Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 18, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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Shipping Men Think Sound
Lines Are Undermining.
Komrric Load Floor at Alblna
Hock, Though Harriman Agent
Believes BnMnees Should Hive
Gone to I -oca I Carriers.
Belief that trans-Faeiflc rates were
ksln cut bv Pucet Sound line, whk-h
was express jo days ago and was met
trr denial. renewed retlTMir wun
the announcement that the British tramp
learner Kumertc. operated by the rrana
Waterhousw Interests, will h"t today
from the PonUnd mill to load tons
of flour at the Albina doca ot me u. ru
The question haa arisen why. when
the rale la the aame from North Pacific
oast port: should steamers operated
out of Seattle and Taroma receive pref
erence in handling carico from Portland
over the regular line of tlie Portland
' Astatic Steamship Company!
The answer Is believed here to be that
rates are belns; rut. This suspicion has
found voire In ocean-slilpplnir circles. It
is believed that the regular rate of 11
a ton I being rut to J. and perhaps
deeper. Local shipping men can think
of no other reason why vessels irom r-u-t
Sound should be sent here to take
' frelcht from under the very noses of
other vessels.
Harriman May Retaliate.
J. Walter Ransom, general agent for
the Harriman water lines, said that re
cently a shipment of 15 tons of flour
also went via Puget Sound. As to the
tonnage to be loaded by the Kumertc.
said yesterday ttont he had no com
ment to make, other than that It seemed
to him It should have none forward on
the local steamer.
That the Harriman family will not sit
calmly and suffer a continuation of tlia
practices Is generally believed, and It
Is not doubted that plans will be for
mulated for placing- a quietus on It. even
to lowering- rates. Mr. Ransom refused
to discuss that aspect of the case and
ild that he would absolutely decline to
comment on the routine of the flour
from a standpoint of probable induce
ments offered.
Delivery No Qulrkrr.
Balfour. Outhrie Co. are sending the
consignment, which arrived from the In
terior and was hauled over the Harrl
man lines and unloaded on the O. R. ft
Jf. dock, from which Its competitor will
receive it todor. The Kumerlc will go
to Puget Sound to complete loading, and
as she took on only l.ortMMO feet of lum
ber at the Portland mill and has no cargo
ft her than the flour to work, she will
delayed leaving the North. The Selja.
of the Harriman fleet, which yesterday
finished at the Eastern ft Western mill
and shifted to St. Johns to work more
lumber, will probably sail for the Far
;ait about the time the Kumerlc leaves
the North, and In point of time and de
livery there is spparently nothing In fa
vor of the Waterhousw service.
Aside from the squabble between
steamship interests, the situation rs
liarmful to Portland. Inasmuch as this
city Is striving to Increase Its prestige
m a fiour-shlpptng point, and that Is
the only feature In which Its exports fell
short of the combined shipments from
:Puget Sound cities.
Sound Figures. Padded.
Flour that rightfully belongs In Port
land's column Is routed north by rail, or
forwarded with such cargoes as will be
cleared on the Kumerlc. and Is then tab
ulated with Puget Sound's exports to
swell that showing.
Portland has bested the Northern ports
on wheat exports for such a lengthy per
iod that comparisons are truly reaching
the odious stage, and such flour routings
serve only to place a greater handicap
on tts efforts to obtain credit for legiti
mate, shipments.
3allrs Cily's Company Mourns Gal
ley I.ord Who Goes to China.
That steamboatmen place a high
value on good cooks, which are as
scarce along the waterfront as the
proverbial "bucko" mates of old sail
ing days. Is evident from efforts being
made to secure the return from China
of John Ouoy. for 13 years chief ex
ecutive of the gaily on the steamer
Italics City.
Two years ago Guoy concluded that
he had feasted his eyes fully on Colum
bia River scenery and determined that
a journey to the land of his birth
"would be stimulating. Before depart
ing hs negligently overlooked require
'ments of the Federal Immigration serv
ice and was not supplied with a certl
iflcate. When he sought to return, per
' mission was denied, though he protest
led to the powers that be that he had
labored for 13 years on the Dalles City.
