Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 22, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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I r .le H
IVW down will handle this good -
kwiftlfl i rooms ail on on f.oon.
roo rn 1 1 nted. very rood fist ures.
Ur floored attic with furnace heat
tie CS43. CmDl PMroai, ikuuw r
good turner and fruit room ; price
rl'jues snakes, itiiurM. u
noc; this la priced for a quirk sale
bc: ! pnc4 tor a quit-
ii t.e. a wra and see this, location
Room 14. ritf of Commerce piag-
FOR BALE Inside real estate property
bringing miy wit of about Sli P
jnon : u. pi u ininuiw wui w. - - - - -
stock (hoiN; all for : naeet
p.aos for married man: town Iraprorlnf ;
personal trouble In mtnmutiity only caue
C. P. J an se n," "Jensen block.- Goldnelu.
Deabie ftai building, fractional lot
i1-: 1 per cPl income Price
st r; ea r wrmi aouu n
51ft rhiwtwr rwnmfr.
nt to electric Ub: (4
Bead of stock and impis
snents; 7J0. terras
Wo hsva a fine e-arre
farm. Imi than IT mil-
from Pert: end. cloee to the
Salem electric line; this !
trio flaw kind of a dairy
ranch, with a school and
c bur en cloee by.
It baa So acres In cntttra
tloa. runninf water all the
year; balance mostly cleared
and In grass.
There la a good - room
ttouee. 2 barns. -ne 5
feet and another ftiar3 feet:
an orchard of 1 a re, al
varieties. This Is on a mam
rountjr road with r-rnrn
and mail route. Many
small tracts nave been built
pon ail shout this farm,
making it quits a doairabla
residence section, a wall aa
sj vary productive farm. Tha
oil is a rich black loam
aad will grow everything.
All stock and Implements
a follows, ar Included: 3
horn. rows, V hog. 33
heap. ITS chickens. I
wagon. 1 buggy. 1 set har
arta. 1 mowrr. 1 Hi'dr. 3,
picas. 3 harrows and many
mall too la
Thla place Is 1 ml'.o from
tha railmad at at Ion. where
there are stores and all
town cnvntcncs.
If yo want thla for
farming purposes. It will
how an Incomt on tha In
vestment. If you would
consider It from a specula
tive standpoint, this alsra
will cut vary wall Into four
lO-acre tracts. which will
(ring $20O an acre with
out further Improvement.
Frio $7300; win arranire
. forhelt P IdR.
MKTH1.G worthy of consideration, an
Ideal location for an Ideal and profitable
h jma. adjoin in tha to n of Jsawbere;;
10 aorea act out to commercial apples;
tipttswnboras, Newton ann Tellow Cheek
Pippina and fitamama Wtneampa, all la
fine condition, with Its eleant aarroand
Inaa of larva commercial orcharda and
graded streets, would be safe la plac
ing tha valuation In threw yaars at flu.
ni to 1-.imm; owing to a little mis
fortune thla elegant properly can be hsd
for 40; looO cash, balance f4 per
year. If you are Interested, go with me
to see It. Iean Land Co.. Chamber
of Commerce. SJ and Stark at.
30 acrea at Multnomah station, on Ore
gon electric lb acrea In cultivation, fins
eul. no gravel, on macadam nad, 8-room
house, eeraent basement. 1 horse, 2 cows,
chickens. Implements, tools. etc. land
adapted to any crop, only mil from
city Umlta, price J'JOw per acre. JwO
caeo. balance 2 ears a pr cent.
317 Foard of Trd Hldg . 4th and Oak
OK HALE aTS of the finest Ocean
H each property in the Paclftr: Northwest,
fronting S-tn'I 00 b Pacinc Ocean on
the famous Clatsop Heech. (Jrtjon; abo
;utely the nearest ocean aaach to the Co
lumbia Hlver district and Island Umpire:
on line of the Astoria Columbia Klver
Railroad. Yor particulars inquire Poat
otnea Hog 14T. Astoria. Uregun.
Five acres of fine land In a high atata
of cultivation, nicely fenced, an J on a
bard surface county road, - not far from
l ie and of the Mootavtlla car. and near
the Base Line road. Prtoe Is a bargain, at
S4UML half cash, balance to suit.
SIT Board of Trade (!:.. 4th and Oak
Two 4oacre desert land calm ande
Government dltcb, three milee frm Her
muHoa. Or.: ftO per acre; adlnlng lands
bringing t0 per acre: permanent real.teTice
on tbe land mt nevaawary; excellent uppur
tunlty (or irr gated, money-making boms,
AP 222, Oregoniaa.
iY UWMkH 4 acrea, or will divide auour
ha a borne, two blocks from station, one
truss church, two from school, four to
river, fine orchard and berrtea. nice gar
den; T-room bouse, good barn and out
buildings. Oregon Cite cars stop at Jen
nings Lodge, inquire at store for C IX
If you want to bu tha best close-In
tract of 7 acres for toe money on elec
tric Una. partially Improved, orchard, run
ning water, et -., don't fall to Investigate.
Fine for out ting up. Vanduyn Walton,
Hi Chamber commerce.
e,:no.M A subdividing arosttlon. ooastst
mg of Ta acres within city llml'a and aJ-nnl-ig
a cloaely-bullt section; AJ&.UO0 will
handle and there la aa ea-y margntn of
9 h 4. Phone M a rshaJ 1 1& or call on
Owner.l44 Vcond at,
a 10 ACRES unimproved, smooth, level
land, best soil and eievatlon for fruit; 1 j
miles from railroad. In Columbia County.
Oregon; near s- hooJ and cou n t y road.
Heat buy on the market. Part cash.
Palmer. 3T Couch bldg.
ONE-ACRB TRACT. 3-room nouee. ch tc ken
bo ua aud park. ema:i fruits, b curds of
4. good aa'er. 13c fare. Price 7T5;
some term Nlmmo. Runey A Co.. Zii
HsmllU'n M4f.
a ACRCa. beat of soil, high state of culti
vation. minutea from Portland. l -mile
from electric railway. on county
road: II.'hW; W cash; easy tsrma A 2.
Ore goo lan.
ONE acre on cartine near Portland: f.V;
H oash: easy terms r 22 Oregonian.
R FJLYn Q Tl SirMENT. I ares, tn" vVasKlfTg
toa; as acres tn m.tlvatioe: bouse, barn,
all fenced: ft mllea R. K . 1 mils school,
good roads; all tillable land,
S2iage bouk explaining what each of
the 34 counties is beet a-iapted for; gives
amount of GoenuDost land open to home
stead in each roua ; v ; soap attached. 2lxa,
arnwlng new R. R. and towns. Including
Eastern and Ceatral Oregon ; counties la
different colors, drawn to Mircb 1. 1910;
latest map In V. b.; price SAc Nlmmo e
Runey. 313 Hamilton bwig.
