' 1 , ' LCCKLI1A COURT. On Lncr.ua at-, bet. 2-d and JM sta near Via About r4r fir occupucr Mr. S. blivsrflaid has Just completed this elegant and moat modern apartment fcu.ldig. tba copy of one of tha bast M York apart lant-nousaa Aparmnia caa be secured from 35 to 73- Befarancaa re quired. Apply to au par Intend am tne premiss APARTMENT Four rooml, basement, 6i2 Flanders. 8i. Main Mil. 2. THREE-ROOM furnished Bat. all m1"'; around Boor, three block from aesr BtUjf Theaier; r.o children. tali after 1" o'clock- 248 7th at. . . THKfcE near, up-to-date fiats, beat location m city. Can Main 1.VS. East lis.. w. Reldt, 401 Kothchlld Ms. Honey no ob ject; want a good ter. to t. MODERN S-room fiat. "lk'nrv,','"S?: 1 72 East 2d at. north, cor. Oregon a. Tphor.c wood:awn3i 1PPER flat 6 room a conveniently ar ranged, rent reasona-le. Soutneaal corner ; d and Kearney. -M V inovlna- call CD Van Horn Transfer cni, all experienced men FOUR new. mcdern 4-ronm flata: every con Tenlence. East 3: B H4- J AND 4-KilOM t t. desirable, easy walk ing dle-an.-. West hide. 23J Ha l. THREE and four-room flata. desirable, eaay walklnadlatanca. West fide. 231 Hail. OVERTON ST. M-Vern f'at, 8 sunny r3n; cboica location. Main NEW. modern. S-room Bat. Kast ISto and Asn. Phons B20yi FOR RENT strictly modern lower -room flat. 7a- Johnson at. Tl. Main T2. MODERAT3 a-room upper flat, nice kx-etlon. Hlxteenth and Everett. Inquire 3 Everett. Hiausrk ear ping Kooma- THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Fur nished tar housekeeping, gaa ranaee elec tric lights, hot water, bain, laundry, all free: 115 per month up: a clean p ace; beat In tha city for money: short tram Vmon Depot .Take "S or V'' north, act off at Marshall at. No dnga WELL furnlehed housekeeping: rooms. 2 month; S. 13: furnuned coitage. rooma. I27.SO' lower flau 4 rooma 1- 5a N. 21. (West Side rlverl. "W" car from d pot7 6tn or Morrison to 2th. block north. tNKVRNISHED two-room. bar window auitea Bva block from Postoftlr-. -S J.rr.rson. corner Fifth at. Ueaut.ful out look; . FIVE DO.WNTOWN HOME. "MILSER BLM." MORRISON 'ST. MODERN. CENTRAUKEAaONABLE 4il EAST MORRISON, cor. Eaat th. com pletely furnished bouaekeapln rooma. reasonable. TWO front rooma up ataira. hath on ama floor, phona. caa; aaay walking distance. 4li lorn at. 12 WEEK Clean, furnished housekeeping" rooma: laundry, bath, pnone. gaa heat. yard, clean linen. tiUMnccuttr eve THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, fur nished. 11 14-h at.: transient solicited II. iO weak, large, clean furn. housekeeping rooms: laundry, bath, gaa 181 Sherman. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, cloaa In. 4H9 Washington. FOR REST Housekeeping rooma In new concret a bids, rnone Woodlawn S07. II 2S WEEK, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat. launilrT. bath. 2"3 Stanton. "U" car. THE NEWCASTLE. d Harrison. Houaa- k'p'ng rmaFTeaphonea.balha.hot water. tstNfSLE and houaekeeplng-rooma: modern. 'free phones. rcaaonaMf. 4'." Morrison St. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooma In now concrete brliic phona woodlawn 29ST. TWO and threa nice lanta modern houaa- keeplng rooma Sa ;d St. II :) WEEK, clean fur. housekeeping rooma heat, laundrv. bath. 2U3 Stanton. U car. Hoewkeeplng Ko-isin MTteramlly. 5 Ali-oye houwkeeplng au:te. completely rurnLehed: groun.l fl-r . newly papered and painted: fine wjod atove. Itahts. bath, phone. .atr: loely location; nice lawn, poich; aaiklng dlatanre: aJultai Phona Scllwood Ile) ifi E. th at. i.V CORNER 13th and F. Pine. 2 complete ly furnished, clean front ronia. with al cove for linht housekeeping; bath, wash room, light and e,e,-tnc iroua; 2) per month Phone B K13. COMPLETELY newly furnished housekeep ing rooms: swell location: also sleeping room: hot running water; suit ladles. 6i Ciiisan. THREE or ffur well-fumlst'ed housekeeping rooma. nwiern. nica lo.siion cloaa In; a'lulta 621 Conch at.. r. lMh: TWO well-furnished housekeeping rooms. ' within waiklng distance. 71 East th. at.. North. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, one basement sleeping-room. 442 Jefferson. Main 425. FOUR newly furnished ro ms In 3-room modern (1st; 1 room reserved for owner, S.J2- Phone C 27 1- , TWO beautifully furnish. d front b is.keer-ing rooms, k.aer fk-r; larae ard. rent reason- aMe. fall today iSai.l. 37 First. Nli'El.T furnished ro..m for housekeeping: haih. gas and pbone. 472 T-iyl-w at., near U" THREE unfurnished rooms, bath. gas. with am.- rem. 1.V 237 Nartllla. Main and Madison St.' Jefferson car. y, ,R rent, fum'shed housekeeping rooma No 17 N- l'th st. FS RENT Three furnished housekeeping rooma in Irvington. tt Weldler at. MViTfTE nousrkecfir.g room; rt and cold water, phone, bath. 13 N. 14th at. LAR'iE rurnlshed housekeeping ro-wn ; also sns:e be.lroom. 311 7th st. Nlilil.V fumiihd housekeeping rooma 67 N U:h St.. between LaU an4 verett. TWO clean, light, furnished housekeeping rooms. 414 month, gas. bath. tfAU Front. NICELT furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. 31" L Ktont St.. room 2. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping Mint IX Jefferson, c T U'th. M .n ioli. Moasew. v li EN ou moe you'll need new furniture. Buy It Judiciously and the savings will ex ceed your moving expenses. . Our NO-RENT PRICES msde us one of the largest furniture housee m tne city -l lo yaara Lookers shown same courtesy as buyers. MORJAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO. e-7j Giand ava. corner East Stark St. fcaai Ankeny and Russell-snavsr carllaea ps.tfS OUR DOOR. HOL5ES. flata ami apartments for rent. M KUCHA NTS SAVINiiS TRUST COM PA NT. S W. cor, gth and Wahlngton Streets COTTAGE. rooma bath, electric ilgh-.s. gaa cement basement, fine lawn, fruit and r es l.'.V Phone East B7U. 4rtl 13th. bet. Tiliamk and Thompson. Irvington. A BKiAIN 4-room house on sOxlOO. one b.o.-k from Alberta car on :th St.. i:7o; .' ash. Inquire Kit Nudelman. oan.r, l1. 1st st. Mln 1-7 Htiti-r-i F a:s and Apartments lor rent, some tuinisne.l. Merchants Savings Trust Co.. S. W. Cor. ih and W ssnlng tiia sta a.R-M-iM coitare. bath and gaa. 423 San Rafael at.. 4 ' 3. or less to tenant mho will improve pla.-e. Kdards Company. l'.l 1st. Jir.ft a-ro, m u,-;er Pat. 101 It E- :th. cor. Wjjrh-r.4ton. isi 5-room loaer Ilau 2& Re i bi s'. I h- ne Tabor 414. us If sou tv-king lor a house: we hks trem William Davidson A Co.. 5oo-5o2 Hnry bldg ait BRAND new modern. T-roo i house on Hawthorne car:ine. Furnace, electricity, aaa shS'lea phone Tabor 220. HANDSOME 7-room bungalow, uafumiahed or partly furntshe.1. c:..o to 2 carllnea. Hoiudsy s Addliion. Phone C 10"d FINE 4 and l-ro.m houses, choice loca tlon. with garage. Main 71Q5. a- RiHiM coitsge. fine view, walking dis tane; lo month aT Sherlock bldg a-ROOM house. East Pth and Beach sta: tls per month. Inquire 7-, Eaat lth st. ftOOM bouse. 