Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 20, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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5 AM lo-ACBB
SK1 ViKSK: on eLectrkC close
ANOTHER $150 an acre brtin: cleared
Und. ciM to OTffon Ele trie nd clo
to portiaad: dep black oll. onion land
nd food sprtn-. fie u at one.
411 CouchBldr
It EI J N Q t 1 8 H ICE N T. 1 acrea, in Wuh!nf.
va; o acre in .u--i t; ju--.
ail frcd: mil R- R-. I mil houl.
food road: ail uiUbi land.
invivTinra nip nnmnv
83-page b.fc explaining what each of
tb M MOBtM 1 bMt lUptwl for; give
taoOol OS uTninn nuig v uw
e4 tn -- county; map attacked, 21-,
s-wwtng new R. R. and towns. Including
Kastrn mad Contra! Oregon : counties In
. . A . - A 11tMr-h 1 11110?
UtMt neap ta V. 8.; pvte 2Sc Xlmmo
6NE relinquishment, 120 tern; 6 acre tn
ouMIvrUoo. miiii small frulta and ple
piMt: on couoty road; fin creek run
through, place; sora bottom land. talanr
rolling, ail Ullabl: 2. 000,000 to $.000.00
1 9ft lino -ron iuno. "
eio to eountjr . achool la than mil
potoffk- on mil. J. A. Davia. 214 Swot
land bid. .
timber, hou on each. 2.3.0O and ...
00; $30u and $450; a snap, neighbor. 733
Mtrquam Pti. in
vnu ..1. m trAm Tj 160- rellnoulsh
t- f w - (Vuntr lO mile fn 1 F-ft
Knrk; ir-t soli; bidr moat go East. AL
far 81 Fruit Land.
10 PER CENT down and 3 per cent mnth
! will put you In p"wnnn of a lo-acr
tract of cbolr rich Ttlack loam on lctc
Um and do to Portland.
404-& Touch Hid.
Thoroughly -cleared and In cultivation, at
f an ar-. on easy term; on electric,
1 oe to P-rt land.
4-3 Cucn Wdg.
For Hal farm
ACRES tplendld frutt and Stock farm
T ml lea from RoMburg. Orton; 3-room
hou. avod barn, fin springs, piped to
buildings; food horn orchard 12 years old,
young peach orchard, lots of good wood.
65 acres cult Its tad. 20 or 30 acre mor
easily cleared. 7 head cattle. home, wacon.
machinery, telephone, been. prlc $1500.
with half caah. Must sell at one Writ
W. D. Hflfon. owner. Ashland. Or.
ACRES 25 miles from Portland; unes
iimiO celled fruit land; about 30
A!T a-rea bottom land;, entir place
TERMS well watered and on direct
transportation to Portland;
doubi tn Talu In sis months
4'M-p Couc hJB Id g.
20-ACHE tract a. unimproved. 23 miles by
rail from Portland; sultabl for fruit rais
ins: and chicken ranches; well watered,
plenty of timber for all purposes; best of
soil, no rock or gravl; $15 to $-i n
acr. sasy terms; these are tn cheapest
tracts on the market and will bear Inspec
tion, Call and arrang to so and see thorn.
310 Corbet t bids;.
THIRTY acre bottom land on Wlllamett
Rtver. on ml! smith of WIIsdbtIII. half
mil Oregon Ele.tric Iln; one-third In cul
ttatkn; no buildings; soma baverdam;
$j2& per acr. For particulars Wm. &
F 1 y n n. WIIanv1 lie. Or.
0 Af'RLV t 922 per acre; SIA0O cash. bl.
to suit at per cent; acr now In cul
tivation; nil fenced; nearly enough oak
timber to pay fr the land; near Roaeburg;
a rar opportunity. Inquire RHter A Seeley.
'22 Lumber Exchange Mdg.
140 J aerws of good whent land for sal-.
J lOO acr ander plow ; 10 mile Xrom
railroad. Call Hawthorn) Stable. 420
Hawthorn a vena.
Ton SALE 15 acre. S In cultivation, good
house, good bam. S acrs In fruit. H
a9nrtd berrtea. stock Implemonta and fur
niture; mile from small town. Address
fto 131. La Center. Wash,
Overlooking th vailay and Mo ant Bood.
For particulars s
ljOtW rtak n SC. Portland. TaborlSta
TOR PALE 140 acres, unimproved; also 10
mres orchard tracts In bearing: a paring
Investment, th finest location In Wash
ington. Address Stella Kelley, Blyton,
Waah.. for further Information.
1ACRS rchard tract. nnlmprovad,
railroad. 23 mile from Portland I beat
soil, no rock; 0 an acr, ey urmi; ar
rang with us to go and laak !otlon;
roand trip Sam day. HO Coroett bldr.
1 ACRES rich loam soil, all cloared. new
building. Implements, main road. R. F.
I.. phono. :t mile a station. 99 mile
Portland; snap, tleo. G. Mnlr. 2 Lu ro
be rmens bltlg.
FOR SALE 40 acres of land, with stock,
fixtures and milk rout, at Rainier. Or.,
clnae In. J. B. Ioan. L1etg bldg.. Rainier,
LINCOLN County stock farm, 140 acres.
S.aOv; acre piling timber, $7 per acr.
"Elk City. Or.
JVr sale, farms, livery, bu tinea, war
houa and tuainess: prlc reasonable; no
tichangs. P. O- Hot 74. Carlton. Or.
FOR Linn County farm of all description
at prices very reasonable, writ for infor
manon to J. V. Pipe. Albany. Or.
A ACRES on the Wlllamett River: bt
acreage Investment In th Northwest;
easy tarms. M E. Lee. 411 Corbett blds
FARM fr sa'e, 2lO acre, near Nashvllla,
r. Address C. Harnor. Nashvlll. Or.
Thin t on of the finest beaches on
th Oregn coaet. platted and rxtensiv
Improvements now being mad; In fiv
year this invrtroent
WILL NET YOtT f.000.
Plat and comikt riata may b had
In th office o
p-rbeit HW.
Oo-tn acreage, a wheat ranch or small.
wall-Improved frra at low prlc and e
sncat liberal term, at ma. 1 handa sa
ewa pfopartl.
B79 Corbett Bl1g.
Z WANT the beat li-room nwdern hou.e In
South Portland; this side of W hit taker
at., that 4' will buy; will pay S HKHJ
cah. balance temta. L " 17 ,Ortg 011 lan.
a OR 7-ROOM hows, not m- r $3; 9UV
caah. Irvington district prf erred; must b
a bargain. Pull particular first letter. J
21i iTx-gon in.
"WK ha a clnt mill buy beat Income prop
erty on West Hide for 'uoO; out-of-town
party and must submit at one. T-l Lam-
bermens bldg.
To buy a vacant lot; must hav It quick.
K Orcgunian,
W ANT good cimer lot. not over 25 minutes
out on Kast S de. Prefer on adjoining
IMedrrort. AM Sit, pregonlan.