The sagacious ones across the Pacl
,t)c knew naught of the Dalles city. To
them the term was accepted as an
Amerlcanlied version of "chuck luck-
'or kindred game of chance, and Ouoy's
petition was overruled. He communi
cated the fact to his employers, and a
bond of 3500 was offered as good faith.
!f Guoy would he permitted to vacate
ihls Far Kintern residence, but even
then a bitch waa reported.
Meanwhile the Dalles City's steward
Is praising his present chef to keep him
In good humor, but longs for the pastry
and coffee "like Guoy used to make."
Kunicrk-'s Store List Includes, Sli
Coffins for Deceased Sailors.
Carried virtually as regular equip
ment on the British steamer Kumerlc
are six coffins of rude Oriental mana
facture. which contain embalming prep
arations for the reception of bodies of
Chinese members of the crew who may
.die sway from Or'ental shores, as It
Is stipulated In their contract that they
shall be returned to their native heath
for burial.
Recently the ship's carpenter waa
murdered at Seattle and an American
casket was used, but the other Celes
tials insisted that one of those of home
manufacture be substituted, as it could
better withstand the crude embalming
process. Officers of the ship say that
six coffins are always carried, as the
crew numbers over 0 almond-eyed In
dividual, t'nless they are lost at sea.
It Is Imperative that their bodies be
delivered to a Hongkong- hospital for
Staal disposition.
Kcurslon Drlngr Arranged Krom
City on Prince Rupert.
Reservations are to be opened Sep
tember 1 for accommodations on the
Sw r' Prince Rupert, of the
Grand Trunk railroad, which Is to sail
February 1 for a tour of the Hawaiian
Islands, under the auspices of the cham
bers of commerce of Portland. Seattle.
Tacoma and Spokane, and If sufficient
business la secured here the vessel will
sail from this city and call here on her
return February IS.
The Prince Rupert has accommoda
tions for S30 persons, each stateroom
having double berths. While the trip
will assume the aspect of an excursion,
arrangements are being made for the
participants to be entertained at Hon
olulu and other Island cities by com
mercial bodies. The voyage will be a
combination of business and pleasure,
as It Is hoped to closer cement com
mercial relations between the principal
Hawaiian cities and the North- Paciflc
Two weeks will be occupied going
and returning, allowing the same time
for the lnter-lsland Junkets- A rate of
3J;5 has been named for round-trip.
Including all accommodations, and lo
cally the business will be looked after
by the Tourist Agency ft Travel Bu
reau, which has headquarters In con-
Dae te Antra.
In port
in port
Aug. 1
Aug. 1
Aug. 20
Aug. i'O
Aug. o
Aug. 1:1
Aug. -
Aug. i'H
Oct- Ui
.San Fodre...
, Horkkoiik. ...
,8as Francises
Eureka -....
.Cone Bar.
Tillamook. ...
, San Pedro...
.Han Ptdr....
8aa Pedro.
. San Pedro....
sUa. ........
Breakwater. ..
tv H. Elmers
Oolden Oats...
Roes CHr. ...
Soavor. ......
Ooo. W. Elder.
cnoaaled ta tnW
Breakwater. ..
So H Elmers.
GeldM Oats...
Roaooke. .....
Rom City. . ...
Ceo. OT. Elder.
, Baa Francises
. Eareka. ......
,6an Pedro. ...
.Coos Bay.
, Tillamook. ...
..Tillamook. ...
. 6aa Francises
.San Pedre. ..
. Hongkong....
.San Pedrs. ...
. Fnn Pedro....
Aug. m
Aug. 20
Aug. 20
Aug. 30
junction with the Chamber of Com
merce. Deckplans of the steamer and
other details are being explained, as
applications have already been received.
Araso Finishes Busy Trip.
Awaiting orders from the Corps of
Engineers. U. S. A., the steamer Arago
arrived up yesterday and berther at
the foot of Main street, after a strenu
ous season of activity o:i the lower
Columbia. tflnce last In port the
steamer has participated in a survey
from Fort Stevens to Tongue Point
and from the latter mark to No. 2 buoy.
known as the "shortcut channel," re
moved snags Just off Cape Horn and
hauled out more In Skamokawa
Slough, where a number of overhang
ing; trees were also cut away.
