CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OUGOMAN TELEPHONES. Pacific Stataa Hm ....Main 7rt7 A Main TTO A ....Main TOTO A 'S ....Mam 7070 A JWS Main 7070 A !; ....Main 7070 A . . . . Mala T070 A 6uM PeuBtfns.i (Mini . . . Ctty I'lmilstloa. . Mtniciiif Editor. Sundsr Editor.... Clt Editor... 8upt Bulldla AXCButxirrs. ORPHEUM THEATER fMerrleon t"" Siith and sevsnlS) Vaudsrllle. . Tula arteraeon at J IS and tonlsht at (:1a. GRAND THEATER (Park and Wuhlnr'"' Vaodeviils. Tnla all moon at tsnicbt at 7:30 and . LTKI.: THEATER (Serenta and Aider) AnnilroDi Musical rommdy company In "lne Collsss OlrL" Thu afternoon at J:; tomcat at T S0 and a TAR THEATER (Park and Washlnston) Motion plrtoraa, CooUnueus. from 10 to lO 10 P. M- OA KB PARK fO. W. P. earllaa) Webera Prise Band. This aft ORXcoxiAX at tzsom. Wm aba antra aVaBvary at Tm aarlba Ihi a (a tallaaliia City rata. Iitm Hilliaa ay aaaU are savants Bsaraabls' a Dwaaa Br. Co. , U Oa Genraart Park B. . ralraarsi. sites far at Ca. ractfla City P. F. Carson. etas Ca. M. atarUsra Bprlaaa Can rial OUlaa ByHn,, r T. clcaei Adsarllasaseats lalraad tor the Ctty tin Brief ealaanaa fa adaya la. saw ana B-a haaArd la Taa OnrniUi aailatai office '.T "data Satmraay evealaav Stukct la WtcBKEtx The wldenlnic of Villa avenue to 0 feet, between East Sixtieth and Meridian streets, through Montarllla, la now an accomplished fact and a large portion of the prop erty owaera have paid their assess ments. Some have not paid. On Sep tember 1. thoae who have not paid In their asseaamenta for thla widening will be declared delinquent and there will be ronalderable coat added. H. B. Dickeraon. who haa lntereated him self in tha matter, haa ascertained that manr of tha property ownera are not aware of the altuatlon. and In aev eral Inatancea where he called their attention to the advantage of paying now. they have done bo. He urgea all on the atreet to ere that they pay be fore September and aave coeta Be tween Eaat Sixtieth and Laurelhuxet. tha work la nearly completed for mak ing that portion of the atreet 80 feet wide to correapond with the reat of the street ' eaatward. In due courae of time. Villa will be SO feet wide from tha weat aide of Laurelhurst to Falrvlew. a dlatance of 1J miles. It haa taken four yeara of work to reach tne preaent point In the proceedings. B a Dona WIU. 8aT.-C. C- Chap man, manager of the Commercial Club, will have made In tha Eaat and sent to Atlantic City badgea to be the National encampment of the G. A. R announcing that Portland wants the encampment In 11I. There will be snne badgea printed, and the delegation which goea from Oregon will aee that they ere distributed among the mem bers. A, C. Edmund", who Is National color-bearer from this state, and Com mander Beach, who will attend, will see that the badgea are distributed and worn by delegates. The badgea will be ready for the meeting whloh, opens Heptember. From present Indications there will be more women go trom Oregon to the Women's Relief Corps convention than men, and their aa alatanc also will be secured. M. 1. Pratt department commander, has t,,n 'commissioned t start the caift patsa with a full description of Port end, to be published in the tlonal Tribune, the National organ of the r. A R-. setting forth it. "" for holding the encampment In Wis. TVru. Hour. Exbbcisb"--" o menT dar exercises win be held tonight rwcfaXn Grange. Patron, of Hus bandry, under the direction of Mm 8. V wind, lecturer. The programme will o-pei with music by Ml- reborn. This wMI be the programme: Reading. Mrs. R V. Artm-rong: .c. Ml- Allen and M,.a Tlbbetts: paper. "Civic lave ment from a Woman a Viewpoint.' Mrs. rBrown; "College Girl. Htunt." soup of seren gtrW.: paper. "Husband In tha Home." Mrs. T. C. fMlllr.n. A de ega tln from Evening Star Grange wl 11 be prreent to arrange for a public rtrbate between Wood lawn and r.venlng Star In the near future. At the September meet ing Important Initiative mcasuree will be dltvuaaed by