COMMISSION MEN HAVE GALA OUTING 150 Persons Enjoy Annual Pic nic and Ball Game at Gov ernment Island. "THE STREET" TAKES SIDES Long Programme of Athletic Events It Clven and Great Rlralry Is Shown JlcCorquodale la Ire acntfd With ' Manicure Set. "If you drop your eggs, boy, take to the woods not because) you will be dis qualified but because the eggs are rotten." Thua shouted Oeorge W. Powts. one of the official announcers, before the start of the eag and spoon race at the llrst annual picnic of the Front-street mer chants and commission men at Bartletfa ranch on Government Island, yesterday afternoon. His advice was timely If not warranted, as the race progrewed under a veritable shower of ripe hen fruit which precipi tated a general exodus to the nearby forest reserve. Whether his diagnosis of the eggs was correst or not Is a question that experienced commission men are still debating but It didn't de lay the programme. Another event, an office men race, waa substituted and the sport continued. Pun and good fellowship reigned su preme at the celebration from the time the steamer lone, carrying the 130 plc .nlrkers. left her dock at the foot of Washington street early tn the morning until she landed late In tha evening. The affair wis In charge of an able com mittee that had left nothing undone to make It the success that It was. Street Takea Sides. To Instill Interest snd a spirit of rivalry Into the festivities, the east side of tha street w pitted against the west side tn all the athletic eventa under the respective 1eadrshtps of K. J. Farrell and Frank Templeton. They divided hnnors on the day's eventa as the eaet Me won the baseball game by the de risive score of to X. while their op ponents pulled down the field meet to tn lane of point to 42. The run up the river served to set everyone In good humor and to bring the Interest In the coming athletic events up to the highest pitch so that when the boat landed everyone was ready to devote his attention to the immediate business In hand the ball game. Now. this game was an event of more than passing Importance to the people of "the street." aa It was to determine whether the championship which had been held on the East Side so long that thry have lost sll record of It. was to remain there or to more across the pave ment and spend the Winter with Temple ton's crowd. The annual ball games be tween the opposite sides of Front street have been events of history In Portland for nearly a generation, and as long as anybody can remember Gene Farrell has been pitching for the Esst 8lders. The Is some talk now of retiring htm on a pension. Long Programme Given. It was the ball game, realty, that was responsible for the picnic. fJ In ar ranging the annual contest this year the committee decided that they might as well make a day out of It and do the thing up right. They did It light, all right, as the programme with the fol lowing result, gives testimony, the con testants finishing In the order named: TJjard dash O. L. Smith. Frank Tsyler. ifiKpIns' clerks- rc W. A. Elrtck, W. Hammond. C J. Ferrall. rotatx pack rar w. sherry. O. H. Flor ae. W. Hamtioni. Broad Jump Jack gampeoa. Frank Tay lor. Frank l.lnd- Fat man's rare Jaa 8 am peon. Frank Temnleton. J. Tyron Office men's race W. Sherry. O. H. Flor ence. Jack Sampson. Mercnanls" and brokers" race O. H. Flor ence. Frank Templeton. E. Levy. Tu-.,if-war West Hide team, composed of Jack Pearson. Frank Tayl-r. Jack Sampson t'harlee Mever. Oeorse Rice, captain, snd Jack Tvrtm. Eaat fclde taem eompoeed of A. Mler. captain: U Smith. Al Oroea. F. Cou-h. W. R. Adamaon and A. Miller. Three-Isd race W. Hammond and Ja. k rearaon. Joe Clark and Joe Dove, and Henry Knlckcn and W. A. Elrlch. Teamsters' rc H. Fryer. W. Una. D. alorao. Potaln race R. W. Madden. H. Knlckea. At Ornae. . Salesmen's race F. Taylor. H. K. Taylor. Fred