THE 3IORXIXO OREGOXTAN, THURSDAY. AUGUST 18, 1910, 14 k e a j . rmir- M iscel lsBeia, BEACH RESORT PROPOSITION. Tlii is on rt ihv finest heartwa on the Or-mm c:. p.atted and estenstvs linpnvrnc now being made; In Ave 5 ear tJris invment WILL NET TOT $Srf..O0O. Plat and cumpltit data may be bad In the office of RALPH ACKLHT. f.5 Ccrhett H'-dlC BIO SNAP at Llnnton. full corner Im prove, brlnntrf :to per mnth. within on blok from river bank and In heart of town; 1 420 C F. rflusr Co . room 5 Mulkvy bid.. 2d and Morrison sta IS GOOD WITH fflL because w ar- buer' agenta and If you have anrtntna tn farm or fruit laxd that jma a ill a-il rtht. we will do busln--e r'-r you. Int Ut your property uh u unss you wuh to BU. ar.d your prt" and rpren.tion la RIOHT- H. . J.uthfur, 15 liecry Lldg. WISH to buy a modem 6 or T room bouse lu ood im-atlna; will Kiia lm -r- ood land in Yamhill I'ounly with fet timber and some rash, tie J. E. iJmith. 13 ambr "f jv-mmeroe. VB have a -Kent with 10.0) to fill 000 raih, a at tin: wanta Ino-mi b'iinss prop any; at Mde preferred. If you want to eIL a't bu-y. Lucas A lleltschmidt. 11 Corbrtt bt.l- ANTi: r To buy arreae from I" f i v. per acre. acreatin ln . immi. or aame value proved comer. I know valuta; Ditut be bargain. 617 Wor- c--sirrbllj;. . H'ANTBT-7 or H-rem bouaa In Irrlngton or Hrty Addition: mu be a bar In. own er pleKe rt t-rm ar.d particulars. AF 214. Ortonla. VAMED or 7-rxm roM-rn bttna)ow or In unnyaid or Hawthorne avenue di:rvt. rt of 40th at.; give location. t. rr. s . t " . I 21 t.Ory n Up, ' iRKI.TN or Uo-lrt H-k lines; want ! and sts: I bHi or Ttnt lota neljthtrhl of !. Fred W. German. 3-S Wunislde. M. aTEI' N"ern flr-roon b"u-e. Penln au:a pr;-rrd; will ive l"t In M. Jaa prt piraQt, not over $2MK 1330 At lantic at. 'VAXTBD 15 or acrea with email huu-e. .od land. bandy to transportation, ona hour out at fhxX 150; $0h cash; No. 517 Worcester bid., or Wood lawn 2272. "VAXTEl) 50I0 vacant lot In Ota nelh brbod of Kat t'mich. Ila r Everett and K. --d and K. 24th sts. Phone lain ISJ. "VNTKI A m-Klt-m houe or bunmlow for with a furnare. between rlaat Starlc and Kaat I.lnculn and Itfth and Jlth ata. T-hr.e Mar call l!M-. or A S 2-"J WANTKU a-rvKm modern rejddenre; full ..t. In Sunnide. or ML Tabor diatrtct: handy to car; atta price. AX 21i- Ore -nlan. VE have a cli'Tt who wanta to buy lota or equltiea. mutt be cheap: what nav yu? M Bu-'hanan bid. Marshall '219. IVAXTED To leaae from 2 to 1 acre fr a term of yara: must be cloae In and hav houtt and barn, AK Zl'. Oreontan. TO i acre wanted on Ore.n City or Vnlied Railway carLia. 401-8 Well Fargo M-ig. . WANTED, on terroa. ft-room, modem buna low. Sunnyalde; atata partlculara- S -1 OregoKlan. W.WTKI lt in Burfteld or Sweetbrler Ailltion: mutt be cheap for cash. Se Hvnon. Jt, Waahlngton at. TO EXCHANGK. KSPEr EXCHANGES. M acrea, all In high state of coltlra tlnn. 14 mllea from Portland. 4 mllea from carllne: new 7 -room nnxtrni house and all necessary outbuilding: all In f trat-rlasa condition : od orchard ; place fenced and croea fenced: all stock. farm In implementa and household good, amounting to 3on. o with the place; also crope; price 1-Oih; $4"0 cash. Will take part city property or will trado for grocery and feed store. 7 lot at Kenton: pric $2300; will ex chance for bouae and lot. 2MJ acres of timber la Washington Count v; ln.nM).0OO xchange for city property. S-niom modem house on East 10th, price S4200; to exchange for acreage. V. W. ESi'ET. 310 Commercial blk . 2d and Washington atreets. VAXTFTD Bearing apple orchard In ex chnse for beautiful modern tf-room and bath. 2-story rrsld-'nce. taat tide. nice residence district. Portland; 1 block to VHhams-ae. car. close In; valued at g.VHhi: owners preferrwd,. C Ore r"nlan: LAiliiF and small farms In Willamette Val !. 1" to $'Jrt.x In exchange fiT city or rew.ience prwprty. vacant kits or good roo ai 1 ng - house. OHIO IXVKHTMENT CO.. 421 Ablrgt.Tg bK!g. i'l: I "Tl.Y molern I0-rom . house, lot -5 17-L finest lo-atWn In Aneles. over fHatn ocean and -ity. f.r well-Improved ranch, fruit or (rutt land, about elO.Uw. I. Fl. !"od River. HARDWARE and crockery good railon, growing business. Will sell for jk- or ea.-hanga for income property. Tl Qregonian. T exchange for mares aui table for farm work, one rasollne l.iunrh with house and housebout: a dandv outfit; will trade either or both. A V 2l Qregonian. sAlE H TRADE 54 acres orchard land at or. Wm, Davidson A Co.. :.t.-t and 2 Henry bldg. FIVE A ITk s" new pTasi ere. I house, fruit, etc - 4hx fr ctfy property. SmtU Wagncr Co.. 311-312 Lwl bldg- gl,.1oO income resMetic property. Portland; wl I tra.le ror irm in nnmnno . principal only. T EXCHANGE for autom.b!le. Jots or any thing . f equal value, equity In wheat land. Mil Vllitaxnaave. TOf can trade any kind of property at 310 oak st. FOR SALfc TIMBER LAXDS. TIMHEH LANDS FOUGHT AND SOLD. C J M CRACK EN. McKay BMg. 1J CLAIM.- yeliow pine for location. -t Washington st. TIMHKR ela!ma hmealeada relinquish men La i; a Wonta'.tr bllg W AX TED TO RENT FARMS, WANTED to leaae From 2 to o acres, near lrtland: pP'tny must have gtl house r outage and outbuilding!, aieo gntui water jwipi'ly and good ali; give exact knail.n n flrt letter. C 211. Oreonian. FARMH WANTED. W a X T E I Farm. 1 0e to 1 5 acrea. price aout an acre; will pay lf.0tf cash, price to include this jear'a crop. Imple ment, etc.; my client will arrive in t or 4 daa and wanta to locate at once. If ou cannot call, write at once, giving fall particulars JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. 3; I.afa 'rt? Bldg., Washington and Cth. Farm, al acrenire. fronting on or overlook ing rt v er or ocean. K 1P4. Qregonian. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. HOMESTEAD wanted self and partner. went of Caa adt-s; will dal only with settlers who can locate one or both of us; no agent. C 1'1'V Qregonian. 1 . w ts K t; .anus a antco. C J. McCracaea. 3u4 WoKay bllg WANTED TO RENT-FARMS. WANT to rent furnished farm: ahares. L- A. Cratty. Vaaoouver. Wash.. R. K. D. 2. FOR SALE. Horws. Vehicles and Hamewa. 