Chinook's Company Assembling
Cooks and a portion of the crew have
been signed on the Government dredge
Chinook, work on which Is expected
to be finished by the contractors next
week, but It Is doubted If the craft
will be ready for service before Sept.
because of details to he com
pleted by her company. -Steam was
yesterday gotten up on the donkey
boiler and her large boilers have been
accepted, so that the englneroom is
practically finished.
Gardiner Vessels Ready for Sea.
GARDINER. Or, Aug. 17. (Special.)
The steam schooner Han Gabriel fln-
shed loading here Mondav. The
schooner Lily Is ready for sea, loaded
with spruce lumber for San Francisco.
Pilot Schooner Leaves Out.
ASTORIA. Or, Aug. 17. (Special.)
The pilot schooner Joseph Pulitier loft
out this morning for her station off the
mouth of the river with Pilot Lelghton
on board.
Marine Notes.
Having finished loading timber In
the lower river, the tramp Alden Is
due to arrive here today, and will
berth at Inman-Poulsen's.
First of two scows being constructed
for the Star Sand Company will be
launched early next week at the yards
of the Portland Shipbuilding Company.
In addition to being held off the bar
by fog. the big- steamer Bear was
further delayed Tuesday through a
disarrangement of her steering; gear.
while en route up the river.
Loaded with 1.35.874 feet of lum
ber, worth $16,080.61. the schooner Inca
Is to leave down this morning. Her
crew was signed last evening by
Deputy Collector of Customs, Barnes.
Scenes along the Columbia River,
points of interest In Portland. San
Francisco and Los Angeles and other
views are contained in a new folder Is
sued by the Harriman Coast Steamship
line, which was received yesterday.
Carrying 760.000 feet of lumber for
San Francisco, the steamer Johan
Poulsen yesterday cleared at tha Custom-House,
also the Newport for
Bandon. and the schooner Inca for
Aukland. New Zealand.
J. Hepner. who was to have been em
ployed as wireless operator on the
pilot schooner Joseph Pulitzer, but who
was prevented from signing as a sea
man by the Government Inspectors, ac
cepted the berth as cook, so that he
can preside over the wireless plant also.
Work Is progressing on the conver
sion of the old ferry Vancouver Into
a dredge at the Portland Shipbuilding
Company' plant, and she will probably
be launched next week. The craft Is
owned by the Columbia Contract Com
pany. Passengers were numerous on the
steamer Geo. W. Elder when she sailed
last evening for San Francisco and
San Pedro, and she waa accompanied
down the harbor by the Newport, of
the same fleet, which Captain Parsons
will head for Bandon and Marsh Held.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Aug. IT. Sailed Steamer
Breakwater, for t'oos Bay; steamer Oeo. V.
Klder. for San FrancUKo and San Pedro;
ateamer New port, for Bandon.
Aitorla. Aug. IT. Sailed at ( A. M.
Steamer ;iue H. Elmore, for Tillamook. Ar
rived down ai 4 and sailed at s A. M.
Steamer Wellesley. for lirays Harbor. Ar
rived down at 4 and sailed at S A. M.
gteamer (.rave Harbor, for San Francisco.
San Pedro. Aug. 17. Arrived Steamers
Kim, City and Shasta, from Portland.
San Kranrlaeo. Aug. 17. Arrived Steamer
Lurllne. from Honolulu; steamer Bee. from
Port Hadlock; barkentlne s. N. Castle, from
Tacoma. Aus. 17. Arrived British
steamer Harpeake. from San Francisco, via
Eureka; steamer Miseourian. trim Seattle.
Sailed Steamer Governor, for Sound porta:
ateamer Burkman. for Sound porta
New York. Aug. 17. Sailed Steamer
Lusttania. for Liverpool.
Boston. Aug. 17. Arrived Steamer Ken
tucky, from Copenhagen
Havre. Aug. 15. Arrived Eteamer 8u
Laurent, from New Tork.