several speakera New Tracks Laid RspW progress Is being made on the new branch carllne between E.t Bum.ide and Bart Tenth Wreeta and Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet and the Sandy boulevard. Hravy BtrW rails and douhle tracks .are being laid on this connecting link for the rUa-s City Park railway. This douhle track will be continued to the O. R line at East Thirty-fifth street. The track runs from Bast Burnstde street on East Tenth to EXt Davis and thence to Bandy boulevard at the intersection of Bast Fixteenth street, and then follows) Sandy boulevard eastward. Hard surf ace pave ment will be laid on Sandy bovilrvard be tween Eaat Twenty-eighth and East Six teenth atreets for which tha grading has been done. rKTLTt Rx-rraxs Fwom Momrr Hoot,. President ABdraw. and other membera ef tha fac tlty of tha Chrlatlan Brothers College of trde city returned yesterday from a two weeha' vacation at Mount . it tiin .mi. Th have returned for the annual retreat of the ChrtstUn Brotneiw oi mo . . . . ua a f K. Mklloae. ReT. wnicn ariw - - Brother Zenophon-CrrU. provincial of the , . a. i ! 1 anrl Will KLirvvxn TakkS Vacation. Architect Otto Klmnn. pretnaenx. 01 . - 'V. Dlaa-Ktsl SatHtV. tlMM -TOT19 tO j etna Jim " " j M Summer homo at Bandy to rest m VW ir and rfMoraw . iJ...t!. m-Villa. thM hat Will aw wood, split kindling and do oter work to reat hie mind and recuperate hi rthvilral nowers. VcperxTi to Hats Mxdai. OosrrrsT. Tha . women a inristian .. -m n 4 w w -tit trive a medal t nion wi " ronteat at the Methodist Church of Woodstock on Friday evening. August 1 There, will be no admission charge, but a free-will offering w-H taken. T!ie public is invueoio a" Orkoom Cttt Rrrrn Trim. Boat Lbaves Tatlo STaaKT. PWpat A. M.. IS M-. I P. M. how YorB FRirwo Tai Rjvaa. Rochd Tair CgsTa. . and one Who AS ATTtDUill. Wliti--. . knows be can make good, can be asso ciated witn a weu-anown - - work tha Orat month for little money. X 131. Oregoniaa. Racks! Racx! Racxs! .... . . ,M k tha rive i a (ri mi vvwnuj . . -j Riverside Driving Club. Saturda". August iA. A r. J. E-aui K". from a trip to San Franckaro and has Quia Ph P. K. Bifnay. Sis .W- aHarassa Mara. wane By. Ca. M.. as. ilamtiaa Bsanh at. U Osllssaaa resumed prartioa. Kacr Toes Brm oa Wooaraa. HuamjurD airo Wrra FWxo. Malcolm D. Moore, an emplvye of a North End auction room, was fined 110 In Police Court yesterday and an equal nne was aasessed against Mrs. Moore, aa the result of a family row. In which they Indulged at Sixth and Washington streets a few days ago. Mrs. Moors Is alleged to have used Improper lan guage to her husband and when Pa trolman Smith arrested her. Moora jumped on his back, but deaisted when he found that he waa Interfering with an officer. Malcolm M. Moore, an em ploye of the Goodyear Rubber Com pany, wishes It said that It was not he who was the defendant In the case. Caskts Rocnxl DiirrtjitBXD. Though warned that there was a new judre on the bench In Police Court who -knew .not Joseph." Jim Casey, dean of tha regular patrons of the court, had the temerity to make his regular ap pearance yesterday morning and re ceived a sensational iolt when Judge Gebhardt sentenced him to 30 days at the rockplle. Slnoe time Immemorial Casey has appeared at regular flve day Intervale, to receive a sentence of Ave davs. returning within a few hours after being released. Somtlmea when the Judge was disposed to Indulge In a little banter by the way. Casey would say Impatiently. "Aw. gimme live," jlo FTxb-d for AjmoTrno Strut BraAKEBS. Persecution of women who discuss religious subjects at Second and Burnslde streets received another check Thursday night when patrolman Leavens arrested John Disa and Gus Nelson for annoying the women. As the officer stepped up, he heard one of the women say that she wished a policeman were there. One of the men cursed the polloe force and said that the quicker they came the better he would be pleased. He was quickly ac commodated, for Leavens