(3.NK relinquishment. 1:0 acres. acres in
cultivation, some small fruits and pie
plant; on county road; fins creek runs
through place; some bottom land, balance
rolling, all tillable: I.0H.xO to 1,000.000
feet fine green timber, fir and cedar;
close to county seat; school leas than mile,
poetoffiee one mile. J. A- Davis. 214 Swel
land bldg. .
ID te 40 acres near railroad, with
in 30 mile of Portland. In Ore
gon, AD 2A Oregoa:aa.
TVo RJuLLNWL'ISHM E-VTS In 6tiels: heavy
timber, bouse on aaoh. 25OU.0OO and s,ox.
oka. t and ft-i-V; a scap. nelghbora IS
MarVjuam blig. alala 4314.
ror 9ml
The ebeapest partially Improved ?4-aers
tract In the Cpper lley- Running wa
ter, also Irrigation ditch; some g"od tim
ber; band to R. R. station. One-third
cash, balance easy. Buy now and douHe
your money. Vandujm at Walton, ft 13
Chamber Commerce.
ror ale Parma.
LiNi'OLN County stock farm, 110 acres.
4i4; 104) acres piling timber. IT par acre.
Ek City. Or.
For sale, farms, livery, business, ware
house and tustneaa: prices reasonable: BO
exchange. P. O B ot T4, Carlton. Or.
FOR Linn County farms of all descriptions
at prices very reasonable, write for lnfor
iwation to J. V. Pipe. Albany. Or.
t'oK SALE acrea. nith .v head of
catCe. A- Uallaghart Oaa Liuoiin Co, Or.
No. L 2 acres cheap, all In cul
tivation, six n:Ws out on Oregon
Eiectric; small huse, bui.t two year
J use palnleo; brtck-lttivd well, g-jod
water; recced : two block from svbool;
roads: fines: sii ia oreson and
perfectly free from stone. Price $!iau.
ftioo down, balance monthly. This
is cheaper than any Uiifig e-ae In tha
district ftlo.
No. 2 4 acres; all und-r cultiva
tion, with berries and fruits; good
bouse, ft rooms and hall doaasta;ra,
ups-alrs ucna.shed; larse barn, chlk
ennouee ar.d ou'-buill:nga; half mile
to scnool. R. F. D. Just across street
from Milwaukee city limits; crp In
cluded. t2uw cmrn, baianca 3
yea: a T per cent 44v.
ACS-7 Board of Trade bilg..
IN At FiaiT UNU. t.VE!rWA
3) ac.-es uo of wh:h u under a blrb
stats of cultivation, balance In yellow fir
timber, which wui mure than pay for tha
c. earing, saamlil. 1 miles from place; ft
Ti in orchard, from 3 to lo yesrs old;
si-hoolhouee church, sue, etc. but mils
from pa e; 3 acres of this place lies on
one of to beet ounty roais In Clackamas
County. Thie place Is exceptionally well
wa:ered. have a syringa. one oo-ft. well and
a creek running through one comer of
p. ace; owner is absolutely compelled to sail,
a the price will teet:f. only $Ao per aire;
ether places In this country selling from ftl'O
per acre up; let us svtow you this place at
our expense and at the same time prove
that our awrtioci are true; only miles
from Eetacada. If you are looking fr either
a home plae or speculation. thu will cer
tainly answer the purpose. Only ft'ftM cash,
batanca vry easy terms.
4"2-3 Lewis bldg..
4th and ak St
Investigate at our and see If we
are not orferlng thla per cent below
what other am age of ttle kind U selling
This place to on the Oregon Electric line
a fr w milfe from Portland, only 4 blocks
from the station, and one mile from one of
the beat tM In the Valley; a acres Is
tnfr cul:lvatt-n 8 acres more of bottom
Ian4 reaily for the plow, and the balance in
oak. maile and ah timber, which will more
loan pay for the of the same. This
is axeuiute:y gut eure. ana must oe soia
this week. It will make one of the meet
b-auttful homes in the state, and as an in
vestment you will find It tard to duplicate:
cut Into 6 and lo-acrs tracts will show a
Mf profit, and we will be glad to resell tha
same fur you. The price will not scare you,
and you can ascertain the truth of our
atateroente at our expanse.
40-403 Lewis bldg..
4rh an1 Onk t.
flOOO handles fine 734-acre Irrigated
stock ranch In Ischute Valley, where
railroads are building and la near forest
reserve with plenty of outside range; 4."0
acres Irritable, of which 12 acres is In
cultivation; -roomed house, barn, fenced;
about J."t0.rto yellow pine: has splendid
private water right; price S1S.60 per acre,
ftSOuO cash, balance ft years at ft per cent;
best proposition for the money In Central
Oreron; must sell at once. Call. If Inter
ested, and we will put you In touch with
S01-302 Buchanan Bldg..
On Washington. Near fcth.
FIN'S lJOO-acre ranch In Willamette Val
ley. 2 miles of K. R. station and A miles
of good college town: .o0 acres in cul
tivation; o acres could be put In cul
tivation, balance In timber on hillside;
finest of fruit land, good wagon road
through the place, fair bidita. and fenced,
running water. This place would be
Ideal to cut up and sell In small farms.
This Is offered $14 to $M per acre cheaper
than like property In neighborhood. Prloe
IChJ par acre. Easy terms can be made.
Ground floor. Lewis bldg.,
Cor. 4th srd oak ste.
ICO a-res. 3 miles of Yamhill; all
fenced and croes-fenced, about 73 acrea
In cuitlation. l'i acre of Spitxenberg ap
ples and family or-nard; fine spring wa
ter, good room house, barn and other
bulldinyi; h worth of hay and grain
goes with place, all for ftll.ooO; ftnn0 cash
and 9 years to pay the balance at 9 per
cent. Think of It. the place will pay for
Itself. Ask J- W. Corscr about It. room
-i2. lrexel Hotel. 2ti t Yamhill at
M3 acres foothill load for sole at 23 per
acre, ft miles from K. R. station; very best
of fruit, grain and grajw land; an Ideal
stock and dairy ranch: me fins saw and
plliag timber; good bouse, harn, orchard,
well watered and all under f-nce; must be
setn to be appreciated; liberal terms. Ad
dress owner, tleo. W. Wright, Albany, Or.
20- AC HE tracts, unimproved. 23 miles by
rail from Portland; suitable for fruit rais
ing and chicken ranches; well watered,
plenty of timber for all purposes; best of
soil, no rocK or gravel; ft 13 to fta.V an
acre, easy terms; these are the cheapest
tracts on the market and will bear Inspec
tion, call and arrange to go and see them.
310 Corbett bldg.
FOR SALE Fine 40-acre fruit farm, on main
road. 4? miles to Forest (Zrove; good bouse,
bam 'and packing-bouse; 3A0 bearing apples,
7th Italian prunes and 1 acre walnuts; an
Income from the start. Price ft4 O. T. H.
Lit tie ha Us. Ftarv Grove. Or.
