r v Hp im..i : - i THE BEAVF.R. Htn and Manual!. Far Bi,hl for Jou.k..ln. rna. trie Ii.hl. hot wt.r. batft. laundry, a.1 rr, 4 pr month ai: a cuan p.ac; b la tn. rl'r for mon.y; hort cutanea from Valoa Wvit .Ta. r lta-jt. tar. Bona. y.t off at Marshall at. N EI.L f urni..d houkOlna rooma W n"fih: a. furawh.-l t la. T rooroj. l iWt SM. rl.r. -w c.r from i dj f.t";a cr M"rrton to Itth. bi'wk north. INFTR.MISHED t.o-room. '"J"" "il.rW-. eornar rum M. IMawfai look. FINE DOWNTOWN HOME -Mtt-NER BUI'." li1 MOKKISON BT. MOl'EHS. CEXTRAL. R bASONABLa ,'tl EASTMORRTsO.V cor Ea.t rorn pl.t.ly lurauatJ boukpIn rooma, n a b ! . I KMSHrlD boueekeepi:.: k,I0?'ii RoSm nd e eutte. .fry d-eirable. all . fumbrldit bl-g.. rd "d Morrison. $2 WEEK Ivan, furnished housekeeping rooms, laundry, bath, prion. gas. beat yard, clean liotB. 4Q Vancouver av. THE ELM 3 and 3-room apartments fur- "5hl 11 U'-h t.: tran.nt toilcuH. . $13 week, large, clean f u r n. houjw kcpl rooms: laundry, bath. gas. 14 her-.o, FOR RENT Housekeeping roon s ln new coacf is bldg. Fhon yIlt'wa , 1123 WERK. clean fur. housekeeping rooma. haat. Uur.drv. bath. 2"3 Stanton. "L car. THE NEWCASTLE. 3d Harr-eon. House- k p D rms.Fr- t honwtatna,hot water. SINGLE nd hooskeepiog-troome; imodern. fr nh.'n-i. re.isonati. 4 Morrlon it- A7 TATUR. n" i4h. d-sirabie front 2- roo t suite; furnare peat. SI io WKtK. ciean fur. housekeeping rooma, s-at. laundry, bath, 23 ntantoa. U car. Ti'H RENT Hou.p.n rom In nw rwncrtm triU. Ph-wia WooJU'i T Htsrl.rvpias toanw lPrtf rmlly. ll.a l-w houkplnc ait. cmp.t1jr furniKAl. Krounl fKT. Pwly pPred and (Mintii, 0n wTil af'va. l.sMa. pnon. afr; Ioviy tca:t"t: tatn. p-ch. wkiDf nwtmnc: iuiLa. rhvtia Si.wd fl4 E. th lU'lTR of 2 r 3 nlcity frn.hed houa kMplnc rooma In prtrmt family, with mm atova. bath. bJr.n; ntRhbor hfM. tw CftrUnta T7J IC TAjrlor. I'aoM Kaal 5-C Ni B front ray window tl, ctmwl. F"ry rath. vaa. ard and hd-. vr-thln nr and eomilta. 2il K. t-, r at- TTTr. fl-RVISMrr) MMfSFKKEPIVO ROOMS. A mealy furn!hd dodl fr-n5 room f' W t r tn IrvinKtoa, waikms diatanca. J;l Ej th North. Et :tu. TWO ne'lr furnahd houakeepln rooma. . alnk. K-a. t month. o3 Flrat at. Oath. Flat J 1 W E LaL-Ft' P-N If H E I rxfn raa. b t h, rn. rboica k. at too: aaulta objjt. OT Uvt tiajr avt. THMF roonaa n ltr fkjor. rompltly fur- r. : ar . ! fu hour Ilm i tn. 3 .0 Ctl MKI.T furnthd haawkt-pinjr rooma lor TWO ,t -ln furniahed houaekeepinC VN n'RNIaH Kl bmuMkMpiai rooma. MI aladtaon. or i'hapman. 344 4TH 61 . three nu.aly Xurniahed bouae- eptn rooma. Ttt furmahad houaekeepmc rooma, K-at Aab. I'hoat Eaat loT. TWO nicely furnlahed boueekeptn rooma bath. aink. reeeonablo. avj Front aC ' H- ra. Wllk.N a mee you 1. need new furniture Ha It judirfoualy and the aaviaa wUl aa ced your DftMiaa expenaea. Ur NO-KKNT PK1CE- made urn one oC the Largaet iux-Huia houaaa ta tna c-ty la two yeara. Look are aunwa aama eourteay aa bvyora. MoRGANATCHLEY FLRNITfRK CO -T3 Grand avaw. corner Eaat Stark at. avaai Aafcany and r.uaaell-M.avar carUaaa PM OCK 1KMJR- ARE YOrPAV I Nt'i RENT ? VuM yoa like to own a homo of our own! If you will aod yur da me and ad dreaa to Hartman A Thompeoa. ChamW of (omnirrt bM.. you will hear aome tnin to your adaataae. Foil RENT Itouee. newly renovate.!, wito. aeveral acres of rounu, near car. In a. -U minutes from center f city; 3- a month to right party, luqutre WioeraT l-an. ae o n 4 Qtu a n-jfth tvt Mo nt I i la c ar It n e. Mot SE.' flata and apartments tor rant. M ERCHANTA 8AV1M.H TK18T CU3CPANT. , W. cor. th and Washington Ptreeta mMtrn house, cement basement. In aunntsMe; J abort blocks from car. 4- Pr DIuflltL A. J (JANTNER. jt p.rd of Trade Bl i g; Main 3T3. tuTTAOE, a rooms, bath, electric lights. mm cement basement. Una lawn, fruit and r-aea; 33. Phone East HTO. 4U 13th. beU Ti!litr'Hk and Thorn paon. lrvl n g ton. A H Ri IN i-room house on SO1O0. one bix k (rum Alberta car on rth at.. g:?w; cash. Inquire Kd. udelman. owner. Ii 1st at. Mam tiZJ- , NfcW 3-room mo-lorn flat and cotta. 1 si 4.th and He. moot, small family only. I'hona B 13Q3. Sl.X-RfU house, good location, furnace. trp!a-e and modern bathroom. Inquire WIS Ki I r at. ..Take ric ar south. $j h K N L new. modern 7 room house on Htllinrn rarllne; furnace. lcCtrlclt. it. a"atea. Phono Tahor -"J70. FOR RENT New a-room modern house. 4.-7 K. Tth at.. N. Pent 133. Call 3.7 E. Th at . N- . 3lEnN t i roam house, large lot. chicken y at A. 4.1 feacramcato su. wa.klng dia- tan- e FOR RENT J-room cottage. 12th at., close l. tar. Vandun Walton. 313 "ham ter of Commerce. FI N K and Hr-room houses, rhoica locar- tlori aim garage. M a in 7103 gKtM houae, I2'h and Palmont; hot srer heater. F 104. 313 E. Ankeny. $:t rm w xl. m cottages, brand new. gas; c rnr E. ;".nh ar.4 C-ucb sxa, 3I iperx a ro.ms. ompleta In avery re ap t. 3M Ut M irkrt. Famished MMaea. COTTAGE, well furnished. 7 rooms. -7. ft rooms. J.'O; prt of rottage, or I2; to bousekeeptng roma. -v West bi'la rtver. Apply North 2llh; "W" car fmnt depot, ftth or Mrrtaon to 2dth. bloc 1n))1 furnished houae. centrally located. Weat Jtfde; will alv tenant privilege of renting rooma phone Main T1 or A T-7L Tie gotnnorAlberteon l'o . 2d Oak at. In k:ix1x Adaition. 7 -room house, modern In every particular, tarae ard. would prefer to rent partly furnlsned. Phona Kaet FY KM'IKt a-ro..m lower Hat. walk ing ue.sace. 3"0 tu liege at- Phona Main .KTHtU flat, nitety furntahed. inquire at premieea. 3V0 EUaa St.. Boar Cook. Ln locate- car. t IV tr-trgton. lth and Tillamook. I room, furnished, gaa. furnace. lawn. flowers, tadea. etc W. R ecd .Jt i M orr Ison. MOPE H N n-rorm furnthel flat, 3 37. 12th. net ween Ankeny and Bum aide. rbone MaranaU Tl7. A 7131. . . m ELL furnished bouse of l n-ma for rent. 714 East Hurnside at., cor. 224. 90 par morin. rtiona e.lwood lM. J EW L,T rtirnwned 4-rrom flat, all modern. r- waur. bekrt f city, inquire Luton Transfer Co.. 324 r'-an-lara FT'R RENT West 8!de; aire Iroom resi dence, furnished, to responsible party, from Sept. 1. T Urant at. - RiV)M modera house, neatly f umtshed. large yard. dae in on East gide. Phona Kaet 344. 3V W lltlama ava. n-RiOM bouse, mall furmahed. close in, in eudirg pian vary reasonable. 3i. S. Rntery. ftearna b'..ig. f, Fl'RNISHET -room house. 377 Ober-:-n st . iViriaiouth. Mrs. E- 5. Vllrev. aOEHN S-ronm furnished flat. is3 3th, c-r. Mont gomery at. JwE'.V -ro-m furnuihed house. Irutt. f uraaa e. Marguerite ae. rnon r liou. " O- H M well fjrnlshel houso to raapon- w a party. 