WOOL TRADE QUIET Business Slack, Though Mar ket Continues Strong. PRICES LIKELY TO GO UP hem son or Active Baying In the West Is Practically Ended Scatter ing CHp Yet Remaining re sold Are Firmly Held. QWt Crwva.ls In th moot markets of th mvatry sMrUlr. trvto in both la East aid f bavin fallen cS Diwwht duria th put w-k. bot m yt do rfcnc of vHknri la tb position of U. vrodoco ha dvTt.opcd. T. market, rather, .-nova a tra c unir? mi. an-J t bo bol Saf Is mor or lea central' that value dortnjr the next frw Booth are more likeljr to advanca tha ra ce. la th West tb soa of actlvo bajlna; la peacttcmllr oJmI an4 snnst of iha burars bar returned borne. In most of tha Postern H.atea tber still remain jratterlnx clips which th owners refused to let so at tbo price offer! 4urloir tho hiht of tha bvTtas; saasDB. abaaa of thm of good propor lloes. and tha Indication sot are that tha wners will mak nod by holJ:rc- It Is on derstocd that a few of the Important elrp of fhl .fiat arc stlir la first band. A Terr co&tdrabl pmportkm of the wool en of tne AVeatrra taie. however, baa fmid out of the hanriv of growers. In Uoa tana, Idaho. Wj-ufnlnc and Txa but Uttla Isirt wool ramatna unsold. accori!nc to re ports. 1 w M-xlci. it la said, the unsold portk. of the c.'lp aicKreaate erral mllllcm Lil woo dealers report no -change from tb (.notations of last week and do deals of a character to Indicate that the market bad andervn any material rhans have come to iiaht 2ur!r.jr the past few daja. The little roo that remains la the band of eheepmeo la this state Is said to be very nrtnlv held. A report from Bnscon say of tha market: "Tho local situation Is scron;. but ther la aot Dough snap to the foods market to afTect wuol Talnea other than the stlnVntn foUowlnar a better demand for raw material which is anticipated by leading merchant. Condition In the trade ara sound and tho prnefct is t'-r an Increasmar demand, with prooAbly harden tn prlcs( but without any marked advance. Several manufacturers ara around the market examining tha offering, but bualnoas 1 of comparatively small vol ant. 'Xo sale of particular Importance ara re iwrted. f.ir the majority of buyers are taklnc only ampl lota As noted last week, there la a demand for fine staple territory, which, however, la tn very small supply. Price oa both territory and flee. avols snow a lta:ht upward tendency a result of tho areatar conOdtnc tett by dealer. The advance on flc wooly have nearly placed them on a parity with form a woula" WHKAT flUXi TP IX WAKEHOISFA Farmer tttorins; Vrrr-ty and Active Market las; As frixiteeted Hooa. In all tbo wheat district of tb North west wbeat In immense quantities Is go In. Into the warehouses, and In some sec tions tne problem of ohtutnlnc warehouse sp. eurTlcicnt for riuirwmenis Is already bet-unit uj- a serious ne fr the grain -r.ira. This Is particularly tne rase at points here considerable portions of the lyn crof yet remains la th storehouse. The farinrrs for ih tine etrvm to be paying litt.e attention to tn market, but' re .nJusir.aulv storing the grain where It ran b held for dlnpoaal when they get rcddy to aeiL Thera U a little trade under way here and there In the Inland Empire, hut buying has nm et assumed anything: like the proportion usual at this stage of tbo i-non. With a dlfTrrnce of several cents la their views regarding values, buyers and sellers are atill boUllug off. but It Is hardly likely that this waiting game will be continued much longer. The movement of btit from tho interior to udewatrr already ap pears to be on tho Increase, and will prob ably g'ow frora this time on. A u me what stronger fe!lng prevail., in tha foreign markets yesterday. London r-prtd cargoes firm, with U alia Walla for shipment up Ad at 3w tid. and in Liver pool bot h i he tx toher and Decern bvr op tic ns c lowed with gain over yvstcrn s f1na:s. The Chic market was weaker nd lower till around Ua'.s and barley lorolly were quiet but fir-., at the Ut quotattun. The MerchAttti' Ei'-hinc . reports re ceipts. In cars, for the wvek to data as lotions. 0 When. Barley. riour.Onti.Hav. si or. a r i TT y Tuesday II 2 3 J 3 - TeOneday .....13 S 3 in 1 just e ar I '2 X t i rsoD io data. .4.17 4 377 loo Xast seasoa . . Ud w7 ah ;r 113 UTE rOl LTRT IS ft HUM MiBK.lKA eTIrst 9hipaneat f the Kind Ever airoaght to tb ran Und Market. An event of Interest to tho poultry trad mm tho arrival yesterday of a stratuht rar J ad of llvo c) U-kena from the Middle West, the first shipmeot of the kind. It Is ialL ever brought to this market. Tho birtls vere Neoraska products. and all faucy c i a -fed stock. Thev aero brought In by ine i nton Jaat lompany. Tho chickens eaate in a car espec tally enstuctcd fr the purpw of carrying lit poult r? . a t pe much la use In the Kast. but as yet sWdnm seen In the West. In the tar the i-riatc containing the birds are so arranged that they raa be fed and given the tn st -t emre In every way. There were teteo fHt and Hh birds in the consign ment. la