THIRTY acrea bottom land oa Willamette
River, one mile svutn of wiiaonviiie, half
mile Oregon Kiectrto line; one-third In cul
tivation; no buildings; some baaverdam;
$3 per acre. For particulars Wax S.
Flynn. Wllsonvllle. Or
14f acrea of good wheat land for sale;
110O acrea under plow; 10 milee from
railroad. Call Hawthorne Stables. 420
Haw in o rneavenue.
Overlooking the valley aad aAoant Hood.
For parti- tl are sea
10 Division St. Portland. Tabor 1S40.
FOR SALE 140 acres, unimproved; also 10
a res on nara tracts in oeanng; a paying
Invest m-nt, the finest location In Waah
lngton. Address Stella Keliey. Ely Wo,
Was h.. for fu rther lafomiatlon.
le-ACRB orchard treats. unimproved, en
raUioad. 23 mfles from F-rtlanS; beat
soil, no rock: ftw aa acre, eray terms; ar
range with as to go and taake ae;ect!bai
round trip same day. 310 Corbett bldg.
FOR SALE IO acrea of land, with stock.
fixtures and milk routs, at rtatnier. or.,
cloee In. J. B. Do an. Diets bldg.. Rainier,
O: .
MlsreJ lanroua.
Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or
well-Improved fsrm. at low price and
Boost liberal terms, sea ma 1 baa die
630 Corbett bldg.
WILL PEIjL or exchange for good city prop
erty a - -rvs k e in 3. 3 or lo-acre tracts on ba-
letn electrir lln: 3rt mlnutos from Portland.
S2 Board of Trade bldg
LA RiiE and small farms in Wtllsmette Val
ley, fti'ail to ft.'t tn exenaege tor cny
rr rest leno property, vacant lots or (uod
naming -ho uses.
421 Ablngton bMg.
1 WANT to trade my equity in my boms
for a building lot in irvingron. i nave
fine place of five rooms, plenty of dis
tinctive feat urea. It is In a good loca
tion. C l"-3. Oregon tan.
GOV EKNMENT clerk, any department, sal
ary ltoo or upwnru, wno wumu exenauae
post lions with $1200 departmental clerk,
Washington. D. C. kindly address E. G.
W timer. 1345 lrvlngst.. Washington, P. C.
11?0 STOCK ranch, well watered, for house
m city: lOv iota, oes oeacn, near iina
m.xk. for acreage or equities. 2 Wor
cester bldg1
$20 EOl'ITY In fine corner, 7Cxloo. to trade
for a goon DUggy or puura vr wunu, gxauvu
streeta Bull Run water; balance of ftJOO
payable ftlO monthly. X 31. Oregooian.
HARDWARE and crockery store, good lo
cation, growing Dueinee v in sen iw
s.ioo or exhanira for mcoroe property.
II -."J?. Oregonian.
. rOO-ACRE tract of Alsea Bay land to
trade for auto or city property. K300.
Main 9304.
f75 EQUITT In Laure; hurst lot to trade for
plar' or lasncn or wiu swu cneap iw
X 22. Oregon ian.
TILLAMOOK ranch. Will take automobile as
first payment: long time on oaiaacs;
Investment. AM uregonian.
A 3" H. P. 4-pasaeriger car. as good as new.
ti tra.le for lot. C 222, Oregcmian.
tor oan trade any kind of property at 310
Oak St.
Frm, also acreage, fronting on or overlook
ing river or ocean, av iva oreguiuau.
OR T-ROOM bouse, not over ftSOOO; ftlOOO
caai, Irving ton dlst rlrt preferretl ; must be
a bargain. Full particulars first letter. J
210. Oregon lan.
HOTEL WANTED I am Just from tha
East and will Invest In a good hotel prop
osition up to; must be good. Ad-
- rres M 2ft. Oregontan.
TO lease, ground for a stable, not too high
a price, on West Side. Zimmerman. 621
Board of Trade.
HAVE cash buyer" for your property. List
with A- J. Gantner. SIS Board of Trade
bldg-. 4th and Oak eta.
WANTED To buy on easy terms, or lease
Portland Heights. Y J2d. Qregonlan.
WANTED Close-In lot for cash. AB 222,
C. 2. M'CRACKKN. SQ4 McKay Bldg.
10.(HXVfKK FEET of timber In Jackson
County. Oregon, cheap. For partlcu.ara.
w r lie J-W. Anderson. Jr.. Pull man. Wash.
TIMBER claims, homeatsadsv relinquish meats.
219 Worcester bldg.
TIMBER lands wan tea.
304 McKay bUg.
C J.
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
A consignment of high-class
registered three and five
gnlted saddle horses, which
have been selected by Gen
eral John B. Castleman. of
Louisville. Ky. president of
the American Saddle Horse
Freed ere Association. These
horse are perfectly gal ted,
good mannered, and will
drive as well as ride. The
prices are very reasonable;
we guars n tee as we repre
sent them, or will refund
the money. If you want a
horse that can win this
Kail at the coming horse
shows, don't overlook this
10th and Alder Sis,.
Portland. Or.
WHT buy seopnd-hnnd vahiclei when you
can get a new one from an old-established
wholesale bouse, 44 years In Oregon, at
almost the same cost? We are located
out -ode the high rent district, own our
building, and can make the plica. Ex
clusive agents for the old reliable line of
Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, delivery
wagons, top buggies, runabouts and farm
wagona Bs sure and see us before you
buy. It may save you money.
12 Hawthorne ava.. bet. East 1st and M.
Two cars of horses have just arrived
and will be sold under our gaurantta
They range In weight from 1000 to 1400
Ibi.; age from ft to 11 years; all food
workers and prices reasonable- Me also
have three span of small mules, weight
M to 1000 lbs., for sals. Call and inspect
these. If wanting horses. Hawthorns
Stables. 4:0 Hawthorne ava
PORTLAND STABLES 26 North 13th St.
One delivery wagon. 1 W-lnch wheel, full pan
eled sides. practlcaJly new. coat 320n; price
ft 125. One eurrey rubber-tired, cost $330. In
fine condition; price 160. One stanhope,
used 2 months, oust 17o, a baigjln at H5.
One 6-yar-old black horse, good worker,
single or double, weight 13oO pounds; pries
MISSOURI mules for seis New smpmeat Just
received. U'OO to loOu lbs., suitable for rail
road, logging and farm work; mules at
Freedmaj; Bros. barn. 13th and Over to a
ts. Address Spark 4k Wig In to a. Imperial
Hotel. .
FOi; SALE Speedy driving mare, safe for
lady. high-grade rubber-tired runabout
and harness; must sell at once. 534 5Uth;
end of Hawthorne ave. carllne.
FOR SALEGood horse, lighwagon snd
harneea Call at barn. Base Line & 7bth
st. Take Montavllla car.
ALLOW" AT STABLES. lil E. 34 th St.;
livery, business rigs for rent or sale. B
1130. Tabor 1111.
A TEAM of work horses for sale, very cneau.