was stand-. Ing right behind him as he spoke. Each of the prisoners was fined $10 by Judge Gebhardt yesterday morning. Crarob Too Trhtiau Requisition papera for G. R. Bailey, who Is charged with defrauding an Innkeeper of 1100. were refused by Acting Governor Bowarman yesterday, on the ground that the offense was too trivial to war rant the expense of bringing accused back from California, whither he Is fleeing, aboard the steamer Rose' City. Mrs. B. tm Woodard brought the charge. Mra Woodard alleges that the major occasion for Balley-e depsrture la that, though a married man. he haa been over attentive to a young girl and fled when the situation became too torrid to face any longer. Akothii'i Mowxr Lost ii Dibputx In a dispute over who should have the custody of John Strom's money pending his restoration to a condition of sobriety. Strom received a black eye and the $75 In his possession, over which the altercation arose, was lost. Strom accused Elmer Duke of stealing the money.-but Duke declared that he was simply attempting to get It Into safe-keeping, when Strom aesaulted him and a fight ensued. Beth men were drunk when arrested by Sergeant Golts Thursday night. Judge Geb hardt sentenced each to Ave days im prisonment. Maw Bratm Dobs Not Proskctttx. Though D. Shank Is alleged to have been beaten near to the point of death by Nat Costanxo, he did not appear yestsrday to prosecute his assailant and the charge was dismissed. The assault occurred several days ago in South Portland, when Shank objected to Cost an ao's dumping excavated earth on his lot. Costanxo Is alged to have choked and beaten Shank until he had to be taken to the hospital In a supposed dying condition. The as sailant was arrested by Detective John re Mrs Improvsj Common on Corxsr. Harry Scott, arrested several days ago by Patrolman Grlatm for spitting on the sidewalk, at Sixth and tVash Ington streets, was taken Into Polloe Court yesterday morning on a bench warrant, after he had attempted to for feit 15 ball, and was lined $1. This was the second conviction for this offense at that corner and the pass ability of the sidewalk has been great ly Improved. It Is said, by the moral effect of the arrests. Paxtrtmak Haxos Hnrsacs1 Missing at the hour when. Id the regular course of his duty, be should have called the boarders at the Capitol Hotel. John Hummel, sn elderly man. employed as a' pantryman at the hotel, waa found hanging by the neck from a rafter In the basement. He had fastened a rope to the rsfter and to his neck and stepped off a box. .dying by strangula tion. Hummel was I years old and a native of Germany. No cause Is known for his act. Mna. FloRtcR E. HtrrroRO Draa Mra. Florence E. Hufford. wife of W. G. Hufford. a well-known traveling an. died yesterday morning at Good Samaritan Hoapltal after an lllnees of several -weeks. She was a native of Mount Vernon. Ohio, and had lived in Portland Ave years. She Is survived by her husband and an s-months-old son. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock from the family residence. TSO Johnson street- Inter ment will be In Rlvervlew Cemetery. TaAjrtrnrR's Sbrts-iscb SVsprrid. Alex Duncan, a teamster for Dang A Co.. waa aareated Thursday afternoon by Patrolman Deavens at Second and Burn aide streets, for blockading streetcar traffic When ordered by the officer to give the waiting cars free passage. Duncan refused. In court yesterday he said that he waa a stranger to the city and Its traffic regulations and upon the recommendation of tha ar resting officer sentence against him was suspended. Bor Auxjwxd to Leave Town. Wan dering the atreeta In the early hours of the morning. Lewis Blondla, IT years old. told Patrolman Eppe, wno arrested Mm.- that he had been turned out of his home by his father, a barber of Alblna. The boy said that he had been sleeping on the docks seversl nights. When he waa arraigned yes terday before Judge Gebhardt for being out after hours, an opportunity to leave the city was given him. EvAKOTeusi Gives Boko SRTtcxj.