, THE MOimXG OREGOyiAy, SATURDAY. AUGUST 20. 1910. PHOTOGRAPHS SHOW INTEREST IN NEW YORK'S WOUNDED MAYOR'S FIGHT FOR LIFE. f)j f j Q U 11 U L I ' W. : . -w . J?l THIRD TERM IU jjpM$ffi OFFICIALS HAMPER STATE FOOD FIGHT Indiana Attorney-General De clares He Will Appeal to President. SODA BENZOATE IS ISSUE IVrpartmrnt of Agriculture Reluct ant to GlTe Aid and Court Order Is Demanded Before Dr. Wiley Will Testify. WASHINGTON. Aug. . Asserting that ho had bra hampered In every pos sible way I" bis efforts to uphold th taws of hla Mat acatnat the sale of food containing bensoat of soda and announc ing that he would appeal to President Taft. Attorney-Onernl Bingham, of Indiana, today denounced tha IPrt jnent of Agriculture frk-iala. Tha scorns occurred In the hearing ild hera la connection with tha case ol Wllllum Brother and othera against the Board of Health of Indiana. Dr. Harvey W. Wlier. chief of th Bureau a Oiemlxnr. and a worp enemy of banaoate of aoda a a fond preaerratire. ra under croea-examlnatlon at tha time. "Raw Heal" Charard. "Tha Btate of Indiana, which la aeek ln eTldenca In lt defrnw aaalnat tha uit brniicht by food manufacturer be nnH Indiana prohibit the aale of food containing benanate of nda a a pre enratlve. has rscelred a Taw deal" from the Department of Agriculture." declared Attorney-Oeneral Blnaham. "I Intend to make a report to Secretary Wllon. of the Department of Aarl. ulture. and - to take th caae to President Taft himself. -When I applied to th Department of Acrlruttur to fnd Dr. Wiley and hi amlatanl to Indiana to testify, the re nuet waa refwd. Tet the department permitted and requeated ,n member ft the Remarn board and their assistants :o tatlfy In th case agalnat Indiana. Court Order Demanded. "Tha department said If I wanted tha t.stlmnny of Ir. Wiley and hla assist ants I would hava to come here and get It. When we came here the department, with Acting Secretary Hays at Us head. Informed ua that we would hare to get a coirrt order to compel th experts to testify. In court the department waa represented by counsel to prerent our g'tttrg thla testimony. But tha court decided la our faror. "I ha applied for the original docu ments on file In th department dealing with th Investigation of bensoate of soda and waa told tat I would hav to bav a court order for these, too." Later In tha day th documents de manded by Attorney Bingham were fur nished by th Department of Agricul ture. LEWIS PREPARES DATES Schedule for Testimony. on Water Rlghta Outlined. SAI-EM. Or.. Aug. l--Speclal.)-8tal Knglnecr John H. Iwls and members of the 'Water Bnard hare prepared tha schedule of dates fnr hearing testimony and making examination of surreys on some of the Oregon projects. For adjudication of water rights on tha North Powder project In Baker County, iictober 1 haa been named as th date, when lh fliata Engineer will make n examination of th surreys. On October 4. K. M. Saxton. Superintendent of Water Ilvlslon No. I. will take testimony and this will be continued at Baker City on ltnbr C Surveys hav been completed on the Crooked River project In ("rook County and the niapa will be Inspected by tha ftate Engineer on October IT. F. M. Haxton will take testimony at Paulina 'm-toher W and at Prlnevllle October fcX He will leave here for Malheur County to take lestlmony for the Willow Creek rlstmants. These adjudications of water rights deal with problems arising prior to the water cod aa adopted by the Legislature In IVX ARRESTS MADE STARTLING M'onttngi rrrm First Page trii'r of the Kooky Mountain and Pa . inc Coast states waa called to consider t'iat proper representation on the floor c" ti e forthcoming Conservation Congres st St. Fsul. which had been tacitly denied .n f.