THE BIORXIXO OREGOyiAN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1910. 11 ANGRY SQUATTEBS BLAMED FOB HRE Incendiarism With Revenge as Motive, -Charged by Medford Citizens. 7 RANGERS THOUGHT LOST Conflagration Around Mount Pitt, Fanned to Roaring Furnace by Wind, Entirely Beyond Con trolMore Troops Asked. tCantir.aM rmm ffnrt Pa-e am It of ths Arm In tbs lower part, bev ral famillas reaida at lns;'s cabin. nd In the abacnc or all communica tion It la feared that their Uvea mar b aodansered. Tha lira on Wairner divide, thraa ml lea out of Ashland, reported aa under control, broke out attain today with the strong aoutb wind" blowing. Fighters Severely Burned. Flftr men are flichtUisr thie fire, and K la making progress at the rnvrrmge rate of four milea an hour and la aa nmlnf proportions which puta It be yond control by the crew of 60 men nghtinff lu In the. strops; wind thla afternoon thla fire traveled aa faat a 30 mtlee an hour and the livea of the men engaged In lighting It were endan gered aereral times. Soiri of the men are Buffering aevere burns. The Anderson Creek lire also has broken out again. The Are Is burning about five miles west of Talent. The strong wind of today fanned It Into activity again, and It la rapidly ap proaching the forest boundary. An other large lire waa reported yesterday at Pilot Kock. Just below the Califor nia line. No details could be learned aa to the extent of the fire. Butte Falla Fire Growing. The forest-fire situation In the Butte Falls district continues to grow worse. The two biggest fires, the Mosquito and Cat Hill fires, have apread to auch an extent that they have become united In one great sea of flame aeven milea long. Supervisor Erickson and 60 men who have been battling with the flames confess their defeat and the aupervtsor today sent In a request for soO addi tional troopers In fighting this fire alone. The only buildings In the path of the fire are those at the Forest Service Ranger Station, at Mosquito. The fire la within three-quarters of a mile of thla place and a vigorous light la be ing made to aave the buildings. The only cheerful news that Acting Supervisor Swennlng received today waa that the Ore on the Ben Freden burg place, three milea out of Butte Falls. Is under control. One of the fires originated on the John Hlararlnbotham place. Ove milea out of Butte Falla and has already burned over a large acope of territory. The fire at Olsen'a sawmill has covered .2500 acres all told and has crossed over Into the forest boundary and haa burned too acres of Government tim ber. No definite reports were received from the Are on Buck Creek, near the Glfford ranch, owing to the Inaccessi bility of the country. However, all reports from Butte Falls agree that this fire Is a large one wnd la growing rapidly In also. But four men In the employ of the Wheeler Lumber Com pany are engaged In fighting It. TROOPS RUSHED TO MEDFORD Fore Fire Situation All Over State Worse Than Ever. Five hundred additional troops were lied for last night for the purpose of giving battle to the flames which have spread over a much larger area of the Crater Lake National forest. Associate District Foreater George H. Cecil waa In communication with General M. P. Maus. commanding the soldiers at Amer ican Lake, and men mill be entrained this morning. They are going forward by special train from M.-dford. Two companies of the regulars will be equipped with horsee and pack outfits and will act aa a dying column to sub duo tires before they escape all human control. Other troops will be forwarded as needed. Eight new fires were yesterday report ed from the Jackson County National forest, one of them being an extremely large conflagration located near Buck Lake, some miles east of Ashland. There are a large number of settlers la that district and It ia feared that their property will be destroyed, as the (Ire tifnrm . Mirh the roar of the flames being heard for milea Em bers were seen to fall in the dry leaves and taica more than a mile from the place of thetr ascension. Fifty of the soldier a bo are to pass through Port land thla afternoon will be sent on to Ashland and will be hiked from there to the scene of this fire. Valuable Timber Destroyed. Forester Cecil announced that his- last Information from the original Crater Lake forest tire, located on Cat Hill, waa to the effect that IS square miles of timber had be n burned over. It la be lieved that much more valuable timber will have auceumbed to the names before the 110 soldiers cow enraged in turning It will have accomplished their purpose. The troops reached Butte Falla during the forenoon of yesterday and should have been on the Are line last night. The officers aad men were in a cheerful frame of mind when passing through Portland, and evpreesed their cagemees to get into action. Because of an unusually heavy wind In Eastern Oregon yeateniay the great tim ber Are In the neighborhood of Medical Springs, Wallowa County, which one company of soldiers baa been combatting elnce Anguat IX. and which they had suc ceeded in controlling, again broke away. The troops planned to fight the fire all night and hoped to have gained the maa tery by this morning. Xew Fire Show on Snake. A new fire broke out yesterday on the Snake River. In the Wallowa National forest, and last night had gained ronstd eraote headway under the Influence of heavy L-.Js. The Snake River country la a favorite cat Lie-gr axing district, and the forest