Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 15, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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W hav the foliowing hoi
With us tnr nit: ,
Thm hms- sr nf rarllae. x-ni
ad have fir protection and sawece. are
tew and wll built.
Trma can be made to suit you.
Bungalow 5 rooms, bath; modern,
1 2
HruM rooms, basement. Dotrh
kttchan. beautiful vw of Portland and
tne mouniami. $.iiio.
Cosy 6-room bun a low on brow or run.
oat bitkk to canine and out block to
at hook. 4UDu.
7 -room nous. 2W feet from carltne;
modern la evry way; lot !" vl up.
tur tar ma to right peopte: IS'4
Iik W-R rar to ath and Canton at.
Agents on (round ail day. .
6-room cottage, all In good order and
waiking distant, lot x 1 oO , aouth front;
i vmaru walk, street tmprOTd: sum fruit
trows, wtllow shad trees and nice lawn;
e-n K. Hilmon, bet. 16th and lTth. price
tl'vu. ' ct.t) and $23 Pr month. Jost
like paying rent.
GRl rI I A DOW".
31T Board of Trad BWg.. Fourth and Oak.
Fin moUtrn. 7 -room bouaa. fractional
cornr lot oa Park at. The only cornar
r-idac to ba had on thia rhoic boole
eard. Vaadaya ft Walton. 61 Chamber
of I'ommtrrt.
Boat a
For a;wd Invfatmvnti la cloao-ln Wnt
flda property ranging la prlca from $lm0
to $1" aao Vanduya A Walton. M5
chamber of Cnmmnrft.
1 acre Milwaufcie Heights: high and
atabCy ; good a-room house. wIt h brick
hav-ment. large barn, flv acre bearing
fruit, three acres strawberrt. grapes.
Markbem. raspt-rrl-a. ic. ; abundant
tor aupplv: high state of cultivation;
on Oregon City Electric. Price HiWW.
I7 Foard of Trad Rldg.. Fourth and Oak.
Why pay jjo- or o prrr for land
have acre Uwatwd milt an! Ajair
from Oregon City rarlin for l-
acra: vtrv beet otl and finest app ana
fruit land In Orvioo. ail ready for culti
vation. Trma to ault purchaser.
Ml Merchant Truat bid. S2ft Wash, at.
1 acre, threfourths mile from Orenco.
n Orvcua 'lty electric line: one-third
mil frurn Wlichn-i. near Reed villa, on
K. P. R. R. ; d acrea In cultivation. om
timber, alanc easy to clesr. ntr level
land, c&ccft creek mkng North Una, two
aprinaa. price $.i?un; terroi.
ai7 Board of Trade Bid-.. FourtB and Oak.
UK SALE 3tx acrea of the finest Ocean
Bearh property In the Pacific Northweat.
fromlns S-mlle on the PaciAc Ocean on
the famoui t'lataop Beach. Oregon; abao
luiely the nearest ocean beach to the Co
lumbia River district and Inland Kmplre;
on line of the Astoria Columbia Ktver
R. ill road. For particular Inquire Poet-
t'ffi-e Hot 147. Aatorta, ureaoa-
rIT OWNER acree. or will divide eubur
' ban bum, two block from atation. one
from church, two from school, four to
river, fine orchard and berries, nke ffar
deu: 7-room house, od bam and out
bull dins; Ores on Citr cars atop at Jsn
rmas Eodge. Inquire at atore for C IX
H A V K M acres In native timber cloee to
city limits. West Side; fine aoU. level
land: Just the plaoe to hew out a home
of your own. 1."k corda wood to the acre
In bt. trees: will aell all or any part If
ran find buyer for the whole at I'-OO per
a'-re. AJ -'oi. Ores on lan.
tlNt'OME propertjr A few em ill tract a.
nicety Improved, with bearlns fruit tra
and berrlee; sood buildinaa. sovl poultry
location ; Ideal for homes ; col leffee and
s;rud schools. 1 hour's ride frjm Port
land. Dean Land Co.. 6' 'himr of
Commerce. 3d and SHarlt eta.. Portland Or.
The beat closa-to-clty buy on market:
en el ec trie line: partially Improved;
orchard and running water; Ideal for cut
tins up; one-third cash, balance eaay, or
might trade for Portland realty. Vanduyn
A V lton. 1(V Chamber of Commerce
ACRES. 13 mltea from Portland In Tual'
atin Valley, half mile from (Jrefon Elec
tric atation; 1 4 acrea cleared. 2 acree
onion land: runntn water, i J7RO. Owner.
I'hone E X 24, Oresonlan.
TEN acrea at ML Tabor. ItO.OOO; very
choice; not far from platted property
el Una for HNa per lot. The beat acre
aae buy In thia section. The Hart Land
Co.. led 2d t. Phone Marshall 1583.
S'lCE 3 1S acrea close In, nearly all cleared.
ll fenced, with sood bu.ig:n', I arn.
etc.. for aale or trade for -;tty propony.
luoois sV Crockett. Waaht'iian ilds..
rMm 3.
PER acra will buy a fin tract ot level,
platted land between Portland .in) il!'s
boro. Tha Oreon Electric line rune
throuffh the center. Call eld Fat Mas b'dg.
Fl V E acrea on Kel I y a ve. Thia c holre al t a
im ! to Heed Institute and la a imp
a at I .&. For terms see attorney. -4lo
Fallins bldg.
17 AC RE. 4 excellent fruit land. 2 ml lea
from I 'alias, or.; antl a feet deep; cheap.
A F ifreconian.
S, 3 AND lo-acre tract, clo to Portland, on
electric line; running water; JW and up. 411
eLU SQL IS I rMENTTIrtO acre. In Wash 1 n -ton;
A3 acre in cuulvation; bouse, barn,
all fo.d: S milea R. R . 1 mile school,
sood ruada; all tllUble land.
32 1 s bok explalnlns what each of
the y count tea la best adapted for; gtvea
amount vf ovemment land oin to home-e-,i
in each county; map attached. IMxJft.
elr.s new R. R. and Uiwns. IncIuditiS
Utten acd Central Ores on ; counties in
different color, drawn to March 1. 191":
latest map In I". ; price 23c. Nlmmu at
Huoey. 313 Hamilton ok-S-
CNF relinquishment. lO acrea. acrea ra
cultivation, soma email fruita and pie
plant: on county road; fin creek rune
tnrousn. place, soma bottom land, balance
volllns. all tillable: r.ouo.ouO to
feet fm rreea timber, fir and cemlar ;
cliea to county aeat . srhool leea than mile.
poetofTtce one mile. J. A. Davis. 214 Swot
land bldg.
ra? aade Frat 1 aada,
1 A'KU of fine fruit land. 3 milee frura
I'elai Ore sun; house, bam, 13 tons of
hty. 4 milch cows. heifers, 12 noge.
40 soats. 1 team horses. 300 chickens, 73
loriti vf wood, oak and fir; 3 wells oa
pt. IOO bearing fruit tree. UOO trees
.uns orchard, lota of good aaw timber,
eah and rtr; 3 acres of potato, 1 acre
Leans corn. etc.. farming implements,
piic foou. For sale by owner. Ad
orewa. chsrlea MaMlnn. Dallas, Oregon.
If you are warning to buy a well-lm-proeu
place tn(hu faroou valy. rUea
to station. r one part U 11 y impn-vM. rfcra;i
va g-.-d terma. se Vanduyn A Walton, 3.3
v h amber C'xnraene.
pmt L tracts unimproed land only 33
an mulre ride from Portland in recog
niad fruit belt: plenty t wood and wa
ter: good soil; a0 to $H per acre; easy
terms Pa :mr. .V7 Couch bldg.