Rotterdam. Aug. IS. Arrived Steamer
Vranlum. from New York.
Hongkong. Aug. 17. Arrived Steamer
Hervnlee. from Portland. Or., via Yoko
hama. Yokohama. Aug. 13. Arrived Steamer
Asta. from San Francisco and Honolulu for
Hlogo. Shanghai and Hongkong.
Hiogo. Aui. 17. Arrived Steamer Ad
miral Hameiln. from Hongkong, etc.. for
San Francisco.
Seattle. Aug. 17 Arrived Steamer Hazel
TVl;ar. from Portland. Sailed Steamer
Stanley Dollar, for Nome: steamer Senator,
for Nome; e'.esmer Olympia. for, N,mt;
steamer Bertha for Tacoma.
Tides at Astoria Thursday.
High. Low.
It 1 A. M ST feet S 41 A. M SI foot
U. 13 P. at leel-a . ....- feet
Portland Boat Outstrips Wolf
at Waterway Carnival.
Engines of All Competitors In Good
Condition at End and Decision
Is Deferred Fights and
Clambake in Prospect.
MAT.SHKIKLD. Or.. Aug. 17. (Spe
cial.) The boat races made up the
chief attraction of the deep waterway
carnival today. The Pacer, of Port
land, won the speed boat race against
the Wolf this morning. The Pacer
won with ease. The course was from
North Bend, around a bouy opposite
the cold storage plant in ' Marshfleld.
The boats made the circuit five times,
which made the course About 20 miles.
On the last lap the Pacer was about
two miles ahead of the Wolf. Her
time for the 20 miles was 65 minutes.
SIS seconds. The Wolf was 10 minutes
There will bo either a handicap race
between two boats or the Pacer will
run alone tomorrow, going as fast as
she possibly can. In the race today aha
won a cup and $1D0 cash prize.
The Auto won the 25-foot class race
over an eight-mile course. The Tag
was second. The Piker, Navajo and
Venus also ran.
The Outlaw and the Scout ran a
race in which the Outlaw won.
An endurance race for cruisers was
Interesting. In it were entered Edgar
Simpson's Koos. Charles Vanzll's Ram
bler and Kdgar McDanlels' Printer's
Devil. They ran 16 miles. The race
was to be decided on the way the boats
ran and the condition of the engines
at the end. They were all in such good
condition that the winner has not yet
been decider, but It probaby will be
either the Koos or the Rambler.
There was a parade of boats- tonight
from North Bend to Marshfleld, with
a display of fireworks on the water.
Two prizefights are booked for the week
and also a shooting match. A big- clam
bake will be given tomorrow.
Vp-to-Date Step by Underwriters at
The wet wenther which made a quag
mire of the United 8tates in the Spring
Is now entertaining the people of Europe.
In Switzerland the season at some of the
resorts has been spoiled by constant
rains; In France the Seine has begun
another ominous rise; In Auenrla there
have been disastrous cloudbursts snd
thunder storme. and In England the rain
has been coming down with devellsh per
sistence since early In June. The TOiglleih
are an outdoor race and do not mind oc
casional wettings, but the steady soggl
ness of the past two months has re
duced them to pevlhne.w and despair.
Country house parties have become Im
possible; week-ends up the Thames or
along the coast have lost all their old
delights, and in London, the streets are
ankle-deep with mud.
The underwriters at Lloydet with char
acteristic enterprise, hove begun to offer
Insurance against wet holidays. The Lon
doner who plans a week-end at Brighton
or Bornemouth Is offered a guarantee of
fair weather for a few shillings. If,
despite this guarantee, the rain cornea
down, spoiling hie new flannels, ruining
his wife's hat and complexion and bury
ing the holiday In gloom, he collects
2 damsges. The higher the premium,
the higher the damages. It is a pleas
ant device for mitigating the horrors
of a Juicy, Joyless day, and besides, it
makes) a strong appeal to the etvnal
gambling spirit of the -Briton. A man
who has Just won the price of a suit
of clothes cannot be wholly unhappy.
