12 , , TTTE MORNING- OREGOXIAy. SATURDAT. AUGUST 13, 1910. Cot.STRT WITH. TO arrw, cmt Orvsoo City. S mil, from X-w ti". on ,4 rv4: ft crw b;ck soil, trc er.. baiaivr rl Itmm; 2 mcrrrn Cbltf eulllvtv. arr ,.4 hv tlm 4r: ts mil f-)ra Mmll; barn &.I4A: 6 roan, boos un2r co-iirurrUxi . 1 bors. 3 pis. 1 vrs. X wf.n. 41. nw. hanitm ftuirsv. c; ' til T. all too ax 5 tm (.rtwBU; yuMtmnn s( ssw; prtv. M!. t A.1 cub, lnrl OKI .-St ZAOCW. IIT Boart of Trade B.f . 4th lrd Oall, 40-ACRB TABU. I1S30. 2 mlira from Portland, n.r railroad: Urn. Ivl anil; icm fonnsrlT tinder nJllnUMi blc Mixing and rrlu running (.r: oa main co.nty road naar acnooi. Tl. la an nrrptloul cool buy. . COLUMBIA TKIST CO. 4 Fourth at. 140 fER ACRE. Tor 5S arras of tha bat Und In Oron. 320 aeraa la cultivation, balanca .asilv oax.l. all fcac.d. ood builvUr.s. ni r-hrd. roo4 running watar. wall; a can b ITTirat 1; thia land la In t!a rnont f.rtua vall.y In Oranon. 1 "a rollos town; will prrxiuc. anythaot adapts to crow la thia cllmala; aaay trrma H. K JUack. ewnrr. 4u. Lumber Exchange, -d a4 gtars. st . ALT ALT A RANCHES Tor ai or trarl. MO eree Malheur County ) scrvs now ta atfair: ail xl eoll and aif-lrrltatad by lara r throuan place: on main t. Una; - .rs J mliaa from Prlnevllle. alf-lr-Tlsal.vl, .uM0O feet yellow pine; K. B. ury throuah Plata. C L. K.der, -si lTlK KALE One of tha beet farma in Ore aon it acr-e of eholce l.v.l bottom land, ail In a hlh atata of culttTatlon. ex cept a 4-acre wood lot. oa mam road, only a mllea to Foreet Orov. Uood bouae and bam. $U- per acre. Or will aril SI crca of al" with all the Innaueemanta f,,r j:ni. on ery eaay terma T. H. t.Htlehalea. Tireat c.rovr. Orsaoa. XlrLA, COUNT I. OK. FOB SALE I7O0 Ta choice land, on rood county road, a milea from railroad and sood town; thia land la very eultabla for piaitta. and la at preaanl In (ood condition: price $23 aVre For partlrulara and term apply to Wll.lam MarMaater. Su2 Worceater block. Portland. Or. SAN DT RIVER TAKH Crrerlookln the Taliey and Moant Hood. Tor partlcu.ara aea WILSON A METER! If 0 IXTtalon at.. Portand. Tabor 150. I0-ACRB orchard tract nnlniproTed, oa railroad, li mllra from F.wiland: beat aoil. no rock: i' an acre, a-ry terma: ar rmnra with oa to go and laako eeleetioa; Musd trip ant day 31i Corbe buir. J. A. CCK N INGHAM. Tor aa'a. farm, llverv buatneas. warr houM and t-uaincM: prlcea reaaonsile; no rhanc. P. O. But 74. Ca rlton. Or. TOH I.ir.n County farma of all deecrlptlona at prlcea very reasonable, write for Infor mation to J. V. r-lp. Albany. Or. lilarWuaojeooa. IT TOU ABB LOOKING FOR ' Oiaa-m acreage, a vh'at ranch or amalL well-improved farm, at low price and oa moat llt.nl terma, aea ma. 1 aaadia aay en-a propanloa. . O. T.LROD. eS Corbett B11. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED To trade the follovrln eharee of atock for realdcnce lot In Portland: 2'0 aharea raectfle Mining gt Ielopment Cv: '-"loo National Copper: I"O0 Kl.lellty Copper: ln lilade reek Gold gt Copper and lo0 Trevor Mtnre t'o. Portland or Wlllametta Hclchta property prferreL Write for particular, AE !" Oregonlan. Llr your property with ua. rentala or aalca; pedal attention given to non-realdenta. We bavw every facility to handle prop erty, WM. PAVIHSON CO, il-iwi Henry bldg. HOl.SE WANTED. We have a taah cuatomr for or T room modern houae; muat be a bargain, aa ra.tt t.iik: (nun iix to 40U0; no acenra llrong-btecle Co.. Lewia bldg.. ft A.VTHD Three farma f..r Eawcrn partlce. n-.w en route b.me. to IL prefer a' le. near ilcMinnvllle. Altany or Foreat Oove; no agen'.a I. J. Trelber. Hood Kivr Or. X WANT a S-a.re tract highly Improved, fine d or T-room bungalow, aater ayatem, barn, llabta. etc: tvwj thing In fine ahape, not over e miUe from Courthouaa. Mr. Main RoHA, houra 10 to II A. M. ViAVt l-no:n paneled cottage, lot Ollo0. value to offer aa part payment on 7-room houae or bungalow. Muat bo In Al neighborhood, state price and full partlcu lara only, w icu. Oregon Ian. I want to buy about too acrca of A-l fruit land: prefer vl.inlty of lvundee or New berg: Boll muat be good and land cleared. Owner or authorised agent. X21U. Ore tnlHtL KKY fine hlgh-cla.wi auto to ekchaiHta for rholo real estate; &-pamenger car. i a new. C L. Bamberger, room 2 Lumber mer.a rlr. liAVk; client rN: haa up to $WO to Invest: ha will buy either city or country property If t-d and cheap: It muat be (ood and cr:e;i.;. AJ ? o. Oreg-nlan. .V'ANTKI Lot near I'atton ave. and Plmp on street at right price and on easy term Pbon Marshall loi.. Wood La an 2J12. JtVILL pay cash for a vacant lot or houa and full lot if price la right. Main V44L Owner only. .".14 McKay bldg SVANT 2 a acre Improved land cloee to car: give close to CUV location ana price. I mean Duslneaa. AN .oj. oregonlan. TO EICIUNliE. TO EXCHANOE. 45-acre farm. 1J milea from Portland. 30 acrea In cultivation: excellent buildings, large springs for Irrigation, plenty larire cedar and fir timber: farm lies on bank of river: everything goes: cowe. horses, wagons and all mac lilnery. Want to trade for house) and lot In city: esy4term on balance. BROWN STAVER. 411 Couch Hl'lg. EXCHANGE. Will trade a- room houve. modern tn ail waya, for rooming houae of not lea titan 23 room. Will trad gtlt-edga coal atock for n utomobtle: runabout preferred. N. T. HALL. 31 Lumbermen! Bldg. CAN'T carry my 1-aurellrurat kt; they axe amoagat beet In first aev-tloa: will exchange one or all for me: an v thing of -value or will sell cheap for cah. See me at once. Owner. AJ a'I. Oregonlan. efcTRICTLY modern Hv-room houae. lot kits, flaeal location In L. Angela, over looking o-ean and city, for weil improved ranch, fruit or fruit land, about Hi,. C L. Pub. Hood Rivet. -"WANTED To trade 15 acrea unlmprovwd Hood River apple land for residence lot on l'ortland Heights: write for particulars. AB 11'J. Oregonlan. vYANT to exchange, fine 1 acres of fruit with houae al Kelao. Waeh.. for Improved Portland property naar . good schooL " ,'H, oregonlan. f OR lot or cottar at beach, a beautiful i Aeolian grand orchestrelle. I'M) rolia of i music and cabinet: coat !. will pay caan difference. AT lb. Oregonlan, )S"OR SALE or exchange for lot or acreage, one team of mare, age S and 8. nd ex preaa wag-on; prlc A-e. Phone Main tD7s. "TV1LL. KXCHASr.G prctlclly new. high grade automobile as .rl of price of well 1 oca ted real eetate. t.lv deacxlption nd prlc. M -Oi. Oregonlan E exchange your property, regardless of location, for that which aulta you better. Northwest Exchange. l'J-t Henry Bldg. 