10 acre improved land, well located.
g. od ailL apleodid water; near huOl;
fine for Summer home; on autoroolm
rd: part cah. balance easy; sea this,
l a mer. bOT Cou -hblds. , , ,
ltk ARES f good fruit land at V hits
hkmon River. Klickitat County. V usn , at
ha.f Its value, price for a few days la
l per acre cash., W". H. Lang Co., r14
Ahtnston bldg.
fNAP Id acrea of choice e re hard land
for s.i cah. Improvements aim
worth tmv 3S mile from l nderwood.
W ar. c. Rnaenkrans, I'nderwood. Wash.
For learTna.
ft-a FARM FOR $;..
A-acre rednQuuhment. 1'nder t mat ilia
prjct. Two mues Hermlston, Ditch cor
Rra lard. Three years' water assessment
paid. balance represents expensea
Adjoining lan I selling for fJiHJ sere. Rich
t soil to Northwest. Ill health compels
mi,. Mead. 1Q1 1st at.. San Diego. Cal.
X t N acre unimproved, tillable, good for
fiult or general farming, no rock, fine
water: near county road and schvKL
Round trip In one day. 4H; easv pay
ments: beat buy ea the market, palmer,
317 Couch bias.
14C seres of good wheat land for sale:
HOo acres under plow; 10 mile front
railroad. Call Hawthorne Stables, 4Jw
Ajawthorne avenue.
FtR KAI.K acrea. 15 la cnlti. ation. good
houe. orcard. new barn, running water.
itrk, Impiementa and furtalture with
place: IS mi-ea from small town; terma
nn part. Address boa 111, La Center.
W as :.
Overlooking the valley and Mo ant Hood.
For paj-t:cu.ara see
1404 TM vision Sl. Portend. Tabor IS 4a
14WACRB erehard tract a ant p. proved, a
railroad. 23 miles from PTtaaa. goat
aoiL ao fxi: fteo aa acre. eay terms; ar
range wtih ue to go and ueka se-ectaoa:
ras trip same 4ajr 310 Corbett aadsT.
For aale, farms, livery buaineas. a are
ftou and rusinas: pruea rAsooabIe; ao
e-tchange. P- Bos 74. Carlton, or.
.TK Unn County farm of a'l description
at prices very reasonable, write for infor
gaauoa te J. V. Pipe, Albany, or.
For fale
For 250 acrea of tha bat land In Or iron.
srres in cultivation. ba.ance east I
cleared : all fenced, good buildings, fin
orchard. good runntnir water, well; all
can bo imitated; thia land la In the moat
fertile valley In Oregon. 1 t mllet from
town; mill produce anything adapted to
arrow In thia climate: easy term a, H. R.
Hlack. owner. 4ui Lumber xrhmit, d
and tark ata.
Well Improved. 2 mile and a half from
Don a id. oa Ha J em Electric. 2 milea from
Aurora. B. P. R. R. : price llOO oer trra
terma to ault; will take city property In
rxcnaogt; ior mnncr lariituuri ee
ftO Henry bMf.
Oooc deep rich aotl, all la eultlratton
lord 7 -room nouae, barn, water, etc
all wire fenced, stock, fumltum tm
pJement and thia element place all for
i w. nan min. a reat Darain. ana
only 14 mile to atation on Oregon Electric.
Ifij la a aeat bur. Par farm for less.
Ait quick. O. I Bamberrer, Main SlMi.
a oR aAI.E On of tha best farma In Or
son. 1 tfO acrea of choice level bottom
land, all in a blah atat of cultivation, ex
cept a 4 -acre wood lot, oa main road, only
3 mile to Forest Orove. Good house and
barn. 1130 per acra Or will sell 6
acrea of above wfth all the lmprovementa
for $9JOO. on very eaaj terma. T. H.
t.lttieiaies. Forest Grove. Ore iron.
For Bale or trad a MO a-r Malheur
County: 200 acrea now in alfalfa; all rood
soil nd aelf-imcated by lares stream
ihrouga place: on main at a ire line; 3-0
acres 33 mile from Prlnevllle. aelf-lr-
riaatai S.nuo.4oo feet yellow pine: K. R
eurvev throuah place. C. IX Elder, 2sl
W aahlnawn. at.
20-ACRE tracts, unimproved. 23 miles by
rail from Portland; suitable for fruit rais
ins and chicken ranchea: well watered.
plenty of timber for all purpoeea; beat of
soil, no rock or gravel; gift to an
acre, eaay terma: these are the cheapest
iracta on the market and will bear Inspec
tion. Call and arrange to go and see them.
10 tortott pug.
acreage, a wheat ranch or "
well-Improved farm, at low price and oa
moat liberal terma, are na I handle
wo, properties.
ft 30 Corbet t Bids.
WANTED To trad the follow Ins ah are of
Block for residence lot In Portland: 200U
shares Cascade Mining st Development
Co.. 2XM .National Copper; Itxxi Fidelity
Copper: 10Ml,le Creek Gold 4k Copper
and liKtO Trevor Mines Co. Portland or
v 1 named rielshta property preferred.
W rite for particulars. AE Oregonlan.
I WANT to buy a piece of Income bearing
property on Grand avenue or some other
goou tast Jide district, worth from ftio.
to IJj.oov. from party who will ac
cept a good Improved orchard as part
payment can pay aome cash, am 20U,
Oregon ian.
WANTED To buy from owner, a small
utace near electric car station, near Port
k.nd or Vancouver: slve full particulars.
AdcreaaeD. M. Vail. Forest Orove, R. F.
if- itouie .-o. 1.
I want bargains In lota In above die
trice: must be cheap and well located;
10c ana DiocK number or don t anewer.
is .i uregooian.
HAVE five-room nanelled cot La a. lot 4alOO.
value itX. to offer aa part payment on
aeven-roorn bouse or bungalow; must be In
ai neignoornood; state price and lull par
iittuars iuny. w x-w. uregonian.
W ANTED Income property. will Invest
from 3oOo to $'.'0,uoo caah In close -In.
gilt-edged property. 1 am the principal.
t. At ..n. vreyoman
WANTED To bur aoartment-housa from
owner, who will accept fine Hood River
rvnen u part payment: p runts from crop
" yesir sio, uregonian.
WANTED To buy from owner, modern
residence In good East Side district; give
full particulars and price. AM .OS. Ort-
WANTED Between Madison and Monimm-
ery. Fourth and Front sis., full quarter
muca inr oiuei. iv :v, Oregon lan.
BLKLKBA.N lot, aa first payment on new
-room houee. close In. Phone Tabor 1131.
TO EXCHANGE for Portland Income dioo-
erty. one of the beat comolnation timothy,
w heat and atock ranchea in Eastern Wah-
Ington. hxated but a short distance from
inree railroad towns; only 3J miles from
Spokane. Wash., comprising over 1M0
acrea; apiendid Duiidlnga, watered by
at rone; aprlnge; will include personal
property, consisting of brood mares. Im
plement and ih ton of bay; will con
sider exchange to value of loo.OOO on
Portland business or aemi-buainea prop
erty at right value. Address Ownur,
H"t UQ4. i-pokana. Wash.
WANTED To buy modern Portland resi
dence or income business property from
party who will accept Hood River orV
chard tract In part payment. A M 2o3,
Ore gun tan. Give telephone number.
NEW" 3-pasaenger auto to exchange for small
Improved farm, close to Portland; prefer
someining on canine; auto worm aou.
Add t eaa V 23. Ore goni an.
WANTED To trade 13 acrea unimproved
Hood Ktver apple land for residence lot on
Portland Heigots; write for particulars.
j r jh.-. urcgonian.