Oram. Mop. siep and Jump Frank Taylor, J. Jonea. Frank Templeton. Horseahoe pitching Oeorge W. Fowls, H. F. Oaylord. Muelclaner race Won by Adolph Harah . jer. Features Are Sensational. Sensational features were unexpected ly Introduced Into nearly all of theee events. Templeton's frantic efforts dur ing the ball game to corral a Texas leaguer In the left garden, for Instance, was one of them. Another was Taylor's running catch of Farrell line-drive off second in one of the early Innings, was another. Farrell pitched a remarkably good game, allowing but four hits, of which record he aaya he is mighty proud considering that he wore the shoes he had oa yesterday In a game Just 10 years a so. Just before the game the two teams lined op for their photographs. The East Hide contingent announced the following men In line: Farrell. pitcher: Taylor, catcher: Harlow, first base; Oaylord. sec and base: Wimple, shortstop: Dlffl. third base: Rippey. renter field: Miller, left field: Arnold, right field. West 81de Trvon, pitcher: Smith, catcher: Barker, first base: F. Taylor, second base: t'armody. third base; Sher ry. ehortMop; Templeton. left field; Wlrktn. center field: l-ery. right field- J. 8. Itoinbsr officiated aa umpire. He savs the beat reetum or the game waa Smith's home run. Farretl's four-sacker was also a beauty. Pk-knk-kers Have Laugh. Some humor was Inserted In the con test by the premium of a boa of cigars attached to the performances entitling a player to the designation of "the big gest mutt." A committee consisting of W. B. Glafk. George W. Fowls snd W. H Dryer. Judged this feature- Their de rision was announced Immediately after the game by the following speech from Mr Ulafke: -Gentlemen." he said, "tola committee has seen some rotten game In various parts of the country, but this was posi tively the rotteneat that we have ever seen. The committee Is sorry that there are not IS mutt" prtxea to be handed out, for you are ail deserving almost equally an. But the greatest mutt' of all the 'mutts' la Mr. Templeton. Will be please come forward?" Templeton accepted the prise with the good-natured manner that It waa of fered. Refresrunenta Are Served. After-the ball game, refreshments were erd on board the boat. Tbia was con sidered by many the best part Of the jVUr.'.c, sal would have received a unan- ! SCENES AT FRONT STREET MERCHANTS' PICNIC AT , : - - e r . I i Hfcwiiiirrir-- I . ia. ,M .' ' a imous verdict had the supply of butter held out. With the meal about half over. It was found that Btcve Kunlch had used two big butter rolls In stopping a leak In the ice water tub. Lemonade and other liquid refresh ments were served on the grounds all afternoon under the direction of C. E. Kump. assisted by Steve Kunlch and R. C. Rippey. To make the entertainment complete, the committee employed the Sellwood band. Music was provided on both trips of the boat and al Intervale during the day. An unexpected feature and one with which sentiment as well as pleasure were combined, was the presentation, on be half of all the picnickers, to W. H. Me Corquodaie. chairman of the arrange ments committee, of a sterling silver manicure set. In a leather case. In a neat speech. Mr. Glafke credited Mr. McCorquodale with nearly all the hard work that was necessary to make the affair a success. The latter was too greatly surprised to speak much but murmured his gratitude In words that were drowned by cheers. Before leaving the Island, the crowd gave three cheers for Mr. and Mrs. Bart lett and continued their praise of In dividual members of the party until the Do mi rearnea us uuck. Fandom at Random YESTERDAY'S cleanup of the series by Portland makes the third time such a feat has been accomplished In this league this season. Portland haa taken the entire series from Sacra mento twice, and that club recently trimmed Log Angeles six straight