DAILY METEOROLOGICAL. RETORT. PORTLAND. Aw. 22 Maximum tem rature. M degree; minimum. M degree. Rlyer reading mt A. M.. 5 4 feet: change In last 24 hoar. 0.1 loot fall. Total rainfall IS p. m. to 5 P. M . none: total rainfall Iir.ee September 1. l'. 42.14 Inches; normal rainfall tnc September 1. 44.84 lncne: incien'-y of rainfall since September 1. ;. S.7 Inches. Total sunshine Aurust SI. I boon. 41 minutes; possible sunshine. 13 hours. 4 minute. Barometer reduced ta aea-lerel) at 5 P- M.. SO-'o Inches. - 7" Wind f M 1 c Stat of STATIONS. 3 fZ - W.atne c r 5 2 s : j .0i 4 NW li l' W Oil ! N fc. 1" s 41 ! S IMI 111 .S imi 4 NW I N IH N ?E lO lO ... IMII H ft 18 NW lriar 1 Jf '"B C si y C r..-as I-r.vr l-es M.unea I'uluth f. lr il tifn. ....... Jncictuint I'le K ansas t'ltjr .. . M ir irteld. . ... . . M'.ptrral N- Or 'an. . . . . . X-r yn-k N-r;"i llrd I' hon't. ......... Fm.-s :ril. ........ f '.I.mi h''?jri t -ra.neilo. ...... St. Lot.l lau' - 8. it Uk' K n P'- ?--n F- iif'sefl. . . . Sto...-ir.e T T ! ts'and. . . . n I l Walla M a'. :rrtn Wiinlrc V-'lsr-.ne Par. Clvar trt. ciourtr Pt. clourty !t. cloudy ft. rloudy Pt. rloudy iciar ll't cloudy (Olouily triouily i"lar ri..ar 'rou'iy 'r,ear iflon.ly rienr 'l-ar Clear li AT t'l-r I it ar I I't. cl'udy Pt. clouily :i'lar riir l'lar ic",nuiy li'lou.lv pt. l"udy Vlear ;-lar y. cloudy rr N ft It o rl. N a 3 JV.I n 7 ji 4 4 SE ii'2 ISW 0l M i 14 r tan rt NW N lo N mi' . . I . . . o.i. t. SE ' 4 N 8 .S W .. 4 SW on It SW Oil 1 I N .... t .W ort S i j . n. .1 4 .--E Oil "Jt N . 14 SW O inj .i K- Nit O iio.. : o 7't ' Ti " a ; 51 .1 It K 7 WEATIIKR CONDITIoNf. A amall low prcure ar. a la central over ..,!... and tli. barom-t-r continue, rela tively hih al-na the North Paclrtc Coast. pr n lh. l-t 24 hour. Ilrht "'.; f.llen In .'rerr.e Nor.hwetn V. ah'''l mn southern t't.h and olorado. whi.a fair aeath.r ha. prevailed eUcwh.ro In the I Mi-B.- an.! K-k Mountain flatea. Th femp".r.t urU .rtn,.'lr hlrh In the . a -ter.or of Northern . -a lj .rnla and n",'1 low between the r"a.4vn''.e and Coast Raw of MintHtia. The condition. are fvor- M. for fair weth.r In thla di.trl.-t T-.e.-,l .tn hlr'wr temr'ral'irea 'n e.tern Creron and Western Wahlnton FORECASTS. f ortlnnd n.l vicinity Fair and warmer: nortivr...t wlr.da. r OrM'.n and Washington Fair, warmer Wmt portion; nonhweat wtnua. AMCSKMKSTS. wfj-.k Arr.. t Cap. r.eonij Aw" l his eompur In "Jack the f'er. K.lirer and Brown, the. Jack Artota the lli-o it lour. Huyward ,,Ji;"'" In -H.-lilina Out." Palfrey and lliirton, the Hamlin, p let urea, arc heal rn. LYRIC WnTLASU'S FAMILY PLAmHOCSB a . k itAie at rpela All week. Edward Armstrong; Musical Com edy Co. present "i'AQUlTA" Sew Mu.lc Gorireou Coatume. Clever Chorui. Phoaa commence dally at 2:4S. T4S. 9:15. Friday .Nl.ht CHOKC3 GIRLS- CONTEST. OK AND WetkAat. 22. 1910 VIOLT.T ALLEN Jrew Setters Fonr. am, roFAr y '."rvm. Bell A Kk-hards KF.rPlNti AN AP- Mary Ann Brown rOINTMENT I UrwaiUacopo. Vn.nn Every Day. 2:10: any seat ISn. Evening Performance, at 1-30 and :15: I.,:.oai lie; Lower Floor 23c: Uol Scats JQo. THE OAKS SYMPHONY CONCERT Thla Afternoon at 2:30. by WXBEB'S rRIZE BAN1K In Auditorium. No aUmlrlon charre to lu:c Hall for thla musical event. Tonlaht. all "Rar Time.- Eaelern Fd. BASEBALL RECREATIOX TARK. Corner Vausha and Twanly-foarrh Mrecto SAN FRANCISCO vs. PORTLAND Aturnst SS. 24. 2S. 2. tl. S. Come Begin Weekdays at 3:30 P. M. bun days t:J P. M. Admlrslon Bleachers, 25c; Grandstand. IS'V; f oxes ;Jc n:tl Children. Bleacher 20c. Grandstand 25c. LAIHES' DAY x'UIDAY Boy Under 12 Free to Bleacher Wednesday OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE. CTTY HALL MAIN inn. A 75.. HIJIAAE orFlCLR. EAST 477. ArCTIOX SALES TODAY. At ealearoom. l: 2d SU. at 10 A. M. 8. L. X. Gllmaa. auctioneer. At Raker' auction bon.e, 152 Park at., f'l.-r.l-.ure. etc. Kale, at 10 o'clock. Geo. Baker A Co Auctioneer. MEETl.Nfi NOTICE. a. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER. O. FT. Jtyx? S. Social club will f'.vtt a dance and "card party thla Tue.Jay avenina at Masonic Temple. Member, of the O. r t S. and friend lavlted. Oiarae :5c. MEMBERS OF MT. HOOD CIRCLE. No. 1SI Women of Woodcraft are requested to attend the funeral service, of neighr.or Mary E- Reddick. Wednesday mornlnc. Anr CI. jit it o'clck. St. 5iary'a Church. Wil liams ave. and Ptantnn at. Interment Rose t vty cemetery. By order of V. A. Cochran. O N. and Lon Ellen Cornell, clerk. DIED. 6WIEUS John ewlers. Auirust 21. aed SI esri. at the residence of hia dautchtrr. Sir. Anna S. Rohmson. S2S Tenlh street. F'jneml notice later. 'FDI'!'"K Auituat 'J2. nt 41 Rodney ave nue. Mra. fry E. Reri.llCk. ag-d :li years. J months. -. dava Funeral notice Tuea nsv eenlr.a's pater. rrXt-KAL X0TUE3. BW1ERS John Swlera. Aurust 21. aged 81 y. rs. at t:ia residence. .f his daughter, Mrs. Anna 8. Roblnaon. 328 Tenth atreet. K insral at Crematorium at 2 P. M. Tuea da. Br NX In thla city. August S3. John M. Burin, aged 14 year Funeral service will be held at the family resiuence. 11 E. amnlll at today t Tuesday August :i, 2 P. M. Friend respectfully Invited. Ia- terment at Mu:momah Cemet ery. rOtTH FLORA I CO. MAKil'A.U Bl'O. FLOtv.lL llt.slGNA. rnowee: t Jin ftiU; A 110. Dawning 4 HrL.tr. Faaeral Direct wrs, Tth and line. 1'aooe Mala 4J. Lady aa aistaat. On ice of t aunty torboer. ILLLKK-BlitMS CO.. Faneral Dtreetora, 4 VeUUaaaa ave.) both phooea: lady al leod ant: mul moderw establishment to the city. LIlUAKD UOLMAN CO.. Faneral Ulrevt ara. d at. Lady Asalstaat. Pboae -XL AOL Jr. f IN LEY M M. 4 and Msdlsoa. lady atteadaat. phone Mala . A ljf. EAIT SIDE laaeral Ilkrectors. suciiasiBra to F. eV Itwaalng. lac. E. ii. H titi. EKK HON CO t odfrlskert: lady asalst- ant- 4Ut Alder. M. !. A t?,Sa. LCKCU. radertaker. ear. last Alder and to. Eaat 31. B laaa. Lady assistant. -irwr too ax. Wheat, Hog and Poultry Farm 40 acres of wheat land. Price 20 per acre. All unJr fence. Fair bouse. 