FOIL lot or cottage at beach, a beautiful
Aeolian grand ore nest re He. 100 roila of
music and cabinet: cost $ino. will pay
caah difference. AF 167. Oregonlan.
$! FINE paying rooming-house to trade
1 or iota or act sag 01 same or leea value;
cash or terms oh balance. 231 E. dth au.
near naimon,
HARDWARE and crockery store, g-ood lo
cation, growing business. Will sell for
-3u or exchange for Income property.
It -J7. Orvifoniaa.
NEW 7-room bouse, nice home, close in. for
runabout In A-1 condition, as first pay
menu I'hone Tabor Idol.
SWL'ITY In new, modern bungalow for small
rooming-house or lot, Room 3 lo Henry
W E a change your property, regardless of
location, for thai which suits you bitter.
Northwest Exchange, 22b- Henry Bldg.
JoU can trade any kind of property si All
Oak at.
Wanted, ft to lO acrea; some Improve
ments and water; suitable for hog-raising
: easy terms, near Portland. AU -W,
WANT to buy from owner. 10 to 20 acrea
within -9 mllea of Portland; must have
lmprovementa and some fruit trees and
berries, with spring water preferable; no
a cents. M Zi. Oregon tan.
HAVE two quick buyers for Improved and
vwrtl located farms. end full description
and best figures. C. L. Bamberger. Room
2 Uumttermena hldg.
Farm, also acreage, fronting on or overlook
ing river or ocean. K 194. Oregonlan.
JrV A N Tj: DTIM BE at LA N D S.
TO exchange for timber, a $150 millinery
atore on Washington at.; an excellent op
portunity for aome lady to get a cleaning
business for a timber claim ahe canuot
otherwise ue, E Oresonlan.
TIMBER British Columbia: I will sell" my
limits of five million to five hundred
million feet;, the biggest timber boom ever;
will be here this Summer. G. H. E. Grey,
313 Dominion Trust bldg.. Vancouver.
TTMBEr. lands wsntco. C X
Jb4 McKay blag.
BOtoilT AND bLD.
C. J. M CRACK KN. tot McKay Bldg.
40 ACRES piling" timber, near river, Clatsop
County. Mews, 72 Alb Ins a ve.
TIMBKK c la In is. hmestsadsv rellnqulatunents,
2ia Worcester bldg.
Wanted to rent. 3 or lo acres, some Im
provements snd wster: locality plenty day
work to be had. Address AC. 2o3, Orego
WANT to rent furnished farm: share. L. A.
Tatty. Vancouver. Waath.. R. F. D. 2.
Iloraea. Vehicles and Mi
FOR SALE or trade for a horse, one new
1 1 25 apeed bike and nw harness. &02
Front su
FINE young mare and horse, reasonable, st
I Dion Transfer barn, 11th and Hoyt si.
OCXD work
Water st.
horses for
ale or hire. 372
WANTED Ugbt dell very wagon and bora.
Washlrgton. or A T31."-
BARGAIN Tem horaee, weight 2vV; good
harness and wagon. 242 Grand a., 6.
Horn.- Vehicles and 11 a me.
WH Y buy second-hand vehicle when yon
can get a new one from an old-eatablished
wholesale house. 44 years in Oregon, st
slmost the same coat 7 We are located
ouMide the high rem district, own nur
building and can make the pries. Ex
clusive sgents for ths old reUsble line of
Michigan Buggy Co. tins vehicles, delivery
wsgona. top buggies, runabouts and farm
' wagons. Bs aura and ace us before J"41
buy. It may save you money.
R. M. WADE se CO..
i;j Hiwtho rne ave.. iet. East 1st and a.
Two cars of boraes have Juat arrived
and will be sok. under our gaurantee.
They rang-e In wtlght from 1404 to 1400
lb.: age from $ to 11 years; all good
workers and prlcea reasonable. We nlao
have three apan of small mules, weight
two to 1000 lbs., for sale. CsU snd lnapact
t U eae. if wanting h orse. Ha w thorns
btablea. 424 Haw thorn e ave.
MISSOURI mu:a for aaia Nw a a anient Just
rivd. 12t to lftov ibs., suitable for rail
road, logging and farm work; mules st
Freedmaa Bros. barn. 13th and Overton
mm. Address Sparks sk W igg ntoa. Imperial
HoTtES. all first-class; pair black maree.
well matched. 4 and 6 years old: pair
bay driving mares, 0 and a years old.
city broke; psir gray mares, team 4 yeara
old. weight about .HoO: also several good
saddle horses. M. J. Brown. Gaaton. or-
FOR SALE "cheap, a handsome, well-matched
pair or noraea. weigning -"w ids. : juj
off camping trip; uric $.". or will aell
aepaiate. l'-7 &snion, Joe's blacksmith
ONE team young well-matched horse
weighing 2NOO lb.; sound and without
blemishes; one team weighing 3100 lbs.
21'0 Rusaell.
PORTLAND fl'ablea. 24 North lftth Main
1125: for fine horse and wagooa FOR
HIRE oy the day. waett or montn; nrat
class bualneaa rig. .
TEAMS wanted, any number. SS-eO ner day
for man and team, all slip work, steady
Job. Wilson. Hector at Daly, room 41.
TOl"N0 ISiKMh. bay mare, sound and true
tAiIler; no mate; $12042 East 15th. Take
Mrok!?w car.
FUR WALK me team of heavy work horses.
- good condition. Oregon tt Washington Co.. I'hone Main 21(k.
FOR SALE 12 head good work horses, from
voo to UOO pound; young msre ana coiu
lo3 South Macauam roao.
GOOD driving mare and rubber-tire buggy and
names, an new, at bargain. Gat tie, im
perial Hotel.
at., livery business, rigs, horses, harness.
w a zor.s. for sale or ren t. M ain 2 -UiL
WAGON, harnees and horsea, S200, or boraes
alone H'. M Raleigh st.
WANTED to buy horae 1500 to 1800 pounds
( an 3a. oardB ft- hona
An toxnooil c.
Bargains one i09. 4-psssoneer. 40 h
P. Ciialmera-Detroit. - used aliRhtlv. first-
clasa condition. This car a .rare bargain
at tne price.
One 11HU, fi-naaaenger Oldamobile. first
clasa" condition, attractive low price on
tins car win not permit it to last long.
One IPlit, 3-passcnger Cadillac, used by
tie fr demonstrating purposes only; also
carrlea our guarantee; bargain if taken
at once.
7th and CouchSta. .
AM leaving city, muat aacrlf ice my swell
4i.iMi, 40-norse power suto, new tires, top,
lsmps, horn, speedometer snd extra tires;
cir good aa new; will take leas than one
third. Don't fnll to ae thia bargain.
' none Main 4 tM.
MCST have money t JO)0 S-ptiseenger a.uto
in periect condition; a snap tor some one,
ae 1730 will buy It. Phone Marshall 2loi.
A 11"9. 30 H. P., 4 -seated. Overland, used but
little. Geo. R. Flora. 470 a. Burneide.
il-00 ALMOST new 4-cyl.. 5 -pass. Reo
automobile; a snsp. A J -MM, oregonlan.
ft-PASSENGER Bulck car, good condition.
fully equipped. sSoO. Phone Eaat ,'54.
Pianos. Organ aod M iiwk-wI Inftt rumen ta.
ON account leaving city will sell almoat
new Letter piano andcciuan muaic cab
inet with 47 pieces of music for cash or
terms, call HZz Raleigh at., cor. Zath.
NEARLY new piano, standard make; must
aarrlnce to realise equity; t rms If desired.
