermens bldg. prtlV'ATE money loaned on real estate mort- H a g es. H. Miley. room 204. Gerlinger bldg. MORTGAGE LOAN'S AT BEASONABLH KATES. F. 11. LEWIS. 3 LEWIS BLDG. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cenL Good- nouKh & Sells. 7 IS Board of Trade. State funds loaned, o per cent. W. E. Thonv- as. state sgent. Multnomsh Co.. 400 C C Will loan elO.OoO or leaa. real estate security. Parrlngton. 416 Commercial dub bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. (I AND 7 PER CENT. Lol lS SALOMON, 233 STARK ST. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or coilat ersl security. C. W. Fallen. 30-l Fenton. AlotNEY loaned, buildlnir purposes. If con sulted before building begins. 3QH Henry bd. SI'iNBY LOANED, small sums by private resi dent. 8 per cent. P 223. Oregonian. aioney to Loan L battels and salaries. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 44 principal cites; save yourself by getting my terma nrac TOLMAN, 317 Lumber Exchange. " : $75700. Wa want to loan thia amount on pianos, furniture, horses, warehouse receipts, real estste mortgages, or any good collateral. A special ltw rate to get the money out. We want your patronage and are making a rate to get It. The King Loan la ve stmentC"o,Jroom6lOBuc h anaribldg CHATTEL. LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, insurance poli cies and all klntisi of securities'. HEAL ES TATE LOANS from $3oo0 up. NEW ERA LOAN MTG. CO., 416 Ahlngton bldg. WILL loan la amounts from $5 up on all klnda of securities, at reasonable rates; will buy seller's equities In real estate contracts, first or second mortgages; busi ness strictly confidential. GRAY-CU N NINO HAM-GRAY. 7;i Electric Bldg. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate Union Loan Co.. 85 Lafayette bidg.. nth and Wash. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. LOW rates: we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Mars JMocJt. 74 d st. AUGUST 23, 1910 1 ; " s BtSlXESS DIRECTORY. ' OCS1XESS D1KECTOBT. aloney to Loan Chattels andSairlea. i"s"Uo'J7iJ..J,,Mol4!.l,J SO CHEAP THAT NO ONE bHOtU1 WITHOUT IT. SALARY LOANS WITHOUT SECURITY. .,.., YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL WJvHKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Rebate Given If Paid Before Due CALL AND SEE- US. STATE SECURITY CO.. Sua FAILING BLDG. emnr. . in. . . i .'Ul Vi"n V STJ THh: li. S? rIaL ESTA-IE 1 BROovLRaGW COMPANY. - Makes liberal loans on real estate, furni ture, pianos (without removal), livestock, storage receipts, life insurance policies and all kinds of securities; terms to suit, easy weekly or monthly payments. wa buy first and second mortgages and con tract. Phone Main 20bt. hoom $13 Ham ilton bldg.. 131 id it . . . . $$$$$$$$$ f WE loan money on dlamonda and Jewelryj reasonable interest; long or snort A. sr. M. Delovage. S6 Washington au Loans W anted. 1000 WANTED one year; will pay 10 per cent interest, first mortgage . W eat Side real estate security. National Realty at Trust Co.. 320 Washington, room 016. I If AVE applications for $1000 at 8 per cent. JOOO at 7 per cent and $26oo at 8 per cent. Jo. C. Ulixon, 3u6 GerUnger bldg. Phone Main 4643. WANTED $1130 for three 'years, i per cent on close-in residence property. Inquire 3U Board of Trade bldg.. Fourth and Oak. $1000 TWO years. S per cent, on properly worth SJ50U. A. McGregor, Atty., 602 cor- bett bldg. Main 3366. LET us place your money good mortgages; references. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis bldg. PERSONAL. DR. W. E. MALLOUV, S12 Rothchlld bldg nas itiw j 1 1 ii. . i Oregon, ine treating rooms are lilted up wltn the mosi expensive modern ap pliances on Hie niaraot. Including radium (the only physician on the Pacilic coast having radiumi. A--rays, static machines. X-ray colls, oxone. oxygen machines (the largest In usej, electric currents of every description ana kind, including high fre quency wave, msouedal, farauic and gal quency wave, lnsouldal. faradic and tai vanic currents, cautery, violators, rauia tors. electric light ualli cabinets, not bake ovens, of every kind; mineral, herbal, steam and mower baths. From 100 to li.oOO-calidle power lignls. tinsen. minins, hellos. solar, violet ana uira violet nshts. and others. Cancers. ecxema, tumors, Koure. tubercular glands, old sores, moles, mother marks, tears una scar tissue, ana all kinds oi chronic diseases are treated. and cured by tnese metuouf. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY. UK, VLALIlJllll Ji- J1NDRA. From liiurxipe. KLECTRO-XHERA-PKUTIST. My cures are painleas, prompt and thor ough. Suite i3-j2-ol-J0-4-4Si-4S. iOis Washington bldg.. cor. 4th and Wash. ' DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases ot women and cnildren, sur gery; enronte and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; privato ho-pltal ' accommodations; confinement cared for; consultation free, Ilooin 10, Grand Theaterbidg.Mnin 328;A iwi. FEBVET & HANBBUX. Leading wig and ttfapee makers; finest stock of human hair goods, switches from $l.oil up. Lp-to-date parlors for halrdresslng. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 14 7 1 h 11., bet, jaoinaon aot. ""--' SWEDISH TRAINED NURSli Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach allmenta. under uhyslcianj. direc tions; baths, maneuse. No. 7 tost lltn street, second door south Irom Ust ah keny canine. Phone East 260. B 1803. GENTLEMAN Greek, Jolly. holding good position, wishes to correspond with lady with tne object of matrimony. Give de schlDtlon ana age in first letter. Address George Christ, paterson.W ash. HAIR HAIR AU shades In best quality at cost. Closing out stock: scloniitic face snd scalp treatments; expert halrdresslng Snd manicuring laughL Asa H KlBbecke, Grand Leader, oth and Alder. AfV. 1. - -" ' Diseases of women and children; electric treatment of nervous ailments, private hus- . . . . i . T T t'H'! mmi, ItOOmS JUU "..!.'-"".. .... q , bth snrlAjkeyPhonea Main 4047. A 24 tl MRS A. M. PAUKS, graduate nurse, gives scientific massage, also scalp treatments, baldness cured by my remedy after all else has failed. The Francis, West Park and Morrison sis., rooms 10 to 1L MADAME ELISE ROLAND, of Austria, 'faleetro. thermal, facial and scalp treat ment; manicuring. Hotel Barton. Aider and 13th; entrance on 13th; open to s p. M. je WALKER, speoiallst for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and plies. Consultation f ree. 181 1st St., Portland. MISS DESALiNE DK.VOS The Ollvo. 3p3Ja Washington .. corner 5th, ulte 21. 22. 23. ilanlcuring. facial and scalp treatments. Hours 10 to 8. DRESS suits for rent. $1.50 month keeps vour clotnes cleaned. pre3Sed. buttons sewed on, rips repaired, prompt calls and deliveries. I nlquMJll,ngCu1!3uu Stark. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIST Chronic ail ments a specialty. cures painless and prompL ilu Marquaiu bldg. Phona jlaranaU 1040. . KOXALL cures tuiiw. "'-"""- . .- -, burning, aching and Inflamed feet; noxal odors: icoc ai; uiuiswt"- ... . llr j,ieich3r, fool peclaIlst,Portland Or. loo sOPHIABrSEIl mental and spir itual scientist. 21 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. Main 624. STRANGER In the city. farmer, ago 38, would meet country lady; object matri mony. AK 215. Oregonlan. IVR- T J PIEKChi, specialist, women am Children: conlldentlal advice; expert pain less treatments. Aadress 311 Ausky bidg. .