games. a a Tommy Seaton steadied nicely after the first inning, for he kept the hits well scattered thereafter, and fanned seven of the Senatorial contingent. Tommy's victory Is In line with the great work being performed by the other slabsters of the team. see Charley Graham believed Ben Hunt would turn the tide In the final game of the series, and he turned the big fellow- loose at the Beavers out of his turn. However, the crippled Senators were not lucky enough to pull out with even a single game. a a a The Portland inflelders pulled off some fancy plays yesterday afternoon. The manner In which Sheehan.- Olaon and Casey gobbled up the grounders around their respective ststlons was real championship form. Fin work, boys, keep It up. a a Burns got away with a stolen .base on Tommy Murray In the fourth In ning yesterday, but lie. failed on his as g . K - . - fl aVsV'-.V .J f , T Jt ' : . t i' ,' " X - -:r." .... , . vi , ..Y . J k - -.'',.. ; j t -'-'. ' - -'Syj - : l FINISH OF SACK RACB-THK WIXXMO BAL TEAM -TIG-OF-W AR, A.ND CROWD ALONG SIDE t I . - "- -.I... air ' aaaaaaeeeaaeeaaaaeeaeeea.a , XHE MORXlSG -' Vn ; . ' v JLa-3a.aa.. n next attempt. Murray had his range finder working In nice style most of the time, and Burns' theft was the only one successfully negotiated. a a a George Ort's three-bagger was one . . i- . ,imAi . n H heat anDre- elated hits scored on the grounds in a long time, ueorge proven i tirm of the team, for It looked like cur tains for Portland until he uncorked that terrific drive with two on bases, a a e Manager McCredle announces that he has again secured the services of Irving Gough. the former pitcher who worked In both that capacity as well aa out fielder for Casey's Northwestern team last season. Gouglt Is hitting at a .868 clip In the New England League. He will report here this week. AMERICAN LEAGCE. Won. Loat. P. C. Philadelphia Boston ......... Detroit New York Cleveland ........... Washington Chlcaco 6U Louis ..zo S3 .UNO .679 ..157 jai .4tM .4:;u AVi .320 . .82 . .:. . .M .. ..43 ..3i 43 47 4S &5 61 01 TO TV COBB'S HOME RCX WIXS OUT W ith Delehanty. on Baae, Famous Fielder Puts- One Over Fence. DETROIT. Aug. 14. Ty Cobb's home run in the sixth, with Delehanty on first won the game today for Detroit. Wlllet was effective, the visitors get ting but five hits. The batting of Cobb. Crawford and Elberfeld were the features. Score: R H E R H K Washington 0 t 2Detroit 3 1 0 Batteries Wtllett and Schmidt; Wal ker, Reisllng and Beckendorf. Boston 7-5; St. Louis 4-4. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 14. St. Louts lost both game of today's double-header to Boston, the first by a score of 7 to 4, and the aecond to 4. Umpire Per rln held up the game for ten minutes as the result of an argument with Shortstop Wagnen of the Boston team. Score: First game R H El , R H E Boston 11 SISt. Louis 4 7 t Batteries Collins and Klelnow; Bailey. Crtaa and Kllllfer. Second game R H El R H E Boston t 10 03t. Louis.... 41 Batteries Arellanes, Hall and Car ries n; Pelty and Stephens. Chicago 4-1; New York 0-5. CHICAGO. Aug. 14. New York and Chicago divided a double-header here, the locals winning the first game, 4 to Ast rWr iTO afH OREGOXIAy, MONDAY. AUGUST 15, 1910. GOVEBNMENT ISLAND iii. .sLZ'. - 0, and Stalllngs' team the second. 