lla. FOR Jtt.NT 1-a rgs room Oat. fsc easU strictly noden and butlt ry racent.i ; U furnish with both ras n5 wood or ci cc-king rant: gas and 'cinclty for Uanllt., plum Dint at the beat m.kl piata. porcla.u bald. up-io-dats in .ry rpct. two cart peaa within half block ; locauoa aar Wiier and O.bba stre-ts; ikit o or r car; kay at drugstore, corner Frnt .arid iu THK new. up-to-date f.ata. bast lv-atloa In ciuy. CaU Main IJ-13. Et 117. Raid. 401 Rothcm.-. bidg. Mocay no ob jfcc ; wanta go tcar.u FOR RENT Near, lovy 4 -room flat. 28th u. nar C Irving su Phone East 5 B 1M- J-KOOM fiat., ail con em !- easy walk ing distance. 34 Montf omerj St. ia gu.r at 3.1 M mtfimgry at. NEW doubi fat on Cut and rL Inquire n. Into eu. get ae. Tae Itr.vkl; n rar. WHK.N moviflf call VP Vaa Horn Treua Co. Mm 161. A ii- U covered wa- . . tc H npfttn:( men 5-ROOM flat, walking diaiao.-e. Phona East 4?:T. Call op in the m.rr!ng. HousrrpUig Rooma. THE BEAVfcH. 1-HB and Maraha.l- Fur mihid for houeeksw-ptog. fM rtniM, elee trie Us.nta. hot water, bat a. laundry, all fr: 15 0r month up; a clean place; beet in the cHy far money, ahurt distance from I sion Ipo. .Taka "' or lii'h-et- cart I -y; set o.t at Marshall at. No dogs. men' ft; . ; ia furnisrwd tttsg. r-ma. $.4; Vr flat. 4 rwtni, $1. 3'4 S. I-v i wt aid liver I. W car from d-px, or M"ffi"fl to Mh. b ecu n-jrrh. N. aLY luralshad . pi aults by we-k or month; everything convenient. rnt reasonable: centrally located. Aider at., cor.Park- TWO n!eay"farntehed hu-k-er.ng roora; Ku tiota, vlevtrto lis bis. l-slrble loca- tioo- SSS Ptfi st. M atn Zrz. 461 BAST MORRISON, corner East ih; rnmpietely furniane& houakeplnB rooma, reaonabie. THE MORRISON, Mrrton t. Hua- keeptne-rooma. amie and en aune; newly turrt.r-rrt din.nc rom lo cnnrc: ton. riXB DOWNTOWN "rlOMB. SIIN t'R BU-O." JluRRISOJT ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. KEASO.NAOLB. 13 WEEK Clean, fjrniahed housekeeping rooma. leunrtrr. bath, phone, gaa. heat. -d. cl-aa linen 4" ancpuvr tr. Jl.jo HEcK. clean fur. tiuketing roam a, bat. laundry, bath. ri3 btantoa. V car. $: 2i WEKC. clan fur- housekeeping rooms. beat. Und ry.tat a S"a :antn. "L" car. fjK RENT Housekeeping rooms In new ncr-:e trldg. t'hone Vood lawp Tkla; KLM 3 and ft -room sparuneota. fur n;hed. IVl K'-h at.; tranient o.icited fl iO week. Urge, cteen fur a. houeekeeplhS r "Qrr.; Ianntry. bath, gma 1M bnerman. FuH RENT HoutWeejIng room In new concrete bMg. phone Woo'Bawn 2V3T. , 1 & TO $3 Clean fumlned boueekeeplnf roma. IV to 11 ua. 3d C 4ua.bl4. M.keengTwVams ba Prt vai e r amlly. TWO nicely furnuihed hiosekeeptng rooms In line locality. IS minutes wslk from P. .; gM. ph i.. wster. bath. Uundrv prtv rgn: no children wntel. 34T ollege at. - CvMPl.CTKLT. new ty furnished houe-kep-Irtg rooma. beautiful lvUwn. walking d s tanoe. ateara beat, bath, phone, laundry. p.-r-h. C4 Dllaaft. ' Jl'NT fttrrtthei. boowekecplng suites. $10 rr- n:h ui: also apag nrr.e; Urge yarl. n. ipth at., cor. Tburmaa. Tas d or ! ft raf, Nl r LT furnished housekeeping rooraa in encage- on 17th atreet. I'srttrulara all .v.R s Wash.. near 17th. l'bona Maia -tiA . ("ONNK'TIN'I houeekeeplng rooma. ftrt f ' xc. do children, aaiklng Uuiance. all Marks M . TWCi retonta for light h uekeepr.g ; gaa. bath. S-k rouoti m . betw-n l;h ar.4 17th. ooa bw g f r . ra U" ajihtr. $ ion. Hi'siKKEF.PIN rtot. rum I Ned complete, ail modem craven tea caw. aurlry pnvl !ege 'tl after 4 P. V . y German t. itvl oEskEEPlNil-KvOMd. IH; bl-ck from good achooL Z2 Karl aU. sjallwuod or NEWUY furniahed ro-tu In choir location lr light housekeeping. minutes' walk. fr.m rtietttfftce. I'hon A 5l"ft $ 1 C O M PLK TEL V f ur nli d. gaa range. a. king distance. 144 North loth. Main MTa. TlfKEK furnished room, on lower floor, for houeekep:na Xl College tU FTRNI(HEI houeekeeplng room, etrndld littln. walking dtstan.e. 34 E. l.lth.N. $d K E Kf rnrutta-rmarilli ft hiuaa retins. 17A Ivto t. FOR RENT Three newtv furnished house fcf nm ronn App' y ftT'J jlelnumt St. lJKi:,E ki;.-n an-1 m 1e rmm. Mih at. Boa TV llk.N ftu mot ou'N need new rumltar. Baf It judl-iouiy and tb aavlnga wtil sa rd your moving ctena Our NO-KENT piLlChVs mad na on of tb largest furaltura bwuaea la tb city la to year. Looker snowa aara courtesy aa bayam MolA.V-ATBUEV FL'RNITI'RE CO. -T4 oread art., corner East Stark it . svaat Aaaeny and K useell - S:iaec car Use PAtea OUR 1XXJR. FOR RENT 3 houec Juat oniahed. 6 rooms es.h. all two-atory houses with full base ment, gaa. isctrtcity, bath, wash truya, modern gnd antiar ; S bUcka fr-m car line. aell-.i-eii Ellsworth at., corner l-il st Inquire 3J4-S liry bldg. alaln .. Itt t'tty lnvestmentt'o.4-Q inonth, 1 Fl hNleHKl and unfurnished houeee. i:ot taga. fiats, apartment, bee our saU 11 A KT MAN 1HIMPHJS, Cr am terof Com mere FvRRENT l-roim house. 74 Lovejoy i.. corner itn, modern conveniences; fins nelghborho.Hl. Inquire M 4th at.. Henry itlg.. Wakericl'l. Fries A Co. ri'H RENT Sn-rwm house. mlarn, elec trn and gaa. one bUx-k carime. g-d yard, rent l-O Mi-Km ley u.hell. -ol t: k st. V h on ea A - lil.Maial131 . F R rent. -nm aouee. Por 1 1 nd H i k h i e, line vitw. select nelg borhd. '7.;u pvr -rtonth. M E. l. 411 Cortctt bltlg M n:Mt rr. huus. rart!y fui nhcd If rteaired. biu Waavo at., near 24tb. l'bo C III. J- U r.KM -n..m outage, inaulr 311 VV. lark at. P. K-eMr. F ' H KENT vi'om h -se on East ah and peech. Inquire 7 Vih st. N. C 2.i7. $i A73 " M.'ioa-Cbai Bian, rvoms. Key at c"ner h uaa. Sl "t'EHN t m house. a gttd Ie. tr!clt. I-'.V 1 E- it at., t.. near Anfceny. 4A H AI..-FT HT M.lern 4 room house, sm furniture for sals. nIlOOM house. Kth and Belmont; hot wtf. H to 4X S Ankeny st. NE. strily Di.xlira 7-rvra house, attic; . lose in Inn H MJ. CtTTAiiiX wel iraehd. 2 rvme. 4li. cot tage A rw-r. $'. tw. tv ue keeping r-ma, , West f la nvr Apply -4 N'ft X'h; ay car from depwt. 5th w M jctIw. n to 1-kh. h-k a-'Tin Z KMSHKU room flats. er. East loth and Star k . a -ea room bou. Inquire o Or. . E. Hrowfi. rtertt.ra lurjeun. ! " Ks-t ' Man 4"o. 4 KM farntshed house, centrally located. West Side; will g tenant privilege f Tntmg rooma Phnne Main 7li or A 7J74. Tia foTiheT-A'terts-'n Co. 1"6 Oik it Ji-AN i.e M?U.T fumK.e- 7 fin house In (i,.rtt rencno .i:sirii'i. r.eja wun la distance. lrulr J-obo 11. Bur 2,3 Oak V lr! Cj 3JolEKN 6 -room house, neativ furnished; rent l-ii Apply be. l' n l & p M. 4t Union ava. north. lhone E-s. r44. N KW . strict. y mMera bungalow, besudrully f irnlahrd. inclwUia l n, etv. ph. nc Tubof z: ; lEAl llel L. modem lower Hat furms'ied mpeto nothing jo buy. Weal tUc, t-iosi in. 3C'.i hs , 1 Irviagton. 1 4th ar d TUlamok. ft -room, 'furnished, (m. furnace, lawn. flowra. s-.ades, at.'- W. C. Reed. Hfr Morrlson. lr-h.oM house, well furnished. e In. in- c.u'lir.g piart. n reaaonabta. at. &. He-tery. ftearna b'dg. TfE-'T PirE. nice room residence, fur- r. i.hrd. to responsible party, from bept 1: c.ae in. ? rant st. I1EKN' fartitahed fiva-room cottage. ol4 F- Z st at. W R car. . lo-RO'M. we,l furniahed house to reaponsl- b.e party. 