-. .iMhti m the Wardrobe to ba ..i.... ;.i autlsfaction guaranlced. To 1 Wash. Phones lio.13 Main. A 5-117. loKtNS' NEltVE TONIC 1AB1.I.1A "tic box. restore lost vitality. Stipe, xay- ior Drug3PanylMrrlsun st. v,.-uiv. farmer. wuhes to meet lady. ago 20 to 30; objoot matrimony. Address W j, Oregonian. t i..n.s Is reauested to call at Brit lsh Corueulale, Portland, or., for Important letter. L1WL.OR habit permanently cured In 3 days; j"0 suffering and harmlesa iurdiola lnu- tute. lfat t-emujuia . tukiu1v that used to be Miss Susie Gil bert will please call at 108 loin st, as she lias relatives tiieie. HEALTH TREATMENTS given by graduate nurse and masseuse, lloom IS. 233 1 Alder su Phone Main 4033. MmeT "courtwright. .skin and scalp treat ments, laclal deformities corrected, plos iVscri. 311 Flledner bldg. M 3042. M ii Albl ESTELLE. magnetic healer, spir .dentist, teacher of aoul deveiun- ment. 1U0 11th su 1VDY desiring to go East will save money ... t .-to- or Main or A -33. UJ itoi- EC EMA cure, trial treatment tree. Dr. Chas. Jassteui. oiq-o-q -.-i-a.-" -"b- (il-NlLEMAN going East will be benefited VV . .i.. At. .t.o Oreeonian. py luurcrpi"! J ' ' o DK KETCHUM treats women s maiauies. 1 7il m 3d St.. cor, motto... bHAMl'UO olid massage Phone East 4042. at your home. PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. ! Plnckner White. Main 5074. A 7020. nAiu OF FIGS Remedies lor aiseas es o '-ToTten. Bu Belmont st. East 24US. MANICURING and chiropody. St. Nicholas Hotel. 123 Olh at., room 2. OCCULT New Thought; liberal, scientific books. Jones" Book -tore. 2-4oa.st. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. aL i. i.ni, 4-U - liedner bldg. 134i3. t- ; ; : - 1 BUSINGS DlCTCJBY. Accoui ato Is. MACK-N-I-i BAltlD BERRIDGE, counael and experts in ail matters relat ing to municipal, commercial, laclory ost and Industrial accounting. alouerate feea Consultations free. fit u'nwMt.r hlock Phones Main 736-, A 1449. j H. COLUS CO.. ACCOU.N'i ANTS. Commercial, county and Municipal Auditing, Investigating and Stematizing. 4 Worcester Block. Phone Main o.iii. Arcliit-ct-. " A F DARLING, orchilect; latest and linest Interior desitns arranged to please nut only on paper, but while occupying. 503 Couch bldg. EASTMAN CO., Inc., Architects and Build era Plans and estimates furnished free to builders. We build on contract, percentage or terms. Main 3230. A 4116. Abington blug. Aesayer and Analyst. Wells sr Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. u4 i rWahlngton at. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testln work. I8H Morrison st. Atvnlncs and Tents. PACIFIC Tent A Awning Co.. tents, awnings and sails. 27 N. 1st. Main and A 1881. Bicycles and Motorcycles". We buv. sell, exchange or repair. Hummer Bicycle Ex., 1-3 loth st.. Mala 7058. CLMMINGS & CATL1N. bnilding In orancn oi ine ountttttB . . . modeling, repairing a specialty; showcases, counteri sh.lviusT etc. Office and shop S71 First at. Phone Marshall 2o-i. Brass nnd Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass castings and ma' nice wor. iuo .1. - Chiropractic physician. DR. TICKNER removes the cause of disease. , ti. t.i.i a -.o-.l. H r l-o:oO. vw-t otttttttJt Bntbs and Swi n ig. Portland Swimming Baths, 167 4th Elegant piunge. steam and shower baths, 25c. Circulating Library. LATE fiction. 3c a day. Woman's Exchange bldg., ISO 5th st.. bet. Taylor and Yamiinu Collections and Law. NETU CO.. COLLECTORS COLLECT EVERYWHERE; NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. 533 Worcester bldg- Portland. CUlropody. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveney. the only scientinc cniropoutat-a to - Parlor 302 Gerlinger bld.. S. W. cor. 2d ana Aluer. 110 e jtu 1 Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. room r lieaner piuk. -ttoo- r. . . . . .. . . 1 t .... in Mm ni-tUDt, manicuring au r, rr.,,T Dunton. 54- Washington. Marshall Conlssion Merch nts. TAYLOR, YOUNG CO.. ship brokers, com- mKslon merchants. Sherlock bldg. Curios. SUN SOON I1U1E. CHINESE GOODS. MAT TING. SILK AND CURIOS. 70 6T11 ST. lrancing. DANCING lesson tr.c. every morninB, ai tornoon and evening. Vror. Wal Will sons Dancing School. ItHfiu. Washington Bm. bet. W. Park and 10th sts. M 7i3t. Dog and llww Hospital DR. BROWN. D. V. S. Offioe 324 Flanders St. Main 4US6. Hospital Si) '2th St. lilectric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st. Kleelrie Kivttirea and SunDUeS. YOU wire for us and we'll wire for you. Phones B 2302. E. 3S22. Clagett Electric Co Mrtl Pot Mnrriinn t. Lugiueerig. TECHNICAL ENGINEERING CO., General Engineering, Designing. Drailing. 201 Hamilton Bldg. Etiglne- l.tta and Steam. BOBER iiachy. Co.. Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gine. 231-263 E. Morrison st. Phono E. ato. Feed Store. Z1GLER & MISNER. hay. grain, feed, ce ment, Bhlnglea. 204 Grand ave. 4a 1 urn. N. M. UNGAI. CO.. INC.. formerly of 40b llerchLDts Trut bldg., have ruinoved to 10l -seventh at. Fur remoUeled, rep--lrea and 10 red. Marshall 7r3. Hut Jbactury. HATS made to order cost no more. Se us. Koyal Hat Work-. 'S 1st st. M. tii-l-i- Lrau-iciica. 18-FT. 3-U. P., $100; lti-KT.. 3-H. P.P -100. Relerson Mach. -o.. 1S. Morriaon at. JLekiLhir aud t Uidiugi. CUAS. I- MAiTlCK & CO., 74 Front, leather ot every -.efccnptioi-. tapa, mirs. u"""'-- J. A. SritOVJJKlIG. LEATHEK CO Bs- MuUt Lngry. B. TRENKMAN & CO. Hydraulic and spe cial pi pea, screens. baginp. mining ma chlnery. All kinds of repaira. 104 N. 4th. Mucii-iiery for Itent. Contractors' mat-hineiy of all kind-s. David Dow ft tSon.lVIumbermens bldg. Phones. -jluaii'Mi. EMIL THIiLHUUM, violin teacher, pupil bevcik. 1MJU Mar-juain, A 410U. Mar. IP. Osteopathic I'liywiciuns. DR. LeKoy Smith, tjraduute Kirksvllle. Mo., class of liys. post-graduate 19U7, under A. T. -still, the louuaer. 317-31881ir awet land bldg. Mai a 1L87. A 19&5. DK. R. B. NOKTUKUP. 41-410-417 Dekum hSLdg. Fhone. UfTice. M. S417. res. Kast or B 1023. Dr Arnold l.indsey, specialist on rheuma tism, stomach troubles and all nervous dibea-.es. Hotel 1'rauit.lin. J-laln 71'J5. rainliiig and raperhuuging. H. p. CllKl-jTKNSfc-N CO.. painting, kalso min.ng. paperhungi ng. A 4 11. Main l'Jt-3. 1b Ints. Otis and Glass. RASMUbSEN & CO., jobbers, paints, olis. giass, eash and door a. Cor..d and Taylor. raving. THK Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 605 tiUS Electric bic-g. Oscar Huber. Portland. WAKKEN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and cross vv ajk s. ai7 Ueck bldg. lutnt Attorneys. Protect your ideas; reliable patent attorneys. T15CH-SICAL KNiilNKKKiNO CO.. KegiHtered 1 atent Attorneys. J0l Hamilton Bidg. R. C. WHIOliT. domestic ana foreign pat en tSjintrmgiinteS INVENTORS' free book. J. K. Mock. 419 Board of Trade (late V. S- patent ollicej. Pawnbrykers. LiNCL.1-1 MYEHSs Collateral Bank. 40 years In Portland. 71 6th st. Main 110. Pipe. 'ORTLAND WOOD PlPiS CO. Factory and office near .4th N. and York sts. M. 346. I'tiuters. Gi-ASS & PKUDHOMME CO.. printers, blank book makers, legal blanks, loose leaf de vices, township piats, ti-lV7 7th St.. bet. Oak and Ankeny. i 1 CHAlbSE-PKUDHuMMB CO., books, com merclal. 