-pe-clal services ara conducted at the Vol unteers of America hall. Ill Burnslde street, by Evangelist , Tom Mac key. from Chicago; The meetings are made especially Interesting by special music and song services, every night at I o'clock. Everybody Is invited. The Fsajjowsirrp or His SurrgRnto" and "Man's Mastery of the Air." Sun day aermon themee of Dr. W. H. Foulkea at First Presbyterian Church. Alder and Twelfth. Strangers welcome. FIRST CONOREOATIONAL. CHCRCH. Dr. DyotU the pastor, preaches tomorrow. Themes: 11 A. M-. "Discoveries of Friendship": 7:4 T. M-. "The Heavens." Nature series. Calvart PresbtteRias Church, corner Eleventh and Clay sta services 10.10 A. M. and 7:4S P. M. Rev. D. Shaw, of Seattle, will preach. RoSRCITTPARg PRXaBTTERIA H'; East ith and Hancock at. Boudlnot Seeley will preach tomorrow at 11 A, M. and 7:45 P. M. Dvxn-XT Vacuum Cuxakers. "T Py emia. 4T1H Wash. Maui frMl. A J686. SL p. A. Exctrsios Poerroyxp. WHEREJO DINE. All the dellcaclee of the seaaon at tha Portland Rtaurant. Fine private apart menta for ladies. IPS Wash, near tth at. The first attempt te manufacture watchee or elo-ka on a laxe scale In Amerlra was made by Ell Tarry, a Connecticut Yankee, aba Invented wooden he;s for hie clocks. $18,000 COST TO CITY TEAMSTERS' STRIKE CACSE OP EXPENSE, SAYS AUDITOR. Emergency Demanded Special Po licemen and Their Salaries Will Be Paid, Declare Officials. The teamsters' strike hss cost the city llg.000 for special policemen, according to a document filed In the Circuit Court yesterday. It Is the answer of Auditor Barbur and City Treasurer Werieln to the suit of James Magnlre. who is at tempting to hold up the salaries of the special policemen employed by the city to do duty during tha atrike. The an swer says that this smount has been ap propriated by the City Council, and that the appropriation of August 10, calling for $10,000 will be sufficient to pay the July salaries of the officers. On June 24 and $0. It Is asserted. Chief of Police Cox forwarded to the Executive Board lists of persons selected by him upon the order of Mayor Simon to act as special policemen. These are named In the city's answer, there being 100 of .- r f 11.- yt tha HATavAr and Chief of Police had a right under the charter to appoint special policemen in a I'tno ui emergency. It Is alleged that an emergency existed on June 18 and has existed ever since on account of mobs and unlawful public demonstrations. Teamsters were set . v.w Mnw I la Blleo-eH. and Intiml- UWU U f ... . - - - dated, so that their work became haz ardous... The special policemen are al leged to have been drawn from the eligi ble civil service list until it was ex hausted, when competent residents were selected to do duty. City Treasurer Werieln says he Intends to pay all the salary warrants presented to him unless restrained by order of the court. CHURCH OFFICIALS COMING Members of General Council Re el emptor! Ft Fathers Here Sunday. Rev. Patrick Murray, superior general of the Redemptorist Fathers m North America, accompanied by Rev. Fathers Pnvre and Rev. Fidelia Spldel, members of the General Council and Board of Advisers of the superior general, will arrive In Portland Sunday morning to be the guests of the Redemptorist Com munity at Piedmont, on Portland boule vard, until Tuesday evening. The coming of these distinguished Cath olic prelates has been looked forward to with great Interest In Catholic circles. Father Murray arrived In the United States several weeks ago and haa been visiting and Inspecting the 46 Redemp torist institutions In this country. They will be received by Rev. Edward Cant well and escorted to the parish resi dence on Rodney svenue. Sunday will be occupied with an Inspec tion of the community and parochial In stitution newly started. Monday evening a public reception will be tendered the visitors at the chapel at 7:80 o'clock. The superior general will officiate at benedlc- FINE WAISTS MADE