1A1H of Try cleaaiy nutted horaaa. weight rba. u and tl yeara old: work every j lace and are sound, also true to pull; nearly new heavy breeching harness and ;i-tnc& wide tire farm wagon vnew); sell separately. Call 433 X. Soth. ." TKES cne of the handsomest chunky horses in the city, age s. weight looo; god worker, driver or saddler. J, over t 'at kimtth s shop. 2-'7j Salmon st. A FINE young team of ponies cheap, or exchange for a delivery horse, S-i0 I-.fft 2Jth at.. W. W. car to Powell sl. then g a-uth 3 blocks. FOR SALE One team of heavy work horsea. -ku condition. Cregon A Washington Co.. I'hJne Main 2103. Yol NO rr.are and nne Percheron colt, will ae;i cheap. Vniun Transfer Farn. 11th and H-yt sta A GOOD eran of 6-year-old mule and bar-ne-a. Inquire at Farmer' Home StaMa, Ft rat aad JfTeran scs. Phone Main P'.tiU BTBERtT HALL'S STABLES. If Front St.. livery business, rica horsea harness, wagons, for sale or rent. Main 20. GOolhorse. Iba.. will work any placa and aour.d: 1T.V SePwood 141. . A FINE sadd pony; very gentle. S East T4h st. N 'fTh. Tabor 1 41-' PCYa good plug team. 2a East Sd t- ortn- ATAOOX harnesa and horsea, $2aL T bona FOB BALK. Horsea. Vehicle aad Harneaa. . . WHT buy second-hand vehlclea when yon can get a new one from an old-established whc-K-saie house. 44 yea" Oregon, at almost th same cost? To ar located oui;de tne high rent district, own our building, and can make the rc a. ex clusive agent for the old reliable of Michigan Buggy Co. flne vehicles, dUyry wagona top buggies, runabouts "d""" wagona Be aura and see us oeior you buy. It may save you money. K. M WAD3 A CO, tlJ Hawthornjava.. Iet. East 1st and " UORSZS FOR SALE. Two cars of norses have Just arnvaa and will be aokl under our They .rang In weight from 1009 to 140 Iba: ag from to 11 yeara; all good workers and price reasonable- Wa also fcev three span of smal mulea welgnt IH) to looo lbs. for sail. Call and Inspect these. If wanting horaaa. Hawthorn c. M.. ta uthnrni ava. gr.oO BUYS tem and hart-esa, team ba IlorC. If t r. - true and reliable lo work single or doutoe. on.y reason for adlltig tney have been reduced 1 an automobile delivery tru k. 'in be seen at Portland Trunk Co. stable. rr, North 2t h and i:on ata laitOLRI for aaie New snit-mem Just revived. 12v to 160u iba, suitable f.r rail road, kggmg and farm wrk; mules at Freedmac broa' bam. 13th and Overton mm. Address bpark Wiggintoa. Xmparlal HuttL FOR SA1-E BT PRIVATE PARTY, a-'.w-lb. t&m. age 7 and h. c"on" built and cioaely mated; will work single or double; also their harness, almost new. prtc for Immediate sale, $Z&; can ds seen at residence, 74 a?aviT su . HOUSES, all flrst-clasa; pair black mares. wH matched, 4 and 5 years old; pair bay driving mares, li and b years om, city broke; pair grjy mares, team 4 years oio. weight about 20o; also several goou saddle huraca M.J!Hrown. oaatoa.ur. full SALE Speedy driving mare, safe for lady, hlgh-gra.le. rubier-tired runttmul and harnt-s; must sell at once. &5i th. AatoxBotoiiea. AITOMOBILE BARGAINS. Ths following are a tew bargains in sl'ctitly used and second-hand autotno-btl-s: J m Ford runabout, fine running order - Ford mnaoout. fine running oroer f o OldsmobUe. 0-paa. ."V-h, p.. new tires J h-- fhaimers-Detroit. !:'. almost new 1-.mi Studebker E. M. F-. 1W modl $ lllt hJI. 6-pasa, bargain Brush runabout. n-m I 4,M Thomas Flyer. 7 pass . fine for rent l.m tto.idard-Dayton. "oi. o-pass ..... .ftl'i'Ml AM of the above tare are In first-class running order and are extra good bua I..n t overlook them if you are thinking of buying a car. This la the season to pick up good buys and we have them. PACIFIC ALTO CO.. Iiad-Sivs 11th St.. cor. Jefferson. WILT. SELLTmy-110 "Speedwell 50 dem onstrator at a bargain. Thia car Is abso lutely good a new In every particular, and will sWl it with regular lactory guar antee. If you are looking for a high-class car at a bargain, this is jour chance. THOMPSON MOTOR CAR CO.. Kb-L'-.a 11th M..cor. Jerferaon sL WANTED 1110 flv-paanger automobile In price up to 1 will trade on earn ne. )i'.st completed, modern, five-room and bath, bungaloa, or iuxloo lot. about K minutes out on car; price la $lou; w 111 gi e long time on difference. Phone A 4Q'.2. Room frVJ Cmch bldg. WANTED to trade 5-paasenger Ford. 1110 model for a heavier car; we And the Ford tK light fi.r our w.rk; Hl lay cash dif ference; give name and mouel of car and a'!!rr.-a where can call and see car. Ad drvi B .14. Oregon 1 j n. SEVEN"-PASSEN(;EK car. fine condition. caNh or trade lor hou-e and lot or acreage on Rase Luna road. Merrill. 7th and -oaa. afternoon. Rl'NABOL'T with glass front, wind chains, searchlight, top lamps, extra scat, tires, tools, etc.; good condition: ;i;i cash; need cash. Phone owner. Main 761 today. WILL, exchange good mining stock for auto mobile; this stuck can be thoroughly Inves tigated. Phone A 17, or Main 8790. A 1 lo 30 H. P., 4-sen ted. Overland, used but little, Geo. It. Flora. 47u E. Burnside. ilana. Orana and MuiwmI InMrumenta. A NEARLY new piano, vtandurd make; must nt. rirUe to realise -g,utt , t-rtna If oestred. Clay L PhfBa MalnJt:;. ONE Edison, phonograph with 10 records for sale at a sacrliice. 1171 Salmon su LYON A HEAI.Y organ for aale, $20. Phone Wood lawn 274 J. Birds. Iogs and Pet Stock;. COCKER spaniel puppies for sale cheap F 211. Qregonian. Ai lacellaneoua. MOVING-PICTURE THEATERS. Our filma are tUe pick of 2S indepen dent manufacturera; 14 new picture re leased week.y. You need the best: we can furnish iL Write for full Information. LN D. WESTERN FILM EXCHANGE, 01i-3 1 W B wetland Bldg., Portiand. Oregon. SEWING machines, special aale on aplendfd kt of fine second-hand machines of all leading makes, singer. Wheeler Wilson. New Home. White. Domestic. Household and other, to make room for new singer 61 and rotary. Singer Sewing Machine Store. S- S. Sig"L agent. 3di Morrison SL Phona Main 213. A 4Jtr9. .. WINDOWS SCREENS. Do iou want first-class window screens? We manufacture la Portland. Nothing but rustproof screens that fit. Call Ma n or A 23. GHiaWuLD RUSTPROOF SCREEN CXX. 143 First st. FINT3L.T equipped 2o-ft. pies mire launch, new t"p. etorago batljries; ikis. eic. ; s-n. p. iWiinin enarme comrlete for 2o0. easily wrth Eocn McFarland, SlO Cor bet I b::g. 000 HEADS of cabbage for sale; from which la ready for aaie now about 4000 heads, weight from & to lo Iba each on. Apply to M. Tom, R. F. D. no. i, Van couver. Wash. THE Northwest Typewriter Company. 