Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 13, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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4tH Floor
Sewing Machines
. Sold on the
Club Plan
Custom Shade and
Drapery Work
3d Floor
2d Floor
Portland's first FREE MOTION PIOTUBE
Perform an c
SHOW opens today.
In our auditorium, fourth floor.
The moat Interesting motion picture show
in the city. All are invited to attend any of these performances. Free.
showing the wonderful demonstration in honor of the home-coming of th9
favored ex-President from his famous hunting trip in South Africa. The
moat enthusiastic picture ever taken. A refined, interesting and educating
performance for old and young. Don't fail to see it. ABSOLUTELY FREE".
Concert This Evening
la addition to our Free Motion Picture Show we will give a public concert
on the third floor. On account of the many attractions and beautiful ex
hibits, the thousands of people bent on pleasure and sight-seeing, the busy
shopping at the various counters, the demonstrators showing the merits of
their foods and wares, this store seems more like a great fair than a mer
chandising emporium. ALL ARE WELCOME TO ENJOY TODAY'S
ATTRACTIONS. Popular selections by one of Portland's leading
orchestras. Come and spend a pleasant evening.
Visit the Grocery Dept., Delicatessen, Bakery
4tn Floor Rest Room. Public Phones, 2d Floor
Today we open our Candy Department, which in every way promises to,
be the best in the city. Only the purest goods will find place hereTA com
plete stock of standard home-made candies will be. carried in this section.
Agents for Maillard's Celebrated New York Chocolates-Excellent assorted
Chocolate Bon Bona in boxes. A full line of Jar Goods, Package Qoodsj
etc. Jordan Sugared Almonds, eta HSmE-MADE CHOCOLATES
Don't fall to ask for them. They are made by our own candymaker and
only the purest materials are used. There are many attractive features
about this department. Don't fail to pass that way when visiting the store.
Located in Basement, near Soda Fountain.
Royal Worcester, Bon Ton, Mme. Helene, Marietta, Marquise, Warner, Redfern. Kengo oeiz corsets, jamm waisis, r,tc
Dairy Lunch
Manicuring and Hair Dress
ing Dept., on Second Floor
The most up-to-date parlors in the city, under the
management of Madam Hudson. All attendants are
graduates of Eastern schools, assuring the best of
service. Facial massage, arm moulding, hairdress
ing and manicuring a specialty. On second floor.
New Trunk and Bag Depart
ment on the Fourth Floor
Sola agents for Portland for the famous "Inde
structo" Trunks. A complete stock of Handbags,
Suitcases, Straps, Tags, etc We guarantee the
lowest price on travelers' accessories of any house
in the City of Portland. In the trunk department.
Creamery Butter at 72c
Equal to Amy 85c Butter
The highest grade Butter that can be made. Not Eastern goods cut np, but a strictly
A-No. 1 Creamery Butter, made in one of the beet and cleanest creameries on the
Coast. Our guarantee goes with every square. We want yon for one of our regular
butter customers. If yon want honest weight and best quality yon will
cling to us. We are selling the regular 2-pound square of this butter
'U Ai:tos """""
'"rc LiffS wool
in the
Basement Cafeteria
Light lunches, sandwiches, hot coffee, tea, choco
late, malted milk, beef bullion, etc., served on short
notice. Hot cream of chicken sandwich; onOrt.
special sale all day at this low price, onlyv'
Our Basement Special
Ice Cream and Cake lOc
Purely made ice cream, peach, strawberry, vanilla,
chocolate flavors, blackberry water ice, pineapple
and orange ice served with cake, which is 1 (
made in our bakerv: SDecial Dries todav wC
Boys1 RnicKerbocker
f , in the Boys' Section of our Clothing Department today a sale of 300 Bqvb Knicker
lh&fi VnnVaf Rnitji all haw. double-breasted, sinc-le-breasted and Norfolk stvles made of all.
materials; the newest patterns; tailored to stay together; sizes for boys from
to 17 vears of asre. Parents will find the most reliable makes of
" " 1
clothing at this store. $5.00 values, specially priced for today at only
Saturday Shopping' at Olds, .Wortman & King' Store
Occupying' Entire Block Morrison, Alder, Tenth and West Park Streets
6 to 9:3Q P. M.
Shop in the evenings at this beautiful new
tore. Three and a half hours of bargain
wonders, which are of vital interest to all
thrifty people. Specials from 6 to 9.30.
Women's 15c Vests 9c
Women's 35c Pants 19c
65c Union Suits at 39c
6 to 9:30 P. XI. today Women's low
neck, sleeveless Vests, sizes 4, 5 and 6,
made of good quality cotton; our ret:- Q
nlar 15c values; on special sale, each
UKION SUITS An odd line of Women's
Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless, lace
trimmed, umbrella style or tight QQf
knee; regular values to 65c; special
WOMEN'S PANTS A very special even
ing sale of women's lace trimmed eotton
Pants, sizes 4, 5 and 6; our regular 1Q.