4.S0 acres level, deep soil: land locat ed In Gilliam County, miles west of Momnn Station: has running water at all seasons: 20 acres of good alfalfa land, with water to Irrl&ete. Because of the alfalfa land and running water this farm is peculiarly adapted to rais ins; hog, turkeys and poultry. Sur rounding wheat lands without either water or alfalfa lands worth $30 to 135 per acre. This offer for sale at the low price named Is made by the owner, who frot It at a price less than Its value, but Is unable to look after IL Ad Jres.i or call on OWNER. 321 Cham r,.r of Commerce Bldg., Portland. Or. LOOK AT THIS TEN ACRES A nice laying 10 acres in well cultivated bearin? prune orchard, one-quarter mile from school and electric line, etc. A nice country, 8 or 9 miles from Vancouver. A bartrain at $2000; half cash and balance at 6 per cent ; $300 in two years and foOO in three years Thompsoji & Swan 206 Eothchild Bid., Portland, Or., and Vancouver, Wash. This Fine bvington Home for Sale by Owner Seven rooms, hardwood floors, cove celling, two dens, four bedrooms with closet each, furnace, full attic, cement basement, paneled dining-room, com bination fixtures, pas and electric, new. Lot 60x100; convenient to three car lines, schools, churches, etc Very choice. Price reasonable. Terms. Phone Tabor 2265, Main 6876, A 4361. Call 312 renton bids. The 1 Say the demand for real estate at rijrht prices will be good this Fall. I find it to now. 90 acres Ease Line road. 60 acres near Clackamas. 60 acres Oregon City carline. 70 acres near Tigard. These are pood bargains and prices will be advanced before long. I. G.' DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 9, E. Port land Heights. Being on Division Street between 32d and 33d Streets, Portland, Oregon, will be sold at public auction at the west door of the Courthou&e of this County, by order of the Circuit Court of Multnomah County on next Wed nesday morning at 10 o'clock A. M. of August 24, 1910, to the highest bid der for cash. Sale will be made and conducted by John II. Stevenson, sole referee appointed by the court to make said sale, and the abstract of title may be seen at his office, RooTn 421 Mohawk Building, Third and Mor rison streets, Portland, Oregon. v Exchange or for Sale For Portland Income property, at cash value, or sell on easy terms. 208 arre farm In Willamette Valley, 95 miles from Portland, 1 mile from irood cltv; land lies sltfthtly rolllnfr. Rood saiidv loam soli. Place will produce net 12000. besU'.cs 8-acre hop crop this season, tlood orrhard, 2 houses, barn and liophouse. Price 90 per acre. Grussi & Zadow 317 Bourd of Trade Ulitir 4th tndOik. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IX GOLD. Values lyln dormant la already dr -sloped mines, within twenty miles of th bumpter Smeller In Santera Oregon, wbara a rady cb market cxlal. Hundreds of thousands of tons of ora now blocked out ready to break down "d ah I p. Grand opportunitlea lor practical mtnera an live promoters. Now La tha tlm to aa cure soma of theaa valuable propertiaa, throutfb purchase, laaae or working option. Quick action count. Addrea Secy. Sumptar levinpmtit Unu. Sumpter. Oregon. FACTORY SITE 1300 feet on river and two railroads, one mile below Llnnton. DONALD MACLEOD, Sl Blectrte Bids. XXVE8TOHS Oa.i oa ownsra- Hsal'.r Aar"a. for tlmbar. arraae. buslaasm raatdaaoa aaa sgartirspt proprtlsa. frjft Ablnytoa. JiBW, m'rn booaaa. in Irrington. &. & Klca, a0 Waaoo. Bsts ptraoaa. e- -. """ " "" , - - -j . e. - J af """'"'J ii I I II TTTE MORNING - ZrZZZ -K.tr. ESTATE. KEAI. ESTATE, BMEIE, urtrxmr TnnT. i sa.xwm.ii &oaaa. i i A.rMs-. I vr LAKESIDE On Vancouver Lake. Is the coming snbnrban home location of Portland. All the Portland and Seattle trains pass the property and stop at the junction. It takes but SO minutes to go from the Union Depot to the junc tion. The whole City of Portland Is In sight, also the Columbia and "Wil lamette Rivers, together with moun tains, Hood, Adams, Rainier, St. Helens and the Cascade Bangs. A few home sites of 5 and 10-acr tracts in a high state of cultivation, with bearing trees 7 to 12 years old, are now on the market by L L. EAT, at Hotel St. Elmo, Vancouver, Wash. - FOR LEASE CHEAP Three entire upper foors of the Olds & King building at Fifth and "Washington sts. Excellent location for store, cafeteria, restaurant or bil liard hall. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Com. Club Bldg.' Phones: Main 8699, A 2653. Ladds Addition Swell Home New, strictly modern, 9-room house, with all the lateet Improvements: fur nace, fireplace, den. Bleeping - porch, built-in bookcase and buffet; In fact nothing missing which makes a com plete home: on an 80-foot street with all street Improvements and sidewalk and all other city work in and paid. Price only 16600; about 12300 cash, bal ance terms. Grussi & Zadow 817 Board af Trade Bldg 4th and Oak. MORTGAGE LOANS Lawcst rates and term to eolti aaa. rial raiea aad favorable terrna oo tare loaos mm baslaras properties, Fasss Loaaed for I'rlvate Ursslara A.H.BIRRELL CO. Z02 HfK Hide Sd a atark. IRVINGTON CHEAP LOT t0xl66 feet, alley at rear. Hlfrh and sightly, next to high grade home. On Veidler St., one block from car. Special bargain for cash. JOHN 10CKH.4I1T, eiO Chamber oi Commerce. Portland Heights Quarter block, commanding- one of tha finest view of both city and harbor. Two block from carline. Owm-r 567 Spring at. Telepnone Main 2H3T; A 6348. REAL ESTATE DEAXEBfl. . . 1 . ."I BI4 r.lln. hl.1. Ulrrcll. A. H. Co., 202-H McKay bld. Real stale, insurance, morlnages. loans, etc. Bru baker a Uaaedlct. in McKay bids. aL Chapln as Herlow. 882 Chamber Commarca. Cook. B. 8. Co.. 603 Corbatt bills. Jenntns Co. Main 188. 200 Oresonlan. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P., 213 Commer cial Club bills. . Echalk. Geo. IX. 22S Stark sc Main 382, A 2102. The Oreson Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah at. (Uolladay Addition.) M. E. Thompaoa Co.. cor. 4th and Oak at. KKAL, ESTATE. for Bale I-ota. StO A half block at Mt. Tabor, offered OS easy terms; thla la one of the most command Ins lte In ttila deolrable suburb; remem ber, tha bltullthlc pavement Is now within T blocks of top of hill and petition to ex tend I already signed up; there la only a small araa outslua of the new city park ar.d high valuta are absolutely certain. Fbone Marshall 15SJ. The Hart tnd Co.. 14H Sacoad at, $1000 Corner lot 6vxIC0, within 123 ft. of Hrlmont at. tbltullthlo pavement), oa west slope of Mt. Tabor, In a fine neighborhood and commanding a splendid view; an emi nently better lot than costs you J00u In other Baat Side additions; we solicit your Investigation, itione Marshall 16o5. Th Hart Land Co.. 148 Second t. o BUYS a full lot la our new tract. LAU KBL.TON" HEIGHTS, Just east of Laurel hurst and two blocks off East Ollsan-at. carline; eaay monthly payments: discount to Orst bome-bulMera; belter look this up. The Hart Land Co.. 146 2d St. IRVINOTON PNAPI Eaat. facing kit. 60x11)0 fu. next to corner, one block from street car. For sale, cheap. Leaving town. P 237, Oregonlan. VANCOUVER BARGAIN. Choice lot. neaa 27th and Grant at., $500; owner In Tacoma. GOUUaRO & W1EDR1CK. 243 Stark tU PORTLAND HEIGHTS .Maghlucent 2-acre tract, right on the carline. In a locality of large nomea; a splendid alte for a beau- tlful residence. G 2-S. Oregonlan. lxT JtAl'RiFlCE Muat be sold regardlea of price, lot 53xl:i2. close to St. Johns' rar. Will glva terms. See J. E. Smith, fi:l Chamber of Commerce. TOU can buy a lot near Rosa City Park for ISOO, $26 down and 110 monthly: graded streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water. 624-6-0 Board of Trade Bldg. $7iO FOR two good lota, 4xr00 each; a splen did home site In a thickly settled part of town: etreets graded; Bull Run water, tenna W 278, Oregonlan LOT." 4SxlO0. corner Grand ave. and Ashley, 8' QODDARD W1EDRICK. J43 Stark St &r0 Splendid high-grade lot. 6xl00: re stricted district: all Improvements In and . paid for: 1 cannot keep up th payments ana must sen. a uitiwbh, ' $150." $7 50DOWN-.$8 " MONTHLY. Just a few left In Railway Addition, graded atreet. city water; you can't beat It Fred W. German. 329 BumaMe. M. 2778. StrNNYSIDE LOT, Near Laurelhurst and 33d. S block W car; $60. Owner. 014 H E. Morrison, cor, Both St. LOT 48x100. corner Grand ave and Ahley. S860 " OODDARD WIEDRtCK. 24a Stark St. $10 DOWN nd $5 per month, beautiful lot, 8 t'ocka Mt. Prott carline; city water. HIGLETJk BlSHOPlSi THIRD ST. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, choice property, all kinds, all views, all prices; some great v -i.. Main A 2839. THREE lot In Woodstock, well located, for sale on easy terms Phone owner. Tabor 2 14 -.xt T il'Drt WDCT TOT Can't" carry payments: will sell equity below actualjcoau T::.pregonlan. BARGAIN In choice Laurelhurst lot. Main PORTLAND HEIGHTS A full-lie lot. near ei-lme: 10"O. terms. G 227. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Lot on Stanton at., close to Vnlon ave. Owner. Phone Woodlawn 169S. sftO CASH equity In full le lot. opposite Laurelhurst. Hurry, AL 240. Oregonlan. OREGOXIAN. TUESDAY. For Sle I.t. ror WOULDN'T you like to live on the Weat SldeT And real close In? On property that aome day will make you rich because oi value for bustnesa and apartment pur poses If so, I have two lota, right on the carline. on tho principle In Portland. for $1600; this property Is within walking distance of the p. O. snd the price in cludes all Improvements, pavement, ce ment sidewalks, aewer, gaa and wat" mains, with all wlrea underground. Ana the lot la full-slsed: terms, u 2S4. Ore gonlan. IRVINGTON. $1450 50xl00-foot lot. on E. 22d St., faces eaat, on carline. $D475 Corner. lOOxlOO feet, on East 22d and Knott sts.; high and sightly. These prices sre absolutely right. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 9. A 2SS. LOTS S40 TO $70. EACH. In our addition on the Oregon City csr llne; graded streets and lots cleared: excel lent soil and grand view of the mountains; values will increase very rapidly In this tract. September 1 all lots advanced 13 per cent. Terms $ down. $3 per month. EMPIRE- LAND CO., B01 Merchants Truet Bldg., 32H Wash. St. CLOSE-IN LOTS AT 1240 FACH. Owner has 3 V 50x100. lots on E. Ever ett st.. six blocks from Laurelhurst, at $240 per lot if sold together; 100x126, level with street, fine soil, thla Is less than half price of surrounding lots snd the best snap ever offered. A. Backus. 510 Board of Trade bldg. Call 11 to 12 A. M.. or 1:30 to 2:30 P. M. VIEW LOT, one with an absolutely unob atructed view of everything, a view with nraetlrallv no climb: one hlock to Street car: 12 minutes walk to tha P. O.. on the firoposea scenic boulevaro?; a lot on wnit-n Ife will be truly worth the living for it Is a little different than anything elae; Hl0. terms J 228. Oregonian. SI2.000 ittoxioo out South Portland way. Will make 4 lots 40x100. Easy terms U.mmio Full lot. .!rd St.. nesr Grant. $uoou Quarter block. East 11th; close in. I. G. DAVIDSON. ll Chamber of commerce. . FINE LOT. EAST TAM HILL ST. 50x100. north front. In a fine residence district, on E. Yamhill, near 2Sth; street Imi-rcved. cement sidewalk; price $2500, $1000 cash, balance yearly at 6 per cent. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 1T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. III. li.IT.ltO AAU lllVAO " " ' " two lota on the West Side, in a high-class i.l .1 1 I r .-I .. , eloA in and near the carline, for $1000; and lust think, all Improvements are Included In this price: whv go on the East Side? Terms. H 261. Oregonlan. a 2Kn BARGAIN. 110x118 corner. In Council Crest, on the carline. overlooking the valley and city; rash or essy terms. Look at this and you will buy. LUCAS A HEITSCHMIDT. 511 Corbett Bldg BUILU where you can walk to town; beau tiful hum-alow alte in an exclusive restrict ed district; fine surroundings and across from the City Park; In the heart of the city but like living In the country; only S1230. terms ii aaa. oregomaj. YOU can buy a lot nesr Ross City Park for $450 to '. 