the Front street poultry market yesterday the nnd-ve-k trade did Dot qalta come up o x;eciauona aad as a result dealers quoted pru rs alxut a cent undrr those of the previous day on both hens ail cH-kens. both going at I7flfc. In other line there as littte doing and no pr--f e tar.gr s were reported. The demand for fresh local eggs con tinued sufficient to aU.rb all offerings, 23 to cents being the general range. Ireed mea:s cleaned up well, fancy r-"h "ng at irv io 13 c-nls. and best firaile eal a - the same prlves. " rt lcsl l-otter market showed no ap prtt hle rha:Ye from tne ronlihi ns pre vailing th first of tie week. Cheese was Surna and uacnanged. rrarhea Ci Out ArlUrty. Iu!t deat-rs jesterday reported a heavy RiomQI in peachea Keeripts from all quarters were Itreral. bat the demand was suSiclent to make the market an aetiv os thrcughout the iay and sales In the sgregate aero immeoe. Oregon Craw forxls comprised the bulk of the oflTerlns. a el the tat of them moved at A to 73 cents a box. A straight car of Payette cantaloupe came tn and met with a good demand, p-uih-s tolng at and standards at 9 J a crate. Oregon rantaluupea sold In a ia r wit at to - C . In apple, pears, grapes, plums and other fruits tber was but a modems trade and prices generally were unchanged. Bank Oearlaga. Bank cleartngs of the Northwestern cities yestervlay a ere as follows: Clearing. Balan.-e. Port'and t: M.7r S.k 7.(11 haltie 1.77.fZ9 442. Ta -e-Tta .S : TTt fUas rOltTLAXn MARHETS. Graia. tmmr. ft'eed, Ete. HTHBAT Rtuewtem. P0ae elub, M - . red Russian, serjvfe-; VaUey. 2c; w t o!4 si S Turkey re. rT.oi k rsterts. p-r barrel; Stra-sota. 4 3u4.w; em port. a; Valley. . graham. IS. a hole wheat, quarters. BaKLKT rd and brewing. i;.5ew 23 per ta. HaaTTrack price: Tlmobv. WHlametts TsUe. fi'sj 1 per ton; Eastera Oregon. S292t: alfalfa, new. $114: grain bay. iiiviv CORN Whola. cracked. 33 Pr ton, MILLPTt'FFS Bran. 420 par ton,; mld- diligs. ISO; ah or La. ly2J; rolled barley. i:5ti:4. OATS New, 50 par ton. , TeajHablea aad Fruit. GKKT;? FRUTTS Apples, new. 50c $1 W per box; apricots. 7ScjsVi w per box: plums, T.VSM per box; peers 1 1.3 10 per box: peaches. 40f7Sc per box; grapes. 7&cy $1 23: blackberries 41 tut1. 71 per crate; lo ganOeTTles. tl.254rl.50 per crate. Mb'.LAJSi Watermelon. HQl.TL pes hundred, cantaloupes, 1 r.o 3 m per eraie. TROPICAL 'HUIT Orange. Valencia. H:Ji;ii lemons. 7S; grapefruit, M 4-fO par boa; banana a ftUjc per pound; pine apples, 6c per pound. VKOETAHLEd Bans. 9ft 5c pound; cab bag. SAlc pound; cauliflower. Jl.O per dos; celery. ac per daen; coia, -ic por dxen; cucumbers, Pr box; eggplant. 0 b He per pound: garlic. Sh 10c per pound; green onions, loc per demen; peppers. per box; radishes. lfrtfZOc Pr doxen; squash. 4c per crate; tomatoes, JO i V0c per box. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots. ltl--3. beets. Sl.SO: parsnips. UU'; turnips, fl. POTATOES New $l.SMll.40 per hun dred: sweet potatoes. 4c per pound. onions Walla Wsiia. l-id per amck: Ore goo, '2i25 per sack. Dairy aad C own try produce. EOOS Oregon candled. 2S2vc per dox. UlTTEH t'lty creamery, solid pack. 34c per pound; butter fat. 34c per pound; coun try atore butter. 24c per pound. CHEESE Full cream, twins. ITWOtSo per pound; young America, JSS tf lic. POL'LTUr Hen. 17lSc: Hprlng. 1T1 lc; ducks. U-; g-sese. 22 - -"-c ; quabs, keys. lire. 20c; dressed. o; aquae S3 per dusn pOltK Fancy. 13e per pound. VEAL Fancy. 12 H fcj 13c per pound. Groceries. Dried Fruit. Kte. PRIED FRKIT Applea 10c per pound; peavches. Tc: prunes. Uallsns. 34 ( 7c; prunes. French. 4tfc; currants. c; apricots. 11 f 14c; dates, 7c per pound; figs, fancy white t,c; fancy black. 7c; cholc black. && SALMON Columbia Rtver. 1-pound talla. 3- lo per dosn ; X-pound tails. S2.93 ; 1 pound flats, Alaska ink. 1 -pound tails, tl; red. 1-pouad tails. l.od; sock eye, 1- pound talis. S2. COFFEE Mocha. 34fJ2c; Java, ordinary. 17j20c; Costa Rica, fsncy, lKJ0e; arood, ICulc; ordinary. 12V lc per pound. NUTS Walnuts. l.c per pound; Braxll nets. lSHtsl&c: filberts, lc; almonds. 17c; pecans, luc; cocoanuia, 90cc$l per doseo. VALT tiranulated. 118 per ton: naif ground, looa, 10 3d per ton; 50. U par ton. BEAXP Small white. 5 He; larae white. ic; Lima. 5-c; pink, 7c; red Mexicans 7"c; bayou. 7c. , RICE No. 1 Japan. 4ic; cheaper grade. 13. o t 4.r; Southern head. &4vc- HONEY Choice. $2.;fotj 3-50 per case; strained. 7c per pound. FI'OAR Dry granulated, fruit snrt berry. S.2.'.; beet. $.05; extra C. V75, golden C 13.63; yellow D. ", cubes br.rrela. 13 ftO; powdered. o-50; Domino, 10 4" 910.10 per esse. Terms on remittance with in 13 days deduct per pound. If later than 13 and within 3o days, deduct Ho p?f pound. Maple sugar. latylSc per pound. Prevision. HAMS 10 to 12 pounds. 10Hc: 12 to 14 Pounds. llc; 14 to 10 pounds, 10c; IS to 20 pounds, none; skinned. 2oc; picnics. 14c; cottage roll. 17 Sc. BACON Fancv. 20c: standard. 29c; choice. 27c; English. 22fi24Sc SMOKED MEATS Beef tongue. Tuc; rtrW beef ses, 22c; outaidea. 