3i Clay st. Phone Main B27.
Birds, Docs and Pet btock.
61X pedigreed Scotch collie puppies for
saie. to ii.: see tnem in our. snow
wlndow. Rout ledge Seed Co., 169 2d at.
WE bought the furnishings of the Rose City
Business College in the Common weaitn
building and tne aaine is for sale now at
our stores; note the prlcea, everything In
pood condition: 49 roll-top deffka. drawers
on both sides. S10; 22 Remington type
writers, $20; 17 typewriters oak tables.
33.30; 6 public schol deska. .i.."0; 108
chair. 40f to Si "3 each! t'olumblH rthono-
graph. $10 and an endless assortment of
office supplies; genuine mahogany and
birdseye maple dressers, $13 To to 317.7);
mahossnv libraby table. 7x47 Inches,
312.3m; six weathered oak dining chairs
and extension table to match, (13.00; beau
tiful quartered oak buffet, 920; ash side
boat d. tf.30; good couch. 3.00; fine birds
eye maple chiffonier, S16.&0, with French
mirror; tin oak morrla chair with carved
claw reel. jO; -0 hardwood kitcnen
cabinet. S10; several Brussels carpets, 25c
to oc per yard; six-hole steel runge. 15;
come snd see them and you won't be dis
645-547 Washington, between 10th snd
17th sta Phones Msin llOW. A 371U.
Our films are the pick of 28 Indepen
dent manufacturers: 14 new pictures re
Icssed weekly.
You need the best; ws csn furnish lt
Writs for full information.
613-ftlU Swstland Bids..
Portland. Oregon.
FOR SALE CHEAP "Acme" brick and tile
machine, capacity 2.voo per day. in good
condition: also Pug mill and cutting table,
7 split-wood pulleys, alzea 2Oxl0. 22x10,
24x10 12). 2&xl0, UoxlO: No. 4 Crsno ateam
trap (new), and other' fittings. Apply to
Chehalts Brick Tile Co.. Chehalis,
Do you want first-class window screens?
We msnufscturs in Portland. Nothing
but rustproof screens that fit.
Call Ma n or A 2023.
143 First at,
THE Northwest Typewriter Company, 222
Abington bldg. Phone M. gbiO, is the
only compsny selling strictly factory re
bulTt typewriters; prlcea $10 to $o3.
NATIONAL, caah register. No. 442. check-
printer, total adder. uad three months,
cheap. C. H.. care National Caah Regis
ter Co., Portland. Or.
FOR 8 ALE Law library, constating of pa
cific Reporter and Cyc, both complete to
dste. Will exchange for lot or equity.
Call .107 McKay bldg. Main 4710.
FOR SALE or rent: logging and hoisting
engine. Kauway equipment co., is f irst
at. otn pnonea
FOR SALE 300 square yards of plaster
East 11th.
SUITABLE for factory or mill building.
engine and boner, near river and rail
road. C 19?. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Showcase, wallcaaes. counters.
cheap, ro. Grand ave. pnone gait 533.
AT bargain, complete high-grade office fur-
nianing two orncea. Appiy eievaior ooya,
Lumbermens bldg.
$50, Ask lor catalog. Keouiita 413 up. a.
M. Hayter Co.. uu otn iu atain
FOR SALE N earl new hop bailer. Address
J as. R esb. Corvs 1 1 is. Or.
300 business cards. $1.25 If you bring this
d. Hose city priniery. ivxi aa au
IVUUUP.EEN blackberries, direct from B-er-
Farm. In era tea Phone 3iain 4us.
OWCASES. new and aecund-Hahd. SI 2
verett, corner otn. Aiap natures.
IOLINS, baTijos. msndoliaa.' gultsrs st half
.regular prlcea L'ncle Myers. 71 tfth at.
NOTES and mortgages bought snd eold. Na
tional Credit An n, eoi Worcester biag.
BLACK TENT. 40x50 feet, cheap. Paclflo
Ten t ee Awning CO.. ii in ortn ist sv.
5- FOOT aolld mahogany desk and chair.
Inquire 4'.'3 Mohawk Ding.
TAILOR Experienced in men's clothing aj-
terationa. jion uioining lo.. joo-i i u
Third at- ,
WANTED A dry goods man and druggist
for a new location, no opoamon. Appiy
45th an d , Belmonta t s. ;
WANTED Nest young man with $."0 to
learn real estate pusiuesa. t.u iuu wis
money. 242 Fifth su
WANTED Good cake bsker. Apply st
Rovsi BaKery at coniecuuntry, wtvcnm
and Everett ats.
For aew R. R- trestle work; $4 a day.
Lelymaa Renard. 33 a N. 2d st.
WANTED A collector; mast be sole to
furnish norse, a 10 dodo, rcquircu. w
Wash at.
WANTED A neat bright boy. 16 to 17 years
of as. r on ico in uuii vu .
1H3. oregonian.
BARBER wanted, steady Job. 1K9 Mor-
riron t-
W AN TED Jaiar:e-e covk t r small restau-
HIGH EST price paid for men' a cast-off
clothing, ahoea and bicycles. The Globe
Second-hand atore. 200 First- Main 208.
We also buy ladles' clothing.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and anoee;
w aiso buy household fumnhinga: btfot
prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deai. U
K. J C Main 272.
IF YOU have household furniture to sell
call up George Baker Co-. 152 Park st.
Both phones.
WANTED Good sir brash for showesrd
work. Address Acme Paint Co., 209 W.
6th st., Vancouver, Waah.
WANT to buy wall tent 1 0x1 2.wlt h pole :
must he In good condition and cheap.
Address B 212. Oregonlan-
WANTED A man with launch to carry
passengers every evening from 6 to 10
o' c lock. Phone Monday, Main 5517.
CARPENTER work of sll kinds: jobbing, re
modeling, repairing s specialty. Cummlnga
st Catiin. 871 Flrat at- Marshall 2327.
EELX. your eecoad-nand furniture to the Ford
Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phones: A
Main sail.
WANTED All kinds of men'a second-hand
clothing Call up Marshall
fcPOT cash paid for your furalture; proiapl
attention alwave fvn. Pnone East 1067.
WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. 8.
Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 nd
Sft; most be native born or have first
pa pern. Monthly pay $13 to $o9. Ad
ditional compensation possible. Food,
clothing, quarters and medical attendance
free. After 30 years' service csn retire wrth
7ft per cent of nay and allowances. Seiv
Ice on board shin snd aahors In sll parts
of the world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corps
Recruiting Station. Breedsn bldg., 3d and
Washington ats . Portland. Or.
If you take a course of Instruction
at our school wo will start you In the
movlng-plcture theater business free of
charge 01 help you secure a position.
W'lll teach you on easy terms. For par
tfculars rail on New York Motion Picture
Exchange snd School of Operating, 326 V4
Washlngton street.
WA NTFD Traveling; salesman to sell men'a
furnishing gooda specialties; must under
stand the line and be acqupalnted with
the trade In Oregon and Washington; com
municate In own handwriting, stating age.
experience, references and basis of pay
ment expected. Address The Elkus Co.,
manufacturers of Elk Head ahlrts, San
Frsnclsco. CaL .
HERE'S the Job now produce. The last
man at thia job was a fine chap but he
couldn't make mod and we had to let
htm go. Jt I said before, the job calls
for a trained man. Now, It Is up to you.
Call or write for new cat aloe. Inter
national Correspondence Schools, 233 Al
der at.
VKN WANTED, age 18 to S3, for firemen
$100 monthly, brake men $80, on nearby rail
roads; experience unnecessary; no strike:
pro morion to engineers, conductors; rsJlroad
. employing headquarters; over 500 men sent
to positions monthly; state age. send stamp.