WK hav a client who wants to buy lots
or equities, must be cheap: what hav
your ol4 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 21SK
WILL py cajih for good t to 7 -room cot
tige or bunraiow. Call 07 Couch bldg.
i KRNMEMT clerk, anr department, sal
arv 10"0 or upward, who w uld exchange
poaliton with St-'W departmenQil clerk,
Washington. D. C kindly addres E. O.
Wiimer. l,Iry.,,t lag ton. I?. C
W ILL s -hanre Ernst Sid quarter ttaock cloe
In wvrth V fr San Francisco Improved
or unimproved property. I. F. Reals, Z6A X
nth st. Phor.e EaM 1141.
V ILL TKAFXH 44 acre Al Hood River land
commandlns th fines vtew la the Valley
for Prttand rrMdewc or good lots; DO caah
J orecoiuaa.
7 EQfITT ta Lnnrethumt lots for
small pleo of acreage near Portland and
Kiectnc car. WlU giv a good trad. M
H. Ore-nlan.
1IAHPWARK and crockery store, good lo
ra;fn, growl nr buslnus. Wilt sell for
$.'S or exchang for tncom property.
II -T,Oregon:an.
TO exchang for mare sultabto for farm
work, on gaaolln launch wuh hous and
a houseboat: a dandv outfit: will trad
eithrr or both. AK 215. Oregonian.
lb ACRKS rood Improved land. In Idaho.
wort n of timber on it; will ex
chang for Portland property; what havs
too. ? A M 51$. tregon I an.
MvDERN -room bungalow on a wH-Im-prored
street, to exchange for a small
;.j-e of acreage P 210. Orrgnian
W NT KD Automobile in exchange for
farm land. Ca'.l 411 Corbett bldg.
IOC can trad anr kind of property at
Oak at.
FOR EXCHANGE 6 acres, on Improved.
For exchange 10 aorea, unimproved.
For xcxg to acre, anlraproved.
For exchacg. 1000 acre, cultivated.
For -hange o-room modem nous.
For exchange I mil. loo timber claim.
For exchange S tots, oOxlttX.
List your property.
No. 4 N. th. Phone A 81S2.
WANTED Bearlnc 4pl orchard tn Hood
Klvr district In exchang for beautiful
inodarn 4-room and bath. 3-story r ai
de noa. East Bid, nlc resideooe a i strict.
Portland; 1 block to WUiiams-av. car.
cloe in; valued at $3000; ownars pr-
f-rred. C 214, tTregonian.
LAK'JE and small farms in Wlllamett Val
ley. IKxO to in exchange for city
or restJeno property, vacant lota or good
r warning-hou sea.
4a Ablngton bids.
kvDtR.M 5-room 1 -story house, lot Hox
!. tt. Johns; street improved. cmnt
waik. for sma-l farm with bunaings. iruit
and snm land clrared ; Tualatin Vaviley
preferred. 8 21", Oregonlan.
Fin farm, well stocked, good bo11d
legs. 422.0 an acr; In Willamette Valley,
411 Couch.
TWBNTT-ONB million feet yellow fir. trib
utary to drlvabl stream; excellent ground
for logging. 60c per thousand. 212 Lum
bermen bldg.
TIIIPTVVV million feet wallow flr. 4IV log
glng. will sell on terms to right people
for small milling propoaition. iz
bermens bldg.
C X M-CRACKEN. S04 McKay Bids.
Tl!!.ril claim, homesteaoa, rcUnQuiabmnts.
21g Worcester bicg.
WANTED to leas From 2 to 0 acres, near
Portland; property muse hav food house
or collage and outbuildings, 1I10 good water
Hippiy and good ati; give exact KKration
In first letter. C 211. Oregonlan.
MR. APPLE, real estate man. formerly of
Oklahoma. Please call Hart man ft Thomp
son. Room 14, Chamber of Commerce
Farm, also acreage, fronting on or overlook
Inc rtver or ocean. K 194. Oregon tan.
TIMBER lands wan tea.
s04 McKay bldg.
C. J. cCrackaa.
Horse. Vehicle mad Harness:.
A consignment of hlgh-clss
registered three and flve
galted saddle horse, which
hav been selected by Gen
eral John B. Caatleman. of
Louisville. Ky., president of
th American Saddle Horse
Breeders Association. These
horses are perfectly gal ted.
good mannered, and will
drlv as well as ride. Th
prices ar very reasonable;
w guarante as w repre
sent them, or will refund
the money. If you want a
horse that can win this
Fall at th coming horse
shows, don' t overlook this
16th and Alder St.,
Portland, Or.
WHY buy second-hand vehicle when you
can get a new one from an old-established
wholesale house. 44 years tn Oregon, at
almoet th same cost 1 W are located
out-Me th high rent district, own our
building, and can make the price. Ex
clusive agents for th old rellabl line of
Michigan Buggy Ob. fine vehicle, delivery
wagons, top buggies, runabout and form
wagons. B sur and us before you
buy. It may save you money.
R. M. WADE 4 CO..
121 Hawthorn av., bat. East let and Id.
Two cars of horeee have Just arrived
and will be sold under our gaurante.
They range In weight from 100 to 1404
lbs.; age from i to 11 years; all sood
workers and prices reasonable. We also
have three span of small mules, weight
too to lKe lbs., for sal. Call and Inspect
the. If wanting horse. Hawthorn
Stable. 424 Hawthorn av.
MlSriOUlU mule for saie New shipment Just
received. 1200 to 160o Iba. sultabl far rail
road, togs ins and farm w ork : mule at
Freedman Bros.' barn. 19th and Overt
eta Address Sparks A W Iggtntoa, Imperial
L riNfc young team or pome cneapw ur
wlll exchange for a delivery horse. 830
East 2Uh st., W. W. oar to Powell sU,
then gi south 8 blocks.
PRIVATE team, harness and wagon for
sale; team sound and true; work single
or double; weight 270O. ages 7 and A Call
Sunday or evenings. 3u7 East Caruthers.
FOR SALE Matched team. 0 years old.
weight 2700 lbs.; good heavy harness;
sound and true workers. Apply W. C
Green. Norrb Sixth, U
FOR SALE Speedy driving mare, safe for
lady, nign-graae runner-urea runioom
and harness; must sell at once. 0o4 &tfth;
end of Hawthorne ave. carltne.
FOR SALE One teaxu of heavy work horse.
gOOa conailion. - rriun a. r hihuiwu Co.. Phone Mam gins.
A TEAM of work horse for sal, very cheap.
VJ9 Columbia oou le vara. v ooanwn. 1 aa
Vancouver car. walk 4 block east.
YOl'NG mare and fin percheron colt, will
s II cheap. Union Transfer Barn, inn ana
Hoyt sis.
St.. livery business, rigs, horses, harn,
w axons, for sale or rent. Main 2209.
i FINE saddle pony; very gentle. SO East
?4th st. North. Tabor lSfll.
WANTED Work for two good his teams
and dump wagons. s4 commercial ouri.
A OCOD top buggy and hors aJl for $60, a t
lost noua wen tna ai oaiumrw - - "t.
