If THE OREGOXIAN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1910. MIDDLE PEAR SCALED OXE MAZAMA SLIGHTLY HXTRT BY. FAIX OVER SXOW-BAXK. Htcorda YlmeeH m Three Slaters Serea Years Ago Slightly Dam aged Because Box Leaked. ETGEXE. Or Aug. 14. SpeclaL Word from the Mazamss- camp In the Three) Sisters' refloat bring the report that the middle peak of the Three Sla te, wu acaled on August T by Francla Beneel. Charlea Whittlesey. W. C. Tor an and a member of the party named Currier. . ' This word M ent out from camp Kiddell on the evenms; of August 7 and It waa announced that on the next day a company consisting of Francla BenefieL Charles Whlttleeey and T. Elliot and Mica Elliot and Mlae Parson would make the climb. During; the climb on August 7. Mr. Currier fell down a steep anow bank. cutting hta head and left hand slightly, but not ao seriously that It will Interfere with further climbing on his pert. Dr. Curry attended to his wound. Word baa also reached Eugene that on August 10 a party consisting- of Carl El liot. Mr.'Whlltlesey and Mrs. Parsons made the top of the South Sister, itolng over a glacier and a Tery difficult ridge of sliding rock. The top of this peak Is reported to be a beautiful crater filled with snow and containing- two little lakes of tunjuola blue. The South Bister Is much more difficult to climb than the Middle Sister. An attempt waa to be made to scale the North Sister on August Is. On the South Sister the Masamas records of seven years ago were found, but In bad shape, the box having leaked. The Masamas are carrying with them three copper boxes in which will be de posited their records. C. L. Winter be gan side trips with pack horsea to get pictures of scenery that the main party of the '- would not reach. NEWPORT HOTELS FILLING Great Crowd Already at Beach for Ansnt 14 Clambake. NEWPORT, Or, Aug. IS- (Special.) The clambake, which la to take place on August 14. will test the hospitality of the Newport people. Already the botela and inns are fast fllllns; up. and prospective visitors are cautioned to secure reservations by telegraph unless they Intend returning on the excursion on Sunday evening. Sea foods will be provided in abun dance, and all will he free as a token o. the good will of the people of Nei port. All la In readiness, say the commit tee la charge, and. judging from the many .Inquiries received dally, the guests will outnumber any crowd seen heretofore In Newport. The time for the feast has been set at 3 P. M-, which will accommodate all those who arrive on the excursion from the Valley. I RIDER HURLED FROM AUTO Lee 'Wbcatley May Die of Injuries Received on Speedy Ride. DAYTON". Wash.. Aug. 11 (Special.) Hurled from the rear seat of an automo bile when the machine, traveling at high speed, atrurk a rough bridge across the. Tukanon River 13 miles east of here. Lee Wheatley. a business man of Walla Walla, waa perhaps fatally Injured today. The body la terribly lacerated from the fall and Internal Injuries are feared. He was brought here. His wife and Miss Johnston, who were tn the rear seat, escaped a similar fate by clutching the back of the rear seat. The party had been camping on the Tukanon River near the R. A. Jackson place. Wheatley Is a brother of Brock Wbeatley. of tola city. FISHERMEN'SLUCK BETTER Bar Glllnexters Make Fair Catches . of Large Salmon. ASTORIA. Or, Aug. 12. (Special.) The most encouraging news that has been received In several days regarding the local fishing industry Is the report that several of the bar glllnetters, who were making drift outside the Heads lad night, made loir catches of large-sized salmon. The fish taken were of line quality, evidently of an entirely different school from those that have been In the river for the past week or ten days. While the catch was not what Is termed large, all the men got a few and the de liveries today at some of the receiving Met ions In the lower harbor were quite heavy. Deerbanters Find Game Plenty. PHILOMATH. Or, Aug. 11. (Spe cial.) A. 1 Rainwater and Prank Mulvaney have returned from the mountains, where they have been hunting for game, and report having had a fine time and netting five deer.- I .eon W.iod and C. M. Minion also re turned from a hunt, getting some good venison. Several other parties are out getting plenty of game. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL RETORT. PORTLAND. Ana. 12. Maximum tem perature. 74 deer; minimum. 90 degrees. River ading. a A. M.. 4-2 test. Chens In last 34 hours, tall. 0.2 feet. Total rain fall (5 P. it. to P. M.. none. Total rainfall alnc September 1. lime. 42.0B Inch. Normal rainfall since September 1. 44.TO Inch. Deficiency of rainfall since 8ep 1mbr 1. 190. 2-tll Inch-. Total sunshine. II hours ft$ jntnutsa. Possible sunshine. 14 hmtr 1. lnuta Rerometer (reduced to e level) at ft P. M . :!" !. laches. TKS WEATHER. win J State ef Weaiaaf srTATXOXa. 33 Bo: 1 noma. .... c aisary. . CM.-sgo. ....... Njttr ... rv. Moines.... IUlUlS. ........ J-ureke- ........ ;UvAoa..... l.:.r. JarReostvtll..-. X .r.u City. ... V at w-id. ... .. Montreal. . . . . New Orleans... Nw Tor..... Nrth Head.... Phoenix ....... Pecatt.Ho. ...... Portland,. ...... tlneer-urg-...... racramrnto. .. . , St. Louis. ...... t. Paul........ MH tans Ms Piece o. !. T2 O. iw o. . k: o. e OOI 4 o s ol Oi 13 e: o i: no ft to o n CH 10 t.' a ih m on. 4 0 4 NW ,rirar NW, Clear NE Cloudy sw , aar N (1r fS )riear N .Oliudjr N-VrjClear SB 'I'loudv X '-oudr SS ftaintns SV 'Cloudy NWit'leae U" Iciaar SW 'Cloudy SE Coar N W Cloudy W t-ear SB 'Pt. cloudy NWjCloex N-W .Clear H (Clear JW iCIear 3 n.udy vnr Kafning XW ICIear sw Cloudy K Ipt. cloudy SW ICIear 9 Clear s jeloody W Clear E Cloudy N 'cloudy Raimns 7 . Sri rt. f-4 a ei . 7.- o. SiVO. a? a. rW 0 10 on. 4 wi e orv e un o.v t 0 10 Oil no ;o ooi OA 4 win o 10 Op If w a 0 4 on'12 141 4 J u. lOI-O. at.a. T- M O. a jo. l u. ( 0. m o l:o MO. 70. - O. Tiro B4 O. sj 0. . Tl! 0. . . pta Francisco. aishtrom. ...4 Spokane.. Taeorr.a. ....... Tatooatt Island, v. a. la Walla... 'v.'sar. lnstoa. .. Winnipeg. .. YHewt.-se Park srTATHZK CONDITIONS. Te Tforte Dekote disturbenre has dls ssPare4 sa4 a ssaa4 lew pressure area la The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel BSO Booms, 104 Suites, With Private - Baths. 2TEW FX&EFROOT BUILDING Moderate Bates. Ftfl Uetscfcaa & Sons, Props. THE PORTLAND PCKTLAliD, CI rr. I , ETTROFKAW rLAX MODERN sUUfr AtTKANT COST OSCB KTLUOBT DOT I HOTEL HOTEL OREGON SEATTLE PertlaaeTs Live. Grewlac Hetei. Hew, Mod eras, Ceatratlr La oat eat. ECROPEAJf PLAJ. ' EUROPaCAK PLAJ. 7th and Stark, Portland, Or. Pioneer Square, Seattle, Wn. WRIGHT-DICKINSON WRIGHT & DICKINSON HOTEL COMPANY, Props. HOTEL COMPANY, Props. THE mm ?:ff ilgr.'.'.'-i 0. W. COENELIUS, Proprietor. OPENED SEPT. 1909 HOTEL LENOX . D. and V. R JORGENSEN Props, and Mgrs. COR, 3D AND MAIN STS. Hot and Cold Water. Lent Diets nee Pbooa RATES . $1.00 and up I in Every Room. Beautiful Hotel Moore CLATSOP BEACH SEASIDE. OR. Portland's Nearest Beach Resort Via A. & 0. S. R. Open All Year. Directly overlooking the Pacific Ocean. A delightful Summer and Winter resort. Hot salt baths and surf bathing. Sea foods a spe cialty. Walks, drives and boating. DAN J. M00RE, Prop. central this evening over Southern Idaho. The barometer continues relatively hljrh along- the North Pacific Coast. Good rains have fallen In the Telloaslone National Park, but none is reported elsewhere in the Pacific and Rocky Mountain states. Rain has also occurred in Western Ne braeka. Northeastern Vtnnesota and In the South Atlantic and Kant Gulf states. No verv high temperatures are reported, ex cept In t'entral Texas and Southern Arizona. The conditions are favorable for fair weather in this district Saturday, except in Southeastern Idaho, where thunder showers wltn cooler weather will prevail. FORECASTS. Portland and vlcinltr: Saturday Fair; northwesterly winds. Oreson: Saturday Fair; northwesterly winds. Washington: 8atnrday Fstr: westerly wlnda Idaho: Saturday Fair, except thunder showers and cooler southeast portion. XEETIXG NOTICES. A. AND A. S. BtTR The fu- eml ceremonies of the Kadosh wl'l be held over the remains of our deceased brother, sir Har vey w. Scott. S-.'d decree. St the Cathedral tits (Saturday evenlnir at 9 o'clock. Services :ire public. PoalmrLy no admis sion after 30 P. it. By order faster of Kadosli. OREGON COMMAXnERT. XO. 1. K. T. Special conclave will be held on Sunday. Auirast 14. at 1 :SO P. M.. f-T the purpose of acting; as in escort to Tortland t.ncca No. SV A. F. and A. M.. con ducting the funeral s-rvlccs of the late sir Knight Harvey W. Scott. Visiting knights courteously invited tn meet with us. W. S. MACR11I. P.cc. poRTLAxn LonriE. no. 53. a. F AND A. M. Special communl- -. cation. Masonic Temple. second g V tw. Sunday. 1:4 r. M . lor the purposa VI Kiluuil.c (lie luuv.at of our late brother. Harvay W. Scott- All memhera of this lodge are earnestly requested to attend, and lister lodges and visiting brothers are Invited. Ity order of the W. M. C M. STEADMAN. fiecretary. WASHINGTON t-OOOE. NO. 4. A. F. and A. M. Members are re quested to meet with Portland Lodge. No. oA. at temple. West Park and Tamhllt 1:4.1 P. M.. Sundav. to attend the funeral of eur late brother. 'Harvev w. Scott. Order W. M. J. K. RICHMOND. Secretary. HAWTHORNE IODOE. NO. 111. A. F. AND A. M Members ot Hawthorns Lodge are requested to ....hi. twt r . ilr.nd IMlr. VA rooma Uaaonle TemDla. Sundajr. Aneust 14. at 1 :4.'i I M. te aa- set Portland ledge In conducting the fu neral services of the lata brother. Harvey W. ticott. By order W. M. C. . MILLER. Ere. OHKIOX I.OnoB. NO. 101. A F. AND A. M. Soeclal communi cation this taturdsy evening at g o'clock. Masonic Temple. Work tn F. r. degree. Vtsltlr.g breth ren cordially invited, ly order W. JC. A- J. UANOLAN. beo. a??A L.rl'1 trttiiija a aaaa TfKAKQCAKTSBS OR TOCIUSTai sas kTBAVILBs, Seeds! rates ssaas to raaaOlee aad sla gle geatienaeav The pi. gtve piliss. A mod era Turkish Batk NEW PERKINS Fifth and "Washington St. Opened Tune. 1908. at botel In the very heart of Portland's bnslness ae ttvlty. Only hotel equipped with wireless telegraph. Every convenience for comfort of commercial men. Modem In every respect. Hate, $1.00 and up. Cafe and grill; mualo during lunch, dlnasr and altss theater. r. J. Rlebardsesj. Peeav - Seretlaa. Sao, samd Mas. CORNELIUS ttt- Vartp anA A Id sr. land's aeweat end moat modern botel. European plan. Be alnnlnc May 1st our rates will be as follows: All back rooms wSnou. bl?h. slSfe. 