'ol can trade any kind of property at 31ft Oak st. IRRIGATED I.AVWv GREATEST SNAP OX NEW HILL Ll.l J4J acrea lrrtcated land, one-half mile from town, about one and a half mile from ttlon on Oregon Trunk Knllroad: Is six miiee below Hen J. This land lie In aheltered spot and would b aultabie for fruit, lf4fa or clover and would make delightful home a aplendld building site overlooking the beautiful Iveachute Klver and with seven perpet ual enow-clad peaka of the Cascade Range In view. ITtre until August 2". $33 per rre 1 as!lx worth So. Call If Inter CESCHCTH8 VALI.TTT LAND INVEST. KENT fU, sOl-CO? Buchanan bldg.. Portland. Or. WAXITO TO RXN'T FARMS. 7TRNISHED farm, from owner, for cash or share by reliable man. C. A Rmey. .do E. Sth at. WANT to rent furnlabed farm: ihtru. L. A. Oatty. Vancouver. Wuk, R. F. D X. TARMS WANTED. "WANTED Information regarding good farm for sale, state erice and when can give ion. I, o. Hoe ro.fs ppoaane. v a-T, aleo acreage, fronting on or overlook Ing river or -ocean. K 194. Oregonlan. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. flMBK-R Urnli wanted. C . Mcraeka), SV4 McKay bldg. TOB g AI-E TTMBE LANPi. TOR SALE or trade New lO.OWO rapacity aawrn:ll and 1 noo.ovlu feet of good fir lim ber. Writ Wills CO.. Scotta Mill Or., owner, or Hoiortb-Wills Co.. 31 Lumbar Exchange. Jd and Stark at. Portland, TIMBER LANDS BOLliHT AND SOLD. C. t. MfRACKEN. H McKay Bldg. TTMBKR claim, h imaaleai. rellnqulsbmenta. 31 Worceater bldg. rOR S ALE, Horse. Vehicle and Heroes. WHT buy second-hand vehicles when yon cn get a new one from an old-established wholesale houae. 44 ye are In Oregon, at almoei the m cost f W are located eutile the high rent Ustrlcl. own our building. nd cn mi the -price. Ex clualv agent for the old reliable tin of Michigan Buggy Co. nne vehicle, delivery wagons, top buggies, runabout and farm wagon Be sure and aee us beXor you buy. It may aar you money. R. M. WADS CO, SI Hawthorn ave- bet. East 1st and Id. BORSti rOR SALE. Two car of horse have just arnva and ernl be aold under our gaurantee They rang In wslght from 100 to 140J lb: ( from f to II year; ll good worker! and price reasonable. VT iJ have three spaa of email mule, weight too to 100 lbs . for sale. Call and Inspecv the. If wntln borae. . iwUorn Stable. 41ft Hawthorn av. JIST back from campir trip and will sell my UJO-k. team, mar and florae, barneas and farm wagon, also good 00-lb awd.li mare, all very cheap; wlil tke a nn-claa family cow In exchange. 83o E t W. V. oar to Poaeii at-, then to oulb i block . MISSOURI mole for sale New shipcneat Just received. 12oo to ISOw lb. nltbl for rail road, logging and farm work: muleeet Freedman Bro- bam. lSih and Overton eta Addreaw bpark V Wlgglntoa. Imperial H.iel. UOI.SES.-all first-class; pair black marea. well matched. 4 and a yeara old: Plr by driving marea. and Tr old. city broke: pair gray mare, team 4 Jr old. weltiht bout i!00; lo several good saddle horse. M. J. Brown. Gaatun. Or. PORTLAND Stable. 2d North 15th Main . Il-J: for fine horse and wagona FOR HIRE by the day. week or month; tliwi- clxaa bualnea rig WE are moving to Chicago; will aell our piano, upright grand, bonght In Port land; eaah. only 115. Plea tU u Jefferson t- Gardner. TEAMS wanted, any number. ftd-SO per day for man nd tm. ml sllP work, steady Job. Wilson. Rector lialy. room 414. Lewis bldg. TOR SALE II head good work horse, from nH) to l'i.MI pounds; young mar and colL 1638 South Macadam road. OOOD drtvlng mare and rubber-tire buggy and names, all new. at bargain, Gatue. 1m- perlal Hotel. ; t PLNrl high-grade rubber-Ur-d bugry cheup or will exchange for horse or oow. WO East 38th st, W. W. car to i; lad stone ar. BAROArX Teum young mare weight SW0, workers anywhere, good barnes and wagon. 24:lUrandjtv. S. ; ; FOR SALE or trd for a horse, on new (123 speed bike and new barnes. 3U2 Front st. ' . BLBtHT A HALL'S STABLES. II Front at-, livery business, rigs, horses, harneaa. wagons, for al or rcnL Main 320. MI ST sell at once, leaving elty, gmd 1100-lb. horse, buggy and barnee. fk4 bvth St., and of Hawlhcrn v. car line. HORSK. buggy and harness: all In f Irat class condition. Call at god Salmon St. NEW single- buggy harneaa, 12 Room 17. Hotel Minnesota, N. Sth St. BARGAIN Tem horses, weight S00. good harneaa and wagon. Z43 Grand ave. S. WANT horse for their feed. Inquire -"Or Stark or Tabor 2104. . FOR SALE Expreas wagon. 130. Phon iism ot. FINE voung mar and horse, reasonable, at Union Transfer barn. 11th and Hoyt sis. FOR SALES or rent, black bora, weight 1130 1L. AH 3 3, oreginlan. Aototnobllea, I AM a business man of good standing, prin cipal owner In thriving buaineaa. whose word la known to be a good aa his bond. Wish to bay n automobile, standard ma chine, on th monthly payment plan but will not giv jiot or mortgage, as will not embarrass my business credit. If any dealer thinks this worth notice will be pleased to bear from him. W 21S, Orego nlan. FOR SALE 0 h. p. TV ma Flyer. T-psea-ber auto tn flrat-claaw condltloa. fully equipped with tip. wind shield. tc. ; armor plat for rear tire and new tires all round: thia to a beautiful car and I will sacrlnc am for ioW. S ca-b, bal. approved pa per or real ratal. Main 4o4 or writ Sufi tierllnger bldg, WILL TAK Blt opaiejenger gutomobi: In price up to ftlnoO a first ityment on new. modem bungalow. 15 minuet out on car; rlv room nd bath, flrrplace, sewer, full lot. Price JVU0; Ions Urns on balance. Phon A 4fi FoK SALK Confectionery and Ice cream parlors. Manufacture own candy and Ic cream. Only factory In town or county. Address W. H. Parker, owner, 4bd N. 14tn at.. Salem. Or. -"PASSENGER 2-cyllnder Rambler, lop and glass front, newly painter, for sal or trade for real estate, mortgage, equity or any good paper; car at 2J lithe W. F. Hummel, with Churchley Bros.. 13th and Marshall. CONSTABLES sale of 7-passenger Whit learner, model 190& at 2 P. M. today, at White Motor Car Co., oth and Madlaon Itus RUNABOUT. 4-cyllnder. A-I condition; leaving town. Call room , Hotel philips, 4tk and Burnstde. See car Graham' gar age. 16th and Burnstde. VEKT fine blgh-claaa uto to exrhanse for cholo rel estate; o-paasengcr car. good as new. C. L, iMunberger, room 2 Lumber men bk!g. fPASSE.GER Studetvaker for sale cheap; will take part real estate. Inquire stand. Tth and Wash. Main 1575. A 1S7S. FOR SALE E. M. F. "30." part cash, baL time. A. M. West. Phon East 112. Cor. of Wasco and Unlon. WANTED Four or five-passenger machine: must be In brat-class shape and cheap for cash; give pnrtlculara. w 243. OreKonlan. A luvva. 3o 11. p.. 4-seated. Overland, used but little. Geo. R. Flora, 47u E. Burnstde. ft-PASdENGER Bulck car. good condition. fully equipped, $6wu. Phone East 234. II00 ALMOST new 4-eyI.. S-pasa. Rao automobile? a snap. AJ 304. Oregonlan. ptasoa, Orrass and Mnawal InatrnmePta. ON account leaving city will Bell slmoat new Lester piano and Cecllian music cab inet with 47 plecea of music for cash or terms. Call H3J Raleigh at., cor. Hath. A.oLIA; make your own music; play by roll or notes; colonial mahogany case, pip organ tone, l'bone A. lOWl $300 TAKES ' abaolutely new. never used. $430 piano: good reason for sacrifice. 