12th and Belmont; hot water heater. B 104X. 313 E Ankeny. -ROOM house for rent at Woodstock- Phone B;.wooa. -ROOM house. 221 Morris su. Mam 1T7. MJ1 12a month. s,;s-.rm modern cottages, breed new; gaa. c . r r. -r r-. " x . ' ' t MODERN a-room house, gaa elecirtelty, 9 East 14th St. SOMth. phone Eaat 532. Famished H syw modem 7-roona house, nee ok furniture, fumai-e: on Hawthorne sta.. close In Fhor.e Tabor 22TU NE'ALT tumuhed 4-room Tat. all modern. free water, heart of city. Inquire Union TrareVr On. 324 Flanders. k-KooM house, well furnished, close In. In- cludins plans, vsry reasonable. M. 8. ftentery. STearr.s Mdg. ia FT RX1SHED -room house. STT Ober- lln s:., r .rtsn-.outn. Mm. E. I llrey. SIX-KOOM furnished flat. West Side, walk ing d L-laare- 42 Com'l block- T.w'acSm fumlshedhouee. West Side: plan sewing machine, walking distance. 3-3 Mlil. Sior'En'N 3-room furnished flat. 33 3 th. cor. Montgomery st. -.v room f jrr.ished house, fruit, furnace. Hi Xargueri'.e a i s. Fhsae B 110k. ., I FOB BINT. BC8IXES8 OPPOBTtiyiTIES. Fnrnl-hed Honaea. CLOSE IN (Irvlngton). 20 minuter walk to Union Depot. 7-room house and garage, on A block: beautiful shrubs and trees, electric llghta gaa furnace, flrep.aca anl modern Improvements; will sell, rent fur nished or unfurniahed. Call 2b TUla mn"k st-. A. M. COTTAGES, well furnished. 7 rooms. -S27.SO; 5 rooma $20; part of cottage. -0 or si-: two housekeeping rooma l"1- West Slda river. Apply 304 North 2th: W' car from depot. 5th or Morrison to 26th. block north. i-'kOOM furnished house, centrally located. Weat Side; will give tenant, privilege or renting rooma. Phona Main 711 or A 7374. The Souther-Albcrtson Co.. 2SH Oak St. S-KOOM housa. well furnished, near carlina. has new range, yard. barn, chicken park; only $18 to careful renter. Phone Red 52. Oak orove. - FURNISHED house: parUea can hava naa of aame for the taking cara of two chil dren. Phone U 1827. or call 435 Eaat Alder. WOULD lika to rent my beautiful furnished -room house in Irvington to party who wouid give myself and wife board; ref erences jqulredrioaEjtJ!7a. TO END of August, will rent to responsible part ca handsome, completely furn;ahed A. room bungalow. Sunnyanle. close to Haw thorne car. Phone Tabor Ifrtwl. WELL, furnished -"use of 1 room for rent. 7li Eaat Hurnaide St.. cor. 22d. St0 per run nth. rrione eiwooa jovn. Hnem for Kent Fnmltnra for gala. NEW furniture of an up-to-date, modern room flat: T5 cash. bal. 1bH at 115 month. C 2494. sTxROOM modern flat, close In. four rooms I a II ja arnau iuh. Jl-'V FURNITURE of 6-roonf house. Rent 112: large lawn; Union ava. W 22. Orago- nian. FUP.NITURB of S-room house; bargain. Se It. M Williams. C 2T0. 10-ROOM f for rent: Bna furniture for aala. Phone A 3C2. JiEW furnltnre of 5-room flat for sale, flat ' for rent. Phona A -IMf. Ssmmer R ail I. FOR RENT Seaside. Or., one -room cot tage In very desirable location. Box 102. fceaslde. Or. . 5-ROOM cottage, electric lights, city water, for August and September. t.V very com fortable. Seaside. Or.. Box 24. TO rent. 6-ro-m cottage, oearharl Tark: sr.O for balance of season after August 20. E. G. llopson. room lOl. Beck bidg. COTTAGE at Oearhart for balanca of sea son, overlooking o-ean preferred. Phona Main 212 or A 23H. S.JAIJ. furnished cottage for rent. Sea side. 5ralJI? FOR RENT 4-story snd basement brick store building. 30Z.1S3. southeast corner Front and Pine. Apply Cheater V. Do.pb. 3rt Mohawk bldg. FCiR H r.N T cheap Fine large atorerooma la business district. Mt Scott carlina. I'hona Main MM. TWO connecting stores downtown. front and rear entrance-; can vacata Sept. 1.- W 213. Oregonian. Office MOST centrally located offices, single or en suite: rentals lis and up: all-night aleva tor service. Large room, second floor. Washington at. front, suit utile for saleroom . Apply 3oa Swetland bldg..' Bth and "Washington sta. TWO apaclous outside offices. Lumbermena bldg.; aiao complete, high-grade furnish ings. Apply elevator boya jrrWEI.L-Lir5HTE0. completely furnished of flce with telephone and Janitor service; rent reasonable. Call room 813, Kothchlldmg. FOR-RENT A few officea In Couch bldg. call 6"3 Lewis bldg. lor Bent Paatnra. PASTURE for rent near Portland. 33 Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 1410. TO LEASE. FOR RENT New apartment house. 13 three and four-room suite.: modern: rent rea sonable to responsible person; centrally located, peslre to rent at once. Address W. E. P. 67 Seventh st. LOST AND FOOD LOST Gentleman's open-faced Elgin watch engraved Inside back case. Will pay lib eral reward as watch present and la more valuable to loser than anyone else. Call Marshall 4.17, A 424i. or East 300 and aak forFrench. t - FOUND -Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices: wa renovate mattresses and return same day. Portland Curlsd Hair Factory. H. Metagar. 28 Front. Phones Main 474. A 1874. LOST Wednesday, lady's diamond ring be tween Russell street water office and V. 11 llams ave. Liberal reward. F. Catcher. city Iundry LOST A gold watch and fob while riding In an automobile near Pleasant Home on the Lustld road: reward- Notlty Miss Laura Ulch. Bering. Or. FOUND Where watches, diamonds and Jew elry are sold for amount loaned and one month's Interest. Uncle Myers Collateral Pack, Tl ;h St.. near Oaks FOV ND Corner Park and Yamhill sta. la dles' purse. Owner can get same by call ing at Oregonian office and proving prop- ecu LOST N.ar West Park and Morrison, pat ent leather purse, with red lining, contain ing nearly !. Finder will receive re ward. AM 2"l. Oregonian. LOST Square gold watch guard, carved let lers J. w. S. Return to Room 300 Ore gonian bldg and reward will be paid. nriNr-s oppoRTryiTiES. CONFECTION ERT and I e cream parlor, with in-. tern furnUhed living rooma In connec tion' fine business and location, at sacrifice for 125. See owner to-lay. 1155 Belmont. FOR SALE Good paying newspaper In the famoue Coos Hay country. Fur particulars i all w address 378 E. Ta lor St.. Portland, Or. . For sale or trade, a well-equipped and profliaole llverv and feed enable in a food town. Price for a quick cean sale l.,-. Address oe-ner. M 217. Oregonian. A BARGAIN. Meat market, fu.ly equipped: cheap rent: If de.iraMe natures can be moved. P 1U0. FOR SALE On reasonabls terma the candy- making too s formerly m i . ner. Inquire of Sam L. Beary. e-3 Mor- rlion st. FtR SALE My hslf Interest In well-paying buainess now paying me lnnO a month on an Investment of fisoo; caah or easy terms. AJ ."S. Oregonian. yj HUY lod general merchandle busi ness, country town. Oregon. AH 1B2, Ore- i'OR SALE cheap, half Interest In furnl; lure business: good corner, low rent, w eo. Oregonian. B A III', A I N Splendid little cigar. periodlcaL confectionery atore. Inquire Em mart. Wllltama ave. iBARHlX Fine little confectionery atore r'earlng ! per day. Rogers A McKay, room 23. aoft Wasn. st. llcil WILL buy half Interest In small busi ness clesrlng 14 to 18 per dsy each. Rogsn A McRay. room 23. 