Railway Assocfatton. care Oregonlan.
10. COO POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
8 week a, help to aecuro promotion; gradu
ste eurn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
Instructors: tools free; write for cata
logues Mahler System of Colleges, 35
North 4th st-. Portland. Or.
NON-UNION second cooks. $15 to $25 week;
night cooks. $15 to $20 per week; waiters
for flrst-claaa houses. $14 to $1 7.50 per
week. Spokane Hotel ft Restaurant
keepers Association, 216 Granite block,
Spokane, Waah.
WANT ED Man a. -customed to Interviewing
people; no samples to carry snd nothing to
aril; steady work, moderate salary to start;
vtate age, references, experience and phone
number. AC 2v3, Oregonlan.
SETTER on power-set worka; one trimmer
man for 17 aaw ; one overhead trimmer,
wags A.1 per day; board and room 75c
per day; good houses for families $2 to $5
per month. Inquire 303 Couch bldg.
RAILWAY mall clerks. Portland examination
November 12; $MX to $1000; preparation
free. Frarklin Institute, dept. 285 S. Roches
ter. K. Y.
RAILWAY mall clerks, poatofffce clerks and
carriers' examination In November; salary
Up to $1SOO; free Book 80; Pacific States
School. McKay bldg., Portland.
WANTED An A-l edgerraan. state wage
wanteu ior a areaay jon. Must be exper
ienced; give references. AM 175, Ore
gonlan. PRINTER wanted; muat be experienced on
country daily, quick on ada and make-up;
$24 weekly. Address care Oregonlan, AO
213. Oregonlan.
W'ANTHD Two or three good. all-around
machinists; oien shop; state age, qualifica
tions'; give phone number. AC 204. Ore
gonian. WANTED Linotype operator (man or
woman ; Job printer and pressman. Apply
Itlake-McKaU Co.. bet. 9 and 10 A. M.
HUSTLERS to presnnt an eaay seller to every
home In Portland and vicinity; position
permanent and compensation according
to ability. 41a wonawK biag
WANTED A Japanese school boy to do
chorea and tend furnace during Winter, for
room and board. Apply after 6 P. M. to
22S w loth.
CAPABLE, energetic young salesman for an
unparalleled house to house aollciting
proposition. Call 448 Taylor St., 2 to 4
P. M.
WANTED Man, asaist teaching Gregg
shorthand, bookkeeping. English. for
country buaineas college; state salary.
Barnes Cleaver, Sea-view.
WANTED A man with launch to carry
passengers every evening from 6 to 10
o'clock. phoneMonday, Alain 651 7.
WANTED Scotch bagpipe player, with
pipes; long en Basement to right party.
AG 212. Oregonian.
WANT to let contract to clear 10 to 100
acre land, east of Portland. Vanduyn &
Walton. CIS Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Honest partner with $.1O0 to act
as treasurer for movlng-plcture show; ref
erences exchanged. K 223, Oregonlan.
STRONG boy for whoieaa le hard ware store ;
3 .0 per mon t n. t 1 ate age. re 1 1 re nee. rL
2i:9. oregonlan.
WANTED Flrst-claaa barber, good wagee.
ior waitsburg. vtaso. r or particulars ap
ply to Lewia-Stenger Barker's Supply Co.
WANTED First-class washman who un
derstands running engine: good wages.
Portland Laundry, sth and Couch sts.
$1 To $25 week few months only lesrnlng;
situations gusranteeo. vv atcnmaKing-ja-gravlngSchool.Bojt
182, Ashland, Or.
A GOOD all-round photographer. State
aalary expected ana give rererence. C H.
Whitney. Mil Idaho at.. Boise. Idaho.
WANTED Careful man to check goods, etc..
pay week and snare pro n is; xjuo cash
required. Call 24H Stark sL
INTERNATIONAL Correspondence School.
133 Alder. Ou r new catalogue now ready.
BARBER wanted at 458 Dekum ave., take
Woodlawn car.
BARBER wanted; good man; steady Job;
15 guaranteea. 100 eixin bu
BARBER wanted; muat be first els
WANTED Experienced pot was her. peerless
t afeteria, i4 r utn street.
V ANTED Young man to carry diahe
Peerless Cafeteria. 104 Fifth it
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents;
new offer. Cutbertn studio. Uflkum Diag-
W ANTED Pressor on custom pants.
Fifth at., room 303.
FOR gen. woodwkg shop, experienced bench
WANTED Bakers' helper. 662 Alberta st.
GOOD presier on pants, new work. 346 1st.
WANTED Experienced tailors
HH w 3d St.. room iu.
WANTED Exirlenoed second girl, none but
experienced need appiy. iu s. zotn st.
LEaSoNS in shorthand and typewriting by
expert; sfr a momn. oy ista. aiain ssu.
HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co. 3d ana
WANTED Skirt and waist help, 506 Mar-
qua m blng.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 677
Schuyler at.
WANTED Body lroners, top wages. Port
land Laundry, vtn ana t oucn sis.
riRL wanted for housework. Apply In fore
noon, ii""
GOOD cook and aecond girl. 474 Market,
cor. a in
WANTED A dining-room girl at 163 12th
EXPERIENCED cook In small boarding-
house at 3.-v Loucn st.
WOMAN to care for an Invalid; practical
nurae preferred. Auaresa aj. aoi. oregonian.
A HOUSEKEEPER for widower's family. Call
after P. 31. on unoay, 011 inurman at.
WANTED Young lady to learn; no wages
to start. cutnoert a oiuuio. ucnum rnag.
NEAT young lady for light houaework;
wages $!. Appiy pui ueaum piug.
WANTED An experienced chambermaid.
Call Nortonia Jiotei.
"OOK in family of four. Apply this morn
lnr. 236 King at, phone Main 2511.
GlKL to asstat in general housework. 712
Hoyt st.
WANTED An experienced pantry woman.
about 00 xcare uiu. ajb iva oicfuuiwi
WANTED Several bright young womenf?
learn telephone operating, students paio
$20 per jnoath while learning; a tnorougn
training given each etudent before ss
slgnment to position. Thia J " k?
uuuii opportunity iui uvu . r
qualify. Apply to SCHuOL FRiCIPrt
at our JGAbx OPFicifi. s.asv -.ZZ
th sta. or MAIN OFFICE, W'est Para
and Aider sta.. between 8 A, M. nd a
P. M. week days. The Pacific Telephone
-Teirgrapb. Co.
Ocim) nil. a round flrat-clasa Operators.
Permsnent position and right salary to
ine ngnt people.
. W a NTKn I . n: h'S TO LEARN.
All branches of beauty culture; our parlora
are up-to-date ; good chance to become
lndemmdeiil: visit and talk It over. Se
for yourself. 400 to 414 Dekum bldg. San
itary Beauty Parlors. 7 large, airynww
WOMAN or girl, must be neat, plain cook.
steauy position: wages 10 aian
nrivileaea of the home to a arood woman.
Call at reaidence. 090 Tillamook street, or
see J. L. Bowman at the Brownsville
Woolen Mill Store. 1
NON-UNION waltreasea for flrst-clasa house,
S10.KO iter wefek. Mookane Hotel and Res
taurant-keepers' Association, 21tt Granite
block, bpokane. W ash.
GIRL for xeneral housework In family of S;
must be good cook, wages $40. Phone East
si or can at 461 naasaio, cor. via; um
Irving-ton car.
ENERGETIC- caoable woman for general
houaework In family of two; muat be a
good cook and neat, $35 per month. Box
WANTED Good girl for cooking and houae
work, 3 In family, $40. 721 King's Court.