14.! -73 4th sU Main 810. A 155j. rlnrio Factory. C. Summtir & Co., established 1816; general repair work; tuning. 211 5th. Marshall 1571. ltubber -Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc. Cunningham s, j.Si Stark. Main 14Q7. Kug Weavera. NoKTHWi-ST KlG VV'OHKS Kugs from old carpets, colonial rag rugs, carpet cleaning . ana laying, 15t Union ave. nr. K. Morrison. Safet.. ftifc. MOSL.KK SAFE CO., IOS lid. sU bales at factory prict-s. Second -hand safts. .'owc:i-'-ft, Bank and More j-U-turcs. THlii l-UrivE Ml'O. CO., branch Urand Kaplds Showcase Co.. 6th and lloyu It, LutUe, Mgr. 1;V and second-hand J. I. M. Mfg. Co.. 4th and Couch. Main 2703. Cabinet work. fcjtiiuglcs. BKST in the city; car lots or less. fi. Gilbert, 101 Washington st. i image and Iransfert,. POKTUAND V AN STORAGE CO., corner Uth and Everett sts. Just opened newest and most modern storage warehouse In city every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest insurance rate in Northwest; free trackagy; vans for movi ny. Main or A lo'M. C. O. PICK Tranaler Storage Co., office and commodious four-Btory brick ware house, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. id and pine sts. pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping- Main A ltfaa. ODSON-KOE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage; safes, pianos and turniture moved ana packed for shipment. liUi Oak st.. bet. Front and 1st. Telephone Main 547 or A 2047. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1870. Transfer and Forwarding; Agents Storage. Office .Jib Hoyt st., between 5th and tita. phonea Main OH. A lltitj. W HEN moving call up Vun Horn Transfer Co. Maia 1618. A AU covered uioii, all experienced men. ' ' " aw- Ditiry. 67 N. UNION ave. phones Ea-st iSod, B '2iilU lure bottled milk a specialty. Trusses and .Support. AHE YOU RUPTURED? The perfect truss is made and fitted by a specialist; no charge if I fail to hold hernia, age or sex immaterial. Jay yy. Wilaon, GG 0th at, Stoves. STOVE connected und repaired. Main 11 10. 614 Front. Veterinarians. c l- Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians. 'sal Ankeny st. A 3.nU- Main 2402. yet erimry S-hupi- or Cul leges. San Francisco Veterinary College-; catalogue free. Dr. Keane. ISljt Market St.. S. F. Wood a nd Coal. - COAL! COAL! Don't forsiet :art Winter. Give un your future deliveries. We pick our coal. Special prices on hix orders. Newcastle. poT ton. 156.50; Rock Springs, per ton. $10; Heb bern, pvr ton. JIU.5U. Phone Marshall 2117. 1 5:h andSayie r. Typewrritem. TYPEWRITERS, all make-i. 520 to $t0. fully guaranteed; easy payiT.ents; rentals, $3 per montli. pacific Stationery & Print Ing Co.. -f3 2d st. W E ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concarn on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices The Typewriter Ex change, ?S7 V Washington St. JsEW. rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1443; DRY hi4iae S. Small insl.le 2o Planer trinuninfc-a 3.ot I'aoinc S-auwoou Co. Phones M SIW. A i3j6- Wnll Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO., 172 1st St., wholflr- aie ana reinu. --iiiip49 ma-u-u GRAND C-fc-SXiiAJL. IsTATION. Soullicra Pacilic. Leaving Portland Ashiand i,a--,ng.r Kuwieourg Passenger Shasta EimiteU Silverton Passenger Calit'orma Express San Francisco Express .. V4t Side CorvalUs 1'assenger ..... Sheridan Passenger .... Forest Grove Passenger . Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Oregon Express Ashiaud Passenger Roseburg Faf-senger Portland Ex. press Shasta Limited Silverton Local West Side Corvaliis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger . Forest Grove Passenger . S:30 .) 4:15 .1 6:00 .1 ii:20 .1 7.4i . 