3Q3 t Wash. St. a.MAl.1. confectionery, gr.-cery. bakery; rent 115:3 llvlng-rooma. Prloe loo. Phone Main sW-V . wTTb SALE Swellest ctsar store on the East S'de at Invoies price: will Invoice ahout Ji". AM 2'l. Oregonlsn. FoR ri'NT or sale, bakery and confectionery established li years: remodeled; Wood lawn Inquire 40 North Id St. WILL sell hslf Interest In my estshiTslied mall order business to good man a ho can act as manager. Brown. 18 N. ith st. FOR SALE Good paying bakery In a grow ing town near Portland; selling on account of health. AL 175. Oregonian. WANTFD Small stock men s goods or good location: town 13n to 10.000 population. ITeg. men SiHixIN'il-HOIfE that will clear per week.. Price $1230. Rogera A McKay, room S3. 3't wasn. st. u;y:Mi ai ..... ' , Telephone and other bonds bought so d Fletcher lnv. Co- 223 Ablngto MiNINi AND INDUSTRIAL STOlkS. ua A SVAP. d aeil confectionery stock end f X tures st invoice. Price $. Phone Main ll2 FOR AI Cigar and confectionery store, doing good business, good location, rea sonable price. W 2Q3. Oregonian. JOB printing office for aala V 1JL Orege- n:sn. g l,OON In good location: price only 12000. 'Must leave city. 242 5th St. CIiJAR STAND for sale, down town, alust sell. J l'.n. oregonisn. MEAT MARKET Snap today, account aick ness. 1333 Rose city ave. Phone C 1113. SMALL grocery and notion store. Living rooms: cheap r-nt. W 2-11. Oregonian. liltritsTORE for sale, must sell. owner leaving country. W 22'i. Oregonian. ROOVl.VG-HOUSS cheap: parties leaving city; price eiO. lis ltth su -THE MORXI3PO OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, DlOTVCO i "TFD A good business man or lady wanted to take one-half Interest In a business, the only ooe of Its kind In the Northwest: a cite clean stock or new goods and nice new natures In a brick building, with a One lnee: thla business Is new. but on a pay Irg basis, snd It can be largely Increased; the owner needs someone to help him and also needs to Increase the atock. on account of the Increasing business; thla will stand closest Investigation: let us tell you about It; stock and fixtures will Invoice about 13000; about ll.Vjo required. GRUSSI ZAJSOW, 31T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. MOVLVG-PICTURE machines. Hilts, for sale or rent by biggest and best film renters In the world: before closing deal elsewhere in quire If Laemmle Is reliable: U Laemmle us good standing; If Laemmle guarantees a square deal. We have no svlea looking for guys to take down. We employ the best Instructor obtainable to teach operat ng honestly and thoroughly In our operating school. Terms very easy. . Operator's oertltl cate issued when qualified. Laemmle s cer tificate Is a standard of en operator s quali fications. Laemmle Film Service. Pan tages bldg., Portland. Oregon. FINB HOTEL. First-class hotel. "53 rooms. In brick hulld- " Ing: 3 years' lease; paying over .V0 per month clear: fine location, right down town: furniture the very best high-grade, all new; If you wish to step Into a paying business on easy terms, see this: takes only 10000 to handle: balance can be paid out of the business. GRUSSI ZADOW. 31T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. SPLENDID little Job printing business or half Interest for sale: very modern, well selected, new plant Including two new Gordons and new Colts Armory: well lo cated In center of city, reasonable rent, Sood line of established business: want to evote whole time to my real estata business. O. L. Hurd. 304 Stark st, Port land. Or. HOTEL-MEN ATTENTION. We have three ezi client hotel proposi tions on Vancouver Islsnd. all paying welL two with "bar receipts from ISO to 175 per dav, one without bar: cash required from 15000 to tio.ooo. TRAfKSEl.L. ANDERSON CO.. 1210 Broad St.. Victoria. B. C. MEAT MARKET. One of the very best on Eaat Side. Trade I15O0 a month. Flxturea all new and fine Low rent and long lease. This is a great money-maker. Let ua show It to you. N. T. HALL. 821 Lumbermens Bldg. CIGAR STAND In office building: one ot the very best bujv In the city: I110O: 6. IO. 15-cent store; fine location, good trade, mcney-maker: will sell at less than Invoice; will take about 1750. N. T. Hall, 321 Lumbermens bldg. FOR SALE Half Interest In old-established, well-paying book and music store, sta tionery, kodaks and supplies in city of 10. 000 near Portland: price ISiOO; will bear fullest Investigation: 15000 down, balance on time. J 29S. Oregonian. LOOK HERE. Room for one more man of ability with $5tM0 to get ground-floor chance In large corporation Just forming where money in vested will more than double In a year. W 128, Oregonian. HAVE you from-1500 to 15000 to Invert? We can place your money at high rates of Interest; beet security, fit t mortgages. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT A TKL'STBB COMPANY, 624-S28 Bosrd of Trade Bldg. ESTABLISHED solid business. Owner wants reliable partner to wait on customers, etc. Will gusrantee business to be clear ing 1250 a month and give you a trial before you Invest a cent. Call 417 Board of Trade. BAKERY in Bret-class condition at Coos Bay. Or.: good business; parties wishing to retire: price 1000 If taken In next IS data Writs M. A. Sweetman A Co., Marshneld, Or . , . . ooj. -mu " Ateha nd lae. r V ' IV Bl ( ,tr, up-to-naie store, nne u-i . i- -! splendid buslnesa Located in Washing ton's Irrigated district. Will consider good real estate. Address AM 177. Oregonian. A HALuu.v aa.v o yj i i ..-- - To secure a hotel bar, rent paid until August 16. 3-year lease. 1100 stock and flxturea all for 97&; quick sale. Phone A 111 or Main US. REAL ESTATE business. Owner wants steady, sober rartner to show customers properlv. etc. Business will bear closest Investigation. Particulars 4 IT Board of Trade. BAKERY, only one In town of 2000 people, paving good profits; rent 123.00: lease four years: good stock and furniture four rooms included: price 12300. Inquire M. Barber, care Allen & Lewis. noi.Il GOLD GOLD. The chance "of a life-time for a syn dlcste to grab one of the best placer prop ositions In the Pacific XorthweaL J 293, Oregonian. -- GROfERT Owner retiring from business. will Invoice siora; o jcaia i fixtures and building for 140 month; stock will Invoice about 11300; established trade. 248 H Stark at. vnrvfl MAN. STRANGER! Make careful Investigation at expense of seller before you Invest money in any proposition. Advisory Department, Y. M. ,-C. A. FOR SALE Bestsurant. doing good busi ness; owner compelled to leave on ac count of going East; terms reasonable with time If necessary. Gold Bar Cafe. 108 Eleventn St.. AT-on, rsr. GIVEN away free, map of all the California oil fields, also trial subscription of publica tion "California Oil Fleida" Sagar-Loomls Company. 