24S North 3tthal. 31 a w.-am. a fumisbad house, bath; no" ch!l- rn T7 Qeriln st . tN-r-mqh. 4 Ki M lurntshed cottage, bath, gaa, aid. in -lu uni water. Main l70. t-ROOM Turnsshed flat, reasonable, waik- ing distance. Commemal block. 'I RMHED bungalow complete to reepon aibie parties only. Phone Wood la sr. j.V3. H eases for Resit laniituny fer ftala i-ROM modern flat. e'ee In, we 8le: rirnttore f . r sale, prlc $2M. 5-4 LMinber F.hag blrig Ft RNITt RB a-raom ct;tg fT aa; cheap wa'k-ng UUtance. Talepboc Mam 4-, A '3- nP.MTt'RE of 17. East Purr rooma leas 1 u rant, $10. ROOM flat f" 4 m K- Anae. em; furnltura for i CaU altar F. 1L Hsraet . for Rent mm I tor for Sale, ELCVCV rooma. good new fnrniahlnga. nir aew flat, boat location and lowest rent In Port end, arrauged for rentlnr rooma. see owner c o Karu ar. A 3721. l-HuOM. Mrst-ctasa o..t-ding-houe. rent i; will -.l part or all of :mHur; bar gain; rooma ail full. phon Murehail FUKNITURB of i rocma for 200; houaa for rent. 415 H43 N- lth at- FT KNITUI4E of rooma. good lease; rent $u. 4-3 E Rurnalde BUiwn.er Rr rts. WANTED To rent, a email cottage at an Oregon beach for twe weeks. a one. X orecnlaa. - ft-ROOM couage. cl-ae to the l Seaaide 1A fr the monto ol P fir MraT Oilver. K. V- So. 3. Portland. FOR RENT -storv and basement brick .Pore buVdrng. aualoi. w-th-aat corner Front and pine. Apply Cheater V. Iotpb. 3"3 Mohawk bldg- FFED HTORE Eacellent location. brick building, on Madiaon brldg on Front JU A H Plrrell Co.. t McKay bldg.. 8d STORERtHiM. pulthl for rMt.ur.nt or .rocry ior. lTth su. N. p5NETr!:k.t"r .t In looatlo. dfRiind- l'r. ifnir .tor. Thon Eul M M""!T cntmllr lixiUd oIIIcm. xlnsl. or ait.: rDtu IH ud up; .il-mstit ir- tot.rV room, .rrond floor. 'WMlilnton at. front. MltaM. for leroom. APP'r 303 Sw.tlaad bM Sth ua IU hv u mtr. rwm In .n rfflce pult. In on. of hi. nr bulMmo: would llk to net In tuch with .in ne who ran u H; l.m rMniM. O "' Oripiniiui. FuH KEST-A f.w office. In COUCH biUC- c.Il mi. Lwla bids. . rfhl"room for rnt. 4-410 Oourh H. Warfboi STORAliE of (tnrr.1 mrchndlM: floor i.e. .. int. Tb. J. McCraA.a -o.. 1 Frnt .t. MiMtn.il CHh'KCN runeo. 3u ro'nut. out. on elm trio line; s - In cultivation ; hou. barn, cow and chlrkcna: or would rchi. for hout la cltv. Y 111. orron:n. TO ULVSE. Jr:.SkH I.D . two-atory bull lln.. mo.t pr.Tilnrnt corner on Eal i(l. d.U'd f T raif. automobile macblmi.i or .utntrobU. ccaorla. Phone tJl " 7: B !i-T. rXT A-XU FOVD rOUKD Wber. TO. can bur mtn. batr mallreaae. rtall at wholraal. prkw; mo m.ttr.aaM wid ratura asm. d.r. Portland Curled Hatr Kaclorir. H. X.txcai; . f:onl. I'bjoea Main 474. A l.iT K'llitlit Templar watch charm. Krl-dar- Kinder re-eu auital.l. reward by Trturnlnc to Hotel Alder. 4t(l and Alder tul'.ND Wher. w.tcne diamond, and Jew elry nr. aold lor aciouni louel ud on. month', intereat. Vncle Myera CoUatail I.-nk. Tl m at VaM. - LOST lf on O. W. P. tran.fer c.r. Mon day. Au. li, .nelop. wltb achoul cer t rrate. etc. flndrr kindly phun. T.bor :i..). Eihe! E Mrlf::th. roi NU Pair eictarlee, i lay and Wl park ata.; owner tan ha-e aam. by pay- Ing for thui ad. Main iutfl). JXT JTi' In bllte. .lao Loyal Moore mem-b-nl- card- liberal reward. Write Mlltam Peynoil. lion. Iel. . LST At Mount Tabor . white bull terrier pup. H month, old. Finder return to -2. p r.oth and re.-elve rew.rd. PorNI' tn llaan at.. rail .171 Marahall t. revolver. Ovn.r 1TT Pockerbook eontalnln. aom. money. It-turn to Oreronlan and reeelee reward. orPtBTVNITlES. WASHINliTOS-tT. CREAMERY. Nue clean rreamery on WaJlitnitlon at-, handliiic cream. milK. cheeae butt.-r. eaica bakery .1. paa;ry .nd . ellcaciea. rl.-arlnc -" per month; rent . thru year Uaae; price only eru. OK I" SSI : 7. A DOW. 31T Poard of Tra.l Bid;. 4th and Oak. TTovivf.-PliTI nr. THEATER. Ha. tin flneat localton within the city ltmita of Port. and. eultahle for mollon Plctur. theater, fti Kt. B. olt carllne; pop ti.ation 4.out; will build to ult tenaot. lone 1...K. rh p rent; ouahl to clear S-.'MI monthly. PUcuLr Waahlnglon. near lth. ilESTATRANT. TOIK PRI'B IS OIK PHK-K; iXT,K,i g? lif-T OFKEU TODAY HPYS THIS; F1X Tl KES EXTRA ;.; KIN R IACAT10X; -HEPF-T KENT IX 1TY; KOING 111 Sl.NKSS. KtE THIS AND HAKL OK KEIt. OAIJ i4 tT11- . UKihEKV. confectionery and achool euP puea. c.a to bl achool on eat Bide, frnt. with imae. I3: prlc only .M: thl. p'r will invoice louu. Owner rotlrtu. S4SV. ttt.rk at. .. EtTARLlSHED caah bu.lneaa. owner want, reliable unner to wait on cu.tomera, etc.; will .uaranle. 1 o . month and .:ve a trial flrat. Call 411 Board of Tr.dc. . BARBER Can find rood location and eatabllaned bu..neaa by Inre.tlng (e Pen- nln.u.n. Ill North Jeraey at.. 8t. Johaa. f j r. Phone Richmond 71. lOUNii MAN. STRANGER! jf.K. careful mveatiiration at ex pen M ef ee.ler before you Inveat money In .ny proportion. Advlaory Department. Y. M. C. A. . CIVCN away free, up of all th. Calirornla oil Oeloa a trial autoexrlitlon of publica tion -'calKornla Oil Field." 8aar-Loomla utnpaaj. Jul Ortftontan bid... Portland. or. S4o4H WILL buy one of the bee hot mln ', ,;,rl:.. In th. world. Write th. owner I r particulara. IL A. Murphy. Mt Vernon. r . TiR'IU'l.';H buatn man with 0O to tak. tUe lrterei in cetal.il-hed lenltimal. Ii ln buaineea: Mperlenc not ne.uan. C 'lo. Ortonlan PVIlTNEIt ante. I who la wllllii. to tr.el with . ahow ee'.bllahed S jeara. ran make from $i to l, a week; book open for ..u it? Hn.rfl of Trade. i;v HI iS l-t ! li- contectionery. cl ear Ice cream. In bojwneew center; .o.d ljee; owner louat leae city. be Kel. &ol Oerlln.erb;o...24a.A:der. Ml ST RAICE nnT In Bve dare: will aao r'n.. prolltah'e buslr.ea. for '0 cub. or term If deetred. clean bualnee; as Mock l j nnnd.e. H tT' fonlsn. VF. HAVE for ail., aeveral roomln.-houae. clwarlns to :lltl per month. limiKR McHAY. Room aa. 3- Waehlnfto. St. LRc'O STORE for aale. can tart off miklnf blc money; In Idaho; everyt;itnr favorable; full yrlrea. eaciua. Unea; JlooO. AD 111. rtn ftALK onfectlonery Mid bakery, cen traily located; ckk1 buaineea: f.ir Informa tion .ddrea. re. A. la . bittla. Cllf roc.. Waah. r,,K SAI.K On reeeooable terma. th. candy uiakluc twia formerly .wned by Mr. Klen irr. lnqulr. at Bm L. iieaxy. Mot ruo. at. Ft 'It RENT or aale, bakery .nd confec tioners. eat.Mlehed 1A eara; remodeled; Vo.Mllaw ti. Inquire MNorthSd at. rriHTC ard flature. cf T.rietv wre. occupy-In.