619 Columbia boulevard. Woodlawn. Take
Vancouver car, walk 4 blocks east.
YOUNG mare and fine perc heron colt, will
sell cheap. Union Transfer Barn. 11th and
Hoyt eta,
BARGAIN on team, mare and horse, weight
2700; good harness and wagon. 242 Grand
ave. S.
iL. livery business, rigs, horses, harness,
wasone. forsale orjrent. Main -0L
FOR SALE One bay horse, 12 or 5 years
old- Inqul re 634 Fourth su
BAY mare. 8 years old. weight 1500, sound
and gentle. Phone Main 94a6.
ONE 7-psenger 70 H. P.. fully equipped,
$2000: one 7-psssenger 60 H. P.. $lt0;
one Mora 69 6 -passenger 35 H. P.. 31130;
3 solid-tired nigh-wheeled cars that will
make flue delivery ears; one new Brush,
ons Franklin, ons Autocar, ons tourist and
others; ail cars guaranteed. 329 J3yJ"tt.
WILL take good b-paasenger automobile,
IV 10, in part payment on five-room and
bath, new, modern bungalow, near Clin
ton ave. Price on bungalow $2ioO; will
give long time on difference; will take
auto up to MHoO. Room 609 Couch bldg.
Phone A 4W2.
'AiMctLK claim. Tillamook County, for auto
mobile. 6 cr 7 passenger. Mux well- pre
ferred. AM 223. Oregonian.
FOR SALE One flve-passenger Pullman.
1910 model. 11350. Address K 216. Ore
gonian. v l'Jt9. 30 H. P.. 4 -seated. Overland, used but
little. Geo. R. Flora, 470 E L urn side.
5-JASSENGER Bulck car, fine condition,
cheap.- 443 Hawthorns ave. East 256.
Plan ost Organs and Musical lnatru meats.
BEAUTIFUL hlro-grade upright piano, second-hand.
ftl.Vi. We are moving to Salt
Lake, phone call 225 5th sL Horns all
day and svenlng.
ALMOST new 14 TO piano, your price and
term a Wee Scott. 141 15th sL, after
a p. m.
LYON A NEALT organ for sals, ft 20. Phons
Woodlawn 2743.
Do you want first-class window screens?
Wo manufacture In port is no. Nothing
but rustproof screens that fit.
Call Main or A 2V2X
145 First st.
THE Northwest Typewriter Company. 222
Ablngton bldg. Phone M. 8670. Is tha
only company selling strictly factory re
built typewriters; prices $10 to 3-66.
FOR SALE Law library, consisting of Pa
cific Reporter and Cyc, both complete to
data. WUI exchange for lot or e.qulty.
Call 307 McKay bldg. Main 4710,
MA N" S high-grade bicycle, almost new. for
sals, or will trade for camera, or anything
of equal value. Call Sunset Studio, Grand
ave. and East An ken y.
IjO. Ask for catalog. Rebullts $15 up- N..
M. Hayter Co.. 00 5th sL Main 529.
A NEW Standard typewriter for sale; will sell
cheap for cash. E. W. Silcoer, $10 Cham
ber of Commerce, city.
4x5 CAMERA, two plate holders; will ex
change fcr gent's wheeL Main 8937.
FCR SALE 2 shoe, drummer's sample
trunks, cheap. Beauregard. 702 Main st.,
Vsncuuver. Wash.
FOR SALE High-grade oak office furniture
and Wilton rus for sale at bargain. 617
Lumbermen's bid ft.
FOR. SALE, cheap, fin Besson cornet: also
good violin and case; also folding organ.
Call B20 Washing ton, near 17 th.
LADY'S writing desk and chtfflonler for
sale, reasonable. Phone Main 802. 705
Rothchild bldg., 4th and Waah.
FOR SALE or rent: logging and hoisting
engine. Railway Equipment Co-, 74 First
t. Both phonea
FIRST-CLASS new No. T Remington type
writer with tabulator. Call 306 Oregonian
FOR SALE Showcase, wall case, counters,
cheap. No 223 Grand ave. phone Eaat638.
$00 business cards. $1.25 If you bring this
ad. Rose City prlntery. 1P2H 8d st.
SHOWCASES, new and second-hand. 812
Kverett. corner 6th, Also fixtures.
NOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Na-
toiai Credit Ass'n. 001 Worcester bldg.
GREAT Dsns puppies, pedigreed, S montha
1S5 N. 6th st.
ONE set of Portland block books, big sac
rifice; must sell. M249. Oregonian.
8 A F F"S 3 ccoc(!-harrt safe. vrw" cheap.
Portland, fcal Co., 67 ftva sL
Our films are the pick of 28 Indepen
dent manufacturers; 14 new pictures re
leased weekly. ,
Ycu need the best: we can furnish. It.
"Write for full information.
fil5-51fi Swetland Bldg..
Portland. Oregon.
FOR. SALE Material of first-class green
house; Hltchings No. 17 boiler. 1SOO feet
2-lnch pipe, globe valves, ventilators, etc;
over 23.000 feet of lumber In Its construc
tion: cheap. Half cash, balance when
material removed. Purchaser having
privilege of operating plant on present
ground until next Spring. 206 Morrison
St., Sheldon Cafeteria.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and snos.
we also buy household furnishing; btghser
prices paid. Call at tha "Fair Deal. al
y Id st. Main 9271
WANTED Men's caatoff clothing and shoes
and bicycles; highest prices paid; we also
bur ladles' clothing. Call Glob second
hand store. Phone Main 2OS0. 2W 1st.
WANTED to buy. 6o0 plain opera chairs.
Must be In good condition. Address Box
The Dalles,. Or.
IF YOU have household iurmture to seii
call up George Baker 4k Ca, 152 Park st.
CARPENTER work of all kinds; Jobbing, re
modeling, repairing a specialty. Cummlngs
A Catiln. 871 First sU Marshall 231:7.
CELL your ssooad-haad furniture to the Furft
Auction Co. or you'll get tasm Pbuoee: A
2445; Main 8931.
WANTED Movtng-plcture machine. also
film, gas outfit. AE 214, Oregonian.
WANTS D AH kinds of men's sVcond-haad
clothing. Call up Marshall 1P29.
fcPOT cash paid for your furniture; proms
attention always elven. Prtoc East 1M7.
WANTED Two young men. one as bellboy
and one to operate passenger elevator.
Apply commercial club, 5th and Oak etc,
superintendent's office, between 10 and
11 A- M.
HERE'S the job. now produce. The last
man at this job wss a fine chap but he
couldn't make good and we had to let
him go. a I said before, the Job calls
for a trained man. Now. it Is up to you.
Call or write for new catalog. Inter
national correspondence Schools, 233 Al
ier t-
HEN WANTED, age 18 to 25. for firemen
$100 monthly, brakatnen $0. on nearby rail
roads: experience umtectiwsary; no strike;
promotion to engineers, ooniluctors; railroad
employing headquarters; over 600 men seat
to positions monthly; state age, senu stamp.
