Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 22, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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niihnu'c Inahi'itv tn Hanrim '
Bunts Accounts for Loss
of Game.
Slope of Be a Tern BlsMcd for Serle
When WolTerton'B Eoj Han
Away With Last Contest.
J-csls W ill Open Tomorrow.
IM(i4X'l BMBlta.
Oakland . Portland S. f
Vima -o. San r-nc:o 4 3. J
Ua Ancelt 10-J. sacrmmsnto S-t. J
ptmadlna .f (be flat.
21 '
3 f 3
Finland . . 12 ! M
.r . . IT' 14 '. ! I 1 '
rrin 11 IS .11 M I '.
Vrron ,1H II !0 ; it
Sacramento i T 1. 12 & 14
U 12 14' so .sto J
Something like TC enthu.-laMlc fan
aent to th Vaurhn-rt park yesterday
" rxpecTIre to Vean Gregg. Fortland'
premier aoutfipaw. make monkeys of th
Oakland ttam. but Inatead the Oak re
veraed the oroer of thlrsa. and by tcortng
.four runs In the fourth Inning they btat
Portland out of the erte. and likewise
b.asttd the hopes of the big crowd. The
core was 4 to 1
Harry Wolverton decided before the
game that the only way to beat Gregg
Baa to bunt on him. and after getting
' the bases pretty well populated In the
second and third Innings through reiort-
- irg to this method, the visitors finally
padlocked the engagrnnert by scoring the
quartet In tbe fourth. Gregg, wnlls he
fanned nine of the visitors during the
fire lnnlcga he lasted, was not In a good
form as he was Tuesday, for he was de
cidedly unsteady throughout, and when
the Wolrerton bunting game filled up the
sacks In the sixth with none out. 51c
Credle "chased'" the soutrpaw snd put
Tommy Beaton on the htU. and Tommy
wormed out of the difficult position with
out being harmed In lhe least.
Portland Mart Well.
Portland started after Ralph Willi In
the opening round In a manner that
simply tickled the fans Immensely, for
. two wholesome runs materialized when
rcrle Caey sent a cork.r.g drive to ccn
tr with Huildy llyan on third and Gus
Klsher on second, and. with Gregg pitch
ing. It looked like a cinch, for the south
paw retired the Oaks in one-two-three
order In the first, two of thrm fanning.
In the second Inning the Oaks filled the
bases, but Gregg managed to fan Willis,
ending that chance. In the third they
got two men on basea because Gregg is
weak In fielding bums, and Tommy
Sheehan. In a hurry to get runner,
toesed badly to Rapps. Again Gresg gut
out of a difficulty, but In the fourth he
was not so fortunate. Cutshaw as the
first man up. and he hit safely to lift.
Saander bunted past Gregg, and Jl
smfe before Olson could head him off.
Mltie hit to Siwehan and was out at
first, the other runners) advancing on the
sacrifice. Then Ralph Willi, a weakling
hitter at best, found George Ort playing
a deep right field, and by placing a
single over Rapps head, easily scored
both Outshaw and Saamler and got two
bases himself because the ball bounded
away from Ort, who should have been
playing clou, enough In to have caught
the baU xn the fly.
Macgart popped a short fly to left,
wh.cti fell safe between Stwehan. OXron
and Speaa. and Willis advanced to third.
Majgart then stole second while Wares
was fanning, making two out. Hogan
soaked a g.od hit to left, and both
Willis and Maggart scored, while th
batter took third when tres threw wildly
to tbe plat in tbe effort to head off
Majrgart. Don Cameron ended the agony
by striking out for the Vcond time.
Willi "Put One Over."
Gregg got through the fifth Inning with
out damage, for Wolverton went out
tiheehan to Rappa. and th southpaw
finished the Job by fanning Cutahaw and
Swander. making his total nine for th
Ore Innings. He essayed the sixth In
ning and walked Mltae. the first man
up. Willi bunted and Gregg erred on
th chance, both runners being safe.
Maggart also bunted to Gregg, and filled
tlie baOT-a by negotiating fir In safety.