20c; Inaldea, 23c; knuckles. 22c DRY SALT CURED Regular abort clear, dry salt. loUjC; smoked. 18c: backs, light, salt, lose; smoked. 18c; backs, heavy su.lt, ltfc; smoked, 17xc; export bellies, aalt, 17o; amoked. lc PICKLED GOODS Barrels. pigs feet, regular tripe. $10; honeycomb tripe. f!2; lunch tongues. $22; lambs tongues. 0. LARP Tens; kettle rendered. 134c; standard pure, 14c; choice. 13)c; ahort enlng. 12 WC Oils. LINFEED OIL Pur raw In barrels. $1.01; kettle boiled. In barrels, $1.03; raw. In case. $1.06; kettle bolted. In cases. Sl.oS. Lou of 250 gallons, 1 cent less per gallon. TU R PENT IN E In cases. U lc ; In wood barrels, 88 4c COAL OIL Water white In drums. Iron whit In drums or Iron barrels, 14c; union kerosene in cases, 2 -5s, 23c; oleum kero sene In case 2-3s. 2lc; Aurora kerosene in case. 2-6a. 21c, GASOLINE Union gasoline In bulk. 19c; union gasoline In cases, 2-fis. 2-"c; union motor spirrt in bulk. ISc; union motor spirit in cases. 2-s. 2ic; No. 1 engine distillate In Iron drums. 8Vjc; No. 1 engine distillate In cases. 2 -is. 13He; V.. MAP. naptha In Iron drums or barrels. 13c; V-. M. at P. naptha la cases. 2-&S. 22c. BENZINE Union bcnxlne tn Iron drums or barrels. 16 4c; union benxlne In cases, 2- 3. 3e; unloa stove distillate In iron drums, 7c Hops. Wool. Hide. Etc. HOPS lIMrt crop. 8912Hc. according to quality; olds, nominal; 1010 contracts. 13UC WOOL Eastern Oregon. 13ol7e pound; Valley. lKt2uc per-pound. MOH ATIt Choice. 3-1 33c per .pound. CASCAHA BARK ISc per pound. HIDES Salted bide. TfcTc per pound; salted calf. 12c; salted kid. 8c; salted stags. 6c: green bides, lc less; dry hides. lllO 17c; drv calf. 17f ISc; dry stars, lit; 12c. PELTS Dry. 10lc; aalted. but. hers' tsk--oJT. l.l14i; Spring lamb. 23t43c GRAIN BAiiS In carlota. A4.c each. SEATTLE WHEAT WEAKER EXPORTERS SHOW RELICTAXCE v TO MAKE PURCHASES. Crap Market OTrrrMiniatrd and Prnianil for Wutrrmoloiis Falls. I'oullry Receipts Large. SEATTLE. Wh.. .af IT. Spct.l. Wh.t w.s decidedly ...Wer t-Hl.y. e.p rl.llv rlub. whK-h was not qunt.d abov. fttf cat. on th Merchants Eirhanic. Hlu stem ranged from Hi tn wh cent.. Ther. waa Km. selling; prwun rrom tb. coun try hut emporters were reluctant to pur- ChiM. Thf (rap. market watt overstocked, to day. Malaga .rapes have been moving In poor condition true year and off-grad. stock has been sacrificed. Trie first shipment of Taklma grapes arrived and were tiuoted at f 1 to I.SA The demand tor watermelons Is Dot quit, as strong as It has been, due largely lo th .imnuancy of other seasonable fruits. With th. heavy A lank.n demand tem porarily over, potatoes were easier today, prwilctlone of a lower market were heard on th. atreet today. The Kaatern IVa-h-Ington crop Is about ready for marketing. Tomatoes were atlffer hut no higher. Poaltry receipt, were excessive .gain to day In spite of Ih. lower prices prevailing I. th. country. Stocks tonight were larger tliaa on Monday notwithstanding that th. demand has been fairly brlk all the week. Krvn eggs were Terr firm. Butter waa Jwt steady. Hide. ar. firmer. Several large shipments ara being made which Just about cleaned up th. market. Owing lo a scarcity of she-p pelts, a leading local wool-pulling plant has been compelled to clow. Black. a Boataa. BOSTON. Aur. 1 Allouea ' Closing quotations: IMhaw k A mala. Copper. A. V- U Sm. , Nevada Con .1 ;xiplslng Mine.. 11 Artaona 0ra. -Atlantic IS-. i.vnrtn Mint. ... t" North Ijtke I"". old lominton. .. O-sceola 11 Parrott (E. 4s C I'-'i B.O O M. I Putte coalition. Cal. A Arlsona. tU1. fal. Hecla. ..0 Centennial I' KJUtncv 7-1 b-h.nf.in 11 fop. Rng C. Co. T4 Superior - ow Sup. A Bos Mln. SVj Sup. Pit:, cop. Si K. rtutte Cop M. trarklln ... Cr.nl. Con Hw rireen. Cansnea TV 1 . s. xsi Oil .vnj tC. S. S. II. M. V.V. 1 do preferred . . 41 U'tah iVn. 24 S Vtnona I. Roale (Cop.) 1S Kerr lake l.e Copper - Tj Satle Coppe. II Miaul Copper.. 20 H Wolv.rln, 13V Ttrm TWrk raff. Adiantea. XEIT TORK. Aug. IT. Coffee rlosea steady at a act advance of 3fl0 points. 8a!e. J.00 bag. Closing bids: Augunt aad September. eT-l: October. $7.5"'; No vember. IT.A: recember. 7.40: January. T Fbr.arv. T.4a: March. T..1I: April. T 4.M Mv. IT.SS June. T on; July. 7.I. Spot. firm. Rio No. T. : No. 4 San to l"c; mild, quiet; Cordova. H'tf 13Ve. 