10o3 E. Harrison st. - A NKARLT new piano, standard make; must sacrifice to realize equity; term If desired. Si Clay st. Phone Main 61'7. WILL sell at a sacrifice on easy terms, nearly new piano; party leaving city. J IMl. Oregonlan. Birds. IogB and Prt Stork. FOR SALE 3 pedtgree.1 male collie puppies, 4 weeks old. very chesp. 34 N. 3d st. Miscellmaeo. WINDOWS SCREENS: Do you want first-class window screens? We manufacture In Portland. Nothing but rustproof screens that fit. - Call Main or A JV-'.l. GK1SWUU) Kl'STt'KOOP SCREEN (NX. 143 First st- AN 8x10 modern tent house, furnished, lo cated three blocks down river from Steel bridge: owner leaviag town tonight. Call Main ii7 or 610 Alder st. EVERGREEN blackberries. direct from Evergreen Farm; tetter than loganberries: nne for wine. Jeillee, etc Pbone Main 47U&. TOR SALE or rent; logging and hoisting engine. Railway Equipment Co.. 74 First at. Both phone TOR SALE Showcase, wallcase. counters, cheap. No I's Grand av. Phone East 33. EIGHT gas rangee and ix sewing ms- chines. -f msntel beds, ft sldebosru. 10 extension triles. Call 3'.4 E. Clay St. A.X bargain, co.-nplete bigh-grade office fur nishing two office. Apply elevtor boy. Lumbermen bldg. BLirKINSDEREER TYPEWRITERS. $45. $.'.a Ask for.ctlog. Rebuilt $15 up. N. M. Hsvler Co.. W 3th st- Main 52. VIOLINS, banjos, mandolin, gultara at half - - ' A FINE fresh Jersey cow. must aell t once. 4 to Hancock st. EiM lt64. regular price. I ncie .Myers, n otn at. WINCHESTER repeating rifle for 1 cheap or trad, ate v. lay - civt. FOR SALE Several good showcase. 21 East 13th st. Notes and mortgages bought and sold. Na- tlonal Credit Ass'n. 6Q1 Worcester bldg. R SALE Gasoline woodssw. Apply to J. Fl Re.imond. 19 E. 7eth St. BLAaK TENT. 4Ox0 feet, rhesp. Pacific Tent Awning Co.. 27 North 1st st ONE nail counter and showcases for sal. very reasonsble. - - - Grand ave. GAS fT'iVE nd odd niece of furniture. Call 473 1.11- 4. Mlacelianeoi MOVING Plctur Machine, all make lat t mo,0-:, w buy nothing but th cream of Amfrlcan aim Our stock of clean comedy films. la the largest on th Coast and rented at reasonsble rate, w stsnd for squar deal to all. guarante every i machine w sell and lnatrnct tn operating moving plctur machines. Lamemm Film Service, antagea Bide, Portland. Oregon. MOVINO-PICTCRB THE A TUBS. Our films are th pick of 2ft Indepen dent mnufcturr: 14 new plctnra r- ieased weekly. Tou need the beat: wft can f urnlah It, Write for full mformatloo. LSD. WESTERN FILM EXCHAiftOE, Slo-Slft Swetland Bldg-, Portland. Oregon, BEWING machine special sale on splandld lot of fine aecond-hand machines of all Icadlnr make, singer. Wheeler W ilson. New Home, White. Domestic. Household and others, to make room for new singer 6 and rotary. Singer Sewing MaciUne Store. 8. a Slgel. agent. 33S Morrison C Phon Main 21s3. A 4309. . TOR SALE CHEAP "Acme" brick and to machine, capacity 33.VO0 per day. In good condition; also Pug mill and cutting table, 1 split-wood pullers, sizes 2oxl0. 2ixl0. 24xlo 2l. 2Vxlo. 30x10; No. 4 Crsno stcsm trap (new), and other fittings. Apply u Chehali Brick A Til Co.. Chehal.a, Wash. THE Northwest Typewriter Company, 221 Arlington bldg. Phon M. 8870. IB th only company selling siricuy isciorr . bulft typewriters; prices $1Q- to $05. 500 business cards, $1.2o If yon bring this d. Rose City Prlntery. 182Vj 3d st. SHOWCASES, new and second-hand. 1U Everett, corner 8lh. Also fixtures. WASTED MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST price paid for men's cast-off clothing, shoes and bicycle The Globe Second-hand store. 2il First. Main Hub. We also buy ladles clothing. v ANTED Men's cast-off clothing snd saoes; w also buy household furnishes: hlgbeet trice paid. Call at th "Fair Deavi' aj K U it, M.ln fttnt, IF TOU hv household rurniture to aell call up George Baker A Co, 133 Park au Both phone. CARPENTER work of all kinds; Jobbing, re modeling, repairing apclalty. Cummins . Catlin. 371 First st- Marshall 3337. CELL your seooad-band furniture to th ford Auction Co. or you'll get lea. Phones: A Tt3: Main 84)61. WANTED Good roller . top office desk, phone Eut 822. A. M. Weat. 6 POT cash paid for your furniture: prom- attention alway given. Phone Eaat 107. HELP W 1NTEO MALE. ALL-ROUND gardener for truck farm near l'ortland; muat be able to do some car penter work: married man preferred. David Lewis, room L Lumbermen bldg, 5th nd Stark. WANTED A cornet mn to lead band for a mad show, tuba man. double piano. This show never closes; salary sure, long and pleasant engagement. Inquire AM liol. Oregonlan. SETTER on power set works; one trimmer man for 17 w; one Overhead trimmer, wage $3 per day; board and room 73c per day; rood houses for families 11 to ii per month, inquire 3ud. coucn niog. WANTKD Office manager and credit man. h u-h.ileenU. houaa: onlv bis-h-clae men need apply; unquestionable references re quired. Address J 27, Oregonlan. WANTED Young man assistant, experience unnecessary; amall capital secures steady proposition. See Manager. 32th Wasnlng ton St.. Room 417. BOTS WITH WHEEL. Apply at once to superintendent's office. . OLDS. WORTMAN ft KING. RAILWAT mall clerks, Portland xr5Tnstlo November 12: $S00 to $1U0; preparation free. Frankua Institute, dapt, 28S S, Roches ter. N. T. ; RAILWAY mall clerks, postofflc clerk and carriers' examination in November; sslary p to $loo: free Book 10: Faclfla State SchooL McKy bldg., Portland. JANITORS Thoroughly experienced men. Apply mornings to Superintendent, OLDS. WORTMAN ft KINO. OOOD bushelman who Is also good presser. steady Job and good wagea to right man. Joe F. Holy, 128 13a st., bet- Washington and Alder. . WANTED Honest partner with $300 to act as treasurer for movlng-plcture show; ref erences exchanged. K .:-. oregonlan. VERY small Investment will make you a hat full of money; Investigate. Call Philip Hotel, bet- and3. AHOrSEKEEPER for widowers family. Call after ft P. M, on Sunday. 4I Thur- man st. r 20 BBIDGrS CARPENTERS. Tor new R. R. trestle work; $4 a day. Lelyman. ft. Renrd. 