223 Ablngton bldg. Phone M. 8S70. la th only company selling strictly factory r t-UUt I y pi: nigra . ym ri e i " m . FOR SALE Uw library, consisting of Pa cific Reporter and Cyc. both compiete to date. Will exchange for lot or equity. Call 307 McKay bldg. Main 4710. TWO nic diamond rings, on of a karat and one . will exchange fr good horse ar.d bugay. on or both of them. JK0 East 2"th st. Ml CH experience In all kinds of nursing, maternity, invalids, elderly, infanta. Main CONCRETE MIXHR FOR RA lE OR RENT. BL. DO. FHoNfaJL . FOR 8AL.E or rent; logging and hoisting engine. riaiiway tnuiyuitui Hotn pnongs. SUITABLE for factory or mill building. en K i e auo wnn. . . - . - roaL C li. Qregonian. FOR SALE Showcase, wal leases, counters. c heap. No 2-3 Grand ave. phone East 633. AT bargain, complete high-grade ofric fur nishing two of ilea. Apply elevator boy a BLICK.EXSDERFER TYPEWRITERS. $43. S'.O Ask for catalog. Rebullta 313 up. N. I. un t. Main 320. BtKi buaineas carde. $1.23 if you bring thl i,... -i t Primary. 3d St. S A F ES 5 m oond -han i si f e. ver cheap. i crn "o H? &:h St. A GChH violin outllt cheap. Inquire bo SHOWCASES, new and second-hand, 812 ... rnv rich Also fixtures. FOR PALE Oak rolltop desk; also large tU . K.raln liu Seventh at. re i nKiwi . p. -- A GENTLEMAN going East can sav money . a j ... II -(!) OrManUn. A LADY going East can nve money by ad j li jo iVcrnnlan. VIOLINS banjos, mandolin, guitars at half 'Lf. r. . GOOD up-to-date launch for I or trad. .rfUiai jit - - - - FXR SALE Two Royal wheeled sxrapera In quire Tabor NOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Na- tlonal Credit Am p. rttl Worcester bldf. 5"TfoOT soTldf mahogany desk and chair. Inquire 4S Mohawk bldg. WANTED MIrEtXAXXOr8. IF YOU have household iumitura to sell n i. 1. H" Dark at call up Georga - Both pnonea. CARPENTER work of all kinde; jobbing re modeling, repairing a PcUUy. Cummlngt a7 r.Cln" 371 First st- Marshall 2J27. WANTED Nice home near school for two 14 and 10; state terma AG 217. Ul?gonia w x vTrn To bur straight commission un,irv route: stat xarticulars. P 210, Qregonian. . - j w . i j-v tx T art line . Cine, also small planer and matcher. F. O. B. g 73. Tumwater. y as a, SELL your ssood-hand rural ture mj th Fw Auction Co. or you'll get leaw. Phoa: A 44: Main WkSl W A VTED Movfng-plctur machine. a :m in outfit. AE 214. Oregonlan. WANTED All kind of men's v coed-band clothirg Call up Marshall 1&2. apOT cash paid tor yoor rural tora; prompt WANTED MiaCElXANXOra. WANTED Men's caat-oa clothing and a&oea; w also buy bouae bold xumianuigs; oudm price paid. Call at th "Fal DeaV J N 85 St. Main B271. PVRE-BRED white leghorn and Plymouth Rock hens; win pay reasonaoie ince ' -oung hena Write Mrs. J. W. Wilson, Vancouver, Wash. HIGH EST price paid for man's cast-off clothing, shoe and bicycles. The Olobe Second-hand store, 20 First. Main 2060. We also 1 uy ladles clothing. WANTED 2000 to 3io0 fet of glajw for greenhouse, new or second-nano; aaso i - and 2-lnch pipe for heating. J. Eagleston. Dotiglas ave., Sellwood. ITELP W ANTED MALE. HAXLEY ss T RAVERS". 24 North Second St. Phone Main 727: A 22X. Private Ex. 22. Cranesman 2l days), $i0. Cook, in hosDital. $50. Night cook i.cmp. $5. -Barn bona. 10 and board. Jrt teama. 7 per day. Towder man, S.2.V Eight woodchoppera $t.S per corn. Four piledrler men. $3.50. Three buckers. J3.2.V One first f alter. $3..'U. One second faller. :i.2.S. Three bridge carpenter-!. $3.60 to $4. One fence foreman. $4. WANTED Foor rough carpenters, city: "Blacksmith. To up. Cooks and waitress for hotel In coun try town. $20o month. Cook and helper for small country ho- Twowalter, country hotel, $40. Hundred of other Jobs. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Main office. 12 N. 2d sL HOW TO MAKF) MONET. You can double your present income If you learn to operate motion picture; operators earn $-'5 to $ weekly: motion-picture the aters make $10 to $2"M dally; we start you in business from $uw up; partieiilara gratis. X. Y. Film Exchange and Srhonl of Motkn-Pl.tiire Operating, N ash- lngtn. near 17t h. WAXTED Steady man who knows th city to run auto delivery wagon and make him self generally useful; only man w bo Is ca pable cf approaching trade and can fur nlWi reference need apply; answer, stat ing age. reftrenca nd how la employed. D 21o. Oregonln. MEN WAXTED. age 18 to SO. for firemen $100 monthly, brakemen $$o. on nearby rall roa!j: experience un necessary ; no strike; promotion to engirHra conductor; railroad empmyir.g headquarters: over 600 men sent to positions montniy; sta to ae, send stamp. Railway Association, car Qregonian. lO.OOit POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trad in 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $12 to $23 weekly; expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata loguea Mohler System of College, 35 North 4th ct., Portland. Or. OUTSIDE MAN A rustler, who knows car pets, druperies and general house furnish ing; a rlrst-clnss man to secure contracts. OLDS. WORTMAN KING. WAXTBD Steady oiing man with fair e lu- cation as ass 1st ant to canier in a wnoie sa!e bouie; must have some office exjM.rl enco; good references required. Apply in own handwriting. A 213. Oregonlan. WAXTED A man that has had experience in hardware; muat be willing to do any kind of work; steady Job lor the right man; give references and state experience. Estacada Mercantile Co.. Estacada. Or. WANTED A first-class implement and ma chinery salesman for Willamette Valley and Sound; "no boozer;" give references, age and experience la answer. Address AK 21. Oregonlan. . CANVASSERS wanted for advertised patent ed article; good seller; liberal commission; plenty of giKKi terrlt'TTy open. AddreHa A, , Paulsen. Portland Hotel. WANTED Helper In wholesale liquor house; one having had experience in blending preferred. Addreaa, with refer ence. AM 217, Oregonlan. MEN demonstrator wanted to Introduce "Keenoh" razor strop; good pay; must have small cardial or good references, tail Port land Hotel. Mr. A. E. Paulsen. WANTED Young man to learn automobile repairing, small capital secures big money ma k ing proposition. 320 H Washington, room 417. . WANTED Night clerk with knowledge of bookkeeping for city hotel; experienced man oniy neeo. appiy. j y. wicKiMom. wivTF.i) Al ceneral machine hand In plan ing mill, on frames and odd work. Address Med ford SLsh & Door to. , .weniora. in roMPKTKXT stove nlumber i:d repair man. wno can furnish referenca. Edwards &. Co !!! 