TO ORDER F. F. YOUNG bbbbbb W 290 Morrison. Bet 4th and 5th. Corbett Buliaing SPECIAL FOR TODAY ONLY 35c Swiss Ribbed Vests. Special 19 $1.00 Women's Pretty Neckwear 4J? Irish Crochet Jabots and Bows, Black Silk Stocks Hand some Croats, Twice Aronnd Mull Ties, Collar and Cuff ReU, Ridinir Stocks, Embroidered Stocks with fancy bows, Peter Pan Collars, Chemisettes; frrand assortment; all ACkg new; worth from 75 to $L50; each, special today 17L $1.50 Washable Chamois Gloves. Special, 98 50c Women's Neckwear. Special 25 Persian Ties, Embroidered Stocks, Wash Stocks with jabot, Embroidered Bows, Silk Bows, Washable iour-m-lland Tie-o, Dutch Collars lace or embroidered; a OP , grand assortment; reyular 35c to 65c; special UUL $1.50 and $1.00 Parasols; special S-s'q $2.50 and $3.00 Parasols; special sJoq $5.00 and $7.50 Parasols; special "o 35c and 50c Hosiery; special -C Faculty, Stronger Than Ever XViore rrogrcssivc Attendence Larger Results Better ATTEND BUSINESS V M. WALKER President-Principal FOR RENT One-half or more of second floor of our garage building, corner Chapman and Alder streets. This -floor has inde pendent street access, easy of access for automobiles and , trucks. Space is suitable for small garage, light manufactur- ing or storage. Studebaker Bros. Ce N. W. Chapman and Alder Streets. Coal bootless Anthracite Rock Springy Etc Phone E 303, C 2303 Edlefsca Fuel Co, be Bars the best sad saw bmswt sad steps. .irlHlfriritdw&McKay t you can't fail 1f take It for granted you are reading this little al. because you have be come Interested In what we have heretofore said in this space about Banner Acres. Therefore we ask you to let us show you the property that you may see we have rightfully and ac curately portrayed it. It Is by all odds the choicest acreage contiguous to Portland, and at the price, $100 to $160 per acre, the best acreage bargain ever offered on thla market. But to fully convince you of this, the property must be seen, and we would like to show It to you. Call Main 6396 or "A" 7507 for an appointment, or call at our office. F. B. HOLBROOK CO, Room 1, Worcester Bldgi Ground Floor. Phones Mala S3M, A 7507. tion of the sacrament, immediately after ward the fathers will go to the-parish hall, where a programme will be ren dered by the people of the parish. Tues day noon a luncheon will be held in the auditorium, to which all the priests of the diocese are invited. Father Murray and his party will leave for California Tuesday night. REGISTRATION IS HEAVY Voter Signs Rolls Who Holds Same Pofcltlon for SO Years. F. D. Krupke, 81 years old, who reg istered at the Courthouse yesterday, says be has been In Oregon 30 years and all of that time has been employed as gar dener at the City Park. He lives at 6.S Seventh street, and Is a Republican. He is a native of Germany. Voters to the -number of 411 signed the registration books yesterday, of whom 325 were Republicans, 63 Democrats and 3 miscellaneous. This brings the total this year up to 21.875. 16.804 Republicans, 3180 Democrats ami 1891 miscellaneous. The registration on the same day two years ago totalled 19.529. of whom 15, 257 signed as Republicans. 3303 as Demo crats and 969 as miscellaneous. On the same day. two years ago 430 signed the books. Marriage Licenses. E1.MORT3N-MORTENSF7N Claus Blmgrea. 2H city: I-aora Mortnen, 23 ctty. E7VE RBTT-CRITEX DON C. H. Everett. 29. city; Mra Emma Crltandon. 23. city. Weddlnr and vlsltlnr card W. O. 8mith A Co.. Washington bids.. 4th and Wash. Wedding and visiting card a. Wm. Klumpp Co.. llihrn Washington st. Trunks, suit cases and bags. Largest variety at Harris Trunk Co.. -82 Sixth. 99 99 99 99 THE .BEST COLLEGE O. A. BOSSERMAN Secretary-Mana ger . 