Railway Association, care Oregonian.
10,000 poolTiONS for eroduates last year;
tern and women to learn barber trade In
b weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates euro from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
Instructors; tools .free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges. 3$
North 4th st,. Portland. Or.
DENTIST Good operator wanted at once.
Chicago Painlesa Demists. 3234s Wash. st.
NON-UNION second cok. $15 to $25 week;
night cooks. $15 to $20 per week; waiter
for first-class houses, $14 to $17.50 per
wee. Spokane Hotel A Restaurant
keepers Association, 216 Granite block.
Spokane. Wash. -
WANTED A man for organization work
In lodges. M uat have had experience, a
good talker and thoroughly reliable;
l'ythlan preferred. A fine opening for
the right man. Addreaa P 224, Orego
nian. '
WANTED Man to work on orchard, clear
ing and general farm work, 15 miles from
Portland; steady work for steady man;
$:io per month, room and board. 700 Cor
Ifett bldg.
GOOD, reliable party with some cash to
help develop orchard and truck farms not
far from Portland; on electric line; best
of terms. T 22H. Oregonian.
HAiLWAY mail cierks. poaioffice clerks and
carriers' examination in November; salary
up to I1S00; free Book 30; Paciflo States
School. McKay bldg., Portland.
RAILWAY mall clerks. Portland examination
November 12; $600 to $1600; preparatioa
liee. Frsr.kl.n Institute, dept. 2S5 S. itocnes
ier. N. Y.
PHYSICIAN, registered In Oregon, rs as
sistant in office of specialist; permanent
pos 1 1 ion, good salary, young man pre
ferred. AL 220. Oregonian.
for new railroad trestle; $4 per day.
N. 2d st.
"WANTED Partner to learn automobile re
pairing, experience unnecessary; small
capital required. Call 326 4a Washing ton
L, room 417.
EXPERIENCED salesman, dhe competent
or taking charge of grocery and hardware
department In out-of-town store, with ref-
4 erencc. ti oregonian.
CAKE baker, good wage, must under-
ton St.. Vancouver. Wash.
EXPERIENCED sawmill foreman and yard
man ; salary satisfactory to right men.
Bay City Lumber Co.. B a y Clty Or.
WANTED Office assistant! must be good
penman, quick, accurate and sober. B
24. Oregonian.
WANTED 10 flrst-clnss ladles tailors. Also
6 ft rat -class skirt maker. Steady work.
A Lltman. Ladles Tailor. 1294 'th st.
WANTED Neat young man with 350 to
It-am real estate business. Can make big
mjneV while learning. 242 5th st.
Yol'NG man. meaning business, for proflt
aole position, sollcting homes Tvith new
proposition. 2-4 P. M. 553 4 Morrison su
WANT cutoff-sawyer for box factory, and a
6 nod. all-around man for box factory.
lultnomah Trunk A Bag Co.
WANTED A neat bright boy. 16 to 17 year
of age. ror office In wholesale house, Y
103, oregonian.
REGISTERED physician wanted In adver
tising specialist office; permanent position.
L 214. Oregonian.
BAKER wanted on bread; some experience;
tl5 per week. Royal Bakery Co., 60S
I ash. st.. Vancouver. Wash.
WANTED A hrsi-claas carriage trimmer;
steady work to competent men. Win ton
Motor Car Co.. Seattle, Wash.
W NTED Engineer, also man to do night
porter work and help clean lobby. Inquire
Hotel Seward.
MEN and teams to haul 15 or 20 cords of.
wood from Union D-pot to 6th and Da
vis Address Hotel Houston.
$18 TO $23 week few months only learning;
situations guaranteed. Watchmaklng-Ea-graving
School, Pox 132. Ashland. Or.
WE have good opening- for a young doc
tor; camp work; single man preferred,
X -244. oregonian.
WANTED A flrst-claas horaeshoer or all-
arouna man. ruw
Albany. v"
RELIABLE young man. not afraid to work.
i . n- .HvinrxmenL Junes' Cash
cinr. TTmnt and Oak.
LEARN to drive automobile, pay us $10
nri after vou secure work $15.
:'.2i'-B Washington, room 417-
A DENTIST and drygoods man; fias location
A lur.. school H O Has
on wMtnw-
Ki k anil Klark
CO ATM A K ER and bushelman. 300 . Swet-
land biag.
COOKS helper for boarding-house; also T'Aft HOVt SL
W NT ED Carpenter helpers, scaffold men.
Tnaw mn. e. Pine and 12th.
jJaN and wife cooks, country hotel. $70.
pioneer Employment, 16 North Second.
BARBER wanted, steady Job. 160 Morrl-
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents;
uew offer. Cut berth studl o, De kum bldg.
FOR gen. woodwkg shop, experienced bench
men Universal Mfg Co.. Aberden. Wash.
EXPERIENCED cleaner and spotter. Vienna
Dye WOrkS. imm
WANTED Up-to-date salesmen and demon-
st'rator at once. 295 Gllsan.
CHIPPER wanted. Call 222 Commercial Club
WANTED Handy man about hotel. $15
per montn. n.. nmum
WANTED Two boys. 16 year; with wheels;
good w a gee. Apply 285 Aldsr st.
PAINTER will exchange work with carpenter
or contractor, first clara L 216. Oregonian.
WANTED Handy laboring men, metal
lathers. E. Pine and 12th.
WANTED Photographer; steady Job to
good one, pacific Art Co.. Aberdeen. Wash.
BARBER wanted Have good location. Ad-
dregs W. W. H. Carlisle. Ceillo. Or.
WANTED An office boy. Th Jacobs-Stiaa
CO. ;
wTED Six boys, with bicycles. Apply
302 Madison.
WANTED Blow-pipe men. Portland Blower
" Pipe Co.. 417 Rothchild bldg
HIGH-CLASS commercial salesman or repre
sentatlv 215 Commercial bldg.
WANTED Boy to learn harness trad. 4O0
Hawthorn ave.
WANTED Salesman to sell city lots and 3
acre tract near, city; highest commission
paid; autos used to show property; no ex-
. perience neceseary.
917 Board tf T:a.:e Bldg. See L. N. Hickok.
WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S.
Marine Corps- between the ages of 19 and
85 ; must bs native born or h av first
papers. Monthly pay $15 to $69. Ad
ditional compensation possible. Food,
clothing, quarters and medical attendance
free. After 80 years service can retire with
75 per cent of pay and allowances. Serv
ice on board shin and ashore in all parts
of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps
TtecruttUig Ststion. Breedea bldg.. 3d and
tx" -v. ... Dnrilantt Or
BARBER'waNTED 2m Alder st.
WANTED Young ladles to lesrn telephone
optra tii g; with or, without experience.