LADIES of good appearance and address
to represent eatabliahed corporation among
on ices and homes; excellent compensation.
See Mr. James. 41s Mohawk biog.
EXPERIENCED salesladies for cloaks and
suits, millinery snd furs; good aalary to
right persona Sllverfleld'a, 4th and Mor
WANTED A waltresa: muat be oompetent
neat In appearance, ladylike and well rec
ommended. Address N. i-. Hardy. Ain
Und,qr; ,
DAY and night school for shorthand ; very
thorough, rapid work; positlona guaran-
ted. fa 29 Worcester p 1 oca, rnopc A an o.
GIRL for general houaework, 4 adulta In
family; good wages. 210 E. 09th st.
Phone Tabor 127.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework. 3 In family, no washing. 274
24th atreet. cor. Overton.
THOROUGHLY experienced girl for general
houaework; good wages. Call 455 Market
TEACHERS for Coast states. We hire di
rect. Call Pacific Teachers' Agency, 304-
6 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak
2Qhk Washington St., Rtfom 314.
Main &b30 or A 3266.
WANTED Girl for general houaework,
muat be good ceok ; good wages. Ring
up mornings Main 20U9.
WANTED Girl for general houaework; muat
be good plain cook; good wayes. 699 Savier
fiooD experienced cook, light housework,
three In family, good wages. 951 Melinaa
ave. (bead Johnson), A Xbiu.
343 H Washington St . Cor. 7th. Upstairs
a PUone Main 2692.
WANTED Refined, capable woman lor re
sponsible position. Viavl Co.. o9 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
AMBITIOUS, energetic woman over 25 for
position with wholesale house; experience
unnecessary. tr aw. oregonian.
WANTED Good cook. Call mornings, 819
Hawthorne ave.
WANTED Girl for gene sal housework; no
children; no washing. o86 Lovejoy st.
GOOD talloresa, buttonhole maker on lady's
tailoring; steady. Hrcnlg. Fleidner bldg.
WANTED Girls to make ahirta and over
alls. Mt. Hood Factory, 233 Couch.
HOPPICKERS to pick 600 acrea of hops,
big crop fine accommodations, bakery,
butcher ahop, grocery atore, restaurant,
free dancing pavilion, beautiful camp
ing grounds, delightful bathing, low ex
cursion rates; register now at Kreba'
Bros, office, room 618 Worceeter bldg..
Third and Oak ats. No charges for job.
" Office hours 9 to 8 P. M., Sunday 9 to
1 P. M. Home. A 4335. Main 8905.
I WANT hustling and reliable men and women
to work as organisers for a flrst-clasa fra
ternal life irururance sasociation, to wnom
I will guarantee big pay and rapid promo
tion; experience la not necessary; if you
can fill the bill call at room A. Barr Ho
tel, 112-14 0th at., between 8 and 10 A.
M.. and 4 and 6 P. M.
WANTED Performers, singers, musicians,
operators, etc. New York Amusement
Company makea no charge for positions or
registering your names. Office 520 Va
Waahington at. near 17th.
MAKE money writing atoriea for news-
Eapers; big pay: free booklet; tells how.
u UedPreaa Syndicate. San Francisco.
positlona to A-l Instructora. 611 Swetland.
rfnit Cieraa
MAN of 32. married, sober, at present man
ager of retail lumber yard, which position
have held 2 years; have had 6 years' ex
perience hardware, 3 yeaxe general store;
want position In store In Western Oregon;
would take share In business later; can fur
nish references as to character and ability.
S 79. Oregonlan.
MARRIED man of good education and ad
dress with 20 years' business experience,
sober, reliable and with excellent refer
ences, des:res steady employment in city.
Moderate salary to commence. AE 204,
Oregon ian.
MAN who has automobile, wants positron aa
collector, salesman or overseer, where he
can uae machine. . Has had considerable
business experience. W 23U, Oregonian.
COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer
Aaalres position with chance of advance
ment; best of references. Phone A 47o5. Y
3, Oregonlan. -
WANTED Position as atock led germ an or
bookkeeper; best Eastern, and city refer
ences 1143 Eaat loth at. North. Phone
Woodlawn 3009.
EXPERT accountant will keep aet small
booka, booka opened, closed, balanced, er
rors located ; charges moderate. Y 190,
TYPEWRITING wanted by experienced sten
ographer. Work called for. Prices reason
able. Tabor 029.
ARCHITECT and superintendent, 12 years'
experience, desire engagement. AH 200,
HOTEL, and rooming-house clerk, all around
man. day or night. City or country. Ad
dress until Tuesday. Wfc 22L Oregonlan
YOUNG man desires clerical position; chance
for advancement. Address Y 204, Oregonlan.
MARRIED man of 30 wants position as chauf
feur - can repair car; no bad habits; give
bt references. Call or write 152 E. 35th
street. .
CHAUFFEUR wants immediate position;
any gasoline car; make own repairs.
Answer quickly. A 2578.
COMPETENT moving-picture operator
wants employment, city or country. AG
192, Oregon Is n.
PLUM BER and tinner, all around me
chanic, wants Job. B. Weiss. 435 Yam
hlll at. ,
MARRIED man wants position on farm; ex
oerlenced. N 204. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED butcher would like a per-
B A K ER 20 years, experienced bread and
cake, wants work. M 220, Oregonlan.
CAJIPENTER work, any kino, oay or ma-
tract, pnone ar-n
YOUNG man wants Job out of town; pay no
object. AG 193, Oregonlan.
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish
all help. Main 4659. A 4073. 268 Everett.
ALL around baker wants situation, hospital
nr hotel preferred. N 2U2, Oregonian.
JAPANESE cook wants position in private
i 011:1 i'M m. isth st
lanuiy. - - - -
JAPANESE wants position, evening work,
after B:0. AG 213. Oregonlan.
COMPETENT moving picture operator de
slres position. AH 207. Oregonlan.
CHAUFFEUR wants poaitlon. Main 5999.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
YOUNG lady stenographer. 4 years' exper
ience, desires yoaltion. B 1270.
LADIES' tailoring; alterations, coats re lined.
Mrs. MUCKier, uiiumum au J. iiv
SEWING done by the day. plain or fancy;
A.Anhi Thnne C 2789.
FANCY and plain gown. Main 7016.
WANTED Position as housekeeper by mld-dle-sged
lady: A-l references. Inquire st
628 Ticgo st., near Newport atation. Mrs.
B. Simmons, St. Joha
fclTUATIOV w a - xtscm
AN experienced woman wishea a place aa
second cook In a restaurant. Addreaa
2S9 N. 17th. Mrs. Novak.
AGENTS wanted Our excellent home-grown
nursery atock la In demand; aales this
season will be immense; a flattering op
portunity; cash paid weekly; outfit free.
Salem Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 per week
easily selling trees for the Oregon Nursery
Co., Orenco. Or. Good territory open; lib
eral proposition. Call or write to Orenoco.
AGENTS wanted to aid ua supply tha de
mand for choice nursery atock: outfit
free: cash weekly. Address Capital City
Nuraery Co.. Salem. Or.
WANTED Furnished bungalow " about 6
rooms, located near Irving ton, to rent at
present, with privilege of tuying if prop
erty proves satisfactory; reference if de
paired. XXX. Oregonlan.
WANTED Furnished cottage or housekeep
ing rooms. East Side, not to exceed $20
per mcnth. AD 18".Oregonlan.
WANTED Cottage at Gearhart for balance
of season, overlooking ocean preferred.
Phone Main 2363 or A 2363. .
WANTED Furnished house of 4 or 6 rooms,
about Sept. 2. L 16S, Oregonian.