701 Oregonian bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED Man to take half Interest In one of best band shows, never closes, show hooked for the entire sesson; roan to manage show, act as treasurer; money - cured. AM 200. Oregonian. FORCED to sell my profitable business at once: price HOoo cash: terma could be arranged: clean business; no stock to carry. W 21 1. Oregonian. GROCERY and dairy producta; beat buy In city; $1600; money-maker; cash trade; no Sunday work. oul Gerllnger bldg. Lnlon Brokerage CP-, m sou iv... FOR SALE Confectionery and bakery, cen trally located: good business; for Informa tion address Mra Alia Whittle, Castle- rock. VI asn. BAUIOX men. investigate. We have four of the best paying saloons In Portland; all are bargains. particulate 417 Board of Trade. -1 . .... mAfohant vanli man to take i.i.. in tha buainess. I100O required. Owner will pay 123 week besides share of proflta xtovt yuara st. 4-iinO OR loOO worth of stock for ssls In going real estate proposition In Central Oregon: safe Investment and large returns certain. AM 2" oregonian RESTAURANT Fine location, clearing 1 130 month above eapenses 2 living-rooms: rent for all 143. Seats 20 and Is full of customers nearly an gay, atoit SI Wt TV.RMS Big snap. 2i i rooms of fine furniture, with 35 boarders; Income soov. hhiiuh - - street. WELL-ESTABLISH fen dressmaking buslnesa for sals at a sacruice. ' Phone Main a.'Ji lurcnouin. WANTED Honest partner with 43O0 to act as treasurer I or o'" " "- - -' " - erencea exchanged. K 223. Oregonian. TO I.EASFJ A bar and barber shop. Hotel Alder. 4th and Alder. A long lease to right parties. . RLOON' Good corner brick, building, do ing good business; closest invettlgstlon; own er win retire. FOB 8 ALE Resldence-photo-studlo In East ern Oregon; large cuumry, wu Investigate. B. G. Slgsbee. Heppner. Or. FOR rent cheap: Fine large store room In Mtsiness oisinci ua . I-hone Main :. AALOON8 Several well located and money makers: 1830 to $3730. 810 Swetlsnd. GROCERY store. nrlce"1900; good location. AD 148. Oregonian. 600 BUSINESS CARDS 41.25 If you bring, this ad. nose cttyPrntry.19iThlr. GOOD theater for sale in Portland. Mov . lng-Plcture Exchange. 513 Rothhljdbmg. RESTAURANT will stand Investigation; less than Invoice. Goodwin. 84 8th. GKOCBRT Best buy In city, net $235 last month. f2i vi seningrop A BARBER-SHOP. 8-chalr or larger; no dead one wanteu. .w "i. 'oiui. ROOMIVn-tlOCSEa.' ' FIRST-CLASS rooming-house In the very . ln-rmn lA ro..ma evervthlne mod ern, long lease: 3oo can handle the prop osition. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST. AN I'.', oregonian FOR SALE By owner, rooming-house. 11 rooms: every room wen lurmsucw. cwnu. Price $330. easy terma Call 28 North 8th street. FOR SALE Rooming-house of 14 rooms and 2 lodge halls: good location; cheap rent; long lesse: will take part In trade AH 203. oregonian. MUST sell to leave city, nicely furnished D-rtiom house, finest location, alwaya full. Owner. 121 14tn St. rmin. ROOMING-HOUSE. 21 rooms, good corner location: price noon-, corner 1st and Market.- 223 Market. No agent. SNAP lo rooms: clears oft: 1200 caah, bat easy, owner, a. i. vrcgsjaien. annvrvcnnrsKe. 80 ROOMS, elegantly furnished; hot and cold water, steam heat; clears 1250; leaving; will sacrifice. K 220. Oregonian. g Cl.il. NOTICES. Proposals Invited, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF 'THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of Charles E. Scott, bankrupt. The undersigned trustee of the above entitled estate In bankruptcy will receive sealed bids at his ofifce. No. 81 H 5th at., room 3u2 Phoe nix bldg.. Portland. Oregon. UP to,.,1 o'clock noon of Monday. August 15. ltiw, for the following described property be longing to said estate, namely: The stock of merchandise consisting principally of Jewelry, stationery, post cards and curios of the inventory value of 13540.50 together with a lot or sio furniture and fixtures of the inventory value of 1669.52, all located In store building at No. 537 Willamette at.. In Eugene. Oregon. Cash or a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount bid must accompany each bid. and the sals Is msde subject to the confirmation of the court, the right being reserved to re ject any and all bids. An Inventory- Is on file at the office of the undersigned snd at the store In Eugene, and the prop erty may be Inspected upon application at the store. H. a M'CUTCHAN. Trustee In Bankruptcy. KECEIVER'8 SALE. The public Is hereby notified that sealed bids will be opened at 2:00 P. M. on Sep tember 8. 1910, at the office of Mark Moorhouse. Pendleton. Oregon, for the pur chaae of tha plant, furniture and fixtures of the Pendleton Creamery Company. The plant consisting of a three-ton Ice plant. 1 churn creamery, ice cream freezing ma chinery, refrigerating display cases and refrigerattng-room. candy kitchen, lea cream parlor furniture, confectionery fur niture, and office furniture, now located at No. 821 Main street. Pendleton, Oregon. -Invoice price about $8000 on original cost. Sals to be mads for cash to the highest bidder and the receiver reserves the right to reject sny and all bids. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check to the amount of 10 per cent of the bid. MARK MOORHOUSE, Receiver. 113 E. Court street. Pendleton, Oregon. NOTICE Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received ror the purcnase of aiu.uuv ot construction bonds of School district No. 24. in Josephine County. Oregon drawing 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually, said bonds payabls absolutely In 20 years. Said bids shall be sealed and be accompanied by a certified check for $1000. and will be re ceived up to and Including the 6tn day of Eeptember, 1910, and that the School Board will open and consider said bids September T. 1S10. at 3 o'clock P. M. of said day. Said board reserves the right to reject any and all blda Bids should be handed or ad dressed to FRANK THOMPSON. Clerk of the School Board of School Dis trict No. 24. Merlin. Josephine County, Ore gon. - SEALED bids will be received at the office of Clerk of School District No. l. Mult nomah County. Oregon, room 402, Tllford building. Portland. Oregon, until 5:00 P. M.. August 18. 1910. for stand pipes, valves, and water mains for fire protection at Buckraan. Chapman, Couch. Davis. Eliot, Falling. Highland. Shattuck and M on Le vi! la achoola Bids are to be made on each school separately. Copy of speci fications may be had upon application at office of school architect, room 400. Tll ford building. A certified check for 10 per cent of tha amount of blda must ac company each proposal. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all blda R. M. THOMAS. Clerk. SK A LED bids will be received at the of fice of Clerk School District No. J. room 402 Tllford building, up to 5:00 P. M. on August IS. 1910. for plumbing and drain age In the Highland School building. Plans and specifications for same can be seen at school architect's office, room 400 Tll ford building. A certified rheck for 10 per cent of the amount of proposal must accompany each bid. The Board of Di rectors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. SEALED bids will be receleved at the office of Clerk School District No. 1, room 402 Tllford building, on August 18, 1010, for painting the Shattuck School building. Kneeirlcnttons for same can be seen at school architect's office room 400 Tllford building. A certified 'check for 10 per cent of the amount of proposal must ac company each bid. The Board of Direc tors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. SEALED bids will be received at the office yi i- . Tl 1 atela tVsa 1 Uulfnninlh HI t-lCI IUIIUUI -"- I a, U1U1...M..-.. County. Oregon, room 402. TllfoM buila- inif. unm o .vu x". -". auusi ir. aw, v manual arts equipment and supplies for IIIO ejTIlBUIi'B J s x uaj ' - - float. ons and list of materials may be had upon application at the clerk'a office. Board of Directors reserves the rljfht to . . . m 1 1 ti l- j Turm a c r"jeCv BUI IUU ai U4V. AV. aa. iiiwaunu, Cterk. 17- a. EXGIXEER OFFICE. Honolulu. T. H. August 8. 1010 Sealed proposals for fur nishing 2S.000 barrels of Portland cement will be received here until 11 o'clock A. - M.. September 7, 1910. and then publicly opened. Information on application to Lieutenant-Colonel John Blddle. corps of enKineers. 726 Chronicle bldg., San Fran cisco, Cal.. or tnis onice. is. ve.ain wins. 1 off, Ma Jor Engineers. U S- ENGINEER OFFICE, 723 Central bldg.. Los Angeles. Cal.. August 11, 1910. Sealed proposals for dredging at Los An geles Harbor. California, will be received here until H A. September 10. 1910, and then publicly opened. Information on application. W. f. bioKey. uapiaio r-ngi Miscel laneoua. Proposals for supplies fora Oregon Stat Tuherculosis Sanatorium. The state commission for the treatment O' tuberculosis Invites sealed proposals for furnishing groceries, meats, hardware kitchen utensils, horse feed and wood, for the year ending June 30th. 1911. For full lUtS 0 arilCira ? r4, nuj J. J a wier ymi llCUIcirSf aU"'"" Maswia Bids will be opened at the executive chambers, state ap"oi. nweu., wi cguu. on Wednesday. August J.th, 1910. at 3 o'clock P. M. H. J. Clements, Superinten dent Oregon dii- uuci ..v-a-i rlum. JFTCANCIAI. CONSULT our bond department about plac- a a,u in Arii TTi (irt tra warn at HJn 1 no commission"; Mr. Crowe. John P. S harkey Co.. stn ana waanm nun mxm. Money to Loan Kai -Kstatc. CASH paid for mortgage or sellers' Interest I-. enmnifii nn TB.l estate anywhere in Oregon or Washington; mortgage loans negotiatea on jiulu rt imuk-''- - oblP. tum permriui pi .,., una aai, niunnvr.n rltv nronertv or for build -. ,.,-,.. ft to 5 years time: liberal repayment privileges; money advanced a bUllding prJIIOWea. lis, Muv.U4-i - Ings A Loan Association. 240 Stark St. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per -. e real ( Bf as OUrlt V. EDW. P. MALL COMPANY. r.-v irnnnrt.a-rl rltv or farm DmMrtY: 4JsK "V, Ur vu - - w -- r--r ' building or small loan at lowest rates; large loan a rpec..tlty. J. tl. Mcenxi co.. Oil- w 1-1 !arllnF tlaT FiKoT and second nrtgages and contract purcnaseu vu - " .V " v V anywhere In Oregon or Washington. K. L. IMMEDIATE loan from $5 to 500. on all securltiea. w . a. r4..i-.4-, iii , Washington a.ag- rnong ov MORTOAOB loan on city property; lowest rates, a. a. r --vs.. v -..,-. 3d and Stark. 200 000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty; building loans, lowest rate. W. Q. Beck si. Faillnt- bldg. PKIVATE money loaned on reel estate mort- gagea n. jiiibj, rjuu ,v, v-.. .a-.,. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLB K A 1 fc.a. f. tl. LC' " a J, 9 asa tp ayu-. WILL loan $3000 or less on real estate- Hit C C(iClL1l2'lILL MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 percent. Good nough Selts. 718 Board of Trade. Stat fund roaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thom a. state agent. Multnomah Co., 400 C. C. Will loan $10,000 or less, real estate security. i , .id r rY-im --t I rlnh hlrlsr MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT, t ni-ia KAI.OMON. 13 STARK ST. 500. S100O and $3000 to loan onCity real ,i.7 R44 attorney. 410 Fatlinar bldg. uiiN-s nn real, cersonal. chattel or coliaL eral security. C. W. pallet., 308-9 Fenton. MONEY loaned, building purposes. If con sult el Petore puiiaing pefcin. aw ncm j wu. MONEY to loan for building purposes. In- quire room tu. nomcnua pmy. Money to Loaua Chattels and Salaries. CHATTEL LOANS. Tntailmnt loans on pianos, furniture, war. house receipts, horses. Insurance poli cies and all kinds of securities. REAL EST AT 1 LUAiN s irom auuu up. NEW ERA LOAN A MTG- CO. 418 Abington Bldg. iav .rlvanrtid salaried Deenl. house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments: ornces in prmcipaj cites; sa.ve yourself by getting my terma flrat. TOLMAX. 317 Lumber Exchange. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Loan LP.. Ja- Il)IaB sj !,,.. vtu st LOANS Chattel, collateral or personal e- curlty. Room IB. wasnington piog. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chatteL The Loan to.. 4t iKum piu. LOW rate: we loan money on diamond nd jewelry. a&rx dt dioco. u au AUGUST 13, 1910. Money to Loan Chattel JdSaMie1 11 !!! i ! HMSn MONEY! MO.VEri MONEJI SO CHEAJ' THAT NO ONE. BUOIjD BB WITUOCT IT. SALARY LOAX8 WITHOUT S-CURITY. , , ... TOO CAV REPAY IX iMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. -Rebate Given If Paid Before One. CALL AND SEB US. STATE SECURITY CO... 3oS FAILING BLDG. THIRD A.1U !!'!!r! i 1 !' tJJJ r . ; i . s :H ll 6. RSlA. -STATE BROK-RAGi! COMPANY. . Makes liberal loans on real estate, furni ture, pianos (without removal), livestock, storaga receipts, life Insurance policies and all kinds of securities; terms to suit, eaay weekly or monthly paymenta. we buy flrst and second mortgages and con tracts. Phone Main 20b Room ua Ham ilton bldg.. 131 Jd st. ...... We want to loan this ampunt on pianos, furniture, horses, warehouse receipts, real estate mortgages, or any good collateraL A special low rate to get the money out. We want your patronage and are making a rate to get it. The King Loan & In- vesT.i-.ent, . tuum va ...s. WILL loan in amounts from $5 up on all a. i ...n.iiUi at r-nannnhlti rates: will buy seller's equities in real estate contracts, first or second mortgages; busi ness strictly confidential. QRAY-CUNN INGHAM-GRAY, . 722 Electric Bldg. WE loan money on watches, diamonds, eal- S Kin ft, zniUH. uveivynio, cases and musical instruments. UNCLE MEYEKS, 71 Sixth SU Between Oak and Pine Sta. Main SIO Loan W anteU. LET us nlaca your Investment fund in hlgh- graae xirai. uiui iiatc - - rt' HARTMAN A. THOMPSON, Chaxuber of Commerce bldg. WE loan money on diamonds and Jeweery; . i-t,t..at- innir or short time a M. Deiovua. 