5 to 1. Hughes was pounded for 15 nits in the Initial game. Scores: First game R H El R H E New York.. 0 4 OlChlcago 4 15 2 Batteries Hughes and Sweeney Lang, Walsh and Sullivan. Second game R H El R H E New York.. 6 6 2IChlcago 17 2 Batteries Fisher and Criger; Walsh, Young, Olmstead and Block. DEER HUNTED WITH DOGS LAW SAID TO BE VIOLATED IX NEHALEM COUXTRY. Correspondent. Just Home From Trip, Says Killing Still Goes On, Though Season Is Ended. The sporting editor of The Oregonlan Is In receipt of the following letter from a resident of Portland who calls attention to the violations of the game laws relative to deer hunting: "The annual fceason when deer may be killed Is on again, with few deer and plenty of sports. Having Just Te turned from the mountains where deer should be plentiful In this state, I have come in contact with some of the reasons why these animals are , so scarce. Hunting with dogs, I believe, Is prohibited In this state, yet J. noticed several Instances where the law was being violated In this Instance. "A few weeks ago I was In the Nehalem country, previous to the open ing of the season, and while there found deer hunting with dogs going on with Impunity. Nearly every man down In that 'part of the country has from one to six dogs, and they make no effort to abide by the law in this matter. Deer are run to water by tries aoga and then slaughtered, and in several in stances I have seen the deer meat fed to the hounds because the number killed supplied too much for the hunters themselves. This killing of deer out of sesson Is bad enough, but I am tn a position to know that the same thing Is going on now that tne season la over, and these hunters who hunt with dogs have no regard for the law's limit to their shooting, and kill. all the deer they can scare up. "I believe that some effort on the part of the game warden ought to be made to remedy the evil as it exists In the Nehalem country. That portion of the state game section la In need of greater protection from the ruthless work of these reckless hunters." BOND SALE URGED Property Owners Employ So licitor to Aid Bridge. SUCCESS IS PREDICTED Belief Expressed That Ruling Price Will Be About 93, Which Means Yield of 4 1-2 Per Cent Xet . on Money Invested. t i. rnerallv believed that the r, j.,..KrMi- hnnri issue Of S2S0,- .on v.. oroi-eri bv the City Council Monday. August 29, will be sold. More than ordinary interest has Deen arousal i.v,in nut week because of the narv.ownnra along activity w viio v""-- . - Seventh street, who have engaged an agent to solicit suDscripnuii" bonds. ' . At a recent meeting oi uic Vlv- --- whirh 90 were nresent. each man volunteered to purchase some of the bonds, and a fund of 250 waa pledged to pay for . the services of a solicitor to go out and secure other subscriptions. In view of the approaching sale or the first block of bonds,,Mayor Simon has decided to cnecK up mo " those who recently promised to sub scribe various amounts at par to ascer tain whether all are still willing to take the amounts originally Bviyuin. ed by them and to urge them to take larger sums, if possible. Many Bids in Prospect. -nr V Qmllh who nledsed for his father 2S,000 of the bonds, will bid .w. .mmini a a oriffinallv stated, un viic CUV...... - - . iAiio.a thnr thn others will do likewise. In addition to the .orig- . i i.. tv,n "Wnnrimen inai amouiiLB ymuBuu, --. T ... . : - . - n nnfl lid D.H of the worm wiu oio. on jv,wv, on their market value. s- It has been decmea oy aiayor oimuu that It Is hardly fair to ask any of v. fi.Bt nlAriflred various uiwa " a -' amounts to bid at par on the bonds. and the unaerstunains i - bid may use their own Judgment. it is saia lOBl me " - iinin. ft-nm thn dull season some what, and that soon it will be fairly Rfntamber or October would have been a better time in which to nave som mt uunuo, " said by those familiar with the mar kets. The general opinion io uw bonds will bring about .92. This would give investors 44 per cent on their i ....j anA im rpmrded bv bond buyers as about the best rate obtain able. Four per cent bonds are not desirable Investments throughout the country at this time, and are becom ing more unpopular an wo units. Interest Rate Higher. ..... tr. this la anld to be the large blocks of Eastern 4tt and 5 per . . Koino- ni(.,-pH nn the market' combined with the high cost of living. which compels a nigner toi .n-o.o.w than formerly. Owing