2 FURS! V i Ken models la Coats, Neck pleeea and Muffs at special prices, geleet sen ssiall deposit. Free Storage wnui biwww. Rrdar-rd Samaner prices oa all orders placed bow (or Fall de livery. Ks Eastera harried shop made Fvrai only oar own factory made Furs aad Far Garments. Remedcllag and resovstlsg ef fleleatly done by expert workt- H. Liebes & Co.1 Corbett Building, 288 Xorrlaoa St. 5 J. P. PLAGEMASO, Mgr. as 44444444444M444t4 SCHOOLS AND COtXXBCE. Portland Academy Fits Boys and Girls for College Graduates enter on examination Har vard. Princeton, Tale and Massachnsetta Institute of Technology; on certificate, Amherst, Cornell. Smith. Vassar. Wil liams, and colleges and universities pt the Pacific Coast. Well equipped lab oratories In chemistry and physlca. Field practice In surveying. Depart ments In charge of college men and women. Classical, eclentific, modern languages and commercial courses. Gymnasium under skilled director. Track and field athletics. A Primary and Grammar School Included Corner of Montgomery and 13th. Easy of access from all parts of the city. Office hours for Summer to 12 and a to 4. Send for catalogue. North Pacific College schools or DENTISTRY AND PHARMACY PORTLAND. OREGON. Unsurpassed In Equipment and Adsaatages The Regular Sessions Bests V Monday, October I, ISIS I The eoliere la loeated near tha heart of the city, convenient to libraries, cluba, larse bualnaaa houiea and pablto buUdlnss, which contribute so much to the Ilia of the stu- For Information and catalogue of either course address DB. HERBERT C. MTT.I.EB. Portland. Oregaa. a AiAft hnme school for the training of manly boys. Instruction thorough and personal.. Athletics encouraged; fine new gymnasium; a healthy country school life: modern buildings: purs water, wholesome food. Prepares for college end himlness life. Special col lege preparatory courses and Instruc tion In languages. Fall term begins September 15. 1910. Located on Lake Steilacoom, eight miles south of Tacoma. For full Information address D. 8. PULFORD, Principal, Sonta Tacoma, Wash. A Boarding and Day School for Gurta A church achool whoao aim la the vary best In instructors and equipment. Chearful. homelike bulldinss; wholesome climate; vmnaslum-muslo hall; private theatrical Special features ara the art stualo, giving Instruction In different art branches, and the music department with Its staff of foreign trained Instructors. Certificate admits to Smith, Wellealey and other Eastern colleges. For further Information, address JULIA P. BAILEY. Principal." Spokane. Wash. LAW DEPARTMENT University of Oregon PORTLAND, OREGON. Fall term opens September 19, 1910. Course three years of nine months each, covering twenty branches of the law. ' , livening classes. Graduates are especially prepared for the state bar examination. For catalogue giving information ad drees WALTER H. EVANS (Ml COBBRTT BLDG, PORTLAND, OB- The School That Gets Results A select boarding and day school f;r boys and young men. Accredited at leading uni versities. Small classes) strict discipline. Fall term opens Sept. 14. 1S10. Send for Il lustrated catalogue. BILL MILITARY ACADEMY, 821 Marshall St., Portland, Oregon. THE ALLEN PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR BOYS AN1I GIRLS. Prepares students for all Eastern and Western Colleges and Technical Schools. This school is characterised by the sim plicity of the school life and the thor oughness of the work done. Fall term opens September 12. THE ALLEN PREPARATORY SCHOOL, 535 Eaat Salmon Street. Portland. Or. MISS BARKER'S SCHOOL. Palo Alto. California. Boarding and day school for girls: ac credited to college. Grammar and primary departments Music, arts and crafts, home economics. Ninth year begins August la, MANZANITA &ALL Palo Alto. Cal. Prepares boys for college or technical school. Fall term opens Auc SO. Catalogue upon request. W. A. SHEDD. Head Master. IUSIMER RESORTS. THE SHELBDRNE SKAYIEW, WASH. T. J. HOARE, Pro. Large, shady playgrounds and yard for children; hammocks, benches, swings and croquet lawn. Large, sunny rooms. We raise our own poultry and vegetables. Spe cial rates on table board and for families. M4KB YOUR RESEiRVATIOXS BY MAIL. -Spend your vacation at ELK GREEK HOTEL ON CANNON BEACH the scenic beach of Oregon. Take train to Seaside, thence by conveyance. Good fishing and hunting. Sea foode served at all times." W. D. Torrey, proprietor. American Plan. European Pis". Special Rates for Families Private Parties and Banquets our Specialty.' LOCKS LEY HALL HOTEL AND ANNEX. OVERLOOKING THF OCHAN. Dining-room, Palm Girden and Grill une der management of B. Baumer, late with the Sliver drill. 