TIIJ5 3IORNTNG OREGOXIAN'. TUESDAY. AUGUST 16, 1910. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGOXIAX TUXFHO!in. City Circulation...., Msnartn Editor..., Pundir Editor. ...... Cmpovlnr-room ... City Editor upt Bolidlan Pacific States. Hmi yalB KY7& ....Mala T070 ....Mala T70 ....fesln 7'7l M.iin TOT ....Ham 7CO ....Main TOTO a fS A 9S A "!5 A f9S A SUSS AJUTSEMIVTS. ORPHETTJf THEATER fMorrlson between Slith and Serenth) Vaudevllla, THIS aaternooa at 2-15 and tonlgbt at a:ia. GRAND THEATER (Park and Washlnrtonl Vaud.vlu. Thla afternoon at 2.15; tonllbt at 7 SO and s. X.TFIC THEATER (Seventh and Aldar Armvtrona Musical Comedy Company In "Saaald borl( j." Tbla afternoon at 3:30; tonlsht at 7 10 and ft. TAR THEATER CPark and Wahlnton) Motion pic-turaa. Continuous, from 1 -- to DAKS PARK 'O. W. P. earlfe.) Weber. rrlas Band. Thla sftarsooa and ttmltnt. O&EOOXIAX AT KE SORTS. Par Um nekM Mnrr af TW olbt Uinwb th. rottowtac KMta Otx rates, obaarlptloas by mail ar sarmfci. amitabl? hi adiaa . Owmea Br. Cm. Maws anaL Cataxabfca Beach M. L. CallabWL Crh.rt Park K, J. ralxborM. t mlda nrawai Oa Pactfia City p. p. Mewpart Caa. arrreatar. Cavaao, stun lliairal Springs Batal Ca. B. MArW. Sprls Charisn O. I J Ml. CUIa. Sertaca C T. B richer, OlXORBUTIOKtL "Meettso Called. A cannTea-atiorutl meeting; of the new Fast Side Baptist Church will be held In the Central Church building, at the corner of Mast Ankeny and Kant Twen tieth streets. Thursday night to receive the report of the committee on pastor. Ai the committee has already been In structed to recommend Rev. Albert Ehnrott, former pastor of Central Church, the purport of the report la already known. It la probable that the congregation will continue to use the Central Church building for some time until the trustees decide on the disposition of the properties of the two churches. After the meeting, the new church will be In position to take up the property and other business ques tions. Gnixnns 'Win. Tkbatk. An agreement hn been reached by which the Woodlawn and Evening Star Oranges of this county will debate October at s P. it., at the hall of the Woodlawn Grange, the follow ing question: "Resolved. That It should be the policy of the Federal Government to retain the title to all Its unappropri ated forest lands, coal lands and water power rights." Woodlawn Grange will support the affirmative and Kvening Star Grange the negative. Bpeakers have been partly selected, and the list will be com pleted this week. Judges will be selected at the debate to decide on the merits of the discussion. Mrs. H. TL. Vail, lecturer for Evening Star, and Mrs. 8. E. Wlndle. lecturer for Woodlawn Grange, have general charge of the debate and will se lect the speaker Hood Rives Max HooDwunem-Three well-dressed sharpers, of gentlemanly manner, fleeced J E. Montgomery, a visitor from Hood River, of 50 on a train reaching this city Sunday night. The trio first attempted to inveigle Mont gomery Into a game of cards, but he was shy. They played among themselves un til one of their number was ostensibly -broke." The "victim- took his loss very hard and wanted a chance to get even. We pulled a solitaire ring from hia finger and offered it to Montgomery for STA. Montgomery advanced the money. On arriving In the city Inquiry showed the ring was worth about $3. As he had no clew to the whereabouts of the confidence men, Montgomery decided to return to Hood River. Oaiuoi CotxavTiMO Rxoiiatxo. The practice of bograisers of collecting garbage from restaurants after t o'clock A- M. Sundays Is to be stopped, accord ing to Harry ff. Napier, superintendent of garbage collections, who Issued orders to that effect yestnrdsy. "In future, hog feedens caught on the streets Sunday with sail! wagons will be arreeaed." said Mr. Napier. Collecting this garbage Is par ticularly offensive on Sunday morning when people are going to and from church. The collections can