to the fact that the Broadway bridge is a' popular project. It is pos- ii. la thn local bidders may raise the market figure a trifle. The bridge Is to cost complete between si.ouw.uuu anu i Ann AAn CmmHInps for the huefi piers are now being made by Resident . . . . i Engineer weioeman. njprciwiiuiis suiting Engineer Ralph Modjeski, de signer, of Chicago. Litigation, still unsettled, has re tarded the progress of the bridge to a considerable extent, but It Is believed that this will be disposed of soon. At any rate. Mayor Simon declares that all he wants is the money with which to start operations, and he says he will not then wait any longer on in uuuibd of the law. but will start the actual work. MUTILATED JBODY FOUND Corpse or Wealthy Woman Un earthed In Shallow Grave. LANCASTER. Cal.. Aug. 14. The body of Mrs. Castlne. a wealthy woman who lived on a ranch four miles east of here, was discovered burled near the house today under six Inches of dirt. The side of her head had been crushed as with an ax. and she evidently had been thrown Into the shallow grave be fore death occurred, as her lungs and bronchial tubes contained sand and dirt- A young German farmer suspect is missing. Newport Loses to Mount Angel. NEWPORT, Or., Aug. 14. (Special.) The Newport baseball team lost to Mount Angel today in a closely con tested game before a large audience, which ended with a score of 11 to 9. AMUSEMENTS. main a. a lesc. MAIUOCK IVKKT DAT. RIGHTS theater l5-?5-56-T5a WFEK AIGC8T IS The Top o' the World Dancers, McKay and antwell, In On the Great . hite Way" : Mr. and Mrs. Eln in3 MaiW. Paul L-Croir. The K. Trio. Stewart ooa GRAND Week Aug. IS. 1910 DOROTHY DE 8THELX.E AND COMPANY The MayviUes Al Lawrence Blark at McCone Leeds at LeMar Lozelle IN THIRTY DOLLARS II GRANDASCOPE ilatinae Every Day. z:au; 1 -a X AL JL PLAYHOUSE Seventh and Alder Streets. All week. Edward Armstrong Musical Com edy Co. Presents "SEA SIDE SOCIETY" Shows commence dally at S: 45 Tj45. 9:15. Friday Night CHORUS GIRLb' CONTEST. THE OAKS prre'Vi' WEBER'S Prize Band of America SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY. GRAND FREE SYMPHONY CONCERT. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICJE, CITY HALL MAIN 6SS. A TSSiL HLA1A.NE OFFICER. EAST 477a AUCTION SALES TODAY. At WHaon'a Auction - House. corner Second and Yamhill. Sale at 10 A. M.. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At 211 First street, furniture sale, 4 P. M.. by Ford Auction Co MEETING NOTICES. WHIaJbITI COUNCIL, ROYAL. ARCANUM, ' meets at K. P." Hall. Hth and Alder streeta. tha first and third Men- days of each month, at 8 P. M. F. H. Noltner. aocretary. care Cribben & isexiOD. Co.. 17th and Upshur streets. DIED. HAMILTON August 12, Margaret A- Ham ilton, beloved wife of Jesse Hamilton and mother of James E. Hamilton. Mrs l J. 1. ' Mitchell and Mrs. J. L. Brown Remains are at Dunning A McEntee chapel. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. . DANIELSON At the family residence 321 14th St., Aug.a3. Mrs. Anna B. Danlelson. a.ed 8d vears. 1 month. 20 days. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Monaayj. August 15, 2 P. M-. at the Holman chapel, corner 3d and Salmon St. Interment at Neman, Wisconsin. IONSKTH FLORAL CO. MAKHOiM BLUIi. riAKAI. OKSIUKS. Pbonea: Main 5102; A Hot. Donning at McEntee, Funeral Directors, . ., t.i phM. Main a.ui. Ladr as sistant. Oflioe of County oaroner. ZELLKR-BYRNES CO, imoti uirecwn, ant: moat modern establishment in the city. . .... i,T X. . f t 1'nnml I ) i t an, 20 3d at. Lady Assistant- Phone M. 507. at. P. FINLEY A SON, 3d and naaison. Xulr attendant, rowie asain a. e. east SIDE1 Funeral Directors, successors Co F. o. lunmna. ajio. ct. w-c. " . inn r.ilartakMa! ladv assist- ant. 400 Alder. M. Piaa. n. LEKCH, Undertaker, cor. East Alder and 6th. East 781. B 1388. Lady assistant. NEW TODAY. ' LAKE SIDE On Vancouver Lake, is the coming suburban home location of Portland. All the Portland and Seattle trains pass the property and stop at the junction. It takes but 30 minutes to go from the Union Depot to the junc tion. The whole City of Portland Is in sight, also the Columbia .and Wil lamette Rivers, together with moun tains, Hood, Adams, Rainier, St Helens and the Cascade Range. A few home sites of 5 and 10-acre tracts in a high state of cultivation, with bearing trees 7 to 12 years old, are now on the market by I. L. RAY, at Hotel St.