125 dowa and sio per montti; building restrictions, cement walks and curbs, graded streets. Bull Run water. 624 6L't Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473. east Pl'RNSIDE. near 17th sc. full lot. high-class residence on each aide; price 4iOO. GODCARD WIEDBICK. 2 43 Stark S t, A FINE BUY. Five 60x100 lota, corner of 63d and Davis st., ir taken at once, r-uu buys tnem all. Owner leaving city. David Lewis, room 2, Lujnbermensbldg.,5thand 8tarksts. IRVINGTON PARK. T have 7&XLU0 feet that la an Ideal build ing sput. two blocks of car and within 150 feet of Kliungswortn. ave. oo voucn Diag. A 2S41. PINE corner, near Hawthorne on BS. 34th, $.loo below market value; terms; also Belle creel, east rront, near car, saw unaer mar ket; both are real snaps. Henderson, 165$ 4th. room 3d. 10 to 12 A. M. only. VANCOUVER BARGAIN. Choice lot. near 27th and Grant St., $500. Owner In Tacoma. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. READ THIS AD. 13 Iota - and 8-room modern house, only $4700; close to car; $1600 will handle this. If you want to make some easy money ..quickly phone Tabor ajoa. FOR prospective builders only; city view lot In n hieh-class residential district on the West Side; level, no climb, near carline and within tne one mile circle or f. o. Terms. H 2-13. Oregonian. For Sale Houses. WONDERFUL BUY. 100x100, with all Improvements in and paid for: also a beautiful 8-room modern bouse. Including furnace, gas and elec tricity; the lots are worth $2200 and the house coat $3000 to build; also a fine gar age costing $150: this property Is worth S0O00. but if taken at once can be bought for $3850. half cash will handle it; this property Is located near the St. Johns car line at Willamette station; this must be aeen to be appreciated. David Lewis, room 2. I.umbermens bldg.. 5th and Stark sta. SEE THIS 7-ROOM HOUSE. $2000 HALF CASH. 7 large room, light and airy, ward robes, bath and toilet, beautiful lawn and garden full of vegetables and flowers, swell chicken-house; schools and churchea close; east front; 150 feet from Alberta rar. F 21T. Oregonlan 4 FINE lots with good 7-roora house, every thing In perfect condition, cement foun dation, modern plumbing, etc.; 8 blocks to M-V carline and within 1 block of new Mt- Hood road (now building). Proper ty la easily worth SI' ."00. S2100 will han dle; $100 cash, balance S20 a month. C. W. Davis. 805 Commercial block. MODERN and attractive 8-room dwelling on Ciackamas near E. 21th. Lot 50x123: fine location. House practically i.ew and very atiractlvelv arranged. Price with street improvements all paid $4700. Good terms. This I a bargain. Mccargar, Bate A Lively. 815 Falling bldg. ON ath st.. only a few minutes' walk from the City Hall, we offer our modern home of 7 rooma and sleeping porch for the low figure of $4500. with payment of $1000 cash; this I a bargain but we are compelled to move. Owner, 410 Falling bldg. OWNER will sacrifice new S-room furnished modern bungalow. 60x100 lot, 2 blocks carline. near Flrland, all for $1750; $1000 will handle this. HIGI.EY BISHOP. 133 THIRD ST. EAST BURNSIDE. NEAR 1TTH ST. Full lot, high-class residence, on East Side; price $4.00. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. ONB-ACRB TRACT. 2-room house, chlrken house and park: small fruits, 50 cords of wood, good water. 13c fare; price $775: some terms. Nlmmo, Runey A Co.. 313 Hamilton bldg. VERY neat 5-room bungalow In Rose City Tark. only $2500. $m0ii or lesa cash;, thla U the best buy in that district: another choice bungalow, all Improvement)!, for $.S'M. J. J. McCarthy, Ablngton bldg. DO you wish to buy a modern 6 or 7-roora residence? If ao I can positively save you from $500 "to $8O0. I am ready to explain fully. Call on J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber of Commerce. PARK-STREET HOME. Fractional corner, atrlctly modern house of 7 rooma, for only $12,000: one-third cash, balance easy. Vanduyn A Walton. 615 chsmber Commerco. 24 ACRES, sll cultivated; 4 -room house, barn, well: near school. 500 yards east Rlsley station. Mllwaukte. Or. Box 109. R. F. P. No. 1. Frice. $2900. SEE us at once, a 7 and a 8-room house, on the East Side: they are great bargains and veery easy terms Get busy. 411 COUCH BLDG. THINK ABOUT THIS. $25 down snd $25 per month buys a strictly modern house. Just completed, good location, close In. D 224. Oregonlan. $IhoOM modern bungalow, all on 'one floor, ground 100x11)9. lawn, barn, chicken-house. In flue location, on Peninsula; 1 block to car. Phone Woodlawn 1172. BFT buy in city; strictly modern 7-room home; lot 74x100: beautiful grounds, re stricted district. $32 E. Kelly st- Phone Sellwood 37. Price. $3400. terms. HOLI.ADAyS ADDITION ON EAST NINTH Perfectly modern f-room home; large lot beautiful lawn. For particulars phone Main B645.- A 5HS2. Ask for Mr. Seeley. j KAVB 'bargalne in houses and vacant lots and the finest acreage on the market. A. F. Darling. 508 Couch bldg. 5-P.OOM bouse and lot on 7th avenue, Mount Scott car. Easy terms. Boggess, 221 Morrison, Room 6. . JXJR 6ALB by owner, the nandsomest room house In Irvlngton. 