- 2ixi ft.. lor al. cheap. K 4. ore- ""- vT. city for aale. property arorth' 30n: m.rtaae $1jO,: will aell Intereat lor lji4i phone Woollawn l.Md. ' wis 'Nil AND INDl'STKIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonda bouicht ud 'd- Fletcher lnv. Co.. 3-i Abluctoa. COI.LEOH r n with butnee tralnirf will huv .if nterBt In a le.itlmate -fflc buai- ne... AuJrra. AK jll'reifonUn. FOK SM.E Ptoiroom. table, .nd clr .nd fruit .tore: ood loc.tloa. ood bual neaa. I Everett at. PiHv5iXti-ll,,:'' o' !rt mom. ."8 b.,r:erA 'in tine location; pa f Ire well and beat buy In cl y f"r i:o. -12 Fifth at. -i nHK and very complete grading out " fit for aale. trade, rent or will contract ork 'or them. X 214. Qretonlan. A tNIT lunch counter. W.I Side, price for' quirk aale. -': rent paid to lliih lepU Call .4.''1 I'eon- Sl'Rl'nSAN grocery: eatabllahed trade: invoice .bout U00; lavanlcata. J'lttener. :4 itM.Trlloa au r-R "M.E PilW rant by owner, on o. rovrtt of other bu.l.ae.; no anta. AB tl7. o-e-n'an OM'K.'BKY Iteat buy In city, net last month : a bcala thl. weak. Mo W aah Incton at. RETtrRAXT. clear, confectionery: rood location; good bu.Bf. a Union are. X. GROCERY Feat buy In city, net 122s iaat monta. " vta.Mc.lon, JOB pristine of tic for aale. V lL O w nlan. CROCKRY eiore. prst. .liWWi swod AwcaUoa. An 14. Oreitorltin. tOO BUSINESS CARDS 11.25' If yo. brtn. thl. ad. Raw Cur Prlntery. 1-H Third LRTOSIoRB for aale; enap; owner called ay. AM ilil. Orasanian. MOHXIXG" OltEGONIAX. SATURDAY, V l wrr-t v-v-nnrrirB m - I FOR SALE. Flrat-claaa confectionery and Ice cream parlor, with aide departmenta of po.t card and atationerv-. clears and tobacco; .:.o Ice cream factory and ayrup labara tory; only so miles from Portland on J. R. 4 N". and Columbia River, being best place of Ita kind In thriving city ot population: rent only $:io per month anu doe an average business of 40 a -oal thir Is th. time to buy and b. benefited by Summer run of business; by all mean Inreatlgate thia for there never wa a better offer placed on the market: 0O. term. Addresa W QrcBoninn. THK undersigned will, on Friday. August 20. at JU o'clock A. M . at 510 Wii.nmette street. Eugene. Oregon, offer for sale for cah the following described property: Th. entire stork of electric! good, nx ttire. and aupplle. now locted at old vvtllnme.ua etreet. Eugene. Oregon. In cluding good will of business. A ccmplete Inventory of th. above -erlbrd property can be seen upon sppll catlon at eald atore or 213 Second atreet. 1'ortland. Oregon. . PAClilJ ELECTRIC? ENGINEERING COMPAN'TT alOVTNO-PICTURE tnachlne..- fllro. for al. or rent by biggest nd best film renter In th. world: before closing deal elsewhere In qulr If Laemmle u rtllab.e: If Laemmle t ra atandlng: If Laeminl. guarantee a square deal. We have no .plea looking for guy. to take down. We employ the beat Instructor obtainable to teach operating honetlr and thoroughly In our operat.ng a hool. Term, very eaj-y. Operator a certlrl cal. Issued when qualified. Laemmle'. oer tltlrate Is a standard of an operator, quali fication. Laemmi. Film Service, iaa ut.hM . iviripd. Oregon. MR. DEPOSITOR, .r. you satisfied to re ceive from 4 to 8 par cent for your money w han w. ar. abl. to .how you wher. you can make many time. a. much on an In vestment in . rattling good "Gold Dredg ing" proposatlon. and we mean Juat what w. ay; w. can ahow you. and ar. willing to do ao. Dubol at Crotkett. Will be in offlc. during noon hour, room S. V aah Ington tldg. Bl'I.r. NIWD little Job printing bulnw or half Intereat for .!; vary mod urn. wall selected, new plant Including two new Gordons and new Colt Armory: well lo cated In cutter of city, reaaonabl. rant, good Un. of eetabliahed business: want to devote whol. time to my real estate buslneaa. a. L Kurd. 04 btark mU, Part land. Or. BAKERY AND CREAMERY. Good bakery and creamery, well estab lished, cleurlng gjou per month above all expenses. In a two-story building w-ith furnace heat, gaa and electric; 3 rooma; rent only 9 Jo per month; on E. Burnaide; pric. only (itltHj. GKl SSt ZADOW. 31T Bord of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak HOW" TO MAKE MONEY. You can double your present Income If you learn to o;erat motion picture.: op erator. ern to $4U weekly; motion picture theaters make 110 to -00 dally; a. alart you In business from JUKI up. N. T. Film Exchange and School of Mo-llon-Ptctur. operating. o2ota Washing ton, near Ifth. I'uK SALE CIGARS. PERIODICAL DE LIVERY STATION. CONFECTIONERY, ETC ; NEW" BUILDING. STOCK. AND KIXTl'KEiJ. ROOMS: CHANCE FOR COUPLE. 809 WILLIAMS AVE. SMALL .BUSINESS WITH Hlli FUTURE. AlLoT S KI.I- MAKE CASH OFF ER. CU1AR and confcctlonry store, waiting-room. Ilvlng-roi.m.; rent, llitht and ground privi lege grails; bath-houja.' and dancehall; ault aile f. man and wire. Prlc Jaoo. For par-tl.-ulara tall .t Hocbfeld Bros. Cigar Co., 211 Morrlaoa at. ll SALE Meat market, has tb. beat lo cation on the Eaat Side, long leaae. flrst claaa flxturea. ha a Itrst-claM patronage; will bear closest Investigation; deal with owner; no agenta; best reason for .ell lug. V 221. oregonlan. BI'r'IXESd man. .lo ers of age. well ac quainted In Portland, wanta active working Intereat In mercantile or manufacturing business; will liiv.st (Was) to (lu.uuu: prop osition mug be hlgn-claas and able to ..land close investlgallon. T 316. Qrvgonlan. IllSHl INVESTMENT Can t be beat on l'a clhc Cn.kt for prtwpecta. completo ma chine ahops and manufacturing plant; faalcat growing section Willamette al ley; easy terpis or clear real estate. A 217. oregonlan. HAVE you-from S500 to 5otM to Invest? W. can plac. your money at high rates of Intereat: beat ccurlty. drat mortgage PROVIDENT INVESTMENT 4a TitLSTEB COMPANY. 6i4-B28 Board of Trad. Bldg. FOR BALE Small cleaning works doing 9-:o0 to .4Uv work month; expense light, prlc. low. Fine chance man and wife or imo men. call or write for ddalle. ban Kranciauo lJcanlng W'orka. 7b4 Exchange t Astoria. Or. 1 HAVE an old established business, dealing with the best class of trade In th. city, which nets me l.'iiiv clear prortt per month; will aVll for fiovii or accept part city or country property in exchange. A 21W, Ore son Ian. KJvAL ESTATE man wants partner at one. to show land; no experience necessary; lit tle money required; must be sober young man. Particular National Realty A Trust Co. omce a2d Wash. St.. room 518. HAVE fin. opening In good legitimate busi ness for steady reliable man who can in vcat -T.O with his service. Will pay 125 per month: no experience necessary. Call U7 Couch bldg.. 11 4th st A P.ARG4.IN UuA eell, on account of going away, a money-making confectionery bui rnw. Tak. Mont.vlll. car at Oth and Wash, at... ride to the end of tne line. 1MI4 Ev S:?uk st. Ry owner. HOTEL, 1 rooms. In a thriving Valley town; rent only lis: doing a good busi ness, but obliged to sell or close up: wife sick; you get a bargain; STov. Addrea. F 21.1. Oregonlan. SEE u about a block of th. Ml. St. Helen Con Mining Co. atock: also Government standard Powder stock and H. O. Peck Auio Wheel. F. J. Catterlln t Company. SEE THIS. Old-established corner grocery, good drop-In trade; Invoice about Slt'dU; cheap rent; no agent. A 23u. Oregonlan. MILLINERY .lock .nd fixture in good business town oi no neat, rhaan: good location; must sell at on account of elckneaa. ii 2aal. CONFECTIONERY for sale In town of 2joy. pear Portland, everything modern .nd up-to-late. For further Information ad dres. L Slw. Orr g oni un. WILL build on West Side, concrete build ing for stable, garnge. warehouse or laun dry and lease from 5 to SO year. Id. E. .ee.411-Cqrbcttbldg: , I HAVE a flrt-claa teady position for a good man who can furnlah 10o to tUOU cash security. Call room 615 Rolhchlld bulldlnj. WILL Invest 2on with aervlcea in any legitimate business; give full particulars In first letter. E 2:i. Orrgonian. WANTED A good-paylne country tore In good town, hardware preferred, for about F. Kudu, 221 Morrison st. FINB "location for raetaurant. IGj loth. cor. Morrison; very reaaonabl. rent; fixture, at . great sacrifice. BAKERY for aale at Invoice If taken till September 1. Box 14, B. L. Barkley. PaM'Q. Wash. MUST raise money and will sell 50 or more share of my Necarney city Hydrocarbon Oil company stock. V 222. Oregonlan. TVANTFf party with $!oO to Invest In alil-etlge proposition. Room 2.1H com mercial Club bldg.. cor. 5th and oak. rm sALE Restaurant; good proposition: 1130. Inquire room J04 Allsky bldg.. 3d ar.d Morrison. . tvK1 RESTAURANT, clearing woekly; lnrrewM to T0 In Winter: low rent; going F.aau AM 210. oregonian. HOTEL an bar. rooney-wiaker; atcknes com. pel sacrifice' $12i handl.fi It. Rod, 501 ;-r:ine-r bilg., 2d and Aider. ABS4 Ll TKLY new and complete mercantile atock and It-yenr Iraee: cloae In; very beat .ation. K 21". oregonian. FOR SALE Ftno little bualnc clearing per dav; $275 Roger. A McRay. room 25. Waahlngton t. p RT XER, giod paying buln, smalt Var'tal. Al. 21.1 Oregonlan. LI NCH counter, doing good huelness: fine l.':aton. Prlc 2lHl. M 247. Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSES. MRS. LENTS AGENCY. SELLS HOTEL AND ROOMING-HOUSES. Phone Main sSO; A S473. 408 Buchanan bide.. "."MO Wash. St. BARGAINS TODAY. Working man s hotel, containing o rooms, steam heat, all the boarders you want: owing to sl.-knes will nil half n terest for SI, only SO0 cash, to reliable partlea and will pay liberal aalary. SEE THIS TODAY. SI ROOM'. SCEWLY renovated, ateam heat, rnnnlng water in room, nicely located for tran sient room, only 12o"0 cash handle, thl tod.y . to Bor)Mg New. modern building, .team het. pri vate batr.a. running water In ro..ms. NEVER FOR SALE BEFORE: strictly rtr.t-rla patronage. See us for price and terma BEST hotel-rooming-house In choicest location- 4 rooms, everything modern: price I7.V. half cash, f? all. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade for city rropertv. good tranwlent roomlng-hous,; long leaM. Star F.ealTr. 212W 4-h m. 11 ROOMS, by ovatr, prlc. 9v0; larma. 3i .North tth at. as c-ni Fins 4 -room anartmeat exquisitely fumuihed, with solid inahoeany and quartered oak fur niture. Atmlrtmpr and W'llton carpeta: eas.ly worth 7o"; owr.tr leaving city; o.5 lor qjiclt ?nle J 21f. Oreror.lan NEW furniture and s-year leaa ot new Sl-room houe. trictly modern, propser ou and fast-growing town, buames good. n block from depot: prlc. 30U0. Arnold. Nampa. Idaho. . KOR SALE Roomlng-hoose. 27. room. 1 vear leane, rent HH); good corner loca tion: lt'iaj cash, 22.1 Market t.. cor. 1st. WILL pay cash for a good-paying clear tand. rooming-house, restaurant or canny andoftarinkstore. calsnjuchbldg. HAVE $500 cah to lnve In roomlng-hous. of 14 to 2U rooms, close In. J 21 1, ore gonlan. grEClAL NOTICE. Proposal, invited. CALL FOR SEWER RIDS. SALEM. OR. NOTICB TO lPM11Ai loi.o. Notlc. ia hereby given th.t th. City Ka corder of the Cliy of Solem. Or., will re ceive bid up to i o'clock P. M., on Mon day. September 8. 1910. for th construc tion ot the South Salem sewer, and also for the corur.ruclk.n ot the North Salem sewer, according to the maps, plans ;'J specifications adopted for said sewer, ana on tile at the office of the City Recorder cf said City of Salem. Or. Bide must be ubmItTed upon forms as required by tne City Engineer, and a crrtined check of the amount of 5 per ctal th bl1 must HS comrany the same, made psyable to th. Mayor of the City of Saiem. or. The coun cil reserves the r'ght to reject any and all bid, and to waive formal defect In the mibmlrslon thereof. Said bid will M opened and conldred by the Council on mid oth day of September, after 8 o clock v M W. A. MOORE8. City Recorder. PROPOSALS FOR TUBULAR DEEP WELL Oltic. of Couatrocting - M.. Fort Oeorg WrlKht. Wash.. July 23. lulu. Sealed pro posals In triplicate will b. received at thl office until 11 o'clock A. M.. August . 1910. and then opened, fcr .Inking on. ten-Inch tubular deep well at this post. All necessary machinery, work and mater, lul to be furniahed by contractor who should state in his proposal wher. his plant may b. aeen and Inspected. Pro posals must be accompanied by certinea check or guaranty in tb. aum of ou Specillcatlons. Instruction to bidder and full Information In regard to the work re quired will be furnUhed upon application at thl office. The U. 8. reserve the right to reject or arcept any or all proposal, or anv part thereof. Proposal, must bo en closed in sealed envelopes marked ' Pro posals for sinking well, to be opened Aug. 22 Jttm." and addressed to Lieut. A. L. Sneed. 25th lnfty.. Constructing Quarter- maater. ' . RECEIVER'S SALE. Th. public Is hereby notilied that sealed bids will be opened t 2;OP. M. on Sep tember 6. llllo. at the office of Mark Moorhouee. Pendleton. Oregon, for the pur chase of the plant, furniture and nature, of th. Pendleton Creamery Company. The plant consisting of a thre.-ton Ice plant. 1 chum creamery, lc. cream freezing ma chinery, refrigerating display cases ana re'rleeratlng-room. candy kitchen. Ice cream parlor furniture, confectionery fur niture, and office furniture, now located at No. 21 Main street. Pendleton Oregon. Invoice prlc. about 6000 on original cost. Sale to ba made for caah to the hlgheat bidder and the receiver reserves the rlgbt to reject any and all bids. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check to tn. amount ot 10 per cent of the bid. MARK MOOKHOUSE. Receiver. 112 E. Court .treat, Pendleton. Oregon, N OT I ' f-: TO CONTRACTORS. Bid will ' . received by th. committee for th. construction of the Christian Church, at corner of Oak And 11th ta, Eugene. Oregon, until Sept. L 1810. at 10 A. M. Plan and peclflcatlon can be .ob tained at the office of J. H. Daniel, fc04 Willamette street. Eugene, Oregon. Th. committee reserve the right to reject any and all bid. Th. uccesful bidder will be required to furnish a good and suf ficient bond for the faithful completion of aid contract. Bid must b. accompanied by certified check for i per cent of th. .mount ot same. All bids must be sealed and addressed to J. H. Daniel, chairman. ."04 Willamette St.. Eugene. Oregon, NOTICE la hereby given that sealed bid will be received for the purchase of 10.u00 of co list ruction bond, of School district No. St, In Jophine County, Oregon, drawing 5 per cent Intereat, payable semi-annually, said bond, payabl. absolutely in 20 years. Said bid. .ball be sealed and be .ccompanled by . certified check for 100, and will be re ceived up to and Including th. 6th day of September. 