'w Tork rettuau NEW TORK. Aug. IT cotton closed at M gain ot 13 t. 1 pilnta. STOCKS MOVING UP Pacific Coast Returns Affect Wall Street. COPPER HIT BY DENIALS la Railwar List Reading. Union and Southern Pacific Are. Most Con spicuous X. Y. State Canal Bonds Advance to 103. NEJV TORK. Aug. 17. Irregularity waa tho dominant not. of tb. stock market to day and fluctuations war. within a very narrow rang. In th. later trading, however, th. market steered a mor. direct upward cours. and adttod very generally to It. gains of th. prevloua day. Ysterday primary return, from th. PaclAo Coaat, developments la New York: Stat, and other parta of tha country. It la appreh-and.41. will Increase th. .slating storm of controversy and perhapa be follows by no Itttl. uncertainty. If sot distrust. Dentals from abroad of ..'consummation of th. much-dlscusaed oopper menrer Imparted some heaviness to th. metal stocks, desplta th. publication of figure, showing a reduc tion tn th. European supply of that com modity and th. recent large sales hsa. for domestic delivery, stocks of Iron and steal cumpanlea were generally strong- In the fac. of furthor price cutting. Vnits States Steel led these Issues and an Apparently large abort Interest In that stock was again materially reduced. e In the railway list Reading and Union and Southern paclnc were th. moat con spicuous. The llarriman aharea were helped In no small degree by the favorable crop rr ports received from tha agricultural dis tricts along that system, and the rise In Rock Island was attributed to the same The moat Interesting Item from abroad was the exhibit of the Imperial bank of Germany, which showed a further gain In Its gold holdings and an enormous In creaae In deposits. Americans were the strongest feature of the London markets. Th. general markets of London were In clined to heaviness on the unfavorable allow ing made by one of the leading rubber com pantoe. Th. only noteworthy railroad return Is sued today was that of the Baltimore ft Ohio road for July. In which an Increase of S445.000 In gross earnings was reversed to a loss of ,l4.vua In net-- The feature f th. bond market waa the strength and activity of th. New York Stat. Canal bonds which advanced to 10, a figure well above that paid by the pur chasers at public bidding. The entire bond list was steady. Total sales, par value, 5J.0"0. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Allls Chslmer. pf.. '0 3-Hi Jl Ani.1 Oo,.n,r .... 6 Am Agricultural .. Am Beet Sugar .. iO O 3 . JT American Can .. " "7? Am Car A Kdv .. I.! Am Cotton Oil .. w Am H.1 Ll pf.. ( a Am Ice Hfcurl Am Linseed Oil .. !' w Am Locomotive .. 2u 3! M S9 Am Smelt & Ref.. 28,3.10 To Mlj W do preferred ... 100 It K'J :: r jji Am Tel & Tel .... 3" l- , 1V. Am Tobacco pf .. IMl 9 Am Woolen - 2s 's., Anaconda Mln Co. " 41. At hum li lol". do preferred ... 0 Wis "" Atl Cast Lire ... tin) 11 US Bait Ohio IC K'Sii lM'i 10b U Bethlehem Ste-1 .. l.U ai 2T 2S Bruok liap Tran. 4.) "7. 'i Si Canadian Pacinc .. S.OUO 101. lO.I'j ll4 Central Leather .. M.) .': -"B's 36 ou preferred ... l' B. 1" Central of N J .... 2"0 2 Cries Ohio 6,000 4 '4 Chicago & Alton Jo Chicago tit Weat. I.4. SS S 2SS do preferred .. l.SoO 48'., 4i Chicago aV N W .. . 21 148 14rt 14 C. M a St Paul .. T.iHO lSt-i 126 Vi 12 C. C, C & St L 5oO TS T4 T5 Colo Fuel a Iron.. X2"0 2- SI "-! Colo & Southern.. 2"0 MS 54 Mi. Coru-vjlldatcd Oa... 4.JW 132S 111 132 Corn ProJuct. ... -"' Hit- 114 Del a Huoson .... T" HW 13W la D a R C.rande ... l.H .!l4 31.', 31 '4 00 preferred ... 4-0 T14. 1V, Tl4 PliwIHers" Securl .. - 3 2S, 27 27. Erie 1.4IK) 2 2 ' do 1st preferred. S' 44'. 44-s 44U, do LM preferred. 00 34 33 General Wcc-.rlc .. -K 144lj 1444 1441. Gt Northern pf .. 1,700 127 12T, 127". Gt Nortlern Ore .. l.4 7 M i Illinois lntral ... a 1H2H 132 1321, InterborouKh Met.; 3.J0 IT", IT'i 17 do prererred ... 8.3m 4 4TT, " 4Kj Inter Harvester .. K 7 7 7i. Inter-Marln. pf .. 3l IT lnij 1IH. Int Pair Mo H'4 HV. H1 lilt Pump 4' 4H. 4l. 40i Iowa Central .. 4'X ITS IT", 17 K C Southern ... 4'J XI , So", 31 do preferred ... & K'H Laclede Uss .4"0 BH!, -02i. 10214 Louisville a Nash 2W 144 14.114 144 Minn a St Louut. . f 24H 24. 24 m. st p a s s m. i man mi,- 121. il.K Ksn a Texa. 2.2s 344, 33 S 34-S io preferred ..... 2S llleonurt rsclflc .. l.ffl .V.", M", Mi, Nsthmal Biscuit .. !. ll, l' 1 Naiwr.al Lead ... 1.4iO M'i Mi .V.-t; Mev Nat Ry 2d pf 2SH 20", 2! N Y Central 2.S"0 1I&4 114i, 115S N Y. Out a West. "0 41 S -II u Korfolk a .. l.eJrt S 7'; us North American .. 3". ' B S Northern PsclUc .. T liss 117 11S14 Psrltv- Mall l.") 2i 2S 2S, Pennsylvania ISO's 12B- l.v. People'. Gil . ltwi lort ion's P. C C St L... " W4 Iti ft"1 Plttrburg Co.! .... H 17r, 17 . 1T PmO'l feel Csr. 1. 110 3T!j 3 ST Pullman Pel Car. las Ry Steel Spring.. 400 34 31 34 "4 Heading U24i 1471, 144-, 14T Republic Steel ... .4- 34V 32 :4 do preferred ... b"0 f' W, lS Rock I.land Co.. Sl.l 211, S3 io preferred ... 1.2"fl T K St L S f 2 pf. J.Oi 42'., 401, 41 St L Southwestern 4i 2. 24 22 do preferred ... S'W W 5A IM aloss-Shellleid .... 4il 61. 61 hs-uthern PaclBc .. 17 m 1ITH !!, 11TS Southern Italiway. i.ivv .-4 244, do preferred ... I W, S.M' Tenn Copper loo 2'i 2.'i 24 Texas a Pacific. Soo 27 T, 2Ta 2TI, To). St I. a West, l.loo 24 2.T, 24 do preferred ... 4KO 411 4', 49 l-nlon rsclflc ...113.4O0 171". Jit ITU, do preferred ... 4on IH (tl, 031. C fl Realty :! Tl Tl T.I V S Rubber J 3.'.- 3.1 3S14 V ! Steel 12S..VO 73 71 , T3S do T'eferred ... I., 11T"-, 11- 11T Itah Copper 2.1HO 47-. 3TS 471, Va-Caro ChemloaL S.loo jui o-s RBti Wabaeh 1.2 )sl, 171, 1S4 do preferred ... e.P" .TS-S 3S 3" Western Md 1.2"" 4M4 44 4.1 Wewlnghouee Elee 1.41K) m 2 Wetern Vnlon ... 