F.K 8ALE On bay horse. 12 or fi years
old Inquir 34 rourtn tL
BAT mare. S year old. weight 1600. soond
and gentle, r'hon wain ih.-w.
lioil work home; must go at once, cheap;
weight Il'OO lbs, riiwooa Hi.
WANTED by T. M. C. A. automobile school.
automobiles to repair; no rnargee except
for parts furnished. Phone Educational Di
rector. Private Exchang tti; A O06L T
M. C. A. bldg. .
REO $375. In good condition, will carry 4
pafsengers. glass rront. extra tires, scare a
light, lamp, mud chain, tools, etc.; quick
buy-r Kts snap. Phone owner. Main itfill.
WANT second-hand Ro. fully equipped. 1
1 y Under. lt09 or 1910; will pay K0O cash;
leaving City, ao O uics. Auuren i- -10.
FOR SALE or trade, two seven-passenger
automobile: win sacrince 11 tan en a& ouc.
K. Uavt and Cnlon Ave.
W ILL- exchange good mining stock for auto
mobile; this stock can be tnorougmy inves
tigated. Phone A 1287. or Main 70.
FOKD runabout. Al condition; will sell or
exchange for Portland Concrete Pile stock.
Woodiawn ftS. C l&ya.
AUTOMOBILE wanted; will exchange good
gilt-edge stock for an Al automobli. Call
rwm alH Commercial Club bldg.
FOR SALE One five-passenger Pullman,
1910 model, I13M. Address R 216. Ore
gonlan. A 100 10 H. P., 4 -sea ted. Overland, used but
little. Geo. R. Flora. 470 E. Burns) da.
SP.ViiSENGER Buick car, fin condition,
cheap. 446 Hawthorne eve. East 256.
Birds, Posra and Pet Stock.
FTR SALE Thoroughbred spltx. worth S0,
sell for tlO. Red 33. Oak Grove.
flaao. Organs and Mncal lastmmewta.
LTON A HE ALT organ for sale, 220. Phone
Woodlawn 274a.
M lacellaneooa.
FOR SALE Showca. wallcase. counters.
cheap. No Z'2t Grand ave. Phon East 63S.
J50l Ask for catalog. Rabollts $13 up. S.
M. Hayter Ccv. Q Sth st. Main S2.
44-FOOT motorboat for sal or trad. Geo.
ty Malr. room 2 Lumbermen bids-
4w business cards. $1 2d If brtns t"1
ad. Rse City Prlntery. 102 8d st.
SAFTV 5 eoonl-hand safe, very cbap.
rvrtland Safe Co.. S7 Sth t.
SHOVCASES. new and second-hand. 12
Everett, corner Mh7 Also flxtn r .
FOR SALE Two Royal wheeled straper. In
qulr TaborSQl.
NOTES and mortgage bought and soM. Na
tional Credit Asa'n. Q1 Worcester bids-
FOR SALE Kemlnrton typewriter. James
C Smith, ezT Corbett bldg.
sa cetlane
Our films are the pick of 2S indepen
dent manufacturers; 14 new pictures re
leased weekly.
Too need the beat; w can furnish It,
Writ for full Information.
61&-A10 Swetland Bldg-.
Portland. Oregon.
SEWING machines, special sal on splendid
tot of fine second-hand machines of all
leadlnr make. Singer. Wheeler A Wilson,
New Horn. White, Domestic, Household
and others, to make room for new singer
and rotary. Singer Sewing Machine
Store. S- S. Si gel, agent, 333 Morrison st.
Phone Main 21S3.,A4d9.
PRIVATE party, leaving city, furniture of
three bedrooms, beds, dresser, commodes,
tables, rockers, chairs, carpets, wardrobe,
air-tight heaters; also dining table, cook
stove, gaa plate and hot-water heater;
all good condition; sell all or any part
cheap for cash. 407 Molladay ave.
Do you want first-class window screens?
We manufacture In Portland. Kotoing
but rustproof screens that flu
Call Main or A 2023.
145 First St.
FINELY equipped 20-ft. pleasure launch, new
tup. storage batteries, tools, etc. ; 4-h. p.
Custom an angrln complete for $00, eaelly
worth $000. Eben McFarland, 310 Corbett
TH Northwest Typewriter Company. Tl
Ablngton bids. Phone M. 8S70. le the
oniy company eeiiin iinruj iftcigi;
bullt t-pewrlters; prices $10 to $tt5.
FOR SALE Law library, consisting of Pa
cific Reporter and Cyc. both complete to
date. Will exchange for lot or equity.
Call COT McKay bldtf. Main 4710.
TWO nice diamond rings, on of a karat
and one S. will exchange for good horse
and buggy, one or both of them. b00
East 2th st.
DAVID VOW A SON. 3oa iL jALSt.t3iAo
FOR SALE lr rent:
FOR SALE "or rent: logging and hoisting
engine. Railway equipment to,
st. Both phones.
SUITABLE for factory or mill building,
engine and boiler, near river and rall-
road. C. 102. Oregon 1 an.
5-FOOT solid mahogany desk and chair.
Innuire 4 -'8 Mohawk bids-
WANTKD Men'a cast-off cloin ana sne,
w also buy household furnisnings: big new:
trier paid. Call at tbe "Fair DeeV' AS
K. C Main V72.
WANTED 2O00 to Sno feet of glass for
greenhouse, new or second-hand; also 1
and 2-inch pipe for heating. J. Eagleston,
rvotJ Douglas ave.
IF YOU "have household furniture to sell
call up George Baker A Co 152 Park at.
Both phones.
CARPENTER work of all kinds; Jobbing, re
modeling, repairing a specialty. Cu turnings
ac Catlln. S71 First st. Marshall 2327.
WANTED To buy straight commission
laundry route; state particulars. p 210,
Oregonlan. i
WANTED Second-hand 10 H. P. gasoline en
gine, also small plsner and matcher. P. O.
Box. 75, Turn water. Wash.
ro voir want to sell anything? If it Is worth
the price we can sell it. Write or call 6O0
couch Diag
SELL your secoad-hand furniture to th Ford
Auction Co. or you'll get lean. Phon; A
2445; Main 803t
WANTED Moving-picture machine. also
film, S" outfit, ak xi4, oregonian.
w A NTED-AII kind of men's second-hand
clothing. Call up Marshall 1929.
SPOT cask paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always) glvn. Phon Uut 10S7.
WANTED Operators and pressers on cloaks
and suits. Far paid If good and remain
through season. Matxen Mfg. Co., Seattle,
YOUNG MAN clerk by construction company;
general work; good opportunity for advance
ment. Apply in own band. X Ote-
RAILWAY mall clerks, post off tee clerks and
carriers' examination In November; salary
up to $isoo; free Book SO; Paclflo States
School. McKay bldg., Portland.
RAILWAY mill clerk. Portland examination
November 12; $400 to $1600; preparation
fro. Franklia Institute, dept. 285 8, Roches
ter, N. Y.
CAKE baker, sood wages, must under
stand his business. Inquire 50o Washing
ton iU Vancouver. Wash.