26. Washington st. WANTED- 3000 new, modern S-room rasl- rnnifln. S11U0 FOR J3 years, 6 per cent; property worm sowvw " - - - - iraeion. Warren. Or. - WANTED 6o6"fOT 2 years. V per cent; no i .i . -j -r., . vi t iu oc.s. Ore- C.' Ill ill -BQiUU , fWU OB.uaaa. ' Huuittu. WANTED For S1200, 3 years. 7 per cent. on ciose-in resilience utoi v. a.. - 817 Board or xrace pi u WE can place a tew loans very advan tageously. WlUia-U 1J-Y1UDUU vvs w-- to. Henry bldg. S30.OOO on fine West Side income property. value security, ,00, vw. 12000 Three years. Improved residence se curity. Pay 8 per cent.W230.Oregnlatl. jiooo ON good real estate security. AL :1M, uregunitiii. LET us place your money good mortgages; references. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis bldg. PERSONAL. LADIES, now la the time to attend to your ot charge, when work Is ordered. Be-'yf-Ing sealskin garments a specialty. Get my estimates. Have large assortment of fine skins to select from. Ladies placing orders now will get the "pick." also save money. Satisfaction assured. Adolph Ker. prac tical furrier and expert litter, i lll su Phul-es A juoo, 00m. ua. aa.ej . -i.-- Diseases of women and children, sur gery : chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; up-to-Sata electrical appliances: private hospital accommodations; confinement cared for. consultation free. Koom 10. Grand Thea- ter bidg. Main tvto; a omv. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY. Ult. vA.ii.rv x.. ... . . From- Europe. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIST. My cures are painless, prompt ana thor ough. Suite 53-52-51-50-41.-48 V4-48L 270V. Washington bldg., cor. 4th and Wash. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods, switches from . UD UD-lO-aaLo yu,i i-4 m "g roinlcuVing, face and scalp treatment. 147 7th p 1. , bei. aim rp-'u am- a..- SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE HalsingforB graauate; rwus-. r airec- ach aliments, 1-' 1 - , , . . . . v, tlons; baths, masseuse. No. 7 Last 11th l"Z?nZea pKone East 2607-1.03. HAIR. HAIR-A11 shade, m besl : quality at 'an." gnrAtU..X PT hairdreing and manicuring i.us-. t aaiinr. ath and Aider. MRS. A M. PARKS, graduate nurse, gives scientific massage, also scalp treatments, baldness cured by my remedy after a 1 Sla. a failed. The Francis. West Park and Morrlsonsta. rooms lanalL Diseases of women and children; electric treatment 01 i"J .i.V ,m. vi'.n'lnkenyr PhoneV Main 4047, A 8.U WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and Pllea Consultation free, lat 1st . - n . CI mnnth VhtII yoVr clothe, cleaned. prewed. buttons seed on. rips repaired Prompt calls and rlftllverles. tnimm . MISS DESALEB DE VOE. The Willamette, fng. psychic healing I also scalp treat ments. Hours lu.m MADAHel awio w.- .- . , Vanlcuring. facial massage and acalp Manicuring. ' ,... ilrli.r nrt taih . re, em l-n 1 1 - ait.tr'fi y."Tn"rancTo- th. Open to 9 P.M. 1-. A. .urn nonnle traveling eastward .with in two weeks will save money. Address M 21. Oregonian. iif rFSSFUL doctor desire acquaintance rehntd iady physician; object matrimony. ' K .l4.pregonlan T" have" sold Independent Mesaenger Co. to F. J. K.lut, wno will pay and collect all bills- M. jaemja. nFi t j piERCE, specialist, women and Vnildren: confidential advice; expert pain lesi i treatments. Address 811 AUsky blug. nir LORENS NERVE TONIC TABLETS. 25c box, restore lost vitality. Stipe. Tay ior DrugCompany. 2&V Morrison st. lIQUOR habit permanently wired in 3 days; no sufCerlng and harmtes. cardiola InsU tute, 167 Penlnaula ave.. Portland. Or. HFii tu TREATMENTS given by graduate nurse and masseuse. Room 18. 2381 Alder at. Phone Main 4o33. MmeT Courtwright. skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformitie corrected, pla- f surgerv. 311 Fliedner bldg. M 504J. BALM OF. FIGS Remedies tor diease. of women. o-tf ----- MANICL'RINO and chiropody, fit. NlchoLa Hotel. Ia5 0th t.. room 2. OCCULT New' Thought; liberal, scientiac bOQK- jo"" -jum. - DR KETCHUM treats women' maladies. 179 H 3 corner Yamb ill. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mra AL D. Hill. 4i Fliedner bldg. M3473r BUSINESS DlBJ-CTOBy. '" Accountant. MACKENZIE. J3AIRD A BERRIDGE. Counael and experts in all matters relat ing: to muulcipal, commercial, xaotory co. and industrial accounting. " Moderate lees. Consultations free. 234 Worcester Block. - Phones Main 7369. A 1449. K. H. COLLIS & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 84 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6.07. Architects. EASTMAN CO.. Inc. Architects and Build- cra. plans and estimates furnished free to builders. We build on contract, percentage or term. Main 3236. A 4110. Abington bldg. Asaayer and Analyst. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 1&0 Morrison st. Weils A proebstel. mining -engineers, chem ists and assayers. 204 hk Washington at. Builder. - CUMMINGS CATLIX. building In every branch of the building trades. Jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty; showcases, . counters, shelving, etc Office and shop 371 First st. Phone Marshall 2327. Awning and Tenta PACIFIC Tent A Awning Co., tents, awning and rails. 27 X. 1st. Main and A mi- Bicycles and Motorcycle. We buy, -ell. exchange or repair. Hummer Bicycle Ex.. i:t 10th St., Main 7058. Brais and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass castings and machine work. 100 N. 5th. Main 3702. " " Chiropractic Physician. DR TICKNER removes the cause of disease. eoo-l Columbia bldg. A 5255. Hra. 12-5.30. . f Divna nmurrnRT. 1 GRAM) CENTRAL 6TT10N. Collection Specialist. PHYSICIANS' and dentists' collections only. L. Plnckney White, Main .u. a iv-- Baths and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths. 107 4th -Elegant Plunge, steam an a .u.c. i""-"- Circulating Library. LATE lictlon. 3c a day. Woman a t-xentngo blag., ISO 5th st.. bet, xayior u ......... rtilmnnlTr. WM. ESTELLE and FKrsbie eveney. the 4 .id. -vi.nici. In the Cli) Parlor 302 Gerlingor bldg-. S. W. cor- -a Dr. Laura M. Randolph, foot specialist, hos- treatment. Yamhill and 6th. Tel A 44W. Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. p- HHl, room -i-M -iie,ner Diag. rnoo" -..- CHIROPODY, manicurm and scalp. Mrs. Dunton. 549 wuhiTurinn. Marshall Collections and law. KETH CO.. COLLECTORS COLLECT EVERYWHERE: NO COLLECTION. CHARGE. 535 Worcester bldg- Portland. Comaulsslon Merchants. TAYLOR. YOU NO & CO.. shiD broker, com- miseion merchants. MieriocK qiqk. SUN SOON HUIE. CHINESE GOODS. MAT- TING. SILK AND CURIOS. 7U Bin p. Dancing. WALTZ, two-step, three-step, stage dancing lesson. rc Bcnooi open mornius. Vi noon and evening daily. Prof. Wal. Will son's School. S8V Washington st.. bet. W. park and 10th nts. ' Jog and liorse Hospital DR. BROWN. D. V. S. Office 324 Flander st. Main 40S6. Hosnitai s i-m su . Electric Motor. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 21J za. st. Electric I-lxture and Supplies- Trill ( 4n. . snri urn'U wire f Or VOU. Phones B 2392. E. 3822. Clagett Electric Co.. 361 East Morrison st. EngineeTtnaT. INDUSTRIAL ENGIXE BRING CO., General Engineering, Designing, Drafting. 