488 East 20th st. X. Csll and see It LOT 50x104). with two-room house at Laurelwood for sale, at $800. AK 237. Oregonlan. . MUST sell my 6-room bungalow at Clarke sta tion, all modern; will take $500 down and balance on easy payments. Phone Tabor 2363. yon SALE New six-room bouse la Irv lngton. at cost. K- 173. - AUGUST 23, 1910 WEN TOTJ BUT A HOME- IN IRVINGTON YOU DON'T 6PECULATE. You plan to make it YOUR HOME in deflnitely. But at the seme time you wlsn to get the best value for your money in vested. DON'T YOU7 Now read this ad carefully, think of the places that you have looked at already, and see if yon have seen the equal of this home for $,300. The price on this is IC5C0. The house Is new, has full concrete base ment, furnace, laundry, front snd back etalrwav. hardwood floors, built-in buffet and china closet, fireplace, combination gaa snd electric fixtures; best plumbing large clouts with windows, and THE BEST ARRANGEMENT OF ROOMS THAT WB HAVE EVER SEEN IN PORTLAND. There ere 7 rooms which are extra large and a sleeping porch In addition. The lot Is 50x100 and the Improvements are all in. You will find no misrepresentation whatsoever. LET US SHOW YOU. 6TJBURBAN LAND COMPANY, 510 Henry" Bldg. Marshall 1SS0. A 7105. RIVERDALB HOME. One of the handsomest homee In the Riv erside district; 7 beeutifully designed and artistically finished rooma, a reception hall, a full-length living room with large fire place, bookcases and seat, casement and French windows, paneled and beamed dining-room with artistic buffet, Dutch kitchen, 4 bedrooms, each in separate color scheme; sleeping balcony, large bathroom, attlo spaced for two rooms and bath; full cement basement: extra large furnace: private water system under heavy pressure; beautiful grounds about an acre in extent and com manding a sweeping view of the city, river and mountain, i'or further particulars apply R. F. BRYAN, 606 Chamber of Commerce, .. A 1227. Main li)3. $350 DOWN. 1 A modern, brand new. 5-room bungalow, streets graded, cement sidewalks, sewers. Bull Run water, gas, electricity, large veranda, fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, full basemen and attic; 3 blocks from a carline and one block from a good business center; price $2050, $.!i0 cash, balance easy terms; Waverly-Rich-mond district. KARNOOP A KOPF. 2 Chamber of Commerce, Ground Floor. FOR SALE BY OWNER, ltt-STORY In fine location, containing 3 rooms, pantry and den. down atairs and 3 rooms, bath, up stairs. This house Is for sale and must be sold this week. ,, Rooms all tinted and cement walks around house and everything modern. Come eut and see this bufore buying. Take W-R car, 85th and Clinton; $3500, terms. JNO P. SHARKEY CO. EXTRA GOOD HOUSE. New. 6 large rooms. Large sleeping porch. Large halls, hardwood floors. ' Brick fireplace, brick porch front; in fact a complete modern house, built much better than the average: it is in Portland's most .popular home district. E. 45th St., south of the Sandy road; $1000 cash will buy it. balanco reasonable terms. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.. Ground Floor. Chamber of Commerce. e DO YOU KNOW THAT IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMB TO US IP YOU EXPECT TO BUILD? IF YOU BUILDING' FOR YOU: SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH SUFFICIENT; Olin KtiruiA TION FOR FAIR DEALING AND SAVING OF COST BRINGS OUR BUSINESS. NO COST FOR PLANS. ESTIMATES GIVEN. NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. PAY RENT IF YOU WANT TO. But you can buy 4. 5 or 0-room houses at E. 25th and Gladstone sts., for small cssh payment, bal. same as rent. They are not built on wllacat lots, but are close In, 10 minutes' ride on two good carllnes. W-W or Brooklyn; they are food honest houses and the price is right, f you want one see McGrath, 331 Cham ber or commerce uma ROSE CITY PARK HAnliAin. Just completed. 7-toom home on 00th st.. bath. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch, full basement, laundry tubs, etc.: lot 50x100: lmprovementa in end paid; splendid buy for $4000; owner will sell for $700 less if taken at once; terms $300 cash, balance $13 per month. National Realty & Trust Co.. S26i Wash. st.f room 510. HOUSE. EAST 10TH AND COUCH. Very good G-room house, walking dis tance; on East Couch, near 10th. nas full cement basement, gas, full plumbing, etc a very good, comfortable home and right down town; price is only $4000, half cash, balance 3 years. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. oROOM new, modern bungalow. Including shades and combination gas and electric light fixtures, full basement, lot 33 1-8x100. facing east and only 300 feet from Haw thorne ave.; party leaving town; must be sold: $730 cash, balance ?15 per month. A. J. GANTNER, 618 Board of Trade Bldg., tin tLIIU uaa uva. NONE OF THESE OVER $800. 5 rooms, lot 43x100. e), $100 cash. 5 rooms, small lot, $7-5. $75 cash. 3 rooms, lot 40xltO. $050. $10" cash. 2 rooms. 2 lots corner. $05o, $400 cash. 2 rooms, lot 50x07. $475. $100 cash. 8 lots. 2 small house.". $:o, $50 cash. FRED W. GERMAN. 32H Burnslde M. 2776. OWNER NEEDS MONEY. Will sell. SOOO below value, expensive furniture, fixtures, piano; new 7-room bun galow, handsome finish; plate rail, panel ing buffets, bookcases, seat. Insulated bolier, electric cooker, furnace, tubs, bath; full corner, lawn, walks; 150 feet from Rose City car; $3850; terms Phone Tabor 2:t:i8. SAVE YOUR RENT. We will sell you a home and yon can pay os by monthly Installments, or we will build for you anywhere in the city. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT TRUSTEE COMPANY, 424-520 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473. " WEST SIDE HOUSE. $600. Good 6-room house on 8. Second St., walklug distance: corner lot; price only $2000 $800 cash, balance $15 per month at 6 per cent interest, payable yearly; dust like rent. You must hurry. 3 GRUSSI A ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg- 4th and Oak. SOU AOVf... uv ........ Will buy new. modern bungalow on 50x 100 lot, close to 36th and Clinton sts.; five rooms and bath, full .basement, fire place, wired for electric light, piped for Sa, Price $200; monthly payments of $10 covers principal and interest both. u,i unvTUt.v Room P"U i-oucn Business Property. ' GOOD INCOME PROPERTY YIELDING 15 PER CENT ANNUALLY. For sale, a modcr.n corner, concrete busi ness block In the heart of the shopping district of Aberdeen. W'ah.. the city of payrolls and opportunities. Stores and offices renting for $350 monthly, to steady, reliable tenants. PRICe $26.fiOO. Send for photo, description and terms. WILSON BUTTKER, Aberdeen, Wash. . . . FOR SALE Inside real estate -property bringing steady rent of abuut $176 per month, plus furniture store of over. $1000 stock (wholesale); all for $5000; finest place for married man; town improving; personal trouble In community only cause for selling; highest bank references C. P. Jensen, "Jensen block," Goldneld, Nev. . GOOD SMALL INVESTMENT. Double flat building, fractional lot. on West Side; 10 per cent income. Price $7500; easy terms. Vanduyn A Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. Acreage. ONLY $10. ONLY $10. We offer the "best V4 acre and acre tracts at Lents, all In cultivation: they are bargalne and $10 will put you in possession. " .... One excellent 20-acre tract. 