Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 18, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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    : : x vr;A vr Hplpnp. Marouise. Rensfo Belt Corsets, SaHlin Waists
Agents Koyal Worcester. ron a on, earner, mci n, ew
MaicrTnand Hairdressing. 2d Floor-Candy Store and Soda Fountain, Basement-Delicatessen andBaKerg4jjlZl
$7.5Q Handbag $3.96
65c Neckwear at 19c
Today only we offer the best lot of high grade Handbags
we have ever shown at such an extremely low price. They
come in real aeal and goat seal, with strap and plain
handle, colors black, brown, tan and gray; leather lined,
fitted with coin purse or card ease and toilet articles;
gunmetal or gilt frames; values to $7.50; on 0 QQ
special ale today only at the low price of
patterns, but slightly mussed from being shown; 1 Q
regular values to 65e; special price today only at
itSSr; OMs-Wortaa
2Qc KercHietsjor 9c
Special todav only, a very large assortment of Women's
Handkerchiefs, in pure linen and fine quality cambric,
fancy borders, hemstitched borders, with embroi- Q
dered corners; our regular 20c values; special price
CHILDREN'S - HOSE An opportunity for substantial
saving on Children's Stockings. A big lot of fast black 1
and 1 ribbed with reinforced heels and toes; regular Q
valuea to 20c a pair; on special sale today, the pair
Extra! Special Today
$1.50 SilK Hose at 89c
35c Gloves at 19c Pair
Today only the hosiery store offers a superior quality of
Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, with lisle garter tops and lisle
soles; women who want fine stockings that will not crock
and will wear should look well to their needs. This line;
our regular selling values to $1.50 the pair, on CQC
special sale at this very low price today only, pair
GLOVES Women's Chamoisette Gloves, in natural color,
trlnvp flvfip nut on the market
I at low .price; values to 35c the pair; on special 1 Qe
J sale today only at this very low price, the pair
Morrison, Alder, Tenth
and West ParK Streets
For To-morrow
SH 99
Reg. 15c Cotton Suitings lOc
Regular 75 c Wash Fabrics 45c
v. eutTn fir flnnrr. a. fi&lfl of fiDM
in in w vwu ir.w.. ------
French Eflenres, in a splendid assortment of very
ehoice patterns; our regular value to 75c 45c
T ..V.a-.T K,. itinera in Tlin and fJ!CV BtriDeS. Cheeks,
V u wu. . V'7 - ....
ete a full line of colors to choose from; suitable
for early Fall, street wear; our regular iMiiir
vrdVo'e 3 sale at this price, the yardOC the yard; on special sal. at only, the yard
$2.75 Auto Veils for $1.66
75c Neckwear 36c
We carry complete stock of AutoJVcilsinjJwantedghades
and qualities. Herd's one line offered for tomorrow only which
wobelieve to be the best value in all Portland. Fine quality
Chiffon Auto Drapes, two yards long and ope yard wide, In a
very complete and choice assortment of colors; all s r
new; superior$2.75 values, specially marked at, ea. sj 1 .OP
FAN6Y iTECKWEAR Dainty, light and airy effects In Dutch
Collars, Patch Collan with jabots attached; SeparateJabots,
Stockaretc, In laoe and lawn combinations. Styles such as yoa
would choose if paying the regular prices. Values to O
75c, special Friday Surprise Sale price take advtageQOC
RIBBON Exceptionally good value In plain Taffeta Hairbow
Ribbons, also good assortment of Dresdens; widths up q
5 inches; our regular 25c values, special, tne yara A tU
4Qc Rompers 24c
CHild'at Undermuslins
At Half-Price Tomorrow
In the infants' and children's store, second
floor, sale of dark blue Denim Rompers,
Vita white piping1, for children 2 to 6 years
f ape; our regular 40c ralues; special 4e
sal tomorrow at this low price, only
tTNDEBATUSLXXS Children's Muslin Gowns,
Drawers and Skirts, sizes 1 to 6 years; ralnet
from 15 to $3.73; special for tomorrow
7? to 51.8S, reduction of exactly 1
$5 Mesh Bags $3.89
5Qc Collar Pins 23c
Daistv Summer Dresses seem to invite the
use of mesh bags, they are so very neat and
tasty that fashionable women look upon them
with particular favor. The jewelry store of
fers Baps in German silver, kid lined,
shirred in at the top, 4 to 6-inch frames, plain
or fancy mesh; our refmlar $5.00 10 QQ
values; special price tomorrow at fJ0&
DUTCH COLLAR PINS Plain bar and fancy
stone set novelties in the Roman, rose and
green gold finish; our regular 50c val
ues; special price tomorrow at only"1'
35c Aeroplane at 19c
Camera Outfit at 19c
A (fuaranteed flyer is this aeroplane. The
frame is made of tempered piano wire, is
strop? enough to stand hard knocks; will fly
about 50 feet; our recrular 3.3c value; 1 Q
on special sale tomorrow at this price
CAMERA A complete camera outfit, consist-'
insr of camera, plates, tray, developers, etc.;
takes perfect pictures; our special sur- t Q
prise sale price U exceedingly low at fV
25c Pictures 15c
About 30 subjects in popular marines and
landscapes, Gibson drawings, etc, size 9x12;
our regular 25e values; on special sale 1
tomorrow at the very low price of only
Pineapple 19c
8QO for Tomorrow's Sale
The Clark Farm Co.'g selected Honolulu
Pineapples the same choice quality as
we gave yon at our last sale. Now is the
time for canning. Lay in a sup
ply. Bp '1, Grocery Dept., 4th fir. 1 "C
Saturday We Will WeigH
Birthday Cake
Don't fail to see this great cake, which was
baked In our own oven. We display it to show
the raising power of ORESCENT BAKING
POWDER, as well as a novel attraction. Visit
the demonstration booth in the grocery de
partment, fourth floor. REGISTER. TODAY
or tomorrow, as the books will be closed Fri
day night While at tba booth learn the supe
rior qualities of Creseent Baking Powder, why
it is purer and more healthful than any other.