. McCr!i then flew the distress signal
and called on Tommy Beaton to go to the
rescue. Th -letter writing kid" pitched
on ball to Ware and two men were
out. for the batter hit sharply to Sheehan.
who shot th ball to Klsher ahead of
Muse, and the catcher then pegged to
Kapps ahead of Warm completing a fast
douDle play.
Ralph Willi sprained h' wrist In th
fifth and Bill lUrkln was sent on th
hlU for Oakland. H allowed on htt. a
ralehy b ingle by Rapp In the alghth,
and Portland was helpless to score.
With only tbre hit a their portion
In th gam th Beavers could hardly
hop to win when th Oak landed on
the ball for a doien aafetlee. and. while
Gregg might have won with the two
run registered tn the first Inning had
he bean able to field his position. It waa
not on th card yesterday. While Port
land ktt the gain th team I still In
first place, and th coming of th Seal
commencing tomorrow, mean another
hard fought, tough series, and to hold
first place th McCredle outfit will bar
to hit Just a trifle better taan they have
vwr don thJ season, for the pitcher
cannot win th games all by themselves.
Xassart. If. ....
TV are, cc. .....
Hocaa. Of. ....
Cameron, lb. ...
tvoivenoa. So, .
Cutsbaw. go. .
SwaaUar. rf. ...
ill-jo. c. ......
Willis, p.
Haralaa, a.
3 0
Tetal SI 11 2T 11 1
Carroll raa for Willis In th.
riijtr AB R H PO A K
It ran. rf. 4 1 1 0 0
Oisoo. t. o O 1
r.aDpa. tbk 4 1 T
H.h.r. e S 1 O 11
-aaay. In. 4111
gheahan. lb. . 4 0 B
Bpaxe. It. 1 0 3 0 0
Oct. rt - !
Cragg, p, 1001
l-C ry I
NEW YORK. Auir. (Special.)
Jo Tinker and John Kilns have been
members of the Chicago National team
for some yrara They are both veternns
t the game and know all the scien
tific points thoroughly. It has been
claimed that If the Cul'S had had Kilns
during last season they would have
again won the pennant. Kllr.g did not
play with the team last year, owing to
trouble over the salary question witn
Charles Murphy. The Cubs head the
league at present and are going strong.
They look like sure winners. Tinker
goes on the vaudeville stage during the
Winter months. He was formerly a
member of the Portland, Or., team.
Seaton. p. I 0 0 0 0 0
Total SO 8 I 2 " S
Oakland 040O0O o
H.t. O12501I1 11'!
Portland 2 -O O O o 0 0 O ii il
Hits 2O0O0U01 0 3
Ptrurk oat F lreig 9. Saa-.on 2. Willis
4. Harains 1. bases on balls Oil Or.s X
Eeaton I. Willis 2. Harklns 2 To-lae
hits. Willis. U-mble plays. Sheehsn to
Flaher to Rapps. Racnflc' hl Olon.
Mlts-. 2- Wlllla Stolen bases Ryan. Flatter
ii. Maicsart. fpesa. 1-trwt bas on errors
OaV.and 2. Portland 1. Left on bases
Oaklttnrl lo, Purtr.4 Innings pitched
Br Gresg 0. Willis 3. Bsss hits 00" Oresg
. runs 4; Willis 2. runs 2. Tlma of game
3 hours. L'mplr McGreevy.
Senators Fnll Down Badly Despite
Ten Good Hits. .
I ZDS ANGELES. Aug. 21. Los Angeles
defeated Sacramento In both games of
the double-header today. The morning
score was 10 to 1 and that of the after
noon 2 to 1. Scores:
First game
R. H. E-l R. H. E.
Ixs Ang'les.10 'Sacramento I i t
Batteries Delhi and Smith; Byram.
Hatch and Spiesman.
Afternoon game
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Los Angles. I i OSacramento 15 1
Batteries Thorsen and Waring;
Baura and LaLonge. Umpire Finney.
Vernon 6-0; San Francisco 4-2.
PAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 21. Vernon
and San Francisco divided a double
header today. Vernon taking the morn
ing session, f to 4. and San Francisco
shutting the Southerners out In the
afternoon. 2 to 0. Scores:
Jlorning game
R. H. E. R- H. E.
Vernon .... 3iSan Fran... 4 8 2
Batteries Brackenrldge and Brown;
Browning and Williams.
Afternoon game
R. H. E.I R. H. E.
San Fran.. .2 8 2Vernon ....0 1
Batteries Suter and Williams; Car
son and H. Hogan.
Wealthy Racehorse Impresario and
Ball Clnb Stockholder Falls
Trigger In Probable War.
lOS ANGELES. Cal.. 'Aug. 21. (Spe
cial.) "The day will urely com when
we will have outlaw ball on the Pacific
Coast again, and for my part. I am
-eadr for It. I am not speaking for
the Vernon club, but for myself, and
I say it Is one of the worst holdups
ever perpetrated In the business. This
fellow Is one of the most notorious
contract Jumpers known, and Is alway
looking for a chance to take advantage
of something like this, and yet th
National Commission stands for this
bad business. Some one must he get
ting some of that 1600 for"
With this terrific broadside directed
toward the Missouri River. Jim Brooks,
wealthy local racehorse Impresario
and stockholder tn the Vernon team,
pulled the trigger last night and let
her go with a bang at the baseball
"higher-ups" In the East, who have
Just reiterated their desire to sting th
Vernon Club out of about $1000 to
make good aom prlnclplo that sound
much Ilk a big Joke.
The be of his anger Is the Informa
tion that cam from Cincinnati last
night, to the effect that the National
Commission bad refused to hear th
petition of appeal of th Vernon Club
tn the Batsman case and declaring that
th National Association shall tak
steps to fore the previous finding.
Brooks stated last night that th
Vernon team had tried to get th fact
before the National Commission on
three different occasions and had sent
to the commission all the paper bear
ing on the ease, but It appear now
that the commission would rather up
hold a man like Batemaa than to give
the Vernon team Justice.
Wherefore. Brook raise In his
wrath, declares that his team I the
victim of a bold holdup game and If
such things ar persisted In there I
liable to be another outlaw league on
th coast next year.
Tboagh Devoid of Sensations, 5-to-4
Game Is Interesting.
SALEM. Or, Aug. XL Spc!l.) Befor
th largest crowd of th year at a Trl
Clty League gam her. West Portland
defeated Saletfi today by a score of i to 4.
Cp to the ninth It was ftilem's game,
but the visitor succeeded in chalking
op three In th final inning.
The contest, while devoid of sensational
features, waa Interesting throughout.
i " 7
si . i! ' v
i- '
.. ( : . fr ' v :
Beavers' Next Opponents Have
Nice New Suits.
Crusade Against Betting on Ball
Games at Recreation Park, San
Francisco, Still On, Three Ar
rests Being Made Sunday.
8 AN FRANCISCO, Aug. 21. (Special.)
With new road uniforms packed In their
grips, th Seals, minus Ping Bodle. who
is laid up with a sprained tendon, and
Frank EaMley, who is .not in the best
of shape, left tonight for Portland, where
on Tuesday, they will open an Important
scries against the Beavers. It la likely
that Cack Henley will pitch the opening
Umpire Van Haltren also left on th
night train and will work this coming
series In conjunction with McQreevy.
HUdebrand will remain In San Francisco
for the Los Angeles-Oakland serieej, while
Tinney stay In Los Angeles.
The new road suits of the Seals are
blue with a wnite stripe down the center
of the shirt, lettered in blue, "Sealej."
The road uniform are patterned after
those of Vernon. Th caps are blue
with white trimmings.
The crusade against betting on ball
games at Recreation Park still continue.
Three men were arrested today and
charged with betting on the game. The
officer declare that money passed hands.
The men arrested were booked under
the following namee: John Smith, sales
man: John Res 11, peddler, and John
Kugler. waiter.
President .Graham says that he Is de
termined that belting at Recreation Part
must be broken up.
Won. Lost. P.C
Kew Tork .....
72 35 .673
114 41 .010
SI 44 .5I1
S4 M ..VU
64 f.9 .481
4 J 3 .3'.
4:1 67 .311
41 71 -3t
Cincinnati .....