be made early In the morning or late at night. Ft observing thrse hours hereafter, I think a very bad nuisance win be abated." Road Benrrs Soox. Work upon the new Mount Hood wagon road will begin this week County Commissioner Onddard said yesterday he and County Judge Cleeton have Instructed Road Supervisor Chapman to begin work at once. The work of clearing the ground, preparatory to blasting, will be done by free labor, but the other work Is of such a nature that a permanent ramp of prisoners can be established. Some of the men will probably be taken from Kelly Butte for this work. Work wilt begin at Bridal Veil. Rmirm Asks Disoharok. Cri tries J. Bernard has been dlscharsed at his own request by Circuit Judge Gantenbeln from h'm position as receiver of the Padflo Coast Showcase A Fixture Company. He submitted a report soowtng collections cf arvt dlshursenienta to creditors of s.0S. that being a dividend of 25 per cent. Recetver Berrrard stated In a Brttlrn that William Davidson, presi dent of the corporation, had agreed with the creditors) to take over all the remain ing assets and assume all Its obligations. Laktmark to Ba Mover. The small building at 30. Grand avenue North, owned and oo-npted by Architect Otto Kleeman as his office, will be moved this week to Holgate and East Four teenth streets and there fitted up aa a cottage. Thla structure Is a landmark ha the. neighborhood, having stood on the ground for the last 36 years. Mr. Klee mann moves the building to give place to a concrete structure to be occupied by a moving-picture show. Fan PiumiT Bxnixs OcroRaa 1. Free mail delivery will be started In Rose City Park tvtober 1. A single mounted carrier will undertake to de liver and collect mall in the district between F"a.t Thirty-second and Kast Sixtieth streets at Ros- City Park. Ow ing to rapid growth It Is thought he will only be able to handle the mail for a few months, when another car rier will be required. Strikbr Ts Fixkt. Jorrn O'Connor was arrested Saturday bv Patrolman StaM, charged with using ahmve language to j. Tart, a teamster. O'Connor, who Is a striker, accosted Taft at the O. R. & X. freight sheds and Is alleged to have ap plied many offensive terms to him. He admitted using the word "ac.ib" and Judge Bennett held that in Itsrlf was sufrirwnt to establish the charge. O'Con nor was fined CO. StTUanca Buuvnn arrives with cargo of Beaver Hill CoaL Only three more trips under reduced rates. Order now. Portland 4 Suburban Express Co. Quality (W. R.) Stearns man ager. r DtAMOiTDa Gems of the first water only. C- Chrlstensen. second, floor Oor ttt building. Take elevator. Pa. Rnnntu has returned, regular office hours, ilj Marquam bldg. Fhone Main !, A UK. Swiss Watch RBPAianro. C Chriatea sen. 2d floor Corbetl bldg. Take elevator. Vm. Otis ajldx as returned. . Mother Dies: Woxam Fatsts. Unex pected news received yesterday of the death of her mother caused a handsomely-gowned woman to faint In the cor ridor of the postofflce. The woman drove up to the bunding In an automobile and walked down the corri dor to one of the last windows open to the public Tearing open a letter which was banded her by the clerk, she glanced at the contents, screamed and fell to the floor. After being revived she' re fused to give her name, but stated the cause of her emotion. She was assisted to her machine and rode away with the chauffeur. StXTEEsr Rowruxs TTirpgai Arrest. Six teen men and one woman, all East Euro peans, were having a Joyous time at 906 Front street Sunday night, when Patrol men Montgomery snd Martine entered and placed rlx of tae men under arrest. Two beer kegs, both fitted with spigots and one partially full, were seised and taken to the station, while three or four othens, already emptied by the cele brants, were left behind. Pete PoHch. the proprietor of the place, was charged with keeping a disorderly house and was fined ts. Hie five satellites