-rmal application, and Whereas. It was tha corollary Intent t. devise if possible ways and means of rlaclrg before the St. Paul Congress and the Nation the Just, reasonable and Irre preanMe views of th statea most vitally concerned In th statutory affirmation of the accepted conservation policy of th country, and -Whereas, the representative of th Governor ef Minnesota have given as surance that the programme of the Ni t onal Conservation Cor.gress has been so amended as to Irrurc. on a dsy specially set apart, the free and full discussion of the subject of conservation by the Gov ernor of all the states or their repre sentatives, therefore be It "Resolved, that th Governors of tha Bockv Mountain and Pacific Coast states present and represented, cordially tak part In the proceedings of the Su Paul tongrrss snd appoint In compliance with the Invitation extended them, delegations f such force, character and ability aa w:ll Impress upon that distinguished as sembly the sincerity and Justice of' tha d.-mands to be presented by the strug gling young states most to be affected In their Internal economy and growth by ti',r National conservation pollclea and lass. ranama Kxposltlon Indorsed. Krsolutlona were also adopted pledging the stipprrt of the states represented te the Amerw-an Mining Congress, which will meet at Is Angeles. September X to October 1. and to the Panama i'acinc Kxnoeitlon at San Francisco in ISIS. A vote of thanks was tendered Gov ernor William Spry, of Utah, and th ritlsens of Salt Lake City for their kind neiw and hospitality during the confer ence. Governor Hay. of Waahlngton. and C. N. McArthur. representative of the itate of Oregon, left for Portland thla after noon. Insane Sailor Runs Amuck. MARSH FIELD. Or, Au-- (Spe rlal.V William Jacobaon. a sailor on th schooner Omega, will b adjudged Insane. While the schooner was en rout from Honolulu to Coos Bay th maa lost hla mind and attempted to kill th captain. He waa kept In Irons for St daya and turned over to the author ities her. I I L & 111 DftftcOUai M9ks I Saturdav Sho a . , ... l mm V I d . Aa AT Urnn I w KIUMI 1HI I mt ,kv j , -' tx: x in s?eech to League- a mm Hahnrt Adas ia tilvlaat rat Balletlaa Keaartera. GAYNQR IS BETTER All Wounded Mayor's Symp toms Continue Favorable. HE INQUIRES ABOUT DOG New Tork Executive Expresses Great Sympathy for Injured Animal Be cause Wound Is Where lie Cannot I.lck It. NEW TORK. Aug. 1. Propped up with pollowa. Mayor Oaynor sat up In bed for mora than an hour today. read Ins; and talking to his 7-year-old daugter. Ruth. After a most satisfactory day, marked by the last blood test that will be taken. Robert A damson, the Mayor's secretary, said tonight that the sur geons had assured him that the Mayor waa practically out of danger. The following official bulletin cams from his bedside tonight: ":S0 P. M. The Mayor paased a com fortable day. All hla symptoms con tinue to be favorable. ArUtx. Brewer, Down." The foregoing, although timed :S0 o'clock, was not Issued until 10. No signification Is attached, however, to the delay In tha lasuanca of the bul letin. Mr. Gaynor continues his cheery de meanor and from time to time asks questions about various matters and persons. He Inquired again today about "Mel" Smith's dog. a little animal which had been run down by an auto mobile at. St. James, the Mayor'a coun try home. He expressed great sym pathy for tha dog. because, he said, tha animal's Injury was right behind the ear. "where he couldn't even lick Mayor Oaynor also inquired again about "Big Bill" Edwards, street com missioner, who has kept very close to his chief- stde ever since the shoot ing. Commissioner Kdwarda Is so en couraged by the Mayor'a condition that he has ventured out of town for a rest, DEMANDS TO BE PRESENTED (Continued Prom first rage.) prosecution, the Blue Island concern a official Is declared to- have told how the frauds on the Illinois Central road were perpetrated, how the money waa divided and produced the documentary evidence to substantiate his assertions. Here are tha admissions declared to hava been secured from him In this confession: That the Illinois Central road waa mulcted of between 1400.000 and 1500. 