14 acres in cultivation, good springs, some onion land, close to carline; can be had on easy terras; only $150 an acre. 3 5 and ' 10-acre tracts: close to electric- running water and springs on some of these tracts: easy terms on all of these. BROWN STAVER, 411 Couch Bids. FOR SALE 800 acres of the finest Ocean Beach property, in the Pacific Northwest, fronting H-mlle on the Pacific Ocean on the famous Clatsop Beach. Oregon; abso lutely the nearest ocean beach to the Co- tumble River district and Inland Empire; on line of the Astoria A Columbia River Rai'road For particulars Inquire Post- offlce Box 147. Astoria, Oregon. BY OWNER 6 acres, or will divide subur ban home, two blocks from station, one from church, two - from school, four to river, fine orchard and berries, nice garden- 7-room house, good barn and out " buildings; Oregon Cltv cars stop at Jen nings Lodge, mautre at store for C D. i locum- .- - - : ' . f WE CAN'T AND WE KNOW YOU CAN'T FIND ANYTHING AROUND PORTLAND AS CHEAP AS THE SUBURBAN HOMES ACRES. situated 1U miles from the city limits, just a few minutes' walk from carline. These are on the East Side, and lots are being sold right in the vicinity for nearly as much ss we are asking for an acre. There is water piped to each tract ana electric lights can be had NOW If de sired. We are selling these acres for $000 AND UP. and we know ABSOLUTELY there is nothing like them for the price In Mult nomah County. You can take one or two of these tracts for Investment if tor nothing else and you will find in one vear's time that what we are telling you is right, when we say that these tracts are an absolute BARGAIN. SUBURBAN LAND CO.. 610 HENRY BLDG. Marshall 16S3. A 7103. SOMETHING worthy of consideration, an ideal location for an Ideal and profitable h.ime. adjoining the town of New-berg; 10 acres set out to commercial apples: Spitsenbergs. " Newton and Yellow Cheek Pippins and Stamams Wlnesans. all in fine condition, with Its elegant surround ings of large commercial orchards and graded streets, would be safe In plac ing the valuation in three years at lo. 000 to $12,000; owing to a little mis fortune thla elegant property can bo had for $4000: $2000 cash, balance $400 per year. If you are Interested, go with me to see It. Dean Land Co.. 622 Chamber of Commerce. 8d and Stark St. S ACRES. COURTNEY. 5-acre tract, all under cultivation, in fruit, grapes, raspberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries. 30 fruit trees, nice 6-room house, good small bam. chicken hcuse and yard, nice lir grove near house, elegant home, only 4 blocka from station, on 80-foot street; quality of land can t be beat: price $760u. $2000 cash, balance to suit. GRUSSI ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Onk. ACREAGE BARGAIN. IS acres, three-fourths mile from Orenco. on Oregon Electric, line, one-third mile from Wltchaxel. nead Reedville on S. P. R. R.; C seres In cultivation, some lim ber, balance easy to clear; nice level land except creek. along north line; 2 springs; price $U800, terms. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. SUBURBAN HOMESITE. Ten acres beautifully situated, three acres in joung apple trees, balance under cultivation: one mile from Multnomah sta tion; unquestionably the best buy in Mult nomah County at $4400. Surrounding acre ace commands from $500 to $600 per acre. Phone Marshall 408. today. - ACREAGE SNAP. If you want to buy the best cloae-ln tract of 76 acres for the money on eleo trlo line, partially Improved, orchard, run ning water, etc, don't fall to investigate. Fine for cutting up. Vanduyn A Walton, B15Chamber Commerce $100.000 A subdividing proposition, consist ing of 70 acres within city limits and ad joining a closely-built section; $.15,000 will handle and there Is an eay margaln of $100,000. Phone Marshall 15S5 or call on Owner,148 Second St. 10 PER CENT down and 2 per cent monthly will put vou in popsession of a 10-acre tract of rich black loam on electric line and close to Portland. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 404-5 Couch Blds CHICKEN RANCH 5 ACRES. 6 miles from courthouse, few minutes walk to electric line; has running stream. Price only $2000; V- cash, balance a years. McCarthy. 403 Rothchild Bldg. $350 10 ACRES unimproved, smooth, level land best soli and elevation for fruit; 14 miles from railroad, in Columbia County. Oregon- near school and county road. Best buy on the market. Part cash. Palmer. 507 Couch bldg. nvE-icttia TRACT. 2-room house, chicken house and park, small fruits, 60 cords of wood, good water, 13c fare. Price $775: some terms. Nlmmo, Runey A Co., 813 Hamilton bldg. with 6-room plastered bungalow, barn. 8 mouern poultry nouses. iiwi. uufej wagon. Implements: bargain; ,$000 cash owner, a w 22. Oreeonlan. FIVE acres of level land, all In cultivation, the best' of soil, fine water, close to Oregon Electric line, 50 mlnutee from Portland; ea sv terms, tvj -um:u uiu,, ONE acre on carline near Portland: $.ir0 cash: easy terms. D 225. Oregonlan Homesteads. RELINQUISHMENT, 100 acres. In 'VVashlng ton; 65 acres In cultivation; house, barn. - all fenced: 8 miles R. R.. 1 mile school, good roads; all tillable land. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON". 32-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties is Dent aaaptea tor; gives amount of Government land open to home stead in each county: man attached, 21x28, showing new R. R. and towns. Including i-Jastern ana eestrai Oregon; cuuuues in different colors: drawn to March 1. 