1st. REt;iSl ERED physician wanted In adver tising specialist office; permanent position. L 214. Qresonian. WANTED Experienced grocer and good eullcitor. D. Kelluher & Co.. 133 Grand avenue. quire Oregon Lime A Plaater Co., 433 Worcester Plug., roruanu. HUSTLING youn man for profitable po sition, house-to- no use soliciting, ata i' lor t.. 2 to 4 P. M. . YOUNG man, 18 to 20. for fruit farm, one month's work. Apply 10 to 11 A- M-, room 44. at"1 Morrison mi. TWO first-class machinists wanted for Hoqulam. asn. w rue urayi naroor x. SOLICITOR of ability to call on mfg. trad in Purl I ana : steany wor to a nuipiier. au drew AL 21. oregonlan. cn.t'syrN' to handle the only perfect dust leaa brush on tho market; exclusive terri tory. 2o g. x nirq av.. ruru.tnu. COMPETENT stationary engineer for saw mill, near rxriianu; eo urumu. reference require a. a -i-. jrewouiaji. kOUNG man familiar with packing gro ceries. Apply Lang Sk Co.. First and Ankeny WAXTED Bovs from IS to 17 yeara old to work at baseball park. 243 Vaughan at. MetKger iienu. vi a vTFD A experienced solicitors: a fins new line; $H to 9M per day. 428 Lumber Exchange hlng. STRoXG lad about 18 or over to work in bread department as neiper. v an i a r. M. Royal Bakery. 11th and Everett sta wtr n 1r runlmrt tn clear 10 to 100 acres land, east of Portland. Vanduyn A V a 1 ton. &I5 cnamoer Q commerce. WANTED An errand boy for wholesale house ; goon opponun i j or nu uio ment. K 244. Qregonian. wivTKU Energetic boy for grocery bus! nesa. Ask for Mr. . Habermon, jenntnga 1 .orl ge. Oregon nty car. MEN and teama to haul 15 or 20 cords of wod from Union Depot to 6th and Da vis. Adure tiottfi nousf-m. $13 TO $23 week few months oniy learning; situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-Engraving SchooL.BoxlSZ. Ashland. Or. GENTLEMAN desiring medical attendant for traveling companion. Telephone Jeraey 1571; excellent quaiincauonaJ WANTED Neat young man with l&O to learn real estate buaiaeaa. Can make big money. 242 Fifth at. WANTED A collector: must be abl to furnish hors. also bond requlrod. 402 W ash st. BOY for light oifice and messenper work. iHHru own writing. AC 210. Oregonlan. BARBER wanted; good man; steady job; ..-.,-t- irir. X. sixth at. BARBER wanted; firsr-class; $18. Address . II wA T1 1 1 B Of j ameariuow. - PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents; pew offer. Cutberth studio. Je k um bldg FOR gen. woodwkg shop, experienced bench men" Universal Mfg Co.. A berd en. Wash, TWO sheet metal workers. L. J. Russell. Aiieraeen. ai. EWS agent for railroad train service. Apply to caraaiow - AN wanted handy with tools to work on a. U.1I 1 Fmnr at. rn n c n. no oc . ARN driving automobile, pay after you ret work. 3 20 H Washtn gion. roora 41 7. ret EXPERIENCED cleaner and spotter. Vienna lye orKs. Z. . pirtT.ri.Afis horaeshoer wanted. 237 A W Taylor St.. city. -v--r T.n" ninaterera and one laborer. East rin sna iii" - BOOKKEEPING- Private tuition by an ac- iIVE teachers; rural; $70. $75, $S0 and fk. Hll S wetland bldg. 7l SALESMAN for advertising novelties; commission basts. 312 nenryoius. ployment. X. M. Ungar Co,. 10 7th St. BOY "wanted, with wheel, steady position; good wages. Apply 324 YamhllL WANTED Tinner and furnace man. F. S. 121 uiviam" PRESSER. women's garments. and skirt handL R. M. Gray, 2.3-2. jaomn -i- V ANTED Experienced drug order clerk-". mumauer-rTan i-'mg v., I'ANTED Teamster. 14 SOth U, Monta- vi'la. . rw Q gins 10 sew iuiui r: - Manufacturing Co.. ISth and Upshur sta PririWAg"F1 vaxiLad J1 -sAh, Mt HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Able-bodied men for th TJ. 8. Marina Corpa between tn agea oi B5; must be native born or havs Brat papera Monthly pay $15 to $ Ad ditional compensation possible- Food, clotting, quartsr and medical attendanc frea After 80 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowance. Serv ice on board ahlo and ashore In all Prt of the world. Apply at U. S. Marin Corp" Recruitiug Station. Breeden bldg- 8d ana Washington st . port land, or. WANTED Hopplckers to pick 173 acres of pood hops, two miles from Independence; n- ftamnln w .rnimlll water. flnS bathing, restaurant, grocery, bakery, meat market, dance hall on the grounds; no charges for Job; low excursion rates; fam lMe8 desired. For further particulars call on George L. Rose. Carlson s fruit store, S03 East Morrison sL. v A- M- to 8 P. M. HERE'S the job. now produce. The laat man ai cms joo wa-s a i" -' - couldn't make good and we had to let him go. As I said before, the Job calls for a trained man. Now, it is up to you. Call or writ for new catalog. Inter national correspondenc Schools. 3S Ai . der sl RAILWAY ma!l clerk. Portland examination November 12; $SO0 to $16O0; preparatloa free. Franklin Institute, dept. 285 S, Roches ter. N. Y. WAXTED A neat bright boy. 16 to 17 yri of ge. ror on ice in wnui-.aa.iw 13. Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Ct . U" Anin-- hotel. 14 D. I wo notei coorb, i n. , f-v. Restaurant cook, $12 week Head waitress tout of city), $40. Two waitreases reort), $25. Restaurant waitress, $.$ and $D. Chambermaid, $33. Nurseglrl. 30. Two second girls. $30. Two waitresses. Arlington, far paid, $25. Family cook, $10. Helper. $:. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 3 45wa s n.i u ,ri oom THE Municipal Employment Bureau. 2.3 Madison St.. wants waitresses, dishwashers, cook. chambermaid. girls for general housework; have places for 2 elderly women who want good homes and also laundry belo: no fee. WANTED A refined, serioue-mlnded girl or womon as cnuaren nui ou ance with light housework; soma oppor tunity for travel. Address Mrs. George Gerltnger, Dallas, or WANTED A competent girl for cooking and after t A. M.. 781 Lovejoy. Phone Main 37 1 W. GIRLS to lay macaroni on trays; good wages- steady work; come prepared to work. Northwestern Macaroni Factory. RAILWAY mall clerka postofftce clerks and carrier' examination In November; salary up to $1800; free Book $0; Pacific State School. McKay bldg.. Portland. FIRST-CLASS cook to go to Coast for few weeks and permanent position in Portland thereafter; good wage. Call 84SVi Tenth st. cior iv Jk. WANTED Two ma I da. two cooks, also wait ress; none but experienced need apply. Louis Agency. 3u3 Washington. wTNTEDGirt over 17 to aawiift with care of 2 small children. Apply b- Tillamook street. LADY to take charge and help manage boarding-house while owner Is away; good cook with no family wanted. A 214. Oregonlan. WANTED An experienced maid for second work: small family, good wages; ref erencea 434 Park st. YOUNG girl, living at home, to work in real estate office; easy hour; wages $10 month ly. AJ 211. Qregonian THOROUGHLY experienced cashier; Hong kong Cafe. 107 Sixth st. Call after 10 . A. M. WANTED First-class stenographer. must furnish A-l references. Apply 40tt Lewi b'.dg.. bet. 8 and A. M. WANTED Reliable woman to enter train ing in small hospital, with some experl ence preferred. AH 216. Qregonian. WANTED A lady talloress to work on men'e coats. Apply B. Pallay. 