000 In fak repair bills and exorbitant prices for materials stolen from the railroad. Stockholders Cut .Melons." That the road waa compelled to pay for doora and roofa for coal cars, which never have- doora or roofs. That numeroua rich "melons" were cut among the stockholders of the cor poration. In addition to the big divi dends paid. This. It waa declared, was done In secret In order to prevent the outward appearance of too much prosperity on the part of thp corpor ation. That the -officials and directors of th company became so careless that they failed to destroy the records of many of these "melons." and that the documentary proofs of thlr gatherings still exist and can be produced at the present hearing. The Investigation began over a year ago. It reached a crisis last Spring when President Harahan began actions to recover sums said to aggregate more than 1 1,000.090 alleged to have been aecured by car repair companies In connivance with high officials of the road. Harrlman. Ewlng. Taylor and a large number of othera of leaser mag nitude resigned their positions. Name of Suicide Involved,, Much of the money Is said to hava been repaid privately. The names of Ira O. Rawn. vice-president of the road, who resigned to become presi dent of the Monon and who was found dead recently aa his home with a bul let wound In his breast, was brought Into the scandal. Murray Nelson. Jr., attorney for the Illinois Central, stated today that Rawn's death beaded off warrants which would have been Is sued for him. Private detectives are said to have unearthed frauds Involving the divert ing of 11.000.000 or more from new con struction. The Investigators declare they have secured several confessions. Today's developments bring the name of Ewlng Into the case for the first time. He was seen at hla residence by reporters but declined to discuss the charges against him. Harrlman Insists He Is Loyal. Harrlman embraced tha opportunity to declare his Innocence. "1 have never been approached by an attorney or detective engaged In this case." said Mr. Harrlman. "I am per fectly innocent of any and all charges made against me. ' I will admit that I have been awaiting some such action aa this In order to refute the charges. I am glad of the opportunity to clear my name. (1 have always been true to my friends and I want them to know, as .i-L W'Jvrv:' aa i . ACTIB-M4VOR MITCHELL AND POLICE COMMISSIOXKR BAKKR LEAV ,s,0 HOSPITAL AFTER CALL 0 WOUNDED MAYOR. will be shown In court, that I always was true to the Illinois Central." Harrlman's connection with the Illi nois Central covers a period of 31 years. He began aa a civil engineer's ap prentice, served three years ss an aa sistant roadmaater, and rose through the gradea of construction engineer, trainmaster and division superinten dent to the general managership. Graft Gigantic, It Is Said. An official of the road Intimated that other warrants would follow those Is sued today. He declared that tne sys tem of graft unearthed by the rail roads makes political graft look trivial. "We will get the last man In this conspiracy If It takes us down to the lowliest section hand." he declared. "The mass of evidence we have secured is so great that It demonstrates that political graft In Its palmiest condi tions passes Into insignificance beside the hoodwinking of railroad executives by designing; underlings. I predict that other roads will wake up and that their awakening will produce more than one sensation." President Harahan awaited the minute detaila of the Investigation be fore striking. When he considered the time ripe, as he did last night, he took the field himself. He called on Chief Justice Olson, of the Municipal Court, and. with the assistance of a pile of documents and photographs, laid the case before him. Judge Olson referred him to Judge Bruggemeyer. In the Jurisdiction of whose court the Illinois Central officers are located. Judge Bruggemeyer Issued the war rants, but made every effort to keep the fact a secret." Not until the ar rests were made this afternoon did the secret leak. It created a sensation in railroad and social circles, where the defendants are well known. Hearing on the warrants was set for next Fri day. FREE UWE NOT FOR WIFE HCSBAXD PROSECUTES WHEN SPOCSE i FICKLE. Man Accused: of Kissing Woman on Bock Porch Admit Charge, but Says She Tempted Him. ROSEBfRG. Or, Aug. 1 (Special.) Although Jamea Inman. of Looking Glass, at one time prospective candi date nr President of the United. States on the Socialist ticket, professes to be lieve In "free love." he draws the line when It comes to men other tlian him self