100 P-.fS'iT'.'duS All front rooms without bath. ILS0 per day. alnsle; " per day doulla Ail OUTblDB roams. Our amnlbus meets ail tralca. H. C FLETCHXB, Maaagtr. HOTEL RAMAPO Correr Fonrtecnfli and Washington New HotsjJ. Elesantlw Pvirniabad Rates $1.00 and Up Special Ratfoa for PerTnanemta Meets AH av.& rovxx. rBonuraoa. PRIVATE BATHS DIE IX JENNINGS In this city. Aug. 11. Edith Jennlnge. aged 18 yeara. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be Held at the Portland Crematorium at 10 A. M. today (Saturday). Aug. Is. Take Sellwood car. Crematorium. FlvORA Aug. 12. st St. "Vincent's Hospital. 4imce Edward Flora, aged 2 years. 4 months. 25 daye. beloved son of Mr. and Mr. Joseph Flora. WINTER At San Francisco, Cel.. Aur. 11. Iewls Raymond Winter, aged 84 years. Re mains alii be brought to Portland for In terment. Announcement of funeral later. TOI"NO August II, st the lsssne of ner . parents. SU7 Borthwlck St...- Edith A. . 1'nung. age 24 years t months 23 daya 1XNERAL KOTICEg. BROWN In this city August 10. at the fam ily residence. 103S Williams avenue, Cedlla if. Brown, aged 38 years. 28 daya. beloved daughter of Mrs. Catherine Brown and the late Michael Brown. Friends Invited to at tend funeral services, whloh will be bold at St. Andrews C'hurrh. East ath and Al berta st . at A. M. today (Saturday), August 13. Interment Mt. Calvary Ceme- . tery. Plsass omit flowers. yorxo August 12. at 807 Borthwlck street. KciUh A., aged 2 years months snd 23 cs, the only daughter of Rev. W. K. and Mrs Young. Funeral Sunday, Aug ust 14. from the Pilgrim Congregational Church, corner of Missouri and Shaver ' strvets. at A. M. Friends Invited to at tend. Htt'FORD In this city. August 12. Florence R Hufford. aged 27 years, beloved wife of Walter O. Hutford. Friends invited to at tend funeral services, which will be held at the family residence. 720 Johnson st, at lo A- M. tomorrow (Sunday). Aug. 1. Interment Ktvervlew Cemetery. FK NDfK' At Astoria. Aug. . Alfred Frandeen. aged 2u years, son ef Mr. snd Mrs. Jens J. Frandeen. of 1181 East Madl 4l street. Frtenda are Invited to attend the funeral services today (Saturday), at X P M.. ati Dunning A McEntee chapel. 7th and Pine ' streets. Interment Blvarvlew Cemetery. WHVTB At 7 Commercial St.. Aug. 12. Anthony A. Whyte, aged 7S years. Friends .re rectfully invited to attend the funsral service Sumiay. Aug 14 at 1( A. M at Dunning A McEntee chapel. 7th sad rule atreeta Interment Ross City Cemetery. OTIS At Hood River. August 12. Clyde Otis, aged : I years. Funeral at Bartmeee undertaking parlors. Hood River. Sunday. ; P. -t. ION8ETH FLOR.L CO. MAaquaa niaiu. riAIBAL DtBlOS. ' Whonae: Mala QlUtj A 11W. Oannlng McEntee, Faaeral ritreotsrs. 7,od Fine. J-.Mi l, Uaiaa. vmag w-w- , SA4 UUIUUDS eve- duo ihiu-... , - - sot) ssoat moiiera estabUshment la tbe city. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Dlreet arsT rtO Id St. 1-ady Assistant. 1'b.ope M. Bet. j p.FINU:i" ON. M aad Madlsea. xj.ttendant. Fboae Mala 1, A 14DS. to F. Donning. Inc. E. ftt. B taxa. EKICSON CO-rdertasers: laay en t. 4US Aloer. sx. jm LKHCH, radertaker. cor. Eaat Alder aad eta. a ssi a AMISB MINTS. main a. a is. Aiuias svaar dax, CG8TI THEATER 15-MMS0 WT.CK ArorST 8 Xlsa Minnie Irapree In The Minister's Wife." Al Jolsoe. Tbe Orig inal Six Kaufmaans. Dale and Boyle. O'Brlea -Ilavel In "Tbe Office Boy and The Type writer.' Rones, Deanls Broa.. rictares. Or chestra. CI T? AMn Week At,,. 8. 1910 MR. HENRY LEE Beatrice McKenxle. -Walter Shannon' ft Co.; Musical Irvln; Mlas Alice Vlortlock and Company; Lew Hoffman; George O'Malley; GratMllacope. Matinee Every Day, t:S0; any seat 15o. Evening Performances at I'M and :1; Balcony 15c; Lower Floor 2So; Boa Boats tOe. LYRIC PORTLAND'S FAMILY FLA1HOIJ8B Seventh aad Alder Streets. All week. Edward Armstrong Musical Com edy Co. presents "THE COLLEGE GIRLS" Shows commence dally at 2:45. T:S. :15. Friday Night CHORUS QIRL8 CONTEST. THE OAKS rT''0 Prize Band of America JOHN G. WEBER and His Great Concert Organisation. Miss Alanche Mebatfy, Soprano, Musical Event of Season. BASEBALL RECREATION' PARK, Cor. Tgafka aad Twenty-fourth Streets SACRAMENTO vs. PORTLAND Ana- 0, 10, 11, 13, IS, 14. Game Bela Weekdays at SiSO P. M. Sundays 2 tSO P. M. Admission Bleachers, 2So; Orand atand, 60c; Boxes, 25c extra. Children. Bleachers 10c, Grandstand 25c LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boya Under II Free to Bleacher Wednesday. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARB HELD AT THIS OFFICE FROM THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BB HAD BY PRE SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE GONIAN OFFICE: A 41, U0. 151. 15t. Ill, 1. 1T. 1TL 171, 174. 17. ISO. 1. ISO. 1. JOS. 7S. B 1S, 14. 17. 177. J07. 10. lot, 75. 741. C 1S. 17t. 110. 185, 187. 188. D 58, 181. 170. 171. 178. 190. 11. E 181, 174. 190, 1M. 105. 107. 111. F 61. 180. 171, 174. 178, 181. 18. 180, 11. 18. 0 lor 178. 17. 188. 18. 18, 14. 1 nt.' 17. 10. 11. Its. 108. 174. 180. 284, 286. 10. 11. Ml. 181. 18. 18. K 171. 171. 174. 18. 11. 11. 101. 104, 207. 201. 110, 11. 121. 114, 22. 80. L lit. 141. 146. 150. 154, 159, 187. 188, 164, 188. 169. 178. 181. 18. 196. 25. 717. M 175, 17. 181. 190, 191. 194. 206, 111. 118. 117. 118. 227. N 171. 176, 178. 190, 14. O 14, 16. 171, 174, 177, 188, 1M. 11, 718. P 16. 178. 188. R 159, 168. 