-Elmo, Vancouver. Wash. The Hylands of Yamh II 670 acres, hi ready to plant, 150 easily cleared, balance oak grubs; fine stream many springs: $50 per acre: good terms; also a 40. 160, 200. 300 and 800 acre tract at bargain prices; these tracts were picked up by option and purchase when prices were very low. I represent that they are cheaper than any other tracts In the county, are per fect In slope, depth of soil and eleva tion for growing fine fruits and Eng lish walnuts. Confer with the State Board of Horticulture and Agricultural College about the Hylands. GEO. E. WAGGOXKR, 2S Board of Trade. WEST SIDE RETAIL DISTRICT If you are looking for a good hotel or business site In the heart of the re tail district downtown, where property is rapidly advancing in value, here it is. Will make big increase In next 90 days. It will pay you to investigate this, as it cannot last. No better buy in Portland's business district today. F. E. TAYLOR & CO. 402-8 Lewis Bldg., Fourth and Oalt Sts. Irvington Swell Home Brand new, modern, swell 9 - room house; everything In and ready to move Into: furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, built-in china closet, window seats, nice combination fixtures, shades, breakfast-room, in fact it has all latest Improvements and is a beautiful home; on a lot 50x100, with cement sidewalk and street Improvements paid. This home is worth J7500,-and you can buy it for a few days for $6900. About $2300 cash, balance easy terms. In the best part of Irvington. Nothing but swell homes surrounding it. Grussi & Zadow 517 Board of Trad i Bldg., 4th and Oak. $3700 13 ACRES, all cleared, 11 miles from Courthouse; good house and barn; about 3 acres in fruit and berries of best variety. Soil the best. Handy to school. Rural delivery. If you want a fine country home see this at our ex pense. ; ' -B. 8. COOK CO., 603 Corbett Bldg. CLOSE IN WEST SIDE LOTS ' From $10,500 to $200,000. Every one bargains. - BLOCH REALTY CO., 221 Lumbermen Bldg. . $800 125x238 feet, near suburban station 19 minutes out, with 5c commutation ticket. Best of soil. One-third cash, balance time at 6 per cent. Let us show you this excellent home site. B. S. COOK & CO., 503 Corbett Bldg. 6 Mortgage Loans MORGAN, FLIEDXER tt BOTCE, C:3-506 Ablngton Building. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IX GOLD. v.Ium lvlns: dormant In already devel oped mines, within twenty miles of tha Sumpter Smelter in Kastern Oregon, where a ready cash mari Hundreds of thousands of tons of ora now kik. nut ready to break down and ship. Grand opportunities for practical miners and. live promow. cure some of these valuable properties, .v.,h nurchase. lease or working; option. Quick action counts. Address Secy. Sampler Development League, sumpter. Oregon. " ikvixGTOsr. Eight-room house, all conveniences, cement basement, improved street; 15600. $2500 cash, balance 6 per cent, long time. 43 E. 19th St., N. Inquire 436 E. 18th st.. N. INVESTORS Call oa owners' Realty Asaa. for timber, acreage, business, residence aad apartment properties. 