paid J10 each for disorderly conduot- Teachers' EXAamtAO-iONS Attsjousi'o---The city examination of teachers will be held In the assembly hall of the Lsidd School, beginning Wednesday, August 24. and continuing three days, Tally ses sions will begin at 'A. M. and 1 P. M. Following hi the programme: Wednes day. August 9C morning, arithmetic read ing: afternoon, grammar. Thursday. . . e i wiAminv Mfwnnhv. writing: afternoon, physiology- Friday. August 26. morning, teacrung. speuma-, . United States history. Checks Bad, ex-Oohvict AcorsED. George IXrffy, an ex-convlct with an un usually long criminal record, waa ar- . i j m -t vMtfedAT for raiofru id mi, - passing a number of forged checks In this city. He waived examination m held to the grand jury. Duffy ts said to i , I Manv mTr hMrrf lsSU- nB i,,.,.. ,. j Ing checks for 46. purporting to be his week's wages. He hss served three terms at Salem, three at Walla nam ana at the Government Penitentiary at Mc Neil's Island. Scroert Not TrrrENnKTi. Proving to the satisfaction of the court that he was . . 1 1 wa r 1 1 iirffprr. R W. I! ' (. rrriiDiuuB vf ' ' ' Alsberger. a masseur, who waa arrested last week for treating a man, wren a Dis located thumb contaray to law. aa he did . certificate, waa III 'l IKWKW " ' - discharged In Municipal Court- yesterday morning. Alsberger expiainea tin n not a surgeon and that hit. methods of treatment did not call ln'.o play the practices of surgery. r - . . ie,wn, -Thnusrh. UIIUiB . UKruiun - , , M MmAMihinjv tnr tha precarious condition of Nettie Curtis, who fell from a lounn-siory tmraunj mi m BueU apartments. Fourteenth and Sal- . II " A Vanr tlirnilBh id missions made by him In clearing him self in that matter, was arraign in Police Court yesterday morning on a -i - mnA bnnutril MWlduet In living with the woman and was fined 260. store of J. T. Concannon. at 65-1 Johnson street, waa robbed Sunday nignt, oul i - . ,.41 nf omnll value were . a .-... .twwimI tA Patrolman uwj . . Burke that he had seen two Italians reaching In througn a wmaow in uu store, but the thieves were not captured. Honsa Faixs; Haouo to Home. A horse driven by William Henson, a dairy man, fell at Hxtu ana Jdaaison atresia Sunday night and could not get to Its feet again. A veterinarian was called. A drag was secured and the Injured animal was hauled In that manner through the streets to a stable. Pickpocket Gets 3Q Dats. James Roach, who was arrested Saturday night 'i n atlfttimt to SO v. v. niu.(fa of Charles Rosenor. at Second and Burnrdde streets, was ar raigned In Police uourt yesteraay ira was given a sentence of daya at the rock pile. Sharp FTjkerai. held iodaic-iih funeral of Jean Morrison Sharp, the daughter or Mr. ana mim. miuu aged 10 months; will be held at the resi dence of Rev. A. A. Morrison. X. r.. at 10 A. M.. today. Rev. J. N. Simpson will officiate. The services will be private. Orbam op Asparaocs. minced veal and green eppers, creamed sweetbreads on .,. hot wserisa. lamb curry and lice. tomato en surprise, egg and lettuce salad and lice pudding on the menu at the Woman jsxenange. J mm AL SCHtlJJSR & Aug Eschle cigar store, svurth and Washington streets; base ball tickets will be sold. DuHTurv VAetrcai Creamers, easy pay ments. Wash. Main 8SS3. A Z8S6. r. a n n i i m . nhvuir.inn and surgeon, returned. Main K36; A 3139. nD xt XI Rrrrum dentist, returned Electric building: diseases of gums. Dr. Metschajc. returned. imperial Hotel. CITIZENS ASKED TO HELP Ooiisslon of Street Address Delays Delivery, Say Mall Men. Recognizing- the futility of trying to Interest the publio In the prompt de livery of the malls unless the public shall attend tha open meetings of the mall handlers, the meeting of Portland mall substation and division superin tendents adjourned yesterday's meet ing without having; advanced their cause materially. Twenty superintendents gathered In the offices of Postmaster Merrick, but