1K1U. and that the 6chool Board will open and consider amid bids September T. 1.10. at o'clock P. M. of ald day. Said board reaervea the right- to reject any and all blda. iiida .hould be handed or ad dressed to FRANK THOMPSON, Clerk ot th. School Board ot School Dis trict No. iiL Merlin, Juaephin. County. Ore gon. . NOTICE la hereby given that sealed bid will be received for the purchase of IHHI of construction bonds of School Dis trict No. 27. In Josephine County. Oregon, drawing 5 per cent interest, payable semi annually, auid bonda payable absolutely in 20 years. Said bids shall be sealed and be accompanied by a certified check for $o0u. and will be received up to and In cluding the 3Dth day of September, 1UW, ant' that the School Board will open and consider said bid on the first day of Oc tober, 11I1U, at a o'clock P. M. of said Uuy. Bid should bo handed or addressed to F. M. stason. Clerk of the School Board of School District No. 27, Wolt Creek. Josephine County. Oregon. OFFICE) CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMAS TER. Fort Stevens, Or.. Aug. 3, lblo. Scaled proposals In triplicate will be re ceived at this office until 1:30 P. M., Au gust 80. ISIO. and then publicly opened for th. cbnatruction of a brunch water aya tein at Furl Sievens. Or. Plans can be aeen, specification and full Information obtained af this office. The United State reserve the right so reject any or all bids or any lart thereof. Envelope containin; pro posals shold be marked "Proposals for P.ranch Water Symem" and addrea to the Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Stevens, Of. M i scellancoua. PORTLAND. Or., August 11, 1010, 2:45 P.M. The partnership existing heretofore be tween E. 1 Frick and C R. Ootids has mutually been dissolved. C. R. Dodds as- n c .11 firm Indebtedness. C. R. Dodds, : ' -awrtliim JtTNAXCIAL. CONSULT our bond department about plac ing your money In flrat mortgages at a; no commissions; see Mr. Crowe. John P. Sharkey Co., nth and Washington ta. Money t. Loam Kent Eatata, CASH paid for morlgagea or sellers interest in contract ou rt.i sujnuE.a Oregon or Washington; mortgag. loans . negotiated on improved property. H. E. " Noble. Lumbermen bldg.. 5th and Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or lor build ing purpose; 3 to 5 year time: liberal repayment privilege; money advanced a building progresses. Th. Equitable Sav lntis at Loan Associ.tlon, 34Q Stark at. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and J par cent on re.l eatate aecurlty. JDW. P. MALL COMPANY." aoB-10 Aomgton Lalg. louoOuo on improved city or farm property; bunding or small loan, at lowest rates; large K,n. a ...aclalty. J. H. McK.en4 Co., a.i Ue; inigwr bldg. Fli:T and second mortgage, and contract. purchased on farm and city property, any a here In Oregon or Washington. . L. Oe v c rea'jx. Kenton bldg., 84 oth t. IMMEDIATE loan from (5 to .jov, on all securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, yt asililliiton OI".. X liu. try. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. JJlrrall Co.. 'Ml Mciiay bldg, 3d and stark. 2vo ooo TO LOAN, larg. lo.ns a specialty: building loans, lowest rates. W. O. Back. 212 Failing bldg. MONEY to loan on real salat. Room 221 Lumbermen bldg. I'xwvaiE money loaned on real estat mort. gases. H. M.ley. room 20L Gerilngor bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS AT KEASONABLB RATES. F. H. LEWIS, 3 LEWIS BLDG. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Good. Hough A sclts. 718 Board of Trade. $2000 TO loan ou good city property. F. Kuch. 221 , Morrison t. State funds loanedro pr cent. W. . Thom tate agent. Multnomah Co.. 4O0 C- C Will loan S10.0O0 or leM, real estate aecurlty. Karrlngton. 411 Commercial club bldg. f'WO TO LOAN ; real eatate. Smith-Wagoner Co.. gll-312 Lewi bldg. LOAN J20UO to SoO.uOO. farms or city prop e rt y. Howard. 402 Commercial block. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND T PER CENT. LOANS on real, peraonal, chattel or collat- , .1.. ' tl' u.ll.tt SnS.fi rantnn erai wvn'O- ."' ' ' u.ivF.V loaned, building Durposea, If coa- salted before building beglna 3 H.nry bd. atoney to Lomjb Chattel and Saiariee WILL loan in amounts from Si up on all kind of ecairitlea. at reaaonabl. ratea; will buy aeller's equltie. la real cetat. contract, first or second mortgage.; biui Bat strictly confidential. GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAY, 721 Electrio Bldg. LOWEST RATES Lo.n on .11 kind of w cu"ity. chattels or real estat. Union Loan Co.. 35 Lafayett. bldg.. 6th and Wash. ' WK loan money o. diamond and Jewelry; reasonable Intereat; long or short time, A, M. Delovage, 26 Waahingtoa at. AUGUST 20, 1910. 13 Maacr ta Loan C battels and Baiaxtes HlJjXCLIr.Mo.Ui'.i SO CHEAP THAT NO ONE SHOULD HI WITHOUT IT. SALARY LOANS WITHOUT SECURITY. ... TOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLi' PAYMENTS, lxabat. Given If Paid Before Due. CALL AND SEB1 US. STATE SECURITY CO., 3US FAILING BLDG. THIRD AND WASHINGTON ST9 ittttttitt - THE L. 6? REAL ESTATE Sc BROKEaAGE COMPANY. Make, liberal loans on real eatate, furni ture, pianos (without removal, livestock, storage receipt, life luaurance policies and all kiada of securities; terms to suit, easy weekly or montnly payments. W a buy flnst and aecund niortsafe'es and con tract. Phone Main 2054. Room 312 Ham ilton bldg.. IS! 3d r- ...... $75.00 II. W. want to loan this amount on piano, furniture, horse, warehouse receipts, real estate mortgages, or any good collateral. A ipeclal low rate to get the money out We want your patronage and are making a rate to get It. The Iving Loan & In vestment Co.. room tlQ Bucnanan bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loan ou pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, insurance poli cies and all kinds of securitloe. REAL ES TATE LOANS from 30oo up. NEW ERA LOAN at MiG. CO., 416 Ablngton bug. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keeVer and other upon their own name without ecurlty; cheapest rates, easiest payments; office in t principal cite; save yourself by getting my term flxt. TOLMAX. 317 Lumber Exchange. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. Th. Loan Co.. 414 Dukum bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamond and jewelry. Marx & Bioch. i4 3d at. Loan. Wanted. WE have a client wishing to negotiate a , .-far. at silaOO: security 320 acre, of land not far irom Vancouver, klnney & suunphor. &J1 Lumber i-xenange "' ' 10 0o0 WANTED for 8 year, at 7 per cent on quarter block llncome); warehouse, on track; worth mora than 25,uoo. O Z10, tlceoninn WANTED .1300 for throe year, 7 per cent. n ,.i,.a.ir reirliica nroDerty. Inquire 1 Board of Trade bltlg. Fourtho nd oak sts. WANTED J10O0, 7 per cent. 75 per cent security given; no iwuu v- nlan. WANTED to borrow $:KKl for 1 year. 8 per cent interest. 420 Swetland bids. Main T77B. L 112 ioo Quarter block with large realdenoe. West bide; per cent If possible; worth loo.OOO. X 210, Ortgonian. WANTED A loTtTor.sOO for two year at 7 per cent Interest on property worth 3o00. E 22. Oregonian. $5000 AT 7 per cent on ten-room house and ialf block, valued 815.0OO. O 21b. Ore gonlan. . LOAN of 81000 wanted on first-class real estate sci: ui . . j . . i. . LT u plac your money good mortgage; references. ". H. Lewis. 