17S. 10. 11. 11. ' , H IL 52. 182. 198. 766. 1 T 40, 102. 151, 167. 162. 188, 117. 11. 12- 285. V 111, IBS. 17. 187. 192. W 160. 165, 180, 194. 196. 231, X 171. 178, 188, 18. 10. 19L 11, 11. Y 15.f' 161, 171, 174. 17. 18S. 188. 11. AeUilTl'" 174, 178. 12, 11, 1, 18. ABC AC 165. 166. 170. 171. 175. 178. 17. 195. AD 146, 167, 172. 173. 180. 10. 198. 14. AE 140. 166. 180. 164. 175. 189. 192. AF 147. 171. 172, 174. 178, 191, 194. 198. 891. AG 162. 18, 156. 171. 174. 175. 178, 188, 187. 19L AH 100. 170. 172. 174, 188. AJ 148 189 191 AK 160, 164. 170. 17L 172. 175. 178, 17. 185. 10. 191, 185. AL 167, 16. 178. 18. 191. AM 172, 173, 177, 188. 191. 191. AN 166? 171. 17. 171, 174, 177, 10. 1L 14. 198. 199. . If above answers are not called for within six days same will be destroyed. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE, CITY HAM. MAIN SSs, A 758a, HUMANE OFFICER. EAST 477a JtEW TODAY. The one BEST place In Portland, to boy. GEOGRAPHICAL. CENTER i-nd. MOST PESIRABI.K residence property of the city. SEEING IS BELlEVTJrG BETTER fr0 and see the many CHOICE resi dence under construction and ta Im provements gains! on, Tbe Oreson Real stale Company GRAND AVE. A1TP MULTNOMAH tT. $3700 12 ACRES, all cleared. 11 miles from Courthouse; good house and barn; about S acres In fruit and berries of best variety. Soil the best. Handy to school. - Rural delivery- If y want a fine country home see this at our ex pense. B. S. COOK at CO, SOS Corbett Bids;. Wanted Eight-room bung-alow; must be mod ern In every respect; must have five acres of around In cultivation; must be within five miles of postofflce, near carline. Price 28000 to 110,000. Want It quick. CHAPMAN, S17 Chamber ef Commerce. 871-872 Capitol Avenue Two very nice bungalows at reduced prices. One seven rooms, the other eight rooms. Modern In every way. Never been occupied. MERCHANTS ' SAVINGS at TRUST COHPAJfY, g. w. Cor. etfc aad Ws.hlsxtos Streets. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IX GOLD. Values lying dormant la already devel oped mines, within twenty miies of the Buropter Emelter in Eaatarn Oreson. where a ready cash market exists. Hundreds of thousands of tons of ore now blocked out ready to break down and ship. Grand opportunities for practical miners and live promoters. Now is the time to se cure some of these valuable properties, through purchase, lease or worktns option. Quick- action counts. Address secy. Bumpier Development League. Suavptar. Oreson- $675.00ii Acre 4U miles out, near Oreg-on Electric Station. Fine view. Good soli. 1230 cash, balance at per cent. It costs you nothing; to see this beautiful place. B. S. COOK CO., SOS Cereett Bids. - 1HT1SGTOS. Eight-room house, all conveniences," cement basement. Improved street; $6(00, $2600 cash, balance ( per cent, long; time. 43 E. 19th St., N. Inquire 436 E. 18th St., N. - 1 KdTOKa Call on owners' Haaity Aafa (or timber, acreage, buatnssat restdsaoa aad apartmeat proparuea, M ablagva. Holladay's Addition SEW TODAY. LAKE SIDE On Vancouver Lake, is the coming suburban home location of Portland. All the Portland and Seattle trains pass the property and stop at the junction. It takes but 30 minutes to go from the Union Depot to the Junc tion. - The whole City of Portland Is la sight, also the Columbia and Wil lamette Rivers, together with moun tains, Hood, Adams, Rainier, St. Helens and the Cascade Range. A few home sites of 5 and 10-acre tracts in a high state of cultivation, with bearing trees 7 to 12 years old. are now on the market by L X. RAY, at Hotel St. Elmo, Vancouver, Wash. Murraymead Portland Is destined to become the great commercial city for the wonder ful watershed of the Columbia River, and for a vast Inland tributary area, teeming: with billions of latent wealth of mines and agriculture. Over all this area railroad systems seek the down grade to Portland. The vast future city population must find Its future resi dence on the East Side, where alone the land spreads out and furnishes a desir able area. Propertv located close In like MUR RAYMEAD in every such city becomes valuable, and a single lot represents a small fortune. MURRAYMEAD is sell ing out to home builders. Buy now, or you will be too late. Lots $1700 and up; 20 per cent cash, balance on time. Take Hawthorne-ave. car to E. 24th, three blocks south to .tract office. City office 823-824 Board of Trade Bids. Main 6974, A 1179. A. B. WIDXEY, Agent. To Trad e High-grade, close-in city warehouse property, with trackage, for other city property or acreage. Apply owner, 606 Concord BIdg. Phone Main 1373. $800 126x238 feet, near suburban station 19 minutes out, with 6c commutation ticket. Best of soli. One-third cash, balance time at 6 per cent. Let us show you this excellent home site. B. 8. COOK A CO, 603 Corbett Bids;. NEW, modern housea, - In Irvlngtoa. R. B. Rice, 680 Wasco. Both phones. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck, William O.. S12 Falling bids. Blrrell. A. 11. Co., 202-3 McKay bids'. Real estate, insurance, mortgages. loans, etc Brubaker & Benedict. 60s McKay bids. M. 643. Chapln A Herlow, 833 Chamher Commerce. Cook, B. 8. A Co., 603 Corbett bldg. Jennings A Co Main 188. 