6lh floor GooUnough bldg. STENOGRAPHER; must be rapid and ex perienced; wage $o0 per month. AM -lo. oregonlan. , GIRL for general housework; must be good cook ; god wages to right party. Phona taft b.fbi FUR FINISHERS and operators wantetd; steady employment. N. M. Ungar Co., furriers. 100 7th st. . EXPERIENCED lady solicitors, houae-to- houae advertising; no selling: salary paid. Call room 7 Amsdon Hotel. SoS 3d st. WANTED A girl about 14 years, good home and clothes: out of town; no chll- WANTED Girl for general housework, family of two. Apply before noon. 461 East 18th. North. . SHIRT finishers to work In laundry. Apply Standard factory No. 2, Grand are. and 843 Washington St.. Cor. 7th. Lpstalra Phone Main 2692. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 6U Rotfa chlld bldg.. 4th and Waahlngton. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, two in family; reference. 212 Js 20th st. - : . COMPETENT girl for general housework. Ap ply 357 East 48th North. Take Rose City Park car. YOUNG woman a cashier and bookkeeper. with some knowledge of stenography. Ap- ply D. Kellaher A Co., 133fr Grand ave. W ANTED A first-class experienced labeler for tea, coffee and spice department. Wad hams A Kerr Bros.. 4 th and Hoyt sts. THOROUGHLY experienced girl for general housework; good wages. Call 455 Market street. TEACHERS for Coast statea We hire di rect. Call Pacific Teachers' Agency, 304 6 LewiaBldg.,4thand Oak- , GIRL for general housework in family of two; wages $3o. Address Lock Box Dallas, or. Sana, nuwno ,-. 0 I J!6 Washington St., Room oi. Main SS36 or A 3206. MTDDIE-AGED lady without children for housekeeper In family of three; A-l refer- ence required. J 210. Oregonlsn. EXPERIENCED sales ladles in cloaks and aulta. also good alteration hands. Apply r as tern Qumnuis; THRFE flrst-clae sollcltora, something out of the ordinary. Call at 433 Alder L Mrs. Wilson. , TWO good sewing gtrla E. Ourney, 406 Mo- EXPERIENCED nurse girl. 33 to 33 old, for boy 3 yeara Phone Sellwood 310. A GIRL for general housework In small family. APD'y itn PL- TUTOR. Southern Alaska; secona year High school and piano. 611 Swetland bldg. gTrl to assist with general housework. 606 Everett WANTED Girl to assist In boarding-house. ,3 oth st. GOOD girl for general housework; small WAM ED Waitress at th Newport Res taurant. -o 1 own mTdDLB-AGED lady for light housework, -0.-1 home. 160 B. First N. . voi'VG lady for cashier In store. Apply W.10 A. m!. 2-3 P- ,M.grJ COAT finisher wanted; must be experienced. Call at one-. 73 GIRLS wanted for mangle. Hotel Portland laundry aepa - WANTED at once. 10 lady demonstratora Pai.ltary ncam-y -ro.A.g. - GIRL for dining room at winters eiau rant. 23Q First st. WANTED First-class millinery trimmer; no oherneedapply-Chapeau, U5 Seventh. WAXTED A dining-room girl at The Oxark. inn au WAXTED A cook. 3 In family. 2 girl kept- 707 Flanders St. LESONS In shorthand and typewriting by expert; $5 a month. 26tt 14th. Main aitO. GIRL to assist with housework and care of baby. 6t7 Broadway. ; "vVOMAN" to iron ladlea" clothe; also girls to learn. Yale Laundry. 5"0 East Morrison at. WANTED First-class body Iron operator. Portland Laundry, th and Couch. GOOD cook; some general housework; no washing. Apply mornings. 654 Irving st. A NT ED A flrst -cl a& ironer. International Laundry. n-iVTED A competwnt cook and a second VV ,, . 1 . .J,,lr. 1-1 11.1, girl D lamny 01 v-'" qTjRL, to assist in general nousewora. ao Yamhill au ' WANTED Competent woman for general housework; goodwaesAppIy S58 Irving. IIE ip w an ted. Unloa Laundry Co.. Sd and Columbia, GOOD cook and second girl. 474 Market, cor. 14th. .WANTED A dining-room girl at 163 12tn and Morrison sts. WANTED Girl to aaslst with general h on se work, j,b-t urn q. uoMAN tor nrst-olass ironing. Lsm"h-Tx frtf W'sthlngton aC French iii'i d ivrvaf e: w a i,r- - " WANTED Several bright young women learn telephone operating; students paia $20 per month while learning; a .tnorouga training given each student before aa algnment to position. This ia n fP' Uonal opportunity for ouch PPilcT"r qualify. Apply to SCHOOL PRINCIPAL at our BAST OFFICE. East Ankeny and 6th ata. or MAIN OFFICE. Wt Pr and Aider sts., between ft A. M. "d P. M. week day. Tha Pacific Telephone A Tele, rap h Co , WAITRESSES, ahort-hour, thoroughly ex perienced people wanted at once. Appi to Mrs. Spencer, tearoom. 4th floor. OLDS. WORTMAN A KING, GIRLS. 16 TO 18 YEARS of age whiwi!J have a good permanent position with an opportunity to learn the business OLDS. Y Olt 1 MA.-N oc WANTED Reliable woman for cooking and general housework: good wages to right partv; four In family. Call at 74o Haw- tnorne ave,, corner. WANTED An experienced stenographer, give references and phone number: start ing salary $60. Addreaa P. O. Box 42, Portland. WANTED Competent woman for housework, good wagea Apply - Irv ing st. , HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. HOPPICKERS to pick 600 acrea of hops, big crop fine accommodation, bakery, butcher shop, grocery store, restaurant, free dancing pavilion, beautiful camp ing grounds, delightful bathing, low ex cursion rate; register now at lres Bros, office, room 618 Worcester bldg.. Third and Oak sta. No charges for Job. Office hours 1 to S P. M.. Sunday to 1 P. M. Home. A 4335. Malnj ;. I WANT hustling, and reliabj men and women to work as organizers for a ftrst-claas fra ternal life ir-?urar.ce association, to whom 1 will guarantee big pay and rapid promo tion; experience Is not nece-sary; If you can fill the bill call at room 1, Parr Ho tel, 112-14 6th st.. between 8 and 10 A. M., and 4 and 6 P. M. 400 HOPPICKERS wanted; the best yard In the state; good accommodations; want a partv to run the boarding house. Apply to Andrew Kan A Co.. 240 Waahlngton st. THE NEW YORK Amupement Co. want per former, singer, musicians, opera tore, etc oJB'fr Washington, near 17th. CH RACTER woman and comedian for stock, opening September; amateurs oon- siderea. u -' -. v MAKE money writing torlea for ; newi papers; big pay; free booklet; tells how. unirea rtcw mc-.. -.- - . . r FISK TEACHERS AGENCY ottn good posiUons to A-l instructor 611 Swetland, 61TCATIONWANTEl-MALE. iJookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION as clerk In retail grocery or In druggist sundry line; reference as to honesty and responsibility. K 242, Ore gonlan. i EXPERIKN01i. real eaiai- mv.11 aim ' book draughtsman wants office position Wltn goou. r--.ii -., " A. t;onin. jaux on, j v.c... strong personality, would like situation in ofllce or as cuy a-uwut m, ref erenc fumiahed. R 210. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER and accountant. 20 years' experience, capaoie l " , 40 yeara old, married, willing to leae town. w -m, vic..uiau. YOUNG" graduate attorney wishes position; salary no object; best references. Address S'Jo casi 1 in -i-ioit". MARRIED man. 30, wants steady position Jn office or store; bank reference; willing to Biari low. w TYPEWRITING wanted by experienced sten- ograpner. tvuix tiiiic able, raoor POSITION as salesman wanted; thorough . .-1 k..Mln m-tnH-) AP 2i2. Qregonian. Ikf laoatl lan eoua. A MIDDLE-AGED married man from the position as chisiucw j-"" n-ocrontnn. . a Aaafram nOErttlon With UAhUblcj engiJio eiv kv 1 '11" some firm or party that requires an expert .1 . .-. aion nun handle automobiles. r suit Oreaoiiian. TOUNG man wants position a collector or at prtaeui- m uu-uu " ' . tar- flr-t letter. V 218. Oregonian. - WANTED position, uy nuci .7 ,...., country; thoroughly understands care or Mrtn riefT room 5 205 V Washington st. WANTED Position as watchman. Janitor or i honrlv tlh tOOl9. Will any place o. v ui. . j ; rt,.. work in shop or garage. Address R 2ii, HARNESS-MAKER, young man. requires steady job. custom anoy 01 auj .u n,.-ition ateadv. AH 21, Orogonihn. A STEADY young man from East wants permanent position as gardner on private place or para, ja YOUNG man 23 desires position at anything; . , . , inH.iotrinit- (rood. SteadV w o rker. weuer-u, .. RELlArll-n; woman .- - " 0 inT and washing. Mrs. J. Tanko, olS Vt t. SUPERINTENDENT of building construction expenenceu n 1 - .inn. AH 220. Qregonian. A GOOD steady man with experience wants .jj .i,i- am lonitnr. Af! !16. Or8- aieauy i'i'u" - WAXTED Position as gardener, either on gonmn jAPANIS--! boy wants situation do houseworlc or cookuig, n-ip, qwi" .,... . I enora. f. j. do TRAP drummer and sign painter want po- s 1 k nvn t m rn o '2 l.i. Ore gonlan. CARPENTER work, any kind, day or coa- traci. rnoPB - JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish allhelpV Main 465l. A 4073. 263 Everett. EXPERIENCED janitor wants night or day work, jnain ww COLORED boy. age 17."deslres work In hotel or office, -a MARRIED man wishes position on ranch hayeexperlence. AN217;Orcgonian. CHAUFFEUR, experienced, wants position wm 10 vuui-p. r LICENSED chauffeur wishes position .driv ing, rnoiie i FIRST-CLASS cabinetmaker want work by contract or by aay. aaain a.m. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer- EXPERIENCED stenographar wanU position. Phone wooQiawn uuu. Dress makers. LADIES' tailoring- alterations, coats relined. Mrs. MUCKjer. 1-W yuiumuwf j-ir. FANCY and plain gown. Main 7016. HousekeeporB. M-ARRIED lady with experirnce wants post ing-house. Address Mr. Coclan, lbS West Park. Norses. MATERNITY nurse wanta case. Call lm mediately. Main 492. . Domeetica. WOMAN wishes light housekeeping; care of sick lady; call personally, bisters of Mercy. NORWEGIAN girl wishes place to do gen eral housework. Call 522 GoingJL . Miscellaneous. v of business experience desires position in confectionery, fruit stand or half days or evenings if desired; best local r er e rences. mam oqjj w - YOUNG lady would like to . learn millinery --.- -10. -.- -lnrv while learnlntt. State salary and hours required. L SiL LADY wants work for board and room or ---t-: k.f, of cnil- maii wagea. w cren. tt -i-. ure.mnn. LACE curtains washed and stretched 40c a WOMAN wants work Thursdays, Fridays; no TT- j .-..-.... PhnrA East 2029. Hail UBJ B , WOMAN wishes work by hour or day. Mar WANTED AGENTS. nursery stock 1 la demand; sales this season win 00 " , . , , .1." . v portunlty; cash paid weekly; outfit free. ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 per week easily selling trees for the Oregon Nursery era proposition. Call or write to Orenoco. Oregon AGENTS wanted to aid u. .upplr th. de- ire.- cash weekly. Addrea. Capital City - 1 s.l.m fir BARBER WANTED Have good location. Ad- MALE agents wanted to sell article; make m . xi i O AroinnilLiL r i . - I WAVTEIV-Tft TRENT. I X Vt ivla a. WANTED TO KENT. We furnish th renter, collect tha rent, pay taxes, insurance and keep np ra pairs, the aatz.e fur you aa thougn th prop arty was o ar o w n; references, any bank la Portland. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 245 H Stark 6 Fhonea A 3500. Main 35. House. WANTED to rent, a flrst-clasa 6 or 7 -room house in best west iae awinct; mu. uhvp hardwood floors and strictly modem; rent about $."0; poaw!on within 30 days. Ad dress 724 Electric bldg. WANTED A 6 or 7-room house or Sat; walking distance; rent reasons Die. Jt'none East 2o53. or AD 211. Qregonian. FTVE-KOOM cottage furnished or unfurnished. pleasant neighocrnooa; .une pi-e " lo cation. E 225. OregoniHn. WANTED By young lady and gentleman. 2 separate rooms, wun or wnnou. u raa..t, walking distance. AH 21i. Qregonian. FAMILY of 2 wanta furnished house of 4 to 6 rooms at once, in urcgwuiwi. Apartments. MODERN 5-ROOM lower flat, with tlreplac and walking d-srtar.ce. A u, urfwn-iu WANTED Furnished rooms. lFh house keeping; East side; private xamny; manent. no children. M 24t. Qregonian. itooina With BitarC- TOUXG MAN who practices violin wlshe rxm and board with party mat. company him on the piano; all easy work; will pay extra. E 22i, oregonian. - GENTLEMAN and two sdstere want rooma and board, private family, cuoao in v ierred; references exenangeo. Qregonian. WANTED Room and board In private fam- l v for voiinc man atuaent: rererecces xieii. reply with particulars. AM 214. Oregon iar.. YOUNG laay desires room and board in strictly private family; reierenevs. ' Fifth st. ROOM and breakfast by young man; Irv- lngton preferred. J zu, uregoman. Business Places. WANT to lease store suitable for grocery store in suburbs. l 2iu, uregoman. FOB KENT. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILNER BLDG," 350V, MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL, REASONABLE . NICELY furniahed rooms central near two carllne. rea.goaa.Dte. yiwui-u, Furnished Kooaaa. HOTEL ALDER. Corner Fourth and Alder. J. W. tiauey, j lo the heart of the city, only one block from postoifice. Meier & Frank store and Qregonian building; first-class and Just openeu, July 20. Every other room a suite with privare oaia; wwiiyie -,.. bath for traveling men; no noise, as no carlines pais c.oit.1. dui whwu of all cars; phone in every room, faee our mezzanine u o.uu 1 - - -" , lora Rates $1 day up; with bath. $i.5 up. lus meets a-i -ra-oa. v w neat guests. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY NEW SCOTT HOTEL. Seventh and Ankeny sta The preacher who reaches, Xhe teacher who teaches. And the drummer with goods to sell; With wife or with daughters. W nen ivokiuk , -- All are welcomed at the New faco.t Hote- A quiet home for qnlet peopl, HOTEL MEDFORD. 7, Z. . , ... ii.-mM T-iT-X-VT JU1 yJr r 1- , " -----. buiiding; flne large ground-floor office; hot and cold running water In all "p-; team heated; private bath; very richiy furnished; rate only $3 and up per weeu; owe up r . Vu ' Kortneast corner r uiu -"u COSY HOMELIKE. COMFORT AULA. HfiTEI. SAVON 12H Eleventh St. . j ViiilliH-n- atAnm t-scw, mouciii uo. ....-.,, heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, peautituiiy iui-uw. 1 . 1 . . i-.a cinnnlA (.all comtcrtaDie. ivi . - and eee us. Regular and transient trade ooiiciteo. HOTEL SARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. Phona East .1 . Kv.rn Pplvata hn 1 ha conneciing elevator, firs i -class grill. Sp cial rate by week or month. American or ruye.M. I ransienis suiiciigi. GRAL CiNlOXN nwA , o' 73 " aide, rooms single or en suite; furnished or un.urnuinea, out v.u ... rooms; also suites with private baths. Phone East 5M4V. a l-tO. O'NEILL Two furnished rooms for rent by week or monin; -- w v-1 first-clas3 bath included; valet service. Alder and W. ara. nUl-li uu-i-.'"'-.. . ,. . i-t.k -tiT 1 o am t urn hn wasnmsiuu aim " - ,. ; room, single or en ulte; 411 modern con- veniences; $a weeKiy up. a -to-i. -q. ltVl itvri.m. 312 Oak at., corner Sixth; large, light, airy room, elegantly furniehed; electric B1HS. 1 Uill.n.C. " - , " HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, opp. Portland He- single or en suite, modern; $5 up; transients solicited, main ji, a. PLEASANT, newly furnished lodging rooms; 2 up; uatn, puuuc . y .. Burnslde st. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sta, well furnished Sleeping rooms, -sr ltctrlc lights, not pains iree. THE AUDITORIUM HOTEL. 20SK Third- Hot and cold running waier in ruoina. by week $3.oo ana up; oy u.y, tw auu up. MODERN outside rooms. $2.60 to $3 per week. including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 54a Waahlngton et. ELEGANTLY and newly furnished single outside rooms, only $10 and up. The Del Monte, 20th and V aanington sts. THE LAN DORK, 288 10th, near Jefferson Newly rurniBnt u room-, unanj hjmw--. FURNISHED room, homelike, close in, -phone,reasonaDie.oi ou - . Furrhe-1 Room- in Private ttca lor-. wflM furnished rooms with kitch .-!...- rrlvnift home: walklne distance gas. electric light, both phones suitable lor mar. ana who; uu tunuiru. . bia st.. bet, lath ana itm FOR RENT Pleasant front room, nicely furnished, suitable for two gentlemen; walking distance. 567 Irving st. Phone Main 00a o. uriiiiLr ins -ont. to resoectable young worn an for caring for children occasionally when parents are oui ; wjiu. ummin-u. Phone 20.- LARGE, airy pleasant front room, bay win dow; modern coiivenieuua, w-tia.o., tance. 569 Everett SL , ly Small furnished room In modern steam heated apartment, second floor. Flat D, 4G9 jenerson. -i .oa. WANTED One working girl to take a fur nished room, free bath and phone $l.o0 perweek- li 1 ai;a8t jaaiu. cowic. ocm. 255 13TH ST., a nicely furnished room for either lady or gentleman ; bath and gas lncludea. Phone aain ueta. FURNISHED rooms $5 per month; grand view 01 river aaiu cn-y , ua.i, ww tana ave.. Mississippi ave. car. 800 11TH Nicely furnished room, modern conveniences, reasonable. FURNISHED 3-room flat, bathroom, tele phone, no cmiureu. tii am PT.EASANT well furnished front room, geij- r V. t ... mil lflQ Main on Xiemen ; ctuu nin. - NICELY" furnished front room, modern v.rd 451 Tenth sL. cor. Jackson. NOB HILL, close in, large, well furnished room, pain, yaru. o-- b-. UP-TO-DATE steam-heated newly-furnishe roomp. jm y m'u " NICELY furnished front room, $16 month. nat u. ov ioj"u' BAY mare, o years om, wciBiv sound andgenUe;phoneMaln04&6. COZY single room; 6 minutes poatoffice; all .. (!. Pnrlr mt convenient! v- t -- ROOMS, with or without board, on East Klrte. fnone -qw. FURNISHED room for renL 802 East 60th b t. ; on canin e. tJnfnrnlshed Rooms. J uai V nAl " ,i. - - MILNER BLDG." 8504 MORRISON ST, vonERX. CENTRAL, REASONABLE Rooms With Board. PORTLAND Women Union. 23d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and library 510 Flanders. Mis Frances N. Heath. supt. -up HAZE1--- or iauic au b-sw., nicely furnished room, first -class board. 3S5 3d st. cor. Montgomery BOARD AND ROOM for two, nice large room. 91 11th st. "Rooms With Board In Private Family. ATTRACTIVE, well-furnished room with board, reasonable: employed people pre-fT-red 10 N. 18th st. NEWLY furniahed 8 and" 4-room apartment wltn moaeru -- - the Leonce. NICE room and board, $5.50 a week. 650 Rooms With Board in private Family. 617 KEARNEY ST. Private boarding-house. suitable for mail families or 2 or a o" men. private baths, running water, f,r? places, good home cooking. Mrs. Wortn. M. awn. WANTED One or two children to oosru. where there aio no other ennaren. ue yard; 1 block to school. 705 Savler st. EVERY honie comfvrt with room and for two young men. w e nave mo v there 1- to offer. Phone B 2i:'.S. LARGfc-suite rooms, private bath, for two or three; also single rooms, -u rtoiriu -- SL Phone A 723U. EXCELLENT table and elegantly furnished room for one couple only. . -ui. uresw' FIKST-CLASS room and board for two In prt vat family. its N. 17th t. -Lain -o. ROOM and board for two, $23 each; Not Hill. Main 54H. tt'.to E vereu si. Apartment. SAN MARCO APARTMENTS. East 8th and Couch streets; new brick, now ready for occupancy; all 3-room apartments; private bath with each apartment; private telephones, high-oven gas range; linoleum on both rooms and kitchen floors; built-in ice box; steam heat, hot water all the time; garbage cared for by janitor; unfurnished except above-mentioned articles; rents cheapest in the city for what you get; $25 to $0 a month. Call on premises. BIAN-MYR APARTMENTS. Just opening; new four-story modern brick; fine large rooms, furnished and un furnished; steam heated throughout; pri vate bat ha in each apartment ; electric dumb elevator, electric automatic passen ger elevator; two, three and four-room apartments ; some single rooms, reception halls, janitor service; exclusive and modern, rates reasonable. 