practicing the teachings of the belief with his wife. inman appeared before District At torney Brown late today and asked that a warrant of arrest .be issued for William B. Clay, once United States Ambassador to Russia. Inman alleged that he fed and clothed Clay out of sympathy, only to discover last-night that the atranger had won his wife's affections. Inman declares that he suspected his wife and succeeded In detecting Clay hugging and kissing her. on the rear porch of the family residence. Clay admits the charge, but says the woman tempted him. Why." said Clay, "that woman fol lowed me out on the porch and after addressing me as dearie, placed her arms around my neck and sprinkled kiss after kiss on my brow." Clay was taken. In custody by Sheriff Fenton this afternoon. He says he re cently came to Douglas County from Portland, where he worked several months. Western Slherls Is seven timet as Jarge as the German Emplr. k t il 3 ksjsV- GOTTDN KING SUED Sully and Hammonds Accused of Swindling Inventor. RETURN OF PATENT ASKED IiCmncI A. Greene Says He Was to Have $50,000 Cah and Same Amount of Stock and Only Got Stock and Xo Money. WASHINGTON, Aug. 19. Daniel J. Sully, of New York, the "cotton king, John Hays Hammond of New York and Washington, and his son, Harry Hammond, were cited today by Justice Gould, of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, to show cause next Friday whey they should not re turn to Lemuel A. Greene, of Green vill. S. C, certain letters patent issued to him for Improvements In cotton grading. ' Greene had assigned his patent to John J. Welch, of New York, as trus tee, pending the formation of a cotton grading company. In consideration, he alleges, for the payment to him of SSO.000 in cash on the organization of the company and 'a block of stock worth $30,000. He declares Sully and the Hammonds had the trustee trans fer the patents to the company and is sued him the $50,000 in stock, but did not make the cash payment. In his suit Green says he called his patent to the attention of Sully who. in turn. Interested the Hammonds and a company was formed. He charges that Sully refused the cash payment to him. and then organized, he alleges, another company to which waa assigned the patent rights In consideration of $1 royalty on each grader sold. He de clares the entire stock of the new com pany was issued to the Hammonds anw Sully "for the sole purpose of defraud ing him." He tenders the return of the stock in the grader company and asks the court to compel the" financiers to re assign to him his patent rights. Equalization Board Cuts Taxes. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Aug. 19. (Spe cial.) For three weeks the County Com missioners have been sitting as a Board of Equalization, and during that time 20 complaints have been filed. Nine were grsnted reductions of taxes In part, while 11 were refused. The assessment In the county this yesr Is rather high, being 4.4 per cent in Vancouver. In the county it varies, accordingly as the school tax levy In the different districts vary, but It Is not less than 3.2 per cent in any district. Kloodii Sarsaparilla Cures all blood humors, all erup tions, clears the complexion, cre ates an appetite, aids digestion, relieves that tired feeling, gives vigor and vim. .Get It today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsataba. Kespect of White Men of South Is Vital to Solution of Problem. Hamshackle Cabins Are Reproach to People. vK-nr VHT) U- A ii cr 1ft. The SUPPOrt Of the negro electorate of the United States for a possible thlr.l term was pleK : r. .1. hv the 1100 ji . .i .v.. motional Negro Busi ness Men's League here in convention. The indorsement 01 tne -r..u. " v.- KaH odoeeMMi the waa voioa inter w " - delegates on the opportunities for ad vancement open to the colored race i In this country, coionei nuwre.ai -""' ..I,.