Applv Th Pacific Telephone A Telegraph
Company. 6th and East Ankeny ats.. or
West Park and Alder sts, 1
WANTED Body lroner on starched work,
percentage or salary. Come Monday noon.
231 Arthur St.
to ffrst-claa manicurist; also an A-l
hairdresser. Apply 9 A. M. Monday to
Madame Hudson, hairdressing department.
2d floor. Olds. Wort man & King. -
WAITRESSES. Apply at ouce to super
intendent. OLDS. WORTMAN ft KIVG.
WANTED Lady clothes ironers; steady po
sition and good wages.
231 Arthur St.
LEARN to finish men neckwear, any wo
man handy with the needle can soon earn
good wages; alwavs steady work.
281 Vi Stark St. 'm
GOOD home and $30 per month to woman
with slight experience as nurse and will
ing to assist with housework and care of
children: two adults. 227 East 16th St..
near Salmon.
WANTED A competent cook and a second
girl in a family at Cascade Locks, Or.
Apply In person between the hours of 10
and 4 at Young Women's Christian As
sociation. GIRLS SOMETHING NEW. Don't fall to
Investigate; $15 per week for hairdressers;
$10 per week for manicurists; ready for
business at once. Address with all partic
ulars. O 236. Oregonian
8 LADIES of good appearance and addreaa to
present exceedingly interesting subject to
homes and offices; salary basis. See Mr.
James, 418 Mohawk bldg.
WOMAN Experienced cook, for family with
no children; good wages and home for
right party. Out of town. H 250, Orego
nian. .
WANTED A woman to care for apartment
and child. Apply The Ellsworth Apart
ments, No. 20, between 6 and 7 P. M.
Monday, cor. Morrison and Lownsdale st.
NON-UNION waitresses for flrat-class house.
910.50 per week. Spokane Hotel and Restaurant-keepers'
Association. 216 Granite
block. Spok ane. Wash.
WANTED Competent experienced nursegirl
with city references. Apply 4S2 Harri
son sL, corner 14th or phone Main or A
GIRL for general housework; murt be good
cook; small family ; good wages. Phone
East 1478. 340 East 12th North.
BRIGHT, well-educated woman for executive
position with local wholesale house; expe
rience pot necessary. AM 227. Oregonian.
WOMEN and girls wanted to work in fruit
cannery. Apply East 6th and Division.
Holmes Canning Co.
WANTED Middle-aged woman. German
preferred, to work In rooming-house. 33
;ortn run st.
WANTED 2 girls, one as cook and one as
maid ; must havo good city referencea
eo Davis, near aist.
WANTED An experienced maid for second
work; small family, good wages; ref
erences. 434 Park at.
GIRL for general housework; must be good
cook; good wages to ' right party. Phone
Ekun A3o7.
AT BEACH Thorough 1 y com peten t g Irl for
general housework. For particulars call at
45 Multnomah st. English family.
EXPERIENCED lady solicitors, house-to-house
advertising; no selling; salary paid.
Call room 7 Amedon Hotel, 268 3d st.
848Vs Washington St. Cor. 7th, Upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
RELIABLE colored girl or woman for light
general housework. 415 East 12th N.
Esst 151L
LADY pianist, also ladles who can play and
alng. Call New York Amusement Co., 526
Washington st., near 17th.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. VUvi Co.. 600 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
TEACHERS for Coast states. We hire dT
rect. Call Pacific Teachers' Agency, 304
6 Lewi Bldg.. 4th and Oak-
26ft Washington SL, Boom 314.
Main 8836 or A 3206.
RELIABLE woman or girl tor general
housework ; good wages to- right party.
Call at 745 Hawthorne ave.
GIRLS wanted aa clerks at E. P. C larlton
ft Co.'s 6-10-15c store. 288 Washington st.
Experience unnecessary.
WANTED Ladles' clothe lroner and girls
to learn. Yale Laundry, 500 E. Morrison
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
Swedish or German preferred. . 215 N.
2Mh St.
WANTED Girl who I first-class skirt
maker. Carl Gawer, Ladles' Tailor, Sell-
. ing-Hlrsch bldg.
WANTED A girl for gereral housework;
must sleep at home. Apply 658 Halsey
treeL .
WANTED Chamber maid and waitress
Sargent Hotel. "
GIRL for housework In small family. Phone
C 1323- Call 6i7 Broadway.
GIRlTto assist in general housework; small
family. 745 Overton at. Tel. Main 5003.
WANTED A working housekeeper. 741
Wash. St.
OIRLTfor general housework, family of four
adults. 7S6 Irving st.
W ANTED Girl for general
Apply li OU b. jaui i iouu i.
WANTED Experienced waitress. London
. . inTli K'nrt h Uth
Kt-BLdUl Mill, rg v -"
WANTED An experienced cook at the Ore
gon Sanitarium. 10th and Couch sts.
HLLr wanieo. Lmoa LaundryCo. 2d ana
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap-
ply to N. i'Jtn mu
SCHOOLGIRL to work for room and board.
434 Larrabse et-
SECOND girL Apply this morning. 236
King St. rnone aaia zoit
COOK'S helper for boarding-house; also
waitreaa and chambermaid. 735 Hoyt sC
COOK for boarding-houee at once ; good
wages. 248 N. 17th st.
FEW first-class ladies as demonstrators and
salesladies at once. 2j3 Glisan L
WANTED Girl to do chamber work ; also
girl to wait table. Apply 67 Russell L
WANTED Girl for general housework, ex
perlence not necessary. 257 North 22d at.
A GIRL for general housework In small
family. Appiy nn ai
WANTED Girl for general housework, good
wages to rigni party, o-t jslmuii at.
TWO girls to sew mattress ticks. Carmen
Manufacturing Co.. 18th and Upshur sta
GOOD girl for general housework; small
family. 410H Morrison st.
LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by
expert; $5 a month.' 269 14th, Main 3S93
WOMAN for first-class Ironing.
Laundry, 867 Washington at.
HOPPICKERS to pick 600 acre of hops,
big crop fine accommodation, bakery,
butcher shop, grocery store, restaurant,
free dancing pavilion, '-beautiful camp
ing grounds, delightful bathing, low ex
cursion rates; register now at Kreba'
Bros, office, room 618 Worcester bldg..
Third and Oak ats. No charges for Job.
Orfice hours 9 to S P. M.. Sunday 9 to
1 P. M. Home. A 4335, Main 8905.
Suite 417 Rothchild Bldg.. Portland. Or.
High-class male and female help fur
nished without charge to employer for
all departments of hotels, resorts and
restaurants. All orders by telegram, mall
or phone will receive prompt attention.
Long Distance Phone Marshall 743.
1 WANT hustling and reU&b: men and women
to work as organizers for a first-class) fra
ternal life insurance association, to whom
I will guarantee big pay and rapid promo
tion; experience Is not necessary; if you
can fill the bill call at room 17, Barr Ho
tel, 112-14 6th St.. between 8 aad 10 A.