600 64 63 ftl Vh-l a L Hrle - 514 Total sale, for the day. 613.700 aharea BONDS. NEW YORK. Aug. IT. Closing quota tions: U. 8. ref. 2s reg.lnt IN. T. C. gn 3, aav, do coupon ...101 iNo. Pacific 3s... 71 C. W. 3s reg. . . . KH S'N'o. Parlfle 4s...loo do coupon . . . 101 -Si ,1'nlon Pacific 4alo0H U. s. new 4S reg. 114 v is. central .a. 112 do coupon 114 H Japanese 4s. . . 89 D. a R. G. 4a. .P2V! I rally Treasnry atagement. WASHINGTON. Aag. 17. The condition of the treasury at the beginning of busi ness today was aa follows: Trual funds Gold coin s-i.3. Silver dollars 4SS.035.000 Silver dollars of 1R00 3.12.00 Sliver certificate, outstanding. . 4SS.OJo.OuO General fund Standard silver dollars In gen eral fund 4.133.043 Current liabilities 4. 314.619 Working batanc In treasury of fices tT.900.4It In bank, to credit of Treasurer of the fnlted states .t6.646.8K0 Subsidiary allvar coin 2o.aia.3a Minor coin 1.0S2.- Total balance In general fund... 69,341,31 BAN FRANCISCO tJTOTATTOXS. Prod or Frtre. Cnerent la th. Bay City Markets. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. IT. Tha follow ing prices were current In tha produce" mar. ket today: Battel- Fancy creamery. 31 He;, creamery seconds. 3Ho: fancy dairy. ?&c Cheese New. Ht15fc-c; Young America. 1C Vie lie. Eggs Store. 32c: fancy ranch. 3I.Vsc- Pouitry Roosters, old J4.5O&3.50 ; roosters, young. tet.iO; broilers, small. J2.;5t(3; broilers, large. I3$3.2S: fryers, 4.5i85.."i0; hena. (4.SO01O; ducks, old, ,15065; ducks, young. $5 & 7. Vegetables Cucumbers. 2 6 ISc; garlia, -4JJc; green peas. 4(c: string- beans. 4 te; tomatoes. 7ig(l.!S: eggplant, 35 6 60c. Hops California. lOtrlic. Millstufls Bran. J3tji'Sc; middlings, $16 14. Hay Wheat. $9J11.50: wheat and oats. 98i:; alfalfa. 7t11.5-',; stock. $37; straw. SStMOc. Fruit Apple., choice. to8Sc: apple, common. 3:. tl SOc; bananas, TScttlJ: Mexican limes. $y(.il: Cailfornl. lemons, choice. 1.T5: California lemons, common, ,2."5; pineapples, $2:.S0. Potatoes Salinas. Burbanka, $1. 1(01.36; sweets, 2 HO 3c Wheat Firm. Barley Easy. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. tL6u 1.6& per cental. Barley Feed. l.O4.ei-0 cental: brewing. 1.084?1.15 per cental. Oats Red. $1,306 1.JTV. per cental: white. $l.T2Vs4yl.s Pr cental; black. $1.55 per cental. Receipts Flour. quarter sacks: wheat. r centals; barley. 21.525 centals; oats. 4586 centals-: potatoes. TS sacks; mid dlings. 220 sacks: hay, I2t tons; wool, 2T4 bales: hides. 22T5. BULLS LOSE STRUGGLE FOREIGN1 WEAKXESS BEAR FAC TOR IX WHEAT PIT. Rumors of Iartje Export Sales Give I'pward Trend to Prices Rain Saves Middle West Corn. CHICAOO. Aug. IT. Foreign weakneaa was a bear factor against which th, tiulla strug gled throughout the day In the wheat pit and which they were unsuccessful In overcoming, although aided by reports of low temperatures tn the Canadian Northwest, which might In jur, a portion of the standing crop. Rumors of large export sale, which were unconfirmed later, gave an upward slant to the prices midway In the session, but re covery vu only temporary and at no time touched the prevloua closing point. Elevator Interests were credited with buy ing September wheat and dt!poalng of sn equal quantity of the more distant options, nuluth reoorted the sale of 40.UIK) btiahel. to Prance, but seaboard concerns generally de nied that there was a demand irom aoroao. rrrade In cash grain was alow and confined to elevators snd- Individual mlllero. The close waa weak, with September c to rlc off. at $1.01.. December closed c to lttc down at 1.04Sl.f4?4 lo 1.044ial.04. Rain In Iowa. Nebraska and some Kansas fields gave further promiae of Sd corn yield and bore down value.. Cash prices were about He off. No. 2 yellow sold at 64',-56,V. The close waa weak, with Septem ber fi-c off at C2Vc. December closed , to 4&;c down, at SOSe. Oats dragged, with country and cash houaes selling. The ck5e was steady, with Septem ber c down at 33itc. December closed to tc off at 3TH With the exception of ribs, provisions were weak. Ribs closed strong at from 2H to 2t)c. Pork and lard Hnlehed weak. Closing fig ure, on the September product, were: Pork. 21.42i,. 12!.e off; lard. 11.8T14. 6c off. and ribs. 12.22. 17w,c to 20c up. The leading futures ranged aa follows: WH EAT. Open. High. $1.01V, 1.0TV I. OS i 1.05 H 1.0i . 1.I0U Low. Close. $1.01 $1,014. 1.04 1, 1.04 1.V Vi 1.09 Sept. Dec. May. Sept. Dec. May. ' CORN. .62', .fiHi .604. .61 .62 .63 V, OATS. .15 .26 .3H .38 V, .40 .41 MESS PORK. .624 .so .: .60 V, .62. Sept. Dec. . May. .13', .?.Ti .401), .377 .40 Sept. . Oct.. . Jan.. Sept.. Oct Nov. . Jan.. . 21.50 21.50 20.70 20.8L"4 15..0 18.67 V, il.271, 1'0.C2(, IS. 5. 21142V, 20.80 18.67V4 11.87V4 ll.TTV, 11.47V, 10.65 LARD. 11.9IV, 11.I'4 n.inry, H.82I. 11.4a 11.4TV, 10.45 10.671, 11.R2V, 11.75 11.37V, 10.62 V, SHORT RIBS. 11.93 12.25 U.92V4 11.42V, 11.47V, 11-30 t.TS 9.75 9.70 Sept Oct 12.25 11.17 V, 9.T5 Jan. . Cash quotationa were as follows: Hour fc.asy. Rye No. 2. 