Brooklyn ......
St Louie ......
Boston .....
Cincinnati Nails "Lucky" IS Hits,
Scoring Ten Runs.
CINCINNATI, Aug. 21. Cincinnati
hammered Wlltse hard, a base on balls,
..n hits s-lvlna- the locals seven
runs in th fifth. Score: -
R. H. E. K. . ti.
New Tork 1 6 2, W II 0
Batteries Wlltse. Dickinson and
Meyers: Gaspar and McLean. Umpires
Klem and Kane.
Chicago 3-6; Brooklyn 2-S.
CHICAGO Aug. 21. Chicago made a
clean sweep of the Brooklyn series by
capturing both games, 8 to 2 and to 2.
Ruckar mad Chicago work hard to
tak th first game. Cole had the bet
ter of Ball in the second contest.
First game
Brooklyn... 2 8 lChlcago 2 8 2
Batteries Kucker and Miller; Over
all. Richie and Kling.
Second game
R H El R H E
Brooklyn... 2 S SIChicago. 7 0
Batteries Bell and Miller: Col and
Kling. Umpires CDay and Brennan.
St. Louis 10; Philadelphia 9.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 21. Philadelphia
lost to 6t. Louis today in seven innings,
aln stopped the game at th end of
the seventh. Score:
R. H. E-l R. H. E.
St- Loots 10 It OiPhllad'phla 21 2
Batteries Willis. Harmon. Corridon
and Bresnahan; Morent Stack. Ewlng
and Dooln. Umpires Rlgler and
Dick Cavill, of Australia, Turns
Brother or Portland Man Makes
Time of 1:2 2-S Seconds, Bet
tering Former Mark Cham
pion After American.
Dick Cavlll. the famous Australian
cliamplon swimmer, and brother of Ar
thur Cavlll, swimming Instructor of the
MuBnomah Amateur Athletic Club, broke
the world's swimming record for 100 me
ters at Gearhart Park. Saturday night.
Dick Cavlll traversed the distance In 1
minute. 2 2-5 seconds, breaking his own
former record of 1 mintue 4 1-3 seconds.
This feat was accomplished In a 40-foot
tank, necessitating nine turns to make
the distance.
This famous Australian "water-dog" Is
the most adept speed swimmer In the
Northwest today, and he is in America
s'mply for the purpose of batlng all
American swimming marks, and his ex
hibition Saturday night was staged at the
instance of his brother. Arthur Cavill,
who Is to have charge of the aquatic
events at the coming Astoria regatta.
ArthLr Cavlll took this means of Intro
ducing his brother to the visitors at Gear
hart and the Oregon beaches, as all were
Invited to attend the swimming exhibi
tion, to which no admission was charged.
At the swim, the announcement was
made that Dick Cavill would swim
against the American open-water records
during the Astoria regatta, when he
hopes to smash several of the marks held
by American Champion Daniels (ama
teur), as well as the Pacltic Coast swim
ming marks.
Labor Day Events Promise Real
Sport on Willamette.
The regatta committee of the Port
land Motor-boat Clnb has arranged for
the holding of a series of motor-boat
races on the Willamette River on
Labor Day. September 5. Four events
are to be held, and suitable prises are
offered for each race.
The first race will be the free-for-all
race, and In this event It Is hoped
to have a number of entries from
among the motor-boats racing at As
toria during the regatta next Monday.
Tuesday and Wednesday. The second
race will be a speed handicap event tor
the Jaeger Brothers trophy, a handsome
prize' which has been competed for since
1808 and. which must be won twice to
become the permanent property of the
winner. In 1908 It was won by the
Happy Helney, and last year the Au
gusta captured the event.
The third race will be for pleasure
craft, and the fourth race Is slated for
cabin launches. The pleasure boat race
will be for the trophy offered oy
Commodore Boost, of the club.
The regatta committee has not yet
decided upon the course of the races,
but it probably will lie below the Steel
Visitors En Route to Tournament
Play Good Game In Seattle.
SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 21. (Spe
cial.) The Portland Cricket Club's 11,
which is on its way to play In the
International tournament at Victoria,
B. C, played its return game against
Seattle here yesterday. Tbe game was
well played and keen, the visitors be
ing defeated by the narrow margin of
eight runs.
Despite the absence of Portland's
fast bowler. Bailey, the work of the
visiting team In this department was
very effectual, and the fielding was
universally commented on as being the
keenest of any seen on the- Woodland
Park grounds. Churchley made the
top score. 26. for Portland, while Grey
shared the honors In a game attempt
to save the match, which was frustrat
ed when McCullough worked Mallett's
leg stump, with eight needed to win.
Total of 4 1 HlU Recorded in Double
header Contest in State
League Fight.
MONTESAXO. Wash., Aug. IL (Spe
cial.) lost to Aberdeen this
morning, 8 to 7. In a loosely played
game, making five run In the Drat inning.
The farmer thought they bad tbe game
tucked away and loafed and "played
horse' long enough to let Aberdeen get
the lead and then In the ninth tried to
win th game back, but were not strong
enough at the bat. The game was th
worst exhibition seen on the home
ground this season. Th score:
R.H-B-1 R-H-Ev
Aberdeen 8 8 2Montesano ....7 7 4
Batterle Mann. Clarke and Hust; An
derson, Moore and Moore.
The afternoon game waa a slugging
match, Montesano winning 10 to 8. Al
though the game was marked by heavy
hitting the play was listless and without
life. The feature was the home run of
McGraw with the bases full. Gleaaon
also got a homer. The scot:
R.H.B-1 R.H.E.
Aberdeen 8 11 lMontesano ...10 14 2
Batteries-Reed and Hust; Wakefield
and Moore. J
Clark Gets Revenge From Raymond
for Former Victory.
CHEHAxjIS, Wash.. Aug. 21. (Spe
cial.) Before 1500 people Chehalls to
day stepped back into first place in
the State League by winning- both
games from Raymond, 8 to 8, 8 to L
Callahan started to pitch this morn
ing, but got off badly, three scores
running against him on four bunched
hits. Clark replaced him and took
sweet revenge for the beating given
the locals yesterday, when he was in
the box. After Clark went in Ray
mond never got a man on third, only
two hits being made off him. Calla
han pitched this afternoon and de
livered the goods beautifully, but
three hits being made off him. Che
halls got 10 hits off Baker this morn
ing. Walsh pitched the afternoon game
for Raymond till the sixth, and was
hit freely, when Jachs replaced bim
after four run bad been mad and
; f?v 1
I : '4 - ' . -1
- 'L ; J'iwi
' . i ''
. A
. ' rv fr: : A
i : I t ' 1
Hl.-k Cavlll, Australian S Trimmer
Who Hroke World's Sv I mining
Record rt Gearhart Park Satur
day Matt.
but one out. Summary: Morning game:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Chehalls .. 8 10 Raymond .368
Batteries Chehalls Callahan. Clark
and Taylor: Raymond Baker and
Wlneholt. Walked Callahan 1, Clark
1. Baker 2. Two-base hits Flchtner 2,
McBride 1. Stolen bases JaDsa. Flts
gerald. Left on bases Chehalls 7,
Raymond 6.
Afternoon game
R. H.E.I R- H.E.
Chehalls ..6 6 SlRaymond ..188
Batteries Chehalis Callahan .and
Taylor; Raymond Wash, Jachs and
Wlneholt. Struck out Callahan 8,
Walsh 4. Jachs 2. Walked Callahan 4,
Walsh S. Jachs 2. Hit by Walsh 1.
Two-base hits Fitzgerald, Burnett.
Three-base hits Flchtner. Stolen
bases Jones. Left on bases Chehalls
9. Raymond 5. Double plays Fitzger
ald unassisted to Kennedy; Martin to
Jansa to Fulton; Jansa to Martin to
Spokane 1S-10; Taconta 1-1.