Lloyds exchange room Is" the great
est gambling house In the world. There
one msy make prudent bets against twins,
sporting beta sgaine a war with Ger
many, patriotic bets upon the King's life.
It Is said that a great many policies of
Insurance against twins are Issued each
year. In amounts ranging from 61000 to
2U).O00. The young father carries all
he can afford, for it le certainly worth
a good deal to face that most appalling
of shocks. In case the insured does not
survive it. In case It drives him Insane
or kills lilm out of hand, the money
goes to the twins. But with a fat check
in hUs hands he usually manages to sur
vive. "Bootlegging" Charge Made.
NEWPORT. Or., Aug. 17. (.Special.)
The grand Jury of Lincoln County was
discharged today. It brought m one In-
! often dlatrend by Gray or
Bleached Hair
I m perla I Hal r Regenerator
la the only eure and absolute
ly h armies, remedy for either;
easily applied; any natural shade
produced; leaves the hair soft
and glossy. It Is unequaled for
Beard or Mustache. Sample of
hair colored free. Privacy as
sured correspondence. Imperial
Chemical Mfg. Ca.. 136 W. tSd St. X. Y.
Our are composed
of the choicest roots, herbs
and barka and are sure to
cure to stay cured. All
chronic diseases of men.
$ km and women a specialty. If
vou cannot call, send for
symptoms blank. t7
Taylor t-. be, ftecnsxt and
Third. Portland. Oregon.
Jlelds to scientific treatment. No pow
ers, no amoks, no douches. This Is
"different." Send for booklet. "Free
Air." to Dept. O.
121 a. H at, Tacoaaa. Waaa.
rur. rmxKOE ikctom
lee a Boa e atedwlae oa. ssat
ulctuoa siuuy ot ft.ros aad re
sarca la China; was graated
Siploma by in. almpcror; w.a.
a.rfui cure of all allmaata of
ao.a aad wom.a wa.a olaers
tailed. Xf rou sutf.r. call or
writ, lo YXJC a BON'S ftlalUl
CENK CO., 11', Hra. Cer.
fertlaad. OS.
QWAMP Is not recommended for
J'1" everything: but if yon
O nnT have kidney, liver or
IJJ I bladder trouble It will
be found just the remedy you need. At
druggists in fifty cent and dollar aisea.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful new discovery by mall free,
also pamphlet telling all about It.
Address. Dr Kilmer a Co . Blnghsmtoo. M. T
Juianuniuoos, Irritation
or ulcerations of all mo
coas siembraaea, aanata
ral discbarges from nose,
throat or urinary orgaaa.
'"V Sold !) DrnpgUts
Is olaln wrapper, ex
press prepaid, oa receipt
of $1 .'or t ta ree bottles. 9Ktt
Booklet oa isqaeau
nmiitjr I
V - .' . V el
Masks, Models, Plaster Casts,
Skulls, Skeletons, lifelike mod
els in wax; also many natural
specimens preserved in alcohol.
This museum is in a distinct
and superior class. Better and
larger- than anything heretofore
shown in Portland.
Over 500 pieces in this ex
hibit, which is entirely apart
from our medical offices. It is
interesting and instructive to a
high decree. All men visiting
Portland should see DR. TAY
9 A. M. to 9 P. E
Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
dlctment against Henry Lewis, a grocer,
of Toledo, on the charge of 'bootleg
ging." Lewis has been arrested before
for the same offense.
Grading Contract Is Let.
APTORTA. Or., Aug. 17. Special.)
Here Is an Opportunity for Any Man to
Be Cured Easily, Quickly and Permanently
NO MAN should suffer the loss of that vitality which renders life worth living, or allow him
self to become less than Nature intended, when there is at hand a certain cure for his debility.
Most of the PAINS, most of the DEBILITIES of the STOMACH, HEART, BRAIN, NERVES and
AILMENTS of MEN from which men suffer are due to an early loss of Nature's reserve power.