rargers reported that many of the animals bad been unable to out run the roaring furnace of flame and had be n destroyed. Crewe f men from Wallowa and Joseph were recruited to go out to the Snake River Ore. and It la booed that Forest Supervisor Harris will be able to command the situation with out requisitioning troops. Reports from Montana and Northern Idaho divisions of the Forest Service, re ceived yesterday, were to the effect that the Government Is spending HiXfM) per day In those states In attempting to sub doe Umber ere The big forest fire a few milea west of Eataeada. which a few days ago threatened to destroy the power plant of the Portland Railway. Light ft Power Company, waa yesterday reported under control. A patrol of sis men la circling the burned area to give warning should the embers revive. Fifty additional troops were last night called for- on the Wallowa to encounter a new fire which started late yesterday evening near Halfway. Forester Cecil may not be able to secure them until late. General Maus being In doubt as to whether the men could be sent. They will go in by way of Huntington and Rob Inet if supplied. Extra patroie were laat night ordered out on the Cascade. Oregon. Siskiyou, Umpqua, Rainier, Columbia and Crater National forests. Five men will be em ployed for auch work and placed at work today. District Forester Cecil waa on duty the greater part of last night and will con tinue to keep In close touch with the fire situation. He refused to discuss the dis patch from Medford to the effect that the Crater Lake fires may have been of In cendiary origin and set for the purpose of removing the chief objection raised by officers of the service to allowing the uatterx to remain on the lands. A: t:30 last night officers of the Crater Lake National forest were asking tnst the remainder of the 600 troops originally ordered be Immediately sent. Associate Forester Cecil waa unable to get into communication with General Maus by tel ephone or telegraph. The withdrawal of the BOO troops and the additional men who will probably be called out today will seriously embarrass the maneuvers at American Lake, if not cause them to end. GAME BIRDS FLY IXTO FIRE Larch Mountain Blase Tnder Con trol Damage Is Heavy. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Aug. 19, Spe cial.) Many game birds, pheasants and quails have been killed by the forest Are raging on Larch Mountain, 11 miles from Camas and aeven and a half miles from Washougal. Tonight the fire had reached the top of the mountain, and If a strong east wind does not develop, the lire will be under control, and will not come down on this side of the mountain. Two dams, one on Jackson Creek, and the other on Higgina Creek, have been destroyed. A watchman, made the circuit of the fire thla morning and reports that the Wild Boy camp Is safe. The camps and dama belong to the Plttock Lead better Lumber Company. Over 1000 acres have been burned over, but thle waa dead timber. The green timber, haa been saved. It la roughly estimated that the loaa by the fire on Larch Mountain will approximate tit, 000. A small timber fire Is burning near the Watson mill west of Battle Ground and the mill crew la fighting It- There la also a fire near the John Smith mill eaat of Battle Ground. A large fire at Dole is reported to beepreading and going toward the Sliver Star district. Companies B and M. First Infantry, in command of Captain Robert 8. Offley. and Lieutenant S. A. Campbell, passed through Vancouver from American Lake, yesterday en route to Butte Falla, Or, to fight forest tires. WASHINGTON LOSS NOT HEAVY Risk Greater, but Destruction Cnder That of Last Year. SEATTLE. Wash, Aug. Is. Only about 4.000.000 feet of first-class green standing timber has been destroyed by forest fires in Western Washington this season, according to compilations made yeaterday by D. P. Simons, chief war den of the Washington Forest Fire As sociation. About 20.000 acres have been burned over thla seaaon. west of the Cascade Mountains, a large part of which, how ever, waa logged off. In addition to the green timber. Mr. Slmona says that thousands of cords of firewood and shingle bolts and many fallen trees that might have been cot into logs have been burned. So far about 200 forest fires have been reported in Western Washington. The association In its tight against fires, has employed S00 men In addi tion to the 125 rangers and patrolmen conatantly on duty, and has built 50 miles of trail. The sums spent ao far In aavlng timber total 135.000. Although the season, up to last Sun day, waa worse than a year ago, aa to forest Ore risk. Mr. Simons said yea terday that the loss of standing timber has not been as great as during the corresponding period in 1909. CALIFORNIA MIXES IX DANGER Forest Fire Near Grass Valley Jumps 100 Yards at Time. GRASW VALXJ3Y. Cat, Aug. 19. (Spe cial.) The fores fire that raged ha the vicinity of Quaker Hill, this county, which waa supposed to be under control thla morning, broke out worse than ever thla afternoon and threatens the destruction of the Ieer Creek power-house of the Pa ct tie Gas at Electric Company, the orig inal plant of the now gigantic system. Every available man from the mines of Oram Valley and Nevada City waa Bent to the scene this afternoon to aid the forest rangers and others engaged in fighting the fire, and the number on the scene Is about SS0. The flumes of the South Tuba Water Company, through which these cities and