75V,e7Vic: Barley Feed or mixing, 48p55c; fair to choice malting, 62T0c. Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, $2.23 V,; No. 1 Northwestern. $?.45V,. Timothy seed $5.60tt- Clover -$13.50. Pork Mess, per barrel, J21.TS&22. Lard Per 1O0 pounds. $11.87 V, Short ribs Sides (loose). 111. 3T' tl 12.25. Sides Short, clear (boxed), $12ti 12.25. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 210.000 bushel,. Primary receipts were 1.501,000 bushels, compared with 76. 000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat. 407 cars; corn. 120 cars; oats, 891 ... r. hnaa. IS. 000 head. iieceipi. Shipments. 16.8110 152.4110 95.300 125.160 1.IO0 1.200 Flour, barrels . . Wbeat. bushela Corn, bushels . . Oats, bushels . Rve. bushels Barley, bushels 43.4i0 . . 609.600 .. 161.2110 . .1.742.400 4.600 .. 18.000 Near York Wheat Market Balliee. NEW YORK. Aug. IT. Flour Easier for top grades: Spring patents. 6S.50t 5.MO. Re celpta STITO: ahlpmente. P30. Wheat Easy. No. i red. 8 1.07 V. elevator, and $l.o f.o.b. No. 1 Northern. $1.23V, f.o. b. to arrive. Disappointing cables and con tinued heavy receipts aent wheat prices down early, but the market rallied on re ports of frost In Canada, and sales of 63 loada for export, but again eased off under renewed liquidation. closing Vi C 6s net lower. September closed st $1.08V4: Decem ber. $1.HS- Receipts. 19.200; shipments, 77S1. Hops Firm. Petroleum Steady. Wool Quiet. Raw sugar Firm: Muscovado. .159 test. 13.92- centrifugal. .Wo test. $4.42; molasses s.gar. .So test, $3.67. Refined, ateady. No hides. Dairy Prodsce In th. East. CHICAGO. Aug. IT Butter Steady. Creameries. 2'(Jac; dairies. 23f27e. i:Kgw Steadv at mark. case, included. l;i,t15',c: Arsta, lc: prime firsts. 20c. Chees Firm. Dslrles. 16c: twins. 15,c: Voung Americas. 16V,c; long horns. ltV.16V,c Minneapolis Onla Closing. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. IT. Flax Closed t 2-41. . w , Corn No. 8 yellow. 60V, 61c per bushel. Oats No. S white. 35V,i3c per bushel. Rye No. 3. To 4 7."c per bushel. New York MetM Market Quiet. NEW YORK. Aug. 17. Standard - copper quiet. Spot and August 12.15J12.45c: Sep tember. 12.10 1& 12.4oc: October. November, 12.15?12.40c. London steady. Spot 56 7s d: future. 57 2a 6L No arrivals were reported at New York. Custom-house re turns showed exports of 592 tons, making 16.312 so far thla month. Lake copper, 11.87VHe: electrols-tlc. 13.62Vi 613.73c; casting. 12.25-B12.50c Tin easy. Spot. 31.45 ft 33.70c; August, 32.466 31. T9c: September. 23. lOcy 31.65c; Oc tober. November. 13.25 ruM3.65c. London dull. Spot 164 10s: futures. 153 17s 6d. Lead quiet. 4.4004.50c New York: 4 25 4.IO0 East St. Louis. London spot 112 Si Sd. Speltttr quiet. 5.35-9 5. 45o New York: 5 10 Cf $.15c East St. Louts. London spot 22. Iron Cleveland warrant. AOs In London. Locally iron waa quiet- No. 1 foundry Northern. $1.2516.5: No. 2. $13.5014; Vo 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft, $i..;6it.ji. St. Lonl. Woe Steady. ST. 1-OfIS. Aug. IT. Wool, ateady. Me dium grades combing and clothing. 23 O 244c: light fancy. 1!itf21c; heavy fine,. 15 tlTc; tub washed. 2.133c. Rio 4. Janeiro now has railway connec tion with Victoria, the first Braxtlian port to th. north. BEEF MOVES WELL' Cattle Fairly Active in Local , Market Yesterday. FORMER PRICES PREVAIL o Sales of Either Sheep or Hogs Reported at Yards During Day. Demand for Quality Stock Continues Good. Receipts at the North Portland stock ysrds yesterday were the lightest in sev eral days, tha totals being 1S9 cattle and IS calves. In quality the latest arrivals showed little variation from the average of the week past, fair to medium grade stock predominating. The market during the day showed a fair degree of activity, but the trade waa wholly confined to beef stock, and prices beld well within the range of the past few days. The best of the steers disposed of brought $6.25. while stock short of standard moved at $4 to $.1. With cows there waa a still wider range. Inferior offering, going at aa low aa $3. while the beet brought $4.50. Several good alxed lots changed bands at $4.23 to $4.33. In the abnenc, ef trade in other lines valuea for the time were more or less a matter of uncertainty. For the best grades In all classes of stock dealers reported a good demand. Shippers at the Tarda yesterday were W. B. Folsom. of Shedds. one car of cattle and calves; C. J. Mats, of Heppner. one car of cattle: R. D. Cannon, of Shanlko. two cars of cattle and calves; S. L. Overton, .of Brownsville, one car of cattle and calves: Frank Williams, of Junction City, one car of cattle, and T. T. Tatton. of Halsey. one car of cattle. The day's sales were: Weight. Price. ..... -. on IT MMn I 101 e-""A 2: steers ? 15? 3.00 .1 steers 21 steers 3 steers 4 steers 27 cows 1070 5.2.-I 3.00 4.43 4.25 4.33 4.35 4.20 4..10 4.3.1 4.2-. 4.00 6.73 3.30 3.00 4.75 4.0O 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1 1 11 112rt 9O0 ' 92 or.s 32 cows . . 