M.. and 4 and 6 P. M.
600 HOPPICKERS wanted at E C. Horst Oo.
hopyard of 450 acres; will furnish tents at
$1 for the season, with rebate of the tent
int to all those who remain throughout the
WANTED 5O0 hoppickers at E. Clemens
Horst Co.a ranch. Inquire of J. C. Mor
riaon. Independence. Or. '
THE NEW YORK Amusement Co. wants per
formers, singers, musicians, operators, eto.
5263 Washington. near 17th.
100 hoppickers wanted ; best accommodation ;
long job picking. Write Goffln ft Miller.
St. Louis. Or.
MAKE money writing stories for news
papers; big pay; free booklet: tells how.
United Press Syndicate. San Francisco.
positions to A-l Instructors. 611 Swetland.
Bookkeeper and Clerk.
2i) year experience in farm imple
ments, machinery and vehicles; good
trade in Oregon and Washington. AO
223, Oregonian.
WANTED By young married man, steady
position in office or store ; graduate of
commercial college; bank referencea. I
do not use tobacco or strong drink. P 22L
YOUNG, man, stenographer, desires position
with future; at present employed. A 225,
EVENINGS and Sunday, young married man
deyjrea employment, office or store; expe
rienced; best references. K. N., care 7u8
E. 21st et.
STATIONARY engineer, care for own en
gine and boilers. Also electrical repair
ing. Age 30. Hotel or office building de
sired. AJ220 Oregoniaru
PAINTER want work by day or contract;
first-class mechanic. Anderson, 386 Davis
streeL -
MAN and wife wishes position to take
charge of rooming or apartment-houee;
thoroughly competent. K 246, Oregonian.
CARPENTER foreman, mill or concrete con
struction, and can get results. B 239, Ore
gonian. .
PLASTERER wants work flrst-class work
er), by day or contract, city or country.
. Address C 221, Oregonian.
BAR TENDER, first class, wishes position,
country preterred; best reference. K 249.
Oregon Ian.
WANTED Position by steady, sober, middle
aged man aa engineer; experienced; refer
ence. G 218, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR wants position with private
family or commercial truck; 8 years' ex
perience. good references. J 216. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED moving-picture operator
wants poaition. X 234. Oregonian.
A YOUNG German bookbinder wishes posi
tion. 763 Brooklyn it. Sellwood 1082.
CARPENTER work, sny kind, day or coa
tract. phons Marshall 2327.
FIRST-CLASS cabinetmaker wants work by
contract or by day. Main 439.
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish
all heip. Main 4059. A 4078. 268 Everett.
JAPANESE cook wants position with good
family. Main93til.
EXPERIENCED milk driver wants Job. Ad
dress P 217, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
YOUNG Jady stenographer, 4 years exper
ience, desires position; best reference, H
127o. "
STENOGRAHPER Five years experience,
desirca poaition. D 215. Oregonian.
PLAIN sewing, mending or darning, at your
house or my rooms. 687 Thurman it,
Mrs. Emma' Richards.
LADIES tailoring: alterationa, coats re lined.
Mrs. Muckler, 430 Columbia at. A 4709.
FANCY and plain sewing. Main 7016.
POSITION wanted by refined middle-aged
widow, as housekeeper, in family, room
inghouse or bachelor club; reference.
Phone B 2Slfl.
LADY of experience wants position as house
keeper In first-class rooming-house or ho
tel. Call or address room 6, Sherman
MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as
housekeeper for widower or single gentlo
man. Address 408 19th st. North.
JAPANESE girl wants situation; wishes, to
learn general housework or help In kitchen.
X 233, Oregonian.
TRAINET nurse will give massage treat
ment at your home. Phone Sellwood
PRACTICAL nurse wants case. Call imme
dlately. East L15n, Main 492.
FIRST-CLASS German cook wants position.
Mary Stlmson. Hotel Hood. 82 6th st.
LADY pianist would like position, rapid
sight reader, experienced vocal and or
chestra accompanist. Tabor 1220.
FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes work Mon
days and Tuesdays; references; no half
day. Woodlawn 1611.
LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40c a
pair. Phone B 2770.
WANTED Day work by woman. Phon
Main 4394.
COMPETENT laundress like day work. Phone
B. 27CC. -
LADIES Our beautiful free lace samples will
open your eyes; they'll save tremendous
money on every yard bought; get them to
day, they're free. Commercial Import ft
Tiadlng Company, Plalnfleld.N.J. m
AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown
nursery stock is In demand; sales this
season will be immense; flattering op
portunity; cash paid weekly; outfit free.
Salem Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de
mand for choice nursery atock; outfit
fee; cash weekly. Address Capital City
v n rsery Co.. Salem. Or.
GOOD canvassers wanted for our gas con
troller; permanent positions for steady
men. 2H North 6th st. ;
WANTED TO RENT from Se p t em br 3,
by responsible party, a completely fur
nished 4-room cottage or 3-room flat,
with kitchen, gas. bath and yard. North
west Side preferred. Address AK 228,
WANTED By young couple, small cottage,
flat or apartment containing larger furni
ture, new and clean; reasonable rent;
Went Side preferred; references exchanged.
AG 227. Oregonian.
WANT 5 or 6-room furnished house, with
yard; adults only; near TJ. S. Laundry pre
ferred. D. Miller, iH2 Grand ave.
WANTED A 6 or 7-room house or flat;
walking distance; rent reasonable. Phone
East 2033. or AD 211. Oregoniam
WANTED 3-room furnished apartment,
modern: not over $35. Main 6718.
YOUNG office man wants nice room with
2 meals. X 228. Oregonian.
. Business Places.
DESK room wanted by permanent renter.
Address S 220, Oregonian. t
Knom Vtlih Boara
WANTED Large, nicely furniahed room
with or without board by business woman,
prefer no other roomers. References ex
changed. 9231, Oregonian.
WANTED Nice room and board by young
man; state terms, etc, to C 224, Orego
nian. FOB RENT.
Corner Fourth and Alder,
J. W. Blaney. Manager.
1 the heart of the city, only one blocK
from postoilice, Meier ft Frank tore and.
Orekonian building; first-class and J-
opene. July 20. Every other room
suite with private bath; sample suites with,
bath for traveling men; no noise, as n
carlinea pass hotel, but within one block
of all cars; phone In every room. Se our
mezzanine floor aad ladles' reception psr
lora, Rates $1 day up; with bath. $1.59
up. Bus meets all trail. Rate to perma
nent guests.
Seventh and Ankeny sts.
Tha preacher who preachsa.
The teacher who teaches.
And ths drummer with goods to soil;
W'ith wife or with dauEhters.
When looking for Quarter.
All ar welcomed at th Now Scott Hotel.
A oulet home for quiet people.
building; fine large ground-floor office; hot
and cold running water In all rooms;
' steam beated; private baths; very rlchiy
furnished: rates only $3 snd up per
week; 50c up per day. Call and see ua.