YOUNG man. meaning business, for profit
able post lion, solictlng homes with new
proposition. 2-4 P. M. 553 Morrison su
WANTED Experienced tdgermar for Clark
Hx72-lnch power lift edger. Apply 303 Couch
WANTED A flrst-claas cleaner and dyer;
must be an all-around man. Cascade Dye
Works. 47 E. Burnslde.
WANT cutoff sawjer for box factory, and a
60 od. all-around man for box factory
lultnomah Trunk A Bag Co.
WANTED A 1 general machine hand In plan
ing mill, on frames and odd work. Address
Medford Sanh A Door Co.. Medford. Or.
WANTED A nent bright boy, 1 to 17 years
of age. for office In wholesale house. Y
ll3. oregonian.
PANTS and vestmaker for country; steady
for good man; pants $3. vests $2.70. IX
Belle Bride A Co.. 148 5th su
COAT MAK E R for country, steady lob for
good man. D. Belle Bride A Co.. 148 Oth
REGISTERED physician wanted In adver
tising specialist office; permanent position.
L 214. Oregonian.
MAN that understands bicycle repairing
thoroughly: no other need apply. Chaa S.
EiMn. 13S 10th st.
WANTED 4 experienced solicitors; a tins
new line; $8 to $J0 per day. 428 Lumber
Exchange bldg.
MEN and teams to haul 15 or 20 cord of
wood from Union Dpot to 6th and Da
vis. Adares Hotel Houston.
$18 TO $25 week few months only learning;
Situations guaranieeu. a,icnmaKing-n-
g ra-1 n g School. Bo x 182.Ashlan d. Or.
WANTED Neat young man with $50 to
learn real estate business. Can make big
money. 242 Fifth st.
STRONG boy for wholesale hardware store;
per montn; state age. reierencea. &.
YOUNG man. about 20 years of age, by
manufacturing concern, to act as shipping
clerk. C Oregonlan.
WANTED Japanese cook and to care for
ham leboat. 2-is cnamuer or commerce.
WANTED Houseman for Nortonia Hotel.
Call between 10 ana 1.
TEACHER wanted for night school; salary
Apply oil oweuanq.
WANTED Colored porter. Hotel Euclid.
isth and asn.
PKKSSER wanted. 105 Park St.; morning.
Alturas Taliorins co.
WANTED Kitchen helper. Apply 40S East
PAINTER will exchange work with carpenter
or contractor, nrst cias. l. 10, vregonian.
W NTED Photographer; steady Job to
sood one. Pacific Art Co.. Aberdeen. Wash.
TWO first-class machinists wanted for out
Of town. can commercial uuo oiug.
WANTED Man to drive srocery wagon.
Apply mwinoriifl ave.
W ANTED An office boy. The Jacoba-Stine
. Cc. ;
WANTED Six boys, with bicycles. Apply
302 Madlsoa.
WANTED Blow-pipe men. Portland Blower
Ac Pipe Co.. n Kotncnua
HIGH-CLAtS commercial salesman or repre
sentative. 210 commercial oiug.
BOYS over 16 for day and night work. A.
P. T- CO.. ln'rq si.
W ANTE D Baker' s helper. Address Box
355. Kims, Wash.
PL.XTEN prefeder. Apply Ogllbev Brc,
145 First st.
bAKBEK wanted. Call Sunday noon from
1 to 4- r,i inn st.
fcX FER1EXC ET plumber In a country town.
Apply M front mi.
BARBER wanted Have gool location. Ad-
oree . . n. v nino, w 1110. ur.
WANTED DmesLet fr Kiamath FalU; good
wage tor rignt man. n. o. oregonian.
THREE carpenter wanted that ar not afraid
o work. 4i:t a wet tana oiag.
BARBER wanted; first-class; $1$. Address
James hupoira. umnn-a.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait ageats;
pew oner, cutnertn atuaio. neum oiag.
FOR gen. wood w kg shop, experienced bench
men. t ni versa j jai iv.. Aucmru. y aan.
EXPERIENCED cleaner and spotter. Vienna
Pve Works, --o 1 nira su
PRESER. women" garments-, and skirt
h anu. K. M . u ray. .iJ-.ia Jiomeon sc.
DENTIST, good operator, wanted at once.
Chicago Painless uentist. jjj. asn. su
WANTED Two boys 1 years, with wheels;
c w a ges. Apply Ainer at.
WANTED Male presser. Apply Broadway
Dvs Works. 353 union ave.. .Nortn.
BARBER wanted. 165 N. 6th st.
GOOD barter wanted. 42 N. 8d st.
2( hi North Second St.
Phones Main 727; A 220.
Steam shovel cranesman. $10 and board.
Bridge foreman. $5.
4 bridge carpenters (new work), SJ.75.
Car repairer. A3.
Planer foreman. $3.50.
Ratchet setter. $3.25.
2 rigging rustlers. $3.23.
2 teamsters, skid road. $2.75.
2 teamsters. IR. R work). $40
Boy for telephone switchboard, $25 and
board. .
Teams for R. R. work. R. R-. sawmill
and woods work of all klnda
Phone tn your orders. .
If you want to make a fortune without
hard labor or double your present income,
either learn to operate motion pictures or
start a theater. It will pay you to call
and see us first. Full particulars. N. Y.
Film Exchange and School of Motion-Picture
Operating, 326 Washington, near
WANTED Hopplckers to pick 175 acres of
good hops, two miles from Independence;
fine camping grounds, uure water, fin
bathing, restaurunt, grocery, bakery, meat
market, dance hall on th grounds; no
charges for Job; low excursion rates; fam
ilies desired. For further particulars call
on George L. Rate. Carlson's fruit store.
3o5 East Morrteon sL, 8 A- M. to 8 P- M.
urRS'S the Job. now produce. The last
man at this Job was a fine chap but he
couldn't make good and we had to let
him go. as I said before, the Job calls
for a trained man. Now. It I up to you.
Call or write for new catalog. Inter
national correspondence Schools, 233 Ai
der st. -
Who will. If bright and active, have an
opportunity for a permanent place ana
learn the business. Apply at once to super-
i n ten d e nt's office. Olds. Wortman A King m.
MEN WANTED, as 18 to 36, for flremen
$100 monthly, brakemen $80. on nearby rail
roads; experience unnecessary; bo strike;
promotion to engineers, conductors; railroad
employing headquarters); over 500 men seat
Railway Aseoclatlon. care Oregon tan.
10 000. wmiTinvc nr rnuin&tai last vear:
mn and women to learn barber trade In
8 week, help to seoure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly: expert
Instructors; tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohlcr System of College. 35
North 4th su, Portland. Or.
BUSINESS man 35 years of age. well ac
quainted In Portland, wants active work
ing Interest In mercantile or manufactur
ing business: will Invest $5000 to $10,000;
' proposition must be high-class and able to
stand cks investigation. T 216, Ore
ponlan. OUTSTDE MAN A rustler, who knows car-
fiets, draperies and general house furnleh
ns; a flret-ciass man to secure contracts.
DENTIST Good operator wanted at once.
Chicago Painless Dentists, 33 Wash, su
HONEST, reliable man, who can Invest
$250 with his services in sood, legitimate
well-established business; will pay you
$125 per month; clean, agreeable work;
no experience necessary; want steady man.