8pokane HoteL Service a la carte from a A. M. to 1 A. J. Buss at every train. SEASIDE. OR. PORTLAND PRINTING - MotJM coMpaarr niUBLISHERS Of MONTHLY Asumu r-R INTERS WomeMi ef Woodcraft BaUdlng TsMtth aad ' Taylor IT JOB PRINTING, OF ALL KINDS PHONES. U M 6201 Cured. Only sntlnrlredKeslev In stitute n Oregon. Write for Illus trated Circular. Keeler Inattrate, 11 M. Uta - restlaad. Oresva SUMMER -TO DELIGHTFUL DAYLIGHT T.EIP DOWN THE COLUMBIA On the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Go's POPULAR T. J. POTTER Leaving Ash-street dock during the week at 8 :30 A. M. On Sat urday at 1 P. M. No Sunday trip. Connects at Megler with Ewaco Railroad trains for all North Beach points. The steamer HASSALO also leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, from Ash-street dock, for Astoria at 8 P. M. (Saturdays 10 P. M.), and touches at Megler at 7:30 A. M. daily except Monday. . V Sunday visitors to the Beach who may not be able toltake the Potter at 1 P. M. Saturday can leave on the Hassalo at 10 P. M., and reach destination Sunday forenoon. Return trip on the Potter Sun day night, arriving Portland early Monday morning. This convenient arrangement affwds nine hours at the Beach without loss of time from business. Send for beautifully illustrated booklets, "Outings in'.Oregon," and "North Beach," telling all about the Beach resorts. Round Trip Tickets from Portland, good six months. 4.00 Three-Day Saturday to Monday Tickets ..$3.00 Low fares from all O. R. & N. and S. P. points. Baggage for steamer Potter must be delivered at Ash-street dock at least thirty minutes before leaving time. For further particulars, reservations, etc., call on our -City Ticket Agent, Third and Washington streets, Portland, Oregon, or write to WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent YOUR HEALTH DEMANDS THE BEST. NIC The Vintage Olive Oil IMPORTED DIRECT PROM NICE, FRANCE " ' The garden spot of Europe. NO ACID, NO FAT-JUST PURE OLIVE JUICE NOTHING- ELSE.- Four sizes of bottles, four sizes of tins. See that your grocer furnishes you Nicelle Olive-Oil and you. will get the Aristocrat of Olive Oil. s , SEALY -LOWELL CO. Fifth and Stark Streets Distributing Agents. t Also Carried by the Following H2gh-Class Stores. Gunther & Hickey, 23d and Marshall. . J. A. Frakes, 175 N. 21st st. S. H. Cooper, 675 Washington st. Roberts & Co., 50 N. 23d st. G. W. Mattson, 191 N. 23d st. D. Kellaher & Co., 135 Grand ave. FINEST SAFEST Grand Trunk Pacific Steamships 8. S. "PRINCE RUPERT" AND S. S. "PRINCE GEORGE" LEAVE SEAT TLE, MIDNIGHT, THURSDAY AND SUNDAY FOR . Victoria. Vaneon-rer, Prince Rupert and Stewart, Connecting- at Prince ilnpert With S. 8. "Prince Albert" for ftueen Charlotte Islands. NOTE Sailing; S. S. "Prince George." August 18, from Seattle, will be at I P. M., Instead of midnight, and will not call at Vancouver, sailing direct to prince tupert. VICTORIA RETl'RN.. VANCOUVER ...S3.00 RETURN.. PRINCE RUPERT 818 RETURN... STEWART. S24 RETURN... For Tickets and Reservations Apply to Local Ticket Agrents, or J. II. BURGIS, General Asent, First Ave. and YesQcr WaT, Seattle. Was. B53room Furniture of Character is very little more expensive than the other kind, but so much more satisfactory. J. G. MACK S CO. Fifth S Stark SERVICE Beach STEAMER Ben Bellamy & Go., 401 "Haw - thorne ave. Masonic Temple Grocery, 380 YamhiD. -Funk Bros., 561 Washington. C. L. Schoenfeldt, 323 Williams ave. J. C. Mann,. 401 Hassalo st. , FASTEST . 1 'Not Including Meals . .85.001 and Berth. . . . . 836 I Including Meals and ....848i Berth. Fifth S Surk 7 i,a I