88 "aN., 2dsl. PARTNER wanted In real estate and busi ness chance office: small Investment, good proposition.. W 24W. Oregonlan. BOY about 17 yeara old. willing to work and make himself generally useful. Lion Clothing Co., 164-170 id St. HOTEL solicitor, must be steady and sober: good wage to right party. K 21 Si Oregonlan. ; W ANTEDGood auto repairer; one who un derstands repairing aulos, as hesd man In shop. A. M. West, cor.' Wasco and Union. FIRST-CLASS blacksmith for out-of-town; steady work. $4 per day. Call 222 Com mercial Club bldg. YOUNG man stenographer, on who can read hts note and retain som recollection of .til be to doing. Address P. O. box2S. ELEVATOR boy. not under 20 years of age. Apply room J2 Alisky bldg., 3d and Mor rison st WANTED A collector; must be able to furnish horse, also bond rsqulrod. .402 Wash st. ; WANTED Cotmker for country, mint be steady- married man preferred. Apply to D. B. McBrlde ft Co. STKQNO boy for "wholesale hardware store; !. Front and Stark. State age, refer ence. K 22.Oregonlaa. GENERAL woodworking shop, experienced bench men. Universal Mfg. Co., Aber deen, wasn WANTED A neat bright boy. 16 to 17 yean of age. for office In wholesale house. Y 13. Oregonlan. In experienced young lady stenographer; "permanent position with wholesale hdwe. o-nnanv. xv. NON-UNION photo engraver. U branches, for Boaton. Mae : atate past experience end salry wanted. AK 175. Oregonlan. WILL teach you to drlv automobile, even ings or ny hour during day. Call 326i4 Washington St.. Room 413. WANTED Good steady boys, over 16, to learn the business. Apply Lowsngart ft Co.. 93 Front- IIS TO $23 week few months only learning: situations guarnteed. Watchmaking-En- gravlng School. Box182, Ashland, Or. WANTED Apprentice barber. State expe rience and wage wanted. Janet Marvin. lone. Or. ' - FIRST-CLASS bread baker wanted; open shop. Golden West Baking Co.. Seattle. Wash. EXPERIENCED waiter: one who speaks Gorman preferred. Altaian's restaurant, 54 4 t,h st WANTED Barber. Baturday, 15 guaranteed. 337 North 3dst. TOUNO experienced dishwasher, $10 per week, 5oe Washington. WANTED Handy man about hotel, $15 per month. 372 Hawthorne ave. BOY wanted. 17 years old. to drive wagon. 441 tun st. EXPERIENCED baker's helper. Peerless Cafeterls. 1Q4 tjth. CARPENTERS wanted, good-finishers; none others nee a sppiy. vjoroou. -va in mi. EXPERIENCED plumber to go to country "town. For particular call h4 Front at. IKST-CLASS pressed wanted. Pantagea Tailoring jo.. gtnm av-. -v-". MEN for house-to-house delivery route; no whisky or cigarette artls:. 487 Hoyt. WANTED Japanese cook, for small restau rant. Charle Bumey. wcodburn.Or. PIASTERERS snd metal lather St. Francis Church. East Pine and 12th. WANTED First-class candy salesman for valley territory. Apply J 274. Oregonlan. WANTED Neat young man with $50 to shoe properLj . ... WA.STED-rir to open a shop at 106 Macadam st.. Portland. LATHERS wanted at once. Apply Sth and Market. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence School, 233 Alder. Our new catalogue now ready. WANTED A barber, steady Job. 304 Buro- slde st, BUSHELMAN" for men'e department B M. Oray. 273-27R Morrison St. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents; new offer. Cutborth studio. Pekum bldg. WANTED Man to do porter work snd meet trains; must be obersnd neat. 218 Id at. DISHWASHER wanted at Auto Restaurant, flzt Washington St. WANTED Tearruwcr. K2. East Aider. BOi'S Id or over, at A. D. T. ? 3rd at. WANTED. TWO ACTIVE. BXPERIfTN'CrTD. TJP-TO-DATB SECURITY SALESMEN' TO PRE SENT AND SHLL TO OUR LIST Or PROSPT9CTS: BANK AND OTHER HIGH GRADE, SECURITIES; $1'30 TO $500 PER MONTH: LiUBl'.AL. ADVANCE AND COMML1S70N CONTRACTS: MUST. FUR NISH REFERENCE" WITH ANSWER TO THIS- STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL; REF ERENCES RETURNED. ADDRESS S. P. WILSON. MGR., Sift CHERRY ST., SEATTLE. WASH. WANTED Able-bodied men for the JJ. S. Marine Corp between the ages of 18 and 85; must be native born or hsve first papers. Monthly pay $15 to $) Ad ditional compensation possible. Food, cJothlng. quarters and medical attendance free. After 80 ears service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowance Serv ice on bord shlo nd ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corps Recruiting Ststlon. Breed en bldg.. 3d and Washington sts . Portland. Or. THIS WEEK ONLY. If yon take a course of Instruction at onr school we will trt you In the moving-picture thenter buelness free of charge or help you secure a position. Will teach you on easy term For par ticulars call on New York Motion Picture Exchange and School of Operating, 624 Mi Washington street. . WANTED Traveling salesman to sell men's furnishing goods specialties; must under stand the Sine and be acqupainted with the trade In Oregon and Washington; com municate tn oven handwriting, stating age, experience, references and basis of pay ment expected. Address Th Elkug Co.. manufacturers of Elk Bead Shirt. Ban Francisco, CaL OtTTSTDB VAN. Thoroughly experienced, first-class In car pets, draperies and general house furnish ings, to secure contract. OLDS. WORTMAN ft KINO. WANTED Salesman, must be good talkes and closer, abaolutely footloose, capable of closing big deals quickly you won't have time for other propositions If you handle this; you won't need to; commission basis. M 227. Oregonlan. MLF.N WANTED, age 18 to 33, for Bremen $100 monthly, brakemen $80, on nearby rail roads; experience unnecessary; no strike: J ro morion to engineers, conductors; railroad fmploying headquarters: over 500 men aent r positions monthly; state age. send stamp. Itailway Aasoclaticn. cars Oregonlan. AT HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. . Wanted, married man to work on farm and In orchard; good ohance to get familiar with frultralalng; steady employment by th yer for the right people; state number In your family and your and their ages. AL. 179, Oregonlan. ' so.ouo POSITIONS for graduatea last year; men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from 1S to $25 weekly; expert Instructors: tools free; write for cata logue Vtohler System of Colleges, 3i . North 4th St., Portland. Or. . GOOD. live, grocery salesman to go with vne to Eaetern Oregon to sell to farmers; must furnish best references as to ability and chrcter. My best man making $10 dy. Inquire for Weyer at 71 Front St., Sjetween 8:30 and ltt;30 A- M. today. BOYS 17 TO 1 YEARS Of aee, who will have an opportunity to learn the business. Apply to superln 'tendent's office. Olds. Wortman ft King. MEN wanted to wear Jlmmle Dunn's sample suits now selling at lo.N1; regular $20 val. uej; blc pants ' sal this week. "Knew" Sample Bult Shop, room 815, Oregonlan bldg. ; CAPABLB solicitors with canvassing ex perience to present dignified proposition to homes; compensation to warrant your Interests; siicess a certainty. 