Callroom 807 Couch bldg.. 109 4th su
YOUNG man to help put up and pack orders
and' wait on trade, one accustomed to
groceries preferred; reference required;
permanent. Grand Union Tea Co., 448
FIRST-CLASS sawmill engineer; must be
thoroughly posted on all branches and strict
ly temperate and furnish best of reference;
will pay $125 per month to the right man.
AB 216. Orfgonlan. '
WANTED Steady young man with fair edu
cation as aanistvtt to cashier In a whole
sale house; must have some office experi
ence; good reference required. Apply In
own Handwriting. A zm, irregonmn.
WANTED A first-class implement and ma
chinery salesman for Willamette Valley
and Sound; no booser;" give references,
age and experience in answer. Address
AK 216, OrcsQPian. .
REAL ESTATE salesmen, finding business
slow, can get for side line first-class se
curities; quick sellers, big commissions.
D 217. Oregonian.
ADVERTISING man wanted, September L
for dry goods store; must also be capable
of card writing and window dressing.
Rosenthal. 109 Washington st.. Spokane.
PHYSICIAN, registered In Oregon as as
sistant in office of specialist; permanent
position, good salary, young man pre
ferred. AL 20. Oregonian. '
for new railroad trestle; $4 per day.
3,1 H N. 2d st.
WANTED Able-bodied men for the TJ. S.
Marin Corps, between th agesaof 10 and
85; must b native born or have first
papers. , Monthly pay $15 to $69. Ad
ditional compensation possible. Food,
clothing, quarters and medical attendance
free. After 30 years service can retire with
T5 per cent of pay and allowances. Seiv
Ice on board shlo and ashore In all pai
of the world. Apply at U. 6. Marine Corps
Recruiting Ststlon. Breeden bids- 3d and
Washington sts. Portland. Or.
WANTED Drygoods man. one that can do
advertising, window trimming, card writ
ing; good salary to right man. Also want
capable woman to take charge of suit
department to do altering and selling;
good salary. Apply to J. O. Gibson. No
tion Dept.. Flelschner, Mayer A Co
WAITRESS and chambermaid for hotel, out
of city. Call room 20, Belvldere, after 8
A. M.
RELIABLE colored girl or woman for light
general housework. 415 East 12th N.
East 1511.
LADY planUt, also ladles who can play and
sing. Call New York Amusement Co., 62tt4
Washington at., near 17th.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 609 Hoth
c iii 1 d b 1 dg. . 4th and Wash 1 n gton.
WANTED Experienced girl ' "for general
housework, two In family; reference. 212
N 20th st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework. Ap
ply 357 East 46th North. Take Rose City
Park car. -
TEACHERS for Coast states. We hire di
rect. Call Pacific Teachers Agency, 804
6 LewlsJBIds;.lthandjaak.
WANTED -A sood German girl for general
housework : wages $35 a month. Apply
053 Broad way st.
26ft Washington St.. Room 314.
Main 8S36 or A 3266.
EXPERIENCED woman to take charge
small boarding-house; references required.
39 2 Salmon.
GIRL wanted at Japanese ice cream parlor.
Apply at 30 North3d,offlcel!
WANTED Experienced buttonhole makers
on coata 88 3d St., room ljh
WANTED Chambermaid, National Hotel,
corner Front ana lamniu sts. lau toaay.
WANTED A girl for general house work-
WOMAN dishwasher wanted. 243 Holladay
WAXTE D Ch am be rraal d at 152V Grand
ave. Telephone c.ast euzz.
A GIRL for general housewbrK In small
family. A ppiy o um t-
WANTED Female presser. Apply Broad
way Dye Works. 353 Union ave. North.
WANTED Experienced girt Apply Rebe's
Confectionery. 810 Wash, st.
FOR RENT 6-room new modern 'cottage, $25.
, Inquire 777 East Salmon st.
WANTEDGifl for general housework, good
"vafces to right party. 321 Jackson at.
EXPERIENCED waitress at Peklrr" Restau
rant. Apply between 1 and 8 o'clock.
TWO slrls to sew mattress ticks. Carmen
Manufacturing Co., 18th and Upshur sta
COAT finishers wanted; must be exper-lenced-jCail
atjonce. 2fl3HYamhiU, room9
GIRL for general housework In family of
two, x n one wi k.
TWO girls to sew mattress ticks. Carmen
Manufacturing Co.. 18th and Upshur sts.
WANTED To take few lessons in primary
t tachlng. V regvn ion.
GIRL for general housework; small family;
good w&gw. 56 Tillamook t.
WANTED An experienced girl for house
work; sm-Ul family. 274 N. 24th at.
WANTED Girl for general hou
ework; small
family, rrwns jaain iiw
GOOD girl for general housework ; small
family. 4104 Morrison st.
LESSONS tn shorthand and typewriting by
expert: $5 a month. 209 14th. Main 3S93.
WOMAN to iron ladles' clothe; alro girl to
learn. Yale Laundry. 5QO East Morrison t.
WANTED First-class body Iron operators,
port land Laundry. 8th and Couch.
iELP wants Lmoa La unary Co.. id and
WOMAN for first-class ironing. French
Laundry. 667 Washinston su
WA 'T E D Woman to Iron at 168 i2th st.
WANTED Young ladles to learn telephone
operating; with or without experlence
Applv The Pacific Telephone A Telegraph
Company. 6th and East Ankeny t. or
West Park and Alder sts.
2 demonstrators at 10 A. M. ; S8 per
week and expenses.
Cooks. $10 to 12 per week.
-Waitresses, $7, $8 and $9 per week and
$25 to $30 per month.
Waitress and dishwasher, $30 each.
Chambermaids, $20 to $25.
Laundry girls. $1.50 to $2.50 per day.
Clerk In novelty stand. $30.
Good general housework.
Ladies' Dept. 205-?! Morrison.
Stenographer, (out of city), fib.
6 laundresses (out of city), $30, faro
Chambermaid and waitress (out of city),
2 w altars (resort). $25-
845 Washington St.. Room T.
Young girl, living at home.
Work tn real estate office.
Ersy hours.
Wages $10 monthly.
E 230. Oregonlan- . .
GIRLS, 18 TO 18 TEARS of age who will
have a good permanent position with an
opportunity to learn th business.
WANTED A girl foT general housework
for family of five; must be an experienced
cook; good wages; references desired. Call
mornings at tt?9 Elliott ave., near 20th
and Hawthorne.
WAITRESSES. Apply at ouce to super
intendent. m OLDS. WORTMAN A KING.
LEARN to finish men's neckwear, any wo
man handy with the needle can soon earn
good wages; always steady -work.
WANTED Good girl for general house
work; German or Polish preferred; no
washing; good home; good wages. Apply
501 Mill, bet. 15th and 16th.
GIRLS to lay macaroni on trays; good
wages; steady work; come prepared to
work. Northwestern Macaroni Factory.
1UU N. sixth ST..