not a single other cttlsen attended. One of the purposes of the meeting was to interest business men In the neces sity of having their street addresses plsoed on envelopes sent out and re ceived. Failure to comply with this requirement of the postal regulations is said to be responsible for delay of from half a day to one day la deliv ering letters. It is probable that the postmaster will devise and recommend a sticker to be attached to all mail handled at tha general delivery windows of the local office, which . will cary a notice requesting thst all correspondents be notified to send mall to the street sd dress of the person for whom It Is In tended. In New York It was found necessarv to close all general deliv ery windows, with one exception. In order to force patrons to comply with ths regulations that street addresses must be placed on letters. The delay In causing all patrons to line up at one window Is said to have secured the desired result quickly. WHEREJTO DINE. All th delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant- Fine private apart ments tor ladles. 305 Wash., near 5th st, CARD OF THAXKS. To our friends and acquaintances: we wish to tlisnk you for your many kind favors and assistance In o3r be reavement and sad loss of our beloved one, Florence E. Hufford. (Signed! MRS. THOS. GFOROK. WALTER O. HCFFORD. W. 8. HUFFORD AND FAMILY. CARD OF TB1XKJ. To all the kind friends who so thoughtfullv and kindly assisted ns. and for the many beautiful floral of ferings at the death of our dear son and brother. Alfred Frandsen. we ex tend our sincere thanks. mr. Axn mrs. j. FnAvnsEX. MK. AND MRS. A- T. HANSEN. F. FRASDSEN. H. FHA.NfSEN. waiter ax GgA.rSAXftfKX. New Bills Open at the Vaudeville Houses Orpheom. , THE Orpheum bill this week will stand the acid test. or. for that matter any tests made to determine its all round goodness. It Is one of those bills you continually wish to see but- rarely so fortunate a bill that Is thoroughly well balanced. Out of the seven turns, four can only be described as "very good." while tha remaining three well merit the term good." The Top o' th' World" dancers, with the much-heralded Scotch collie ballet. Is the feature act In "Kris Kringle's Dream." With a stage setting strongly reminiscent of "Babes In Toyland," dolls' dance, a Jack-in-the-box appears with numerous antics, a Polar bear and other characters of .childhood days dance themselves into popular favor. Miss Vivian Ford, described by most of ths women In the audience as "awfully cute." and In reality answering to that description, appears as the "doll prin cess," from the vages of a large fairy tale book. Dances that are unusual, dances that are bixarre. funny and de lightful, ocenpy every moment the com pany is on the stage. The one-legged dance. In which all the characters dance with one good leg and one wooden stump their good member not being visible Is the funniest thing of Its kind seen In Portland for many a day. Quaint songs are sung. "How'd You Like to Take Me Home with You?" finding particular favor with the audi ence. The ballet In which eight well trained collie dogs are seen Is most un usual. Second honors are scored by Mr. and Mrs. Erwtn Connelly In an "adapted" version of Sir W. S. Gilbert's play. "Sweethearts." A young girl and a young man bid farewell In mid-Victorian days, exchanging flowers, the girl a flirt, .the fellow obviously sincere. He returns from India 40 years later and finds the girl (now 60 years of age) still unmarried. Testing her out by pretending he hss foi gotten all about her. he learns she still cares. The tablord drama ends with mutual caresses, evidently preparatory to the . playing of "The Voice that Breathed OeT Bden." The acting Is excellent, both Mr. and Mrs. Connelly Imparting life to their characters. The Victorian costumes, the accents of those early days were repro duced with care. The Impossibly "happy ending" la