MaKes Everything
Yota CooK Better
Come to the grocery department. See the
demonstration and get a brand new receipt
book free. Learn why this vegetable short
ener is better than lard or butter for pastry
SLIP Curtain Lace at 69c Yard
$1.50 Swiss Curtains at 95c Pair
TTn,;. Cm;c Muslin Curtains. Tjrit.h heautiful floral
borders, in pink, blue and yellow effectg, beautiful
11T. W iuv-uef wamw a.v vMS9 , 11 . a. asf
winwa regular tHAQ onalitv: on SD6- CO. cottage or bedroom
at the low iriee of only, the yard w $1-50 values; on s
TT.Tr riin Tana in niw filft. Aemimsi. fine oual
-L OIJL I I'Ul I uu-l-v ' c
ity, 40 inches wide, for dining-room, hall and bed-
Km curtains; our regular QC.
ipecial sale at only, the pair
$13.50 OstricK Flume $7.95
$22.50 OstricK
Plumes at $15.95
$10.00 Plumes $5.95
Our millinery buyer, now in New York, makes a second ship
ment of those very high-grade Willow Plumes. They are all
carefully selected by our own expert, whose ability for dis
criminating between the perfect and imperfect feathers has
never been questioned. They are the large, full-bodied male
stock fathers. The fines are securely tied; me neaaa are large
and droop gracefully. They come in white, black and all
wanted colors, we price tne iu.uu vaiuca (rwj ap
$5.9o, vals. to $22.60 $15.95, vals. $13.50 eO ,jQ
A ito- ?. jJvi vV a
$25 Itinera 5iits
ill lit
iSp iff
if jr II
Here's style, perfect fit and exquisite
workmanship combined In moderate
priced garments. $25.00 is really a
very moderate price for a high-grade,
perfectly tailored Linen Suit The
hundreds of women who are taking
advantage of our August sales are in
fluenced mostly by the high quality
they are sure to get. Price seems to
be a secondary consideration with most
of our customers, yet, after all, it ia of
great importance. The price of these
suits should appeal to all women who
have the slightest sense of economy.
There 8Je250suits in this lot. Semi
and tight-fitting styles; medium-length
coats. The skirts are the very newest
plaited styles. They are made of good
quality linen suiting andwUl be shown
5 white and colors. Exceptional
values to $25l0. Friday- Qg
Surprise Sale price, each j)00
Wash Skirts
One -Half Price
Our entire stock of Wash Skirts in white
and colors, all this season's best styles in
the popular wanted fabrics; values U
from $2.00 to $18.50; specially prioed I
Great Sale Petticoats
$9.75 Vals. for $5.97
$2.75 Vals. for $1.89
Authoritative styles in White Petti
coats affording savings of most pro-
nounced character on garments that
are faultlessly made; perfect in fit,
quality and style. Pronounced values.
LOT 1 Women's White Cambric Skirts,
cut full in the bjdy, styled with deep lawn
flounce with rows of fine tucks or lace and
insertion. Others have full lawn flounce
with fine tucks : also pink and blue polka
dot embroidery flounce, deep dust ruffles;
values to $1.95, special surprise SJ I 07
sale price at this low figure, V
LOT 3 Women's White Cambrio Skirts,
wide lawn flounce, trimmed with rows of
fine tucks and deep insertion and lace. Alio
plain tailored styles with dust l OQ
ruffles; values to $2.75, special P0'
LOT 3 White Cambrio Skirts, made with
sheer lawn flounce with rows of hemstitched
tucks and embroidery; others with 4-to 6
rows of deep insertion and lace; JJO CC
values to $3.95, special at, each PVJ
LOT 4 Women's White Cambric Skirts
with deep flounce of mull trimmed with lVfc
inoh tucks of blue and pink mull; others
are trimmed with fine laoe and insertion
and 12-inch flounce of fine em- IJO 7f?