Business Property.
STORAGE of general merchandise; floor
space "-o rent. The J. McCraken Co.. 72
Front st.
WANTED By single lady, two or three
unfurnished rooms in private family, with
orwithout boa.rO. B216, Oregonian.
WANTED 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms, with
heat, close In. Phone 1161 Marshall.
NICELY furnished rooms, central, near two
carnnes, reasub-tPie. w iiaomau, ya
Jr urnUiieu Kooui.
Corner Fourth and Alder,
S. W. Blaney. Manager.
m 'ii heart of tne city, only one block
from po to tf ice, Meier & Fran store and
Oregonian building; nrt-clt-ss and Just
pe ueu. July 20. Every otner room a
tune with private batn; sample suites with
bath for traveling men; nu noise, as no
canines nats hoi el. but within one block
of all- oars; phone in every room. See our
mezzanine floor and ladies' reception par
lors. Rates x nay up; witn batn, S1.50
up. Bus meet au tr-uns, Kates to perina
n lit guusia.
Sevcn-a and Ankeny sta
Tha preacher who preachea,
Tne teacher who teaches.
And tne drummer with goods to sell;
Wun wuu or with daugnters.
W'ben looKlng ir quarters.
All are welcomed, at the Anew bcutt Hotel
A quiet home for quiet people.
n t . .. u- -... ,.".i.iM nctpriT
JUST OPENED; new, MUD-JkN brlcx
building: one large ground-floor ottioe; hot
ana toid runumg water in all rooms;
steam heated; private baths; very richly
furnished; rates only 3 and up per
week ; 00c up per day. Call and see us.
Northeast corner Filth and Glisan sts.
88 North 5th st., S. sX cor. Flanders.
New brick building, ateam heated, por
celain baths, tine large office on ground floor,
e.egant beoM, everytning absolutely new aad
ouc and 76c per day; 3 blocks from Union
121 luitrventh St.
heated, private baths, hot and cold water
In rooms. beaUUIUliy iuruwucu, -vajr
coimortable. ies very reasonable. Call
and see us. regular and transient traue
HUT EL J ARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and
Hawthorne. Pnone East
i mnnectinr every room. Private bains.
elevator, firet-.Iasa grill, ay cial rates by
week or month. American or i-'iirupean
Transients solicited.
Mde. nx'ins single or en suite; furnished or
unfurnUhed, hot and coid water in all
rooms; also suites with private baths. Phone,
Kaat ouu, a lzto.
Washington and 17th. fir-t-class furnished
room, single or en suite; all modern con-
venlenoea; $3 weeaiy up. a m. oo.
81 2 Dak ao. corner Sixth: large, lisrht.
airy rooms, elegantly furnished; electric
lights, running water; low rates.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, opp. Portland Ho
tel. 330 Yaiahill: first -clae furnished rooms.
single or en suite, modern; $5 up; transient
oliclted. Main 31, A jii t.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts., well
furnished s.eeplng rooms, V--5o per week;
ltctric lights, hot baths free. k
MODERN outside rooms, $2.50 to $3 per week.
Including t at ha; also housekeeping rooms.
54B W ash ir.g ton at.
ELEGANTLY and newly furnished single
outside rooms, only $lu and up. The Del
Monte, 20th and Washington sta
THE LAN DOR E. 288 10th, near Jefferson
Newly furniahed rooms, centrally located
Fott Uhed Rnomi In PrlTWts Tnirjij.
FOR RENT in Irvington. two elegantly fur
nished front rooms, strictly private fam
ily: olcnty of hot water, near 2 carlinea
no other roomers; cost $15 and $20 per
month, pnone .East ZoTtf. ob .c. 10m at.
NICELY, new. furnished front rooms with
private xaniiy, centrally 1 oca tea in oesi
ridtncfe district witn phone and bath,
near t carlinea 404 Clay St., near 10th.
I HAVE nice large room, suitable for 2
friends, with good board, private lamny,
$5.50 a week each. Call 702 Mississippi,
between Fremont and Beech sts.
NICELY furnished room for rent with pri
vate family; references exchanged, pnone
M. 7536. ask for Mr. Jones.
427 CLAY Nicely furnished rooms, all mod
ern conveniences, ior gentlemen, in ma-u,
refined family.
$3 LARGE front, walking diatance, modern
conveniences. pnone aiam 1 010. 01
NICELY furnished front room, modem, walk-
lng diatance; free pnone. Joo Mon tgomery a t.
PLEASANT rooms, one or two; running
waier. etc.; reasonable. utn.
FREE phone and bath; walking distance.
827 Park street.
CLEAN sleeping -room, private house, walk-
lngoMatance.batn; j.ou. -ivv Jiarnei.
FOR RENT 3-room upper flat; $10. Inquire
Monday, 412 N. 25tn st.
NEAT and clean room; everything modern.
330 Mill.
FOR RENT Nicely furniahed bedroom;
phone, gaa andoain. io.i:oo iam u
FRONT room, in good location, moderate
price. Phone A 7104. S21 West Park at.
VERY dealrable light airy room, reasonable;
gentleman preferred. -iuo lin su
LIGHT, pleasant rooms, v walking distance,
$1.50 to $3. 073 Tnird.
HANDSOMELY furnished room, attractive
home for a gentleman, pnone aiain
,'ICELY furnished room, modern. . 405 West
Tai-lr Main 4731.
ix PARK, nice clean rooms en suite or
ilngle. Phone A 3 72L
$10 LIGHT, attractive room suitable for 2;
STEAM-HEATED, newly furnished rooms;
central. 06a Utiisan street..
NEWLY furnished room, all modern. 423)6
11th. .
NICELY furnished frpnt room, $16 month.
flat D. Q4 lay ior.
ROOMS, with or without board, on East
09 11TH ' ST. Well-furnished front room, 1
or 2 gentlemen, reasonapie.
Unfurnished Rooms.
jfLAT of three rooms to rent, 270 Mohtgom.
ery sl. sia p m""'
Rooms With Board.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year, room
with board, use oi btwuis-wui ana norary.
610 Flanders. Miss Frances N. Heath,
83 17TH N. one block off Waahington at..
Weil TUrniSUeu. auiw uu Biutis lOUOl,
board optional.
THE HAZEL For ladies and gentlemen;
nicely lurciHuew i wnr, uioi-.iui ooara.
385 3d St.. oor. Montgomery.
Rooms With Board In Prrvate Family.
20 PLEASANT front room for two, a
modern convenlencea. 470 Main st.
NlCE'room suitable for two; board $20 per I
month- 605 6th sL Main 330V J.
Rooms With Board In private Family. .
NICELY furnished large front room with
running water; modern; beautiful grounds;
exceptionally good home cooking. 90 E.
Eighth st., cor. of Washington. Phone
East i3'.o.
FURNISHED room, with or without board,
homelike and all conveniences, reason
able, walking distance. 41 Ella St., block
north of Washington.
PRIVATE house, large elegant furniahed
rooms, fine table, hot and cold water, tele
phone, furnace heated. Mrs. P. Kramer,
36 E 1st North :takeU car.
741 GLISAN New place, atrlctly up-to-date,
everything clean, home cooking, rates to
party of gentlemen occuping 1 large room.
FURNISHED room with board for a gentle
man; Scandinavian preferred. 11 North ,
loth st., bet- Stark and Burnside,
FOR RENT Largo room with or without
board, gas, phone, furnace heat. 435 loth,
cor. College. Main2is9.
NEWLY furnished desirable- rooms for two
gentlemen; good home cooking, phone and
bath. 254 Union ave. N.. cor Multnomah.