418 Mohawk bldg. UKT.P WANTED FEMALE. TWO exnesienoed second girls In private family. One for laundry and upstairs work. Wages $10 each, pbone Miss Alns worth. Mala 7,12. A 570. WANTED German Catholic with good ref erences for general housework; S30 a month K satisfactory. Apply 683 Broad way. ; WANTED Experienced nurse girl over 18 years; oity references required. Apply 4b2 Harrison St.. near 14th. Pbone Main or A 237 tt. TEACHiaLS for Oregon. Washington. Cali fornia and Nevada; we hire direct, Call Paclflo Teachers' Agency, 304- Lewis bldg, th and Oak sts. TELEPHONE) switchboard operator, who can use adding machine. Qlve references, sal ary required and phoi.e number. M 215 Oregonlan. WILL pay $7 a week for good, competent girl for general housework. Apply 7 to 8:30 evening 021 t Washiniflon. cor. loth st. GIRL for general housework In family of three on fruit ranch. Call this afternoon bet. a and 4 o'clock, room 320 Falling bldg. GIRL to do general housework, family of 4. 2 children; $25 par month. Phone Sell wood LSOo. : . FOR RB3NT New 6-room modern house. 427 E. 7th st, N. Rent $25. Call 327 E. 7th it, N- ; THOROUGHLY experienced girl for general house work; good wage Call 455 Market street. a GIRL foy ' general housework, small family, good wages. Call at 840 East 12th North. . Pnone t nib. STENOGRAPHER with general knowledge of bookkeeping. Stat age and experience. M 2ol). Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced girt for general bousevsork; good wage. Call 35 Bassalo St., cor. Grand ave WANTED A person to Inspect and rewind films; light, eay work. Apply Laemmle Film 6erylce. Pantagea bid., 4th st. WANTRTJ Experienced ldy solicitors; nothing to sell, no deposit required; sal ary paid. K 228. Oregonlaln. EMPLOYMENT wanted for ladies to work by the day at the St- Louis Agency, 303 Washington street. RAPID, accurate typewriter for work In ab stract office near Portland. Wages moder ate to start. M 223. Oregonlan. COOKS, w-ltrees, girls for. housework and dishwashers wanted at St. Louis Agency. 3l)3 Wash St.: good' wages. FIRST-CLASS waitress with experience In large family hotel; room and board fur nlshedAlexandra Court. B3 Ella at. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 2Gtt Washington St. Room 314. Main 8838 or A 3208. WANTED Girl for general housework, must be good cook: good wages. Ring I-.-. Ualn OOOO GOOD experienced cook, light housework, three In family, good wages. 851 Mellnda ave. (head Johnson), A 289L HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 8434s Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstairs. Phone Main 2892. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 600 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. LADIES' Employment Agency. 303 H Wash Ington st, room 25. phone Main 24U21 A 3230. WANTED Girl for shooting gallery, $12 week. 69 N. 8d St. wanted A chambermaid ' at the New Rosamond Hotel, 67 4, Third st. GOOD cook and second girL 474 Market, cor.. 14th. ; EXPERIENCED waitress wsnted at th Waldorf. ir jv" FIRST-CLASS waitress wanted at Hong kong cate. iui ovo v. WANTED A dining-room girl at 103 12th and Morrisop pva. GIRL general housework, two la family; eood wane 70 Ella St. GIRL to help with housewrk; Swede or N o rweelan preferred. Phone Tabor 2203. MIDDLE-AGED lady as housekeeper on farm. Aacrewnuuj GIRL for general housework, family of four aoui . ... EXPERIENCED cook In small - boarding house t 534 Couch it, NURSE girl for afternoon nd evenings for 2 children. W 2M. Oregonlan. . WANTED A woman day to do washing. Phone Tabor 1716 - , YOUNlJ lady, stenographers may have office oractlce: aalary later. AJ 183. Oregenlan. BOOKKEEPER fkid stenographer; state aal- .eyeipected. J 2U9. Oregonlan. COOK helper (or boarding-house. 735 Hoyt street. GIRL to do general housework, good wage tn c WOMAN, or woman and girl, for general housework In family of two. Phone A 2317. LESSONS in shorthand snd typewriting by expert; 15 a month- 261) 14th. Main 31 ML HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co, 2d and Columbia. WANTED Ftrst-ela waist drapers and fancy shirt makers. 506 Marquam bldg. GIRL for general housework. 3 adult. Wood lawn I33g. C 1777. WANTED Makers and apprentices. Apply Iywengart ft Co.. P2 Front. GIRL for general homtwork. Main 3M1. COOK Xor tamlly of Xour. 23d King "U Cooks, $40. $46 and $60. Boat cook, smsll crew, $35. Waltreiwes. $8. $9 and $10 per weeB. Waitresses. " hotels. $25 to 830. Chambermaids. $26. $30 and $86. Housekeeper for rooming-bouse, o Seanutres Salesladies. $85 to $90. Laundress. $30. at springs, fare paid Kitchen helper and dishwashers, from $25 to $33. Good general housework. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Dept. 20544 Morrison. WANTED Several bright young women to learn telephone operating; students paia $20 per month while learning; a thorougn training given each student before as signment to position. This to an p; tlonai Opportunity for such applicant' ; tnai qualify. Apply to SCHOOL rnp)i at our EAST OFFICE. East Ankeny and th t. or MAIN OFFICE, West Park nd Alder sts, between 8 A. M. sna P. M. week days. Th Paolflo TeUphon ft Telegraph Co. ' . . OROCERT SALESWOMEN. Thoroughly experienced. orst-class;gro-csry saleswomen can find good, permanent position. Apply to superintendent, OLDS. WORTMAN ft KING, e WANTED Stenographer who wishes desk room freerto do public work; use of new typewriter, desk and both phones tree, wish some one in office to answer phones. Inquire 402-8 Oregonlan bldg. between aa A. M. and 12 M. WANTED LADIES TO LEARN. AU branche of beauty culture; our PrIors are up-to-date; good chance to become Independent; vl.lt and talk It oyer. See for yourself. 400 to 414 Dekum bldg. San Itary Beauty Parlors. 7 largo, airy room WOMAN or girt, must be neat, plain cook, steady position; wages 25 to "art, privileges of the home to a good woman. Call at residence, 690 Tillamook Itieet or see J. L. Bowman at the Brownsvill Woolen Mill Store. . . WANTED At once young ladles to learn to weave woolen goods; steady work; wage guarantee at tart. Apply to superintend ent al portiana wooien " " STEADY, pleasant position In country of fice for -handy. Industrious woman printer and compositor; give full particulars, ex- perlence, salary wanted, etc.- C D. fcao- cock. Stayton. Or. . WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and of fice woman. One who can use typewriter. State salary expected, AN 200, Orego- nian. GIRL for general housework, who Is fond of children. Phone East 155T or 690 Holly st, Ladd Addition. ; WANTED A colored woman for general housework; 2 In family. 61)2 E. Ash st. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. WANTED Performers, singers, musicians, operators, etc. New York Amusement Company makes no charge for positions or registering your names. Office 588 is Washington st. near 17th. EXPERIENCED" farmer, married, no chil dren, wife good cook, to take, care of . kitchen and laundry: permanent position. A. T. Roberts., Route 7. Hood River, Or. EARN $5 daily selling Father Dominic's new 25c instrumental composition. 