Northeast corner Fifth and Glisan sts.
129 Eleventh St.
New. modern brick building. steam
heated, private baths, hot and cold water
in room a beautifully furnished, cosy and
comfortable. Rates very reasonable. Call
and see us. Regular and transient trad
HOTEL B ARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and
Hawthorne. Phone Ease
291. connecting every room. Private hatha,
elevator, first-class grill. Special rates by
week or month. Amerlocn or Europeaa.
Transients solicited.
Washington and 17th, hrst-class furnished
rooms single or en suite: all modern ooa-
vcnlen'ces; $.1 weekly up. A 2647, M. 5647.
812 Osk sc. corner Sixth; Urge, light
airy rooms, elegantly furnished; electxla
lights, running water; low rates.
O'NEILL Two furnished rooms for rent
by week or month; 325 to $35 per month;
first-class bath Included; valet service.
Alder and W. Park.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, opp. Portland Ho-
tel. 330 Yamhill: flrst-class furnished rooms.
single or en suite, modern; $5 up; transient
solicited. Main 31. A 7177.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sta., welt
furnished sleeping rooms. $2.50 per week;
ltctric lights, hot baths free.
MODERN outside rooms. $2.50 to $3 per weekv
Including baths; also housekeeping rooms.
54S Wa-hir.gtpn st.
ELEGANTLY and newly furnished alngl
outside rooms, only $10 and up. Th Del
Monte, 20th and Washington sta .
THE LANDORE. 288 10th, near Jefferson
Newly furnished room a centrally located.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms; also roomg
for light housekeeping. 422 Jefferson iu
CLEAN furnished rooms. 3H9 W. Park.
i-nrnUhMi Room In Private Family.
$8 A MONTH Nicely furnished front room
suitable for 1 or phone and bath, elec
tric light, near llth-st. carline, 427 Har
rison. 2 AIRY bedrooms, Jefferson car, easy walk
inB distance; Ire phone; vary reasonable.
Chapman sL
FRONT room, also sleeping porch, for two
gentlemen; best location. West Park. Mala
9000. .
NEWLY furnished room with alcove In,
steam-heated residence, running hot and
cold water. 564 Flanders.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern, closa
in reasonable, suitable for gentlemen.
32414th st. ,
WELL-FURNISHED room, private family,
for gentleman; references. 620 East Bel
mont st.
NICELY furnished sleeping-room, with,
housekeeping privileges. In modern flat.
22 11th st. b
FOUR large rooms with closets, bath, $lo;
half block north of W-R car. 490 E.
33d et.
NICELY furnished front room, walking dis
tance; phone and bath. 493 Everett su
Phone A 1083.
NICELY furnished front rooms, with bay
windows; 4 blocks from Olds, Wortinan &
King's store. 473 Alder st.
VERY desirable light, clean, airy room,
reasonable; gentleman preferred. 305 12th,
PLEASANT room for 2 or 3 gentlemen;
modern; running water, etc., reasonable.
202 12th st.
FURNISHED 3-room flat with bath, no chll--dren.
Call Sunday or evenings after 6.
4Q0 4th st. b
LARGE front room, walking distance, term
reasonable. 321 W. Park. ; .
NICELY furnished rooms, $3 and $10; two
meals if desired. 421 12th st.
NICELY furnished front room, walking dia
tance. phone and bath. Phone A loS3.
a LaRGE furnished room with board for
two men; $6 each. 291 11th st.
FURNISHED 3-room flat, bathroom, tele
phone, no children. 400 4th at
HO Steam-heated, comfortably furniahed
rooras ;central: 565 Glisan st.
FURNISHED rooms, modern, walking dis
tance; reasonable. 4H5 East Clay.
FURNISHED room with or without board;
private family. a04 Montgomery st.
$7 MONTH, email, neatly furnished room; all
conveniences. 475 Clay St.
NOB HILL, close in, large, pleasant room;
private family. 632 Flanders.
NICELY fumiahed room for gentleman, mod
ern conveniences1. 427 Clay st.
Booms With Board.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and library,
610 Flanders. Miss Frances N. Heath.
supt. -
THE HAZEL For ladies and gentlemenj
nicely furnished rooms, first-class board.
385 3d St.. cor. Montgomery.
741 GLISAN, home cooking; everything
clean and up to aaw.
ROOM and board.
Casa Rosa, 300 Jeffer-
son st.
Ronma With Board In Private Family.
NICELY furnlshesd large front room with,
running water; beautiful grounds; excep
tionally good home cooking. 90 E. Eift-htb.
st., cor. of Washington. East 1390-
REASONABLE ; large furnished room, with,
board; all conveniences. 107 16th st.. near
Flanders. Phone M. 6513.
NICE room, suitable for two with board
$20 per month; bath and phone. 605 6th sL
Phone Main 3304. i
TABLE board, home cooking, 3 meals daily,
S4.50 week. 11 11th. near Yamhill.
LARGE front room suitable lor two; first
class table board. 75 North 14th st.
ROOM and board for two, $25 each; Note
Hill. Main 54Sfi. 695 Everett t.
ROOM and board for 1 or 2 gentlemen in
private iannif. "
HOME cooking, rcasonableratea. Main 7016.
FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modern
In every particular; steam-boated, hot
water janitor services, with first-class fur
nishings. Apply to Janitor. 668 Kear-
ney st
CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and Glisan, 9
and 3-room apartments, new 4-story brick.
Just completed, all modern conveniences!
each apartment ha private outside balcony;
rent reasonable. " .
One unfurnished 3-room apartment; all
outside rooms; centrally located; both.
6th t., 4 squares above P. O.; family ho
tel, private baths and telephones; tran-
sienia ioc ,
MODERN 8 and 4-room apartments, fur-
ni unfurnished: nrlvate vestlbula
and bath, elevator service. Ionia Court.
570 Couch st.
STEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment. mod
ern and desirable. 625 Everett L Apply
Morgan, Fleldner ft Boyce, 503 Ablngton
ONEONTA APT 3. 187 17th. south of Yam
hill (W car at depot). 2 and 3-room fur
nished suites, hot and cold water, free
phones, bath. Main 4697. A 4789.
14th and Clay sta.
A few choice suites left at $40 aad $50
per month. .
VACANCY at the Weisr Apartment Sep
tember 1, Apply 69 North 23rd treet.
Flat No. 4.
Mrs. T. D- Hughes. Modern 3 and 4-
room apartments ;every convenience.
THE LEONCE Nicely furnlhed 3 and
4-room apartments; modern conveniences.
186 N. 22 d aL
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. $1 per
week each, gas plate furnished. Belmont
Apts., 4oOJ Belmont st. -
ST CLAIR T15 Wayne at.; modern six-room
apartment, two porches. Phone Main 4930.
THE CHETOPA. ISth and Flandera; 4-room.
modern apartments. Apply to janitor.