244 n. -4awsea foe Keat Farnaur far bala ELEGANT furtutara five-room flat. a:i new; muat bo area to be appreciated. Income $1 month. Cheap for quica cash. sale. EARLT new furnltur of 3 rooms, house rr rent. 2 blocks to Ankany carbarn. FOR ALX New furniture of two house keeping rooma and rmi fr rent; real . ,rj In- "Vt R om 310. Henry bid. ttiX-HOM motlern fiat, close In. four rooma furr.uhed; furniture for sale at aacrifioa. a I Marshall 73 ri'RMTl'RB of a-room hui ftee It. 14 Wllllama C 2T0. bargain. Ft RNITT'RE of 1 rooma for aa; house for rent : good 'ease. T1 nth. Main 2 BY rapona'hta person, small cottage at tieavtew for rematr.dar of season. rtnna Jjj- reapoRsibie p-ra-n. small cottage at ha view for remainder of season. phone nXAXCItl. T BCS1XESS DIRECTORY. BPSIXBSg WBECTOBT. ' " . . I Kl KlxrAI OPPORTrTTlES. I " WECI-aL NOTICES. I a l.riM. Builder.. I V terlnarlan. WASTED Tottara at Goarhart for balanca of aaon. vorlooaUnff ocan prafarrad. I'hona Main 2.1 or A Soa. NEW itor. for rnt at E. 2th nd Halaoy trot. with a raairlrtad ridnca dial rut of Irincton round them for m roll ana a half: fioa location for a drurtora and a market; will fit up for a marktfl. Joo owner at Z'i Eaal Moniaon at. Fhnna 'avfn.nra or Sunday. East TSS. Phona woak dara Raat 92 or rl 1SS2. FOR RENT Stora aultahla for bar bar shop, lunch room. delUaieaaen; Una location amongst roorolnc-houaaa. Apply P-hab. 300 3d t. FOR RENT 4-atory and baaamant brick aiora bulldlnc. uxl&. aoutheaat cornar Front and pina. Apply Cheatar V. Do.ph, 3"3 Mjhawk b('.g. FOR RENT cheap Fina lara atororooma la botnea dlatrict. Jit, 8oott car Una. Phoca t.g MM. TWO connecttnc atorea downtown. with front and rear antrancaa; can racata 8pu 1. W 213. urrgontan. STORE for rant. SOU Stark, near 3d. In ftulra op prernlaea. Offlrea. MOST centrally located offlcea. atni-la or an auita; rant a la $13 and up; aU-nlsnt alava tor aervlca. Larca room, aacond floor. Wash Ins ton at. front. aultaMa for talaroom. ADP'y 303 Swat land bide. 5th and W ah lr. gt on ata. WANTEO Peakroom'by permanent and re aponaibte buaineaa man. Addreaa K. 3UL Oregoplan. . FINE lar-e a round-floor office, or part of Mine Cboica location. stark, near 3d at. Inquire on premiaeao. SIX nir-a offlrea. down town, faring1 on two etreete: partlea anawerina muat clva full name and phone. AH -M 3 O re g on I an. TWO apacioua out aide offlrea. Lurabermena bide; aiao complete, birh-crade furniah lna Apply eiavator boy a A W eTTTlJ tTTf VI D. ompVtely furntaned of ftVa w::h telephotie and Janitor aervlca; rent r tuoM b la Call room 313. Rothchlld bldg- FOR RENT A few ottlcea In Couch bid. C all 3 Lawla bid. TO LEASE. FOR RENT New apartment house, 13 three) and four-room suites; modern; rent rea sonable to responsible person: centrally located, theatre to rent at once. Address W. E. P. rtT Seventh su FOR t.NG LEA8E. Corner on Yamhill; ovar 3H-1V on Morri son; over 1k on 21st. For full particulars s- Zimmerman. fl21 Board of Trade bldg. BCJNE OPFORTryiTIE. A PAYING GROCERY. One of the beat retail grocery stores on the East Hide, very fine business corner: a fine new store building with good lease; stora sales 3 I'M per day; a fine, clean atock and f '.at urea, guaranteed to he a paying beata; will Invoice about 3-t300, If you mean business we will show you this place; owner muat sell on account of his health. GRCRSr a. ZADOW. 31T Foard ot Trade BMg.. Fourth and Oak. LOOK THEiSE OVER. Confectionery and cigars; downtown; 32V Hardware store: fine location: Invoice. 3. IO. 13-cent atore; leas than Invoice. Cigar stand In office building; 3UU0. Grocery store; 3 living rooms; 37uo. Poolroom: 2 tables; money-maker; $TXX Many more, He us, HALL 321 Lcmhermena BMg. A BARGAIN. Mest market, fu.ly equipped: cheap rant; If drs raMa futures can be moved. P 190. Oreg.iri La n. FIVE-ROOM modern house to trade for a rooming-house of n"t less than 23 rooms. Will trade gilt-edge coal atock for auto mobile, llall. 3-1 Lrumbermena bldg. WE HAVE for sale several rooming-bouses, clearing 33 to f3oO per month. ROUEKH ez McRAY. Room 23. 3o3S Waahlngton 8L Gasoline hollow. wire lighting ayatem and sup pi tea. complete atock. clear t-HfO month; Kin cash. Btoch Realty Co., 221 L4irobar nena bldg. FOR PALE On reasonable terms, the cundy makiug tools formerly owned by Mr. scan ner. Inquire of 8am L Beary. 323 Mor ru on at. FOR SALE My half intereat In welt-pay-Ing business now paying ma 3740 a month on an investment of llto; cash or aasy term a AJ Oregonlan. U.NFl'R.MSHED hotel. 13 bedrooms, sanitary plumbing. 330 month, booming town; good location for phytic lan, dentist, barber. A. M. Tanning, yherldan. Or. $2000 OR 3 10aMi worth of atock for sale In going real eatate proposition tn Central Oregon ; safe Investment and large returns certain. AM 23. Oregonlan. W ANTED Good man with 32000 for blg paylng business; will gruarar.te to double money In wO days. Answer. AG 214. Orego nlan. OLIVESTAPLISHED grocery bualnera: will bear etrirtest invest (gallon ; sacrifice on account of Illness; little money required. Call 1Q3 12th at. HflOO ROOMING and boarding-house of 20 rooms. Income $kVO. Thi Is one of the greateajt bargains aver o flared. 212 Fifth at reel. 1 HAVE a first-class steady position for a good man who can furniah 3130 to 3100 caan security. Call at Room 313 Roth- rh;ld bldg. MILLINERY atock for sale at a bargain In a Willamette Valley town of 70Ou; beat of reasons for selling. AB 207, Ore- jfonlaji. MEAT n.arket. plenty business. A-l fixtures; sell account other business, 31000 or below r.at. Florh Realty o. a. I i.umpermena. U I NTEiiET In good-paying cash business, 323 per week guars nieed, 418 Union ava.. N. No aanta. W ELL-ESTABLISHED dressmaking business for sale at a acriflce; owner leaving city. 1 b one Main 1:57 forenoon-. Dellrnteaen and light grocery. Weat Side. $2hm Florh Realty Co., 221 Lumbermena. bermena bldg FOR SALE Small candy bualness. 6S3 X. Union ave. near Russell; must be sold this week. FOR SALE Confectionery ' and lea " cream parlor In thriving town: only one In town. Address box US. Springfield. Or. VYANTED Honeat partner with $3oo to act aa treasurer for movlng-ptcture show; ref eremea exchanged. K 22V Oregonlan. FOR rent cheap: Fine large atore room In business district on Mt- Scott carllna. phone Main MS A PARI AlN Fine lUile confe.-tlonry stora clearing 31n per day. Rogers McKay, room 2V fS Wash. at. General mdse.. val'ey town. Invoice about 312.10. sales $30,000 year; Inveatigata this. I i o h Realty Co.. 221 Lumbfrmt na bldg. WANTED Small stock men'a goods or good 1 -ration; town 1n to 10.000 population. riregonian ROOMING-HOI "SB that will clear $3 per week. Price 31230. Rogers w McKay, room V 303 - Waab, St. " MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STCX'Ki Tinhana and other bonds bought and so'.d. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 223 Ablngton.- a TEA and coffee, clears 3o month; 600 cua t jmers; price 330OO. Extra good. Bloch r.r a . t y Co.. 221 Lumbermena bldg. aUTABl-ISKED manufactnrlng business for sale, trade or lease. Call or addreaa 34 Alblna ava- . FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery store, doing good bus in ass. good location, rea sonable price. W W3. Oregonlan. 