201 Hamilton Bldg. Engine Gas and Steam. ROBER Machy. Co.. Coast agts. Seabury steam enarines and boilers, gasoline en- gine. 281-283 E. Morrison st. -"none j. Feed Store. ZIGLER & MISNER. hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 4SZ. Fur. N. M. UNGAK CO., INC., formerly of 406 jr'ercnants Trust Diag., nave rucu 109 Seventh st. Furs remodeled, repaired and stored. Marshall 75d. Tint: 1vflrtfrv MEN'S hats cleaned and blocked. Expert )-i-s--.a V.t-anV., n - . V. as IT - c t Bm TTftt PC- tory, largest hat renovator in the city. U alia DQ lUilU BU, krivuuu ns ter building. Hat direct from, the factory at half-price. --- HATS made to order cost no more. See us. Royal Hat Works. 223 lat st, M. 6442. T Jliinchi". 16-FT. 3-H. P.. $150: 18-FT-, 3-H. P.. $20a Relerson Mach. Co.. 182 Morrison st. Leather and rinding. CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO.. 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mirs. nnu.u,o- J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. 18U Front su Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO- Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, .screens, bagging, mining ma chinery. All kinds of repairs. 104 N. 4th. Musical. EMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil aevciK. tnj jiarquam. a .q' J'a' a.---, Osteopathio Physicians. T)R. LpRnv Smith, graduate Kirksville. Mo. class of 1S, post-graduate 1907. under A. i. Btiu, tne xounaer. owe.' land bldg. Main 1987. -A. 19S5. . DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 415-410-417 uenum cas. Phone. Office. M. 34P7, res. East or B 1028. Ti- a mold Llndaev. -toeclalist on rheuma tism, stomach troubles and all nervous diseases. Hotel Franklin. Main 7iwo. Painting and Paperhanging. M P. CHRISTENS EN CO.. Dflintins. kalso mining, paperhanging. A 4711, Main 19S3. Paints. Oils and Glass. RASMHSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, (flass. sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. K. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat- ents. mtringment cases, ou. ueKum. INVENTORS' free book. J. K. Mock. 419 Board of Trade tiate u. a. patent onicej Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 605 603 Electric blc'g. Oscar Huber. gortland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks ana crosswains. an aecit piag. Patent Attorney. Protect your ideas; reliable patent attorneys. lADLSTKlALi - KjI IN Hiitetl IS Kr tU... Registered Patent Attorney. 201 Hamilton Bldg. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 40 year In Portland. 71 ctn st. Mam iu. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near :tn n. ana ion, sta. jj.. a .as. Printers. GLASS & PRVDHOM ME CO.. printers, blank book maKers. legal oianKB, iocso ieai ae vices, township plats. 65-67 7th at., bet. Oak ana Aniteny. . . CH AUSSE-PRUDHOMME CO.. books, com- merciai. tn st. xnain bid, a ioa. Piano Factory. C. Sommer A Co.. established 1S96; genera! repair work; tuning. 247 5th. Marshall 157L Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencil, choice Stationery, etc. Cunningnam s. ai atari.. , a. am xw. Rug Weaver. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag rugs, carpet cleaning ana laying. if- umun nve. n . . j-orri-on. Safe. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d" st. Safes at iactury oci.uiiu-iiu p,i ca. Showcase. Bank andStore Fixture. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rapids Showcase Co., 6th and Hoyt, R. Lutke. mgr. NEW and second-hand J. L M. Mfg. Co., 4th and Couch. Main 2703. Cabinet work. 8hincle. BEST in the city; car lots or less. 6. E. !iihrt 901 Washlnsrton st Storage and Trajisferg, PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO., corner 13th and Everett sta. Just opened newest and most modern storage warehouse in city; every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest insurance rate Id Northwest ; free trackage; van for movtn g. -ain or v xoz. C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., office and commodious four-atory brick ware house, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine at, pianos and furniture moved and packed tor snipping, .gain ow, a ivv&. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. - General transferring and storage; 'safes, ? itanos and furniture moved and packed or ahlpment. 209 Oak st.. bet. Front and 1st. Telepnone aiain o. or a 47. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Office 310 Hoyt fit., between 5th and fith. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer all experienced men. Swiss Dairy. 67 N. UNION ave. Phones Eat &556, B 2011. furs pmneq mi'f- ft, .y-.i-.n-j'. Trusses and Support. ARE YOU RUPTURED? The Perfect truss is made and fitted by a specialist; no charge If I fail to hold hernia, age or aex immaterial. Jay W. Wllgon. po eta ex. Stove. STOVES connected and repaired. 1110. 614 Front. Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, S20 to fGO, fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, $3 per niuiini- -.a.w aaauoi j oc rnnt tvi r - 0.1 2d st. 1I1S WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer cunci ii wi .iai i.uioi. , mvesiigate all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex- c n ange. a& f wasningnon sc. NEtf. rebuilt, .second-hand, rentals at cut rates, f- u. v-- ., goi otarK. i. myj. Veterinarians. S. L- Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarian. SSI Arnteny st. a avifv. jiain ;4U;. Veterinary Schools or College. San Francisco Veterinary College; catalogue rree. j-t. n.eane, iei aj arei si., a, jj. Wail Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 lat st., whole sale ana retail, bampie mailed free. 13 Southern Paciflo. Lea vine Portland Ashland Passenger Rose burg Passenger . . .. Shasta Limited Stlverton Passenger California Express San Francisco Express .., West Sid3 Corvallis passenger Sheridan Passenger .... 8:30 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 6:20 p. m. 7.45 p. m. 1:30 a. m. 7:20 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 8:50 a. nv. 6:40 p. m. 7:30 a. m. 10:00 n. m, 5:30 P. m. t or est Grove Passenger . Forest Grove Passenger Arrivine- Portland Oregon Express ........ Aeniana passenger ..... Roseburg Passenger . . . . Portland Express Shasta Limited Silverton Local ......... West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger ..... ,11:00 a. m. 2 :o p. m. 9:30 a. m. 6:20 p. m. 10:20 a. m. I 8:00 a. m. 4:40 p. m, sorest urove Passenger . Forest Grove Passeng e r JNort h crn Pacific. Leavlnsr Portland North Coast Limited via Puset Sound North Coast Limited via North .wanjc Atlantlo Exnress via Pueret Sound 7:00 p- nu 12:15 a. nu 9:00 a. nx. 8:30 p. nv Atlantic Express via North Banki Twin City Express via Puget: Sound Twin City Express via North -d.uk 7:00 p. m. Eastern Exnress via. Pii-t Sound 12 : 1 5 a. m. Eastern Express via North Bank 9:00 a.m. Missouri River Express via Puget Sound 10:10 a. nv, Missouri River Express via North ' Bank 7.00 p.m. Portland. Taeoma and Seattle Ex- press. Grays Harbor, Olymplal and South Rend hrnnchM 6:45 a.m. Portland-Vancouver Special lO:10 a. m. runei isouna Limnea, .rays Har bor and South Bend branches.. 