others; aa well aa numerous mines, are supplied with water, are in the path of the flames and may be destroyed. The blase Jumps 100 yarda at a time and Is devouring a large area of timber. The damage already done amounts to 150,000 according to Informa tion received here. FOREST FARMHOUSES BTJRXED Fires Around Grants Pass Assume Serious Proportions. GRANTS PASS. Or.. Aug. 19. (Special J Forest Area are raging to the southeast of thla city In Frultdale Valley and the surrounding country. Automobile and other conveyances were kept busy carry, ing men to the fire district. For some time during the afternoon every attempt of men to enter the valley was repulsed by angry frames which were leaping high In the air on each aids of the road. Several farm bouses were burned and other dam age done, the extent of which la im possible to learn at this time. LOLO FOREST HAS BIG FIRE All Soldiers of Montana Forts Rushed to Scene. i Bt rib. Mont. Aug. 19 (Special.) Owing to forest fires again assuming formidable proportions and to all sol diers of Montana forts now being In for ests, forestry officials tonight requested troop nf Brtgadler-General Howe at Camp Sparta. Wisconsin. A tremendous blase Is raging In the Lolo forest which crept over divide from divide unnoticed tinder a heavy pall of smoke. Already six square mtlee have been burned over, destroying excellent timber. Fires at Borax also are out of control. FLAMES ENTER GREEN" TIMBER Ranger Finds Man Setting Fire N'ow Entirely Beyond Control. MYRTLE CREEK. Or, Aug. !. (Special.) Forest fires, extending from Canyonvllie up the Umpqua River, are entirely beyond control. The fire la about five milea long and a mile and a half wide and la being carried eaat by the wind through the big green tim ber. 8. C Bartrum, Forest Supervisor, Is on an outing and so nothing has been dons toward securing aid In fighting the flames. The settlers are waging the battle single handed. C- W. Jasper, Forest Ranger, started directing the fight today and it ia reported that he caught one man aettlng a fire. Unless a rain sets In It mill require 150 men to stop the progress of the flames. DAILY MKTBOBOLOGICAI. BJEPOBT. PORTLAND, Aug. 19. Maximum temper ature, 84 degress; minimum. M degrees. River reading. A. M, 8.1 feet: change in laat T4 hoars, rlee .g foot. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M., none; total rainfall since September 1, 19O0. 42.14 Inches; normal rain fall since September 1, 44. SO inches; defi ciency of rainfall since September 1. 1909, Z.6 Inches. Total sunshine, Aoguat 18. lsio, 13 hours 46 minutes: possible sunshine, 14 boura Barometer (reduced to sea level) at a P. It. 29.89 mens. THE WEATHER. Stars et Weatne TATIOJCS. Boise. . . . - . . . Boston. ... Calgary. Chlcaro.. ..... Itanver. . Dee Moln. ...... 8SJ0.00, 74 '0.02 suio.on 8 NW 4 E 10 NW 8-SE 4 NW R JTW lear pt cloudy Clear 7 o.oo 04 O.OO Clear Cloudy 0.00l Cloudy Clear Duiuth 12 8W Eureka. I fitfio.OO 4iW o Km Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Pt cloudy Clear Cloudy OalveeUIW. Helena Jacksonville. So 1.341 S20.O0 00 0.12 siio.oo! OS O.OOl 12'NW 6 8 6 PB 8 W Kansas OUT xarannsia. Montreal. . , 70(0.00 DO 0.O4 New Orli New York....... North Head-..... Phoenix. . . Pocatello..... ... Port la nd . . Roseburg. 6 acramanto..... St. Loula.. ....... St. Paul.......... Bait Lake........ San Dleso ........ flan Francisco.... Btsklyou. Spokane. ....... Taootne.. Tatoosh Island... Walla Walla Washington. Winnipeg. ........ Yellowstone park. 10 NE I B2 0.OO) 6 NW IT 4 BB 6 NW 10X '106 0.00! Cloudy Clear eoio.oo I 84 O.OOl i Hgtn.on Clear Clear Clear su U.UUilX o 50O.00' 4,NE JT.'IO.OO 4 S S20.00 8 NW 7410.00114 NW 02 O.OO'SO W 840.00 USB MIO.OOl 4 N 84 O.00I 4:j 60 O.O011645W 00.00 4 3 SO O.OO! 4'N" 8010.00 e'SW 84 O.OOl 4,N Clear Cloudy Cloudy pt cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy. Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Cloudv . WEATHER CONDITIONS. The barometer continues below normal over the Rockr Mountain states and above normal along the Oregon and Northern Cali fornia coasts. No rain haa fallen on the Paclflo Slope, but showers, heavy In places, have occurred In the Atlantlo and Oulf states aad In the Red River Valley of the North. It is cooler In the Interior of West ern Oregon and slightly warmer elsewhere In the North Paoiflc atatea. The condltlona are favorable for fair weather In thla dlatrlct Saturday, except alone the coast, where It will be showery. It will be much cooler In the Interior of Western Oregon and Western Washington, and by Sunday It will be cooler In the east ern portions of these atatea and ia Idaho. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Cloudy end occa sionally threatening; much cooler; westerly winds. Ore son and Washington Fair, except showers near the coast; much cooler Interior of wast portion; cooler Bunday east portion; sreeteriy winds. Idaho Fair; cooler Bunday. EDWARD A. REALS, District rorecaster. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE CHECKS AND MAT BE HAD BY PRE SENT! NO YOUR CnEtu At ins vns OONIAN OFFICE: A 158. 190. 204. 212. 213. 214. , B :i. 214. 217. 218. 221. 222. 223. 68. C 20U. 210, 211. 212. i, ia mta qin eta 914- K 18. 202.' 218,' 223,' 227. t IV. -" i, an. ' ... ' . - O 198. 104. 209, 21 21 ti 4 n. sii. ' . i . - - - ". " . .ISO. 178. 186. 191. 182. 20. 208. 209. 210T21L 274, 278. 280. 238. 2o, 287. 290, 2si ooa 3ir4 ft 200, 212. 216. 218. 220. 221. 222$, 238. iJ-WB. 18. 