206 Ablngtoa. FOR RENT Completely furnished steam heated five-room apartment, to two adults; references. AH 214. Oregonlan. VBW modern houses, in Irvington. R. B. Rice, 400 Wasoo. Both phones 11 ' NEW TODAY. $675.0012 Acre 'iV. miles out near Orejron Electria Station. Fine view. Good soil. 1'30 cash, balance at 6 per cent. It costs you nothing to see this beautiful place. B. S. COOK V CO, 503 Corbett Bids. ' REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William O.. 312 Falling bldg. Birrell, A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, ate. Brubaker si Benedict, iui McKay bldg. M. fill). ChaDln A Herlow, 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. S. A Co., 003 Corbett bldg. Jennings A Co.. Main 183. 200 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 213 Commer cial Club bldg. 6cha:k. Geo. D.. 22S Stark St. Main 392. A 292. SCHINDLER A HALL. 205 Ablngton bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah St. Holladay Addition.) M. E. Thompson Co.. cor. 4th and Oak sts. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. LOTS $70 EACH. In our addition on the Oregon City car line; this includes graded streeta and lots cleared. Best soil and excellent view of ;he mountains. There are only two weeks in which to purchase at thla price, aa September 1st all prices in this tract will be advanced 35 per cent. Terms, 15 down, f per month. EMPIRE LAND CO.. 601 Merchants Trust bldg., 828 j Wash. St. . EAST SIDE BARGAIN. $7750. ' , . Choice lot. alley in rear, now occupied by G-room house; ideal for apartment house; close to E. Burnslde. west of E. -loth st. . MALL ft VON BORSTEL. 101 id. 392 E. Burnslde Sts. BARGAINS IN LOTS. $S0O for a 50x100 corner, facing east. on E. 20th, south of Alberta. J750 for a 50x100 corner, near Haw thorne ave.; snap. . $2200 for 100x100, near new high school; all improvements paid; better hurry. BLA.VCHARD & CLE1ISOX. 6 Sixth St. PINE LOT. EAST YAMHILL ST. 50x100. north front, in a fine residence district, on E. Yamhill, near 2Sth-; stet improved, cement sidewalk. Price 2o00, S1O00 cash, balance yearly at 6 per cent. GRL'SSl & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. Fourth and OaK. $4000 The finest half block, at Mt. Tabor. 100x190 feet, commanding suporb view, hand! to cars and in a gilt-edge l?catloni also a 3-lot piece for a000. Either one a splendid permanent home site. i Han Land Co.. 14S 2d at.. Phone Marshall 1583. $500 FULL lot within 5 blocks of Laurel hurst." 2 blocks from streetcar: here is where you set a lot on easy terms, near center ot city and in good io?"0"-" Hart Land Co.. 140 2d at. Phone Mar ahall 1583. "75xlO0 ON NORTHRL'P ST. NEAR S4TH. Suitable for apartments or flats. Na building restrictions. Some Income from well-built l-story house. Apply to Owner. Alex C. Rae, 407 McKay bldg. Phona Main 6191. ; . g50 FORCED sale of good 50x100 lot, graded streets. Bull Run water, electrio lights, cement walks, ornamental shade trees, restricted district, all Improvements in and paid for; some terms. AF 209, uregonian. Equity In lOOxloS-foot corner A.nmerta Park; cede contract carrying all improve ments: UjO below actual value. F. E. Taylor & Co.. 402-8 Lewla bldg. 4th and Oak streeta. SPECIAL BUY. Just think, i fine lots on hard surface street and Tillamook, only V18O0; cne third down. Dubois & Crocsctt. Washing ton bldg.. room a. . FOR SALE by owner, a fine unimproved cor ner In best part of Irvington, 100x100. Owner Is nonresident and will be in city a short time only. A bargain If taken at once. M 219. Oregonlan. YOU can buy a lot near Rose City Park for J5O0 S5 down and 10 monthly; graded streets cement sidewalks. Bull Run water. 5J4-526 Board of Trade Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Laurel street, be tween 2th and 21st, small lot, hard-surface street, sewer, gas. electricity, all paid. $1900; terms. Main 3351, A 3839. 3 LOTS, 80x40, "West Side, 20 minutes out, $300- $10 down, $10 per month. Lovel view of Crest and vellay. Owner. tA. 3848. ; CORNER lot. will sell 50x100 at a bargain for cash only. S. E. Corner of Couch and E. 3 1st at. Owner. W. H. O'Neill. 