35c values ; special evening price at
Women's 35c Vests 19c
Women's 25c Vests 11c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today An evening sale
of Women's low neck, sleeveless Vests,
with lace trimmed yokes, excellent quality
cotton; our regular 35e valaes; on "1 Q
special sale, evening price at only Al
ANOTHER LOT of low neck, sleeveless
Vests, with plain or trimmed yokes, sizes
4. 5 and 6; our regular 25c values; 1 1 -special
evening' sale pries at only AAV.
5Qc Veiling at 17c Yard
75c Windsor Ties at 29c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today A big snowing
of Windsor Ties, in fancy designs. They
are all silk, in a foil assortment of colors;
our regular 65c and 75c values; OQ
special evening price at only, eaeh''
VEILING Odds and ends, to be sure, but
to you it ' the same as though we had com
plete line. You only want a veil length
or possibly two. There is a good variety
of colors in plain and fancy mesh; 1 7
values to 50c; special price, yard A V
Boys 25c "Caps for lOc
Boys 5Qc Caps for 19c
6 to 9:30 P. 31. today In the new
juvenile store, first floor, 50 dozen Boys'
Caps, in good seasonable patterns and ma
terials; our regular 25 values; "f
special evening: price at only, each vv.
LOT 2 There are 25 dozen in this lot and
they are rare surprises in value. The pat
terns and materials are good; our "1 Q
regular value to 50c; special at AJi
Boys' 15c Stockings 8c
6 to 9:30 P. M. First special sale of Boys'
Stockings in our new juvenile department.
Good, dependable quality eotton, fast eol
prs, double knee, heel and toes; our C
regular 15o sellers; special sale price OV
SI Fancy Neckwear 33c
$2.50 Auto Scarfs $1.45
FANCY NECKWEAR All the short
lines and odds and ends in Women's
Fancy Neckwear, Dutch collars,- lawn
and lace combinations, Dutch collars
with jabots attached, jabots and cas
cades in all the newest styles, some are
a little mussed, but all are excellent
values to $1.00; on special sale OO.
all day at this very low price mC
AUTO SCARFS Hardly a day in the
year when you won't have use for an
anto scarf. Every woman should own
one Today we offer a big showing
of all the popular shades, 2 yards long
and 1 yard wide, neatly hemstitched;
our regular $2.50 values; on very spe
cial sale for this Saturday l
sale at this very low price
S1.50 Silk Gloves at 98c
Women's High-Grade Silk Gloves in the 16-bntton length ; colors black,
white, gray, champagne, navy and red; very popular Summer q
styles; regular $1.60 values, specially marked for this sale, at pair cOC
Boys' Wash Suits at Half
Children's Wear at Half
BOYS' WASH SUITS It seems a pity
to put a heavy suit on a boy these hot
days when good cool wash suits can be
bought so reasonable. We offer all our
new suits, sizes 2y2 to 8 years, made of
good dependable wash materials, cut in
the very latest styles; our regular 75c
to $5.00 values; on special sale
for today at this very low price, at '
CHILDREN'S WEAR The infants'
and children's store, second floor, of
fers for today's selling an exten
sive stock of Muslin Drawers, Gowns
and Skirts. Ages from 1 to 6 years, all
good style, well made garments; our
regular selling values from 15c to $3.75;
on special sale for today only at
the low price of exactly one-half
Children's 25c Hose 14c
Children '8 and Misses' Hosiery in fine quality 1 and 1 rib; excellent quality
fast black cotton; sizes oy2 o VY2- ne rest values we nave yet m
offered. Ready sellers at 25c the pair; special for today at only 1 fj-C
6 to 0:3O P. M.
Come and enjoy a pleasant and profitable
evening visiting and shopping in this great
emporium.' Many attractions introduced.
Women's Coats
Suits and Dresses
Linen Coats
$1Q Value for $3.59
$1852 Silk Coats $62
Oar final August cleanup sale of 200 Linen Coats,
all new styles ; semi or tight-fitting, plain tailored
or shawl collar effects; fine or heavy weave
linen materials; full length, and cut full in the
skirts ; white or natural colors. Our t o
regular values to $10, special today P3Q7
SILK AND LINEN COATS 250 in this lot. This
sale should interest all women, as there are styles
In the lot for every occasion. While enjoying
the attractions of the day, take a few minutes to
look through this line. There are coats of pure
linen materials and cloth of gold silk; they come
t A A. 1 MlA.
in pxain lanorea styles, cm on me neat senu-iit- r
ting lines. Some have the plain self-faced col
lars ; others are faced with blue and white polkn.