19T. 20S. ill. 21SJ 31. 315. 21T. SI A 210 M-208. 204. 210. 212. 318. 315. 221. 22X K-175.W201.i1Sa.i'io7. 308. 210. 312. 218. 316. 4So Hit. 171. 172, 177, 20 S. 208. 207. 212, 218. 214. 218, 81 , 218, 765. . P 22. 20. 218. 219. ... R 172. 201. 210, 211. 212, 218. 214. 22. 7B. 168. f7. 181. ioo. 201. 204. 207. 20H. 212. 318. 218. 218. 218. T 120. ler. 17, ih-s, zu. ziv, T .. . ... nv . MB e-t W-201, 203, 31?.. 220. 224. , 228 2 U . 23T. X 101. 213! 218. 2J2. 224. XL. y 158 174. 302. 207. 210. 218. 218. ABlfl. 190702. 210, 211. 212. 218. 217. AC 16S. 168. 318, 218. 317. All 140. 165. 167. 190. 203, 211, 314, 215, AP-160. Ml. 189. 190. 200. 201. 208. 205. ...vew rtilaJ 1 1 T A19r 192 193. 1. 1. 906. 211. 218, Aftlii9?1!176"Ti89, 103. 800. 80S, 811. 212. AH 174184,201, 204. 205. 308, 216. 21T. Ai-iViOO. 201. 207. 218. 21T. AI138. 178, ITS. 190. 201. 808. Sot. 314. "1ft 211k. AM 170. 176. 190, 191. 202. 203. 208. 208, A-i5N?iT,174riT9, 190, 198, 199, 302. if stove answers are not ealled for wtthtn alx dare same will be destroyed. rtrKEHAa. soncM. BARXE9 In thla city. Aucust 17. Lester c Barnes, seed 50 years 7 months 14 days. Beloved busbsnd of 8arah Barnes, father of Nellie 8. Leuanna. Poreaa, Oarth. and Carl Barnes, and Mrs. Verle Beldon. Friends aad members of Melson Tent No. 1016 K. O. T. M. and xolshta of the Mod ern Maccabeea Invited. Funeral eervteea will be held at the family residence today (Saturday) Auauat V, at 1 P. M In terment at Rivervlew Cemetery. Cervices at the srava private. BRT9COB In thla city. A us out 17, John W. Briscoe, aM 44 years I months 11 daya, beloved husband of Carrie Briscoe, father of IJllle. Veda, Clarence, and Otto Briscoe and member of the Masonic order. Serv ices will be held at the East side Funeral Directors parlors, Eaat Alder and East 4th streets today (Saturday) at I P. M., after which remains will be taken to Lit tle River, Kan. friends respsotfully in vited. ZIMMERMAN In this City, August 18. at St. Vlnoent'a Hospital. Lu!a Zimmerman, aaed 61 yeara, 8 months. 6 daya. Funeral from the family residence. 1070 Kelly at.. at 8:80 A. M. today (Saturday). August 20. thnee to St. Lawrence Church. Third and bbertnan atreeta Requiem maae at 8 X. M. Friends Invited. TSPHBNS In this city. August 18, Jlles O, Stephana. aed TO years. Funeral serv jctj will be held under the auspices of j. A. R. at Methodist Church, pleasant Home, Oregon. Sunday. August SI, at 2 P. M. Remains are at Dunning A Mo Eatae's parlora. POWELL The funeral services of Howard Powell, aged 2 yeara, 10 months. 24 days, beloved eon of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Powell, will be held at Holman a funeral parlora a, a p. M. today (Saturday). Frtenda In vited. Interment Rivervtew Cemetery. PRICE August Is. August Price, aged 52 years. Fr.eads are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral aarvloae at the Cre matorium Sunday. August 21, at 2 P. M. Ketnalna are at DuDalng A McEatee'a chapcL ONBFrH TXORAI CO, MAaUlCAM BLOKJ. FlyOaAX. DKelONS. 1-benesi Mala 4101 ; A 1183. IcKaSee, Feaeral Ptraeaaea, eta ui nu rssss suua aae. J ststaat. Office ef Ceuaty Coroaac It lOJ J-B 1 BN ta CO., Paaaral Directors, SS4 Williams are. I both jshsoasi lady axtd- aati most saooera estapiisnmcm it me aiy KDW1KD HOLMiy CO.. Funeral Dlreot- ara. US td st. Lady Assistant, fbooe M. SeL J. T. XTN'LEX SON, sd aae Ladr attendant, rtwee Mela 9. A EAST SIDE Funeral Dlreasors. soenseaors le r. . Dunning, lee. E. 41. B 14. EBirsOM CO Cadertakers j " lady assistant- 408 Alder. M. Slag, A 3sa. LTHCH. radertaber, eer. !( Alder and Sea. Eaa4 laL lass. Lady assist aal AJtCSESTBNTS. Bungalow THEATER 12th aad Morrleoa PhanM Wain 1 IT and A 4224. TOMORROW (eUTNDATr NIGHT Richarde A Prlngle'a raanoue GEORGIA MINSTRES Fun and Music. Prices tl.OO. Toe. 5vC. 25c MAIN S. A 1. MATXNKa BTUT OAT. iV&XW host. THEATER 1WWW50 WKES ArOTST IS The Top a the World Dancers, McKay and CantweU. In On the Great White Way"; Mr. and Mrs. Lrwln Connelly In -Sweethearts," Mareena aTaro and Mareena, Paul LaCrolx. The Brags Trio, Stewart and Marshall. Pictures. Orchestra. GRAND Week Aug. 15, 1910 DOBOTHT The Mayvlllee DK bOHF.IJ.E AND CO MI' AN if IN THIRTY DOLLARS Al Lawrence Black a Mel on Leeds A LeUar TmjJI. GBAXDASCOPB Matinee sivery Day. " fvenlng Performances at T:8p and 9:10. alcony loo; Lower Floor 25e: Boa SoataaOo. - f R. LYRIC PORTLAND'S FAMILY rLAXliOfJSB awventh aad Alder Streets. All weak. Edward Armstrong Musical com edy Co. Presents "SEA SIDE SOCIETY" 8howa commence dally at 2:45. 7:45. 9:15. Friday Night CHORUS GIRLS' CONTEST. THE OAKS . Weber's Prize Band Irr-Concerts That Captivate All Vlsitora, Afternoons and Evenings. MAX Y OTHER ATTRACTIONS. Tranafer at East End Morrison-street Bridge. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK. Corner Vaughn end Twenty-fourti Street OAKLAND vs. PORTLAND , Auk. 17. 18. 19, 20. 2L Games Begin Weekdays at 8:30 P. &L Bnndnys 1SS P. ML Adminlon Bleach. rs. 25c: Orandatand, BOc; Boxes 25c extra. Children. Bleachers luc. Orandatand 25c LADLES' DAY FRIDAY Boya under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. tJJCETING NOTICES. OREGON LODGE NO. 101, A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication thla (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. Masonic Temple. Visiting Dretnren cordially Invited. By order W. M. A- J. HA.M'l.A.S ceo. WOMT5N AND SOCIALIBM Anna Maley. the celebrated Chicago sultmgette. National or ganiser for the Women's Socialist organlsa "toa. will speak August 22, at 8:80. at Women of Woodcraft Hail, Tenth and Taylor streets; everyone Interested in women's suffrage should make a point of bearing her. Admission at door loo. Come prepared td astc questiona. ALBINA LODGE NO. 47a AND TJNION DEGREE LODGE F. U. OF T. will hold their annual picnic Sunday, August 21. at Crystal Lake Park, , Mllwaukle. Admission. 