RELIABLE girl or woman for housework
in small family, good home and perma
nent place for suitable person. Phone
WANTED 2 girls, one as cook and one as
maid; must have good city referencea
6l5 Davis, near 21st.
WANTED Girl who is first-class shirt
maker. Carl Gawer, Ladles' Tailor, Sell-
in g-Hlrach bmg
WANTED An experienced maid for second
work ; small family, good wages ; ref -erences.
434 Park at.
GIRL for general housework; must be good
cook; good wage to right party. Pnone
rJast oooi.
EXPERIENCED lady solicitors, house-to-house
advertising; no selling: salary paid.
Call room 7 Amedon Hotel2683dst. ,
2 EXPERIENCED cloak and suit saleswom
en. Worrell's Sample Cloak and Suits, 184
fith st.. cor. Alder.
FUR FINISHERS and operators wantetd;
steadv employment. N. M. Ungar Co.,
furriers, 109 7th St.
SHIRT finishers to work In laundry. Apply
Standard factory No. 2, Grand ave. and
Bast Taylor ets.
WANTED Good, strong woman for general
housework; good wages. Inquire 232
cnamoer oi vowmp'.
WANTED A woman that would under
stand the taking care of a 2-months-old
baby. K 247, Oregonian.
843 y Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstairs.
GOOD cook for family. $45; out of town;
must be capable. Room 410. Portland
HOPPICKERS to pick 600 acres of hops,
big crop fine accommodations, bakery,
butcher shop, grocery store, restaurant,
free dancing pavilion, beautiful camp
ing grounds, delightful bathing, low ex
cursion rates; register now at i-reojs
Bros, office, room 618 Worcester bldg..
Third and Oak sts. No charges for Job.
Office hours 9 to 8 P. M., Sunday 9 to
1 X. M. HOIDB, A tiW-li
I WANT hustling and reliable men and women
to work as organizer for a first -class fra
ternal life Insurance association, to whom
1 will guarantee big pay and rapid promo
tion ; experience is not necessary ; If you
can fill the bill call at room li, Barr Ho
tel, 112-14 6th St., between 8 and 10 A.
M.. and 4 and 6 P. M.
400 HOPPICKERS wanted; the best yard In
the state; good accommodations; want a
party to run the boarding house. Apply
to Anarew ivan g ........0
r.iTci vriu vnpir imnMmnt Co. wanta per
former, singers, musicians, operators, etc
5264 Washington, near 17th.
100 hop picker wanted; best accommodation;
long Job picking. Write Goffin & Miller,
St. iuu, ur.
WANTED Man and wife, to cook and do
general work. Inquire 232 Chamber of
MAKE money writing stories for news
papers; big pay; free booklet; tells how.
United. Press Syndl cateSan Francisco.
positions to A-l Instructors. 611 Swetland.
Bookkeepers an dc ier .
I AM 27 year old, have college education,
sptak and write fluently several foreign
languages; long experience la office ana
bank work: very accurate and neat worker;
employed, but desire change ; fin reference.
EXPERIENCED implement salesman wants
position with some firm in this city or
state; also an experienced hardware clerk.
V T2i, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and accountant. 20 years
experience, capable of managing business,
40 years old. married, willing to leave
town. W 2Ql. Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants position in 'whole
sale grocery, drug or candy factory. V
320, Oregonian.
GOOD all-around office man desire position;
Al references. AD 218, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted as elevator operator, of
fice building or first-class hotel by young
man 18 years old. Call between 10 and
10:30 A. M.. Marshall lei or S 219, Ore
gonian. EX P ERIENCED chauffeur would like posi
tion can furnish best references; driving
since -19o6; formerly coacman. Address H
218. Cregonian.
WANTED Position In hydro-ejectric plant
by young man capable of taking shift;
experienced, sober and reliable. Address
G . M- Morris. Tygh Valley. Oregon. Box 32.
SUPERINTENDENT of building construction
experienced In reinforced concrete con
struction. AH 220. Oregonlan.
MAN and wife wishes position
charge or. rwramB
apartment-house ;
thoroughly competent. K 248. Oregonian.
BAR TENDER, first class, wishes position,
country preferred; beat reference. It 249,
Oregonian. "
WANTED Position by steady, sober, middle
aged man aa engineer; experienced; refer
ence. G 21S. Oregonlan.
CHAUFFEUR wants position with private
family or commercial true; a ywu ex
perience. good references. J 216, Oregonlan,
EXPERIENCED traveling salesman wants
specialty line; best of referencea. AB 219.
WANTED-Poaition as chauffeur in private
family by married man; best of referencea
Call B 1660 after 6 P. M.
CARPENTER work, any kind, aa or coa
tract. Phone Marshall 2327.
STEADY boy. 17. wants work In grocery.
Ralph Read. Vancouver. Wash.
JAPANESE boy wants position to do house-
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish
all help. Main 4659. A 4073. 368 Everett.
EXPERIENCED milk driver wants Job. Ad
dress P 217, Oregonian.
FIKST-CLASS cabinetmaker wants work by
contract or by day. Main 439. -
Bookkeepers and Stenographer.
LADY with good references, would like po
sition as cashier. AD 216, Oregonlan.
STENOGRAHPER Five years' experience,
desire position. D 215, Oregonian.
LADIES tailoring: alterations, coata rellned,
Mrs. Muckler, 430 Columbia st. A. 4709.
Housekeepers, "
MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as
housekeeper for widower or single gentle
man. Address 408 19th at. North.
NURSE, 13 years' experience, wishes care
of Invalid; confinement cases specialty.
Mrs. Hughes. Apt. 12. Phone Main 3782.
COMPETENT nurse wishes position oaring for
one child, T 218, Orenian.
WANTED Girl for general housework, ex
perience not necessary. 257 North 22d st.
AN American girl desires a position in small
family for general housework. Phon
Tabor 272.
YOUNG man wishes steady position, day or
night. In wholesale house; speaks German
and English. O 211. Oregonian.
NORWEGIAN woman wants day work.
Phone morning or evening. Main 8687.
EXPERIENCED lady janitor wants clean-
Ing and washing work. Main 8300.
FIRST-CLASS cook wishes position; wagee $40
to $45. T 217, Oregonian.
AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown
nursery stock is In demand: sales this
season will be Immense; a flattering op
portunity; cash paid weekly; outfit free.
Salem Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 per week
easily selling trees for the Oregon Nursery
Co.. Orenco, Or. Good territory open; lib
eral proposition. Call or write to Orenoco,
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de
mand for choice nursery stock; outfit
f-ee; cash weekly. Address Capital City
Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. .
BIG money easily made at home evening,
either sex. ' Particulars Box 108. New Mon
terey, Cal.
We furnish th ranter, oollect tbe rent,
pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs,
th am fur you aa though th property
waa our own; reXerane, any bank la
- Portland.
245 Stark St.
Phones A 8500. Main 86.
WANTED to rent, a first-class 6 or 7 -room
ivouftA in best West Side district: must have
hardwood floors and strictly modern; rent
about $50; possession wttnin do oay. ao
dress 724 Electric bldg.
WANTED A 6 or 7 -room house or flat;
walking distance; rent reasonable. Phone
East 2053. or AD 21L Oregonian.