22S 20th st., near Love Joy. LUCRETIA COURT. On Lucretia si, bet. 22d and z3d sta. near Wash. About ready fcr occupancy. Mr. S. Sllverfleld has Just completed this elegant and most modern apartment building, the copy of one of the best New York apartment-nouses. Apartmenta can be secured from $35 to $75. References re quired. Apply to superintendent on th premises. T-11 -i u a w f.r aPAHTMBNTI 489 Clay treet, second house from 14th, the onlv modern completely furnlhsed 3 room ajiartmfcni-houfie in tne city; houe and elegant furniture brand new; Just opened for buaine-s; steam beat, lectrio light, hot and cold water In every apart ment; private phone, bath; walking dis tance; $!S-$25, including electrie light, Mar- snaiizu74. HEINZ apartments, 14h and Columbia; .. . m f i. . -,.. hi-lr-k- UIOJK3 BUUIQ 1 1 U 1 11 -i " building, completely Ilrst-claas; furnished In 2, 3 and 4-room - family a part men ta, pnvane oaiu xvcepLiou u-u, vua hot watetr. elevator, free prone, janitor service; rent from g-5 per month and up. ANGELA APARTMENT. 3 Trinity Place between ltfth and 20th, near Washington New brick building; 2. 3, 4-room apart ments, furnished and unfurnished with private bath, telephone, electric elevator, porch es. janitor aervlce. THE IRVING, 21st and Irving sts.; 4-room unfurnished apartments; all outside rooms, ample closet room, verandas; rent very reasonable. Also a 5 -room baswment apartment, with heal, gas range, hot and cold water and window shades; $20 per month; references. ORDERLEIGH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand Ave. and Siark St. New fireproof brick buildiug, beautiful ly furnished two and three-room apart ments, private baths, wall bed, large clothes exacts. Phone E, 300. ( RE-U KAN Apartments, 624 Marshall sL Ex clusive, newly furnished, modern in every respect, outside ligiit, quiet and homelike surroundings. If looking for somtfthing real nice, see these. Main 6032, A 319L ' THE BERYL APARTMENTS. Strictly modern, large rooms and thre closets to every apartment; cool and airy for Summer. 6b5 Lovejoy at- Take W car. ; FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modern In every particular; steam-heated, hot water janitor services, with hrst-class furnishing-. Apply to JanlLor, 6ttt Kear- ney at. CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and Glisan, and 3-room apartments, new 4-tory brick, juat completed, all modern conveniences; each apartment ha private outside balcony; rent reawriituw. THE ALT A MO NT APTS. 5th and Colleg ets. Newly and elegantly furnished, at reasonable rates; hardwood floors, private phones, bat ha, wall safes, janitor service; unfurnished if desired. Phone Main 0080. ST. CROiX Apartments, 170 SL Clair St.. near WaahinBton. Two and three-room modern apartments. Fine residence loca- JUST OPENED THE WHITEHALL, 253 6th St., 4 Bquares above P. O-; family ho tel, private baths and telephones; tran sienta solicited. FOR RENT to responsible party, elegantly furnished apartment, 5 rooms, strictly modern, references. No. 1 9, the Roae friend. cor. 7th and Jefferson. BTEAM-H BATED 5-room apartment, mod ern and desirable, 625 Everett at. Apply Morgan. Fieidner & Boyee, 5o3 Abinyton bldg. , : f ONEONTA APTS. 187 17th. south of Yam hill (W. car at depot), 2 and 3-room fur nished suites, hot and cold water, fre y hones, bath. Main 4007. A 473tf. KEELDR APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay aa. A few choice suites left at $40 and $50 i per month. NEW 4-room apartment, including every modern convenience; rent only $25. Cor. 21st and Northrup sta Main lUSi; A 4606. THfcJ LOIS APARTMKNTS, 704 Hoyt Ona three-room furnished suiu. with sleeping porch. Marshall 2ul0. STANLEY APARTMENTS. 701 Washington Mrs. T. D. Hughes. Modern 3 and 4- room apartments ; every convenience. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $1 per "week each, gas plate furnished, Belmont Apts.. jiSOJ Belmont St. ST CLAIR 715 Wayne trt. ; modernt six-room -partment'.tyo porches. Phone Main 4030. KING HILL APARTMENTS. King and Wayne sts. Apply to janitor. THE CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders; 4-room. modern apartments. Apply to Janitor. Flats. th REE new. up-to-date flatei, best location in city" Call Main 15)5. East 1187. W. Reldt, 401 Rothchild bldg. Money no ob ject; want a good tenanL fitJNNYSIDES Lady would share modern 5 room flat, furniehed, with lady employed; JeaSnable. Tabor 1718. AK 218. Ore- soman. UPPER flat, tt rooms, vuh.ciii.. ranged, rent reasonable. Southeast corner d and Kearney. FOR RENT Five-room flat, Lovejoy, near 3ra st., 33.50. Vanduyn & Walton. SIS Chamber of commerce. FOR RENT New, lovely 4-room flat, 2&th st.. near E- Irving st. Phone East 5 and B 1404. 3-ROOM flat, all conveniences, eaay walk ing distance. 3i Montgomery at. la- quire at a4 aouiiiuci) . NICELY furnished 4-room flat, with bath: walking distance; rent very reasonable II taken atonce4SSit E. Couch at. tHOOM-nicely furnished flat, clean and convenient, walking distance. 655 V, Mor- WHKN moving call uo Van Horn Transfer Co?. Main IBIS. A 1984. All covered tag p.", 11 e-perlenced men. . MODERN 5-room upper flat with sleeping porch, 424 Tillamook. Phone C 2058 after FOR RENT Modern 6-room flat, good con. dilion, 6HS Northrup St.; rent 45. Phone Main FOUR-ROOM modern Hat, grand view of river and city; 15 per month, including water. 093 Montana ave. KEW, modern5-roomflat. East 18th and Ah. Phone B 2006. Price t32.50. 6-ROOM flat for rent; furniture for sale. 451 E. Ankeny.CaU after7P. M. FOR RENT Unfurnished flat; large rooms, convenient. 349 12th at. S ROOMS, modern.'bath and furnace. 60014 Salmon; key at 600 Salmon at. MODERN two-family flats, 6 and 8-room. corner Ninth ana gcnuyier. pii"-""- SWELL. Modern 6-room upper flat; walk ing distance. r.Mt MODERATE 6-room upper flat, nice location. BUteenth and Everett. Inquire 529 EveretL MODERN 3-rooin furnished flat. 383 5th Bt. HoUhekerplii" Rooms. WEEK Clean, furnished nouseKeeping "rooms; laundry, bath, pnone. gas. heat, clean linen. 408 Vancouver ave. 1 ...... .!.. .....lunln, mnmi heat. laur.dry. bath. 203 Stanton. TJ car. MODERN flat. 5 blocks from Poatoffice. In guire 327 Mohawk bldg. 5-ROOM flat for rent. 665 17th t near Everett. Xo children. j Honwekeeplng Rooms. UNFURNISHED two-room. bay window suites five blocks from Postofflce. S05V. Jefferson, corner Fifth st. Beautiful out look; . FINE DOWNTOWN HOME. "MILNER BLDG." 350V4 MORRISOX ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th. com pletely furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. f J rTfl-r i-lilh aaa sa