26 oenta. Com and have a good time. OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH OFFICE. CI I T HALL MA1.N SWI. A 7SX9. HUMANS OFFICER, KAaTX 477. NEW TODAY. Another Peninsula Boom The Harrlman tunnel under the Pen insula will be finished by the first of January- ' Then look out for another Peninsula boom. The railroad yards at McKenna Junction will require a larg;e force of men, creating a demand for property In tbat vicinity. Buy now while property ia cheap. This Is a Bargain I have TS by 100 feet In Unlvers'ty Park, graded streets, city water, gas and electric Hunts, IB-foot alley; only 160 cash and $10 monthly without Inter est IX all payments are made when due. Coe A. McKenna Phones. Main 4R22. A 2143. SIT Commercial Block, Wanted to Rent Nine-room fornished house for one year. Apply Lambert Whitmer Co, Lewis Bldag. MXIsUOTCS Or XOIXARS TS GOIaJX Values lylnv dormant In already darv-l-opad mlnaa, within twenty mil of tha Burapttr Amalttr In EJaatara Oragoils whara a ready cash market ex lata. Hundred of thouaande of ton of ora now blocked out ready to break down aod ship. Grand opportunities for practical minora and live promoters. Now la tha time to se cure some . of these valuable properties, through purchase, lease or working- option. Quick action counts. Address Secy. Sump tar Pfvelopment Lea rue, Sumpter. Oregon. Fruit Land, Yamhill Co. (00 acres half cleared. Adjoining land sells $100 acre planted. $50 ACRE OWNERS REALTY ASSOCIATION 205 Ablnstoa Bids. IRVINGTON CHEAP LOT E0zl feet, alley at rear. High and sightly, next to high grade home. On Wefdler St., one block from car. Special bargain for cash. JOH LOCK HART, 010 Chamber of Commerce. APFLR LAITD 330 acres, red shot aoll. In eenter ef old-ercanised district; 40 acres planted to 3-year-old standard trees. 240 acres cleared ready to plant. 60 aorea light timber; no waste land. Good aprlngs, creek and buildings. On main countv road. Phone, R. P. D., dose to rail war and not far from Portland. Gentle north sbps and ideal subdivision proposition: 55.00. terms. Geo. O. Malr, t Lumbermena bids. Portland Heights Quarter block, eemmandlnff one of the freest vlewa of both city and harbor. Two blocks from carllns. Owner 56T Spring at. Telephone Mala 2tST; A 634s. IRVIVGTOV, Eight-room house, all conveniences, cement basement. Improved street; 15500, ffSOO cash, balance ( per cent, lone; time. 439 E. 19th at., N. Inquire 414 B. 18th St., N. sTBTW. modern Bjonsee, m'lrvmstoa. It, B. lUea,' W wasoe. Setb sbones. STSTW TODAY. Portland HEIGHTS Greenway Home Fine view, 21-story 'house, 8 rooms, entirely modern. Lot 102x109, fireplace, furnace, woodlift, full ce ment basement. $7500; $2500 cash; near carllne. CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of V. Commerce ' LAKESIDE On Vanconrer Lake, Is the coming suburban home location of Portland. All the Portland and Seattle trains pass the property and stop at the junction. It takes but SO minutes to go from the Union Depot o the junc tion. The whole City of Portland Is In sight, also the Columbia and "Wil lamette Kivers, together with moun tains, Hood, Adams, Rainier, St. Helens and the Cascade Bangs. A few home sites of 5 and 10-acre tracts in a high state of cultivation, with bearing trees 7 to 12 years old, are now on the market by I. L. RAT, at Hotel St. Elmo, Vancouver, WaslL 6'T'-'"S v - I This Fine Irvington Home for Sale by Owner Seven rooms, hardwood floors, cove ceilings, two dens, four bedrooms with closet each, furnace, full attic, cement basement, paneled dining-room, com bination fixtures, gras and electric, new. Lot 60x100; convenient to three car lines, schools, churches, ' etc Very choice. Price reasonable. Terms. Phone Tabor 2265. Main 6976. A 4361. Call 812 Fenton bids'. Irvington Quarter Block Adjacent to my new $17,000 home on Thompson street, 1 have purchased a quarter block (100x100), which I will sell to party who will build at once a home to cost not less than $10,000. Will take a mortgage for entire cost of site and loan part of money to build. This Is .an exceptional offer and is made to responsible parties only in order to secure desirable neighbor. No agents or speculators. Address H 241, Oregonian. $235,000 WILL BUT The only "A Number One" quarter block for sale in Portland. LESS THAN ONE BLOCK FROM THE MARQUAM BUILDING For sale at this price for 30 days only MOORE INVESTMENT CO, Henry Building. The one BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL. CENTER und HOST DESIRABLE residence property of the city. SEEING IS BELTEVIKO BETTER ro and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and the im provements going on. Hie Oregon Real Estate Company GRAND ATX. ASD HULTMOMAH ET. Best Buy in Portland $11,600 for a business corner with easy earning" capacity of $100 at pres ent; can be improved to earn 16 per cent net. Only 5 blocks from City Hall. $600 will handle this excellent bar gain. F. FTCHS. 221 Morrison Street. nrVKSTORS Call on owners- Rsaur Aefa. for timber, acreage, business, residence aad aoartmeat propertlea. 206 Ablnstoa. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William O.. S12 Falllns bide. Blrreli. A li. Co.. 202-3 McKay bide. Real estate, insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brubaker Benedict. 0a McKay bloc. L MIX CheDln A Harlow, 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. a. Co, b0 Corbett bide Jennings Co Kali) 188. 300 Oregonian. PALMER-JONES CO H. P.. 212 Commer cial Club bldg. Bchalk. Geo. IX. 22S Stark at. Main 802, A 2392. SCHJ-NDLER A HAI.U 208 Ablngton bldg. The Oregon Heal Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition.) M. E. Thompson Co.. cor. 4th aad Oak eta BEAT. ESTATE. For gale lota TAYLOR near BL 43d. good lot, SOxJOO. Im provements in and paid. Phone owner, A 7075; no agente. ; FINE corner for apartments; excellent value; C5AO0. Let us show you. M E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg- ALAMEDA PARK. 4 lots, sear carllne, at aacriSeo. Phone Main S3nl g20O CAfiH, balance easy, fine lot on East 30th tt Nona. 0 fiwetland bldg. 1 sTfif-r-nt -"' "-'-- - Holladay's Audition REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY. 81 acres, near Columbia boulevard, with water front, eaat of the Swift packing plant holdings, rail and water facl it lea for factory or terminal sites; price -0,iuo, terms. 100x100, on Grand are., and East Lin coln street: a snap; $9000, terms. 100x100. on 24th and York; trackage on two aides ot property: space for warehouse or factory; S14.000, terms. . . PORTLAND REAL ESTATE CO 217 Ablngton Bldg. VIEW LOTS. WEST SIDE. A fine view lot on First street terrace, overlooking the entire city; only lw; another lot on Kelly street, east front a view that never can be shut off; price 81400: Wo have some very line corner. 100x100. In Fulton Park, with elegant Vlewa. from S1G00 us. GRUSSI A ZADOW. . 31T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and OaK. 8iOO ROSE CITY PARK. 60x100 FEET. Thle lot ia worth 700 at market price, for a quick sale 4300 will take It: this lot la east facing and sidewalks are In, street Improvements paid. $300 down, bal ance $10 a month will handle this bar gain; must act quick; this lot is close to wood homes. AL 215, Oregonian. 38TH ST. Building lots; we otter a few fine building lota SOxlOO. right on S9th at., next to Tibbets St.. for iO and a corner lot for $750 for a short time, at 10 monthly; price and terms will be increased if not taken soon; this is far below regular value In this section; they are worth -0O more. Room600Couch bldg. . WxlO0 ON NORTHBUP ST. NEAR 24TH. Suitable for apartmente or flats. No building reatrictlona. Some Income from well-built 1 -story house. Apply to Owner. Alex C. Rae. 407 McKay bldg. Phono Main 648L TOU can buy a lot near Rose City Park for 8450 to $5u, $25 dowa and $10 per month; building restrictions. cement walks and curbs, graded streets. Bull Run water. 3.4 620 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS bargain. 8 1-3 lots, good view, beautiful trees, new level road Blacea property within three blocks ot car; about half the price of aurroundlng property. Beautirul homeslte, or great lu vestment. M. a.tal. A 3039. Two corner lota. UU.,?oun" 1"; great view, on carllne: will sell one or both; sell for cash or terms. Owner. A 8242: consider part .trade. HEIT8QHM1DT, 511 CORBETT. OWNER will sell a fine mode";' J"r"c;m how, beautiful yard; Improved streeti.. good neighborhood: furnace: near carllne, worth $5000. for 14700: easy terms, ln qulre 01 Worcester blk., Third st. $376 Kauffmans Add., easy i. a very w.Ter ' Frld- SmaHa Buruslde. M. 2770. One 50X100 view 3242. 511 Corbett. . Kf,, Co 326V4 Washington St., room ol- BROADWAY ADDITION gu Four lota uthwe.t corner on "u" St.; fine location. "le For particu- " t t thlnkfne'on bard surface juat tn'"ook. only 1800; cne SS? do-wPDubfur-Crocx.. Washmg ton bine - room 8. . lo neanqu1rUne31 Worcester block. Noyea15peneienlngs. . set.$ sldowika. BuU Run water. ".V2K Board of Trade Bldg. . Lodge. Oregon City car. ONE of best lota at Gearhart. near new hotel; sacrifice tor cash. Owner. 201 Swetland bldg. . t- sniOHBIAKD LOTS Choice 100x100; iiTsellw equity of $400 for $250. AD 217, Oregonian HS-iLTIFljL. Portland Heights property, all Bkfndl. Ulrica, .some greet bargatn. Juat now. Brooke. Main 35jl. A 36JH. Eor Bale Houses. 13-MIXUTE RIDE. Brand new bungalow, 5 large rooms, ce ment basement, floored attic, dandy flre 2!Ji buffet, paneling, etc.. fully equip pat modSl kitchen, electricity, large porcheaTflne out ook. near 30th. good View; Improvements In; only -9o. wo rtn 83500; see it, convince yourself; closs to cars, building rastrlctiona. -all today. Jas. C. Logan, a-esa - B-ROOM new. modern bungalow. Including ehS and combination gas i and electric light nxturea. full basement lot 33 l-3xloo. iaclng east and only 300 feet from Haw thorne ave.; party, leaving town; must e sold; $730 coshj 'll pcr monln' 618 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th ana ow- NONE OF THESE OVER $800. 5 rooms, lot 43x100. $S00. $100 cash. 6 rooms, small lot. $726. $75 cash. 8 rooms, lot 40x100, ev&W cash. 2 rooms. 2 lots, comer, $650, $400 cash. 2 rooms, lot 60x07. 475. $100 cash. 3 lots. 2 small houses, $600, $o0 cash. -FRED W. GERMAN. 82arBurnslde M. 2,iB. BUNGALOW. WEST SIDE. Nice nearly new, 6-room bungalow, on Hamilton ave- with all latest improve ments, on a corner lot and only lt min utes' ride down town, on the West biae, a bargain at J2500, part cash. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and OaK. SAVE TOUR RENT. We will sell you a home and you fan pay us by monthly Installments, or we will build for you anywhere in the city. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT & TRUSTEE COMPANY. 424-626 Board of Trade bldg. Phona Marshall 473. . SEE THIS T-ROOM HOUSE. mnLj -U A T 13 A CU. large rooms, light and airy ward- T large rooms, b " - a..y . robes, bath and toilet, beautiful lawn and garden Jfull of vegetable! and flowers, swell chicken-house; schools and churches cloie; east front; 150 feet Xrom Alberta car. V xn. t)rcgi' . wa. a T.T 11T L7- CT KIT, IT Verv Brood 6-room 2-story house, all in first-class order, only a few minutes walk from down town, on Arthur street, near Water; pries only $-000, $500 cash and .i0 per montia6Rugsi & ZADQW ,317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. ovAP a very nice 6-room cottagti, with 3 lots. 25 nice fruit trees, nice lawn, electric lights city water; only $2600, easy terms; 25 minuted ride. Take Oregon City car to Island station, 800 fet south white cot- tage. ieiwiiBg sajiq. O'B-ACR0 TRACT, 2-rootn house, chicken house and park; small fruits, 60 cords of wood, good water. - 13c fare; price. $775; some terms. Nimmo. Runey & Co.. 313 Hamilton bldg. " EAST BURX9IDE DISTRICT. For sale, my noroe, new and modem in every respect; 6 room, full cement bae ment and furnace, eajry terma; at horn evenings. T26 B. Davis at. 175 CASH Brand new, dandy little cot taire 6)xl00-foot lot, short car ride; price 4760 balance $10 per month. End of ftose City JPark carllne. Gregory Invest ment Co. 50 DOWN. A-room house, modern, on Woodstock carllne, basement, bath, etc. ; $50 down balance $15 per month. National Realty & Trust Co.. 326 Washington st.. room 516. " FOR 9 ALB BY OWNER. " MV home. 7 rooms, lot 50x100, fine yard and garden, close In, 5c fare; 15 minutes' ride. Price $2500, - $1500 will handle it. p 214. Oregonian. OWNER sacrificing lor quick sale; fur nished 7-room. new. handsome bungalow; latest improvements, furnace, full corner, 150-ft from Rosa City oar; $3750. aasj terms: no agents, nmic x.uut- BY owner. Just completed. 6-room, 2-story modern bouse, Are place, nickel-plated plumbing, full cement basement, lot 50x 128, 13950; terms. X t2l. Oregonian. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, ail on one floor, ground 100x109, lawn, barn, chicken-house, In fine location, on Peninsula; 1 block to oar. Phona Woodlawn 1172. . BARGAIN 5-room house on 80x100, one block from Alberta car on 20th st., $1700; 1R0O cash. Inquire Ed Xudelman, owner, 165 1st St. Main B527. - BY OWNER, 5 -room modern bungalow, reasonable; owner leaving city; Ockley Oreen station. St. John car. E 231. Orego nian. , BROADWAY HOME Modern 8 room, im provements paid, hardwood floors; a sac rifice : no agents ; $0750. Marshall 1847. FOR BALE by owner, the nandsomeet room bousa la XrvtBgton, 400 stoat Suta sc. N. Call ana ee It.- $2500. ON EASY TEKM6. New, modern. 6-room bungalow. 1221 Denver qva.. or call East 4447. owner. i5T CWyuH 6 -room Dungalow. 7o6" Kerby near Beech; $2800. easy terma. FOR SALE New six-room housa in Irv ing ton, at cost. E. 1872. REAL ESTATE. For 8al Honsea. TTHEN YOU BUY A HOME IX-IRVIsXGTQN YOU DON'T SPECULATE. You plan to make 'it YOUR HOME In definitely. But at the same time you wish to get the beet value for your money In vested, DON'T YOU? Now read this ad. carefully, think of the places that you have looked at already, and see if you have seen the equal of th is home tor $7i00. Xhe price on this la $6500. The house is new, has full concrete basement, furnace, laundry, front and back stairway, hardwood floors, built-in buffet and china cloeet, fireplace, eomblnaflun gas and electric fixtures, best plumbing, large closets with windows, and THE BEST ARRANGEMENT OF ROOMS THAT WE HAVE EVER SEEN IN PORTLAND. There are 7 rooms which are extra large and a sleeping porch In addition. The lot is 60x100 and the improvements ara all In. You will find no misrepresenta tion whatsoever. LET Lri SHOW YOU. SUBURBAN LAND COMPANY, 510 Henry Bldg. Marshall 1SJ, A 7105. ; TO HOME KEEKERS. We have the following houses listed with us for sate: These houses are near carllne. schools and have fire protection and sewers, ara new and well built. Terms can be made to suit you. Bungalow 5 rooms. bath; modern $2000. House 6 rooms. basement. Dutch kitchen, beautiful view of Portland nr.d the mountains. $:0T.G. Coey u-room bungalow on brow of hill, one block to carhne and one block to school ; $3300. 7-room house, 200 feet from carllne; modern in every way; lot IMS feut tteep. Easy terms to right people; $3S50. Take W-R car to 35th and Clinton sts. Agents on ground all day. HOLLADAY PARK $100. $."00 down will handle this good 6-room bungalow (rooms all on one floori, every room tinted, very good fixtures, good large floored attic with furnace heat con nected, cement basement, laundry tubs, good furnace and fruit room; price in cludes shades, fixtures, gas ' and wood range; this is priced for a quick sale and will be one; be nure and see this; location good. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Room 14. Chamber of Commerce bldg. In fine location, containing 3 rooms, pantry and dnn, down btairs and 3 rooms, bath, up stairs. This house is for sale and must be sold this week. Rooms all tinted and cement walks around house and everything modern. Come out and se this before buying. Take W-R car, 35th and Clinton; $35u0, terms. JNO P. SHARKEY CO. ' DO YOU KNOW THAT IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMB TO US 15 YOU EXPECT TO BUILD? If YOU OWN LOT, WE WILL F1NAXCT3 THE2 BUILDING- FOR YOU; SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH SUFFICIENT; OCR REFUTA TION FOR FAIR DEALING AND PAVING OP COST BRINGS OUR BUSINESS. NO NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO., 901-002 LEWIS BLDG. FORCED SALE. New, modern story-and-half house, full cement basement, lot 50x102, well im proved, on Ainsworth ave., 1 blncks west of Patton; property worth $8000; improvements alone are worth the $2.0 asked, and you practically get the lot free; lots- here sell at $700 to $800. We are forced to sell. Make a good home for some fortunate one. Phone Wood- la wn15 - NEAR UNION AVENUE AND ALBERTA STREET. Just completed, modern house, 7 rooms ; full concrete basement, with laundry, ce ment walks; piped for furnace, bath, sleep ing room on hrft floor, 3 on second floor, with large, light closets: verandas acros front, oak front door; price la only $2&0t terms. fionnARn a wirdrick 243 Stark Su GOING TO BUILD? WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE ARE GOOD REASONS OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY . AND GET BETTER WORK. ON TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT WH WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO.. 809 HENRY BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK Just completed, 7-room home on 66th sL, . bath, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch, full basement, laundry tubs, etc.; lot BOxlOO: Improvements In and paid; splendid buy for $40UO; owner will sell for (700 less If taken at once; terms $300 cash, balance $15 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 3-64 Wash. St.. room 513. 2 ACRES, all cultivated; 4-room house, barn, well; near school, 500 yards east Risley station, Mflwaukie, Or. Bor lOti, R. F. D. No. 1. Price, $2900. Business Property. FOR SALE Inside real estate property bringing steady rent of about $1 o per month, plus furniture store of over $10uO stock (wholesale); all for $50u0; finest place for married man; town improving; personal trouble in community only cause for selling ; highest bank references. C. P. . Jensen, "Jensen block," Goldneld, Nev. is x owner, ousiness oioch., aasi diuo, in come more than 10 per cent; stores leased; $S400. X 2iy, Oregonian. Acreage. - IF YOU wish to become Independent and at the same time enjoy a home of your own, buy West Side acreage, close in. There will be a streetcar tunnel under the hills before many years that will raise values on the other side 300 per cent and more. I am compelled to sell 40 acres,- near the city limits, on a first-class road, some miles closer to the center of port land than land on the East Side which has sold for $1500 to $ooo per acre. The oll U fine and the location warm and sunny; there is wood enough on it. to pay for twice the amount of land, if you burn wood, or to make the land cost you nothing if you sell the wood. Will cut into zu. 3 or 10-acre tracts at $20C per acre. P 215, Oregonian. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. NEAR ELECTRIC LINE AND EASY TERMS. ; . 5 and 10-acre tracts of cleared land. waste land. Look everywhere, then come , to us and buy the best on the market at figures below market value. PACIFIC NORTHWEST DEVELOP . ME NT CO., 404-0 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE 300 acres of the finest Ocean Beach property In the Pacific Northwest, fronting -mile on the Pacific Ocean on the famous Clatsop Beach, Oregon; abso lutely the nearest ocean beach to the Co lumbia River district and Inland Empire; on line of the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad. For particulars inquire Post office Box 14T. Astoria, Oregon. BY OWNER 6 acres, or will divide subur ban borne, two blocks from station, on from church, two from BchooL four to river, fine orchard and berries, nice gar den ; 7-room house, good barn and out buildings; Oregon Citv cars stop at Jen nings Lodge. Inquire at store for C. D. S locum. m INCOME propertyA few smal I trac ts, nicely Improved, with bearing fruit trees and berries; good buildings, good poultry location; ideal for homes; colleges and graded schools. ' 1 hour's ride frm Port land. Dean Land Co.. 622 Chamber of C om merce, 3d and Stark sts., Portland Or. $35010 ACRES unimproved, smooth, level land, best soil and elevation for fruit; 1H miles from railroad, in Columbia County, uregon; near i-uuui miu' Best buy on the market Part cash. Palmer, 507 Couch Mdg. " $y00 ACRES, all cultivated; good house,, well, 1 acre potatoes. SO fruit tres, largs truck garden: only four blocks from eleo- trie: make a deposit on this at once. BROWN & STAVER. 411 Couch. Bldg. WILL fELL or exchange for good city prop erty acreage in 3, S or 10-acre tracts on Sa lem electric line: 30 minutes from Portland. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT & TRUSTEE COMPANY, 524-626 Board of Trade bldg. 11 ACRES right at Tigard station, in cul tivation, running water, beaver dam; only $S50 an acre: rasy terms. BROWN & STAVER, ' 411 Couch. Bldg. a Avui-ifTRB TRACT. 2-room house, chicken- bou?e and park, small fruits, fio cords of wod, good water, 13c fare. Price $775: some terma Nlznmo, Runey A Co., Sia Hamilton bldg-FIVE-ACRE tract, highly Improved: nine miles from Portland, on electric railway; $200 per acre, half cash. Geo. Stevenson. 2 Lum bermexs bldg.