evidently but a qualut ex pression of Gilbert's humor. Still another sketch is a satire by Mc Kay and Cantwell on "The Great White Way." Each handled a couple of char acters, those of a grafting polloeman. a pickpocket, a messenger and an Inebriated "swell." The sketch Is funny. Paul la Croix does things with hats, his cranium and tennis balls. They are done well. , The Krsgs Trio comprises two men and a girl In a "strong-man" act. The act Is Interesting enough to make members of the orchestra stand up and peek. Stewart and Marshall are two gentle men of color made up to represent still darker gentlemen of color. Marshall has a vocal peculiarity which makes his act a scream. They sing songs, dance and the audience applauded. Mareena, Nevaro and Mareena, three men, do a balancing act. Their opening Is unpropitious snd stilted, but all that Is forgottn towards the end ef the turn, when several new and difficult stunts were worked off. The pictures give a canned drama and were satisfying. The orchestra helps In making the bill a thorough success. Lyric. PERHAPS a newly-made millionaire, somewhere and some time broke Into a table d'hote dinner Just as Will Arm strong, as Mike Flannlgan. does In "Sea side Society" at the Lyric this week, when Miss Wrjnderbllt, an heiress. In troduces htm to delicacies with long French names and two bottles of wine. Miss Ethel Davis, who takes the part of the heiress, persuades Flannlgan to play the part of her father and give hia con sent to her marriage when Lord Get-t he Coin presses his suit to the head of the wealthy household. The little dinner, at which Flannlgan distinguishes him self by gobbling up the celery tops, eat ing mayonnaise dressing with his knife and drinking champagne out of a fruit dfch. comes In the programme of de lusion, and 1s a side-splitting laugh worth the price of admission alone. ' Then, It la probable that there may be others who play the role of Lord Get-the-Coin. and are unexpectedly called hack from a Summer hotel to resume their duties behind a ribbon counter. Just as Jack Davis, who takes the part of the titled durie, was, when the prey is almost within his grasp. Again, Will Howard, as Tommy Smith, the polished hotel landlord, may present a type of that fraternity who always Insists that his patrons are the "cream of society." Altogether, several of the characters and situations may be too near re.l life for com for to anyone In an aurllence who itiay have bad similar experience. The comedy Is more satirical than far cical and Is a new brand of fun at the Lyric Gus Leonard, as Grousmeyer. a German musician, does not have the opportunity to be at his best, and Ed Mitchell Is burled beneath paint and false whiskers In the role of Gaston, a French waiter. The chorus has some new ways of getting on and off the stage and intro duces several new steps and dances. Wlfebeater Bound Over. ORF.GOX CTTY. Or., Aug. IS. (Ppe- (j) An Easy ( ( Proposition ( Every man In the world cannot own a home, for the Ixj reason that many are not A. endowed with the home j III spirit and In portions of Ixi V the world there is not land' f enough to go round. In this country, particularly fx) Oregon, any sound, healthy, v industrious man who really iv wants a home can get one fzl a real home on his own r v land, for land is low low- fx) er now that It ever will be (x) again For a real home, a W jf place to rear a family In 2 comfort and have a place gv (xl that will bring In a good III W Income for old age, there Is W no better place than Ban- ner Acres, the choicest f3 acreage on this market. 11 and the price only 1100 to ft 160 per acre. Let us show x the property and give you AjV our easy terms and explain l?J to. you how simple a propo- sit I on It Is to make a home x pay for Itself and leave a 3 large surplus for the rainy UFI day y fF. B. BOLBROOK CO, ?V Room 1 Worcester Blda- Ground Floor. V Phones Main 8396, A 750? Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder is packed in a dust-tight metal box, with patent measuring tube, which is both safe and convenient for tourists. SCHOOLS ASP COUXBtiEa. tic.iniwmmjiiffliimnctmuawDuiiaiEM&'iwaiiu clal.) Charging her husband with beating her, Mrs. John J. Bargfeld filed a complaint in the Justice Court, and at a hearing today Judge Samson bound Bargfeld over In the sum of $500 to keep the peace. The pair live at Fish er's Hill. Clackamas County, and were married last September. Trunks, suit cases and bags. Largest variety at Harris Trunk Co.. HI Sixth. FURS . z a s 2 New modHn In Com in. Neck- am 2 Pieces and Muffw at special prices. y Select nowsmall deposit. Free 2 storage until needed. 4 Reduced Summer prices on all It orders placed now for Fall de- Jf tilt livery. JJ No Kant era hurried shop made af ft Furs, only oar own factory made W , Fur and Far Ciarments. Remodeling and renovntlna: ef- Z 2 flclently done by expert work; mon. H. Liebes & Co. it 9 I ML W Corbet Building, 288 Morrison St. it J. F. PLA6EMASN, Mgr. 444444444444444444- bootless Anthracite Rock Springs, Etc Phone! 303, C 2303 Ed!efsenFnelCo.,Inc Burn the best and save moner and steps. Hotel Colonial SAN FRAN CISCO Stockton Pt., above Putter. Select family 110 room hotel. Kvery modern convenience. One block from shopping and theater dis trict. European plan. $1.50 a day. American plan. $3.00 a day. 6utter-st. can direct from FVrry. 8CHOOI-S ASI rOfXaBGCH. WMMi Xne Only Woman's Colics on tha Pacific Coast ExcloaiTaly for Tonwr Women . sll term opens August 17. sod 18. Wom CATAfaOSUS AOMBSS PRS9TOKKT UELLA CLAY CARSON. Ll CV milxs Cot-t-KOK p. o- California North Pacific College SCHOOLS or DENTISTRY AND PHARMACY PORTXJLND. OREGON. . TTnsurpi rfl In Equipment and Aavantases The Rectus' BnaUnu Begin Monday, October s, 181S Th. college Is located near the heart ef th. city, coov.nl.nt to libraries, oluba, lars. business houses and publio bulldlnss. which contribute so much to th. ill. of th. stu dent. For Information and catalos-u. ot slthsr eours. addrw. DB. HERBERT O. MTULER, Portland. Oregon. A select home school for the tralninsr of manly boys. Instruction thorough and personal. Athletics encouraged; fine new gymnasium: a healthy country school life; modern buildings; pure water, wholesome food. Prepares for college and business life. Special col lege preparatory courses and Instruc tion In languages. Fall term begins September 15. 1910. Located on Lake Bteilacoom. eight miles south of Tacoma. For full information address D. 8. PULFORD, Principal, South Taeoma. Waaa. A Boarding and Iay School for Glrla. A church school whose aim Is th. v.ry best In Instructors and .qulpment. Cheerful, homelike bulldlnss; wholesom. cllmats; Symnaslum-musio hall; prlvat. theatricals. Special features are the art studio, slvlns Instruction In different art branches, and th. music department with its staff of forolsn trained lnstructora Crtiflcat. admit, to Smith. Wellesley and other Eastern coUecea, For further Information, address JULIA P. BAI LEV, Principal. Spokane. Wiasa. LAW DEPARTMENT. University of Oregon PORTLAND, OREGON. Fall term opens September 10, 1910. Course, three years of nine months each, covering twenty branches of the law. Bvenlng classes. Graduates are especially prepared for the state bar examination. For catalogue giving information ad dress N WALTER H. EVANS 611 CORBETT BLDO., PORTLAND, OR. MEDIGALIJofQ HIGH STANDARD. THOROUGH COURSES Session Begins Sept. Vi, 1010. For cata log address Dean, Dr. S. EL Joseph!, 610 Dekum Bldg., Portland. Oregon. - Portland. Oregon -X Resident and Day School Cor Of m under r ears of biatenof Bt. Joiui Bsvptisit ( Episcopal )A uoiiecisax. Acaaemic s n a cicmeniarT Depta. Music, Art, Elocution, Gymnasium. (Besident pupils moat be over 14 yeara of m and well recommended. The number is limited to fifty. Application should be made early.) Address The Ster Super ior.Off io ' , St. Helens Hill, Partltna'.Or. M1B PORTLAND, OREGON A Bplenrl!