1:30 a. m. p. m. p. m. p. m, p. in. .1 7:20 . 4:00 . b:50 .i 6:40 .1 7:30 a. m. p. in. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. uu ,J10:00 . I o:u p. ni. .ill :u0 . .:30 a. ni. p. rn. ' a. rn. fl:-0 p. m. 10:-0 a- m. 8:00 a. m. 4:40 pm. N 011 h e ru Pacilic Leaving Portland 1 North Coast Limited via Pugetl Sound 10:10.ia. North Coast Limited via North) Bank I 7:00 p. TO. Atlantic Express via Put;et Soundl-:15 a. m. Atlantic Express via North Bank) W;00 a. m Twin City Express via Puget Sound I 3:30 p. m l win city Express via Nortn Bank - 1 7:i ,00 p. m. Eastern Express via Puget Sound 1 5 a. nu 00 a. ul. 10 a. m, 00 p. sn. eastern Express via North ianK Missouri River Express via Puget Sound , Missouri River Express via Northl Bank j Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Ex-i nress. Gm Harbor. Otvmnial and South Bend branches 6 45a. m. Portland-Vancouver Special ilO. 10 a.m. Puget Sound Ui railed. Grays Har bor and South Bend branches..: Tacolt RasseiiK-T :.. Arrlvlnic Portland 30 p. rtu 00 p. m. North Cu-ist UlmiLed via Northl Bank 8:15 p. m. North Cnftit T.imiia via PncArl Sound I T:20 a- m Northern Pacinc Emresa vial North Bank 1 7:30-m. Nortliern P-ififie Ko'rfU vlai Puget Sound 7:10 p.m. Paclnp Coast Knros. via. JCnrthi Bank 8:15 p. m. Pacific Coast Express via Puget Sound 7:20 a. m. Western Express via North Bank 8:15 p.m. Western Express via Puget Sound 10:30 p. m. Missouri River Express via North Bank . 7:30 a. m. Missouri 1ivff tTici-irai via Pnrt Sound j 4:00 p. nv Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Express anu iroia Ulympia, south Bcnu and Grays Harbor Puet Sound Limited :C0 p. m. : 1 U p. m. :',M) p. m. ancouver-Portland Special Y'acolt Passenger. ..ll:iQ a. n. OrcKon Railroad & Navigation C tx Leaving Portland Baker City Passenger.'. Oregon-Washing ton Limited Tne Dalles Local Soo-Spokane-Portland Oregon and Washington Express. Spokane Flyer ArrivinK Portland The Dalies Uocal Oregon and Washington Express. Soo-Spokdne-Portl-ind Baker City Local Passenger Oregon -Washington Limited Spokane Flyer 1 8:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 4:0U p. m. 11:00 p. 111. 1 5:00 p. m. j ti:oo p. in. 1 10:1 5 a. m. I in :30 a. m, ll::;u a. m. 1 7 ;imi p. ra, J 8:0U p. m. 1 8;00 a. m. Astoria & Columbia River. Leaving Portland Seaside Express ...... 8:00a.m. Ocean Shore Limited j it:'Jua.m, Saturday Seaside special i:30 p. m. Staside Express b.30p. m. Rainier Passenger j 1:15 p. in. Rainier Passenger j 5:45 p.m. Arriving I'ortiand j Seasido Express .....112:05 p. m. Monday Seaside Special JJ:30p. in. Seaside Express 10:00 p. m. Ocean Shore Limited (10:15 p. m. Rainier and Portland Passenger.. :40a, m. Rainier and Portland Passenger. . j 5:00 p.m. Canadian l'uctlio Railway Co. Leaving 1'ortland Soo-Spokane-Portiand . Via Seattle Arriving Portland Soo-Spokane -Portland . - Via Seattle . .JJ1:00 p. xn, . .12:li u lu. .. ll :30 a. u. li-LiA' Oregon & Washington Railroad Co. Leaving portlund Seattle -'asaengcr Shusta Limited ....... Owl Arriving Portland Owl Shasta Limited Portland Passenger. . . . 8:30 a. m. 3:00 p. m. 11:45 p. m. 7:15 a. m. 5:2u p. m. 2:-5 p. m. JJ-U-'F-fc-J.-SON-STKEliT ST.TIOX. Southern Palflc. Leaving Portland 7 Dallas passenger j 7:40 a. in -Julias I'asscuger I 4:i5p. m. Forest Grove Passenger (1:00 p. uu Arriving Portland Dallas I'assenger (10:15 a. m Dalkaa Fasenjcr 5:55 p. uu F orestGrove Passenger jl-.:0t' auon ELEVKNTU A1 ilOVT STKEKTS SLNoEit SAAT10V PAS- lp kane, Portland $ Seattle Jtailw ay Co. Leaving Portland inland Empire Express 9:00 a. m. For Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha. K.ansaa City. St. Louis, Billings. Spoaane, Pasco. Roosevelt, Granddallo-, Goldenuale, Lyle. White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver. Tho oregonlan 11:00 a.m. For St. Paul, Spokane, Pasco. W ashtucna. Kan lotus. Cliffs, Lyle, White Salmon, Ste vehson tlld Vancouver. Columbia ltlver Local 4:.tOp. ra. North Bank Limited 7:00 p.m. For Chicago, fat. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis, Billings. Spokane, Washtuc uu, kahluius, Fasco, KoOJeveit, Uranddalles Goldouoale, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver. Arriving I-ortland The ureguuian 7)5 a. m. From Sl. 1'aul, Siokane, Pasco, Cliff Mary viile, Lyle. While Salmon. Stevenson and Vancouver. North BanK. Limited 7:30 a.m. From ChicuBO, St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis. Billings. Spokane, Wasntuo na KahloLuS. I'asco, iiooav:ii, Gi anUdajlcs. GolJemiale. Lyle. White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver. ColumLia River Local . ..J2Mop. m- luland Empire Express b:15 p. m. For Chicago, t. l'aul, Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis, Billings, SpoKane, VVashtuc na kaiilotus, Pasco, Roosevelt. GranUdalles, GoWnuulu. Lyle. White Salmon, Steveusoa. a.iicouveiI Great Northern Railway Company. Leaving Portland 11th and Hoyt sta. Oriental Limited, via Seaiue 10:W a. nx, The oregonian. via North Bank. .11:00 a. im uncniat Limited, via North Bank 7:00 p. international Limited. Seattle, Ta- coma and Vancouver, B. C 10:00 a, m. The owl, Tacoina, Seattle and Vancouver, B. C 5:00 p. xn, Shore Line Express, Tacoma, Se- attio and Vancouver, B. C ll:30p-n. Arriving Fortland 11th and Hoyt sts. Oriuntul Limited, via Seattle 8:40 a.m. The Oregonian, via North Bank.. 7:05a. n oriental Limited, via North Bank Hz'la p. Tho owl. Vancouver. B. C. Seat- tie and Tacoma 6:40 a. Shore Line Express Vanoouver, B C, Seattle and Tacoma 3:30 p. m Internatiouiil Limited, Vancouver. B. C Seattle and Tacoma 0:50 p. m. Time Card Oregon Electric -Hallway Co. r.Hr.euge r frtatitm. Front and Jefferson Sts. W,Mdburn-Salrin und Int. Points Locals leavi ortiand 0:50. 7;oO. 11:00 A. M.; 2:VU, u -o G f" b 40 1'. M. Limited for Tualatin und'Satem. 1K15 A. M. Local for Wilson-' vll.e and int. Stations, u :10 P. M. 11 1 1 lbo ro-i- orei G 1 v e -md 1 u t ermeUa t ; roiiilH Leave Fortland 7:5. 8 U. I0:2o A. M r"lit -AO. :H0, 5:0.. 0. 25 P. M. Sat nr'fIiv"onl'y. M. 4rrive Portland from Salem and Int. t fit ion. S.40. ll:00 A. M.; 1:15. 4:l0. 4 :5U, n u b 0, 10:5V P. M. Local from Wilsou vin arid Int.. 0:40 A. M. Daily except Sun dav and 7:.i5 A. M. daily. " rrive Portland from I oret Grove and Int. htatiom s:uo. :00. 11:40, A. M. ; 1:10. 2:50, 5:2U, b:10. 10:50 P. M. Sunday only. :ty.po't Front and J-ffemon, Portland, Or. PwltwjiyLight & Tower Company, Ticket Office and WaiLing-Room. First and Alder and East Water and East jMorr:ain Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City 4:00 and 0:30 A. M. and every 50 minute and including last car. mGrefnam and intermediate poln-.s 6:55. 7-45 b 45. 0:45, 10:45, 11:45 A. M. ; 12:45. 1-45 '-45 3:4j. 4:45. 5:45. 0:45. 11:30 P. M. Fair view and Troutdale 0:55, 7:45. 8:45p 9:45, 10:45 A Mi 12:45. 2:45. 3:45. 4:45, 5:45. 'i-'-.-a'aero' and Intermediate points 8:55. R-45 10:45 A. M,; 12:45. 2:45. 4 :45, 6:45 P. M b.4j, FOK VANCOUVER. Ticket office and waiting-room Second an! Washington Sts. I G:l-. 0:"0. 7:25, 8:00, 8:35. 0:10. fl-DU 10:30. 11:10. 11:50. V Mn::.io. 1:10. 1:50. 2:30. 3:10. 3:riO, 4--0 5-10. 5:50, 6:o0, 7:05. 7:40. 8:15. :25. 10;i5, 11:43. On third Monday In every month the last ear leaves at 7:05 P- M. Dally except ftuat JJaliy except Monday., ). T