You need not suffer from this. You can be restored. The very element which, you have lost you
can get back, and you my be as happy as any man. You can be cured by the right kind of treat,
merit. Oome to my office; investigate my methods.
When you are first aware of any disease or debility upon
your vitality, then yon should procure the proper medical advice
and treatment without delay. You will secure to yourself that
health, success and enjoyment of life which is every man's lot,
whose bright and steady eyes, clear and healthy skin, active
brain, congenial make-up and physical development show that
no contaminating influences of disease are devastating his sys
tem, that no mental, moral or physical debility is making his
life a miserable failure. ' . -
I do not treat symptoms. I treat and cure the ailment be
hind the symptoms. If the case presents even the slightest fea
ture upon which I have a doubt, or if I recognize incurable com
plications, I positively refuse treatment. I would rather give
up my practice than indulge in either guesswork or make-believe
cures. I have devoted years of earnest and conscientious en
deavor to the unravelment of some of the most perplexing prob
lems that ever confronted the profession, and believe that I have
attained the limit of medical possibilities in my particular branch
of practice. I have brought to light the true nature of men's
ailments and the causes of the symptoms they present. In addi
tion I have by the scientific blending of drugs produced remedies
that meet every condition that it seems possible to cure. There
is no cause to hesitate. Consultation costs nothing, and I will
not offer my services unless I ean cure you.
My Original and Exclusive Treatment for Men's Ailments Has Been Proven in Numbers of In
stances Where Success Has Seemed Impossible Before. Information That Is of Vital
Interest to Every Sufferer Free. How Thes Can Be Cured Without Experi
menting'. Have You Violated the Laws of Health?'
Correct Medical Methods for the Permanent Cure of Blood Ailments, Piles, and All Bladder and
Kidney Ailments.
Medicine furnished from my own laboratory for
the convenience and privacy of my patient, from
$1.60 to 96.60 a course.
Bom A. M. ta B P. M. Snaaya trvm 19 ta 1.
Tha Leading Specialist
The Specialist's
The average physician treats a few
cases of the ailments here mentioned,
and a few cases of nearly every other
ailment that afflicts humanity. A gen
eral practice affords no opportunity for
becoming expert in any particular branch
of medicine. I treat men only. I have
treated and cured thousands of cases of
each and every. ailment peculiar to men.
If afflicted with any ailment you can
come to me, knowing that I have treated
and cured case after case exactly like
your own, and a great many others al
most identical. You can rest assured
that I know all about the ailment, and
I will not make a single misstep in jts
treatment. From the very minute you
place your case in my, hauds you may
look forward to a complete and perma
nent cure, and can expect marked im
provement very quickly. I never accept
cases in which I feel the least doubt as
to satisfactory results being obtained,
and you will have the satisfaction of
knowing that you are being treated by a
strictly reliable specialist.
2341j Morrison Street, Corner Second,
Hours, 9 A. M. to 8, P. M.
Sundays, 10 to 1.
The County Court at its session today
awarded a contract to Mead Bros, for
clearing and grading the proposed road
from Arch Cape Creek to th south
line of the county, a distance of about
two miles, to a connection with the
highway being built by Tiilamook
You can arrange with me
to pay for your cure when
entirely well. No charge
for pergonal advice and
consultation. Call if oth
ers have failed to help you
Blood Ailments
Others dose the system with
powerful medicines, scarcely less
dangerous than' the ailment It
self. Under my treatment the en
tire system Is cleansed. The last
taint Is destroyed. Every symp
tom vanishes to appear no more.
I employ harmless blood-cleans- .
lng remedies. They are remedies
heretofore unknown In the treat
ment of this ailment. They cure
by neutralizing and absolutely
destroying; the poison In the sys
tem. Such cures cannot be
other than complete and per
manent. Varicose Veins
I positively cure varicose veins.
nor is my treatment ever fol
lowed by - undesirable results.
other equally satisfactory, safe
and certain methods exists. It is
an original and distinctive meth
od and produces AN ABSOLUTE
Varicose veins not only im
pair activity, but in many in
stances gradually undermine the
general health. A THOROUGH
IMPORTANCE, and is also a
matter of but very few days'
treatment under my system.