10c, samples Sc. Benedictine Pres., -Mount Angel, Or. . MAKE money writing stories for news papers; big pay; free booklet: tells how. ' United Press Syndicate. San Francisco. HOPP1CKERS wanted. Call today at 143 tcront st. GIRL or boy to assist with general house work. 476 Morrison si; colored or white. F1SK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good positions to A-l Instructors. fm Swetland. WOP-PICKERS wanted: families. Tabor.772. ITUATION WANTKD MAT. Hon an.i t leraa. ANYONE desiring the service of a T"un man 23 years old. 5 year, general office experience, 3 years as bookkeeper ana cashier. 2 past years as advertising man. In charge of mall order dept. of large Coast hcuse; bank and F. and A. M. ref erences; also submit letter of recommen dation from president of company with whom I filled the above positions. Inter view requested. Phone or write. Marry H. Laws. Hotel Oregon. YOUNG man. 24 years old. wishes position out or Indoors. 6 years' general office and salesmanship experience; position out of city preferred, such as lumber camp; ref erence of former employer furnished. At. 223. Oregonlan. -" BOOKKEEPER, cashier, desires position with good reliable firm; ten years' experience; can make Investment- correspondence so licited; A-l references ffnd Indorsements tur nlahed. Address AL 200,Oregonan. MAN who has automobile, veants position as collector, salesman or overseer, where -he can use machine. Has had considerable business experience. W 233. Oregontajt. YOUNO man of good address, ambitious and energetic, desires position where there Is chance for advancement General office UTITK or Balearic", vt - - BOOKKEEPER, typewriter, general ofnee assistant: six years' experience, lumber, merchandise; highest recommendation. ipso Grand ave.. North. BOOKKEEPER and accountant. 20 years' experience, capable of managing business. 4$ years old married, willing to leave town. W 201 Oregonlan. EXPERT accountant will keep books, books opened, closed balanced, er rora located; charges moderate. Y luo, ' Oregonlan. . TYPEWRITING wanted by experienced sten ographer. Work called for. Prices reaaon- able. 'l-apor o- ARCHITECT and auperintendent; good all ariundnah; 12 years' experience; require engagement. Box AD 192. Oregonlan. HOTEL and rooming-house clerk, all around man. day or night. City or country. Ad dress until Tuesday. W 221. Oregonian ENERGETIC young man, bookkeeper, wants any work, w o. oceso"" XI l seellaneon. WANTED Position In fir.t-class club or hotel as chef; economist, strictly first-class- American and European experience, wage's not less than $120 per month. R 191. Oregonlan. . . CHAUFFEUR, sober, reliable, wants posi tion with private family; wfl 1M w chores will give $ days' trlaL Kobing. Main 5999. . . r-K-RMAN who can read and write three and sneak four different languages, desires posmSn of some kind. Ha store expert- ence. jvi w dpi TABLE middle-aged man desire, situa tlon a. handy man or Janitor In roomlng house or private residence at moderate wages. M 212. Oregonlan. YOUNG man having several years- Duslness experien wishes a position "lector or helping in office; best of references. AK 204, Oregonlan. . , WANTED By honest, sober married man. work of any kind; carpenter, painter or S-denlng; ni objection to country. V 183. Oregonlan. OLD and new window cleaning; floors re dressed. Evening Main &S73. Thomas Green. lr-vrpERIENCED chauffeur wishes position private family. AX. 302, Oregonlan. Marshall 27L -L KTTITATION as chauffeur on any gasoline car- have had experience In Chicago; can d"brepalrlng.WJ!44Oregonian: WTUATION by florist and garr; mar rled man, sober and steady. V 194. ore gopian. . GOOD sober cook and wife (waitress) want work in small town, hotel or restaurant. James stack. Pfem, man and wife good farm hands, with fam ily; 1 cook, milker and butter maker. K -1 1 , ureguuw. COMPETENT movine-pictur operator Vanti employment, city or country. AG 192. Ore gonial. ; - WANTEb Auto truck to drive; will keep in repair. v. BAKER, 20 ara, experienced bread and cake, rranu YOUNG MAN want? about 4 hours' work evening- after 0 oclock. V 191. Oregonlan. CARPENTER work, any kind, day or eoa- tract. Phone Marshall 2327. JAPANESE, Urt-cHs3 cook, hotel, country. city. $W up. AH 204. Oregonlan. YOUNG man wants Job out otf town; pay no object. AO 13, Oregonlan. BRICKLATER wanted, chimneyw or mantel . j MwrHt A"J 1M Onvonl&n. OJ Jd? V wa.fc.-w. . " JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish all help- Main 4tt.'.9. A 4Q73. 268 Everett. BITTATION WANTED FTOff ATdlB. Dresmakera. LADIES tailoring: alterationa, coat re lined. Mra Muckler. 430 Columbia at. A 4709. DRESSM A KING Work guaranteed, prices reasonable. 255 11th st. Main 2320. Knrwa GRADUATE nan will take hourly call, maternity cases, bath and general nurs ing; terms reasonable Helen Jom, Main 110. A U3tk PRACTICAL, nurse desires position; references, $12.50 per week. Phone Sellwood , Honaekeepcrs. REFINED middle-aged lady wants position; charge of small rooming-house or bachel ors club, or keeping house for a wid ower, or where the family Is employed. AL 177. Oregonlan. WIDOW of good references desires situation a housekeeper in rooming-house or cbam berwork. 303 Wash, st.. room 10. Domestic SITUATION wanted, housework In good and common family, two or three in family, " no washing. Please call at Foster Hotel. Davla at. " FINNISH girl wishes position as cook. American or English family. 561 Over ton st. ' RELIABLE girl wants general housework, plain, cooking. 410 North 2oth, near Thurman st. TWO experienced girls want housework, small washing, no care of children; West Side preferred. $20. M 21. Oregonlan. Mlscel Ian eous. MANICURIST wants position or to rent room for a manicuring table In barber shop ; must have desirable location. K irjQ, uregonian. GOOD Japanese gil wants situation to hflp do cooking and housework. Home tele phone A 8976. , EXPERIBNCED young woman desires place as housekeeper, good seamstress. 11 N. 9th st. Phone Main 4733. POSITION wanted by competent young woman as child's nurse and plain sewing; references. AL 205. Oregonlan. AN experienced woman wishes a place as second cook in a restaurant. Address 2S N. 17th. Mrs. Novak. WOMAN wants work by day. Phone Wood Jawn 1515; A STRONG Swedish girl wants work' by day, any kind of work. Phone A 3781. WAITED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted; Our excellent home-grown nursery stocK is in owuauu, season will be Immense; a nattering op- 6a ort unity; casn paia weeaiy; tumt iron. lem isursery uo paiem. ur. WANTED Experienced salesman, capahie selling high-class 6 per cent bonds; good pay; state experience. AG- 179. Oregonlan. ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 per week easily selling treea for the Oregon Nursery ' Co., Orenco, Or. Good territory open; lib eral proposition. Call or writo to Orenoco, Oregon. AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de mand for choice nursery stock : outfit fr-ee; cash weekly. Address Capital City ursery Co.. Salem. Or. WANTED TO BEXT. WANTED TO RENT. We furnish the renter, collect the rent, pay faxes, insurance and keep up repairs, the same for you as though the property was our own; references, any bank la Portland. i THJ5 SHAW-FEAR COMPAJiXi 246 Stark Bt. Phones A 8&U0. Main 85. Bouse. LIST your property with us, rentals or sales; special attention given to non-residents. We have every facility to handle prop arty. WM. DAVllDSON, & CO.. 500-502 Henry Bldg. WANTED Furnished bungalow about 6 rooms, located near Irvington, to rent at present, with privilege of buying If prop erty proves satisfactory; reference if de sired. XXX. Oregonlan. ( WANT to rent a furnished house in Irving ton or Holladay, Oct. 1 to Jan. 1. until our new house is finished; family of three. AE 194, Oregonlan. WANTED Furnished cottage or housekeep ing rooms. East Side, not to exceed $20 . V, a t-. 1Q7 rii-cxrrtTii an WANTED to rent Unfurnished house, mod ern, with three light, airy bedrooms, in good neighborhood. AJ lvi. uregotnan. COTTAGE at Gearhart for balance of sea son, overlooking ocean preferred. Phone juain aao or a WANTED 6-room house with bath, con ven lent to car. Addreas Geo. W. Fisher, Qulmby House. . WA XTKr-ut-nlBhed house of 4 or 5 rooms, about Sept. 2Q. L 169, Oregonlan. KooniH. WANTED 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms, with heat, close in. Phone lltil Marshall. Kooms With Board. WANTED Moderate priced board and room for young women in private fam ilies; central location. Young Women's Christian Association. TWO young ladies wish room and board in private family, beginning September 1, 1910. AN 2U2, Oregonian. YOUNG lady desires board and room in private family, close in. W 202. Oregon Tan. FOB KENT. liuom. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. MILNER BLDG," 350ft MORRISON ST. JIODEKX. Ob-NTRALrf REASONABLE , f ufpittiaeu Kuoins, HOTEL ALDER. Corner Fourth and Alder. J. W. Blaney. Manager. In the heart of the city, only one block from postoHice, Meier & Frank, store and Oregonlan building; first-class and Just opened, July 20. Every other room a suite with private bath; sample suites with bath 'for traveling men; no noise, as no caxlines pass hotel, but within one block of all cars; phone in every room. See our mezzanine floor and ladies' reception par lors. Kates $i lay up; with bath, $1.50 up. Bus meets all rains. Rates to perma nent guests. IH THE HEART OF THE CITY NEW SCOTT HOTEL. Seventh and Ankeny sts. The preacher who preaches. The teacher who teaches. And the drummer with goods to eu; WUh wife or with daughters. When looking for quarters. All are welcomed at the New Scott Hotel. A auiet home for quiet people. HOTEL MEDFORD. ONE BLOCK FROM UNION DEPOT. JUST OPENED; new, MODERN brick building; nne large ground-floor oilioe; he and cold running water in all rooms; steam heated; private baths; very richly furnished ; rates only $3 and up per week ; 50c up per day. Call and see us. Northeast corner Fifth and Gllaan sts. COSY. HOMELIKE.: COMFOKTABLB, HOTEL MINNESOTA, 88 North 5th St., 3. Ev cor. Flanders. New brick building, steam heated, por celain baths, fine large office on ground floor, eiegant beds, everything absolutely new and clean; rates only $2.50 and up per week; Cue and Toe per day; 3 blocks from Union Depot. HOTEL SAVON, 12 Eleventh St. New, modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water in rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Rates very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. HOTEL SARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. Phone East 291,' connecting every room. Private baths, elevator, first-class grill. Sp cial rates by week or month. American or European. Transients solicited. THE JOHNSON HOTEL 321ft Water st., new and nicely furnished throughout; fin est, cleanest rooms in city ; permanent and transient solicited;. 50c and up per night; $2.50 up per weea. UfiTL-.l. nilKHVI iRk' Washington and 17tb, tirac -class furnished rooms single or en suite; all modern oon venlen'ces; $3 weekly up. A 2t47, M. 5647. HOTEL IRVING. 812 Oak sc. corner Sixth; large, light, airy rooms, elegantly furnished; electric iiignis, running r,u.Lzi , HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, opp. Portland Ho tel, 330 Yamhill; first-class furnished rooms, lngle or en suite, modern; $5 up; transients solicited. Main 31, A 7177. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts., well furnished sleeping rooms, psr wea; eltctric lights, hot aths free. MODERN outside rooms, $2.50 to S3 per week, including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 548V. Washington ml. ELEGANTLY and newly furnished single outside rooms, only $10 and up. The Del Monte, 20th and Washington sts. THE LAN DO RE, 288 10th, near Jefferson Newly furnished rooms." centrally located. Furnished Booms m Private Family FURNISHED rooms, $1-50 to 85. Free phone t,.fh n XT Uth mt NICE homelike rooms, every convenience. Call 745 Northrup. phone A 367o. NICELY .furnished front room, modern, walking distance. Free phone. Main 8594. NICELY furnished front room, $ld month, flat D. 549 Taylor. ROOMS, with or without board, on East Side, Phone C 2790- . 809 11TH ST. Well-furnished front room, 1 or 2 gentlemen, reasonable. FnrrUhe-1 Rooms. In Privm TKwj j. FOR RENT In Irvington, two elegantly fur nished front rooms, strictly private iam ily; plenty of hot water, near 2 carlines; no other roomers; cost $15 and $20 per month. Phone. East 2t7'J. ' 40S E ltth sU - iTl . NICELY, Tievr. furnished front rooms with pr-vate fanlly, centrally located in best re&ldtTice district with phone and bath, near i carlines. 4i4 Clay st., near 10th. DESIRABLE furnished room in a modern steam-heated apartment, walking distance, second floor. Flat D, 469 Jefferson. Alain 7.'.)4. LADY can secure nicely furnished room. wltn private xamuy, wnerw uu roomers are kept; call Main 9313 bet. 9 A. M. and 11:30. Saturday. NEATLY furnished front room with alcove. walking distance, reasonable rent. 600 . .Taylor. TWO well furnished rooms, suit able for 3 gentlemen in each room, $2 each. 427 " Montgomery. LARGE well-furnished front room (14x17). walking distance. West Side. 1 person $12, two si.v7013thst.. cor. Montgomery. TWO -nicely furnished rooms, modern con veniences, suitable for two or four persons. 213 Thirteenth st. SLEEPING rooms for gentlemen, $5. $10 and $12 per month, or by the week. 5t0 Couch St.. vt est faiqe. LARGE, well-iurnifrhed front room, "it able for two gentlemen; modern. SO N. 10th st. Marshall 1240. FUHNIdHED 3-room flat, bathroom, tele phone, no children. 