3 Lewis btug. PERSON AL. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Dlseasea of women anu children. ur rery ' chronic and nervou diseases treated according to tbe latest melhous; up-to-aal. electrical appliances; private hospital accommodations; conuuement cared lor, consultation tiee. Koom 10. Graoid Jhea- ter bid g. Alain o; A wi. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY. DR. VLADiillK K.. JiNDKA. From Euivpe, ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIST. My cures are painless, prompt and thor ough Suit. 63-o2-ol-00-tJ-4is-4. 201 Washington uiug.. cor. m " - MADAME ELSIE ROLAND, ot Austria; tliermo electric facial massage, manicur ing and scalp treatment, high-class pat ronage ladies and gentlemen. Barton io U.l, Alder and loin. Entrance on loin. Open to 0 P. M. ' . 1'K1M at nA.icxJtji. ..,, Leading wig and toapee makers: finest "tpek of hvman nair goous. switcnes from 1.50 up Up-to-tiat. parlors for bairuressmtf. juanicurmg. face and acalp treatmenu 1 7th St., pel, jgorriaou aoc SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Hel;ngfora , graduate: rheumatism, nervou and aiom ' ach ailment, under pnysician s direc tions; batno. masseuse. No. i.ast llin .irtet, .econd door south fiom Easl . keny canine, phone Last J6o, B leas. GENTLEMAN Greek. Jolly, holding good position, wishes to correspond with iudy with tne object of matrimony. Give de scluollon ana age In firsi letter. Addrea. George Christ. paterson,v aan. HAIR. HAIR All shades in beat quality at cost. Closing out stock; sclanuuc face and calp treatments; expert huirdressmg and manicuring taught. Axa H- Kibbecae, G rand Leader, oth and Alder. il I.. IJ. u. .. Disease of women and children; electric treatment of nervous ailments, private hos pital Rooma uOo-OOO commonwealth bldg., Uth and Ankeny. Phones Main 4Q47. A 24il MRS. A. M. PARKS, graduate nurse, give scientific massage, also scalp treatments, baldness cured by my remedy after all els. Jias failed. The Francis, West Park m, i . i i iruie and Morrison sts.. rooms to to FREE for 10 days, a 50c box face powder, including face massage to each lady that Visits the Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400-412 Dekum blag. 1"" i"""J ' """ DR WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cure blood and skin ailment, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 jgt su, fptwm. DRESS suits for rent, l.o0 month keeps vour domes cleaned. pressed. buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and oellveries! Unique Tailoring Co.. 300 Stark. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIST Chronic ail ments a specialty. Cure painles and prompt. 510 ilarquam bids. Phone Manilla:! in. NOXALL cures corns, causes tender o'dor.VSoc all drugslsts. or by mall. Address Dr t ieuti'i, : M1SS DESALIN,E DEVOE The Olive. 3034 Washington su, corner 6th, suit. 21. 22. 23. Manicuring, facial and acalp treat menta. Hour 10 to 8. it WILL be to the Interest of any lady eoine to Salt Lake City to reply to this id. M 2. Oregonian. f7T 2 PIERCE, specialist, women and children": couddentlal advice; expert pain fj,. t ,r jmentaAadre.a 311 Allsky bide. MRS-loPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spir itual scientist. 21 Selling-Hlrch bldg. Main 024- crrrKSSFLL doctor desires acquaintance bULCr-ac vht-Ririnn nreferrd. Matr'ln. "ny F 212, Oregonian. w sa.G fci. batha hourly, nuraing. graduate M.AS3AOI I i .MN M nurse; lauica wj . b-Uo. rju rjjRENS' NERVE TONIC TABLETS. a3c box restore lost vitality. Stipe, lay- i luiTOK habit permanently cured In 3 days; no suffering and harmless. Cardiola luaU- TZfjZi enliasula ave.. Portland,' Or. it a LTH TREATMENTS alven by ifradnato furae and masseuse. Koom 18. Alder su Fhone Main 4i3. 7m. "courtwright. skin and acalp treat- n. en tsT facial deformltiea corrected, plaa gVrerv. 811 Flledner bldg. M 504J. u OF FIGS Remedies lor diseases of women. 62 Belmont au Kaat 24a. MANICL'KING and chiropody. BU Nicholas HoteL 3ZS 6th au. room 2. , OCCULT New Thought; liberal, sclentltto hooka. Jonea- Book Store. l'S4 Oak au I)lu K.ETCHUM treata women's inaiadiea. 17 W 3d. corner Yamhill. MOLEr wrrnk.es.au pern nous hair removed. r. Vli.Jllil. A- Flledner bldg. M 3473. LADY would like engagement aa traveling ompaniontoady.02,Oregonia BLfelNKsS II RECTORY. Acoaiwiauta. " MACKENZIE. BAIH1 A. BERRIDGB. Counsel and experts in alt matters relat ing to municipal, commercial,, factory oat and industrial accounting. ' Moderate feea ConaujLatlons free. 224 Worcester Block. phones Main 7309. A 1449. H. COLLis & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal Auditing. Investigating and .Systematizing. ' au Worcester Block. Phone Main b0r7. Architects. A F DARLING, architect; latest and tiuest interior designs arranged to please not only on paper, but while occupying. 6u3 Couch blag. ; EASTMAN CO.. Inc. Architects and Build era Plans and estimates furnished free to builders. We build on contract, percentage or terma Main 3236. A 411ft. Ablngton bldg. Awayer and Analyst. Wells A proebatel. mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. 204 Washington at. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 183 Morrison su Awnings and Tenta. PACIFIC Tent ft Awning Co., tenta, awning and sails. 27 N. 1st. Main and A 18S1. T7 BrSlXESS DIRECTORY. I BUSINESS MSECIOKt. CL'MMINGS A CAT LIN. building In every branch of the bui.atng traaes.- juous. modeling, repairing a spec.alty; ahoiv cases, counters, shelving, etc Office and shop S71 First su Phone Marsh 1 2327. Bicycles and aiotoroyclca. We buy. sell, exchange or repair. Hummer 7UiH. Bicycle Ex., 13 10th su. Main Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass castings and machine work. liK N- 5th. Main 3.U2- Chiropractic Fhy aiclan. DR. T1CKNER removes the cause of disease. 10-1 Columbia bldg. A 525.". Hrs. 12-5:3u. Collection 9pccfcaltt. PHYSICIANS' and dentists' colleotions only. I Pinckney White. Main 5074. A 702. - Hatha and ts trimming. Portland Swimming Baths, lt7 4th Elegant plunge, steam and shower baths. SSc Circulating; Library. LATE fiction, 3c a day. Woman's Exchange bldg., ISO 5th su. beU Taylor and Yam MIL Collections and Law. NETH A CO., COLLECTORS COLLECT EVERYWHERE; NO COLLECTION, NO CHARGE. 535 Worcester bldg.. Portland. Chiropody. WM. EST ELL E and Flossie Ccveney. the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301 m Chiropody and pedicuring. room 429 Fjiedner bldg. xfr. m r. Hin. Phone Main 3473. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton. 54J Waahlngton. Marshall Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG A CO.. ahip brokers, com - mission merchants. Sherlock bldg. SUN SOON HCIE. CHINESE GOODS, MAT TING, SILK AND CURIOS. 