200 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONE3 CO H. P., 218 Commer cial Club bldg. Sehalk. Geo. L.. 228 Stark st. Main 892, SCHLSDLER A HALL. 20S Ablngton bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition.) M. E. Thompson Co.. cor. 4th and Oak sts. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota (MO The finest half block at Mt Tabor. 100x100 feet, commanding auperb view, band) to cars and in a gilt-edge location; also a S-lot piece for fXOOO. Either one a splendid permanent home site. The Hart Land Co., 146 2d at.. Phone Marshall 1585. HYDE PARK LOTS. Nothing down, SS par month payment each lot; graded street, water and side walk. Included in' price. JOHN STRUBLE, SOT Chamber of Commerce. -10 ACRE, PORTLAND HEIGHTS, $1500. The one who knows value can make at - least 200 per cent on this in 3 months; 1 blocks from car; right off Montgomery drive; good view. FRED W. GERMAN, 329 Burnalde. M. 277 5O0 FULL, lot within 6 blocks of "Laurel hurst." 2 blocks from streetcar: here is where you get a lot on easy terms, near center of city and in good location. The Hart Land Co.. 14S 2d su Phone Mar shall 1685. ; 75xlOO ON NORTHRUP ST. NEAR 24TH. Suitable for. apartments or flats. No building restrictions. Some income from well-built 114-story house. Apply to Owner, Alex C. Rae, 407 McKay bldg. Phone Main 649L IRVINOTON SNAP Full-slxed lot near car line on E. 11th st. between Stanton, and Clskyou sts; stsnds high, faces east; worth SlfiOV. can be bad for 11250, ccah 1550, for quick sale. P. O. Box 372. IttOO Lot 6oxl00; graded streets, water, ce ment sidewalks, electric lights, ornamental shade trees, ail Improvements in and paid for; forced to sell; some terms. AL 2ul, Oregonian. . FINEST inside lot, E. lOth at.. Irvlngton, facing east, high and sightly, at less than selling price of 'the cheapest lots in this section. Owner must have some money at once. Terma W 232. Oregonlan. CAN'T carry my Laurelhurat lots; they are amongst beet In first section; will exchange one or ell for most anything of value or will sell cheap for cash- See me at onoe. Owner. AJ 201, Oregonlan. . ; FOR SALE by owner, a fine unimproved cor ner In best part of Irvlngton, 100x100. Owner Is nonresident snd will be in city a short time only. A bargain It taken at once. M 21t. Oregonlan. WE WILL' SELL. YOUR property; we have the buyers, wnat have you to offer. 614 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 2189. "HALF-ACRE TRACTS. CLOSE IN, 800. " Four blocks from Myrtle Park. This Is a beautiful property and decided bargain. -,cr trr fiPBWlV X90 Riu-n i H FOR SALE By owner, choice quarter block, Portland Heights, opposite residence be ing built for Bishop Scaddlng. 901 Board of Trade. YOU can buy a lot near Rose City Park for 1500 825 down and 410 monthly.; graded streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water. 824-529 Board of Trade Bldg. 15500 Corner. 66x100, only 12 minutes' walk to postofflce; fine view; this Is a splendid site for apartments. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. WE have several lots in this desirable district at moderate prices: see us. 614 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 2189. PORTLAND HEIGHTS FORCED SALE. s l-s lots, good view, beautiful trees, about half price ot surrounding lota Main 3151. A 8839. . ; LOTS 80x40, West Side, 20 minutes out, 430O- 110 down, 810 per month. Lovely view of Crest and vellay. Owner,- A 8848. : .' LOT 3. Block 8. Hancock 8treet Addition, E. 36th aad Hanoock. $860. $100 down. Chaa. Nunan, Hlbemia Savings Bank. FOUR nice lota, cheap, irsar ML Tabor Park and Reservoir; easy terms. Address owner. M 225. Oregonlan. z X550 FOR a half acre handy to car and only 115 minutes from tbe City Hall; very easy terms. M. B. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE On easy terma 2 lots, close to car. Irvlngton park. By owner. Phone Tabor 2213. . , PIEDMONT 100x100. $2000; will sell In 2 separate lots or ss a whole. Phone East 993. 100 (or my $200 equity, 4 lots, or will trade. naMalnM23. BEAUTIFUL home site. Council Crest Park; tema. Owner. 427 Falling bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS property; all prices; some great bargains. Main 3551. A 3839. N E CORNER East Salmon and 23d sta. for sale at a bargain. B 1799. - BOBB CITY lot cheap. Owner. East 2587. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. THERE) NEVER WAS THERE IS NOT NOW - e AND NEVER WILL BE A BETTER SPECULATION IN PORT LAND than this pair of lets, 80x135 feet, situated 2 blocks from the Portland Heights car. They are level, right on the brink of the hill overlooking the city, Vancouver and Willamette and Columbia rivers. The view is entirely unobstruc table. No hills to climb from car. The street work Is ordered now and material on the ground. When same, is completed these lots WILL BE CHEAP at J5O00. We can deliver them now for. $2200; TERMS. This Is a proposition of which we will not see another like it in probably five - years. . . o SUBURBAN LAND CO.. 510 HENRY BLDG. ' Marshall 1S89. A 7105. EAST SIDE BARGAIN. . $7750. Choice lot, alley In rear, now occupied by 6-room bouse; ideal for apartment house: olose to K. Burnsida, west OX E. 10th St. MALL & VON BORSTEL. 104 2d. 392 E. Burnside Sts. . CHEAP LOTS. 100x100, a One corner on Hancock St., with 200 feet of cement sidewalks In and paid; 1 block to car; a fine corner for a residence or a nice corner to build houses for sale or rent or a fine speculation; and the price is only $2200, $800 cash, balance to, suit the purchaser. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FINE BUILDING SIGHT. ltOxlOO. with LM-toot alley, graded St.. near Union ave. $1700. one lot. 50x100, 1 block Union ave., graded street, new walk, would make a beoutlful home, will be sold on very easy terms. , DUBOIS A CROCKETT, . Washington Bldg. For Sale Houses. SO MANY people ask how I can get so many snaps in dwelling houses. Don't let that bother you. but please let me show all those tired and discouraged the two . best sacrifice proposltlona in Portland in good homes at moderate prices on easy terma Corner lot AOxlOO. 8 large rooms, ' full basement. cement floor, cement walks, sewer, electric light fixtures, shades. 1 block from car; bath, shade and fruit trees; 3tuh, near Clinton, $3000, Also 7 -room modern new house, furnace, fireplace, paneled dining-room, electric fixtures. $U50. Call 507 McKay bldg. Main 4710. TYPICAL BUNGAMW; $500 CASH. 6 rooms and attic large enough for two extra large rooms; double constructed throughout, clinker brick fireplace and porch columns, window s-ats, bookcases, beamed ceilings, 6-foot buffet, solid panel ing, complete Dutch kitchen, with cooler, screened-in back porch, large bedrooms and closets with windows, complete plumbing and street Improvements paid; $3500 for this place complete: interior painting can be had to suit. Take W. R. car to 37th. go - one block south to bungalow on corner; owner there Sunday. Or phone Sellwood 1705. BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM HOUSE. West sloe of Mt. -Tabor. 1 block north of Hawthorne ave.; corner lot 70x100, fine lawn, fruit and shade trees, also berries. Owner must sell. This is a bargain. Can be had for $.1650; half cash. Bal ance easy terms. This is a pretty home. Ask for Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO. 84 4th. Board of- Trade. 6 ROOMS$3250 $300 CASH. Best buy In the city; full cement base ment laundry trays, buffet, paneling, Dutch kitchen. 8 large bedrooms and closets, swell bath, piped for gas, wired for electricity and - furnace complete, cement walks and on improved street; bring this ad and will put In fixtures and shades; take W. car to Mar guerite ave., office on corner of Clinton st. as you get off car. Bee H. A. Askwlth. HANCOCK-ST. HOME. New, modern houee. with 6 rooms and sleeping porch, nice den. gas and electric, fine fixtures, double floors end walle; full cement basement, nice fireplace; built for a home, on a lot 50x100, south front; nice lawn and only $5000, $1000 cash and $25 per month; this place is in Broadway Addi tion, in a good location. URUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak GOING TO BUILD? WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE ARE GOOD REASONS OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE MONEY AND GET BETTER WORK. ON TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN YOUR LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO., 809 HENRY BLDQ. BUILD NOW. LET US FINANCE THE BUILDING OF YOUR HOME IF YOU OWN LOT. SMALL . AMOUNT OF CASH IS SUFFICIENT. OUR REPUTATION FOR WELL-BUILT HOMES. FAIR DEALING AND DIS PATCH OF CONSTRUCTION IS BRING ING US MANY CLIENTS. NORTHWEST ERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Successors to Portland Realty & Construction Co., 901- 2-3 Lewis Bldg. SNAP Fine new six-room, two-story house, modern; all street improvements in and paid; corner lot 100x100; $2000 building ' restriction; near carline: view property. Tinted, shades, electric fixtures; must sell quickly: easy terms. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT TRUS TEE COMPANY, 624-528 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Marshall 473. SPECIAL SNAP!!!! A swell ft-room cottage on East 19th St.: ten minutes' ride from Madison bridge; full lot, 60x100; east front; brand new and up-to-date; price is only $2000 for a short time, half cash. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. COTTAGB SNAP. Good -6-room cottage In Highland, handy to two carlines and only a few minutes out; ' on a lot 60x85. north front and 'a good lo cation; a bargain at $1950, $G50 cash and $20 per month; pay rent to yourself. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. FOR SALE By owner, very choice resi dence at Mount Tabor;' acre of land, fruit -and shade trees, shrubbery and flowers; large, well-arranged house, five fire--places, furnice, etc.: barn, garage, blt ulithtc pavement being laid. 901 Board of Trade. ' MUST SELL HOME $2300. Splendid locality, close . to Mt. Tabor car; well arranged, finely decorated; Im provements all in, no assessments to pay; terms on part. Owner, 138 E. 81st St.. mornings, or 413 Fenton bldg. Phone Mar- shall 1504. . IRVINGTON Splendid opportunity to get a bargain: attractive new home. modern throughout; owner leaving city. Phone East 894 mornings before 9:30 or even- lngS; , ; ' $50 DOWN. 6-room house, . modern, on - Woodstock carline, basement, bath, etc., $50 down, balance $15 per month. National Realty 4 Trust Co.. 326 Vj Washington St.. room 516. FOR SALE cheap, nice home, 1586 Jordan St., University, block of carline; 85x105 front; light on corner, street improved; beautiful ' lawn, fruit berries, 6-room house; price $2000. Owner. E. A. Strong. IDEAL HOME. S rooms, large lot, every modern con venience, exceptional bargain; walking distance; East Side. $1500 cash, balance eaay. M 214, Oregonlan. 