LARGE room, with beat of board, running
water, suitable for two gentlemen; refer-
- ences. 291 W. Park. Main 6937.
bUAKD an-i room, bath, phone, home cook
ing; $6 per week. 191 11th, near Yamhill.
EXCELLENT table and elegantly furniahed
room for one couple only. Y Jul, Oregonian.
NICE cltian room and board for $25. East.
Main 54ML -
LARGE suite rooms, private bath, for two
or three: also single rooms, 204 North 22d
st. - Phone a 722o.
ROOM and board for gentleman, $6 per
week: three blocks from W-R car. 1119
. E. Sherman.
On Lucretia su, bet. 22d and 23d stav.
near Wash. About ready fcr occupancy.
Mr. S. SUverneld has just completed this
elegant and most modern apartment
building, the copy of one of the beat New
York apartment-nouses. Apartments can
be secured from $35 to $75. References re
quired. Apply to superintendent on the
Just opening ; new four-story modem
brick; fine large rooms, furnished and un
furnished ; steam heated throughout ; pri
vate baths in each apartment ; electric
dumb elevator, electric automatic passen
ger elevator; two, three and four-room
apartments: some single rooms, reception
halls. Janitor service; exclusive and mod.;
rates reasonable. 22S 20th atreet.
469 Clay treet. aecond house from 14th,
the only modern completely furnihsed 2
room aparunent-hoiufe in tne city; house
and elegant furniture brand new; Just
opened lory business; steam beat, electrio
light, hoc and cold water in every apart
ment; private phone, bath; walking dis
tance; $18-$5, including electrio light. Mar-
snall 2u74.
HEINZ apartments, 14th and Columbia; 4
blocks south from Morrison st.; new brick
build ing, completely f irat-claas ; furnished
in 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments,
private bath, reception hail, steam heat,
hot watetr, elevator, free proue. Janitor
serv Ice ; rent from $25 per mon th and up.
Cor. Grand ave. and Stark at.
New fireproof brick building, beautiful
ly furnished two and three-room apart
ments, privste baths, wall beds, large
clothes close u; Su turner rates. Phono
HOP. t
ANGELA APARTMENT. 39 Trinity Place,
between 19th and xoin, near Washington
New brick building; 2, 3. 4-room apart
ments, lurnisned and unfurmsbed with,
private bath, telephone, electrio elevator
outside porches, janitor service,
BELLE ROSE, new brick apartments, ready
August 25; two, three, four and nve-roonia;
ail conveniences; $27.50 to $4o; south side
of LoveJuy, between 21st ana 22d sts. Mar
tin & OompbeU, Inc. Main 7391. Worcester
RE -U KAN Apartments, 624 Marshall St. Ex
clusive, newly furnished, modern in every
respect, outside lignt, quiet and homelike
surroundings. If looking for something
real nice, aee these. Main 6032, A 31UL
21st and Irving sis.; 4-room unfurnished
apartments; all outside rooms, ample closet
room, veranuas; rant very reasonable;
Strictly moaern, large rooms and three
closets to every apartment; cool and airy
for bummer. 69J Lovejoy, su. Xaae W
caf. '
FOR RENT 3-room apartment elegantly
furnisiied. Including piano, china, silver
ware and linen, everytning compile; pil
vaLtt Lam; o biocs roui Portland Hotel.
Pnone Mars nail loo or A 30J2.
FIVE-KOOM furnished apartment, modern
In every particular; sieaxn-hoated, hot
water. Janitor services, witii ni'SL-class fur
nishing. Apply to JanlLor. ttda Jkeax-
CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and Glisan, 2
and 3-room apaiunenta, lew 4-story brick,
juat oompleted, all modern convanlenuea;
eacn apanmeiit has private outside balcony;
rent reasonable.
THE ALTAMONT APTS. 6th and College
sia. Newly and elegantly furnished, at
reasonable rates; haruwood floors, private
pnonea, baths, wall safes, janitor service;
unturnished if desired, phone Main 60 8u.
lumbia, between 10th and 11th Newiy
furnisned tnroughout, up-to-date .and
modern ; prices reasonapie.
MODERN 3 and 4-room apartments, fur-
and bath, elevator service. Ion la Court,
570 Couch st.
STEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable. 525 Everett sL Apply
Morgan. Fleidner & Boycc, o03 Abongton
ONEONTA APTS. 187 17th, south of Yam
mil iW. car at depot). 2 and 3-room fur
nished suites, hot and cold water, free
phones, bath- Main4u97, A 4738. t
ST. CROIX Apartments, 170 St. Clair L.
near Washington. Two and three-room
modern apartments. Fine residence loca
tion. Reasonable rent.
tfth St.. 4 squares above P. O-; family ho
tel, private baths and telephones; tran
sients solicited.
14th and Clay sts.
A few choice suites left at $40 and $50
per month.
THE WEaTFAL, 10 6th at., furnished and
unfurnished apartments; private baths and
phone; elevator and janitor service; rents
reasonable. Phone A 2U3&.
15.000,000 FEET fine timber cheap for cash
or trade good income property and assume
small mortgage, B 2 1 'J, Oregonian.
NEW 4-room apartment, including every
modern convenience; rent oniy so. cor.
21st and Northrup sts. Main 1989; A 46o6.
Mrs. A. u. liugiies. ju.ou.eru a ana -room
apartments; every convenience.
THE MORTON Washington and King; fur
nished apartment, including piano, pnone,
APARTMENT Four rooms, basement, 662
Flanders, ooo. aiam sju.
Xl ltji ArAAlJUA.Hli9,
King and Wayne sts. Apply to Janitor.
THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders; 4-room,
modern apartments. Appiy to janitor.
THREE-ROOM furnished flat, all modern.
ground floor, tnree Diocas xrom new news,
Theater; no children. . Call after 10
o'clock. 246 7th at.
THREE new, up-to-date fiats, best location
In city. Call Main loVd. isast ais. w.
Reidt, 401 Rothchild bldg. Money no ob
ject; want a good tenant.
TWO upper flats, four rooms, modern; rent
$22, including water. 32a -339 ft Ross st.
Key at 330 itoss. pnone Aiain ii or a
UPPER flat. 6 rooms, conveniently ar
ranged, rent reasonauie. aoutueaai vuPi
22d and Kearney; .
FOR RENT- Five-room flat, Lovejoy. near
23rd St., $33.50. Vanduyn & vvaiton, ow
Chamber of Commerce.
FINE modern 5 and 7-room flats, choice lo
cation, 23d and jonnson sls, rteui. oo
each. C. H. K ore 11, 250 Stark St.
FOR RENT New, lovely 4-room flat, tain
nt.t near E. Irving at. . rnun v
B 1404.
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co.. Main loia. a au
OPSj all experienced men.
LOWER 6-room flat, large. ,,' .y
rooms, all conveniences, iw
Phono M. 7820.
NEW. modern. 5-roorn flat. East 18th and
Ash. Phone B 2O0S-
8 ROOMS, modern, bath and furnace. 600 ft
Salmon: kev at 600 Salmon st.
THREE rooms, new, modern nata,
Clinton. Hnnne senwoou '
FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 731ft Hoyt, In
quire 132 6th st. MainiS
MODERN 6-room upper flat. Inquire 190
Knott st.
6 AND 6-room flats, walking diatance. Phone
East an. .
TWO 5-room flats, modern, all light rooms.
In q uire a ijwq -p.
MODERATE 6-room upper flat, nice location.
Sixteenth and Everett. Inquire 59 Everett.
MODERN 3-roomf urn-shed flat, 383 5th at.
Hoaaekeeplng Rooms.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 07