70 6TH ST. Dog and Horse Hospital. DR. BROWN. D. st. Main 4080. V. g. Office 324 Flanders Hospital etf 12th su Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st. Electric Fixtures and Supplies. YOU wire for us" and we'll wire for you. Phones B 2392, E. 3S22. Clagett Electric Co.. 361 East Morrison s Engineering. TECHNICAL ENGINEERING CO., General Engineering, Designing, Draltlng. 201 Hamilton Bldg. Engines Gaa and Steam. ROBER Machy. Co., Coast agts. Seabury Etcam engines and boilers, gasoline en gine. 281-23 E. Morrison sU Phone E. o5. Feed Store. ZIGLER & MiSNER, hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. Grand ave. E. -4a- Furs. N. M. UNGAR CO.. INC.. formerly of 406 Merchants Trust bldg., nave -remuveu lo Seventh au Furs remodeled, repaired and stored. Marshall 753. Hat lactory. HATS made to order cost no more. See us. Royal Hat Works. 223 1st su M- 8442. 16-FT. 3-H. P.. $100; 18-FT.. 3-H. P.. $200, Relerson llach. Co.. 182 Morrison sL Leather and tlndlngs.. CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO.. 74 FronU leather of every description, taps, mfrs.' nnuinga. J. A, STROWB RIDGE LEATHER CO. tabliahed 18S. 181 Front aU Machinery. B. TRENKMAN A CO- Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining ma chinery. All kinds of repairs. 104 N. 4th. Machinery for Kent. Contractors' machinery of all kinda. David Dow A Son, 2o2 Lumbermena bldg. Phones. Mutficavi, EM1L THIELHOKN, violin teacher, pupil Sfevcik. Qi)0 Marquam. A 41ti0. Mar. 102'J. Osteopathic fhywlcuma. DR. LeRoy Smith, graduate Kirksville. Mo., class of 1S93, post-graduate 1HU7. under A. T. Still, the founder. 317-818-311 Swet land -bldg. Main 1987, A 19S a. DR. R- B. NORTHRUP. 410-410-417 Dekum BMg. Phone. Office. M. 84tf7. res. East or B 1028. Dr Arnold Lindsey, specialist on rheuma tism, stomach troubles and all nervoua diseases. Hotel Franklin. Main 7105. Painting and Paperhanglng. T CHKISTEiN'SEN CO.. Daintlne. kalso- mining, paperhanging. A 4711, Main 1083. Faints. Oils and Qiass. RASMUSSEN A CO.. jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sasn and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Paviag. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 605- 608 Electric bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. Patent Attorneys. protect your ideaisf reliable patent attorneys. TECHNICAL EAUI-N-fc.ii.rt 1 .N U CO., Registered patent Attorneys. 201 Hamilton Bldg. B. c. WRIGHT, dome sac and foreign pat en ts. lnfringment cases. 604 Deku m. INVENTORS' free book. J. K. Mock. 419 Hoard of Trade (late U. S- patent omcej. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 40 years In Portland. 71 oth st. Mam wiu. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th N. ana lorK sts. At. a-iba. Printers. GLASS A PRUDHOMME CO., printers, blank book. maKers, jegai uiuon., juobu ieai uo arices, township plats. 60-67 7th au, bet. ftak and Ankeny. CHAUSSE-PRtJDHOMME CO., books, com mercial. 142 4th SU Main 816. A 1555. Piano Factory. C Sommer A Co.. established 18t6; general repair wortt; tuning, mn. marsnai 10 T J, Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc Cunningham s, zai atara. am x-kin. Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag rugs, carpet cleaning and laying. 153 Union ave. nr. E. Morrison. Safes. THE MOSLER SAF1S CO., 108 2d at. Safea at factory prices, second -hand safes. Showcases, Bank and Store flat urea. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rapids Showcase Co., 6tn and Hoyu K. Lutke. Mgr. KEW and second-hand J. L . Mfa. Oo.. 4th and Couch. Main 2703. Cabinet, work. Shingles. BEST in the city; car lots or less. Gilbert, 20l Washington st Storage and Transfers. PORTLAND vain i UitACiii. CO., corner 13th and Everett sta. Juat opened newest and most modern storage warehouse in city; every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest insurance rate Sn Northwest; tree trackage; vans m o v 1 ng. Main or A 1520. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., office and commodious fdur-atary brick ware house, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. eor. 2d and Pine sts. pianos and furniture moved and packed for snipping, jjain q'jh, a IU86. OIaSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. f.Aneral transferrin,? and atoraEe: sAfntt pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 2ofl Oak su, bet. Front and Ibt. Telephone jam 04 or A zrW. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1870 Transfer and Forwarding Agents storage. Office 310 Hoyt st., between &th and eth. Phones juain utf. a uoa. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer CO. Main lui 9, A ifoi. .tvu ewvtirsa wa.goiis, ail experienced men. Swiss Dairy. 67 N. UNION ave. Phones Eaat 56, B 2U1L Pure bottled mute a specialty. T rushes and Supports. ARE YOU RUPTURED? The perfect truss is made and fitted bv a specialist; no cnarge n i laU hold hernia, age or aex immaterial, jay W. Wilson, tw 01 n su Stoves. STOVES connected 1110. 614 Front, and repaired. Main Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to XGO. fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals. S3 per montn. mmu staauwuexj st Ttnt- mg WE ARE the exenange ior the largest type writer concern ou uuls vimlbi; investlgatei all makes, all prioea. The Typewriter .Ex c b ange. 287 Washington at. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. u. . uo., Zaii. ta.r m. 1407. Tetertnarians. 8. L. Brown and S. B. Footer, veterinarians. 331 Ankeny t A 89tf- Main 2402, Veterinary Schools or Colleges. Ean Francisco Veterinary College; catalogue free, yr. Keane. ISIS Martcet au, s. F. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO., 172 1st st,. "whole sale and retail, samples mailed free Wood and Coal. COALI COAL! Don't forget last Winter. Oiro u your future deliveries. We pica our coai. Special prices on big orders. Newcastle, per ton, Jti.5o; Rock Springs, per ton, $lo; Hrt bern. jer ton. SU'.oO. Phone Marshail 2117. .15th andSavier. Wood AU Kinds. DRY lr.!Me .-...,.3.50 Small inside Planer trimmings - 3.o0 Pacific Slabwood Co. Phones M 37o. A 735A OIUXD CENT HAL STATION. Southern puclttc, Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger ..... Rose burg Passenger .... Shasta Limited Silverton Passenger ..... California Express ..... San Francisco Express ... West Side. Corvalils 1'a.ssenger ..... Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger . Forest Grove Passenger 8:30 a. m. 4:13 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 6:20 p. in. 7 .45 p. nu 1:30 a. m. 7:20 a. rru 4:00 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 6:40 p. m. . 7:30 a. m. Arriving Portland Oregon Express Ashland Passenger Roseburg Passenger .... 