I WISH to rent for 6 months or longer a
5 or 6-room completely furnished bungalow
or cottage; references furnished. H 215,
FURNISHED house, 6 or 8 rooms. East
Side, near carline. Irvlngton or Holladay
preferred. Address 897 Broadway.
WANTED To rent 9-room furnished house
for one year. - Apply . Lambert Whitmer
co.. Lewis biag.
WANTED To rent 4 or 5 -room, unfurnished
fiat, near Park su, south of Morrison;
references. X S24. Oregonian.
B Y young couple, one or two furnished
housekeeping rooms, West Side, by Sep
tember 1: must be clean and reasonable.
AL 214, Oregonlan.
WANTED By young lady and gentleman. 2
separate rooms, with or without breakfast;
warning qietanc. aji i , megyjinmi.
ROOMS, not more than 4, private, bath,
modern, good neighborhood, furnished or
uniurnisnea, remtu ua.uic j uicbuuwu.
WANTED By young lady and gentleman, 2
. a with nr without hrflalflMt:
waiKing distance, Ati -l i . wi ctuumn.
WANTED Three unfurnished housekeeping
rooms withbath. D216. Oregonian,
3" NICELY furnished housekeeping-rooms,
gtjod neighborhood. B 226, Oregonian.
Booms With Boaro,
WANTED By young man, room and board In
locality north of Marshall street and west of
21st. H 244,Oregonian.
YOUNG business man wants room and board
In private family; Council Crest preferred.
K 250, Oregonlan.
IS cow.
NICELY furnished rooms, central, near two
- c 'lines, reasonable. "WMlsonian" j 2o9 10th.
" Furnifchett Booms.
Corner Fourth and Alder,
j. W. Blaney, Manager.
1 the heart of the city, only one block
from potftoEice, Meier & Frank stor and
Oregonian building; first-class and Just
opaatiu, July 20. Every other room a
suite with private batn; sample suites with
bath for traveling men; no noise, a no
canines pass hotel, but within on block
of all car; phone In every room. Se our
mezzanine floor and ladies' reception par
lors. Hate $i day up; with bath, $L5v
up. Bus meets ail trawa. Rates to perma
nent gueata.
Seventh and Ankeny sta
Th preacher who reaches.
The teacher who teachea.
And the o rummer with goods to sell;
Witn wife or with daughter.
When looking for quarters.
All are welcomed at the New Soott HoteL
A quiet home for quiet people,
JUbT OPENED; new, MODERN brick
building; line large ground-floor office; hot
and cold running water in all rooms;
eteam heated; private baths; very richly
furnished; rates only $3 and up per
week; bOo up per day. Call and see ua
N oriheaat corner Fifth and Glisaa sta
129 levenla St.
New, modern brick building, steam
heated, private baths, hot and cold water
in rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and
comfortable. Bates very reasonable. Call
and se us. Regular and transient trade
HOTEL SARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and
Hawthorne. Phone East
291, connecting every room. Private baths,
elevator, first-clas grill. Special rates by
week or month. American or European.
TranjBifcnts solicited.
GRAND UNION HOTEL, 3874. Bast Burn
sriae, rooms single or en suite; furnished or
unfurnished, hot and cold water In all
rooms; also suites with private Lath. Phone
East 51HO, B 1275.
O'NEILL Two furnished rooms for rent
by week or montn; 45 to $35 per month;
nrst-claas bath inciuaed; vaiut service
Alder and W. Park-
Washington and 17th, first-clas furnished
rooms single or en suite; ail modern coa-
venlences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5647.
812 Oak sc. corner Sixth; large, light,
airy rooms, elegantly furnished; el c trio
lights, running water; low rates.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, opp. Portland Ho
tel. 330 Yamhill; nrst-cla furnished room
single or en suite, modem; $5 up; transients
solicited. Main 31, A 7177.
FEW choice double rooms-at $4, $5 and
$6 each; some with running water. 165
i.t.v. - Mnrrlinn Th A Pnlnnia
THE BEAVER, 12th aad Marshall at., well
furnished sleeping rooms, $2.50 per week;
eltctric lights, hot bath free. ,
Hot and cold running water in all rooms,
by week $3.50 and up; by day, 50c and up.
MODERN outside rooms, $2.50 to $3 per week.
Including baths; also housekeeping rooms.
64b H Washington at,
ELEGANTLY and newly furnished single
outside rooms, only $10 and up. The lel
Monte. 20th ana wasnington sts.
THE LAN DORS, 288 10th, near Jefferson:
Newly furnished rooms, centrally located.
Furnished Booms tn Frrvsit Jftwuig,
10 fciTEAM-HEATED, comfortably fur
nished rooms; central. 565 GUsan at.
255 13TH ST., furnished room for lady or
gentleman, pnone tsti,
FURNISHED 3-room flat, bathroom, tele
phone, no children. 400 4th su -
66 x7 15TH ST. Large front room for two;
$4 week; phone,bath. call and see.
NEAT, clean room In a homelike place suit
able for two, $11- SSO Mill st. ,
CLEAN room, fra phone and bath, walking
distance. 327 West Park at.
ROOMS $1.50 to $2.50 per week; free bath
and phone. 226 12th, near Salmon.
NICELY furnished room, modern, 406 West
Park. Main 4791-
2 FURNISHED housekeeping room for rent.
429 East Ash st. Phone East 107.
NICELY furnished room for gentleman, mod
ern conveniences. 427 Clay st.
TWO nice furnished rooms for one or two,
$4. 2 North 14th su
FnrrUhed Room, in Private Twwjto.
NICELY, new. furnished rooms with private
family centrally located In best residence
district with phone and bath, near 2 car
llnes. 404 Clay St.. near 10th.
LARGE front room, adjoining bath; also
smaller room, private; breakfast if de
sired; reasonable. 751 Kearney, near 23.
Phone A 4379.
LARGE, nicely-furnished front room, with
phone and bath. Call 439 3d st. Phon
Main 8255.
$10 Small furnished room in modern steam
heated apartment, second floor. Flat D. 469
Jefferson. M 7594. '
NEWLY furnished room with alcove In
steam-heated residence, running hot and
cold water. 564 Flanders.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern, close
In. reasonable, suitable for gentlemen.
TWO rooms for rent In modern bungalow;
q ui et h om e, reasonab 1 e to ri g h t par tie.
610 Francis ave.. AS'-W car.
Room With Board.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year. roon
with board, use of sewing-room and library.
510 F land era Miss France N. Heath,
THE HAZEL For ladies and gentlemen)
nicely furnished rooms, first-class boarcL,
385 3d st.. cor. Montgomery.
Rooms With Board tn Private Family.
IF YOU are looking for a quiet home, coun
try life in the city, come to the corner of
E, 7 id and Harrison -ts., city water and
use of bath, large room, large porches,
trees and grounds; fruit, vegetables, milk,
butter and eggs on the place; 12 minutes'
walk from Mt. Tabor or Montavilla cars.
P. O. address M. J. Anderson, E. 73d and
Harrison, Montavilla station, city.