1)72 17 cow. . . T cows . . 8 cows , . . 22 cowl ' . -4 cows 1 calf ... 2 staas . H steers . 23 steers . 14 steers . U steers . 17 steers . 95 , Soil 942 070 1115 1125 11S0 1171 1210 , 1)04 nun " 1120 20 steers a steers .......V......... 1140 111 steers 'Vel tl steer3 i; .. o steers , " " 8M ' 40 1)75 1010 10O0 I cow J"" 4 03 23 cow' iolo 4.00 Be.:: IcSw; .viv.r.y.y.v.:-iJ . ..... w?" XL' Vortmij, elates of stock the North Portland yard yesterday were as follow: . . - k Beef steers, good to cho ce $ S.M 5.SO n.r .leera fair to medium .S0tJ bOI) Beef steers, fair to medium Cows and neirers, k Beef steers. KO.d to Beef steers, fair to m 5.25 3.50 4.50 5.00 4.25 4.50 3.60O 4.13 2.30 4.30 0.00 4 6.T3 4.509 5.50 9.50 9.T5 8.50 ii 9.00 4.2f.4r 4.33 3.T5i 4.00 3.50 3.73 3.25 3.T5 5.50 0.00 S.0r 5.50 3.00 3.15 Stag. Calves. IlKh't Calvea, heavy Xew York ITult Market Steady. NEW TORK. All!- 17. Evaporated ap ples Inactive, but firm, owing to small stocks. On the spot, fancy. 1014c: choice. 8ij9c; prime, 8!c; common to fair eia 7 'prunes Quiet but firm. Quotations range from 314c to 94c for California up to 30-4OS and 59!,c for Oregons Apricots Quiet and steady. Choice 1014 trloVic; extra choice 11411c; fancy. '"peaches Steady, unchanged; choice 0'4 661c: extra choice, 64TV4c; fancy 74 T Is c. Raisins Firm on more crop damage re port, from the Coast. Looss muscatels. 3Ti ti5c; choice to fancy seeded. 4H6c; seedless. 44c; London layers, $1,209 1.23. " ALASKA PACK INCREASES Reports From .Salmon Canneries In Xorth Iore Favorable. ASTORIA, Or.. Aug-. IT. (Special.) A cablegram was received today by the Co lumbia River Packers" Association from the manager of Its plant on NushagaJt River. Bristol Bay, Alaska, which indi cates that the salmon pack there will not be so short as was anticipated. The mes sage was dated August 1. after the season closed, came via Seward, and said the company's pack, wan 44.000 cases, or 5000 cases less than the smoun; put up last year. It said nothing of the. amount put up by the other canneries or of the total on the river. ' Former advices under date of July 22 gave the association's pack as 38,000 and the total Bristol Bay pack as 834.0DO cases, so It Is supposed quite an amount of fish was canned after that date and the total may have been brought up to nearly the output in 1909, when it was 1.125.000 cases. BIG MORTGAGE IS FILED $30,000,000 Bonds of Power. Com pany Secured by Papers. ASTORIA. Or., Aug. 17. (Special.) Among the documents filed In the County Clerk's office was a mortgage given by the Pacific Power & Light Company, of Maine, to the United States Mortgage & Trust Company, of New York, as trus tee. The mortgage covers all the first named company's holding In this city and at various other points in ' Oregon and Washington, and is given to secure $30, O0C.OO0 in 2-year bonds, which will mature on August 1. 193a The Pacific Power & Light Company Is the corporation which a short time ago acquired the local electric light, power, gas and street railway plants, as well as a number of similar plants in the Upper Columbia River and Yakima Valley dis tricts. ' SALMON CATCH IMPROVES Continuation Will Enable Canneries to Fulfill Contracts. . ASTORIA. Or., Aug. 17. (Special.) Re ports received this afternoon are that many of the fishermen who were drift ing in the vicinity of Point Ellis and below last night made much better catches than they have for several days. The pack of canned salmon to date is so short that some of the -cold storage plants have ceased operations, so far as pickling Is concerned, and the fish are turned into the canneries. However, It is believed that if the catch continues until the end of the season as good as It was last night the great majority of the plants will be able to fill- their Chinese contracts. stiecp. best aai. o"'" : Sheep, beat valley wetners. Sheep, fair to good wethers. Sheep, best valley ewes Lambs, choice Mount Adams Lamba. choice valley Bulls lumbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STREETS . PORTLAND, OREGON Capital $500,000 . OFFICERS. DIRECTORS. ' . - . O. K. Wentworth G. K. Wentworth.. President chM g BbM4U . A. Keating V-r4de.t L- Geo. L. IfePhenoa . . . VlosPrestdesit O. Bingham t, IJojd J. Wentworth, I H. D. Story Cashier j. k. Wheeler f.eo. I. Mcl'hersoa r A. sTreeman , .. .. Assistant Caabie. John A. Keating .Robert Treat Plat Graham Dnkehut Aasistaat Cashier u. u. S'.ry Ladd 8 Tilton Bank EstaWished 1859. OLDEST BANK ON THE PACIFIC COAST Capital $1,000,000 " SITEPLUS AND PROFITS $600,000 r wj-i rafi4fnt , R. S. Hoiard, Jr Asst Cashier. mciLU.Vr&Unt. J. W. l.ndd, Agalatant Ca.hler. W.H. DklW.ckShler. Walter M. CooU. Ass t Cashier. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tho Rocky Mountains CUT-IN TAXES FOUGHT GRAXD JURY TAKES tP ISSUE AT MOXTESAXO. Commissioners Are Called to Testi fy Board Meeting Is Prom ising Excitement. MONTESAXO, Wash.. Aug. 17. (Spe cial.) To secure information on the re quest for reducing the valuations on several townships of timber owned by Weyerhauesers. Fleitzes, Fordney. Boen ings and other timber barons in - Che halis County, the grand jury this after noon summoned witnesses to testify. The reductions asked for total more than $500,000. Countv Assessor H. H. Carter and County Commissioners Willis P. Hopkins, Charles H. Arland and George L. Davis and County Treasurer G. J. Taylor, com prising the Equalization Board, were all called before the body to give testimony. The matter was deferred until tomorrow when it will come up for final action. Commissioner Davis has characterized the attempt to lower the reduction as outrageous, while Assessor Carter and Treasurer Taylor have both gone on rec ord as againat reduction of the valua tion. Tomorrow's meeting of the board promises to be a hot one. The Board has cited the big timber barons to appear and show cause why valuations on timber should not be ma terially raised in nearly every instance. None of the owners has put In. an ap- .... . i v. .. r rhaltolltf pearance. ine um1 ui . haMI .iihisw.tArl to a bi? in- ! crease in many cases this year, and in some instances the equalization board has placed a higher value on it. There have been few reductions to date. SHOEMAKERS GO ON STRIKE 1000 Workers Quit Their Benches . in Factories at Salem. SALEM. Mass., Aug. 17. A strike of union employes in the Salem shoe fac tories waa begun today and more than 1000 workers have quit their benches. The United Shoe Workers-of America last night voted to declare a general strike if a conference today failed to bring about an adjustment of the trou bles, between the union and the com pany. The union demands that the com panies reinstate several union employes alleged to have been locked out by the companies. MAN LOST IS FOUND HURT Father of Eugene Woman Falls Over Embankment in Mountains. EUGENE. Or.. Aug. 17. (Special.) John.LItt, father of Mrs. John Hamp ton, of this city, reported lost In the mountains near Foley Springs, was found yesterday at the foot of a 10 foot embankment and brought to Eu gene last night, suffering greatly frora a badly bruised body and a deep scalp wound. He had fallen off the cliff. Mr. Litt is also suffering from the night's ex perience, as the nights are very cold, and on account of his age. 79 years, it Is feared he will not withstand the shock. This Is Peach Day at Freewater. MILTON. Or., Aug. 17. (Special.) Peach day at Freewater will be Wednesday, August 17. and prepara tions are completed to make this a i - .1 ln. that cllv A. T N fffrt- of Portland, will be the speaker of the .1 Tn intAmn. I ay i-nmnnnv has made preparations to accommodate 5000 people. This celebration takes piece ervery year, the same as Strawber ry day, for Milton. BITULITHIC Makes good streets. Property owners who have paid for it know this. Ask them about BITULITHIC TRAVELERS GTJ1DK. $S6 ALASKA Inciudlnif Berth and Meals SUMMER EXCURSIONS via Smooth "Ioiide Passage" Twelve delishtful exeiintons from Seattle to ALASKA and back cheaper than staying at home. Don't wait until mttamerm ar told out Writm Quick for JmttdU and rasertmrions Pacific Coast Steamship Ce. 249 Washington St PORTLAND HONOLULU $110 And Bark (Ftr-st-Class) The splendid twin-ucrew steamer SIERRA (10,000 ton displacement) saii Sept. 10. Oct 1 and every lil days. Round trip tickets rood for lour months. Honolulu, tho most attractive spot on entire world .tour. BOOK NOW and secure best berths. LINE TO TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND. S s Mariposa and Union Line, sailings Sopt. 11. Oct. IT. etc. Tahiti and back 24 days). $X'2Z first class. New Zealand (Wel lington), 246.'J5, first class. R. T. six months. Write or wire for reservations. OCKANIC 8. 8. CO., 6T3 Market Street. San Francisco. San Francisco and Los Angeles DIRECT North Pacific & a. Co.'s S. S. Koanoka and S. S. Elder sail every Wednesday alternately at 6 P. M. Ticket utile 132 Third st near Alder. S1AKTIN J. HIULE1, rismsscr Aaeat, W. II. SLt-SSElt, freight A seat. Phones M. 1314, A 1314. SAX FRANCISCO PORTLAND S9. CO. New service to Los Anseles. via San Fran cisco, every five days. From Alnsworth Dock. Portland. 9 A. . SS. Beaver Aug. 16. Bear il. Rose City 26. From Han Francisco, northbound. 1 M 8S. Bear Au. 14, Rose City. IS, Beaver 24. From San -Pedro, northbound SM. Ruse City Alia. 11, Beaver 22. Bear 21. H O. Smith. C. T. A.. 142 Third St j, VV. Ransom, Agent, Alnsworth Dock. Phones Main 02. 2liS; A 14o2. COOS BAY LINE -DAT SERVICE. Steamer Bree.awa.ter !" S?'".?, U. August 7, IX 1. and every five days, from Alnsworth Sock, for North Bend. Marshfield and Coos Bay points. Freight received until 0 P. M.. daily. Passenger fare, nrst-class. 110; second-class. 7. Including berth and meals Inquire Alnsworth Dock. Main 26g. Canadian Pacific Empress line of steamers, sailing weekly between Montrealeand Liver pool, vvu-eleaa on " "earners Ask any ticket agent or write F. R. Johnson, a. A.. 142 Third St.. Portland- u -1 - i i