-? Bobrdlnirsnd Tay School for ExtenalTvoranrainCollefte, HijthHehool md Com mercial work. Grammar craae taneht to boy ovr U yearn. School opens .Sept. 13,19 f 0. Cataloa Free. Addren, Ret. Jokph Gaiaaghkh. C 8. C. Prw. Cm-riT iwrrrrejT. PobtlsVnix, O&egojt. The School That Gets Results A select board init; and day school far boya and younic men. Accredited at leading uni versities. Email classes, strict discipline. Fall term opens Sept. 14. lttlO. Send tor Il lustrated catalogue. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY. 821 Marshall St.. Portland, Oregon. BUSS MARKER'S SCHOOL, Palo Alto, California. Boardlnc nd day school for girls; ac credited to college. Grammar and primary departments. Music, arts and craft?, home economica. Ninth year begins August 12- MANZANITA HALL Pal. Alto. Cat Prepares boys for eollece or technical school. Fall term opens Aug. 3a Catalogue upon req uest. W. A. BHKLU. Beta Maaicr. SPECIAL SALE OF DESKS TO MAKE ROOM FOR INCOMING STOCK DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST AND FOR TmS MONTH ONLY . .. .L. II .. S " ' ROLL TOPS, FLAT TOPS, AND BOOKKEEPERS AT LOWEST PRICES EVER MADE BE FORE IN PORTLAND f mvno TT aT a- . ... !...;.. . i. TYPEWRITER h , H-V'- I J BOOKKEEPERS 6tf'-',;?. . ' irrl. 1 ' t m v Vjliu .wijiu5,mi n.M.jinini'- a . " j ' 9 THOROUGH IN CON STRUCTION, HAND SOME IN FINISH AND DESIGN, IN QUARTER - SAWED OAK, MAHOGANY AND IMITATION MAHOGANY f ALL GRADES AND SIZES MUST GO BUSHONG & CO. OFFICE APPLIANCES, PRINTING, LITHOGRAPHING, BLANK BOOK MAKING, LOOSE LEAF SYSTEMS PARK AND OAK STS. AND 87-9 1 PARK STREET WhatWeClaim THAT WE CARRY ABSOLUTEXT THE BEST ASSORTED STOCK OP ARCHITECTS' AD EXGIXKERS INSTRUMENTS AND SUP PLIES IX THE STATE. -AWI IT SHOULD INTEREST EVERT ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER TO CAX.I.SEK THIS WEEK'S WINDOW DISFTUAY AND BE CONVINCED Who Can Deliver the Goods pQ EVER mW'' 'f DIETZGEN " . DIETZGEN r . CONVERTIBLE LEVEL. MINING TRANSIT. a Ask for Full DesMxlptlon. ExclnslTe Aarents. KILHAM PRINTING CO Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers, Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders YAOUINA BAY Oregon's Most Popular Beach Resort ITS climate Is delightful. IT has a greater variety of attractions than most teaches, because It Includes a placid inland bay and Innumerable picturesque retreats. THE trip thither is scenic and entertaining all the way. IT is the Summer home of educated snd refined families from all parts of the West. ITS famous agate beach yields the choicest pebbles known. ITS variety of seafood surpasses all other beaches. ITS accommodations for both hotel and cottaere life are of a high and varied class, abundant and inviting. The cost ot reaching there is reasonable because the has established reduced round-trip Summer excursion fares from all parts of Oregon. Send for "Oreieon Outings," giving a good description of the delights of Newport, Round-Trip Tickets from Portland . . $ 6.00 Saturday-to-Monday Tickets $ 3.50 Inquire at the City Ticket Office, Third and Washington streets, for all desired Information, or address. Wm. McMurray General Passenger Agent. Portland. Oregon. ' I Something Doing Every Minute A visit to our school .will show you a scene of great aotlvitj-i young men and young women carrying on actual business. Everything practical no mere theory. Business men and women as instructors no "bright student" assistants. Every phase of commercial activity has been handled by our teachers In actual business. Investigate our methods and successes. BUSINESS COLLEGE M. WALKER President-Principal O. A. BOSSERMAN Secretary-Manager , . We are showing a very complete line of bedroom furniture, dressers, chiffoniers, tables, chairs and beds. These come in full sets or odd pieces. Fifth & Start J. G. MACKS CO. aS t