1910: latest map in U. S. : price 23c. Nlmmo A Runey. 313 Hamilton oiag. ONE relinquishment, 120 acres; 6 acres m cultivation, some small fruits and pie plant; on county road; fine creek runs through place: some bottom land, balance rolling, all tillable; 2.000.000 to 3,000.000 feet fine green timber, fir and cedar; close to couuty seat; school less than mile, postoffice one mile. J. A. Davis, 214 Swet- land bldg. ; ; For Sale Fruit Ijuids. 1 1 rJ u ... i i . U .. . . The cheapest partially improved 74-sore tract in the Upper Valley. Running wa ter, also irrigation ,n.,-i. D..i,i t . . ber; handy to R. R. station. One-third rain, balance dj your money. Vanduyn t Walton, 615 Cnamoer Lmimic"-" 800 ACRES of the finest fruit land In the W 11 Umette Valley, Oregon, all ready for planting- will sell the whole or any number of acres a purchaser wants, on easy terms. Alex ghlves 517 Board of Trade bldg For Sale Farms. FOR SALE or trade. 40 acres; 25 acres cul tivated, family orchard, eood house and barn. well, creek through place, good soil: 7 miles from Gaston; $3500; part cash; or will take city property In exchange. Pnlmer. M7 Couch bldg. LINCOLN County stock farm. ISO acres, S2500; 100 acres piling timber. $7 per acre. O. G. DALABA. U1K lliy. or. J. A. CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms, nvery. business, ware house and business: prices reasonable; no exchange. P. O. Box 74. Carlton. Or. , FOR Linn County -farms of all descriptions at prices very reasonable, write for lnfor- matioh to J. V. Pipe. Albany. Or. XEN" acres, choice, tillable, unimproved fruit land. $:i'W. Palmer, 507 Couch bldg. FOR SALE 200 acres, with ..O neaa of cattle. A. Gallaspef. Ona. Lincoln Co.. Or. For Sale Isnni. WILLAMETTE VALLEY RANCH. 865 acres foothill land .for sale at $25 per acre.' 5 miles from R. R. station; very best of fruit, grain and grass land; an Ideal stock and dairy ranch; some fine saw and piling timber; good house, barn, orchard, well watered and All under fence: must be seen to be appreciated; liberal terms. Ad- " dreys owner. Geo. W. Wright. Albany,Or. 20-ACRE tracts, unimproved. 23 miles by rail from Portland: suitable for fruit rais ing and chicken ranches: well watered, plenty of timber for all purposes; best of soil, no rock or gravel; $15 to $2j an acre, easy terms: these are the cheapest ' tracts on the market and will bear Inspec tion. Call and arrange to go and ee them. 310 Corbett bldg. ' IRRIGATED FARM. 320 acres, all In cultivation, abundance of water, new house and granary, capacity 7000 bushels; this season's crop goes with place, amounting to about $3000; consist ing timothy, alfalfa and grain, fine stream through farm; 3(4 miles east of depot. Joseph. Or.; SIK per acre: terms. ' w-ernerWj-enn.313Lewls Bldg. FOR SALE Fine 40-acre fruit farm, on main road. 44 miles to Forest Grove: good house, barn and packing-house; 250 bearing apple!. TOO Italian prunes and 1 acre walnuts; an Income from the start. Price $4500. T. H. Llttiehales. Fonst Grove. Or. EASTBPN OREGON WHEAT RANCH FOR SALE. 140 'acres of good wheat land for sale: 1100 -acre under plow; 10 mile from railroad. Call Hawthorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne avenue. RANTVT RIVER FARM. . Overlooking the valley and Mount Hood. For particulars see WILSON A MEYERS. " 106 Division St.. Portland. Tabor 1560 FORSALE 140 acres, unimproved: also 10 at res orchard tracts In bearing; a paying investment, the finest location la Wash ington. Address Stella Kelley, Blyton, Wash., for further information. TEN acres, choice, tillable, unimproved fruit land. $300. Palmer, SOT Couch bldg. 13 HERE IS ONE EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN IN Al FRUIT LAND. INVESTIGA TION AT OLR EXPENSE WILL CONVINCE YOU. 300 acres 140 of which la under a high state of cultivation, balance in yellow fir timber, which will mvro than pay for tne clearing, sawmill, 1 miles from place; 6 aires in orchard, from 5 to 10 years old; schoolhouse church, at ire, etc. but hi rnlle from place; 65 acres of this place lie on one of the best couiKy roa.lf in Clackamas County. This place is exceptionally well watered, have 6 springs, one rt0-t. well and a creek running through one corner of place; owner Is absolutely compelled to sell, as the price will testify, only $Ml per acre; other placea In this country selling from $100 per acre up; let us show you thirf place at our expense and at the same time prove that our assertions are true; only 6 miles from Estacada, If you are liokins for either a home place or speculation, this will cer tainly answer the punv.se. Only $0000 cash, balance very easy terms. F. B. TAYLOR & CO.. 4"2-3 Lewis bl.iff., 4th and Oak sts. 20 ACRES OF THE BEST APPLE LAND IN OREGON CAN BR BOUGHT THIS WEEK AT A BIG SACRIFICE. Investigate at our expense and see If w-e are not offering this 33 1-3 per cent below what other acreage of this kind is selling This place Is on the Oregon Electric line a few miles from Tortland. only 4 b!ock3 from the station, and one mile from one of the best towns In tho Valley; 8 acres Is under cultivation. 8 acre more of bottom land ready for the plow, and the balance in oak. maple and ash timber, which will more than pay for the clearing of the same. This is absolutely gilt edge, and must be sold this week. It will make one of the moot beautiful homes In the state, and as an in vestment you will find it lard to duplicate: cut Into 5 and 10-acre tracts will show a big profit, and we will be glad to resell the same for you. The price will not scare you, and you can ascertain the truth of our statements at our expense. F. E. TAYLOR & CO., 402-403 Lews bldg., 4th an. I Oak sts. SALES HAVE ALREADY COMMENCED ON BAYNES SUBURBAN FRUIT FARMS IN 2. 3 AND 5-ACRE TRACTS. 