8 IMPROVED lotsv high and sightly, 60x120 each, small new house, young orchard and berries set out. balance garden. Price $1250, half cash, balance 6 per cent: no agents. C. H. Rosencrans, Oswego, Or., barber. 5-ROOM bungalow. bath. toilet. electric lights; 50x100 lot, faces north: 3 blocks of car; $1800. $250 down, baL $15 month. Mu tual Reaity Co.. "Washington, room 5. . $00 CASH. New 2-room cottage, OOxlOO-foot lot: short car tide; terms $10 per month; price $000. 418 Corbett bldg. ' MODERN 7-room . house, near schools, churches, carlines, full lot, fruit and i roses, wine graueu ir-i; iJiit-o 4--WV, ' terms. 329 rrekum are. Owner. BARGAIN Five-room house, strictly modern, corner E. 51st and Salmon near Mt. Tabor . car, inquire 224 E. 81 t. B 1928. FOR SALE by owner, a new six-room house at cost. E. L. Sanborn. 429 Lumber Ex- cnange. r"D - FOR SALE by owner, the nandsomest a. room house in Irvlngton. 498 East 2oth su X. Call and see It- . FOR SALE 5-room house. lot 50x100, and t-.mnm house. 640 Ellis st.. Sellwood car. I BUILD houses, terms to suit. E. E. Miller, 430 Worcester bldg. M. 1940. BUNGALOW, 6 lots. 50x100 each; Mllwaukle Park: only $2200. Phone owner East 4566. NEW 9-room bungalow, cheap. Bella Bailey, 755 Belmont st. FINEST house on Willamette Heights, for quick sale. Mr. Bamberger. Main 2488. BY owner, 12-mom bungalow. T58 Berby, near beach; $2900. easy terms. REAL ESTATE.' For Sale Rouses. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. J Just completed. 7-room home on 66th St., bath, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, -sleeping porch, full basement, laundry tubs, etc; lot 50x100; Improvements in snd paid; splendid buy for $4000: owner will sell for $700 less if taken at once; terms $300 cash, balance $15 per month. National Realty A Trust Co.. 826 H Wash. St.. room 616. BLOCK FROM CAR. Near Klllingsworth ; well constructed house of 4 rooms, modern and desirable; lot 50x100. all in beautiful roses, shrubbery and lawn; $2250; pay whet you like down) and 6 per cewt interest; this will go soon. GOODNOUGH A MILLARD, 422Ablngton bldg., 106S4 Third St. : 2 VERY ATTRACTIVE HOMES. One 6-room. one 6-room. modern cot tage; full lots, with alley, concrete walks, graded streets. 3 blocks Uniou av. Prices, $500 and $200; $5oo cash; bal. to suiu DUBOIS CROCKETT. .Washington bldg. ' , PIEDMONT HOMES. " Three houses, facing east, at 1317.. 1321 and 1325 Rodney avenue, of five, six and seven rooms, thoroughly modern and fin ished, near Woodlawn carline; inspection invited. F. O. Warner, owner. 1275 Wil liams ave Phone Woodlawn 1339. ' Acreage. PLEASANT VALLEY ACREAGE. An ideal country home, near Sycamore Station, on tbe Oaxadero carline; 18Vj acres in fine timber and 9 acres In cultivation, with 80 apple trees of the very best variety, good 4-room house, extra large barn, fine spring on place, 4and especially adapted .for fruit: whole 27H acres all fenced; price $3750, $1000 cash, balance to suit. Place must be sold In the next few days, as owner needs money. GRUSSI '4 ZADOW, ' S17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak, i IS' ACRE FRUIT AND BERRY RANCH. An Ideal suburban homo and a money maker; only 10 miles east ot Portland, on 2 county roads; one mile to station; best kind of soli, no rock or gravel ; has 2 acres blackberries, 3 acres red raspberries, 1 acre strawberries, 1 acre of currants and goose berries, acre loganberries, ft acre grapes, 4 acres fruit, 4 acres good garden land. Price ta $7000 if taken soon. Talk with owner, 508 Gerllnger bldg. Second and Alder. Fair set of buildings. FOR SALE 300 acres of the finest Ocean Beach property in the Pacific Northwest, fronting H-mlle on the Pacific Ocean on the famous Clatsop Beach, Oregon; abso lutely the nearest ocean beach to the Co lumbia River district and Inland Empire; on line ot the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad. For particulars Inquire Post offlce Box 147, Astoria, Oregon, - ACREAGE. 2H acres at Osinco, neat little house, strawberries, fruit trees, 1 acre In pota- . toes. Vi-acre good timber, all fenced. Ideal f lace for chicken ranch; $900 ; 4 blocks rom station. 24c fare. BROWN & STAVE R, , 411 Couch Bldg. , BY OWNER 6 acres, or will divide subur- ' ban home, two blocks from station, one from church, two from school, four to river, fine orchard and berries, nice gar i den; 7-room bouse, good barn and out buildings: Oregon City cars stop at Jen nings Lodge. Inquire at store for C u. Slocum. , TEN acres at Mt. Tabor. $10,000; very choice; not far from platted property selling for $1000 per lot. The best acre age buy In this section. The Hart Land Co., 146 2d St. Phone Marshall 1585. ( 200 ACRES, close In, snap for subdivision. Can be bought right. Close t .electric line. Ideal tor suburban homes. AD 19L Orego nian. 3. 