3100 W ll-L buy half interest In s ia!I busi ness clearing $4 to 34 per day each. Rogern 4 MrRav. room 2V H Waeh. at, RF-tTAl RANT Well-known, good business, rood lease, nominal rent, prominent lo c a t ion. L 2". t re g onlan, FOR RENT or sale, bakery and confectionery established 13 yaare; remodeled; Wood lawn. Inquire ! North 3d at. Will, sell half Interest in my established m4 order business to good man who can act aa manager. Brown. 16 X. 7th at- tfaburlan drugstore, stationery. $-3O0V$"lCO0 -ah. Hiocn nea;-.y v huhum-, n.r.. U,)AH jiTAND fr sale, down town. Must selu J 191. Oregonlan. RK-sT Vl'RANT. cigar, confectionery: good : K-,t ion: good bualr.esa s&4 Union are. N. GKXERY Bert buy In city. net 3223 last mc-rth. p-v asnirgion. BLACKSMITH shop for aale: one of tha pest in ine ci 1 j . - it - - - -v.-.--.. JOB prtnUng oaice for aate. V ill Orag- n'an. GOD theater for aale In Portland. Mor lnc Tlcture Echaaa313othchlldb REST A I" R A NT Will atand Investigation; lea than Invoice. Goodwin. 64 Jit h. Gi rOD gro rr atore on West Side, t Ploch Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermena Mdg. tA LOON In good location at av anap. Inquire JM2 Fifth it GROCERY store, price $1600; od locatloa, Ap 146. Oregonlan. Grocery atore. cottage, all $20 month, $7.V. p 1 oc h Keaitr '-. 2-1 Lumbermen- bldg. ouO BUSINESS CARDS $1.23 If you bring TM. arf Rosa City Prlnterv. 192W Third WEST SI PE cigar atanda. $430 and $730 Ploch Realty Co. 221 j Lumbermena bldg. BAK.ERT for sale. lively town; $i per day. 2i)3 Oregoaxan, . THE MORNING OREGONIAN. MONDAY. AUGUST 15, 1910. MOVING-PICTURE machines film, for sals or rent by biggest and best film renters in the world; b-fre closing deal elsewhere In quire if Laemmle is reliable: If La'mmia bua rd standing; if LaemmVe guarantee a a aqua re deal. We bava no spies looking- for ruys to take down. We employ the beat iruttrucur obtainable to teach operating honestly and thoroughly In our operating school. Terma very easy. Operator's certifi cate Issued when qualified. L emmle's cer tiflcate is a standard of en o pern tor' a quali fications Laemmle Film Service, Pan tgea bldg., Portland. Oregon, ARB you looking for a business? If so, corns and see us. Hardware, Involca; fine loca tion; cheap rent. Grocery. 3 living rooms, $700. rant $20. t'onfecttonery and cigars; three good ones; $3O0 and up. 3 good saloons, good leases, cheap rent, 6-room flat, fine furniture, $330. Three good rooming-houses. Boarding and rooming-house. 83 board ers; cheap; $700 cash. Many other kinds of business chance. GOO DN OUCH A SEITZ. 713 Board of Trade. BPLEXDTD little Job printing Dullness or half Interest for sale; very modern, wall selected, new plant Including two new Gordona and new Colts Armory: well lo cated in center of city, reasonable rant, good Una of eatabliahed business; want to devote whole time to my real estate business. O. L. Hurd. 204 tit ark au, Port land. Or. GENERAL HARDWARE. Implements, ve hicles, doors, windows, paints, oils, under taking goods, etc. etc.. located In good Idaho town; established 13 yeara; Invoice between 1.VOmi and $22,000; sales $60,000 year: lease $33 month; want to retire; guaranteed as represented. i BLOCH REALTY CO. 221 Lumbermena Bldg. MR. DEPOSITOR, era you satisfied to re ceive from 4 to 8 per cent for your money when we are able to show you where you can make many tlmea ss much on an In vestment In a rattllns" good "Gold Dredg ing" proposition, and we mean Just what we say: we van show you, and are willing to do so. Dubois 4k Crockett. Will be in office during noon hour, room 3, Wash ington bldg. TAKE THIS UP with your banker, your attorney, any Intelligent and Informed person you know; come and see for your aelf ; nothing to equal it offered In 13 yeara. dollars Invested now means simply hundreds In dividends and thousands in ririncipil.' Send 2c stamp for full particu lars. Addreaa first letter. A 204. Oregonlan. HOTEL-MEM ATTENTION. We have three excellent hotel proposi tions on Vancouver Island, all paying well, two with bar receipts from to F75 per dn one without bar; cash required from $3000 to $lo.ouo. TRAi'KSRLU ANDERSON tt CO.. 1210 Broad St.. Victoria, B. C. RESTAURANT. $530. Nice restaurant on Sixth St.. right down town, clears $ 123 per month above all expenses : rent only $33 with lease. Price only $33i; owner must leave city. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 317 Fosrd of Trade Bid., Fourth and Oak. CJ JAR, confectionary and lea cream store, .oca ted close In. West Side; doing a good, clean business: every thin up to date; fine fixtures, fins stock of cigars snd tobaccos, confectionery, etc.; best propo sition In city: owner must leave city. A D 203, Oregonlan. 70 ROOMS; fully modern; clears $300. 3u rooms; elegant furniture; clears $230. 14 rooma; e vary thin new; a money maker. 12 rooma; clears $13; a bargain. We have others; all else and pglcee. Pee ua 319 Board of Trade. 1 AM ALONE and want to et a good, reli able and congenial man who will take an Intereat In ray real eatate and business chance office; been established over seven yeara; doln a nice business; cannot handle R myself: good proposition to right man. ll Fourth at. ICQ CREAM, a--da fountain, fruit, tobacco, cigara, grocery stock, atock of drugs, bakery, ail In corner store: room rent $13, with lease; all new atock and fixture a; good buaiansa; call and Investigate; take the Mount Scott car, get oflt at it ills. ri ave. and see i-a Morse In office or phone Tabor 2312. FOR SALE General store; close toc 1 1 y fo n best electric line out of Portland. Will sell at a bargain, account of going Into an other bualness; poetufflce In atore pays about $3oo per year. Inquire "W. J. Hop kins, care Allen at Lewie. WE HAVE cash customer for rooming house, 13 to 20 rooma; one for 33 to 30 rooma; one for loo or more. Iiat wlta us, we can sell them. , ROGERS A McRAT. Room 23. 303 Washington St. WANTED Man with $10,000 to Invest In a legitimate business and services st salary of $25 K per year: closest Investigation: guarantee 13 per cent on Investment. Call room 71 Board of Trade, Goodnougb A Setts. HAVE you from $300 to $3000 to in vest ? We can place your money at high rates of Interest: best security, first mortgages. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT as TKUbTDH COMPANY. P 24 -526 Board of Trade Bid. SALOON MEN 1 ' Positively the last opportunity to secure hotel bar fixtures, stock, license and a 8-year lease for a reasonable price. Phona A 111 or Main 118. PARTNER wanted, lady or gentleman, rn good paying business; small cspltal re quired, ROGERS A SfrRAY. Room 23. 303 y Washington PL FOR BALE $10,000 stock of merchandise. New, up-to-date store, fine corner. Doing splendid business. Located In Washing ton's Irrigated district. Will consider good real estate. Addreaa AM 177. Oregonlan. B4.KERY. only one In town of 2oOO people; paying good profits; rent $23.00; lease four years; good stock and furniture four rooms included; price $2300, Inquire AL Parber. care Allen Lewis. FOR SALE Confectionery and Ice cream parlor; manufacture own candy and Ira cream; only factory In town or county. Address W. H. Parker, owner, 486 N. 14th st., Salem. Or. YOUNG MAN, STRANGER! Make careful Investigation at expense of seder before you Invest money la any proposition. Advisory Department. Y. M. I. A- FOR SALE Restaurant, doing good bual nesa; owner compelled to leave on ac count of going East; terms reasonable with time If neceaeary. Gold Bar Cafe. 108 Eleventh St.. Astoria. Or. GIVEN away free, map of all the California oil tlelca. a 10 trial sunevripiion 01 puoiica tton 'XaJtfornla Oil Fields." Sagar-Loomls Company. 