dot materials. They are all new, styled In the
full length. Our regular values to JQ
$18.50, specially priced for this sale PDQ
0jv '
Bf 11 All II I I
$2 Eagle Shirts at $1.35
S3.5Q E. & W. Shirts at $2.35
The most popular Shirts on the
market. Famous for their
goodness of quality, perfect fit
and excellent patterns. Art
enormous showing of values
from $2.00 to $3.50. They are
made of imported madras, fine
percales and imported ging
hams. They are .made right,
too. Cut to fit and the seams
are sewed so they will never
rip. It's needless to say "There
are plenty of handsome pat
terns." All fashionable fellows
know that the best patterns
are always found in the E. &
W. and Eagle Shirts. Today
we offer our regular $2.00
values at the very a 4 q
low price of, each r) X
Regular $2.50 Values $1.65
Regular $3.00 Values $1.85
Regular $3.50 Values $235
Regular $1.25 Hat Pins Special at 57c
Regular 5Qc Cuff LinKs Special 19c
The jewelry store, on first floor, offers for today's attraction an entirely new line
of Rhinestone and fancy stone set novelties in gold and silver finish, 12- tSkp7e
ineh item hat pin; regular $1.00 and $1.25 valnea; on special tale at only O C
CUrr LI2TKS For men or women. All new pattern in 12-karat rolled "J Q
plate and ro or green gold finish; regular stock values to 50e; special for 'C
Reg. $1.35 Gowns 89c il $12.00 Corsets $2.49
Women's Gowns, mads of good quality
long cloth in the slipover and V-neck
open front styles, nicely trimmed in
torchon lace and embroidery; OQ.
$1.25 and $L35 values; at, each
A broken line of Women's Bon Ton Cor
sets, made of fine French coutil or ba
tiste, boned with unbreakable walohn,
trimmed with lace, embroid- CO A Q
ery or ribbon; values to $12 vrtiJ
Meii's 75c Underwear 38c
Men's $1.50 Underwear for 75c
A general cleanup of all, short lines and broken lines of Men's Summer Underwear,
lisle thread, meshes, mercerized lisles, nainsooks, soisettes, dimities, balbriggans,
etc. Every style and kind of a garment, short sleeve shirts and knee length drawers,
or long sleeve shirts and ankle length drawers. We group the entire lot for Jj
this exeat sale today and mark every article in the entire lot at half price '
Reg. 5Qc Socks at 27c
$l.QO Neckties at 55c
bie showing of Men's Fancy Half Men's Four-in-Hand Ties, m a very se-
Hose, embroidered, laoe or solid '7e, lect line of patterns, all are this CCr
colors; regular 50c values; spcl. " c il season's; $1.00 value; special at
$7.5Q Val. $2.49
6 to ' 9 :30( this evening, we offer one
of the greatest sales we have ever at
tempted in a general way. We will en
deavor to make a final and complete clean
up' of 1000 Women's Ready-to-Wear Gar
ments, including linen coats in full length,
semi-fitting styles, neatly tailored; linen
or cotton crash suits in natural or colors,
semi-fitting jackets with pockets, a ' full
line of sizes; lingerie dresses, all new
styles in fine lawn materials, trimmed in
laces, embroideries, etc.; street or house
dresses in all colors, the newest styles,
some with tunic effect skirts, others that
button from top to bottom, a complete line
of sizes; all grouped at one tO A Q
price; regular values to. $7.50 PX7
$1.75 Waists for 79c Ea.
6 to 9:30 P. M. An unusual assortment of
lingerie and tailored Wash Waists, all new
styles, neatly trimmed in laces, embroider
ies, etc This sale promises another great
crdwd at 6 o'clock. The offering deserves
a liberal response; values to $1.75; 7Ckf
special evening sale price at only 5C
Women's $iO Hats $5
6 to 9:30 P. M. In the millinery store,
second floor, a good line of Fall Hats,
trimmed with fancy wings,, quills, bows
and contrasting color ribbons and coque
feathers; to attract early shoppers we
offer $6.50 to $10.00 values at CCS flfl
the extremely low price of only
85c Alarm Clocks 49c
Guaranteed time keepers, sure to get you
up in the morning. Take advantage.
$3.75 Wash Boiler 2.5Q
We will send one out Monday. They are
good copper wash boilers ; No. 8 1 and 9 ;
regular $3.50 and $3.75 values at $2.50
$1.5Q Tea Kettle at 87c
Nickel tea kettles in sizes 7, 8 and 9; reg
ular $1.25, $1.35 and $1.50 values at 87
5Qc Cups & Saucers 25c
Thin china decorated cups and saucers,
four patterns to choose from. ' See them.
25c Hosiery 12c a Pair
Women's Cotton and Lisle Hose, in fast
black, white, grays and pinks; reg- 10
ular values to 25c; special sale price A Al