6 AND 10-acre tracts, close to Portland, on! electric line; running water; $80 and up. 411 Couch bldg. FOR SALE 10 acres improved, on car line. 20 minutes from city, modern house. easy terma W 204. Oregonlan. Homesteads. WHY BE LANDLESS when there is splendid free Government land in Crook, the best, county in Central Oregon, near railroads which are now building and cities spring ing up? This is an opportunity of a life time to get a homestead or desert claim which may be Irrigated by gravity how. Married women may take land under the desert land act on which there Is no res idence required. If you want your share ot this land, call and we will tell you how to get it. When you deal with us you have the guarantee of a reliable company. - Special rate for those making arrange ments this week.. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND as INVEST MENT CO.. 801-302 Buchanan Bldg., on Washington! near 5th St.. Portland. Oregon. TWO relinquishments. Joining, all fenced 8 wires, good buildings, P. O. and town 2Vt miles, school ltt miles, on county, road, stock, crops and household goods.. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. ' 82-page book explaining what each of the 84 counties is beat adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead In each county: map attached, 21X 28, showing new R. R. and towns. Includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn to March 1 . 1910 ; latest map in U. 8. ; price 250. Nlm- mo A Runoy. 313 Hamilton bldg. i WHY pay two and three hundred dollars per acre for fruit land when you can secure 160 acres, relinquishment, of the same kind of land 7 Best in the state, close to Portland, for $650. 1 relinquish ment 320 acres, wheat land, improvements worth price of relinquishment, and 820 acres adjoining can be filed on. Don't answer unless you mean business, as the above are great values. - J. A. Davis, 214 Swetland bldg. ' - For Sale Fruit 1 ends . ; HOOD RIVER. I NEAR VAN- HORN. ; 10 3-20 acres all set to Spltsenberff and I Newtown apples, nearly all 8-year-old I trees and showing splendid growth; soil the very best of this famous section, lust -rolling enough for drainage and in fine condition; 6-year-old trees Just across the road average 2 boxes of apples to the tree this year; electrio light and telephone wires pass place, rural free delivery and only a short distance to R. R. station; price very reasonable; owner on hand to show property. Phone or address Sam G. Campbell, Hood River, Or. 75 ACRES of fine fruit land, 3 miles from Dallas, Oregon; house, barn, 15 tons ot hay, 4 milch cows, 8 heifers. 12 hogs, 40 goats, 1 team horses, 300 chickens, 75 cords of wood, oak and fir; 3 wells on place, 1O0 bearing fruit trees, 1100 trees young orchard, lots of good saw timber, oak and fir; 8 acres of potatoes, 1 acre beans. ' corn, etc., farming implements. Price $4000. For sale by owner. Ad oress, Charles Malllnson, Dallas. Oregon. KLICKITAT APPLE LAND. $20 PER ACRE. This land lies well and is only 2tt miles from R. R. station; will sell in tracts of 40 acres and upwards; terms. JOHN STRUBLE, 307 Chamber of Commerce, 1 HAVE a ranch 5 ft miles back ot Lyle, Wash., and I want to sell 10, 20 or 40 acres, so that I can Improve the rest. I will , clear for you, set out your orchard - and care foe it when it's young. Corres pend, see me or write. F. E. Manchester. Lyle. Wash. ; . BEST fruit tracts In the state, close to mar ket, river frontage, both rail and river transportation; a few hundred dollars In vested in one of these tracts will yield you a good Income; terms liberal. M. E. Lee, -411 Corbett bldg. SMALL tracts unimproved land only 3a minutes' ride from Portland in recog nized fruit belt; plenty of wood and wa ter; good soil; $30 to $60 per acre; easy terms. Palmer, 507 Couch bldg. $750 10 acres Improved land, well located, good soil, splendid water; near school; line lor oumuiet uwu,, vu Joad; part cash, balance easy; see this.! A SNAP 10 acres of choice orchard land' for 800 cash. Improvements alone' -worth $600. 3tt miles from Underwood,, Wash. C. Rosenkranz. Underwood, Wash-; J; or aa'Q 1 m tint. , 20-ACRE tracts, unimproved, 23 miles by rail from Portland; suitable for fruit rais ing and chicken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purposes; best of soil no rock or gravel; $15 to $25 an acre, easy terms; these are the cheapest, tracts on the market and will bear inspeo-, tlon. Call and arrange to go and see them. 310 Corbett bldg. 140 ACRES unimproved land, on railroad. 30 miles from Portland; all fenced; running' water, excellent fruit bind, no rock or gravel. Price $25 per acre: $1500 cash, bal ance long time, 6 per cent; will consider . Portland property for $1000 to $1200. ACME REAL ESTATE st INV. CO.. 830 Chamber of Commerce. $4500 FARM FOR $550. 23-acre relinquishment. Under Umatilla project. Two miles Hermiston. Ditch cor-, ners land. Three years' water assessment nald. $450, balance represents expenses. Adjoining land selling for $200 acre. Rich est soil in Northwest. Ill health compels sale Mead, 1041 1st st.. San Diego, Cat tiirv PARM. 160 acres. 30 In cultivation, house, barn North BankoRa..wayk ,0Lper acre. 807 Chamber of Commerce. tpv acres unimproved, tillable, good for fruit or general farming; no rock, fine water- near county road and school. Round trip in one day. $400; easy pay ments: best buy on the market. Palmer. 607 Couchbldg. , "EASTERN OREGONWHEAT RANCH . 1400 meres of Rood wheat land for vale; tmrt acre under plow; 10 miles Xrom railroad. Call Hawthorn Stables, 430. v Hawthorne avenue.