133 W. Park. 1230 BUYS 60x100 lot on 68th and Fremont on terms to suit. Owner. 420 Swetland building. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SITE with magnifi cent unobstructed view of city at about balf market value. Main 3551. A 3S3& ROSE City Park lots and Waverleiga Heights lot, cheap. Phone Main 4609. PIEDMONT 100x100. $2000; will sell in 2 separate lota or aa a whole. Phone East 903. BEAUTIFUL home site. Council Crest Park; terms. Owner. 427 Falling bldg. ROSE CITY iot cheap. Owner. East 2587. For Sale Houses. " 6 ROOMS $3250 $300 CASH. Best buy In the city; full cement base ment laundry trays, buffet, paneling. Dutch, kitchen, 3 large bedrooms and closets, swell bath, piped for gas, wired for electricity and furnace complete, cement walks and oa . improved street; bring this ad and will put, ' in fixtures and shades; take W. car to Mar guerite ave., office on corner of Clinton stv as you get off car. See H. A. Askwith. GOING TO BUILD 7 WE ARE BUILDING MOP.E HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN IHO CITY. THERE ARE GOOD REASONS OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND GET' BETTER WORK, ON TERMS TO SUIT. JF YOU OWN YOUR LOT WB WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREE, OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO.. 809 HENRY BLDG. BUILD NOW. LET ITS FINANCE THE BUILDING OB" YOUR HOME IF YOU OWN LOT. SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH IS SUFFICIENT. OUR REPUTATION FOR WELL-BUILT HOMES. FAIR DEALING AND DIS PATCH OF CONSTRUCTION IS BRING ING US MANY CLIENTS. NORTHWEST ERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Successors to Portland Realty & Coustruction Co.. 901- 2-3 Lewis Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Just completed. 7-room home on 66th st.. bath Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch, full basement, laundry, tubs, etc.; lot 50x100: Improvements in and paid; splendid buy for $4000; owner will sell for 700 less If taken at once; terms $300 cash, balance $15 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 326 Vi Wash. St.. room 516. FOR SALE 5 minutes from St. Johns car, also new high school; three new. modern 1-etory houses, Just off Willamette bou levard, on Concord st. ; live large rooms and ' latest bath, full 'cement basement, fireplace, large windows, built-in buffet and plate rail, mission finish; gas and electric flx- tures. large front porch; $2400, terms to suit. Owner. W. S. Riugley, 901 B. Madison at. cor. 30th st. Tabor 2345. WEST SIDE HOUSE. $l0. Good 6-room house, on S. Second St.; walking distance; corner lot. - Price oniy $2000- $600 cash, balance 115 per month at 6 per cent Interest payable yearly. Jusc like rent. You must hurry. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 31T Board ot Trade Bldg.. Fourth and Oak. BIX rooms, modern, furnace, electric lights ; fine location; improved; near Jefferson High school; $3500. Zella Oossett, T W. Killings worth. MODERN 7-room house. near schools, churches. carllnes, full lot. fruit and wide graded streets; price $2600, terms. 3' Dekum ave. Owner. uTt-n gale by oVner, a new six-room house at cost e' L. Sanborn, 429 Lumber Ex change. Phoue East 1872. xor KALE by owner, tha nandaomest room houm in Irvmgwn. 41 Ea 2uUi , y. Call and BUNGALOW. 6 lota, 50x10 each; Mil- -aukle far, u ' J ' East 4566. mi-st sell quick. 6-room bungalow, Tilla mook street. All improvements. $550 will handle. Telephone C 2308. CASH Brand new. swell little cottage, BOxlOO-foot lot, short car ride; Price. X7o0. balance 10 Per month. 418 Sorbott bldg. MODERN 7-room home with ftno lot, 60x10a located on East 12th at. ;ill Quoon in. vestment Co.. 410 Falling oldg. $1800 BUYS one-half acre and 4-room house on prescott st- Some terms. Owner, 42H BY OWNER 5-room bungalow, near Beech; $2600, eaey tenr" 756 Kerb! tlTHl 107.0