400 4th St. FRONT room, in .good location, moderate price. Phone A 7104. 821 West Park et. FRONT room, all conveniences, walking dis tance. 504 Glisai FURNISHED7ront room, suitable for tw. 65 N. 10th st. $3 per week. V $10 LIGHT, attractive7oom suitable foe 3; all conveniences. 475 Clay st. LARGE room or suite, modern conveniences, small family. Main 9002, A 49S9. HANDSOMELY furnished room, attractive home for a gentleman. Phone Main 668. FRONT alcove furnished for light house keeping; also single rooms. 450 YamhUL NEATLY furnished front room, 212 11th. St., near Salmon. VERY ntce light, airy room, reasonable; gentlemen preferred. 305 12th at. NEWLY furnished room, all modern. 428 bt llth. . PLEASANT room, close In, 88 month, 443 hit 6th st. ... STEAM-HEATED, newly furnished central. uiisan atrtwv. SUITE of rooms, suitable two- gentlemen; modern conveniences; reasonable. 2S9 13th. Unfurnished Rooms. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. . "MILNER BLDG." 3&0fc MORRISON 3T MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE , Rooms With Board. PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year, room, with board, use of sewing-room and library., 610 Flanders. ; Miss Frances N. Heath, " SU pt. FOR a convenient location try the Ferns, 150 11th st. Newly decorated and fur nished. Terms reasonable for room aod board. J. H. Bayer, Prop. . 654 COUCH, corner 17th. very desiral. clean, convenient, good home table, rto onable. , ,-. 33 17TH N. one block off Washington sth, well furnished suite and single room. board optional. THE HAZEL For ladles and gentlemeiy nicely furnished rooms, first-class boaid SS5 3d st.. cor. Montgomery. Rooms With Board In Private Family. NICE airy room, with sleeping porch if tid-sired- beautiful grounds, exceptionally good table board. 90 East 8th St., corner d Wash I n gton at. Phone Ba t 1390. FOR RENT Board and room for 1 or 2 gen tlemen in private family at 776 B. Yem hU! at. - ' GOOD rooms with breakfast and dinner for 2 or 8 gentlemen at $20 each, Caal 549 Yamhill st. NEWLY furnished desirable rooms for two gentlemen; good home cooking, phone and bath. 254 Union ave. N., cor. Multnomah. TWO rooms en suite or single for business people, with breakfasts and dinners. Main 2Q71, 241 N 21M st. LARGE suite of rooms; private hath, good board; suitable for 8 men. 204 N. 22d St. Phone A 7230. BOARD and room, bath, phone, home ooote- ing ;$ 6 p er week. 191 11 th. near Yamh UL J40 FRONT room for two. All modern conve niences. 470 Main street. FIRST-CLASS room and board for two in pi vate family. 93 N. 17th bu Main 4220. NICE clean room and board for $25. East. Main 54S6. Apartments. THE BANNER APARTMENTS. " 489 Clay treet, second house from 14m. the only modern completely furnlhsed 2 room apartment-house In the city; boose and elegant furniture brand new; Just opened for business; steam heat, electric light, hot and cold water In evry apart ment; private phone, bath; walking dis tance; $18-$25, mcluding elctric light- Mss- r shall 2u74. . HEINZ apartments, 14th ' and Columbia; blocks south from Morrison st.; new brick building, completely first-class; furnlaid in 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments, private bath reception hall, steam heat, hot watetr, 'elevator, free prone, janitor service; rent from $i5 per month and op. ORDELE1GH APAKTMENTB. Cor, Grand ave. and Stark sU New fireproof brick building beautlf lv furnished two and three-room apart ments, private baths, wall beds, iarfs clothes closets; Summer rates. Phone -300. ANGELA APARTMENT. 89 Trinity Plaoa, between 19th and 20th, near V ashingtotv New brick building; 2. 8. 4-room art ments. furnished and unfurnished with private bath, telephone, electric elevator. outside porches. Janitor service. SAN MARCO APARTMENTS. E. 8th id Couch sts. New brick lust completed, all 3 rooms and bath, gas range, linoleum on bathroom and kitchen floors, private - phones; rents. $z5 to $29. For particulars ' apply on premises. THE IRVING. m M 21st and Irving sts.; 4-room unfurnished apartments; all outside rooms, ample closet room, verandas; rent very reasonable; references. mi! it. wcdvt. & PABTMENT3. Strictly modern, large rooms and three closets to every apartment; cool and airy for bummer. ol5 Lovejoy su Take W car. FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, modern in every particular; siean. -boated, hot water, janitor services, with first-class fur nishings. 'Ajxly to Janitor, 605 Kear- ney st. CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and Glisan. 2 and 3-room apartments, new 4-story brick. Just completed, all modern conveniences; each apartment has private outside balcony; THE CLIFTON, Irving, near 23d; 6-room apartment, $00, one 3-room $30; hardwood floors. See janitor or K. C Wright, Dekum bldg. . STEAM-HEATED 6-room apartment, mod ern and desirable. 525 Everett al. Apply Morgan, Fieidner & Boyce, o03 Abinton bldg. " FOR RENT Beautifully furnished 4-room apartment. strictly modern, including steam heat, clano, janitor service. Phone Main 8560. FOR rent "To responsible party, elegantly furnished apartment, five rooms, btrictly modern. References. No. 19, The Rose friend, cor. 7th and Jefferson. ONEONT1lVfTs7-187 lTth, south of Yam hill (W. car at depot), 2 and 3-room fur nished suites, hot and cold water, Iree phones, bath. Main 4o97t A473tt. ST. CROIX Apartments, 170 St. Clair U near Washington. Two and three-room modern apartments. Fine residence loca- tlon. Reasonable rent. JUST OPENED THE WHITEHALL, 258 6th st., 4 squares above P. - O.; family ho . tel. private baths and telephones; traa- slents solicited. - " KEBLBB APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay sts. A few choice suites left at $40 and 5C per month. FOR RENT Three-room elegantly fur nished apartment, everything modern and convenient; centrally located. $0O a month. Phone A 3022. : RE-UK AN apartments, 62 Marshall St. Exclusive, modern every respect; quiet surroundings. If looking for something real nice, aee these. M. 6032. A 8191. THE WESTFAL. 410 6th dt., furnished and unfurnished apartments; private baths and phone elevator and janitor service; rents r.pjinnabla. PhoneA 3U38. THREE rooms, furnished, modern, bath, gas, piano, close in, reasonable; 526 Fland- . ,trs. LAURETTE APARTMENTS, 229 11TH One elegantly furnished 3-room apartment; strictly modern; both phones. ST4.NLEY APARTMENTS. 701 Washington Mrs. T. D. Hughes. Modern 3 and 4 room apartments; every 1 convenience. THE MORTON Washington and King; fur nishea apartment, including piano, phone, bath. KING HILL APARTMENTS, King and Wayne sts. Apply to janitor. THE CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders; 4-room, modern apartments. Apply to Janitor.