10:00 p. m. &:30 p. m. Portland Express ....... Shasta Limited Silverton Local 11:00 a. m. 2:30 p. m. ti;3J a. m 6:20 p. m. 10:20 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 4:40 p. m. west side Corvallis Passenger ..... Sheridan ' Passenger Forest Grove Passenger . Forest. Grove Passenger Northern Paclflo. Lea vine Portland I North Coast Limited via Pugett Sound ilo:iu a. in North Coast Limited via Northf Bank I 7:00 p. rru Atlantic Express via Puget Boundil2:15 a m. Atlantic L'ipress via North Bankl :00 a. m. iwin city Express via Puget Sound 3:80 p. m. Twin City Express via North Bank T:00 p. in- Eastern Express via Puget Sound 12:13 a- m. Eastern Express via North Bank 9;00m, Missouri River Express via Puget Sound 10:10a, no, Missouri River Express via North Bank 7:00 p- nx, Portland. Tacoma and Seattle Ex press, Grays Harbor. Olympla and South liend branches 6:45 a.m. Portland-Vancouver Special lO;10 a. m. Puget Sound Limited. Grays Har bor and South Bend branches.. 8:30 p.m. Yacolt Passenger :u0 p. m. Arriving Portland North Coast Limited via North Bank 8:15 p. m. North Coast Limited via Puget Sound 7:20 a. m. Northern Pacific Express via North Bank 7:30 a. m Northern Pacific Express via Puget Sound 7:10 p. nu Pacific Coast Express via North Bank 8:15 p.m. Pacific Coast Express via Puget Sound 7:20 a. m. Western Express via North Bank 8:15 p.m. Western Express via Puget Sound 10:30 p. m, Missourl River Express via North Bank 7 :30 a. m. Missouri River Expreaa via Puget Sound 4:00 p.m. Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Express and from-Olvmpla, South Bend and Graya Harbor 4:00 p.m. Puget Sound Limited 7:10 p.m. Vnncouver-Portland Special 10:30 p. m. Yacolt Passenger 11:20 a. m. Oregon Railroad A Navigation. Caw Leaving Portland Baker City Passenger Oregon-Washington Limited. Tne Dalles Local Boo Spokane Portland.......... Oregon Express. Spokane Flyer Arriving Portland The Dalles Local Oregon Express Soo-Spokane-Portland Baker City Local Passenger Oregon-Washington Limited. . Spokane Flyer 7:40 a, m 10:00 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m, 10:15 a. m. 10:30 a. nu 0:00 a. nu 7:00 p- m. 8 :00 p. m. ! 7 :30 a. m. Astoria A Columbia River. Leaving Portland Seaside Express 8:00 a. m. Ocean Shore Limited 9:20 a.m. Saturday Seaside Special 2:80 p. m. Seaside Express 6 .30 p. m. Rainier Passenger. .............. 1:15 p. m. Rainier Passenger 5:45 p. m. Arriving Portland Seaside Express 12:05 p.m. Monday Seasicfe Special 12:30 p. m. Seaside Express 10:00 p. tn. Ocean Shore Limited 10:15 p. m. Rainier and Portland Passenger.. 9:40 a. m. Rainier and Portland Passenger. . 6:00 p.m.. Canadian Pacinc Railway Co. Leaving Portland C P. R. Short Line via Spokane . Via Seattle Arriving- Portland 7:00 p. m. 12:1a a. nv C P. R. Short Line via Spokane 9:00 a. m. 7:00 a. in. via Seattle Oregon A Washington Kailroad Co. Leaving Portland Seattle Passenger 8:30 a. m. Shasta Limited 3:00 p. m. Owl 11:45 p. m. Arriving Portland Owl . 7:15 a. m. Shasta Limited 5:20 p.m. Portland Passenger 2:45 p. m. JEFEEKSON-STiiEET STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Dallas passenger ....... Dallas passenger Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger ....... Dal las Passen er Forest, GrovePassenger 7:40 a. m. 4:o5 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 10:15 a. m. 5:55 p. m. 12:00 noon ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREETS PAS- SEN PER STATION. jSpokane, Portland A Seattle Railway Co.r Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 0:00 a.m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, SU Louis, Billings, Spokane, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddallea, Goldendale. Lyle. White Salmon, Stevenson, Vanoouver. The Oregonian '. 11:00a.m. For SU Paul, Spokane, Pasco, Washtucna, Kahlotus, Cliffs, Lyle, White Salmon. Ste venson, and Vancouver. Columbia River Local 4:30 p. m. North Bank Limited 7:00 p.m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Wasutuo na. Kahlotus, Pasco, Kooevelt, Granddalles. Goldendale. Lyle, white Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver. Arriving Portland The Oregonlan 7:05 a.m. From SU Paul, Spokane, Pasco, Cliffa, Maryville, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson, and Vancouver. North Bank Limited 7:30 a.m. From Chicago, su Paul. Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Washtuo na, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles. Goldendale, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver. Columbia River Local.-. 12:35 p.m. Inland' Empire Express 8:15 p.m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis, Billings. Spokane, Washtuo- na, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddailea, Goldendale, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver. Great Northern Railway Company. " Leaving Portland 11th and Hoyt sU. Oriental Limited, via Seattle 10:00a.m. Ihe oregonian, via North Bank. .11:00 a. m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank 7:00p.m. International Limited. Seattle. Ta coma and Vancouver, B. C. . . .10:00 a. nu The Owl. Tacoma, Seattle and Vancouver, B. C 6:00 p. m. Shore Line Express, Tacoma. Se attle and Vancouver, B. C 11:30 p. m. Arriving Portland 11th and Hoyt sts. Oriental Limited, via Seattle 6:40 a.m. Ths Oregonian, via North Bank.. 7 ;05 a. nx Oriental Limited, via North Bank S:'5p.m, The Owl. Vancouver, B. C, Seat- - tie and 'acoma 6:40 a.m. Shore Line Express, Vancouver, B C, Seattle and Tacoma 3:30 p.m. International Limited, Vancouver, 3 Seattle and Tacoma. 0:50 p.m. Time Card Oregon Electrio Railway Co. iw4HfrT- Station. Front and Jefferson Sts. Woodburn-rwJem and Int. Point Locals leave l ortland 6:0, 7:60. 11:00 A. M.; 2:00. K-50 6 '30 8:40 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and' Salem, :15 A. M. Local for Wilson ville and Int. Stations, 0:10 P. M. Hillsboro-Eorest Grove and Intermedlato Points Leave Portland 7)5. 8 30. 10:20 A M 12:10, 2:10. 3:30, 5:S0. 85 P. M. Sat urday only. 11:30 P. M. Arrive Portland from Salem and Int. Stations. 8:40, 11:00 A. M. I 1:13. 4:o0 4:50, 6-OU 8-20, 10:50 P. M. Local from Wilson vtUe and lilt., 6:40 A- M. Daily except Sun dav and 7:35 A. M- daily. Arrive Portland from lores Grove hd lnL Stations 8:00. 9:50. 11:40. A. M. ; 1:30. 250. 5:20. 8:10. 10:50 P. M. Sunday only. 'ijep't Front and Jefferson. Portland, Or. ynrtland Railway, Light A Power Company. ' TTcket Office and Waitlng-Room. Fiist and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. -"CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. OreKOn City 4:00 and- 6:30 A, M. and every 30 minute and. including iaat car, mnMim and" Intermediate potnts 6:55. stxs i-45. :45. 10:45, 11:45 A. M. ; 12.-45. i-i? 2-43 3:45. 4:45. 5:45. 6:45. 11:30 P. M. Fairvlew and Troutdale 6:5er 7:45, 8:45. 9:45. 10:45 A M. 12:45. 2:45. 8:45. 4:45, 6:45. ':raxadro and Intermefliate points 6:5S, -4i W;4ft A- M, ; 12:43, 2:45. 4:45. 6:45P.M. FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket of fioa and waiting-room Second and Washington Sts. A M. 6:15. 6:50. 7:25, 8:00, 8:35, 8:10. 9 -BO, 10:80. 11:10. 11:50. p m. 12:80. 1:10, 1:50. 2:30. 3:10. 8:50, 430 5:10. 5:50. 6:30. 7:05, 7:40, 8:15, 9:25. ir:35. 11:45. On third Monday In every month the last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Daily except Sua daV "NPail s-cspt on day. l: 108.0