NICELY furnished large front room with
running .water; beautiful grounds; excep
tionally good home cooking. 90 E. Eighth
at., cor, of Washington. East 1390.
WANTED One or two children to board,
where there are no other children; large
yard ; 1 block to school. 705 Savier st.
LARGS room, with bett of board, running
water, suitable tor two gentlemen; refei
ences. 291 W. Park. Main 6937.
LARGE suite rooms, private bath, for two
or three: also single rooms, 204 North 2-d
st.. Phone A 7230.
REASONABLE; large furnished room, with
board; all conveniences. 107 16th su, near
Flanders. Phone M. 6513.
ROOM and board for two gentlemen, private
family; home privilege; modern; references.
146 E. 3Qth. cor. Belmont.
NEWLY furnished 3 and 4-room apartments;
with modern conveniences. 186 N. 22d st.,
the Leonce. i
EXCELLENT table and elegantly furnished
room for one couple only. Ea et 3977.
ROOM and board for two. $25 each; Nob
H1U. Main 548ft. 95 Everett St.
HOME cook lng, reasonable ra tea. Main 7016.
East 8th and Couch streets; new brick,
now ready for occupancy; all 3-room
apartments; private, bath with each
apartment; private telephones, high-oven
gas range; linoleum on both rooms and
kitchen floors; built-in Ice box; steam
heat, hot water all the time; garbage
cared for by Janitor; unfurnished except
above-mentioned articles ; rents cheapest
In the city for. what you get; $25 to
$ 29 a month. Call on premises.
Just opening; new four-story modern
brick; fine large rooms, furnished and un
furnished ; steam heated throughout ; pri
vate baths in each apartment; electrlo
dumb elevator, electric automatic passen
ger elevator; two, three and four-room
apartments; some single rooms, reception
nails. Janitor service; exclusive and modern,
rate reasonable. 228 20th su. near Love-
489 Clay treet, second house from 14th,
the only moaern completely furnlhsed 2
roora apartment-bo use In the city; houae
and elegant furniture brand new ; just
opened for business; steam heat, electrlo
light, hot and cold water In every apart
ment; private phone, bath; walking dis
tance; $18-$25, Including electric light. Mar-
Bhali 2074.
HEINZ apartments, 14th and Columbia; 4'
blocks south from Morrison st.; new brick
building, completely first-class; xurnlsned
in 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments,
private bath, reception hail, steam heat,
hot watetr. elevator, free prone. Janitor
service; rent from $25 per month and up.
ANGELA APARTMENT. 89 Trinity Place,
between 19th and 20th, near Washington
New brick building; 2. 3, 4-room apart
ments, furnished and unfurnished with
private bath, telephone, electric elevator.
outside porches. Janitor service.
21st and Irving sta ; 4-room unfurnished
apartments; all outside rooms, ample closet
room, verandas; rent very reasonaole. Also
a 6-room basement apartment, with heat,
gas range, hot and coid water and wlndowf
shades; $-0 per month; referencea
Cor. Grand Ave. ana Stark Su
New fireproof brick builaing. beautiful
ly furnisned two and three-room apart
ments, private baths, wall beds, large
clothes closets. Phone E.30O.
One ;t and two 4-room suites, completely
furnished ; electric and tireless cookers ;
steam heat, private bath and phone, jan
itor service ; references. .P one Marsaall
The select apartments of Nob HiU. For
terms apply -to Janitor, oor. of King and
Wayne sta
929 THURMAN Haxel Apartments. Unfur
nished 4-room apartment, modern conven-
. knees, rent 22.0; fine car service. In
quire 85 4th au, Henry bldg. , Wakefield,
.tries & Co.
7th and Jefferson sta; 4 ana 5 rooms,
with tile bams, hardwood floor, elevator,
steam heat, laundry and all modern ton
venTfances; sweilest apartments in tne city.
KE-UKAN Apartments, 624 Marshall su Ex
clusive, newly furnished, modern In every
respect, outside lignt, quiet and homelike
surroundings. If looking for something
real nice, see these. Main 6032, A 319L
S tri-tly mo-em, large nu und three
closets to every apartment; cool and airy
for Sumiuw. 6Ua Lovjoy su Tke W
car. .
FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment. modern
In evary particular; siem-heaed, hot
water, janitor serviced, with first-clas furnishing-.
Apply to Janitor, 6o Kear-
ney at.
CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and Glisan, 2
aua 3-room apaiLments, new 4-atory brick.
Juat completed, all modern convenience;
each apartment ha privaia outsiae balcony;
rent reasonable.
THE ALTAMONT APTS. 5th and College
us. Newly and elegantly furnished, at
reasonable rates; harawood floors, private
phones, baths, wall safes. Janitor service;
unturnished if desired. Phone Main 60S".
SX OKOiX Apartments, 170 Su" Clair su,
near Washington. Two and three-room
moaern apartments. Fine residence loca- .
tmn. Reasonable rent.
Oth St., 4 squares above P. O.; family ho
tel, private baths and. telephones; tran
sients solicited. i
X)R RENT to responsible party, elegantly
furnished apartment, a rooms, strictly
modern, references. No. IX, the Rose
friend, cor. 7th and Jefferson.
STiiAM-HEATED 5-room apartment. mod
ern and desirale- 625 Everett U Apply
Morgan, FieiOttir A Boyce. 5u3 A.bingtoa
bldg. -
ON EON T A APTS-18T 17th, south of Yam
hill (W. car at depot), 2 and 3-room fur
nished suites, hot and cold water, free
pnones, bath. Main 4t97, A 4739.
14th and Clay bib.
A few choice suites left at $40 and $5Q
per .month. ---------
jrs. T. D. Hughes. Modern 3 and 4-
room apartments; every convenlence.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $1 per
week each, gas plate furnished. Belmont
Apts., 4SjV4 Belmont SU
6T CLAIR 716 Wayne at.; modern six-room
npa.rLment.two porches. Phone Main 4930.
THE CHETOPAd 18th and Flanders; 4-room,
modern apartments. Apply to Janitor.
6-ROOM. lower corner, fiat for rent, close
in, all or part furniture for sale; fine
Ic cat ion. Main
NEW. modern. 6-room flat. Bast 18tb and
Ai Phone B 2006. Price 32.50.
."ROOMS modern, bath and furnace. 600
Salmon; key at 600 Salmon at.
5-KOOM modern upper flat; nice attic 667
Belmont at. Phone Tabor 16Q8.
MODERN two-family flats, 5 and 6-room.
corner lntn ana cnuj ier. oiuaawa ma.
SWELL, Modern 6-room upper flat; walk-
7 ji 7 80 li ot Var-hfll mt
5-ROOM flat for rent, 565 17th su, corner
Everett. No children.
5-ROOM flat, corner Ross and Dixon sts,,
-tn-o In a i-rons St BP I hriil- ..V).
MOOERN 6-room flat for rent. 782 John
son street.
MODERN flat. 6 blocks from Poetoffice. In
quire &ti m 1 1 - w Zr,'
MODERN S-rooia furnished flat, 3S3 5th st.