SPOKANE, Aug. , 21. -Spokane
knocked Tacoma's pitchers for an
aggregate of 31 hits In the double
header today. Bonner worked in both
games for Spokane, holding the visitors
to nine hits In the two. Scores:
First game '
R. H. E. R. K. E.
Tacoma 1 3 2Spolcane ...13 16 2
Batteries Hall, Mas ton and Blanken
hlp; Bonner and Shea.
Second game
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Tacoma ....1 6 3Spokane ...10 16 1
Batteries Schmuts and Byrnes;
Bonner and Shea.
Errors Aid Vancouver Which Pounds
Out Seven Hits and Game.
SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 21. Seattle's
errors helped convert Vancouver's few
hits into runs today.
Miller allowed Seattle only one hit
R. H. E. R. H.E.
Seattle ... 0 1 4 Vancouver 3 7 1
Batteries Dickinson and Hemenway;
Miller and Sugden.
Fast (2-to-l Game Gives Pitcher
Baker Clear Victory
ALBANY. Or.,' Aug. 21. (Special.)
Junction City won from the Albany
Colts In a splendidly played baseball
game here today, 2 to 1. The visitors
scored both their runs Id-the first half
of the first Inning, before -there were
any outs, and Albany annexed its lone
tally In the last half of the last Inning
after two were out.
Batteries Albany, W. Patterson and
D. Patterson; Junction City, Baker and
Perman. '
Portland Team Loses to Aurora,
AURORA. Or, Aug. 21. (SpeolaL)
The Aurora baseball team today de
feated the speedy Columbia Hardware
Company nine, of Portland, In a well
played game by the score of 10 to 4.
Baker, the Aurora twlrler, was steady
throughout, and held his opponents
down whenever they became dangerous.
Long running catches by Errlcson, of
tbe Columbia Hardware team, and
Long, of the Aurora club, were the
features. The Columbia Hardware
team plays at Clatskanle next Sunday.
Batteries Columbia Hardware
Stokes, Nelson, Schultz and Jamleson;
Aurora Nelson and Parrott.
Clatskanle Team Wins Shutout.
CLATSKANIE, Or.. Aug. 21. (Spe
cial.) By the score of 4 to 0 the Clats
kanle team today defeated the Calef
Brothers team, of Portland, In one of
the most exalting games of the sea
son. Bryant, the Clatskanle pitcher,
allowed only one bit, and bad no diffi
culty in scoring a shutout. Batteries
Bryant and Bums, for Clatskanle,
and Schaefer and Herschler for Calef
Meier & Frank Baseball Nine Wins.
The Meier & Frank Company hase-
Have You a Baby?
We neaa a Baby Grand Plan.
Read our ad la yesterday' Ore
gonlaa and see how easy tt la
to get oae.
Eilers Mus e House
331-S3S-3S5 Washlsurto St.
I Am Rertorlng Sufferta Men Every
Day to Robust Health, Many of
Them, No Doabt Were Much
Lower tn Strength Than You. -
You may have been unfortunate in se
lecting a doctor to treat you. or you
may not have griven yourself the atten
tion which your aflment demands. You
know that every day yon put the matter
off you are getting1 worse and worse.
Life does not possess for you the pleas
ures it did. would you not give much
to possess that robust health, vim and
vigor that were yours before the ravages
of sickness attacked your system? Now'
if you really have this desire to be well
call at my Institute at once and consult
have restored hundreds of men to
health, many of whom, perhaps were in
worse condition than yoo are- In a
short time after the treatment is begun
decided Improvement is noticed, and
when dismissed they go out from under
rry care restored to the health nature
Intended should be theirs.
The aliments below ere the ones to which I devote my time and atten
tion, and I know how to cure them, aat aj well at Ton know how to do tbe
work yon may follow- I neldom fall to cure any of my patient In lesa time
than I promise, and I have never cured any one who bird a retnrn of tbe
trouble for which I treated blm.
Nervons Aliments I get much
praise and thanks from patients I
cure of these troubles, from young
men who are weak, nervous, dis
tressed, embarrassed and worthless
because they are not strong and
vigorous as they should be. You
have to have such treatment as I
give you it is your fault if you
aon't let me cure you.