Men's Ailments
Through my long experience
treating these ailments I have
devised methods that not only
cure, " soundly and permanently,
but cure fn less time than the
best of other treatments require.
Take no chances. Do not risk
your health and strength by re
lying on patent nostrums or un
certain methods. You are abso
lutely secure when you entrust
your case to me.
County around the face of Necarnie
Mountain. The contract price is $7.25
a rod. The completion of this short
strip of road will provide a continuous
highway suitable fr teams or automo
biles from Astoria to Nehalem and Til
lamook Bays.
Consultation and examlnaUon. If
you cannot call, write free
self-examination blank and book.
Many cases cured at home.
230V2 Yamhill St
Cured in
Cured Me."
No Hypodermic Injections
The NEAL is an INTERNAL treat
ment of twenty-five doses, at the in
stitute or in the home, and a guaran
teed bond and contract is given each
patient that if a perfect cure is not
effected the treatment will be free.
From Drunkards to Free Men
in Three Days
This Is the Hopeful Statement Cured
Men Are Making as They
Leave the Neal
Every day men can be in cominc to
and going from the Neal Institute of SS4
Hal! st.. Portland. Or. They nil the de
scription given above. It la truly a re
markable thing when a man 1 broken In
tplrlt and a complete slave to that habit,
drink, can in three day.' time and with
only internal doses of a harmless medicine
be cured of a habit that Is slowly but most
surely causing his mental, moral and physi
cal breakdown. The Neal Institute has
found a cure that will bring about just
such a change. There has never been a
failure to cure, and that If there ever
should be that all money will be cheerfully
refunded. Any Information in the form of
bank references, testimonials from cured
patients and noted doctors, etc will be
cheerfully furnished for the asking.
You can take this treatment at the
institute or your home, and your
money will Tie returned if a perfect
cure is not effected.
Investigate this, it will only take a
few moments to phone us for informa
tion. Personal and financial reference on
For full information, phone, write
or call at the
Phone Marshall 2400
354 Hall, corner Park
Come to
Me and
The uoctor That Cares.
Pay When Cured
I am an expert specialist, have had
30 years' practice in the treatment of
ailments of men. My offices are the
best equipped In Portland. My meth
ods are modern and up to date. My
cures are quick and positive. I do not
treat symptoms and patch up, I thor
oughly examine each case, find the
cause, remove it and thus cure the ail
ment. I CURE Varicose Veins, Contracted,
Aliments, Piles and Specific Blood Pol
son and all Ailments of Men.
CURE OR NO PAY I am the tfnly
Specialist In Portland who makes no
charare unless the patient is entirely
satisfied with the results accomplished,
and who frivea a written guarantee to
refund every dollar paid for services
if a complete and permanent cure Is not
tracted and chronic cases cured. All
burning;. Itching; and inflammation
stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected in
seven days. Consultation free. If un
able to call write for list of questions.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Sun
days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. daily.
I28H Second St., Corner of Alder,
Portland, Or.
We Cure Men Only
Consult Skilled PECULIAR
Specialist, Who ....
Cures After - 10 EN.
Otherm Fall.
A CERTAIN CURE Is what we wlU
give you, if curable, and the best refer
ence we could give as to professional
reliability Is the cured, satisfied pa
tients we dismiss.
There Is absolutely no patenwora; ,
about the results ot the course of
treatment we give for each of the ail
ments we make a specialty, for often
soon after .beginning our treatment
every symptom of trouble disappears
and the ailment never returns.
Lowest Charges II Quickest Cures
f Any Specialist. I! That Stay Cured.
chance to prove we can cure all afflict
ed, skeptical men who msy hesitate to
come to us because they have been dis
appointed by unskilled doctors.
FREE Consultation and Examina
tion. '
Write for question blank or call. -
Pacific Coast Medical Co.
Cor. First and Washington Sta, -
Portlsnd. Or. -
Cored. Only anthorlre3 Keeley In.
stitute hi Oregon. Write for Ulna
bated eiroolsr. Keolir Inetlrnte.