701 Oragonlan bldg.. Portland, Or. FORCED to sell my profitable business at once; price $4000 cash; terms could be arranged; clean business; no stock to carry. W 21 L Oregontan. FOR BALE Confectionery and bakery, cen trally located; good business: for Informa tion address Mrs. Alia Whittle, Caatle rock. Wash. CIGAR, confectionery and light grocery at end of carllne; price $1000; Bloch Realty Co., 221 Lumbermens bldg. Wll-L take lot or runabout In trade for small rooming-bouse. Owner, 420 Swet land bldg. BOOMiyOMOCSEa. NEW furniture and 3-year leeaa of new Jl -room bouse, strictly modern, propeer ous and fast-growing town, business good. H block from depot; price $3000. E. A rno Id. Nam pa, 1 daho. , FIRST-CLASS rooming-house In the very best location. 40 rooms, everything mod ern, long lease; $30X) can handle the prop osition. ABSOLUTELY THE BE6T. AN 103. Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE. 12 rooms nil fulL rent $:t3- close In. on West side; price $430. This place clears big money for tha in vest m e ni. a.i .u -a q m. WILL aacrtr.ee for ash this week. 12-room rooming-house, beautiful lawn. 3 blocks from P. O No agents; owner leaving- city. All 212. Oregonlan. FOR SALE By owner, rooming-houae, 11 rooms: every room well furnished; clean. Price $330, easy terms. Call 2o North ath street. m . WANTED at once, a rooming-houae of 30 or 33 rooms, close In and nicely furnlahed. Muat have lease. I mean business. P 20a, Oregonlan. $Wi BUYS 12-room rooming-house. Call 10-ROOM house, close In, at a bargain, on terms to suit. Owner, 42o 8 wet land bldg. SPECIAL NOTICES. Ft poeaUa Invited. SEALED bids will be rereleved at the offloe of Cietk School District No. 1, room 402 Tilford building. on August IS. 1010, for painting the thatturk School building. pec if icationa for same can be seen at school arcbiiecfe office, room 4K Tilford building. A certified rheck for 10 per cent of the amount of proposal must ac company each bid. The Board of Direc tors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. t. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Honolulu. T. H., August S, 110 Sealed nropoaala for fur nishing 23.000 barrels of Portland cement wll' be received here until 11 o'clock A. M.. September T. 1010, and then publicly opened. Information on application to Lieutenant-Colonel John Blddle. corps of ennneer. 726 Chronicle bldg.. San Fran cisco Cel.. or thle office. E. Eveleth Wlus low. Major Engine era Proposal a Invited. RECEIVER'S SALE. The public is hereby notified thet aeaiea bids will be opened at 2:00 P. M. on Sep tember 6, 110. at the office of Marie Moor house, Pendleton. Oregon, for the pur chase of the plant, furniture snd flxtures of tha Pendleton Creamery Company. The plant consisting of three-ton Ice p.ant, 1 chum creamery. Ice cream freexlng ma chinery, refrigerating display cases ana refrlgeratlntf-room, candy kitchen, ice cream parlor furniture, confectionery fur- niture. and office furniture, now located at Na $21 Main street. Pendleton. Oregon. Invoice price about $6000 on original coat. Sale to be made for caah to the highest bidder and the receiver reserves the riKnt to reject any and all bids. Bids must be accompanied by a certiried check to the amount of 10 per cent of the bid. , MARK MOORHOUSE. Receiver. 112 E. Court atreet, Pendleton, Oregon, - NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received by the committee for the conatruction of the Christian Church, at corner of Oak and 11th ata.. Eugene. Oreajon. until Sept. 1, 1010, at l A. M. Plana and specifications can be ob tained at the office of J. H. Daniel. 504 Willamette street. Eugene, Oregon. The committee reserves the rifrht to reject any nd all bids. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a good and auf ficlent .bond for the faithful completion of aald contract. Blda must be accompanied by certified check for 3 per cent of the amount of same. All bids must be sealed and addressed to J. H. Daniel, chairman. S4 Willamette St., Eugene. Oregon. NOTICE la hereby given that sealed blda will be received for the purchase of $10,000 of construction bonds of School district No. 24. In Jojephlne County. Oregon drawing 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually, said bonds payable absolutely In 20 years. Said bids shall be sealed and be accompanied by a certified check for $1000, and will be re ceived up to and Including the 6th day of September, 1910. and that the School Board will open and consider said bida September 7. 110. at 3 o'clock P. M. of said day. Safd board reserves the right to reject any snd all bids. Bids should be handed or ad dressed to FRANK THOMPSON. Clerk of the School Board of School Dis trict No. 24, Mer.in, Josephine County. Ore- on. SEALED bids will be received at the office of Clerk of School District No. l. Mult nomah County, Oregon, room 402. Tilford building. Portland, Oregon, until 5:00 P. M-. Aurust 18. 1010. for stand pipes, valves, snd water mains for fire protection at Turkman. Chapman. Couch. Davis, Eliot. Falling. Highland. Shattuck and Monta villa schools. Bids are to be made on enrh school separately. Copy of speci fications may be had upon application at offlre of school architect, room 4'K), Til ford building. A certified chock for 10 per cent of the smount of bids must ac company earh propoeal. The Board of . Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. THOMAS. Clerk. SEALED blda will be received at the of fice of Clerk School District No. 1. room . 402 Tilford building, up to 5:00 P. M. on August IS, 19 HI, for plumbing and drain age In the Highland School building. Plana and specif icationa for same can he seen at school architect's office, room 400 Til ford building. A certifitd check for 10 per cent of the amount of proposal must acccmpany each bid. The Board ot Di rectors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. SEALED blda will be received at the office of Clerk, School District No. 1. Multnomah Oountv, Oregon, room 402, Tilford building, until 5 P. M-, August 18, 1910. for window shades to be furnished various schools. Copy of specifications and list of windows In each building msy be had upon applica tion at clerk's office. Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. Tbomaa, Cterk. SEALED bids will be received at the office of Clerk School District No. 1. Multnomah - County. Oregon, room 402. Tilford build ing, until 5:oo P M.. August 18. l10. for - manual arts equipment and supplies for the ensuing school year. Copy of specl ficstlons.snd list of materlala may be had upon application at the clerk's office. Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. K. H. THOMAS, Clerk. V. 8. ENGINEER OFFICE. 723 Central bldg.. Los Angeles. .Cel.. August 11. 1910. Sealed proposals (or dredging at Los An geles Harbor, California, will be received here until 11 A. M., September 10, 1910, and then publicly opened. Information on application. W. P. Stokey. Captain Engi neers. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the mat ter of the estate of L. H. Burton, de ceased Notice Is hereby given that O. L. Price, administrator de bonis non of the estate of L. H. Burton, deceased, has filled his final account in the matter of said estate in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of Multnomah County, State of Oregon, and that the County Court for said county has. by an order, fixed the 23d day of August. 1910, at the hour of 9 o'clock - In the forenoon of said day at the courtroom of said court, as the time snd place for the examination and hear ing of objections to and settlement of said account. O. U PRICE. Administrator de bonis non. FIN AN CLAX- BANK GUARANTEE. 7 Per Cent, First Mortgage Gold Bonds. Oregon Irrigated alfalfa lands ; stock bonus. $00 per cent par value; will pay big divldenda. How? 215 Couch Bldg De pt. F. CONSULT our bond department about plac ing your money in first mortgages at 8?i; no commissions; see Mr. Crowe, John P. Sharkey Co.. 6th and Washington sta. ' 31oney to Loan Real Estate. CASH paid for mortgages or sellers Interest In contracts on real estate anywhere In Oregon or Washington; mortgage loans negotiated on Improved property. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg.. 5th and Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; S to 3 years time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav Inga A Loan Association, 240 Stark st. PLENTY of money to loan at 0 and 7 per cent on real estate security. EDW. P- MALL COMPANY, 303-10 Abington Bldg. $5W OuO. on Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rales; large loans a specialty. J.'H. McKenzle Co., 314-15-16 Cerllnger bldg. FIRST -nd aecond mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property, anywhere In Oregon or Washington. . J Deverenux. Fenton bldg.. bi Oth st, MONEY TO LOAN on real estate. See ua for quick service. Bloch Realty Co., 221 Lum bermens bldg. IMMEDIATE loans from $3 to $300. on all securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Phone Main 302. MORTGAGE luana on city property; lowest rates. A. H. BlrreU Co- 202 McKay bid.. 3d and Stark. $.u0.0O0 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty; building Joans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck 312 Falling bid. MON E Y Loan on timber claim or city property or mortgage bought; easy terms. Room 5. 2:114 Morrison st. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort- gages. H. Mtley, room 204, Gcrllnger bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASON A B LB RAT E3. ,F- H. LEWIS, 3 LEWIS BLDG. WILL, loan $3000 or less on real estate. Hitchcock. 610 Rothchlld bldg. MONEY, any amount. 6 to 6 per cent. Good nough At Seltx. 71S Board of Trade, IF Vou wish to borrow money on real es tate security, call at 410 Failing bldg. Siate funds loaned, 6 per cent, W. E. Thom as. state agent. Multnomah Co., 4O0 C C. WLl loan $10,000 or leas, real estate security. Farrlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOU Id SALOMON, 233 STARK ST. $3o0, $1000 and $H0 to loan on city real estate. See attorney, 410 Falling bid. LoAXg on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. pallett, 3U8-9 Fenton. MONEY loaned, building purposes, if con sulted before building begins. :tO Henry bd. MONEY to loan for building purposes. In qulre room 704 Rothchlldbldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries, WILL loan In amounts from IS up on all kinds of securities, at reasonable ratea; will buy seller's equities in real estate contracts, first or second mortgages; busi- ness strictly confidential. G R A Y - C U N M -N G H A M - G RAT, 721 Electric Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses. Insurance policies- and all kinds of securities. REAL ESTATE LOANd from $3000 up. NEW ERA LOAN A M TG. CO. 414 Abington Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices tn 64 principal cites; save yourself by getting my terms firsu TQLBA.N, ill mmuer fcAcnaujc. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate Union Loan Co.. 35 Lafayette bldg.. th and Wash. W E loan money on diamonds and Jewelry; reasonable interest; long or short time. A, A M.Delovage, I6- Washington st, LOANS Chattet collateral or personal se- CUruy. noon "'""B" a.."-.. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chatteL The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. LO W ra tes ; we loan money on dl aniondi and Jewelry. Marx A Bloch. 74 3d sL ' in Litas Chattels and baiaiioa. in n i n n BO ClfHAMTrbEJiU B WITHOUT IT. salary uja.ns without too cax repay us in small wIeklV or monthly Foments. B.bac Glvn It Paid Befora Dm CALL. AND BBS LS. STATE SECURITY CO.. 3uS FAILING BLDG. THIRD AND rtiumjuiui; " . . 1 n f I 111 XX t LL al ?. S? REAi ?STATE i BROKER aGK COMPANY. . Makes liberal loans on real estate, furni ture, pianos (without removal. liveitocK, atorage recelpta. life insurance Pfle and all ktnda of aecurities; term to auit. easy, weekly or monthly payments V buy first and second morta.es and con tracts. Phone Main 20b. Koom 313 Ham liton bldg-, 131 3d st. f $ $ $$$ $75,000. . We want to loan this amount on pianos, furniture, horses, warehouse receipts, real . estate mortgages, or any good collate raL A special low rate to get the money out We want your patronage and are talcing a rate to get it. The King VonJJ vestment Co.. room 610 Buchanan Did. WE loan money on watches, lm0Jlda'B.a; skins, mink, overcoats, trunks, dress sun cases and musical Instruments. UNCLE MEYERS, 71 Sixth St, v Between Oak and Pine Sta. Main 1Q- Loans Wanted. LET us place your Investment funds In high grade first mortgages on Portland prop- erly HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED $1200 for three years, 7 per cent, on close-in residence property. Inquire oil Board of Traae piag, g ourm mm v. $1100 FOR 3 years, 6 per cent; property worm eowu , - iaraelson. Warren, Or. . LET us place your money good mortgages; references. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis blug. PERSONAL. LADIES, now is. the time to attend to your furs. Remodeled, repaired and stored, free ol vcharge, when work is ordered. Re-uye-lug sealskin garments a specialty. Gt my estimates. Have large awiortment of Una skins to select from. Ladies placing orders now will get the "pick." also save money, hatisfsctioa assurea. Adoluh Reiner prac tical furrier and expert fluer, 12U 11th st. Diseases of women and children, sur gery chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the iatest methods; up-to-date eleefxical appliances; private hospital accommodations; confinement cared for; consultation free. Room 10, Grand Thea- ter mug. Aiaia jb-q, a FREE ABSOLUTELY FREE. . Commencing Aug. 17 to 27 this coupon entitles any lady to a free face massage and a 30c box of Radium face powder. Compliments of the Sanitary Beauty Par lors, rooms 400-414 Dekum bid. Seven ALL CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY. DK- VLADIMIR K, JINDRA. From Eurvpe. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIST. My cures are painless, prompt and thor ough. Suite 53-32-31-50-4l'-4.-48. 2704 Washington bldg.. cor. 4th and Wash. FEBV1S.1 at Leading wig snd toupee makers; finest atock of human hair goods, switches from $1.00 up Up-to-date parlors for hairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment 14. Tall It.. DCU SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician s direc tions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 Last 11 tn street, second door south from -s' ,An keny canine, ruuua coj. -w, HAIR, HAIR All shades in best quality at cost. Closing out stock; scientific face and scalp treatments; expert hairdressing and manicuring taught. Aza H. Ribbecae, Gran a -eaar. um ai- MRS. A. M. PARK graduate nurse, gives scientific massage, also acalp treatments, baldness cured by my remedy after a I else has failed. The Francis, West Park and MoxTjsonts-roorcs10andlL m " DR. D. L. LEWIS. . ,. .r.(Mf,m lrt-lfl Diseases 01 "" . treatment of nervous ailments, private hos pital. Rooms 505-5U6 commonwealth bldg., 0th and Ankeny. Phones Main 4047. A 2411 MRS. A. M. PARKS, graduate nurse, gives scientific massage, also scalp treatments, .i,n- ni-fd hv m v remedy after all else has failed. The Francia. West Park and Morrison sta, rooms iu to x. i) w WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free, 181 1st at, Portland. DRESS suits for rent, $1.30 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and a e liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. MISS DESALEE DE VOE. The Willamette, coiner 6th and Stark, 2d floor; manicur ing psychic healing; also scalp treat ments. Hours 10 tos. DR. T. J. PIERCE, specialist, women and children; confidential advice; expert pain less treatments. Address 311 Alisky bldg. Moa SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental and spir itual sclentisL 21 Selling-Hlrsch bldg. 31 ai n b24. MASSAGE, baths hourly, nursing, graduate nurse; laaies -w. a ioio, a. 549a. ; DR. LORENS NERVE TONIC TABLETS, 25c box. restore lost vitality. Stipe, Tay- ry X.' .nntw 2Mi Morrison t. LIOUOR habit permanently cured in 3 days; no suffering and harmless. Cardiol a Insti tute, 1627 Peninsula ave.. Portland, Or. nurse and masseuse. Room 18, 233 Vs Alder si. rauu "'".- . ,. Mme Courtwright, skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected, plas tlc surgfcry. 311 Fltedner bldg. M 5042. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women, 62'J Belmont st. East 24t8. MANICURING "and chiropody. SL Nicholas Hotel. o oiii u, - OCCULT New Thought ; liberal, scientific DOOM. 8. J J-rvvm. - wa, a. DR. KETCHUM treats women' maladies. 1"9 3d. corner YamhllL MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. irs.M.P. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. M 8473. LADY would like engagement as traveling companion 10 u. 1 -v, vnuuiau. tQST AD FOUND LOST Gentleman's open-faced Elgin watch engraved Inaide back case. Will pay lib eral reward as watch was present and is more valuable to loser than anyone else. Call Marshall 437, A 424tt, or East 300 and ask for Frencn, LOST Last Tuesday, in Peninsula Park or virinltv. an Encrllsh sovereign bearing the head of King Edward, In the form of a brooch. Return to 1147 Miasourl ave., or call Woodlawn 14QO. .iDerai rewaro. LOST Lady's gold band bracelet, on East B urns Id e, between Grand ave. and East 11th, down .asi inn 10 ou x- rui. Church. Return to office Hess A O'Brien, Union ave. and East Davis. Reward. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metager. 228 Front. Phones Main 474. A 1374. LOST Wednesday, lady' diamond ring be tween Russell street water office and Wil liams ave. LiDerai -.1 u- -. uniuusi, City Laundry. FOUND Where watches, diamonds and Jew elry are sold for amount loaned and on month s interest. Uncle Myers Collateral B auk. 71 ot h it. new Oak it. LOST In moving-plcture-show on flfh sL, lady's green, striped Jacket. Reward. Phone Sellwood 1565. LOST Square gold watch guard, carved let tera J W. S. Return to Room 300 Ore gonlan bldg and reward will be pald t a nir of sxtld-mounted eyeglass s. In Columbia Optical Co. case. Return to 4$ jj 2uth st. r. or pnone or ia . v, LOST Crescent ear ring; engraved "Alice, " Reward. 1Q4 Fifth st.. Mlsa Vaughn. LOST Agate breast pin; valuable a keep- eake. Phone 4J4. Reward. BU BLNKS3 DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE. B-VIRD A BERRIDGE, Counsel and experts in ail matters relat ing to municipal, commercial, factory cost and industrial accounting. Moderate feea Consultations free. 224 Worcester Block. Phones Main 7369. A 1449. H. COLLIS A CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 824 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6367. Architects. EASTMAN CO.. Inc.. Architects and Build era plans and estimates furnished free to builders. We build on contract, percentage or terms. Main 3236, A 4116. Abington bldg. . - 13 CUMMINGS & CATLIN, building in every branch of the building traces, jODbing. re modeling, repairing a specialty: showcases, counters, shelving, etc Office aud shop 371 First st. Phone Marshall 2327. Assay er and Analyst. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison at. Wells & proebstel, mining engineers, chem- ists and assayers. v)y vasnington si. Awnings and Tents. PACIFIC Tent & Awning Co., tents, awning and sails. 27 N. 1st. Main and A 1981. Bicycles and Motorcycles.' We buy, sell, exchange or repair. Hummer Bicycle Ex.. 133 10th St.. Main 7038. Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass castings and machine work. 106 N. 5th. Main 3702. Chiropractic Physic 1 J. DR. TICKNER removes the cause of disease, 000-1 Columbia bldg. A 5255. Hrs. 12-5:30. Collection Specialist PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. L. Pinckney White. Main 5074. A 702S. Baths and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths, 167 4th Elegant plunge, steam and shower baths. 23c Circulating Library. LATE fiction, 3c a day. Woman's Exchange hlrig.. 186 5th st.. bet. Taylor and Yamhill. Collections and Law. NETH A CO.. COLLECTORS COLLECT EVERYWHERE; NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. 535 Worcester bldg., Portland. CP-lropofly. WM. ESTELLE and- Flossie Deveney. the only scientific chiropodists in the clty Parlora 302 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d Dr. Laura M. Randolph, foot specialist, hos pital and chiropody graduate; a,P,t,lf! Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. room 429 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 34X CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. 'union, o-aa w asning.un. ai"""" Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG & eft., ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg. Curios. SUN SOON HUIE. CHINESE GOODS. MAT TING. SILK AND CURIOS. 70 6TH ST. Dog and Horse Hospital. DR. BROWN, D. V. S. Office 824 Flanders st. Mam Hospital e iu Electric Motor. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st. Electric Fixtures and Supplies. vnil n-lra ... anri ur-'ll wire for VOU- Phones B 2392. E. 3822. Clagett Electric to.. 3d East Morrison it. Engineering INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING CO., General Engineering, Designing, Drafting. 201 Hamilton Bldg. Engines Gas "d Steam. ROBER Machy. Co.. Coast agts. Seabury steam ensines ana Doners, gasumiw gine. 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison at. Phone K- 81 5. Feed Store. 7. KIT x ft. TLff TCXTpR Via v arm ill. feed. CC' ment. shingles. " 294 Grand ave. E. 462. Furs. N. M. UNGAR CO., INC., formerly of 408 Merchants Trust bidg., have removed to 10a seventh st. Furs remoaejeo, rey-ircu and stored. Marshall 753 Hat Factory. HATS made to order cost no more. See us. Royal Hat Works. 223 1st st. M. 8442. Launches. 16-FT. S-H. P., $150; 18-FT-. 3-H. P.. $20a Relerson Mach. Co.. 182-Morrison st. Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO., 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mrrs. nnuings. J. A. STROWBR1DGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. 189 Front st. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN A CO. Hydraulic and spe- rlf.1 ninAft irrpniL Ha prlnf mlnlnST ma chlnery. All kinds of repairs. 104 N. 4th. Musical. EMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevcllc. 900 Marquam. A 41QQ. Mar. Osteopathic Phyglcians. DR. LeRoy Smith, graduate Kirksville. Mo., class of ltiys, post-graduate iyu,, unaer a, T. still, the rounder. 317-318-ai.i &wet land bldg. Main 1S87. A 1985. DR. R. B. NORTHRUF. 41S-416-417 Dekum Bids:. Phone. Office. M. 3497, res. East or B 1028. Dr. Arnold Lindsey. specialist on rheuma tism, stomach troubles and all nervous diseases. Hotel Franklin. Main 7iao. Painting and Paperfaanging. H. P. CHRISTENSEN CO.. painting, kalso minlng. paperhanglng. A 4711. Main 1983. Paints. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO., jobbers, paints, oils, glasstisash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Paviag. THE Barber Aephalt Paving Company. 605- 008 Electric biog. uscar tiuoer. ortiana. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and crosswalks 317 Beck bldg. Patent Attorn eys. Protect your ideas; -reliable patenf attorneys. INDUSTRIAL ISNGlNslEKING CO., Registered Patent Attorney. 201 Hamilton Bldg. R. C. "WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat- ents. mrringment cases. tU4 ueKum. INVENTORS' free book. J. K. Mock. 419 Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 40 years in for iiana. t j. mn au aiam aiu. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and o ft i c e near 24th N. and York sts. M. 34S9. Printers. GLASS A PRUDHOMME CO., printers, blank book makers, legal oianKs, loose ieai ae vices. township plats. 65-67 7th st., bet. Oak anq Aniceny. CHAUSSE-PRUDHOMMB CO., books, com- merciaL ltzvt .tn it. aiam oxo. a 000. Piano Factory. C Sommer A Co., established IS96; general renair work: tuning. 247 5th. Slarshall 1571. Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc. Cunningham a, Z31 siarK. Main 1407. Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag rugs, carpet cleaning ana ntjuig. m'Jii ua. jl.. murriaon. Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d St. Safes at factory prices, peconq-nana sales. Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MFG. CO., brunch Grand Rapids Showcase Co., 6th and Hoy. R. LutKe. Mgr. - v tr. w and second-hand J. I. M. Mfa- rw 4th and Couch. Main 2703. Cabinet work. Shingles. LEST in the city; car lots or less. 6. E. Gilbert. 201 Washington st, Storage and Transfers. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO., corner 13th and Everett eta. Just opened newest and most modern storage warehouse in city; every convenience for safe and proper Viand line1 of Broods: lowest lniuranrn nia in Northwest; free trackage; vans for moving, jaain or a ijjj. C. O. PICK Transfer A Storage Co., office and commodious four-story brick ware house, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main A lUUtt. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment, 209 Oak st,, bet. Front and 1st. Telephone Main 547 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1870. Transfer and Forwarding Agents Storage. Office 310 Hoyt st., between 5th and 6th. Phones Main 69. A 1169- "WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main 1618, A 1984. Ail covered wugoius, all experienced men. Swiss Dairy. 67 N. UNION ave. Phones East 5356, B 2 OIL Pure bottled milk a specialty. Trusses and Supports. ARE YOU RUPTURED 7 The Perfect truss is made and fitted by a -specialist; no charge if I fail to hold hernia, age or aex immaterial, jay W. Wilson. 66 6th st. Stoves. STOVES connected and repaired. 1 1 1 p. 614 Front. . Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $00, fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, $3 per month. Pacific Stationery A Print fng Co-. 203 2d st. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; Investigate; 11 mases, an iiuc. typewriter Ex- c i :angc. 287 V Washington st. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. D. C Co., 231 Stark. M. Ii07. S. L. Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarian. 331 Ankeny st, A sww. Jiain .-u-. Veterinary Schools or Colleges. San Francisco Veterinary College; catalog- free. Dr. Keane, 1318 MarKet St., s. r. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st St., whols- sale ana retail. samples roauea iree. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Puciilc. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger ............ Rase burg Passenger ........... Shasta Limited Sllverton Passenger ............ California Express San Francisco Express ......... West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger ........... Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger ....... A rriving Portland Oregon Express Ashland Passenger Roseburg Passenger Portland Express Shasta Limited Sllverton Local West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger . . Northern Pacific 8:30 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 6:00 p. m, 6:20 p. m, 7.45 p. in. 1:30 a. m. 7:20 a. m. 4:00 p. m. :50 a. rn. 5:40 p. m, 7:30 a. m. 10:00 p. m. 5-.aiu p. m. 11:00 a. m. 2:3u p. m. 9:33 a- ra, 6:20 p. ra. 10:20 a- m, 8:00 a. m. 4:40 p. m. Leavlnar Portland North Coast Limited via Puget! bouna ..." North Coast Limited via North Bank Atlantic Express via Pucet Sound 10:10 a. m. 00 p. m. :15 a- m. :00 a.m. Atlantic Express via North Banki Twin City Express via Puget, Sound Twin CHy Express via North 8:30 p. m. 7 :00 p. ra. 2:15 a.m. 9:00 a. m. Hank Eastern Express via Puget Sound Eastern ExDress via North Bank Missouri River Express via Pugetl Sound Missouri River Express via North Bank . Portland. Tacoma and Seattle Ex :10 a, m. .00 p. m. .45 a. ra. :10 a. m. :30 p. m. :00 p. m. :1S p. m , :20 a. m. :80 a: rn. press. Grays Harbor, Olympia ana t-outh Bend branches Portland-Vancouver Special ruget oouna ijimitea. tirays Har bor and South Bend branches. . Tacolt Passenger Arrlvinr Portland North Coast Limited via North1 Hank North Coast Limited via Puget Sound Northern Pacific Express via North Bank Northern Parifle TC xnress vis Puget Sound ! 7 Pa.-lfic Coast Express via North) Bank , 8 :10 p. ra ils p. m. 20 a. m. :15 p. m. :30 p. m, :30 a. m. :00 p. rn. Pacific Coast Express via Puget Sound Western Exnress via North Bankl Western Express via Puget SoundllO juiKsouri tive xpress via iNortn Bank- Missouri River Express via Puget Sound Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Express! and from Olympia, South Bend and Gravi Hnrhnr . 00 p. m. 1 0 p. m. so p. m, 20 a. m. Pua-et Sound Limited I 7 Vancouver-Portland Special 110 Yacolt Passenger Ill Oregon Railro nd A Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Baker City Passenger 7:40 a.m. Oregon-Washington Limited 10:00 a. m, Tno Dalles Local 4:00 p.m. Soo Spokane Portland 7:00 p.m. Oregon Express 8:00 p. m. Spokane Flyer 6:00 p. m Arrlvlnjr Portland The Dalles Local 10:15 a.m. Oregon Express 10:30 a, m. Soo-Spokane-Portland 9:00 a.m. Baker City Local Passenger 7.00 p.m. Oregon-Washington Limited 8:00p.m. Snokan Fiver t 7:30 a.m. Astoria A Columbia River. Leaving Portland Seaside Express Ocean Shore Limited Saturday Seaside Special Seaside Express Rainier Passenger. ............. Rainier Passenger Arriving Portland Seaside Express Monday Seaside Special Seaside Express Ocean Shore Limited Rainier and Portland Passenger. Rainier and Portland Passenger. 8:00 a. ra. 9:20 a. m. 2:30 p. ro, 6:30 p. m. 1:15 p. ra. 5:45 p. m. rl2:05 p. m. iti:ao p. m. 10:00 p. m. 10:15 p. m. 9:40 a. m. 5:00 p. m. Canadian Facillc Railway Co. Leaving Portland 1 C, p. R. Short Line via Spokane Via Seattle Arriving Portland 7:00 p. ra. lL2:U a. m. C P. R. Short Line via Spokane 9:00 a, m, 7:00 a. m. via Seattle Oregon & Washington Railroad Co. Leaving Portland Seattle Passenger 8:30 a.m. Shasta Limited - 3:00 p.m. Owl - . 11:45 p. m Arriving Portland Owl 7:15a.m. Shasta Limited 5:20 p.m. Portland Passenger 2:45 p. m. JEFFERSON -STREET STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Dallas passenger Dallas Passenger Forest Grove Passenger 7:40 a. m. 4 :05 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 10:15 a. m. 5:55 p. ra. 12:00 noon ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREETS PAS- SENGER STATION. Spokane, Portland A Seattle Railway CoT' Leaving Portland inland Empire Express 9:00 a.m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, Goldendale, Lyle, W hite Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver. The Oregonlan . . . 11:00 a.m. For St. Paul, SpoF . ane, Pasco, Washtucna. Kahlotua, Cliffs. Lyle, White Salmon, Ste venson and Vancouver. Columbia River Local. 4:30 p. m, Nortti Bank Limited 7:00 p.m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billlnes, Spokane, Washtuc na, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt. Granddalles. Goldendale, Lyle. White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver. Arriving Portland The Oregonian 7:05 a. m. From St. Paul, Spokane, Paaco, Cliffs. Maryville, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver. North Bank Limited 7:30 a.m. From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Washtuc na Kahlotus, Pasco. Roosevelt. Granddalles. Goldendale, Lyle, White Salmon. Stevanson. Vancouver. Columbia River Local 13:33 p.m. Inland Empire Express 8:15 p.m. For Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Washtuc na Kahlotus, pasco. Roosevelt, Granddalles, Goldendale, Lyle, White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver. Great Northern Rail way Company. Leaving Portland 11th and Hoyt sts. . Oriental Limited, via Seattle 10:00 a.m. ine ureguuitiu. Oriental Limited, via North Bank 7:00 p. international Limited. Seattle. Ta coma and Vancouver, B. C ... 10:00 a. m. m. The Owl, J. acvma, dcuio auu Vancouver. B. C 5:00 p. Bbore Line Express. Tacoma, Se attle and Vancouver, B. C 11:30 p. Arriving Portland 11th and Hoyt sts. Oriental Limited, via Seattle 6:40 a, The Oregonian, via North Bank.. 7:05a. Oriental Limited, via North Bank 8: '15 p. The Owl. Vancouver, B. C Seat tle and Tacoma 6:40 a. bnore , B C, Seattle and Tacoma 8:30 p. International Limited. Vancouver, n r Seattle and Tacoma 9:50 p. m. xi Card Oregon Electric Railway Co. Passenger Station. Front and Jefferson Sts. L-avlnr Portland for Salem and Int, ' stations 6:30. 7:30, 11:00 A. M.; 2:00. 3:50. a in 8-30 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and Salem--9:15 A. M- Local for Wllsonville and int. stations 3:10 P. M. Daily except Kundav for points on the Salem, Falls City - . a. western Ry. via Salem, 6:30 A. M., 2:00 P M Sunday only. 11:00 AM. Veavinir Portland for Forest Grove and IntT Stations 7:05. 8:30. 10:20 A. M. ; 12:10. 2.10, 3:30. 5:30, 8:23 P. M. Saturday only. 11ArrivinaIat Portland from Salem and Int. stations 8:40. 11:00 A. M.; 1:15, 4:00. 6:00. 8-20 10:30 P- M. Local from Wllsonville and intermediate stations 6:40 A. M. Daily except Sunday, and 7:35 A. M. daily. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and Int. stations 8:00. 9:50. 11:40 A M. ; 1:30. 2-50. 6-20, 8:10 P- M. Saturday only, 11:00 p' M. Sunday only, 4:40 P. M. Depot Front and Jefferson, Portland. Or. Portland Railway, Light A Power Company. Ticket Office and Waitlng-Room. First and Aldor and East Water and East Morrison Streets, CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND C MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City 4:00 and 6:30 A. M. and every 30 minutes and including last car, mGrisham and intermediate points 6:35. 7-45. 8:45. 9:45, 10:45. 11:45 A. M. ; 12:45. 1-43 2-43. 3:45. 4:45. 5:45, 6:43. 11:30 P. M. "F'A.irview and Troutdale 6:55, 7:43, 8:43, 9:45. 10:45 A M; 1:45, 2:45. 8:45. 4:45. 5:43. 'Mdero" and intermediate points 6:33, 8 a5 10:45 A- M, ; 12:45. 2:45. 4:43. 6:45 P.M. 8.0, xu-to FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket office and waiting-room Second and Washington Sta M -6:15. 6:50. 7:25. 8:00, 8:35. 9:10. . ri..o H.m n-.tn. : 5 1:50. 2:30. 3:10. 8:50. 9:25. 4:30. 5:10. "5:50. 6:30, 7:05. 7:40, 8:15. 1035. ll:4o. On third Monday in every month the last car leaves at 7:03 P. M. Daily except Sun day Daily except Monday,