Kidney, Bladder and Kindred All
nrnlH are scientifically cured by
me. My methods Immediately bene
fit you and the majority of cases I
cure come from other specialists
Who failed.
Piles I can cure you so quickly
and easily that you will be sur
prised. I will give you just the re
eult and cure you are looking for
without a surgical operation.
Medicines furnished from my own laboratory, $1.50 to $6.50 per course.
If you cannot call, write for particulars. Many cases are curable at home.
Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M- Sundays, 10 to 12.
ball team defeated the Stevens Athletic
nine In a fast game yesterday by the
score of 2 to 0. Harlow, pitching- for
tbe winning: club, fanned IS batters
and allowed but one hit. Seiberts, the
Stevens pitcher, fanned 12 and allowed
four hits. Both tcr played snappy
Jess Day, of Marslifield, Wins One
of Hardest Fights.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. Aug. 21. (Spe
cial.) Jess Day, of Marshfleld, defeated
Al Kelll. of San Francisco, last night
In the 13th round of a 20-round fight.
It was the hardest fight ever seen
here and Nelll'a seconds threw up the
sponge after he had received a severe
Day will fight Soldier Burke at As
toria. August 29.
VEAN GREGG was defeated by the
Oaks yesterday and can blame no
body but himself.' He ought to learn
to field his position a little better.
He is weak on bunts, and the Oaks
found It out.
At that, George Ort might have
helped the day to a certain extent if
he had not figured Willis a slugger in
stead of a weakling hitter. George
played altogether too deep on Willis,
who had fanned the first time up, and
the pitcher's bit did the damage.
When George Ort came to bat the
next time up he was mad enough to
annihilate the ball, and he hit it hard
enough to make good anywhere, but
Maggart pulled oft one of the most
glaring porch-climbing exhibitions seen
on the field when he dashed Into the
if she has not prepared her system in advance for the important event.
Women who use Mother's Friend are saved much of the discomfort
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ing oil that thoroughly lubricates every muscle, nerve and tendon
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nature by expanding the skin and tissues, and prepares the system for
the coming of baby. Mother's Friend assures a. quick and natural
recovery for every woman who
uses it. It is for sale at drug
stores. Write for free book
for expectant mothers.
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Blood Poison, Skin Ailments I
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ment irets the poison out of the sys
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Varicose Veins Are Cured My
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Contracted Ailments My treat
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that's the only sure way to be cured.
left field crowd and pulled down
George's terrific drive.
In the eighth inning, with Rapps on
second and Fisher on first by virtue
of the former's hit and an error by
Cutshaw, Casey laced a line drive to
ward right field which brought forth
screams from the crowd, but Cutshaw
hushed them up only to bring forth
more applause by a great one-handed
Some of the rabid ones who figured
Tommy Sheehan to blame for the Oaks'
bunts going safe commenced to call for
Hetllng. Sheehan was not to blame for
the slowness In fielding, for one time
Fisher called "I have It," and the other
busts should have been fielded by
Gregg. Tommy is playing good ball
and should be encouraged. One thing
about the little fellow is that he is
trying all the time.
Despite the fact that he was not
working as well as on his previous
trial against the Oaks, Gregg added
to his strikeout record by whiffing nine
of the Oaks In five innings. That is
some pitching at that, for he would
probably have eqnalled bis record of
14 had he continued the nine Innings.
Catcher Mitxe. of the Oakland team,
does not figure In a time at bat for
his work In yesterday's game. Mltse
was passed twice by Gregg, and on his
other trtals at bat he came through
with sacrifice hits which ; advanced
runners on the paths. However, he
was not throwing very well to bases
yesterday, and the Portlanders negoti
ated five steals on him.
While they have dropped the odd
game of the series to the Oakland
bunch, the Portland team has won
eight out of 11 games since they have
returned to their own lot. This week
they entertain the Seals for a series
of six games, and McCredle says he is
going to repeat the recent trick turned
on the Mohlerites at San Francisco.
For the mother in the home to
be strong and well, able to de
vote her time and strength to
the rearing of children, is one
of life's greatest blessings.
Often the bearing of children
destroys the mother's health.
of the
The Leadlus; Specialist
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