12 MILES FROM PORTLAND BUSI NESS CENTER. ON ELECTRIC LINE. If you will be among the f.rst 10 pur chasers to save the 1 per cent cash .dis ccurt. VOU MUST ACT NOW. CALL FOR LITERATURE AND FULL INFORMA TION. GREATEST BARGAINS OF FERED IN CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. M. E. THOMPSON CO., SELLING AGENTS. Corner 4th and Oak Sts. Phones A 2237; Main 60S4. 15 ACRES. 10 acres In cultivation, balance in oak timber that will more than pay for the clearing: small stream running through the place: 5 acres onion land, balance fruit land: your own terms. This is close to Oregon Electric line, only short ride to Portland. 405 COUCH BLDG. BEST BUY IN OREGON. 120 acres, 3 miles of Yamhill; all fenced and cross-fenced, about 75 acres In cultivation, 12 acres of Spltzenberg ap ples and family orchard; fine spring wa ter, good 6-room house, barn and other buildings; H0o worth of hay and grain goes with place, all for $11,000; $3000 cash and 9 years to pay the balance at 6 per cent. Think of It, the place will pay for Itself. Ask J. W. Corser about It, room 202. Drexel Hotel, 24 Yamhill st. FOR SALE 10 acres of land, with stock, fixtures and milk route, at Rainier, Or.. close In. J. B. Doan, Dletz bldg.. Rainier, Or. 10-ACRB orchard tracts. unimproved, on rallrvad, 25 miles from Portland; b: soil no rock: $40 an acre, e-sy terms; ar range with us to go and Liaka selectioa; round trip same day. 310 Corbett bldg. Miscellaneous. ARE you looking for a farm or acreage f Don't fall to call at THE CROSSLEY COMPANY," 7o8 and 709 Corbett bldg. It costs you nothing and we treat you right It surely will be to your advantace to see us before buying. We don't pub llsh our list. lip YOU ARB LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small. well-Improved farm, at low price and o most liberal terms, see me. 1 handle mt ewu properties. . J. O. F.LR0D, 520 Corbett Bldg. WANTED TO LEASE WANTED to lease, 5 or 10 acres; with small house anu nam near mu owner. AK 2.15. On-gonIan! TO EXCHANGE. BEAUTIFUL residence property In Spokane, on South Hill, commanding extensive view of city and valley, mldft rustic surround ings; corner, all streets graded, curbed, eluewalked. grounds 150x300 feet. lawn 150 feet square, roiling, native trees and shrubs, artistic formation of basaltic rock, 45 bear ing fruit trees, berries and garden; one S.vlse chalet of 7 rooms, cement stucco on metal lath, and one- 4-riom frame bungalow on the place; the former has hardwood floors throughout, hot water heat, many built-in features, heavy craftsman design; living room 24x28; all a 19-ft. lnglenook. with 7-ft. chimney breast, framing flrepllce; interior finish dr. all light fixtures and hardware strictly hand-wruught copper to special design- price $15,000. bona liJe value; I want to move to lower altitude; will consider part trade in bmsincae proposition, acreage or Portland residence. Carl W. Tuerke, Spo kant. Wash. ; FOR SALE by owner. 17 rooms, cheap for cash- will take half cash, balance notes of vacant land In Portland; house new, c:ean attractive, furnlshinnn good; three baths, gas range, heater, electric lights., etc.; line location; first-class steady roomers. Land lady. Lin wood, 12ih ave. and Madison' St., Seattle, Wash. 1 WANT a 1910 6-passenger Pierce. Pack ard Stephens-Duryea, Chalmers 30, Pope Hartford or Peerless automobile In good condition In exchange for a wheat .ranch; will take cash or mortgage back for differ ence; allow big price for car. Phone Main 4tH3. WILL SELL or exchange for good city prop erty acreage in 3, 5 or 10-acxe tracts on Sa lem electric linn; 30 minutes from Portland. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT A TRUSTEE COMPANY. B24-528 Board of Trade bldg. EASTERN OREGON RANCH. 160 acres, 130 fine wheat land. Y mile from John Day River and 6 miles from R R and town; will accept Portland property. David Lewis, room 2. Lumber mens bldg.. 6th and Stark -sts. LARGE and. small, farms In Willamette Val ley $lo00 to $20,oot In exchange for city or residence property, vacant lots or good ' rooming-houses. ' . . . OHIO .INVESTMENT CO.. . 421 APington bldg. I WANT to trade my. equity In my home for a building lot In Irvlngton. T hava fine place of five rooms, plenty bf dls tlnctlve features. It is in a good loca- . tlon. C 223. oregonian.. S20-ACRE wheat farm, all fenced and in cultivation: 3 miles from R. R. and ware house; take city residence as first payment and terms on bal. Jos. C. Gibson. 805 Ger Unger bldg. 1 ON electric carline. 44 miles from Van couver: all in fruit: beautiful place; owner will trade for Portland property. David Lijci". room 2, Lumbermen bldg., oth and Stark sts. " $! EQUITY In fine corner, 70x100, to trade 'or a good buggy or piano or launch; graded streets, Bull Run water; balance of $:(Hi pajable.$lomoinhlyjX231, Oregonlan. WESTT SIDE cottage, corner, easy walking distance, take lots or mortgage as first pay ment. Henderson. 15Vj 4th. room 30, 10 tc 12 A. M only. ' WILL exchange good mining stock and some Industrial stock for vacant lot. house and lot or acreage, will stand Investiga tion. O 200, Oregonlan. 160 ACRES of fruit land. -Klickitat County, near White Salmon, to exchange for Port land property. W. H. Lang Co.. 414 Ab Ington bldg. . HARDWARE and crockery store, good lo cation, growing business Will sell for $2iiXI or exchange for Income property. H 227. Oregonlan. - TO TRADE. -' Good farm, well stocked, for house and lot "4ouCH -BCpa 50 CHOICE Kts. near car. a real beauty spot. In restricted district: will take farm, coun try hotel or stock ranch. Henderson, 165ij 4th, room 36, 10 to 12 A. M. only. 5 CHOICE acres, close to Jennings Sta. on :rj w P to exchange for city lots or lot or house. C L. Bamberger. Main 2488. Room 2Lumbermens bldg; ; TILLAMOOK ranch. Will take automobile as first payment: long time on balance; good Investment. AM 222. Oregonlan. A '10 H. P. 4-pasaenger car. as good as new, to trede for lot. C 222. Oregonlan. FIVE-ROOM house In Kansas City, Mo., foi Portland property. Phone C 1Q30. YOU can trade any kind of property at 61( Oak t. V