3:30 p. nu Yacolt Passene-er 4:00 p. no- Arriving Portland North Coast Limited via North Bank 8:15 p.m. North Coast Limited via Puget Sound 7:20 a. nu Northern Pacific Express via North Bank 7:30 a. nu Northern Pacific Express via Puget Sound T:10p. m, Paoiflc Coast Express via North Bank 8:15 p. Pacific Coast Express via Puget Sound 7:20 a. nu Western Ftnrp via Vnrth 'Rank 8:15 D. nu. Western Express via Puget Sound 10:30 p. nu xuisoun mver i-xpress via Nortni Bank 7:30 a. m Missouri River Express via Pugetl Sound I 4:00 D. nu Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Express ann rrom uiTnpia, south enai nnd ffravi Wnrhfir I 4:00 O. TtU Pucret Sound Limited 7:10 n. m Vancouver-Portland Special (10:30 p. iru laroit passenger ,ii:ju a. n. . Oregon Railroad fe Navigation Co. Leavin. Portland Baker City Passenger Oregor. -Washington Limited. . Tne Dalles Local Soo Spokane Portland Oregon Exnress ... . 40 a, iru 00 a, nu 00 p. m O0 p. m. 00 p. nu 00 p. nu Spokane Flyer Arriving Portland The Dalles Local Oregon Express 15 a. m, 30 a. nu Soo-Spokane-Portland . Baker Citv Local Passenger... Oregon-Washington Limited.. 00 a. nu oo p. m. 00 p. nu :30 a. m. nKane- K;vtr Astoria t Columbia BJver. Lea vine Portland Seaside Express Ocean Shore Limited Saturday Seaside Special. ...... . Seaside Express Rainier Passenger. .............. Rainier Passenger 8:00 a, nu 9:20 a- m 2:30 p. m 6:30 p. m 1:15 p. m. 5:45 p. m Arriving Portland Seaside Express Monday Seaside Special Seaside Express Ocean Shore Limited Rainier and Portland Passenger. Rainier and Portland Passenger. 12:05 p. m. 12:30 p. m. iu:uu d. nu 10:15 p. nu 9:4 a. nu 5:00 p. nu. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland I C P. R. Short Line via Spokane Via Seattle Arrivinar Portland 7:00 p. nu 12:15 a. nu C. P.' R. Short Line via Spokane! 9:00 a. nu 7:00 a. m. via Seattle Oregon & Washington RaUroad Co. Leaving Portland Seattle Passenger 8:30 a.m. Shasta Limited 3:00 p.m. Owl 11:45 p. m. Arriving Portland Owl 7:15 a. m. f-hasta Limited :.. 5:20 p. m. Portland Passenger 2:45 p. m. JEFFERSON-STREET STATION. Southern Pacific Leaving Portland Dallas passenger Dallas passenger Forest -Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger Forest Grove Passenger 7:40 a. nu 4 :05 p. nu i :uu p. m. 10:15 a. m. 5:55 p. nu ia:uu noon ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREETS PAS- SEN -EB STATION. J5pokane, Portland A Seattle Railway Co. ' Leaving Portland fniand Emnire Express 9:00 a.m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis. Billings. Spokane, Pasco. Roosevelt, Granddalles, Goldendale. Lyle, White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver. The Oregonian 11:00a.m. For St. Paul, Spokane, Pasco, Washtucna. Kahlotus, cutis, uyie, vvnite aaimon, ate- von -li-. and Vancouver. Columbia River Local . . .4 :30 p. nu North Bank Limited 7:00 p. nu For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City. St Louis, Billings, Spokane, Washtuc na, KaniOtUB, riwi;u, wravci,, oimuauca, Goldendale. Lyle, white Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver. Afrivln? Portland The Oregonian 7:05 a.m. uvnm fit. Paul. Snokane, Pasco. Cliffs. Maryville, Lyle, White Salmon, Steven so a and Vancouver. - North Bank Limited '....7:30 a.m. From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis, Billings, Spokane, Washtua na Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Grandda41ea Goldendale, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver. Columbia River Local 12:35 p. nu Inlana impire .ciprtsso o.j. irn- rh irairo. St Paul. Omaha, Kansas City. St Louis, Billings, Spokane, Washtuc na, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles Goldendale, uyie, wniie otuowu, Diom.juu, Vancouver. Great yorthern Railway Company. Leaving roniaau .li unu UW'X Oriental Limited, via Seattle 10:00a. nu Ibe Oregonian, via North Bank. .11:00 a. nu Oriental Limited, via North Bank 7:00 p. m, lnternatlonal Limited. Seattle, Ta- coma and Vancouver, B. C . . .10:00 a. nu The Owl, Taeoma, Seattle and Vancouver. B. C 8:00 p. nu Snore Lino x 77 . attle and Vancouver, B. C 11:80 p. nu . r.iQnH nth n. Ho vt Jits Oriental Limited, via Seattle 6:40 a.m. The Oregonian, via North Bank.. 7:05 a. nx Oriental imn.u, v V, ; r Tne uwi, va-i"-v. - - , tie ajad Taeoma 6.40 a. nu Shore Line Express, Vancouver, B. C, Seattle and Taeoma 3:80 p.m. Internationai -..-.., g c( Seattle and Taeoma 9:50 p. nu Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Co. PaHKfngtr Station, Front and Jefferson Sts. t navimc Portland for Salem and Int. i.aT:- " fl.ft t-rO. 11:00 A M. : 2:00. 3:50. R-m 8-30 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and; Salem -9:15 A. M. Local for Wilsonville' ?rT .Tattons 6:10 P. M. Dally except fiundav for points on the Salem, Falls City riToo l i: Leaving Portland for Forest Grov. and Int. stations i ;w, . ... ...v, . 2YlO. 3:30. 3:30, 8:23 P. M. Saturday only., 11 Arrivinsr'at Portland from Balem and Int. ..i;fs.-jn. 11:00 A. M. : 1:13. 4:00, 8:00. 8-"0 10-30 P. M- Local from Wilsonvlll. and 'intermediate stations 8 :40 A. M. Dally except Sunday, and 7:85 A.' M. daily. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and Int. stations o:w. h.jv, w '" -50 5-20. 8:10 P- M. Saturday only. 11:00 P. M. Sunday only, 4:40 P. M. prpot Front and Jefferson. Portland. Or. Portland Kalluay, Light Power Company. Ticket uriice ana waiuug-nuuiii. First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. CABS LEAVE EAST WATER AND Oregon City 1:00 and 6:30 A. M. and every 30 minutes and including last car. mianiKni. ..... .... .74roe 8 "45. io77TiT Z u 12:43. l-5 2-4S. 8:45. 4:45. 5:43. 8:45. 11:30 P. M. Vilrvlew and Troutdale 8:55, .7:45, 8:45. 9:45. 10:45 A M; 12:43. 2:43, 3:45. 4:45, 8:45. 'rsadero and Intermediate points 8:55. g . 45 10:45 A. M.; 12:4o. 2:45. 4:i3. :45 P. M. .. iu.u FOR -Vancouver. Ticket office and waiting-room Second and a'li m. inn . M .8-15 . 6:50. 7:25. 8:00, 8:35, 9:10a -A" Ji'.on 1 1:150. v' M 12 SO. 1:10. 1:50, 2:30. 8:10. 8:50. 4:30. 5V1O, 5:30. 8:30. 7:05. 7:40. 8:13. 9:23. 10-35. "li:n- On third Monday In every month the last car leaves si 1 .j a.. " cay. --unm f BAJTKS. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK r-riR SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKINC BUSINESS. ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRrNC.'PAL CITIES OTP THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE: PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS. SAFETY DEP0S1X VAULTS.