broidery lvalues to $4.75, speel "P
LOT 5 Women's Lawn Petticoats with 16
inch? flounce of most exquisite embroidery,
with insets of insertion; also with 12-inch
flounce of Valenciennes lace and insertion ;
others with deep pin tucked flounce of em
broidery; embroidered dost ruffle and bead
ing threaded with blue and pink t C Q7
ribbon, valuea to $9.75, apec'l Pf
Great Sale of Dinner Sets
50-piece full gold line decorated Dinner Set; gulax$6.85jalues,jpnsale atonly,set $5.50
60-piece full gold line decorated Dinner Set; regular $8.75 value, on sale at only, set $6.98
100piece full gold" line decorated" Dinner Set; regular $13.50 value, on sale at only $10.79
Cut Glass Specials at Low Prices
$5.00 Water Pitchers for $3.65
You will be delighted with the
beautiful showing in our new cut
glass room, third floor. Traveler
tell ns it is the finest jn the coun
try. Cut Glass Bowls, in 8-inch
size; our refrular $3.00 CJO OC
values; special, only
Beautiful Cut Glass Water Pitch
ers; regular $5.00 val- CO C
ues; special 6nly, each POVv
Cut Glass Water Tumblers; our
regular values at $5.50 CO 7
the set; special price VV t
Cut Glass Nappies, 5-inch size;
our regular $1.40 a set; on fJQ
speoial sale tomorrow only
Cut Glass Nappies, 6-inch site;
our regular $1.75 val- ffl 1C
ues; tomorrow, the set
Our Regular $5.5Q
Petticoats $4.6Q
Women's White Skirts, made of fine quality
cambric, with deep flounce of embroidery. Dust
ruffle trimmed in linen laoe. Others have lawn
top with deep lawn polka dot ruffles with
rows of linen lace and insertion, others have
deep, flounce of pink, blue and lavender polka
dot embroidery or with deep flounce of VaL
lace; all have dust ruffles, plain or lace fin
ished. Our regular stock values to Cft
$5.50, tn special sale at low price PvI V
SilK Kimonos at
l2 Regular Prices
Crepe Kimonos $L59
In he beautiful new garment store, second
floor, we offer a very complete line of high
grade Silk Kimonos, ranging in price from
$10.00 to $28.50; the very newest styles U
and most desirable patterns; all sizes, at
CREPE B3M0N0S Your special attention is
directed to this extensive line of Crepe Ki
monos; styled to please women of good taste.
The patterns are all new and attractive, shirred
in at waist and tied with ribbon, 1 CQ
front faced with ribbon; special V''
25c Dairy Lunch
Chicken Broth, Ham Sandwich, Potato
Salad, Apple Pie, Blackberry Pie or Vanilla
Ice Cream, Coffee, Tea, Milk or Chocolate.
$7.5Q Taffeta SilK
Petticoats $3.35
The Silk Petticoat is indispensable for all
kinds of wear. With the tailored suit or
the street dress they are most attractive,
and the price here is so low that every
woman can afford a proper shade for
each suit or dress. They are all new; cut
full in the body, with deep flounce,
trimmed in tailored bands. Black, white
and colors will be shown in rich lustrous
taffeta silks. Values to
$7,50, special tomorrow at
85c Alarm ClocK49c
Floor Brooms at 19c
In the house furnishing department, third
floor, we offer good nickel Alarm Clocks, re
liable time keepers, sure to get you up ACkg
on time; regular 85c values; special
BROOMS Good quality rice straw Floor
Brooms; priced special for tomorrow 1 Q
at the very low price of only, each
brightens and cleans the carpets and 22f
rugs; regular 30e seller; special price
FLOOR WAX For old and new OC
floors; regular 45c seller; tomorrow at wviC
WASH BOILERS No. 8 Wash Boilers, with
heavy copper bottoms, cold riveted handles
and seamless overs; regular $1.95 CA
values; on special sale tomorrow r "JV-
$9.5Q SilK Pajamas $6.5Q Suit
Women's $L5Q Brassieres for Only 89c
A very fine line of Women's Silk Pajamas, in white, blue, pink and lilae; nicely made and (Tg CQ
trimmed; our regular values to $9.50; on special sale tomorrow at the very low price of only 4v.vv
BRASSIERES Women's Brassieres or Bust Supporters, cross back and front, tnmmed m ltMj QOc
our regular valuea to $1.50; on special sale tomorrow at the extremely low price of only; special vjw
$3.50 to $7 Waists
Reduced to $2.35
$1Q Waists at $4-39
LOT 1 What a sense of satisfaction there is in knowing when you buy
a waist that it will fit you. We offer for tomorrow a large assortment
of new Lingerie Waists in all the newest ideas of style creations, lace
trimmed and hand embroidered effects. We have strengthened this as
sortment of new arrivals by adding a lot of our regular stock ffO "JC
values from $3.50 to $7.00, and price the lot at, your choice
LOT 2 In this assortment we show fully 1000 waist gems, beautiful
lingeries, styled to please women of particularly refined taste. They
are trimmed in rioh laces or hand embroidered; some are trimmed in
drawn work effects, fine tucks and French knots add greatly to the gen
eral effects; all awes in this lot. A lot of new arrivals have OA Q
been added to this line; values $7.50 to $10.00; special at rT-'