- V. I . a man of the South lS th j lie wiiihj w. vital man to have sympathy with tne negro. When your neighbor respects you. you have won your battle. The white man ol tne onu ouea ....... in Interfering between the two peoples o the South and his best work when he improves their relationship. . "I WOUld noi Slur over mo "'J"-' .... t Minl.Aj man are treated. Willi wnicii e 1 " , : but I feel that the really substantial way or conquering injusii your people eo that the white man will 'mi . . AnAnniA in hln colored nelah- WllilUS1 icvvbiiim bor a desirable neighbor. Every down- at-the-neel ramsnacaie nes . ...... i , n .wA ..Aonle Who live In noi only wiu - t" - It, but is a reflection on the race. A man who lives a -n er oo wen mo i Idleness Is not only doing ill to himself, but to his people. "I believe In this league. As I wrote five years ago.i when I was President, I l.m i i Imitate amnilf vnue IH 1 1 1 V K 111 1 L- 1 1.1. i;. .ill"... people principles of business and policies YOU also HUUiuiaie. ttinvue, j i - principles of business and enterprise. .t-l. . i ii ,i.hi I vi Vnu should build i 1 tl l id ai . a firm foundation before you erect tha superstructure. COLONEL LIKES nritAIi LIFE Country Is Ploeo to Live, Garden City Folks Are Told. i Ti i.-v- pitv i. r A ii f 19. The- UJllll -1... V.. 1 . I ... 1 ' odore Roosevelt stopped at Garden City on his way rrom isew ium i -i Bay today and laid the cornerstone of a building which Is being built here by a publishing firm. The Colonel in nts speecn eo.m me.,, the pmintrv was the people's proper place In which to live. "I feel that everytning wnicn itu . .. . V. a nnmilntliltl fmm th r.!! irt.v. i.iv '.- ...... ... . I .... A . a-itfe fraah Air to the. men and women and especially to the chil dren, COUniS lor JUHI U Hiuvii m, i the development or our civic me, said. CARNIVAL WILL END TODAY Speed Boat Pacer of Portland Wins $100 Prize and Trophy. MARSH FIELD, Or., Aug. 19. (Spe cial.) The Coos Bay Deep Waterway Carnival, which has been in progress here for the past week, will close to morrow, which is expected, to be the biggest day. Many visitors are here from out of tho city and hotel and rooming-house accommodations are taxed to the utmost. It Is believed that tomorrow will see the largest erowd ever known to Coos Bay. The committee having In charge the boat races changed the decision in the match race of yesterday Between the speed boat Pacer, of Portland, and the Wolf. The race has been decided in . . . . u,nie l.i.nin hnnt. This iavor ui ine v.. . , - was for the ten-mile race. The Pacer w"on the 20-mne race nu n.u the $100 prize and the trophy cup. SALE OF WHEAT IS LARGE 30,000 Sacks Worked at 80 Cents When Mills and Exporters Bid. WESTON", Or.. Aug. 19. (Special.) Competition between mills and export ers resulted In the sale of 30.000 sacks of Weston wheat today at 80 cents for No. 1 cluh. , Largest sellers were Mose Taylor, ccm ,.!,. a l Dourlas. 2375: J. H. Key, 3300: W. E. Woows. 3900: J. Culley, 3000; Charles Williams. 3500 sacks. More Elmore Appraisers Named ASTORIA. Or.. Aug. 19. Special.) Don't Be Bald . Almost Any One May Secure a Splendid Growth of Hair Tou can easily find out for yourself If vour hair needs' nourishment, if it Is thinning, getting dry, harsh and brit tle, or splitting at the ends. You simply have to pull a hair from the top of your head and closely examine its root. If the bulb is plump and rosy it is all right: If It is white and shrunken your hair Is diseased and needs neurishment. We have a remedy for hair troubles that cannot be surpassed. It has a record of growing hair and curing baldness In 93 out of 100 cases where used according to directions for a rea sonable length of time. It will even grow hair on bald heads If the scalp is not glazed and shiny. That may seem like a strong statement it Is, and we mean it to be, and no one should doubt it untl they have put our claims to an actual test. We are so sure that Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will completely eradicate dandruff, prevent baldness, stimulate the scalp and hair roots, stop falling hair and grow new hair, that we per sonally give our positive guarantee to refund every penny paid us for Rexall 93" Hair Tonic in every instance where it does not do as we claim or falls to give entire satisfaction to the user. Rexall "93"' Hair Tonic Is aa pleasant to use os clear spring water. It is per fumed with a pleasant odor, and does not grease or gum the hair. We have it In two sizes, prices 60 cents and $1.00. We urge you to try Rexall 93" Hair Tonic on our recommendation and with our guarantee back of it. You certainly take no risk. . Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Portland only at the Owl Drug Co., Inc., corner Seventh and Washington-streets. Sale Lingerie Waists at Half Price Sale Children s Coats at Half Price Sale Odd Lace Curtains at Half Price Sale Flannelette Gowns at Half Price Sale of Jet Jewelry at Half Price Irish Lace Neckwear One-Fourth Off Seal Shopping Bags, Special $2.50 $5.00 Natural Wavy Switches, $3.29 $3.00 Natural Wavy Switches, $2.09 $4.50 Puffs, All Shades, for $3.15 Sale of Wash Belts at Half Price $1.50 Mens Percale Shirts at $1.15 $8.50 Tailored Wash Suits at $2.75 One-Piece Wash Dresses Now $2.75 Tailored Wash Skirts on Sale, at 95c Reg. $6.00 Trimmed Hats Now 95c $7.00 Untrimmed Shapes Now 69c 35c Bunch of Lovely Flowers, 5c All Drugs at Owl Cut -Rate Prices Victor Talking Machines; 50c Down ana 50c a Week. Free Lessons in Irish Crochet Dozens of Other Great Specials for Saturday's Selling An order was filed in the Probate Court today appointing C. H Leonard. J. J. Donergan and A. K. Richardson as appraisers of the portion of the S. Elmore estate in Harney County. War ren Brown, Frank Elkins and J. D. LaFollette were named as appraisers for the portion of the estate in Crook County and C. R. Dobbins, C. Hemp street and F. M. Turman were named as appraisers of the portion of the es tate lying in Lincoln County. The ap praisers for the part of the estate lying In Clatsop and Tillamook Counties were appointed several weeks ago. PACIFIC WANTSNEW ROADS County to Vote on $100,000 Bond Issue in November. . SOUTH BEND, Wash., Aug. 19 (Special.) The Board of County Commissioners to-. When You Think Of the pain which many women experience with every month it makes the gentleness and kindness always associ ated with womanhood seem to bo almpst a miracle. While in general no woman rebels sgatnst what she re gards as a natural necessity there is no woman who would swt gladly be free from this recurring period of pain. nr. Pierce' a Favorite Prescription makes weak women stroni and alck women well, and tires them freedom from pain, it establishes regularity, subdues Inflam mation, heals ulceration and cures te male weakness. Sick women are invited o consult Dr. Pierce by letter, trie. Ail corresponoenoe sintuy - - confidential. Write without fear and without fee to World's Dispensary Med ical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D President, Buffalo, N. Y. If tou want a book that tells all about woman's diseases, and bow to cure them at home, send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of maihnjf " snd he will send you a free copy of hi. great thousand-page illustrated Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to-date edition, in paper covers. In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps. TO SALEM. Calls to Salem and from Salem to Portland completed same as local calls in Portland by our new Two Number Service. If you do not know telephone number of party wanted, call "Information" and ascertain. , Try it and you will be pleased. r.j?.tig! The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company Beck Building, Seventh and Oak Streets. pping List day decided to submit to the voters of Pacific County at the general election in November, the question of issuing bonda in the sum of J100.000 for road and bridge purposes, the bonds to run 15 years and to bear not to exceed 6 per cent interest Change of Time on O. K. & X. , Sunday. August 21. change of time will be made on O. R. & N. trains as follows: Soo-Spokane-Portland will leave Portland at 11:00 P. M. Instead of 7:00 P. M. as heretofore, and will carry the Walla Walla Pullman sleeper. Baker City local will leave at 8:00 A. M. Instead of 7:40 A. M. The Spokane Flyer will leave at 6:00 P. M. as before, but the Pullman sleeper to Lewiston will be carried on this train Instead of the soo-Spokane-Portland train. The inventor of a new pocket automatio run claims Its bullets will penetrate half in Inoh of steel at 1000 yards. Three minutes '25 Cents 1